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Month: February 2019 Your Surbiton Issue No: 135 Month Issue No.

Independent monthly community news and Monthly community business directory for news and KT5 &business KT6 directory

Delivered free each month to homes in Berrylands, plus Surbiton or Tolworth

Happy Chinese New Year Happy Valentine’s Day

ARE PESTS INVADING? Don’t delay, call Pests Away See our advert on Page 31

Delivered free each month to homes in Berrylands, Surbiton & Tolworth

ediuG s’resitrevdA


sraeY 2 rof desaercnI t’nevaH secirP ruO - tsiL ecirP

enildaeD ypoC

*seussI 5

*seussI 4

*seussI 3

*seussI 2

eussI 1











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%5.7 gnivaS

%5 gnivaS

etihW & kcalB egaP lluF









egaP lluF






egaP flaH






.etad enildaed ypoc eht yb deviecer eb tsum stnemesitrevda lla rof tnemyap lluF yb tnemyaP .hsac ro ’noinapmoC sdnalyrreB‘ ot elbayap seuqehC :yb edam eb nac tnemyaP .tnemegnarra yb redro gnidnats ro SCAB

%01 gnivaS


ruoloC lluF


.TAV rof deretsiger ton si dna noitarepo tnednepedni llams a si ’noinapmoC sdnalyrreB A‘ .stnemesitrevda no degrahc si TAV on ,yltneuqesnoC

stamroF elbatpeccA

:stamrof gniwollof eht ni dettimbus eb nac strevdA droW SM • tnioprewoP SM • rehsilbuP SM • GEPJ & FFIT •


egaP retrauQ


rennaB revoC tnorF

00.281£ 00.341£ 00.391£

moc.noinapmocdnalyrreb@nerak :ot deliame eb nac ypoc trevdA


nwo ruoy morf ,uoy rof ti ecudorp nac ew neht tamrof cinortcele na ni elbaliava ton si da ruoy fI a evah uoy fi rehgih eb yam siht hguohtla ,01£ tsuj fo ecirp dexfi a rof yllamron ,txet ypoc drah ni desu-er eb neht dluoc trevda eht - egrahc ffo-eno a si sihT( !trevda xelpmoc ylralucitrap ).egrahc fo eerf seussi tneuqesbus

yna rof seussi 4 yreve ni 1 xaM( )resitrevda eno

revoC kcaB + tnorF edisnI revoC kcaB egaP elbuoD

)daerps egap 2 ertneC(

sweiveR lairotidE

YAP UOY ECIRP EHT SI EES UOY ECIRP EHT OS ,DERETSIGER TAVA TON ERA EW .secirp egakcap rof su tcatnoC artxe 00.01£ :7 & 5 segaP muimerP .000,8 rep 792£ ta enizagam htiw dereviled eb nac stresni esooL

Drives & Patios Block Paving Crazy Paving Resin Drivewways Concrete Bases Slabbing Fencing Wood Chippings Gravelling Turfing Landscaping Overgrown Garden Tree Care Walls Decking Artificial Grass noitubirtsiD

.trevda fo noitacilbup eetnaraug ot htnom hcae fo ht61 yb deviecer eb tsum tnemyap dna ypoC .edam si tnemyap lluf nehw deetnaraug ylno si ecaps tnemesitrevdA .htnom hcae 000,8 ot pu srebmun noitubirtsiD

fo dnekeew tsrfi eht dnuora ro no ,ylhtnom detubirtsid dna dehsilbup eb lliw noinapmoC ehT .raey a snoitide 01 .htnom eht owt revo notibruS dna sdnalyrreB dnuora dna ni semoh 000,21 revo ot dereviled eb lliw tI .deetnaraug - shtnom .aera eht otni gnivom enoyna rof noitamrofni lacol fo ecruos tsrfi eht si ti noitidda nI

ngiseD & tamroF

:sU tcatnoC

.repap ytilauq no detnirp etihw dna kcalb sulp ruoloc htiw delpats ,telkoob ezis 5A na si tI .leef ytilauq hgih yrev a ti gnivig repap ssolg msg511 no detnirp eb lliw noinapmoC ehT eht yb tpek eb lliw ti leef dna kool ,tnetnoc ,ezis s’ti fo esuaceb dna ’ytivegnol‘ evah lliw tI fo ’ycaidmmi‘ sresitrevda gnivig ybereht ,sevirra eussi txen eht litnu sdlohesuoh fo ytirojam .deriuqer era secivres rieht nehw ’ssecca

ssegruB neraK daoR enwodsgni K 81 ZJ6 6TK ,yerruS ,notibruS 6900 4728 020 :leT 18530029070 :xaF moc.noinapmocsdnalyrreb@nerak :liamE moc.noinapmocsdnalyrreb.www :beW


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2 2

Please mention the magazine when contacting Advertisers

Hello Readers Another New Year, and I hope that you have had a lovely festive season and ready to start 2019 with new resolution!!

February 5th is the Chinese New Year , the year of the pig. And of course the 14th is Valentine’s Day. How ever you celebrate either or both, have a lovely time. Rates

1 Issue

2 Issues*

Full Page






Half Page






Quarter Page






Black & White

Saving 5%

3 Issues* Saving 7.5%

4 Issues* Saving 10%

Copy Deadline

5 Issues* Saving 20%

Final copy must be submitted by the 16th of each month, for inclusion in the following months edition (which will be distributed during the first weekend of that month.)


Full payment for all advertisements must be received by the copy deadline date. Payment can be made by: Cheques payable to ‘Berrylands Companion’ or cash. Payment by BACS or standing order by arrangement.

Full Colour Full Page






Half Page






Quarter Page






Front Cover Banner


Back Cover


Inside Front + Back Cover


Double Page


Editorial Reviews


(Max 1 in every 4 issues for any one advertiser)

(Centre 2 page spread)

Whether one of your resolutions includes advertising your business, remember to contact me.

Advertiser’s Guide

Price List - Our Prices Haven’t Increased for 2 Years


‘A Berrylands Companion’ is a small independent operation and is not registered for VAT. Consequently, no VAT is charged on advertisements.

Acceptable Formats

Adverts can be submitted in the following formats: • MS Word • MS Powerpoint • MS Publisher • TIFF & JPEG

Advert copy can be emailed to: karen@berrylandcompanion.com If your ad is not available in an electronic format then we can produce it for you, from your own hard copy text, normally for a fixed price of just £10, although this may be higher if you have a particularly complex advert! (This is a one-off charge - the advert could then be re-used in subsequent issues free of charge.)

WE ARE NOT AVAT REGISTERED, SO THE PRICE YOU SEE IS THE PRICE YOU PAY Contact us for package prices. Premium Pages 5 & 7: £10.00 extra Loose inserts can be delivered with magazine at £297 per 8,000.


As I write this piece, it is getting colder, but so far there has been no snow here about. But it is expected with another big freeze! Copy and payment must be received by 16th of each month to guarantee publication of advert. Advertisement space is only guaranteed when full payment is made. Distribution numbers up to 8,000 each month.

The Companion will be published and distributed monthly, on or around the first weekend of the month. 10 editions a year. It will be delivered to over 12,000 homes in and around Berrylands and Surbiton over two months - guaranteed. In addition it is the first source of local information for anyone moving into the area.

Format & Design

Contact Us:

It is an A5 size booklet, stapled with colour plus black and white printed on quality paper. The Companion will be printed on 115gsm gloss paper giving it a very high quality feel. It will have ‘longevity’ and because of it’s size, content, look and feel it will be kept by the majority of households until the next issue arrives, thereby giving advertisers ‘immdiacy’ of access’ when their services are required.

Karen Burgess 18 Kingsdowne Road Surbiton, Surrey, KT6 6JZ Tel: 020 8274 0096 Fax: 07092003581 Email: karen@berrylandscompanion.com Web: www.berrylandscompanion.com


The magazine is now in its 13th year, so I hope that it is well established and useful in your home. If you have any suggestions for articles or advertisers, please drop me a line, the email address is below, or you could send me a letter.

Keep warm and take care if is icy! Best wishes, Karen

Useful Numbers 020 8547 5000 Kingston Council www.kingston.gov.uk Action Fraud (Trading Standards) 0345 040 506 020 8547 5560 Refuse Collection 020 85474630 Electoral Registration 020 8547 5007 Council Tax 0870 126 4019 Citizens Advice 0845 010 9000 Customs & Excise (VAT) 0300 200 3300 HMRC Helpline 0870 850 6506 Environmental Agency 020 8547 6444 Surbiton Library 020 8541 1212 Kingston Police 101 Non Emergency Services 999 Emergency Services 111 Non Emergency NHS Transport: 08457 484 950 National Rail Enquiries 0870 608 2608 Public Transport Traveline 0844 335 1802 Gatwick Airport 0844 335 1801 Heathrow Airport

Emergencies/Utilities: Gas Emergency Electricity Emergency Thames Water Emergency BT Fault Line Virgin Media Crimestoppers Kingston Hospital NHS Direct (24/7) Childline Samaritans Age UK Kingston Relate www.relatekh.org Domestic Violence Helpline www.victimsupport.org.uk Surbiton Safer Neighbourhood Team based at Millbank House surbitonhill.snt@met.police.uk

0800 111 999 0800 40 40 90 0800 714 614 0800 800 151 0845 142 0000 0800 555 111 020 8546 7711 0845 4647 0800 1111 116 123 0800 169 2081 020 8549 3318 020 8547 3202 020 8721 2518

A Berrylands Companion

18 Kingsdowne Road, Surbiton, KT6 6JZ 020 8274 0096 karen@berrylands-companion.co.uk Please mention A Berrylands Companion when responding to adverts



ediuG s’resitrevdA

sraeY 2 rof desaercnI t’nevaH secirP ruO - tsiL ecirP

enildaeD ypoC

*seussI 4

*seussI 3

*seussI 2

eussI 1






%01 gnivaS

%5.7 gnivaS

%5 gnivaS

etihW & kcalB egaP lluF


egaP flaH




egaP retrauQ






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egaP flaH








.etad enildaed ypoc eht yb deviecer eb tsum stnemesitrevda lla rof tnemyap lluF yb tnemyaP .hsac ro ’noinapmoC sdnalyrreB‘ ot elbayap seuqehC :yb edam eb nac tnemyaP .tnemegnarra yb redro gnidnats ro SCAB

00.723£ 00.271£



ruoloC lluF


.TAV rof deretsiger ton si dna noitarepo tnednepedni llams a si ’noinapmoC sdnalyrreB A‘ .stnemesitrevda no degrahc si TAV on ,yltneuqesnoC

stamroF elbatpeccA

:stamrof gniwollof eht ni dettimbus eb nac strevdA droW SM • tnioprewoP SM • rehsilbuP SM • GEPJ & FFIT •


egaP retrauQ


rennaB revoC tnorF yna rof seussi 4 yreve ni 1 xaM( )resitrevda eno


revoC kcaB


+ tnorF edisnI revoC kcaB


moc.noinapmocdnalyrreb@nerak :ot deliame eb nac ypoc trevdA


nwo ruoy morf ,uoy rof ti ecudorp nac ew neht tamrof cinortcele na ni elbaliava ton si da ruoy fI a evah uoy fi rehgih eb yam siht hguohtla ,01£ tsuj fo ecirp dexfi a rof yllamron ,txet ypoc drah ni desu-er eb neht dluoc trevda eht - egrahc ffo-eno a si sihT( !trevda xelpmoc ylralucitrap ).egrahc fo eerf seussi tneuqesbus

egaP elbuoD

)daerps egap 2 ertneC(

sweiveR lairotidE

YAP UOY ECIRP EHT SI EES UOY ECIRP EHT OS ,DERETSIGER TAVA TON ERA EW .secirp egakcap rof su tcatnoC artxe 00.01£ :7 & 5 segaP muimerP .000,8 rep 792£ ta enizagam htiw dereviled eb nac stresni esooL


.trevda fo noitacilbup eetnaraug ot htnom hcae fo ht61 yb deviecer eb tsum tnemyap dna ypoC .edam si tnemyap lluf nehw deetnaraug ylno si ecaps tnemesitrevdA .htnom hcae 000,8 ot pu srebmun noitubirtsiD

fo dnekeew tsrfi eht dnuora ro no ,ylhtnom detubirtsid dna dehsilbup eb lliw noinapmoC ehT .raey a snoitide 01 .htnom eht owt revo notibruS dna sdnalyrreB dnuora dna ni semoh 000,21 revo ot dereviled eb lliw tI .deetnaraug - shtnom .aera eht otni gnivom enoyna rof noitamrofni lacol fo ecruos tsrfi eht si ti noitidda nI

ngiseD & tamroF

.repap ytilauq no detnirp etihw dna kcalb sulp ruoloc htiw delpats ,telkoob ezis 5A na si tI .leef ytilauq hgih yrev a ti gnivig repap ssolg msg511 no detnirp eb lliw noinapmoC ehT eht yb tpek eb lliw ti leef dna kool ,tnetnoc ,ezis s’ti fo esuaceb dna ’ytivegnol‘ evah lliw tI fo ’ycaidmmi‘ sresitrevda gnivig ybereht ,sevirra eussi txen eht litnu sdlohesuoh fo ytirojam .deriuqer era secivres rieht nehw ’ssecca

*seussI 5 %02 gnivaS

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:sU tcatnoC ssegruB neraK daoR enwodsgniK 81 ZJ6 6TK ,yerruS ,notibruS 6900 4728 020 :leT 18530029070 :xaF moc.noinapmocsdnalyrreb@nerak :liamE moc.noinapmocsdnalyrreb.www :beW

Books to get you talking 61

The Silence of the Girls – Pat Barker The Silence of the Girls is a vivid retelling of Homer’s Iliad. However, this time the focus is on the minor characters, namely the women taken as ‘spoils of war’. Queen Briseis is taken as a sex slave by Achilles when he destroys her city. Through Briseis we hear of the other female slaves in the encampment – women who are forced to serve the men that killed their husbands, fathers, brothers and sons.

Roar – Cecelia Ahern Ahern’s latest book is a collection of satirical short stories. Each focuses on an unnamed female protagonist and is amost are a literal interpretation of a stereotype or saying. The trophy wife’s partner builds her a shelf to sit on, where she can be admired by his friends and family. The woman who feels invisible to society starts to slowly disappear. There are plenty of themes to digest and discuss and a lot of enjoyment to be had in each tale.


Sunny Side Up – Susan Calman Comedian and Strictly star Susan Calman is on a mission to encourage ‘joy, kindness and community’ with her latest book. There are anecdotes from her own life and examples of random acts of kindness that have been shared by her fans. Sunny Side Up is full of warmth, positivity and (of- course) plenty of humour.

Books that are perfect for discussing at your book club, dissecting over dinner and chatting about on social media. This is Going to Hurt – Adam Kay From 100 hour weeks to moral conundrums and emergency operations, the life of a junior doctor is far from easy. Adam Kay reveals all through six years of diary entries. Surprisingly, This is Going to Hurt is an incredibly funny book, particularly the numerous footnotes explaining hospital lingo.

However, Kay also gives us an insight into the stark reality of life on the frontline of the NHS. Once Upon a River – Diane Setterfield A man stumbles into The Swan inn carrying the body of what appears to be a dead girl in his arms. A few hours later, the little girl stirs. But who is she? Part adult fairy tale, part folk tale, Once Upon a River celebrates the art of storytelling and weaves numerous stories into one rich tapestry. Thoroughly enjoyable.

Codename Villanelle – Luke Jennings If you loved the BBC’s Killing Eve, don’t miss the book it was based on. Villanelle is a cold-blooded assassin, who you just can’t help but root for. Eve is the woman tasked with stopping her. The storyline is quite different from that of the TV series and has less dark humour, but there’s still plenty of suspense to keep you reading.

Please mention the magazine when contacting Advertisers


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ediuG s’resitrevdA


sraeY 2 rof desaercnI t’nevaH secirP ruO - tsiL ecirP

enildaeD ypoC

*seussI 5

*seussI 4

*seussI 3

*seussI 2

eussI 1











egaP flaH egaP retrauQ

%02 gnivaS

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%5.7 gnivaS

%5 gnivaS

etihW & kcalB egaP lluF














egaP flaH






egaP retrauQ


rennaB revoC tnorF


revoC kcaB


.etad enildaed ypoc eht yb deviecer eb tsum stnemesitrevda lla rof tnemyap lluF yb tnemyaP .hsac ro ’noinapmoC sdnalyrreB‘ ot elbayap seuqehC :yb edam eb nac tnemyaP .tnemegnarra yb redro gnidnats ro SCAB

%01 gnivaS


ruoloC lluF


.TAV rof deretsiger ton si dna noitarepo tnednepedni llams a si ’noinapmoC sdnalyrreB A‘ .stnemesitrevda no degrahc si TAV on ,yltneuqesnoC

stamroF elbatpeccA

:stamrof gniwollof eht ni dettimbus eb nac strevdA droW SM • tnioprewoP SM • rehsilbuP SM • GEPJ & FFIT •

00.341£ 00.391£

moc.noinapmocdnalyrreb@nerak :ot deliame eb nac ypoc trevdA


nwo ruoy morf ,uoy rof ti ecudorp nac ew neht tamrof cinortcele na ni elbaliava ton si da ruoy fI a evah uoy fi rehgih eb yam siht hguohtla ,01£ tsuj fo ecirp dexfi a rof yllamron ,txet ypoc drah ni desu-er eb neht dluoc trevda eht - egrahc ffo-eno a si sihT( !trevda xelpmoc ylralucitrap ).egrahc fo eerf seussi tneuqesbus

egaP lluF

yna rof seussi 4 yreve ni 1 xaM( )resitrevda eno

+ tnorF edisnI revoC kcaB egaP elbuoD

)daerps egap 2 ertneC(

sweiveR lairotidE

YAP UOY ECIRP EHT SI EES UOY ECIRP EHT OS ,DERETSIGER TAVA TON ERA EW .secirp egakcap rof su tcatnoC artxe 00.01£ :7 & 5 segaP muimerP .000,8 rep 792£ ta enizagam htiw dereviled eb nac stresni esooL


.trevda fo noitacilbup eetnaraug ot htnom hcae fo ht61 yb deviecer eb tsum tnemyap dna ypoC .edam si tnemyap lluf nehw deetnaraug ylno si ecaps tnemesitrevdA .htnom hcae 000,8 ot pu srebmun noitubirtsiD

fo dnekeew tsrfi eht dnuora ro no ,ylhtnom detubirtsid dna dehsilbup eb lliw noinapmoC ehT .raey a snoitide 01 .htnom eht owt revo notibruS dna sdnalyrreB dnuora dna ni semoh 000,21 revo ot dereviled eb lliw tI .deetnaraug - shtnom .aera eht otni gnivom enoyna rof noitamrofni lacol fo ecruos tsrfi eht si ti noitidda nI

ngiseD & tamroF

:sU tcatnoC

.repap ytilauq no detnirp etihw dna kcalb sulp ruoloc htiw delpats ,telkoob ezis 5A na si tI .leef ytilauq hgih yrev a ti gnivig repap ssolg msg511 no detnirp eb lliw noinapmoC ehT eht yb tpek eb lliw ti leef dna kool ,tnetnoc ,ezis s’ti fo esuaceb dna ’ytivegnol‘ evah lliw tI fo ’ycaidmmi‘ sresitrevda gnivig ybereht ,sevirra eussi txen eht litnu sdlohesuoh fo ytirojam .deriuqer era secivres rieht nehw ’ssecca

ssegruB neraK daoR enwodsgni K 81 ZJ6 6TK ,yerruS ,notibruS 6900 4728 020 :leT 18530029070 :xaF moc.noinapmocsdnalyrreb@nerak :liamE moc.noinapmocsdnalyrreb.www :beW


Parental stress: has it changed over 50 years?

If you’ve recently watched your adult son or daughter – now a parent themselves – searching the internet for the latest advice on nappy rash or teething problems, it probably triggered memories of the new-parent panics you experienced when you were young. At that time it’s likely you picked up the phone to ask your mum, dad or grandparents for advice but nowadays, when the internet is the go-to source on information on everything from breast feeding to building a tree house, it’s rare – if not unheard of – for the older generation to be asked for advice about childcare. So what else has changed over the past fifty years when it comes to bringing up a child? According to the magazine Psychology Today, “Anxiety has become the hallmark of contemporary parenting”. Healthcare worries Advances in healthcare have made the process of giving birth much safer for both mothers and babies over the


last half century. As soon as a pregnancy begins, everything from the baby’s growth to maternal blood pressure is tested and monitored. While this high level of care is reassuring in one way, it can also add to the anxiety experienced by new parents.

Grandparents may feel a pang of nostalgia for those long-lost ‘Motherknows-best’ days No more outdoors? Many grandparents look back nostalgically to the time when they roamed parks, streets and open spaces, playing with other children without adult supervision, but these days youngsters are lured by the indoor attractions of computer games, TV and the internet. These days parents are more fearful about the risks of letting their children play outside, citing concerns about road safety, ‘stranger danger’ and bullying by other children. However, Dr Michael

Ungar, author of ‘Nurturing Resilience’ believes parents are too fearful of outdoor hazards. “Where the real dangers lie is indoors,” he writes in a blog published by Psychology Today. “Excessive screen time, often occurring while children snack on unhealthy foods, combined with low levels of activity and few opportunities to learn responsibility or social skills, leave children terribly unhealthy.”

Spare the rod Smacking a child may not have been frowned on in the ‘60s, ‘70s and ‘80s but after 1990, when the UK signed up to the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, it also became less socially acceptable. While it’s currently illegal to use discipline that inflicts actual physical harm, UK legislation stops short at hitting or slapping that doesn’t leave a lasting mark on the child. However there is huge pressure to change the law: this year the Scottish government is leading the way with a new bill to outlaw any form of physical assault on a child. Looking back over the past five decades, a mixed picture emerges: while parents are probably more anxious than they were back in the ‘60s and ‘70s, children’s health and welfare is considered more important than ever. Thankfully one thing remains the same: most parents just want their children to grow up to lead happy, healthy and productive lives.

By Kate McLelland

Please mention the magazine when contacting Advertisers

Word Ladder

Change one letter at a time (but not the position of any letter) to make a new word - and move from the word at the top of the ladder to the word at the bottom, using the exact number of rungs provided. Rates

Price List - Our Prices Haven’t Increased for 2 Years 1 Issue

2 Issues*

Full Page






Half Page


Quarter Page

Black & White

Saving 5%

3 Issues* Saving 7.5%

4 Issues* Saving 10%










Full Page






Half Page






Quarter Page






Front Cover Banner


Back Cover


Inside Front + Back Cover


Double Page


Editorial Reviews


Final copy must be submitted by the 16th of each month, for inclusion in the following months edition (which will be distributed during the first weekend of that month.)


Full payment for all advertisements must be received by the copy deadline date. Payment can be made by: Cheques payable to ‘Berrylands Companion’ or cash. Payment by BACS or standing order by arrangement.

Full Colour

(Max 1 in every 4 issues for any one advertiser)


‘A Berrylands Companion’ is a small independent operation and is not registered for VAT. Consequently, no VAT is charged on advertisements.

Acceptable Formats

B O A T (Centre 2 page spread)

WE ARE NOT AVAT REGISTERED, SO THE PRICE YOU SEE IS THE PRICE YOU PAY Contact us for package prices. Premium Pages 5 & 7: £10.00 extra Loose inserts can be delivered with magazine at £297 per 8,000.


Copy and payment must be received by 16th of each month to guarantee publication of advert. Advertisement space is only guaranteed when full payment is made. Distribution numbers up to 8,000 each month.

Adverts can be submitted in the following formats: • MS Word • MS Powerpoint • MS Publisher • TIFF & JPEG

Advert copy can be emailed to: karen@berrylandcompanion.com


The Companion will be published and distributed monthly, on or around the first weekend of the month. 10 editions a year. It will be delivered to over 12,000 homes in and around Berrylands and Surbiton over two months - guaranteed. In addition it is the first source of local information for anyone moving into the area.

It is an A5 size booklet, stapled with colour plus black and white printed on quality paper. The Companion will be printed on 115gsm gloss paper giving it a very high quality feel. It will have ‘longevity’ and because of it’s size, content, look and feel it will be kept by the majority of households until the next issue arrives, thereby giving advertisers ‘immdiacy’ of access’ when their services are required.

Karen Burgess 18 Kingsdowne Road Surbiton, Surrey, KT6 6JZ Tel: 020 8274 0096 Fax: 07092003581 Email: karen@berrylandscompanion.com Web: www.berrylandscompanion.com


29 Parkside Crescent, Surbiton, KT5 9HT




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8th Feb for March issue 8th March for April issue 8th April for May issue 8th May for June issue June 8th for July/Aug issue Aug 8th for September issue Sept 8th for October issue 8th Oct for November issue 8th Nov for Dec/January issue 8th Jan for February issue

• • • • •

karen@berrylands-companion.co.uk To advertise call Karen: 020 8274 0096


Leverett Electrical Ltd

Deadlines for submitting new artwork for forthcoming issues of A Berrylands Companion

For more information call Karen on 020 8274 0096 or send an email to



For more information:

Here poss (othe

If your ad is not available in an electronic format then we can produce it for you, from your own hard copy text, normally for a fixed price of just £10, although this may be higher if you have a particularly complex advert! (This is a one-off charge - the advert could then be re-used in subsequent issues free of charge.)

Format & Design

Contact Us:

by experienced L.T.C.L, L.R.S.M teacher

Advertiser’s Guide

Copy Deadline

5 Issues* Saving 20%

Installation & maintenance Rewires Security lighting Fire alarms Central heating wiring

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Winter? Not a problem at Surbiton Racket and Fitness Club! setaR

ediuG s’resitrevdA

sraeY 2 rof desaercnI t’nevaH secirP ruO - tsiL ecirP

enildaeD ypoC

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*seussI 3

*seussI 2

eussI 1






%01 gnivaS

%5.7 gnivaS

%5 gnivaS

etihW & kcalB egaP lluF


egaP flaH




egaP retrauQ






egaP lluF






egaP flaH








.etad enildaed ypoc eht yb deviecer eb tsum stnemesitrevda lla rof tnemyap lluF yb tnemyaP .hsac ro ’noinapmoC sdnalyrreB‘ ot elbayap seuqehC :yb edam eb nac tnemyaP .tnemegnarra yb redro gnidnats ro SCAB


*seussI 5 %02 gnivaS

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00.723£ 00.271£



ruoloC lluF


.TAV rof deretsiger ton si dna noitarepo tnednepedni llams a si ’noinapmoC sdnalyrreB A‘ .stnemesitrevda no degrahc si TAV on ,yltneuqesnoC

stamroF elbatpeccA

:stamrof gniwollof eht ni dettimbus eb nac strevdA droW SM • tnioprewoP SM • rehsilbuP SM • GEPJ & FFIT •


egaP retrauQ


rennaB revoC tnorF yna rof seussi 4 yreve ni 1 xaM( )resitrevda eno

adly, the darker, colder months are still with us, but that’s just part of our year-round schedule at Surbiton Racket and Fitness Club. While it’s time for our splendid grass courts to enjoy a well-earned rest, instead we have got the magnificent Dome to cover us for the winter and guarantee hard court tennis whatever the weather. 00.281£

revoC kcaB


+ tnorF edisnI revoC kcaB


moc.noinapmocdnalyrreb@nerak :ot deliame eb nac ypoc trevdA


nwo ruoy morf ,uoy rof ti ecudorp nac ew neht tamrof cinortcele na ni elbaliava ton si da ruoy fI a evah uoy fi rehgih eb yam siht hguohtla ,01£ tsuj fo ecirp dexfi a rof yllamron ,txet ypoc drah ni desu-er eb neht dluoc trevda eht - egrahc ffo-eno a si sihT( !trevda xelpmoc ylralucitrap ).egrahc fo eerf seussi tneuqesbus

egaP elbuoD

)daerps egap 2 ertneC(

sweiveR lairotidE

YAP UOY ECIRP EHT SI EES UOY ECIRP EHT OS ,DERETSIGER TAVA TON ERA EW .secirp egakcap rof su tcatnoC artxe 00.01£ :7 & 5 segaP muimerP .000,8 rep 792£ ta enizagam htiw dereviled eb nac stresni esooL


.trevda fo noitacilbup eetnaraug ot htnom hcae fo ht61 yb deviecer eb tsum tnemyap dna ypoC .edam si tnemyap lluf nehw deetnaraug ylno si ecaps tnemesitrevdA .htnom hcae 000,8 ot pu srebmun noitubirtsiD

fo dnekeew tsrfi eht dnuora ro no ,ylhtnom detubirtsid dna dehsilbup eb lliw noinapmoC ehT .raey a snoitide 01 .htnom eht owt revo notibruS dna sdnalyrreB dnuora dna ni semoh 000,21 revo ot dereviled eb lliw tI .deetnaraug - shtnom .aera eht otni gnivom enoyna rof noitamrofni lacol fo ecruos tsrfi eht si ti noitidda nI

ngiseD & tamroF

:sU tcatnoC

.repap ytilauq no detnirp etihw dna kcalb sulp ruoloc htiw delpats ,telkoob ezis 5A na si tI .leef ytilauq hgih yrev a ti gnivig repap ssolg msg511 no detnirp eb lliw noinapmoC ehT eht yb tpek eb lliw ti leef dna kool ,tnetnoc ,ezis s’ti fo esuaceb dna ’ytivegnol‘ evah lliw tI fo ’ycaidmmi‘ sresitrevda gnivig ybereht ,sevirra eussi txen eht litnu sdlohesuoh fo ytirojam .deriuqer era secivres rieht nehw ’ssecca

ssegruB neraK daoR enwodsgni K 81 ZJ6 6TK ,yerruS ,notibruS 6900 4728 020 :leT 18530029070 :xaF moc.noinapmocsdnalyrreb@nerak :liamE moc.noinapmocsdnalyrreb.www :beW


We have nine hard courts in all and they’re fastdraining, important in the winter. Most are floodlit for evening play. Three have been laid in synthetic clay and areß favourites with our Members! So, as with every winter, there’s still going to be plenty of outside tennis at the Club. Weather permitting, of course! With so many courts available throughout the year we are able to host an extensive coaching programme. This can involve all ages from three to eighty! We have fourteen registered tennis coaches working at the Club, and they also regularly visit fourteen local schools. Altogether our coaching programmes involve nearly a thousand pupils.


We have more varied facilities than any other similar Club locally, so there’s still plenty going on indoors. For instance, our Fitness Suite has become one of the major attractions for our Members. We have some of the most up-todate fitness equipment, from cardiovascular aids to resistance machines and free weights. And we have recently installed the latest indoor cycling bikes. Why not come as our Guest and give them a try? Alongside is our Studio, which is dedicated to regular classes in Zumba, Pilates, Yoga and Indoor Cycling. If Squash is for you, our four state-of-the-art courts, all air-conditioned and heated as necessary, are usually in heavy demand, not least because Members use them for Racketball as well! And there’s Squash Night on Saturday, with good fun for all abilities. Physiotherapy is now a most popular innovation at the Club, with its own Studio. This is run in partnership with Kingston Physiotherapy. We also have our own Chiropracter,

Neil Reilly, who is available by appointment on 0208 390 9030. At Surbiton we’re keen on social activities. Our events are well-patronised and our regular Quiz Nights are usually oversubscribed. Central to our activities is the Clubhouse Bar, where you can make new friends and relax with a coffee or a drink. If you choose cooked food, everything on the Club Menu is cooked to order. Our Club is an established member of the local Community. We’ve been right here since 1881. If you don’t know us already, why not come round and check us out? No appointment is needed and there’s no obligation. You’ll be very welcome. See you soon, I hope! Best wishes Roy Roy Staniland is Director of Surbiton Racket and Fitness Club, Berrylands, KT5 8JT 0208 399 1594 www.surbiton.org

Please mention the magazine when contacting Advertisers

Mini Cryptic Crossword


Advertiser’s Guide

Price List - Our Prices Haven’t Increased for 2 Years

Across 1. Delay in foul settlement (7) 7. Regrets about large regulations (5) 8. Banker I turn to crime (5-2) 9. Rodent astute, but tailless (5) 11. Row involving dog behind cat (5) 12. Edict mistakenly referred to (5) 14. Packer opening bags intrigues (5) 16. A dish is Amish, surprisingly (7) 18. Cate failed high school (5) 19. Past the nerd, a deviant ached (7) Down 1. Feel best shortly after six (5) 2. Falsehood like ‘king’s left’ (3) 3. Crooked pose a little lewd! (5) 4. Modern stippling contents painter (5) 5. Log broken with real fast! (7) 6. American male right to lead (5) 10. Sound mixer back at three (3-1-3) 12. Lettuce some patsy goes for (5) 13. Good-looking police officer retiring (5)

1 Issue

2 Issues*

Full Page






Half Page


Quarter Page

Black & White

Saving 5%

3 Issues* Saving 7.5%





Full Page


Half Page

4 Issues* Saving 10%

Copy Deadline

5 Issues* Saving 20%















Quarter Page






Front Cover Banner


Final copy must be submitted by the 16th of each month, for inclusion in the following months edition (which will be distributed during the first weekend of that month.)


Full payment for all advertisements must be received by the copy deadline date. Payment can be made by: Cheques payable to ‘Berrylands Companion’ or cash. Payment by BACS or standing order by arrangement.

Full Colour

(Max 1 in every 4 issues for any one advertiser)

Back Cover


Inside Front + Back Cover


Double Page


Editorial Reviews


(Centre 2 page spread)


‘A Berrylands Companion’ is a small independent operation and is not registered for VAT. Consequently, no VAT is charged on advertisements.

Acceptable Formats

Adverts can be submitted in the following formats: • MS Word • MS Powerpoint • MS Publisher • TIFF & JPEG Advert copy can be emailed to: karen@berrylandcompanion.com If your ad is not available in an electronic format then we can produce it for you, from your own hard copy text, normally for a fixed price of just £10, although this may be higher if you have a particularly complex advert! (This is a one-off charge - the advert could then be re-used in subsequent issues free of charge.)

WE ARE NOT AVAT REGISTERED, SO THE PRICE YOU SEE IS THE PRICE YOU PAY Contact us for package prices. Premium Pages 5 & 7: £10.00 extra Loose inserts can be delivered with magazine at £297 per 8,000.


Copy and payment must be received by 16th of each month to guarantee publication of advert. Advertisement space is only guaranteed when full payment is made. Distribution numbers up to 8,000 each month.

The Companion will be published and distributed monthly, on or around the first weekend of the month. 10 editions a year. It will be delivered to over 12,000 homes in and around Berrylands and Surbiton over two months - guaranteed. In addition it is the first source of local information for anyone moving into the area.

Format & Design

Contact Us:

It is an A5 size booklet, stapled with colour plus black and white printed on quality paper. The Companion will be printed on 115gsm gloss paper giving it a very high quality feel. It will have ‘longevity’ and because of it’s size, content, look and feel it will be kept by the majority of households until the next issue arrives, thereby giving advertisers ‘immdiacy’ of access’ when their services are required.

Karen Burgess 18 Kingsdowne Road Surbiton, Surrey, KT6 6JZ Tel: 020 8274 0096 Fax: 07092003581 Email: karen@berrylandscompanion.com Web: www.berrylandscompanion.com


14. Food behind one 17. Tavern one aide’s starter (5) Norseman 15. Saw moved quickly evacuated (3) has cut it (5)

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Winkworth Surbiton 020 3861 0010 winkworth.co.uk/surbiton

To advertise call Karen: 020 8274 0096

email: karen@berrylands-companion.co.uk



ediuG s’resitrevdA

sraeY 2 rof desaercnI t’nevaH secirP ruO - tsiL ecirP

enildaeD ypoC

*seussI 5

*seussI 4

*seussI 3

*seussI 2

eussI 1






%02 gnivaS

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%5.7 gnivaS

%5 gnivaS

etihW & kcalB egaP lluF


egaP flaH




egaP retrauQ






egaP lluF






egaP flaH








.etad enildaed ypoc eht yb deviecer eb tsum stnemesitrevda lla rof tnemyap lluF yb tnemyaP .hsac ro ’noinapmoC sdnalyrreB‘ ot elbayap seuqehC :yb edam eb nac tnemyaP .tnemegnarra yb redro gnidnats ro SCAB

%01 gnivaS

00.723£ 00.271£



ruoloC lluF


.TAV rof deretsiger ton si dna noitarepo tnednepedni llams a si ’noinapmoC sdnalyrreB A‘ .stnemesitrevda no degrahc si TAV on ,yltneuqesnoC

stamroF elbatpeccA

:stamrof gniwollof eht ni dettimbus eb nac strevdA droW SM • tnioprewoP SM • rehsilbuP SM • GEPJ & FFIT •


egaP retrauQ


rennaB revoC tnorF


revoC kcaB

00.341£ 00.391£

moc.noinapmocdnalyrreb@nerak :ot deliame eb nac ypoc trevdA


nwo ruoy morf ,uoy rof ti ecudorp nac ew neht tamrof cinortcele na ni elbaliava ton si da ruoy fI a evah uoy fi rehgih eb yam siht hguohtla ,01£ tsuj fo ecirp dexfi a rof yllamron ,txet ypoc drah ni desu-er eb neht dluoc trevda eht - egrahc ffo-eno a si sihT( !trevda xelpmoc ylralucitrap ).egrahc fo eerf seussi tneuqesbus

yna rof seussi 4 yreve ni 1 xaM( )resitrevda eno

+ tnorF edisnI revoC kcaB egaP elbuoD

)daerps egap 2 ertneC(

sweiveR lairotidE

YAP UOY ECIRP EHT SI EES UOY ECIRP EHT OS ,DERETSIGER TAVA TON ERA EW .secirp egakcap rof su tcatnoC artxe 00.01£ :7 & 5 segaP muimerP .000,8 rep 792£ ta enizagam htiw dereviled eb nac stresni esooL


.trevda fo noitacilbup eetnaraug ot htnom hcae fo ht61 yb deviecer eb tsum tnemyap dna ypoC .edam si tnemyap lluf nehw deetnaraug ylno si ecaps tnemesitrevdA .htnom hcae 000,8 ot pu srebmun noitubirtsiD

fo dnekeew tsrfi eht dnuora ro no ,ylhtnom detubirtsid dna dehsilbup eb lliw noinapmoC ehT .raey a snoitide 01 .htnom eht owt revo notibruS dna sdnalyrreB dnuora dna ni semoh 000,21 revo ot dereviled eb lliw tI .deetnaraug - shtnom .aera eht otni gnivom enoyna rof noitamrofni lacol fo ecruos tsrfi eht si ti noitidda nI

ngiseD & tamroF

:sU tcatnoC

.repap ytilauq no detnirp etihw dna kcalb sulp ruoloc htiw delpats ,telkoob ezis 5A na si tI .leef ytilauq hgih yrev a ti gnivig repap ssolg msg511 no detnirp eb lliw noinapmoC ehT eht yb tpek eb lliw ti leef dna kool ,tnetnoc ,ezis s’ti fo esuaceb dna ’ytivegnol‘ evah lliw tI fo ’ycaidmmi‘ sresitrevda gnivig ybereht ,sevirra eussi txen eht litnu sdlohesuoh fo ytirojam .deriuqer era secivres rieht nehw ’ssecca

ssegruB neraK daoR enwodsgni K 81 ZJ6 6TK ,yerruS ,notibruS 6900 4728 020 :leT 18530029070 :xaF moc.noinapmocsdnalyrreb@nerak :liamE moc.noinapmocsdnalyrreb.www :beW


La Chouette

“Mum, come in here,” Jennifer whispered, dragging Doreen into the downstairs toilet. “Have you seen what Gary’s got in his rucksack?” “No love,” Doreen replied, steadying herself on the towel rail; it was a tight space for two people and a rucksack. “I don’t go nosing through your brother’s belongings, and neither should you.” “Shhh, he could be out of the shower any minute,” Jennifer said. “I need to show you something. Have you noticed he’s been behaving a bit strangely this week?” “He has been a bit jumpy,” Doreen agreed reluctantly. “I thought it meant love was in the air.” “Me too,” Jennifer nodded. “You know how I said he should take Elaine somewhere special for Valentine’s Day?” “You wouldn’t stop going on about it!” Doreen interrupted sternly. “I had to!” Jennifer declared. “The poor thing, all he ever does is take her for walks in the countryside. What woman wouldn’t rather be wined and dined somewhere fancy?” “She’s the outdoors type,” Doreen shrugged. “Honestly Mum, is she a

10 10

woman or a Labrador?” Jennifer shuddered. “They even go out in the rain.” “He seems happy,” Doreen said. “That’s what I thought,” Jennifer said. “I just had this notion that he might be planning on popping the question tonight.” “What a lovely thought!” Doreen gasped. Jennifer continued, “I had this hunch that I if looked in his rucksack I’d find an engagement ring.” Doreen grasped Jennifer’s arm. “And did you?” “No.” Jennifer opened the drawstring of Gary’s bag. “I found these. They’re nightvision binoculars, a thermos and some cheese sandwiches.” Both women looked at each other in horror. “Mum, tell me honestly, have you properly met this Elaine?” Jennifer asked. “He says she’s quite shy,” Doreen offered. “Don’t you think it’s odd that he only invites her round when we’re not here?” “I assumed he wanted some privacy.” Doreen felt flustered. “What are you trying to say, Jennifer?” “Well, what if Gary just

imagines that Elaine’s his girlfriend?” Jennifer said carefully. “What if he’s just been watching her from afar with these binoculars?” “You mean like a stalker?” Doreen shook her head. “Our Gary’s not like that.” “And you know how he finally agreed to book a fancy restaurant, La Chouette, for tonight? Well I googled the restaurant,” Jennifer said. “It doesn’t exist.” Doreen went pale. “What are you two doing hiding in here?” Gary surprised them both by opening the door. He frowned. “Why have you got my bag?” Jennifer took a moment to compose herself. “How do you explain these?” She held up the binoculars. Gary’s face froze. “They’re for this evening,” he snapped, “and none of your business.” “We know La Chouette doesn’t exist,” Jennifer said. “It’s time to come clean.” Gary stared at her and then his face softened. “I said that just to get you off my case,” he said. “Elaine really isn’t interested in fancy restaurants.” “Where are you going then?” Jennifer asked suspiciously. Gary sighed, “I’m taking her barn owl spotting.” “So you’re not stalking her then?” Doreen asked. “No, Mum,” Gary laughed. “She really is my girlfriend.” “That doesn’t sound very romantic,” Jennifer pouted. Gary smiled. What Jennifer had failed to find was the diamond engagement ring he’d hidden in the lid of the thermos flask.

By Jackie Brewster

Please mention the magazine when contacting Advertisers


Advertiser’s Guide

Price List - Our Prices Haven’t Increased for 2 Years 1 Issue

2 Issues*

Full Page






Half Page






Quarter Page






Black & White


Saving 5%

3 Issues* Saving 7.5%

4 Issues* Saving 10%

Copy Deadline

5 Issues* Saving 20%

Final copy must be submitted by the 16th of each month, for inclusion in the following months edition (which will be distributed during the first weekend of that month.)


Full payment for all advertisements must be received by the copy deadline date. Payment can be made by: Cheques payable to ‘Berrylands Companion’ or cash. Payment by BACS or standing order by arrangement.

Full Colour

Need a

Full Page






Half Page






Quarter Page






Front Cover Banner


Back Cover


Inside Front + Back Cover


Double Page


Editorial Reviews


(Max 1 in every 4 issues for any one advertiser)


(Centre 2 page spread)


‘A Berrylands Companion’ is a small independent operation and is not registered for VAT. Consequently, no VAT is charged on advertisements.

Acceptable Formats

Adverts can be submitted in the following formats: • MS Word • MS Powerpoint • MS Publisher • TIFF & JPEG Advert copy can be emailed to: karen@berrylandcompanion.com If your ad is not available in an electronic format then we can produce it for you, from your own hard copy text, normally for a fixed price of just £10, although this may be higher if you have a particularly complex advert! (This is a one-off charge - the advert could then be re-used in subsequent issues free of charge.)

WE ARE NOT AVAT REGISTERED, SO THE PRICE YOU SEE IS THE PRICE YOU PAY Contact us for package prices. Premium Pages 5 & 7: £10.00 extra Loose inserts can be delivered with magazine at £297 per 8,000.


Copy and payment must be received by 16th of each month to guarantee publication of advert. Advertisement space is only guaranteed when full payment is made. Distribution numbers up to 8,000 each month.

The Companion will be published and distributed monthly, on or around the first weekend of the month. 10 editions a year. It will be delivered to over 12,000 homes in and around Berrylands and Surbiton over two months - guaranteed. In addition it is the first source of local information for anyone moving into the area.

Format & Design

Contact Us:

It is an A5 size booklet, stapled with colour plus black and white printed on quality paper. The Companion will be printed on 115gsm gloss paper giving it a very high quality feel. It will have ‘longevity’ and because of it’s size, content, look and feel it will be kept by the majority of households until the next issue arrives, thereby giving advertisers ‘immdiacy’ of access’ when their services are required.

Karen Burgess 18 Kingsdowne Road Surbiton, Surrey, KT6 6JZ Tel: 020 8274 0096 Fax: 07092003581 Email: karen@berrylandscompanion.com Web: www.berrylandscompanion.com




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Poet Blake Browning Carroll Cummings Donne Duffy Emerson Frost Hardy Hughes Keats Kipling Lear McGough Nash Plath Poe Pushkin Rossetti

Shakespeare Shelley Southey Tennyson Yeats

Find the names of poets in the grid and the remaining letters will spell out a related phrase

To advertise call Karen: 020 8274 0096

email: karen@berrylands-companion.co.uk

11 11

of complementary pictures make a nicely symmetrical display and work well in a traditional setting, while informal groups, perhaps with a variety of frames and hung asymmetrically, create a sense of intimacy and individuality. Another option is to group works that are the same size and shape, and framed identically, in closely packed rows, creating a formal design that is particularly well suited to a dining room or a hallway.


ediuG s’resitrevdA

sraeY 2 rof desaercnI t’nevaH secirP ruO - tsiL ecirP

enildaeD ypoC

*seussI 5

*seussI 4

*seussI 3

*seussI 2

eussI 1






%02 gnivaS

shtnom gniwollof eht ni noisulcni rof ,htnom hcae fo ht61 eht yb dettimbus eb tsum ypoc laniF ).htnom taht fo dnekeew tsrfi eht gnirud detubirtsid eb lliw hcihw( noitide

%5.7 gnivaS

%5 gnivaS

etihW & kcalB egaP lluF


egaP flaH




egaP retrauQ






egaP lluF






egaP flaH








.etad enildaed ypoc eht yb deviecer eb tsum stnemesitrevda lla rof tnemyap lluF yb tnemyaP .hsac ro ’noinapmoC sdnalyrreB‘ ot elbayap seuqehC :yb edam eb nac tnemyaP .tnemegnarra yb redro gnidnats ro SCAB

%01 gnivaS

00.723£ 00.271£



ruoloC lluF


.TAV rof deretsiger ton si dna noitarepo tnednepedni llams a si ’noinapmoC sdnalyrreB A‘ .stnemesitrevda no degrahc si TAV on ,yltneuqesnoC

stamroF elbatpeccA

:stamrof gniwollof eht ni dettimbus eb nac strevdA droW SM • tnioprewoP SM • rehsilbuP SM • GEPJ & FFIT •


egaP retrauQ


rennaB revoC tnorF


revoC kcaB

00.341£ 00.391£

moc.noinapmocdnalyrreb@nerak :ot deliame eb nac ypoc trevdA


nwo ruoy morf ,uoy rof ti ecudorp nac ew neht tamrof cinortcele na ni elbaliava ton si da ruoy fI a evah uoy fi rehgih eb yam siht hguohtla ,01£ tsuj fo ecirp dexfi a rof yllamron ,txet ypoc drah ni desu-er eb neht dluoc trevda eht - egrahc ffo-eno a si sihT( !trevda xelpmoc ylralucitrap ).egrahc fo eerf seussi tneuqesbus

yna rof seussi 4 yreve ni 1 xaM( )resitrevda eno

+ tnorF edisnI revoC kcaB egaP elbuoD

)daerps egap 2 ertneC(

sweiveR lairotidE

YAP UOY ECIRP EHT SI EES UOY ECIRP EHT OS ,DERETSIGER TAVA TON ERA EW .secirp egakcap rof su tcatnoC artxe 00.01£ :7 & 5 segaP muimerP .000,8 rep 792£ ta enizagam htiw dereviled eb nac stresni esooL


.trevda fo noitacilbup eetnaraug ot htnom hcae fo ht61 yb deviecer eb tsum tnemyap dna ypoC .edam si tnemyap lluf nehw deetnaraug ylno si ecaps tnemesitrevdA .htnom hcae 000,8 ot pu srebmun noitubirtsiD

fo dnekeew tsrfi eht dnuora ro no ,ylhtnom detubirtsid dna dehsilbup eb lliw noinapmoC ehT .raey a snoitide 01 .htnom eht owt revo notibruS dna sdnalyrreB dnuora dna ni semoh 000,21 revo ot dereviled eb lliw tI .deetnaraug - shtnom .aera eht otni gnivom enoyna rof noitamrofni lacol fo ecruos tsrfi eht si ti noitidda nI

ngiseD & tamroF

:sU tcatnoC

.repap ytilauq no detnirp etihw dna kcalb sulp ruoloc htiw delpats ,telkoob ezis 5A na si tI .leef ytilauq hgih yrev a ti gnivig repap ssolg msg511 no detnirp eb lliw noinapmoC ehT eht yb tpek eb lliw ti leef dna kool ,tnetnoc ,ezis s’ti fo esuaceb dna ’ytivegnol‘ evah lliw tI fo ’ycaidmmi‘ sresitrevda gnivig ybereht ,sevirra eussi txen eht litnu sdlohesuoh fo ytirojam .deriuqer era secivres rieht nehw ’ssecca

ssegruB neraK daoR enwodsgni K 81 ZJ6 6TK ,yerruS ,notibruS 6900 4728 020 :leT 18530029070 :xaF moc.noinapmocsdnalyrreb@nerak :liamE moc.noinapmocsdnalyrreb.www :beW


Displaying art in your home

More than just a finishing touch, hanging art on your walls is the essential addition to any room, immediately transforming it into a personal space. Some would even argue that a decorating scheme should be built around a work of art from the start. It is wise, then, not to treat art as just an afterthought, but to give as much care and attention to choosing and hanging drawings, paintings and photographs as you would to choosing fabrics and furnishings. Start by identifying the optimal locations for the works. Above the mantelpiece in the sitting room is often a good spot, but any room in which you spend a lot of time is ideal, whether it be the kitchen (away from humidity and splashes, of course), family room or conservatory, so you can enjoy a favourite piece as much as possible. Bear in

12 12

mind that direct sunlight can damage precious works, so use special protective glass if necessary, or try to find a more suitable spot.

Make the most of your favourite paintings or photographs by integrating them within your decorating scheme. Size is important. Bigger pieces, quite obviously, need an expansive space in which to shine (and enough room to step back and admire them), while smaller works may look odd when hung on their own on a large wall. The solution to the latter is either to find a niche wall on which to hang a smaller work – perhaps above a bedside table or next to a cosy armchair – or to create a larger grouping of pieces that work together, by colour, theme or subject matter. Pairs

While a white wall behind paintings or photographs confers an art-gallery style atmosphere, it is by no means the only choice of backdrop. Depending on the effect you desire, you could pick a colour from the painting in question and replicate it in the colour of your walls, or even hang works against wallpaper (again, using complementary colours). If you do not wish to draw too much attention to the walls, pick a small pattern to use as a backdrop to a sizeable work.

It is always beneficial to light works of art so they can be seen properly after dark – even if it is simply a case of adjusting a table or floor lamp to cast a glow towards them. For a more formal, professional effect, custom lighting is ideal, using either traditional picture lights fitted above the work or a discreet track and spotlight. Experts recommend using LED bulbs because they

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don’t heat up, use little energy and are very small; it is worth experimenting with the colour ‘temperature’ of the bulb, ensuring that it is neither too ‘cold’ and white or too ‘warm’ and yellow. And if you wish to get into the real detail, choose a bulb that has excellent colour rendition (the ability to show true colours) at 95CRI or above. How high to hang? This can be tricky, and everyone will have a personal preference. It will also be dictated by the size and shape of the piece, the proportions of the room, including ceiling height, and the surroundings in general.

That said, many people hang works of art higher than necessary – especially when considering that one is often sitting down when looking at them. It may help to consider that museums and galleries typically hang modern works at 1.55m to the centre line of the picture (Old Masters, if you were wondering, go a little higher) – roughly equivalent to the average human eye line. The advent of damage-free hanging strips and hooks has revolutionised the process of picture hanging, in that if you are not happy, you can simply try again. So don’t be


Advertiser’s Guide

Price List - Our Prices Haven’t Increased for 2 Years 1 Issue

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Half Page






Quarter Page

Black & White

Saving 5%



Full Page


Half Page

3 Issues* Saving 7.5%

4 Issues* Saving 10%

Copy Deadline

5 Issues* Saving 20%













Quarter Page






Front Cover Banner


Final copy must be submitted by the 16th of each month, for inclusion in the following months edition (which will be distributed during the first weekend of that month.)


Full payment for all advertisements must be received by the copy deadline date. Payment can be made by: Cheques payable to ‘Berrylands Companion’ or cash. Payment by BACS or standing order by arrangement.

Full Colour

(Max 1 in every 4 issues for any one advertiser)

Back Cover


Inside Front + Back Cover


Double Page


Editorial Reviews


(Centre 2 page spread)


‘A Berrylands Companion’ is a small independent operation and is not registered for VAT. Consequently, no VAT is charged on advertisements.

Acceptable Formats

Adverts can be submitted in the following formats: • MS Word • MS Powerpoint • MS Publisher • TIFF & JPEG Advert copy can be emailed to: karen@berrylandcompanion.com If your ad is not available in an electronic format then we can produce it for you, from your own hard copy text, normally for a fixed price of just £10, although this may be higher if you have a particularly complex advert! (This is a one-off charge - the advert could then be re-used in subsequent issues free of charge.)

WE ARE NOT AVAT REGISTERED, SO THE PRICE YOU SEE IS THE PRICE YOU PAY Contact us for package prices. Premium Pages 5 & 7: £10.00 extra Loose inserts can be delivered with magazine at £297 per 8,000.


Copy and payment must be received by 16th of each month to guarantee publication of advert. Advertisement space is only guaranteed when full payment is made. Distribution numbers up to 8,000 each month.

The Companion will be published and distributed monthly, on or around the first weekend of the month. 10 editions a year. It will be delivered to over 12,000 homes in and around Berrylands and Surbiton over two months - guaranteed. In addition it is the first source of local information for anyone moving into the area.

Format & Design

Contact Us:

It is an A5 size booklet, stapled with colour plus black and white printed on quality paper. The Companion will be printed on 115gsm gloss paper giving it a very high quality feel. It will have ‘longevity’ and because of it’s size, content, look and feel it will be kept by the majority of households until the next issue arrives, thereby giving advertisers ‘immdiacy’ of access’ when their services are required.

Karen Burgess 18 Kingsdowne Road Surbiton, Surrey, KT6 6JZ Tel: 020 8274 0096 Fax: 07092003581 Email: karen@berrylandscompanion.com Web: www.berrylandscompanion.com


afraid to experiment until you get it right, and you can enjoy an impressive and attractive display of art on your walls.

By Katherine Sorrell

Image Left: The soft pinkish-brown of Temple sets this modern painting off beautifully. £48.50 for 2.5l Pure Flat Emulsion, Paint & Paper Library: 0845 880 5844; paintandpaperlibrary.com. Image Above: A collection of Virserum frames, from £5 each, Ikea: 020 3645 0000; ikea.com/gb

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Advertiser’s Guide

Price List - Our Prices Haven’t Increased for 2 Years 1 Issue

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Full Page






Half Page






Quarter Page






Black & White

Saving 5%

3 Issues* Saving 7.5%

4 Issues* Saving 10%

Copy Deadline

5 Issues* Saving 20%

Final copy must be submitted by the 16th of each month, for inclusion in the following months edition (which will be distributed during the first weekend of that month.)


Full payment for all advertisements must be received by the copy deadline date. Payment can be made by: Cheques payable to ‘Berrylands Companion’ or cash. Payment by BACS or standing order by arrangement.







Half Page






Quarter Page






Front Cover Banner


(Max 1 in every 4 issues for any one advertiser)

Back Cover


Inside Front + Back Cover


Double Page


Editorial Reviews


(Centre 2 page spread)


‘A Berrylands Companion’ is a small independent operation and is not registered for VAT. Consequently, no VAT is charged on advertisements.

Acceptable Formats

Adverts can be submitted in the following formats: • MS Word • MS Powerpoint • MS Publisher • TIFF & JPEG Advert copy can be emailed to: karen@berrylandcompanion.com If your ad is not available in an electronic format then we can produce it for you, from your own hard copy text, normally for a fixed price of just £10, although this may be higher if you have a particularly complex advert! (This is a one-off charge - the advert could then be re-used in subsequent issues free of charge.)

WE ARE NOT AVAT REGISTERED, SO THE PRICE YOU SEE IS THE PRICE YOU PAY Contact us for package prices. Premium Pages 5 & 7: £10.00 extra Loose inserts can be delivered with magazine at £297 per 8,000.



Copy and payment must be received by 16th of each month to guarantee publication of advert. Advertisement space is only guaranteed when full payment is made. Distribution numbers up to 8,000 each month.

The Companion will be published and distributed monthly, on or around the first weekend of the month. 10 editions a year. It will be delivered to over 12,000 homes in and around Berrylands and Surbiton over two months - guaranteed. In addition it is the first source of local information for anyone moving into the area.

Format & Design

Contact Us:

It is an A5 size booklet, stapled with colour plus black and white printed on quality paper. The Companion will be printed on 115gsm gloss paper giving it a very high quality feel. It will have ‘longevity’ and because of it’s size, content, look and feel it will be kept by the majority of households until the next issue arrives, thereby giving advertisers ‘immdiacy’ of access’ when their services are required.

Karen Burgess 18 Kingsdowne Road Surbiton, Surrey, KT6 6JZ Tel: 020 8274 0096 Fax: 07092003581 Email: karen@berrylandscompanion.com Web: www.berrylandscompanion.com

Phone 07922 246673 16

E Mail chris@cjmplumbingandheating.co.uk

CJM Plumbing and Heating

CODEWORD Each letter in this puzzle is represented by a different number between 1 and 26. The codes for three letters are shown. Once you have filled these throughout the grid you can start guessing words and reveal other letters. As you find the letters enter them in the box below.

To advertise call Karen: 020 8274 0096

email: karen@berrylands-companion.co.uk

15 15

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egaP retrauQ rennaB revoC tnorF revoC kcaB

00.341£ 00.391£

moc.noinapmocdnalyrreb@nerak :ot deliame eb nac ypoc trevdA


nwo ruoy morf ,uoy rof ti ecudorp nac ew neht tamrof cinortcele na ni elbaliava ton si da ruoy fI a evah uoy fi rehgih eb yam siht hguohtla ,01£ tsuj fo ecirp dexfi a rof yllamron ,txet ypoc drah ni desu-er eb neht dluoc trevda eht - egrahc ffo-eno a si sihT( !trevda xelpmoc ylralucitrap ).egrahc fo eerf seussi tneuqesbus

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The Changing Face of Television 61

By 1971, TV was so integral to our lives that, according to Joe Moran’s Armchair Nation, “Ten per cent of homes still had no indoor lavatory or bath, 31% had no fridge and 62% had no telephone, but only 9% had no TV.” Yet back then we were watching just 3 channels. The launch of satellite TV in the UK in 1989 brought Sky One, Sky News, Sky Movies, Eurosport, MTV, Screensport, Lifestyle and The Children’s Channel on air (along with porn channels swiftly banned by Parliament). Suddenly, we were spoilt for choice. As the ‘90s progressed, we began to pay for that extra choice but were offered more channels and access to Premier League matches. We were enjoying EastEnders, Coronation Street and Only Fools and Horses, alongside US shows destined to become iconic: Friends on Channel 4 and The X-Files and The Simpsons on Sky. Sky brought us Digital in 1999, with 160 channels and innovative interactive services, and soon after, Sky+. We could now pause live TV to make a cuppa – and

16 16

record it without a VHS or DVD recorder! Telewest offered a rival digital cable subscription service while Freeview, and later Freesat, boxes offered a range of free channels (including some from Sky). During the noughties, we watched reality TV like Big

As satellite TV turns 30 in the UK, how has TV changed in those 30 years? Brother, Wife Swap and their back-to-basics stablemates Ray Mears’ Bushcraft and Castaway 2000; fell in love with BBC’s rebooted Dr Who; and became hooked on hit dramas like Spooks (BBC), Lost (CH4) and 24 (Sky One). The talent and contest show reboot brought us the X Factor, Britain’s Got Talent, Pop Idol and Strictly Come Dancing. By 2008, there were 9 million British Sky subscribers, with 500,000 watching in HD.

But the disruptive force of TV streaming was on its way. Netflix launched its UK service in 2012 and has produced original content with the hugely popular series Stranger Things. Having bought Lovefilm in 2011, Amazon morphed it into its new Prime Video streaming service in 2014 and has produced its own hits too, including Outlander and The Man in the High Castle. Both companies have also rescued programmes unpopularly dropped by other channels, such as BBC’s Ripper Street (Amazon) and Fox’s Lucifer (Netflix). Rival streamer Hulu scored its own original hit with The Handmaid’s Tale. However, ‘normal’ TV can still hold an audience, producing smart thrillers like Sherlock and Broadchurch and the unlikely hit, The Great British Bake Off, on terrestrial TV, while satellite delivers epic sci-fi and fantasy with the phenomenally successful Game of Thrones and The Walking Dead. TV has brought triumphs and tragedies such as war, the moon landing, terrorist attacks and royal weddings into our homes, as well as entertainment, and today, we don’t even need a TV ‘set’ to watch it. But if you don’t own one, then I have to ask, in the words of Joey from Friends: “What does your furniture point at?” Further reading: Joe Moran Armchair Nation: An intimate history of Britain in front of the TV, Profile Books

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Advertiser’s Guide

Price List - Our Prices Haven’t Increased for 2 Years 1 Issue

2 Issues*

3 Issues*

4 Issues*

5 Issues*

Full Page






Half Page






Quarter Page

Black & White

Saving 5%

Saving 7.5%

Saving 10%

Copy Deadline

Saving 20%






Full Page






Final copy must be submitted by the 16th of each month, for inclusion in the following months edition (which will be distributed during the first weekend of that month.)


Full payment for all advertisements must be received by the copy deadline date. Payment can be made by: Cheques payable to ‘Berrylands Companion’ or cash. Payment by BACS or standing order by arrangement.

Full Colour Half Page






Quarter Page






Front Cover Banner


Back Cover


Inside Front + Back Cover


Double Page


Editorial Reviews



‘A Berrylands Companion’ is a small independent operation and is not registered for VAT. Consequently, no VAT is charged on advertisements.

For many of us, our phone has become our main camera. But what would happen to your precious pics if you couldn’t get into your phone? (Max 1 in every 4 issues for any one advertiser)

(Centre 2 page spread)

Acceptable Formats

Adverts can be submitted in the following formats: • MS Word • MS Powerpoint • MS Publisher • TIFF & JPEG Advert copy can be emailed to: karen@berrylandcompanion.com If your ad is not available in an electronic format then we can produce it for you, from your own hard copy text, normally for a fixed price of just £10, although this may be higher if you have a particularly complex advert! (This is a one-off charge - the advert could then be re-used in subsequent issues free of charge.)

WE ARE NOT AVAT REGISTERED, SO THE PRICE YOU SEE IS THE PRICE YOU PAY Contact us for package prices. Premium Pages 5 & 7: £10.00 extra Loose inserts can be delivered with magazine at £297 per 8,000.


Copy and payment must be received by 16th of each month to guarantee publication of advert. Advertisement space is only guaranteed when full payment is made. Distribution numbers up to 8,000 each month.

The Companion will be published and distributed monthly, on or around the first weekend of the month. 10 editions a year. It will be delivered to over 12,000 homes in and around Berrylands and Surbiton over two months - guaranteed. In addition it is the first source of local information for anyone moving into the area.

Format & Design

Contact Us:

It is an A5 size booklet, stapled with colour plus black and white printed on quality paper. The Companion will be printed on 115gsm gloss paper giving it a very high quality feel. It will have ‘longevity’ and because of it’s size, content, look and feel it will be kept by the majority of households until the next issue arrives, thereby giving advertisers ‘immdiacy’ of access’ when their services are required.

Karen Burgess 18 Kingsdowne Road Surbiton, Surrey, KT6 6JZ Tel: 020 8274 0096 Fax: 07092003581 Email: karen@berrylandscompanion.com Web: www.berrylandscompanion.com

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A lost or damaged handset can easily be replaced, but memories can’t, so it really is crucial that you have a backup of any photos that matter to you. At the very minimum you should ensure that every picture and video is automatically uploaded to ‘the cloud’ e.g. iCloud (Apple phones) or Google (Android). 16

But for ‘belt and braces’ make extra copies. Connect your phone to your PC regularly and copy your photos across to your harddrive or use a third-party app such as Flickr or Dropbox to make and store duplicate copies. Or you could use a tried and tested way of backing up photos: print them!

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ediuG s’resitrevdA

This pleated and buttoned footstool truly is pretty in pink. Gumdrop footstool in chalky pink vintage velvet, £395, Loaf.


sraeY 2 rof desaercnI t’nevaH secirP ruO - tsiL ecirP

enildaeD ypoC

*seussI 5

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*seussI 3

*seussI 2

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egaP flaH egaP retrauQ

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stamroF elbatpeccA

:stamrof gniwollof eht ni dettimbus eb nac strevdA droW SM • tnioprewoP SM • rehsilbuP SM • GEPJ & FFIT •


egaP retrauQ


rennaB revoC tnorF

00.281£ 00.341£ 00.391£

moc.noinapmocdnalyrreb@nerak :ot deliame eb nac ypoc trevdA


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YAP UOY ECIRP EHT SI EES UOY ECIRP EHT OS ,DERETSIGER TAVA TON ERA EW .secirp egakcap rof su tcatnoC artxe 00.01£ :7 & 5 segaP muimerP .000,8 rep 792£ ta enizagam htiw dereviled eb nac stresni esooL


.trevda fo noitacilbup eetnaraug ot htnom hcae fo ht61 yb deviecer eb tsum tnemyap dna ypoC .edam si tnemyap lluf nehw deetnaraug ylno si ecaps tnemesitrevdA .htnom hcae 000,8 ot pu srebmun noitubirtsiD

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ssegruB neraK daoR enwodsgni K 81 ZJ6 6TK ,yerruS ,notibruS 6900 4728 020 :leT 18530029070 :xaF moc.noinapmocsdnalyrreb@nerak :liamE moc.noinapmocsdnalyrreb.www :beW


Modern Velvet

A huge trend in both fashion and interiors, velvet is a gorgeous fabric to use around the home, whether snuggling up in a softly upholstered sofa or adding a touch of luxury in the form of a few boldly coloured cushions.

Go maximalist with boldly coloured and patterned bedlinen, complemented by a velvet cushion in a contrasting colourway. Leighton reversible bedlinen by Oasis Home, from £50 for a single set; Leighton velvet cushion by Oasis Home, £28; all The French Bedroom Company.

A glamorous touch to complete the bedroom or home office – a soft-feel alarm clock in chic charcoal grey. Karlsson Lush Velvet alarm clock, £29, Cult Furniture.

This stylish drinks cabinet is made from oak with an inlay finish, and lined with striking royal blue velvet for luxurious effect. Pascal bar unit, £1,365, Sweetpea & Willow. A sofa upholstered in velvet can provide a splash of colour in an otherwise neutral room. Lottie sofa in Isla Kingfisher, £1,860, Neptune.

This Deco-inspired table lamp would add a feminine touch to a living space or bedroom. Brass & Blush tapered table lamp, £175, Cox & Cox.

18 18

Please mention the magazine when contacting Advertisers

The curvaceous Ariel bed from the Handmade in Rates Advertiser’s Guide London collection combines natural, Art Nouveauinspired forms with the clean lines and tapered legs typical of mid-century design, and can be covered in the fabric of your choice. Shown here in Lustrous Blossom Luxury Velvet Plus, £3,105, Sweetpea & Willow.

How To Decorate With Velvet

• The soft, luxurious feel of velvet provides an atmosphere of warmth and comfort. It can be pricey, but a little goes a long way, so if budget is an issue bear in mind that just one touch – perhaps a headboard, lampshade or simply a cushion or two – will transform a room. • Velvet comes in beautifully intense, deep colours and, as such, will add a dramatic highlight to a neutral space. Choose one colour for a subtle, understated scheme. • If you prefer the maximalist look, then pile on more patterns and a variety of tones, mixing linen, cotton and other fabrics with velvet to ensure a variety of beautiful textures. • Look out for different types of velvet, including crushed, embossed, chiffon and devoré (or burnout), which can be employed as accents and to introduce a variety of decorative effects.

Price List - Our Prices Haven’t Increased for 2 Years 1 Issue

2 Issues*

Full Page






Half Page






Quarter Page






Black & White

Saving 5%

3 Issues* Saving 7.5%

4 Issues* Saving 10%

Copy Deadline

5 Issues* Saving 20%

Final copy must be submitted by the 16th of each month, for inclusion in the following months edition (which will be distributed during the first weekend of that month.)


Full payment for all advertisements must be received by the copy deadline date. Payment can be made by: Cheques payable to ‘Berrylands Companion’ or cash. Payment by BACS or standing order by arrangement.

Full Colour Full Page






Half Page






Quarter Page






Front Cover Banner


Back Cover


Inside Front + Back Cover


Double Page


Editorial Reviews


(Max 1 in every 4 issues for any one advertiser)

(Centre 2 page spread)


‘A Berrylands Companion’ is a small independent operation and is not registered for VAT. Consequently, no VAT is charged on advertisements.

Acceptable Formats

Adverts can be submitted in the following formats: • MS Word • MS Powerpoint • MS Publisher • TIFF & JPEG

Advert copy can be emailed to: karen@berrylandcompanion.com If your ad is not available in an electronic format then we can produce it for you, from your own hard copy text, normally for a fixed price of just £10, although this may be higher if you have a particularly complex advert! (This is a one-off charge - the advert could then be re-used in subsequent issues free of charge.)

WE ARE NOT AVAT REGISTERED, SO THE PRICE YOU SEE IS THE PRICE YOU PAY Contact us for package prices. Premium Pages 5 & 7: £10.00 extra Loose inserts can be delivered with magazine at £297 per 8,000.


Copy and payment must be received by 16th of each month to guarantee publication of advert. Advertisement space is only guaranteed when full payment is made. Distribution numbers up to 8,000 each month.

The Companion will be published and distributed monthly, on or around the first weekend of the month. 10 editions a year. It will be delivered to over 12,000 homes in and around Berrylands and Surbiton over two months - guaranteed. In addition it is the first source of local information for anyone moving into the area.

Format & Design

Contact Us:

It is an A5 size booklet, stapled with colour plus black and white printed on quality paper. The Companion will be printed on 115gsm gloss paper giving it a very high quality feel. It will have ‘longevity’ and because of it’s size, content, look and feel it will be kept by the majority of households until the next issue arrives, thereby giving advertisers ‘immdiacy’ of access’ when their services are required.

Karen Burgess 18 Kingsdowne Road Surbiton, Surrey, KT6 6JZ Tel: 020 8274 0096 Fax: 07092003581 Email: karen@berrylandscompanion.com Web: www.berrylandscompanion.com

Make an impact with a velvet cushion featuring a striking pelican print from Vanilla Fly, £45, Printer + Tailor. 16

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To advertise call Karen: 020 8274 0096

Early Night Special Sun, Mon & Tues 6pm - 7.30pm Create your own 4 course meal from our menu only £10.95 Cash payment only * King Prawn & Fish £2 extra

Book now for Mothers’ Day and Easter

Avoid disappointment, please call to BOOK Early


Start the New Year right!! Advertise your business in A Berrylands Companion An advert this size would cost just £96 for 4 months. Call me on: 020 8274 0096 karen@berrylands-companion.co.uk email: karen@berrylands-companion.co.uk

19 19

ediuG s’resitrevdA

and if you choose a variety like ‘Fallgold’ you can even have yellow fruits.


If your soil is really rather heavy and wet, and if it is alkaline or chalky, you may find that summer raspberries struggle. If this is the case, do as I do on my heavily alkaline, sticky clay soil and grow autumn fruiters, as they seem to put up with adverse conditions like this really well.

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Remarkable Raspberries Succulent, tangy, sweet, flavoursome and a lot better than any you can buy in the shops! I adore home-grown raspberries and if you are going to grow soft fruit then I would recommend them above everything else for value and reliability. Despite what you may imagine they are not a difficult crop to grow, and when you consider the price of a miniature (and often rather mushy) punnet of them in the shops, they’re really good value for money too. The rather unexciting looking canes, best bought bare root, are available now, so here are my top tips for planting and growing great raspberries.

Raspberries like plenty of moisture, but hate being actually soggy around the roots. If your soil is very light and sandy , improve its texture and moisture-retaining ability before you plant the canes – digging in plenty of

20 20

bulky organic matter such as garden compost, well-rotted manure, composted bark and composted bracken will all help.

Autumn fruiting raspberries will crop until the first frosts There are two main types of raspberry you can grow at home: the summer-fruiting ones that crop heavily in midsummer and the autumn fruiters that start cropping towards the end of summer and often produce plenty of gorgeous fruits right through until the first frosts. If you can spare the space, have a few of each – that way you can enjoy the longest possible period of raspberry-eating! There are several different varieties of both summer and autumn-fruiting raspberries,

Choose a sunny, sheltered spot and make sure that you weed the area thoroughly before you get started, as the raspberry canes will do much better without weeds competing for moisture and nutrients. If your garden is very hot and sunny in the summer then the raspberries will enjoy a little light shade from a nearby tree; otherwise, they like sunshine.

Summer-fruiting raspberries need a support system – sturdy posts at a spacing of about 1.8m (6ft) and galvanized wires at a spacing of about 30cm (12in) will do the trick, as you need to loosely tie the canes in to this support system. Autumn-fruiting raspberries do not need this sort of support, but you can tie them in if you wish, or – as the canes are inclined to flop downwards when full-sized – simply supply a few wires to keep them away from the soil. The canes are available now from mail order suppliers and from many

Please mention the magazine when contacting Advertisers

garden centres too. They may look like a rather unimpressive bundle of sticks, but in this ‘dormant’ state they respond well to planting right now. The canes need to be spaced 40-45cm (15-17in) apart, and if you want more than one row allow about 2m (6ft 6in) between them.

Dig in plenty of well-rotted manure for extra soil fertility and then plant each cane at a depth of 5-8cm (2-3in), making sure that you spread the roots out well so they establish better. Once you have firmed the canes in, cut each one back to about

25cm (10in) above ground level and, if the ground is at all dry, water in well to resettle the soil.

Once the weather warms up in the spring you will start to see growth on the canes as the buds come to life, but until then they’ll remain looking worryingly like a row of seemingly dead sticks!

Summer-fruiting raspberries fruit on the previous year’s growth, so plant now for only the tiniest crop in 2019 and a far bigger one from 2020 onwards. Autumn fruiters produce their crop on the growth produced that same year, so you should get a

decent crop this autumn and an even heavier one from Rates Advertiser’s Guide 2020. To keep your raspberries in top condition, mulch each spring with well-rotted manure. As soon as the summer-fruiting varieties have finished cropping, cut the canes that bore the fruit back to ground level and the newly formed canes can then be tied in to the wires ready for next year. With autumn-fruiting raspberries, just cut back the old canes at the end of winter and the new canes will appear in spring. Price List - Our Prices Haven’t Increased for 2 Years 1 Issue

2 Issues*

Full Page



Half Page


Quarter Page

Black & White

Saving 5%

3 Issues* Saving 7.5%

4 Issues* Saving 10%

Copy Deadline

5 Issues* Saving 20%













Full Page






Half Page

Final copy must be submitted by the 16th of each month, for inclusion in the following months edition (which will be distributed during the first weekend of that month.)


Full payment for all advertisements must be received by the copy deadline date. Payment can be made by: Cheques payable to ‘Berrylands Companion’ or cash. Payment by BACS or standing order by arrangement.

Full Colour






Quarter Page






Front Cover Banner


(Max 1 in every 4 issues for any one advertiser)

Back Cover


Inside Front + Back Cover


Double Page


Editorial Reviews


(Centre 2 page spread)


‘A Berrylands Companion’ is a small independent operation and is not registered for VAT. Consequently, no VAT is charged on advertisements.

Acceptable Formats

Adverts can be submitted in the following formats: • MS Word • MS Powerpoint • MS Publisher • TIFF & JPEG Advert copy can be emailed to: karen@berrylandcompanion.com If your ad is not available in an electronic format then we can produce it for you, from your own hard copy text, normally for a fixed price of just £10, although this may be higher if you have a particularly complex advert! (This is a one-off charge - the advert could then be re-used in subsequent issues free of charge.)

WE ARE NOT AVAT REGISTERED, SO THE PRICE YOU SEE IS THE PRICE YOU PAY Contact us for package prices. Premium Pages 5 & 7: £10.00 extra Loose inserts can be delivered with magazine at £297 per 8,000.


Copy and payment must be received by 16th of each month to guarantee publication of advert. Advertisement space is only guaranteed when full payment is made. Distribution numbers up to 8,000 each month.

The Companion will be published and distributed monthly, on or around the first weekend of the month. 10 editions a year. It will be delivered to over 12,000 homes in and around Berrylands and Surbiton over two months - guaranteed. In addition it is the first source of local information for anyone moving into the area.

Format & Design

Contact Us:

It is an A5 size booklet, stapled with colour plus black and white printed on quality paper. The Companion will be printed on 115gsm gloss paper giving it a very high quality feel. It will have ‘longevity’ and because of it’s size, content, look and feel it will be kept by the majority of households until the next issue arrives, thereby giving advertisers ‘immdiacy’ of access’ when their services are required.

Karen Burgess 18 Kingsdowne Road Surbiton, Surrey, KT6 6JZ Tel: 020 8274 0096 Fax: 07092003581 Email: karen@berrylandscompanion.com Web: www.berrylandscompanion.com


By Pippa Greenwood

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For a friendly, reliable service at a competitive rate call Mem For ALL Your Garden Needs To advertise call Karen: 020 8274 0096

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Friendly, reliable and tidy service

Will: 020 8399 7872 Mobile: 07961 450 618 email: karen@berrylands-companion.co.uk

21 21

Does Cupid love tech? setaR

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*seussI 3

*seussI 2

eussI 1






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Techy gifts your significant other will love


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:stamrof gniwollof eht ni dettimbus eb nac strevdA droW SM • tnioprewoP SM • rehsilbuP SM • GEPJ & FFIT •






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It’s that time of year again: the restaurants are packed, florists are working around the clock and garages are eagerly anticipating the lastminute purchasing of flowers by people who forgot Valentine’s Day. But if you don’t want to say it with flowers or chocolate, can you say it with tech instead? 00.391£

moc.noinapmocdnalyrreb@nerak :ot deliame eb nac ypoc trevdA


nwo ruoy morf ,uoy rof ti ecudorp nac ew neht tamrof cinortcele na ni elbaliava ton si da ruoy fI a evah uoy fi rehgih eb yam siht hguohtla ,01£ tsuj fo ecirp dexfi a rof yllamron ,txet ypoc drah ni desu-er eb neht dluoc trevda eht - egrahc ffo-eno a si sihT( !trevda xelpmoc ylralucitrap ).egrahc fo eerf seussi tneuqesbus

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The trick is to find technology that actually delivers something your beloved will want. It’s really expensive, but Dyson’s new hairdryer is a great example: the £299 Supersonic isn’t just a machine for drying hair but a genuine time machine, because it does the job so well its owner can spend less time drying and more time doing fun stuff.

Not all beauty tech is a good present idea – steer clear of anything to do with hair removal or weight loss if you value your life – but luxury products such as high-tech hair dryers, straighteners and stylers are often good.

Luxury technology isn’t just about making yourself look nice, though. It can be about relaxing too. We’re big fans of noise-cancelling headphones, a real boon for people who regularly travel on trains or planes: they analyse the ambient noise and create a pattern to drown it out. You can spend nearly £300 on high-end phones such as Bose’s QuietComfort 35 and they’re worth every penny, but you can get pretty good sets for a lot less: Bose’s QuietComfort 25 are currently £129, while Sony’s awfully named WHCH700N are just £79.99 at the time of writing.

22 22

Another good option is a Kindle or Kindle Fire tablet, both of which are made by Amazon. The former is a dedicated ebook reader and the latter is a surprisingly good budget tablet that includes the Kindle app but also enables you to watch video and listen to music. The seven-inch model fits in big pockets and average handbags and is constantly on special offer: through November it was £39.99, down from the usual £59.99, and Amazon is constantly cutting its price during the rest of the year too.

If a £399 Apple Watch is out of your price range, the Nokiaowned Withings brand makes some very lovely watches that double as activity trackers. Forget the RRP because these watches are very heavily discounted – for example, the really pretty Activité Pop has an RRP of £109 but is widely available for as little as £35 if you go for the blue or pink models.

What if your beloved already has all the tech they want? As the old joke goes, you can buy the person who has everything a box to put it in – or rather, a case. Whether it’s a Kindle or an iPad, a Galaxy Note 9 or an iPhone XS, there’s a dizzying range of cases including some from well-known designers. Just watch if you’re buying leather cases: many supposedly leather cases are made of bonded leather, a faux leather that doesn’t wear like real leather does.

Images top clockwise- Dyson supersonic hair dryer, Sony noise cancelling headphones WH-CH700N,Withings activite smart watch, Amazon Kindle e-reader

Please mention the magazine when contacting Advertisers

R.J. Tree Services & professiona R.J. Tree Services qualified & professional staff arequalified dedicated the highest levels of service in every in to the highest levels of service intoevery instance. R.J. Treehappy Services qualified &–professional to give advice on all your We are happy to give advice – onWeallare your arboricultural queries. to the highest levels of service in every in Rates

Advertiser’s Guide

Price List - Our Prices Haven’t Increased for 2 Years

• Free quotes advice – on all your • Free quotesWe are happy to give • Fully NPTC qualified • Fully NPTC qualified Tree quotes reductions / cro are dedicated • Tree reductions / crown thins•• Free Tree felling •• Fully NPTC qualified e. • Tree felling are dedicated R.J. Tree Services providing excellence locally for 15 years. • Stump removal / cro • Tree reductions • Stump removal cultural queries. e. Hedgeworks •• Tree felling • Hedgeworks Our qualifi ed & professional staff are dedicated to the • Tree surveys & repor • Stump removal • Tree surveys & reports icultural queries. highest levels of service in every instance. • Hedgeworks • staff Tree surveys & repor R.J. Tree Services qualified & professional are dedicated ns Freelevels Quotes to the highest of service in every instance. hins We are happy to give advice – on all your arboricultural queries 1 Issue

2 Issues*

Full Page






Half Page






Quarter Page

Black & White

Saving 5%



Full Page


Half Page

3 Issues* Saving 7.5%

4 Issues* Saving 10%

Copy Deadline

5 Issues* Saving 20%













Quarter Page






Front Cover Banner


Back Cover


Inside Front + Back Cover


Double Page


Editorial Reviews


Final copy must be submitted by the 16th of each month, for inclusion in the following months edition (which will be distributed during the first weekend of that month.)


Full payment for all advertisements must be received by the copy deadline date. Payment can be made by: Cheques payable to ‘Berrylands Companion’ or cash. Payment by BACS or standing order by arrangement.

Full Colour

(Max 1 in every 4 issues for any one advertiser)

(Centre 2 page spread)


‘A Berrylands Companion’ is a small independent operation and is not registered for VAT. Consequently, no VAT is charged on advertisements.

Acceptable Formats

Adverts can be submitted in the following formats: • MS Word • MS Powerpoint • MS Publisher • TIFF & JPEG

Advert copy can be emailed to: karen@berrylandcompanion.com

If your ad is not available in an electronic format then we can produce it for you, from your own hard copy text, normally for a fixed price of just £10, although this may be higher if you have a particularly complex advert! (This is a one-off charge - the advert could then be re-used in subsequent issues free of charge.)

WE ARE NOT AVAT REGISTERED, SO THE PRICE YOU SEE IS THE PRICE YOU PAY Contact us for package prices. Premium Pages 5 & 7: £10.00 extra Loose inserts can be delivered with magazine at £297 per 8,000.


Copy and payment must be received by 16th of each month to guarantee publication of advert. Advertisement space is only guaranteed when full payment is made. Distribution numbers up to 8,000 each month.

The Companion will be published and distributed monthly, on or around the first weekend of the month. 10 editions a year. It will be delivered to over 12,000 homes in and around Berrylands and Surbiton over two months - guaranteed. In addition it is the first source of local information for anyone moving into the area.

Format & Design

Contact Us:

It is an A5 size booklet, stapled with colour plus black and white printed on quality paper. The Companion will be printed on 115gsm gloss paper giving it a very high quality feel. It will have ‘longevity’ and because of it’s size, content, look and feel it will be kept by the majority of households until the next issue arrives, thereby giving advertisers ‘immdiacy’ of access’ when their services are required.

Karen Burgess 18 Kingsdowne Road Surbiton, Surrey, KT6 6JZ Tel: 020 8274 0096 Fax: 07092003581 Email: karen@berrylandscompanion.com Web: www.berrylandscompanion.com


Tree Felling

• Free quotes • Fully NPTC qualified • Tree reductions / crown thins Stump Removal • Tree felling • Stump removal Hedgeworks • Hedgeworks • Tree surveys & reports Tree Reductions / Crown Thins Look

out for the r Look out for the red tree!

r.J. tree Servi ces, Berrylands, Surbiton 020 8 r.J.tree Services, Berrylands, Surbiton 020 8399 0103 07980 903 881 Visit our website for information Visit our website for information and videos on all aspects of our work and videos o

Tree Surveys & Reports

Look out for the r

r.J.tree Services, Berrylands, Surbiton 020 8 www.rjtrees.co www.rjtrees.co.uk Visit our website for information and videos o

£10 million insurance liability cover

tree! tree!

03 07980 903 881 103 07980 881 spects of our903 work spects of our work


Diploma qualified NPTC licensed Office: 020 8399 0103 Mobile: 07980 903881 info@rjtrees.co.uk LOOK FOR THE RED TREE!

Look out for the red tree!

R.J. Tree Services, Berrylands, Surbiton Visit our website for information and videos on all aspects of our work www.rjtrees.co.uk

r.J.tree Services, Berrylands, Surbiton 020 8399 0103 07980 903 881 Visit0096 our website information and videos on all aspects of23 our work To advertise call Karen: 020 8274 email:for karen@berrylands-companion.co.uk 23

ediuG s’resitrevdA

K B Design

• Architectural Services • Residential + Commercial setaR

sraeY 2 rof desaercnI t’nevaH secirP ruO - tsiL ecirP

enildaeD ypoC

*seussI 5

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*seussI 3

*seussI 2

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%02 gnivaS

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.etad enildaed ypoc eht yb deviecer eb tsum stnemesitrevda lla rof tnemyap lluF yb tnemyaP .hsac ro ’noinapmoC sdnalyrreB‘ ot elbayap seuqehC :yb edam eb nac tnemyaP .tnemegnarra yb redro gnidnats ro SCAB

%01 gnivaS

%5.7 gnivaS

%5 gnivaS

etihW & kcalB egaP lluF


egaP flaH






egaP retrauQ
















ruoloC lluF



egaP lluF

egaP flaH

Extensions or New Build • Planning + Building Regulation Consents • Health and Safety for Construction • Party Wall Awards

.TAV rof deretsiger ton si dna noitarepo tnednepedni llams a si ’noinapmoC sdnalyrreB A‘ .stnemesitrevda no degrahc si TAV on ,yltneuqesnoC

stamroF elbatpeccA

:stamrof gniwollof eht ni dettimbus eb nac strevdA droW SM • tnioprewoP SM • rehsilbuP SM • GEPJ & FFIT •


egaP retrauQ


rennaB revoC tnorF


revoC kcaB



moc.noinapmocdnalyrreb@nerak :ot deliame eb nac ypoc trevdA


nwo ruoy morf ,uoy rof ti ecudorp nac ew neht tamrof cinortcele na ni elbaliava ton si da ruoy fI a evah uoy fi rehgih eb yam siht hguohtla ,01£ tsuj fo ecirp dexfi a rof yllamron ,txet ypoc drah ni desu-er eb neht dluoc trevda eht - egrahc ffo-eno a si sihT( !trevda xelpmoc ylralucitrap ).egrahc fo eerf seussi tneuqesbus

yna rof seussi 4 yreve ni 1 xaM( )resitrevda eno

+ tnorF edisnI revoC kcaB egaP elbuoD

)daerps egap 2 ertneC(

sweiveR lairotidE

YAP UOY ECIRP EHT SI EES UOY ECIRP EHT OS ,DERETSIGER TAVA TON ERA EW .secirp egakcap rof su tcatnoC artxe 00.01£ :7 & 5 segaP muimerP .000,8 rep 792£ ta enizagam htiw dereviled eb nac stresni esooL


.trevda fo noitacilbup eetnaraug ot htnom hcae fo ht61 yb deviecer eb tsum tnemyap dna ypoC .edam si tnemyap lluf nehw deetnaraug ylno si ecaps tnemesitrevdA .htnom hcae 000,8 ot pu srebmun noitubirtsiD

fo dnekeew tsrfi eht dnuora ro no ,ylhtnom detubirtsid dna dehsilbup eb lliw noinapmoC ehT .raey a snoitide 01 .htnom eht owt revo notibruS dna sdnalyrreB dnuora dna ni semoh 000,21 revo ot dereviled eb lliw tI .deetnaraug - shtnom .aera eht otni gnivom enoyna rof noitamrofni lacol fo ecruos tsrfi eht si ti noitidda nI

ngiseD & tamroF

:sU tcatnoC

.repap ytilauq no detnirp etihw dna kcalb sulp ruoloc htiw delpats ,telkoob ezis 5A na si tI .leef ytilauq hgih yrev a ti gnivig repap ssolg msg511 no detnirp eb lliw noinapmoC ehT eht yb tpek eb lliw ti leef dna kool ,tnetnoc ,ezis s’ti fo esuaceb dna ’ytivegnol‘ evah lliw tI fo ’ycaidmmi‘ sresitrevda gnivig ybereht ,sevirra eussi txen eht litnu sdlohesuoh fo ytirojam .deriuqer era secivres rieht nehw ’ssecca

ssegruB neraK daoR enwodsgni K 81 ZJ6 6TK ,yerruS ,notibruS 6900 4728 020 :leT 18530029070 :xaF moc.noinapmocsdnalyrreb@nerak :liamE moc.noinapmocsdnalyrreb.www :beW


Ken Burgess

Tele: 07976 837 031 Fax: E-mail: kcbdesign69@gmail.com

070 9200 3581

HP Aug 15.indd 1

10/09/2015 16:32:49

William Stallion

150 Elmbridge Avenue, Surbiton, Surrey, KT5 9HF

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Painting and Decorating Roofing and Guttering Plastering and Tiling Household Maintenance Loft conversions and extensions Marcus & Sarah Baines 020 8390 7549 07702 603 885 berrylands-property@blueyonder.co.uk



24 24


No obligation quotations. References available. All work guaranteed and fully insured.

Please mention the magazine when contacting Advertisers




Advertiser’s Guide

Price List - Our Prices Haven’t Increased for 2 Years

Starting at 1 and finishing at 49, track your way from one square to another, either horizontally, vertically or diagonally, placing consecutive numbers into the empty squares as you go. Some numbers are already given. 1 Issue

2 Issues*

3 Issues*

4 Issues*

5 Issues*

Full Page






Half Page






Quarter Page

Black & White

Saving 5%

Saving 7.5%

Saving 10%

Copy Deadline

Saving 20%






Full Page






Half Page






Quarter Page






Front Cover Banner


Final copy must be submitted by the 16th of each month, for inclusion in the following months edition (which will be distributed during the first weekend of that month.)


Full payment for all advertisements must be received by the copy deadline date. Payment can be made by: Cheques payable to ‘Berrylands Companion’ or cash. Payment by BACS or standing order by arrangement.

Full Colour

Learn to Bowl, Free Coaching, All Ages & Abilities Welcome

(Max 1 in every 4 issues for any one advertiser)

Back Cover


Inside Front + Back Cover


Double Page


Editorial Reviews


(Centre 2 page spread)


‘A Berrylands Companion’ is a small independent operation and is not registered for VAT. Consequently, no VAT is charged on advertisements.

Acceptable Formats

Adverts can be submitted in the following formats: • MS Word • MS Powerpoint • MS Publisher • TIFF & JPEG Advert copy can be emailed to: karen@berrylandcompanion.com If your ad is not available in an electronic format then we can produce it for you, from your own hard copy text, normally for a fixed price of just £10, although this may be higher if you have a particularly complex advert! (This is a one-off charge - the advert could then be re-used in subsequent issues free of charge.)

WE ARE NOT AVAT REGISTERED, SO THE PRICE YOU SEE IS THE PRICE YOU PAY Contact us for package prices. Premium Pages 5 & 7: £10.00 extra Loose inserts can be delivered with magazine at £297 per 8,000.


Copy and payment must be received by 16th of each month to guarantee publication of advert. Advertisement space is only guaranteed when full payment is made. Distribution numbers up to 8,000 each month.

The Companion will be published and distributed monthly, on or around the first weekend of the month. 10 editions a year. It will be delivered to over 12,000 homes in and around Berrylands and Surbiton over two months - guaranteed. In addition it is the first source of local information for anyone moving into the area.

Format & Design

Contact Us:

Bar . Restaurant Social Events Large Car Park

It is an A5 size booklet, stapled with colour plus black and white printed on quality paper. The Companion will be printed on 115gsm gloss paper giving it a very high quality feel. It will have ‘longevity’ and because of it’s size, content, look and feel it will be kept by the majority of households until the next issue arrives, thereby giving advertisers ‘immdiacy’ of access’ when their services are required.

Karen Burgess 18 Kingsdowne Road Surbiton, Surrey, KT6 6JZ Tel: 020 8274 0096 Fax: 07092003581 Email: karen@berrylandscompanion.com Web: www.berrylandscompanion.com



Jubilee Way,.Chessington, KT9 1TR Tel: 020 8397 7025 www.kgfindoorbowlsclub.co.uk


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Slimming World

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Yo u r H o m e | Yo u r W o r k | Yo u r r i d e TUESDAY Worcester Park Wesley Halls, Christ Church & St Phillip Ruskin Drive, KT4 8LG 7:30am & 9:30am Tel: Jane 07711 422380 Surbiton Surbiton New Life Baptist Church 1 Balaclava Road KT6 5PW 5.30pm & 7.30pm Tel: Justine 020 8224 3336

THURSDAY New Malden The Graham Spicer 15 Dukes Avenue KT3 4HL 9:30am, 5:15pm & 7:00pm Tel: Vanessa 07504 522453 FRIDAY New Malden The Graham Spicer 15 Dukes Avenue KT3 4HL 9:30am Tel: Vanessa 07504 522453

WEDNESDAY Surbiton Surbiton New Life Baptist Church 1 Balaclava Road KT6 5PW 9:30am & 11:30am Tel: Justine 020 8224 3336 7.30pm Tel: Jane 07711 422380

rebelwaltz-cyclesolutions.co.uk • I can pick up your bike from your home or place of work then return to you at your convenience. • From a safety check, new build to a full service, all work and repairs will be quoted prior to commencing. • Will contact you immediately if any other defects are spotted so there will be no unpleasant surprises. • Free pick up and drop off within a five mile radius of Surbiton. Contact: Jon Martin jon@rebelwaltz-cyclesolutions.co.uk | 07514 435855


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To advertise call Karen: 020 8274 0096

email: karen@berrylands-companion.co.uk

25 25

ediuG s’resitrevdA

into a new relationship, spending all your time with your new love and abandoning everything and everyone else. Investing your happiness in other people, particularly one person, isn’t healthy; it can lessen your self-esteem (and your appeal as a partner or friend)? Crucially, it can also make it far harder to cope with a break-up or bereavement.


sraeY 2 rof desaercnI t’nevaH secirP ruO - tsiL ecirP

enildaeD ypoC

*seussI 5

*seussI 4

*seussI 3

*seussI 2

eussI 1











egaP flaH egaP retrauQ

%02 gnivaS

shtnom gniwollof eht ni noisulcni rof ,htnom hcae fo ht61 eht yb dettimbus eb tsum ypoc laniF ).htnom taht fo dnekeew tsrfi eht gnirud detubirtsid eb lliw hcihw( noitide


%5.7 gnivaS

%5 gnivaS

etihW & kcalB egaP lluF














egaP flaH






egaP retrauQ


rennaB revoC tnorF


revoC kcaB


.etad enildaed ypoc eht yb deviecer eb tsum stnemesitrevda lla rof tnemyap lluF yb tnemyaP .hsac ro ’noinapmoC sdnalyrreB‘ ot elbayap seuqehC :yb edam eb nac tnemyaP .tnemegnarra yb redro gnidnats ro SCAB

%01 gnivaS


ruoloC lluF


.TAV rof deretsiger ton si dna noitarepo tnednepedni llams a si ’noinapmoC sdnalyrreB A‘ .stnemesitrevda no degrahc si TAV on ,yltneuqesnoC

stamroF elbatpeccA

:stamrof gniwollof eht ni dettimbus eb nac strevdA droW SM • tnioprewoP SM • rehsilbuP SM • GEPJ & FFIT •

00.341£ 00.391£

moc.noinapmocdnalyrreb@nerak :ot deliame eb nac ypoc trevdA


nwo ruoy morf ,uoy rof ti ecudorp nac ew neht tamrof cinortcele na ni elbaliava ton si da ruoy fI a evah uoy fi rehgih eb yam siht hguohtla ,01£ tsuj fo ecirp dexfi a rof yllamron ,txet ypoc drah ni desu-er eb neht dluoc trevda eht - egrahc ffo-eno a si sihT( !trevda xelpmoc ylralucitrap ).egrahc fo eerf seussi tneuqesbus

egaP lluF

yna rof seussi 4 yreve ni 1 xaM( )resitrevda eno

+ tnorF edisnI revoC kcaB egaP elbuoD

)daerps egap 2 ertneC(

sweiveR lairotidE

YAP UOY ECIRP EHT SI EES UOY ECIRP EHT OS ,DERETSIGER TAVA TON ERA EW .secirp egakcap rof su tcatnoC artxe 00.01£ :7 & 5 segaP muimerP .000,8 rep 792£ ta enizagam htiw dereviled eb nac stresni esooL


.trevda fo noitacilbup eetnaraug ot htnom hcae fo ht61 yb deviecer eb tsum tnemyap dna ypoC .edam si tnemyap lluf nehw deetnaraug ylno si ecaps tnemesitrevdA .htnom hcae 000,8 ot pu srebmun noitubirtsiD

fo dnekeew tsrfi eht dnuora ro no ,ylhtnom detubirtsid dna dehsilbup eb lliw noinapmoC ehT .raey a snoitide 01 .htnom eht owt revo notibruS dna sdnalyrreB dnuora dna ni semoh 000,21 revo ot dereviled eb lliw tI .deetnaraug - shtnom .aera eht otni gnivom enoyna rof noitamrofni lacol fo ecruos tsrfi eht si ti noitidda nI

ngiseD & tamroF

:sU tcatnoC

.repap ytilauq no detnirp etihw dna kcalb sulp ruoloc htiw delpats ,telkoob ezis 5A na si tI .leef ytilauq hgih yrev a ti gnivig repap ssolg msg511 no detnirp eb lliw noinapmoC ehT eht yb tpek eb lliw ti leef dna kool ,tnetnoc ,ezis s’ti fo esuaceb dna ’ytivegnol‘ evah lliw tI fo ’ycaidmmi‘ sresitrevda gnivig ybereht ,sevirra eussi txen eht litnu sdlohesuoh fo ytirojam .deriuqer era secivres rieht nehw ’ssecca

ssegruB neraK daoR enwodsgni K 81 ZJ6 6TK ,yerruS ,notibruS 6900 4728 020 :leT 18530029070 :xaF moc.noinapmocsdnalyrreb@nerak :liamE moc.noinapmocsdnalyrreb.www :beW


Finding Love and Fixing Heartbreak

Valentine’s Day means love is in the air, and research shows we’re generally healthier, happier and live longer if we’re in a relationship. Yet break-ups can be devastating both during and after. So how can we start again and survive a split while remaining mentally healthy?

Ready For a New Relationship? Relationships can be wonderful, but also hard work. Can you currently invest the time a relationship requires? Are you over your last relationship?

Acknowledging our part in a break-up “can help us to understand what we’re good at in relationships – and what we perhaps find difficult,” advises Relate.

How serious do you want your next partnership to be? What about marriage and children? Think about your ethics, attitudes and your approach to money and free time. “Usually, you tend to have more satisfying and longer lasting relationships with people who share your values,” Relate

26 26

advises. Beware searching exclusively for your perfect person tough; you won’t be giving ‘candidates’ a proper chance.

Breaking up is one part of your life experience; don’t let it be the main event Hold on to You Online dating can seem ideal but some members aren’t single or honest about themselves and may only be looking for sex. Also, meeting for the first time solely to evaluate romantic potential is much more intense than meeting someone normally and gradually getting to know them. Widening your social circle is a great way to increase your chances of meeting a potential partner. Try volunteering, reconnecting with old friends or colleagues, or joining an interest group to help you build confidence and meet people in less pressured circumstances. Beware rushing headlong

Survive a Break-Up “It’s not what happens to you in life that defines you; it’s what you do about it,” says Sara Davison, author of Uncoupling.

Sara’s Four Keys to Surviving and Thriving after a break-up are: 1. Taking Responsibility (for your part in what’s happened). 2. Getting Clarity (about your feelings, separation practicalities and who can support you). 3. Taking Back Control (rather than “living life in reaction”). 4. Focusing On Moving Forward Positively. Talk to people you trust and consider counselling; talking to someone neutral can be a real help.

Allow yourself to feel emotions, but think about what you’re going to change in your life for next time, advises Sara. “Because there will be a next time. You just have to be ready and strong enough to embrace it.”

Further Help: Sara Davidson, Uncoupling: How to survive and thrive after breakup and divorce, Piatkus Relate: www.relate.org.uk By Alison Runham

Please mention the magazine when contacting Advertisers


Advertiser’s Guide

Price List - Our Prices Haven’t Increased for 2 Years 1 Issue

2 Issues*

Full Page



Half Page



Quarter Page



Black & White

Saving 5%

Full Colour

3 Issues*

4 Issues*

Copy Deadline

5 Issues*

Kingston Saving 7.5%

Saving 10%

Saving 20%










Final copy must be submitted by the 16th of each month, for inclusion in the following months edition (which will be distributed during the first weekend of that month.)


Full payment for all advertisements must be received by the copy deadline date. Payment can be made by: Cheques payable to ‘Berrylands Companion’ or cash. Payment by BACS or standing order by arrangement.

Clinical Commissioning Group Full Page






Half Page






Quarter Page






Front Cover Banner


Back Cover


Inside Front + Back Cover


Double Page


Editorial Reviews


(Max 1 in every 4 issues for any one advertiser)


‘A Berrylands Companion’ is a small independent operation and is not registered for VAT. Consequently, no VAT is charged on advertisements.

Acceptable Formats

Adverts can be submitted in the following formats: • MS Word • MS Powerpoint • MS Publisher • TIFF & JPEG

Kingston provides access to Primary Care Services 8am to 8pm, 7 days a week. This includes: (Centre 2 page spread)

Advert copy can be emailed to: karen@berrylandcompanion.com If your ad is not available in an electronic format then we can produce it for you, from your own hard copy text, normally for a fixed price of just £10, although this may be higher if you have a particularly complex advert! (This is a one-off charge - the advert could then be re-used in subsequent issues free of charge.)

WE ARE NOT AVAT REGISTERED, SO THE PRICE YOU SEE IS THE PRICE YOU PAY Contact us for package prices. Premium Pages 5 & 7: £10.00 extra Loose inserts can be delivered with magazine at £297 per 8,000.


Copy and payment must be received by 16th of each month to guarantee publication of advert. Advertisement space is only guaranteed when full payment is made. Distribution numbers up to 8,000 each month.

The Companion will be published and distributed monthly, on or around the first weekend of the month. 10 editions a year. It will be delivered to over 12,000 homes in and around Berrylands and Surbiton over two months - guaranteed. In addition it is the first source of local information for anyone moving into the area.

Format & Design

Contact Us:

It is an A5 size booklet, stapled with colour plus black and white printed on quality paper. The Companion will be printed on 115gsm gloss paper giving it a very high quality feel. It will have ‘longevity’ and because of it’s size, content, look and feel it will be kept by the majority of households until the next issue arrives, thereby giving advertisers ‘immdiacy’ of access’ when their services are required.

Karen Burgess 18 Kingsdowne Road Surbiton, Surrey, KT6 6JZ Tel: 020 8274 0096 Fax: 07092003581 Email: karen@berrylandscompanion.com Web: www.berrylandscompanion.com

Surbiton Health Centre Kingston Health Centre Mon-Fri 6.30pm - 8.00pm* Mon-Fri 6.30pm - 8.00pm* Sat-Sun 8.00am - 8.00pm Sat 8.00am - 8.00pm Bank Holidays 8.00am - 8.00pm Sun 8.00am - 2.00pm

Merritt Medical Centre Mon-Fri 6.30pm - 8.00pm* Sat-Sun 8.00am - 2.00pm


*For weekday evening appointments please contact your own GP Surgery before 5pm. For a Weekend or Bank Holiday appointment, please call 020 3841 9942. This service covers all the normal illnesses and injuries that you would want to see your GP about. The service does not cover: Emergencies including Dental & Mental Health any Pregnancy related issues – Referrals – Test requests or Repeat Prescriptions. For any conditions that require immediate attention such as shortness of breath or chest pain please go to A&E. Extended Primary Care AD.indd 1

07/11/2018 07:45


Ms Fiona Smith

Using only the letters in the Wordwheel, you have ten minutes to find as many words as possible, none of which may be plurals, foreign words or proper nouns. Each word must be of three letters or more, all must contain the central letter and letters can only be used once in every word. There is at least one word that uses all of the letters in the wheel.

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TARGET Excellent: 35 or more words Good: 30 words Fair: 26 words

Tel: 020 8399 0262 or 07817 013 707 for appointment

Ace Complementary Health Centre 304 Ewell Road, Surbiton Surrey, KT6 7AQ www.ace-osteopaths.com To advertise call Karen: 020 8274 0096





SAXIFRAGE email: karen@berrylands-companion.co.uk

27 27

Winter Saviours

ediuG s’resitrevdA


sraeY 2 rof desaercnI t’nevaH secirP ruO - tsiL ecirP

enildaeD ypoC

*seussI 5

*seussI 4

*seussI 3

*seussI 2

eussI 1








%02 gnivaS

shtnom gniwollof eht ni noisulcni rof ,htnom hcae fo ht61 eht yb dettimbus eb tsum ypoc laniF ).htnom taht fo dnekeew tsrfi eht gnirud detubirtsid eb lliw hcihw( noitide


.etad enildaed ypoc eht yb deviecer eb tsum stnemesitrevda lla rof tnemyap lluF yb tnemyaP .hsac ro ’noinapmoC sdnalyrreB‘ ot elbayap seuqehC :yb edam eb nac tnemyaP .tnemegnarra yb redro gnidnats ro SCAB

%01 gnivaS

%5.7 gnivaS

%5 gnivaS

etihW & kcalB egaP lluF


egaP flaH






egaP retrauQ
















ruoloC lluF egaP lluF

Spring may be just around the corner but it’ll be hats and boots weather for a while yet. If your skin is feeling the drying effects of central heating, or you’re just in need of a winter pick-me-up, we may have the answer. TAV

.TAV rof deretsiger ton si dna noitarepo tnednepedni llams a si ’noinapmoC sdnalyrreB A‘ .stnemesitrevda no degrahc si TAV on ,yltneuqesnoC

stamroF elbatpeccA

:stamrof gniwollof eht ni dettimbus eb nac strevdA droW SM • tnioprewoP SM • rehsilbuP SM • GEPJ & FFIT •


egaP retrauQ

rennaB revoC tnorF revoC kcaB



moc.noinapmocdnalyrreb@nerak :ot deliame eb nac ypoc trevdA


nwo ruoy morf ,uoy rof ti ecudorp nac ew neht tamrof cinortcele na ni elbaliava ton si da ruoy fI a evah uoy fi rehgih eb yam siht hguohtla ,01£ tsuj fo ecirp dexfi a rof yllamron ,txet ypoc drah ni desu-er eb neht dluoc trevda eht - egrahc ffo-eno a si sihT( !trevda xelpmoc ylralucitrap ).egrahc fo eerf seussi tneuqesbus

egaP flaH




yna rof seussi 4 yreve ni 1 xaM( )resitrevda eno

+ tnorF edisnI revoC kcaB egaP elbuoD

)daerps egap 2 ertneC(

sweiveR lairotidE

YAP UOY ECIRP EHT SI EES UOY ECIRP EHT OS ,DERETSIGER TAVA TON ERA EW .secirp egakcap rof su tcatnoC artxe 00.01£ :7 & 5 segaP muimerP .000,8 rep 792£ ta enizagam htiw dereviled eb nac stresni esooL


.trevda fo noitacilbup eetnaraug ot htnom hcae fo ht61 yb deviecer eb tsum tnemyap dna ypoC .edam si tnemyap lluf nehw deetnaraug ylno si ecaps tnemesitrevdA .htnom hcae 000,8 ot pu srebmun noitubirtsiD

fo dnekeew tsrfi eht dnuora ro no ,ylhtnom detubirtsid dna dehsilbup eb lliw noinapmoC ehT .raey a snoitide 01 .htnom eht owt revo notibruS dna sdnalyrreB dnuora dna ni semoh 000,21 revo ot dereviled eb lliw tI .deetnaraug - shtnom .aera eht otni gnivom enoyna rof noitamrofni lacol fo ecruos tsrfi eht si ti noitidda nI

ngiseD & tamroF

:sU tcatnoC

.repap ytilauq no detnirp etihw dna kcalb sulp ruoloc htiw delpats ,telkoob ezis 5A na si tI .leef ytilauq hgih yrev a ti gnivig repap ssolg msg511 no detnirp eb lliw noinapmoC ehT eht yb tpek eb lliw ti leef dna kool ,tnetnoc ,ezis s’ti fo esuaceb dna ’ytivegnol‘ evah lliw tI fo ’ycaidmmi‘ sresitrevda gnivig ybereht ,sevirra eussi txen eht litnu sdlohesuoh fo ytirojam .deriuqer era secivres rieht nehw ’ssecca

ssegruB neraK daoR enwodsgni K 81 ZJ6 6TK ,yerruS ,notibruS 6900 4728 020 :leT 18530029070 :xaF moc.noinapmocsdnalyrreb@nerak :liamE moc.noinapmocsdnalyrreb.www :beW

elasticity and more. Now the AGELESS Total Pure Hyaluronic Filler is £80 for a small bottle, but it does contain six forms of hyaluronic acid and you do only need a tiny amount. Visit www.imageskincare. co.uk for stockist details.


I do love something that has an instant effect as well as a long-term benefit (I have very little patience). Image Skincare AGELESS Total Pure Hyaluronic Filler delivers on both counts.

When it’s dark and gloomy outside, a bright splash of colour is always welcome. I’m going for Glossworks Nail Polish in Flamingo. This rich coral shade is very easy to wear and seems to suit most skin tones. The polish is not too drippy or too gloopy so it’s easy to apply. It’s also vegan and free from formaldehyde, parabens and the other chemical ‘nasties’ that you often find in high street varnishes. It’s £12 from www.lovelula.com. 28 28

In need of a winter pick-me-up? We may have the answer Hyaluronic acid is a real workhorse. It helps the skin to lock in moisture and has an instant plumping effect, so minimises the appearance of lines and wrinkles. Long-term, it also stimulates collagen, combats free radicals, improves skin

If you’re in the market for a new moisturiser, try Kimberly Sayer’s Restore Anti-Ageing Cream. It’s designed to moisturise, tighten, firm and soothe skin, while protecting from environmental damage. It’s rich enough for dry and mature skin but absorbs easily and isn’t greasy. The calming lavender fragrance also makes it a perfect night cream. £29.50, www.lovelula.com. The cold weather can wreak havoc with your skin, but if your hands are feeling dry and sore, there may be another culprit to blame – your hand wash. Most liquid hand washes contain sodium lauryl

Please mention the magazine when contacting Advertisers

sulphate, alcohol and other ingredients that can irritate sensitive skin. (I only have to use a hand wash a few times before my skin starts to crack and bleed.) Try swapping to a bar of soap instead. Faith in Nature, Bentley Organic and Weleda are good brands to look out for, or try your local health food store or farmers’ market for locally made natural soaps.

If your skin does get dry and flaky, you might want to invest in a healing balm. Odylique’s Ultra Rich Balm is very hydrating, 100% natural and suitable for sensitive skin. It’s made from shea butter, olive oil, coconut oil, beeswax and sea buckthorn oil, all of which help to nourish and protect skin. A little goes a long way and you can use the balm all over, including on lips and hair. (Got to love a multi-tasker.)


Advertiser’s Guide

Price List - Our Prices Haven’t Increased for 2 Years 1 Issue

2 Issues*

Full Page






Half Page






Quarter Page

Black & White

Saving 5%



Full Page


Half Page

3 Issues* Saving 7.5%

4 Issues* Saving 10%

Copy Deadline

5 Issues* Saving 20%













Quarter Page






Front Cover Banner


Final copy must be submitted by the 16th of each month, for inclusion in the following months edition (which will be distributed during the first weekend of that month.)


Full payment for all advertisements must be received by the copy deadline date. Payment can be made by: Cheques payable to ‘Berrylands Companion’ or cash. Payment by BACS or standing order by arrangement.

Full Colour

(Max 1 in every 4 issues for any one advertiser)

Back Cover


Inside Front + Back Cover


Double Page


Editorial Reviews


(Centre 2 page spread)


‘A Berrylands Companion’ is a small independent operation and is not registered for VAT. Consequently, no VAT is charged on advertisements.

Acceptable Formats

Adverts can be submitted in the following formats: • MS Word • MS Powerpoint • MS Publisher • TIFF & JPEG Advert copy can be emailed to: karen@berrylandcompanion.com If your ad is not available in an electronic format then we can produce it for you, from your own hard copy text, normally for a fixed price of just £10, although this may be higher if you have a particularly complex advert! (This is a one-off charge - the advert could then be re-used in subsequent issues free of charge.)

WE ARE NOT AVAT REGISTERED, SO THE PRICE YOU SEE IS THE PRICE YOU PAY Contact us for package prices. Premium Pages 5 & 7: £10.00 extra Loose inserts can be delivered with magazine at £297 per 8,000.


Copy and payment must be received by 16th of each month to guarantee publication of advert. Advertisement space is only guaranteed when full payment is made. Distribution numbers up to 8,000 each month.

The Companion will be published and distributed monthly, on or around the first weekend of the month. 10 editions a year. It will be delivered to over 12,000 homes in and around Berrylands and Surbiton over two months - guaranteed. In addition it is the first source of local information for anyone moving into the area.

From £9.50, www.odylique. co.uk. Format & Design

Contact Us:

It is an A5 size booklet, stapled with colour plus black and white printed on quality paper. The Companion will be printed on 115gsm gloss paper giving it a very high quality feel. It will have ‘longevity’ and because of it’s size, content, look and feel it will be kept by the majority of households until the next issue arrives, thereby giving advertisers ‘immdiacy’ of access’ when their services are required.

Karen Burgess 18 Kingsdowne Road Surbiton, Surrey, KT6 6JZ Tel: 020 8274 0096 Fax: 07092003581 Email: karen@berrylandscompanion.com Web: www.berrylandscompanion.com

Looking for a budgetfriendly, calorie-free, alcohol-free treat? The Kiss Naturals Eye Palette is just £3 from Wilko and features 12 neutral shades, from light beige to chocolate. £3 for 12 eyeshadows, a mirror and a brush? It seems rude not to. 16

By Kate Duggan


R P D G O E You have two minutes to find all the words of three or more letters that can be made from the letters above. Plurals are allowed, proper nouns are not. The 6 letter word will always be just a normal everyday word.

3 letters: 15 4 letters: 11 5 letters: 4 6 letters: 1

Regency Dance Classes Learn to dance like Jane Austen’s heroines & heroes and cut a dash!

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St Mark’s Church Hall, Church Hill Rd, Surbiton KT6 4LS Time: 8pm – 10.30pm Jan Feb Mar April 2019 9 & 23 6 & 20 6 & 20 3 & 17 Dates th

Winter Tea Dance on 20 January rd Victorian Spring Spring Ball in Croydon on 23 March

We must make haste to the dance class!! class

Feeling trapped, overwhelmed, unable to move on and achieve a ballanced life? and start living life the way you want. 0800 193 3690 www.georgiemacs.com To advertise call Karen: 020 8274 0096

Entry £5 per class tea included www.MrsBennet.co.uk

As Jane said “To be fond of dancing is a certain step towards falling in love” love”! !

Fear & Anxiety Specialist

Contact: Libby mrsbennetsballroom@gmail.com MrsBennetsBallroom 020 8391 1215

email: karen@berrylands-companion.co.uk

29 29

hydrotherapy-based. Then in 1870, a clockwork vibrator became available. Three years later, an electromechanical device was invented and is said to have been tried out at an asylum in France.


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egaP retrauQ






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.etad enildaed ypoc eht yb deviecer eb tsum stnemesitrevda lla rof tnemyap lluF yb tnemyaP .hsac ro ’noinapmoC sdnalyrreB‘ ot elbayap seuqehC :yb edam eb nac tnemyaP .tnemegnarra yb redro gnidnats ro SCAB

%01 gnivaS

00.723£ 00.271£



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stamroF elbatpeccA

:stamrof gniwollof eht ni dettimbus eb nac strevdA droW SM • tnioprewoP SM • rehsilbuP SM • GEPJ & FFIT •


egaP retrauQ


rennaB revoC tnorF

00.281£ 00.341£ 00.391£

moc.noinapmocdnalyrreb@nerak :ot deliame eb nac ypoc trevdA


nwo ruoy morf ,uoy rof ti ecudorp nac ew neht tamrof cinortcele na ni elbaliava ton si da ruoy fI a evah uoy fi rehgih eb yam siht hguohtla ,01£ tsuj fo ecirp dexfi a rof yllamron ,txet ypoc drah ni desu-er eb neht dluoc trevda eht - egrahc ffo-eno a si sihT( !trevda xelpmoc ylralucitrap ).egrahc fo eerf seussi tneuqesbus

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.trevda fo noitacilbup eetnaraug ot htnom hcae fo ht61 yb deviecer eb tsum tnemyap dna ypoC .edam si tnemyap lluf nehw deetnaraug ylno si ecaps tnemesitrevdA .htnom hcae 000,8 ot pu srebmun noitubirtsiD

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ngiseD & tamroF

:sU tcatnoC

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The History of Hysteria The Oxford dictionary defines hysteria as ‘exaggerated or uncontrollable emotion or excitement, especially among a group of people’. But it was also an old-fashioned term for a medical condition in women during the 19th century. The following article contains material of a sensitive nature.

The term hysteria comes from the ancient Greek word for womb. The Greeks believed that many female ailments were caused by a ‘wandering uterus’ that moved around inside the body resulting in blockages that caused all kinds of physical diseases.

During the second century, a Roman physician, surgeon and philosopher named Galen hypothesised that hysteria was caused by sexual deprivation. Hysteria was diagnosed from symptoms such as feeling faint, anxiety, insomnia, fluid retention, muscle spasms, breathlessness, loss of appetite, emotional instability and irritability. It was therefore easy for a woman to be misdiagnosed with hysteria when she really had a serious

30 30

physical condition such as epilepsy.

The cure was to advise regular sexual intercourse but if this wasn’t possible then the doctor would perform pelvic massage to induce what was called ‘hysterical paroxysm’! Other treatments for hysteria could include bed rest, bland food, isolation and lack of any mental stimulation. In extreme cases a hysterectomy was performed, or the woman was sent to an asylum.

Physicians believed that many female ailments were caused by a ‘wandering uterus’

Contrary to what you might expect, physicians actually considered pelvic massage a difficult task that took time and effort to achieve. As a result, to meet the growing need for treatment, the first vibrators were invented as a bona fide medical aid. Initially, treatment was

Rather frighteningly, an American doctor, George Taylor, came up with a steam-powered vibrator called ‘The Manipulator’ in 1869 that was the size of a dining room table and needed coal regularly shovelled into it to make it work!

By the beginning of the 20th century, hand-held portable electrical vibrators such as ‘Dr Harry F Waite’s Tissue Oscillator’ had become available to the general public so that ‘hysterical’ women could now treat themselves in the privacy of their own home. The development of psychology and increased understanding of the human mind meant that diagnoses of hysteria were gradually replaced by more accurate diagnoses of physical and specific psychological conditions such as personality disorders, anxiety and neuroses. As for vibrators, they gradually came to be seen not as health aids but as devices for sexual gratification and were appearing in pornographic films as early as the 1930s.

The American Psychiatric Society dropped the term ‘hysteria’ in 1952 and today it is no longer recognised as a medical condition.

By Catherine Rose

Please mention the magazine when contacting Advertisers


Advertiser’s Guide

Price List - Our Prices Haven’t Increased for 2 Years 1 Issue

2 Issues*

Full Page






Half Page






Quarter Page

Black & White

Saving 5%



Full Page


Half Page

3 Issues* Saving 7.5%

4 Issues* Saving 10%

5 Issues* Saving 20%













Quarter Page






Front Cover Banner


Full Colour

(Max 1 in every 4 issues for any one advertiser)

Back Cover


Inside Front + Back Cover


Double Page


(Centre 2 page spread)

Copy Deadline

Final copy must be submitted by the 16th of each month, for inclusion in the following months edition (which will be distributed during the first weekend of that month.)


Full payment for all advertisements must be received by the copy deadline date. Payment can be made by: Cheques payable to ‘Berrylands Companion’ or cash. Payment by BACS or standing order by arrangement.


‘A Berrylands Companion’ is a small independent operation and is not registered for VAT. Consequently, no VAT is charged on advertisements.

Acceptable Formats

Adverts can be submitted in the following formats: • MS Word • MS Powerpoint • MS Publisher • TIFF & JPEG

Foxes are becoming an increasingly challenging urban problem. Editorial Reviews


WE ARE NOT AVAT REGISTERED, SO THE PRICE YOU SEE IS THE PRICE YOU PAY Contact us for package prices. Premium Pages 5 & 7: £10.00 extra Loose inserts can be delivered with magazine at £297 per 8,000.

Copy and payment must be received by 16th of each month to guarantee publication of advert. Advertisement space is only guaranteed when full payment is made. Distribution numbers up to 8,000 each month.

Contact Us:

Oh rats. If you suspect you have them, we can rat ’em out! Karen Burgess 18 Kingsdowne Road Surbiton, Surrey, KT6 6JZ Tel: 020 8274 0096 Fax: 07092003581 Email: karen@berrylandscompanion.com Web: www.berrylandscompanion.com

Advert copy can be emailed to: karen@berrylandcompanion.com If your ad is not available in an electronic format then we can produce it for you, from your own hard copy text, normally for a fixed price of just £10, although this may be higher if you have a particularly complex advert! (This is a one-off charge - the advert could then be re-used in subsequent issues free of charge.)


The Companion will be published and distributed monthly, on or around the first weekend of the month. 10 editions a year. It will be delivered to over 12,000 homes in and around Berrylands and Surbiton over two months - guaranteed. In addition it is the first source of local information for anyone moving into the area.

Format & Design

It is an A5 size booklet, stapled with colour plus black and white printed on quality paper. The Companion will be printed on 115gsm gloss paper giving it a very high quality feel. It will have ‘longevity’ and because of it’s size, content, look and feel it will be kept by the majority of households until the next issue arrives, thereby giving advertisers ‘immdiacy’ of access’ when their services are required.

Eek! You suspect you have mice. Don’t worry, we can help. 16 Suspect bed bugs in your home? We can get rid of them. Think you’re going nuts? It could be those pesky squirrels!

We offer all services from one off emergency call outs to yearly contracts. We will beat any current contracts on price & service

The Life List Unsafe Science

The Internet has created a society of experts, albeit mostly in mouse clicks and opinions. Whatever the topic, somebody else knows best and they’re more than willing to share their wisdom. Let’s examine a few pearls under the harsh light of scrutiny. Chocolate gives you spots. Well, only if you’re a messy eater. Television numbs your brain. Yes, I think I watched a TV programme about that. Can’t remember when though.

Sharks are more afraid of people. Perhaps, but unfortunately fear seems to give them the munchies.

Video killed the radio star. This one’s largely true, except for Nicholas Parsons.

Web browser searches are completely impartial. And they don’t harvest your data either. Eggs are good / bad / good / bad for you. It all depends upon which newspaper you read.

Dogs won’t bite you if their tails are wagging. Not with their tails, anyway. Electric cars are better for the environment. As long as no one discusses how the recharging stations are powered. Stinging nettles don’t hurt if you grab them quickly. While wearing industrial gauntlets.

It takes more muscles to frown than to smile. And it also burns more calories, especially during a workout.

Aliens are in cahoots with technology companies. Yet somehow both are still unable to give me full mobile coverage.

There are lots of effective hangover cures. The only foolproof one I know is where you don’t

To advertise call Karen: 020 8274 0096

get drunk in the first place.

A vegan diet makes you more peaceful. Try telling that to an angry gorilla.

By Derek Thompson www.alongthewritelines.blogspot.co.uk

email: karen@berrylands-companion.co.uk

31 31

also want to sign up to forums, social media pages and groups in your industry.


ediuG s’resitrevdA

sraeY 2 rof desaercnI t’nevaH secirP ruO - tsiL ecirP

enildaeD ypoC

*seussI 5

*seussI 4

*seussI 3

*seussI 2

eussI 1






%02 gnivaS

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%5.7 gnivaS

%5 gnivaS

etihW & kcalB egaP lluF


egaP flaH




egaP retrauQ






egaP lluF






egaP flaH








.etad enildaed ypoc eht yb deviecer eb tsum stnemesitrevda lla rof tnemyap lluF yb tnemyaP .hsac ro ’noinapmoC sdnalyrreB‘ ot elbayap seuqehC :yb edam eb nac tnemyaP .tnemegnarra yb redro gnidnats ro SCAB

%01 gnivaS

00.723£ 00.271£



ruoloC lluF


.TAV rof deretsiger ton si dna noitarepo tnednepedni llams a si ’noinapmoC sdnalyrreB A‘ .stnemesitrevda no degrahc si TAV on ,yltneuqesnoC

stamroF elbatpeccA

:stamrof gniwollof eht ni dettimbus eb nac strevdA droW SM • tnioprewoP SM • rehsilbuP SM • GEPJ & FFIT •


egaP retrauQ


rennaB revoC tnorF

00.281£ 00.341£ 00.391£

moc.noinapmocdnalyrreb@nerak :ot deliame eb nac ypoc trevdA


nwo ruoy morf ,uoy rof ti ecudorp nac ew neht tamrof cinortcele na ni elbaliava ton si da ruoy fI a evah uoy fi rehgih eb yam siht hguohtla ,01£ tsuj fo ecirp dexfi a rof yllamron ,txet ypoc drah ni desu-er eb neht dluoc trevda eht - egrahc ffo-eno a si sihT( !trevda xelpmoc ylralucitrap ).egrahc fo eerf seussi tneuqesbus

yna rof seussi 4 yreve ni 1 xaM( )resitrevda eno

revoC kcaB + tnorF edisnI revoC kcaB egaP elbuoD

)daerps egap 2 ertneC(

sweiveR lairotidE

YAP UOY ECIRP EHT SI EES UOY ECIRP EHT OS ,DERETSIGER TAVA TON ERA EW .secirp egakcap rof su tcatnoC artxe 00.01£ :7 & 5 segaP muimerP .000,8 rep 792£ ta enizagam htiw dereviled eb nac stresni esooL


.trevda fo noitacilbup eetnaraug ot htnom hcae fo ht61 yb deviecer eb tsum tnemyap dna ypoC .edam si tnemyap lluf nehw deetnaraug ylno si ecaps tnemesitrevdA .htnom hcae 000,8 ot pu srebmun noitubirtsiD

fo dnekeew tsrfi eht dnuora ro no ,ylhtnom detubirtsid dna dehsilbup eb lliw noinapmoC ehT .raey a snoitide 01 .htnom eht owt revo notibruS dna sdnalyrreB dnuora dna ni semoh 000,21 revo ot dereviled eb lliw tI .deetnaraug - shtnom .aera eht otni gnivom enoyna rof noitamrofni lacol fo ecruos tsrfi eht si ti noitidda nI

ngiseD & tamroF

:sU tcatnoC

.repap ytilauq no detnirp etihw dna kcalb sulp ruoloc htiw delpats ,telkoob ezis 5A na si tI .leef ytilauq hgih yrev a ti gnivig repap ssolg msg511 no detnirp eb lliw noinapmoC ehT eht yb tpek eb lliw ti leef dna kool ,tnetnoc ,ezis s’ti fo esuaceb dna ’ytivegnol‘ evah lliw tI fo ’ycaidmmi‘ sresitrevda gnivig ybereht ,sevirra eussi txen eht litnu sdlohesuoh fo ytirojam .deriuqer era secivres rieht nehw ’ssecca

ssegruB neraK daoR enwodsgniK 81 ZJ6 6TK ,yerruS ,notibruS 6900 4728 020 :leT 18530029070 :xaF moc.noinapmocsdnalyrreb@nerak :liamE moc.noinapmocsdnalyrreb.www :beW

Taking back control – going freelance 61

While more employers are offering flexible working, few jobs give you the freedom of running your own business. Self-employment doesn’t suit everyone. For a start, there’s no sick pay, no holiday pay and no regular salary. However, if you’re fed up of juggling childcare and missing out on time with your kids, it’s well worth considering.

Flexible hours If you’re a freelancer, you can usually fit your work around the kids. (I’m writing this article in the hairdresser’s while my son gets his hair cut.) If work is quiet and you fancy taking the kids to the beach after school, you can. On the downside, if you’ve got a lot of work on, you can end up working late into the night, or at weekends. Attracting customers You’ll need a plan for attracting customers. That plan is likely to include creating and updating a website, attending networking events, contacting people through social media and searching for opportunities through LinkedIn and other platforms. If you’re a graphic designer,

32 32

you could contact local design agencies to let them know you’re available. If you make artisan handbags, you could sell them through Etsy, Not on the High Street or Folksy. You’ll need to factor in the platform’s fees as part of your costs. It also takes time to gain those all important reviews and you’ll be competing against a lot of other small businesses.

You could team up with other professionals to bid for bigger projects

If you can, start working on your business part-time, before you leave your job, and build up some savings to see you through lean periods. Finding your ‘tribe’ It’s worth connecting with other freelancers for ideas, inspiration and ‘tea break’ chat. There are hundreds of networking events across the UK but some are little more than money-making schemes, so try a few before you commit to a membership. You might

You could also team up with other professionals to bid for bigger projects. A plumber, electrician, decorator and builder might work together on house extensions, for example. I’m a member of The Hoxby Collective – a global team of freelancers (from copywriters and designers to accountants) who work together to deliver projects. Hoxby co-founder, Lizzie Penny, explains, “When Alex Hirst and I set up The Hoxby Collective, it was partly because I wanted to spend more time with my family. Some of the best talent was being excluded from the workforce because of geographical location, parental responsibility or a myriad of other reasons. We believe people should be able to fit their work around their lives and not the other way round.” Useful Links: • www.wix.com and www. squarespace.com make designing a website easy. • www.canva.com offers lots of design templates you can customise to create posters, social media memes, leaflets and more. • www.hmrc.gov.uk will give you the lowdown on tax. • www.enterprisenation.com and www.fsb.org.uk have lots of advice for small businesses. • www.hoxby.com is where to head if you want to join a team of freelancers from across the globe. • www.eventbrite.co.uk is the place to look for local business events.

Please mention the magazine when contacting Advertisers

By Kate Duggan


Advertiser’s Guide

Price List - Our Prices Haven’t Increased for 2 Years 1 Issue

2 Issues*

Full Page






Half Page


Quarter Page

Black & White

Saving 5%

3 Issues* Saving 7.5%





Full Page


Half Page

4 Issues* Saving 10%

Copy Deadline

5 Issues* Saving 20%















Quarter Page






Front Cover Banner


Back Cover


Inside Front + Back Cover


Double Page


Editorial Reviews


Final copy must be submitted by the 16th of each month, for inclusion in the following months edition (which will be distributed during the first weekend of that month.)


Full payment for all advertisements must be received by the copy deadline date. Payment can be made by: Cheques payable to ‘Berrylands Companion’ or cash. Payment by BACS or standing order by arrangement.

Full Colour

(Max 1 in every 4 issues for any one advertiser)

(Centre 2 page spread)


‘A Berrylands Companion’ is a small independent operation and is not registered for VAT. Consequently, no VAT is charged on advertisements.

Acceptable Formats

Adverts can be submitted in the following formats: • MS Word • MS Powerpoint • MS Publisher • TIFF & JPEG Advert copy can be emailed to: karen@berrylandcompanion.com If your ad is not available in an electronic format then we can produce it for you, from your own hard copy text, normally for a fixed price of just £10, although this may be higher if you have a particularly complex advert! (This is a one-off charge - the advert could then be re-used in subsequent issues free of charge.)

WE ARE NOT AVAT REGISTERED, SO THE PRICE YOU SEE IS THE PRICE YOU PAY Contact us for package prices. Premium Pages 5 & 7: £10.00 extra Loose inserts can be delivered with magazine at £297 per 8,000.


Copy and payment must be received by 16th of each month to guarantee publication of advert. Advertisement space is only guaranteed when full payment is made. Distribution numbers up to 8,000 each month.

The Companion will be published and distributed monthly, on or around the first weekend of the month. 10 editions a year. It will be delivered to over 12,000 homes in and around Berrylands and Surbiton over two months - guaranteed. In addition it is the first source of local information for anyone moving into the area.

Format & Design

Contact Us:

It is an A5 size booklet, stapled with colour plus black and white printed on quality paper. The Companion will be printed on 115gsm gloss paper giving it a very high quality feel. It will have ‘longevity’ and because of it’s size, content, look and feel it will be kept by the majority of households until the next issue arrives, thereby giving advertisers ‘immdiacy’ of access’ when their services are required.

Karen Burgess 18 Kingsdowne Road Surbiton, Surrey, KT6 6JZ Tel: 020 8274 0096 Fax: 07092003581 Email: karen@berrylandscompanion.com Web: www.berrylandscompanion.com


To advertise call Karen: 020 8274 0096

email: karen@berrylands-companion.co.uk

33 33

Salmon with Tomato and Coriander Salsa

ediuG s’resitrevdA


sraeY 2 rof desaercnI t’nevaH secirP ruO - tsiL ecirP

enildaeD ypoC

*seussI 5

*seussI 4

*seussI 3

*seussI 2

eussI 1






%02 gnivaS

shtnom gniwollof eht ni noisulcni rof ,htnom hcae fo ht61 eht yb dettimbus eb tsum ypoc laniF ).htnom taht fo dnekeew tsrfi eht gnirud detubirtsid eb lliw hcihw( noitide

%5.7 gnivaS

%5 gnivaS

etihW & kcalB egaP lluF


egaP flaH




egaP retrauQ






egaP lluF






egaP flaH








.etad enildaed ypoc eht yb deviecer eb tsum stnemesitrevda lla rof tnemyap lluF yb tnemyaP .hsac ro ’noinapmoC sdnalyrreB‘ ot elbayap seuqehC :yb edam eb nac tnemyaP .tnemegnarra yb redro gnidnats ro SCAB

%01 gnivaS

00.723£ 00.271£



ruoloC lluF


.TAV rof deretsiger ton si dna noitarepo tnednepedni llams a si ’noinapmoC sdnalyrreB A‘ .stnemesitrevda no degrahc si TAV on ,yltneuqesnoC

stamroF elbatpeccA

:stamrof gniwollof eht ni dettimbus eb nac strevdA droW SM • tnioprewoP SM • rehsilbuP SM • GEPJ & FFIT •


egaP retrauQ


rennaB revoC tnorF


revoC kcaB


yna rof seussi 4 yreve ni 1 xaM( )resitrevda eno

+ tnorF edisnI revoC kcaB

This low-fat supper is quick to make and is packed with flavour. If you prefer, replace the salmon with trout or sea bass fillets. 00.391£

moc.noinapmocdnalyrreb@nerak :ot deliame eb nac ypoc trevdA


nwo ruoy morf ,uoy rof ti ecudorp nac ew neht tamrof cinortcele na ni elbaliava ton si da ruoy fI a evah uoy fi rehgih eb yam siht hguohtla ,01£ tsuj fo ecirp dexfi a rof yllamron ,txet ypoc drah ni desu-er eb neht dluoc trevda eht - egrahc ffo-eno a si sihT( !trevda xelpmoc ylralucitrap ).egrahc fo eerf seussi tneuqesbus

egaP elbuoD

)daerps egap 2 ertneC(

sweiveR lairotidE

YAP UOY ECIRP EHT SI EES UOY ECIRP EHT OS ,DERETSIGER TAVA TON ERA EW .secirp egakcap rof su tcatnoC artxe 00.01£ :7 & 5 segaP muimerP .000,8 rep 792£ ta enizagam htiw dereviled eb nac stresni esooL


.trevda fo noitacilbup eetnaraug ot htnom hcae fo ht61 yb deviecer eb tsum tnemyap dna ypoC .edam si tnemyap lluf nehw deetnaraug ylno si ecaps tnemesitrevdA .htnom hcae 000,8 ot pu srebmun noitubirtsiD

fo dnekeew tsrfi eht dnuora ro no ,ylhtnom detubirtsid dna dehsilbup eb lliw noinapmoC ehT .raey a snoitide 01 .htnom eht owt revo notibruS dna sdnalyrreB dnuora dna ni semoh 000,21 revo ot dereviled eb lliw tI .deetnaraug - shtnom .aera eht otni gnivom enoyna rof noitamrofni lacol fo ecruos tsrfi eht si ti noitidda nI

ngiseD & tamroF

:sU tcatnoC

.repap ytilauq no detnirp etihw dna kcalb sulp ruoloc htiw delpats ,telkoob ezis 5A na si tI .leef ytilauq hgih yrev a ti gnivig repap ssolg msg511 no detnirp eb lliw noinapmoC ehT eht yb tpek eb lliw ti leef dna kool ,tnetnoc ,ezis s’ti fo esuaceb dna ’ytivegnol‘ evah lliw tI fo ’ycaidmmi‘ sresitrevda gnivig ybereht ,sevirra eussi txen eht litnu sdlohesuoh fo ytirojam .deriuqer era secivres rieht nehw ’ssecca

ssegruB neraK daoR enwodsgni K 81 ZJ6 6TK ,yerruS ,notibruS 6900 4728 020 :leT 18530029070 :xaF moc.noinapmocsdnalyrreb@nerak :liamE moc.noinapmocsdnalyrreb.www :beW


Ready in: 30 minutes | Serves 4


Ready in 30 minutes

4 ripe tomatoes, halved

1 red onion, peeled and finely chopped 2 tbsp freshly chopped coriander

½ red chill, deseeded and very finely chopped (optional) 2 tbsp lime juice 2 tbsp olive oil

Salt and freshly ground black pepper 4 salmon fillets


Boiled long-grain and wild rice, to serve

34 34

To make the salsa, scoop out and discard the tomato seeds and dice the flesh. Place in a bowl with the red onion, coriander, chilli (if using) and 1 tbsp each of the lime juice and olive oil. Season to taste with salt and freshly ground black pepper and set aside. Heat a large non-stick frying pan over a medium heat and add the remaining olive oil. Place the salmon fillets in the pan, skin-side down, and cook for 5-6 minutes. Turn each fillet over, sprinkle over the rest of the lime juice and cook for a further 5-6 minutes or until the fish flakes easily. Serve the salmon fillets on a bed of boiled longgrain and wild rice and topped with the salsa.

If you prefer to oven bake the salmon fillets, wrap in individual foil parcels and place on a baking tray. Bake in a preheated oven at 190C / fan 170C / gas mark 5 for 25 minutes.

Please mention the magazine when contacting Advertisers

C.D Jennings & Sons Rates

Advertiser’s Guide

Price List - Our Prices Haven’t Increased for 2 Years 1 Issue

2 Issues*

3 Issues*

4 Issues*

5 Issues*

Full Page






Half Page






Quarter Page






Black & White

Saving 5%

Saving 7.5%

Saving 10%

Copy Deadline

Saving 20%

Final copy must be submitted by the 16th of each month, for inclusion in the following months edition (which will be distributed during the first weekend of that month.)


Full payment for all advertisements must be received by the copy deadline date. Payment can be made by: Cheques payable to ‘Berrylands Companion’ or cash. Payment by BACS or standing order by arrangement.

Surbiton’s High Class Traditional Family Butchers Meat of the Highest Quality from the Finest Sources Full Colour Full Page






Half Page






Quarter Page






Front Cover Banner


(Max 1 in every 4 issues for any one advertiser)

Back Cover


Inside Front + Back Cover


Double Page


Editorial Reviews


(Centre 2 page spread)


‘A Berrylands Companion’ is a small independent operation and is not registered for VAT. Consequently, no VAT is charged on advertisements.

Acceptable Formats

Adverts can be submitted in the following formats: • MS Word • MS Powerpoint • MS Publisher • TIFF & JPEG Advert copy can be emailed to: karen@berrylandcompanion.com If your ad is not available in an electronic format then we can produce it for you, from your own hard copy text, normally for a fixed price of just £10, although this may be higher if you have a particularly complex advert! (This is a one-off charge - the advert could then be re-used in subsequent issues free of charge.)

WE ARE NOT AVAT REGISTERED, SO THE PRICE YOU SEE IS THE PRICE YOU PAY Contact us for package prices. Premium Pages 5 & 7: £10.00 extra Loose inserts can be delivered with magazine at £297 per 8,000.


Copy and payment must be received by 16th of each month to guarantee publication of advert. Advertisement space is only guaranteed when full payment is made. Distribution numbers up to 8,000 each month.

The Companion will be published and distributed monthly, on or around the first weekend of the month. 10 editions a year. It will be delivered to over 12,000 homes in and around Berrylands and Surbiton over two months - guaranteed. In addition it is the first source of local information for anyone moving into the area.

Format & Design

Contact Us:

It is an A5 size booklet, stapled with colour plus black and white printed on quality paper. The Companion will be printed on 115gsm gloss paper giving it a very high quality feel. It will have ‘longevity’ and because of it’s size, content, look and feel it will be kept by the majority of households until the next issue arrives, thereby giving advertisers ‘immdiacy’ of access’ when their services are required.

Karen Burgess 18 Kingsdowne Road Surbiton, Surrey, KT6 6JZ Tel: 020 8274 0096 Fax: 07092003581 Email: karen@berrylandscompanion.com Web: www.berrylandscompanion.com

Serving Surbiton for over 50 Years


C.D Jennings & Sons Valentine’s Day Specials Call us on 020 8399 4870 Steaks T-bone, Fillet, Sirloin, Rib Eye, Rump, Centre Cut, Onglet, Flat Iron, Flank Skirt, Hanger All of our beef is dry aged for 21 days at our shop and comes from the finest farms in Scotland

Visit our shop at 146 Ewell Road, Surbiton, KT6 6HE (Opposite Sainsbury’s Local) or call us to place an order on 020 8399 4870

To advertise call Karen: 020 8274 0096

For more information view our website www.cdjenningsandsons.com

email: karen@berrylands-companion.co.uk

35 35

Oatmeal & Raisin Cookies ediuG s’resitrevdA


sraeY 2 rof desaercnI t’nevaH secirP ruO - tsiL ecirP

enildaeD ypoC

*seussI 5

*seussI 4

*seussI 3

*seussI 2

eussI 1











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.etad enildaed ypoc eht yb deviecer eb tsum stnemesitrevda lla rof tnemyap lluF yb tnemyaP .hsac ro ’noinapmoC sdnalyrreB‘ ot elbayap seuqehC :yb edam eb nac tnemyaP .tnemegnarra yb redro gnidnats ro SCAB

%01 gnivaS

%5.7 gnivaS



%5 gnivaS


etihW & kcalB egaP lluF

ruoloC lluF

If you fancy a batch of home-made cookies at the weekend then try this quick recipe. They will keep for 3-4 days in an airtight container. TAV

.TAV rof deretsiger ton si dna noitarepo tnednepedni llams a si ’noinapmoC sdnalyrreB A‘ .stnemesitrevda no degrahc si TAV on ,yltneuqesnoC






egaP lluF






egaP flaH





stamroF elbatpeccA

:stamrof gniwollof eht ni dettimbus eb nac strevdA droW SM • tnioprewoP SM • rehsilbuP SM • GEPJ & FFIT •


egaP retrauQ


rennaB revoC tnorF




moc.noinapmocdnalyrreb@nerak :ot deliame eb nac ypoc trevdA


nwo ruoy morf ,uoy rof ti ecudorp nac ew neht tamrof cinortcele na ni elbaliava ton si da ruoy fI a evah uoy fi rehgih eb yam siht hguohtla ,01£ tsuj fo ecirp dexfi a rof yllamron ,txet ypoc drah ni desu-er eb neht dluoc trevda eht - egrahc ffo-eno a si sihT( !trevda xelpmoc ylralucitrap ).egrahc fo eerf seussi tneuqesbus

yna rof seussi 4 yreve ni 1 xaM( )resitrevda eno

revoC kcaB

+ tnorF edisnI revoC kcaB egaP elbuoD

)daerps egap 2 ertneC(

sweiveR lairotidE

YAP UOY ECIRP EHT SI EES UOY ECIRP EHT OS ,DERETSIGER TAVA TON ERA EW .secirp egakcap rof su tcatnoC artxe 00.01£ :7 & 5 segaP muimerP .000,8 rep 792£ ta enizagam htiw dereviled eb nac stresni esooL


.trevda fo noitacilbup eetnaraug ot htnom hcae fo ht61 yb deviecer eb tsum tnemyap dna ypoC .edam si tnemyap lluf nehw deetnaraug ylno si ecaps tnemesitrevdA .htnom hcae 000,8 ot pu srebmun noitubirtsiD

fo dnekeew tsrfi eht dnuora ro no ,ylhtnom detubirtsid dna dehsilbup eb lliw noinapmoC ehT .raey a snoitide 01 .htnom eht owt revo notibruS dna sdnalyrreB dnuora dna ni semoh 000,21 revo ot dereviled eb lliw tI .deetnaraug - shtnom .aera eht otni gnivom enoyna rof noitamrofni lacol fo ecruos tsrfi eht si ti noitidda nI

ngiseD & tamroF

:sU tcatnoC

.repap ytilauq no detnirp etihw dna kcalb sulp ruoloc htiw delpats ,telkoob ezis 5A na si tI .leef ytilauq hgih yrev a ti gnivig repap ssolg msg511 no detnirp eb lliw noinapmoC ehT eht yb tpek eb lliw ti leef dna kool ,tnetnoc ,ezis s’ti fo esuaceb dna ’ytivegnol‘ evah lliw tI fo ’ycaidmmi‘ sresitrevda gnivig ybereht ,sevirra eussi txen eht litnu sdlohesuoh fo ytirojam .deriuqer era secivres rieht nehw ’ssecca

ssegruB neraK daoR enwodsgni K 81 ZJ6 6TK ,yerruS ,notibruS 6900 4728 020 :leT 18530029070 :xaF moc.noinapmocsdnalyrreb@nerak :liamE moc.noinapmocsdnalyrreb.www :beW


Ready in: 50 minutes, plus cooling time | Makes 24


225g self-raising flour 175g rolled oats

1 tsp baking powder

250g unsalted butter, softened 200g golden caster sugar

½ tsp vanilla extract


150g raisins

36 36

Preheat the oven to 180C / fan 160C / gas mark 4. Lightly grease two large baking sheets. Mix the flour, oats and baking powder together in a bowl. Place the butter, caster sugar and vanilla extract in a separate large bowl and beat together until creamy. Stir in the flour mixture and the raisins and mix to a rough dough using your hands. Divide and roll the mixture into about 24 balls and place well apart on the baking sheets. Flatten each ball with your fingertips to about 6mm thickness.

Bake in the preheated oven for 12-14 minutes until golden. Leave the cookies to cool on the baking sheets for a few minutes until firm enough to transfer to a wire rack. Leave to cool completely.

Replace the raisins with 150g white or dark chocolate chips, 150g sweetened dried cranberries or 150g chopped dried apricots for flavour variations. Please mention the magazine when contacting Advertisers


Advertiser’s Guide

Price List - Our Prices Haven’t Increased for 2 Years 1 Issue

2 Issues*

Full Page






Half Page






Quarter Page

Black & White

Saving 5%

3 Issues* Saving 7.5%

4 Issues* Saving 10%

Copy Deadline

5 Issues* Saving 20%






Full Page






Final copy must be submitted by the 16th of each month, for inclusion in the following months edition (which will be distributed during the first weekend of that month.)


Full payment for all advertisements must be received by the copy deadline date. Payment can be made by: Cheques payable to ‘Berrylands Companion’ or cash. Payment by BACS or standing order by arrangement.

Full Colour Half Page






Quarter Page






Front Cover Banner


Back Cover


Inside Front + Back Cover


Double Page


Editorial Reviews


(Max 1 in every 4 issues for any one advertiser)

(Centre 2 page spread)


‘A Berrylands Companion’ is a small independent operation and is not registered for VAT. Consequently, no VAT is charged on advertisements.

Acceptable Formats

Adverts can be submitted in the following formats: • MS Word • MS Powerpoint • MS Publisher • TIFF & JPEG Advert copy can be emailed to: karen@berrylandcompanion.com If your ad is not available in an electronic format then we can produce it for you, from your own hard copy text, normally for a fixed price of just £10, although this may be higher if you have a particularly complex advert! (This is a one-off charge - the advert could then be re-used in subsequent issues free of charge.)

WE ARE NOT AVAT REGISTERED, SO THE PRICE YOU SEE IS THE PRICE YOU PAY Contact us for package prices. Premium Pages 5 & 7: £10.00 extra Loose inserts can be delivered with magazine at £297 per 8,000.


Copy and payment must be received by 16th of each month to guarantee publication of advert. Advertisement space is only guaranteed when full payment is made. Distribution numbers up to 8,000 each month.

The Companion will be published and distributed monthly, on or around the first weekend of the month. 10 editions a year. It will be delivered to over 12,000 homes in and around Berrylands and Surbiton over two months - guaranteed. In addition it is the first source of local information for anyone moving into the area.

Format & Design

Contact Us:

It is an A5 size booklet, stapled with colour plus black and white printed on quality paper. The Companion will be printed on 115gsm gloss paper giving it a very high quality feel. It will have ‘longevity’ and because of it’s size, content, look and feel it will be kept by the majority of households until the next issue arrives, thereby giving advertisers ‘immdiacy’ of access’ when their services are required.

Karen Burgess 18 Kingsdowne Road Surbiton, Surrey, KT6 6JZ Tel: 020 8274 0096 Fax: 07092003581 Email: karen@berrylandscompanion.com Web: www.berrylandscompanion.com


Built in 1840, Glenmore House is a fine example of late Georgian architecture situated in the exclusive Surbiton conservation area adjacent to Claremont Gardens; a landscaped park providing the perfect backdrop for wedding photographs. Impressive double gates open on to Glenmore’s free, private car park which can safely accommodate up to 110 cars.

an ideal setting for your wedding ceremony with elegant 16th century reclaimed cathedral glass windows adding to the sense of occasion.

Every wedding we host is unique and our experienced, dedicated Wedding Co-ordinators ensure that your special day is one that you will remember forever. Glenmore House is licenced for civil ceremonies and can accommodate wedding parties from 25 to 140 guests.

Our fabulous Elizabethan Suite comprises of a magnificent double height ballroom featuring sparkling chandeliers, minstrel galleries and a sprung dance floor, adjoined by an exclusive, contemporary bar area.

Recently refurbished, all our rooms complement each other perfectly. Our light and airy Tudor Rooms offer

With a very competitive room hire charge of just £300 for the private use of our Elizabethan Suite and a £200 hire fee for the use of our beautiful civil ceremony room, Glenmore House represents outstanding

value for money, setting us apart from the majority of extortionately priced wedding venues. Your choice of wedding breakfast is prepared in-house by our brigade of award-winning chefs, who can boast culinary experience in some of the UK’s finest establishments including the Fat Duck in Bray. Our delicious food is created for you using the highest quality, fresh ingredients. We have acquired an enviable reputation for gourmet cuisine second to none, offering superb value for money with no compromise on quality.

0208 399 1415 6 The Crescent, Surbiton, Surrey KT6 4BN info@glenmorehouse.co.uk www.glenmorehouse.co.uk

Banqueting & Celebrations • Weddings • Private Dining • Carvery

FP June 17. V 2.indd To advertise call 9Karen: 020 8274 0096

04/06/2017 10:54:0137 email: karen@berrylands-companion.co.uk 37

ediuG s’resitrevdA

prospective large purchase or use a traditional piggy bank at home and watch your savings grow the oldfashioned way.


sraeY 2 rof desaercnI t’nevaH secirP ruO - tsiL ecirP

enildaeD ypoC

*seussI 5

*seussI 4

*seussI 3

*seussI 2

eussI 1






%02 gnivaS

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%5.7 gnivaS

%5 gnivaS

etihW & kcalB egaP lluF


egaP flaH




egaP retrauQ






egaP lluF






egaP flaH








.etad enildaed ypoc eht yb deviecer eb tsum stnemesitrevda lla rof tnemyap lluF yb tnemyaP .hsac ro ’noinapmoC sdnalyrreB‘ ot elbayap seuqehC :yb edam eb nac tnemyaP .tnemegnarra yb redro gnidnats ro SCAB

%01 gnivaS

00.723£ 00.271£



ruoloC lluF


.TAV rof deretsiger ton si dna noitarepo tnednepedni llams a si ’noinapmoC sdnalyrreB A‘ .stnemesitrevda no degrahc si TAV on ,yltneuqesnoC

stamroF elbatpeccA

:stamrof gniwollof eht ni dettimbus eb nac strevdA droW SM • tnioprewoP SM • rehsilbuP SM • GEPJ & FFIT •


egaP retrauQ


rennaB revoC tnorF revoC kcaB + tnorF edisnI revoC kcaB


moc.noinapmocdnalyrreb@nerak :ot deliame eb nac ypoc trevdA


nwo ruoy morf ,uoy rof ti ecudorp nac ew neht tamrof cinortcele na ni elbaliava ton si da ruoy fI a evah uoy fi rehgih eb yam siht hguohtla ,01£ tsuj fo ecirp dexfi a rof yllamron ,txet ypoc drah ni desu-er eb neht dluoc trevda eht - egrahc ffo-eno a si sihT( !trevda xelpmoc ylralucitrap ).egrahc fo eerf seussi tneuqesbus

yna rof seussi 4 yreve ni 1 xaM( )resitrevda eno

00.281£ 00.341£

egaP elbuoD

)daerps egap 2 ertneC(

sweiveR lairotidE

YAP UOY ECIRP EHT SI EES UOY ECIRP EHT OS ,DERETSIGER TAVA TON ERA EW .secirp egakcap rof su tcatnoC artxe 00.01£ :7 & 5 segaP muimerP .000,8 rep 792£ ta enizagam htiw dereviled eb nac stresni esooL


.trevda fo noitacilbup eetnaraug ot htnom hcae fo ht61 yb deviecer eb tsum tnemyap dna ypoC .edam si tnemyap lluf nehw deetnaraug ylno si ecaps tnemesitrevdA .htnom hcae 000,8 ot pu srebmun noitubirtsiD

fo dnekeew tsrfi eht dnuora ro no ,ylhtnom detubirtsid dna dehsilbup eb lliw noinapmoC ehT .raey a snoitide 01 .htnom eht owt revo notibruS dna sdnalyrreB dnuora dna ni semoh 000,21 revo ot dereviled eb lliw tI .deetnaraug - shtnom .aera eht otni gnivom enoyna rof noitamrofni lacol fo ecruos tsrfi eht si ti noitidda nI

ngiseD & tamroF

:sU tcatnoC

.repap ytilauq no detnirp etihw dna kcalb sulp ruoloc htiw delpats ,telkoob ezis 5A na si tI .leef ytilauq hgih yrev a ti gnivig repap ssolg msg511 no detnirp eb lliw noinapmoC ehT eht yb tpek eb lliw ti leef dna kool ,tnetnoc ,ezis s’ti fo esuaceb dna ’ytivegnol‘ evah lliw tI fo ’ycaidmmi‘ sresitrevda gnivig ybereht ,sevirra eussi txen eht litnu sdlohesuoh fo ytirojam .deriuqer era secivres rieht nehw ’ssecca

ssegruB neraK daoR enwodsgni K 81 ZJ6 6TK ,yerruS ,notibruS 6900 4728 020 :leT 18530029070 :xaF moc.noinapmocsdnalyrreb@nerak :liamE moc.noinapmocsdnalyrreb.www :beW

Spring Clean Your Finances for a Richer 2019 61

Spring is the season when we give our homes a good clean and tidy up, so why not do the same with your finances? There are many ways to take control of your financial life, and the majority of them are so easy it’s worth looking at all the possibilities.

Get organised Financial decluttering offers a clearer view of your overall financial situation and valuable insight into unhealthy spending habits. Begin by finding all your relevant paperwork such as mortgage statements, insurance policies, credit agreements and utility bills, and decide which documents you need to keep. Reduce outgoings and make paying easier Not only can you save money by cancelling subscriptions that you no longer need, sorting out your paperwork highlights any excessively high payments you’ve been making and allows for tighter financial control. You can sign up to receive paperless bills and

38 38

bank statements, which helps to declutter your physical living space.

Becoming debt-free is a liberating and important element of a financial spring clean Make a new budget Whether or not you already operate a budget, making a new one can instil fresh life into your finances. Ensure you factor in all important annual events including birthdays, Christmas and holidays in the budget, so you arrive at an accurate plan for monthly expenditure. Plan finances ahead If you’re planning a big purchase in 2019 – say a holiday or a car - in conjunction with your new budget, saving a little each month can help to achieve your goals without going into debt. Maybe you could open a new savings account for each

Track your spending With so many personal finance apps and tools now available, you can track your spending wherever you are. You might prefer to use a spreadsheet, or write down your spending in a notebook. Whatever you do, keeping track of your spend helps you stick to your budget and deal confidently with the inevitable financial setbacks we all experience. Tackle debt By tackling debt, you free yourself from the threat of serious financial difficulty and provide new opportunities to save. You might choose to use the ‘debt snowball’ method of paying off the smallest debts first or get stuck right in and pay off the largest debt. However you decide to approach it, becoming debt-free is liberating and an important element of a financial spring clean.

Overhauling your finances can make a significant impact on life in general and helps you to make the most of your money. Start your spring clean this month and you’ll be reaping the rewards not only in 2019, but for many years to come.

http://tiny.cc/Clearscore-finance http://tiny.cc/Goodhousekeep

Please mention the magazine when contacting Advertisers

By Ann Haldon

Aspen Veterinary Surgery


Rates pet matters toAdvertiser’s Your us Guide Price List - Our Prices Haven’t Increased for 2 Years


1 Issue

2 Issues*

Full Page






Half Page






Quarter Page






Black & White

Saving 5%

3 Issues* Saving 7.5%

4 Issues* Saving 10%

Copy Deadline

5 Issues* Saving 20%

Final copy must be submitted by the 16th of each month, for inclusion in the following months edition (which will be distributed during the first weekend of that month.)


Full payment for all advertisements must be received by the copy deadline date. Payment can be made by: Cheques payable to ‘Berrylands Companion’ or cash. Payment by BACS or standing order by arrangement.

Full Colour

Peter is a delightful,13 years young male who came into our care as unfortunately his owner was taken into hospital long term.

Full Page


Half Page










Quarter Page






Front Cover Banner


(Max 1 in every 4 issues for any one advertiser)

Back Cover


Inside Front + Back Cover


Double Page


Editorial Reviews


(Centre 2 page spread)


‘A Berrylands Companion’ is a small independent operation and is not registered for VAT. Consequently, no VAT is charged on advertisements.

Acceptable Formats

Adverts can be submitted in the following formats: • MS Word • MS Powerpoint • MS Publisher • TIFF & JPEG Advert copy can be emailed to: karen@berrylandcompanion.com If your ad is not available in an electronic format then we can produce it for you, from your own hard copy text, normally for a fixed price of just £10, although this may be higher if you have a particularly complex advert! (This is a one-off charge - the advert could then be re-used in subsequent issues free of charge.)

WE ARE NOT AVAT REGISTERED, SO THE PRICE YOU SEE IS THE PRICE YOU PAY Contact us for package prices. Premium Pages 5 & 7: £10.00 extra Loose inserts can be delivered with magazine at £297 per 8,000.

Peter is a very calm, friendly and sociable cat. He thrives on human affection and would need to be in a home where someone was around a reasonable amount of the time.


Copy and payment must be received by 16th of each month to guarantee publication of advert. Advertisement space is only guaranteed when full payment is made. Distribution numbers up to 8,000 each month.

The Companion will be published and distributed monthly, on or around the first weekend of the month. 10 editions a year. It will be delivered to over 12,000 homes in and around Berrylands and Surbiton over two months - guaranteed. In addition it is the first source of local information for anyone moving into the area.

Format & Design

Contact Us:

It is an A5 size booklet, stapled with colour plus black and white printed on quality paper. The Companion will be printed on 115gsm gloss paper giving it a very high quality feel. It will have ‘longevity’ and because of it’s size, content, look and feel it will be kept by the majority of households until the next issue arrives, thereby giving advertisers ‘immdiacy’ of access’ when their services are required.

Karen Burgess 18 Kingsdowne Road Surbiton, Surrey, KT6 6JZ Tel: 020 8274 0096 Fax: 07092003581 Email: karen@berrylandscompanion.com Web: www.berrylandscompanion.com

Join Aspen Pet Care Plan

To really enjoy his final years Peter would do best in a home with no small children or other cats.

Save Money, Spread Costs, Pay Monthly, 16

If you feel you can give Peter the loving forever home he so desperately deserves please call Rosemary on 01737 350307 Epsom Ewell & District Branch http://www.epsom.cats.org.uk

Open Mon-Fri: 8am-7.30pm Sat: 8.30-11am 24 hour Emergency Service

If you cannot adopt a cat but would still like to help us please go to https://www.justgiving.com/Epsom-CatsProtection


As we have around 7,000 cats and kittens in our care at any one time, we will find you the perfect feline friend.

351 Ewell Road, Tolworth, KT6 7BZ


020 8399 6437

Reg Charity 203644 (England and Wales) and SC037711 (Scotland)

only makes them feel more comfortable, but also prevents knots and tangles developing. If the weather is particularly warm it may also be worthwhile having your dog trimmed – this makes them easier to groom, and also reduces the time you have to spend vacuuming.

Why It’s Important to Groom Your Pet This Spring

Grooming is an important part of your pet care regime throughout the year, but when spring arrives you can be sure your furry friend will want to shed their coat in the warmer weather as much as we do. So what do you need to consider when grooming your pet this springtime?

Brush them at least once a day Longhaired cats and dogs should be brushed at least once a day at this time of year. It not

To advertise call Karen: 020 8274 0096

Watch out for fleas and ticks Grooming your pet regularly means you’re more likely to spot fleas or ticks that have taken up residence in their fur. Encouraged out into the environment by the warmer weather, they can be difficult to spot unless you’re close to your pet. Dealing effectively with fleas and ticks is an important consideration, however, as ticks in particular can cause serious illness. Avoiding hairballs When your pet grooms itself, loose hairs are ingested and can cause a blockage in their digestive tract. Cats in particular are fastidious about grooming themselves, which makes hairballs a common issue, especially for longhaired breeds. Regular grooming with a brush helps to avoid this problem by reducing the amount of fur entering their system.

By Ann Haldon

email: karen@berrylands-companion.co.uk

39 39

ediuG s’resitrevdA

driverless cars in 2019 and Addison Lee, the private hire firm, wants a driverless taxi fleet by 2021. So, if you don’t need to drive a car, why own one?


sraeY 2 rof desaercnI t’nevaH secirP ruO - tsiL ecirP

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%5.7 gnivaS

%5 gnivaS

etihW & kcalB egaP lluF














egaP flaH






egaP retrauQ


rennaB revoC tnorF


.etad enildaed ypoc eht yb deviecer eb tsum stnemesitrevda lla rof tnemyap lluF yb tnemyaP .hsac ro ’noinapmoC sdnalyrreB‘ ot elbayap seuqehC :yb edam eb nac tnemyaP .tnemegnarra yb redro gnidnats ro SCAB

%01 gnivaS


ruoloC lluF


.TAV rof deretsiger ton si dna noitarepo tnednepedni llams a si ’noinapmoC sdnalyrreB A‘ .stnemesitrevda no degrahc si TAV on ,yltneuqesnoC

stamroF elbatpeccA

:stamrof gniwollof eht ni dettimbus eb nac strevdA droW SM • tnioprewoP SM • rehsilbuP SM • GEPJ & FFIT •

00.281£ 00.341£ 00.391£

moc.noinapmocdnalyrreb@nerak :ot deliame eb nac ypoc trevdA

egaP lluF

yna rof seussi 4 yreve ni 1 xaM( )resitrevda eno

revoC kcaB + tnorF edisnI revoC kcaB egaP elbuoD

)daerps egap 2 ertneC(

The End of Car Ownership: a Vision for the Future? 00.831£

nwo ruoy morf ,uoy rof ti ecudorp nac ew neht tamrof cinortcele na ni elbaliava ton si da ruoy fI a evah uoy fi rehgih eb yam siht hguohtla ,01£ tsuj fo ecirp dexfi a rof yllamron ,txet ypoc drah ni desu-er eb neht dluoc trevda eht - egrahc ffo-eno a si sihT( !trevda xelpmoc ylralucitrap ).egrahc fo eerf seussi tneuqesbus

sweiveR lairotidE

YAP UOY ECIRP EHT SI EES UOY ECIRP EHT OS ,DERETSIGER TAVA TON ERA EW .secirp egakcap rof su tcatnoC artxe 00.01£ :7 & 5 segaP muimerP .000,8 rep 792£ ta enizagam htiw dereviled eb nac stresni esooL


.trevda fo noitacilbup eetnaraug ot htnom hcae fo ht61 yb deviecer eb tsum tnemyap dna ypoC .edam si tnemyap lluf nehw deetnaraug ylno si ecaps tnemesitrevdA .htnom hcae 000,8 ot pu srebmun noitubirtsiD

fo dnekeew tsrfi eht dnuora ro no ,ylhtnom detubirtsid dna dehsilbup eb lliw noinapmoC ehT .raey a snoitide 01 .htnom eht owt revo notibruS dna sdnalyrreB dnuora dna ni semoh 000,21 revo ot dereviled eb lliw tI .deetnaraug - shtnom .aera eht otni gnivom enoyna rof noitamrofni lacol fo ecruos tsrfi eht si ti noitidda nI

ngiseD & tamroF

:sU tcatnoC

.repap ytilauq no detnirp etihw dna kcalb sulp ruoloc htiw delpats ,telkoob ezis 5A na si tI .leef ytilauq hgih yrev a ti gnivig repap ssolg msg511 no detnirp eb lliw noinapmoC ehT eht yb tpek eb lliw ti leef dna kool ,tnetnoc ,ezis s’ti fo esuaceb dna ’ytivegnol‘ evah lliw tI fo ’ycaidmmi‘ sresitrevda gnivig ybereht ,sevirra eussi txen eht litnu sdlohesuoh fo ytirojam .deriuqer era secivres rieht nehw ’ssecca

ssegruB neraK daoR enwodsgni K 81 ZJ6 6TK ,yerruS ,notibruS 6900 4728 020 :leT 18530029070 :xaF moc.noinapmocsdnalyrreb@nerak :liamE moc.noinapmocsdnalyrreb.www :beW

You may have seen them parked in reserved spaces around town, especially in places like London: Pay as You Drive rental cars. They are increasingly popular in cities where insurance, parking costs and the availability of public transport make running a car expensive and unnecessary. When you need to venture further, renting a car is the obvious solution. 61

In fact, most of us already rent our cars anyway via Personal Contract Purchase (PCP). Allied to this, last year saw the twin announcements that London would trial

The way we buy, pay and shop for anything has changed out of all proportion in the last ten years: online purchase, cashless, rent it, lease it, same-day delivery. Suppliers have had to wake up to this fact, and quickly.

Making cars is tough game to be in anyway. 8% profit margin is what most manufacturers work on, so being agile in the way they sell and knowing how we make car purchases is vital for them. I wager that the upcoming seismic shift in the way cars are driven will trigger a way we pay for them too. Why part with your hard-earned money for your transport, even when you are not using it? Why not just use an app to “whistle” up a driverless car to pick you up and collect you again after an evening out? It’s going to happen. There’s too much money riding on it.

By Iain Betson


Registered Office: 1, Orchard Close, West Ewell, Epsom, Surrey, KT19 9NS



Interim Service - £85 Full Service - £145 (Parts and Labour included) CARS UP TO 2000 CC Quotes for cars over 2000 cc - please phone

Diagnostics - Brakes - Clutches - Bodywork - Welding etc. Labour Rate £37.50 per hour Telephone: 40 40

Office - 020 8397 8654 Garage - 07784 716 567 (For instant attention)

Please mention the magazine when contacting Advertisers

h TecTi p


Advertiser’s Guide

Price List - Our Prices Haven’t Increased for 2 Years 1 Issue

2 Issues*

Full Page






Half Page






Quarter Page






Black & White

Saving 5%

3 Issues* Saving 7.5%

4 Issues* Saving 10%

Copy Deadline

5 Issues* Saving 20%

Final copy must be submitted by the 16th of each month, for inclusion in the following months edition (which will be distributed during the first weekend of that month.)


Full payment for all advertisements must be received by the copy deadline date. Payment can be made by: Cheques payable to ‘Berrylands Companion’ or cash. Payment by BACS or standing order by arrangement.

Full Colour

How safe are your online photos? Full Page






Half Page






Quarter Page






Front Cover Banner


(Max 1 in every 4 issues for any one advertiser)

Back Cover


Inside Front + Back Cover


Double Page


Editorial Reviews



‘A Berrylands Companion’ is a small independent operation and is not registered for VAT. Consequently, no VAT is charged on advertisements.

Acceptable Formats

Adverts can be submitted in the following formats: • MS Word • MS Powerpoint • MS Publisher • TIFF & JPEG

This spring, users of the photo sharing site Flickr will find their free accounts have become less generous, with a limit of 1,000 photos – a fraction of the effectively unlimited number they could previously store. If they have more than 1,000 shots and don’t upgrade to a paid package, their pictures will be deleted to get the total under that number. (Centre 2 page spread)

Advert copy can be emailed to: karen@berrylandcompanion.com If your ad is not available in an electronic format then we can produce it for you, from your own hard copy text, normally for a fixed price of just £10, although this may be higher if you have a particularly complex advert! (This is a one-off charge - the advert could then be re-used in subsequent issues free of charge.)

WE ARE NOT AVAT REGISTERED, SO THE PRICE YOU SEE IS THE PRICE YOU PAY Contact us for package prices. Premium Pages 5 & 7: £10.00 extra Loose inserts can be delivered with magazine at £297 per 8,000.


Copy and payment must be received by 16th of each month to guarantee publication of advert. Advertisement space is only guaranteed when full payment is made. Distribution numbers up to 8,000 each month.

The Companion will be published and distributed monthly, on or around the first weekend of the month. 10 editions a year. It will be delivered to over 12,000 homes in and around Berrylands and Surbiton over two months - guaranteed. In addition it is the first source of local information for anyone moving into the area.

Format & Design

Contact Us:

It is an A5 size booklet, stapled with colour plus black and white printed on quality paper. The Companion will be printed on 115gsm gloss paper giving it a very high quality feel. It will have ‘longevity’ and because of it’s size, content, look and feel it will be kept by the majority of households until the next issue arrives, thereby giving advertisers ‘immdiacy’ of access’ when their services are required.

Karen Burgess 18 Kingsdowne Road Surbiton, Surrey, KT6 6JZ Tel: 020 8274 0096 Fax: 07092003581 Email: karen@berrylandscompanion.com Web: www.berrylandscompanion.com


This is a downside to online photo storage: it doesn’t necessarily last forever. That means it’s a very good idea to keep copies of any important images not just in the cloud, but in your home too. We like external hard disks because they’re fast and cheap, but some people prefer to archive to DVD. And of course there’s a tried and tested way to archive photos for posterity: get them printed!


Berrylands Autocare * MOT Testing (while you wait) * Diagnostic Testing * Servicing & Mechanical Repairs * Open until 5.30pm weekdays * Saturdays: 9.00am to 1.00pm

250 yards from main line Berrylands Station Providing a service for our local community

020 8399 4362

info@berrylandsautocare.co.uk www.berrylandsautocare.co.uk To advertise call Karen: 020 8274 0096

167 Surbiton Hill Park, Surbiton, Surrey, KT5 8EJ email: karen@berrylands-companion.co.uk

41 41

ediuG s’resitrevdA

refuge area (ERA), denoted by blue signs with an orange SOS telephone symbol, and dotted at 1.5 mile intervals along the highway.


sraeY 2 rof desaercnI t’nevaH secirP ruO - tsiL ecirP

enildaeD ypoC

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eussI 1











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%02 gnivaS

shtnom gniwollof eht ni noisulcni rof ,htnom hcae fo ht61 eht yb dettimbus eb tsum ypoc laniF ).htnom taht fo dnekeew tsrfi eht gnirud detubirtsid eb lliw hcihw( noitide


%5.7 gnivaS

%5 gnivaS

etihW & kcalB egaP lluF














egaP flaH






egaP retrauQ


rennaB revoC tnorF


revoC kcaB


.etad enildaed ypoc eht yb deviecer eb tsum stnemesitrevda lla rof tnemyap lluF yb tnemyaP .hsac ro ’noinapmoC sdnalyrreB‘ ot elbayap seuqehC :yb edam eb nac tnemyaP .tnemegnarra yb redro gnidnats ro SCAB

%01 gnivaS


ruoloC lluF


.TAV rof deretsiger ton si dna noitarepo tnednepedni llams a si ’noinapmoC sdnalyrreB A‘ .stnemesitrevda no degrahc si TAV on ,yltneuqesnoC

stamroF elbatpeccA

:stamrof gniwollof eht ni dettimbus eb nac strevdA droW SM • tnioprewoP SM • rehsilbuP SM • GEPJ & FFIT •

00.341£ 00.391£

moc.noinapmocdnalyrreb@nerak :ot deliame eb nac ypoc trevdA


nwo ruoy morf ,uoy rof ti ecudorp nac ew neht tamrof cinortcele na ni elbaliava ton si da ruoy fI a evah uoy fi rehgih eb yam siht hguohtla ,01£ tsuj fo ecirp dexfi a rof yllamron ,txet ypoc drah ni desu-er eb neht dluoc trevda eht - egrahc ffo-eno a si sihT( !trevda xelpmoc ylralucitrap ).egrahc fo eerf seussi tneuqesbus

If you’re unable to get to an ERA, you should attempt to get onto the verge (providing there is no barrier), switch on your hazard lights and exit the vehicle safely via the nearside door. If you can’t get to the nearside of the motorway safely, stay in the vehicle with your seatbelt securely fastened.

egaP lluF

yna rof seussi 4 yreve ni 1 xaM( )resitrevda eno

+ tnorF edisnI revoC kcaB egaP elbuoD

)daerps egap 2 ertneC(

sweiveR lairotidE

YAP UOY ECIRP EHT SI EES UOY ECIRP EHT OS ,DERETSIGER TAVA TON ERA EW .secirp egakcap rof su tcatnoC artxe 00.01£ :7 & 5 segaP muimerP .000,8 rep 792£ ta enizagam htiw dereviled eb nac stresni esooL


.trevda fo noitacilbup eetnaraug ot htnom hcae fo ht61 yb deviecer eb tsum tnemyap dna ypoC .edam si tnemyap lluf nehw deetnaraug ylno si ecaps tnemesitrevdA .htnom hcae 000,8 ot pu srebmun noitubirtsiD

fo dnekeew tsrfi eht dnuora ro no ,ylhtnom detubirtsid dna dehsilbup eb lliw noinapmoC ehT .raey a snoitide 01 .htnom eht owt revo notibruS dna sdnalyrreB dnuora dna ni semoh 000,21 revo ot dereviled eb lliw tI .deetnaraug - shtnom .aera eht otni gnivom enoyna rof noitamrofni lacol fo ecruos tsrfi eht si ti noitidda nI

ngiseD & tamroF

:sU tcatnoC

.repap ytilauq no detnirp etihw dna kcalb sulp ruoloc htiw delpats ,telkoob ezis 5A na si tI .leef ytilauq hgih yrev a ti gnivig repap ssolg msg511 no detnirp eb lliw noinapmoC ehT eht yb tpek eb lliw ti leef dna kool ,tnetnoc ,ezis s’ti fo esuaceb dna ’ytivegnol‘ evah lliw tI fo ’ycaidmmi‘ sresitrevda gnivig ybereht ,sevirra eussi txen eht litnu sdlohesuoh fo ytirojam .deriuqer era secivres rieht nehw ’ssecca

ssegruB neraK daoR enwodsgni K 81 ZJ6 6TK ,yerruS ,notibruS 6900 4728 020 :leT 18530029070 :xaF moc.noinapmocsdnalyrreb@nerak :liamE moc.noinapmocsdnalyrreb.www :beW


Smart Motorways Explained Vast swathes of UK roads are being transformed into ‘Smart Motorways’. They are cited as the solution for congestion, with the hard shoulder being used as a live lane and overhead gantries displaying variable speed limits with cameras enforcing them. Highways England says the introduction of Smart Motorways has ‘increased journey reliability’ and reduced personal injury accidents. But this new network requires a new way of driving, as well as a better understanding of what the overhead signs mean. Are there different types of Smart Motorway? There are, and different types of Smart Motorway are dotted throughout the country. The first is a controlled motorway, which retains its hard shoulder for emergency use. The remaining lanes are subject to variable speed limits, which are displayed on overhead gantries, and enforced by speed cameras. If no speed limit is displayed, then the national speed limit is in place.

42 42

Then there are all-lane-running sections of motorway, where all lanes are live, and there isn’t a hard shoulder. In the event of an incident, a red ‘X’ is displayed above the closed lane. Any driver who ignores this will receive a £100 fine and three penalty points on their licence. Again, overhead speed limits are enforced by cameras.

Smart Motorways are being created across the UK. Here’s how to drive on them.

Finally, you’ve got a dynamic hard shoulder, which can be opened to live traffic during periods of congestion, with overhead gantry signs showing whether or not it can be used. It shouldn’t be used if the signs above the lane are blank or displaying a red ‘X’. Again, this is enforced by the overhead cameras. What happens if I break down on a motorway with no hard shoulder? Look out for an emergency

If you can get out of the car, contact Highways England via one of the phones placed in the ERA. However, if you can’t exit the vehicle, you need to call 999 from your mobile.

Can I get caught for speeding even if a limit isn’t displayed above the road? Highways England states that: “All mandatory speed limits are enforced by police, as is the national speed limit of 70mph when no speeds are shown. If you break the speed limits you will be caught.” The best advice is simply not to exceed the speed limit. Do Smart Motorways actually work? According to Highways England, Smart Motorways are helping to keep roads moving. Published statistics say that journey reliability has improved by 22 per cent and personal injury accidents have been reduced by more than half. Highways England also says that where accidents did occur, their severity was much lower overall.

By James Baggott

Please mention the magazine when contacting Advertisers


Advertiser’s Guide

Price List - Our Prices Haven’t Increased for 2 Years 1 Issue

2 Issues*

3 Issues*

4 Issues*

5 Issues*

Full Page






Half Page






Quarter Page

Black & White

Saving 5%

Saving 7.5%

Saving 10%

Copy Deadline

Saving 20%






Full Page






Half Page






Quarter Page






Front Cover Banner


Final copy must be submitted by the 16th of each month, for inclusion in the following months edition (which will be distributed during the first weekend of that month.)


Full payment for all advertisements must be received by the copy deadline date. Payment can be made by: Cheques payable to ‘Berrylands Companion’ or cash. Payment by BACS or standing order by arrangement.

Full Colour

(Max 1 in every 4 issues for any one advertiser)

Back Cover


Inside Front + Back Cover


Double Page


Editorial Reviews


(Centre 2 page spread)

WVM can manage all your vehicle needs. Our workshop is located in Berrylands and we carry out mobile smart repairs in the surrounding areas. › SERVICING & REPAIRS





‘A Berrylands Companion’ is a small independent operation and is not registered for VAT. Consequently, no VAT is charged on advertisements.

Acceptable Formats

Adverts can be submitted in the following formats: • MS Word • MS Powerpoint • MS Publisher • TIFF & JPEG Advert copy can be emailed to: karen@berrylandcompanion.com If your ad is not available in an electronic format then we can produce it for you, from your own hard copy text, normally for a fixed price of just £10, although this may be higher if you have a particularly complex advert! (This is a one-off charge - the advert could then be re-used in subsequent issues free of charge.)

WE ARE NOT AVAT REGISTERED, SO THE PRICE YOU SEE IS THE PRICE YOU PAY Contact us for package prices. Premium Pages 5 & 7: £10.00 extra Loose inserts can be delivered with magazine at £297 per 8,000.


Copy and payment must be received by 16th of each month to guarantee publication of advert. Advertisement space is only guaranteed when full payment is made. Distribution numbers up to 8,000 each month.

The Companion will be published and distributed monthly, on or around the first weekend of the month. 10 editions a year. It will be delivered to over 12,000 homes in and around Berrylands and Surbiton over two months - guaranteed. In addition it is the first source of local information for anyone moving into the area.

Format & Design

Contact Us:

It is an A5 size booklet, stapled with colour plus black and white printed on quality paper. The Companion will be printed on 115gsm gloss paper giving it a very high quality feel. It will have ‘longevity’ and because of it’s size, content, look and feel it will be kept by the majority of households until the next issue arrives, thereby giving advertisers ‘immdiacy’ of access’ when their services are required.

Karen Burgess 18 Kingsdowne Road Surbiton, Surrey, KT6 6JZ Tel: 020 8274 0096 Fax: 07092003581 Email: karen@berrylandscompanion.com Web: www.berrylandscompanion.com








For FREE giveaways follow us on twitter @walsh_vm or search @walshvm on facebook 65 The Avenue, Berrylands, Surbiton KT5 8JW 020 3816 0441 \ info@walshvm.com \ walshvm.com

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14/01/2017 22:24





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www.k-p-tyres.co.uk Email: enquiries@k-p-tyres.co.uk 169 CHESSINGTON ROAD, WEST EWELL, EPSOM, SURREY

To advertise call Karen: 020 8274 0096

email: karen@berrylands-companion.co.uk

43 43

Fancy dressers: eccentrics who stood out from the crowd

ediuG s’resitrevdA


sraeY 2 rof desaercnI t’nevaH secirP ruO - tsiL ecirP

enildaeD ypoC

*seussI 5

*seussI 4

*seussI 3

*seussI 2

eussI 1











egaP flaH

egaP retrauQ

%02 gnivaS

shtnom gniwollof eht ni noisulcni rof ,htnom hcae fo ht61 eht yb dettimbus eb tsum ypoc laniF ).htnom taht fo dnekeew tsrfi eht gnirud detubirtsid eb lliw hcihw( noitide


%5.7 gnivaS

%5 gnivaS

etihW & kcalB egaP lluF














egaP flaH






egaP retrauQ


rennaB revoC tnorF


revoC kcaB


.etad enildaed ypoc eht yb deviecer eb tsum stnemesitrevda lla rof tnemyap lluF yb tnemyaP .hsac ro ’noinapmoC sdnalyrreB‘ ot elbayap seuqehC :yb edam eb nac tnemyaP .tnemegnarra yb redro gnidnats ro SCAB

%01 gnivaS


ruoloC lluF


.TAV rof deretsiger ton si dna noitarepo tnednepedni llams a si ’noinapmoC sdnalyrreB A‘ .stnemesitrevda no degrahc si TAV on ,yltneuqesnoC

stamroF elbatpeccA

:stamrof gniwollof eht ni dettimbus eb nac strevdA droW SM • tnioprewoP SM • rehsilbuP SM • GEPJ & FFIT •



moc.noinapmocdnalyrreb@nerak :ot deliame eb nac ypoc trevdA


nwo ruoy morf ,uoy rof ti ecudorp nac ew neht tamrof cinortcele na ni elbaliava ton si da ruoy fI a evah uoy fi rehgih eb yam siht hguohtla ,01£ tsuj fo ecirp dexfi a rof yllamron ,txet ypoc drah ni desu-er eb neht dluoc trevda eht - egrahc ffo-eno a si sihT( !trevda xelpmoc ylralucitrap ).egrahc fo eerf seussi tneuqesbus

egaP lluF

yna rof seussi 4 yreve ni 1 xaM( )resitrevda eno

+ tnorF edisnI revoC kcaB egaP elbuoD

)daerps egap 2 ertneC(

sweiveR lairotidE

YAP UOY ECIRP EHT SI EES UOY ECIRP EHT OS ,DERETSIGER TAVA TON ERA EW .secirp egakcap rof su tcatnoC artxe 00.01£ :7 & 5 segaP muimerP .000,8 rep 792£ ta enizagam htiw dereviled eb nac stresni esooL


.trevda fo noitacilbup eetnaraug ot htnom hcae fo ht61 yb deviecer eb tsum tnemyap dna ypoC .edam si tnemyap lluf nehw deetnaraug ylno si ecaps tnemesitrevdA .htnom hcae 000,8 ot pu srebmun noitubirtsiD

fo dnekeew tsrfi eht dnuora ro no ,ylhtnom detubirtsid dna dehsilbup eb lliw noinapmoC ehT .raey a snoitide 01 .htnom eht owt revo notibruS dna sdnalyrreB dnuora dna ni semoh 000,21 revo ot dereviled eb lliw tI .deetnaraug - shtnom .aera eht otni gnivom enoyna rof noitamrofni lacol fo ecruos tsrfi eht si ti noitidda nI

ngiseD & tamroF

:sU tcatnoC

.repap ytilauq no detnirp etihw dna kcalb sulp ruoloc htiw delpats ,telkoob ezis 5A na si tI .leef ytilauq hgih yrev a ti gnivig repap ssolg msg511 no detnirp eb lliw noinapmoC ehT eht yb tpek eb lliw ti leef dna kool ,tnetnoc ,ezis s’ti fo esuaceb dna ’ytivegnol‘ evah lliw tI fo ’ycaidmmi‘ sresitrevda gnivig ybereht ,sevirra eussi txen eht litnu sdlohesuoh fo ytirojam .deriuqer era secivres rieht nehw ’ssecca

ssegruB neraK daoR enwodsgni K 81 ZJ6 6TK ,yerruS ,notibruS 6900 4728 020 :leT 18530029070 :xaF moc.noinapmocsdnalyrreb@nerak :liamE moc.noinapmocsdnalyrreb.www :beW


One of the easiest ways to spot a true eccentric is by the way they dress. Some of our greatest British eccentrics were people who ignored contemporary dress codes, choosing instead to wear outfits that made them stand out from the crowd. Beau Brummell – the first ‘Dandy’ Although Regency dandy Beau Brummell went to extraordinary and often bizarre lengths to maintain his high profile lifestyle, he was a true innovator when it came to men’s fashion. When George Bryan Brummell (born 1778) joined the Prince of Wales’ personal regiment as a low-ranking officer, he did little to distinguish himself. Instead, he relied on his charisma (and his growing friendship with the Prince of Wales) to pretty much do as he pleased, ignoring his military duties. Once he had left the army, and

44 44

with the Prince’s continuing support, George became a formidable trendsetter. He revolutionised male fashion, rejecting the conspicuously showy outfits of the time in favour of skin-tight trousers (worn minus underwear) combined with a perfectly tailored, dark-coloured coat. His grooming process was so complex and fastidious that each morning a fascinated crowd of onlookers would watch his careful, five hour bathing and dressing routine. The last item to be added was his boots: polished with champagne, naturally.

Beau Brummell revolutionised male fashion, rejecting the showy outfits of the time in favour of skintight trousers Unfortunately George’s relationship with the Prince Regent didn’t last and drink, disease and gambling eventually caused his downfall. It was a sad end for such a celebrated trendsetter, but his legacy – namely our love of bathing and the fashion for dark, tailored mens’ suits – has lasted right through to the present day.

Lady Hester Stanhope – a female Indiana Jones Socialite, adventurer and traveller Lady Hester Stanhope (1776-1839) was made of tough

stuff. After losing everything in a shipwreck, she hitched a lift to Cairo on a British frigate, went shopping in the local bazaar and turned up to meet Egyptian officials wearing an unmistakably male outfit: embroidered trousers, a waistcoat and a jacket, with a sabre hanging at her waist. Lady Hester was a fearless and intelligent young woman who excelled as a political hostess for her uncle, British Prime Minster William Pitt the Younger. In her thirties she developed an urge to travel and embarked on a long sea voyage to the Middle East, where she led several archaeological expeditions. On a visit to Syria she dressed as a Bedouin and used a caravan of 22 camels to carry her baggage, which earned her the name of ‘Queen Hester’ amongst the locals. Hester ended her days as a recluse in a remote Lebanese monastery, where she wielded great power and helped many refugees escape religious persecution. Poor Hester would no doubt prefer that we celebrated her for her archaeological achievements and good works, but – perhaps inevitably – it seems she’s best remembered for her exotic dress sense. When we say someone is ‘eccentric’ it suggests their behaviour is weird and wacky, but the word (derived from Latin) simply means ‘away from the centre’. Both these larger-than life personalities were innovators who broke away from convention and changed people’s perceptions, so let’s hope we can continue to celebrate such gloriously ‘off-centre’ behaviour long into the future.

By Kate McClelland

Please mention the magazine when contacting Advertisers


Advertiser’s Guide

Price List - Our Prices Haven’t Increased for 2 Years 1 Issue

2 Issues*

Full Page






Half Page






Quarter Page

Black & White

Saving 5%

3 Issues* Saving 7.5%

4 Issues* Saving 10%

Copy Deadline

5 Issues* Saving 20%






Full Page






Final copy must be submitted by the 16th of each month, for inclusion in the following months edition (which will be distributed during the first weekend of that month.)


Full payment for all advertisements must be received by the copy deadline date. Payment can be made by: Cheques payable to ‘Berrylands Companion’ or cash. Payment by BACS or standing order by arrangement.

Full Colour Half Page






Quarter Page






Front Cover Banner


Back Cover


Inside Front + Back Cover


Double Page


Editorial Reviews


(Max 1 in every 4 issues for any one advertiser)

(Centre 2 page spread)


‘A Berrylands Companion’ is a small independent operation and is not registered for VAT. Consequently, no VAT is charged on advertisements.

Acceptable Formats

Adverts can be submitted in the following formats: • MS Word • MS Powerpoint • MS Publisher • TIFF & JPEG Advert copy can be emailed to: karen@berrylandcompanion.com If your ad is not available in an electronic format then we can produce it for you, from your own hard copy text, normally for a fixed price of just £10, although this may be higher if you have a particularly complex advert! (This is a one-off charge - the advert could then be re-used in subsequent issues free of charge.)

WE ARE NOT AVAT REGISTERED, SO THE PRICE YOU SEE IS THE PRICE YOU PAY Contact us for package prices. Premium Pages 5 & 7: £10.00 extra Loose inserts can be delivered with magazine at £297 per 8,000.


Copy and payment must be received by 16th of each month to guarantee publication of advert. Advertisement space is only guaranteed when full payment is made. Distribution numbers up to 8,000 each month.

The Companion will be published and distributed monthly, on or around the first weekend of the month. 10 editions a year. It will be delivered to over 12,000 homes in and around Berrylands and Surbiton over two months - guaranteed. In addition it is the first source of local information for anyone moving into the area.

Format & Design

Contact Us:

It is an A5 size booklet, stapled with colour plus black and white printed on quality paper. The Companion will be printed on 115gsm gloss paper giving it a very high quality feel. It will have ‘longevity’ and because of it’s size, content, look and feel it will be kept by the majority of households until the next issue arrives, thereby giving advertisers ‘immdiacy’ of access’ when their services are required.

Karen Burgess 18 Kingsdowne Road Surbiton, Surrey, KT6 6JZ Tel: 020 8274 0096 Fax: 07092003581 Email: karen@berrylandscompanion.com Web: www.berrylandscompanion.com


To advertise call Karen: 020 8274 0096

email: karen@berrylands-companion.co.uk

45 45

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ssegruB neraK daoR enwodsgni K 81 ZJ6 6TK ,yerruS ,notibruS 6900 4728 020 :leT 18530029070 :xaF moc.noinapmocsdnalyrreb@nerak :liamE moc.noinapmocsdnalyrreb.www :beW


Etosha National Park Namibia

Today, with its national parks alongside game and nature reserves, over 40% of the land is protected, a haven for the wildlife, so varied and abundant. The top viewing area is the Etosha National Park created in 1967 on a former game reserve, across the Kalahari basin up in the north-west. The name means the ‘Great White Place’, referring to a salt pan so large it can be seen from space. It’s a desert in the dry season, a land of mirages and sweeping wind, but during the summer rains it all comes alive as huge flocks of flamingos and other migrating birds return to their seasonal lagoon. Beyond the pan which covers 23% of the park, the savanna ranges from open grasslands to dwarf shrubs, thorn bush and trees, most common the acacias and the lovely Mopane whose leaves are shaped like butterflies. Wildlife thrives in all areas but

46 46

some species have favourite habitats – for instance, elephants like to shelter under the trees; lions, on the other hand, find the perfect camouflage in tall golden grass, so the best way to tick names off your list is to trust the local guides.

Mountains, desert or ocean, Namibia is amazing but did you know it was the first country in the world to include conservation in its constitution?

Sightings are guaranteed, they say, within three minutes of entering the park, though during the wet season, so beautifully lush and green, this may be more difficult. However, the dry season, June to October, is always rewarding, as animals wander across the arid land on their way to the waterholes. Best safari times are early or late

in the day – be prepared for the cold – but what matters is not the distance covered but an attitude in tune with nature: slow down, stop and wait, look around, listen and for sure something will happen. So what might you see in such a pristine place rising like a dream out of this world? 113 species of mammals, 350 of birds, 110 of reptiles, amphibians and even fish. Once endangered species, such as elephants, lions, rhinos and the black-faced impalas that can jump 11 metres, are recovering well, but most common are zebras and gambolling springboks. Lucky visitors may spot a lonely leopard, a cheetah with her young or a speeding hyena, but the elegant giraffes and the long-horned creatures are there for all to see, be it a red hartebeest zigzagging away to escape a predator, a solitary greater kudu, an eland – the largest African antelope – or an oryx, the national animal. Then there are the little ones: the rock hyrax, the yellow mongoose, the blackbacked jackal, the smallest antelope or dick-dick, and of course the birds: hornbills, plump red bishop, yellow masked weaver, lilacbreasted roller and many more. As the sun sets over the savanna, the gently floodlit waterholes are pure magic as animals approach ever so carefully, waiting patiently for their turn to drink under a starlit sky.

Please mention the magazine when contacting Advertisers

Solange Hando

Passengers must come first - my new report for commuters Rates

Advertiser’s Guide

Price List - Our Prices Haven’t Increased for 2 Years 1 Issue

2 Issues*

Full Page






Half Page






Quarter Page






Black & White

Saving 5%

3 Issues* Saving 7.5%

4 Issues* Saving 10%

Copy Deadline

5 Issues* Saving 20%

Final copy must be submitted by the 16th of each month, for inclusion in the following months edition (which will be distributed during the first weekend of that month.)


Full payment for all advertisements must be received by the copy deadline date. Payment can be made by: Cheques payable to ‘Berrylands Companion’ or cash. Payment by BACS or standing order by arrangement.

Full Colour

by Sir Edward Davey, M.P. Full Page






Half Page






Quarter Page






Front Cover Banner


Back Cover


Inside Front + Back Cover


Double Page


(Max 1 in every 4 issues for any one advertiser)


rain fares up, service down. That’s happening every year now on our railways.

But this year, the fare rise for local commuters is particularly difficult to stomach: last year the train service provided by South Western Railway (SWR) and Network Rail was truly dreadful. In my own experience of using local trains for over 23 years, last year’s performance was easily the worst, coming after the second half of 2017 which itself was shocking. And in the last 18 months I’ve had more emails on these lamentable train services than any other local issue. These appalling levels of service have made passengers’ lives a misery, impacting their work and family lives. And to make matters worse, the firms have been poor on communication, whilst SWR have operated a timeconsuming, inadequate compensation system. Holding SWR, Network Rail and Transport Ministers to account As a result, I’ve been in frequent contact with SWR, Network Rail and Transport Ministers – meetings and more meetings. Large numbers of letters and emails. Frustrated with the failure to deliver promised improvements, last summer I took the unusual step of establishing a cross-party group of MPs to hold these firms better to account, and I undertook an investigation – meeting with industry experts and studying various reports. Last December, my colleague, Vince Cable, won a debate in Parliament, in which I spoke. And just before Christmas, I published my own report, Passengers must come first. It sets out what I feel needs to be done to turn this shocking performance around. And I’m now

(Centre 2 page spread)

meeting the Railway Minister to discuss my report later this month. Passengers must come first You can read my report at www. eddavey.org/passengers_must_ come_first Please do send any comments to edward.davey.mp@parliament.uk But essentially my report makes 12 core recommendations, though 4 I consider as fundamental. First, I call for the early implementation of all the recommendations of a previous review – by Sir Michael Holden. A recognised industry expert, Holden’s Review deals with many practical and detailed issues, and itself contains 28 separate recommendations. Second, I call on Transport Ministers either to remove the franchise from SWR (replacing them with a public sector operator in the interim), or to impose a new performance-related contract on SWR, including new higher performance targets which would have to be met, before any profit could be made. Third, I focus on how SWR and Network Rail must improve their management of disruptions – where the evidence shows the recent performance has nose-dived compare to pre-SWR days. Finally, I focus on the need for Transport Ministers to agree to extra investment for essential works identified by Sir Michael Holden, to help Network Rail reduce the high level of Emergency Speed Restrictions and Temporary Speed Restrictions – as these have led to so many of the delays and cancellations. Scandal of poor management and failing franchise system

To advertise call Karen: 020 8274 0096


‘A Berrylands Companion’ is a small independent operation and is not registered for VAT. Consequently, no VAT is charged on advertisements.

Acceptable Formats

Adverts can be submitted in the following formats: • MS Word • MS Powerpoint • MS Publisher • TIFF & JPEG Advert copy can be emailed to: karen@berrylandcompanion.com

There are deeper issues that will also need to be tackled, if we are to prevent this happening again. Editorial Reviews


If your ad is not available in an electronic format then we can produce it for you, from your own hard copy text, normally for a fixed price of just £10, although this may be higher if you have a particularly complex advert! (This is a one-off charge - the advert could then be re-used in subsequent issues free of charge.)

WE ARE NOT AVAT REGISTERED, SO THE PRICE YOU SEE IS THE PRICE YOU PAY Contact us for package prices. Premium Pages 5 & 7: £10.00 extra Loose inserts can be delivered with magazine at £297 per 8,000.


Copy and payment must be received by 16th of each month to guarantee publication of advert. Advertisement space is only guaranteed when full payment is made. Distribution numbers up to 8,000 each month.

The Companion will be published and distributed monthly, on or around the first weekend of the month. 10 editions a year. It will be delivered to over 12,000 homes in and around Berrylands and Surbiton over two months - guaranteed. In addition it is the first source of local information for anyone moving into the area.

Format & Design

Contact Us:

It is an A5 size booklet, stapled with colour plus black and white printed on quality paper. The Companion will be printed on 115gsm gloss paper giving it a very high quality feel. It will have ‘longevity’ and because of it’s size, content, look and feel it will be kept by the majority of households until the next issue arrives, thereby giving advertisers ‘immdiacy’ of access’ when their services are required.

Karen Burgess 18 Kingsdowne Road Surbiton, Surrey, KT6 6JZ Tel: 020 8274 0096 Fax: 07092003581 Email: karen@berrylandscompanion.com Web: www.berrylandscompanion.com

I’ve been shocked at the failure of management to get to grips with these problems – and in some cases, how they have compounded them. 16

A report by the regulator, the Office of Road and Rail (ORR), states that Network Rail’s “contingency plans have not been updated since 2011” and ends “we have not been able to conclude whether [NR’s performance and operational control] plans are sustainable, as they have not been fully developed.” While senior managers at Network Rail have now changed, the impact on tens of thousands of people of this incompetence has been profound. I also think we must look at franchising again. SWR won the franchise when I was out of Parliament, so I don’t know quite what happened. Yet my investigation showed that SWR clearly underbid for the franchise – and the Department for Transport was not capable of establishing that SWR’s bid was unrealistic, and could not deliver. What happens? SWR ensure their shareholders are protected as much as possible, and don’t deliver for passengers. Ministers at the Treasury and Department for Transport are happy, as they see benefit in terms of a better financial deal for them. But passengers suffer. This must stop. I hope my report makes a small contribution for change and new thinking – and that by next year, we’re seeing a much improved train service.

email: karen@berrylands-companion.co.uk

47 47


ediuG s’resitrevdA

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*seussI 5

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*seussI 3

*seussI 2

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egaP flaH




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.etad enildaed ypoc eht yb deviecer eb tsum stnemesitrevda lla rof tnemyap lluF yb tnemyaP .hsac ro ’noinapmoC sdnalyrreB‘ ot elbayap seuqehC :yb edam eb nac tnemyaP .tnemegnarra yb redro gnidnats ro SCAB

%01 gnivaS

00.723£ 00.271£



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.TAV rof deretsiger ton si dna noitarepo tnednepedni llams a si ’noinapmoC sdnalyrreB A‘ .stnemesitrevda no degrahc si TAV on ,yltneuqesnoC

stamroF elbatpeccA

:stamrof gniwollof eht ni dettimbus eb nac strevdA droW SM • tnioprewoP SM • rehsilbuP SM • GEPJ & FFIT •


egaP retrauQ


rennaB revoC tnorF

moc.noinapmocdnalyrreb@nerak :ot deliame eb nac ypoc trevdA

revoC kcaB + tnorF edisnI revoC kcaB


nwo ruoy morf ,uoy rof ti ecudorp nac ew neht tamrof cinortcele na ni elbaliava ton si da ruoy fI a evah uoy fi rehgih eb yam siht hguohtla ,01£ tsuj fo ecirp dexfi a rof yllamron ,txet ypoc drah ni desu-er eb neht dluoc trevda eht - egrahc ffo-eno a si sihT( !trevda xelpmoc ylralucitrap ).egrahc fo eerf seussi tneuqesbus

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sweiveR lairotidE

YAP UOY ECIRP EHT SI EES UOY ECIRP EHT OS ,DERETSIGER TAVA TON ERA EW .secirp egakcap rof su tcatnoC artxe 00.01£ :7 & 5 segaP muimerP .000,8 rep 792£ ta enizagam htiw dereviled eb nac stresni esooL


.trevda fo noitacilbup eetnaraug ot htnom hcae fo ht61 yb deviecer eb tsum tnemyap dna ypoC .edam si tnemyap lluf nehw deetnaraug ylno si ecaps tnemesitrevdA .htnom hcae 000,8 ot pu srebmun noitubirtsiD

fo dnekeew tsrfi eht dnuora ro no ,ylhtnom detubirtsid dna dehsilbup eb lliw noinapmoC ehT .raey a snoitide 01 .htnom eht owt revo notibruS dna sdnalyrreB dnuora dna ni semoh 000,21 revo ot dereviled eb lliw tI .deetnaraug - shtnom .aera eht otni gnivom enoyna rof noitamrofni lacol fo ecruos tsrfi eht si ti noitidda nI

ngiseD & tamroF

:sU tcatnoC

.repap ytilauq no detnirp etihw dna kcalb sulp ruoloc htiw delpats ,telkoob ezis 5A na si tI .leef ytilauq hgih yrev a ti gnivig repap ssolg msg511 no detnirp eb lliw noinapmoC ehT eht yb tpek eb lliw ti leef dna kool ,tnetnoc ,ezis s’ti fo esuaceb dna ’ytivegnol‘ evah lliw tI fo ’ycaidmmi‘ sresitrevda gnivig ybereht ,sevirra eussi txen eht litnu sdlohesuoh fo ytirojam .deriuqer era secivres rieht nehw ’ssecca

ssegruB neraK daoR enwodsgniK 81 ZJ6 6TK ,yerruS ,notibruS 6900 4728 020 :leT 18530029070 :xaF moc.noinapmocsdnalyrreb@nerak :liamE moc.noinapmocsdnalyrreb.www :beW







WORD LADDER ANSWER (This is one solution, there may be others)

BOAT boot book look lock DOCK



Love is not singular, except in syllable. Marvin Taylor



CHILDREN’S PAGE Henry collects 11 presents on the route.There are 8 hearts. The Eiffel Tower order is: D,B,E,F,A,C 48 48

Please mention the magazine when contacting Advertisers

What’s on in February:Events in February:

Rates LGBT history Month. 1st: NSPCC Number Day 2nd: World Wetland Day at Arundel, 9.30 am - 4.30 pm 4th: World Cancer Day; SIGN2SING Week; Children’s Mental Health Week 5th: Chinese New Year, Year of the Pig Sandown Park Antique Market, Esher. 7am - 12 noon 9th: Orchid Festival at Kew Gardens, until March 10th 11th: Student Volunteering Week 14th: Valentine’s Day 18th - 22nd: Half Term, some suggestions: some may charge entrance fee, please check first. Brockett’s Farm; Birdworld Farnham; Brooklands Museum; British Wildlife Centre, near Lingfield, Go Ape, Alice Holt South Downs National Park; Virginia Water Lake; Zip Zone at Wildwood Adventure; Watts Gallery; The Sculpture Park, Farnham; Geocatching at Hatchlands Park; WWF’s Living Planet Centre, Woking; St Martha’s, the start of the Down’s link for cyclists. 20th: National Love Your Pet Day 22nd: World Encephalitis Day 24th: The Grand Brighton Half Marathon, 7am - 2pm 25th: Fairtrade Fortnight Price List - Our Prices Haven’t Increased for 2 Years 1 Issue

2 Issues*

Full Page






Half Page






Quarter Page

Black & White

Saving 5%

3 Issues* Saving 7.5%

4 Issues* Saving 10%

5 Issues* Saving 20%






Full Page






Full Colour Half Page






Quarter Page






Front Cover Banner


Back Cover


Inside Front + Back Cover


Double Page


Editorial Reviews


(Max 1 in every 4 issues for any one advertiser)

(Centre 2 page spread)

WE ARE NOT AVAT REGISTERED, SO THE PRICE YOU SEE IS THE PRICE YOU PAY Contact us for package prices. Premium Pages 5 & 7: £10.00 extra Loose inserts can be delivered with magazine at £297 per 8,000.

Copy and payment must be received by 16th of each month to guarantee publication of advert. Advertisement space is only guaranteed when full payment is made. Distribution numbers up to 8,000 each month.

Contact Us:

Karen Burgess 18 Kingsdowne Road Surbiton, Surrey, KT6 6JZ Tel: 020 8274 0096 Fax: 07092003581 Email: karen@berrylandscompanion.com Web: www.berrylandscompanion.com

Advertiser’s Guide Copy Deadline

Final copy must be submitted by the 16th of each month, for inclusion in the following months edition (which will be distributed during the first weekend of that month.)


Full payment for all advertisements must be received by the copy deadline date. Payment can be made by: Cheques payable to ‘Berrylands Companion’ or cash. Payment by BACS or standing order by arrangement.


‘A Berrylands Companion’ is a small independent operation and is not registered for VAT. Consequently, no VAT is charged on advertisements.

Acceptable Formats

Adverts can be submitted in the following formats: • MS Word • MS Powerpoint • MS Publisher • TIFF & JPEG Advert copy can be emailed to: karen@berrylandcompanion.com If your ad is not available in an electronic format then we can produce it for you, from your own hard copy text, normally for a fixed price of just £10, although this may be higher if you have a particularly complex advert! (This is a one-off charge - the advert could then be re-used in subsequent issues free of charge.)


The Companion will be published and distributed monthly, on or around the first weekend of the month. 10 editions a year. It will be delivered to over 12,000 homes in and around Berrylands and Surbiton over two months - guaranteed. In addition it is the first source of local information for anyone moving into the area.

Format & Design

It is an A5 size booklet, stapled with colour plus black and white printed on quality paper. The Companion will be printed on 115gsm gloss paper giving it a very high quality feel. It will have ‘longevity’ and because of it’s size, content, look and feel it will be kept by the majority of households until the next issue arrives, thereby giving advertisers ‘immdiacy’ of access’ when their services are required.


Events in March:

DVT Awareness Month; Ovarian Cancer Month 1st: St David’s Day; Marie Curie Great Daffodil Appeal; Time For A Cuppa Day; Walk all over Cancer Day 3rd: Seething Festival, St Andrew’s Square, Surbiton; World Hearing Day 4th: British Pie Week; Salt Awareness Week 5th: Shrove Tuesday, Pancake Day 6th: Ash Wednesday 7th: World Book Day 8th: International Women’s Day British Science Week 13th: National No Smoking Day 14th: World Kidney Day 15th: Red Nose Day, Comic Relief 17th: St Patrick’s Day 20th: Vernal Equinox, Spring begins 31st: Mothering Sunday, British Summer Time begins, clocks ‘spring’ forward. If your club or society is not listed on the Local Events, send in the details!! Why not send in your events for Valentine’s Day for the What’s On page? Schools, Churches, & Charity events should be submitted to karen@berrylands-companion.co.uk

To advertise call Karen: 020 8274 0096

email: karen@berrylands-companion.co.uk



What’s On/Local Events

1st Tuesday: NHS Retirement Club, 10-12pm at Royal British Legion ediuG s’resitrevdA setaR Hall, Hollyfield Road, KT5 9AL. For information call Lorna: 020 8337 4121 sraeY 2 rof desaercnI t’nevaH secirP ruO - tsiL ecirP

enildaeD ypoC

*seussI 5

*seussI 4





%02 gnivaS

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.etad enildaed ypoc eht yb deviecer eb tsum stnemesitrevda lla rof tnemyap lluF yb tnemyaP .hsac ro ’noinapmoC sdnalyrreB‘ ot elbayap seuqehC :yb edam eb nac tnemyaP .tnemegnarra yb redro gnidnats ro SCAB

%01 gnivaS

*seussI 3

*seussI 2

eussI 1




%5.7 gnivaS

%5 gnivaS

etihW & kcalB egaP lluF


egaP flaH






egaP retrauQ








ruoloC lluF


egaP lluF

Last Sunday of the month: Women on Wheels, meet outside Clas Ohlson Market Place 10.00. 020 8547 5865. E-mail: ccst@rbk. kingston.gov.uk

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00.38£ 00.74£

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Art Classes: Every Monday 10-12noon & 2-4pm, with Berrylands Artists at Berrylands Christian Centre, 41 King Charles Road, Surbiton, KT5 8PF. Info: 020 8644 0941 61

Broadway Sequence Dance Club: Meets every Monday from 8pm at The Raeburn Hall, Tolworth United Reform Church, Raeburn/Elgar Avenues. New sequences are taught, some knowledge of ballroom dancing required. Contact Brenda Deane for more info: 020 8390 0233. www. broadway sequencedance.co.uk Chinese Brush Painting: Held once a month at Sunray Community Centre, Knollmead, Tolworth. 10-13.00pm Contact Gwen: 020 8398 7313. Beginners & intermediates welcome. Cornerston Church, Kingston KT26LF: every 3rd Wednesday of the month: a cream tea, open to all, at 2pm. Plenty of cake on offer plus a short bible talk. An international café, every Tuesday evening at 7pm for free English lessons, and at 7.30pm food, games & bible talk. Craft Morning 3rd Saturday every month 11am-1.00pm. Tel: 0208 549 0733. info@ cornerstonechurchkingston.org Encore Singing Group: Mondays, 10am - 12.15pm in Berrylands. For info: gillyvor@hotmail.com Fircroft Listening Café: Every Friday, 2-4pm. 96 Ditton Road KT6 6RH. No appointment needed. Just turn up if you or someone you know is struggling to cope. Buses 71, 465, K1, K4. 50 50

Kingston Camera Club: Camera enthusiasts welcome. Meet Mon eves, at St John’s Ambulance HQ, Athelstan Rd off Villiers Avenue. 7.30pm - 10pm with coffee break. New members welcome. For more information visit: www. kingstoncameraclub.com Kingston Circle Dance Group: Kingston Quaker Centre, 14 Fairfield East, KT1 2PT, 2.30 - 4.30, first Saturday every month. Social dancing, all welcome. Tel: 020 8399 8684 Kingston Jazz Society: meets alternate Tuesdays at the Druid’s Head pub, Kingston Market. We are a friendly group who listen to recorded jazz from all periods and would welcome new members. Contact Mike Crimmen (Sec) on 07795 574 776 or m.crimmen@ btinternet.com Kingston Pensioners’ Forum: Meets 2nd Monday each month at Reform Church, Eden Street, at 2pm. New members welcome. Talks, outings and tea and coffee. For more info: www. kingstonpensionersforum@hotmail.co.uk Kingston Philatelic Society: Meets 8-10pm on 1st Thurs & 3rd Fri, at Surbiton Library Hall, Ewell Road. Info: Brian Sole Tel: 01932 220 677 or email: brian.sole@btinternet.com Ladies Exercise Club: Friendly & fun ‘Keep Moving’ exercise/movement class for ladies 60+ at Berrylands Christian Centre, King Charles Road. Friday 10.15 - 11.15am plus refreshments. Come & try first, free first class. Then £5.50 pay as you come. Call Mary, 01483 284 716 or maryedwards@uwclub.net Mind in Kingston: Drop in and café at Alfriston Day Centre Berrylands Road, Thurs 6-9.30pm, Sat & Sun 2-5.30pm. Also at Welcome Centre 53-55 Canbury Park, Mon & Fri 6-9pm. All welcome, www. mindkingston.org.uk or 020 8255 3939 Mrs Bennet’s Ballroom:Wednesdays.

Please mention the magazine when contacting Advertisers

What’s On/Local Events

Learn Regency dancing at St Mark’s Church Hall, Surbiton, 8pm - 10.30pm. Cost £5 per eve. See advert. Contact Libby Curzon, 020 8391 1215. Email: curzone@hotmail.com Oasis daytime group for over 60s: at Emmanuel Church, Grand Avenue, Tolworth. We have flower arranging talk at 2.30pm on Wednesday, 21st November, with plenty of opportunity to chat, play games do jigsaw puzzles and includes a 5 minute Bible-based talk followed by refreshments. Tel: 020 8390 6631 or 020 8395 2645 Open Door: Meetings held at BCC Hall King Charles Road. Alternate Thursdays, 2.15 - 4.00pm. Meetings on 8th & 22nd November. A friendship group aimed at seniors. Afternoon tea, chat and short talks from local organisations.

St Marks Church:Weds mornings 10.0011.30 Stay and Play for Toddlers and Carers at St Mark’s Church Hall, St Mark’s Hill. Friday Mornings Coffee and Cake corner 10-11.30am, drop in for coffee at St Andrew’s Church, Maple Road, no booking required for any of them. Scottish Country Dancing: On Thursdays 7.30pm - 10.30pm at St Mark’s Church Hall. Tuition for half an hour from 7.30. Membership £5 a year, Members £3/ evening, non-members £4. Join our friendly, informal club for good fun and an easy way to excercise. Check website: www.surbitoncaledonian.co.uk or call: 01932 784 866 ‘Sing on Purpose’ at the CornerHouse, Douglas Road, KT6 7SB. All welcome, £5 per session. Adults: Mondays 9.30 10.30am; Youth: Fridays 4.45 - 5.45pm. Contact: Steve or Pam 07763 081320 Surbiton Club for the Blind and Visually Impaired: Meets alternate Tues 2-4pm at Surbiton Hill Methodist Church, Ewell Road. Social club with entertainment and tea. Transport available if necessary. For information: 0744 364 3716 . Volunteer

To advertise call Karen: 020 8274 0096

drivers very welcome. Rates Advertiser’s Guide Surbiton Floral Club: 1st Weds of the month at Raeburn Hall United Reform Church, Elgar Avenue. 7.30 for 7.45pm start. Floral demos, talks, workshops & outings. Tel: 020 8399 8193 Price List - Our Prices Haven’t Increased for 2 Years 1 Issue

2 Issues*

3 Issues*

4 Issues*

5 Issues*

Full Page






Half Page






Quarter Page






Full Page






Black & White

Saving 5%

Saving 7.5%

Saving 10%

Copy Deadline

Saving 20%

Final copy must be submitted by the 16th of each month, for inclusion in the following months edition (which will be distributed during the first weekend of that month.)


Full payment for all advertisements must be received by the copy deadline date. Payment can be made by: Cheques payable to ‘Berrylands Companion’ or cash. Payment by BACS or standing order by arrangement.

Full Colour Half Page






Quarter Page






Front Cover Banner


Back Cover


Inside Front + Back Cover


Double Page


Editorial Reviews


(Max 1 in every 4 issues for any one advertiser)

(Centre 2 page spread)


‘A Berrylands Companion’ is a small independent operation and is not registered for VAT. Consequently, no VAT is charged on advertisements.

Acceptable Formats

Adverts can be submitted in the following formats: • MS Word • MS Powerpoint • MS Publisher • TIFF & JPEG Advert copy can be emailed to: karen@berrylandcompanion.com If your ad is not available in an electronic format then we can produce it for you, from your own hard copy text, normally for a fixed price of just £10, although this may be higher if you have a particularly complex advert! (This is a one-off charge - the advert could then be re-used in subsequent issues free of charge.)

WE ARE NOT AVAT REGISTERED, SO THE PRICE YOU SEE IS THE PRICE YOU PAY Contact us for package prices. Premium Pages 5 & 7: £10.00 extra Loose inserts can be delivered with magazine at £297 per 8,000.


Copy and payment must be received by 16th of each month to guarantee publication of advert. Advertisement space is only guaranteed when full payment is made. Distribution numbers up to 8,000 each month.

The Companion will be published and distributed monthly, on or around the first weekend of the month. 10 editions a year. It will be delivered to over 12,000 homes in and around Berrylands and Surbiton over two months - guaranteed. In addition it is the first source of local information for anyone moving into the area.

Talking of Trains in Surbiton: Programme of talks at Surbiton Library Hall, each Wednesday evening from 19th Sept, throughout winter months. First meeting free, fee for complete year is £50. Details on www.talkingoftrains.co.uk For further information contact: David Blackmore, 020 8391 1116.Em: dandp@blueyonder. co.uk Format & Design

Contact Us:

It is an A5 size booklet, stapled with colour plus black and white printed on quality paper. The Companion will be printed on 115gsm gloss paper giving it a very high quality feel. It will have ‘longevity’ and because of it’s size, content, look and feel it will be kept by the majority of households until the next issue arrives, thereby giving advertisers ‘immdiacy’ of access’ when their services are required.

Karen Burgess 18 Kingsdowne Road Surbiton, Surrey, KT6 6JZ Tel: 020 8274 0096 Fax: 07092003581 Email: karen@berrylandscompanion.com Web: www.berrylandscompanion.com


Tiny Tunes: Mon 10am & 10.50am at Surbiton Library Hall. Tues 10am & 10.50am at St Nicholas Parish Church, Summer Rd, Thames Ditton. All sessions 40 mins long, features music, dance, parachutes, bubbles & pom-poms. Age 3 months -5 years, pay as you go £5, siblings £2.50 www.tinytuneslive.com Tolworth United Reform Church, Elgar Ave: PILOTS Mondays in term time 5.30 7pm, children’s activities, crafts, stories for 5 -11 year olds. Weekly cost £1.50, please call Roger on 07525 410 083 / 0202 8393 4270 or email jones.ra@btinternet. com for information. Tolworth World of Dance: Weds 8 9.30pm (term time). Dance for Fun, Fitness & Friends, beginners always welcome, see advert. Contact: Brenda 020 8397 9649 or philip.steventon@ btinternet.com

If your club or society is not listed on the Local Events, send in the details!! Why not send in your events for Christmas for the What’s On page? Clubs, Schools, Churches, & Charity events should be submitted to


email: karen@berrylands-companion.co.uk




Surbiton & District Bird Watching Society


ediuG s’resitrevdA

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%01 gnivaS

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Feb 19th: A Guide to Bird Sounds by David Darrell-Lambert

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.TAV rof deretsiger ton si dna noitarepo tnednepedni llams a si ’noinapmoC sdnalyrreB A‘ .stnemesitrevda no degrahc si TAV on ,yltneuqesnoC

stamroF elbatpeccA

:stamrof gniwollof eht ni dettimbus eb nac strevdA droW SM • tnioprewoP SM • rehsilbuP SM • GEPJ & FFIT •













00.231£ 00.38£

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00.341£ 00.391£

moc.noinapmocdnalyrreb@nerak :ot deliame eb nac ypoc trevdA


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00.74£ 00.82£ 00.281£

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Mar 19th: The Magic of Mallorca, by Chris Ward

sweiveR lairotidE

ssegruB neraK daoR enwodsgni K 81 ZJ6 6TK ,yerruS ,notibruS 6900 4728 020 :leT 18530029070 :xaF moc.noinapmocsdnalyrreb@nerak :liamE moc.noinapmocsdnalyrreb.www :beW


Apr16th: Kent’s Wild Year, by Simon Ginnaw Outings: Feb 3rd, Sunday, all day to Blashford Lakes & Blackwater Arboretum. Contact: Peter Knox, tel: 020 8543 0472 Feb 13th, Weds morning, to Bushy Park, contact: Mike Whits, tel: 01372 457719 Feb 17th, Saturday morning to London Wetlands Centre, Barnes. Contact: Feb 24th, Sunday, Berrylands Nature Reserve, Raeburn Avenue Surbiton. Contact: elliot.newton@environmenttrust.co.uk

Please note that it is imperative to phone the leader to confirm participation, arrange time and meeting place and/or pre-arrange lifts.

SDBWS Publicity Annemarie Stiegler

Kingston upon Thames Archaeological Society Thurs 14th Feb: ‘Did the Romans reach Cornwall?’, this talk has been prepared by Dr Julie Wileman and will be given by Patricia Smith Thurs 14th March: Richard Watson, KUTAS Committee Member will talk on’Visits to some Viking Sites in Denmark’ Thurs 11th April: Dr Judie English will tlak on’Merchants, Military Men & Migrants’ incomers to London & the S E in the Romano-British period & later Meetings, unless otherwise stated, are held on the 2nd Thursday of the month, at 7.30pm for 8pm start, in the Surbiton Library Hall, Ewell Road, KT6 6AG. Visitors will be asked for £3 donation towards expenses.

Surbiton & District Historical Society Tues 5th Feb: Ms Mel Harrison will talk on ‘The Wars of the Roses’ Tues 5th March: This is our AGM. There is no charge for visitors this evening, please come & find out about our Society. Refreshments at the end will be free. Tues 2nd April: Mr Andy Thomas will talk on’The Story of English Freedom’ Tues 7th May: Mr Trevor Strong will talk on ‘Tally Sticks, Templars and Trade’ Meetings start time: 7.45pm at Surbiton Library Hall, Ewell Road, Surbiton. Visitors welcome, Contribution of £2 appreciated For more details about meetings and the Society, call

The Secretary: 020 8399 4473 Email: lenandmarilyn@virginmedia.com


52 52

Please mention the magazine when contacting Advertisers

27. Plant - sucking insects (5)



1. Terminate gradually (5,3) 2. AALLOTMENTS Sultanate in northwestern (6) HOOK ANDBorneo GARDENS 3. Horologist (10) ASSOCIATION 4. Slightly open (4) 5. Engage somebody to in enter the army (6) Are you interested gardening? 6. Represents or performs as if in a play (6) 8. know Come to termsiswith Did you there an(7) association in Hook? 9. Shortened term for provocation (5) 13. Returning to political office (10) Our Association 15. Unusually was great infounded size (7) over 50 years ago and is run by and volunteers, can 16. After sunrise before sunset (8) provide a Strongofandcomposts, sharp (5) wide 17. range fertilisers, seeds 18. Having little emotion or sensibility (6) and other gardening products at not-for-profit 20. Add to the very end (6) prices 22. to The our highest members. We support point; culminate (6) gardeners and allotment 24. Compass point (4) holders.


Advertiser’s Guide

Price List - Our Prices Haven’t Increased for 2 Years 1 Issue

2 Issues*

Full Page






Half Page






Quarter Page

Black & White

Saving 5%

3 Issues* Saving 7.5%

4 Issues* Saving 10%

Copy Deadline

5 Issues* Saving 20%






Full Page






Final copy must be submitted by the 16th of each month, for inclusion in the following months edition (which will be distributed during the first weekend of that month.)


Full payment for all advertisements must be received by the copy deadline date. Payment can be made by: Cheques payable to ‘Berrylands Companion’ or cash. Payment by BACS or standing order by arrangement.

Full Colour Half Page






Quarter Page






Front Cover Banner


Back Cover


Inside Front + Back Cover


Double Page


Editorial Reviews


(Max 1 in every 4 issues for any one advertiser)

(Centre 2 page spread)


‘A Berrylands Companion’ is a small independent operation and is not registered for VAT. Consequently, no VAT is charged on advertisements.

Acceptable Formats

Adverts can be submitted in the following formats: • MS Word • MS Powerpoint • MS Publisher • TIFF & JPEG Advert copy can be emailed to: karen@berrylandcompanion.com

Remember, you can pick up a copy of A Berrylands Companion magazine at the following:

If your ad is not available in an electronic format then we can produce it for you, from your own hard copy text, normally for a fixed price of just £10, although this may be higher if you have a particularly complex advert! (This is a one-off charge - the advert could then be re-used in subsequent issues free of charge.)

WE ARE NOT AVAT REGISTERED, SO THE PRICE YOU SEE IS THE PRICE YOU PAY Contact us for package prices. Premium Pages 5 & 7: £10.00 extra Loose inserts can be delivered with magazine at £297 per 8,000.


Copy and payment must be received by 16th of each month to guarantee publication of advert. Advertisement space is only guaranteed when full payment is made. Distribution numbers up to 8,000 each month.

The Companion will be published and distributed monthly, on or around the first weekend of the month. 10 editions a year. It will be delivered to over 12,000 homes in and around Berrylands and Surbiton over two months - guaranteed. In addition it is the first source of local information for anyone moving into the area.

Format & Design

Contact Us:

It is an A5 size booklet, stapled with colour plus black and white printed on quality paper. The Companion will be printed on 115gsm gloss paper giving it a very high quality feel. It will have ‘longevity’ and because of it’s size, content, look and feel it will be kept by the majority of households until the next issue arrives, thereby giving advertisers ‘immdiacy’ of access’ when their services are required.

Karen Burgess 18 Kingsdowne Road Surbiton, Surrey, KT6 6JZ Tel: 020 8274 0096 Fax: 07092003581 Email: karen@berrylandscompanion.com Web: www.berrylandscompanion.com

C.D.Jennings, B&M Budget Store, Surbiton & Tolworth Libraries, Shan’s Pharmacy, Tolworth Recreation Centre, The Lamb, MBE Surbiton, Collison Optician Ewell Road, 16

October Sudoku

We currently have full and half plots available to rent. Contact: John on 07807 300 749 Membership is £2.50 a year and new allotment holders have free membership for the first year Our trading facility is situated next to the entrance to the allotment plots, beyond the rugby club pavillion, rear of King Edward’s Recreation Ground, Hook Road, Chessington Open: Sundays 10am - 12 noon Feb - Nov 10am - 11am Nov - Jan


Whilst all reasonable care is taken to ensure the accuracy of information included in A Berrylands Companion , the publisher takes no responsibility for the accuracy of statements made by contributors or advertisers, or for the loss arising from non-publication of any advertisement. E Page 33-40.indd 36 Any errors, omissions or offers are the resposibilty of the advertiser. All artwork is accepted on the condition that the advertiser has obtained permission from any copyright holder for its use by A Berrylands Companion. Whilst every care is taken when printing artwork, we cannot guarantee an exact colour match due to variations in print processes. Bookings are accepted only on this basis. It is the advertiser’s responsibility to submit any amendments to adverts by the deadline date of the 8th. To advertise any event, or community activity in the magazine, please call: Karen on 020 8274 0096 or email: karen@berrylands-companion.co.uk

To advertise call Karen: 020 8274 0096

Read it whilst you wait at: Aspen Vets, Berrylands Autocare Garage, Confidental Dental Surgery If you would like copies at your business please call me on: 020 8274 0096

For all gardeners and allotment holders! We are a small friendly local society providing gardening22/01/2010 supplies at very00:22:03 reasonable prices to our members: 9 Seeds, summer and spring bulbs, onion sets, seed potatoes. 9 Summer bedding plants and other young plants according to season. 9 Traditional and organic fertilizers and soil improvers/conditioners. 9 Lawn and rose treatments, weedkillers, pest controls. 9 Growbags and bagged compost, pots, gloves, trays, canes, netting etc. Annual membership just £2, senior citizens £1. Website:www.horticultural.moonfruit.co.uk Email: chesshort@live.co.uk

Our trading hut is conveniently sited at Moor Lane Allotments (just off Moor Lane near The Bonesgate pub) Open every Sunday 10am to 12noon, except December. In accordance with our "members only" policy, new members are always welcome to join!

Annual Membership just £2.50, senior citizens £1.50

email: karen@berrylands-companion.co.uk



Index Please mention the magazine when contacting advertisers

Home & Garden 21ediuG s’resitreAll vdA setaR Your Garden Needs 17 Berrylands Building Company 24 Berrylands Property Maintenance 5 Carpets4U 15 Chris Mould Plumber 2 D&SLandscaping 14 Dream Doors (Kingston Kitchens) 17 James Anthony 24 KB Design 13 Kevin Robinson Decorators 7 Leverett Electricals 31 Pests Away 55 Pro-Fit Windows Systems 23 R.J.Tree Services 13 Shaun Overy Heating & Plumbing 21 Will Lord 24 William Stallion Electricals 9 Winkworth Estates 19 Zoe Rourke Interiors 12 House & Interiors 18 Home Products Gardening by Pippa Greenwood 20 sraeY 2 rof desaercnI t’nevaH secirP ruO - tsiL ecirP

enildaeD ypoC

*seussI 5

*seussI 4





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stamroF elbatpeccA

:stamrof gniwollof eht ni dettimbus eb nac strevdA droW SM • tnioprewoP SM • rehsilbuP SM • GEPJ & FFIT •


egaP retrauQ


rennaB revoC tnorF




moc.noinapmocdnalyrreb@nerak :ot deliame eb nac ypoc trevdA


nwo ruoy morf ,uoy rof ti ecudorp nac ew neht tamrof cinortcele na ni elbaliava ton si da ruoy fI a evah uoy fi rehgih eb yam siht hguohtla ,01£ tsuj fo ecirp dexfi a rof yllamron ,txet ypoc drah ni desu-er eb neht dluoc trevda eht - egrahc ffo-eno a si sihT( !trevda xelpmoc ylralucitrap ).egrahc fo eerf seussi tneuqesbus

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YAP UOY ECIRP EHT SI EES UOY ECIRP EHT OS ,DERETSIGER TAVA TON ERA EW .secirp egakcap rof su tcatnoC artxe 00.01£ :7 & 5 segaP muimerP .000,8 rep 792£ ta enizagam htiw dereviled eb nac stresni esooL


.trevda fo noitacilbup eetnaraug ot htnom hcae fo ht61 yb deviecer eb tsum tnemyap dna ypoC .edam si tnemyap lluf nehw deetnaraug ylno si ecaps tnemesitrevdA .htnom hcae 000,8 ot pu srebmun noitubirtsiD

fo dnekeew tsrfi eht dnuora ro no ,ylhtnom detubirtsid dna dehsilbup eb lliw noinapmoC ehT .raey a snoitide 01 .htnom eht owt revo notibruS dna sdnalyrreB dnuora dna ni semoh 000,21 revo ot dereviled eb lliw tI .deetnaraug - shtnom .aera eht otni gnivom enoyna rof noitamrofni lacol fo ecruos tsrfi eht si ti noitidda nI

ngiseD & tamroF

Car Maintenance Alan Sursham Berrylands Autocare Community Motors K&P Tyres Walsh Vehicle Management Drive

35 19 37 34 36

Food & Drink C.D.Jennings Prithi Glenmore House Recipe Baking


Solicitors Lewis-Dick

:sU tcatnoC

.repap ytilauq no detnirp etihw dna kcalb sulp ruoloc htiw delpats ,telkoob ezis 5A na si tI .leef ytilauq hgih yrev a ti gnivig repap ssolg msg511 no detnirp eb lliw noinapmoC ehT eht yb tpek eb lliw ti leef dna kool ,tnetnoc ,ezis s’ti fo esuaceb dna ’ytivegnol‘ evah lliw tI fo ’ycaidmmi‘ sresitrevda gnivig ybereht ,sevirra eussi txen eht litnu sdlohesuoh fo ytirojam .deriuqer era secivres rieht nehw ’ssecca

ssegruB neraK daoR enwodsgniK 81 ZJ6 6TK ,yerruS ,notibruS 6900 4728 020 :leT 18530029070 :xaF moc.noinapmocsdnalyrreb@nerak :liamE moc.noinapmocsdnalyrreb.www :beW


29 27 27 25 28 26

Care & Health Georgie Mackenzie Fiona Smith Chiropodist Kingston Health Centre Slimming World Beauty Health

41 25 29 25 15/31 8/56

Rest & Relaxation Cine Sanctuary King George Field Bowls Club Mrs Bennet’s Ballroom Classes Rebel Waltz Cycle Solutions Snappy Snaps Surbiton Racket & Fitness Club

7 32

Children & Education Shiranthi Wijesekera Piano Lessons Parenting

39 39 39

Veterinary Aspen Veterinary Surgery Cats Protection League Pet Care

54 54

40 41 45 43 43 40

Articles & Editorials 52/53 Community Pages Kids Page 33 50/51 What’s On & Local Events Pages Crossword 9 Book Review 4 Finance 38 Useful Telephone Numbers 3 Edward Davey MP 47

Want To Advertise Your Business? Just because there is already an advert for a similar one, please do not think we will not take your advert! There are so many businesses, trades and services that are not represented in

A Berrylands Companion From as little as £33 a month your advert can feature here for a year! An email with your artwork will ensure it is featured.

So What is Stopping You? Call Now!

Contact Karen: tel: 020 8274 0096 email: karen@berrylands-companion.co.uk

Magazine printed by Warwick Printing, Warwickshire



Advertiser’s Guide

Price List - Our Prices Haven’t Increased for 2 Years 1 Issue

2 Issues*

Full Page






3 Issues*

4 Issues*

Half Page

Copy Deadline

5 Issues*

WINDOWS DOORS conservatories Black & White

Saving 7.5%







Full Page


Half Page

Saving 10%

Saving 20%















Quarter Page






Front Cover Banner


Quarter Page

Full Colour


Saving 5%

(Max 1 in every 4 issues for any one advertiser)

Back Cover


Inside Front + Back Cover


Double Page


Editorial Reviews


(Centre 2 page spread)

Final copy must be submitted by the 16th of each month, for inclusion in the following months edition (which will be distributed during the first weekend of that month.)


Full payment for all advertisements must be received by the copy deadline date. Payment can be made by: Cheques payable to ‘Berrylands Companion’ or cash. Payment by BACS or standing order by arrangement.


‘A Berrylands Companion’ is a small independent operation and is not registered for VAT. Consequently, no VAT is charged on advertisements.

Acceptable Formats

Adverts can be submitted in the following formats: • MS Word • MS Powerpoint • MS Publisher • TIFF & JPEG Advert copy can be emailed to: karen@berrylandcompanion.com If your ad is not available in an electronic format then we can produce it for you, from your own hard copy text, normally for a fixed price of just £10, although this may be higher if you have a particularly complex advert! (This is a one-off charge - the advert could then be re-used in subsequent issues free of charge.)

WE ARE NOT AVAT REGISTERED, SO THE PRICE YOU SEE IS THE PRICE YOU PAY Contact us for package prices. Premium Pages 5 & 7: £10.00 extra Loose inserts can be delivered with magazine at £297 per 8,000.


Copy and payment must be received by 16th of each month to guarantee publication of advert. Advertisement space is only guaranteed when full payment is made. Distribution numbers up to 8,000 each month.

2017 2019 – Lower your energy bills and add value to your home with our stylish double glazing products; windows, doors & conservatories

The Companion will be published and distributed monthly, on or around the first weekend of the month. 10 editions a year. It will be delivered to over 12,000 homes in and around Berrylands and Surbiton over two months - guaranteed. In addition it is the first source of local information for anyone moving into the area.

Format & Design

Contact Us:

It is an A5 size booklet, stapled with colour plus black and white printed on quality paper. The Companion will be printed on 115gsm gloss paper giving it a very high quality feel. It will have ‘longevity’ and because of it’s size, content, look and feel it will be kept by the majority of households until the next issue arrives, thereby giving advertisers ‘immdiacy’ of access’ when their services are required.

Karen Burgess 18 Kingsdowne Road Surbiton, Surrey, KT6 6JZ Tel: 020 8274 0096 Fax: 07092003581 Email: karen@berrylandscompanion.com Web: www.berrylandscompanion.com


Totally transform your home with our extensive bi-fold range! Guaranteed quality products at competitive prices We are an established family run business with over 35 years’ experience in supplying double glazing to householders within the community. TRADE ENQUIRIES WELCOME

TEL: 020 8288 8893 FAX: 020 8288 8894 l

164 Leatherhead Rd Chessington Surrey KT9 2HU web:www.pro-fitwindowsystems.co.uk Email:info@pro-fitwindows.org.uk l

To advertise call Karen: 020 8274 0096

email: karen@berrylands-companion.co.uk




ediuG s’resitrevdA


sraeY 2 rof desaercnI t’nevaH secirP ruO - tsiL ecirP

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sweiveR lairotidE

YAP UOY ECIRP EHT SI EES UOY ECIRP EHT OS ,DERETSIGER TAVA TON ERA EW .secirp egakcap rof su tcatnoC artxe 00.01£ :7 & 5 segaP muimerP .000,8 rep 792£ ta enizagam htiw dereviled eb nac stresni esooL


.trevda fo noitacilbup eetnaraug ot htnom hcae fo ht61 yb deviecer eb tsum tnemyap dna ypoC .edam si tnemyap lluf nehw deetnaraug ylno si ecaps tnemesitrevdA .htnom hcae 000,8 ot pu srebmun noitubirtsiD

fo dnekeew tsrfi eht dnuora ro no ,ylhtnom detubirtsid dna dehsilbup eb lliw noinapmoC ehT .raey a snoitide 01 .htnom eht owt revo notibruS dna sdnalyrreB dnuora dna ni semoh 000,21 revo ot dereviled eb lliw tI .deetnaraug - shtnom .aera eht otni gnivom enoyna rof noitamrofni lacol fo ecruos tsrfi eht si ti noitidda nI

ngiseD & tamroF

.repap ytilauq no detnirp etihw dna kcalb sulp ruoloc htiw delpats ,telkoob ezis 5A na si tI .leef ytilauq hgih yrev a ti gnivig repap ssolg msg511 no detnirp eb lliw noinapmoC ehT eht yb tpek eb lliw ti leef dna kool ,tnetnoc ,ezis s’ti fo esuaceb dna ’ytivegnol‘ evah lliw tI fo ’ycaidmmi‘ sresitrevda gnivig ybereht ,sevirra eussi txen eht litnu sdlohesuoh fo ytirojam .deriuqer era secivres rieht nehw ’ssecca

:sU tcatnoC ssegruB neraK daoR enwodsgniK 81 ZJ6 6TK ,yerruS ,notibruS 6900 4728 020 :leT 18530029070 :xaF moc.noinapmocsdnalyrreb@nerak :liamE moc.noinapmocsdnalyrreb.www :beW



SURBITON.ORG 020 8399 1594

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