Dec january 2015 issue 94

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Incorporating Your Surbiton Month: Dec 14/Jan 2015 Month IssueIssue No: 94 No. Independent monthly community news and Monthly community business for newsdirectory and KT5 & KT6 directory business

Delivered free each month to homes in Berrylands, plus Surbiton or Tolworth

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all our readers and advertisers Delivered free each month to homes in Berrylands, Surbiton & Tolworth

We Offer Our Patients Teeth In a Day Sleep With your Teeth, Not Next To Them

ediuG s’resitrevdA


sraeY 2 rof desaercnI t’nevaH secirP ruO - tsiL ecirP

enildaeD ypoC

*seussI 5

*seussI 4

*seussI 3

*seussI 2

eussI 1






%02 gnivaS

shtnom gniwollof eht ni noisulcni rof ,htnom hcae fo ht61 eht yb dettimbus eb tsum ypoc laniF ).htnom taht fo dnekeew tsrfi eht gnirud detubirtsid eb lliw hcihw( noitide

%5.7 gnivaS

%5 gnivaS

etihW & kcalB egaP lluF


egaP flaH




egaP retrauQ






egaP lluF






egaP flaH








.etad enildaed ypoc eht yb deviecer eb tsum stnemesitrevda lla rof tnemyap lluF yb tnemyaP .hsac ro ’noinapmoC sdnalyrreB‘ ot elbayap seuqehC :yb edam eb nac tnemyaP .tnemegnarra yb redro gnidnats ro SCAB

%01 gnivaS

00.723£ 00.271£



ruoloC lluF


.TAV rof deretsiger ton si dna noitarepo tnednepedni llams a si ’noinapmoC sdnalyrreB A‘ .stnemesitrevda no degrahc si TAV on ,yltneuqesnoC

stamroF elbatpeccA

:stamrof gniwollof eht ni dettimbus eb nac strevdA droW SM • tnioprewoP SM • rehsilbuP SM • GEPJ & FFIT •


egaP retrauQ


rennaB revoC tnorF


revoC kcaB



moc.noinapmocdnalyrreb@nerak :ot deliame eb nac ypoc trevdA


nwo ruoy morf ,uoy rof ti ecudorp nac ew neht tamrof cinortcele na ni elbaliava ton si da ruoy fI a evah uoy fi rehgih eb yam siht hguohtla ,01£ tsuj fo ecirp dexfi a rof yllamron ,txet ypoc drah ni desu-er eb neht dluoc trevda eht - egrahc ffo-eno a si sihT( !trevda xelpmoc ylralucitrap ).egrahc fo eerf seussi tneuqesbus

yna rof seussi 4 yreve ni 1 xaM( )resitrevda eno

+ tnorF edisnI revoC kcaB egaP elbuoD

)daerps egap 2 ertneC(

sweiveR lairotidE

YAP UOY ECIRP EHT SI EES UOY ECIRP EHT OS ,DERETSIGER TAVA TON ERA EW .secirp egakcap rof su tcatnoC artxe 00.01£ :7 & 5 segaP muimerP .000,8 rep 792£ ta enizagam htiw dereviled eb nac stresni esooL


.trevda fo noitacilbup eetnaraug ot htnom hcae fo ht61 yb deviecer eb tsum tnemyap dna ypoC .edam si tnemyap lluf nehw deetnaraug ylno si ecaps tnemesitrevdA .htnom hcae 000,8 ot pu srebmun noitubirtsiD

fo dnekeew tsrfi eht dnuora ro no ,ylhtnom detubirtsid dna dehsilbup eb lliw noinapmoC ehT .raey a snoitide 01 .htnom eht owt revo notibruS dna sdnalyrreB dnuora dna ni semoh 000,21 revo ot dereviled eb lliw tI .deetnaraug - shtnom .aera eht otni gnivom enoyna rof noitamrofni lacol fo ecruos tsrfi eht si ti noitidda nI

ngiseD & tamroF

:sU tcatnoC

.repap ytilauq no detnirp etihw dna kcalb sulp ruoloc htiw delpats ,telkoob ezis 5A na si tI .leef ytilauq hgih yrev a ti gnivig repap ssolg msg511 no detnirp eb lliw noinapmoC ehT eht yb tpek eb lliw ti leef dna kool ,tnetnoc ,ezis s’ti fo esuaceb dna ’ytivegnol‘ evah lliw tI fo ’ycaidmmi‘ sresitrevda gnivig ybereht ,sevirra eussi txen eht litnu sdlohesuoh fo ytirojam .deriuqer era secivres rieht nehw ’ssecca

ssegruB neraK daoR enwodsgni K 81 ZJ6 6TK ,yerruS ,notibruS 6900 4728 020 :leT 18530029070 :xaF moc.noinapmocsdnalyrreb@nerak :liamE moc.noinapmocsdnalyrreb.www :beW


Dental Implants from only £5 per day 0% Interest Free Available Surbiton Implant & Cosmetic Dentistry Centre, 395 Ewell Road, Tolworth, Surbiton, Surrey, KT6 7DG

Book now on 0208 399 4311

Sleep with your teeth, not next to them! Surbiton Dental is a Dental Implant Centre of Excellence


Please mention the magazine when contacting Advertisers

Hello Readers,


ell, here we are already in December and Christmas will be here soon! Where has the year gone? But more importantly, are you ready, have you been organised? Is all the food sorted and ordered, are the presents wrapped and hidden away?

new start? Rates

Price List - Our Prices Haven’t Increased for 2 Years 1 Issue

2 Issues*

Full Page






Half Page


Quarter Page

Black & White

I have spoken to a couple of advertisers that featured in last month’s magazine, and they were pleased to report that several new customers had seen their adverts in A Berrylands Companion, so that shows the power of local advertising. As Henry Ford said: “A man that stops advertising to save money is like a man who stops a clock to save time” (thanks to FSB network magazine) Our next edition of A Berrylands Companion will be for February 2015, the first one of the New Year. Why not decide that 2015 is the year to start advertising your business here? With February 19th being the start of Chinese New Year, or Spring Festival, isn’t it an ideal time to make a

Useful Numbers Kingston Council Trading Standards Refuse Collection Electoral Registration Council Tax Citizens Advice Customs & Excise (VAT) Inland Revenue Helpline Environmental Agency Surbiton Library Kingston Police Non Emergency Police Emergency Services Non Emergency Services Transport: National Rail Enquiries Public Transport Traveline Gatwick Airport Heathrow Airport

020 8547 5757

0345 404 0506 020 8547 5560 020 85474630 020 8547 5196 0870 126 4019 0845 010 9000 08459 000 444 0870 850 6506 020 8547 6444 020 8541 1212 101 999 111

Saving 5%

3 Issues* Saving 7.5%

4 Issues* Saving 10%

Copy Deadline

5 Issues* Saving 20%










Full Page






Half Page






Quarter Page






Front Cover Banner


Back Cover


Inside Front + Back Cover


Double Page


Editorial Reviews


Final copy must be submitted by the 16th of each month, for inclusion in the following months edition (which will be distributed during the first weekend of that month.)


Full payment for all advertisements must be received by the copy deadline date. Payment can be made by: Cheques payable to ‘Berrylands Companion’ or cash. Payment by BACS or standing order by arrangement.

Full Colour

(Max 1 in every 4 issues for any one advertiser)

(Centre 2 page spread)

This month we have some new advertisers, which could provide some inspiration for that special present for someone!

Advertiser’s Guide

Once I send this magazine to the printer to be printed, I have a break! With the next edition for February, the deadline is in January, so I can have some respite to prepare and enjoy Christmas. VAT

‘A Berrylands Companion’ is a small independent operation and is not registered for VAT. Consequently, no VAT is charged on advertisements.

Acceptable Formats

Adverts can be submitted in the following formats: • MS Word • MS Powerpoint • MS Publisher • TIFF & JPEG

Advert copy can be emailed to:

I am hoping for the weather to be seasonal. That is some snow, but not the horrendous floods of last winter. Although I have to admit, I like the soft bright white snow for the first few days. Then it can be a bit dirty and unpleasant, so I just like the Christmas Card scene of pristine white.

If your ad is not available in an electronic format then we can produce it for you, from your own hard copy text, normally for a fixed price of just £10, although this may be higher if you have a particularly complex advert! (This is a one-off charge - the advert could then be re-used in subsequent issues free of charge.)

WE ARE NOT AVAT REGISTERED, SO THE PRICE YOU SEE IS THE PRICE YOU PAY Contact us for package prices. Premium Pages 5 & 7: £10.00 extra Loose inserts can be delivered with magazine at £297 per 8,000.


Copy and payment must be received by 16th of each month to guarantee publication of advert. Advertisement space is only guaranteed when full payment is made. Distribution numbers up to 8,000 each month.

The Companion will be published and distributed monthly, on or around the first weekend of the month. 10 editions a year. It will be delivered to over 12,000 homes in and around Berrylands and Surbiton over two months - guaranteed. In addition it is the first source of local information for anyone moving into the area.

Format & Design

Contact Us:

It is an A5 size booklet, stapled with colour plus black and white printed on quality paper. The Companion will be printed on 115gsm gloss paper giving it a very high quality feel. It will have ‘longevity’ and because of it’s size, content, look and feel it will be kept by the majority of households until the next issue arrives, thereby giving advertisers ‘immdiacy’ of access’ when their services are required.

Karen Burgess 18 Kingsdowne Road Surbiton, Surrey, KT6 6JZ Tel: 020 8274 0096 Fax: 07092003581 Email: Web:


Whatever the weather this year, I hope you all have a very Merry Christmas and I’d like to wish you a Happy New Year for 2015. Best wishes,


Emergencies/Utilities: Gas Emergency Electricity Emergency Water Emergency BT Fault Line Virgin Media Crimestoppers Kingston Hospital NHS Direct (24/7) Childline Samaritans Age Concern Kingston Relate Domestic Violence Helpline Surbiton Safer Neighbourhood Team based at YMCA

0800 111 999 0800 783 8866 0845 920 0800 0800 800 151 0845 142 0000 0800 555 111 020 8546 7711 0845 4647 0800 1111 0845 790 9090 0800 00 99 66 020 8549 3318 020 8547 3202 020 8721 2518

08457 484 950 0870 608 2608 A Berrylands Companion 0844 335 1802 18 Kingsdowne Road, Surbiton, KT6 6JZ 0844 335 1801 020 8274 0096 Please mention A Berrylands Companion when responding to adverts



Is Surbiton Racket and Fitness Club the ideal club for the winter?

ediuG s’resitrevdA


sraeY 2 rof desaercnI t’nevaH secirP ruO - tsiL ecirP

enildaeD ypoC

*seussI 5

*seussI 4

*seussI 3

*seussI 2

eussI 1






Sub Headline Here %02 gnivaS

shtnom gniwollof eht ni noisulcni rof ,htnom hcae fo ht61 eht yb dettimbus eb tsum ypoc laniF ).htnom taht fo dnekeew tsrfi eht gnirud detubirtsid eb lliw hcihw( noitide


%5.7 gnivaS

%5 gnivaS

etihW & kcalB egaP lluF


egaP flaH




egaP retrauQ






egaP lluF






egaP flaH








.etad enildaed ypoc eht yb deviecer eb tsum stnemesitrevda lla rof tnemyap lluF yb tnemyaP .hsac ro ’noinapmoC sdnalyrreB‘ ot elbayap seuqehC :yb edam eb nac tnemyaP .tnemegnarra yb redro gnidnats ro SCAB

%01 gnivaS

00.723£ 00.271£



ruoloC lluF


.TAV rof deretsiger ton si dna noitarepo tnednepedni llams a si ’noinapmoC sdnalyrreB A‘ .stnemesitrevda no degrahc si TAV on ,yltneuqesnoC

stamroF elbatpeccA


egaP retrauQ


rennaB revoC tnorF yna rof seussi 4 yreve ni 1 xaM( )resitrevda eno

hose who know us say a resounding ‘Yes!’ It’s down to the range of facilities which we offer, unmatched by any other local organisation. Although our eleven superb grass courts are out of play while our team prepare them thoroughly for next May, there’s plenty happening around the Club to keep us active and happy right through the winter. :stamrof gniwollof eht ni dettimbus eb nac strevdA droW SM • tnioprewoP SM • rehsilbuP SM • GEPJ & FFIT •




moc.noinapmocdnalyrreb@nerak :ot deliame eb nac ypoc trevdA


nwo ruoy morf ,uoy rof ti ecudorp nac ew neht tamrof cinortcele na ni elbaliava ton si da ruoy fI a evah uoy fi rehgih eb yam siht hguohtla ,01£ tsuj fo ecirp dexfi a rof yllamron ,txet ypoc drah ni desu-er eb neht dluoc trevda eht - egrahc ffo-eno a si sihT( !trevda xelpmoc ylralucitrap ).egrahc fo eerf seussi tneuqesbus

revoC kcaB

+ tnorF edisnI revoC kcaB egaP elbuoD

)daerps egap 2 ertneC(

sweiveR lairotidE

YAP UOY ECIRP EHT SI EES UOY ECIRP EHT OS ,DERETSIGER TAVA TON ERA EW .secirp egakcap rof su tcatnoC artxe 00.01£ :7 & 5 segaP muimerP .000,8 rep 792£ ta enizagam htiw dereviled eb nac stresni esooL


.trevda fo noitacilbup eetnaraug ot htnom hcae fo ht61 yb deviecer eb tsum tnemyap dna ypoC .edam si tnemyap lluf nehw deetnaraug ylno si ecaps tnemesitrevdA .htnom hcae 000,8 ot pu srebmun noitubirtsiD

fo dnekeew tsrfi eht dnuora ro no ,ylhtnom detubirtsid dna dehsilbup eb lliw noinapmoC ehT .raey a snoitide 01 .htnom eht owt revo notibruS dna sdnalyrreB dnuora dna ni semoh 000,21 revo ot dereviled eb lliw tI .deetnaraug - shtnom .aera eht otni gnivom enoyna rof noitamrofni lacol fo ecruos tsrfi eht si ti noitidda nI

ngiseD & tamroF

:sU tcatnoC

.repap ytilauq no detnirp etihw dna kcalb sulp ruoloc htiw delpats ,telkoob ezis 5A na si tI .leef ytilauq hgih yrev a ti gnivig repap ssolg msg511 no detnirp eb lliw noinapmoC ehT eht yb tpek eb lliw ti leef dna kool ,tnetnoc ,ezis s’ti fo esuaceb dna ’ytivegnol‘ evah lliw tI fo ’ycaidmmi‘ sresitrevda gnivig ybereht ,sevirra eussi txen eht litnu sdlohesuoh fo ytirojam .deriuqer era secivres rieht nehw ’ssecca

ssegruB neraK daoR enwodsgni K 81 ZJ6 6TK ,yerruS ,notibruS 6900 4728 020 :leT 18530029070 :xaF moc.noinapmocsdnalyrreb@nerak :liamE moc.noinapmocsdnalyrreb.www :beW


For a start, the Fitness Suite really comes into its own over the turn of the year, because many of the good resolutions after Christmas and the New Year usually involve some programme of physical exercise! Our spacious Fitness Suite is on two floors of the Clubhouse, and is equipped with a range of the latest fitness aids, including cardio-vascular, resistance machines and free weights. Our Studio also flourishes at this time of the year, with regular classes for Zumba, Pilates, Yoga and Indoor Cycling. Next, Squash. Our four modern courts are all heated and air-conditioned, and are especially popular really in the winter months. We have a Squash Club Night every Saturday from 5.30pm onwards. It’s a lot of fun, with plenty of opportunity to meet new friends - and new opponents! There’s also a Squash Beginners’ Night, on Sundays from 5pm to 6pm. I haven’t mentioned Tennis yet, although there’s always plenty of it at Surbiton Racket and Fitness Club, whatever the weather and however dark the nights! Our magnificent Dome covers two of our nine hard courts and guarantees tennis right through the winter. The other seven hard courts are fast-draining, an important factor in the winter months, and three of these have been laid with synthetic clay, a surface which has now become a favourite with Members.




Floodlit Tennis is also a runaway success at the Club. In addition to the Dome itself, we have lights over three of the outdoor hard courts. These are usually booked out for every evening. And we have Planning Permission for floodlights on another three hard courts. Watch this space! So there’s always a lot going on, and whatever activity you choose, there’s the Clubhouse Bar to relax in afterwards with coffee or any other drinks you may fancy. Great News! In October we announced that International Tennis would return to Surbiton in 2015, when we will host the prestigious Aegon Surbiton Trophy from 6th June 2015 to 14th June. Make sure you get the dates down in your new Diary! Meanwhile we wish all our readers a splendid Christmas and New Year. We’re a very friendly and sociable Club, so if you have some spare time during the festive season, why not come and see us? You’ll be very welcome! No obligation, of course. And while you’re visiting us, you might like to look into our ProShop, which just now is full of Christmassy gifts for sporting people. We also have our Gift Vouchers for tennis and squash enthusiasts. I hope to see you soon! Best wishes Roy Roy Staniland is Director of Surbiton Racket and Fitness Club, Berrylands, KT5 8JT. 0208 399 1594 www.surbiton .org

Please mention the magazine when contacting Advertisers Please mention the magazine when contacting advertisers

C A R P E T S • N AT U R A L S • V I N Y L S • L A M I N AT E S






The only carpet shop that comes to your home! See 100’s of samples & colours all at competitive prices with NO OBLIGATION in the comfort of your home or office

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01372 632 118


ediuG s’resitrevdA


sraeY 2 rof desaercnI t’nevaH secirP ruO - tsiL ecirP

enildaeD ypoC

*seussI 5

*seussI 4

*seussI 3

*seussI 2

eussI 1






%02 gnivaS

shtnom gniwollof eht ni noisulcni rof ,htnom hcae fo ht61 eht yb dettimbus eb tsum ypoc laniF ).htnom taht fo dnekeew tsrfi eht gnirud detubirtsid eb lliw hcihw( noitide

%5.7 gnivaS

%5 gnivaS

etihW & kcalB egaP lluF


egaP flaH




egaP retrauQ






egaP lluF






egaP flaH








.etad enildaed ypoc eht yb deviecer eb tsum stnemesitrevda lla rof tnemyap lluF yb tnemyaP .hsac ro ’noinapmoC sdnalyrreB‘ ot elbayap seuqehC :yb edam eb nac tnemyaP .tnemegnarra yb redro gnidnats ro SCAB

%01 gnivaS

00.723£ 00.271£



ruoloC lluF


.TAV rof deretsiger ton si dna noitarepo tnednepedni llams a si ’noinapmoC sdnalyrreB A‘ .stnemesitrevda no degrahc si TAV on ,yltneuqesnoC

stamroF elbatpeccA

:stamrof gniwollof eht ni dettimbus eb nac strevdA droW SM • tnioprewoP SM • rehsilbuP SM • GEPJ & FFIT •


egaP retrauQ


rennaB revoC tnorF


revoC kcaB

yna rof seussi 4 yreve ni 1 xaM( )resitrevda eno



moc.noinapmocdnalyrreb@nerak :ot deliame eb nac ypoc trevdA


nwo ruoy morf ,uoy rof ti ecudorp nac ew neht tamrof cinortcele na ni elbaliava ton si da ruoy fI a evah uoy fi rehgih eb yam siht hguohtla ,01£ tsuj fo ecirp dexfi a rof yllamron ,txet ypoc drah ni desu-er eb neht dluoc trevda eht - egrahc ffo-eno a si sihT( !trevda xelpmoc ylralucitrap ).egrahc fo eerf seussi tneuqesbus

+ tnorF edisnI revoC kcaB egaP elbuoD

)daerps egap 2 ertneC(

sweiveR lairotidE

YAP UOY ECIRP EHT SI EES UOY ECIRP EHT OS ,DERETSIGER TAVA TON ERA EW .secirp egakcap rof su tcatnoC artxe 00.01£ :7 & 5 segaP muimerP .000,8 rep 792£ ta enizagam htiw dereviled eb nac stresni esooL


Do you have a spare room and want to earn some EXTRA money? Accommodate short stay foreign students from January 2015. They stay between 2 and 5 nights. You can have between 2 and 4 students depending on the size of the room. Students are out all day. .trevda fo noitacilbup eetnaraug ot htnom hcae fo ht61 yb deviecer eb tsum tnemyap dna ypoC .edam si tnemyap lluf nehw deetnaraug ylno si ecaps tnemesitrevdA .htnom hcae 000,8 ot pu srebmun noitubirtsiD

fo dnekeew tsrfi eht dnuora ro no ,ylhtnom detubirtsid dna dehsilbup eb lliw noinapmoC ehT .raey a snoitide 01 .htnom eht owt revo notibruS dna sdnalyrreB dnuora dna ni semoh 000,21 revo ot dereviled eb lliw tI .deetnaraug - shtnom .aera eht otni gnivom enoyna rof noitamrofni lacol fo ecruos tsrfi eht si ti noitidda nI

ngiseD & tamroF

:sU tcatnoC

.repap ytilauq no detnirp etihw dna kcalb sulp ruoloc htiw delpats ,telkoob ezis 5A na si tI .leef ytilauq hgih yrev a ti gnivig repap ssolg msg511 no detnirp eb lliw noinapmoC ehT eht yb tpek eb lliw ti leef dna kool ,tnetnoc ,ezis s’ti fo esuaceb dna ’ytivegnol‘ evah lliw tI fo ’ycaidmmi‘ sresitrevda gnivig ybereht ,sevirra eussi txen eht litnu sdlohesuoh fo ytirojam .deriuqer era secivres rieht nehw ’ssecca

ssegruB neraK daoR enwodsgni K 81 ZJ6 6TK ,yerruS ,notibruS 6900 4728 020 :leT 18530029070 :xaF moc.noinapmocsdnalyrreb@nerak :liamE moc.noinapmocsdnalyrreb.www :beW


If youmore want information more information please call Antoinette For please call Antoinette on 020 8408 2779



Please mention the magazine when contacting Advertisers


Would you like to find a way of seeing more of your children without compromising your income? Are you worried about childcare after school and in the long school holidays? And what about those school fees? I can show you a way to address these issues. For more information please contact me on: Jennifer McGonnigle Mobile: 07704828846 Rates

Advertiser’s Guide

Price List - Our Prices Haven’t Increased for 2 Years 1 Issue

2 Issues*

Full Page






Half Page


Quarter Page

Black & White

Saving 5%

3 Issues* Saving 7.5%

4 Issues* Saving 10%

Copy Deadline

5 Issues* Saving 20%










Full Page






Half Page






Quarter Page






Front Cover Banner


Back Cover


Inside Front + Back Cover


Double Page


Editorial Reviews


Final copy must be submitted by the 16th of each month, for inclusion in the following months edition (which will be distributed during the first weekend of that month.)


Full payment for all advertisements must be received by the copy deadline date. Payment can be made by: Cheques payable to ‘Berrylands Companion’ or cash. Payment by BACS or standing order by arrangement.

Full Colour

(Max 1 in every 4 issues for any one advertiser)

(Centre 2 page spread)


‘A Berrylands Companion’ is a small independent operation and is not registered for VAT. Consequently, no VAT is charged on advertisements.

Acceptable Formats

Adverts can be submitted in the following formats: • MS Word • MS Powerpoint • MS Publisher • TIFF & JPEG Advert copy can be emailed to: If your ad is not available in an electronic format then we can produce it for you, from your own hard copy text, normally for a fixed price of just £10, although this may be higher if you have a particularly complex advert! (This is a one-off charge - the advert could then be re-used in subsequent issues free of charge.)

WE ARE NOT AVAT REGISTERED, SO THE PRICE YOU SEE IS THE PRICE YOU PAY Contact us for package prices. Premium Pages 5 & 7: £10.00 extra Loose inserts can be delivered with magazine at £297 per 8,000.


Copy and payment must be received by 16th of each month to guarantee publication of advert. Advertisement space is only guaranteed when full payment is made. Distribution numbers up to 8,000 each month.

The Companion will be published and distributed monthly, on or around the first weekend of the month. 10 editions a year. It will be delivered to over 12,000 homes in and around Berrylands and Surbiton over two months - guaranteed. In addition it is the first source of local information for anyone moving into the area.

Format & Design

Contact Us:

Season’s Greetings to all our advertisers and readers from Karen and Ken at A Berrylands Companion 020 8274 0096

It is an A5 size booklet, stapled with colour plus black and white printed on quality paper. The Companion will be printed on 115gsm gloss paper giving it a very high quality feel. It will have ‘longevity’ and because of it’s size, content, look and feel it will be kept by the majority of households until the next issue arrives, thereby giving advertisers ‘immdiacy’ of access’ when their services are required.

Karen Burgess 18 Kingsdowne Road Surbiton, Surrey, KT6 6JZ Tel: 020 8274 0096 Fax: 07092003581 Email: Web:


Independent Distributor of Forever Living Products

YOU HAVE NOTHING TO LOSE - AND YOU (and your child) MIGHT JUST HAVE A LOT TO GAIN! Aloe Vera drinking gels, supplements, skincare, personal care products.Forever Living Products, Longbridge Manor, Warwick. CV34 6RB, members of the Direct Selling Association (Hoap0358)

Christmas Gift Vouchers Available Now!!

For the very young why not try Ukelele lessons

Guitar playing is one of the fastest growing pastimes in the UK right now and I have the great privilege of teaching newcomers and improvers of all ages in my home studio in Surbiton. Lessons start from just £20 for a half hour 1 to 1 session and as an RGT registered tutor I can give the perfect start to your child on their musical journey. Check out my website Call now on 07718756250 or email

To advertise call Karen: 020 8274 0096

Achieve your Musical goals with University of West London and London College of Music Recognised Graded Exams Structured Approach to learning


Better Call Paul !!! 07718756250





ediuG s’resitrevdA


sraeY 2 rof desaercnI t’nevaH secirP ruO - tsiL ecirP

enildaeD ypoC

*seussI 5

*seussI 4

*seussI 3

*seussI 2

eussI 1






%02 gnivaS

shtnom gniwollof eht ni noisulcni rof ,htnom hcae fo ht61 eht yb dettimbus eb tsum ypoc laniF ).htnom taht fo dnekeew tsrfi eht gnirud detubirtsid eb lliw hcihw( noitide

%5.7 gnivaS

%5 gnivaS


egaP flaH




egaP retrauQ





egaP lluF





egaP flaH





00.723£ 00.271£



Surbiton Hill Park, Surbiton

egaP lluF



The Treatment Room

etihW & kcalB




.etad enildaed ypoc eht yb deviecer eb tsum stnemesitrevda lla rof tnemyap lluF yb tnemyaP .hsac ro ’noinapmoC sdnalyrreB‘ ot elbayap seuqehC :yb edam eb nac tnemyaP .tnemegnarra yb redro gnidnats ro SCAB

%01 gnivaS


ruoloC lluF


.TAV rof deretsiger ton si dna noitarepo tnednepedni llams a si ’noinapmoC sdnalyrreB A‘ .stnemesitrevda no degrahc si TAV on ,yltneuqesnoC

stamroF elbatpeccA

:stamrof gniwollof eht ni dettimbus eb nac strevdA droW SM • tnioprewoP SM • rehsilbuP SM • GEPJ & FFIT •


egaP retrauQ


rennaB revoC tnorF revoC kcaB + tnorF edisnI revoC kcaB


moc.noinapmocdnalyrreb@nerak :ot deliame eb nac ypoc trevdA


nwo ruoy morf ,uoy rof ti ecudorp nac ew neht tamrof cinortcele na ni elbaliava ton si da ruoy fI a evah uoy fi rehgih eb yam siht hguohtla ,01£ tsuj fo ecirp dexfi a rof yllamron ,txet ypoc drah ni desu-er eb neht dluoc trevda eht - egrahc ffo-eno a si sihT( !trevda xelpmoc ylralucitrap ).egrahc fo eerf seussi tneuqesbus

yna rof seussi 4 yreve ni 1 xaM( )resitrevda eno

00.281£ 00.341£

egaP elbuoD

)daerps egap 2 ertneC(

sweiveR lairotidE

Painting and Decorating Roofing and Guttering Plastering and Tiling Household Maintenance Loft conversions and extensions YAP UOY ECIRP EHT SI EES UOY ECIRP EHT OS ,DERETSIGER TAVA TON ERA EW .secirp egakcap rof su tcatnoC artxe 00.01£ :7 & 5 segaP muimerP .000,8 rep 792£ ta enizagam htiw dereviled eb nac stresni esooL


.trevda fo noitacilbup eetnaraug ot htnom hcae fo ht61 yb deviecer eb tsum tnemyap dna ypoC .edam si tnemyap lluf nehw deetnaraug ylno si ecaps tnemesitrevdA .htnom hcae 000,8 ot pu srebmun noitubirtsiD

fo dnekeew tsrfi eht dnuora ro no ,ylhtnom detubirtsid dna dehsilbup eb lliw noinapmoC ehT .raey a snoitide 01 .htnom eht owt revo notibruS dna sdnalyrreB dnuora dna ni semoh 000,21 revo ot dereviled eb lliw tI .deetnaraug - shtnom .aera eht otni gnivom enoyna rof noitamrofni lacol fo ecruos tsrfi eht si ti noitidda nI

ngiseD & tamroF

:sU tcatnoC

.repap ytilauq no detnirp etihw dna kcalb sulp ruoloc htiw delpats ,telkoob ezis 5A na si tI .leef ytilauq hgih yrev a ti gnivig repap ssolg msg511 no detnirp eb lliw noinapmoC ehT eht yb tpek eb lliw ti leef dna kool ,tnetnoc ,ezis s’ti fo esuaceb dna ’ytivegnol‘ evah lliw tI fo ’ycaidmmi‘ sresitrevda gnivig ybereht ,sevirra eussi txen eht litnu sdlohesuoh fo ytirojam .deriuqer era secivres rieht nehw ’ssecca

ssegruB neraK daoR enwodsgni K 81 ZJ6 6TK ,yerruS ,notibruS 6900 4728 020 :leT 18530029070 :xaF moc.noinapmocsdnalyrreb@nerak :liamE moc.noinapmocsdnalyrreb.www :beW


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070 9200 3581

Please mention the magazine when contacting Advertisers


Advertiser’s Guide

Price List - Our Prices Haven’t Increased for 2 Years 1 Issue

2 Issues*

Full Page






Half Page


Quarter Page

Black & White

Saving 5%

3 Issues* Saving 7.5%

4 Issues* Saving 10%

Copy Deadline

5 Issues* Saving 20%










Full Page






Half Page






Quarter Page






Front Cover Banner


Back Cover


Inside Front + Back Cover


Double Page


Editorial Reviews


Final copy must be submitted by the 16th of each month, for inclusion in the following months edition (which will be distributed during the first weekend of that month.)


Full payment for all advertisements must be received by the copy deadline date. Payment can be made by: Cheques payable to ‘Berrylands Companion’ or cash. Payment by BACS or standing order by arrangement.

Full Colour

(Max 1 in every 4 issues for any one advertiser)

(Centre 2 page spread)


‘A Berrylands Companion’ is a small independent operation and is not registered for VAT. Consequently, no VAT is charged on advertisements.

Acceptable Formats

Adverts can be submitted in the following formats: • MS Word • MS Powerpoint • MS Publisher • TIFF & JPEG Advert copy can be emailed to: If your ad is not available in an electronic format then we can produce it for you, from your own hard copy text, normally for a fixed price of just £10, although this may be higher if you have a particularly complex advert! (This is a one-off charge - the advert could then be re-used in subsequent issues free of charge.)

WE ARE NOT AVAT REGISTERED, SO THE PRICE YOU SEE IS THE PRICE YOU PAY Contact us for package prices. Premium Pages 5 & 7: £10.00 extra Loose inserts can be delivered with magazine at £297 per 8,000.


Copy and payment must be received by 16th of each month to guarantee publication of advert. Advertisement space is only guaranteed when full payment is made. Distribution numbers up to 8,000 each month.

The Companion will be published and distributed monthly, on or around the first weekend of the month. 10 editions a year. It will be delivered to over 12,000 homes in and around Berrylands and Surbiton over two months - guaranteed. In addition it is the first source of local information for anyone moving into the area.

Format & Design

Contact Us:

It is an A5 size booklet, stapled with colour plus black and white printed on quality paper. The Companion will be printed on 115gsm gloss paper giving it a very high quality feel. It will have ‘longevity’ and because of it’s size, content, look and feel it will be kept by the majority of households until the next issue arrives, thereby giving advertisers ‘immdiacy’ of access’ when their services are required.

Karen Burgess 18 Kingsdowne Road Surbiton, Surrey, KT6 6JZ Tel: 020 8274 0096 Fax: 07092003581 Email: Web:


Surbiton to Heathrow: £24 Gatwick: £34

Download our iphone or Android app

Online booking @ To advertise call Karen: 020 8274 0096




Power Yoga A5 flyer continuation-HIRES.pdf

ediuG s’resitrevdA





sraeY 2 rof desaercnI t’nevaH secirP ruO - tsiL ecirP


enildaeD ypoC

shtnom gniwollof eht ni noisulcni rof ,htnom hcae fo ht61 eht yb dettimbus eb tsum ypoc laniF ).htnom taht fo dnekeew tsrfi eht gnirud detubirtsid eb lliw hcihw( noitide


.etad enildaed ypoc eht yb deviecer eb tsum stnemesitrevda lla rof tnemyap lluF yb tnemyaP .hsac ro ’noinapmoC sdnalyrreB‘ ot elbayap seuqehC :yb edam eb nac tnemyaP .tnemegnarra yb redro gnidnats ro SCAB


.TAV rof deretsiger ton si dna noitarepo tnednepedni llams a si ’noinapmoC sdnalyrreB A‘ .stnemesitrevda no degrahc si TAV on ,yltneuqesnoC

stamroF elbatpeccA

:stamrof gniwollof eht ni dettimbus eb nac strevdA droW SM • tnioprewoP SM • rehsilbuP SM • GEPJ & FFIT •

*seussI 5

*seussI 4

*seussI 3

*seussI 2

eussI 1






%02 gnivaS

%01 gnivaS

%5.7 gnivaS

%5 gnivaS

etihW & kcalB egaP flaH



egaP retrauQ





egaP lluF






egaP flaH





00.016£ 00.023£

00.723£ 00.271£



ruoloC lluF


egaP retrauQ


rennaB revoC tnorF


revoC kcaB

00.341£ 00.391£

moc.noinapmocdnalyrreb@nerak :ot deliame eb nac ypoc trevdA


nwo ruoy morf ,uoy rof ti ecudorp nac ew neht tamrof cinortcele na ni elbaliava ton si da ruoy fI a evah uoy fi rehgih eb yam siht hguohtla ,01£ tsuj fo ecirp dexfi a rof yllamron ,txet ypoc drah ni desu-er eb neht dluoc trevda eht - egrahc ffo-eno a si sihT( !trevda xelpmoc ylralucitrap ).egrahc fo eerf seussi tneuqesbus

egaP lluF




yna rof seussi 4 yreve ni 1 xaM( )resitrevda eno

+ tnorF edisnI revoC kcaB egaP elbuoD

)daerps egap 2 ertneC(

sweiveR lairotidE

YAP UOY ECIRP EHT SI EES UOY ECIRP EHT OS ,DERETSIGER TAVA TON ERA EW .secirp egakcap rof su tcatnoC artxe 00.01£ :7 & 5 segaP muimerP .000,8 rep 792£ ta enizagam htiw dereviled eb nac stresni esooL


.trevda fo noitacilbup eetnaraug ot htnom hcae fo ht61 yb deviecer eb tsum tnemyap dna ypoC .edam si tnemyap lluf nehw deetnaraug ylno si ecaps tnemesitrevdA .htnom hcae 000,8 ot pu srebmun noitubirtsiD

fo dnekeew tsrfi eht dnuora ro no ,ylhtnom detubirtsid dna dehsilbup eb lliw noinapmoC ehT .raey a snoitide 01 .htnom eht owt revo notibruS dna sdnalyrreB dnuora dna ni semoh 000,21 revo ot dereviled eb lliw tI .deetnaraug - shtnom .aera eht otni gnivom enoyna rof noitamrofni lacol fo ecruos tsrfi eht si ti noitidda nI

ngiseD & tamroF

:sU tcatnoC

.repap ytilauq no detnirp etihw dna kcalb sulp ruoloc htiw delpats ,telkoob ezis 5A na si tI .leef ytilauq hgih yrev a ti gnivig repap ssolg msg511 no detnirp eb lliw noinapmoC ehT eht yb tpekCeb lliw ti leef dna kool ,tnetnoc ,ezis s’ti fo esuaceb dna ’ytivegnol‘ evah lliw tI fo ’ycaidmmi‘ sresitrevda gnivig ybereht ,sevirra eussi txen eht litnu sdlohesuoh fo ytirojam .deriuqer era secivres rieht nehw ’ssecca

ssegruB neraK daoR enwodsgni K 81 ZJ6 6TK ,yerruS ,notibruS 6900 4728 020 :leT 18530029070 :xaF moc.noinapmocsdnalyrreb@nerak :liamE moc.noinapmocsdnalyrreb.www :beW

Join me for my new Power Yoga classes on Thursdays 9.45am and Saturdays 12.00pm at Stage Right Studios, 91 Ewell Road, Surbiton, KT6 6AH







Power Yoga is a modern dynamic style of yoga suitable for all fitness levels, ages, shapes and sizes. It's a wonderfully energising and fun class which will build your strength and flexibility, burn fat and leave you feeling physically, mentally and spiritually happier.



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Email for further details and block bookings "Tanya’s teaching attitude, attention and enthusiasm never seems to fail, whether in a group or one to one and I am very grateful to her for her teachings."



Please mention the magazine when contacting Advertisers


Advertiser’s Guide

Price List - Our Prices Haven’t Increased for 2 Years 1 Issue

2 Issues*

Full Page






Half Page


Quarter Page

Black & White

Saving 5%

3 Issues* Saving 7.5%

4 Issues* Saving 10%

Copy Deadline

5 Issues* Saving 20%










Full Page






Half Page






Quarter Page






Front Cover Banner


Back Cover


Inside Front + Back Cover


Double Page


Editorial Reviews


Final copy must be submitted by the 16th of each month, for inclusion in the following months edition (which will be distributed during the first weekend of that month.)


Full payment for all advertisements must be received by the copy deadline date. Payment can be made by: Cheques payable to ‘Berrylands Companion’ or cash. Payment by BACS or standing order by arrangement.

Full Colour

(Max 1 in every 4 issues for any one advertiser)

(Centre 2 page spread)


‘A Berrylands Companion’ is a small independent operation and is not registered for VAT. Consequently, no VAT is charged on advertisements.

Acceptable Formats

Adverts can be submitted in the following formats: • MS Word • MS Powerpoint • MS Publisher • TIFF & JPEG Advert copy can be emailed to: If your ad is not available in an electronic format then we can produce it for you, from your own hard copy text, normally for a fixed price of just £10, although this may be higher if you have a particularly complex advert! (This is a one-off charge - the advert could then be re-used in subsequent issues free of charge.)

WE ARE NOT AVAT REGISTERED, SO THE PRICE YOU SEE IS THE PRICE YOU PAY Contact us for package prices. Premium Pages 5 & 7: £10.00 extra Loose inserts can be delivered with magazine at £297 per 8,000.


Copy and payment must be received by 16th of each month to guarantee publication of advert. Advertisement space is only guaranteed when full payment is made. Distribution numbers up to 8,000 each month.

The Companion will be published and distributed monthly, on or around the first weekend of the month. 10 editions a year. It will be delivered to over 12,000 homes in and around Berrylands and Surbiton over two months - guaranteed. In addition it is the first source of local information for anyone moving into the area.

Format & Design

Contact Us:

It is an A5 size booklet, stapled with colour plus black and white printed on quality paper. The Companion will be printed on 115gsm gloss paper giving it a very high quality feel. It will have ‘longevity’ and because of it’s size, content, look and feel it will be kept by the majority of households until the next issue arrives, thereby giving advertisers ‘immdiacy’ of access’ when their services are required.

Karen Burgess 18 Kingsdowne Road Surbiton, Surrey, KT6 6JZ Tel: 020 8274 0096 Fax: 07092003581 Email: Web:


To advertise call Karen: 020 8274 0096


11 11

TheBest Best Christmas The Christmas Gadgets For Her Gadgets For Her

ediuG s’resitrevdA


sraeY 2 rof desaercnI t’nevaH secirP ruO - tsiL ecirP

enildaeD ypoC

*seussI 5

*seussI 4

*seussI 3

*seussI 2

eussI 1






%02 gnivaS

shtnom gniwollof eht ni noisulcni rof ,htnom hcae fo ht61 eht yb dettimbus eb tsum ypoc laniF ).htnom taht fo dnekeew tsrfi eht gnirud detubirtsid eb lliw hcihw( noitide

%5.7 gnivaS

%5 gnivaS

etihW & kcalB egaP lluF


egaP flaH




egaP retrauQ






egaP lluF






egaP flaH








.etad enildaed ypoc eht yb deviecer eb tsum stnemesitrevda lla rof tnemyap lluF yb tnemyaP .hsac ro ’noinapmoC sdnalyrreB‘ ot elbayap seuqehC :yb edam eb nac tnemyaP .tnemegnarra yb redro gnidnats ro SCAB

%01 gnivaS

00.723£ 00.271£



ruoloC lluF


.TAV rof deretsiger ton si dna noitarepo tnednepedni llams a si ’noinapmoC sdnalyrreB A‘ .stnemesitrevda no degrahc si TAV on ,yltneuqesnoC

stamroF elbatpeccA

:stamrof gniwollof eht ni dettimbus eb nac strevdA droW SM • tnioprewoP SM • rehsilbuP SM • GEPJ & FFIT •


egaP retrauQ


rennaB revoC tnorF


revoC kcaB

00.341£ 00.391£

moc.noinapmocdnalyrreb@nerak :ot deliame eb nac ypoc trevdA


nwo ruoy morf ,uoy rof ti ecudorp nac ew neht tamrof cinortcele na ni elbaliava ton si da ruoy fI a evah uoy fi rehgih eb yam siht hguohtla ,01£ tsuj fo ecirp dexfi a rof yllamron ,txet ypoc drah ni desu-er eb neht dluoc trevda eht - egrahc ffo-eno a si sihT( !trevda xelpmoc ylralucitrap ).egrahc fo eerf seussi tneuqesbus

yna rof seussi 4 yreve ni 1 xaM( )resitrevda eno

+ tnorF edisnI revoC kcaB egaP elbuoD

)daerps egap 2 ertneC(

sweiveR lairotidE

YAP UOY ECIRP EHT SI EES UOY ECIRP EHT OS ,DERETSIGER TAVA TON ERA EW .secirp egakcap rof su tcatnoC artxe 00.01£ :7 & 5 segaP muimerP .000,8 rep 792£ ta enizagam htiw dereviled eb nac stresni esooL


.trevda fo noitacilbup eetnaraug ot htnom hcae fo ht61 yb deviecer eb tsum tnemyap dna ypoC .edam si tnemyap lluf nehw deetnaraug ylno si ecaps tnemesitrevdA .htnom hcae 000,8 ot pu srebmun noitubirtsiD

fo dnekeew tsrfi eht dnuora ro no ,ylhtnom detubirtsid dna dehsilbup eb lliw noinapmoC ehT .raey a snoitide 01 .htnom eht owt revo notibruS dna sdnalyrreB dnuora dna ni semoh 000,21 revo ot dereviled eb lliw tI .deetnaraug - shtnom .aera eht otni gnivom enoyna rof noitamrofni lacol fo ecruos tsrfi eht si ti noitidda nI

ngiseD & tamroF

:sU tcatnoC

.repap ytilauq no detnirp etihw dna kcalb sulp ruoloc htiw delpats ,telkoob ezis 5A na si tI .leef ytilauq hgih yrev a ti gnivig repap ssolg msg511 no detnirp eb lliw noinapmoC ehT eht yb tpek eb lliw ti leef dna kool ,tnetnoc ,ezis s’ti fo esuaceb dna ’ytivegnol‘ evah lliw tI fo ’ycaidmmi‘ sresitrevda gnivig ybereht ,sevirra eussi txen eht litnu sdlohesuoh fo ytirojam .deriuqer era secivres rieht nehw ’ssecca

ssegruB neraK daoR enwodsgni K 81 ZJ6 6TK ,yerruS ,notibruS 6900 4728 020 :leT 18530029070 :xaF moc.noinapmocsdnalyrreb@nerak :liamE moc.noinapmocsdnalyrreb.www :beW


Some tech firms haven’t quite got the hang of making products for women: a quick look around the shops shows that for some, making gadgets for girls of any age simply involves taking an existing model and making it pink. Thankfully not everybody thinks that way, and there are lots of decent products around that don’t look like they should belong to Barbie. If the person you’re buying for already has a Kindle, a tablet, a laptop or a smartphone, a luxury case makes a good gift - but beware of supposedly leather cases that come with bargain basement price tags, as that leather is the kind you only find on plastic cows. Think designers such as Barbour (available from John Lewis), or beautiful Italian leather cases from Maxwell Scott. They’re not cheap - Maxwell Scott’s iPad case is £85 - but they’re pretty and useful, as are the £149 luxury iPad cases available from If she’s just got herself an iPhone 6, Apple’s £35 genuine leather cases are good value too. One good gift for smartphone or tablet owners is a wireless speaker, such as Bose’s excellent SoundLink Mini (£179), Sony’s SRS-BTM8

12 12

(£85) or JBL’s Flip (£100). Cheaper speakers are available, but you do get what you pay for. If she doesn’t already have a tablet, there are stacks of options including the latest iPad Mini (from £229) and the larger, more expensive iPad Air (£399), Amazon’s newly updated Kindle Fire HD (from £79) and a whole bunch of cheap tablets such as the heavily discounted Asus MeMO Pad, which is down to around £80. Don’t forget Tesco’s Hudl, too, especially if you’re a regular shopper: Tesco regularly runs promotions that double your Clubcard points when you buy a Hudl or accessories. Kindles make great gifts too, and there’s a brand new one at the top of the range: the Kindle Voyage (£169) has a better screen and automatic brightness. The Kindle Paperwhite is still a great buy at £109, and the cheapest Kindle is now just £59. Many women’s letters to Santa will include the initials GHD, whose hair straighteners have been tucked under Christmas trees for several years now. The firm’s latest range is the GHD Curve, a collection of curling wands and tongs that cost £110.

For sporty types there are stacks of gadget gifts, such as the Fitbit Flex activity tracker (£75), the Zepp motion sensor for tennis players (£129), Garmin’s Forerunner GPS watches (£89) and the TomTom Multi-Sport GPS Watch (£149). Don’t forget headphones, either: Philips’ ActionFit Sports (£30), Sennheiser’s PMX 685i Sports (£35), Monster’s iSport Victory (£130) and Pioneer’s SE-E721 (£40) have been specifically designed for runners and won’t pop out or fall off. If you really want to delight a gadget fan, this year’s hot technology is the smartwatch - of which LG’s G Watch R is one of the nicest. The price hadn’t been announced as we went to press but the Androidcompatible smartwatch is likely to be keenly priced. Sadly the one smartwatch many of us were really hoping to see in our Christmas stockings, the Apple Watch, isn’t going to appear in 2014 after all: its launch has been put back to some point in 2015. Images left to right: Maxwell Scott iPad case; Amazon Kindle Voyage (lifestyle press shot); GHD Curve curling wand; Philips ActionFit Sports headphones

Please mention the magazine when contacting Advertisers

Mobile Bicycle Service & Repair Rates

Advertiser’s Guide

Price List - Our Prices Haven’t Increased for 2 Years 1 Issue

2 Issues*

Full Page






Half Page


Quarter Page

Black & White

Saving 5%

3 Issues* Saving 7.5%

4 Issues* Saving 10%

Copy Deadline

5 Issues* Saving 20%










Full Page






Half Page






Quarter Page






Front Cover Banner


Back Cover


Inside Front + Back Cover


Double Page


Editorial Reviews


Final copy must be submitted by the 16th of each month, for inclusion in the following months edition (which will be distributed during the first weekend of that month.)


Full payment for all advertisements must be received by the copy deadline date. Payment can be made by: Cheques payable to ‘Berrylands Companion’ or cash. Payment by BACS or standing order by arrangement.

Full Colour

(Max 1 in every 4 issues for any one advertiser)

(Centre 2 page spread)




‘A Berrylands Companion’ is a small independent operation and is not registered for VAT. Consequently, no VAT is charged on advertisements.

Acceptable Formats

Adverts can be submitted in the following formats: • MS Word • MS Powerpoint • MS Publisher • TIFF & JPEG Advert copy can be emailed to: If your ad is not available in an electronic format then we can produce it for you, from your own hard copy text, normally for a fixed price of just £10, although this may be higher if you have a particularly complex advert! (This is a one-off charge - the advert could then be re-used in subsequent issues free of charge.)

WE ARE NOT AVAT REGISTERED, SO THE PRICE YOU SEE IS THE PRICE YOU PAY Contact us for package prices. Premium Pages 5 & 7: £10.00 extra Loose inserts can be delivered with magazine at £297 per 8,000.


Copy and payment must be received by 16th of each month to guarantee publication of advert. Advertisement space is only guaranteed when full payment is made. Distribution numbers up to 8,000 each month.

The Companion will be published and distributed monthly, on or around the first weekend of the month. 10 editions a year. It will be delivered to over 12,000 homes in and around Berrylands and Surbiton over two months - guaranteed. In addition it is the first source of local information for anyone moving into the area.

Format & Design

Contact Us:

It is an A5 size booklet, stapled with colour plus black and white printed on quality paper. The Companion will be printed on 115gsm gloss paper giving it a very high quality feel. It will have ‘longevity’ and because of it’s size, content, look and feel it will be kept by the majority of households until the next issue arrives, thereby giving advertisers ‘immdiacy’ of access’ when their services are required.

Karen Burgess 18 Kingsdowne Road Surbiton, Surrey, KT6 6JZ Tel: 020 8274 0096 Fax: 07092003581 Email: Web:

Rebel Waltz Cycle Solutions Here to help you at Christmas... 16

If you are buying a bike for someone this Christmas, Rebel Waltz can assemble your bike and if you wish we can also store for you* to keep that special surprise a secret and deliver ready assembled at your convenience. T: 07514 435855 * from 1 Dec onwards

To advertise call Karen: 020 8274 0096

E: W:


13 13

Home & Interiors

Scandinavian Christmas By Katherine Sorrell

ediuG s’resitrevdA


sraeY 2 rof desaercnI t’nevaH secirP ruO - tsiL ecirP

enildaeD ypoC

*seussI 5

*seussI 4

*seussI 3

*seussI 2

eussI 1






%02 gnivaS

shtnom gniwollof eht ni noisulcni rof ,htnom hcae fo ht61 eht yb dettimbus eb tsum ypoc laniF ).htnom taht fo dnekeew tsrfi eht gnirud detubirtsid eb lliw hcihw( noitide

%5.7 gnivaS

%5 gnivaS

etihW & kcalB egaP lluF


egaP flaH




egaP retrauQ






egaP lluF






egaP flaH








.etad enildaed ypoc eht yb deviecer eb tsum stnemesitrevda lla rof tnemyap lluF yb tnemyaP .hsac ro ’noinapmoC sdnalyrreB‘ ot elbayap seuqehC :yb edam eb nac tnemyaP .tnemegnarra yb redro gnidnats ro SCAB

%01 gnivaS

00.723£ 00.271£



ruoloC lluF


.TAV rof deretsiger ton si dna noitarepo tnednepedni llams a si ’noinapmoC sdnalyrreB A‘ .stnemesitrevda no degrahc si TAV on ,yltneuqesnoC

stamroF elbatpeccA

:stamrof gniwollof eht ni dettimbus eb nac strevdA droW SM • tnioprewoP SM • rehsilbuP SM • GEPJ & FFIT •


egaP retrauQ


rennaB revoC tnorF


revoC kcaB

00.341£ 00.391£

moc.noinapmocdnalyrreb@nerak :ot deliame eb nac ypoc trevdA


nwo ruoy morf ,uoy rof ti ecudorp nac ew neht tamrof cinortcele na ni elbaliava ton si da ruoy fI a evah uoy fi rehgih eb yam siht hguohtla ,01£ tsuj fo ecirp dexfi a rof yllamron ,txet ypoc drah ni desu-er eb neht dluoc trevda eht - egrahc ffo-eno a si sihT( !trevda xelpmoc ylralucitrap ).egrahc fo eerf seussi tneuqesbus

yna rof seussi 4 yreve ni 1 xaM( )resitrevda eno

+ tnorF edisnI revoC kcaB egaP elbuoD

)daerps egap 2 ertneC(

sweiveR lairotidE

YAP UOY ECIRP EHT SI EES UOY ECIRP EHT OS ,DERETSIGER TAVA TON ERA EW .secirp egakcap rof su tcatnoC artxe 00.01£ :7 & 5 segaP muimerP .000,8 rep 792£ ta enizagam htiw dereviled eb nac stresni esooL


.trevda fo noitacilbup eetnaraug ot htnom hcae fo ht61 yb deviecer eb tsum tnemyap dna ypoC .edam si tnemyap lluf nehw deetnaraug ylno si ecaps tnemesitrevdA .htnom hcae 000,8 ot pu srebmun noitubirtsiD

fo dnekeew tsrfi eht dnuora ro no ,ylhtnom detubirtsid dna dehsilbup eb lliw noinapmoC ehT .raey a snoitide 01 .htnom eht owt revo notibruS dna sdnalyrreB dnuora dna ni semoh 000,21 revo ot dereviled eb lliw tI .deetnaraug - shtnom .aera eht otni gnivom enoyna rof noitamrofni lacol fo ecruos tsrfi eht si ti noitidda nI

ngiseD & tamroF

:sU tcatnoC

.repap ytilauq no detnirp etihw dna kcalb sulp ruoloc htiw delpats ,telkoob ezis 5A na si tI .leef ytilauq hgih yrev a ti gnivig repap ssolg msg511 no detnirp eb lliw noinapmoC ehT eht yb tpek eb lliw ti leef dna kool ,tnetnoc ,ezis s’ti fo esuaceb dna ’ytivegnol‘ evah lliw tI fo ’ycaidmmi‘ sresitrevda gnivig ybereht ,sevirra eussi txen eht litnu sdlohesuoh fo ytirojam .deriuqer era secivres rieht nehw ’ssecca

ssegruB neraK daoR enwodsgni K 81 ZJ6 6TK ,yerruS ,notibruS 6900 4728 020 :leT 18530029070 :xaF moc.noinapmocsdnalyrreb@nerak :liamE moc.noinapmocsdnalyrreb.www :beW


Who doesn’t love Scandinavian style? It combines classic with contemporary, pretty with practical. And it’s the perfect look with which to dress up your home for Christmas In the Scandinavian countries extremes of landscape, from forests and fjords to boiling geysers and the Aurora Borealis, are all around you. In winter, daylight is fleeting, and keeping warm is a vital part of life. No surprise, then, that typical homes feature thick log walls, small, southfacing doors and windows, and thatched or birch-bark roofs. Inside, vividly coloured decorations in bright, rustic folk style provide relief from the long hours of night and



the expanses of snow. Carved wooden spoons, bowls, cups and chests, strongly coloured, woven rugs, blankets and cushions, and beautifully painted furniture in ochres, reds and yellows are the timeless tradition. Appealing as it is, there is much more to Scandinavian style than colourful rusticity, however. What we now called ‘Gustavian’ style became popular in the late 18th century, encouraged by the young King Gustav III of Sweden, under whose patronage the grandeur of Versailles and the skilled creations of master furnituremakers like Hepplewhite and Chippendale were interpreted by native craftsmen in a gentler and more restrained way, blending neo-classicism and romantic Rococo into a unique, northern European decorative style. Think symmetry, pale colours (buttermilk and Baltic blue, grey and peppermint), painted floorboards, ribbons and swags, glass chandeliers, gilding, mirrors and delicate wooden furniture with tapering legs and subtly carved details. Another major influence, a century

or so later, was Swedish artist Carl Larsson and his wife, Karin. In the 1890s the couple decorated their rural cottage, Lilla Hyttnås, in a unique and innovative way, combining folk and Gustavian styles with contemporary European influences: Arts & Crafts, Art Nouveau and Japonisme. Light and airy, pretty and functional, the look was all gingham and geraniums, bread crocks and baskets, rag rugs and sprigged china. When Carl’s watercolours of the house were published, the public response, in Sweden and further afield, was overwhelming; his books, in the early 20th century, did a great deal to popularise what we now see as the typically Scandinavian style of easygoing Gustavian, folk arts and an open-plan love of light and space. And what he started, a certain Swedish flat-pack furniture giant continued. Ikea opened its first UK store in 1987 and then – who can forget? – in 1994 launched its Gustavian-style furniture range, accompanied by an advertising campaign that urged us all to ‘chuck out your chintz’. It sold like hot glogg, and the rest is history – now we all crave the clean-lined, bright and uncluttered look, styled with pretty colours and dashes of folk art. Create a Scandinavian feel this Christmas by combining folk and sophistication, cosy and minimalism. Keep

Please mention the magazine when contacting Advertisers

it simple – too much clutter is definitely not a part of this particular look. Your colour palette is, of course, mainly red and white, with green, brown and black for contrast, and the occasional dusting of glitter or artificial snow. Natural accessories such as twigs, branches and fir cones are a great starting point, with generously sized garlands and wreaths made from woven greenery. A sprinkling of metal lanterns with flickering candles creates atmosphere, and a real Christmas tree is, of course, the centrepiece (clipon Scandi-style candles optional). In general, materials should be as natural as possible, from bark to hessian,

felt to Fair Isle, emphasising all sorts of appealing textures. If you can knit, sew or otherwise make your own decorations, so much the better but, if not, there are plenty of gorgeous accessories in the shops and online created by talented craftspeople. Perfection is not required: simply that appealingly homespun look. A row of knitted stockings, for example, would be just perfect, while linen sacks with folkstyle embroidery are ideal for larger presents. A gingham table runner is delightful, as are wooden or woven willow stars, berry garlands, miniature trees,

appliquéd bunting and reindeer baubles. You’ve Rates Advertiser’s Guide got the idea? Then raise a cup of schnapps and fill your home with festive Scandinavian cheer. Price List - Our Prices Haven’t Increased for 2 Years 1 Issue

2 Issues*

Full Page






Half Page






Quarter Page






Black & White

Saving 5%

3 Issues* Saving 7.5%

4 Issues* Saving 10%

Copy Deadline

5 Issues* Saving 20%

Final copy must be submitted by the 16th of each month, for inclusion in the following months edition (which will be distributed during the first weekend of that month.)


Full payment for all advertisements must be received by the copy deadline date. Payment can be made by: Cheques payable to ‘Berrylands Companion’ or cash. Payment by BACS or standing order by arrangement.

Full Colour Full Page






Half Page






Quarter Page






Front Cover Banner


Back Cover


Inside Front + Back Cover


Double Page


Editorial Reviews


(Max 1 in every 4 issues for any one advertiser)


‘A Berrylands Companion’ is a small independent operation and is not registered for VAT. Consequently, no VAT is charged on advertisements.

Acceptable Formats

Adverts can be submitted in the following formats: • MS Word • MS Powerpoint • MS Publisher • TIFF & JPEG

Images: Far left top -Christmas stockings, handembroidered on wool felt, £48, Jan Constantine, Tel 01270 821194; www.janconstantine. com; Far left bottom Embroidered birds stocking, £30, House of Fraser, Tel 0345 602 1073; www.; Left bottom - Linen Scandi reusable Christmas crackers, £12.50 each, Kate Sproston Design. Tel 07765 675624; www.katesprostondesign. com; Above- Scandi Merry Christmas decoration (set of four) £16, House of Fraser. Tel 0345 602 1073; www. (Centre 2 page spread)

Advert copy can be emailed to: If your ad is not available in an electronic format then we can produce it for you, from your own hard copy text, normally for a fixed price of just £10, although this may be higher if you have a particularly complex advert! (This is a one-off charge - the advert could then be re-used in subsequent issues free of charge.)

WE ARE NOT AVAT REGISTERED, SO THE PRICE YOU SEE IS THE PRICE YOU PAY Contact us for package prices. Premium Pages 5 & 7: £10.00 extra Loose inserts can be delivered with magazine at £297 per 8,000.


Copy and payment must be received by 16th of each month to guarantee publication of advert. Advertisement space is only guaranteed when full payment is made. Distribution numbers up to 8,000 each month.

The Companion will be published and distributed monthly, on or around the first weekend of the month. 10 editions a year. It will be delivered to over 12,000 homes in and around Berrylands and Surbiton over two months - guaranteed. In addition it is the first source of local information for anyone moving into the area.

Format & Design

Contact Us:

It is an A5 size booklet, stapled with colour plus black and white printed on quality paper. The Companion will be printed on 115gsm gloss paper giving it a very high quality feel. It will have ‘longevity’ and because of it’s size, content, look and feel it will be kept by the majority of households until the next issue arrives, thereby giving advertisers ‘immdiacy’ of access’ when their services are required.

Karen Burgess 18 Kingsdowne Road Surbiton, Surrey, KT6 6JZ Tel: 020 8274 0096 Fax: 07092003581 Email: Web:


Leverett Electrical Ltd

Qualified electrician

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We hope that your pets have a Very Merry, Safe Christmas

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e don’t want you to miss the Christmas celebrations this year, but for some, Christmas day is spent sitting in the emergency waiting room of the vets. Here are the most common Christmas hazards for your pet that should be avoided. :stamrof gniwollof eht ni dettimbus eb nac strevdA droW SM • tnioprewoP SM • rehsilbuP SM • GEPJ & FFIT •




moc.noinapmocdnalyrreb@nerak :ot deliame eb nac ypoc trevdA


nwo ruoy morf ,uoy rof ti ecudorp nac ew neht tamrof cinortcele na ni elbaliava ton si da ruoy fI a evah uoy fi rehgih eb yam siht hguohtla ,01£ tsuj fo ecirp dexfi a rof yllamron ,txet ypoc drah ni desu-er eb neht dluoc trevda eht - egrahc ffo-eno a si sihT( !trevda xelpmoc ylralucitrap ).egrahc fo eerf seussi tneuqesbus

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)daerps egap 2 ertneC(

sweiveR lairotidE

Christmas cake and Christmas pudding: Christmas cake is full of Raisins (and sometimes alcohol) both not good for your dog or cat. Raisins and grapes can cause renal failure, although the exact reason and toxic dose is notquite understood. Animals are light weights and not much alcohol is required for them to show the ill effects of alcohol poisoning.

Christmas Foliage: Holly, mistletoe, lilies and poinsettias are all extremely poisonous to pets. Cats especially, often love fresh flowers in the house and rub their face on them or chew the leaves and flowers. These plants can cause kidney failure, vomiting and diarrhoea and worse case can be fatal to your pet. Plastic / ornamental versions of these plants may be more suited if you have pets in the home.

Electrics: Just as you would be careful with electrics with children we also advise care with your pets. Try to keep electric cords out

YAP UOY ECIRP EHT SI EES UOY ECIRP EHT OS ,DERETSIGER TAVA TON ERA EW .secirp egakcap rof su tcatnoC artxe 00.01£ :7 & 5 segaP muimerP .000,8 rep 792£ ta enizagam htiw dereviled eb nac stresni esooL


.trevda fo noitacilbup eetnaraug ot htnom hcae fo ht61 yb deviecer eb tsum tnemyap dna ypoC .edam si tnemyap lluf nehw deetnaraug ylno si ecaps tnemesitrevdA .htnom hcae 000,8 ot pu srebmun noitubirtsiD

fo dnekeew tsrfi eht dnuora ro no ,ylhtnom detubirtsid dna dehsilbup eb lliw noinapmoC ehT .raey a snoitide 01 .htnom eht owt revo notibruS dna sdnalyrreB dnuora dna ni semoh 000,21 revo ot dereviled eb lliw tI .deetnaraug - shtnom .aera eht otni gnivom enoyna rof noitamrofni lacol fo ecruos tsrfi eht si ti noitidda nI

ngiseD & tamroF

:sU tcatnoC

.repap ytilauq no detnirp etihw dna kcalb sulp ruoloc htiw delpats ,telkoob ezis 5A na si tI .leef ytilauq hgih yrev a ti gnivig repap ssolg msg511 no detnirp eb lliw noinapmoC ehT eht yb tpek eb lliw ti leef dna kool ,tnetnoc ,ezis s’ti fo esuaceb dna ’ytivegnol‘ evah lliw tI fo ’ycaidmmi‘ sresitrevda gnivig ybereht ,sevirra eussi txen eht litnu sdlohesuoh fo ytirojam .deriuqer era secivres rieht nehw ’ssecca

ssegruB neraK daoR enwodsgni K 81 ZJ6 6TK ,yerruS ,notibruS 6900 4728 020 :leT 18530029070 :xaF moc.noinapmocsdnalyrreb@nerak :liamE moc.noinapmocsdnalyrreb.www :beW



Chocolate poisoning: Chocolate is the most common poisoning at Christmas and it can be fatal. The severity does depend on a few factors i.e. The cocoa content (dark chocolate is the worst) the amount eaten and the size of your dog. If your dog eats chocolate the vets can work out if the amount eaten will have ill effects so always call for advice.

Wrappers: Chances are if your pet ate the chocolate they also ate the wrapper! Foreign bodies in the gut often require surgical removal. Try to avoid chocolate and sweet decorations on your tree. Also ensure that the wrapping paper from your presents, ribbons, tinsel and other decorations are out of reach and not left lying around.


of the way or cover with a cable tidy. When you are not in the house turn the power to the Christmas decorations off at the wall. If you are at all concerned over the Christmas period please do not hesitate to contact us at the Aspen Veterinary Surgery on 202 8399 6437 or visit our website

Please mention the magazine when contacting Advertisers

e h m t agic begin... t e L Rates

Advertiser’s Guide

Price List - Our Prices Haven’t Increased for 2 Years 1 Issue

2 Issues*

Full Page






Half Page


Quarter Page

Black & White

Saving 5%

3 Issues* Saving 7.5%

4 Issues* Saving 10%










Full Page






Half Page






Quarter Page






Front Cover Banner


Back Cover


Inside Front + Back Cover


Double Page


Editorial Reviews


with a Letter from Santa

Copy Deadline

5 Issues* Saving 20%

Final copy must be submitted by the 16th of each month, for inclusion in the following months edition (which will be distributed during the first weekend of that month.)


Full payment for all advertisements must be received by the copy deadline date. Payment can be made by: Cheques payable to ‘Berrylands Companion’ or cash. Payment by BACS or standing order by arrangement.

Registered charity England and Wales 216401. Scotland SC037717. © 2014 Illustrations by Jason Chapman.

Full Colour

(Max 1 in every 4 issues for any one advertiser)

(Centre 2 page spread)


‘A Berrylands Companion’ is a small independent operation and is not registered for VAT. Consequently, no VAT is charged on advertisements.

Acceptable Formats

Adverts can be submitted in the following formats: • MS Word • MS Powerpoint • MS Publisher • TIFF & JPEG Advert copy can be emailed to: If your ad is not available in an electronic format then we can produce it for you, from your own hard copy text, normally for a fixed price of just £10, although this may be higher if you have a particularly complex advert! (This is a one-off charge - the advert could then be re-used in subsequent issues free of charge.)

WE ARE NOT AVAT REGISTERED, SO THE PRICE YOU SEE IS THE PRICE YOU PAY Contact us for package prices. Premium Pages 5 & 7: £10.00 extra Loose inserts can be delivered with magazine at £297 per 8,000.


Copy and payment must be received by 16th of each month to guarantee publication of advert. Advertisement space is only guaranteed when full payment is made. Distribution numbers up to 8,000 each month.

The Companion will be published and distributed monthly, on or around the first weekend of the month. 10 editions a year. It will be delivered to over 12,000 homes in and around Berrylands and Surbiton over two months - guaranteed. In addition it is the first source of local information for anyone moving into the area.

Format & Design

Contact Us:

It is an A5 size booklet, stapled with colour plus black and white printed on quality paper. The Companion will be printed on 115gsm gloss paper giving it a very high quality feel. It will have ‘longevity’ and because of it’s size, content, look and feel it will be kept by the majority of households until the next issue arrives, thereby giving advertisers ‘immdiacy’ of access’ when their services are required.

Karen Burgess 18 Kingsdowne Road Surbiton, Surrey, KT6 6JZ Tel: 020 8274 0096 Fax: 07092003581 Email: Web:


Request your Letter by 15 December, visit:

4309 LFS_Ad_A6_landscape_AW.indd 1

05/09/2014 16:36

“The Ultimate Class for Mums and Babies” The Times

Aspen Veterinary Surgery

Your pet matters to us

This power walking class, with a mix of cardio, strengthening & toning exercises is proving to be the answer to shifting postnatal weight & re-toning your body after giving birth! • Burns fat, improves posture & strengthens , ITON core muscles • A one hour social class with SURB LDEN, A M time to chat to other Mums • For all levels NEW STON KING of fitness • Suitable for all buggies/pushchairs • It’s fun & your baby or toddler comes too!

Visit or email:

To advertise call Karen: 020 8274 0096

Join our Aspen Pet Care Plan Pay monthly, spread the costs and get a 10% discount on all services Open Mon-Fri: 8am-7.30pm Sat: 8.30-11am 24 hour Emergency Service 351 Ewell Road, Tolworth, KT6 7BZ

020 8399 6437


17 17

A Gift for You at Christmas

We’ve got Christmas all wrapped up this year, with a set of books designed to have every aspect of the holiday covered. If all else fails though, there’s always the option of packing it all in and doing a runner...and we’ve thought of that as well.

ediuG s’resitrevdA


sraeY 2 rof desaercnI t’nevaH secirP ruO - tsiL ecirP

enildaeD ypoC

*seussI 5

*seussI 4

*seussI 3

*seussI 2

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%02 gnivaS

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%5.7 gnivaS

%5 gnivaS

etihW & kcalB egaP lluF


egaP flaH




egaP retrauQ






egaP lluF






egaP flaH








.etad enildaed ypoc eht yb deviecer eb tsum stnemesitrevda lla rof tnemyap lluF yb tnemyaP .hsac ro ’noinapmoC sdnalyrreB‘ ot elbayap seuqehC :yb edam eb nac tnemyaP .tnemegnarra yb redro gnidnats ro SCAB

%01 gnivaS

00.723£ 00.271£



ruoloC lluF


.TAV rof deretsiger ton si dna noitarepo tnednepedni llams a si ’noinapmoC sdnalyrreB A‘ .stnemesitrevda no degrahc si TAV on ,yltneuqesnoC

stamroF elbatpeccA

:stamrof gniwollof eht ni dettimbus eb nac strevdA droW SM • tnioprewoP SM • rehsilbuP SM • GEPJ & FFIT •


egaP retrauQ


rennaB revoC tnorF


revoC kcaB

00.341£ 00.391£

moc.noinapmocdnalyrreb@nerak :ot deliame eb nac ypoc trevdA


nwo ruoy morf ,uoy rof ti ecudorp nac ew neht tamrof cinortcele na ni elbaliava ton si da ruoy fI a evah uoy fi rehgih eb yam siht hguohtla ,01£ tsuj fo ecirp dexfi a rof yllamron ,txet ypoc drah ni desu-er eb neht dluoc trevda eht - egrahc ffo-eno a si sihT( !trevda xelpmoc ylralucitrap ).egrahc fo eerf seussi tneuqesbus

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sweiveR lairotidE

YAP UOY ECIRP EHT SI EES UOY ECIRP EHT OS ,DERETSIGER TAVA TON ERA EW .secirp egakcap rof su tcatnoC artxe 00.01£ :7 & 5 segaP muimerP .000,8 rep 792£ ta enizagam htiw dereviled eb nac stresni esooL

The Tree: ‘The Giving Tree’ by Shel Silverstein What better kind of spruce this festive season than ‘The Giving Tree’. Loved by children and adults alike, this is a story about a little boy who grows up under the branches of a tree, and continues to take and take throughout his years into adulthood. If you don’t cry when you read this then quite frankly, you must have a heart of stone. It’s such a simple and touching story about our capacity to love and it’s perfect for some fireside snuggling up with whoever you have staying with you this Christmas. noitubirtsiD

.trevda fo noitacilbup eetnaraug ot htnom hcae fo ht61 yb deviecer eb tsum tnemyap dna ypoC .edam si tnemyap lluf nehw deetnaraug ylno si ecaps tnemesitrevdA .htnom hcae 000,8 ot pu srebmun noitubirtsiD

fo dnekeew tsrfi eht dnuora ro no ,ylhtnom detubirtsid dna dehsilbup eb lliw noinapmoC ehT .raey a snoitide 01 .htnom eht owt revo notibruS dna sdnalyrreB dnuora dna ni semoh 000,21 revo ot dereviled eb lliw tI .deetnaraug - shtnom .aera eht otni gnivom enoyna rof noitamrofni lacol fo ecruos tsrfi eht si ti noitidda nI

ngiseD & tamroF

:sU tcatnoC

.repap ytilauq no detnirp etihw dna kcalb sulp ruoloc htiw delpats ,telkoob ezis 5A na si tI .leef ytilauq hgih yrev a ti gnivig repap ssolg msg511 no detnirp eb lliw noinapmoC ehT eht yb tpek eb lliw ti leef dna kool ,tnetnoc ,ezis s’ti fo esuaceb dna ’ytivegnol‘ evah lliw tI fo ’ycaidmmi‘ sresitrevda gnivig ybereht ,sevirra eussi txen eht litnu sdlohesuoh fo ytirojam .deriuqer era secivres rieht nehw ’ssecca

ssegruB neraK daoR enwodsgni K 81 ZJ6 6TK ,yerruS ,notibruS 6900 4728 020 :leT 18530029070 :xaF moc.noinapmocsdnalyrreb@nerak :liamE moc.noinapmocsdnalyrreb.www :beW


The Gift: ‘The Gift’ by Cecelia Ahern If you ever thought there weren’t enough hours in the day then meet Lou Suffern, a man who constantly needs to be two places at once and who is struggling to keep up. He finds it impossible to really ‘be’ in the present, whether it’s at work or at home with his family. One day he meets a homeless man called Gabe and, taking pity on him, sorts him out with a job in the post room. But there’s something not quite right about Gabe. He always appears to be in more than one place at once. It’s a bit ‘It’s a Wonderful Life’ for modern times, and goes to prove that as we suspected, time really could be the greatest gift of all.

18 18

The Food: ‘Great British Bake Off: Christmas’ by Lizzie Kamenetzky ‘Stuff your face with plates of blinis, fah-lah-lah-lah lah’ or however it goes! Christmas simply can’t go wrong with Paul Hollywood and Mary Berry helping you along your merry way. There are master class recipes as well as contributions from all four previous winners and other memorable contestants. It’s packed with plenty of inspiration without causing you too much

perspiration whilst slaving over a hot stove. It could be a present to yourself…or whoever you’ve talked into doing the cooking. The Weather: ‘Let it Snow’ by John Green, Maureen Johnson and Lauren Myracle Here are three touching and romantic stories that all stem from one incident, as a young girl decides to ditch the stranded train she was travelling on and heads out into the blizzard. The tales then take place over the following few days as the residents of Gracetown struggle to cope with the Christmas Eve storm. Written

by some of today’s bestselling authors they are like three perfectly wrapped little stocking fillers. The Family: ‘A Proper Family Christmas’ by Chrissie Manby Whenever someone tells you this is what they want, they mean the nostalgic Christmas card, cookie cutter image. They don’t mean the arguments, tears and recriminations that usually go hand in hand with the festive season. This is the story of two clashing families, brought together by the need to help the Buchanan’s seriously ill daughter, Izzy. The matriarch, Annabel, was adopted and so needs to find her own biological parents to see if Izzy can be saved. It sounds like a tear-jerker but it’s a warm and fuzzy one for Christmas. The Escape Plan: ‘Eat, Pray, Love’ by Elizabeth Gilbert If all else fails and you really can’t stand your in-laws, or even your husband for any amount of time past Boxing Day, then why not just escape from it all? At 3am, Elizabeth’s seemingly perfect life is keeping her up and making her depressed. So, she ups sticks and heads off in pursuit of happiness. Her travels take her to Italy, India and then on to Bali, finding food for her soul and her belly along the way. It’s the perfect antidote to all that forced happiness and fun.

Please mention the magazine when contacting Advertisers


Advertiser’s Guide

Price List - Our Prices Haven’t Increased for 2 Years 1 Issue

2 Issues*

Full Page






Half Page


Quarter Page

Black & White

Phone 07922 246673

E Mail

3 Issues* Saving 7.5%

4 Issues* Saving 10%

Copy Deadline

5 Issues* Saving 20%










Full Page






Half Page






Quarter Page






Front Cover Banner


Back Cover


Inside Front + Back Cover


Double Page


Editorial Reviews


Final copy must be submitted by the 16th of each month, for inclusion in the following months edition (which will be distributed during the first weekend of that month.)


Full payment for all advertisements must be received by the copy deadline date. Payment can be made by: Cheques payable to ‘Berrylands Companion’ or cash. Payment by BACS or standing order by arrangement.

Full Colour


Saving 5%

(Max 1 in every 4 issues for any one advertiser)

(Centre 2 page spread)


‘A Berrylands Companion’ is a small independent operation and is not registered for VAT. Consequently, no VAT is charged on advertisements.

Acceptable Formats

Adverts can be submitted in the following formats: • MS Word • MS Powerpoint • MS Publisher • TIFF & JPEG Advert copy can be emailed to: If your ad is not available in an electronic format then we can produce it for you, from your own hard copy text, normally for a fixed price of just £10, although this may be higher if you have a particularly complex advert! (This is a one-off charge - the advert could then be re-used in subsequent issues free of charge.)

WE ARE NOT AVAT REGISTERED, SO THE PRICE YOU SEE IS THE PRICE YOU PAY Contact us for package prices. Premium Pages 5 & 7: £10.00 extra Loose inserts can be delivered with magazine at £297 per 8,000.


Copy and payment must be received by 16th of each month to guarantee publication of advert. Advertisement space is only guaranteed when full payment is made. Distribution numbers up to 8,000 each month.

The Companion will be published and distributed monthly, on or around the first weekend of the month. 10 editions a year. It will be delivered to over 12,000 homes in and around Berrylands and Surbiton over two months - guaranteed. In addition it is the first source of local information for anyone moving into the area.

Format & Design

Contact Us:

It is an A5 size booklet, stapled with colour plus black and white printed on quality paper. The Companion will be printed on 115gsm gloss paper giving it a very high quality feel. It will have ‘longevity’ and because of it’s size, content, look and feel it will be kept by the majority of households until the next issue arrives, thereby giving advertisers ‘immdiacy’ of access’ when their services are required.

Karen Burgess 18 Kingsdowne Road Surbiton, Surrey, KT6 6JZ Tel: 020 8274 0096 Fax: 07092003581 Email: Web:

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ustomers with excellent references, Tel: 020 8399 6276 Mob: 07941 374 324


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I’m Dreaming Of A Green Christmas

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00.723£ 00.271£



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stamroF elbatpeccA

:stamrof gniwollof eht ni dettimbus eb nac strevdA droW SM • tnioprewoP SM • rehsilbuP SM • GEPJ & FFIT •


egaP retrauQ


rennaB revoC tnorF


revoC kcaB

00.341£ 00.391£

moc.noinapmocdnalyrreb@nerak :ot deliame eb nac ypoc trevdA


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)daerps egap 2 ertneC(

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YAP UOY ECIRP EHT SI EES UOY ECIRP EHT OS ,DERETSIGER TAVA TON ERA EW .secirp egakcap rof su tcatnoC artxe 00.01£ :7 & 5 segaP muimerP .000,8 rep 792£ ta enizagam htiw dereviled eb nac stresni esooL

With Christmas just around the corner, there is always plenty to do. True the garden side of things may be a little less busy than usual, but everything else seems to be going into overdrive. noitubirtsiD

.trevda fo noitacilbup eetnaraug ot htnom hcae fo ht61 yb deviecer eb tsum tnemyap dna ypoC .edam si tnemyap lluf nehw deetnaraug ylno si ecaps tnemesitrevdA .htnom hcae 000,8 ot pu srebmun noitubirtsiD

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ngiseD & tamroF

:sU tcatnoC

.repap ytilauq no detnirp etihw dna kcalb sulp ruoloc htiw delpats ,telkoob ezis 5A na si tI .leef ytilauq hgih yrev a ti gnivig repap ssolg msg511 no detnirp eb lliw noinapmoC ehT eht yb tpek eb lliw ti leef dna kool ,tnetnoc ,ezis s’ti fo esuaceb dna ’ytivegnol‘ evah lliw tI fo ’ycaidmmi‘ sresitrevda gnivig ybereht ,sevirra eussi txen eht litnu sdlohesuoh fo ytirojam .deriuqer era secivres rieht nehw ’ssecca

ssegruB neraK daoR enwodsgni K 81 ZJ6 6TK ,yerruS ,notibruS 6900 4728 020 :leT 18530029070 :xaF moc.noinapmocsdnalyrreb@nerak :liamE moc.noinapmocsdnalyrreb.www :beW


I love giving presents, but only when I think that the recipient will really enjoy receiving it - whether that gift is a thing of beauty or something totally practical. With gardening as one of the nation’s top pastimes, I’m sure you’ll know more than a few gardeners so here are a few ideas for things which I am sure most green fingered friends would be delighted to receive. If you know a newish gardener or someone who has recently taken on a garden then the basic garden tools are always well received, especially if you choose good quality, sturdy ones. So think fork, spade and rake – yes, they are difficult to wrap but worth the effort. For anyone gripped by the Grow Your Own bug and who’d appreciate a helping hand you could give one of my ‘Grow Your Own with Pippa Greenwood ‘ gift cards – they choose the veg they want to

20 20

grow and I send them out, at the right time for planting and accompanied by weekly advice and tips emails….it couldn’t be simpler! Find out more at www. Weeding is always an issue so a hoe is useful or for smaller spaces (such as in between plants, in gravel, between paving, in asparagus beds or to

tackle weeds within planters) try the hand held red-handled weeders – I think they’re indispensable. Small but always appreciated gifts could include a few packets of vegetable seeds. Although many garden centres are currently crammed full of tinselly, twinkly items for the festive season, most already have a good number of seeds in stock. Choose some particularly scrumptious varieties of vegetables or for those who are more concerned about looks

than taste, how about some flamboyantly colourful flowers to brighten up their garden? If you want to spend a bit more and the person loves growing things from seed, a heated propagator makes a fantastic gift. With tomatoes, peppers, aubergines and many of the fancier ornamentals needing to be sown soon, it’ll be a gift put to use straight away. Gardening gloves too are something that any gardener can always have more of. Particularly useful are some of the gauntlet style gloves which are perfect if you have to tackle a pruning job on a thorny plant or one with really rough or sharp leaves. Totally practical, but gauntlets can make even a really unpleasant job so much easier – I even used mine to harvest holly for decorating the house last Christmas. Alternatively, there are many lower-priced types of gloves available with gripping pads on the fingers or with leather toughened strips across the knuckles to make sure that your hands don’t get too much of a beating while you are out in the garden. Classic greens, ravishing reds or funky florals, gloves are definitely not boring.

Please mention the magazine when contacting Advertisers

Many gardeners and nongardeners alike love having birds in the garden. They not only help to keep certain pest numbers down, but they also add an extra charm to the garden environment. How about a peanut feeder, nest box or perhaps even a bird table; there are many designs available from the modern to the rustic. For the husband, wife or partner who is less inclined to help with the tough jobs in the garden, give them a gentle nudge by gifting a brand new garden fork and spade; but if you feel that they really are beyond help, then admit defeat and give them a garden lounger or perhaps even a hammock? As container gardening continues to rise in popularity, another idea is to give a few gorgeous looking containers -

either empty for the friend or relative to decide what to put in it themselves, or make them into a complete gift by planting them up with a selection of plants and under planting them with bulbs which you know will bring extra delight next year. Finally, don’t forget the plants themselves. Garden centres are currently crammed full of a delightful array of plants, mainly with houseplants being perfect for providing bright colour indoors at this time of year – take a look at the poinsettias, cyclamen, indoor azaleas and jasmines to get an idea of just some of the plants that would be great to give as gifts and remember when you buy any indoor plant from a garden centre during cold weather, it is essential that you protect it thoroughly on the

journey from the garden centre to your car and from your car Rates Advertiser’s Guide into your house as even a tiny exposure to cold drafts and low temperatures can cause a lot of damage…….oh, and happy Christmas from me too! Price List - Our Prices Haven’t Increased for 2 Years 1 Issue

2 Issues*

Full Page






Half Page






Quarter Page






Black & White

Saving 5%

3 Issues* Saving 7.5%

4 Issues* Saving 10%

Copy Deadline

5 Issues* Saving 20%

Final copy must be submitted by the 16th of each month, for inclusion in the following months edition (which will be distributed during the first weekend of that month.)


Full payment for all advertisements must be received by the copy deadline date. Payment can be made by: Cheques payable to ‘Berrylands Companion’ or cash. Payment by BACS or standing order by arrangement.

Full Colour Full Page






Half Page






Quarter Page






Front Cover Banner


Back Cover


Inside Front + Back Cover


Double Page


Editorial Reviews


(Max 1 in every 4 issues for any one advertiser)

(Centre 2 page spread)


‘A Berrylands Companion’ is a small independent operation and is not registered for VAT. Consequently, no VAT is charged on advertisements.

Acceptable Formats

Adverts can be submitted in the following formats: • MS Word • MS Powerpoint • MS Publisher • TIFF & JPEG

Advert copy can be emailed to: If your ad is not available in an electronic format then we can produce it for you, from your own hard copy text, normally for a fixed price of just £10, although this may be higher if you have a particularly complex advert! (This is a one-off charge - the advert could then be re-used in subsequent issues free of charge.)

WE ARE NOT AVAT REGISTERED, SO THE PRICE YOU SEE IS THE PRICE YOU PAY Contact us for package prices. Premium Pages 5 & 7: £10.00 extra Loose inserts can be delivered with magazine at £297 per 8,000.

Visit Pippa’s website www. for a Great Range of Gardeningrelated Gifts including stylish ‘Grow Your Own with Pippa Greenwood’ gift cards, Pippa’s favourite weeding tool, signed books and lots of seriously useful garden items for your friends & family…or for yourself!!! Distribution

Copy and payment must be received by 16th of each month to guarantee publication of advert. Advertisement space is only guaranteed when full payment is made. Distribution numbers up to 8,000 each month.

The Companion will be published and distributed monthly, on or around the first weekend of the month. 10 editions a year. It will be delivered to over 12,000 homes in and around Berrylands and Surbiton over two months - guaranteed. In addition it is the first source of local information for anyone moving into the area.

Format & Design

Contact Us:

It is an A5 size booklet, stapled with colour plus black and white printed on quality paper. The Companion will be printed on 115gsm gloss paper giving it a very high quality feel. It will have ‘longevity’ and because of it’s size, content, look and feel it will be kept by the majority of households until the next issue arrives, thereby giving advertisers ‘immdiacy’ of access’ when their services are required.

Karen Burgess 18 Kingsdowne Road Surbiton, Surrey, KT6 6JZ Tel: 020 8274 0096 Fax: 07092003581 Email: Web:



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21 21

• Tree surveys & repo • Tree surveys & reports to the highest levels of service in every instance.


We are happy to give advice – on all your arboricultural querie ediuG s’resitrevdA


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sraeY 2 rof desaercnI t’nevaH secirP ruO - tsiL ecirP

enildaeD ypoC

*seussI 5

*seussI 4

*seussI 3

*seussI 2

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%5.7 gnivaS


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.etad enildaed ypoc eht yb deviecer eb tsum stnemesitrevda lla rof tnemyap lluF yb tnemyaP .hsac ro ’noinapmoC sdnalyrreB‘ ot elbayap seuqehC :yb edam eb nac tnemyaP .tnemegnarra yb redro gnidnats ro SCAB

%01 gnivaS


egaP lluF

egaP flaH

egaP retrauQ

ruoloC lluF


.TAV rof deretsiger ton si dna noitarepo tnednepedni llams a si ’noinapmoC sdnalyrreB A‘ .stnemesitrevda no degrahc si TAV on ,yltneuqesnoC

00.74£ 00.82£

stamroF elbatpeccA

:stamrof gniwollof eht ni dettimbus eb nac strevdA droW SM • tnioprewoP SM • rehsilbuP SM • GEPJ & FFIT •

00.281£ 00.341£ 00.391£

moc.noinapmocdnalyrreb@nerak :ot deliame eb nac ypoc trevdA


nwo ruoy morf ,uoy rof ti ecudorp nac ew neht tamrof cinortcele na ni elbaliava ton si da ruoy fI a evah uoy fi rehgih eb yam siht hguohtla ,01£ tsuj fo ecirp dexfi a rof yllamron ,txet ypoc drah ni desu-er eb neht dluoc trevda eht - egrahc ffo-eno a si sihT( !trevda xelpmoc ylralucitrap ).egrahc fo eerf seussi tneuqesbus

egaP lluF

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sweiveR lairotidE

YAP UOY ECIRP EHT SI EES UOY ECIRP EHT OS ,DERETSIGER TAVA TON ERA EW .secirp egakcap rof su tcatnoC artxe 00.01£ :7 & 5 segaP muimerP .000,8 rep 792£ ta enizagam htiw dereviled eb nac stresni esooL


.trevda fo noitacilbup eetnaraug ot htnom hcae fo ht61 yb deviecer eb tsum tnemyap dna ypoC .edam si tnemyap lluf nehw deetnaraug ylno si ecaps tnemesitrevdA .htnom hcae 000,8 ot pu srebmun noitubirtsiD

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ngiseD & tamroF

:sU tcatnoC

.repap ytilauq no detnirp etihw dna kcalb sulp ruoloc htiw delpats ,telkoob ezis 5A na si tI .leef ytilauq hgih yrev a ti gnivig repap ssolg msg511 no detnirp eb lliw noinapmoC ehT eht yb tpek eb lliw ti leef dna kool ,tnetnoc ,ezis s’ti fo esuaceb dna ’ytivegnol‘ evah lliw tI fo ’ycaidmmi‘ sresitrevda gnivig ybereht ,sevirra eussi txen eht litnu sdlohesuoh fo ytirojam .deriuqer era secivres rieht nehw ’ssecca

ssegruB neraK daoR enwodsgni K 81 ZJ6 6TK ,yerruS ,notibruS 6900 4728 020 :leT 18530029070 :xaF moc.noinapmocsdnalyrreb@nerak :liamE moc.noinapmocsdnalyrreb.www :beW


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R.J. Tree Services, Berrylands, Surbiton Visit our website for information and videos on all aspects of our work

3 07980 903 881 pects of our work

Christmas Look out for the red tree!

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QP Proof June 10.indd 1

Snow Wreath Cards Stable Carols Star Crib Decorations Toys Frankincense Tradition Gifts Gold Holly Kings Lights Manger Mistletoe Myrhh Pudding Rudolph

Find the names associated with Christmas in the grid and the remaining letters will spell out a related phrase


Please mention the magazine when contacting Advertisers

14/05/2010 14:19:06


Berrylands Autocare

"#$%&#'(!)!*$+&! ,-./-.0!1&#2-3&4!



Advertiser’s Guide

Price List - Our Prices Haven’t Increased for 2 Years 1 Issue

2 Issues*

Full Page






Half Page


Quarter Page

Black & White

Saving 5%

3 Issues* Saving 7.5%

4 Issues* Saving 10%

Copy Deadline

5 Issues* Saving 20%










Full Page






Half Page






Quarter Page






Front Cover Banner


Back Cover


Inside Front + Back Cover


Double Page


Editorial Reviews


Final copy must be submitted by the 16th of each month, for inclusion in the following months edition (which will be distributed during the first weekend of that month.)


Full payment for all advertisements must be received by the copy deadline date. Payment can be made by: Cheques payable to ‘Berrylands Companion’ or cash. Payment by BACS or standing order by arrangement.

Full Colour


Testing (while you wait) * Diagnostic Testing * Servicing & Mechanical Repairs * Open until 5.30pm weekdays * Saturdays: 10.00am to 1.00pm

(Max 1 in every 4 issues for any one advertiser)

(Centre 2 page spread)


‘A Berrylands Companion’ is a small independent operation and is not registered for VAT. Consequently, no VAT is charged on advertisements.

Acceptable Formats

Adverts can be submitted in the following formats: • MS Word • MS Powerpoint • MS Publisher • TIFF & JPEG


Advert copy can be emailed to: If your ad is not available in an electronic format then we can produce it for you, from your own hard copy text, normally for a fixed price of just £10, although this may be higher if you have a particularly complex advert! (This is a one-off charge - the advert could then be re-used in subsequent issues free of charge.)

WE ARE NOT AVAT REGISTERED, SO THE PRICE YOU SEE IS THE PRICE YOU PAY Contact us for package prices. Premium Pages 5 & 7: £10.00 extra Loose inserts can be delivered with magazine at £297 per 8,000.

"#$%!&'($!'(!)'*+,-.!-(,!/'%&'00$(!0'!120!0)$! %233+4)!'20!'%!%$02%($,!)'5$!*-0$!6+0)!('!5+*7! +(!0)$!/%+,&$!0'!5-7$!0)-0!528)!($$,$,!821!'/! 0$-9!:%!6'%4$!/'2(,!0)$!1'6$%!'20!6+0)!('!)'0! 6-0$%!'%!)$-0+(&9! Distribution

Copy and payment must be received by 16th of each month to guarantee publication of advert. Advertisement space is only guaranteed when full payment is made. Distribution numbers up to 8,000 each month.

The Companion will be published and distributed monthly, on or around the first weekend of the month. 10 editions a year. It will be delivered to over 12,000 homes in and around Berrylands and Surbiton over two months - guaranteed. In addition it is the first source of local information for anyone moving into the area.

Format & Design

Contact Us:

It is an A5 size booklet, stapled with colour plus black and white printed on quality paper. The Companion will be printed on 115gsm gloss paper giving it a very high quality feel. It will have ‘longevity’ and because of it’s size, content, look and feel it will be kept by the majority of households until the next issue arrives, thereby giving advertisers ‘immdiacy’ of access’ when their services are required.

Karen Burgess 18 Kingsdowne Road Surbiton, Surrey, KT6 6JZ Tel: 020 8274 0096 Fax: 07092003581 Email: Web:

020 8399 4362




8)$87!'(!.'2%!)'5$!-(,!,'!-4!%$>2$40$,?!428)!-4! 02%(+(&!'(!)$-0+(&?!40'87+(&!0)$!/%+,&$!'%!/$$,+(&! 0)$!8-0@!

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AL D E C N You have two minutes to find all the words of three or more letters that can be made from the letters above. Plurals are allowed, proper nouns are not. The 6 letter word will always be just a normal everyday word.

3 letters: 14 4 letters: 16 5 letters: 6 6 letters: 1


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To advertise call Karen: 020 8274 0096

*Please note King Prawn & Fish Dishes are £2 extra

020 8399 0030/3904

Book now for Christmas & New Year Book now for Valentine’s Day

285 Ewell Road, Surbiton


23 23

Finance Finance

Using Christmas Money gifts to start a savings pot By Ann Haldon

ediuG s’resitrevdA


sraeY 2 rof desaercnI t’nevaH secirP ruO - tsiL ecirP

enildaeD ypoC

*seussI 5 %02 gnivaS

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*seussI 4 %01 gnivaS

*seussI 3 %5.7 gnivaS

*seussI 2 %5 gnivaS

eussI 1

etihW & kcalB egaP lluF

Using Christmas Money Gifts to Start a Savings Pot 00.0501£



00.501£ 00.16£

egaP flaH




egaP retrauQ






egaP lluF






egaP flaH








.etad enildaed ypoc eht yb deviecer eb tsum stnemesitrevda lla rof tnemyap lluF yb tnemyaP .hsac ro ’noinapmoC sdnalyrreB‘ ot elbayap seuqehC :yb edam eb nac tnemyaP .tnemegnarra yb redro gnidnats ro SCAB

00.465£ 00.723£ 00.271£



ruoloC lluF


.TAV rof deretsiger ton si dna noitarepo tnednepedni llams a si ’noinapmoC sdnalyrreB A‘ .stnemesitrevda no degrahc si TAV on ,yltneuqesnoC

stamroF elbatpeccA

:stamrof gniwollof eht ni dettimbus eb nac strevdA droW SM • tnioprewoP SM • rehsilbuP SM • GEPJ & FFIT •


egaP retrauQ


rennaB revoC tnorF


revoC kcaB

00.341£ 00.391£

moc.noinapmocdnalyrreb@nerak :ot deliame eb nac ypoc trevdA


nwo ruoy morf ,uoy rof ti ecudorp nac ew neht tamrof cinortcele na ni elbaliava ton si da ruoy fI a evah uoy fi rehgih eb yam siht hguohtla ,01£ tsuj fo ecirp dexfi a rof yllamron ,txet ypoc drah ni desu-er eb neht dluoc trevda eht - egrahc ffo-eno a si sihT( !trevda xelpmoc ylralucitrap ).egrahc fo eerf seussi tneuqesbus

+ tnorF edisnI revoC kcaB egaP elbuoD

)daerps egap 2 ertneC(

sweiveR lairotidE

YAP UOY ECIRP EHT SI EES UOY ECIRP EHT OS ,DERETSIGER TAVA TON ERA EW .secirp egakcap rof su tcatnoC artxe 00.01£ :7 & 5 segaP muimerP .000,8 rep 792£ ta enizagam htiw dereviled eb nac stresni esooL


.trevda fo noitacilbup eetnaraug ot htnom hcae fo ht61 yb deviecer eb tsum tnemyap dna ypoC .edam si tnemyap lluf nehw deetnaraug ylno si ecaps tnemesitrevdA .htnom hcae 000,8 ot pu srebmun noitubirtsiD

fo dnekeew tsrfi eht dnuora ro no ,ylhtnom detubirtsid dna dehsilbup eb lliw noinapmoC ehT .raey a snoitide 01 .htnom eht owt revo notibruS dna sdnalyrreB dnuora dna ni semoh 000,21 revo ot dereviled eb lliw tI .deetnaraug - shtnom .aera eht otni gnivom enoyna rof noitamrofni lacol fo ecruos tsrfi eht si ti noitidda nI

ngiseD & tamroF

:sU tcatnoC

.repap ytilauq no detnirp etihw dna kcalb sulp ruoloc htiw delpats ,telkoob ezis 5A na si tI .leef ytilauq hgih yrev a ti gnivig repap ssolg msg511 no detnirp eb lliw noinapmoC ehT eht yb tpek eb lliw ti leef dna kool ,tnetnoc ,ezis s’ti fo esuaceb dna ’ytivegnol‘ evah lliw tI fo ’ycaidmmi‘ sresitrevda gnivig ybereht ,sevirra eussi txen eht litnu sdlohesuoh fo ytirojam .deriuqer era secivres rieht nehw ’ssecca

ssegruB neraK daoR enwodsgni K 81 ZJ6 6TK ,yerruS ,notibruS 6900 4728 020 :leT 18530029070 :xaF moc.noinapmocsdnalyrreb@nerak :liamE moc.noinapmocsdnalyrreb.www :beW


Would you rather give and receive money at Christmas, or do you prefer traditional gifts? People give money as a gift for various reasons. Maybe they’re not sure of the recipient’s taste, or particularly in the case of teenagers, think they might prefer to spend the money on something of their own choosing. Christmas is an ideal opportunity to start a small savings pot for a friend or family member, using money that they might otherwise spend frivolously, or on everyday expenses such as food and petrol. It shows thought and consideration and has the potential to grow over the years. It could provide funds towards a summer holiday, a new car, or something long-term. Using the same reasoning it’s in your own best interests to save the Christmas money gifts you receive, rather than put them to one side to be swallowed up by everyday needs. So what are the best options for starting a savings pot for a loved one, or saving your


By Ann Haldon

yna rof seussi 4 yreve ni 1 xaM( )resitrevda eno

money gifts this Christmas? Tax-free savings are the obvious choice The old cash ISAs have now been replaced by NISAs (new ISA), and anyone over the age of 16 can deposit a maximum of £15,000 each year. This is a significant increase on the old cash limit of £5,600 although the interest rates may be lower, but this type of savings account is still the best option for easy access. The Junior ISA is available to under-18s but can only be opened by parents or legal guardians, so if you’re giving money to a member of your extended family or a friend’s child, you’ll need to physically give them the money to pay in. Each year from 6th April, you can open a new NISA with the same limit, so this is a great way to save long-term too. For those looking for an investment rather than cash savings, Stocks and Shares NISAs are also available. Regular savings accounts As the name suggests, you’ll need to drip-feed these accounts on a monthly basis. Regular savers generally offer a much better interest rate than standard savings accounts, but tax may be payable on the interest depending on your circumstances.

Interest rates of around 6% are not unheard of, and some accounts may even beat the NISA for interest. Banks often offer regular savings accounts as a promotional tool, however, in the hope that you will take up some of their other products once you’re a customer. Saving ad-hoc Not everyone is able to save on a regular basis, but a separate place to put spare cash as and when you get it is very useful. Standard savings accounts usually run alongside current accounts, making it easy to either pay in money directly or transfer it from the current account. The Mason jar savings method Often started on the 1st January each year, this involves saving £1 the first week, £2 in week two, and so on throughout the year. Although there’ll be no interest, it’s surprising how motivating it can be to literally see your money grow, and you’re still saving for a purpose rather than frittering it away. So if you are offering money gifts for Christmas this year, it’s worthwhile giving a little more thought to how they are offered. On the other side of the coin, receiving money for Christmas could provide you with the start of a useful nest-egg. opening-an-account http://www.moneysavingexpert. com/savings/junior-isa mason-jar-money-method-start1-save-1300-year/

Please mention the magazine when contacting Advertisers



Advertiser’s Guide

Price List - Our Prices Haven’t Increased for 2 Years

WINDOWS DOORS conservatories 1 Issue

Black & White

2 Issues* Saving 5%

Full Page


Half Page



Quarter Page

3 Issues* Saving 7.5%

4 Issues* Saving 10%

Copy Deadline

5 Issues* Saving 20%














Full Page






Half Page






Quarter Page






Front Cover Banner


Back Cover


Inside Front + Back Cover


Double Page


Final copy must be submitted by the 16th of each month, for inclusion in the following months edition (which will be distributed during the first weekend of that month.)


Full payment for all advertisements must be received by the copy deadline date. Payment can be made by: Cheques payable to ‘Berrylands Companion’ or cash. Payment by BACS or standing order by arrangement.

Full Colour


(Max 1 in every 4 issues for any one advertiser)

(Centre 2 page spread)


‘A Berrylands Companion’ is a small independent operation and is not registered for VAT. Consequently, no VAT is charged on advertisements.

Acceptable Formats

Adverts can be submitted in the following formats: • MS Word • MS Powerpoint • MS Publisher • TIFF & JPEG

Winter Warmers Editorial Reviews


WE ARE NOT AVAT REGISTERED, SO THE PRICE YOU SEE IS THE PRICE YOU PAY Contact us for package prices. Premium Pages 5 & 7: £10.00 extra Loose inserts can be delivered with magazine at £297 per 8,000.

Copy and payment must be received by 16th of each month to guarantee publication of advert. Advertisement space is only guaranteed when full payment is made. Distribution numbers up to 8,000 each month.

Contact Us:

Karen Burgess 18 Kingsdowne Road Surbiton, Surrey, KT6 6JZ Tel: 020 8274 0096 Fax: 07092003581 Email: Web:

Advert copy can be emailed to: If your ad is not available in an electronic format then we can produce it for you, from your own hard copy text, normally for a fixed price of just £10, although this may be higher if you have a particularly complex advert! (This is a one-off charge - the advert could then be re-used in subsequent issues free of charge.)


The Companion will be published and distributed monthly, on or around the first weekend of the month. 10 editions a year. It will be delivered to over 12,000 homes in and around Berrylands and Surbiton over two months - guaranteed. In addition it is the first source of local information for anyone moving into the area.

Format & Design

It is an A5 size booklet, stapled with colour plus black and white printed on quality paper. The Companion will be printed on 115gsm gloss paper giving it a very high quality feel. It will have ‘longevity’ and because of it’s size, content, look and feel it will be kept by the majority of households until the next issue arrives, thereby giving advertisers ‘immdiacy’ of access’ when their services are required.


Introducing the Suffolk Door Range We are an established family run business who focus on serving householders within the community. l l l

No High pressure sales persons No Gimmicks Genuine quality products at competitive prices

Pro-fit offer; l A variety of windows to complement any property, plus triple glazed options. l A full range of doors including our fabulous new bi-folds. l A wide selection of conservatory designs. l All our products are of premium quality, BBA accredited with high specification paying special attention to security and insulation. l ‘A’ rated thermal efficiency. l ‘Secure by Design’ high security locking.

TEL: 020 8288 8893 FAX: 020 8288 8894 l

164 Leatherhead Rd Chessington Surrey KT9 2HU l

To advertise call Karen: 020 8274 0096


25 25

Spotlight On...... Slimming World

“Overweight? Wouldn’t you love to lose 2lb

a week?” asks Justine Garnett

ediuG s’resitrevdA


sraeY 2 rof desaercnI t’nevaH secirP ruO - tsiL ecirP

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*seussI 3

*seussI 2

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%5.7 gnivaS

%5 gnivaS

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.etad enildaed ypoc eht yb deviecer eb tsum stnemesitrevda lla rof tnemyap lluF yb tnemyaP .hsac ro ’noinapmoC sdnalyrreB‘ ot elbayap seuqehC :yb edam eb nac tnemyaP .tnemegnarra yb redro gnidnats ro SCAB

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00.723£ 00.271£



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egaP retrauQ


rennaB revoC tnorF


revoC kcaB

“Yes, and every week! For Members of Slimming stamroF elbatpeccA

:stamrof gniwollof eht ni dettimbus eb nac strevdA droW SM • tnioprewoP SM • rehsilbuP SM • GEPJ & FFIT •



moc.noinapmocdnalyrreb@nerak :ot deliame eb nac ypoc trevdA


nwo ruoy morf ,uoy rof ti ecudorp nac ew neht tamrof cinortcele na ni elbaliava ton si da ruoy fI a evah uoy fi rehgih eb yam siht hguohtla ,01£ tsuj fo ecirp dexfi a rof yllamron ,txet ypoc drah ni desu-er eb neht dluoc trevda eht - egrahc ffo-eno a si sihT( !trevda xelpmoc ylralucitrap ).egrahc fo eerf seussi tneuqesbus

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)daerps egap 2 ertneC(

sweiveR lairotidE

World, that’s an average achievement from our easy, comfortable, healthy eating plan, Food Optimising. This could add up to losing 2st in just 12 weeks, as many of our Members have successfully found!” YAP UOY ECIRP EHT SI EES UOY ECIRP EHT OS ,DERETSIGER TAVA TON ERA EW .secirp egakcap rof su tcatnoC artxe 00.01£ :7 & 5 segaP muimerP .000,8 rep 792£ ta enizagam htiw dereviled eb nac stresni esooL


.trevda fo noitacilbup eetnaraug ot htnom hcae fo ht61 yb deviecer eb tsum tnemyap dna ypoC .edam si tnemyap lluf nehw deetnaraug ylno si ecaps tnemesitrevdA .htnom hcae 000,8 ot pu srebmun noitubirtsiD

fo dnekeew tsrfi eht dnuora ro no ,ylhtnom detubirtsid dna dehsilbup eb lliw noinapmoC ehT .raey a snoitide 01 .htnom eht owt revo notibruS dna sdnalyrreB dnuora dna ni semoh 000,21 revo ot dereviled eb lliw tI .deetnaraug - shtnom .aera eht otni gnivom enoyna rof noitamrofni lacol fo ecruos tsrfi eht si ti noitidda nI

ngiseD & tamroF

:sU tcatnoC

.repap ytilauq no detnirp etihw dna kcalb sulp ruoloc htiw delpats ,telkoob ezis 5A na si tI .leef ytilauq hgih yrev a ti gnivig repap ssolg msg511 no detnirp eb lliw noinapmoC ehT eht yb tpek eb lliw ti leef dna kool ,tnetnoc ,ezis s’ti fo esuaceb dna ’ytivegnol‘ evah lliw tI fo ’ycaidmmi‘ sresitrevda gnivig ybereht ,sevirra eussi txen eht litnu sdlohesuoh fo ytirojam .deriuqer era secivres rieht nehw ’ssecca

ssegruB neraK daoR enwodsgni K 81 ZJ6 6TK ,yerruS ,notibruS 6900 4728 020 :leT 18530029070 :xaF moc.noinapmocsdnalyrreb@nerak :liamE moc.noinapmocsdnalyrreb.www :beW

Justine Garnett is a local Slimming World Consultant, and she is herself a prime example of the success of Slimming World’s Food Optimising. Justine was a couple of stones overweight and unhappy about it. Now, thanks to Slimming World, she is two stone lighter and running in the big marathons! 61

“It has transformed my life completely,” she says, “and could do the same for thousands of overweight men and women.” “What is Slimming World?” we asked. “Slimming World is the largest organisation in the country dedicated to weight loss,” replied Justine. “Across the UK and Ireland there are over 3,500 Consultants like me, each one running friendly local Slimming World groups. Our emphasis is on the needs of the individual, welcoming him or her to the group and there is absolutely no humiliation or embarrassment.”

It’s simple to follow and there’s hardly any weighing of food, measuring or counting at all. It’s a slimmer’s dream!” “What does it cost?” we wondered. “Slimming World membership is very easy on the pocket, especially when you think of all the benefits that it can bring. New Members pay a joining fee (which is currently half-price at £5) plus the standard weekly fee of just £4.95. I think it’s a very good deal, and so do the Members.” Justine’s groups meet at Surbiton New Life Baptist Church, 1 Balaclava Road, Surbiton on Wednesdays, at 9.30am or 11.30am, 5.30pm or 7.30pm. For Justine, telephone 0208 942 6117. “Why not pop in and see one of our groups and what we do?” Justine suggests. ‘There’s no obligation to join, and you’ll be sure of a warm welcome!

At the groups there’s plenty of food ideas, guidance and support. Newcomers are warmly welcomed and quickly enjoy the friendship of the group which is an important factor. It’s a slimming club, really. “What’s the secret of Slimming World?” we asked. “What’s so different from other weight loss programmes? “The foundation of Slimming World, our cornerstone, if you like, is our famous Food Optimising Plan. This is designed to give Members healthy eating and easy weight loss without hunger. It’s a simple Plan which is flexible for the individual to follow.” “Best of all, the Food Optimising Plan gives plenty to eat for even the heartiest appetites. It concentrates on the many foods you can enjoy quite happily, rather than emphasising those that you must avoid, although no foods are banned with Food Optimising.



Please mention the magazine when contacting Advertisers


eat A Gr Idea Gift


Advertiser’s Guide

Price List - Our Prices Haven’t Increased for 2 Years 1 Issue

2 Issues*

Full Page




Quarter Page

Black & White

Saving 5%

Home automation

3 Issues* Saving 7.5%

DIGITAL AERIAL SPECIALIST £115.00 £224.00 Half Page £61.00

4 Issues* Saving 10%

Copy Deadline

5 Issues* Saving 20%










Full Page






Half Page






Quarter Page






Front Cover Banner


Back Cover


Inside Front + Back Cover


Double Page


Editorial Reviews


Final copy must be submitted by the 16th of each month, for inclusion in the following months edition (which will be distributed during the first weekend of that month.)


Full payment for all advertisements must be received by the copy deadline date. Payment can be made by: Cheques payable to ‘Berrylands Companion’ or cash. Payment by BACS or standing order by arrangement.

Full Colour


FOR ALL YOUR HOME ENTERTAINMENT NEEDS (Max 1 in every 4 issues for any one advertiser)

(Centre 2 page spread)

‘A Berrylands Companion’ is a small independent operation and is not registered for VAT. Consequently, no VAT is charged on advertisements.

Acceptable Formats

Adverts can be submitted in the following formats: • MS Word • MS Powerpoint • MS Publisher • TIFF & JPEG Advert copy can be emailed to: If your ad is not available in an electronic format then we can produce it for you, from your own hard copy text, normally for a fixed price of just £10, although this may be higher if you have a particularly complex advert! (This is a one-off charge - the advert could then be re-used in subsequent issues free of charge.)

WE ARE NOT AVAT REGISTERED, SO THE PRICE YOU SEE IS THE PRICE YOU PAY Contact us for package prices. Premium Pages 5 & 7: £10.00 extra Loose inserts can be delivered with magazine at £297 per 8,000.


Copy and payment must be received by 16th of each month to guarantee publication of advert. Advertisement space is only guaranteed when full payment is made. Distribution numbers up to 8,000 each month.

Contact Us: Karen Burgess 18 Kingsdowne Road Surbiton, Surrey, KT6 6JZ Tel: 020 8274 0096 Fax: 07092003581 Email: Web:

Fresh Mozzarella

Quick and Simple

CHEESE MAKING KITS Everything you need to make 10 batches of DELICIOUS homemade CHEESE in only a couple of hours



ic my R

It is an A5 size booklet, stapled with colour plus black and white printed on quality paper. The Companion will be printed on 115gsm gloss paper giving it a very high quality feel. It will have ‘longevity’ and because of it’s size, content, look and feel it will be kept by the majority of households until the next issue arrives, thereby giving advertisers ‘immdiacy’ of access’ when their services are required.

SKY installations l Home Cinema l Networking Telephone l CCTV l Music systems - SONOS Call to discuss your requirements or to gain some advice



Format & Design



Just add milk!

The Companion will be published and distributed monthly, on or around the first weekend of the month. 10 editions a year. It will be delivered to over 12,000 homes in and around Berrylands and Surbiton over two months - guaranteed. In addition it is the first source of local information for anyone moving into the area.

TV Aerial & Satellite Installations Extra Aerial Points TV mounting and set up


bly G




Office: 0208 665 5045 Mobile: 07703022987


Slimming World Join a warm and friendly group near you today…

WEDNESDAY Surbiton Surbiton New Life Baptist Church 1 Balaclava Road KT6 5PW 9.30am & 11.30am 5.30pm & 7.30pm Tel: Justine 020 8942 6117


up to


– ask in group for more details

To advertise call Karen: 020 8274 0096 0844 897 8000 email:

27 27


ediuG s’resitrevdA



sraeY 2 rof desaercnI t’nevaH secirP ruO - tsiL ecirP

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*seussI 3

*seussI 2

eussI 1











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%01 gnivaS

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etihW & kcalB egaP lluF

Specialising in quality interior & exterior decorations tnemyaP

.etad enildaed ypoc eht yb deviecer eb tsum stnemesitrevda lla rof tnemyap lluF yb tnemyaP .hsac ro ’noinapmoC sdnalyrreB‘ ot elbayap seuqehC :yb edam eb nac tnemyaP .tnemegnarra yb redro gnidnats ro SCAB


ruoloC lluF


.TAV rof deretsiger ton si dna noitarepo tnednepedni llams a si ’noinapmoC sdnalyrreB A‘ .stnemesitrevda no degrahc si TAV on ,yltneuqesnoC

stamroF elbatpeccA

:stamrof gniwollof eht ni dettimbus eb nac strevdA droW SM • tnioprewoP SM • rehsilbuP SM • GEPJ & FFIT •














egaP retrauQ

rennaB revoC tnorF


revoC kcaB


+ tnorF edisnI revoC kcaB


moc.noinapmocdnalyrreb@nerak :ot deliame eb nac ypoc trevdA


nwo ruoy morf ,uoy rof ti ecudorp nac ew neht tamrof cinortcele na ni elbaliava ton si da ruoy fI a evah uoy fi rehgih eb yam siht hguohtla ,01£ tsuj fo ecirp dexfi a rof yllamron ,txet ypoc drah ni desu-er eb neht dluoc trevda eht - egrahc ffo-eno a si sihT( !trevda xelpmoc ylralucitrap ).egrahc fo eerf seussi tneuqesbus

egaP lluF

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egaP elbuoD

)daerps egap 2 ertneC(

sweiveR lairotidE

YAP UOY ECIRP EHT SI EES UOY ECIRP EHT OS ,DERETSIGER TAVA TON ERA EW .secirp egakcap rof su tcatnoC artxe 00.01£ :7 & 5 segaP muimerP .000,8 rep 792£ ta enizagam htiw dereviled eb nac stresni esooL


.trevda fo noitacilbup eetnaraug ot htnom hcae fo ht61 yb deviecer eb tsum tnemyap dna ypoC .edam si tnemyap lluf nehw deetnaraug ylno si ecaps tnemesitrevdA .htnom hcae 000,8 ot pu srebmun noitubirtsiD

fo dnekeew tsrfi eht dnuora ro no ,ylhtnom detubirtsid dna dehsilbup eb lliw noinapmoC ehT .raey a snoitide 01 .htnom eht owt revo notibruS dna sdnalyrreB dnuora dna ni semoh 000,21 revo ot dereviled eb lliw tI .deetnaraug - shtnom .aera eht otni gnivom enoyna rof noitamrofni lacol fo ecruos tsrfi eht si ti noitidda nI

ngiseD & tamroF


:sU tcatnoC

.repap ytilauq no detnirp etihw dna kcalb sulp ruoloc htiw delpats ,telkoob ezis 5A na si tI .leef ytilauq hgih yrev a ti gnivig repap ssolg msg511 no detnirp eb lliw noinapmoC ehT eht yb tpek eb lliw ti leef dna kool ,tnetnoc ,ezis s’ti fo esuaceb dna ’ytivegnol‘ evah lliw tI fo ’ycaidmmi‘ sresitrevda gnivig ybereht ,sevirra eussi txen eht litnu sdlohesuoh fo ytirojam .deriuqer era secivres rieht nehw ’ssecca

ssegruB neraK daoR enwodsgni K 81 ZJ6 6TK ,yerruS ,notibruS 6900 4728 020 :leT 18530029070 :xaF moc.noinapmocsdnalyrreb@nerak :liamE moc.noinapmocsdnalyrreb.www :beW

• Domestic and Commercial • Bathroom Refurbishment • Tiling and Plastering • Free Estimate Provided • Fully Insured • 20 Years Experience




07939 333 324 020 8399 9735

020 8974 2711 MOB: 07929 786 895

CODEWORD Each letter in this puzzle is represented by a number between 1 and 26. The codes for three letters are shown. As you find the letters enter them in the box below.

17 5


24 23

16 20





















24 3




24 16




20 3

24 25




2 17

10 20






17 11












8 22





















15 9





8 19













14 2


Please mention the magazine when contacting Advertisers

23 8



Windows • Doors • Conservatories Orangeries • Garage Doors • Roofline Rates

Advertiser’s Guide

Price List - Our Prices Haven’t Increased for 2 Years 1 Issue

2 Issues*

Full Page






Half Page


Quarter Page

Black & White

Saving 5%

3 Issues* Saving 7.5%

4 Issues* Saving 10%

Copy Deadline

5 Issues* Saving 20%










Full Page






Half Page






Quarter Page






Front Cover Banner


Back Cover


Inside Front + Back Cover


Double Page


Editorial Reviews


Final copy must be submitted by the 16th of each month, for inclusion in the following months edition (which will be distributed during the first weekend of that month.)


Full payment for all advertisements must be received by the copy deadline date. Payment can be made by: Cheques payable to ‘Berrylands Companion’ or cash. Payment by BACS or standing order by arrangement.

Full Colour

(Max 1 in every 4 issues for any one advertiser)

(Centre 2 page spread)


‘A Berrylands Companion’ is a small independent operation and is not registered for VAT. Consequently, no VAT is charged on advertisements.

Acceptable Formats

Adverts can be submitted in the following formats: • MS Word • MS Powerpoint • MS Publisher • TIFF & JPEG Advert copy can be emailed to: If your ad is not available in an electronic format then we can produce it for you, from your own hard copy text, normally for a fixed price of just £10, although this may be higher if you have a particularly complex advert! (This is a one-off charge - the advert could then be re-used in subsequent issues free of charge.)

WE ARE NOT AVAT REGISTERED, SO THE PRICE YOU SEE IS THE PRICE YOU PAY Contact us for package prices. Premium Pages 5 & 7: £10.00 extra Loose inserts can be delivered with magazine at £297 per 8,000.


Copy and payment must be received by 16th of each month to guarantee publication of advert. Advertisement space is only guaranteed when full payment is made. Distribution numbers up to 8,000 each month.

The Companion will be published and distributed monthly, on or around the first weekend of the month. 10 editions a year. It will be delivered to over 12,000 homes in and around Berrylands and Surbiton over two months - guaranteed. In addition it is the first source of local information for anyone moving into the area.

Format & Design

Contact Us:

It is an A5 size booklet, stapled with colour plus black and white printed on quality paper. The Companion will be printed on 115gsm gloss paper giving it a very high quality feel. It will have ‘longevity’ and because of it’s size, content, look and feel it will be kept by the majority of households until the next issue arrives, thereby giving advertisers ‘immdiacy’ of access’ when their services are required.

Karen Burgess 18 Kingsdowne Road Surbiton, Surrey, KT6 6JZ Tel: 020 8274 0096 Fax: 07092003581 Email: Web:

Add a New Dimension to Your Home 16

Our Conservatories, Orangeries and Bi-Folding Doors will completely change the way you enjoy your home.

7 Grand Parade, Ewell Road, Tolworth, Surrey KT6 7BE Tel: 020 8399 3377 To advertise call Karen: 020 8274 0096


29 29

Does the Ghost of Christmas past have a future? by Kate McLelland

ediuG s’resitrevdA


sraeY 2 rof desaercnI t’nevaH secirP ruO - tsiL ecirP

enildaeD ypoC

*seussI 4

*seussI 3

*seussI 2

eussI 1






%01 gnivaS

%5.7 gnivaS

%5 gnivaS

etihW & kcalB egaP lluF


egaP flaH




egaP retrauQ






egaP lluF






egaP flaH








.etad enildaed ypoc eht yb deviecer eb tsum stnemesitrevda lla rof tnemyap lluF yb tnemyaP .hsac ro ’noinapmoC sdnalyrreB‘ ot elbayap seuqehC :yb edam eb nac tnemyaP .tnemegnarra yb redro gnidnats ro SCAB


*seussI 5 %02 gnivaS

shtnom gniwollof eht ni noisulcni rof ,htnom hcae fo ht61 eht yb dettimbus eb tsum ypoc laniF ).htnom taht fo dnekeew tsrfi eht gnirud detubirtsid eb lliw hcihw( noitide

00.723£ 00.271£



ruoloC lluF


.TAV rof deretsiger ton si dna noitarepo tnednepedni llams a si ’noinapmoC sdnalyrreB A‘ .stnemesitrevda no degrahc si TAV on ,yltneuqesnoC

stamroF elbatpeccA


egaP retrauQ


rennaB revoC tnorF yna rof seussi 4 yreve ni 1 xaM( )resitrevda eno

imes are changing and it seems that many of the festive traditions that British people have enjoyed for hundreds - if not thousands – of years may not be around for much longer. Here are some Christmas customs that have either died out or evolved to suit our 21st century tastes: The holly and the ivy The practice of bringing fresh evergreen branches into our homes dates back to preChristian times and the belief that evergreen trees represented eternal life, rebirth and the coming spring. Christians later focused on the plants’ natural qualities, believing that the holly’s prickly leaves represented Christ’s crown of thorns and the red berries his spilt blood. The greenery may be gone from many houses, but it is not forgotten: modern decorations hark back to the shiny leaves and berries that once caught the firelight in our ancestors’ homes. :stamrof gniwollof eht ni dettimbus eb nac strevdA droW SM • tnioprewoP SM • rehsilbuP SM • GEPJ & FFIT •




moc.noinapmocdnalyrreb@nerak :ot deliame eb nac ypoc trevdA


nwo ruoy morf ,uoy rof ti ecudorp nac ew neht tamrof cinortcele na ni elbaliava ton si da ruoy fI a evah uoy fi rehgih eb yam siht hguohtla ,01£ tsuj fo ecirp dexfi a rof yllamron ,txet ypoc drah ni desu-er eb neht dluoc trevda eht - egrahc ffo-eno a si sihT( !trevda xelpmoc ylralucitrap ).egrahc fo eerf seussi tneuqesbus

revoC kcaB

+ tnorF edisnI revoC kcaB egaP elbuoD

)daerps egap 2 ertneC(

sweiveR lairotidE

YAP UOY ECIRP EHT SI EES UOY ECIRP EHT OS ,DERETSIGER TAVA TON ERA EW .secirp egakcap rof su tcatnoC artxe 00.01£ :7 & 5 segaP muimerP .000,8 rep 792£ ta enizagam htiw dereviled eb nac stresni esooL


.trevda fo noitacilbup eetnaraug ot htnom hcae fo ht61 yb deviecer eb tsum tnemyap dna ypoC .edam si tnemyap lluf nehw deetnaraug ylno si ecaps tnemesitrevdA .htnom hcae 000,8 ot pu srebmun noitubirtsiD

fo dnekeew tsrfi eht dnuora ro no ,ylhtnom detubirtsid dna dehsilbup eb lliw noinapmoC ehT .raey a snoitide 01 .htnom eht owt revo notibruS dna sdnalyrreB dnuora dna ni semoh 000,21 revo ot dereviled eb lliw tI .deetnaraug - shtnom .aera eht otni gnivom enoyna rof noitamrofni lacol fo ecruos tsrfi eht si ti noitidda nI

ngiseD & tamroF

:sU tcatnoC

.repap ytilauq no detnirp etihw dna kcalb sulp ruoloc htiw delpats ,telkoob ezis 5A na si tI .leef ytilauq hgih yrev a ti gnivig repap ssolg msg511 no detnirp eb lliw noinapmoC ehT eht yb tpek eb lliw ti leef dna kool ,tnetnoc ,ezis s’ti fo esuaceb dna ’ytivegnol‘ evah lliw tI fo ’ycaidmmi‘ sresitrevda gnivig ybereht ,sevirra eussi txen eht litnu sdlohesuoh fo ytirojam .deriuqer era secivres rieht nehw ’ssecca

ssegruB neraK daoR enwodsgni K 81 ZJ6 6TK ,yerruS ,notibruS 6900 4728 020 :leT 18530029070 :xaF moc.noinapmocsdnalyrreb@nerak :liamE moc.noinapmocsdnalyrreb.www :beW


Carols on your doorstep Now it’s kids who bawl two lines of “Away in a Manger” before rattling their collection tin, but bands of carollers used to roam the streets at Christmas. In the pre-Christian era carols were simply boisterous folk songs sung at the midwinter festival. They became popular in medieval times but the Puritans imposed a total ban on carol singing in the 1640s. Forbidden to perform in church, strolling musicians and singers would knock on doors hoping for food, drink or money.



Doe Of C Past Futu

wishbone The Christmas Feast Times are changing and for it thrift, asongs sung atfor theluck midwinter and an anchor symbolise In past timesseems people mainly that manyate of the festive festival.toThey became popular “safe harbour”. beef and goose at Christmas. traditions that British people in medieval times but the Turkey was have introduced enjoyed in forthe hundreds - if Puritans imposed a total ban Packing the presents 19th century well– of off,years may not when thousands on carol singing in the 1640s. Once upon a time all that middle classnotfamilies realised be around for much longer. Forbidden to perform in church children could expect when this large bird was perfect Here arethe some Christmas strolling musicians and singers Father Christmas called was a size to feed acustoms family that gathering. have either died would knock on doors hoping stocking filled with nuts, fruit, out or evolved suit our 21st food, drink or money. By the beginning of the to 20th sweets andforhandmade trinkets century tastes: century turkey had become but our desire for biggerFeast and The Christmas the festive The meat of choice, holly and the ivy better gifts eventually led usmainly ate In past times people but the dwindling size of 21st The practice of bringing fresh to use pillowcases ratheratthan beef and goose Christmas. century family gatherings may intostockings. evergreen branches our Turkey was introduced in the lead us backhomes to eating smaller dates back to pre-We now spend 19th century when well an average of off, cuts of meatChristian once more. times and the belief middle class families around £30 on each present,realised that evergreen trees Christmas pudding this large bird was the perfect forcing us to buy large, Although represented the traditional size tosacks feed afor family gathering. gifts eternal life, purpose-made Christmas rebirth pudding is coming still spring. or put them the tree.of the 20th and the Byunder the beginning popular, there may later come a Christians focused on century turkey had become the time when chocolate bombes, While historical records show but the the plants’ natural qualities, festive meat of choice, profiteroles believing and that trifles over the past 100 years our century the holly’s that prickly dwindling size of 21st shoulder outleaves the humble pud. Christ’s festive traditions have changed represented family gatherings may lead us more rapidly ever before, thornsfruity and the red This rich, crown spicy ofand backthan to eating smaller cuts of to realise pudding originated inspilt the 14th berries his blood. it’s important meat once more. that this is just an acceleration of century as The a greenery pre-Christmas may be gone Christmas pudding process begun fasting meal out ofbut itan frommade many houses, is evolutionary not Although the traditional in ancient times. porridge, meat and raisins, forgotten: modern decorations Christmas pudding is still with the consistency soup. Historians may mourn the loss hark back toofthe shiny leaves there may come a Ingredients and such as flour and of our oldpopular, traditions but it’s berries that once caught when chocolate bombes, eggs were added over the years clear that,time even though some the firelight in our ancestors’ profiteroles and trifles shoulder until the recipe evolved into of the customs and rituals homes. out the humble pud.of the dessert we know today. have changed, our love on yourwere doorstep rich,remains spicy and fruity ChristmasThis itself just Small silverCarols “charms” it’s kids who bawl pudding as strong as ever. originated in the 14th once addedNow to the mixture: a two lines of “Away in ato Manger” century as a pre-Christmas silver coin to bring wealth before rattling their collection fasting meal made out of the recipient, a silver thimble

tin, but bands of carollers porridge, meat and raisins, used to roam the streets at with the consistency of soup. Please mention the magazine when contacting Advertisers Christmas. Ingredients such as flour and eggs were added over the


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Top Tips For Avoiding Festive Feuds

ediuG s’resitrevdA



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lanning ahead, spending less, talking and mucking in together are the keys to a stress-free Christmas, according to counselling service Relate.

budget and stick to it. There are plenty of ideas on the Internet for cheap, or even free, Christmas presents that can help take the pressure off the annual spend.

Tim Buckley, CEO at Relate London South West, said: “We all want to have a happy, relaxing Christmas with our families, but in reality it can be a stressful time.

*Talk to your children – if you are a single parent or separated, talk to your children about who they want to spend time with over the holidays.

“Lots of couples and families experience some of their biggest bustups over Christmas b e cau s e there’s a lot of pressure on everyone.

*Plan something special – if arguments are likely over the festive period, have a few special events that everyone knows about so you have things to look forward to.

egaP retrauQ









egaP lluF






egaP flaH






.etad enildaed ypoc eht yb deviecer eb tsum stnemesitrevda lla rof tnemyap lluF yb tnemyaP .hsac ro ’noinapmoC sdnalyrreB‘ ot elbayap seuqehC :yb edam eb nac tnemyaP .tnemegnarra yb redro gnidnats ro SCAB


ruoloC lluF


.TAV rof deretsiger ton si dna noitarepo tnednepedni llams a si ’noinapmoC sdnalyrreB A‘ .stnemesitrevda no degrahc si TAV on ,yltneuqesnoC

stamroF elbatpeccA

:stamrof gniwollof eht ni dettimbus eb nac strevdA droW SM • tnioprewoP SM • rehsilbuP SM • GEPJ & FFIT •


egaP retrauQ


rennaB revoC tnorF


revoC kcaB



moc.noinapmocdnalyrreb@nerak :ot deliame eb nac ypoc trevdA


nwo ruoy morf ,uoy rof ti ecudorp nac ew neht tamrof cinortcele na ni elbaliava ton si da ruoy fI a evah uoy fi rehgih eb yam siht hguohtla ,01£ tsuj fo ecirp dexfi a rof yllamron ,txet ypoc drah ni desu-er eb neht dluoc trevda eht - egrahc ffo-eno a si sihT( !trevda xelpmoc ylralucitrap ).egrahc fo eerf seussi tneuqesbus

yna rof seussi 4 yreve ni 1 xaM( )resitrevda eno

+ tnorF edisnI revoC kcaB egaP elbuoD

)daerps egap 2 ertneC(

sweiveR lairotidE

YAP UOY ECIRP EHT SI EES UOY ECIRP EHT OS ,DERETSIGER TAVA TON ERA EW .secirp egakcap rof su tcatnoC artxe 00.01£ :7 & 5 segaP muimerP .000,8 rep 792£ ta enizagam htiw dereviled eb nac stresni esooL


.trevda fo noitacilbup eetnaraug ot htnom hcae fo ht61 yb deviecer eb tsum tnemyap dna ypoC .edam si tnemyap lluf nehw deetnaraug ylno si ecaps tnemesitrevdA .htnom hcae 000,8 ot pu srebmun noitubirtsiD

fo dnekeew tsrfi eht dnuora ro no ,ylhtnom detubirtsid dna dehsilbup eb lliw noinapmoC ehT .raey a snoitide 01 .htnom eht owt revo notibruS dna sdnalyrreB dnuora dna ni semoh 000,21 revo ot dereviled eb lliw tI .deetnaraug - shtnom .aera eht otni gnivom enoyna rof noitamrofni lacol fo ecruos tsrfi eht si ti noitidda nI

ngiseD & tamroF

:sU tcatnoC

.repap ytilauq no detnirp etihw dna kcalb sulp ruoloc htiw delpats ,telkoob ezis 5A na si tI .leef ytilauq hgih yrev a ti gnivig repap ssolg msg511 no detnirp eb lliw noinapmoC ehT eht yb tpek eb lliw ti leef dna kool ,tnetnoc ,ezis s’ti fo esuaceb dna ’ytivegnol‘ evah lliw tI fo ’ycaidmmi‘ sresitrevda gnivig ybereht ,sevirra eussi txen eht litnu sdlohesuoh fo ytirojam .deriuqer era secivres rieht nehw ’ssecca

ssegruB neraK daoR enwodsgni K 81 ZJ6 6TK ,yerruS ,notibruS 6900 4728 020 :leT 18530029070 :xaF moc.noinapmocsdnalyrreb@nerak :liamE moc.noinapmocsdnalyrreb.www :beW


*Think of others – remember family members or friends who might be alone, or who find the festive period difficult.

“Common causes of arguments range from money issues over buying presents, to deciding where to spend Christmas and who’s cooking the dinner.” Research by Relate found that over a third of parents argue at least once a week, with money being the biggest cause of rows. Tim continued: “We know that the extra pressures of Christmas can be the final straw for couples and families on the brink.” Relate’s tips include: *Plan ahead – getting some of the jobs done ahead of time means everyone will be less stressed, and planning the festivities as a family is likely to make sure everyone feels like their hopes and expectations are being listened to. *Don’t overspend – money worries put huge strain on relationships. It’s not worth it in the long run. Set yourself a sensible, affordable



*Delegate – don’t feel like you have to do everything yourself. Sharing the load gives everyone the chance to muck in. *Go easy on the booze – it will only aggravate the situation. *Have fun – don’t forget, it’s supposed to be fun. Relate’s free arguments check-up ( is an online questionnaire which helps people to find out about their own arguing style and their compatibility with other arguing styles. Tim added: “Christmas should be fun, but as a Dad I know that it’s not always like that – for me the key answer is communication and if you’re struggling it’s worth getting some help from an organisation like Relate – who provide relationship counselling for couples, young people and families.” If you’re looking for support you can call Relate London South West on 020 8549 3318.

Please mention the magazine when contacting Advertisers


Advertiser’s Guide

Price List - Our Prices Haven’t Increased for 2 Years 1 Issue

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Half Page


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Black & White

Saving 5%

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Copy Deadline

5 Issues* Saving 20%










Full Page






Half Page






Quarter Page






Front Cover Banner


Back Cover


Inside Front + Back Cover


Double Page


Editorial Reviews


Final copy must be submitted by the 16th of each month, for inclusion in the following months edition (which will be distributed during the first weekend of that month.)


Full payment for all advertisements must be received by the copy deadline date. Payment can be made by: Cheques payable to ‘Berrylands Companion’ or cash. Payment by BACS or standing order by arrangement.

Full Colour

(Max 1 in every 4 issues for any one advertiser)

(Centre 2 page spread)


‘A Berrylands Companion’ is a small independent operation and is not registered for VAT. Consequently, no VAT is charged on advertisements.

Acceptable Formats

Adverts can be submitted in the following formats: • MS Word • MS Powerpoint • MS Publisher • TIFF & JPEG Advert copy can be emailed to: If your ad is not available in an electronic format then we can produce it for you, from your own hard copy text, normally for a fixed price of just £10, although this may be higher if you have a particularly complex advert! (This is a one-off charge - the advert could then be re-used in subsequent issues free of charge.)

WE ARE NOT AVAT REGISTERED, SO THE PRICE YOU SEE IS THE PRICE YOU PAY Contact us for package prices. Premium Pages 5 & 7: £10.00 extra Loose inserts can be delivered with magazine at £297 per 8,000.


Copy and payment must be received by 16th of each month to guarantee publication of advert. Advertisement space is only guaranteed when full payment is made. Distribution numbers up to 8,000 each month.

The Companion will be published and distributed monthly, on or around the first weekend of the month. 10 editions a year. It will be delivered to over 12,000 homes in and around Berrylands and Surbiton over two months - guaranteed. In addition it is the first source of local information for anyone moving into the area.

Format & Design

Contact Us:

It is an A5 size booklet, stapled with colour plus black and white printed on quality paper. The Companion will be printed on 115gsm gloss paper giving it a very high quality feel. It will have ‘longevity’ and because of it’s size, content, look and feel it will be kept by the majority of households until the next issue arrives, thereby giving advertisers ‘immdiacy’ of access’ when their services are required.

Karen Burgess 18 Kingsdowne Road Surbiton, Surrey, KT6 6JZ Tel: 020 8274 0096 Fax: 07092003581 Email: Web:

Don’t let relationship stress turn your Christmas frosty 16

If the Christmas holiday puts your relationship under strain – you could benefit from:

Relate — the relationship people. Christmas can often cause stress as the normal routines are interrupted and you spend more time dealing with children and partners. So if you feel Christmas is having a frosty effect on your relationship — a visit to us might just help bring the cheer back.

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020 8549 3318


for more information visit All our counselling work is completely confidential

OUR SERVICES INCLUDE: Couples counselling Sex therapy Family counselling Young people’s counselling Relate London SW is the trading name for Relate RKH, Registered Charity No 1080563. Company Registration No 3956184

To advertise call Karen: 020 8274 0096


33 33

Roast Turkey ediuG s’resitrevdA


sraeY 2 rof desaercnI t’nevaH secirP ruO - tsiL ecirP

enildaeD ypoC

*seussI 5

*seussI 4

*seussI 3

*seussI 2

eussI 1






%02 gnivaS

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%5.7 gnivaS

%5 gnivaS

etihW & kcalB egaP lluF


egaP flaH




egaP retrauQ






egaP lluF






egaP flaH








.etad enildaed ypoc eht yb deviecer eb tsum stnemesitrevda lla rof tnemyap lluF yb tnemyaP .hsac ro ’noinapmoC sdnalyrreB‘ ot elbayap seuqehC :yb edam eb nac tnemyaP .tnemegnarra yb redro gnidnats ro SCAB

%01 gnivaS





with Leek, Apricot and Chestnut Stuffing ruoloC lluF


.TAV rof deretsiger ton si dna noitarepo tnednepedni llams a si ’noinapmoC sdnalyrreB A‘ .stnemesitrevda no degrahc si TAV on ,yltneuqesnoC

stamroF elbatpeccA

:stamrof gniwollof eht ni dettimbus eb nac strevdA droW SM • tnioprewoP SM • rehsilbuP SM • GEPJ & FFIT •

Serves 8-10

moc.noinapmocdnalyrreb@nerak :ot deliame eb nac ypoc trevdA nwo ruoy morf ,uoy rof ti ecudorp nac ew neht tamrof cinortcele na ni elbaliava ton si da ruoy fI a evah uoy fi rehgih eb yam siht hguohtla ,01£ tsuj fo ecirp dexfi a rof yllamron ,txet ypoc drah ni desu-er eb neht dluoc trevda eht - egrahc ffo-eno a si sihT( !trevda xelpmoc ylralucitrap ).egrahc fo eerf seussi tneuqesbus


egaP retrauQ


rennaB revoC tnorF


revoC kcaB

00.341£ 00.391£ 00.831£

yna rof seussi 4 yreve ni 1 xaM( )resitrevda eno

+ tnorF edisnI revoC kcaB egaP elbuoD

)daerps egap 2 ertneC(

sweiveR lairotidE


.trevda fo noitacilbup eetnaraug ot htnom hcae fo ht61 yb deviecer eb tsum tnemyap dna ypoC .edam si tnemyap lluf nehw deetnaraug ylno si ecaps tnemesitrevdA .htnom hcae 000,8 ot pu srebmun noitubirtsiD

fo dnekeew tsrfi eht dnuora ro no ,ylhtnom detubirtsid dna dehsilbup eb lliw noinapmoC ehT .raey a snoitide 01 .htnom eht owt revo notibruS dna sdnalyrreB dnuora dna ni semoh 000,21 revo ot dereviled eb lliw tI .deetnaraug - shtnom .aera eht otni gnivom enoyna rof noitamrofni lacol fo ecruos tsrfi eht si ti noitidda nI

ngiseD & tamroF

:sU tcatnoC

.repap ytilauq no detnirp etihw dna kcalb sulp ruoloc htiw delpats ,telkoob ezis 5A na si tI .leef ytilauq hgih yrev a ti gnivig repap ssolg msg511 no detnirp eb lliw noinapmoC ehT eht yb tpek eb lliw ti leef dna kool ,tnetnoc ,ezis s’ti fo esuaceb dna ’ytivegnol‘ evah lliw tI fo ’ycaidmmi‘ sresitrevda gnivig ybereht ,sevirra eussi txen eht litnu sdlohesuoh fo ytirojam .deriuqer era secivres rieht nehw ’ssecca

ssegruB neraK daoR enwodsgni K 81 ZJ6 6TK ,yerruS ,notibruS 6900 4728 020 :leT 18530029070 :xaF moc.noinapmocsdnalyrreb@nerak :liamE moc.noinapmocsdnalyrreb.www :beW


• 100g butter • 1 tbsp olive oil

Preheat the oven to 190°C/170°C fan/gas 5. Line a large roasting tin with buttered foil. Use about one third of the stuffing mix to stuff the neck end of the turkey (press the rest of the stuffing in a shallow ovenproof dish to cook separately). Weigh the stuffed turkey and calculate the cooking time - allow 20 minutes per 450g plus 20 minutes. Place the turkey in the lined roasting tin and smear all over the skin with the remaining butter. Sprinkle over the rest of the thyme leaves and season.

• 1 leek, trimmed and chopped • 2 shallots, peeled and finely chopped • 75g ready to eat dried apricots, finely chopped

Cover the turkey with a tent of buttered foil and roast in the preheated oven for the calculated cooking time, basting occasionally. Uncover the turkey for the last 45 minutes until the skin is golden and the juices run clear when a skewer is inserted into the thickest part of one thigh. If the juices still run slightly pink return the turkey to the oven for a further 1520 minutes then check again.

• 150g fresh white breadcrumbs • 100g cooked chestnuts, finely chopped

Leave the turkey, loosely covered with foil, in a warm place to rest for at least 20 minutes. Stretch the bacon rashers with the back of a knife and cut each rasher in half. Wrap the short rashers around the cocktail sausages, securing with a cocktail stick. Place in baking tray and cook in the oven for 20-25 minutes until golden and cooked through. Drizzle a couple of spoonfuls of juices from the turkey over the stuffing in the dish and cook in the oven at the same time as the bacon-wrapped sausages for 20 minutes.

• 2 tbsp fresh thyme leaves • 5.4kg oven-ready turkey, giblets removed • 16 cocktail sausages

Serve the turkey on a large warmed platter with the bacon-wrapped sausages and garnished with fresh herbs. Serve the extra stuffing separately along with all the usual festive vegetables.

• 4 rashers smoked streaky bacon • Fresh herbs, to garnish


Roasting the turkey in a ’tent’ of buttered foil will keep it moist and succulent. Always allow time for the cooked bird to rest in a warm place before carving. Heat half the butter and the olive oil in a frying pan and fry the leek and shallots for 6-7 minutes until softened. Remove from the heat and stir in the apricots, breadcrumbs, chestnuts and half the thyme leaves. Season well with salt and freshly ground black pepper and leave to cool.



Ready in approx 4½ hours, plus resting time

YAP UOY ECIRP EHT SI EES UOY ECIRP EHT OS ,DERETSIGER TAVA TON ERA EW .secirp egakcap rof su tcatnoC artxe 00.01£ :7 & 5 segaP muimerP .000,8 rep 792£ ta enizagam htiw dereviled eb nac stresni esooL


For a quick gravy, simmer the roast turkey juices with a splash of red wine and a couple of spoonfuls of redcurrant jelly.

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C.D Jennings & Sons Rates

Advertiser’s Guide

Price List - Our Prices Haven’t Increased for 2 Years 1 Issue

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Half Page


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Saving 5%

3 Issues* Saving 7.5%

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Copy Deadline

5 Issues* Saving 20%










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Quarter Page






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Editorial Reviews


Final copy must be submitted by the 16th of each month, for inclusion in the following months edition (which will be distributed during the first weekend of that month.)

Surbiton’s High Class Traditional Family Butchers Meat of the Highest Quality from the Finest Sources Full Colour

(Max 1 in every 4 issues for any one advertiser)

(Centre 2 page spread)

WE ARE NOT AVAT REGISTERED, SO THE PRICE YOU SEE IS THE PRICE YOU PAY Contact us for package prices. Premium Pages 5 & 7: £10.00 extra Loose inserts can be delivered with magazine at £297 per 8,000.

Copy and payment must be received by 16th of each month to guarantee publication of advert. Advertisement space is only guaranteed when full payment is made. Distribution numbers up to 8,000 each month.

Contact Us:

Karen Burgess 18 Kingsdowne Road Surbiton, Surrey, KT6 6JZ Tel: 020 8274 0096 Fax: 07092003581 Email: Web:


Full payment for all advertisements must be received by the copy deadline date. Payment can be made by: Cheques payable to ‘Berrylands Companion’ or cash. Payment by BACS or standing order by arrangement.


‘A Berrylands Companion’ is a small independent operation and is not registered for VAT. Consequently, no VAT is charged on advertisements.

Acceptable Formats

Adverts can be submitted in the following formats: • MS Word • MS Powerpoint • MS Publisher • TIFF & JPEG Advert copy can be emailed to: If your ad is not available in an electronic format then we can produce it for you, from your own hard copy text, normally for a fixed price of just £10, although this may be higher if you have a particularly complex advert! (This is a one-off charge - the advert could then be re-used in subsequent issues free of charge.)


The Companion will be published and distributed monthly, on or around the first weekend of the month. 10 editions a year. It will be delivered to over 12,000 homes in and around Berrylands and Surbiton over two months - guaranteed. In addition it is the first source of local information for anyone moving into the area.

Format & Design

It is an A5 size booklet, stapled with colour plus black and white printed on quality paper. The Companion will be printed on 115gsm gloss paper giving it a very high quality feel. It will have ‘longevity’ and because of it’s size, content, look and feel it will be kept by the majority of households until the next issue arrives, thereby giving advertisers ‘immdiacy’ of access’ when their services are required.

Proud Suppliers of Kelly Bronze Turkeys 16

C.D Jennings & Sons Christmas 2014 & New Year Specials Call us on 020 8399 4870 Kelly Bronze Free Range Turkeys Free Range Geese, Chickens, Ducks Scotch Beef Foreribs, Sirloin, Fillet, Topside Free Range Pork Scotch Highland Lamb Balmoral & Royal Deeside Venison Gammons / Hams

Visit our shop at 146 Ewell Road, Surbiton, KT6 6HE (Opposite Sainsburys Local) or call us to place an order on 020 8399 4870

To advertise call Karen: 020 8274 0096

For more information view our website email:

35 35

Your Big Christmas Choice! Will it be Turkey or a Goose?

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*seussI 2

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n most families December is a month of high expectation, with everyone preparing for and looking forward to Christmas. For many of us the Christmas Turkey is central to these family celebrations, and our customers know that we are proud to recommend only the famous Kelly Bronze strain of birds. :stamrof gniwollof eht ni dettimbus eb nac strevdA droW SM • tnioprewoP SM • rehsilbuP SM • GEPJ & FFIT •




moc.noinapmocdnalyrreb@nerak :ot deliame eb nac ypoc trevdA


nwo ruoy morf ,uoy rof ti ecudorp nac ew neht tamrof cinortcele na ni elbaliava ton si da ruoy fI a evah uoy fi rehgih eb yam siht hguohtla ,01£ tsuj fo ecirp dexfi a rof yllamron ,txet ypoc drah ni desu-er eb neht dluoc trevda eht - egrahc ffo-eno a si sihT( !trevda xelpmoc ylralucitrap ).egrahc fo eerf seussi tneuqesbus

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ssegruB neraK daoR enwodsgni K 81 ZJ6 6TK ,yerruS ,notibruS 6900 4728 020 :leT 18530029070 :xaF moc.noinapmocsdnalyrreb@nerak :liamE moc.noinapmocsdnalyrreb.www :beW


What’s so special about Kelly Bronze? They come only from the Kelly Farm in Essex, where the birds are reared by traditional methods and range freely in pasture, stubble fields and woodland. They are fed on locally-grown cereals and vegetable protein, without any additives, growth promoters or drugs of any sort. That’s why they taste superb, just as prime turkeys always used to taste and ought to taste now. You can rely on our Kelly Bronze for the luscious, lingering deep flavour and fine succulence of a beautiful, carefullyraised turkey. But you could have a choice for your Christmas table. After all, the popular turkey is a relative newcomer on the celebration scene. For centuries the favourite bird for special occasions was the goose, and in many houses it still is today. Both Charles Dickens and Sir Arthur Conan Doyle speak highly of the Christmas goose, so you could easily follow suit and add a traditional Victorian flavour to your big meal if you wished. Today, there’s no doubt that the goose is coming back into popularity. At Jennings we find that more and more of our customers ask for them. They appreciate the fine distinctive flavour of a well-nurtured goose,



asks Alan Jennings


sraeY 2 rof desaercnI t’nevaH secirP ruO - tsiL ecirP

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and as a bonus look forward to using the goose fat for cooking. Most cooks agree that nothing beats potatoes roasted in goose fat truly, they are roast potatoes to die for! There are other excellent options, too. Some of our customers go for a big Scotch beef joint for Christmas, and a very fine choice it can be. All our beef is chilled, never frozen, and it is hung for a minimum of three weeks before we can pass it on to you. This allows the natural enzymes to start breaking down the fibres and releasing all the subtle flavours that first-class beef should bring to your table. We can also offer some splendid ducks and large free-range chickens. The choice is yours! But please let us know your Christmas requirements as early as you can, so that we can reserve our finest offerings for you. Please make sure to place your order when you next call in, or better still, give us a ring now on 020 8399 4870. Meanwhile, all of us at Jennings would like to wish our readers a splendid Christmas and a prosperous New Year! Best wishes Alan C D Jennings and Sons Traditional Quality Butchers since 1962 146 Ewell Road Surbiton KT6 6HE 020 8399 4870

Please mention the magazine when contacting Advertisers

Cake and Bake Rates

Advertiser’s Guide

Price List - Our Prices Haven’t Increased for 2 Years 1 Issue

2 Issues*

Full Page






Half Page


Quarter Page

Black & White

Saving 5%

3 Issues* Saving 7.5%

4 Issues* Saving 10%

Copy Deadline

5 Issues* Saving 20%










Full Page






Half Page






Quarter Page






Front Cover Banner


Back Cover


Inside Front + Back Cover


Double Page


Editorial Reviews


Final copy must be submitted by the 16th of each month, for inclusion in the following months edition (which will be distributed during the first weekend of that month.)


Full payment for all advertisements must be received by the copy deadline date. Payment can be made by: Cheques payable to ‘Berrylands Companion’ or cash. Payment by BACS or standing order by arrangement.

Full Colour

(Max 1 in every 4 issues for any one advertiser)

(Centre 2 page spread)


‘A Berrylands Companion’ is a small independent operation and is not registered for VAT. Consequently, no VAT is charged on advertisements.

Acceptable Formats

Adverts can be submitted in the following formats: • MS Word • MS Powerpoint • MS Publisher • TIFF & JPEG

Advert copy can be emailed to: If your ad is not available in an electronic format then we can produce it for you, from your own hard copy text, normally for a fixed price of just £10, although this may be higher if you have a particularly complex advert! (This is a one-off charge - the advert could then be re-used in subsequent issues free of charge.)

WE ARE NOT AVAT REGISTERED, SO THE PRICE YOU SEE IS THE PRICE YOU PAY Contact us for package prices. Premium Pages 5 & 7: £10.00 extra Loose inserts can be delivered with magazine at £297 per 8,000.


Copy and payment must be received by 16th of each month to guarantee publication of advert. Advertisement space is only guaranteed when full payment is made. Distribution numbers up to 8,000 each month.

The Companion will be published and distributed monthly, on or around the first weekend of the month. 10 editions a year. It will be delivered to over 12,000 homes in and around Berrylands and Surbiton over two months - guaranteed. In addition it is the first source of local information for anyone moving into the area.

Panforte de Siena Format & Design

Contact Us:

It is an A5 size booklet, stapled with colour plus black and white printed on quality paper. The Companion will be printed on 115gsm gloss paper giving it a very high quality feel. It will have ‘longevity’ and because of it’s size, content, look and feel it will be kept by the majority of households until the next issue arrives, thereby giving advertisers ‘immdiacy’ of access’ when their services are required.

Karen Burgess 18 Kingsdowne Road Surbiton, Surrey, KT6 6JZ Tel: 020 8274 0096 Fax: 07092003581 Email: Web:


This sweetmeat is a traditional Italian Christmas treat packed with nuts, figs, honey and warming spices. It can be made a couple of weeks before Christmas just wrap well in greaseproof paper and store in an airtight container.

Ingredients: • • • • • • • • • • •

150g whole blanched almonds 125g pistachio nuts 175g dried figs, chopped Grated zest of 1 orange 75g plain flour 2 tbsp cocoa powder 2 tsp ground cinnamon � tsp ground cloves 115g caster sugar 175g runny honey Icing sugar, for dusting


You can vary the fruits and nuts used in this recipe - replace the figs with chopped candied peel, dried apricots or glace pineapple and instead of pistachios try toasted hazelnuts.

Makes 25 squares Ready in 1½ hours, plus cooling To advertise call Karen: 020 8274 0096

1. Preheat the oven to 150°C/130°C fan/gas 2. Grease a deep 18cm square tin and line the base with baking parchment. Toast the almonds under a medium grill until just golden then roughly chop. Mix in a bowl with the pistachios, figs and orange zest. 2. Sift over the flour and cocoa powder and stir well then stir in the cinnamon and ground cloves. Set aside. 3. Put the caster sugar and honey in a heavy-based pan and heat gently until the sugar has dissolved. Bring to the boil then let the syrup bubble gently for about 5 minutes, without stirring the mixture, until it begins to thicken. 4. Remove the pan from the heat and quickly add the nut and flour mixture stirring well with a wooden spoon. Spoon into the prepared tin and smooth the surface using the back of a damp spoon. 5. Bake in the preheated oven for about 1 hour then remove the cake from the oven and leave in the tin until completely cold. Remove the cake from the tin, peel off the lining paper and dust thickly with icing sugar. Use a sharp knife to cut into squares to serve.




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*seussI 3

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%5.7 gnivaS

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%01 gnivaS


ruoloC lluF


.TAV rof deretsiger ton si dna noitarepo tnednepedni llams a si ’noinapmoC sdnalyrreB A‘ .stnemesitrevda no degrahc si TAV on ,yltneuqesnoC

stamroF elbatpeccA

:stamrof gniwollof eht ni dettimbus eb nac strevdA droW SM • tnioprewoP SM • rehsilbuP SM • GEPJ & FFIT •

00.281£ 00.341£ 00.391£

moc.noinapmocdnalyrreb@nerak :ot deliame eb nac ypoc trevdA


nwo ruoy morf ,uoy rof ti ecudorp nac ew neht tamrof cinortcele na ni elbaliava ton si da ruoy fI a evah uoy fi rehgih eb yam siht hguohtla ,01£ tsuj fo ecirp dexfi a rof yllamron ,txet ypoc drah ni desu-er eb neht dluoc trevda eht - egrahc ffo-eno a si sihT( !trevda xelpmoc ylralucitrap ).egrahc fo eerf seussi tneuqesbus

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.trevda fo noitacilbup eetnaraug ot htnom hcae fo ht61 yb deviecer eb tsum tnemyap dna ypoC .edam si tnemyap lluf nehw deetnaraug ylno si ecaps tnemesitrevdA .htnom hcae 000,8 ot pu srebmun noitubirtsiD

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ngiseD & tamroF

:sU tcatnoC

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ssegruB neraK daoR enwodsgni K 81 ZJ6 6TK ,yerruS ,notibruS 6900 4728 020 :leT 18530029070 :xaF moc.noinapmocsdnalyrreb@nerak :liamE moc.noinapmocsdnalyrreb.www :beW

And Another Thing... Christmas Shopping


by Tom Hughes It was that time of year again, when the late autumnal chill turns to a sharper, wintery shiver. “Tom?” “Mmmm?” “What are you doing this Thursday? “I’m busy.” “Doing what.” “Er, I have to creosote the dog.” “Don’t be silly and stop hiding behind the paper. On Thursday we need to go … late night Christmas shopping.” “Listen, I hate Christmas, and I hate Christmas shopping. I’m like the condemned man shopping for rope. I’m a grown adult, I can make my own choices in life, so please find someone else, and that my dear, is my final, final word.” The Trafford Centre car park was heaving as we bumped the Mondeo up onto the pavement and joined the happy throngs. As soon as we entered, Sarah headed straight for the Christmas decorations. “Now Tom, do you think we need another Santa to stand in the corner of the front room?” I turned around and stared at the rosy cheeks and glassy eyes of the little fat man with the white



beard. I felt like punching him. But instead I just pulled at his realistic whiskers. “Er, do you mind?” “I’m most terribly sorry,” I immediately apologised as the chubby old chap backed away from me, his furious wife in tow. “Tom, what have I told you about not wearing your new glasses? Look, this is going to be a long night so let’s just get on with it.” “I’ll tell you what - let’s split up. You give me a list and we can finish in half the time.” Sarah’s eyes narrowed as she ripped her brown envelope in half. “Ok ... but don’t just go to Waterstones and browse for hours.” “As if.” The film section at Waterstones was bigger than I remembered, with huge glossy tomes full of scenes from my favourite films. One Spielberg book was as weighty as it was marvellous. But at forty quid I couldn’t justify the price. I looked over the book to see the whiskered old man whom I mistook for Santa meekly shuffling along behind his wife. He looked over at me, our differences forgotten as I held up my list. A moment of male

bonding amongst the manic dash for presents. Then, as I replaced the Spielberg book, he gave me a strange, conspiratorial wink. The next destination was the perfume counter in Debenhams. A scary looking woman with cartoon eyebrows blocked my path. “Paco Rabanne?” “No, Tom Hughes, but pleased to meet you.” I offered my hand. The sales lady tried to look annoyed, but her plastered face couldn’t quite manage it. “No sir, it’s a perfume ... pour l’homme.” The sensual pout took me aback - who was this raging fire of pure epicurean femininity? Fingering the exotic bottle of scent, I rummaged for my list Uncle Barry, aftershave. Perfect! “How much, madame? “£44.50 sir.” I was in Boots when Sarah rang. “Did you buy Barry’s aftershave?” “No.” “Why?” “Because I haven’t time to remortgage the house. Have you seen the price of Paco Rabanne?” “The Hugo Boss is on offer.” “No chance.”

Please mention the magazine when contacting Advertisers

“Why not?” “Because he dressed the Nazis.” “Tom, I don’t think we have time to discuss the ethics of Christmas - just go and buy something, anything.”

“Right, make yourself useful. Carry these, time’s marching on, let’s go.” Now reduced to a mute pack mule, I followed Sarah dutifully around the stores, sulkily accepting bundle after bundle of sparkly loveliness.

ran out to greet him. From the hall I heard a rousing “Merry Rates Guide Christmas!” Now alone,Advertiser’s I glanced over at the corner of the room, where sat a chubby, red faced Santa. So Sarah had bought one after all? And do you know something? If I didn’t know better, and if I wasn’t on my third Bucks Fizz, I could have sworn he winked at me.... Price List - Our Prices Haven’t Increased for 2 Years 1 Issue

2 Issues*

Full Page






Half Page






Quarter Page






Black & White

Saving 5%

3 Issues* Saving 7.5%

4 Issues* Saving 10%

Copy Deadline

5 Issues* Saving 20%

Final copy must be submitted by the 16th of each month, for inclusion in the following months edition (which will be distributed during the first weekend of that month.)


Full payment for all advertisements must be received by the copy deadline date. Payment can be made by: Cheques payable to ‘Berrylands Companion’ or cash. Payment by BACS or standing order by arrangement.

Full Colour Full Page






Half Page






Quarter Page






Front Cover Banner


Back Cover


Inside Front + Back Cover


Double Page


Editorial Reviews


(Max 1 in every 4 issues for any one advertiser)

I trudged back to my Gallic friend and handed over thirty And, before I knew it, it was quid for a tiny silver bottle of Christmas morning and time to what to me smelt of catnip. I open our presents. Sarah had told met Sarah at a generic coffee me what to buy her and when she emporium. Weighed down with opened her box gave me a polite bags, she flopped onto the bench look ofDAY mock surprise. as I broughtOPEN her a restorative CHRISTMAS 12 - CHRISTMAS 3PM OPEN Then I opened my present - it skinny latte. was the Spielberg book. “You’ve been busy.”

(Centre 2 page spread)


‘A Berrylands Companion’ is a small independent operation and is not registered for VAT. Consequently, no VAT is charged on advertisements.

Acceptable Formats

Adverts can be submitted in the following formats: • MS Word • MS Powerpoint • MS Publisher • TIFF & JPEG

Advert copy can be emailed to: If your ad is not available in an electronic format then we can produce it for you, from your own hard copy text, normally for a fixed price of just £10, although this may be higher if you have a particularly complex advert! (This is a one-off charge - the advert could then be re-used in subsequent issues free of charge.)

WE ARE NOT AVAT REGISTERED, SO THE PRICE YOU SEE IS THE PRICE YOU PAY Contact us for package prices. Premium Pages 5 & 7: £10.00 extra Loose inserts can be delivered with magazine at £297 per 8,000.


Copy and payment must be received by 16th of each month to guarantee publication of advert. Advertisement space is only guaranteed when full payment is made. Distribution numbers up to 8,000 each month.

The Companion will be published and distributed monthly, on or around the first weekend of the month. 10 editions a year. It will be delivered to over 12,000 homes in and around Berrylands and Surbiton over two months - guaranteed. In addition it is the first source of local information for anyone moving into the area.

Format & Design

Contact Us:


Karen Burgess 18 Kingsdowne Road Surbiton, Surrey, KT6 6JZ Tel: 020 8274 0096 Fax: 07092003581 Email: Web:


It is an A5 size booklet, stapled with colour plus black and white printed on quality paper. The Companion will be printed on 115gsm gloss paper giving it a very high quality feel. It will have ‘longevity’ and because of it’s size, content, look and feel it will be kept by the majority of households until the next issue arrives, thereby giving advertisers ‘immdiacy’ of access’ when their services are required.

Follow Tom and Sarah’s wedding at

DAY 12 - 3PM 16


CHRISTMAS LUNCH, “How did you know I “Well, I just want finish and£19.95 go 3 to courses: pp this?” 3 courses: £19.95 pp wanted home. Where are your presents?” “I just had a NIGHT “Here.” CHRISTMAS PARTY CHRISTMAS PARTY NIGHT feeling.” I held up my little aftershave bag. DECEMBER THROUGHOUT THROUGHOUT DECEMBER The doorbell Booking Essential “Is that it?” rang. It was Uncle Booking Essential Available parties “Well, I was distracted, thefor oldprivate Barry looking Available for private parties man with the beard ....” for his bottle 168 6HE Ewell Road, Surbiton, Surrey, KT6 6HE 168 Ewell Road, Surbiton, Surrey, KT6 of catnip. Sarah, half8390 standing, her Tel: 020 8390 7546 Tel: 020 7546 Tues - Sat 12 - 3pm &6 - 11pm Sun: 12 - 4pm Open: Tues - Sat 12 - 3pm &6 - 11pm Everyone Sun:Open: 12 - 4pm coffee.




L’ESPÉRANCE 3 courses: £19.95 pp

Ristorante Sorrento

3 courses: £19.95 pp

168 Ewell Road, Surbiton, Surrey, KT6 6HE

CHRISTMAS PARTY NIGHT CHRISTMAS PARTY NIGHT THROUGHOUT DECEMBER THROUGHOUT DECEMBER Booking Essential Booking Essential DAY 12 - 3PM AuthenticOPEN Italian Cuisine OPENforCHRISTMAS DAY 12 - CHRISTMAS 3PM Available private parties Available for private parties Christmas Set Menus Christmas 168 Ewell Road, Surbiton, Surrey, KT6 6HE 168 Ewell Road, Surbiton, Surrey, KT6 6HEDay Lunch CHRISTMAS LUNCH, available throughout Tel: 020 8390 7546 Tel: 020 8390 7546 CHRISTMAS LUNCH, Open from: 3 courses: £19.95 pp 12.00pm Open: Tues - Sat 12 - 3pm &6 - 11pm Sun: 12 - 4pm Open: Tues - Sat 12 - 3pm &6 - 11pm Sun: 12 - 4pm December 3 courses: £19.95 pp Bellini Cocktail on arrival Lunch: £15.95 Special 5 course meal CHRISTMAS PARTY Dinner: £17.95 £60.00NIGHT per person L’ESPÉRANCE L’ESPÉRANCE 168 Ewell Road, Surbiton, Surrey, KT6 6HE Tel: 020 8390 7546 Tel: 020 8390 7546 Open: Tues - Sat 12 - 3pm & 6 - 11pm. Sun: 12 - 4pm Open: Tues - Sat 12 - 3pm & 6 - 11pm. Sun: 12 - 4pm


THROUGHOUT 168 Ewell Road, Surbiton, Surrey, KT6 6HE 168 Ewell Road, Surbiton, DECEMBER Surrey, KT6 6HE Family runTel: business 020THROUGHOUT 8390 7546 Tel: 020 8390 7546 DECEMBER Booking Essential Choice of set la &carte Open:menus Tues - Sator 12 -à3pm 6 - 11pm. Sun: 12 - 4pm Open: Tues - Sat 12 -New 3pm & 6 - 11pm. Sun: 12 Party - 4pm year’s Eve with D.J Booking Essential Available for private parties Large parties welcome Special set menu OPEN DAY - 3PM OPEN CHRISTMAS DAY 12 - 3PM Available for 12 private parties Restaurant canCHRISTMAS be hired for parties £60 per person Private car park Bookings essential Bookings essential

CHRISTMAS LUNCH, CHRISTMAS LUNCH, 3 courses: £19.95 pp OPENING HOURS 3 courses: £19.95 pp 2HP Xmas 10 proof 1.indd 9

2HP Xmas 10 proof 1.indd 9

10/15/2010 11:23:55 AM

10/15/2010 11:23:55 AM Monday-Friday Lunch: 12.00pm - 2.30pm Monday-Saturday Evening: 6.30pm-10.30pm Sunday 12.00pm - 6.00pm CHRISTMAS PARTY PARTY NIGHT

NIGHT CHRISTMAS 379 Ewell Road, Tolworth, Surrey KT6 7DE THROUGHOUT DECEMBER THROUGHOUT DECEMBER Email: Booking Essential Booking Essential Available for private parties

Available private6921 parties Tel: 020for8390

To advertise call Karen: 020 8274 0096 2HP Xmas 10 proof 1.indd 9


2HP Xmas 10 proof 1.indd 9 10/15/2010 11:23:55 AM

39 39 10/15/2010 11:23:55 AM

ediuG s’resitrevdA


sraeY 2 rof desaercnI t’nevaH secirP ruO - tsiL ecirP

enildaeD ypoC

*seussI 5

*seussI 4

*seussI 3

*seussI 2

eussI 1






%02 gnivaS

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%5.7 gnivaS

%5 gnivaS

etihW & kcalB egaP lluF


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.etad enildaed ypoc eht yb deviecer eb tsum stnemesitrevda lla rof tnemyap lluF yb tnemyaP .hsac ro ’noinapmoC sdnalyrreB‘ ot elbayap seuqehC :yb edam eb nac tnemyaP .tnemegnarra yb redro gnidnats ro SCAB

%01 gnivaS

00.723£ 00.271£



ruoloC lluF


.TAV rof deretsiger ton si dna noitarepo tnednepedni llams a si ’noinapmoC sdnalyrreB A‘ .stnemesitrevda no degrahc si TAV on ,yltneuqesnoC

stamroF elbatpeccA

:stamrof gniwollof eht ni dettimbus eb nac strevdA droW SM • tnioprewoP SM • rehsilbuP SM • GEPJ & FFIT •


egaP retrauQ


rennaB revoC tnorF


revoC kcaB

00.341£ 00.391£

moc.noinapmocdnalyrreb@nerak :ot deliame eb nac ypoc trevdA


nwo ruoy morf ,uoy rof ti ecudorp nac ew neht tamrof cinortcele na ni elbaliava ton si da ruoy fI a evah uoy fi rehgih eb yam siht hguohtla ,01£ tsuj fo ecirp dexfi a rof yllamron ,txet ypoc drah ni desu-er eb neht dluoc trevda eht - egrahc ffo-eno a si sihT( !trevda xelpmoc ylralucitrap ).egrahc fo eerf seussi tneuqesbus

yna rof seussi 4 yreve ni 1 xaM( )resitrevda eno

+ tnorF edisnI revoC kcaB egaP elbuoD

)daerps egap 2 ertneC(

sweiveR lairotidE

YAP UOY ECIRP EHT SI EES UOY ECIRP EHT OS ,DERETSIGER TAVA TON ERA EW .secirp egakcap rof su tcatnoC artxe 00.01£ :7 & 5 segaP muimerP .000,8 rep 792£ ta enizagam htiw dereviled eb nac stresni esooL


.trevda fo noitacilbup eetnaraug ot htnom hcae fo ht61 yb deviecer eb tsum tnemyap dna ypoC .edam si tnemyap lluf nehw deetnaraug ylno si ecaps tnemesitrevdA .htnom hcae 000,8 ot pu srebmun noitubirtsiD

fo dnekeew tsrfi eht dnuora ro no ,ylhtnom detubirtsid dna dehsilbup eb lliw noinapmoC ehT .raey a snoitide 01 .htnom eht owt revo notibruS dna sdnalyrreB dnuora dna ni semoh 000,21 revo ot dereviled eb lliw tI .deetnaraug - shtnom .aera eht otni gnivom enoyna rof noitamrofni lacol fo ecruos tsrfi eht si ti noitidda nI

ngiseD & tamroF

:sU tcatnoC

.repap ytilauq no detnirp etihw dna kcalb sulp ruoloc htiw delpats ,telkoob ezis 5A na si tI .leef ytilauq hgih yrev a ti gnivig repap ssolg msg511 no detnirp eb lliw noinapmoC ehT eht yb tpek eb lliw ti leef dna kool ,tnetnoc ,ezis s’ti fo esuaceb dna ’ytivegnol‘ evah lliw tI fo ’ycaidmmi‘ sresitrevda gnivig ybereht ,sevirra eussi txen eht litnu sdlohesuoh fo ytirojam .deriuqer era secivres rieht nehw ’ssecca

ssegruB neraK daoR enwodsgni K 81 ZJ6 6TK ,yerruS ,notibruS 6900 4728 020 :leT 18530029070 :xaF moc.noinapmocsdnalyrreb@nerak :liamE moc.noinapmocsdnalyrreb.www :beW




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Advertiser’s Guide

Price List - Our Prices Haven’t Increased for 2 Years 1 Issue

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Half Page


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Saving 5%

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Quarter Page






Front Cover Banner


Back Cover


Inside Front + Back Cover


Double Page


Editorial Reviews



Copy Deadline

5 Issues* Saving 20%

Final copy must be submitted by the 16th of each month, for inclusion in the following months edition (which will be distributed during the first weekend of that month.)


Full payment for all advertisements must be received by the copy deadline date. Payment can be made by: Cheques payable to ‘Berrylands Companion’ or cash. Payment by BACS or standing order by arrangement.

Full Colour

Need a

(Max 1 in every 4 issues for any one advertiser)


(Centre 2 page spread)


‘A Berrylands Companion’ is a small independent operation and is not registered for VAT. Consequently, no VAT is charged on advertisements.

Acceptable Formats

Adverts can be submitted in the following formats: • MS Word • MS Powerpoint • MS Publisher • TIFF & JPEG Advert copy can be emailed to: If your ad is not available in an electronic format then we can produce it for you, from your own hard copy text, normally for a fixed price of just £10, although this may be higher if you have a particularly complex advert! (This is a one-off charge - the advert could then be re-used in subsequent issues free of charge.)

WE ARE NOT AVAT REGISTERED, SO THE PRICE YOU SEE IS THE PRICE YOU PAY Contact us for package prices. Premium Pages 5 & 7: £10.00 extra Loose inserts can be delivered with magazine at £297 per 8,000.


Copy and payment must be received by 16th of each month to guarantee publication of advert. Advertisement space is only guaranteed when full payment is made. Distribution numbers up to 8,000 each month.

The Companion will be published and distributed monthly, on or around the first weekend of the month. 10 editions a year. It will be delivered to over 12,000 homes in and around Berrylands and Surbiton over two months - guaranteed. In addition it is the first source of local information for anyone moving into the area.

Format & Design

Contact Us:

It is an A5 size booklet, stapled with colour plus black and white printed on quality paper. The Companion will be printed on 115gsm gloss paper giving it a very high quality feel. It will have ‘longevity’ and because of it’s size, content, look and feel it will be kept by the majority of households until the next issue arrives, thereby giving advertisers ‘immdiacy’ of access’ when their services are required.

Karen Burgess 18 Kingsdowne Road Surbiton, Surrey, KT6 6JZ Tel: 020 8274 0096 Fax: 07092003581 Email: Web:




WE ARE YOUR LOCAL LAW FIRM, AND PROVIDE A HIGH QUALITY SERVICE For more information or a no obligation quote

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To advertise call Karen: 020 8274 0096


41 41

Beauty ediuG s’resitrevdA


sraeY 2 rof desaercnI t’nevaH secirP ruO - tsiL ecirP

enildaeD ypoC

*seussI 5

*seussI 4

*seussI 3

*seussI 2

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%5.7 gnivaS

%5 gnivaS

etihW & kcalB egaP lluF


egaP flaH




egaP retrauQ






egaP lluF






egaP flaH








.etad enildaed ypoc eht yb deviecer eb tsum stnemesitrevda lla rof tnemyap lluF yb tnemyaP .hsac ro ’noinapmoC sdnalyrreB‘ ot elbayap seuqehC :yb edam eb nac tnemyaP .tnemegnarra yb redro gnidnats ro SCAB

%01 gnivaS

00.723£ 00.271£



ruoloC lluF


.TAV rof deretsiger ton si dna noitarepo tnednepedni llams a si ’noinapmoC sdnalyrreB A‘ .stnemesitrevda no degrahc si TAV on ,yltneuqesnoC

stamroF elbatpeccA

:stamrof gniwollof eht ni dettimbus eb nac strevdA droW SM • tnioprewoP SM • rehsilbuP SM • GEPJ & FFIT •


egaP retrauQ


rennaB revoC tnorF yna rof seussi 4 yreve ni 1 xaM( )resitrevda eno

Facial Massage - For Beautiful Skin 00.281£



moc.noinapmocdnalyrreb@nerak :ot deliame eb nac ypoc trevdA


nwo ruoy morf ,uoy rof ti ecudorp nac ew neht tamrof cinortcele na ni elbaliava ton si da ruoy fI a evah uoy fi rehgih eb yam siht hguohtla ,01£ tsuj fo ecirp dexfi a rof yllamron ,txet ypoc drah ni desu-er eb neht dluoc trevda eht - egrahc ffo-eno a si sihT( !trevda xelpmoc ylralucitrap ).egrahc fo eerf seussi tneuqesbus

revoC kcaB

+ tnorF edisnI revoC kcaB egaP elbuoD

)daerps egap 2 ertneC(

sweiveR lairotidE


.trevda fo noitacilbup eetnaraug ot htnom hcae fo ht61 yb deviecer eb tsum tnemyap dna ypoC .edam si tnemyap lluf nehw deetnaraug ylno si ecaps tnemesitrevdA .htnom hcae 000,8 ot pu srebmun noitubirtsiD

fo dnekeew tsrfi eht dnuora ro no ,ylhtnom detubirtsid dna dehsilbup eb lliw noinapmoC ehT .raey a snoitide 01 .htnom eht owt revo notibruS dna sdnalyrreB dnuora dna ni semoh 000,21 revo ot dereviled eb lliw tI .deetnaraug - shtnom .aera eht otni gnivom enoyna rof noitamrofni lacol fo ecruos tsrfi eht si ti noitidda nI

ngiseD & tamroF

:sU tcatnoC

.repap ytilauq no detnirp etihw dna kcalb sulp ruoloc htiw delpats ,telkoob ezis 5A na si tI .leef ytilauq hgih yrev a ti gnivig repap ssolg msg511 no detnirp eb lliw noinapmoC ehT eht yb tpek eb lliw ti leef dna kool ,tnetnoc ,ezis s’ti fo esuaceb dna ’ytivegnol‘ evah lliw tI fo ’ycaidmmi‘ sresitrevda gnivig ybereht ,sevirra eussi txen eht litnu sdlohesuoh fo ytirojam .deriuqer era secivres rieht nehw ’ssecca

ssegruB neraK daoR enwodsgni K 81 ZJ6 6TK ,yerruS ,notibruS 6900 4728 020 :leT 18530029070 :xaF moc.noinapmocsdnalyrreb@nerak :liamE moc.noinapmocsdnalyrreb.www :beW


Image: Courtesy of Clinique

Most people appreciate the benefits of a neck and shoulder massage to ease tension. But life’s everyday stresses can also build-up in the facial muscles, ultimately resulting in a lined and furrowed brow. A facial massage is a great way to refresh your skin, smooth-out wrinkles and relax. Not only will the ‘downtime’ during the treatment be an instant pick-me-up, but



by Helen Taylor

YAP UOY ECIRP EHT SI EES UOY ECIRP EHT OS ,DERETSIGER TAVA TON ERA EW .secirp egakcap rof su tcatnoC artxe 00.01£ :7 & 5 segaP muimerP .000,8 rep 792£ ta enizagam htiw dereviled eb nac stresni esooL

it’s a useful tool in the fight against ageing. By relaxing the muscles, your face will appear softened and stresses will be released. The massage will also help to drain fluid build-up from around the eyes, increase blood circulation and make the creams you apply afterwards even more effective because they’ll be more easily absorbed into the skin.

The salon is the most effective treatment, particularly because you will be very relaxed. But if you don’t have time to get to the salon, or you want to keep up the good work between visits, follow our guide to performing an effective massage yourself at home. 1. After thoroughly cleansing your face, take a moisturiser, face oil or serum and use your knuckles to gently - but firmly - massage the product all over your face, ensuring that you work from the centre outwards to your ears. Do the same for your neck. 2. Next, de-clog your pores by moving your fingertips over the same area working from the middle of your face outwards and upwards, towards the lympnodes, situated behind under the earlobes - to promote drainage. 3. Use the flat and heel of your thumb and the side of your bent index finger in a pinching flick movement along your jaw line, starting from your chin, then moving to each ear. 4. Move your fingertips in small circular motions all over your face, again starting at the centre and moving outwards and. Do

Please mention the magazine when contacting Advertisers

small sections at a time, working from your chin to ear, lip to ear, nose to temple, centre of forehead to hairline. 5. Using your fingertips tap gently around the eye area, apply an eye cream if you wish. Start at the outer corner and move to the inner, taking care not to be too heavy-handed. Massage around the eye contours to help brighten the eye area, working around the eyes in a circular motion using a light pressure from your fingertips. This will help to reduce puffiness from the eye and drain fluid buildup. 6. Next, tap all over your face using the same action,

working again from the centre and moving outwards. 7. Ease tension in your face by stroking upwards from your brow, this will serve to smooth and lift the skin. Do the same for your neck - taking care to move only in an upwards direction. 8. Find the pressure points on your face: Pressure on the third eye - located right between your eyebrows - stimulates the pituitary gland - this helps to enhance the all over condition of your skin. Press on this area for 60

Blush Beauty

seconds. RatesLocated 1cm below theGuide Advertiser’s eye socket - right below the iris - the next pressure point will help to reduce blemishes. Press on this point under both eyes for 60 seconds. 9. End your facial massage by pinching your earlobes between your thumb and forefinger. Once you’ve finished your skin should have a pinky flush and a healthy radiant glow and you should feel totally relaxed. Price List - Our Prices Haven’t Increased for 2 Years 1 Issue

2 Issues*

Full Page






Half Page






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Black & White

Jessica manicures & pedicures Gel nails Facials Massage Spray tanning Waxing & tinting Pamper parties Childrens’ birthday parties

Visit or call Mandy on 07944 534 907

3 Issues* Saving 7.5%

4 Issues* Saving 10%

Copy Deadline

5 Issues* Saving 20%

Full Page






Half Page






Quarter Page






Front Cover Banner


Back Cover


Inside Front + Back Cover


Double Page


Editorial Reviews


(Max 1 in every 4 issues for any one advertiser)

(Centre 2 page spread)

Final copy must be submitted by the 16th of each month, for inclusion in the following months edition (which will be distributed during the first weekend of that month.)


Full payment for all advertisements must be received by the copy deadline date. Payment can be made by: Cheques payable to ‘Berrylands Companion’ or cash. Payment by BACS or standing order by arrangement.


‘A Berrylands Companion’ is a small independent operation and is not registered for VAT. Consequently, no VAT is charged on advertisements.

Acceptable Formats

Adverts can be submitted in the following formats: • MS Word • MS Powerpoint • MS Publisher • TIFF & JPEG

Advert copy can be emailed to: If your ad is not available in an electronic format then we can produce it for you, from your own hard copy text, normally for a fixed price of just £10, although this may be higher if you have a particularly complex advert! (This is a one-off charge - the advert could then be re-used in subsequent issues free of charge.)

WE ARE NOT AVAT REGISTERED, SO THE PRICE YOU SEE IS THE PRICE YOU PAY Contact us for package prices. Premium Pages 5 & 7: £10.00 extra Loose inserts can be delivered with magazine at £297 per 8,000.


Copy and payment must be received by 16th of each month to guarantee publication of advert. Advertisement space is only guaranteed when full payment is made. Distribution numbers up to 8,000 each month.

The Companion will be published and distributed monthly, on or around the first weekend of the month. 10 editions a year. It will be delivered to over 12,000 homes in and around Berrylands and Surbiton over two months - guaranteed. In addition it is the first source of local information for anyone moving into the area.

Format & Design

Contact Us:

It is an A5 size booklet, stapled with colour plus black and white printed on quality paper. The Companion will be printed on 115gsm gloss paper giving it a very high quality feel. It will have ‘longevity’ and because of it’s size, content, look and feel it will be kept by the majority of households until the next issue arrives, thereby giving advertisers ‘immdiacy’ of access’ when their services are required.

Karen Burgess 18 Kingsdowne Road Surbiton, Surrey, KT6 6JZ Tel: 020 8274 0096 Fax: 07092003581 Email: Web:




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43 43

ediuG s’resitrevdA

The Christmas Truce


sraeY 2 rof desaercnI t’nevaH secirP ruO - tsiL ecirP

enildaeD ypoC

*seussI 5

*seussI 4

*seussI 3

*seussI 2

eussI 1






%02 gnivaS

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%5.7 gnivaS

%5 gnivaS

etihW & kcalB egaP lluF


egaP flaH




egaP retrauQ






egaP lluF






egaP flaH








.etad enildaed ypoc eht yb deviecer eb tsum stnemesitrevda lla rof tnemyap lluF yb tnemyaP .hsac ro ’noinapmoC sdnalyrreB‘ ot elbayap seuqehC :yb edam eb nac tnemyaP .tnemegnarra yb redro gnidnats ro SCAB

%01 gnivaS

00.723£ 00.271£



ruoloC lluF


.TAV rof deretsiger ton si dna noitarepo tnednepedni llams a si ’noinapmoC sdnalyrreB A‘ .stnemesitrevda no degrahc si TAV on ,yltneuqesnoC

stamroF elbatpeccA

:stamrof gniwollof eht ni dettimbus eb nac strevdA droW SM • tnioprewoP SM • rehsilbuP SM • GEPJ & FFIT •


egaP retrauQ


rennaB revoC tnorF

00.281£ 00.341£ 00.391£

moc.noinapmocdnalyrreb@nerak :ot deliame eb nac ypoc trevdA


nwo ruoy morf ,uoy rof ti ecudorp nac ew neht tamrof cinortcele na ni elbaliava ton si da ruoy fI a evah uoy fi rehgih eb yam siht hguohtla ,01£ tsuj fo ecirp dexfi a rof yllamron ,txet ypoc drah ni desu-er eb neht dluoc trevda eht - egrahc ffo-eno a si sihT( !trevda xelpmoc ylralucitrap ).egrahc fo eerf seussi tneuqesbus

yna rof seussi 4 yreve ni 1 xaM( )resitrevda eno

revoC kcaB + tnorF edisnI revoC kcaB egaP elbuoD

)daerps egap 2 ertneC(

sweiveR lairotidE

YAP UOY ECIRP EHT SI EES UOY ECIRP EHT OS ,DERETSIGER TAVA TON ERA EW .secirp egakcap rof su tcatnoC artxe 00.01£ :7 & 5 segaP muimerP .000,8 rep 792£ ta enizagam htiw dereviled eb nac stresni esooL


.trevda fo noitacilbup eetnaraug ot htnom hcae fo ht61 yb deviecer eb tsum tnemyap dna ypoC .edam si tnemyap lluf nehw deetnaraug ylno si ecaps tnemesitrevdA .htnom hcae 000,8 ot pu srebmun noitubirtsiD

fo dnekeew tsrfi eht dnuora ro no ,ylhtnom detubirtsid dna dehsilbup eb lliw noinapmoC ehT .raey a snoitide 01 .htnom eht owt revo notibruS dna sdnalyrreB dnuora dna ni semoh 000,21 revo ot dereviled eb lliw tI .deetnaraug - shtnom .aera eht otni gnivom enoyna rof noitamrofni lacol fo ecruos tsrfi eht si ti noitidda nI

ngiseD & tamroF

:sU tcatnoC

.repap ytilauq no detnirp etihw dna kcalb sulp ruoloc htiw delpats ,telkoob ezis 5A na si tI .leef ytilauq hgih yrev a ti gnivig repap ssolg msg511 no detnirp eb lliw noinapmoC ehT eht yb tpek eb lliw ti leef dna kool ,tnetnoc ,ezis s’ti fo esuaceb dna ’ytivegnol‘ evah lliw tI fo ’ycaidmmi‘ sresitrevda gnivig ybereht ,sevirra eussi txen eht litnu sdlohesuoh fo ytirojam .deriuqer era secivres rieht nehw ’ssecca

ssegruB neraK daoR enwodsgni K 81 ZJ6 6TK ,yerruS ,notibruS 6900 4728 020 :leT 18530029070 :xaF moc.noinapmocsdnalyrreb@nerak :liamE moc.noinapmocsdnalyrreb.www :beW

by Alison Runham


German soldiers of the 134th Saxon Regiment and British soldiers of the Royal Warwickshire Regiment meet in no man’s land, December 26

Christmas Eve 1914. The Western Front. Weeks of rain have ended and mud is becoming ice. Despite calls for a Christmas ceasefire, fighting has continued throughout December, although today it seems half-hearted in many places. Staff Sergeant Clement Barker is in his trench with his comrades. Across No Man’s Land, the Germans are decorating tiny trees sent from home with candles as they sing Stille Nacht (Silent Night). “The trenches were a blaze of Christmas trees,” one Tommy recalled, “and our sentries were regaled for hours with traditional Christmas songs.” In some places, English troops decide that they “ought to retaliate in some way.” “So we sang The First Noël... they all began clapping; and then they struck up another favourite of theirs, O Tannenbaum.” At Barker’s trench, a German soldier appears. “He said that if (we) did not fire, they wouldn’t in the morning,” Barker wrote later. Next morning, Barker’s men cautiously venture out to retrieve and bury their dead. No shots are fired. Soon they’re shaking hands with the Germans and exchanging gifts, and then “a football is kicked out of our trenches, and Germans and English play



football.” Henry Williamson, who later wrote Tarka the Otter, also recalled football matches, but behind German lines; if British and German troops played together, he made no mention of it. However, despite the myths surrounding Truce matches between both sides, some are well-documented in letters. Two soldiers of the 6th Cheshires described a huge, free-for-all match in Wulverghem, Belgium, where No Man’s Land was less damaged by shell fire. Williamson recalled the Germans singing Silent Night, too, before inviting the English closer. His unit suspected a trap. “We crept out... expecting any moment to fall flat with the machine guns opening up. And nothing happened.” Both sides were soon exchanging gifts and greetings, and similar scenes were occurring at many points along the Front. Cigarettes, rations, uniform buttons and even addresses were exchanged. One English trench received a German chocolate cake, together with a ceasefire request and an invitation to an impromptu concert. “Just think,” wrote one soldier to his family, “while you were eating turkey I was talking and shaking hands with the very men I had been trying to

kill a few hours before!” The truce at Williamson’s position held for four days before orders arrived to end fraternisation, while the Germans were warned to expect visits from senior officers; they sent a message across, explaining that they would have to fire their machine guns, but would fire high to avoid hitting anyone. For Barker, peace lasted a little longer too. “Night came and still no shots. Boxing day the same, and has remained so up to now,” he wrote a few days later. But gradually fighting resumed. Captain J.C. Dunn’s account of resuming hostilities is poignant: “I fired three shots in the air and put up a flag with “Merry Christmas” on it, and I climbed on the parapet...[the Germans] put up a sheet with “Thank you” on it, and the German Captain appeared... We both bowed and saluted... he fired two shots in the air, and the War was on again.” Both truces (and football games) had occurred in earlier wars. So what makes the 1914 Christmas Truce especially memorable? Perhaps because in a war that cost over 10 million lives, it was, as Sir Arthur Conan Doyle said, “one human episode amid all the atrocities.”

Please mention the magazine when contacting Advertisers


Advertiser’s Guide

Price List - Our Prices Haven’t Increased for 2 Years 1 Issue

Black & White

2 Issues* Saving 5%

3 Issues* Saving 7.5%

4 Issues* Saving 10%






Half Page


Quarter Page

98 Alexandra Drive, Surbiton, KT5 9AG

Copy Deadline

5 Issues* Saving 20%

Full Page










Full Page






Half Page






Quarter Page






Front Cover Banner


Back Cover


Inside Front + Back Cover


Double Page


Editorial Reviews


Final copy must be submitted by the 16th of each month, for inclusion in the following months edition (which will be distributed during the first weekend of that month.)


Full payment for all advertisements must be received by the copy deadline date. Payment can be made by: Cheques payable to ‘Berrylands Companion’ or cash. Payment by BACS or standing order by arrangement.

Full Colour

020 8972 1585

(Max 1 in every 4 issues for any one advertiser)


‘A Berrylands Companion’ is a small independent operation and is not registered for VAT. Consequently, no VAT is charged on advertisements.

Acceptable Formats

Adverts can be submitted in the following formats: • MS Word • MS Powerpoint • MS Publisher • TIFF & JPEG (Centre 2 page spread)

Advert copy can be emailed to: If your ad is not available in an electronic format then we can produce it for you, from your own hard copy text, normally for a fixed price of just £10, although this may be higher if you have a particularly complex advert! (This is a one-off charge - the advert could then be re-used in subsequent issues free of charge.)

WE ARE NOT AVAT REGISTERED, SO THE PRICE YOU SEE IS THE PRICE YOU PAY Contact us for package prices. Premium Pages 5 & 7: £10.00 extra Loose inserts can be delivered with magazine at £297 per 8,000.

Having your hair ready for the Festive Season couldn’t be easier than at ‘Emma’s Hair of Surbiton’ with extended opening hours in our newly enlarged salon. Your hair, Your way.


Copy and payment must be received by 16th of each month to guarantee publication of advert. Advertisement space is only guaranteed when full payment is made. Distribution numbers up to 8,000 each month.

The Companion will be published and distributed monthly, on or around the first weekend of the month. 10 editions a year. It will be delivered to over 12,000 homes in and around Berrylands and Surbiton over two months - guaranteed. In addition it is the first source of local information for anyone moving into the area.

Format & Design

Contact Us:

It is an A5 size booklet, stapled with colour plus black and white printed on quality paper. The Companion will be printed on 115gsm gloss paper giving it a very high quality feel. It will have ‘longevity’ and because of it’s size, content, look and feel it will be kept by the majority of households until the next issue arrives, thereby giving advertisers ‘immdiacy’ of access’ when their services are required.

Karen Burgess 18 Kingsdowne Road Surbiton, Surrey, KT6 6JZ Tel: 020 8274 0096 Fax: 07092003581 Email: Web:


L’Oreal Professional Hair Care products and Gift Packs available Gift Vouchers for the perfect present


Friday 19 Dec 9-7.30pm Saturday 20 Dec 9-5pm Monday 22 Dec 9-5pm Tuesday 23 Dec 9-7pm Wednesday 24 Dec (Christmas Eve) 9-3pm Saturday 27 Dec 9-4pm Tuesday 30 Dec 9-5pm Wednesday 31 Dec (New Year’s Eve) 9-4pm To advertise call Karen: 020 8274 0096


45 45

ediuG s’resitrevdA


sraeY 2 rof desaercnI t’nevaH secirP ruO - tsiL ecirP

enildaeD ypoC

*seussI 5

*seussI 4

*seussI 3

*seussI 2





%02 gnivaS

shtnom gniwollof eht ni noisulcni rof ,htnom hcae fo ht61 eht yb dettimbus eb tsum ypoc laniF ).htnom taht fo dnekeew tsrfi eht gnirud detubirtsid eb lliw hcihw( noitide




.etad enildaed ypoc eht yb deviecer eb tsum stnemesitrevda lla rof tnemyap lluF yb tnemyaP .hsac ro ’noinapmoC sdnalyrreB‘ ot elbayap seuqehC :yb edam eb nac tnemyaP .tnemegnarra yb redro gnidnats ro SCAB

%01 gnivaS

00.723£ 00.271£

%5.7 gnivaS

00.422£ 00.811£

%5 gnivaS

00.511£ 00.16£

eussI 1



egaP lluF


egaP flaH


egaP retrauQ

ruoloC lluF

Registered Office: 1, Orchard Close, West Ewell, Epsom, Surrey, KT19 9NS


.TAV rof deretsiger ton si dna noitarepo tnednepedni llams a si ’noinapmoC sdnalyrreB A‘ .stnemesitrevda no degrahc si TAV on ,yltneuqesnoC

stamroF elbatpeccA

:stamrof gniwollof eht ni dettimbus eb nac strevdA droW SM • tnioprewoP SM • rehsilbuP SM • GEPJ & FFIT •






egaP lluF






egaP flaH






egaP retrauQ


rennaB revoC tnorF


revoC kcaB


yna rof seussi 4 yreve ni 1 xaM( )resitrevda eno

+ tnorF edisnI revoC kcaB


moc.noinapmocdnalyrreb@nerak :ot deliame eb nac ypoc trevdA


nwo ruoy morf ,uoy rof ti ecudorp nac ew neht tamrof cinortcele na ni elbaliava ton si da ruoy fI a evah uoy fi rehgih eb yam siht hguohtla ,01£ tsuj fo ecirp dexfi a rof yllamron ,txet ypoc drah ni desu-er eb neht dluoc trevda eht - egrahc ffo-eno a si sihT( !trevda xelpmoc ylralucitrap ).egrahc fo eerf seussi tneuqesbus

egaP elbuoD

)daerps egap 2 ertneC(

sweiveR lairotidE

YAP UOY ECIRP EHT SI EES UOY ECIRP EHT OS ,DERETSIGER TAVA TON ERA EW .secirp egakcap rof su tcatnoC artxe 00.01£ :7 & 5 segaP muimerP .000,8 rep 792£ ta enizagam htiw dereviled eb nac stresni esooL


.trevda fo noitacilbup eetnaraug ot htnom hcae fo ht61 yb deviecer eb tsum tnemyap dna ypoC .edam si tnemyap lluf nehw deetnaraug ylno si ecaps tnemesitrevdA .htnom hcae 000,8 ot pu srebmun noitubirtsiD

fo dnekeew tsrfi eht dnuora ro no ,ylhtnom detubirtsid dna dehsilbup eb lliw noinapmoC ehT .raey a snoitide 01 .htnom eht owt revo notibruS dna sdnalyrreB dnuora dna ni semoh 000,21 revo ot dereviled eb lliw tI .deetnaraug - shtnom .aera eht otni gnivom enoyna rof noitamrofni lacol fo ecruos tsrfi eht si ti noitidda nI

ngiseD & tamroF

:sU tcatnoC

.repap ytilauq no detnirp etihw dna kcalb sulp ruoloc htiw delpats ,telkoob ezis 5A na si tI .leef ytilauq hgih yrev a ti gnivig repap ssolg msg511 no detnirp eb lliw noinapmoC ehT eht yb tpek eb lliw ti leef dna kool ,tnetnoc ,ezis s’ti fo esuaceb dna ’ytivegnol‘ evah lliw tI fo ’ycaidmmi‘ sresitrevda gnivig ybereht ,sevirra eussi txen eht litnu sdlohesuoh fo ytirojam .deriuqer era secivres rieht nehw ’ssecca

ALL CARS COLLECTED AND DELIVERED ssegruB neraK daoR enwodsgni K 81 ZJ6 6TK ,yerruS ,notibruS 6900 4728 020 :leT 18530029070 :xaF moc.noinapmocsdnalyrreb@nerak :liamE moc.noinapmocsdnalyrreb.www :beW



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Please mention the magazine when contacting Advertisers

Est 35 YEARS



Advertiser’s Guide

Price List - Our Prices Haven’t Increased for 2 Years 1 Issue

2 Issues*

Full Page






Half Page


Quarter Page

Black & White


Saving 5%

3 Issues* Saving 7.5%

4 Issues* Saving 10%

Copy Deadline

5 Issues* Saving 20%










Full Page






Half Page






Quarter Page






Front Cover Banner


Back Cover


Inside Front + Back Cover


Double Page


Editorial Reviews


Final copy must be submitted by the 16th of each month, for inclusion in the following months edition (which will be distributed during the first weekend of that month.)


Full payment for all advertisements must be received by the copy deadline date. Payment can be made by: Cheques payable to ‘Berrylands Companion’ or cash. Payment by BACS or standing order by arrangement.

Full Colour

(Max 1 in every 4 issues for any one advertiser)

(Centre 2 page spread)


‘A Berrylands Companion’ is a small independent operation and is not registered for VAT. Consequently, no VAT is charged on advertisements.

Acceptable Formats

Adverts can be submitted in the following formats: • MS Word • MS Powerpoint • MS Publisher • TIFF & JPEG Advert copy can be emailed to: If your ad is not available in an electronic format then we can produce it for you, from your own hard copy text, normally for a fixed price of just £10, although this may be higher if you have a particularly complex advert! (This is a one-off charge - the advert could then be re-used in subsequent issues free of charge.)

WE ARE NOT AVAT REGISTERED, SO THE PRICE YOU SEE IS THE PRICE YOU PAY Contact us for package prices. Premium Pages 5 & 7: £10.00 extra Loose inserts can be delivered with magazine at £297 per 8,000.


Copy and payment must be received by 16th of each month to guarantee publication of advert. Advertisement space is only guaranteed when full payment is made. Distribution numbers up to 8,000 each month.


The Companion will be published and distributed monthly, on or around the first weekend of the month. 10 editions a year. It will be delivered to over 12,000 homes in and around Berrylands and Surbiton over two months - guaranteed. In addition it is the first source of local information for anyone moving into the area.

Format & Design

Contact Us:

It is an A5 size booklet, stapled with colour plus black and white printed on quality paper. The Companion will be printed on 115gsm gloss paper giving it a very high quality feel. It will have ‘longevity’ and because of it’s size, content, look and feel it will be kept by the majority of households until the next issue arrives, thereby giving advertisers ‘immdiacy’ of access’ when their services are required.

Karen Burgess 18 Kingsdowne Road Surbiton, Surrey, KT6 6JZ Tel: 020 8274 0096 Fax: 07092003581 Email: Web:



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To advertise call Karen: 020 8274 0096


47 47

Bug Busting Day Say Goodbye to Head Lice

ediuG s’resitrevdA


sraeY 2 rof desaercnI t’nevaH secirP ruO - tsiL ecirP

enildaeD ypoC

*seussI 4

*seussI 3

*seussI 2

eussI 1






%01 gnivaS

%5.7 gnivaS

%5 gnivaS

egaP lluF


egaP flaH




egaP retrauQ





egaP lluF






egaP flaH






egaP retrauQ


rennaB revoC tnorF


00.723£ 00.271£



ruoloC lluF


.TAV rof deretsiger ton si dna noitarepo tnednepedni llams a si ’noinapmoC sdnalyrreB A‘ .stnemesitrevda no degrahc si TAV on ,yltneuqesnoC

stamroF elbatpeccA

:stamrof gniwollof eht ni dettimbus eb nac strevdA droW SM • tnioprewoP SM • rehsilbuP SM • GEPJ & FFIT •


yna rof seussi 4 yreve ni 1 xaM( )resitrevda eno

revoC kcaB + tnorF edisnI revoC kcaB

anuary 31st is the first of this year’s National Bug Busting Days, when families of UK schoolchildren are given a comb kit to detect and remove head lice. These miniscule insects live in human hair and feed on blood from the scalp. Unfortunately they’re very common, particularly amongst children. Almost as common as head lice myths... THE MYTHS: Head lice can jump, fly and swim. Not without tiny trampolines or armbands. Head lice love dirty hair. No. They’re not fussy about length, style or cleanliness. Head lice can be caught from animals. No, only by head to head contact with a person already harbouring them. You know you have head lice; your scalp itches. Not necessarily. The itching is a reaction to lice faeces and bites, and can occur weeks or months after lice arrive (or not at all). Don’t presume hairline rashes are caused by lice; check. Insecticides will prevent head lice. No, they won’t, and they should only be used if a live louse is seen on the hair. You need to boil/dryclean clothes and bedding if you have head lice. There’s no need. Only dead or dying lice lose their grip and fall from your hair. Detecting Head Lice Lice eggs are stuck firmly to the hair, close to the warm scalp, making them hard to spot and remove until hair growth moves them away from the scalp and you notice nits (empty eggshells). Head lice are pale grey and smaller than a pinhead when they hatch and sesame seed size when fully grown, so they’re difficult to see too. Use wet-coming to find them, using a head lice comb with tooth spacing of 0.2-0.3mm, as this will catch even the tiniest louse (see below). Eradicating Head Lice Wet Combing Although wet combing is very efficient, it must be done thoroughly and regularly as eggs can be 00.341£


moc.noinapmocdnalyrreb@nerak :ot deliame eb nac ypoc trevdA


nwo ruoy morf ,uoy rof ti ecudorp nac ew neht tamrof cinortcele na ni elbaliava ton si da ruoy fI a evah uoy fi rehgih eb yam siht hguohtla ,01£ tsuj fo ecirp dexfi a rof yllamron ,txet ypoc drah ni desu-er eb neht dluoc trevda eht - egrahc ffo-eno a si sihT( !trevda xelpmoc ylralucitrap ).egrahc fo eerf seussi tneuqesbus

.trevda fo noitacilbup eetnaraug ot htnom hcae fo ht61 yb deviecer eb tsum tnemyap dna ypoC .edam si tnemyap lluf nehw deetnaraug ylno si ecaps tnemesitrevdA .htnom hcae 000,8 ot pu srebmun noitubirtsiD

ngiseD & tamroF

:sU tcatnoC

.repap ytilauq no detnirp etihw dna kcalb sulp ruoloc htiw delpats ,telkoob ezis 5A na si tI .leef ytilauq hgih yrev a ti gnivig repap ssolg msg511 no detnirp eb lliw noinapmoC ehT eht yb tpek eb lliw ti leef dna kool ,tnetnoc ,ezis s’ti fo esuaceb dna ’ytivegnol‘ evah lliw tI fo ’ycaidmmi‘ sresitrevda gnivig ybereht ,sevirra eussi txen eht litnu sdlohesuoh fo ytirojam .deriuqer era secivres rieht nehw ’ssecca

ssegruB neraK daoR enwodsgni K 81 ZJ6 6TK ,yerruS ,notibruS 6900 4728 020 :leT 18530029070 :xaF moc.noinapmocsdnalyrreb@nerak :liamE moc.noinapmocsdnalyrreb.www :beW



egaP elbuoD

)daerps egap 2 ertneC(

sweiveR lairotidE

YAP UOY ECIRP EHT SI EES UOY ECIRP EHT OS ,DERETSIGER TAVA TON ERA EW .secirp egakcap rof su tcatnoC artxe 00.01£ :7 & 5 segaP muimerP .000,8 rep 792£ ta enizagam htiw dereviled eb nac stresni esooL


fo dnekeew tsrfi eht dnuora ro no ,ylhtnom detubirtsid dna dehsilbup eb lliw noinapmoC ehT .raey a snoitide 01 .htnom eht owt revo notibruS dna sdnalyrreB dnuora dna ni semoh 000,21 revo ot dereviled eb lliw tI .deetnaraug - shtnom .aera eht otni gnivom enoyna rof noitamrofni lacol fo ecruos tsrfi eht si ti noitidda nI


by Alison Runham

etihW & kcalB




.etad enildaed ypoc eht yb deviecer eb tsum stnemesitrevda lla rof tnemyap lluF yb tnemyaP .hsac ro ’noinapmoC sdnalyrreB‘ ot elbayap seuqehC :yb edam eb nac tnemyaP .tnemegnarra yb redro gnidnats ro SCAB


*seussI 5 %02 gnivaS

shtnom gniwollof eht ni noisulcni rof ,htnom hcae fo ht61 eht yb dettimbus eb tsum ypoc laniF ).htnom taht fo dnekeew tsrfi eht gnirud detubirtsid eb lliw hcihw( noitide

missed. At 9 days old, a female louse can lay eggs which hatch around a week later - so if a few lice or eggs are missed, hair can quickly become infested again. • •

• •

Shampoo, condition and detangle hair first, leaving conditioner in. Draw the detection comb through the hair from the roots to the ends, checking the comb for lice after each stroke. Remove them by rinsing or wiping. Rinse hair and then comb thoroughly again. Repeat every three days until day 15 to prevent newly-hatched lice maturing.

Electric nit combs These claim to kill head lice with a small electric shock. Opinions vary on their effectiveness. Silicone-based lotions (e.g. dimeticone) These lotions coat the lice, preventing them from absorbing water and so killing them. Used properly, they are very effective. Chemical insecticides (e.g. malathion, phenothrin, permethrin) Rarely a first recommendation now, as head lice are increasingly resistant to them and they can be harmful if used persistently. Treat everyone affected at the same time, follow instructions carefully and use a detection comb to remove dead lice and nits. Check hair a few days later and then again after 10-12 days, as not all treatments kill eggs. Preventing Head Lice The best method is regular combing using a proper detection comb, preferably weekly. If you need a product recommendation or are finding lice difficult to eradicate then ask your doctor or pharmacist for advice, particularly if treating babies, pregnant or breastfeeding mums, or people with allergies or asthma.

Please mention the magazine when contacting Advertisers


Ballet in Surbiton Rates

Advertiser’s Guide

The Margaret Barnes School of Dance St Mark’s Church Hall and at St Andrew’s & St Mark’s Junior School Surbiton Price List - Our Prices Haven’t Increased for 2 Years 1 Issue

2 Issues*

Full Page






Half Page


Quarter Page

Black & White

Saving 5%

3 Issues* Saving 7.5%

4 Issues* Saving 10%

Copy Deadline

5 Issues* Saving 20%










Full Page






Half Page






Quarter Page






Front Cover Banner


Back Cover


Inside Front + Back Cover


Double Page


Editorial Reviews


Final copy must be submitted by the 16th of each month, for inclusion in the following months edition (which will be distributed during the first weekend of that month.)


Full payment for all advertisements must be received by the copy deadline date. Payment can be made by: Cheques payable to ‘Berrylands Companion’ or cash. Payment by BACS or standing order by arrangement.

Full Colour

Learn to Bowl, Free Coaching, All Ages & Abilities Welcome

(Max 1 in every 4 issues for any one advertiser)

(Centre 2 page spread)


‘A Berrylands Companion’ is a small independent operation and is not registered for VAT. Consequently, no VAT is charged on advertisements.

Acceptable Formats

Adverts can be submitted in the following formats: • MS Word • MS Powerpoint • MS Publisher • TIFF & JPEG Advert copy can be emailed to: If your ad is not available in an electronic format then we can produce it for you, from your own hard copy text, normally for a fixed price of just £10, although this may be higher if you have a particularly complex advert! (This is a one-off charge - the advert could then be re-used in subsequent issues free of charge.)

WE ARE NOT AVAT REGISTERED, SO THE PRICE YOU SEE IS THE PRICE YOU PAY Contact us for package prices. Premium Pages 5 & 7: £10.00 extra Loose inserts can be delivered with magazine at £297 per 8,000.


Copy and payment must be received by 16th of each month to guarantee publication of advert. Advertisement space is only guaranteed when full payment is made. Distribution numbers up to 8,000 each month.

Bar . Restaurant Social Events Large Car Park

The Companion will be published and distributed monthly, on or around the first weekend of the month. 10 editions a year. It will be delivered to over 12,000 homes in and around Berrylands and Surbiton over two months - guaranteed. In addition it is the first source of local information for anyone moving into the area.

Format & Design

Contact Us:

It is an A5 size booklet, stapled with colour plus black and white printed on quality paper. The Companion will be printed on 115gsm gloss paper giving it a very high quality feel. It will have ‘longevity’ and because of it’s size, content, look and feel it will be kept by the majority of households until the next issue arrives, thereby giving advertisers ‘immdiacy’ of access’ when their services are required.

Karen Burgess 18 Kingsdowne Road Surbiton, Surrey, KT6 6JZ Tel: 020 8274 0096 Fax: 07092003581 Email: Web:

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William Stallion

150 Elmbridge Avenue, Surbiton, Surrey, KT5 9HF

Starting at 1 and finishing at 49, track your way from one square to another, either horizontally, vertically or diagonally, placing consecutive numbers into the empty squares as you go. Some numbers are already given.

49 49

Movie Review Interstellar

ediuG s’resitrevdA


*seussI 5 %02 gnivaS

shtnom gniwollof eht ni noisulcni rof ,htnom hcae fo ht61 eht yb dettimbus eb tsum ypoc laniF ).htnom taht fo dnekeew tsrfi eht gnirud detubirtsid eb lliw hcihw( noitide


*seussI 4 %01 gnivaS


*seussI 3

*seussI 2

eussI 1




%5.7 gnivaS

%5 gnivaS

etihW & kcalB egaP lluF


egaP flaH




egaP retrauQ






egaP lluF






egaP flaH








.etad enildaed ypoc eht yb deviecer eb tsum stnemesitrevda lla rof tnemyap lluF yb tnemyaP .hsac ro ’noinapmoC sdnalyrreB‘ ot elbayap seuqehC :yb edam eb nac tnemyaP .tnemegnarra yb redro gnidnats ro SCAB

00.723£ 00.271£



ruoloC lluF


.TAV rof deretsiger ton si dna noitarepo tnednepedni llams a si ’noinapmoC sdnalyrreB A‘ .stnemesitrevda no degrahc si TAV on ,yltneuqesnoC

stamroF elbatpeccA

:stamrof gniwollof eht ni dettimbus eb nac strevdA droW SM • tnioprewoP SM • rehsilbuP SM • GEPJ & FFIT •


egaP retrauQ


rennaB revoC tnorF


revoC kcaB


yna rof seussi 4 yreve ni 1 xaM( )resitrevda eno

+ tnorF edisnI revoC kcaB

My name is Chris Mills. I am a local University Student and my job is to review the latest and greatest movies to hit the big screen. I have a passion for film and an even bigger passion for the cinema experience. I am your local Film Critic 00.391£

moc.noinapmocdnalyrreb@nerak :ot deliame eb nac ypoc trevdA


nwo ruoy morf ,uoy rof ti ecudorp nac ew neht tamrof cinortcele na ni elbaliava ton si da ruoy fI a evah uoy fi rehgih eb yam siht hguohtla ,01£ tsuj fo ecirp dexfi a rof yllamron ,txet ypoc drah ni desu-er eb neht dluoc trevda eht - egrahc ffo-eno a si sihT( !trevda xelpmoc ylralucitrap ).egrahc fo eerf seussi tneuqesbus

egaP elbuoD

)daerps egap 2 ertneC(

sweiveR lairotidE

YAP UOY ECIRP EHT SI EES UOY ECIRP EHT OS ,DERETSIGER TAVA TON ERA EW .secirp egakcap rof su tcatnoC artxe 00.01£ :7 & 5 segaP muimerP .000,8 rep 792£ ta enizagam htiw dereviled eb nac stresni esooL


.trevda fo noitacilbup eetnaraug ot htnom hcae fo ht61 yb deviecer eb tsum tnemyap dna ypoC .edam si tnemyap lluf nehw deetnaraug ylno si ecaps tnemesitrevdA .htnom hcae 000,8 ot pu srebmun noitubirtsiD

fo dnekeew tsrfi eht dnuora ro no ,ylhtnom detubirtsid dna dehsilbup eb lliw noinapmoC ehT .raey a snoitide 01 .htnom eht owt revo notibruS dna sdnalyrreB dnuora dna ni semoh 000,21 revo ot dereviled eb lliw tI .deetnaraug - shtnom .aera eht otni gnivom enoyna rof noitamrofni lacol fo ecruos tsrfi eht si ti noitidda nI

ngiseD & tamroF

:sU tcatnoC

.repap ytilauq no detnirp etihw dna kcalb sulp ruoloc htiw delpats ,telkoob ezis 5A na si tI .leef ytilauq hgih yrev a ti gnivig repap ssolg msg511 no detnirp eb lliw noinapmoC ehT eht yb tpek eb lliw ti leef dna kool ,tnetnoc ,ezis s’ti fo esuaceb dna ’ytivegnol‘ evah lliw tI fo ’ycaidmmi‘ sresitrevda gnivig ybereht ,sevirra eussi txen eht litnu sdlohesuoh fo ytirojam .deriuqer era secivres rieht nehw ’ssecca

ssegruB neraK daoR enwodsgni K 81 ZJ6 6TK ,yerruS ,notibruS 6900 4728 020 :leT 18530029070 :xaF moc.noinapmocsdnalyrreb@nerak :liamE moc.noinapmocsdnalyrreb.www :beW

Interstellar It’s not just a story, but a story told well. Christopher Nolan bought The Dark Knight Trilogy to cinema. The Batman series was instantly welcomed by audiences with open arms. He then delivered the mind bending Inception which had similar success. However to compare his latest film to any other, wouldn’t serve it justice. Interstellar is no less than a masterpiece. Involving, engaging and immersive. Interstellar plucks you from the cinema seat and straps you in for an emotional journey like never before. 61

Survival is the fundament behind Interstellar. Faced with mankind’s extinction, as a result of a dying Earth, a team of explorers are assembled to scout the universe for a new home. Matthew McConaughey delivers a profound performance as father turned astronaut Cooper who is forced to leave his family to save mankind’s future. The dynamic between father and daughter is a cinematic triumph as the paths of the two characters, so close at first, are torn Galaxies apart. The result is a difficult yet beautiful viewing experience evoking both sadness and joy at various points along the journey. Emotion is an essential part of Interstellar and Nolan delves deep ensuring that everyone in the audience feels part of the experience. A connection to what’s on screen. Very rarely does a film manage to create an atmosphere in the cinema. A shared sense of tension between audience members. A feeling that what you’re witnessing is truly magical. Interstellar has such power and beauty that distractions inside the cinema are long forgotten. The mind becomes solely and completely emerged in what’s happening on the screen. Nolan has managed to harness the same fears felt in Alfonso Cuaron’s Gravity and enhance them further. The endless dark, silence of space combined with the constant journey into the unknown produces suspense levels like nothing else on film. The void of space portraying a seamlessly relentless villain challenging and threatening the



by Chris Mills

sraeY 2 rof desaercnI t’nevaH secirP ruO - tsiL ecirP

enildaeD ypoC

human race’s very existence. Behind the flawless special effects and the incomparable depth that cast, crew and story have delivered, there is a simple message. No matter how hard and demanding life gets, never give up hope. Interstellar spins and challenges audiences with a bombardment of threats yet it manages to maintain a glimmer of hope throughout further involving them in this dramatically moving story. Interstellar is a defining moment in film. Up until now, audiences have visited the cinema to witness something great, to be entertained, and too be wowed. Christopher Nolan has delivered a film which submerges the audience into its world, or in Interstellar’s case, its universe. Interstellar combines flawless acting and a beautiful story told in an enchanting, riveting and compelling way. Aided with awe inspiring, imaginative special effects and futuristic concepts and ideas, Interstellar is like nothing else. Nolan has superseded all expectations and delivered more than just a film. The final product is a flawless, beautiful work of art. Interstellar is cinematic history in the making. Simply put…... Interstellar is an experience from another dimension. 10/10 Editor’s note: As we went to print Interstellar was showing at Kingston and Epsom Odeon Cinemas. Please check press for details at time of intended visit. Rated 12A. Running time 166mins.

Please mention the magazine when contacting Advertisers

Taxation advice and guidance to local businesses Taxation advice and sole traders and guidance to for more than local businesses 15 years. and sole traders for more than 15 years.


Advertiser’s Guide

Price List - Our Prices Haven’t Increased for 2 Years 1 Issue

2 Issues*

Full Page






Half Page


Quarter Page

Black & White

Saving 5%

3 Issues* Saving 7.5%

4 Issues* Saving 10%

Copy Deadline

5 Issues* Saving 20%










Full Page






Half Page






Quarter Page






Front Cover Banner


Back Cover


Inside Front + Back Cover


Double Page


Editorial Reviews


Final copy must be submitted by the 16th of each month, for inclusion in the following months edition (which will be distributed during the first weekend of that month.)


Full payment for all advertisements must be received by the copy deadline date. Payment can be made by: Cheques payable to ‘Berrylands Companion’ or cash. Payment by BACS or standing order by arrangement.

Full Colour

(Max 1 in every 4 issues for any one advertiser)

(Centre 2 page spread)


‘A Berrylands Companion’ is a small independent operation and is not registered for VAT. Consequently, no VAT is charged on advertisements.

Acceptable Formats

Adverts can be submitted in the following formats: • MS Word • MS Powerpoint • MS Publisher • TIFF & JPEG Advert copy can be emailed to: If your ad is not available in an electronic format then we can produce it for you, from your own hard copy text, normally for a fixed price of just £10, although this may be higher if you have a particularly complex advert! (This is a one-off charge - the advert could then be re-used in subsequent issues free of charge.)

WE ARE NOT AVAT REGISTERED, SO THE PRICE YOU SEE IS THE PRICE YOU PAY Contact us for package prices. Premium Pages 5 & 7: £10.00 extra Loose inserts can be delivered with magazine at £297 per 8,000.


Copy and payment must be received by 16th of each month to guarantee publication of advert. Advertisement space is only guaranteed when full payment is made. Distribution numbers up to 8,000 each month.

The Companion will be published and distributed monthly, on or around the first weekend of the month. 10 editions a year. It will be delivered to over 12,000 homes in and around Berrylands and Surbiton over two months - guaranteed. In addition it is the first source of local information for anyone moving into the area.

Format & Design

Contact Us:

It is an A5 size booklet, stapled with colour plus black and white printed on quality paper. The Companion will be printed on 115gsm gloss paper giving it a very high quality feel. It will have ‘longevity’ and because of it’s size, content, look and feel it will be kept by the majority of households until the next issue arrives, thereby giving advertisers ‘immdiacy’ of access’ when their services are required.

Karen Burgess 18 Kingsdowne Road Surbiton, Surrey, KT6 6JZ Tel: 020 8274 0096 Fax: 07092003581 Email: Web:

x Accounts and Taxation • Accounts and Taxation x Assessment Self Assessment Tax • Self Tax Returns Returns • CIS and Payroll x Returns CIS and Payroll • VAT x VAT Returns • Tax Planning and Advice x Tax Planning and Advice • Book Keeping Services x Book Keeping Services Contact Mark Baker Contact Mark Baker 020 3044 2747 020 3044 2747 07909 703463 07909 703463 Email: Email: 16

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To advertise call Karen: 020 8274 0096


51 51

ediuG s’resitrevdA


sraeY 2 rof desaercnI t’nevaH secirP ruO - tsiL ecirP

enildaeD ypoC

*seussI 4

*seussI 3

*seussI 2

eussI 1






%01 gnivaS

%5.7 gnivaS

%5 gnivaS

etihW & kcalB egaP lluF


egaP flaH




egaP retrauQ






egaP lluF






egaP flaH








.etad enildaed ypoc eht yb deviecer eb tsum stnemesitrevda lla rof tnemyap lluF yb tnemyaP .hsac ro ’noinapmoC sdnalyrreB‘ ot elbayap seuqehC :yb edam eb nac tnemyaP .tnemegnarra yb redro gnidnats ro SCAB

00.723£ 00.271£



ruoloC lluF


.TAV rof deretsiger ton si dna noitarepo tnednepedni llams a si ’noinapmoC sdnalyrreB A‘ .stnemesitrevda no degrahc si TAV on ,yltneuqesnoC

stamroF elbatpeccA

:stamrof gniwollof eht ni dettimbus eb nac strevdA droW SM • tnioprewoP SM • rehsilbuP SM • GEPJ & FFIT •


egaP retrauQ


rennaB revoC tnorF


revoC kcaB

00.341£ 00.391£

moc.noinapmocdnalyrreb@nerak :ot deliame eb nac ypoc trevdA


nwo ruoy morf ,uoy rof ti ecudorp nac ew neht tamrof cinortcele na ni elbaliava ton si da ruoy fI a evah uoy fi rehgih eb yam siht hguohtla ,01£ tsuj fo ecirp dexfi a rof yllamron ,txet ypoc drah ni desu-er eb neht dluoc trevda eht - egrahc ffo-eno a si sihT( !trevda xelpmoc ylralucitrap ).egrahc fo eerf seussi tneuqesbus

yna rof seussi 4 yreve ni 1 xaM( )resitrevda eno

+ tnorF edisnI revoC kcaB egaP elbuoD

)daerps egap 2 ertneC(

sweiveR lairotidE

YAP UOY ECIRP EHT SI EES UOY ECIRP EHT OS ,DERETSIGER TAVA TON ERA EW .secirp egakcap rof su tcatnoC artxe 00.01£ :7 & 5 segaP muimerP .000,8 rep 792£ ta enizagam htiw dereviled eb nac stresni esooL


.trevda fo noitacilbup eetnaraug ot htnom hcae fo ht61 yb deviecer eb tsum tnemyap dna ypoC .edam si tnemyap lluf nehw deetnaraug ylno si ecaps tnemesitrevdA .htnom hcae 000,8 ot pu srebmun noitubirtsiD

fo dnekeew tsrfi eht dnuora ro no ,ylhtnom detubirtsid dna dehsilbup eb lliw noinapmoC ehT .raey a snoitide 01 .htnom eht owt revo notibruS dna sdnalyrreB dnuora dna ni semoh 000,21 revo ot dereviled eb lliw tI .deetnaraug - shtnom .aera eht otni gnivom enoyna rof noitamrofni lacol fo ecruos tsrfi eht si ti noitidda nI

ngiseD & tamroF

:sU tcatnoC

.repap ytilauq no detnirp etihw dna kcalb sulp ruoloc htiw delpats ,telkoob ezis 5A na si tI .leef ytilauq hgih yrev a ti gnivig repap ssolg msg511 no detnirp eb lliw noinapmoC ehT eht yb tpek eb lliw ti leef dna kool ,tnetnoc ,ezis s’ti fo esuaceb dna ’ytivegnol‘ evah lliw tI fo ’ycaidmmi‘ sresitrevda gnivig ybereht ,sevirra eussi txen eht litnu sdlohesuoh fo ytirojam .deriuqer era secivres rieht nehw ’ssecca

ssegruB neraK daoR enwodsgni K 81 ZJ6 6TK ,yerruS ,notibruS 6900 4728 020 :leT 18530029070 :xaF moc.noinapmocsdnalyrreb@nerak :liamE moc.noinapmocsdnalyrreb.www :beW



*seussI 5 %02 gnivaS

shtnom gniwollof eht ni noisulcni rof ,htnom hcae fo ht61 eht yb dettimbus eb tsum ypoc laniF ).htnom taht fo dnekeew tsrfi eht gnirud detubirtsid eb lliw hcihw( noitide

Christmas Greetings Rates

Advertiser’s Guide

Price List - Our Prices Haven’t Increased for 2 Years 1 Issue

2 Issues*

Full Page






Half Page


Quarter Page

Black & White

Saving 5%

3 Issues* Saving 7.5%

4 Issues* Saving 10%

Copy Deadline

5 Issues* Saving 20%










Full Page






Half Page






Quarter Page






Front Cover Banner


Back Cover


Inside Front + Back Cover


Double Page


Editorial Reviews


Final copy must be submitted by the 16th of each month, for inclusion in the following months edition (which will be distributed during the first weekend of that month.)


Full payment for all advertisements must be received by the copy deadline date. Payment can be made by: Cheques payable to ‘Berrylands Companion’ or cash. Payment by BACS or standing order by arrangement.

Full Colour

(Max 1 in every 4 issues for any one advertiser)

Season’s Greetings from

Edward Davey M.P 21 Berrylands Road

020 8288 0161

(Centre 2 page spread)


‘A Berrylands Companion’ is a small independent operation and is not registered for VAT. Consequently, no VAT is charged on advertisements.

Acceptable Formats

Adverts can be submitted in the following formats: • MS Word • MS Powerpoint • MS Publisher • TIFF & JPEG

Season’s Greetings from

Advert copy can be emailed to: If your ad is not available in an electronic format then we can produce it for you, from your own hard copy text, normally for a fixed price of just £10, although this may be higher if you have a particularly complex advert! (This is a one-off charge - the advert could then be re-used in subsequent issues free of charge.)

WE ARE NOT AVAT REGISTERED, SO THE PRICE YOU SEE IS THE PRICE YOU PAY Contact us for package prices. Premium Pages 5 & 7: £10.00 extra Loose inserts can be delivered with magazine at £297 per 8,000.


Copy and payment must be received by 16th of each month to guarantee publication of advert. Advertisement space is only guaranteed when full payment is made. Distribution numbers up to 8,000 each month.

The Treatment Room Surbiton Hill Park 07725 628 685 Contact Us:

Karen Burgess 18 Kingsdowne Road Surbiton, Surrey, KT6 6JZ Tel: 020 8274 0096 Fax: 07092003581 Email: Web:

The Companion will be published and distributed monthly, on or around the first weekend of the month. 10 editions a year. It will be delivered to over 12,000 homes in and around Berrylands and Surbiton over two months - guaranteed. In addition it is the first source of local information for anyone moving into the area.

Format & Design

It is an A5 size booklet, stapled with colour plus black and white printed on quality paper. The Companion will be printed on 115gsm gloss paper giving it a very high quality feel. It will have ‘longevity’ and because of it’s size, content, look and feel it will be kept by the majority of households until the next issue arrives, thereby giving advertisers ‘immdiacy’ of access’ when their services are required.


Season’s Greetings from

Alexandra Drive Post Office 104 Alexandra Drive Surbiton KT5 9AG

020 8399 0567

Season’s Greetings from

Rugby Tots 0845 481 6444

0771 882 311

To advertise call Karen: 020 8274 0096

Season’s Greetings from

C.D.Jennings 146 Ewell Road KT6 6HE 020 8399 4870

Season’s Greetings from

Addington’s Curtains and Blinds

020 8399 1445


53 53

Short Story

Short Story ediuG s’resitrevdA


sraeY 2 rof desaercnI t’nevaH secirP ruO - tsiL ecirP

enildaeD ypoC

*seussI 5

*seussI 4

*seussI 3

*seussI 2

eussI 1






%02 gnivaS

shtnom gniwollof eht ni noisulcni rof ,htnom hcae fo ht61 eht yb dettimbus eb tsum ypoc laniF ).htnom taht fo dnekeew tsrfi eht gnirud detubirtsid eb lliw hcihw( noitide




.etad enildaed ypoc eht yb deviecer eb tsum stnemesitrevda lla rof tnemyap lluF yb tnemyaP .hsac ro ’noinapmoC sdnalyrreB‘ ot elbayap seuqehC :yb edam eb nac tnemyaP .tnemegnarra yb redro gnidnats ro SCAB

%01 gnivaS

00.723£ 00.271£

%5.7 gnivaS

%5 gnivaS

etihW & kcalB egaP lluF


egaP flaH




egaP retrauQ






ruoloC lluF




egaP lluF

The Last Last Present Present The

.TAV rof deretsiger ton si dna noitarepo tnednepedni llams a si ’noinapmoC sdnalyrreB A‘ .stnemesitrevda no degrahc si TAV on ,yltneuqesnoC

stamroF elbatpeccA

:stamrof gniwollof eht ni dettimbus eb nac strevdA droW SM • tnioprewoP SM • rehsilbuP SM • GEPJ & FFIT •









00.38£ 00.74£

egaP retrauQ


rennaB revoC tnorF


revoC kcaB



moc.noinapmocdnalyrreb@nerak :ot deliame eb nac ypoc trevdA


nwo ruoy morf ,uoy rof ti ecudorp nac ew neht tamrof cinortcele na ni elbaliava ton si da ruoy fI a evah uoy fi rehgih eb yam siht hguohtla ,01£ tsuj fo ecirp dexfi a rof yllamron ,txet ypoc drah ni desu-er eb neht dluoc trevda eht - egrahc ffo-eno a si sihT( !trevda xelpmoc ylralucitrap ).egrahc fo eerf seussi tneuqesbus

egaP flaH

yna rof seussi 4 yreve ni 1 xaM( )resitrevda eno

+ tnorF edisnI revoC kcaB egaP elbuoD

)daerps egap 2 ertneC(

sweiveR lairotidE

YAP UOY ECIRP EHT SI EES UOY ECIRP EHT OS ,DERETSIGER TAVA TON ERA EW .secirp egakcap rof su tcatnoC artxe 00.01£ :7 & 5 segaP muimerP .000,8 rep 792£ ta enizagam htiw dereviled eb nac stresni esooL

“I’ll lock up while you get the “I’ll lock up while you get the first round in”, Trevor told Barry, first round in”, Trevor told Barry, scratching his beard. scratching his beard. “Aren’t we changing out of our “Aren’t we changing out of our work clothes?” Barry said. work clothes?” Barry said. “Not tonight”. This was his “Not tonight”. This was his Christmas Eve ritual, the pub Christmas Eve ritual, the pub regulars expected it. Once regulars expected it. Once Santa and his elf arrived at the Santa and his elf arrived at the bar everyone knew Christmas bar everyone knew Christmas had finally arrived. had finally arrived. Trevor had been the Santa at Trevor had been the Santa at the precinct grotto for years. the precinct grotto for years. The kids he’d once bounced on The kids he’d once bounced on his knee now brought their own his knee now brought their own kids to tell Santa what a good kids to tell Santa what a good little boy or girl they’d been. little boy or girl they’d been. “Busy year”, Trevor said, “Busy year”, Trevor said, “there’s only one present left, “there’s only one present left, we were cutting that a bit fine”. we were cutting that a bit fine”. “What’ll happen to it?” Barry “What’ll happen to it?” Barry asked. He was new to the elf asked. He was new to the elf game, slightly scatterbrained, game, slightly scatterbrained, but good with crowd but good with crowd management Trevor thought. management Trevor thought. “It’ll go in storage until next “It’ll go in storage until next year”. The grotto was no more year”. The grotto was no more than a shed decorated with than a shed decorated with tinsel, but for the last ten days tinsel, but for the last ten days over-excited kids had been over-excited kids had been queuing out the door. queuing out the door. “Off you trot now, mine’s a “Off you trot now, mine’s a pint”, Trevor said switching off pint”, Trevor said switching off the lights. the lights. Left to himself, Trevor locked Left to himself, Trevor locked the door and dropped the key the door and dropped the key in his coat pocket. A job well in his coat pocket. A job well done he thought. As he turned done he thought. As he turned to go he felt something pulling to go he felt something pulling on coat. on coat. “Excuse me Santa is the grotto “Excuse me Santa is the grotto still open?” a young lad said. still open?” a young lad said. He was just a scrap of a thing, He was just a scrap of a thing, Trevor nearly tripped over him. Trevor nearly tripped over him. “Sorry lad, we’ve shut up shop”. “Sorry lad, we’ve shut up shop”. noitubirtsiD

.trevda fo noitacilbup eetnaraug ot htnom hcae fo ht61 yb deviecer eb tsum tnemyap dna ypoC .edam si tnemyap lluf nehw deetnaraug ylno si ecaps tnemesitrevdA .htnom hcae 000,8 ot pu srebmun noitubirtsiD

fo dnekeew tsrfi eht dnuora ro no ,ylhtnom detubirtsid dna dehsilbup eb lliw noinapmoC ehT .raey a snoitide 01 .htnom eht owt revo notibruS dna sdnalyrreB dnuora dna ni semoh 000,21 revo ot dereviled eb lliw tI .deetnaraug - shtnom .aera eht otni gnivom enoyna rof noitamrofni lacol fo ecruos tsrfi eht si ti noitidda nI

ngiseD & tamroF

:sU tcatnoC

.repap ytilauq no detnirp etihw dna kcalb sulp ruoloc htiw delpats ,telkoob ezis 5A na si tI .leef ytilauq hgih yrev a ti gnivig repap ssolg msg511 no detnirp eb lliw noinapmoC ehT eht yb tpek eb lliw ti leef dna kool ,tnetnoc ,ezis s’ti fo esuaceb dna ’ytivegnol‘ evah lliw tI fo ’ycaidmmi‘ sresitrevda gnivig ybereht ,sevirra eussi txen eht litnu sdlohesuoh fo ytirojam .deriuqer era secivres rieht nehw ’ssecca

ssegruB neraK daoR enwodsgni K 81 ZJ6 6TK ,yerruS ,notibruS 6900 4728 020 :leT 18530029070 :xaF moc.noinapmocsdnalyrreb@nerak :liamE moc.noinapmocsdnalyrreb.www :beW


54 54

The boy’s bottom The boy’s bottom lip began to lip began to wobble. wobble. “But I wanted to “But I wanted to see Santa”. The see Santa”. The boy whimpered. boy whimpered. Just what I need, Just what I need, thought Trevor, a thought Trevor, a blubberer on Christmas Eve. blubberer on Christmas Eve. “Well, you’re seeing me now “Well, you’re seeing me now aren’t you?”. Trevor said and aren’t you?”. Trevor said and ruffled the boy’s hair. ruffled the boy’s hair. “And get a present”, the boy “And get a present”, the boy added. added. “Well you should’ve come “Well you should’ve come earlier”, Trevor said gruffly. It earlier”, Trevor said gruffly. It was more than his job’s worth was more than his job’s worth to let the lad into the grotto to let the lad into the grotto without his elf present; health without his elf present; health and safety and all that. and safety and all that. “I did, but your elf said I had “I did, but your elf said I had to pay and I didn’t have any to pay and I didn’t have any money”, the boy said rubbing money”, the boy said rubbing his eyes. Trevor softened. Poor his eyes. Trevor softened. Poor kid. kid. “Listen lad, don’t cry”. He “Listen lad, don’t cry”. He crouched down, “tell me, have crouched down, “tell me, have you been a good boy this you been a good boy this year?” year?” The boy nodded uncertainly. The boy nodded uncertainly. Trevor chuckled. He put his Trevor chuckled. He put his hand in his pocket and pulled hand in his pocket and pulled out all his loose change. out all his loose change. “Here, find yourself something “Here, find yourself something nice with this”. The boy held out nice with this”. The boy held out his hand and grinned, his hand and grinned, “Thanks Santa”. “Thanks Santa”. Trevor stood up slowly, his old Trevor stood up slowly, his old knees ached. knees ached. “Happy Christmas”. He waved, “Happy Christmas”. He waved, and headed towards the pub. and headed towards the pub. There was a cheer from the There was a cheer from the regulars as he walked in. Barry regulars as he walked in. Barry was standing at the crowded was standing at the crowded

bar looking sheepish. bar looking sheepish. “Where’s my pint?” Trevor said. “Where’s my pint?” Trevor said. “I left my wallet at the grotto”, “I left my wallet at the grotto”, Barry said. “There’s no pockets Barry said. “There’s no pockets in these tights”. in these tights”. “We’d better nip back for it”, “We’d better nip back for it”, Trevor sighed, “I’ve got the key Trevor sighed, “I’ve got the key here”. here”. He dug his hand into his He dug his hand into his pocket, and knew straight away pocket, and knew straight away what he’d done. The pocket what he’d done. The pocket was empty. was empty. “I’ve dropped a real clanger”. “I’ve dropped a real clanger”. He groaned and bundled Barry He groaned and bundled Barry out of the pub. The boss would out of the pub. The boss would have his guts for garters for have his guts for garters for this. this. “Oh no!” Barry gasped as they “Oh no!” Barry gasped as they reached the grotto. Trevor was reached the grotto. Trevor was afraid to look. afraid to look. “You’ve left the key in the door”. “You’ve left the key in the door”. Barry panted. Barry panted. “Did I?” Trevor could breathe “Did I?” Trevor could breathe again, “Must have been again, “Must have been distracted by that kid.” He distracted by that kid.” He scanned inside the shed as scanned inside the shed as Barry retrieved his wallet from Barry retrieved his wallet from behind the inflatable Rudolph. behind the inflatable Rudolph. “No harm done”. He smiled, “No harm done”. He smiled, putting the key safely back in putting the key safely back in his pocket. his pocket. He was ready for that pint. It He was ready for that pint. It was lucky, he thought, that his was lucky, he thought, that his elf hadn’t noticed the pile of elf hadn’t noticed the pile of small change where the last small change where the last present used to be. present used to be. By Jackie Brewster By Jackie Brewster

Please mention the magazine when contacting Advertisers


Advertiser’s Guide

Price List - Our Prices Haven’t Increased for 2 Years 1 Issue

2 Issues*

Full Page






Half Page


Quarter Page

Black & White

Saving 5%

3 Issues* Saving 7.5%

4 Issues* Saving 10%

Copy Deadline

5 Issues* Saving 20%










Full Page






Half Page






Quarter Page






Front Cover Banner


Back Cover


Inside Front + Back Cover


Double Page


Editorial Reviews


Final copy must be submitted by the 16th of each month, for inclusion in the following months edition (which will be distributed during the first weekend of that month.)


Full payment for all advertisements must be received by the copy deadline date. Payment can be made by: Cheques payable to ‘Berrylands Companion’ or cash. Payment by BACS or standing order by arrangement.

Full Colour

(Max 1 in every 4 issues for any one advertiser)

(Centre 2 page spread)


‘A Berrylands Companion’ is a small independent operation and is not registered for VAT. Consequently, no VAT is charged on advertisements.

Acceptable Formats

Adverts can be submitted in the following formats: • MS Word • MS Powerpoint • MS Publisher • TIFF & JPEG Advert copy can be emailed to: If your ad is not available in an electronic format then we can produce it for you, from your own hard copy text, normally for a fixed price of just £10, although this may be higher if you have a particularly complex advert! (This is a one-off charge - the advert could then be re-used in subsequent issues free of charge.)

WE ARE NOT AVAT REGISTERED, SO THE PRICE YOU SEE IS THE PRICE YOU PAY Contact us for package prices. Premium Pages 5 & 7: £10.00 extra Loose inserts can be delivered with magazine at £297 per 8,000.


Copy and payment must be received by 16th of each month to guarantee publication of advert. Advertisement space is only guaranteed when full payment is made. Distribution numbers up to 8,000 each month.

The Companion will be published and distributed monthly, on or around the first weekend of the month. 10 editions a year. It will be delivered to over 12,000 homes in and around Berrylands and Surbiton over two months - guaranteed. In addition it is the first source of local information for anyone moving into the area.

Format & Design

Contact Us:

It is an A5 size booklet, stapled with colour plus black and white printed on quality paper. The Companion will be printed on 115gsm gloss paper giving it a very high quality feel. It will have ‘longevity’ and because of it’s size, content, look and feel it will be kept by the majority of households until the next issue arrives, thereby giving advertisers ‘immdiacy’ of access’ when their services are required.

Karen Burgess 18 Kingsdowne Road Surbiton, Surrey, KT6 6JZ Tel: 020 8274 0096 Fax: 07092003581 Email: Web:


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To advertise call Karen: 020 8274 0096




QUIZ RESULTS ediuG s’resitrevdA


sraeY 2 rof desaercnI t’nevaH secirP ruO - tsiL ecirP

enildaeD ypoC tnemyaP

.etad enildaed ypoc eht yb deviecer eb tsum stnemesitrevda lla rof tnemyap lluF yb tnemyaP .hsac ro ’noinapmoC sdnalyrreB‘ ot elbayap seuqehC :yb edam eb nac tnemyaP .tnemegnarra yb redro gnidnats ro SCAB


.TAV rof deretsiger ton si dna noitarepo tnednepedni llams a si ’noinapmoC sdnalyrreB A‘ .stnemesitrevda no degrahc si TAV on ,yltneuqesnoC

*seussI 5

*seussI 4

*seussI 3

*seussI 2

eussI 1










%02 gnivaS

shtnom gniwollof eht ni noisulcni rof ,htnom hcae fo ht61 eht yb dettimbus eb tsum ypoc laniF ).htnom taht fo dnekeew tsrfi eht gnirud detubirtsid eb lliw hcihw( noitide

%01 gnivaS

%5.7 gnivaS

%5 gnivaS

etihW & kcalB 00.16£

egaP lluF egaP flaH






egaP retrauQ

ruoloC lluF

stamroF elbatpeccA

:stamrof gniwollof eht ni dettimbus eb nac strevdA droW SM • tnioprewoP SM • rehsilbuP SM • GEPJ & FFIT •






egaP lluF






egaP flaH






egaP retrauQ


rennaB revoC tnorF


revoC kcaB


+ tnorF edisnI revoC kcaB


moc.noinapmocdnalyrreb@nerak :ot deliame eb nac ypoc trevdA


nwo ruoy morf ,uoy rof ti ecudorp nac ew neht tamrof cinortcele na ni elbaliava ton si da ruoy fI a evah uoy fi rehgih eb yam siht hguohtla ,01£ tsuj fo ecirp dexfi a rof yllamron ,txet ypoc drah ni desu-er eb neht dluoc trevda eht - egrahc ffo-eno a si sihT( !trevda xelpmoc ylralucitrap ).egrahc fo eerf seussi tneuqesbus


yna rof seussi 4 yreve ni 1 xaM( )resitrevda eno

egaP elbuoD

)daerps egap 2 ertneC(

sweiveR lairotidE

YAP UOY ECIRP EHT SI EES UOY ECIRP EHT OS ,DERETSIGER TAVA TON ERA EW .secirp egakcap rof su tcatnoC artxe 00.01£ :7 & 5 segaP muimerP .000,8 rep 792£ ta enizagam htiw dereviled eb nac stresni esooL


.trevda fo noitacilbup eetnaraug ot htnom hcae fo ht61 yb deviecer eb tsum tnemyap dna ypoC .edam si tnemyap lluf nehw deetnaraug ylno si ecaps tnemesitrevdA .htnom hcae 000,8 ot pu srebmun noitubirtsiD

fo dnekeew tsrfi eht dnuora ro no ,ylhtnom detubirtsid dna dehsilbup eb lliw noinapmoC ehT .raey a snoitide 01 .htnom eht owt revo notibruS dna sdnalyrreB dnuora dna ni semoh 000,21 revo ot dereviled eb lliw tI .deetnaraug - shtnom .aera eht otni gnivom enoyna rof noitamrofni lacol fo ecruos tsrfi eht si ti noitidda nI

ngiseD & tamroF

:sU tcatnoC

.repap ytilauq no detnirp etihw dna kcalb sulp ruoloc htiw delpats ,telkoob ezis 5A na si tI .leef ytilauq hgih yrev a ti gnivig repap ssolg msg511 no detnirp eb lliw noinapmoC ehT eht yb tpek eb lliw ti leef dna kool ,tnetnoc ,ezis s’ti fo esuaceb dna ’ytivegnol‘ evah lliw tI fo ’ycaidmmi‘ sresitrevda gnivig ybereht ,sevirra eussi txen eht litnu sdlohesuoh fo ytirojam .deriuqer era secivres rieht nehw ’ssecca

ssegruB neraK daoR enwodsgni K 81 ZJ6 6TK ,yerruS ,notibruS 6900 4728 020 :leT 18530029070 :xaF moc.noinapmocsdnalyrreb@nerak :liamE moc.noinapmocsdnalyrreb.www :beW



Word Ladder Solution Childrens’ Page Answer: B: 17 windows Wordsearch Answer: Christmas is a time for families. Dorothy Koomsan 56


Here is one possible solution (others may exist) DISH dash bash bass boss bows BOWL

Please mention the magazine when contacting Advertisers

Evidence for better education policies – the case of free school meals

Edward Davey MP


Price List - Our Prices Haven’t Increased for 2 Years


hen a Government introduces a new policy you would hope Ministers have some evidence that the policy is likely to work. There are few areas more important than education for having an evidence-based approach to new policies than education. Children shouldn’t be used as experiments for a fashionable theory. That’s why I (and my party) proposed and have introduced free school meals for all. There is good evidence this policy will actually work. Free School Meals – delivered smoothly So what is this policy I have championed, along with Nick Clegg? From September this year, every single child in infants has become eligible for a free school lunch. This means that 1.89 million children in reception classes and in year 1 and 2 can eat a free, nutritious meal at lunchtime every day. In 16,500 schools. Despite press reports this wouldn’t happen (mainly the Daily Mail), it has. Including here in the Royal Borough. Thanks to hard work by headteachers and many others in our primary schools, it’s happened smoothly too. Having visited the one school in Kingston and Surbiton reporting difficulties in implementing the free school meals, they now have got the grant of £68,000 to extend their dining hall, to avoid the inconvenient staggering of meal times they adopted in the first term of free school meals. Free school meals – evidence of education and health benefits The reason I and others fought so hard for this is – the evidence. Pilot studies showed that where children were given free school meals, they were found to be up to 2 months ahead of peers elsewhere in Maths and English. The pilots found giving every child a free school meal improved concentration and raised educational performance, regardless of the child’s background. To be more concrete about the evidence, pilots found that around 2% more children reached target levels in Maths and English at Key Stage 1. Even more interestingly, at Key Stage 2 the impact on achievement was between 3% and 5% - a bigger improvement than the 3.6% boost that followed the introduction of a compulsory literacy hour in 1998. Significantly, the academic improvements were most marked among children from less affluent families. And the evidence from the pilots suggest benefits aren’t isolated to education – there are health benefits

To advertise call Karen: 020 8274 0096

1 Issue

2 Issues*

Full Page






Half Page


Quarter Page

Black & White

Saving 5%

3 Issues* Saving 7.5%

4 Issues* Saving 10%










Full Page






Half Page






Quarter Page






Front Cover Banner


Back Cover


Inside Front + Back Cover


Double Page


Editorial Reviews


Advertiser’s Guide

Copy Deadline

5 Issues* Saving 20%

Final copy must be submitted by the 16th of each month, for inclusion in the following months edition (which will be distributed during the first weekend of that month.)


Full payment for all advertisements must be received by the copy deadline date. Payment can be made by: Cheques payable to ‘Berrylands Companion’ or cash. Payment by BACS or standing order by arrangement.

too. The studies showed children were more likely to eat vegetables, rather than unhealthy snacks like crisps. With schools providing higher quality, tasty meals and not just “turkey twizzlers”, positive eating habits are established. Given almost 20% of children are now obese by the time they leave primary school, the long term benefits to society of this simple policy may turn out to be huge – benefitting all taxpayers of the future. Full Colour

(Max 1 in every 4 issues for any one advertiser)

(Centre 2 page spread)


‘A Berrylands Companion’ is a small independent operation and is not registered for VAT. Consequently, no VAT is charged on advertisements.

Acceptable Formats

Adverts can be submitted in the following formats: • MS Word • MS Powerpoint • MS Publisher • TIFF & JPEG

Advert copy can be emailed to: If your ad is not available in an electronic format then we can produce it for you, from your own hard copy text, normally for a fixed price of just £10, although this may be higher if you have a particularly complex advert! (This is a one-off charge - the advert could then be re-used in subsequent issues free of charge.)

WE ARE NOT AVAT REGISTERED, SO THE PRICE YOU SEE IS THE PRICE YOU PAY Contact us for package prices. Premium Pages 5 & 7: £10.00 extra Loose inserts can be delivered with magazine at £297 per 8,000.


Copy and payment must be received by 16th of each month to guarantee publication of advert. Advertisement space is only guaranteed when full payment is made. Distribution numbers up to 8,000 each month.

The Companion will be published and distributed monthly, on or around the first weekend of the month. 10 editions a year. It will be delivered to over 12,000 homes in and around Berrylands and Surbiton over two months - guaranteed. In addition it is the first source of local information for anyone moving into the area.

Format & Design

Contact Us:

It is an A5 size booklet, stapled with colour plus black and white printed on quality paper. The Companion will be printed on 115gsm gloss paper giving it a very high quality feel. It will have ‘longevity’ and because of it’s size, content, look and feel it will be kept by the majority of households until the next issue arrives, thereby giving advertisers ‘immdiacy’ of access’ when their services are required.

Karen Burgess 18 Kingsdowne Road Surbiton, Surrey, KT6 6JZ Tel: 020 8274 0096 Fax: 07092003581 Email: Web:

Families £400 a year better off 16

And there’s more. For some families these free school meals will make a big financial difference too. Whilst children from the poorest families have always been eligible for free school meals, the evidence also showed many children from low incomes families were not – up to 4 in 10 of children living in poverty were not getting free school meals. Government estimates suggest the free school meals policy is worth around £400 a year per child to a family with infant children. Other evidence of the benefits are more anecdotal and difficult to quantify – but they seem like common sense to me. Behaviour and discipline may be improving as some children where families don’t always eat together learn how to socialise better – chatting over lunch. Some teachers reported that the previous stigmatisation of children receiving free school meals went overnight and have said they feel this has led to improve selfesteem for some pupils and perhaps less bullying. The previous division of pupils eating a packed lunch from those eating a school meal was also identified by some as important. There will be some who will oppose this policy on principle. Michael Gove’s former special adviser at the Department of Education has been particularly hostile. Some may oppose it and question the evidence. But to be fair, Ministers can only act on the evidence they have. And given we have seen education policies implemented over the years without any evidence or pilots, at least our free school meals policy has more grounding than most policies dreamt up by politicians. For me, free school meals was a “no brainer”. It was common sense. Moreover, it was one of those policies which are sometimes called “no regrets” – in other words, even if the evidence proves wrong, the worst that’s happened is young children enjoying meals together. I am afraid to say we’ve seen too many education policies that we have lived to regret. Our policy of free school meals will not be one of those.



What’s on in December:ediuG s’resitrevdA


Childhood Cancer Awareness Month; sraeY 2 rof desaercnI t’nevaH secirP ruO - tsiL ecirP

enildaeD ypoC

*seussI 5 %02 gnivaS

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*seussI 4 %01 gnivaS

*seussI 3 %5.7 gnivaS

*seussI 2 %5 gnivaS

eussI 1

etihW & kcalB

1st Nov-13th Dec: Kingston upon Thames Festival of The Performing Arts, performances in music, dance & speech categories. Prize Winners’ Concert on Sat 13th December at 7pm at Emmanuel Church, Grand Avenue Tolworth. 4 Nov-30 Dec: The Paddington Bear Trail, find 50 Paddington bear statues around London. In aid of NSPCC. 13 Nov-24th Dec: Christmas Market in Kingston, gifts, foods and crafts, mulled wine etc. The Ancient Market Place will be transformed into a Winter Wonderland. Eden Crafts Market by All Saint’s Church. 14 Nov-1st Jan: Hogwarts at Christmas, Warner Brothers’ Studio Tour, Tickets from £30. 15 Nov-4 Jan: Eye Skate at London Eye Jubilee Gardens 21 Nov-16 Dec: Enchanted Woodland at Syon Park, Brentford TW8 8JF, when the gardens will be illuminated with trails and walks to enjoy and a chance to take some lovely photographs. 21 Nov-4th Jan: Hyde Park Winter Wonderland, wooden chalets, fairground, ice skating and the circus. Free entry but tokens available on site for the attractions. Ice Skate at Vauxhall Pleasure Gardens Tkts: £10.95 Hampton Court Palace Ice Rink 26 Nov- 3 Jan: Christmas at Kew Gardens, The Boutique Market. Open 5 - 10pm. Tickets: In advance: Adults £15, Family £45, Child 4-16 £10; On the day A: £17, F: £50, C: £12. Book at: Tel: 0844 995 9675 00.0501£




egaP lluF


egaP flaH




egaP retrauQ






egaP lluF






egaP flaH








.etad enildaed ypoc eht yb deviecer eb tsum stnemesitrevda lla rof tnemyap lluF yb tnemyaP .hsac ro ’noinapmoC sdnalyrreB‘ ot elbayap seuqehC :yb edam eb nac tnemyaP .tnemegnarra yb redro gnidnats ro SCAB

00.465£ 00.723£ 00.271£



ruoloC lluF


.TAV rof deretsiger ton si dna noitarepo tnednepedni llams a si ’noinapmoC sdnalyrreB A‘ .stnemesitrevda no degrahc si TAV on ,yltneuqesnoC

stamroF elbatpeccA

:stamrof gniwollof eht ni dettimbus eb nac strevdA droW SM • tnioprewoP SM • rehsilbuP SM • GEPJ & FFIT •


egaP retrauQ


rennaB revoC tnorF


revoC kcaB



moc.noinapmocdnalyrreb@nerak :ot deliame eb nac ypoc trevdA


nwo ruoy morf ,uoy rof ti ecudorp nac ew neht tamrof cinortcele na ni elbaliava ton si da ruoy fI a evah uoy fi rehgih eb yam siht hguohtla ,01£ tsuj fo ecirp dexfi a rof yllamron ,txet ypoc drah ni desu-er eb neht dluoc trevda eht - egrahc ffo-eno a si sihT( !trevda xelpmoc ylralucitrap ).egrahc fo eerf seussi tneuqesbus

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YAP UOY ECIRP EHT SI EES UOY ECIRP EHT OS ,DERETSIGER TAVA TON ERA EW .secirp egakcap rof su tcatnoC artxe 00.01£ :7 & 5 segaP muimerP .000,8 rep 792£ ta enizagam htiw dereviled eb nac stresni esooL


.trevda fo noitacilbup eetnaraug ot htnom hcae fo ht61 yb deviecer eb tsum tnemyap dna ypoC .edam si tnemyap lluf nehw deetnaraug ylno si ecaps tnemesitrevdA .htnom hcae 000,8 ot pu srebmun noitubirtsiD

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ngiseD & tamroF

:sU tcatnoC

.repap ytilauq no detnirp etihw dna kcalb sulp ruoloc htiw delpats ,telkoob ezis 5A na si tI .leef ytilauq hgih yrev a ti gnivig repap ssolg msg511 no detnirp eb lliw noinapmoC ehT eht yb tpek eb lliw ti leef dna kool ,tnetnoc ,ezis s’ti fo esuaceb dna ’ytivegnol‘ evah lliw tI fo ’ycaidmmi‘ sresitrevda gnivig ybereht ,sevirra eussi txen eht litnu sdlohesuoh fo ytirojam .deriuqer era secivres rieht nehw ’ssecca

ssegruB neraK daoR enwodsgni K 81 ZJ6 6TK ,yerruS ,notibruS 6900 4728 020 :leT 18530029070 :xaF moc.noinapmocsdnalyrreb@nerak :liamE moc.noinapmocsdnalyrreb.www :beW


1st Dec: World Aids Day

1 Dec -4 Jan: Art exhibition ‘Local Colour’ at the Cornerhouse, 116 Douglas Road, Surbiton. Gala Opening 2nd Dec 7-9pm. For more info: email: 3rd: Alfriston Day Centre afternoon visit to Forest Lodge Garden Centre, chance to buy Christmas gifts, tea and cake Tickets £15. Tel: 020 8399 4289 4th: Trafalgar Square Christmas Tree Lighting Ceremony, from 5pm. 5th: Tolworth Christmas Windows Competition judging at 5pm. 6th: Santa Run, Battersea Park. For charity: Disability Showsport Uk Giant Christmas Pudding Race Covent Garden for Cancer Research UK Mum2Mum Childrens’ Nearly New Sale, 2-4, at St Mark’s Church Hall, St Mark’s Hill, Surbiton. For more information: or 6-14th: Christmas Market at National Trust Morden Hall Park. 13th New Malden Farmers’ Market 2-7pm, Fountain roundabout. 14th: Made in Surbiton Christmas Market at The Lamb, Brighton Road Surbiton, 3 - 7pm 16th: International Showjumping at Olympia, 17th: Last day 2nd class post UK, 18th: Last day 1st class post UK. 20th: Surbiton Farmers’ Market, Maple Road, 9am - 1pm. Stock up on fresh food for Christmas. 21st: Shortest Day Winter Solstice 24th: CHRISTMAS EVE 25th: CHRISTMAS DAY Bank Holiday Alfriston Olde Tyme Players, Hobourne Bashley, New Forest. A 2 course Christmas Lunch and Cream Tea. Leaves Alfriston Day Centre 9.30am, Ticket £40. Tel: 020 8399 4289 26th: BOXING DAY Bank Holiday 31st: NEW YEAR’S EVE. London Mayor’s Fireworks Display at EDF Energy, London Eye, Waterloo. January 2015 1st: New Year’s Day Bank Holiday. Hogmanay. New Year’s Day Parade London, starts in Piccadilly at noon and travels to Parliament Square arriving about 3pm. 6th: Epiphany 8th: Deadline for submissions to A Berrylands Companion for February’s edition. Mum2Mum market, Baby and Childrens’ Nearly New Sale at St Mark’s Church Hall, as above Surbiton Arts Group, Auction of art related items, materials, books etc. All proceeds in aid of Surbiton Arts Group. There will be mulled wine and nibbles. Meeting at Surbiton Library Annexe, Ewell Road, at 8pm, visitors welcome. For info contact: 020 8397 1050 17th: Surbiton Farmers’ Market, Maple Road, 9am - 1pm. 25th: Burns’ Night 31st: Bug Busting Day. See the article on page 48



Please mention the magazine when contacting Advertisers

What’s On/Local Events Rates

Advertiser’s Guide

1st Tuesday: NHS Retirement Club, 10-12pm at Christ Church Hall, Christ Church Road, Surbiton, KT5 8JJ. For information call Lorna: 020 8337 4121 Art Classes: Every Monday from September, 10 - 12 noon & 2 - 4pm, with Berrylands Artists at the Berrylands Christian Centre, 41 King Charles Road, Surbiton, KT5 8PF. For information call: 020 8644 0941 Berrylands Women’s Club meets every Mon evening, 8pm at Elgar Hall, United Reform Church Raeburn Avenue, with talks, slides and outings. Contact: Joyce Johnson Tel: 020 8390 5817 Talking of Trains: Every Weds evening , a WEA class meets at Surbiton Library Hall during winter. Classes started 24th September. Fee for the complete year is £50. Last Sunday of the month: Women on Wheels, a gentle 3-hour cycle ride for women. Meet by the Falling Phone Boxes, by Wilkinsons, 10.00am. St Marks & St Andrews Church: Weds mornings 10.15-11.30 Stay and Play for Toddlers and Carers and Friday Mornings Coffee and Cake corner 10-11.30am. A regular craft group meeting - meets on the 1st and 3rd Thursdays of the month at 7.30pm. At St Andrews Church, Maple Road, no booking required for any of them. Tiny Tunes: Mon 10am & 10.50am at Surbiton Library Hall. Tues 10am & 10.50am at St Nicholas Parish Church, Summer Rd, Thames Ditton. All sessions 40 mins long, features music, dance, parachutes, bubbles & pom poms. Age 3 mths - 5yrs. Pay as you go £5, siblings £2.50. Kingston Camera Club: Camera enthusiasts welcome. Mon eves, at St John’s Ambulance HQ, Athelstan Rd off Villiers Ave. 7.30pm - 10pm, with coffee break. New members welcome, contact: Tim Moreland 020 8541 0126, email: See Kingston Philatelic Society: Meet 8-10pm, Surbiton Library Hall, Ewell Rd. Info: Brian Sole Tel: 01932 220 677 or email Surbiton Floral Club: 1st Weds of the month at Raeburn Hall, United Reform Church, Elgar Ave. 7.30 for 7.45pm start. Floral demonstrations, talks, workshops & outings. 020 8399 8193 Surbiton Club for the Blind: Alternate Tues, 2-4pm at Surbiton Methodist Church, Ewell Road, transport can be arranged. Social club with entertainment & tea. Info: 020 8399 8596 or 020 8399 3022 Oasis daytime group for over 60s: at Emmanuel Church, Grand Avenue, Tolworth. Weds 3rd December at 2.30pm. We’ll be singing carols & eating mince pies. Meetings include a 5 minute bible-based talk relevant to life. Tel: 020 390 6631 Open Door: Alternate Thursdays, 2.45 - 4.30pm. A friendship group aimed at seniors. Afternoon tea, chat and short talks from local organisations. Christ Church Lounge, King Charles Road, Surbiton. 020 8390 7215 Chinese Brush Painting: held once a month at Sunray Community Centre, Knollmead, Tolworth. 10.00 - 13.00. Contact: Gwen on: Tel: 020 83 98 7313 for full details. Beginners & Intermediates welcome. Price List - Our Prices Haven’t Increased for 2 Years 1 Issue

2 Issues*

Full Page






Half Page


Quarter Page

Black & White

Saving 5%

3 Issues* Saving 7.5%

4 Issues* Saving 10%

Copy Deadline

5 Issues* Saving 20%










Full Page






Half Page






Quarter Page






Front Cover Banner


Back Cover


Inside Front + Back Cover


Double Page


Editorial Reviews


Final copy must be submitted by the 16th of each month, for inclusion in the following months edition (which will be distributed during the first weekend of that month.)


Full payment for all advertisements must be received by the copy deadline date. Payment can be made by: Cheques payable to ‘Berrylands Companion’ or cash. Payment by BACS or standing order by arrangement.

Full Colour

(Max 1 in every 4 issues for any one advertiser)

(Centre 2 page spread)


‘A Berrylands Companion’ is a small independent operation and is not registered for VAT. Consequently, no VAT is charged on advertisements.

Acceptable Formats

Adverts can be submitted in the following formats: • MS Word • MS Powerpoint • MS Publisher • TIFF & JPEG

Advert copy can be emailed to: If your ad is not available in an electronic format then we can produce it for you, from your own hard copy text, normally for a fixed price of just £10, although this may be higher if you have a particularly complex advert! (This is a one-off charge - the advert could then be re-used in subsequent issues free of charge.)

WE ARE NOT AVAT REGISTERED, SO THE PRICE YOU SEE IS THE PRICE YOU PAY Contact us for package prices. Premium Pages 5 & 7: £10.00 extra Loose inserts can be delivered with magazine at £297 per 8,000.


Copy and payment must be received by 16th of each month to guarantee publication of advert. Advertisement space is only guaranteed when full payment is made. Distribution numbers up to 8,000 each month.

The Companion will be published and distributed monthly, on or around the first weekend of the month. 10 editions a year. It will be delivered to over 12,000 homes in and around Berrylands and Surbiton over two months - guaranteed. In addition it is the first source of local information for anyone moving into the area.

Format & Design

Contact Us:

It is an A5 size booklet, stapled with colour plus black and white printed on quality paper. The Companion will be printed on 115gsm gloss paper giving it a very high quality feel. It will have ‘longevity’ and because of it’s size, content, look and feel it will be kept by the majority of households until the next issue arrives, thereby giving advertisers ‘immdiacy’ of access’ when their services are required.

Karen Burgess 18 Kingsdowne Road Surbiton, Surrey, KT6 6JZ Tel: 020 8274 0096 Fax: 07092003581 Email: Web:


Why not send in your Valentine’s Day events and Spring Fairs? Send in your events. Call Karen on 020 8274 0096 or email:

Get your school, church or charity event mentioned in A Berrylands Companion magazine Call Karen on: 020 8274 0096 or email details to: Next submission deadline is by 8th January for the February edition. Please Note: The following deadline will be 8th February for March issue.

To advertise call Karen: 020 8274 0096

Deadlines for submitting new artwork for forthcoming issues of A Berrylands Companion 8th Jan for February issue 8th February for March issue 8th March for April issue 8th April for May issue 8th May for June issue 8th June for July/August issue 8th August for September issue 8th September for October issue For more information call Karen on 020 8274 0096 or send an email to


59 59

COMMUNITY PAGE Grand Avenue Primary School


Saturday 6th December, 11am - 3pm Come and enjoy the festivities, it’s fun for all the family. Santa’s Grotto Grand Draw Raffle Gifts + Stocking Fillers Mulled wine + mince pies Tombola stalls Craft stalls + Face Painting Hot Food + Carol Singers Live Band and much more!! Entrance: Adults £1. Accompanied children FREE. Unaccompanied 50p. Grand Avenue School, Grand Avenue, Berrylands, Surbiton KT5 9HU

Surbiton & District Historical Society Tues 2nd Dec: The Christmas Social meeting will start at 7.45pm. There will be refreshments, raffle and wall quiz. Extra £2 for refreshments. Tues 20th Jan 2015: Keith Hathaway will talk on ‘The Craze for Chinoiserie in Europe & Britain 16-19th Centuries’. Meets at 2pm. Tues 3rd Feb: Mrs Diana Davis will talk on ‘The Rothschilds’

Saturday 6th December 2014 St Matthew’s Primary School Langley Road, Surbiton 12 noon to 3pm Admission £1, Children under 12 go FREE



Tues 3rd Mar: Annual General Meeting All meetings at Surbiton & District Historical Society, Surbiton Library Hall, Ewell Rd, Surbiton. Evening meetings at 7.45pm Cost: Visitors welcome, Contribution of £2 appreciated For more details about meetings and the Society, call The Secretary: 020 8399 4473 Email:

Please mention the magazine when contacting Advertisers


For all gardeners and allotment holders! We are a small friendly local society providing gardening supplies at very reasonable prices to our members: 9 Seeds, summer and spring bulbs, onion sets, seed potatoes. 9 Summer bedding plants and other young plants according to season. 9 Traditional and organic fertilizers and soil improvers/conditioners. 9 Lawn and rose treatments, weedkillers, pest controls. 9 Growbags and bagged compost, pots, gloves, trays, canes, netting etc. Annual membership just £2, senior citizens £1. Email:

Our trading hut is conveniently sited at Moor Lane Allotments (just off Moor Lane near The Bonesgate pub) Open every Sunday 10am to 12noon, except December. In accordance with our "members only" policy, new members are always welcome to join!

Annual Membership just £2.50, senior citizens £1.50

HOOK ALLOTMENTS AND GARDENS ASSOCIATION Are you interested in gardening? Did you know there is an association in Hook? Our Association was founded over 50 years ago and is run by volunteers, can provide a wide range of composts, fertilisers, seeds and other gardening products at not-for-profit prices to our members. We support gardeners and allotment holders.

We currently have full and half plots available to rent. Contact: John on 07807 300 749 Membership is £2 a year and new allotment holders have free membership for the first year Our trading facility is situated next to the entrance to the allotment plots, beyond the rugby club pavillion, rear of King Edward’s Recreation Ground, Hook Road, Chessington Open: Sundays 10am - 12 noon Feb - Nov 10am - 11am Nov - Jan

To advertise call Karen: 020 8274 0096


61 61

Index Please mention the magazine when contacting advertisers

Home & Garden All Your Garden Needs ediuG s’resitrevdA setaR Berrylands Building Company Berrylands Property Maintenance Carpets4U Chris Mould Plumber DAS Home Automation Dream Doors (Kingston Kitchens) Estates Direct Evergreen Gardening & Landscaping George Curren Electrician James Anthony KB Design Kennedy’s Roofing & Gutters Kevin Robinson Decorators Krio Roofline Leverett Electricals LMC Property M.Duffell Decorator Oven Cleaners Personae Interiors Pro-Fit Windows Systems R.J.Tree Services Shaun Overy Heating & Plumbing Warmlite Will Lord William Stallion Electricals sraeY 2 rof desaercnI t’nevaH secirP ruO - tsiL ecirP

enildaeD ypoC

*seussI 5

*seussI 4

*seussI 3

*seussI 2

eussI 1











egaP flaH






egaP retrauQ


%02 gnivaS

shtnom gniwollof eht ni noisulcni rof ,htnom hcae fo ht61 eht yb dettimbus eb tsum ypoc laniF ).htnom taht fo dnekeew tsrfi eht gnirud detubirtsid eb lliw hcihw( noitide


.etad enildaed ypoc eht yb deviecer eb tsum stnemesitrevda lla rof tnemyap lluF yb tnemyaP .hsac ro ’noinapmoC sdnalyrreB‘ ot elbayap seuqehC :yb edam eb nac tnemyaP .tnemegnarra yb redro gnidnats ro SCAB

%01 gnivaS

%5.7 gnivaS

%5 gnivaS

etihW & kcalB egaP lluF

ruoloC lluF


.TAV rof deretsiger ton si dna noitarepo tnednepedni llams a si ’noinapmoC sdnalyrreB A‘ .stnemesitrevda no degrahc si TAV on ,yltneuqesnoC

stamroF elbatpeccA

:stamrof gniwollof eht ni dettimbus eb nac strevdA droW SM • tnioprewoP SM • rehsilbuP SM • GEPJ & FFIT •














egaP retrauQ

rennaB revoC tnorF




moc.noinapmocdnalyrreb@nerak :ot deliame eb nac ypoc trevdA


nwo ruoy morf ,uoy rof ti ecudorp nac ew neht tamrof cinortcele na ni elbaliava ton si da ruoy fI a evah uoy fi rehgih eb yam siht hguohtla ,01£ tsuj fo ecirp dexfi a rof yllamron ,txet ypoc drah ni desu-er eb neht dluoc trevda eht - egrahc ffo-eno a si sihT( !trevda xelpmoc ylralucitrap ).egrahc fo eerf seussi tneuqesbus

egaP lluF

egaP flaH



yna rof seussi 4 yreve ni 1 xaM( )resitrevda eno

revoC kcaB

+ tnorF edisnI revoC kcaB egaP elbuoD

)daerps egap 2 ertneC(

sweiveR lairotidE

YAP UOY ECIRP EHT SI EES UOY ECIRP EHT OS ,DERETSIGER TAVA TON ERA EW .secirp egakcap rof su tcatnoC artxe 00.01£ :7 & 5 segaP muimerP .000,8 rep 792£ ta enizagam htiw dereviled eb nac stresni esooL


.trevda fo noitacilbup eetnaraug ot htnom hcae fo ht61 yb deviecer eb tsum tnemyap dna ypoC .edam si tnemyap lluf nehw deetnaraug ylno si ecaps tnemesitrevdA .htnom hcae 000,8 ot pu srebmun noitubirtsiD

fo dnekeew tsrfi eht dnuora ro no ,ylhtnom detubirtsid dna dehsilbup eb lliw noinapmoC ehT .raey a snoitide 01 .htnom eht owt revo notibruS dna sdnalyrreB dnuora dna ni semoh 000,21 revo ot dereviled eb lliw tI .deetnaraug - shtnom .aera eht otni gnivom enoyna rof noitamrofni lacol fo ecruos tsrfi eht si ti noitidda nI

ngiseD & tamroF

:sU tcatnoC

.repap ytilauq no detnirp etihw dna kcalb sulp ruoloc htiw delpats ,telkoob ezis 5A na si tI .leef ytilauq hgih yrev a ti gnivig repap ssolg msg511 no detnirp eb lliw noinapmoC ehT eht yb tpek eb lliw ti leef dna kool ,tnetnoc ,ezis s’ti fo esuaceb dna ’ytivegnol‘ evah lliw tI fo ’ycaidmmi‘ sresitrevda gnivig ybereht ,sevirra eussi txen eht litnu sdlohesuoh fo ytirojam .deriuqer era secivres rieht nehw ’ssecca

ssegruB neraK daoR enwodsgni K 81 ZJ6 6TK ,yerruS ,notibruS 6900 4728 020 :leT 18530029070 :xaF moc.noinapmocsdnalyrreb@nerak :liamE moc.noinapmocsdnalyrreb.www :beW


Care & Health Blush Beauty Mobile Therapist Corner House Dental Practice Emily Johnston Emma’s Hair Salon Kingston Relate Slimming World Spotlight On Justine Garnett Stay at Homes The Treatment Room Rest & Relaxation Anna Coe Emmanuel Church Forever Living Products King George Field Bowls Club Kingston Council Music Concert Long Ditton Yoga Mobile Disco Paul Davis Guitar Lessons Rebel-Waltz Cycles Solo Driving School Surbiton Racket & Fitness Club Tanya’s Yoga Classes Children & Education Kingston Adult Education Centre Grand Avenue School Xmas Fete St Matthew’s School Xmas Fete Margaret Barnes Dancing School Rugby Tots

62 62

21 19 8 5 19 27 31 40 28 28 8 55 47 9 15 23 23 19 15 25 22 47 29 21 49 43 2 43 45 32/33 27 28 6 8 17 10 7 49 11 51 23 7 13 46 64 10 55 58 58 49 41

Office Suppliers MBE Etc Veterinary Aspen Veterinary Surgery Accountant M&B Accountancy Services Ltd Car Maintenance Alan Sursham Berrylands Autocare K&P Tyres Surbiton Hill Garage Premier Car Service Food & Drink C.D.Jennings Cheese Making Kits Prithi Ristorante Sorrento Solicitors Lewis-Dick

63 16/17 16 51 46 23 47 46 9 35 27 23 39


Articles & Editorials 60/61 Community Pages 57 Edward Davey MP 46 Kids Page What’s On & Local Events Pages 58/59 45 Crossword 18 Book Review 50 Movie Review Useful Telephone Numbers 3 Gardening by Pippa Greenwood 20 34 Recipe 37 Baking 12 Technology 13 Last Posting Dates

Want To Advertise Your Business? Just because there is already an advert for a similar one, please do not think we will not take your advert! There are so many businesses, trades and services that are not represented in

A Berrylands Companion From as little as £33 a month your advert can feature here for a year! An email with your artwork will ensure it is featured.

So What is Stopping You? Call Now!

Contact Karen: tel: 020 8274 0096 email:

Magazine printed by Warwick Printing Warwickshire


Advertiser’s Guide

Price List - Our Prices Haven’t Increased for 2 Years 1 Issue

2 Issues*

Full Page






Half Page


Quarter Page

Black & White


Saving 5%

3 Issues* Saving 7.5%

4 Issues* Saving 10%

Copy Deadline

5 Issues* Saving 20%










Full Page






Half Page






Quarter Page






Front Cover Banner


Back Cover


Inside Front + Back Cover


Double Page


Editorial Reviews


Final copy must be submitted by the 16th of each month, for inclusion in the following months edition (which will be distributed during the first weekend of that month.)


Full payment for all advertisements must be received by the copy deadline date. Payment can be made by: Cheques payable to ‘Berrylands Companion’ or cash. Payment by BACS or standing order by arrangement.

Full Colour

(Max 1 in every 4 issues for any one advertiser)

(Centre 2 page spread)


‘A Berrylands Companion’ is a small independent operation and is not registered for VAT. Consequently, no VAT is charged on advertisements.

Acceptable Formats

Adverts can be submitted in the following formats: • MS Word • MS Powerpoint • MS Publisher • TIFF & JPEG Advert copy can be emailed to: If your ad is not available in an electronic format then we can produce it for you, from your own hard copy text, normally for a fixed price of just £10, although this may be higher if you have a particularly complex advert! (This is a one-off charge - the advert could then be re-used in subsequent issues free of charge.)

WE ARE NOT AVAT REGISTERED, SO THE PRICE YOU SEE IS THE PRICE YOU PAY Contact us for package prices. Premium Pages 5 & 7: £10.00 extra Loose inserts can be delivered with magazine at £297 per 8,000.


Copy and payment must be received by 16th of each month to guarantee publication of advert. Advertisement space is only guaranteed when full payment is made. Distribution numbers up to 8,000 each month.

your gifts on time to your loved ones

The Companion will be published and distributed monthly, on or around the first weekend of the month. 10 editions a year. It will be delivered to over 12,000 homes in and around Berrylands and Surbiton over two months - guaranteed. In addition it is the first source of local information for anyone moving into the area.

Format & Design

Contact Us:

It is an A5 size booklet, stapled with colour plus black and white printed on quality paper. The Companion will be printed on 115gsm gloss paper giving it a very high quality feel. It will have ‘longevity’ and because of it’s size, content, look and feel it will be kept by the majority of households until the next issue arrives, thereby giving advertisers ‘immdiacy’ of access’ when their services are required.

Karen Burgess 18 Kingsdowne Road Surbiton, Surrey, KT6 6JZ Tel: 020 8274 0096 Fax: 07092003581 Email: Web:


This Christmas, let us send all your gifts and business packages for you. Whether it’s across the UK or around the WORLD, you can rely on Mail Boxes etc, Surbiton to deliver your parcels on time and in perfect condition. We offer friendly specialist packing and a range of carrier options for you. You choose the service, speed and price to suit your delivery needs and budget. We work with UPS, Parcelforce Worldwide, Fedex, DHL, and TNT to offer you the widest choice.

Peace of mind With our professional packing and enhanced cover options, your high value, fragile or irreplaceable items will be fully protected. Next morning service to most of the GB, USA, Canada & Europe Last shipping date 23rd December to many countries. but please check with us for your specific destination Huge range of shippers incl:

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To advertise call Karen: 020 8274 0096


30/11/2009 11:57



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