July august 2015 issuu 100

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A Berrylands Companion

Month: July/August 2015

Issue No: 100

Independent monthly community news and business directory for KT5 & KT6

Delivered free each month to addresses in Berrylands, plus Surbiton or Tolworth

100th Issue of A Berrylands Companion

Celebration of the 100th Issue of A Berrylands Companion!!

Dentures not fitting properly? Change your life with Dental Implants. Call us now for more information Advertiser’s Guide

creased for 2 Years Issues*

aving 5%

3 Issues* Saving 7.5%

4 Issues* Saving 10%

Copy Deadline

5 Issues* Saving 20%

























Final copy must be submitted by the 16th of each month, for inclusion in the following months edition (which will be distributed during the first weekend of that month.)


Full payment for all advertisements must be received by the copy deadline date. Payment can be made by: Cheques payable to ‘Berrylands Companion’ or cash. Payment by BACS or standing order by arrangement.


‘A Berrylands Companion’ is a small independent operation and is not registered for VAT. Consequently, no VAT is charged on advertisements.

Acceptable Formats

Adverts can be submitted in the following formats: • MS Word • MS Powerpoint • MS Publisher • TIFF & JPEG

Advert copy can be emailed to: karen@berrylandcompanion.com

If your ad is not available in an electronic format then we can produce it for you, from your own hard copy text, normally for a fixed price of just £10, although this may be higher if you have a particularly complex advert! (This is a one-off charge - the advert could then be re-used in subsequent issues free of charge.)


e at £297 per 8,000.


of each month to guarantee publication of advert. n full payment is made. h.

The Companion will be published and distributed monthly, on or around the first weekend of the month. 10 editions a year. It will be delivered to over 12,000 homes in and around Berrylands and Surbiton over two months - guaranteed. In addition it is the first source of local information for anyone moving into the area.

Format & Design

It is an A5 size booklet, stapled with colour plus black and white printed on quality paper. The Companion will be printed on 115gsm gloss paper giving it a very high quality feel. It will have ‘longevity’ and because of it’s size, content, look and feel it will be kept by the majority of households until the next issue arrives, thereby giving advertisers ‘immdiacy’ of access’ when their services are required.


Dental Implants from only £50 per Month 0% Interest Free Available Surbiton Implant & Cosmetic Dentistry Centre, 395 Ewell Road, Tolworth, Surbiton, Surrey, KT6 7DG

Email: info@surbitondental.co.uk www.surbitondental.co.uk

Book now on 0208 399 4311

Sleep with your teeth, not next to them! Surbiton Dental is a Dental Implant Centre of Excellence

Please mention the magazine2when contacting advertisers

Contact Us: Karen Burgess 18 Kingsdowne Road Surbiton, Surrey, KT6 6JZ Tel: 020 8274 0096 Fax: 07092003581 Email: karen@berrylandscompanion.com Web: www.berrylandscompanion.com

Hello Readers

It must be nearly summer time! The peregrine falcon is back on it’s high perch and all the other birds have taken shelter. Announcing its arrival by screeching, we watched it fly around the gardens, and occasionally it was dive bombed by the more braver birds. It is almost a year since I started the campaign for speed reductions on residential roads, which has seen 20mph signs on the roadway and at either end of our road. However, it has done little if anything, to reduce the speed of the traffic. The majority of vehicles still pass by well in excess of 20mph! What does it take for drivers to adhere to traffic warning signs? This edition of A Berrylands Copmpanion is the 100th issue! As a special feature in the centre pages I have reproduced some of the very early front covers and included

Useful Numbers Kingston Council www.kingston.gov.uk Action Fraud Refuse Collection Electoral Registration Council Tax Citizens Advice Customs & Excise (VAT) Inland Revenue Helpline Environmental Agency Surbiton Library Kingston Police Non Emergency Services Emergency Services Non Emergency NHS Transport: National Rail Enquiries Public Transport Traveline Gatwick Airport Heathrow Airport

020 8547 5757

0300 123 2040 020 8547 5560 020 8547 4630 020 8547 5196 08454 040 506 0845 010 9000 08459 000 444 0870 850 6506 020 8547 6444 020 8541 1212 101 999 111 08457 484 950 0870 608 2608 0844 335 1802 0844 335 1801

some of the very nice testimonials from advertisers and readers. Thank you! The November edition will actually be the 10th Anniversary since I started the magazine, initially just delivered to Berrylands. It was a small black & white magazine for the first few months until mid 2006, when I changed to full colour and also took over the magazine that was delivered to Surbiton. Things have certainly changed since then!! If you have any comments, please let me know. Best wishes, Karen Front cover photo: Robynmac. Dreamstime.com 100th cake photo

Emergencies/Utilities: Gas Emergency Electricity Emergency Water Emergency BT Fault Line Virgin Media Crimestoppers Kingston Hospital NHS Direct (24/7) Childline Samaritans Age Concern Kingston Relate www.relatekh.org Domestic Violence Help Line www.victimsupport.org.uk Surbiton Safer Neighbourhood Team based at YMCA

0800 111 999 0800 783 8866 0845 920 0800 0800 800 151 0845 142 0000 0800 555 111 020 8546 7711 0845 4647 0800 1111 0845 790 9090 0800 00 99 66 020 8549 3318 020 8547 3202 020 8721 2518

A Berrylands Companion

18 Kingsdowne Road, Surbiton, KT6 6JZ 020 8274 0096 karen@berrylands-companion.co.uk www.berrylands-companion.co.uk Please mention A Berrylands Companion when responding to adverts 3

Spotlight On....... Carpets4U

Advertiser’s Guide

reased for 2 Years


ving 5%

3 Issues* Saving 7.5%

4 Issues* Saving 10%

Copy Deadline

5 Issues* Saving 20%

























Final copy must be submitted by the 16th of each month, for inclusion in the following months edition (which will be distributed during the first weekend of that month.)


Three generations of carpets - a remarkable history

Full payment for all advertisements must be received by the copy deadline date. Payment can be made by: Cheques payable to ‘Berrylands Companion’ or cash. Payment by BACS or standing order by arrangement.


‘A Berrylands Companion’ is a small independent operation and is not registered for VAT. Consequently, no VAT is charged on advertisements.


Acceptable Formats

Adverts can be submitted in the following formats: • MS Word • MS Powerpoint • MS Publisher • TIFF & JPEG

n these days of retail acquisitions, takeover bids and non-stop business expansions, Carpets4U can boast a remarkable pedigree. Advert copy can be emailed to: karen@berrylandcompanion.com


at £297 per 8,000.

f each month to guarantee publication of advert. n full payment is made.

If your ad is not available in an electronic format then we can produce it for you, from your own hard copy text, normally for a fixed price of just £10, although this may be higher if you have a particularly complex advert! (This is a one-off charge - the advert could then be re-used in subsequent issues free of charge.)


The Companion will be published and distributed monthly, on or around the first weekend of the month. 10 editions a year. It will be delivered to over 12,000 homes in and around Berrylands and Surbiton over two months - guaranteed. In addition it is the first source of local information for anyone moving into the area.

Format & Design

It is an A5 size booklet, stapled with colour plus black and white printed on quality paper. The Companion will be printed on 115gsm gloss paper giving it a very high quality feel. It will have ‘longevity’ and because of it’s size, content, look and feel it will be kept by the majority of households until the next issue arrives, thereby giving advertisers ‘immdiacy’ of access’ when their services are required.

Carpets4U is a family firm, started by craftsman Grandpa (Mr Essex Snr), and carried on by the present boss Douglas with his daughter Holly. Other family members are also in the team who work as fitters. 16

There’s something special about a family business, especially one as well-established as Carpets4U. “For one thing” says Douglas, “we have to put the customer first in every possible way if we are to be trusted with an assignment. And maybe to secure more work later on.” “ We’re in a highly competitive business. You can find carpets and floor coverings in all sorts of places with all sorts of amazing discounts if you look for them. Then maybe there’s a snag or two. Perhaps you find there’s an extra charge for fitting which you hadn’t expected, because the fitter works for someone else quite unconnected with the original sales warehouse or whatever. If you’re a family firm like ours, you can’t afford to give customers any nasty surprises. All our estimates contain every single penny of the job, so the customer knows exactly what to expect.” “In the carpet business there are numerous little wrinkles which cowboy firms can exploit for extra charges, such as the removal and disposal of an old floor covering. Or an on-thespot charge for moving furniture.” “At Carpet4U we never make any extra charges beyond our agreed estimate. Estimates are free. Delivery is free. Moving furniture is free. Fitting is free. Disposal of old coverings is free.


For our firm, all these are part of our normal service. It’s the sort of good business practice that’s helped us maintain and build our firm in spite of the present enormous competition.” “Of course, as a family firm we do have some enormous advantages, because can be flexible to suit any customer or assignment. For instance, we can bring our Mobile Carpet Showroom to you, with a vanload of as many as 7000 samples to try out and discuss in your home, without any obligation.” We put a final question to Douglas. “Many firms, large and small, can do what you do at Carpets4U. What’s your secret?” Douglas laughed. ‘Yes, we do have a secret. It’s called ‘Involvement.’ All the family know it and practise it, whether we’re dealing with carpets or any other floor covering. We will consult with the customer again and yet again if necessary, in order to achieve the best possible result. And the maximum customer satisfaction.” “For every job, all our team are as involved in the outcome just as much as the customer, and the customer knows this. This is a priceless asset in any business, and particularly in ours. That’s the secret of our success, if you like.” Carpets4U Contact: Douglas Essex or Holly Bulman on 01372 632 118 or 01737 668 118. mail@carpets4u.co.uk and www.carpets4u.co.uk

Over 500 excellent testimonials on Check-aTrade. All staff Police DBS checked.

Please mention the magazine4when contacting advertisers

Contact Us:

C A R P E T S • N AT U R A L S • V I N Y L S • L A M I N AT E S Karen Burgess 18 Kingsdowne Road Surbiton, Surrey, KT6 6JZ Tel: 020 8274 0096 Fax: 07092003581 Email: karen@berrylandscompanion.com Web: www.berrylandscompanion.com






The only carpet shop that comes to your home! See 100’s of samples & colours all at competitive prices with NO OBLIGATION in the comfort of your home or office

FREE Estimates & Advice Friendly, family run business based in Epsom, covering Surrey and SW London est. 1975

01372 632 118

5 To advertise call Karen on 020 8274 0096 5email: karen@berrylands-companion.co.uk 300 CUSTOMER TESTIMONIALS !! www.carpets4u.co.uk

Advertiser’s Guide

reased for 2 Years Issues*

ving 5%

3 Issues* Saving 7.5%

4 Issues* Saving 10%

Copy Deadline

5 Issues* Saving 20%

























Final copy must be submitted by the 16th of each month, for inclusion in the following months edition (which will be distributed during the first weekend of that month.)


Full payment for all advertisements must be received by the copy deadline date. Payment can be made by: Cheques payable to ‘Berrylands Companion’ or cash. Payment by BACS or standing order by arrangement.


‘A Berrylands Companion’ is a small independent operation and is not registered for VAT. Consequently, no VAT is charged on advertisements.

Acceptable Formats

Adverts can be submitted in the following formats: • MS Word • MS Powerpoint • MS Publisher • TIFF & JPEG Advert copy can be emailed to: karen@berrylandcompanion.com If your ad is not available in an electronic format then we can produce it for you, from your own hard copy text, normally for a fixed price of just £10, although this may be higher if you have a particularly complex advert! (This is a one-off charge - the advert could then be re-used in subsequent issues free of charge.)



f each month to guarantee publication of advert. n full payment is made. .

The Companion will be published and distributed monthly, on or around the first weekend of the month. 10 editions a year. It will be delivered to over 12,000 homes in and around Berrylands and Surbiton over two months - guaranteed. In addition it is the first source of local information for anyone moving into the area.

Format & Design

It is an A5 size booklet, stapled with colour plus black and white printed on quality paper. The Companion will be printed on 115gsm gloss paper giving it a very high quality feel. It will have ‘longevity’ and because of it’s size, content, look and feel it will be kept by the majority of households until the next issue arrives, thereby giving advertisers ‘immdiacy’ of access’ when their services are required.

Finance How to Cut the Cost of Your Summer Holiday By Ann Haldon


From currency exchange to travel insurance and car hire, it’s possible to significantly cut the cost of holidaying abroad. Here are a few tips to shave a little off your holiday spend.

Credit Cards

The fees typically charged by credit card companies are: • Foreign exchange fee: generally 3% of the amount converted from sterling into a foreign currency. • Cash withdrawal fee: between 2% and 3% of the amount withdrawn The availability of ‘specialist’ credit cards with no, or low fees, allows you to avoid these charges when you go on holiday. The Halifax Clarity credit card is a good example. At the time of writing there’s no charge for spending abroad with this card, and no cash withdrawal fee. It’s accepted anywhere that displays the MasterCard symbol. Interest will still be charged on cash withdrawals from the date you take the money out, however, until the day it’s repaid in full. Even this fee can be reduced if you’re prepared to pay off the balance via internet banking while you’re away, or if this isn’t an option, as soon as you get home.

Prepaid Cards

Prepaid cards are pre-loaded


with money before you go. The balance gradually decreases as you spend, but can be topped up again as and when you need it. With these cards the exchange rate is always set by the card provider, and applied when the card is loaded rather than each time you use it. This could work for or against you, depending on fluctuations in the foreign exchange market. If you’re thinking of purchasing one of these cards and the rate suddenly improves, you’ll be taking advantage of a strengthened Pound. Equally, you could lose out if the rate improves again later.

Holiday Insurance

Buying well in advance of your holiday is the best way to save money on holiday insurance. Consider: • Whether you are planning to take more than one trip abroad during the year. If so, a multi-trip insurance policy would be the most costeffective. • Where you are travelling you’ll have to choose between worldwide or European insurance. • If you’re likely to be participating in any risky sports such as scuba diving, the policy may be loaded with an extra charge. Booking your travel insurance independently via the internet

will generally work out cheaper than buying as an add on to flights or a package tour. Alternatively, ‘packaged’ bank accounts sometimes include annual travel insurance in their monthly fee.

Hire Car Charges

There are several ways to save money on hiring a car: • Book early to get the best deals • Include car hire in your package deal • Organise your own Collision Damage Waiver add-on Many hire car operators adopt a ‘hard sell’ approach in relation to CDW when you pick the car up, as this is the way they make their profit - by selling add-ons to ‘basic’ insurance.

Airport Parking

As with car hire, booking early is the best way to save on airport parking. Even prebooking on the day of the flight could save you a little money. Turning up at the car park is guaranteed to be the most expensive. The Money Saving Expert website is a good source of tips on where to find travel-related discounts and offers, including airport car parking. If you’re staying at an airport hotel the night before your flight, you may be able to book a package that includes the room plus parking for the duration of your holiday.

Please mention the magazine 6 when contacting advertisers

Contact Us: Karen Burgess 18 Kingsdowne Road Surbiton, Surrey, KT6 6JZ Tel: 020 8274 0096 Fax: 07092003581 Email: karen@berrylandscompanion.com Web: www.berrylandscompanion.com

Reflexology by Wendy

Relax, Rejuvinate and Rebalance your body

Experience a feeling of total relaxation Experience a feeling of total relaxation and rejuvenation through reflexology. Experience a feeling of total relaxation and rejuvenation through reflexology. and rejuvenation through reflexology.

A less invasive alternative to body massage. A less invasive alternative to body massage. A less invasive alternative to body massage.

Professional Surbiton based therapist. Professional Surbiton based therapist. Professional Surbiton based therapist. £45.00 initial consultation (60 mins appx) £45.00 initial consultation (60 (45 mins appx) £40.00 subsequent appointments mins appx) £45.00 initial consultation (60 (45 mins appx) £40.00 subsequent appointments mins appx) £40.00 subsequent appointments (45 mins appx)

10% off first 10% off first consultation, 10% off first consultation, onconsultation, production on production ofonthis advert. production of this advert. of this advert.

Wendy Malpas Reflexologist ITEC CThA 020 8241 9811 wendynmalpas1973@gmail.com

Taxation advice and guidance to local businesses Taxation advice and sole traders and guidance to for more than local businesses 15 years. and sole traders for more than 15 years.

• • • • • •

x Accounts and Taxation Accounts and Taxation x Assessment Self Assessment Tax Self Tax Returns Returns CIS and Payroll x Returns CIS and Payroll VAT x VAT Returns Tax Planning and Advice x Tax Planning and Advice Book Keeping Services

x Book Keeping Services Contact Mark Baker Contact Mark Baker 020 3044 2747 020 3044 2747 07909 703463 07909 703463 Email: markbaker@mbaccountancy.co.uk Email: markbaker@mbaccountancy.co.uk

To advertise call Karen on 020 8274 0096 7email: karen@berrylands-companion.co.uk


Advertiser’s Guide

creased for 2 Years Issues*

aving 5%

3 Issues* Saving 7.5%

4 Issues* Saving 10%

Copy Deadline

5 Issues* Saving 20%

























Final copy must be submitted by the 16th of each month, for inclusion in the following months edition (which will be distributed during the first weekend of that month.)



Fruiterer & Greengrocer

155 Surbiton Hill Park, Berrylands, Surbiton Tel: 020 8399 5550 Mob: 07753 690 518Fax: 020 890 9231

Full payment for all advertisements must be received by the copy deadline date. Payment can be made by: Cheques payable to ‘Berrylands Companion’ or cash. Payment by BACS or standing order by arrangement.

‘A Berrylands Companion’ is a small independent operation and is not registered for VAT. Consequently, no VAT is charged on advertisements.

Acceptable Formats

Adverts can be submitted in the following formats: • MS Word • MS Powerpoint • MS Publisher • TIFF & JPEG

Advert copy can be emailed to: karen@berrylandcompanion.com If your ad is not available in an electronic format then we can produce it for you, from your own hard copy text, normally for a fixed price of just £10, although this may be higher if you have a particularly complex advert! (This is a one-off charge - the advert could then be re-used in subsequent issues free of charge.)


of each month to guarantee publication of advert. n full payment is made. .


Fruits in Season The Companion will be published and distributed monthly, on or around the first weekend of the month. 10 editions a year. It will be delivered to over 12,000 homes in and around Berrylands and Surbiton over two months - guaranteed. In addition it is the first source of local information for anyone moving into the area.

Format & Design

Cherries, Gooseberries, Strawberries, Raspberries, Blueberries, Peaches, Nectarines, Apricots, Plums, All varieties of Melon It is an A5 size booklet, stapled with colour plus black and white printed on quality paper. The Companion will be printed on 115gsm gloss paper giving it a very high quality feel. It will have ‘longevity’ and because of it’s size, content, look and feel it will be kept by the majority of households until the next issue arrives, thereby giving advertisers ‘immdiacy’ of access’ when their services are required.


Vegetables in Season Asparagus, Broad beans, Courgettes, Corn on the cob Runner beans, Marrows All varieties of lettuce, New potatoes, Peas, Peppers, All varieties of tomatoes, Watercress Fresh herbs

We can supply any items for your special occasion - 24 hours notice required We have the following available: Dairy products, milk, cream, yogurt, cheese and fresh bread daily We can supply all your salad items for your BBQ in the hot Summer ahead ..... don’t forget the corn on the cob! -24 hours notice required Please contact us to discuss your requirements Tel: 020 8399 5550 Daily delivery and 24 hr answering service. All types of restaurants, cafés, schools, pubs, nursing homes and deli bars supplied Free Local Home Delivery Available 8 To advertise in A Berrylands Companion call 020 8274 0096 8

Contact Us: Karen Burgess 18 Kingsdowne Road Surbiton, Surrey, KT6 6JZ Tel: 020 8274 0096 Fax: 07092003581 Email: karen@berrylandscompanion.com Web: www.berrylandscompanion.com

Word Ladder

Change one letter at a time (but not the position of any letter) to make a new word - and move from the word at the top of the ladder to the word at the bottom, using the exact number of rungs provided.





Playtime Day Nursery Tolworth Rise North, Tolworth 117 Surbiton, Tolworth, KT5 9EP ** OPEN DAY ** Saturday 18th July 10.30am to 1.30pm

£45 per day £25 half day Easy Parking Flexible!

SAFE SECURE EDUCATIONAL Exceptional care for children aged 6 months to 5 years CARING FUN A fantastic outdoor learning and play activity area

Please come and take a look around our nursery and meet the staff! We can offer you and your child:

Very competitive pricing – we’re the lowest in the area!

For more information, any questions or to request a prospectus please email / call:


0208 399 1951

To advertise in A Berrylands Companion call 020 8274 0096


Advertiser’s Guide

creased for 2 Years 3 Issues*

4 Issues*

5 Issues*


























aving 5%

Saving 7.5%

Saving 10%

Copy Deadline

Saving 20%

Langley’s History Unfolds

Final copy must be submitted by the 16th of each month, for inclusion in the following months edition (which will be distributed during the first weekend of that month.)


Full payment for all advertisements must be received by the copy deadline date. Payment can be made by: Cheques payable to ‘Berrylands Companion’ or cash. Payment by BACS or standing order by arrangement.



‘A Berrylands Companion’ is a small independent operation and is not registered for VAT. Consequently, no VAT is charged on advertisements.

Acceptable Formats

Adverts can be submitted in the following formats: • MS Word • MS Powerpoint • MS Publisher • TIFF & JPEG

ith the excitement of the renovations to the upstairs venue to Langleys Restaurant, there has been great interest in the uncovered treasures, history and culture of this once affluent corner of Surbiton Hill. Advert copy can be emailed to: karen@berrylandcompanion.com


of each month to guarantee publication of advert. n full payment is made. .

If your ad is not available in an electronic format then we can produce it for you, from your own hard copy text, normally for a fixed price of just £10, although this may be higher if you have a particularly complex advert! (This is a one-off charge - the advert could then be re-used in subsequent issues free of charge.)


The Companion will be published and distributed monthly, on or around the first weekend of the month. 10 editions a year. It will be delivered to over 12,000 homes in and around Berrylands and Surbiton over two months - guaranteed. In addition it is the first source of local information for anyone moving into the area.

Format & Design

It is an A5 size booklet, stapled with colour plus black and white printed on quality paper. The Companion will be printed on 115gsm gloss paper giving it a very high quality feel. It will have ‘longevity’ and because of it’s size, content, look and feel it will be kept by the majority of households until the next issue arrives, thereby giving advertisers ‘immdiacy’ of access’ when their services are required.


The curved corner on Langley Road was built in 1893 for a family grocers’ known as the Jamison Brothers. Twenty six years later, the business became the 13th branch of Waitrose in the country serving the grand houses in the Southborough estate. The branch surpassed the hardships of the First World War, flourishing by 1922. By the time of the Second World War, the shop’s basement was used as an air raid shelter for residents of Ewell Road and Browns Road. Big changes came in the 1950s introducing rock ‘n’ roll to the area with the coming of Bell’s guitar shop.

Instruments. Other well known musicians like Jeff Beck, Jimmy Page and Keith Richard were also customers. It came to the end of an era by 1983 when the guitar shop closed and Bell’s shop became the much loved restaurant Liberty Bell in 1984. Thirty years later, the building is now being restored back to its original glory, with many original features being discovered which have been hidden for nearly a century. The work is underway new chandeliers and polished touches to join history and modernity. It’s the aim to grace Surbiton Hill with a restored gema stunning venue for special occasions with the highest level of service, menu options and live music. If any local residents have any pictures of this beautiful building or indeed any anecdotal stories of memories of its past reincarnations please do get in touch Miranda@langleysrestaurant.co.uk.

Eric Clapton was given his first guitar by his grandparents who had bought it from Bell’s Musical 10 10

Please mention the magazine when contacting advertisers

Contact Us: Karen Burgess 18 Kingsdowne Road Surbiton, Surrey, KT6 6JZ Tel: 020 8274 0096 Fax: 07092003581 Email: karen@berrylandscompanion.com Web: www.berrylandscompanion.com




3 Course Meal - £25.00 – Free Wine served with Meal Tables of Ladies Only 6 p.m. – 11 p.m.

*Except for the month of December. Please note: The ‘Free Wine’ offer will only be served once your food order has been taken for the entire table, and will last the duration of your meal.


Saving 5%

3 Issues* Saving 7.5%

Beauty Advertiser’s Guide

creased for 2 Years

2 Issues*

4 Issues* Saving 10%

























e at £297 per 8,000.

Copy Deadline

5 Issues* Saving 20%


Final copy must be submitted by the 16th of each month, for inclusion in the following months edition (which will be distributed during the first weekend of that month.)


Full payment for all advertisements must be received by the copy deadline date. Payment can be made by: Cheques payable to ‘Berrylands Companion’ or cash. Payment by BACS or standing order by arrangement.


‘A Berrylands Companion’ is a small independent operation and is not registered for VAT. Consequently, no VAT is charged on advertisements.

Acceptable Formats

Adverts can be submitted in the following formats: • MS Word • MS Powerpoint • MS Publisher • TIFF & JPEG

Advert copy can be emailed to: karen@berrylandcompanion.com

If your ad is not available in an electronic format then we can produce it for you, from your own hard copy text, normally for a fixed price of just £10, although this may be higher if you have a particularly complex advert! (This is a one-off charge - the advert could then be re-used in subsequent issues free of charge.)

of each month to guarantee publication of advert. en full payment is made. h.


Festival Frenzy The Companion will be published and distributed monthly, on or around the first weekend of the month. 10 editions a year. It will be delivered to over 12,000 homes in and around Berrylands and Surbiton over two months - guaranteed. In addition it is the first source of local information for anyone moving into the area.

Format & Design

It is an A5 size booklet, stapled with colour plus black and white printed on quality paper. The Companion will be printed on 115gsm gloss paper giving it a very high quality feel. It will have ‘longevity’ and because of it’s size, content, look and feel it will be kept by the majority of households until the next issue arrives, thereby giving advertisers ‘immdiacy’ of access’ when their services are required.

by Kate Duggan www.kateduggan.co.uk 16

Ah we do love a good festival. Whether you’re off to Leeds to watch Mumford & Sons, heading to Sundown for a spot of glamping, or taking the whole family to Camp Bestival, you can’t beat a festival for creating some long-lasting memories of summer. While you don’t need to pack your full make-up bag, there are still a few beauty essentials you’ll want to squash into your rucksack. Trying to keep your cool on a sweltering summer’s day, surrounded by a few thousand people, is not an easy task. A re-usable water bottle and pocket fan are pretty much essential, but you may also want to add Green People Toning Hydrating Mist to your arsenal. A lot of toning mists are formulated with alcohol, so can actually dry your skin out even more, but this one is alcohol-free and contains aloe vera, orange blossom, rose water and marshmallow extracts to give your skin a real hydration boost. It’s wonderfully refreshing

12 12

and also ideal for long-haul flights and taking the burn out of shaving. A bottle costs £13.95 from www. greenpeople.co.uk and should last you for most of the summer. A good suntan lotion, that offers both UVA and UVB protection, is vital, but even if you are religious about avoiding sunburn, it’s still worth having a decent after-sun to hand. We like Hawaiian Tropic After Sun Cooling Aloe Gel, which (as you’ve probably guessed) contains aloe vera, along with a vitamin A & E complex. As well as soothing sunburn, it helps to prevent peeling, eases the itch of insect bites and hydrates your skin. It can feel a bit sticky, but it gets the job done. Pick it up for just £5 from www.FragranceDirect.co.uk If you’re planning to slum it in with the other campers, you might want to take a packet of baby wipes to freshen up between showers. Baby wipes can be a bit too harsh for your face though, so if you have space, pack some Pacifica Coconut Cleansing Wipes. One of my own personal beauty essentials, these remove make-up gently, but effectively, and leave your skin

Please mention the magazine when contacting advertisers

Contact Us: Karen Burgess 18 Kingsdowne Road Surbiton, Surrey, KT6 6JZ Tel: 020 8274 0096 Fax: 07092003581 Email: karen@berrylandscompanion.com Web: www.berrylandscompanion.com

feeling really plumped and hydrated. Order yours from www.lovelula.co.uk for £4.99, with free delivery. Festivals can be a breeding ground for colds, flu and other viruses, and partying to the early hours doesn’t exactly help your body to fight them off. As well as stocking up on anti-bacterial hand gel, give your immune system a boost ahead of time with a decent nutritional supplement. Unbeelievable Bee Prepared Daily Defence Immune Support is a good choice. 100% natural, it contains bee propolis, black elderberry and other extracts that have been clinically proven to help support your immune system. It’s available from Holland & Barrett

Mrs Paula Maple

and other health stores for £9.99. If you’re planning to rock-chick-it-up this summer, check out label.m Texturising Volume Spray, which gives you the texturising benefits of a dry shampoo, with the hold of a hairspray. It was one of London Fashion Week’s ‘official haircare products’ and is great for adding long-lasting volume and height, so perfect for backcombed styles. The original version has been criticised as being too light for darker hair colours, so label.m have now introduced a version just for brunettes.

“The Ultimate Class for Mums and Babies” The Times

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Final copy must be submitted by the 16th of each month, for inclusion in the following months edition (which will be distributed during the first weekend of that month.)


Full payment for all advertisements must be received by the copy deadline date. Payment can be made by: Cheques payable to ‘Berrylands Companion’ or cash. Payment by BACS or standing order by arrangement.


‘A Berrylands Companion’ is a small independent operation and is not registered for VAT. Consequently, no VAT is charged on advertisements.

Acceptable Formats

Adverts can be submitted in the following formats: • MS Word • MS Powerpoint • MS Publisher • TIFF & JPEG Advert copy can be emailed to: karen@berrylandcompanion.com If your ad is not available in an electronic format then we can produce it for you, from your own hard copy text, normally for a fixed price of just £10, although this may be higher if you have a particularly complex advert! (This is a one-off charge - the advert could then be re-used in subsequent issues free of charge.)



of each month to guarantee publication of advert. n full payment is made. h.

The Companion will be published and distributed monthly, on or around the first weekend of the month. 10 editions a year. It will be delivered to over 12,000 homes in and around Berrylands and Surbiton over two months - guaranteed. In addition it is the first source of local information for anyone moving into the area.

Format & Design

It is an A5 size booklet, stapled with colour plus black and white printed on quality paper. The Companion will be printed on 115gsm gloss paper giving it a very high quality feel. It will have ‘longevity’ and because of it’s size, content, look and feel it will be kept by the majority of households until the next issue arrives, thereby giving advertisers ‘immdiacy’ of access’ when their services are required.

Keeping Healthy in the Sun by Pippa Greenwood


There is something lovely about this part of the summer. The veg plot tends to be in overdrive and there are some delicious fruits cropping too. But sometimes your beloved flower beds and borders, pots and planters can be looking ever-so-slightly sorry for themselves. There is often a distinct mid-summer-flop. You planted up your flower beds and numerous pots and containers to make them look good but how can you keep them looking on top form for as long as possible? Regular feeding is essential, particularly for anything growing in a container. Often crammed into a fairly small space and with compost whose fertiliser content is pretty well used up after a few weeks, by July plants in pots can be close to starving if you’ve not fed them regularly. At this time of year I would still feed herbaceous perennials and annuals growing in open ground too, but I suggest you resist the temptation to feed shrubs as these could be encouraged to put on new growth which will not be toughened up enough by the time winter comes; this late

14 14

growth is then very prone to frost damage. A tomato feed with a high potash level works well for anything that you grow primarily for the flowers so every time you feed your tomatoes make up a bit of extra feed and pop it onto flowering plants. I tend to buy concentrated tomato food by the mini-tanker full as this works out much more economical! Make sure that everything is deadheaded regularly, both the faded flowers and if necessary remove the flower stem too. On soft stemmed plants you may be able to make to do it using your thumb nail, but a pair of sharp scissors or similar often makes for the quickest, neatest and least messy job. Do this as soon as the flower starts to deteriorate so that no energy whatsoever is used to form seed heads and it will make a huge difference to the performance you see the plants put on over the next few weeks. I am a great believer in the ‘hair cut’ approach where perennials are given a trim using scissors or shears as soon as their flowering period is over. Do this promptly and follow it with a good feed and you can often

encourage a second, later flush of flowers too. If plants have become a little too tall or there has been a lot of rainfall they can literally flop over, clogging up the lawn on borders next to the grass, and generally looking a real mess. This is easily solved if you check that stakes and other supports are still doing their job and re-position them if necessary, taking care not to snap any flower stems in the process. You may even find that you need to add a bit of extra support or tie in a few of the taller or more wayward stems – the foam-covered wire works really well for this. At this time of year many flowers succumb to common diseases. This is how to deal with them: Powdery mildew: keep the plant well watered at the base but avoid wetting the leaves and spray with a suitable fungicide if necessary Aphids: remove with a strong jet of water, introduce ladybirds or spray with an insecticide Leaf spots: just pick off the worst affected leaves

Please mention the magazine when contacting advertisers

Contact Us: Karen Burgess 18 Kingsdowne Road Surbiton, Surrey, KT6 6JZ Tel: 020 8274 0096 Fax: 07092003581 Email: karen@berrylandscompanion.com Web: www.berrylandscompanion.com

Rusts: pick off the worst affected leaves, try to keep the foliage dry and spray with a suitable insecticide Caterpillars: pick off by hand or spray with a suitable biological or chemical control Keeping on top of these small problems is essential - regular checks should allow you to take prompt action, so avoiding too much damage occurring and often meaning that you do not even need to spray. Weeds tend to be growing rapidly too, so try to remove these as they make for a lot of competition for water, food and even light. Pulling them out or hoeing them off when they are still fairly small is a much easier and more efficient way to deal with them than trying to pull out a massive, long-rooted

triffid that has already done a lot of damage. If the weather is dry, regular watering will also help to keep your flower beds and containers looking their best. To minimise water wastage and the risk of those delicate petals becoming scorched, I suggest that you should only water in the evening or, if this is not possible, very early in the morning. A less frequent but thorough drenching is a lot more beneficial than very frequent but light waterings.

biocontrols, Nemaslug, SoftTie, weeders, pop-up crop covers, , copper tape and lots more besides.

So, with a little extra TLC everything in the garden can still look gorgeous for a long while yet! Visit Pippa’s website www.pippagreenwood. com ladybirds & other


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Safe as Mouses

Advertiser’s Guide

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Final copy must be submitted by the 16th of each month, for inclusion in the following months edition (which will be distributed during the first weekend of that month.)


Full payment for all advertisements must be received by the copy deadline date. Payment can be made by: Cheques payable to ‘Berrylands Companion’ or cash. Payment by BACS or standing order by arrangement.


‘A Berrylands Companion’ is a small independent operation and is not registered for VAT. Consequently, no VAT is charged on advertisements.

How technology can keep us safe at home & when we travel Acceptable Formats

Adverts can be submitted in the following formats: • MS Word • MS Powerpoint • MS Publisher • TIFF & JPEG

Advert copy can be emailed to: karen@berrylandcompanion.com If your ad is not available in an electronic format then we can produce it for you, from your own hard copy text, normally for a fixed price of just £10, although this may be higher if you have a particularly complex advert! (This is a one-off charge - the advert could then be re-used in subsequent issues free of charge.)



of each month to guarantee publication of advert. n full payment is made. h.

The Companion will be published and distributed monthly, on or around the first weekend of the month. 10 editions a year. It will be delivered to over 12,000 homes in and around Berrylands and Surbiton over two months - guaranteed. In addition it is the first source of local information for anyone moving into the area.

Format & Design

It is an A5 size booklet, stapled with colour plus black and white printed on quality paper. The Companion will be printed on 115gsm gloss paper giving it a very high quality feel. It will have ‘longevity’ and because of it’s size, content, look and feel it will be kept by the majority of households until the next issue arrives, thereby giving advertisers ‘immdiacy’ of access’ when their services are required.


Humanity could probably survive without LED barbecue lights or USB coffee cup warmers. But technology can help to keep us safe as well as keep us pampered, and a growing army of gadgets is designed to do just that. One of the most interesting safety gadgets is the £89 Nest Protect, a smart smoke detector. The Protect can tell the difference between burnt toast and a serious problem, and it can warn you of problems by sending a message to your phone. The Nest Protect is part of a growing trend of home automation, with both Google and Apple encouraging firms to make devices that connect to our phones and help keep us safe. That doesn’t just mean sounding smoke alarms and keeping an eye on our houses. It can also mean keeping your kids safe. The My Buddy Tag (£39) is a smartwatch that alerts you if your child starts to wander off, or if it’s submerged in water for more than ten seconds. It connects to your phone via Bluetooth and you can have more than one tag if you’re looking after more than one child. Products such as the Cuff

16 16

smart bracelet (from around £40 via the US) are designed to share notifications from your phone, but they also have an alert mode that enables you to contact friends, family or colleagues in an emergency without having to reach for your phone. The US$120 Guardian Angel is based on a similar idea but takes a different approach: if you’re feeling uncomfortable you give it a little squeeze and it calls your phone so you can pretend you’ve been called away. Expect to see lots more such products as the interest in wearable technology increases this year, especially now the Apple Watch is on sale: developers are already working on health, safety and security apps for Apple’s wearable wonder. If you’ve ever left the house and realised you’d left something switched on, technology can help with that too. Belkin’s WeMo (from about £35) are internetconnected switches that you can automate - for example you can set heaters to go on and off according to the weather forecast or make music start playing if a WeMo with a motion detector spots movement. They also enable

you to remotely switch off anything you’d left on by mistake. Fitting your house with a bunch of WeMo switches isn’t cheap, but the price of this kind of product is already falling fast. It’s just a matter of time before internetconnected switches are almost as cheap as their traditional equivalents. Gadgets can keep you safe on the move, too. The Blaze Laserlight is £125 before you start adding accessories, but it might just save your life. It’s a waterproof, USB-chargeable bike light that uses a laser to project an image of a bike six metres in front of you. That means it warns pedestrians and drivers that you’re near, eradicating the blind spots that result in so many cycling injuries (and bumped pedestrians). LED lights that make bike wheels look like circular neon signs and paint that makes bikes shine brightly in the dark will go on sale later this year too. Images left to right: Nest Protect smart smoke alarm; My Buddy Tag smartwatch for children; Guardian Angel safety jewellery; Blaze Laserlight bicycle safety light

Please mention the magazine when contacting advertisers

Contact Us: Karen Burgess 18 Kingsdowne Road Surbiton, Surrey, KT6 6JZ Tel: 020 8274 0096 Fax: 07092003581 Email: karen@berrylandscompanion.com Web: www.berrylandscompanion.com

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020 8274 009617 email: karen@berrylands-companion.co.uk


Home & Interiors Advertiser’s Guide

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Final copy must be submitted by the 16th of each month, for inclusion in the following months edition (which will be distributed during the first weekend of that month.)


Full payment for all advertisements must be received by the copy deadline date. Payment can be made by: Cheques payable to ‘Berrylands Companion’ or cash. Payment by BACS or standing order by arrangement.

Glorious Georgian VAT

‘A Berrylands Companion’ is a small independent operation and is not registered for VAT. Consequently, no VAT is charged on advertisements.

Acceptable Formats

Adverts can be submitted in the following formats: • MS Word • MS Powerpoint • MS Publisher • TIFF & JPEG

By Katherine Sorrell

Advert copy can be emailed to: karen@berrylandcompanion.com If your ad is not available in an electronic format then we can produce it for you, from your own hard copy text, normally for a fixed price of just £10, although this may be higher if you have a particularly complex advert! (This is a one-off charge - the advert could then be re-used in subsequent issues free of charge.)


e at £297 per 8,000.


of each month to guarantee publication of advert. en full payment is made. h.

The Companion will be published and distributed monthly, on or around the first weekend of the month. 10 editions a year. It will be delivered to over 12,000 homes in and around Berrylands and Surbiton over two months - guaranteed. In addition it is the first source of local information for anyone moving into the area.

Format & Design

It is an A5 size booklet, stapled with colour plus black and white printed on quality paper. The Companion will be printed on 115gsm gloss paper giving it a very high quality feel. It will have ‘longevity’ and because of it’s size, content, look and feel it will be kept by the majority of households until the next issue arrives, thereby giving advertisers ‘immdiacy’ of access’ when their services are required.


You don’t have to live in a 250-year-old house to enjoy the timeless elegance of Georgian style. Refined and uncluttered, its symmetry, proportion and classicism looks good in all kinds of homes, says Katherine Sorrell

Did you know that it was the Georgians who made us modern? During the century or so following the ascent of GeorgeI in 1714, our towns and cities, homes and gardens, and even our leisure time were transformed, and the inexorable rise of popular culture began. Perhaps it is part of a trend away from pared-down minimalism in favour of bolder colours, decorative surfaces and more intricate shapes, or perhaps it is simply the appeal of classic elegance – either way, it is not surprising that we find Georgian life and times, and especially its architecture and interiors, utterly fascinating. But what was Georgian style? In an era that lasted more than a century, there were inevitably a variety of fashions, starting with the drama and lavishness of the Baroque, then the symmetry and order of Palladianism, then into the delicate, scrolling lines of Rococo, and finally the neo-Classical and Greek Revival styles. But according to V&A curator Julius Bryant:


‘The prevailing mood of the period is one of classical revival, of symmetry, order, balance, space and calm – in contrast to Victorian clutter. The centrepiece of a room would be a fireplace with a prominent mantelpiece, and then lovely floorboards, Turkish rugs, and furniture made from walnut and mahogany, with carved edges, stable and strong.’ This was, of course, the age of the master cabinet-maker: famous names such as Thomas Chippendale and George Hepplewhite. Although styles varied according to the prevailing fashion, the general preference was for fine, small, light pieces made from rich woods, often featuring decorative gilding, marquetry or lacquer. If you can’t afford Georgian antiques, look for Victorian or Edwardian replicas, and use loose covers to conceal unsuitable modern pieces, as was the fashion at the time. As for fabrics, cottons and linens became extremely popular and a host of beautiful printed and woven patterns appeared, many of which are still available, including chintzes featuring large, bright florals, bold stripes, spray of flowers, Chinese scenes and the monochrome images of toile de Jouy. On walls, either wood panelling or block-printed wallpaper would be perfect, or else look for appropriate paint colours from the many historic ranges on offer today. Georgian ‘common’ colours included off-white, stone, grey, cream, a wide range of earthy tones and chocolate. Generally speaking, the stronger the colour, the more expensive it was to produce, so some people added touches of pea green, olive, lemon or pale blue, while the very well off employed brighter shades such

Please mention the magazine 18 when contacting advertisers

Contact Us: Karen Burgess 18 Kingsdowne Road Surbiton, Surrey, KT6 6JZ Tel: 020 8274 0096 Fax: 07092003581 Email: karen@berrylandscompanion.com Web: www.berrylandscompanion.com

as pink, orange, straw, deep green, ultramarine and Prussian blue. At the start of the Georgian era homes were very poorly lit, but by the turn of the century there had been great advances in technology. Gas and oil lighting – despite being prone to the occasional explosion – was the latest thing for those who could afford it, though candles were still the norm for most. This meant that decorative light fittings became fashionable, which reflected light prettily in ornamental mirrors. Period lighting can be tricky to get right; either seek out good reproductions or stick to simple, timeless modern fittings that won’t clash with other pieces. In many older homes, panelledwood shutters look just right at the windows – you may even be lucky enough to have them in place already. If not, simple curtains made from a suitable

fabric work well, reflecting the fact that the later part of the Georgian period saw the introduction of French rod curtains that drew horizontally – the forerunners of our modern curtains. Last of all, to really get things right, add one or two typical finishing touches such as classical busts or statues, romantic porcelain figures, lacquerwork screens, rococo silver and Wedgwood ceramics. And ensure that your rooms are arranged with a nod to the Georgian taste, with an emphasis on order and symmetry. You will no doubt appreciate how this gracious and tasteful style, once the very cutting edge of fashion, has become an essential element in our interior vocabulary.

colour that was hugely popular at the end of the 18th and beginning of the 19th centuries, Mylands Paints, 020 8670 9161; www.mylands. co.uk. Left bottom:Georgian-style wing chair, £1,112, Delcor, 0191 237 1303; www.delcor.co.uk.

IMAGES - Above: Georgian mirror, £249, The Pure Bathroom Collection from Smiths Briten, 0845 634 4321; www.purebathroomcollection. co.uk. Left top: French Green no.187, an historic

Painting and Decorating Roofing and Guttering Plastering and Tiling Household Maintenance Loft conversions and extensions Marcus & Sarah Baines 020 8390 7549 07702 603 885 berrylands-property@blueyonder.co.uk

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No obligation quotations. References available. All work guaranteed and fully insured.

To advertise call Karen on 020 8274 009619 email: karen@berrylands-companion.co.uk


Now it’s back to busy normality at Surbiton Racket and Fitness Club! Advertiser’s Guide

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Copy Deadline

5 Issues* Saving 20%

























Final copy must be submitted by the 16th of each month, for inclusion in the following months edition (which will be distributed during the first weekend of that month.)


Roy Staniland reflects

Full payment for all advertisements must be received by the copy deadline date. Payment can be made by: Cheques payable to ‘Berrylands Companion’ or cash. Payment by BACS or standing order by arrangement.


‘A Berrylands Companion’ is a small independent operation and is not registered for VAT. Consequently, no VAT is charged on advertisements.

Acceptable Formats

Adverts can be submitted in the following formats: • MS Word • MS Powerpoint • MS Publisher • TIFF & JPEG

one are the heady days in June when we hosted the prestigious Aegon Surbiton tennis Trophy for international men and ladies. And as I write, we are looking forward to the next great tennis event, Wimbledon, which runs from the 29th of June to the 12th of July. Advert copy can be emailed to: karen@berrylandcompanion.com


f each month to guarantee publication of advert. n full payment is made. .

If your ad is not available in an electronic format then we can produce it for you, from your own hard copy text, normally for a fixed price of just £10, although this may be higher if you have a particularly complex advert! (This is a one-off charge - the advert could then be re-used in subsequent issues free of charge.)


The Companion will be published and distributed monthly, on or around the first weekend of the month. 10 editions a year. It will be delivered to over 12,000 homes in and around Berrylands and Surbiton over two months - guaranteed. In addition it is the first source of local information for anyone moving into the area.

Format & Design

It is an A5 size booklet, stapled with colour plus black and white printed on quality paper. The Companion will be printed on 115gsm gloss paper giving it a very high quality feel. It will have ‘longevity’ and because of it’s size, content, look and feel it will be kept by the majority of households until the next issue arrives, thereby giving advertisers ‘immdiacy’ of access’ when their services are required.

Back here in Surbiton, our own Aegon Trophy in June was an outstanding success, and this calls for an enormous ‘Thank You’ to all who participated and helped in so many different ways – the players, the officials, our groundsmen and staff and our indispensable army of volunteers. And especially all our local residents. So – on behalf of Surbiton Racket and Fitness Club, a most sincere thanks to you all! With everyone’s help and expertise we hope to have an even more exciting re-run next year! 16

If I were to pick out the most important factor in the success of the Tournament, it would be our eleven splendid grass courts, lovingly tended by our staff throughout the winter months, and brought to peak condition for the new season. Few clubs like ours can offer a set of grass courts to match ours, either in quality or quantity! Overall, the Aegon Surbiton Trophy has many plusses for us. The Club benefits financially, of course. But beyond that, the Aegon event reinforces Surbiton as a major player on the British and international tennis scene. And the added prestige brings us many new Members – and not just new tennis-playing Members, either. Whatever your sport or interest, Surbiton Racket and Fitness Club is the place to be. Why? Because we offer so many different facilities for our Members. For tennis, for instance, our eleven grass courts are backed up by nine first-class hard courts, three of them laid in synthetic clay. With a total of twenty courts, we are well-equipped for the summer rush of tennis enthusiasm. Assuming some good weather, of course! And we need a good number of courts for our extensive coaching programmes. Indoors, our four state-of-the-art squash courts are well-patronised. All are air-conditioned and heated when necessary. And on Saturday evenings there’s a special Squash Club Night, where you can meet new friends and find new opponents. This starts at


5.30pm every week. There’s also a Beginners’ Squash Evening on Sundays from 5pm to 6pm, and for those of all standards who are keen to improve their game, our Squash Coach can be contacted through the Club. Our spacious Fitness Suite is popular all the year round. We offer some of the latest equipment, from cardio-vascular aids to resistance machines and free weights. Close by is our Studio, where we run regular classes for Zumba, Pilates,Yoga and Indoor Cycling. Summer is also a good time for all our social activities, such as our BBQs and regular Quiz Nights. We’re a friendly Club, as you would soon find if you came along to see us. There’s always something going on at the Club – the choice is yours! Whatever your chosen activity, you can happily relax afterwards in the Clubhouse Bar with coffee or other drinks. At Surbiton Racket and Fitness Club we’re always looking to introduce extra Member-friendly ideas and facilities. Recently we’ve brought in a new class of membership – Off Peak Full. This applies to all the Club’s facilities on weekdays only and up to 5pm, and gives a substantial saving of more than £100 from the standard Full Membership. There’s also a new option – Off Peak Gym, which applies to weekdays only and up to 5pm. This offers remarkable value – the use of our splendid Fitness Suite at Off Peak times for only £112 for three months or £360 for a full year. At just £30 a month* it’s a real bargain. Our our extensive Junior Membership also benefits from very generous terms. Why don’t you pop in and see us? You’ll be very welcome, and there’s no obligation. Best wishes Roy Roy Staniland is Director of Surbiton Racket and Fitness Club, Berrylands,KT5 8JT 0208 399 1594 www.Surbiton.org *Terms and Conditions apply

Please mention the magazine 20 when contacting advertisers

Contact Us: Karen Burgess 18 Kingsdowne Road Surbiton, Surrey, KT6 6JZ Tel: 020 8274 0096 Fax: 07092003581 Email: karen@berrylandscompanion.com Web: www.berrylandscompanion.com

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To advertise call Karen on 020 8274 009621 email: karen@berrylands-companion.co.uk



Advertiser’s Guide

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Copy Deadline

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Final copy must be submitted by the 16th of each month, for inclusion in the following months edition (which will be distributed during the first weekend of that month.)


Full payment for all advertisements must be received by the copy deadline date. Payment can be made by: Cheques payable to ‘Berrylands Companion’ or cash. Payment by BACS or standing order by arrangement.


‘A Berrylands Companion’ is a small independent operation and is not registered for VAT. Consequently, no VAT is charged on advertisements.

Acceptable Formats

Adverts can be submitted in the following formats: • MS Word • MS Powerpoint • MS Publisher • TIFF & JPEG Advert copy can be emailed to: karen@berrylandcompanion.com If your ad is not available in an electronic format then we can produce it for you, from your own hard copy text, normally for a fixed price of just £10, although this may be higher if you have a particularly complex advert! (This is a one-off charge - the advert could then be re-used in subsequent issues free of charge.)


at £297 per 8,000.


f each month to guarantee publication of advert. full payment is made.

The Companion will be published and distributed monthly, on or around the first weekend of the month. 10 editions a year. It will be delivered to over 12,000 homes in and around Berrylands and Surbiton over two months - guaranteed. In addition it is the first source of local information for anyone moving into the area.

Format & Design

It is an A5 size booklet, stapled with colour plus black and white printed on quality paper. The Companion will be printed on 115gsm gloss paper giving it a very high quality feel. It will have ‘longevity’ and because of it’s size, content, look and feel it will be kept by the majority of households until the next issue arrives, thereby giving advertisers ‘immdiacy’ of access’ when their services are required.



Please mention the magazine 22 when contacting advertisers

Contact Us: Karen Burgess 18 Kingsdowne Road Surbiton, Surrey, KT6 6JZ Tel: 020 8274 0096 Fax: 07092003581 Email: karen@berrylandscompanion.com Web: www.berrylandscompanion.com

Virgin Active, Kingston on Mondays St Nicholas Church Hall, Thames Ditton on Weds Surbiton Hill Methodist Church Hall on Thursdays St Luke's Church, Kingston on Thursdays YMCA Surbiton on Fridays St John's Parish Hall, Surbiton/Kingston on Saturdays

KINGSTON, SURBITON AND THAMES DITTON T: 0208 224 3971 E: kingston.surbiton@monkeymusic.co.uk

Group discounts for NCT members when 3+ people join together at the same time.

Hidato Starting at 1 and finishing at 49, track your way from one square to another, either horizontally, vertically or diagonally, placing consecutive numbers into the empty squares as you go. Some numbers are already given.







22 1 4


26 49




10 11



16 15



To advertise call Karen on 020 8274 009623 email: karen@berrylands-companion.co.uk


Advertiser’s Guide

creased for 2 Years

2 Issues*

Saving 5%

3 Issues* Saving 7.5%

4 Issues* Saving 10%

Copy Deadline

5 Issues* Saving 20%

























Final copy must be submitted by the 16th of each month, for inclusion in the following months edition (which will be distributed during the first weekend of that month.)


Full payment for all advertisements must be received by the copy deadline date. Payment can be made by: Cheques payable to ‘Berrylands Companion’ or cash. Payment by BACS or standing order by arrangement.

Here Comes the Bride


‘A Berrylands Companion’ is a small independent operation and is not registered for VAT. Consequently, no VAT is charged on advertisements.

Acceptable Formats

Adverts can be submitted in the following formats: • MS Word • MS Powerpoint • MS Publisher • TIFF & JPEG Advert copy can be emailed to: karen@berrylandcompanion.com If your ad is not available in an electronic format then we can produce it for you, from your own hard copy text, normally for a fixed price of just £10, although this may be higher if you have a particularly complex advert! (This is a one-off charge - the advert could then be re-used in subsequent issues free of charge.)


ne at £297 per 8,000.


of each month to guarantee publication of advert. en full payment is made. th.

The Companion will be published and distributed monthly, on or around the first weekend of the month. 10 editions a year. It will be delivered to over 12,000 homes in and around Berrylands and Surbiton over two months - guaranteed. In addition it is the first source of local information for anyone moving into the area.

Format & Design

It is an A5 size booklet, stapled with colour plus black and white printed on quality paper. The Companion will be printed on 115gsm gloss paper giving it a very high quality feel. It will have ‘longevity’ and because of it’s size, content, look and feel it will be kept by the majority of households until the next issue arrives, thereby giving advertisers ‘immdiacy’ of access’ when their services are required.


The Edible Woman - Margaret Atwood Marian McAlpin has a bit of a problem, in that since she got engaged, she hasn’t been able to eat. It would appear that the concept of wedded bliss is something she physically can’t stomach! She may be marrying her heart’s desire, but her other organs definitely think it’s disagreeable. She starts off rejecting meat, but then it descends into pretty much anything that passes her lips. This is a funny and engaging novel about what happens when you’re not really listening to your gut. Love in the Time of Cholera - Gabriel Garcia Marquez It sounds simple to find and marry your heart’s desire, but if she then marries someone else, it can leave you a bit high and dry. For more than fifty years, Florentino Ariza has been pining, after being rejected by Fermina Daza. Luckily, he’s been able to find comfort in the arms of countless other women, and yet somehow they don’t measure up to his Fermina. As luck will have it (!) Fermina’s husband is killed whilst trying to rescue his parrot from a mango tree and Florentino pounces on his second chance. Can he win her love this time around?

Love is in the air, and everywhere you look around women are buying frocks and hats and men are polishing up their Best Man speeches. The wedding season is truly upon us and for all those blushing brides to be, here’s a selection of books that will help you with what to expect when you’re getting hitched. Lucy Sullivan is Getting Married - Marian Keyes When a psychic tells you you’ll be married within a year, your heart starts to sing. When you don’t even have a boyfriend, your first instinct might be to demand your money back! Lucy Sullivan is already a sceptic so it’s a pretty dubious prediction, or so she thinks. Enter Gus. Swiftly followed by Chuck. Then add flirty Daniel into the mix and things really start to get interesting. Fate is playing a crafty hand here but is it Lucy who’s really holding all the cards? The Lover’s Dictionary David Levithan How do we express all the emotions that we feel when we are in love, when we lose love, or when love is unrequited? How can we possibly verbalise the internal torture, the mindblowing rapture or the most exquisite of pain? The Lover’s Dictionary is a fascinating read. We’re not talking ‘Amorous to Zealous’, but more a series of ‘trigger’ words such as ‘recant’, ‘corrode’ and ‘abstraction’ which get the Levithan treatment. It’s hard to read in parts and incredibly recognisable to anyone who has been in love or lost love. Are we all complete novices at the beginning of every new relationship? It certainly can feel that way.

Otherwise Engaged Suzanne Finnamore Eve is over the moon when Michael proposes and she can’t wait to share her happiness with everyone around her. But, inevitably, reality soon hits home and thoughts of wedded bliss turn into a full blown panic attack on the realisation that, that this is it: one man for the rest of her life. It’s time for Eve to reach for the paper bag and take some nice deep breaths as the stresses and strains of wedding planning take their toll. This is a humorous look at what happens after you agree to live happily ever after. It’s not over until somebody says, “I do”. Wedding Planning for Dummies - Dominique Douglas and Bernadette Chapman So, if you’ve read our selection of novels and it still hasn’t put you off getting wed then you’re obviously going to need a little bit of help. Everyone thinks they know exactly what their perfect wedding day will look like but surely no one would balk at the chance to save some time and money. It’s pretty much a step by step guide to getting to the church on time, picking the right flowers and making sure the cake doesn’t topple…all without having a stroke. Image credits The Random House Group Ltd

24 Please mention the magazine24when contacting advertisers

Contact Us: Karen Burgess 18 Kingsdowne Road Surbiton, Surrey, KT6 6JZ Tel: 020 8274 0096 Fax: 07092003581 Email: karen@berrylandscompanion.com Web: www.berrylandscompanion.com

To advertise call Karen on 020 8274 009625 email: karen@berrylands-companion.co.uk


Advertiser’s Guide

en’t Increased for 2 Years


2 Issues*




























Saving 5%



3 Issues* Saving 7.5%

4 Issues* Saving 10%

And Another Thing...

Copy Deadline

5 Issues* Saving 20%

Final copy must be submitted by the 16th of each month, for inclusion in the following months edition (which will be distributed during the first weekend of that month.)


Full payment for all advertisements must be received by the copy deadline date. Payment can be made by: Cheques payable to ‘Berrylands Companion’ or cash. Payment by BACS or standing order by arrangement.


‘A Berrylands Companion’ is a small independent operation and is not registered for VAT. Consequently, no VAT is charged on advertisements.


Acceptable Formats

Adverts can be submitted in the following formats: • MS Word • MS Powerpoint • MS Publisher • TIFF & JPEG




Advert copy can be emailed to: karen@berrylandcompanion.com


If your ad is not available in an electronic format then we can produce it for you, from your own hard copy text, normally for a fixed price of just £10, although this may be higher if you have a particularly complex advert! (This is a one-off charge - the advert could then be re-used in subsequent issues free of charge.)


magazine at £297 per 8,000.


by 16th of each month to guarantee publication of advert. eed when full payment is made. ch month.

The Companion will be published and distributed monthly, on or around the first weekend of the month. 10 editions a year. It will be delivered to over 12,000 homes in and around Berrylands and Surbiton over two months - guaranteed. In addition it is the first source of local information for anyone moving into the area.

Format & Design

It is an A5 size booklet, stapled with colour plus black and white printed on quality paper. The Companion will be printed on 115gsm gloss paper giving it a very high quality feel. It will have ‘longevity’ and because of it’s size, content, look and feel it will be kept by the majority of households until the next issue arrives, thereby giving advertisers ‘immdiacy’ of access’ when their services are required.

on.com m


by Tom Hughes

My Sunday morning began like any other. Settled into my favourite chair with my brew, a slice of freshly buttered toast and two episodes of Broadchurch on catch-up, I was just about to take my first sip of tea when in walked Sarah, closely followed by Hannah and Emily. Sarah, wearing a benevolent, concerned expression on her face gently relieved me of my steaming mug, sat me down and said, “Tom, What we are about to say is said out of love and concern, nothing else.” Then I realised what was happening, it was a family intervention! But an intervention about what? Was my customary Friday night pint of mild down the Paraffin Lamp getting out of hand? Was my chocolate habit becoming a cause for concern? What could it be? I decided to confront the issue head on. “Listen, if anyone is wondering why all the cream eggs keep disappearing, I want you all


to know that from now on I promise to share the value pack with everyone else.”

Sweatshirts, jeans and - horror of horrors - my Bruce Springsteen 2005 tour t-shirt.

A confused silence descended. The three women in my life all stared at each other. Chocolate Eggs it seemed, were not the issue. Sarah pressed on.

“Not the Boss! Please?”

“We are gathered here today Tom to tell you that, well, you are a bit of a scruff.” “A what?” Next to pipe up was Hannah. “Yes Dad, look at that jumper, look at those jeans?” “What’s wrong with them?” “Dad, who wears hiking socks, walking shoes and a snood to the gym?” “Yes Tom, the girls are embarrassed. Their friends are talking about you. You need a new wardrobe, urgently”, said Sarah. “Well ok, I’ll go through my stuff and - “ “Too late, we’ve done it for you.” Then Sarah, much to my dismay, produced a black bin liner full of my precious old clothes.

“No Tom, this lot is off to the charity shop in the precinct. Now, grab your coat and let’s go shopping! Err, on second thoughts, leave the coat, let’s just go.” In the vast outlet clothes store I wandered aimlessly around, fingering the rails without a clue what I was doing. Eventually I held up a pair of jeans with the very pleasing price tag of £24.99. “Sarah, what about these?” Sarah examined my choice. “You haven’t just grabbed the cheapest have you?” “Not at all.” “Right put them back and go try on these.” I examined the pair picked by Sarah. To my untrained eye, they looked identical to the jeans I’d just chosen. Identical that is, except for the price. Sarah’s were fifty pounds dearer. “Why would I pay seventy-five

Please mention the magazine26when contacting advertisers

Contact Us: Karen Burgess 18 Kingsdowne Road Surbiton, Surrey, KT6 6JZ Tel: 020 8274 0096 Fax: 07092003581 Email: karen@berrylandscompanion.com Web: www.berrylandscompanion.com

pounds for something I can get for-twenty five, I just don’t…” Grabbing the seat of the expensive jeans, Sarah pointed to a yellow logo stitched onto the rear pocket. “Look! That’s why. They are designer.” “So, they sew a little squiggle onto the pocket and they charge you treble the price? Are you being serious?” The look from Sarah told me that yes, she was indeed being deadly serious. She picked out another pair from the rack, handed both of them over and pointed in the direction of the changing rooms. I sloped away to the curtained-off area where a glum-faced child handed me an orange circle on which was printed a number two. I battled with the first pair

for what seemed like an age. Eventually I gave up, deciding that in the words of my Auntie Joyce they “Wouldn’t go near me.” The second pair I actually managed to heave myself into. And a more uncomfortable pair of pants I couldn’t imagine. Baggy round the crotch and barely covering the posterior, I assumed that this particular “Designer” - in his hurry to stitch on the magic money squiggle, had stamped them with the wrong size. Outside, I informed Sarah of the manufacturer’s error. Sarah, shaking her head in defeat, flung back at me the cheap pair I had originally chosen. I tried them on right there in the store. Of course, they fitted perfectly. Eye rolls from Sarah, a triumphant beam from her husband.

The next day Sarah arrived home from work to find me wearing the new jeans and another, different purchase. “Tom! What are you doing wearing that tatty old Bruce Springsteen T-shirt? I thought I gave that thing away?” “It’s very simple darling, yesterday afternoon, decided to go to the charity shop and do my bit for cancer research...” Follow Tom’s escapades at groomsdaybook.com Twitter @groomsdaybook

Beer of the Month

In the 16th century, the Bavarians passed a purity law which decreed that only malted barley, hops, and yeast could be used in brewing. It was likely an attempt to keep wheat in the bakery rather than the brewery, but it didn’t work. Wheat beer – brewed with a mixture of wheat and malted barley – remained popular in Bavaria and northern Europe until the post-war period, when it started falling out of favour. It was seen as an old man’s beer and the fact that it was naturally cloudy didn’t help. By the late 1970s it seemed that German wheat beer styles were in irreversible decline. Then a miracle happened. Students rediscovered it. It had retro chic, it was cheap and suddenly it was popular again. In the Belgian town of Hoegaarden, which had once had several wheat beer breweries but by the 1960s had none, a young revivalist called Pierre Celis started brewing it again and his version, too, took off. Hoegaarden at 4.9% abv is a pale lemon colour and cloudy to the point of opacity. When Celis brewed it he added orange peel and coriander; now it belongs to the multinational brewer AmBev there’s little trace of them either on nose or palate. Instead it’s grassy and light-bodied, and with its low CO2 content and lack of hop bitterness it’s eminently quaffable. Erdinger from Bavaria at 5% is equally pale and cloudy, somewhat spicier and with an almost salty dryness. Again, hop character and carbonation are low, and there’s a hint of bubblegum in the finish. As mass-produced international brands both are short on wheat character; but either would make a splendid accompaniment to a summer barbecue. By Ted Bruning

To advertise call Karen on 020 8274 009627 email: karen@berrylands-companion.co.uk


Advertiser’s Guide

creased for 2 Years

2 Issues*

aving 5%

3 Issues* Saving 7.5%

4 Issues* Saving 10%

























e at £297 per 8,000.

Copy Deadline

5 Issues* Saving 20%


Final copy must be submitted by the 16th of each month, for inclusion in the following months edition (which will be distributed during the first weekend of that month.)

Worm Patrol


Full payment for all advertisements must be received by the copy deadline date. Payment can be made by: Cheques payable to ‘Berrylands Companion’ or cash. Payment by BACS or standing order by arrangement.


‘A Berrylands Companion’ is a small independent operation and is not registered for VAT. Consequently, no VAT is charged on advertisements.

Acceptable Formats

Adverts can be submitted in the following formats: • MS Word • MS Powerpoint • MS Publisher • TIFF & JPEG

our pet is likely to be exposed to all kinds of worms on a daily basis and can easily pick them up without you knowing. Advert copy can be emailed to: karen@berrylandcompanion.com

If your ad is not available in an electronic format then we can produce it for you, from your own hard copy text, normally for a fixed price of just £10, although this may be higher if you have a particularly complex advert! (This is a one-off charge - the advert could then be re-used in subsequent issues free of charge.)


of each month to guarantee publication of advert. n full payment is made. h.

The Companion will be published and distributed monthly, on or around the first weekend of the month. 10 editions a year. It will be delivered to over 12,000 homes in and around Berrylands and Surbiton over two months - guaranteed. In addition it is the first source of local information for anyone moving into the area.

Format & Design

It is an A5 size booklet, stapled with colour plus black and white printed on quality paper. The Companion will be printed on 115gsm gloss paper giving it a very high quality feel. It will have ‘longevity’ and because of it’s size, content, look and feel it will be kept by the majority of households until the next issue arrives, thereby giving advertisers ‘immdiacy’ of access’ when their services are required.

To help you, we have listed some of the common signs that indicate your pet may be infected. Of course, many of these symptoms could have different causes but it is worth worming your pet if they any of these.

species is Dipylidium which is spread by fleas, for example, when your cat grooms and accidently ingests a flea. If you have a dog who scavenges or a cat that hunts mice or other prey they could be prone to the more common Taenia Species.


• • • • • • • •

'scooting' – whereby the animal drags it’s bottom along the carpet vomiting Diarrhoea smelly stools loss of appetite lack of energy a pot bellied appearance – particularly in puppies and kittens breathing difficulties/ heaving

The most common worms out there are Roundworms and Tapeworms. Adult Roundworms are shed in the faeces of infected dogs and cats. The eggs can be found in the soil anywhere, from parks and playgrounds to gardens, so you can imagine how easy it is for your cat or dog to pick this worm up. Roundworm larvae can pass into internal organs, affecting the muscles, eyes and central nervous system. Internal damage to the lungs liver and eyes is a result of the larvae migrating through the body Tapeworm can be found in infected animals (mice, rats, birds) and are also spread by fleas. There are four main types of tapeworm that tend to affect our pets: The most common


Dogs, cats and (very occasionally) humans can be infected with hookworm if they tread on contaminated soil (the larvae use hooks to burrow into the skin). Although hookworm is quite rare in the UK, it is prevalent on the continent, so one to avoid if traveling with your pet abroad. Whipworm (found only in dogs) is relatively rare in the UK, however, for those traveling on the pet travel scheme it is one to watch. It requires a large amount of eggs to be ingested to cause an infection so tends to only be found where large numbers of dogs cohabitate, such as a kennel. Those most at risk from the effects of worms are children, the elderly and those with reduced immune systems. Everyone should get into the habit of ensuring the family pet is wormed at regular intervals with a clinically proven wormer. We can talk to you about what type of wormer would suit your dog or cat depending on their lifestyle, so if you have any questions on this topic please contact us at the Aspen Veterinary Surgery or visit our website www.aspenvets.co.uk

Please mention the magazine 28 when contacting advertisers

Contact Us: Karen Burgess 18 Kingsdowne Road Surbiton, Surrey, KT6 6JZ Tel: 020 8274 0096 Fax: 07092003581 Email: karen@berrylandscompanion.com Web: www.berrylandscompanion.com


Aspen Veterinary Surgery

Your pet matters to us

“Hello my name is Girl – I

am about 5 yrs old & am “Hello, my name isthe Girl “Hello my name is Girl –I - I beautiful & 5white cat amblack about yrs old &Girl am&the “Hello name is –I am about 5my years old on the am left. Mo, my beautiful black white about 5 yrs& old & cat am the am the black & handsome 11 left. month on beautiful the Mo,old my beautiful black & white cat tabby son & I came into care handsome 11 month white on cattheon left. Mo, left.the Mo, my old when our previous tabby son & owner I came into care handsome 11 month old old my handsome 11month could no longer for us. when ourcare previous owner son I came into care tabbytabby sonno &longer I &came could care into for us. when our previous owner We were living our with lots of care when previous could no longer care for us. other cats so areliving happy to We were with lots ofcare owner could noother longer share our home other catswith so are happy to felines but we don’t get with on other for us.We share our home were living with lots of with very young . get on felines butchildren we don’t

other cats so are happy to We were living with lots of other cats so are happy to live with with very . share ouryoung homechildren with other We bothfelines, love havingbut our tummies rubbed are incredibly affectionate other we don’t getandonwewith veryfelines young butchildren. weonce don’t get on

we get to haveour lived all of our livesand in awe flat,are butincredibly we would love the once Weknow bothyou. love We having tummies rubbed with veryaffectionate young children . chance we to get a garden when we lived have all settled ourinforever home. Couldlove the get into to know you. We have of ourinto lives a flat, but we would your home belove our new one?” We both having ourwhen tummies we are chance to get into a garden we have rubbed settled intoand our forever home.incredibly Could

We both having tummies and we are incredibly affectionate yourlove home be ourour new one?” affectionate, once we get torubbed know you. We have lived all ofonce our

we get to know you. We have lived all of our lives in a flat, but we would love the

Iflives you feel that you could give & Mo alove muchthe deserved forever get into a garden into aget flat, weGirl would chance chance intobut a garden when ON we 01737 have settled into ourto forever home. Could loving home 350307 If youplease feel thatcall youROSEMARY could give Girl & Mo a much deserved forever

once we have your home be our settled new one?”into our forever home. Could your home loving home please call ROSEMARY ON 01737 350307 be our new home?”

Join Aspen Pet Care Plan Save Money, Spread Costs, Pay Monthly,

Epsom Ewell & District Branch http://www.epsom.cats.org.uk

If If you cannot ayou cat but would still http://www.epsom.cats.org.uk like to you feeladopt that could give Girlto&help Mousaplease muchgodeserved Epsom Ewell & District Branch https://www.justgiving.com/Epsom-Cats-Protection lovingIfhome please 01737 350307 you cannot adopt call a cat ROSEMARY but would still likeON to help us please go to https://www.justgiving.com/Epsom-Cats-Protection


Open Mon-Fri: 8am-7.30pm Sat: 8.30-11am 24 hour Emergency Service

Epsom Ewell & District Branch http://www.epsom.cats.org.uk If you cannot adopt a cat but would still like to help us please go to As we have around 7,000 cats and kittens in our care at any https://www.justgiving.com/Epsom-Cats-Protection

one time, find you the perfect friend.in our care at any Aswe wewill have around 7,000 cats feline and kittens one time, we will find you the perfect feline friend. www.cats.org.uk Reg Charity 203644 (England and Wales) and SC037711 (Scotland) www.cats.org.uk

Reg Charity 203644 (England and Wales) and SC037711 (Scotland)

As we have around 7,000 cats and kittens in our care at any one time, we will find you the perfect feline friend. www.cats.org.uk

www.aspenvets.co.uk 351 Ewell Road, Tolworth, KT6 7BZ

020 8399 6437

Reg Charity 203644 (England and Wales) and SC037711 (Scotland)

Why you mustn’t leave your dog in a hot car Leaving your dog in a hot car with little ventilation makes it prone to heat stroke in a matter of minutes. Dogs’ extreme sensitivity to heat means that even if you have left the windows open and provided water, their wellbeing is at serious risk. Heat stroke occurs when the dog becomes unable to cool itself down. Excessive panting and red gums are signs of overheating, but if you see a dog that is also vomiting or displays a lack of coordination, you need to


act quickly. What to do in the case of heat stroke • Contact a vet straight away • Offer the dog cool rather than cold water, in small amounts • Move them into the shade • Wrap in cool damp cloths, particularly the head The use of cool water is an important factor as opposed to water that is too cold, otherwise you could send the dog into a state of shock. Why are dogs so sensitive to heat? Dogs are not able to release heat through their skin as humans do – they cool down

by panting, and also via their nose and the pads on their feet. As a result, irreparable damage to internal organs occurs very quickly when they overheat, and many dogs do not recover. Short-nosed breeds including pugs and bulldogs are particularly susceptible to heat stroke, as are overweight dogs. Even on a cloudy day, they may struggle to cool themselves down. http://dogs.about.com/od/ dogandpuppyhealth/qt/ heatstroke.htm http://www.thekennelclub.org. uk/our-resources/kennel-clubcampaigns/dont-cook-your-dog/ By Ann Haldon

To advertise call Karen on 020 8274 009629 email: karen@berrylands-companion.co.uk


Advertiser’s Advertiser’s Guide Guide

n’t creased Increased for 2for Years 2 Years

Across 1. Short copper before colour is healed (5) 3. One in a scheme for an aviator (5) 6. Card I find unpleasantly bitter (5) 7. Backs and brings up (5) 8. Hardest spun strands (7) 11. More than one is (3) 13. Animal doctor shortly to investigate (3) 15. Malady resulting from a cocktail of ale and mint (7) 18. Country tableware (5) 19. Deep ravine or egg mixture (5) 20. Correct direction (5) 21. Garden barrier to fight with swords (5) Copy Copy Deadline Deadline

2 Issues* 2 Issues*3 Issues* 3 Issues*4 Issues* 4 Issues*5 Issues* 5 Issues* Saving 7.5% Saving 7.5% Saving 10% Saving 10% Saving 20% Saving 20%

Final Final copy must copy must be submitted be submitted by theby16th theof 16th each of month, each month, for inclusion for inclusion in theinfollowing the following months months edition edition (which (which will bewill distributed be distributed during during the first theweekend first weekend of thatofmonth.) that month.)

£198.00 £198.00 £387.00 £387.00 £564.00 £564.00 £1050.00 £1050.00 £115.00 £115.00 £224.00 £224.00 £327.00 £327.00 £610.00 £610.00 £61.00£61.00





‘A Berrylands ‘A Berrylands Companion’ Companion’ is a small is a small independent independent operation operation and isand notisregistered not registered for VAT. for VAT. Consequently, Consequently, no VAT no is VAT charged is charged on advertisements. on advertisements.

£88.00£88.00 £171.00 £171.00 £250.00 £250.00£470.00 £470.00

Acceptable Acceptable Formats Formats

Adverts Adverts can becan submitted be submitted in theinfollowing the following formats: formats: • MS • Word MS Word • MS • Powerpoint MS Powerpoint • MS • Publisher MS Publisher • TIFF • TIFF & JPEG & JPEG

Advert Advert copy can copybecan emailed be emailed to: karen@berrylandcompanion.com to: karen@berrylandcompanion.com


If yourIfad your is not ad is available not available in an in electronic an electronic format format then we then can weproduce can produce it for you, it forfrom you, your fromown your own hard copy hard text, copynormally text, normally for a fixed for a fixed price price of justof£10, justalthough £10, although this may thisbe may higher be higher if youifhave you ahave a particularly particularly complex complex advert! advert! (This (This is a one-off is a one-off charge charge - the advert - the advert couldcould then be then re-used be re-used in in subsequent subsequent issuesissues free offree charge.) of charge.)



Distribution Distribution

yof16th each of month each month to guarantee to guarantee publication publication of advert. of advert. en d when full payment full payment is made. is made. h. month.



Full payment Full payment for allfor advertisements all advertisements must must be received be received by thebycopy the deadline copy deadline date. date. Payment Payment can becan made be made by: Cheques by: Cheques payable payable to ‘Berrylands to ‘Berrylands Companion’ Companion’ or cash. or cash. Payment Payment by by BACSBACS or standing or standing orderorder by arrangement. by arrangement.

£157.00 £157.00 £305.00 £305.00 £446.00 £446.00£830.00 £830.00

gazine e at £297 at per £2978,000. per 8,000.


Payment Payment

£118.00 £118.00 £172.00 £172.00 £320.00 £320.00

£251.00 £251.00 £489.00 £489.00 £713.00 £713.00 £1320.00 £1320.00

The Companion The Companion will bewill published be published and distributed and distributed monthly, monthly, on or on around or around the first theweekend first weekend of of the month. the month. 10 editions 10 editions a year.a year. It willItbewill delivered be delivered to over to12,000 over 12,000 homes homes in andinaround and around Berrylands Berrylands and Surbiton and Surbiton over two over two months months - guaranteed. - guaranteed. In addition In addition it is the it isfirst thesource first source of local of information local information for anyone for anyone moving moving into the intoarea. the area.

Format Format & Design & Design

It is an It A5 is an size A5booklet, size booklet, stapled stapled with colour with colour plus black plus black and white and white printed printed on quality on quality paper.paper. The Companion The Companion will bewill printed be printed on 115gsm on 115gsm gloss gloss paperpaper givinggiving it a very it ahigh very quality high quality feel. feel. It willIthave will ‘longevity’ have ‘longevity’ and because and because of it’s of size, it’scontent, size, content, look and lookfeel anditfeel willitbewill kept be by kept theby the majority majority of households of households until the untilnext theissue next issue arrives, arrives, thereby thereby givinggiving advertisers advertisers ‘immdiacy’ ‘immdiacy’ of of access’ access’ whenwhen their services their services are required. are required.

16 16

Down 1. Talk idly about first Roman map (5) 2. Cream taken from the Israelites (5) 3. Soldier and star providing shade (7) 4. Novice Tibetan priest – an animal! (5) 5. A test about discernment (5) 9. House without American tool (3) 10. Stuart Goddard is impervious to pleas (7) 12. Controlled and went fast (3) 13. Minister six before a vehicle (5)













14. Try harder if new German leaders object (5) 16. Ring in some large



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Please mention the magazine 30 when contacting advertisers


Saving 5% Saving 5%

Mini Cryptic Crossword

Contact Us: Karen Burgess 18 Kingsdowne Road Surbiton, Surrey, KT6 6JZ Tel: 020 8274 0096 Fax: 07092003581 Email: karen@berrylandscompanion.com Web: www.berrylandscompanion.com

Many local businesses have been advertising in A Berrylands Companion successfully over the years


will be celebrating 10 years in November. It has been helping local businesses advertise successfully to local residents Please send in any comments you have about the magazine or any of the advertisers you have used over the years.

Send to: karen@berrylands-companion.co.uk

Don’t just take our word ........ ....Read some of the testimonials.. To advertise call Karen on 020 8274 009631 email: karen@berrylands-companion.co.uk


Don’t just take our word........ Issues*

aving 5%

3 Issues* Saving 7.5%

“As a charity, Cats Protection Epsom Ewell and District relies on the generosity of people like Karen at A Berrylands Companion to help us highlight the plight of the cats & kittens in our care. We know that as a result of running our cat of the month ads, visits to our website have increased and our homing figures have been impressive. Thank you Karen” Pamela, Cats Protection , Epsom & Ewell

Advertiser’s Guide

reased for 2 Years 4 Issues* Saving 10%

Copy Deadline

5 Issues* Saving 20%

























Final copy must be submitted by the 16th of each month, for inclusion in the following months edition (which will be distributed during the first weekend of that month.)


Full payment for all advertisements must be received by the copy deadline date. Payment can be made by: Cheques payable to ‘Berrylands Companion’ or cash. Payment by BACS or standing order by arrangement.


‘A Berrylands Companion’ is a small independent operation and is not registered for VAT. Consequently, no VAT is charged on advertisements.

Acceptable Formats

Adverts can be submitted in the following formats: • MS Word • MS Powerpoint • MS Publisher • TIFF & JPEG Advert copy can be emailed to: karen@berrylandcompanion.com If your ad is not available in an electronic format then we can produce it for you, from your own hard copy text, normally for a fixed price of just £10, although this may be higher if you have a particularly complex advert! (This is a one-off charge - the advert could then be re-used in subsequent issues free of charge.)



of each month to guarantee publication of advert. n full payment is made. .

Format & Design

It is an A5 size booklet, stapled with colour plus black and white printed on quality paper. The Companion will be printed on 115gsm gloss paper giving it a very high quality feel. It will have ‘longevity’ and because of it’s size, content, look and feel it will be kept by the majority of households until the next issue arrives, thereby giving advertisers ‘immdiacy’ of access’ when their services are required.


In terms of a testament, we’ve always found community magazines a great way to reach more supporters and fundraisers and we are grateful of the support from A Berrylands Companion with our campaigns. Rachel Phillips Volunteer Manager & Fundraising & Events Executive Wallace & Gromit’s Children’s Charity                              


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 



The Companion will be published and distributed monthly, on or around the first weekend of the month. 10 editions a year. It will be delivered to over 12,000 homes in and around Berrylands and Surbiton over two months - guaranteed. In addition it is the first source of local information for anyone moving into the area.


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‘We started our family heating & plumbing business 8 years ago and have advertised with A Berrylands Companion for a number of these. We loved receiving the magazine and felt it was important to start to advertise our business to the local community. So we got in touch with Karen and her team to see if we could start advertising, they helped us get started on the next addition and we haven’t looked back. We have found it a very beneficial way to advertise our business and aim to continue on into the future. We would like to thank the readers and the team for your continued support in our business and would recommend this to any small local business’. Overy Heating & Plumbing

“ W e were very pleased with the response to our advertisement in A Berrylands Companion, seeking new members for the 46 Club. I think we now have 5 new members signed up, with the possibility ofmore to come” Best wishes, Jane Garrett Sept. 2013 Issue 81


Congratulations from everyone at Surbiton Farmers’ Market on reaching your centenary. 100 issues! That’s quite an achievement. Since our market started in 2009, A Berrylands Companion has been a vital asset in helping us reach the local community and keeping them informed about market events. Always highly readable and perfectly targeted, it should be top of any advertiser’s list of local publications. Long may it continue. David Jacobson Chair Surbiton Farmers’ Market


Please mention the magazine 32when contacting advertisers

....... read what others are saying!!

Contact Us: Karen Burgess 18 Kingsdowne Road Surbiton, Surrey, KT6 6JZ Tel: 020 8274 0096 Fax: 07092003581 Email: karen@berrylandscompanion.com Web: www.berrylandscompanion.com

“Hi Karen, Just wanted to thank you for all your continuing hard word on A Berrylands Companion and to congratulate you on a superb issue. The December 2013/January 2014 issue was jam-packed with truly helpful and interesting content, and all so attractively laid out. Thanks for all your hard work on preparing this great publication for our area! Wishing you a very Happy New Year. Deborah February 2014 Issue 85

“Hi Karen May I say how much I enjoy ‘A Berrylands Companion’. What a smashing little magazine, full of good local news. I shall definitely try to attend some of the events, and do my best to support local traders.” Many thanks J Webber November 2011

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‘Congratulations, Karen on reaching the 100th issue and the 10th Anniversary of A Berrylands Companion magazine. It is a great little community magazine, full of information and useful adverts. I have been advertising my business for a while, and I look forward to continuing in the future’ Himendra Jasini, Mail Boxes Etc, Surbiton




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See separate article on page 3 for further details


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Delivered free each month to homes in Berrylands


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To advertise call Karen on 020 8274 009633 email: karen@berrylands-companion.co.uk






Printed by GMP Print Solutions, Edinburgh


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Handmade of Art and

10% discount Studen ts, Art Clubs and Craft Clubs


reased for 2 Years


ving 5%

3 Issues* Saving 7.5%

4 Issues* Saving 10%

5 Issues* Saving 20%

























‘As a long term advertiser within the BC, Advertiser’s Guide we have found it very effective in reaching people in our local community that are seeking professional, quality services. We have enjoyed a consistent good response from readers over the years. The return has shown excellent value for money in terms of our overall advertising spend. Congratulations Karen, Here’s to the next 10 Years!’ and Many Thanks to all of our Customers! Jason Rowe Director, R J TREE SERVICES Copy Deadline

Final copy must be submitted by the 16th of each month, for inclusion in the following months edition (which will be distributed during the first weekend of that month.)


Full payment for all advertisements must be received by the copy deadline date. Payment can be made by: Cheques payable to ‘Berrylands Companion’ or cash. Payment by BACS or standing order by arrangement.


‘A Berrylands Companion’ is a small independent operation and is not registered for VAT. Consequently, no VAT is charged on advertisements.

Acceptable Formats

Adverts can be submitted in the following formats: • MS Word • MS Powerpoint • MS Publisher • TIFF & JPEG

Advert copy can be emailed to: karen@berrylandcompanion.com


at £297 per 8,000.

f each month to guarantee publication of advert. n full payment is made. .

If your ad is not available in an electronic format then we can produce it for you, from your own hard copy text, normally for a fixed price of just £10, although this may be higher if you have a particularly complex advert! (This is a one-off charge - the advert could then be re-used in subsequent issues free of charge.)


The Companion will be published and distributed monthly, on or around the first weekend of the month. 10 editions a year. It will be delivered to over 12,000 homes in and around Berrylands and Surbiton over two months - guaranteed. In addition it is the first source of local information for anyone moving into the area.

Format & Design

It is an A5 size booklet, stapled with colour plus black and white printed on quality paper. The Companion will be printed on 115gsm gloss paper giving it a very high quality feel. It will have ‘longevity’ and because of it’s size, content, look and feel it will be kept by the majority of households until the next issue arrives, thereby giving advertisers ‘immdiacy’ of access’ when their services are required.


“ I love all the local information etc. provided in A Berrylands Companion. Well done for putting out such a useful magazine.” P.Walsh June 2011 “I must commend you on your interesting publication. I shall look out for it in future” H.Bacon June, 2014 CONGRATULATIONS TO A BERRYLANDS COMPANION Surbiton and District Historical Society send every good wish to Karen at “The Berrylands Companion” for an amazing 100 editions of this superb local publication. It is always full of informative articles, quirky adverts and essential local knowledge of the many important happenings in the area. So much local news might have passed us by but it is picked up by Karen and discussed in clear detail within the pages of these handy sized editions. We have been lucky enough to acquire many new members from local residents who have seen our advertisement and come along to our meetings. It is essential reading for all of us and I look forward to celebrating “The Berrylands Companion’s” 200th edition too! Marilyn Jennings, (Hon. Secretary), Surbiton & District Historical Society


C.D.Jennings and Sons would like to wish A Berrylands Companion congratulations on the 100th edition and a happy 10th Anniversary in November. We have been advertising in this great community magazine for several years. Our customers regularly comment on our article, and we have many new customers, who didn’t know we were here, until they saw the advert in the magazine. We are very pleased to continue advertising in A Berrylands Companion. Best wishes, Alan, Brian and Kevin Jennings. Advertising since 2006.

I have been a regular advertiser in A Berrylands Companion for a number of years and intend to continue for many more. It is an extremely effective way of reaching out to residents & people working in the Surbiton area. When taking calls from prospective customers many of them mention that they found Ovenclean in A Berrylands Companion, which indicates that new people are picking up the magazine all the time. I only wish that Karen would expand her business to take in new areas!

Sheree Parker Ovenclean

‘Prithi’ restaurant has been advertising in A Berrylands Companion for several years. We still have customers coming in who have seen our advert in the magazine. It is a succesful local magazine, and we will continue to advertise in the future. Congratulations Karen, on reaching this milestone, and best wishes for the next one. Raj Prithi Restaurant.

Please mention the magazine 34 when contacting advertisers

Contact Us: Karen Burgess 18 Kingsdowne Road Surbiton, Surrey, KT6 6JZ Tel: 020 8274 0096 Fax: 07092003581 Email: karen@berrylandscompanion.com Web: www.berrylandscompanion.com

The secret of a really successful BBQ

by Alan Jennings


owadays the BBQ has really come of age, and changed the whole scene of outdoor hospitality. Gone are the days when we huddled round a spluttering, smokey fire, waiting endlessly for our food to cook. In recent years BBQs have become more and more hi-tech, and many would put a few kitchens to shame. With a modern BBQ, outdoor cookery has become almost an exact science, with the opportunity to cook everything just right. Here I must mention Jennings’ First Rule of BBQ - don’t skimp on the quality. The enjoyment of your family and guests will always be in direct proportion to the quality of the meat. And if you’ve just spent a tidy sum on a beautiful new BBQ, how can you justify anything but the finest quality of meat to go with it? I’m often asked which are the best cuts of meat for an ideal for BBQ. Of course, steaks. Fillets, Rumps, Pichana Rumps, T-Bones, Sirloins and Rib Eyes give you a massive choice, all of them excellent for the BBQ. Then there’s the option of chicken either whole for those fortunate enough to have a rotisserie or cut into more manageable pieces. And sausages and beefburgers can still be the first call for many, but there’s a lot of choice beyond these old favourites if you want to delight your guests with something different. Like Racks of Ribs! If you wanted to really impress your guests and family, you could go for a whole BBQ joint. This is becoming more and more popular, because it’s just one big item to look after and cook accurately, rather than a host of different items which may need different treatment and cooking times. For instance, you could have a Butterflied Leg of Lamb or Pork as a single joint. For this we would

bone and open out the meat so that it can lie flat on your BBQ and cook as evenly as possible. Other popular choices for a single joint are boned Shoulder of Lamb, or flat Belly of Pork or even a joint of flat Brisket. Or we can open out chickens for you so that they too can lie flat on the BBQ. You can of course marinade any of these joints, and we have some excellent instant marinades for you to choose from. Or alternatively we can spice up your meat for you with one of our many instant marinades. Perhaps with the younger generation in mind, I must mention the quality of our beefburgers, which are made entirely on the premises and produced only from firstgrade Scotch beef. Similarly, our sausages are hand-made in our shop, and only from the best meat using traditional recipes. Above all, don’t be too shy to ask our advice. We want to make your BBQ a resounding success! It’s all down to the quality of the meat, as you know. We look forward to seeing you soon! Happy BBQing! Best wishes Alan C.D.Jennings & Sons Traditional Quality Butchers since 1962 146 Ewell Road Surbiton KT6 6HE

020 8399 4870

To advertise call Karen on 020 8274 009635 email: karen@berrylands-companion.co.uk


Veggie Bean Burgers Advertiser’s Guide

ncreased for 2 Years 2 Issues* Saving 5%

3 Issues* Saving 7.5%

4 Issues* Saving 10%

Copy Deadline

5 Issues* Saving 20%

























Final copy must be submitted by the 16th of each month, for inclusion in the following months edition (which will be distributed during the first weekend of that month.)


Full payment for all advertisements must be received by the copy deadline date. Payment can be made by: Cheques payable to ‘Berrylands Companion’ or cash. Payment by BACS or standing order by arrangement.


‘A Berrylands Companion’ is a small independent operation and is not registered for VAT. Consequently, no VAT is charged on advertisements.

Makes 8 Acceptable Formats

Adverts can be submitted in the following formats: • MS Word • MS Powerpoint • MS Publisher • TIFF & JPEG

Ready in 40 minutes, plus chilling

Advert copy can be emailed to: karen@berrylandcompanion.com If your ad is not available in an electronic format then we can produce it for you, from your own hard copy text, normally for a fixed price of just £10, although this may be higher if you have a particularly complex advert! (This is a one-off charge - the advert could then be re-used in subsequent issues free of charge.)


ine at £297 per 8,000.

Packed with flavour these burgers will be enjoyed by both meat-eaters and vegetarians. For a lovely nutty texture replace the sweetcorn with 100g chopped walnuts.


h of each month to guarantee publication of advert. hen full payment is made. nth.

The Companion will be published and distributed monthly, on or around the first weekend of the month. 10 editions a year. It will be delivered to over 12,000 homes in and around Berrylands and Surbiton over two months - guaranteed. In addition it is the first source of local information for anyone moving into the area.

Format & Design

It is an A5 size booklet, stapled with colour plus black and white printed on quality paper. The Companion will be printed on 115gsm gloss paper giving it a very high quality feel. It will have ‘longevity’ and because of it’s size, content, look and feel it will be kept by the majority of households until the next issue arrives, thereby giving advertisers ‘immdiacy’ of access’ when their services are required.



Heat 1 tbsp of the oil in a frying pan and fry the chopped onion over a medium heat for 8-10 minutes until soft and golden. Add the garlic, spring onions and carrots and fry, stirring, for a further 2-3 minutes. Stir in the chilli powder. Tip all the beans into a large bowl and roughly mash with a fork. Stir in the onion mixture along with the remaining ingredients and mix well to combine. Season to taste with salt and freshly ground black pepper.

Ingredients: • 3 tbsp olive oil

Divide and shape the mixture into 8 burgers. Cover and chill in the fridge for at least 30 minutes.

• 1 large red onion, peeled and finely chopped • 2 garlic cloves, peeled and crushed

Heat the rest of the oil in a large nonstick frying pan over a medium heat and fry the burgers for 3-4 minutes on each side until golden brown (you may need to do this in two batches so add a little more oil, if needed). Drain on kitchen paper then serve in toasted burgers buns with spinach leaves and sliced tomatoes.

• 4 spring onions, trimmed and finely chopped • 1 carrot, peeled and grated • 2 tsp chilli powder • 2 x 400g cans mixed bean salad, drained and rinsed • 100g canned sweetcorn, drained • 100g fresh breadcrumbs • 1 large egg • 1 tbsp lime juice • 4 tbsp fresh chopped coriander (or parsley) • Toasted burger buns, baby spinach leaves and sliced tomatoes, to serve



The uncooked burgers freeze well, just place on a lined baking tray and freeze until solid then pack away into freezer bags. To cook from frozen, place the burgers on a lined baking tray, brush lightly with oil and bake for 25-30 minutes at 200C, fan 180C, Gas 6 until golden and piping hot.

Please mention the magazine 36 when contacting advertisers

Contact Us: Karen Burgess 18 Kingsdowne Road Surbiton, Surrey, KT6 6JZ Tel: 020 8274 0096 Fax: 07092003581 Email: karen@berrylandscompanion.com Web: www.berrylandscompanion.com

C.D Jennings & Sons Surbiton’s High Class Traditional Family Butchers Meat of the Highest Quality from the Finest Sources

Serving Surbiton for over 50 Years C.D Jennings & Sons Butchers 2015 BBQ Specials

Butterflied Legs of Lamb, Spatchcock Chicken, Pichana Rump Steaks, Racks of Ribs. Our own make Sausages, Burgers, Kebabs. A wide range of instant marinades.

Visit our shop at 146 Ewell Road, Surbiton, KT6 6HE (Opposite Sainsbury’s Local) or call us to place an order on 020 8399 4870

For more information view our website www.cdjenningsandsons.com

To advertise call Karen on 020 8274 009637 email: karen@berrylands-companion.co.uk


Advertiser’s Guide

reased for 2 Years


ving 5%

3 Issues* Saving 7.5%

The rules should state whether there is any prize money and how it will be allocated, and whether the winners will be published in a printed anthology / online. Finalists may also receive a critique of their stories. Many competitions charge an entry fee, which funds the main prizes and any print publication.

4 Issues* Saving 10%

Copy Deadline

5 Issues* Saving 20%

























Final copy must be submitted by the 16th of each month, for inclusion in the following months edition (which will be distributed during the first weekend of that month.)


Full payment for all advertisements must be received by the copy deadline date. Payment can be made by: Cheques payable to ‘Berrylands Companion’ or cash. Payment by BACS or standing order by arrangement.


‘A Berrylands Companion’ is a small independent operation and is not registered for VAT. Consequently, no VAT is charged on advertisements.

Acceptable Formats

Adverts can be submitted in the following formats: • MS Word • MS Powerpoint • MS Publisher • TIFF & JPEG Advert copy can be emailed to: karen@berrylandcompanion.com If your ad is not available in an electronic format then we can produce it for you, from your own hard copy text, normally for a fixed price of just £10, although this may be higher if you have a particularly complex advert! (This is a one-off charge - the advert could then be re-used in subsequent issues free of charge.)


at £297 per 8,000.


f each month to guarantee publication of advert. n full payment is made. .

The Companion will be published and distributed monthly, on or around the first weekend of the month. 10 editions a year. It will be delivered to over 12,000 homes in and around Berrylands and Surbiton over two months - guaranteed. In addition it is the first source of local information for anyone moving into the area.

Format & Design

It is an A5 size booklet, stapled with colour plus black and white printed on quality paper. The Companion will be printed on 115gsm gloss paper giving it a very high quality feel. It will have ‘longevity’ and because of it’s size, content, look and feel it will be kept by the majority of households until the next issue arrives, thereby giving advertisers ‘immdiacy’ of access’ when their services are required.

Competitions 16

Fledgling writers are reticent about sticking their heads above the parapet. Even calling yourself ‘a writer’ can sound (and feel) pretentious. And that’s without my smoking jacket and quill pen. There can also be concerns about how good your work is. Entering writing competitions can be a productive way to circumvent all that angst. A good competition offers you everything you need to galvanise yourself into action. There will be a deadline, a word count or limit, and a theme or genre. This gives you boundaries to work within.

You can often view the previous year’s winning entries and finalists. This gives you the clearest indication of the standard and style that the judges were looking for. (Judges change, so it’s only a guideline.) Try reading your work aloud, which is a great way of identifying clumsily written text, and edit carefully before submitting your story. Win or lose, you’ve written something new or perhaps re-purposed material for the competition. Use any feedback to help edit your work for the next time. Here’s an example of a prize-winning story online that was a loser first time around - I made changes based upon a judge’s critique: http://tomorrow-projects.com/wp-content/ uploads/2014/12/Arc1-2_Perfect-Circle.pdf By Derek Thompson www.alongthewritelines.blogspot.co.uk


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Please mention the magazine 38 when contacting advertisers

Contact Us: Karen Burgess 18 Kingsdowne Road Surbiton, Surrey, KT6 6JZ Tel: 020 8274 0096 Fax: 07092003581 Email: karen@berrylandscompanion.com Web: www.berrylandscompanion.com


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CODEWORD Each letter in this puzzle is represented by a number between 1 and 26. The codes for three letters are shown. As you find the letters enter them in the box below.




13 5



2 4


CJM Plumbing and Heating


16 2

22 17













18 19
















2 16



25 12






20 25















4 14 13

18 24




25 16

2 10

21 2

18 2

11 17


17 2

7 17








2 10








6 2



5 22

22 17



2 16


To advertise call Karen on 020 8274 009639 email: karen@berrylands-companion.co.uk



Advertiser’s Guide

creased for 2 Years

2 Issues*

Saving 5%

3 Issues* Saving 7.5%

4 Issues* Saving 10%
























Cake and Bake

Copy Deadline

5 Issues* Saving 20%


Final copy must be submitted by the 16th of each month, for inclusion in the following months edition (which will be distributed during the first weekend of that month.)


Full payment for all advertisements must be received by the copy deadline date. Payment can be made by: Cheques payable to ‘Berrylands Companion’ or cash. Payment by BACS or standing order by arrangement.


‘A Berrylands Companion’ is a small independent operation and is not registered for VAT. Consequently, no VAT is charged on advertisements.

Acceptable Formats

Adverts can be submitted in the following formats: • MS Word • MS Powerpoint • MS Publisher • TIFF & JPEG Advert copy can be emailed to: karen@berrylandcompanion.com If your ad is not available in an electronic format then we can produce it for you, from your own hard copy text, normally for a fixed price of just £10, although this may be higher if you have a particularly complex advert! (This is a one-off charge - the advert could then be re-used in subsequent issues free of charge.)


e at £297 per 8,000.


of each month to guarantee publication of advert. en full payment is made. h.

The Companion will be published and distributed monthly, on or around the first weekend of the month. 10 editions a year. It will be delivered to over 12,000 homes in and around Berrylands and Surbiton over two months - guaranteed. In addition it is the first source of local information for anyone moving into the area.

Format & Design

It is an A5 size booklet, stapled with colour plus black and white printed on quality paper. The Companion will be printed on 115gsm gloss paper giving it a very high quality feel. It will have ‘longevity’ and because of it’s size, content, look and feel it will be kept by the majority of households until the next issue arrives, thereby giving advertisers ‘immdiacy’ of access’ when their services are required.

Strawberry Shortcake Tarts


Make the most of sweet and juicy British strawberries with these divine fruit tarts. If you don’t have time to make the pastry cream then use fresh readymade custard or just top with sweetened whipped cream.

Ingredients: • 225g self-raising flour • 1tsp baking powder • 75g butter, chilled and diced

• 50g caster sugar • 1 medium egg, beaten • 2-3 tbsp milk For the Pastry Cream and Topping

• • • • • • • • •

2 medium eggs 25g plain flour 50g caster sugar 1 tsp vanilla extract 300ml milk 150ml double cream 175g strawberries 5ml lemon juice 1 tbsp icing sugar

Serves 6 Ready in 45 mins, plus cooling time


1. Preheat the oven to 190C, fan 170C, Gas 5. Place a baking sheet in the oven to heat up. Lightly butter 6 x 8cm loose-based fluted tartlet tins (measured across the base). 2. Sift the flour, baking powder and a pinch of salt into a large mixing bowl. Add the butter and rub into the flour to make fine breadcrumbs. Stir in the sugar, egg and enough milk to make a soft dough. 3. Divide the dough into six equal pieces and, using floured hands, press each piece of dough into the base and up the sides of a tartlet tin. Place the tins on the hot baking sheet and bake for 10-12 minutes until risen and golden brown. Cool in the tins for 15 minutes then turn out and leave to cool completely. 4. To make the pastry cream, beat together the eggs, flour, caster sugar and vanilla extract. Pour the milk into a small pan and heat the milk to almost boiling point then whisk into the egg mixture. Return the mixture to the pan and cook for 5 minutes, stirring all the time, until thickened. Cover the surface with greaseproof paper and leave to cool completely. 5. Whip the cream until softly peaking and fold into the pastry cream. Puree half the strawberries by pushing through a fine-holed sieve. Stir in the lemon juice and icing sugar. Slice the rest of the strawberries. 6. Spoon the pastry cream on top of the shortcakes. Top with the sliced strawberries and spoon over the puree. Serve within 2-3 hours of assembling.


The shortcake tart bases can be made and stored unfilled in an airtight container for up to 3 days.

Please mention the magazine 40when contacting advertisers

Contact Us: Karen Burgess 18 Kingsdowne Road Surbiton, Surrey, KT6 6JZ Tel: 020 8274 0096 Fax: 07092003581 Email: karen@berrylandscompanion.com Web: www.berrylandscompanion.com

Alfresco Dining Freshly cooked food in our south facing garden

Quiz Night Why not come and take part in our fun quiz every Tuesday from 8.15 for a chance some exciting new prizes

• Great Food in Good Company • Great Food in Good company • FOOD SERVED 12-9PM MON TO SAT, SUN 12-7PM- CHILDREN WELCOME UNTIL 7:30PM The Ditton Restaurant Pub, 64 Ditton Hill Road, Long Ditton, Surrey, KT6 5JD 020 8339 0785 www.theditton.co.uk goodfood@theditton.co.uk To advertise call Karen on 020 8274 009641 email: karen@berrylands-companion.co.uk


2 Issues* Saving 5%

3 Issues* Saving 7.5%

Health Advertiser’s Guide

ncreased for 2 Years 4 Issues* Saving 10%
























Final copy must be submitted by the 16th of each month, for inclusion in the following months edition (which will be distributed during the first weekend of that month.)


Full payment for all advertisements must be received by the copy deadline date. Payment can be made by: Cheques payable to ‘Berrylands Companion’ or cash. Payment by BACS or standing order by arrangement.


‘A Berrylands Companion’ is a small independent operation and is not registered for VAT. Consequently, no VAT is charged on advertisements.

Why Breast Is Still Best Acceptable Formats

Adverts can be submitted in the following formats: • MS Word • MS Powerpoint • MS Publisher • TIFF & JPEG

Advert copy can be emailed to: karen@berrylandcompanion.com

If your ad is not available in an electronic format then we can produce it for you, from your own hard copy text, normally for a fixed price of just £10, although this may be higher if you have a particularly complex advert! (This is a one-off charge - the advert could then be re-used in subsequent issues free of charge.)


ine at £297 per 8,000.

h of each month to guarantee publication of advert. hen full payment is made. nth.


Copy Deadline

5 Issues* Saving 20%


By Alison Runham www.alison.runham.co.uk Distribution

The Companion will be published and distributed monthly, on or around the first weekend of the month. 10 editions a year. It will be delivered to over 12,000 homes in and around Berrylands and Surbiton over two months - guaranteed. In addition it is the first source of local information for anyone moving into the area.

Format & Design

August is World Breastfeeding Month, so let’s bust some myths and look at breastfeeding benefits. It is an A5 size booklet, stapled with colour plus black and white printed on quality paper. The Companion will be printed on 115gsm gloss paper giving it a very high quality feel. It will have ‘longevity’ and because of it’s size, content, look and feel it will be kept by the majority of households until the next issue arrives, thereby giving advertisers ‘immdiacy’ of access’ when their services are required.


Breastfeeding Myths i can’t breastfeed because: • i need medication for depression. Sometimes the benefits of treatment and breastfeeding outweigh potential risks (very low with some antidepressants). • I have flat/ inverted nipples. Breastfeeding is often possible and can even fix this – as can a simple operation. • i’m unsure about breastfeeding; i’m going back to work, anyway. Even if you feed your baby just a few times, they’ll receive colostrum (initial breastmilk full of your antibodies). Started bottlefeedng? Usually you can still breastfeed later, although it’s harder as time passes. You can breastfeed at first, then swap to expressed breastmilk, formula or mixed feeding when you return to work; you have a legal right to express milk at work and ask for a change in your working pattern. • I can’t make enough milk: Despite what many mums are told, it’s extremely rare to be physically incapable of producing enough milk. The process can be hampered after a caesarean, or if you or your baby is poorly. Usually you just need time and correct technique, but if your baby’s suffering or you need to leave them, you can give formula...


...But mixed feeding will ruin my milk supply: If your baby needs the odd bottle of formula, don’t panic. Ideally, though, wait 6 weeks to try regular mixed feeding, as the ideal production rate is stimulated by demand and takes time to establish. Often, regular mixed feeding early on quickly leads to full formula feeding, the NCT warns, but it’s usually successful after breastfeeding is established. Breastfed babies wake more at night: Research suggests parents of breastfed babies get more sleep, and there’s no night time bottle preparation. I can’t breastfeed in public: The Equality Act 2010 says you CAN. Breastfeeding Benefits • Much healthier babies: breastmilk is custom-made for your baby, adapting to their needs. It aids development, increases intelligence and reduces the risk of chest, stomach, ear and urine infections, asthma, diabetes, obesity, leukaemia, meningitis, celiac disease, Sudden Infant Death syndrome, juvenile rheumatoid arthritis, some lymphomas and cancers, Crohn’s disease, cardiovascular disease, eczema, allergies, breast and ovarian cancer in girls and necrotizing enterocolitis (a serious bowel condition) in premature babies. • Healthier mums: Breastfeeding uses 200-

500kcal daily, contracts your uterus to normal size, conserves your iron, and reduces your risk of postpartum haemorrhage, breast cancer, ovarian cancer, osteoporosis and diabetes. • Convenient, economical and green: Feed your baby anywhere for free, saving £550 a year on formula and reducing waste. decisions, decisions A mini-survey of friends echoed national findings: the main culprits responsible for making breastfeeding difficult or unappealing are poor advice and support (personal and professional). “I was banished to upstairs in my in-laws house!” said one friend, while Liz intended to breastfeed until her midwife advised her bottlefeeding would be easier after her caesarean. Older ‘militant’ breastfeeding advice just caused guilt: “My LaLeche League book was SO awful about bottle feeding that when I finally offered my daughter formula, I felt I was poisoning her,” said Katie. The NCT found 90% of women whose friends breastfeed, have a plan to breastfeed themselves, compared to 51% of women without breastfeeding friends. So ensuring mums are well-informed and supported, wherever and however they feed their baby, is vital. nct (National Childbirth Trust): Helpline: 0300 330 0700 www.nct.org.uk/

Please mention the magazine 42 when contacting advertisers

Contact Us: Karen Burgess 18 Kingsdowne Road Surbiton, Surrey, KT6 6JZ Tel: 020 8274 0096 Fax: 07092003581 Email: karen@berrylandscompanion.com Web: www.berrylandscompanion.com

Are you over 50? Do you want to improve your bone health?

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To advertise call Karen on 020 8274 009643 email: karen@berrylands-companion.co.uk


Advertiser’s Guide

creased for 2 Years Issues*

aving 5%

3 Issues* Saving 7.5%

4 Issues* Saving 10%

Copy Deadline

5 Issues* Saving 20%

























Final copy must be submitted by the 16th of each month, for inclusion in the following months edition (which will be distributed during the first weekend of that month.)


Full payment for all advertisements must be received by the copy deadline date. Payment can be made by: Cheques payable to ‘Berrylands Companion’ or cash. Payment by BACS or standing order by arrangement.


‘A Berrylands Companion’ is a small independent operation and is not registered for VAT. Consequently, no VAT is charged on advertisements.

Acceptable Formats

Adverts can be submitted in the following formats: • MS Word • MS Powerpoint • MS Publisher • TIFF & JPEG Advert copy can be emailed to: karen@berrylandcompanion.com If your ad is not available in an electronic format then we can produce it for you, from your own hard copy text, normally for a fixed price of just £10, although this may be higher if you have a particularly complex advert! (This is a one-off charge - the advert could then be re-used in subsequent issues free of charge.)


e at £297 per 8,000.


of each month to guarantee publication of advert. n full payment is made. h.

The Companion will be published and distributed monthly, on or around the first weekend of the month. 10 editions a year. It will be delivered to over 12,000 homes in and around Berrylands and Surbiton over two months - guaranteed. In addition it is the first source of local information for anyone moving into the area.

Format & Design

It is an A5 size booklet, stapled with colour plus black and white printed on quality paper. The Companion will be printed on 115gsm gloss paper giving it a very high quality feel. It will have ‘longevity’ and because of it’s size, content, look and feel it will be kept by the majority of households until the next issue arrives, thereby giving advertisers ‘immdiacy’ of access’ when their services are required.

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Whilst all reasonable care is taken to ensure the accuracy of information included in A Berrylands Companion , the publisher takes no responsibility for the accuracy of statements made by contributors or advertisers, or for the loss arising from non-publication of any advertisement. Any errors, omissions or offers are the resposibilty of the advertiser. All artwork is accepted on the condition that the advertiser has obtained permission from any copyright holder for its use by A Berrylands Companion. Whilst every care is taken when printing artwork, we cannot guarantee an exact colour match due to variations in print processes. Bookings are accepted only on this basis. It is the advertiser’s responsibility to submit any amendments to adverts by the deadline date of the 8th. To advertise any event, or community activity in the magazine, please call: Karen on 020 8274 0096 or email: karen@berrylands-companion.co.uk


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Please mention the magazine 44 when contacting advertisers

Contact Us: Karen Burgess 18 Kingsdowne Road Surbiton, Surrey, KT6 6JZ Tel: 020 8274 0096 Fax: 07092003581 Email: karen@berrylandscompanion.com Web: www.berrylandscompanion.com





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Do you have a testimonial about A Berrylands Companion, or one of the advertisers? Please send it in to me at the address on page 3, or email: karen@berrylands-companion.co.uk

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To advertise call Karen on 020 8274 009645 email: karen@berrylands-companion.co.uk



aving 5%

3 Issues* Saving 7.5%

Relive Your Special Memories Advertiser’s Guide

creased for 2 Years 4 Issues* Saving 10%

5 Issues* Saving 20%

























Copy Deadline

Final copy must be submitted by the 16th of each month, for inclusion in the following months edition (which will be distributed during the first weekend of that month.)


Full payment for all advertisements must be received by the copy deadline date. Payment can be made by: Cheques payable to ‘Berrylands Companion’ or cash. Payment by BACS or standing order by arrangement.

Transfer Camcorder Tapes, VHS Tapes & Memory Cards to DVD VAT

‘A Berrylands Companion’ is a small independent operation and is not registered for VAT. Consequently, no VAT is charged on advertisements.

Acceptable Formats

Adverts can be submitted in the following formats: • MS Word • MS Powerpoint • MS Publisher • TIFF & JPEG

Vinyl Records & Audio Cassette Tapes to CD / MP3

Advert copy can be emailed to: karen@berrylandcompanion.com

If your ad is not available in an electronic format then we can produce it for you, from your own hard copy text, normally for a fixed price of just £10, although this may be higher if you have a particularly complex advert! (This is a one-off charge - the advert could then be re-used in subsequent issues free of charge.)



of each month to guarantee publication of advert. n full payment is made. .

The Companion will be published and distributed monthly, on or around the first weekend of the month. 10 editions a year. It will be delivered to over 12,000 homes in and around Berrylands and Surbiton over two months - guaranteed. In addition it is the first source of local information for anyone moving into the area.

Format & Design

It is an A5 size booklet, stapled with colour plus black and white printed on quality paper. The Companion will be printed on 115gsm gloss paper giving it a very high quality feel. It will have ‘longevity’ and because of it’s size, content, look and feel it will be kept by the majority of households until the next issue arrives, thereby giving advertisers ‘immdiacy’ of access’ when their services are required.

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A T O O M T You have two minutes to find all the words of three or more letters that can be made from the letters above. Plurals are allowed, proper nouns are not. The 6 letter word will always be just a normal everyday word.

3 letters: 8 4 letters: 6 5 letters: 1 6 letters: 1

Right Side of the Road Taking your car on a holiday to Europe is a great way to avoid exorbitant airfares, hidden airport and airline costs and rip-off duty-free. And don’t get me started on airport crowds and stress. However, before setting off for the continent in your car, there are a number of boxes you should tick before you get behind the wheel. Here’s a very simple checklist… • Prepare the proper documents: Ensure all car documents are up to date, including the insurance papers and V5c ownership document. Take both parts of drivers’ licences for all appointed drivers. • Preparing the car for driving on the continent: Book an off-schedule MoT, it will throw up any mechanical or electrical problems to be


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attended to. In many European countries, it is illegal to drive with a broken exterior light for instance. Packing a full replacement bulb kit is worthwhile, too. • Take an emergency warning triangle (two in Spain) and a hi-vis jacket (some countries require a vest for each passenger, too, so check before you go). If you are driving in France, breathalysers are still on the legal list of items that you are required to have in the car, but there is NO FINE for not having them. • British cars should wear a GB sticker on the back to identify their country of origin, OR have Europlates bearing the blue GB symbol. • Headlights: You will also need to adapt your headlights to avoid dazzling oncoming vehicles. You can buy conversion kits, or your main dealer may be able to adjust the beam. Drive safely, have a wonderful time and remember – never drive faster than your guardian angel can fly.

By Wayne Gorrett

Please mention the magazine 46 when contacting advertisers

Contact Us: Karen Burgess 18 Kingsdowne Road Surbiton, Surrey, KT6 6JZ Tel: 020 8274 0096 Fax: 07092003581 Email: karen@berrylandscompanion.com Web: www.berrylandscompanion.com

William Stallion

150 Elmbridge Avenue, Surbiton, Surrey, KT5 9HF

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3 07980 903 881 To advertise call Karen on 020 8274 009647 email: karen@berrylands-companion.co.uk pects of our work


For a beautiful new kitchen...

creased for 2 Years

2 Issues*

aving 5%


3 Issues* Saving 7.5%

just change the doors Advertiser’s Guide

4 Issues* Saving 10%

Copy Deadline

5 Issues* Saving 20%

























Final copy must be submitted by the 16th of each month, for inclusion in the following months edition (which will be distributed during the first weekend of that month.)


Full payment for all advertisements must be received by the copy deadline date. Payment can be made by: Cheques payable to ‘Berrylands Companion’ or cash. Payment by BACS or standing order by arrangement.


‘A Berrylands Companion’ is a small independent operation and is not registered for VAT. Consequently, no VAT is charged on advertisements.

Acceptable Formats

Adverts can be submitted in the following formats: • MS Word • MS Powerpoint • MS Publisher • TIFF & JPEG

Advert copy can be emailed to: karen@berrylandcompanion.com

If your ad is not available in an electronic format then we can produce it for you, from your own hard copy text, normally for a fixed price of just £10, although this may be higher if you have a particularly complex advert! (This is a one-off charge - the advert could then be re-used in subsequent issues free of charge.)


e at £297 per 8,000.


of each month to guarantee publication of advert. n full payment is made. h.

The Companion will be published and distributed monthly, on or around the first weekend of the month. 10 editions a year. It will be delivered to over 12,000 homes in and around Berrylands and Surbiton over two months - guaranteed. In addition it is the first source of local information for anyone moving into the area.

Format & Design

It is an A5 size booklet, stapled with colour plus black and white printed on quality paper. The Companion will be printed on 115gsm gloss paper giving it a very high quality feel. It will have ‘longevity’ and because of it’s size, content, look and feel it will be kept by the majority of households until the next issue arrives, thereby giving advertisers ‘immdiacy’ of access’ when their services are required.


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Contact Us: Karen Burgess 18 Kingsdowne Road Surbiton, Surrey, KT6 6JZ Tel: 020 8274 0096 Fax: 07092003581 Email: karen@berrylandscompanion.com Web: www.berrylandscompanion.com

Email: surbiton@timeforyou.co.uk

To advertise call Karen: 020on 8274 email: karen@berrylands-companion.co.uk To advertise call Karen 0200096 8274 0096 email: karen@berrylands-companion.co.uk

49 39 39

Advertiser’s Guide

creased for 2 Years

2 Issues*

Saving 5%

3 Issues* Saving 7.5%

4 Issues* Saving 10%

Copy Deadline

5 Issues* Saving 20%

























Final copy must be submitted by the 16th of each month, for inclusion in the following months edition (which will be distributed during the first weekend of that month.)


Full payment for all advertisements must be received by the copy deadline date. Payment can be made by: Cheques payable to ‘Berrylands Companion’ or cash. Payment by BACS or standing order by arrangement.


‘A Berrylands Companion’ is a small independent operation and is not registered for VAT. Consequently, no VAT is charged on advertisements.

Acceptable Formats

Adverts can be submitted in the following formats: • MS Word • MS Powerpoint • MS Publisher • TIFF & JPEG Advert copy can be emailed to: karen@berrylandcompanion.com If your ad is not available in an electronic format then we can produce it for you, from your own hard copy text, normally for a fixed price of just £10, although this may be higher if you have a particularly complex advert! (This is a one-off charge - the advert could then be re-used in subsequent issues free of charge.)


e at £297 per 8,000.


of each month to guarantee publication of advert. en full payment is made. h.

The Companion will be published and distributed monthly, on or around the first weekend of the month. 10 editions a year. It will be delivered to over 12,000 homes in and around Berrylands and Surbiton over two months - guaranteed. In addition it is the first source of local information for anyone moving into the area.

Format & Design

It is an A5 size booklet, stapled with colour plus black and white printed on quality paper. The Companion will be printed on 115gsm gloss paper giving it a very high quality feel. It will have ‘longevity’ and because of it’s size, content, look and feel it will be kept by the majority of households until the next issue arrives, thereby giving advertisers ‘immdiacy’ of access’ when their services are required.

Are You Ready To Reinvent Yourself?


by Kate McLelland

When you reach middle age it’s natural to look back over your life and make a mental tick-list of the things you have, or haven’t, achieved. This in turn often kick starts a realisation that it’s time to start a new page. There may be a number of reasons for this decision: your children may have flown the nest, your job may have ceased to interest you and your relationship has probably become a little stale. It’s understandable to want a complete change, but you should be aware that it takes courage and effort – not to mention a reasonable amount of money – to make a major readjustment. Before you take any action you should consider the three ‘Rs’ that can help you decide if you’re ready to face the next chapter.

you have coped with similar changes before. Do you enjoy new beginnings? Do you like meeting new people and facing new challenges? If the answer is yes, then you’ll probably be fine. Reliance: the old expression “Don’t throw the baby out with the bathwater” says it all where reliance is concerned. While turning your back on unsuccessful relationships or dead-end jobs can be a positive move, things can quickly fall apart if you cut yourself off completely from the old life you have known. When you move to that new job or new place, make sure you have a support network in place to help if you encounter any unexpected problems along the way.

Resilience: when people launch themselves into a dramatic new way of life, few actually stop to consider whether they are emotionally ready to do so. If you lack resilience then new routines, different faces and unfamiliar places can leave you feeling anxious and depressed, rather than revitalised.

What does ‘reliance’ mean in practice? You don’t have to be needy, asking for help at every twist and turn of your new journey, but neither should you be too proud to ask for help if you need it. Successful re-inventors strike a balance between independence and knowing when to call on others for help.

How do I know if I have resilience? Ask yourself how

Renewal: perhaps the hardest part, when it comes


to facing a major change in our lives, is letting go of some of the roles we have played for years. That includes informal roles such as full-time mother, husband or wife just as much as the professional job titles we’ve relied on for our self-esteem. Even leaving a destructive relationship can lead to a feeling of loss or vacancy in our lives: it may have been a negative influence but the relationship provided a structure that is now missing.

How should I handle renewal? Reacquaint yourself with the person behind the ‘label’: this is your time to be who you really are – don’t allow yourself to be defined by others and be confident that the life skills you’ve built up over the years will help you move on successfully. As Shakespeare said: “The readiness is all.” Change can be great, but don’t underestimate the emotional (and financial) impact of a big upheaval in your life. However, if you’ve made careful plans and can anticipate how you’ll cope with the challenges ahead, there’s every chance you’ll go on to enjoy a successful new life.

Please mention the magazine when contacting advertisers

Contact Us: Karen Burgess 18 Kingsdowne Road Surbiton, Surrey, KT6 6JZ Tel: 020 8274 0096 Fax: 07092003581 Email: karen@berrylandscompanion.com Web: www.berrylandscompanion.com


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Find the names associated with astronomy in the grid and the remaining letters will spell out a related phrase To advertise call Karen on 020 8274 0096 email: karen@berrylands-companion.co.uk


Advertiser’s Guide

ncreased for 2 Years 2 Issues* Saving 5%

3 Issues* Saving 7.5%

4 Issues* Saving 10%


























ine at £297 per 8,000.

Copy Deadline

5 Issues* Saving 20%

Final copy must be submitted by the 16th of each month, for inclusion in the following months edition (which will be distributed during the first weekend of that month.)


Full payment for all advertisements must be received by the copy deadline date. Payment can be made by: Cheques payable to ‘Berrylands Companion’ or cash. Payment by BACS or standing order by arrangement.


‘A Berrylands Companion’ is a small independent operation and is not registered for VAT. Consequently, no VAT is charged on advertisements.


Acceptable Formats

Adverts can be submitted in the following formats: • MS Word • MS Powerpoint • MS Publisher • TIFF & JPEG

enerous shoppers at Saturday’s Surbiton Farmers’ Market helped raise nearly £1,500 for remote communities in Nepal affected by the recent earthquakes. Advert copy can be emailed to: karen@berrylandcompanion.com

If your ad is not available in an electronic format then we can produce it for you, from your own hard copy text, normally for a fixed price of just £10, although this may be higher if you have a particularly complex advert! (This is a one-off charge - the advert could then be re-used in subsequent issues free of charge.)


h of each month to guarantee publication of advert. hen full payment is made. nth.


Market shoppers dig deep in support of Nepal

The Companion will be published and distributed monthly, on or around the first weekend of the month. 10 editions a year. It will be delivered to over 12,000 homes in and around Berrylands and Surbiton over two months - guaranteed. In addition it is the first source of local information for anyone moving into the area.

support. The response has been amazing and we offer our sincere thanks.’

Format & Design

It is an A5 size booklet, stapled with colour plus black and white printed on quality paper. The Companion will be printed on 115gsm gloss paper giving it a very high quality feel. It will have ‘longevity’ and because of it’s size, content, look and feel it will be kept by the majority of households until the next issue arrives, thereby giving advertisers ‘immdiacy’ of access’ when their services are required.


All proceeds from a collection at the May 16 Farmers’ Market and its annual cookery competition, The Great Strawberry and Chocolate Challenge, will go towards the Community Action Nepal (CAN) Nepal Earthquake Appeal. The total of £1,441 raised included a £100 donation from local business Mail Boxes Etc in Victoria Road, Surbiton, and £185 raised by Gordon Bennett Bar + Kitchen and The Surbiton Flyer from a 50p donation per breakfast dish and £1 per Farmers’ Market brunch. Pictured at the market with the volunteers who coordinate its charity work, Robyn McAllister (left) and Aviva Jewel (right), is Elina Sherchan (centre) from Kathmandu in Nepal, who works at the Gordon Bennett family of bars in Surbiton. Proprietor Richard Sealtiel, who has four Nepalese nationals on his staff, said: ‘They are extremely warmed to see the market and the community being so generous of spirit and of course financially.’ Chair of the Farmers’ Market David Jacobson added: ‘Here at Surbiton Farmers’ Market our motto is “we support local charities.” But every so often we are forced to stand back and take a look at the bigger picture.

The cookery Challenge was also a big success, with entries in three categories: professional, amateur and children. International baking sensation Mary Berry-lands (pictured, aka Tim Harrison) judged the entries, helped by market volunteer Jo Harrington. The full list of winners is as follows: Professional category: Bosco and The French TarteAmateur category: Stephanie Morgan and Carmen Palmer Children’s category: Lily Hinton (age 9), Anna Banks (age 9) and Imogen Banks; and AnnaEllis. Held in Maple Road every third Saturday of the month, Surbiton Farmers’ Market is a

community interest company run by volunteers. For full details visit the market website www.surbitonfarmersmarket.co.uk join Facebook at Surbiton Farmers’ Market or follow Twitter @ SurbitonFM. For further information, contact: Alison Ewbank, Volunteer, Surbiton Farmers’ Market, marketing@surbitonfarmersmarket.co.uk M:07732 121959 T:0208 390 9378

‘The earthquake in Nepal a few weeks ago devastated countless thousands of lives. And last week another terrifying quake brought further misery to one of the poorest nations on earth. We asked our community to dig deep on Saturday to help give practical


Please mention the magazine when contacting advertisers

Contact Us: Karen Burgess 18 Kingsdowne Road Surbiton, Surrey, KT6 6JZ Tel: 020 8274 0096 Fax: 07092003581 Email: karen@berrylandscompanion.com Web: www.berrylandscompanion.com

You lookin’ at this advert? It could be your advert, and over 8,500 readers could be looking at it each month! For less than a cappuccino a day, you could advertise your business with A Berrylands Companion.

KING GEORGE FIELD INDOOR BOWLS CLUB Learn to Bowl, Free Coaching, All Ages & Abilities Welcome Bar . Restaurant Social Events Large Car Park

It’s easy to arrange your advertising Just call Karen on: 020 8274 0096 or email: karen@berrylands-companion.co.uk



Jubilee Way,.Chessington, KT9 1TR Tel: 020 8397 7025 www.kgfindoorbowlsclub.co.uk

Walking Your Dog Enjoying long walks together should be one of the highlights of dog ownership, but it can so easily turn into a nightmare if you’re constantly battling against a strong dog. With the best will in the world, being pulled from pillar to post by an over-exuberant dog is no fun, but there is one thing you can do that will limit this type of behaviour. Non-pull dog harnesses are designed to help you retain control, and train your dog to walk well on the lead.


It’s a gentle way to encourage good behaviour, which can be reinforced every day. Reasons why harnesses work • Harnesses of this type generally clip on to a dog’s collar, and by attaching the leash in this position rather than on its back, pulling power is significantly reduced. • Non-pull harnesses are gentle training tools which allow owners to reinforce good behaviour with treats and longer walks. Unlike choke chains, which were

popular in the 1980s, there’s no danger of the dog’s throat or neck being damaged. This can be a big problem, even with standard dog collars if the dog pulls too hard. • Harnesses like these are designed with extra padding to cover areas where friction might occur, such as underneath the dog’s stomach and legs where the skin is delicate. Dogs are extremely sensitive to the mood of their owners, so if you are happy and relaxed when out walking, the two of you will form a closer bond.

By Ann Haldon

To advertise call Karen on 020 8274 0096 email: karen@berrylands-companion.co.uk

53 53


ving 5%

3 Issues* Saving 7.5%

Short Story Advertiser’s Guide

reased for 2 Years 4 Issues* Saving 10%

5 Issues* Saving 20%

























Copy Deadline

Final copy must be submitted by the 16th of each month, for inclusion in the following months edition (which will be distributed during the first weekend of that month.)


Full payment for all advertisements must be received by the copy deadline date. Payment can be made by: Cheques payable to ‘Berrylands Companion’ or cash. Payment by BACS or standing order by arrangement.


‘A Berrylands Companion’ is a small independent operation and is not registered for VAT. Consequently, no VAT is charged on advertisements.

The Lemonade War Acceptable Formats

Adverts can be submitted in the following formats: • MS Word • MS Powerpoint • MS Publisher • TIFF & JPEG

Advert copy can be emailed to: karen@berrylandcompanion.com


If your ad is not available in an electronic format then we can produce it for you, from your own hard copy text, normally for a fixed price of just £10, although this may be higher if you have a particularly complex advert! (This is a one-off charge - the advert could then be re-used in subsequent issues free of charge.)

at £297 per 8,000.


f each month to guarantee publication of advert. n full payment is made.

The Companion will be published and distributed monthly, on or around the first weekend of the month. 10 editions a year. It will be delivered to over 12,000 homes in and around Berrylands and Surbiton over two months - guaranteed. In addition it is the first source of local information for anyone moving into the area.

A heat haze sent the tarmac shimmering like a pool of spilt lemonade. Across the avenue, Lenny, aged eleven, faced Max, aged twelve. Kids peered from behind parked cars, bushes and picket fences, anticipating the stand-off that had been brewing all day. Format & Design

It is an A5 size booklet, stapled with colour plus black and white printed on quality paper. The Companion will be printed on 115gsm gloss paper giving it a very high quality feel. It will have ‘longevity’ and because of it’s size, content, look and feel it will be kept by the majority of households until the next issue arrives, thereby giving advertisers ‘immdiacy’ of access’ when their services are required.


“You’ve lost, Lenny baby”, Max snarled, “go home and cry to your mummy”. Lenny’s eyes smarted with grit. Though he was scared, he definitely wasn’t crying. He licked his cracked lips. “Maybe I have, maybe I haven’t”. He attempted an enigmatic smile, “or maybe I have one more card to play”. Max spat defiantly onto the dusty pavement, “you’ve got nothing”. He unscrewed his lemonade bottle with a dull fizz and took a swig. “I won the turf. It’s mine for the keeping”. Lenny feared Max might be right. He glanced at the stall on the end of his drive. It had been a good little weekend business while it lasted. Yesterday his dad had helped him make a sign ‘Lenny’s Lemons: homemade lemonade 15p’, and he had set up stall with just two packing crates. All the kids had paid a visit, and the coins had been rolling in. Not enough yet for a whole skateboard, but enough for the first two wheels. Lenny should have known trouble was brewing when Max had showed up yesterday and bought a cup of iced


lemonade. For a boy of few words he’d certainly asked a lot of questions. Lenny had been flattered into letting his guard slip and it had cost him dearly. Max was older, cooler, and had his own mobile phone. And sure enough today ‘Maximum Lemons’ opened up just across the street. Max’s lemonade, while no more homemade than Lenny’s, was selling for just 10p, and each cup came with a curly straw. Max had been doing a steady trade while Lenny’s lemonade had turned flat in the jug. “Lemonade doesn’t taste any better through a curly straw”, Lenny said at the top of his voice, “you’re all just hooked on a pointless gimmick”. Max hooked his thumbs through his belt loops. “Pathetic. Is that the card you were going to play?” he sniggered and turned away. “Not so fast Max”. Lenny took a deep breath, “I bet your mum bought the lemonade, the cups and the curly straws from the supermarket this morning, after you cooked up your little scheme to steal my customers”. Max looked blank for a moment, “So what if she did?” “I even bet she said you could pay her back out of the money

you made”. Max, uncomfortable suddenly, glanced around at the curious eyes watching him. “Am I right?” Lenny said. The expression on Max’s face told Lenny all he needed to know. “It’s been a long day hasn’t it?” Lenny smiled, “you’ve worked hard haven’t you?” Max nodded, the sweat dripping down his forehead. The wind spun a curly straw across the street. Lenny bent to pick it up. “Just think of all the things you could have been doing Max. That hosepipe fight at number eight looked like fun”. Max shrugged, “maybe, but at least I made loads of cash”. “Really?” Lenny said carefully. “Didn’t your mum tell you curly straws cost a pound for a packet of ten?” He straightened the straw with a snap and delivered the killer blow, “Maxi baby, you’ve not made a single penny all day”. Max may be older, may be cooler, may even have a mobile phone, but Lenny was better at maths. by Jackie Brewster

Please mention the magazine when contacting advertisers

Contact Us: Karen Burgess 18 Kingsdowne Road Surbiton, Surrey, KT6 6JZ Tel: 020 8274 0096 Fax: 07092003581 Email: karen@berrylandscompanion.com Web: www.berrylandscompanion.com

Windows • Doors • Conservatories Orangeries • Garage Doors • Roofline

Add a New Dimension to Your Home

Our Conservatories, Orangeries and Bi-Folding Doors will completely change the way you enjoy your home.

7 Grand Parade, Ewell Road, Tolworth, Surrey KT6 7BE www.warmlite.co.uk Tel: 020 8399 3377 To advertise call Karen on 020 8274 0096 email: karen@berrylands-companion.co.uk

55 55


Advertiser’s Guide

reased for 2 Years Issues*

ving 5%

3 Issues* Saving 7.5%

4 Issues* Saving 10%


























Copy Deadline

5 Issues* Saving 20%

Final copy must be submitted by the 16th of each month, for inclusion in the following months edition (which will be distributed during the first weekend of that month.)


Full payment for all advertisements must be received by the copy deadline date. Payment can be made by: Cheques payable to ‘Berrylands Companion’ or cash. Payment by BACS or standing order by arrangement.


‘A Berrylands Companion’ is a small independent operation and is not registered for VAT. Consequently, no VAT is charged on advertisements.

Acceptable Formats

Adverts can be submitted in the following formats: • MS Word • MS Powerpoint • MS Publisher • TIFF & JPEG Advert copy can be emailed to: karen@berrylandcompanion.com If your ad is not available in an electronic format then we can produce it for you, from your own hard copy text, normally for a fixed price of just £10, although this may be higher if you have a particularly complex advert! (This is a one-off charge - the advert could then be re-used in subsequent issues free of charge.)



f each month to guarantee publication of advert. n full payment is made. .

The Companion will be published and distributed monthly, on or around the first weekend of the month. 10 editions a year. It will be delivered to over 12,000 homes in and around Berrylands and Surbiton over two months - guaranteed. In addition it is the first source of local information for anyone moving into the area.

Format & Design

It is an A5 size booklet, stapled with colour plus black and white printed on quality paper. The Companion will be printed on 115gsm gloss paper giving it a very high quality feel. It will have ‘longevity’ and because of it’s size, content, look and feel it will be kept by the majority of households until the next issue arrives, thereby giving advertisers ‘immdiacy’ of access’ when their services are required.


Wordsearch Riddle: Okay Houston, we’ve had a problem here. John Swigert.

Childrens’ Page Answers

Henry passes (b) six cones on his route to the sleeping builder. Wordwheel Truncheon CODEWORD SOLUTION

Word Ladder Solution Here is one possible solution (others may exist)

LOUD lord lard land band BANG


Please mention the magazine when contacting advertisers

Contact Us: Karen Burgess 18 Kingsdowne Road Surbiton, Surrey, KT6 6JZ Tel: 020 8274 0096 Fax: 07092003581 Email: karen@berrylandscompanion.com Web: www.berrylandscompanion.com

Kingston Pensioners’ Forum needs new members


he Kingston Pensioners’ Forum celebrated its 20th Anniversary last year with a tea party attended by the Mayor of Kingston.

The Kingston Pensioners’ Forum was originally set up as the Kingston Elderly Forum in 1994, by my late father, Max Feldman. He badgered the council into giving him a grant of £1000 to set up the club. He realised that the elderly of the borough did not have a voice. There was little or no communication between the Council and Pensioners. As A Berrylands Companion magazine was going to press, the AGM was due to be held in June. It was hoped that new officials would be elected to the Management Committee. But more people are needed to keep the Forum going. Those who live in the borough and are over 55 years of age are eligble, not just pensioners. Even if you are still working, you can join as well. Also groups involved with older people. The Forum meets every 2nd Monday of the month, except August and December, at the United Reform Church, Eden Street, Kingston, KT1 1HZ. Meetings last approximately one and a half hours in the Mayo Hall, which is accessable for wheelchairs. There are talks by outside speakers on issues that concern the over 55s. Regular events and outings are arranged as are Summer and Christmas Lunches. The Pensioners’ Forum campaigns on issues such as health and social services, local services, care in the community as well as education and leisure. Through links with regional and national bodies, the Forum contributes to the wider pensioners’ movement and actively takes part in local events. It provides an active voice for pensioners, in stating their needs and concerns on local and national issues. It is affiliated to the Greater London Forum for Older People, Age UK London, and the National Pensioners’ Convention, all umbrella organisations for the older peoples’ forums in all 32 London boroughs and the City of London.

Committee members from Kingston Pensioners’ Forum work voluntarily under the guidance of the Chairman, at present Douglas Reynolds MBE, and are elected at the Annual AGM. The Forum is non-party political and welcomes all ethnic denominations. The President is the Mayor of Kingston. Patrons include local MPs, councillors and ex councillors. The people attending are friendly and would welcome more new members. Why not join up? For more information contact the Secretary, Pam on Tel: 020 8241 9913, or email: p_wilson30@btinternet.com Check out the Forum’s website: www.kingstonpensionersforum@hotmail.co.uk

KINGSTON PENSIONERS FORUM Meets on the 2nd Monday each month (except August & December) Meetings at 2pm at the United Reform Church, Eden Street. Next meeting 13th June A talk on the Salvation Army All Pensioners invited We have discussions and debates on: *pensions *health *housing *benefits *various other topical subjects Our aim is to improve the standard of living for pensioners and disabled in Kingston Borough We are affiliated to the London Pensioners’ Forum Social activities include a summer outing and a Christmas lunch for members and friends New members always welcome, contact: Secretary, Pam Wilson Tel: 020 8241 9913 p_wilson30@btinternet.com www.kingstonpensionersforum@hotmail.co.uk

To advertise call Karen on 020 8274 0096 email: karen@berrylands-companion.co.uk

57 57

What’s on in July:-

reased for 2 Years Issues*

aving 5%

3 Issues* Saving 7.5%

4 Issues* Saving 10%

5 Issues* Saving 20%

























May- December: Royal School of Needlework Whitework Exhibition at Hampton Court Palace on set Advertiser’s Guide days each month & pre-booking is essential. Tours 1.5 hrs, Tkts £16pp, groups welcome. tel: 020 3166 6941, visit: www.royal-needlework.org.uk 29 June-12th July Wimbledon Tennis Fortnight 30 June -5th July Hampton Court Palace Flower Show www.rhs.org.uk 1st June-31st July Wild Roses in the RHS Wisley Garden Library, 11am - 4pm 20th June- 24th August Fuchsia display in the Glasshouse, RHS Wisley. Copy Deadline

Final copy must be submitted by the 16th of each month, for inclusion in the following months edition (which will be distributed during the first weekend of that month.)


Full payment for all advertisements must be received by the copy deadline date. Payment can be made by: Cheques payable to ‘Berrylands Companion’ or cash. Payment by BACS or standing order by arrangement.


‘A Berrylands Companion’ is a small independent operation and is not registered for VAT. Consequently, no VAT is charged on advertisements.

Acceptable Formats

Adverts can be submitted in the following formats: • MS Word • MS Powerpoint • MS Publisher • TIFF & JPEG

Advert copy can be emailed to: karen@berrylandcompanion.com


of each month to guarantee publication of advert. n full payment is made. .

If your ad is not available in an electronic format then we can produce it for you, from your own hard copy text, normally for a fixed price of just £10, although this may be higher if you have a particularly complex advert! (This is a one-off charge - the advert could then be re-used in subsequent issues free of charge.)

Events in July: Distribution

The Companion will be published and distributed monthly, on or around the first weekend of the month. 10 editions a year. It will be delivered to over 12,000 homes in and around Berrylands and Surbiton over two months - guaranteed. In addition it is the first source of local information for anyone moving into the area.

1-5th Henley Royal Regatta 1-7th National Childhood Obesity Week 3rd Golf Day at Malden Golf Club, in aid of Born Too Soon Charity 3rd-4th Sept RHS Wisley, Flavoursome Fridays, every Friday 1.30pm - 3.30pm, try a selection of seasonal products 3-5th British Grand Prix at Silverstone. RHS Hampton Court Flower Show, public entry. Flower and product sale starts 4.30pm on the 5th. 3 -19th International Youth Arts Festival Kingston 2015 4th Independence Day USA. New Malden Farmers’ Market 9-2pm Royal Star & Garter Home Summer Fête Christ Church, King Charles Road, Surbiton, 2pm. An afternoon of tennis, with Wimbledon on a big screen. Entry Adults £5, inc cream tea, Child £2.50 inc initial refreshments, DVD’s & craft activities. Opportunity to buy strawberries, extra refreshments during the afternoon. 6 - 12th National Childhood Obesity Week 2015. 8-14th National Transplant Week 9th RHS Wisley Late, 6pm - 9pm, last entry 8pm. Guided tour plus 20 % off at the plant centre, gift & book shop from 5pm. RHS Wisley, 9pm Bat Walk, free addition to the late night, book by emailing: Wisley events or call Jayne Stonestreet on 01483 226 508. 11th Born Too Soon 30th Anniversary Ball at The Richmond Golf Club. Tickets £55 each. 12th London Bridge Walk, approx 7 miles. Registration Adult £10, Child £4. Tel: 0845 070 601. In aid of kidney research. Email: events@kidneyresearchuk.org Starts in Potters Fields Park, check in 10am, Entertainment starts 11am, walk starts at 11.30am. 15th St Swithin’s Day 17-12th Sept BBC Proms 2015 18th Surbiton Farmers’ Market, Maple Road. Fircroft are hosting a Quiz Night at Tolworth Broadway Bar, starts 7.30pm sharp Entrance £5, Refreshments can be purchased at the bar. 19th Dragonboat Challenge 10-4pm, Canbury Gardens, Lower Ham Road, Kingston. For information www.kingstonrotaryclub.org.uk Chosen charity is Born Too Soon Charity 25th Music at St Matthews Church, St Matthews Ave, Surbiton. 7.30pm, Concert & Recital. Free admission, retiring collection. Catherine Hancock, Oboe, Simon Hancock, Piano 26th Evening of Clairvoyance with Graham Watson from 6.30 - 8pm .The Scout Hall Princes Ave, Tolworth Admission £3. 27-28th World Nature Conservation Day 28 - 30th University 3rd Age, U3A London Region Committee invites applications for the London Regional Summer School at the St Brides Foundation, Bride Lane, EC4Y 8EQ, Subjects on Art, History, Literature, Music & Science. Contact: catherine@the-wares.co.uk Tel: 020 8879 0352 28 - 3rd Aug Hepatitis Awareness Week 31-8th Aug The Kingston Welcomes Korea Festival 2015 at the Rose Theatre. A cultural programme to attract considerable interest for businesses. http://www.kingstonwelcomeskorea.org Format & Design

It is an A5 size booklet, stapled with colour plus black and white printed on quality paper. The Companion will be printed on 115gsm gloss paper giving it a very high quality feel. It will have ‘longevity’ and because of it’s size, content, look and feel it will be kept by the majority of households until the next issue arrives, thereby giving advertisers ‘immdiacy’ of access’ when their services are required.


Events in August

1st-27th Sept Buckingham Palace Summer Opening Booking advised. 1-9th Kingston Food Festival 1st Ride London Free Cycle Prudential Ride London 2nd Prudential Ride London - Surrey 100 and Surrey Classic. 3rd Summer Bank Holiday 8th Deadline for submissions to A Berrylands Companion for September issue. London Traithalon 23rd Music at St Matthews Church, St Matthews Ave, Surbiton. 4.00pm, Concert & Recital. Free admission, retiring collection. Oliver Hancock, Organ Recital 30th Evening of Clairvoyance with Riki Davies from 6.30 - 8pm The Scout Hall, Princes Ave, Tolworth. Admission £3 30-31st Nottinghill Carnival


Please mention the magazine when contacting advertisers

What’s On/Local Events

Contact Us: Karen Burgess 18 Kingsdowne Road Surbiton, Surrey, KT6 6JZ Tel: 020 8274 0096 Fax: 07092003581 Email: karen@berrylandscompanion.com Web: www.berrylandscompanion.com

1st Tuesday: NHS Retirement Club, 10-12pm at Christ Church Hall, Christ Church Road, Surbiton, KT5 8JJ. For information call Lorna: 020 8337 4121 Last Sunday of the month: Women on Wheels, meet outside Clas Ohlson Market Place 10.00. 020 8547 5865. E-mail: ccst@rbk.kingston.gov.uk St Marks Church:Weds mornings 10.00-11.30 Stay and Play for Toddlers and Carers at St Mark’s Church Hall, St Mark’s Hill. Friday Mornings Coffee and Cake corner 10-11.30am, drop in for coffee at St Andrew’s Church, Maple Road, no booking required for any of them. Tiny Tunes: Mon 10am & 10.50am at Surbiton Library Hall. Tues 10am & 10.50am at St Nicholas Parish Church, Summer Rd, Thames Ditton. All sessions 40 mins long, features music, dance, parachutes, bubbles & pom-poms. Age 3 months -5 years, pay as you go £5, siblings £2.50 www. tinytuneslive.com Kingston Pensioners’ Forum: Meets 2nd Monday each month at Reform Church, Eden Street 2pm. New members welcome. Talks, outings and tea and coffee. For more info: Pam Wilson Secretary, 020 8241 9913, www.kingstonpensionersforum@hotmail.co.uk Kingston Camera Club: Camera enthusiasts welcome. Meet Mon eves, at St John’s Ambulance HQ, Athelstan Rd off Villiers Avenue. 7.30pm - 10pm with coffee break. New members welcome. Contact Tim Moreland 020 8541 0126, email: tim.moreland@yahoo.com See www. kingstoncameraclub.com Kingston Philatelic Society: Meets 8-10pm on 1st Thurs & 3rd Fri, at Surbiton Library Hall, Ewell Road. Info: Brian Sole Tel: 01932 220 677 or email: brian.sole@btinternet.com Surbiton Floral Club: 1st Weds of the month at Raeburn Hall United Reform Church, Elgar Avenue. 7.30 for 7.45pm start. Floral demos, talks, workshops & outings. Tel: 020 8399 8193 Mrs Bennet’s Ballroom:Wednesdays. Learn Regency dancing at St Mark’s Church Hall, Surbiton, 8pm - 10.30pm. Cost £5 per eve. Contact Libby Curzon, 020 8391 1215. Email: curzone@hotmail. com Surbiton Club for the Blind and Visually Impaired: Meets alternate Tues 2-4pm at Surbiton Hill Methodist Church, Ewell Road. Social club with entertainment and tea. Transport available if necessary. For information: 0744 364 3716 . Volunteer drivers very welcome. Oasis daytime group for over 60s at Emmanuel Church, Grand Avenue, Tolworth. Plenty of opportunity to chat, play games, do puzzles. Meetings include a 5 minute Bible-based talk. Meetings on Wednesday 1st & 15th July, at 2.30pm. Tel: 020 8390 6631. Open Door: Alternate Thursdays, 2.45 - 4.30pm. A friendship group aimed at seniors. Afternoon tea, chat and short talks from local organisations. Christ Church Lounge, King Charles Road, Surbiton. 020 8390 7215 Berrylands Women’s Club: Meets every Mon evening, 8pm at Elgar Hall, United Reform Church, Raeburn Avenue, . Talks, slides and outings. Contact: Joyce Johnson Tel: 020 8390 5817 Art Classes: Every Monday 10-12noon & 2-4pm, with Berrylands Artists at Berrylands Christian Centre, 41 King Charles Road, Surbiton, KT5 8PF. Info: 020 8644 0941 Chinese Brush Painting: Held once a month at Sunray Community Centre, Knollmead, Tolworth. 10-13.00pm Contact Gwen: 020 8398 7313. Beginners & intermediates welcome. Encore Singing Group: Mondays, 10am - 12.15pm in Berrylands. For info: gillyvor@hotmail.com

Why not send in your Autumn events and Fairs? Call Karen on 020 8274 0096 or email:


Get your school, church or charity event mentioned in A Berrylands Companion magazine Call Karen on: 020 8274 0096 or email details to: karen@berrylands-companion.co.uk Next submission deadline is by 8th August for the September edition. Please Note: The following deadline will be 8th September for the October issue.

To advertise call Karen on 020 8274 0096 email: karen@berrylands-companion.co.uk


COMMUNITY PAGE Surbiton & District Historical Society Advertiser’s Guide

creased for 2 Years Issues*

aving 5%

3 Issues* Saving 7.5%

4 Issues* Saving 10%

5 Issues* Saving 20%

























Tues 7th July: Mr Paul Lang’s talk is “Hanwell, Horton and Broadmoor Asylums” Copy Deadline

Final copy must be submitted by the 16th of each month, for inclusion in the following months edition (which will be distributed during the first weekend of that month.)


Full payment for all advertisements must be received by the copy deadline date. Payment can be made by: Cheques payable to ‘Berrylands Companion’ or cash. Payment by BACS or standing order by arrangement.


‘A Berrylands Companion’ is a small independent operation and is not registered for VAT. Consequently, no VAT is charged on advertisements.

Acceptable Formats

Tues 4th Aug: This is our Members’ Evening. Talks by 4 members, quiz, raffle & finger buffet. At Surbiton & District Historical Society, Surbiton Library Hall, Ewell Rd, Surbiton. Cost: Visitors welcome, Contribution of £2 appreciated plus extra £2 for refreshments Adverts can be submitted in the following formats: • MS Word • MS Powerpoint • MS Publisher • TIFF & JPEG

Advert copy can be emailed to: karen@berrylandcompanion.com


of each month to guarantee publication of advert. n full payment is made. h.

If your ad is not available in an electronic format then we can produce it for you, from your own hard copy text, normally for a fixed price of just £10, although this may be higher if you have a particularly complex advert! (This is a one-off charge - the advert could then be re-used in subsequent issues free of charge.)


The Companion will be published and distributed monthly, on or around the first weekend of the month. 10 editions a year. It will be delivered to over 12,000 homes in and around Berrylands and Surbiton over two months - guaranteed. In addition it is the first source of local information for anyone moving into the area.

Format & Design

It is an A5 size booklet, stapled with colour plus black and white printed on quality paper. The Companion will be printed on 115gsm gloss paper giving it a very high quality feel. It will have ‘longevity’ and because of it’s size, content, look and feel it will be kept by the majority of households until the next issue arrives, thereby giving advertisers ‘immdiacy’ of access’ when their services are required.


Tues 1st Sept: Dr Julie Wileman’s subject is “Surrey Murders” Meetings start time: 7.45pm at Surbiton Library Hall, Ewell Road, Surbiton. Visitors welcome, Contribution of £2 appreciated For more details about meetings and the Society, call The Secretary: 020 8399 4473 Email: lenandmarilyn@virginmedia.com

Deadlines for submitting new artwork for forthcoming issues of A Berrylands Companion Aug 8th for September issue Sept 8th for October issue 8th Oct for November issue 8th Nov for Dec/January issue 8th Jan for February issue 8th Feb for March issue 8th March for April issue 8th April for May issue 8th May for June issue June 8th for July/Aug issue For more information call Karen on 020 8274 0096 or send an email to



Please mention the magazine when contacting advertisers


7) )



Contact Us: Karen Burgess 18 Kingsdowne Road Surbiton, Surrey, KT6 6JZ Tel: 020 8274 0096 Fax: 07092003581 Email: karen@berrylandscompanion.com Web: www.berrylandscompanion.com


Are you interested in gardening?

For all gardeners and allotment holders! We are a small friendly local society providing gardening supplies at very reasonable prices to our members: 9 Seeds, summer and spring bulbs, onion sets, seed potatoes. 9 Summer bedding plants and other young plants according to season. Crossword 9 Traditional and organic fertilizers and soil improvers/conditioners. 9 Lawn and rose treatments, weedkillers, pest controls. 9 Growbags and bagged compost, pots, gloves, trays, canes, netting etc. Annual membership just £2, senior citizens £1. Website:www.horticultural.moonfruit.co.uk Email: chesshort@live.co.uk

Our trading hut is conveniently sited at Moor Lane Allotments (just off Moor Lane near The Bonesgate pub) Open every Sunday 10am to 12noon, except December. In accordance with our "members only" policy, new members are always welcome to join!

Annual Membership just £2.50, senior citizens £1.50

Did you know there is an association in Hook? Our Association was founded over 50 years ago and is run by volunteers, can provide a wide range of composts, fertilisers, seeds and other gardening products at not-for-profit prices to our members. We support gardeners and allotment holders.

We currently have full and half plots available to rent. Contact: John on 07807 300 749 Membership is £2.50 a year and new allotment holders have free membership for the first year Our trading facility is situated next to the entrance to the allotment plots, beyond the rugby club pavillion, rear of King Edward’s Recreation Ground, Hook Road, Chessington Open: Sundays 10am - 12 noon Feb - Nov 10am - 11am Nov - Jan

The Tolworth Schools Summer Fayre Saturday 4th July, 12 - 3pm Remember, you can pick up a copy of A Berrylands Companion magazine at the following: C.D.Jennings, B&M Budget Store,, Surbiton & Tolworth Libraries, Shan’s Pharmacy, The Ditton Pub Tolworth Recreation Centre, The Lamb, MBE Surbiton, Londis Ewell Road Read it whilst you wait at: Aspen Vets, Berrylands Autocare Garage, Cornerhouse Dentist If you would like copies at your business please call me on: 020 8274 0096

Come along & join in music inspired fun, Bouncy Castles, disco dome, face painting, traditional fairground games, art & crafts activities & more! Plenty to eat & drink from a range of international food stalls. Entry £1, under 3’s free. Access via Douglas Road and School Lane.

To advertise call Karen on 020 8274 0096 email: karen@berrylands-companion.co.uk

61 61

Index Please mention the magazine when contacting advertisers

reased for 2 Years Issues*

ving 5%

3 Issues* Saving 7.5%

4 Issues* Saving 10%

Home & Garden Advertiser’s Guide All Your Garden Needs Berrylands Building Company Berrylands Property Maintenance Carpets4U Spotlight On Carpets4U Chris Mould Plumber Dream Doors (Kingston Kitchens) Evergreen Gardening & Landscapes George Curren Electrical James Anthony KB Design Kevin Robinson Decorators Leverett Electricals M.Duffell Decorator Oven Cleaners Pro-Fit Windows Systems R.J.Tree Services Shaun Overy Heating & Plumbing Time4U Warmlite Will Lord William Stallion Electricals

15 21 19 5 4 39 48 47 51 39 17 17 17 45 51 25 47 19 49 55 15 47

Care & Health Corner House Dental Practice Halo Homecare Kingston Council Better Bones Paula Maple, Chiropodist Reflexology by Wendy

2 44 43 13 7

Rest & Relaxation Anna Coe King George Field Bowls Club Kingston Pensioners’ Forum Rebel Waltz Cycle Solutions Royal Star& Garter Fayre Surbiton Racket & Fitness Club

13 53 57 44 60 64/20

Copy Deadline

5 Issues* Saving 20%

























Final copy must be submitted by the 16th of each month, for inclusion in the following months edition (which will be distributed during the first weekend of that month.)


Full payment for all advertisements must be received by the copy deadline date. Payment can be made by: Cheques payable to ‘Berrylands Companion’ or cash. Payment by BACS or standing order by arrangement.


‘A Berrylands Companion’ is a small independent operation and is not registered for VAT. Consequently, no VAT is charged on advertisements.

Acceptable Formats

Adverts can be submitted in the following formats: • MS Word • MS Powerpoint • MS Publisher • TIFF & JPEG

Advert copy can be emailed to: karen@berrylandcompanion.com


f each month to guarantee publication of advert. n full payment is made. .

If your ad is not available in an electronic format then we can produce it for you, from your own hard copy text, normally for a fixed price of just £10, although this may be higher if you have a particularly complex advert! (This is a one-off charge - the advert could then be re-used in subsequent issues free of charge.)


The Companion will be published and distributed monthly, on or around the first weekend of the month. 10 editions a year. It will be delivered to over 12,000 homes in and around Berrylands and Surbiton over two months - guaranteed. In addition it is the first source of local information for anyone moving into the area.

Format & Design

It is an A5 size booklet, stapled with colour plus black and white printed on quality paper. The Companion will be printed on 115gsm gloss paper giving it a very high quality feel. It will have ‘longevity’ and because of it’s size, content, look and feel it will be kept by the majority of households until the next issue arrives, thereby giving advertisers ‘immdiacy’ of access’ when their services are required.


Children & Education Monkey Music Playtime Day Nursery Rugby Tots

23 9 23 Tolworth Infant & Junior School Fayre 61 Office Suppliers MBE Etc


Funeral Services Lambert Funeral Directors


Media Services DVD Transfers



Veterinary Aspen Veterinary Surgery Mr Monty’s Fuss & Feed Cats Protection League

29 7 29

Accountant M&B Accountancy Services Ltd


Car Maintenance Alan Sursham Berrylands Autocare K&P Tyres Volkswagon Camper Hire

38 45 45 9

Food & Drink C.D.Jennings CF & MC Stears Greengrocer Langley’s Restaurant Prithi The Ditton Pub & Restaurant

37 8 11 46 41

Solicitors Lewis-Dick


Articles & Editorials Community Pages Kids Page What’s On & Local Events Pages Crossword Book Review Useful Telephone Numbers Gardening by Pippa Greenwood Recipe Baking Technology Celebrating 100th issue of the magazine

60/61 22 58/59 30 24 3 14 36 40 16 31-34

Want To Advertise Your Business? Just because there is already an advert for a similar one, please do not think we will not take your advert! There are so many businesses, trades and services that are not represented in

A Berrylands Companion From as little as £33 a month your advert can feature here for a year! An email with your artwork will ensure it is featured.

So What is Stopping You? Call Now!

Contact Karen: tel: 020 8274 0096 email: karen@berrylands-companion.co.uk

Magazine printed by Warwick Printing, Warwickshire

Contact Us: Karen Burgess 18 Kingsdowne Road Surbiton, Surrey, KT6 6JZ Tel: 020 8274 0096 Fax: 07092003581 Email: karen@berrylandscompanion.com Web: www.berrylandscompanion.com


e: info@mbesurbiton.co.uk

To advertise call Karen on 020 8274 0096 email: karen@berrylands-companion.co.uk

63 63


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