Local trades & services * Community info * Puzzles * Recipes * Events listings Delivered free each month to homes in Berrylands, plus Surbiton or Tolworth Inside this issue: * Surbiton Festival * Recipes, Puzzles * Sir Edward Davey, M.P * Community pages * New Advertisers * Hello’s and Goodbyes! And more...... A NEEDREPAIR?ROOF ROOFING.CO.UK HONEYBEE FIND US ON PAGE XX 23 A CompanionBerrylands Month: September 2022 Issue No: 171 Independent monthly community news and business directory for KT5 & KT6

2 Please mention the magazine when contacting Advertisers2 CARPETS U NUMBER MOBILE CARPET SHOWROOM FREE FITTING & FURNITURE MOVING - ESTIMATES AND ADVICE Epsom based, friendly, Father & Daughter family run business with over 40 years’ experience. We bring 100’s of carpet samples to your home in a variety of colours all at competitive prices. DISCOUNT ON PRESENTATION OF THIS ADVERT FOR SENIOR CITIZENS T&Cs APPLY SPECIAL RATES Cosy up this Autumn, add a new carpet for that little extra comfortwww.carpets u.co.uk 01372 632 CALL118 WELCOME Holly Over 1,000 Customer Reviews

Another name that has been in Surbiton for so many years, is Frederick W Paine, Funeral Directors who are advertising with A Berrylands Companion for the first time.
Coming into Autumn, thoughts will be turning to Christmas. I know, so soon!!! We all know it takes time to organise school fairs, fêtes etc. So don’t forget to add to ‘the to do list’ an advert for the event in A Berrylands Companion.
It’s a busy month as well! See Surbiton’s Surbofest map and planner in the centre pages. Then it’s Sustainable September, see what you can join in.
3 Useful Numbers Kingston Council www.kingston.gov.uk Action Fraud (Trading Standards) Refuse NonEmergencyNonKingstonSurbitonEnvironmentalInlandCustomsCitizensCouncilElectoralCollectionRegistrationTaxAdvice&Excise(VAT)RevenueHelplineAgencyLibraryPoliceEmergencyServicesServicesEmergencyNHS Transport: National Rail Enquiries Public Transport Traveline Gatwick HeathrowAirportAirport KingstonAgeSamaritansChildlineNHSKingstonCrimestoppersVirginBTWaterElectricityGasEmergencies/Utilities:EmergencyEmergencyEmergencyFaultLineMediaHospitalDirect(24/7)ConcernRelatewww.relatekh.org Domestic Violence Helpline www.victimsupport.org.uk Surbiton Safer Neighbourhood Team based at Millbank surbitonhill.snt@met.police.ukHouse 020 8547 5757 020 8547 4654 020 8547 5560 020 85474630 020 8547 5196 0870 126 4019 0845 010 9000 08459 000 444 0870 850 6506 020 8547 6444 020 8541 1212 08457111999101 484 950 0870 608 2608 0844 335 1802 0844 335 1801 0800 111 999 0800 783 8866 0845 920 0800 0800 800 151 0845 142 0000 0800 555 111 020 8546 7711 0845 4647 0800 1111 116 080012300 99 66 020 8549 3318 020 8547 3202 020 8721 2518 A Berrylands Companion 18 Kingsdowne Road, Surbiton, KT6 6JZ 020 8274 karen@berrylands-companion.co.uk0096 Please mention A Berrylands Companion when responding to adverts Hello Readers As I write this, England’s Lionesses have been celebrating their World Cup win over Germany. Now let’s see if the mens’ team can equal that!!! I hope that you had a great Summer, we have certainly had the weather! With brown grass everywhere it has been nothing like our lucious green green homeland. This is an edition with new advertisers and articles, so I am afraid some of the usual puzzles and articles are missing!! I’ll try to include them next month.
Emma’s Travel Agency is to be found on page 29 Whilst we welcome new advertisers, it is with sadness that we are to lose yet another stalwart of Surbiton, CS & MC Stears will be closing their doors at the end of August after 62 years. So soon after CD Jennings & Sons, individual suppliers are fast disappearing from our high streets.
Lastly, sadly in this current business crisis, the company that has been printing A Berrylands Companion magazine for so many years, has ceased trading. I have had a frantic summer finding a new printer! Hopefully JamPrint & Design will carry on the good work of Warwick Print. I hope that you are all staying safe and keeping well.
Best wishes, Karen cover photo: Anne Nygárd, at Unsplash
Perhaps you managed to go away on holiday, abroad or a staycation, I hope you have fantastic memories. A new advertiser this month might be able to help with any future trips!

The firm has a very distinguished heritage and is proud to have been serving the community since 1884.
Frederick W Paine funeral directors has been serving the bereaved in the South West London area since 1884. The family business of house furnishers, estate agents and undertakers had been founded in New Malden, but in 1908 the young and ambitious Frederick decided to rival another funeral firm, Charles Farebrother, by opening directly opposite his premises at 24 London Road in Kingston. Paine’s next branch was in Twickenham and by 1929 others had been opened in Worcester Park, Raynes Park and Surbiton. The latter was at 294 Ewell Road with large fascia prominently displaying the name of the business. Sutton branch followed in 1932 along with Norbiton, Molesey, Hook and Hampton Hill. By 1937 the Ewell Road branch had relocated to 265 where it remains to this day.
Frederick Paine focused on providing a high standard of care and facilities to the bereaved. All the branches had chapels of rest, clients were offered a wide range of coffins, while both horsedrawn and the latest motor vehicles could be secured for use on funerals. As until the 1950s the vast majority of funerals were burials, a full range of monumental masonry could also be supplied from the large workshop and studio at Fairfield in the centre of Kingston. Paine was an astute businessman as he developed his network of branches in areas where the population was expanding. New housing was being built in areas such as Tolworth, Berrylands, Worcester Park and Morden; in time all would need the services of a funeral director. Much thought was given to the external appearance and internal decoration of the branches. Paine was anxious to achieve consistency through what we would today call corporate identity. Most branches occupied prominent retail locations. Outside the premises Paine’s signature emblem was a large lantern originally with blue or purple glass and white lettering; a clock was used on some of the later branches. Entrance doors to some offices were flanked with columns of polished pink granite and the street doors were inlaid with etched glass. To keep his name before the public, he advertised extensively in local newspapers, parish magazines and at railway stations. By the late 1930s Frederick Paine had established the largest funeral directing business in the FrederickUK.died on the 20 March 1945 aged 75 years. The family grave in Kingston Cemetery commemorates his death with the simple legend ‘Undertaker, of this Town’. The business passed to his sister and co-director who, together with her husband, continued to manage the thirteen branch offices. It was sold in 1946 to the London Necropolis Company, then the Alliance Property Holdings Ltd. In 1972 The Great Southern Group acquired the business; it is now owned by Dignity PLC.
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Photographundertakersofalantern that used to be outside of all the Frederick W Paine undertakers of Frederick W Paine, Funeral Directors
First motorised hearse leaving from Frederick W Paine Kingston in 1913 with Frederick Paine leading Frederick Paine conducting a funeral in Surbiton
There are thirteen branches of Frederick Paine in the south west London and north Surrey areas. At 24 Old London Road in Kingston all the firm’s funeral registers have been carefully retained and enquires from family researchers are always welcome. In addition, there is also a museum dedicated to the history of the firm; please contact the office to make an appointment to visit.
FrederickCemeteryW Paine original Funeral Directors along Ewell Road in 1933 where the café and tailors are (you can still see the red granite column that used on all Frederick W Paine
Today, Frederick W Paine continues to serve many hundreds of families each year. Our dedicated staff are always available to assist the bereaved. We also offer a monumental masonry service and pre-need funeral plans.

55To advertise call Karen: 020 8274 0096 email: karen@berrylands-companion.co.uk FUNERALS FROM £995 Funerals • Memorials • Exhumation • Horse Drawn Hearse International Repatriations • Home visits available We’re here for you anytime. Whatever your wishes or budget, we can provide a funeral to suit you. dignityfunerals.co.uk/local We’re proud to be a Dignity Funeral Director, providing exceptional services to families across the UK. Pricing is correct at time of going to print and is subject to change. Price stated is for an Unattended Funeral. FREDERICK W PAINE FUNERAL DIRECTORS SERVING LOCAL FAMILIES SINCE 1884 Your funeral wishes our local experts Frederick W. Paine 265 Ewell Surbiton,Road,KT67AA 020 8399 2060 24 Old London Kingston-Upon-ThamesRoad,KT26QG02085471556 182 High Street, NewKT3Malden4ES 020 8942 1978 Also in Chessington, Esher, Hampton Hill, East Molesey, Morden, Raynes Park, Sutton, Teddington and Worcester Park

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Bank accounts
The best-known option is a cashback credit card. This will give you a percentage of your spending back as money, usually sent to your bank account. You may get a fixed percentage on all spending, a percentage that depends how much you spend, or a varying percentage that depends exactly what you are spending on. Watch for any monthly fees and be sure these won’t wipe out the benefits.
Credit cards
For example, earlier this year anyone using the option to convert Sainsbury’s Nectar card points to Avios air miles effectively boosted their cashback by 25 per cent – though of course, that’s only worthwhile for people who planned to spend their air miles. Remember also that how much financial benefit you get from air miles can vary depending on the type of flight you book.
However, make sure you check prices carefully and see if you could get it cheaper elsewhere, outweighing the rewards. Be particularly wary of any membership costs. Often such services are free or have a free tier, but they can have monthly fees that may come as a surprise and reduce the overall benefit.
The newest option is to use specialist apps and online sites. These aren’t operated by banks or credit card providers, but rather by independent businesses. In principle, all you need to do is visit the site or app before being passed on to the retailer and you’ll then earn a percentage of any spending as cashback.
Finally, don’t forget about supermarket loyalty cards. They don’t pay cash but do offer discounts on future shops. These days, the best value often comes from taking advantage of tie-ups with other retailers and programs, though this does mean doing some research and keeping up to date with the latest policies.
Another option is to get a bank account that offers some form of cashback, often called a reward account.
The interest rates on cashback credit cards are often quite high, so make sure you pay the balance off in full every month, preferably by direct debit. And don’t get cash advances such as bank machine withdrawals as, again, the rates can be high.
Inflation continues to rise, and with it the gap between your outgoings and income shrinks. You can’t completely stop spending, but you can earn cash back when you spend. There’s a range of ways to do this, but you need to check the conditions carefully.
Loyalty cards
Apps and online
The key rule for using such cards is that you should only use them for purchases that you would have made anyway: don’t buy stuff just to boost your cashback.
There’s often a small monthly fee, but if you are paying regular bills you can usually come out
ahead. Check the conditions carefully though: some rewards accounts have a minimum amount that you must pay in each month.

7To advertise call Karen: 020 8274 0096 email: karen@berrylands-companion.co.uk 7 Taxation advice and guidance to local businesses and sole traders for more than 15 years. • Accounts and Taxation • Self Assessment Tax Returns • CIS and Payroll • VAT Returns • Tax Planning and Advice • Book Keeping Services Contact Mark Baker 020 3044 2747 07909 703463 Email: markbaker@mbaccountancy.co.uk Taxation advice and guidance to local businesses and sole traders for more than 25 years. • Accounts and Taxation • Self Assessment Tax Returns • CIS and Payroll • VAT Returns • Tax Planning and Advice • Book Keeping Services Contact Mark Baker 020 3044 2747 07909 703463 Email: markbaker@mbaccountancy.co.uk Codeword Each letter of the alphabet has been replaced by a number shown in the grid, with the first few entered for you. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 20 20 3 5 7 4 23 25 19 25 1 1 14 21 2 25 6 3 22 18 17 7 7 9 22 14 25 15 22T 23 25A 12N 8 20 2 6 1 14 26 9 24 8 1 22 7 23 14 12 10 9 22 23 3 12 12 11 14 9 7 14 25 12 19 1 16 25 15 5 3 6 2 2 24 5 3 2 24 24 14 3 22 3 13 14 15 18 5 2 1 25 14 14 4 14 15 3 9 12 19 25 15 10 6 26 5 22 24 3 18 26

Each issue is packed with interviews, articles and how-to guides. Whether you’re reading about an award-winning screenwriter, a music teacher or a copywriter, you’ll find yourself turning down every second page to refer to later. An essential resource for any freelancer.
Do Purpose – David Hieatt
Work Better. Live Smarter. Be Happier – Courier
Are you itching to fix something? To fill a gap? To provide a solution that no one else seems to have caught onto yet? You’re in good company. The most successful businesses tend to be those with a tangible purpose. Do Purpose will help you to find your ‘why’, articulate it and bring people on the journey with you. Whether you’re freelancing, running a side hustle or thinking about setting up a small business for the first time, these books could make your life that little bit easier.
Making Your Website Work – Gill Andrews
Falling off the Ladder – Helen Hill
By Kate Duggan
Out of Office: Ditch the 9-5 and Be Your Own Boss: Fiona Thomas
It’s daunting taking the leap into self-employment. Even the most confident amongst us will wobble at times. Falling off the Ladder is like having a supportive friend on the sidelines cheering you on. It’s about changing your mindset, valuing what you have to offer and celebrating your achievements. There’s also advice on everything from finding a community of fellow business owners to dealing with overwhelm.
Freelancer Magazine – edited by Sophie Cross OK, this one is a magazine, but there’s no way we could leave it out.
Offering ‘100 copy and design tweaks for smart business owners’, this book will help you to tighten up your website so it attracts more visitors and converts them into customers. It’s packed with great advice, from how to improve your contact page to what to include in your footer. Whether you’re creating your own website or hiring an agency, this book is a must.
Want to build a scalable business from the ground up? Then Courier’s new book is worth the £35 investment. Featuring insights from entrepreneurs around the world, it covers everything from raising finance to spotting future opportunities and building resilience. Articles are accompanied with vibrant full-page photographs and hand-drawn images. You won’t be taking it on holiday though – it weighs a ton.
From reasons to take the plunge to things to consider before you do, and practical advice on aspects such as tax, insurance, raising an invoice and building a client base, this book has it all. Plus, it’s actually enjoyable to read (not something that can be said for most business books).
Please mention the magazine when contacting Advertisers

9To advertise call Karen: 020 8274 0096 email: karen@berrylands-companion.co.uk 9 I can pick up your bike from your home or• place of work then return to you at your Fromconvenience.asafety check, new build to a full• service, all work and repairs will be quoted prior to commencing. Will contact you immediately if any other• defects are spotted so there will be no unpleasant surprises. Free pick up and drop off within a five mile• radius of Surbiton.Contact:Jon jon@rebelwaltz-cyclesolutions.co.ukMartin | 07514 435855 Mobile b icycle Service & r epair Your Home | Your Work | Your r ide rebelwaltz-cyclesolutions.co.uk Starting at 1 and finishing at 49, track your way from one square to another, either horizontally, vertically or diagonally, placing consecutive numbers into the empty squares as you go. Some numbers are already given.

Changing a kitchen tap is a simple upgrade that gives the room a new lease of life. Finishes include chrome, stainless steel, brass, nickel, copper, gold or black, or how about a pull-out spray, water filter or a boiling-water tap?
Taps matter
Overhaul window treatments
In a kitchen-diner or an island kitchen with bar stools, the style of seating is important, so think about an overhaul. Buy new, consider antique or vintage options, or consider repainting or reupholstering your current pieces.
A made-to-measure roller blind is an inexpensive kitchen update with a major impact. A more expensive option would be New England-style shutters, which add thermal and acoustic insulation, too.
Choose bulbs for the right colour temperature – cool, bright white over working areas, with a warmer glow for relaxed eating. A dimmer is always a good idea.
A new shade can work wonders to update kitchen lighting, while replacing a whole fitting is not usually costly, provided wiring already exists.
Update lighting
Floor story
Glamorous hardware Cupboard handles, knobs and pulls are easy to replace, and there is an enormous range of shapes, styles and materials available. Measure for handles carefully so that new ones can be bolted through the same holes.
A new splashback
Retiling a splashback area behind the sink is usually straightforward, and can provide a gorgeous focal point. The messy bit is removing the old tiles and repairing the surface behind. If saving money is key, plain, rectangular tiles can look super-smart laid upright and aligned, especially with coloured grout for a graphic, modern look.
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9 Sort out storage Start with a clear-out, and if you need extra shelves inside cupboards, now is the time to add them, with internal organisers to keep everything tidy. Where space is short and items have to be on display, use efficient racks, rails and wall grids, adding baskets, jars and boxes that coordinate with each other and the room as a whole.
10 Artwork and accessories Hang beautiful paintings, prints or photographs in orderly lines or balanced groups on your kitchen walls. Add accessories that coordinate with the style of your scheme, and perhaps some house plants and/or fresh flowers.
These smart, neutral tiles have been grouted to match the cabinets beneath. Marylebone Gloss Ivory Flat Metro Tiles, £19.95 per square metre, wallsandfloors.co.uk. Create a new look for the heart of your home with these inspiring ideas.
Fresh paint A coat of hardwearing, wipeable paint on the walls gives a quick and easy new look. Cabinets can be repainted too. Remove the doors and all the hardware, sand thoroughly and prime. A satin top coat avoids highlighting fingerprints and minor brushstroke imperfections.
By Katherine Sorrell
Assess seating
Replacing a cheap vinyl floor covering with beautiful stone or ceramic floor tiles will transform a kitchen, and it may be possible to add underfloor heating at the same time. Alternatively, hide an unattractive floor with a large rug –braided rugs look pretty or there are lots of modern outdoor rugs that can withstand spills.

11To advertise call Karen: 020 8274 0096 email: karen@berrylands-companion.co.uk 11 ElectricalLeverettLtd Qualified electrician Part P registered. All work certified. No job too small. All work considered Quality at the heart of our work Installation & maintenance SecurityRewires lighting Fire Centralalarmsheating wiring Stuart Leverett Office: 020 8390 0617 Mobile: 07710 123 628 www.leverettelectrical.co.ukEmail:contact@leverettelectrical.co.uk ••••• ElectricalLeverettLtd Qualified electrician Part P registered. All work certified. No job too small. All work considered Quality at the heart of our work • Installation & maintenance • Rewires • Security lighting • Fire alarms • Central heating wiring Stuart Leverett Office: 020 8390 0617 Mobile: 07710 123 628 www.leverettelectrical.co.ukEmail:contact@leverettelectrical.co.uk QP advert 1 QP advert 2 ElectricalLeverettLtd Qualified Electrician Part P registered. All work certified. No job too small. All work considered. Quality at the heart of our work • Installation &maintenance • Rewires • Security lighting • Fire alarms • Central heating wiring Stuart Leverett Office: 020 8390 0617 Mobile: 07710 123 628 Email:contact@leverettelectrical.co.ukwww.leverettelectrical.co.uk QP advert 3 Est 35 YEARS ROBINSON & &PROFESSIONALSONPAINTERSDECORATORS EMail:ACALLPRIVATEINTERIORWallpapering&EXTERIOR&RESIDENTIALHighQualityWORKATLOCALRATESExperiencedprofessionalTradesmanFORFREEESTIMATE02083999803RECOMMENDATIONSAVAILABLEFAMILYRUNBUSINESSrobinsonandson24@talktalk.net THIS SPACE WAS RESERVED FOR ADVERTISER......AN but they had to put their advertising on hold for a while as they have become TOO BUSY through using A Berrylands Companion magazine This is NOT UNUSUAL When it comes to promoting local companies, we know what works so why not get in touch before the 8th September and we can help you promote your company. CALL: 020 8274 0096 or karen@berrylands-companion.co.ukemail: Architectural Services Residential + Commercial Extensions or New Build Planning + Building Regulation Consents Health and Safety for PartyConstructionWallAwards••••• KBDesign Ken Burgess Tele: 07976 837 031 E-mail: kcbdesign69@gmail.com

pepper • 550g skinned
• 115g mussels,
• Crusty bread,
chopped • 1 x 400g can chopped tomatoes • A handful
Hearty and wholesome, this vibrant fish stew makes the perfect midweek meal contacting Advertisers
4. Discard any of the cleaned mussels that do not close when tapped, or that are damaged or broken. Add the remaining mussels to the pan and cook for 2-4 minutes to heat through. Discard any mussels that remain closed.
1. Heat the oil in a saucepan, add the carrots, onion and garlic and cook for 2-3 minutes.
olives • 1 bay leaf • Salt and
sliced • 1 clove garlic, peeled
Please mention the magazine when
2. Stir in the chopped tomatoes, olives and bay leaf, and season to taste with salt and freshly ground black pepper.
5. Pile into a large warm serving bowl, sprinkle over the chopped parsley and serve with lots of crusty bread. For more seafood and fish recipe inspiration, visit seafish.org. and cut into small pieces and thinly and of black freshly black and cubed white fish coley, pollock, hake) debearded and parsley, to garnish to serve (optional)
Serves 4 Preparation time 8 minutes Cooking time 15-20 minutes Ingredients • 1 tbsp sunflower oil • 225g carrots, peeled
cleaned • Chopped fresh flat-leaf
• 1 onion, peeled
3. Add the fi sh cubes and cook for another 8-10 minutes.

** The price is £25 incl VAT, (parties over 7 subject to a 10% service charge). Children under 12 half price. Private rooms are also available for a small additional charge.
Impressive double gates open on to Glenmore’s free, private car park which can safely accommodate up to 110 cars. We have acquired an enviable reputation for gourmet cuisine second to none, offering superb value for money, with no compromise on quality. Come and enjoy the popular Sunday Carvery in the magnificent Elizabethan Suite, Tudor Rooms or Crescent Room. Our fabulous Elizabethan Suite comprises of a double height ballroom, featuring sparkling chandeliers, minstrel galleries and a sprung dance floor, adjoined by an exclusive bar area.
*Every first Sunday of the month
Next held: 5th January, 2nd February, 1st March £25 PER PERSON inc VAT Next held: 4th September, 2nd October, 6th November, 4th and 18th December
Two-time winner of the Kingston Chamber of Commerce’s Award for the Best Leisure and Hospitality Business, Glenmore House is one of Surbiton’s best kept Constructedsecrets.in 1840, Glenmore House is a fine example of late Georgian architecture situated in the exclusive Surbiton conservation area adjacent to the landscaped park of Claremont Gardens, the Edwardian building was one of the first substantial houses to be built in Surbiton, which has adapted to many uses over time, and today functions as a members’ club and wedding and events venue.
The Tudor Rooms benefit from stained glass windows and chandeliers, and our light and airy Crescent Room enjoys fabulous views over Claremont Gardens. Choose from a choice of five starters, five main courses and at least eight desserts, with coffee and complimentary amuse bouche for just £25 per person, all prepared by our brigade of award winning Chefs, using the freshest ingredients.

Ever-popular chef Ainsley Harriott, who first became a household name appearing on daytime TV shows such as Can’t Cook, Won’t Cook and Ready, Steady Cook, is back doing what he does best, cooking up a storm on his travels. Here we catch up with him…
In 2020 Ainsley was honoured to be awarded an MBE for his services to broadcasting and the culinary arts. So where does his passion for food and cooking come from? “It defi nitely comes from my late mum Peppy, who taught me so much as I helped her in the kitchen. In a way, I suppose, she was passing down elements of her heritage. She didn’t only teach me about ingredients and recipes, she showed me how to cook with joy and, most importantly, with a lot of Andrhythm.”talking rhythm, Ainsley has twice swapped his oven gloves for dancing shoes to appear on family-favourite show Strictly Come Dancing, first partnering with Natalie Lowe, then returning for a Christmas Special with a dance routine with Karen Clifton. But there is nothing that Ainsley loves more than taking a culinary voyage back to his roots to explore the dishes of the Caribbean.
“I don’t question it – I just keep doing what I’m doing! I’m very lucky to have a great job and I genuinely love meeting and working with really interesting people. Maybe that’s what audiences respond to – that what you’re seeing is not only fun, it’s also real.”
In his first new book for over a decade, Ainsley’s Caribbean Kitchen published in 2019, he went island hopping between Jamaica, Trinidad and Tobago, Grenada, Barbados, St Lucia, Dominica and Antigua. He went off on his travels again the following year with Ainsley’s Mediterranean Cookbook , and in 2021, when we were in the throes of the Covid-19 pandemic, Ainsley hit the spot with his newest cookbook, Ainsley’s Good Mood Food: Easy, comforting meals to lift your spirits So, at 65, and back on our screens doing what he does best, what’s the secret of his success?
The Channel 4 series saw the pair take in the delights of South Devon, the Isle of Wight, Carmarthenshire, Aberdeenshire and Norwich and Great Yarmouth.
© Dan Jones from Ainsley’s Caribbean Kitchen by Ainsley Harriott (Ebury Press, £20).
“It’s the beautiful sea air,” said Ainsley when asked what is it about the seaside and food that makes such a great combination, adding: “Being al fresco gives you an amazing appetite, and the smell of salt – and especially if you’re near the boats with the actual smell of fi sh – just makes you want to have a bag of fi sh ’n’ chips in your hand.”
14 Please mention the magazine when contacting Advertisers14
The staycation has never been more popular and in his latest TV series Ainsley Harriott and restaurant critic Grace Dent, two of Britain’s most-loved foodies, have whetted our appetites as they explored some of the best seaside holiday destinations – and dishes – the British Isles have to offer in Best of British by the Sea.

1515To advertise call Karen: 020 8274 0096 email: karen@berrylands-companion.co.uk roofsOfEpsom All major cards accepted all work guaranteed family run business OFFICE: 01372 390170 DIRECT LINE: 07393 646724 e mail: roofsofepsom@hotmail.com CALL NO w FOR A FREE NO - O b LI g ATION qu OTE new roof installations roof repairs slate / tile & g arage roofs flat grp fibreglass roofs chimney repairs & r e-builds upVc fascias, soffits, guttering & cladding e xterior painting moss remoVal damp work CALL NO w FOR A FREE NO - O b LI g ATION qu OTE fromCleanedGutters£39

1. Preheat the oven to 180°C / 160°C fan / gas mark 4. Grease and line a 20cm square tin or a 23cm round cake tin.
4. To make the frosting, beat the butter and icing sugar together until pale in colour then gently fold in the cream cheese until evenly mixed.
5. Spread a lovely thick layer of cream cheese frosting over the top of the cake and decorate with a few edible flowers, such as violas or rose petals, if liked.
3. Pour the batter into the prepared cake tin and bake in the preheated oven for approximately 50-60 minutes. The cake is done when a skewer inserted in the centre comes out clean. Set the cake aside to rest for 15 minutes before removing it from the tin. Leave on a cooling rack until cold.
16 Please mention the magazine when contacting Advertisers16 Method
For more watercress recipe inspiration,
Teamed with a cool cream cheese frosting, this cake will go down a treat with children and grown-ups alike.
visit watercress.co.uk
2. To make the cake, chop the watercress until very fine – ideally do this in a blender. Put it in a mixing bowl with the rest of the cake ingredients and beat until well incorporated. Try not to over stir – it isn’t the end of the world if you do, but the cake may not rise as well as it could.
The surprising inclusion of watercress adds a deliciously peppery note to the vanilla flavour of this light cake.
Recipe created by baker and blogger Lizzie Crow (lizziebakingbird.co.uk/baking-blog/).
Serves 8-10 Preparation time 45 minutes Cooking time 50-60 minutes Ingredients For the cake • 125g watercress • 285ml sunflower oil • 325g caster sugar • 5 medium eggs • 375g self-raising flour • 2 tsp vanilla extract For the frosting • 100g butter (preferably unsalted), at room temperature • 50g icing sugar • 200g cream cheese, at room temperature To decorate • Edible flowers (optional)

If they start to growl or bark at each other, separate them straight away and wait until they calm down before trying again.
Don’t worry if your dog and cat don’t immediately gel. With time, most cats and dogs that live together do become friendly, even if it is very much on the cat’s terms!
If you already have a cat and are introducing a puppy, be aware that the cat might react to the introduction by hissing or swatting at them, or try to escape by running away or hiding. Again, it’s a matter of giving them time to get used to each other. Separate cats and dogs at mealtimes so both can eat in comfort without the risk of stealing each other’s food.
Cats and dogs
If you already have one pet and are thinking of introducing another, you can’t assume that the incumbent will be delighted with their new housemate. You need to allow a bit of time for them to adjust to sharing the sole attention they’ve had up to now.
Dogs and dogs
Hazel is a pretty, female tabby & white, kitten/cat, approximately 3yrs old. She came into care when a member of her human family developed an allergy to her. She was a bit shy and confused at first but is getting braver every day. Hazel is very affectionate, lively, talkative and loves her food; she purrs lots and is very inquisitive. She is looking for a home with an experienced cat owner, in an adult only home/or with children over 10 years, a safe garden and no other pets. She likes company, so would need someone to be around for at least part of the day.
Start by fi nding a neutral place for them to meet e.g. a friend’s garden, so there are no territorial issues.
If your new dog is a puppy, put them on a leash initially. They are likely to be very excited and a bit overwhelming for an older pet. Don’t overdo it and assume the initial introduction is good enough. They both need a bit of time and personal space.
17To advertise call Karen: 020 8274 0096 email: karen@berrylands-companion.co.uk Join Aspen Pet Care Plan Save Money, Spread Costs, Pay Monthly, Open Mon-Fri: 8am-7.30pm Sat: 8.30-11am 24 hour Emergency 351www.aspenvets.co.ukServiceEwellRoad,Tolworth,KT67BZ02083996437AspenVeterinarySurgeryYourpetmatterstousHOME WANTED! Hazel As we have around 7,000 cats and kittens in our care at any one time, we will find you the perfect feline friend. Regwww.cats.org.ukCharity203644(England and Wales) and SC037711 (Scotland) Epsom Ewell & District Branch http://www.epsom.cats.org.uk If you cannot adopt a cat but would still like to help us please go https://www.justgiving.com/Epsomto Cats Protection If you feel you could give Hazel her forever home please call Sue on 020 8390 3165

Heat pumps: using a similar technology to that which operates your fridge freezer (but in reverse), heat pumps will be one of the main ways new-build homes are heated after 2025, by utilising only air and a small amount of electricity.
Solar thermal panels: designed to be used alongside a regular gas or biomass boiler, solar thermal panels absorb heat from the sun, which is then transferred to a water tank for you to use as a hot water supply or for heating for your home.
Infrared heating panels: by emitting infrared energy into a room, the energy is absorbed directly into solid objects within three metres of the panel, causing them to warm up instantly.
Out with the old
In with the new According to the plan for the UK to reach carbon net zero by 2050, the UK government has announced that new-build homes will not be allowed to install traditional gas boilers after 2025. This doesn’t mean you have to replace your existing gas boiler by this date, but you may wish to consider these heating alternatives, which will soon be considered the norm.
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With winter just around the corner, now is the time to think about your home’s heating system.
Is your boiler running safely and efficiently while keeping running costs to a minimum? Home heating can contribute up to 60% of your home’s utility bills, so it’s important to ensure you are up to date with the best practices for maintaining and operating your central heating system.
Rather than electric portable heaters, which are really costly to run, an efficient central heating system set to around twenty degrees is still the recommended choice, even if you plan on heating just one room of the house. By using individual thermostats or radiator valves (or a smart thermostat) in each room, you can focus the heat towards the room you need to keep cosy, avoiding having to wear gloves and a woolly hat on your Zoom calls!
The general rule is that once your boiler reaches around twenty years of service, you should replace it with a new unit. On average, your boiler will begin to operate less efficiently after ten to fifteen years, meaning it will need to work harder to heat your home, resulting in increased utility bills. Along with the potential cost of breakdowns and repairs for older boilers, it may be financially prudent to replace your boiler before it becomes a bigger expense.
Working from home this winter?
Biomass boilers: these work in the same way as a conventional gas boiler, but rather than gas, the fuel is a plant-based mixture of either wood, pellet or woodchip. This means it’s a much greener solution than conventional fossil fuels.
The infrared cannot warm air unfortunately, so the room will feel cold the moment it’s turned off.

19To advertise call Karen: 020 8274 0096 email: karen@berrylands-companion.co.uk William Stallion 150 Elmbridge Avenue, Surbiton, Surrey, KT5 9HF Tel: 07828 796 702 willstallion@googlemail.com APPROVED CONTRACTOR DOMESTIC INSTALLER *Alterations & Additions *New *Testing*Rewires*MaintenanceInstallations&InspectionEICR/PIR* NIC/EIC Registered,insured,certified Painting and Decorating Roofing and Guttering Plastering and Tiling Household Maintenance Loft conversions and extensions Marcus & Sarah Baines 020 8390 7549 07702 603 885 berrylands-property@blueyonder.co.uk WWW CHECKATRADE COM/BERRYLANDSPROPERTYMAINTENANCE No obligation quotations. References available. All work guaranteed and fully insured. ASSEMBLYARTBAGBELLBOOKSCLASSROOMCOMPUTERCOOKERYD Y L B M E S S A H A L L E Y O Y M A X E U L P T U S E G P R E F E C T L R N K P G N I T I R W A A A C L E S S O N S R N S Y O H S N M E R E A D I N G T H G C L A S S R O O M R S E L A H E C N E I C S O K N I I B O M R O F I N U O G P N L C O O K E R Y N O L U G L N E L W E V E D B I P R E S P E L L I N G Y S D A B Y C O M P U T E R H PENLUNCHLESSONSHALLGYMEXAMENGLISHDESK PLAYGROUNDPREFECTPUPILREADINGSCHOOLSCIENCESPELLINGUNIFORMWRITING

It’s not all over in September. Indeed, many people choose this month as their favourite when it comes to drama in the garden. If your outdoor space is looking past its best, this is an opportunity to add to your plant palette.
Erica varieties like free-draining soil in light shade and they can look stunning when planted amongst rocks and boulders, or towards the front of borders. Calluna, or ling heathers, like full sun in acid soil, so there is a heather suitable for almost any location except full shade or bog.
After all, wise gardeners plant today if they believe in tomorrow.
Asters, with their astonishing display of daisy-like purple, lilac and pink blooms, are often covered in bees and butterflies in September. They set the garden alight with vibrant colour just when you think the show is almost over. Asters are known as a symbol of love and wisdom – let’s all have some of these!
Contrast and drama
Rudbeckia Aster with bee
Make the most of ground cover plants such as heuchera, sometimes known as coral bells.
More shrubs and perennials for September
Swathes of gently swaying grasses lighten the soul. Some measure just a few centimetres high whilst others tower to three metres and more.
There are red, yellow, lime green and orangeleafed varieties. Plant them in groups, next to others with contrasting foliage, to brighten up the autumn understorey.
Looking good in September
Pay attention to foliage if you want to create some astonishing contrast. Acers, in particular, are now working their way to a crescendo. Their colour takes on a vibrancy that will improve over the next few weeks as the leaves turn gradually crimson, purple, bronze and brilliant yellow, according to variety.
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The crimson red flower of helenium ‘Moerheim Beauty’ is one of the best.
The same applies to heathers, with late-summer and autumn flowers in pinks, purples and white.
For something completely reliable in freedraining soil and a sunny position, try Anemanthele lessoniana, or pheasant’s tail grass. It’s a semi-evergreen mound of golden and green loveliness that is steaked with red at this time of year. Use some of the larger grasses, including Miscanthus, as specimen plants amongst your borders. They will add froth and glory that improves throughout the year. When most plants are fading, these grasses will be stealing the show with their clump-forming habit and spectacular autumn flowers.
The seed heads can be pink, purple, cream and white. A few grasses look like lambs’ tails and several resemble giant plumes on a circus horse’s head.
The sunny flowers of rudbeckia ‘Goldsturm’ create a splash of yellow during September. This award-winning beauty ensures that sunshine will stay in your garden right through to October and beyond. It works well with ornamental grasses and other daisy types including heleniums.
By Caroline Knight: Gardendesignideas.co.uk
Top marks go to ornamental grasses as they are reaching their peak in terms of beauty. There’s a grass to suit just about every type of space and the effect at this time of year is stunning.

Alfriston Outreach Centre launches cleaning service with help from Surbiton Rotary
Alfriston Outreach Centre, based on Berrylands Road, Surbiton, has been supporting the older residents of our Community in their own homes, since closing as a Day Centre during the covid pandemic. They have recently recognised how difficult it can be for some older people to keep their homes clean and tidy, and have seen the detrimental impact this can have on their mental health.
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Liam Burke, Deputy Manager, Alfriston, left; Jeremy Thorn Surbiton Rotary President, right.
RepairWardrobesKitchensDoorsWork DeckingKeyFencesGatesHedgeMaintenanceTrimmingCodeLocksClearance LOCAL CARPENTRY AND GARDEN SERVICES CITY & GUILDS QUALIFIED Friendly, reliable and tidy service Will: 07961 450 618 RICHEY BRICKWORK 078360208DamagedStructuralGardenBlockworkBrickworkWallsAlterationsWallsRepairedNojobtoosmall35yearsexperiencePleasecallPaul3900771200489
Surbiton Rotary have come together with Alfriston to provide the funds necessary to launch this much needed Cleanersservice.notonly clean, but become the eyes and ears of Alfriston, alerting them to any other issues these older residents may be facing. Many live alone and a visit from a cleaner can really make a difference to their day. if you are aware of someone in your family or neighbourhood who may benefit from Alfriston’s help, please contact them at liam@mindinkingston.org.uk
Surbiton Rotary supports a wide range of local charities and community projects. If you would like to know more, please www.surbitonrotary.org.ukvisit

Peter’s Solent Swim Challenge 2022
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Peter has been keeping himself busy over the past few months, with range of bucket fundraising collections at Waitrose stores in Kingston-upon-Thames & OrganisationsGuildford. currently support ing Peter’s fundraising include: Waitrose stores; Global Warriors (courageous leadership develop ment); Surrey Arts; Yonda Sports & Surbiton Methodist Tennis Club. To follow Peter’s swim training & general progress as he prepares for this event, please go
This September, keen outdoor swimmer, Peter Black will be attempting a three mile solo open water swim across The Solent sea channel on the south coast in Hampshire. Starting at Stokes Bay in Portsmouth, he’s aiming to reach Ryde Sands on the Isle of Wight, guided by a dedicated kayaker. This is a fundraising event, in aid of Aspire UK, which is a national charity providing practical help to people who have been paralysed by spinal cord Injury. It’s the second time Peter has supported this worthy cause, having taken part in a six-person English Channel relay team in 2017 from Samphire Hoe, Dover to Cap Griz Nez in EachNormandy.ofthe participants taking part in this challenge event, is asked to raise a minimum of £750 for Aspire UK. Peter’s has recently reached a milestone of £1000 and is still actively fundraising. He has a Just Giving page set up for online donations and would warmly welcome further contributions from local residents.

23To advertise call Karen: 020 8274 0096 email: karen@berrylands-companion.co.uk Direct Line: 07774 835 712 15 Fengate Close Chessington Surrey KT9 2BF We Specialise in: Extending the life of old Roofs Felt and GRP Flat RoofUPVCTilingLeakNewRoofsRoofsRepairs&SlatingGutteringConsulting Call us for a free estimate or www.HoneyBeeRoofing.co.ukadviceWECANEXTEND THE LIFE OF MOST ROOFS A REPAIR?ROOF We are a local family business with over 50 years of roofing experience. When you need a roof repair and you speak to one of our Roofers you can expect an honest evaluation of your roof followed by a free detailed quote. NEED ROOFING.CO.UK HONEYBEE ROOFING COUK HONEYBEE

24 Please mention the magazine when contacting Advertisers St10amSquareAndrew’s-5pm - Refreshments - Coffee - Hot Food - Licenced Bar - Live Music Various throughtoutactsthe day from local musicians Rock, Pop Contemporaryand Music A place to relax, eat & drink, with a great party atmosphere Market Stalls in Victoria Road & --------12 noon - The Parade - St Andrews Road Brass Band - Dance Displays at Surbiton Station SATURDAY SEPTEMBER24TH

25To advertise call Karen: 020 8274 0096 email: karen@berrylands-companion.co.uk ClaremontGardens11am-4pm - Refreshments - Licenced Bar - Live Music - Kids Zone scheduled to include Free Teddy Bear’s Picnic Free Stalls & Games for Children Free Face Painting Free Inflatables Free Punch & Judy Shows & St Andrews Road 10am - 4pm Road via Victoria Road to Claremont Gardens-------Station Forecourt Various times throughout the day 10AM - 5PM

Meet your Neighbour St George's Church Tolworth Community
Following an enforced two year absence due to the Tolworth Meet Neighbour Fun Day is back for 2022!
Our catch phrase for the day is Come and Taste, and we will be featuring stalls showcasing food from our local restau rants and cafes. The Church Centre is in Hamilton Avenue, only three minutes walk from Tolworth Broadway, so why not come and join us for a lovely relaxing afternoon. ENTRY AND ALL ACTIVITIES ARE FREE (other than the BBQ), so please do come along and meet your neighbours and local community groups, find out what is going on in Tolworth and enjoy an afternoon of fun. If you are a community group or club in the area and would like to promote your activities then please email your interest to st.georges.tolworth@gmail.com and we will be happy to make space for you. Help us celebrate, and build on, all that is good within our community.
26 Please mention the magazine when contacting Advertisers An opportunity to meet your neighbours and local community groups T O L W O R T H S T G E O R G E ' S C H U R C H , H A M I L T O N A V E N U E , K T 6 7 P T M E E T Y O U R N E I G H B O U R S A T U R D A Y 1 7 T H S E P T • 1 2 - 4 P M Face Painting • Splat the Rat • Bouncy Castle • Hook a Duck • Shoot The Goal • Giant Jenga Displays & Crafts • BBQ* • Live Entertainment • And lots more J O I N U S F O R A N A F T E R N O O N P A C K E D F U L L O F F U N * Everything free except the BBQ in partnership with the Community FREEENTRY Sample local restaurant delicacies Come& Come& Taste Taste Fun Day
Covid restrictions,
Partnering with the
St George’s Church together with mem bers of the local community are looking to build on the success of the previous two events in 2018 & 2019 to provide a day where can all reconnect with one another and rebuild relationships the We will be holding a Fam ily Fun Day on Saturday 17th September between 12noon and 4pm at St George’s Church Centre, Hamilton Avenue, suit able for all ages and backgrounds and celebrating our cultural diversity. In the Church buildings and gardens we will have a mix of live entertainment, stalls and refreshments, providing many opportunities for everyone to mix and build friendships. Many local commu nity groups are already planning to join us and will be exhibiting their activities and cultural specialities. There will be activities for all ages including lots of children's activities with a bouncy castle and games as well as live entertainment, a BBQ and tea & cakes.

27To advertise call Karen: 020 8274 0096 email: karen@berrylands-companion.co.uk

The waters around Boa Vista are also a breeding ground for humpback whales, giving you the chance to book a catamaran tour to see these mighty mammals. Sightings are possible from late February through to May.
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With its white-sand beaches, stunning mountain scenery and vibrant culture, it’s no wonder Cape Verde is becoming one of the UK’s favourite spots for winter sun.
Taking its influence from Brazil’s Mardi Gras, the carnival officially lasts a week – but locals will tell you Carnival fever begins at the end of the previous year!
The festival fever is alive and kicking Winter in Cape Verde brings with it a whole host of festivals and celebrations. Mindelo’s annual Carnival on the island of São Vicente is by far the archipelago’s most famous event. Held each year on Shrove Tuesday, the carnival sees the small Cape Verdean town come alive with live music, colourful costumes and dancing.
The beaches are divine Powder-soft sand washed by turquoise sea, lined with swaying palm trees: the beaches in Cape Verde are paradise. Sal, the archipelago’s most popular island, is home to the gorgeous Santa Maria beach, where bustling bars, shops and restaurants offer a welcome break from the midday sun. Fancy a little more peace and quiet? On the island of Boa Vista, you’ll find unspoilt stretches of sand with barely a soul in sight to share them with.
The archipelago’s volcanic landscape, mountain scenery and cultural cities make the islands an adventurer’s playground too.
You could see turtles and whales Cape Verde is home to some of the most important loggerhead turtle nesting sites in the world. On the island of Sal you can visit Project Diversity, a non-profit organisation that protects the turtles’ nesting sites and helps hatchlings make their way to the sea. Visit between July and December for the best chance of witnessing the tiny turtles’ journey.
It’s the perfect place to go island-hopping With each island offering its own unique flavour, why settle for just one? Imagine starting your holiday on the beach, followed by a couple of days spent drinking in mountain scenery, then the next morning you’re off to hike a volcano. If that sounds exciting, you’ll love an islandhopping holiday around Cape Verde.
There are adventures to be had
This idyllic archipelago may be known for its winning combination of sun, sea and sand, but with ten islands to explore there’s plenty of room for adventure too. Here are five reasons to consider Cape Verde when planning your next winter break – and what not to miss while you’re there.
Witness Fogo’s lunar-like landscape or immerse yourself in Santiago’s lush green valleys. If you’re looking for a more cultural experience, you’ll love the island of São Vicente with its buzzing musical scene. The higher winds during November and March make Cape Verde’s beaches a fantastic place to practice watersports too.
Don’t miss a visit to the island of Santo Antão. A wonderland for hikers, it’s by far the greenest island in the archipelago. sites

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29To advertise call Karen: 020 8274 0096 email: karen@berrylands-companion.co.uk
We know that for some of us, travel this summer has been nothing but easy. However, for many, the opportunity to travel after the challenges of the past few years, has been exciting. It is with this backdrop that I have just launched my small business as a personal travel consultant with Not Just Travel (NJT). Like many others, COVID forced me to revaluate my life, work and goals for the future and challenge myself to be brave and step out of my comfort zone a little!

By Katherine Sorrell ◄
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This timeless outline is highly versatile. Depending on how you style them, scallops can be used to introduce a smart, modern look, a retro, Art Decolike vibe, or a vintage/country feel.
Details count – even for storage accessories. Three-tier gold and glass jewellery box with scallop pull, oliverbonas.com.£75, by Katherine Sorrell
▲ Add playful, modern scallops on a fun cushion for an instant update. Soft green scallop cushion in faux
Sea shell shapes
• Whimsical and chic, scallops can help with a quick room update, and look equally good when combined with raffia, velvet, coloured glassware, vibrant prints and ditzy florals for a boho look as with classic shapes and luxurious textures in a more refined room scheme.
• The obvious place for scallops is in the form of a trim, and they are often found as an appealing edging to pillow cases, napkins and towels – somewhat similar to a ruffle, but with more structure and sophistication. That said, there can be no stopping once you start with scallops, and it’s not difficult to source them in the form of upholstery, lighting, crockery, wall decor and accessories such as vases, cushions, baskets and mirrors. Give them a try!
Add this curvy detail around your home for a fresh look that has oodles of interior appeal.
A classic Art Deco style in an on-trend fresh pink. Blush scallop chair, £129.99, tkmaxx.com/uk/en.▲An interesting take on the theme in the form of a handsome pendant. Scallop wall light in opaline glass, £61, pooky.com. How pretty is a scalloped shape?
► ◄
This wall-mounted headboard makes a bold statement with its curving style and pretty colour. Flora dusty pink velvet headboard, from £545 (double); Moe bedspread, £155; Flora bedding, £78; Alohi raffia wall light, £49.50; Amour wall Art, £79.50; all oliverbonas.com.
Update a bathroom, kitchen or cloakroom with some scallop-shapedclassic-meets-contemporarytilesinaprettycolour.Ca’PietraAtlantisScallopporcelainmosaictilesinThyme,£12persheet,hyperiontiles.co.uk. tkmaxx.com/uk/en.

31To advertise call Karen: 020 8274 0096 email: karen@berrylands-companion.co.uk * MOT Testing (while you wait) * Diagnostic Testing * Servicing & Mechanical Repairs * Open until 5.30pm weekdays 020 8399 4362 info@berrylandsautocare.co.ukwww.berrylandsautocare.co.uk 167 Surbiton Hill Park, Surrey,Surbiton,KT58EJ 250 yards from main line Berrylands Station Providing a service for our local community Berrylands Autocare Mini Cryptic Crossword Across 1. Mad twins an earl may hold (6) 6. Beer-soaked limb, say (6) 7. Star almost sounding solemn (6) 8. Repeat in the chorus (4) 10. Raise a glass to grilled bread! (5) 13. Non-clerical poem (3) 14. Now about to possess (3) 15. Ready for collection (3) 16. First time before split fashion (5) 19. Expire with a twisted notion (4) 21. Horatio’s wrestling hold (6) 22. Silent move to join the military (6) 23. Madden with anger to a point (6) Down 1. Gusset I sent out (5) 2. Sail back after a false name (5) 3. Provide relief inside, take a seat (4) 4. Determination to do the puzzle once more (7) 5. Small fruit to inter, it’s said (5) 9. Recently holding currency unit (4) 11. Recital about a newspaper item (7) 12. Note changes pitch (4) 15. Verse strangely cut off (5) 17. Monarch’s measuring stick? (5) 18. Sing out of ascending change and move to music (5) 20. Neat way to make a poker stake (4)

So, what does the science say? Essentially, this approach to eating claims to mimic how our bodies would have functioned in prehistoric times. In our hunter-gatherer days, our bodies evolved to survive – and thrive – without the modern day luxury of eating three square meals a day. Sometimes, we’d go several days without a proper meal! This points to the fact that intermittent fasting is a natural way of eating that’s in tune with our bodies’ natural metabolism.
Intermittent fasting is becoming a popular way to lose weight, while also promising a whole host of other health benefits too. But what does it involve, and how does it work?
Alongside weight loss, studies have indicated that fasting can improve memory, stabilise blood pressure and even improve physical performance. Fasting is also linked to a process called autophagy, which is when the body starts to recycle the structures inside its cells. In doing so, the cell can free up new raw materials from which new cellular structures can be built. Some of this material might be used to make proteins that extend the lifespan of cells. Although only tested on animals so far, the link between autophagy and cell health has generated some conversation about potential cancer suppression.
However, while intermittent fasting can be an effective weight loss method for many people, it’s not one-size-fits-all. During fasting periods, some dieters may experience feelings of intense hunger, find it hard to concentrate or lack energy. Many people also put weight back on after following a diet, and intermittent fasting is no exception. All in all, it’s important to experiment and find a sustainable eating pattern that suits you.
At its core, intermittent fasting is a type of timerestricted diet that switches between fasting and eating on a regular schedule. The schedules vary from person to person. Many fasters will leave a long gap between meals, whereas others will follow eating plans such as the 5:2 diet, where they’ll eat a normal amount of food for five days followed by two days of eating 25% of their usual calorie intake.
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Could changing mealtimes, not meals, be the answer to losing weight?
So what do you need to know before getting started? There are lots of different ways to fast intermittently, so take some time to find what works best for you. You could start by occasionally missing a meal, before working your way up to a ten-hour fast. When you’re fasting, remember to drink plenty of water, or zero-calorie beverages such as black coffee and tea if you prefer. During your eating periods, select nutrient-dense foods that are rich in protein, fibre and healthy fats – and try to avoid excessive amounts of high-calorie junk food.
What many people like about intermittent fasting is that you don’t need to cut out your favourite foods. It can also make you more conscious of what you’re eating. If you find yourself mindlessly bingeing every evening, giving yourself an eight-hour eating window could help prevent this from happening.

33To advertise call Karen: 020 8274 0096 email: karen@berrylands-companion.co.uk l High Performance Cars l Light Commercials l Family Saloons l 4WD Vehicles l All leading makes of tyres l Available from stock l Wheel alignment and balancing l While U Wait service TYRE SPECIALISTS 169 CHESSINGTON ROAD, WEST EWELL, EPSOM, SURREY MEGA DEALS! MASSIVE DISCOUNTS www.k-p-tyres.co.uk Email: enquiries@k-p-tyres.co.ukwww.westewelltyres.co.uk You have two minutes to find all the words of three or more letters that can be made from the letters above. Plurals are allowed, proper nouns are not. The 6-letter word will always be just a normal everyday word. 3 letters: 23 4 letters: 20 5 letters: 3 6 letters: 1 UNERTA EVERYBANQUETNIGHTWEDNESDAY ONLY £13.95 Create your own 4 course meal from our menu: *Starter *Main Dish *Side Dish*Rice or Naan Please note: King Prawn & Fish Dishes are £3 extra 020 8399 0030/3904 285 Ewell Road, Surbiton www.prithicuisine.co.uk 10% DISCOUNT ON COLLECTION FOR ORDERS OVER £10 FULLYAIRCONDITIONED FORFREEHOMEDELIVERYORDERSOVER£15 The inCurrybestHouseSurbiton TheAffiliationof MasterChefs GOLD5STARAWARDWINNERSCONTEMPORARY BANGLADESHI AND INDIAN CUISINE

offer a combination of these features, so for example, the Sage Smart Oven Pro is an oven, an air fryer, a toaster, a pizza oven and a slow cooker, while the Ninja Foodi Max 15-in-1 SmartLid Multi-Cooker is a pressure cooker, air fryer, slow cooker, grill and steam oven with a built-in temperature sensor to deliver perfect results every time. Can they replace your existing appliances? We’d answer with a qualified yes. Multi-function cookers are incredibly handy and mean a lot less washing up, but they tend to excel at some things and only do okay with others –for example, an Instant Pot is a very good slow and pressure cooker, but the more expensive models’ air fryer lid is rather bulky and the results aren’t as good as a stand-alone air fryer, while Sage’s smart oven is a great air fryer and convection oven but a frustratingly slow toaster grill.
Ninja Foodi Mini 6-in-1 Multi-Cooker If an 8L multi-cooker is just too big, this 4.7L model offers similar features to the Foodi Max without the bulk. It’s ideal for couples and solo cooks. £149,
Instant Pot Duo 7-in-1
The Instant Pot is a programmable electric pressure cooker. That means you can get slowcooked tenderness and flavour in a fraction of the time, making it ideal for soups, stews, chilli and much more. It’s great for steaming eggs and cooking rice too, and more recent models have an optional air-fryer attachment that does a pretty good job of frying.
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This smart oven is so good we bought one. It’s a largecapacity air fryer that’s big enough to use for the Sunday roast too, and it has dedicated features for cooking pizzas, baking and slow cooking. £249, sageappliances.com
ninjakitchen.co.ukNinja Foodi Max 15-in-1 With fifteen cooking functions, including pressure and slow cooking, air frying and even steam cooking, this really does replace a lot of different appliances. £249, ninjakitchen.co.uk
Instant Pot Duo Crisp This model takes the familiar Instant Pot pressure cooker and adds a swappable lid that turns it into an air fryer. The 8L model looks rather like Darth Vader is sitting on your counter. From £179, instantbrands.co.uk
Sage Smart Oven Pro
On the internet, there’s a bitter war raging. On the one side you have the Instant Pot infantry, who claim their cooker is the best kitchen gadget ever. And on the other there is the Air Fryer army, who say the same about air fryers. The truth? They’re both right, especially if your air fryer is also a multifunction oven. These devices can replace lots of kitchen appliances and pans, making even complex cooking easier, faster and a lot less messy too.
An air fryer is a bit confusingly named, because really it’s a convection oven with a whopping great fan in it. It enables you to get similar results to deep frying without using all that oil, and while you can’t cook everything – wet batters such as fish batter or tempura just fall off – it’s really good for things like chips, fried chicken and other tasty Manytreats.devices
Can multi-cookers really replace lots of pots and pans?
This evolution of the original Instant Pot is a great buy: it’s easy to use, works really well and cooks all kinds of things (although there isn’t an air fryer lid). You can even get a Star Wars one.

35To advertise call Karen: 020 8274 0096 email: karen@berrylands-companion.co.uk ALAN SURSHAM (MOTOR VEHICLE TECHNICIAN) Registered Office: 1, Orchard Close, West Ewell, Epsom, Surrey, KT19 9NS Your local MOT TESTER AND SERVICE REPAIRER ALL CARS COLLECTED AND DELIVERED (LOCAL AREAS) Interim Service - £85 Full Service - £145 (Parts and Labour included) CARS UP TO 2000 CC Quotes for cars over 2000 cc - please phone Diagnostics - Brakes - Clutches - Bodywork - Welding etc. Labour Rate £37.50 per hour Telephone: Office - 020 8397 8654 Garage - 07784 716 567 (For instant attention) SPECIALIST VW & AUDI GROUP FIXED PRICE SERVICING DIAGNOSTICS & REPAIRS VOTED NO. 1 GARAGE THE RIGHT REPAIR, FIRST TIME COLLECTION & DELIVERY SERVICE LOAN VEHICLES Our independent car and van garage offers brand trained technicians using the latest diagnostic tools and Wequipment.eareafamily run business established in 2009, providing excellent customer service, quality workmanship and repairs at a competitive price. Ranked No.1 car garage in Sutton by Honest John. v o l k s a u t o s c o u k Book your service 0 2 0 8 6 4 3 4 3 1 3 b o o k i n g s @ v o l k s a u t o s c o u k £69 VW Per hour Vs SAVE £84 AUDI Per hour Vs SAVE

to greener
Off pastures
Wendy and Martyn's children have all worked at the shop over the years. Martyn says he hopes they will continue to attend the monthly markets and supply our Christmas trees!!
155 Surbiton
With very best wishes, Martyn, Wendy, Alison and team
36 Please mention the magazine when contacting Advertisers
Grandparents, Francis & Elizabeth Stear lived in Bermondsey. They moved to Kent during the 2nd world war due to bombing in Bermondsey. Whilst their son Charlie was visiting on leave, there was a bomb hit on a house in Crockenhill, Kent. Charlie pulled a young lady from the rubble - Amy, who became his wife. Charlie always joked that he should have left her in the rubble!
We would
Fruiterer & Greengrocer Hill Park, Berrylands, Surbiton 020 8399 07753 690 Fax: 020 8390 9231
5550 Mob:
The grandparents had 2 greengrocer shops in Bermondsey. Charlie took one on and his brother the other. Charlie and Amy made the decision to sell their shop in Bermondsey and move to Surbiton as their family grew. They brought up their 3 children Wendy, Martyn and Angela above the shop on Surbiton Hill Park.
During the Silver Jubilee, Charlie and Amy handed out jubilee coins to all the local children who visited the shop. There is a photo up on the wall of the shop taken at this time. Martyn was a successful Surrey cricketer so travelled a lot but always came home to the shop.
CS & MC Stears’ Greengrocers, has been a stalwart in Berrylands, for the past 62 years. But the doors will close for good on Saturday, 27th August.
Unfortunately, after 62 years, C F & M C Stear has made the difficult decision to close it’s doors. We thank all of our customers for their support. We wish everyone well for the future and hope to see you around . like to invite customers to come down to say goodbye on Saturday 27th August, for a drink and cake.

37To advertise call Karen: 020 8274 0096 email: karen@berrylands-companion.co.uk For more information or a no obligation quote 020 8393 0055 ewell@lewis-dick.com or visit our website www.lewis-dick.com Tel 020 8393 0055 | Fax 020 8393 3317 | 443 Kingston Rd, Ewell. Surrey, KT19 ODG WE ARE YOUR LOCAL LAW FIRM, & PROVIDE A HIGH QUALITY SERVICE LIMITED LEWIS DICK NEED TO MOVE HOUSE Speak to Julie Wale | julie.wale@lewis-dick.com NEED TO MAKE A WILL OR POWER OF ATTORNEY OR ADMINISTER AN ESTATE | Speak to James Winfield james.winfield@lewis-dick.com NEED HELP WITH YOUR BUSINESS Speak to Jonathan jonathan.owens@lewis-dick.comOwens NEED A DIVORCE, SEPARATION OR HELP WITH CONTACT Speak to Carol carol.stevens-stratten@lewis-dick.comStevens-Stratten Speak to Tracey Cottam | tracey.cottom@lewis-dick.com tracey.cottam@lewis-dick.com Each word to be three letters or more (but no plurals), and all must contain the central letter. There’s at least one word which uses all of the letters. Target: Excellent: 120 or more words Good: 95 words Fair: 80 words R O RC ES TH A

38 Please mention the magazine when contacting Advertisers QUIZ SOLUTIONS WORDWHEEL ANSWER CARTHORSE / ORCHESTRA CODEWORD SOLUTION CROSSWORD WORDSEARCHSOLUTIONANSWER You learn something new everyday.Author unknown 3 rannutneteraeatearateartareantaneLetters urntuntenteatautartanrutrunrueretrat 4 tarntarerunerentraterantnearetnaearnauntanteLetters nature6uratetunerantre5ureaturntunetunatrueterntearLettersLetters

Regrettably, if either of the wildly differing policies of the two Conservative leadership candidates are to be taken at face value, we will still not have a serious economic plan for our country. Yet Britain’s economy is already in a mess, and things are about to get a whole lot worse with a massive rise in energy bills, hitting millions of families, pensioners and businesses.
This toxic combination of inflation and recession is normally called “stagflation” – and we last witnessed it during the Unchecked,1970s.stagflation hits the poorest the hardest, and results in a dangerous collapse in confidence and investment. Neither the corporation tax cuts and deregulation of Liz Truss nor the cautious tinkering of Rishi Sunak cut it, as credible solutions to energy bills or the Boldereconomy.measures are needed, if we are to break what could become a serious vicious circle for every family and business in our country.
Stagflation – inflation and recession
Second, there is economic growth – or the lack of it. The IMF has predicted UK growth to be the lowest of any developed nation in the world, except Russia. And the Bank of England says we are now facing a difficult recession, unlike many of our competitors. That means businesses going bust, people losing their jobs and Government borrowing going up still higher.
39To advertise call Karen: 020 8274 0096 email: karen@berrylands-companion.co.uk
Yet this radical approach to averting an energy bill catastrophe this winter needs to be supplemented with a new economic strategy - which neither Truss nor Sunak have convincingly talked about.
When you read this, I’m fairly sure we will have a new Prime Minister.
To start with, we need an emergency programme to help businesses and the public sector find the staff they need.
Every business and public sector Chief Executive I speak to tells me that the biggest barrier they face is the lack of people. When you dig deeper, it’s partly because people have decided not to return to work after Covid, with some retiring early. So Ministers must work out urgently, how to tempt experienced and skilled workers back.
Yes, someone has to pay the bill – there is no such thing as free money! And this policy will cost the Exchequer £36 billion, if it’s required for a full year. But the Government can pay for this in two ways. First, with a proper windfall tax on the oil and gas companies, currently making tens of billions in profit. Liz Truss may oppose such a tax, but anyone who supports a fair society and economic growth should support such a tax.
Second, we need a top focus on supporting the selfemployed and small businesses – a priority totally absent from the focus on big multinationals as favoured by the 2 would-be Prime Ministers. Many self-employed and SMEs were clobbered by Brexit and/or by Covid and/or by rising energy bills, yet they have seen far too little support from the Third,Government.weneeda new approach to the hi-tech, innovative, zero carbon economy of the future. I’ve long argued that the UK should aim to be the world leader in tomorrow’s technologies – especially future high demand technologies, which will be the green technologies of the future – be they in energy, transport, agriculture, artificial intelligence or It’sbiosciences.quiteastonishing that the shortage of labour, the needs of the self-employed and small business and technology policy have been totally absent from the current race to be the next Prime Minister.
First, on energy bills, we need to cancel the energy price rises due this October.
And even more alarming that neither candidate has a practical solution for the energy bill catastrophe about to hit every home and business in our country.
Economic solutions – immediate and longer term So I’ve put forward a new package – for both energy bills and our economy.
At a stroke, the threat of impossibly high bills for millions of people will be removed, and a massive hit to our economy will be avoided. The average household will avoid paying an extra £1,400. And the predicted rise in inflation will not happen.
Ministers should intervene to say, the Treasury will pay the difference between the current energy price cap, and the price cap Ofgem proposes for this October.
Second, the Government is enjoying a VAT revenue bonanza, caused by higher prices: it should recycle some of its own windfall, to protect people.
First, there are the price rises. Already inflation has rocketed up, pushing down living standards at the fastest rate for over 70 years. Now the Bank of England predicts inflation going to 13% or worse as the energy bill cap is set to rise in October.
Needed: help with energy bills, and a new economic policy by Sir Edward Davey, M.P
Urology Awareness Month;Childhood Cancer Month;Vascular Disease Month; Sickle Cell Awareness Month; Blue September Month (Prostate Cancer Awareness);World Alzheimers Month; Childhood Cancer Awareness Month; Blood Cancer Awareness Month; Organic September
7th Permaculture webinar.
13th: Saving energy at home webinar. Location: Online Time: TBC Join ThinkingWorks online and find out how you can save energy at home. They’ll share practical advice that could help lower your bills, keep your home warmer and protect the planet at the same time.
5th: Turn the Tide on Climate Anxiety - Sustainable action for yourself and the planet
Location: Online (join via zoom on the day, check council website for ID and Password) Time: 12.00. Have some space to grow in, but not enough time to manage the garden? Concerned about the ecological state of the world and want to be part of the solution? Rakesh will explain some simple tricks on how to grow food which takes very little effort to maintain. Which is also good for nature, as it increases biodiversity, sequesters carbon and requires no fossil fuels, pesticides, herbicides, or fertilisers.
Find out more on the Transition Town Kingston website
Location: Kingston Cemetery. Time: TBC Join Kingston Council’s Biodiversity Officer on an evening walk through Kingston Cemetery and learn about Kingston’s bat population
Location: Online Time: 12.30pm. Join Dr Patrick Kennedy Williams, D.Clin.Psy (Oxon.) Clinical Psychologist and Director of Climate Anxiety UK for an online talk about climate anxiety and how to harness your emotions into positive action.
Events in September: Sustainable September
40 Please mention the magazine when contacting Advertisers
7th: Bat Walk at Kingston Cemetery
What’s on in September:-
Foraging Safely and Ethically at Elmbridge Meadows.Location: Elmbridge Meadows. Time: 6pm Wild foods are nutritionally dense foods, which can help supplement our nutritional requirements. However there are many plants that are poisonous, so we need to learn how to keep safe when foraging. Rakesh does this by using patterns. He will show you a few patterns that once learned can help you identify which plants are safe and which you must be very wary of. We will start with discussing the ethics of foraging, and health and safety. Then we will go look for some plants including to see which of the patterns we can identify. Meet at the entrance to Elmbridge Meadows Nature Reserve on Elmbridge Avenue.
17th: Nature Walk at the Hogsmill Location: Hogsmill River Time: 10am to 3pm Join Kingston Council’s Biodiversity Officer for a day along the Hogsmill. You’ll hear about all of the exciting species that call the Hogsmill home and the important part they play in the local area. Be sure to dress for the weather!
Nature arts and crafts class for children. Location: Tolworth Library Time 10am to 11.30am Head over to Tolworth Library for an arts and crafts session for children using natural materials.
25th: GreenZone Location: Market House, Ancient Market Place Time: 10.00 to 17.15 Head to the Ancient Market Place in Kingston Town Centre and experience the GreenZone! Community groups from across the borough are coming together for a day of activities and talks on a range of topics, including; plastic free arts and crafts for children, ways to rewild your green space, retrofitting, climate action, greening business and much more. They will also be joined by the world famous We Are The Voice, a renowned choir!
12th: Kingston Environment Forum relaunch. Location: Guildhall Time: 7pm Former member-groups and newer environmental groups in Kingston are invited to attend the relaunch and to help steer Kingston Environment Forum’s future.
16th: Saving energy at home webinar. Location: Online Time: TBC. Join ThinkingWorks online and find out how you can save energy at home. They’ll share practical advice that could help lower your bills, keep your home warmer and protect the planet at the same time.
14th: Saving energy and living green workshop. Location: St Mark’s Church, Surbiton Time: 2pm With rising costs of living, partly fueled by rising cost of energy, Rakesh will invite us to think about what we consume, what is essential and what we do to keep up appearances. Then we will look at some simple creative fun ways we can meet our needs while also reducing our bills.
23rd: Nature arts and crafts class for children. Location: New Malden Library Time: 1pm to 2.30pm. Head over to New Malden Library for an arts and crafts session for children using natural materials.
Nature arts and crafts class for preschool children. Location: St. Mary’s Church, Chessington Time: 1pm to 2.30pm Head over to St. Mary’s Church for an arts and crafts session for preschool children using natural materials. No need for glitter or Cellotape, Kate will demonstrate how arts & crafts sessions for kids can be sustainable, fun and plastic free!
10-11th: Visit a local energy efficient home. Want to find out more about measures to make your home energy efficient? Visit a house in Kingston which has cavity wall insulation, an air-source heat pump, solar panels, heat recovery ventilation and see them in action! Book your place on Eventbrite
29th: Summer Bank Holiday Events in September: 1-30th: Totally Thames, artworks, concerts and the history of the Thames in free exhibitions and walks 2-4th: Meatopia, at London’s Tobacco Docks
Black History Month; London Restaurant Festival Month
9th: Diwali celebrate in Trafalgar Square Royal Parks Half Marathons
What’s on in September:-
4th: London Duathlon 2022, bike and run event in Richmond Park, 9am -6pm. Organised by Limelight Sports Club
41To advertise call Karen: 020 8274 0096 email: karen@berrylands-companion.co.uk
17-25th: Anniversary Chelsea History Festival
25th: Hop Harvest Tea Party, at Hog’s Back Brewery, 12-6pm, families welcome. www. hogsback.co.uk for tickets: Ad:£12, child £6/gate: Ad: £15, child £7, under 3 free
16-18th: Goodwood Revival
27-29th:AugustNottinghill Carnival Hampton Court Palace Food Festival
October Events
8th: Deadline for submissions to A Berrylands Companion November edition
12-16th: Frieze London & Frieze Masters Art Fairs, Regent Park 13th: London Cocktail Week
8th: Deadline for submissions to A Berrylands Companion for October edition 8-21st: Open House Festival, London 9-11th: Into the Trees Festival East Sussex London Transport Museum, for the new Elizabeth Line late 10th: Night to Remember, Memory Walk, Kingston Hospital charity fundraising. 8.30pm start at Guildhall, 15mile (long) or 5mile (short) walks, dogs welcome. Bespoke t-shirt to waer on the day and a medal. Booking: www. khc.org.uk/nighttoremember Surrey Ginfest at Loseley Park, tickets www.ginfestco.com
7-11th: Greenwich Docklands International Festival
24th: SurboFest from 10am, see centre pages Hop Harvest Festival at Hog’s Back Brewery, GU10 1DE. www.hogsback.co.uk to book tickets £27/ gate: £35. 24-25th: DogFest at Harwood House, take your pooch for a fun day out.
30th: MacMillan’s Big Coffee Morning www.https://macmillan.org.uk
2nd: Virgin Money London Marathon
Meet at CornerHouse, Douglas Road Tuesdays, 7.30pm, bar opens at 7pm. Tues 6th Sept: Elizabeth’s Rivals, Lettice Knollys by Ms Nicola Tallis Tues 4th Oct: Jacobites & International Intrigue by Mr Ralph Thompson
Surbiton Bird Club
Membership includes access to Hogsmill Nature Reserve and hides
Monthly meetings at St Matthew’s School, Langley Road, Surbiton, KT6 6LW 7.30pm-9.30pm Visitors welcome, £2 for tea & cake and donation appreciated!
Tues 20th Sept: Ashley Grove: Crane spotting in Sweden in early spring 18th Oct: AGM followed by illustrated talk by Robert Muller
7th Sept: Morning midweek walk in Richmond Park, leader Rebecca Dunne 18th Sept: All day, Thorney Island, leader Thelma Caine 2nd Oct: All day, Langstone Harbour 14-16th Oct: Norfolk weekend. Leader Thelma Caine Full details Surbitonbirds.org. 020 8399 9121
Tues 1st Nov: Subject TBC by Mr Matthew Bowman Tues 15th Nov: Afternoon meeting: The History of Trafalgar Square by Mr Trevor Strong Thurs 1st Dec: The Ghosts of Hampton Court by Mr Ian Franklin Enquiries to Membership Secretary, Mrs Ann Glover Tel 020 8330 0339 Email ann.glover418@outlook.com karen@berrylands-companion.co.uk
Deadlines for submitting new artwork for forthcoming issues of A Berrylands Companion Sept 8th for October issue 8th Oct for November issue 8th Nov for Dec/January issue 8th Jan for February issue 8th Feb for March issue 8th March for April issue 8th April for May issue 8th May for June issue June 8th for July/Aug issue Aug 8th for September issue For more information call Karen on 020 8274 0096 or send an email to
4th Sept: All day, Cissbury Ring, Sussex, Leader Thelma Caine
Surbiton Historical Society
15th Nov: Oliver Smart: The Birds & Wildlife of Ethiopia Field Outings: Friendly walks for beginners to experts. To confirm participation, arrange time and meeting place, and pre-arrange lifts if needed and available: Full details Surbitonbirds.org. 020 8399 9121
42 Please mention the magazine when contacting Advertisers COMMUNITY PAGE

43To advertise call Karen: 020 8274 0096 email: karen@berrylands-companion.co.uk HOOK ALLOTMENTS AND GARDENS ASSOCIATION Are you interested in gardening? Did you know there is an association in Hook? Our Association was founded over 50 years ago and is run by volunteers, can provide a wide range of composts, fertilisers, seeds and other gardening products at not-for-profit prices to our members. We support gardeners and allotment holders. We currently have full and half plots available to rent. Contact: John on 07807 300 749 Membership is £2.50 a year and new allotment holders have free membership for the first year Our trading facility is situated next to the entrance to the allotment plots, beyond the rugby club pavillion, rear of King Edward’s Recreation Ground, Hook Road, Chessington Open: Sundays 10am - 12 noon Feb - Nov 10am - 11am Nov - Jan COMMUNITY PAGE Disclaimer Whilst all reasonable care is taken to ensure the accuracy of information included in A Berrylands Companion , the publisher takes no responsibility for the accuracy of statements made by contributors or advertisers, or for the loss arising from non-publication of any advertisement. Any errors, omissions or offers are the resposibilty of the advertiser. All artwork is accepted on the condition that the advertiser has obtained permission from any copyright holder for its use by A Berrylands Companion. Whilst every care is taken when printing artwork, we cannot guarantee an exact colour match due to variations in print processes. Bookings are accepted only on this basis. It is the advertiser’s responsibility to submit any amendments to adverts by the deadline date of the 8th. To advertise any event, or community activity in the magazine, please call: Karen on 020 8274 0096 or karen@berrylands-companion.co.ukemail: 36 October Crossword October Sudoku Across: 6. Colourless liquid formerly used as an anaesthetic (5) 7. Near or close to (8) 10. Very poisonous metallic element (7) 11. Continually repeated over a period of time (7) 12. Silvery-white radioactive metallic element (7) 13. To go into again (2-5) 14. Slow witted or stupid, particularly following alcohol (11) 19. Student who studies intensively in a short period of time (7) 21. Convert ordinary language into code (7) 25. Advance beyond the usual limit (7) 25. Of little substance or significance (7) 26. At the right time of year (2,6) 27. Plant - sucking insects (5) Down: 1. Terminate gradually (5,3) 2. A Sultanate in northwestern Borneo (6) 3. Horologist (10) 4. Slightly open (4) 5. Engage somebody to enter the army (6) 6. Represents or performs as if in a play (6) 8. Come to terms with (7) 9. Shortened term for provocation (5) 13. Returning to political office (10) 15. Unusually great in size (7) 16. After sunrise and before sunset (8) 17. Strong and sharp (5) 18. Having little emotion or sensibility (6) 20. Add to the very end (6) 22. The highest point; culminate (6) 24. Compass point (4) Remember, you can pick up a copy of A Berrylands Companion magazine at the following, subject to Covid restrictions: Surbiton Library, Shan’s Pharmacy, The Lamb, MBE Surbiton, Emma’s Hair Salon, C.F Stears Greengrocer, Ex Cellar, Berrylands Post Office, KCN Ewell Road Read it whilst you wait at: Aspen Vets, Berrylands Autocare Garage, Confidental Clinic If you would like copies at your business please call me on: 020 8274 0096

44 Please mention the magazine when contacting Advertisers What’s On/Local Events 1st Tuesday: NHS Retirement Club, For information call Lorna: 020 8337 4121 Last Sunday of the month: Women on Wheels, 020 8547 5865. E-mail: ccst@ Balletrbk.kingston.gov.ukInSurbiton:Forinfo: Tel: 020 8398 2460/6140, Em: pencils.outlook.comspace&ThursdaysgardenChit-Chatwww.balletinsurbiton.co.ukballetinsurbiton@aol.comSketch:WemeetatCourtFarmcentreonMondaysat2pm,andat10am.Timesaresubjecttochangeavailabilityspacesarelimited.Tobookyourpleasecontact07889897017kppart@Pleasebringyoursketchbooks&£8sessionincludesadrink.ChristChurchSurbitonHill:MidweekCommunion,simpleserviceofHolyCommunionat12.30-1pm.Openfrom11amforquietprayer,alternateWednesdayswww.ccsurbiton.orgCornerstonChurch,Tel:02085490733.info@cornerstonechurchkingston.orgEncoreSingingGroup:Forinfo:gillyvor@hotmail.comorcall02082415513.Allwelcome,contactorpopin.FircroftListeningCafé:Phoneortext:07598910797.Email:listeningcafe@thefircrofttrust.orgBuses71,465,K1,K4.FreeHealingMeditationWorkshopforStress&Anxiety:Formoreinformationonwhattobring&tosignup,goto:www.georgiemacs.comHookChurch:Ifyouwouldliketopraywithsomeone,HookChurchBrookRoadKT65DBisopenSaturdaymornings,11-12.30.Youwouldbemostwelcome.Info:02083910335HopeinDepression:Freecoursethateducates&equipsadults&theirsupporters,withtools&proventipsabouthowtocopebetterwithdepression&anxiety.HostedbyChristChurch,SurbitonHillover6TuesdayeveningsessionsonZoom,from27Sept-8Nov,exchalfterm.Expertspeakersexploredifferentaspectsofmentalhealth.FormoreinformationcontactChristChurch,SurbitonHill,email:office@ccsurbiton.orgorcall02083907215 Kingston Camera Club: For more information visit: www.kingstoncameraclub. Kingstoncom Circle Dance Group: Kingston Quaker Centre, 14 Fairfield East, KT1 2PT, 2:30-4:30, First Saturday every month, Social Dancing -- all welcome, Tel: 020 8399 8684. Tel: 020 8399 8684 Kingston Pensioners’ Forum: Contact Diane Double, Tel: 07762 663 483/020 8397 5084, email: kingstonpensionersforum@hotmail. Kingstonco.uk Philatelic Society: Info: Brian Sole Tel: 01932 220 677 or email: speakersrefreshmentsRoad.8fromgroup,are15thFestival-Open020-8390refreshments.basedjigsawtoSeptemberTolworth.EmmanuelOasishotmail.comCurzon,MrsorMindorthen10.15am.&Ladiesmeeting.comContactKingstonbrian.sole@btinternet.comSpeakeasy:AlickMunroonalick@munro.orcall02088929243fordateofnextExerciseClub:KeepMovingfriendlyfunexerciseclassesforover60sFridaysMidSepttoJune.1stclassfree,£6/session.CallMary,01483284716maryedwards77s@gmail.cominKingston:www.mindkingston.org.uk02082553939Bennet’sBallroom:ContactLibby02083911215.Email:curzone@daytimegroupforover60satChurch,GrandAvenue,Ourmeetingsareon7th&21stat2.30pm.We’llhavetimeenjoysomeicebreakers,chat,doapuzzle,listentoa5minuteBible-talkrelevanttoourlivesandenjoyForfurtherdetails,pleasecall2372.Door:OpenDoorwillmeeton:-1st,15thand29thSeptember.(OurHarvestServiceandteawilltakeplaceonSeptember.)-Andournextmeetingson13thand27thOctober.Afriendshipaimedmainlyatseniors,gathering2.15-3.45intheloungeatChristChurch,ChristChurchRoadjustoffKingCharlesAchancetochat,meetpeople,withservedandaprogrammeoforactivitiesanda“Thoughtforthe
10.30-12.00. St George’s, Hamilton Avenue, Tolworth KT6 7PT. First time FREE, then £5/week, pay as you go. Contact Phil or Brenda: EM: 8397Facebook/Tolworthphilip.steventon@btinternet.comWorldofDance.Tel:0209649TwickenhamJazzClub:WednesdaynightsatTheCabbagePatchinTwickenham,from7.30pm-10.30pm.WorldrenownedJazzMusicianslive!Pleasevisitourwebsitetochecktheupcomingevents:www.twickenhamjazzclub.comWomendoCraft:ChristChurch,SurbitonHill,Every2ndWedsofthemonthinthelounge7.30-9.15pm.Catchup,chatanddocrafttogether.Checkwebsite:www.ccsurbiton.orgIfyourcluborsocietyisnotlistedontheLocalEvents,sendinthedetails!!Clubs,Schools,Churches,&Charityeventsshouldbesubmittedtokaren@berrylands-companion.co.uk
What’s On/Local Events Day” at the end of the afternoon. For more information see www.ccsurbiton. org or call the church office : 020 8390 7215
mornings 10.0011.30 Stay and Play for Toddlers and Carers at St Mark’s Church Hall, St Mark’s Hill. Friday Mornings Coffee and Cake corner 1011.30am, drop in for coffee at St Andrew’s Church, Maple Road, no booking required for any of them.
45To advertise call Karen: 020 8274 0096 email: karen@berrylands-companion.co.uk
“Working with the ghosts at Hampton Court!”by Sarah Slater. Held 2.00-4pm British Legion, Hollyfield Road, Surbiton, KT5 9LA, on the 2nd Tuesday of the month. All visitors are welcome, guests are asked for a £4 donation towards the WI funds. Refreshments provided. Talking of Trains in Surbiton: Programme of talks at Surbiton Library Hall, each Wednesday evening Details on www. talkingoftrains.co.uk More details on website: Tolworthwww.talkingoftrains.co.ukUnitedReformedChurch, please call Roger on 07525 410 083 / 0202 8393 4270 or email jones.ra@btinternet.com for Tolworthinformation.World of Dance: Dance for Fun, Fitnes & Friends Wednesday (term time) Mornings:
St Matthew’s Church: Come along to the Balance Community Cafe every Wednesday 10am-2pm for tea, coffee, cakes and light lunches, with a Bereavement Cafe meeting on the 4th Wednesday each month at 10.30am. Everyone welcome. Surbiton Chess Club: Now meets every Tuesday evening at Tolworth Reform Church, 90 Elgar Avenue, KT5 9JR from 7.30pm -10pm. New members welcome. Further details & our Covid policy from: www.surbitonchessclub.co.uk/ email: enquiries@surbitonchessclub.co.uk or at Scottishtwitter@SurbitonChess.co.uk/CountryDancing:Check website: www.surbitoncaledonian.co.uk or call: 01932 784 Surbiton866 Club for the Blind and Visually Impaired: We meet every other Tuesday 2-4pm in the Methodist Church next to the fire station. Chat, entertainment and afternoon teas are served. We welcome newcomers readily. Lifts available. Further details 07443643716 Volunteer drivers very Surbitonwelcome.Floral Club: Tel: 020 8399 8193
St John’s Church: Community Café open September 3rd and October 1st, at St John’s Church, Grove Lane KT1 2SU from 10am - 1pm. Come for your elevenses, or an early lunch with friends. Enjoy toasted sandwiches, real coffee and home made cakes. All Welcome. For more info: see website or email parishhall@ Ststjohnskingston.co.ukMarksChurch:Weds
Surbiton Women’s Institute: The meeting on Tues 13th Sept: Cherrill Sands on “Women Gardeners”. On Tues 11th October:
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