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Month: February 2020 Your Surbiton Issue No: 145 Month Issue No.

Independent monthly community news and Monthly community business directory for news and KT5 &business KT6 directory

Delivered free each month to homes in Berrylands, plus Surbiton or Tolworth




Happy Chinese New Year



Happy Valentine’s Day



REPA GE ARE PESTS INVADING? FIND US ON PA 31 XX O Delivered free each month to homes in Berrylands, Surbiton & Tolworth Don’t O F delay,. Ucall Pests Away I N G. C O See our advert on Page 31

ediuG s’resitrevdA


sraeY 2 rof desaercnI t’nevaH secirP ruO - tsiL ecirP

enildaeD ypoC

*seussI 5

*seussI 4

*seussI 3

*seussI 2

eussI 1











egaP flaH egaP retrauQ

%02 gnivaS

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%5.7 gnivaS

%5 gnivaS

etihW & kcalB egaP lluF









egaP lluF






egaP flaH






.etad enildaed ypoc eht yb deviecer eb tsum stnemesitrevda lla rof tnemyap lluF yb tnemyaP .hsac ro ’noinapmoC sdnalyrreB‘ ot elbayap seuqehC :yb edam eb nac tnemyaP .tnemegnarra yb redro gnidnats ro SCAB

%01 gnivaS


ruoloC lluF


.TAV rof deretsiger ton si dna noitarepo tnednepedni llams a si ’noinapmoC sdnalyrreB A‘ .stnemesitrevda no degrahc si TAV on ,yltneuqesnoC

stamroF elbatpeccA

:stamrof gniwollof eht ni dettimbus eb nac strevdA droW SM • tnioprewoP SM • rehsilbuP SM • GEPJ & FFIT •


egaP retrauQ


rennaB revoC tnorF

00.281£ 00.341£ 00.391£

moc.noinapmocdnalyrreb@nerak :ot deliame eb nac ypoc trevdA


nwo ruoy morf ,uoy rof ti ecudorp nac ew neht tamrof cinortcele na ni elbaliava ton si da ruoy fI a evah uoy fi rehgih eb yam siht hguohtla ,01£ tsuj fo ecirp dexfi a rof yllamron ,txet ypoc drah ni desu-er eb neht dluoc trevda eht - egrahc ffo-eno a si sihT( !trevda xelpmoc ylralucitrap ).egrahc fo eerf seussi tneuqesbus

yna rof seussi 4 yreve ni 1 xaM( )resitrevda eno

revoC kcaB + tnorF edisnI revoC kcaB egaP elbuoD

)daerps egap 2 ertneC(

sweiveR lairotidE

YAP UOY ECIRP EHT SI EES UOY ECIRP EHT OS ,DERETSIGER TAVA TON ERA EW .secirp egakcap rof su tcatnoC artxe 00.01£ :7 & 5 segaP muimerP .000,8 rep 792£ ta enizagam htiw dereviled eb nac stresni esooL

R.J. Tree Services providing excellence locally for 15 years. noitubirtsiD

.trevda fo noitacilbup eetnaraug ot htnom hcae fo ht61 yb deviecer eb tsum tnemyap dna ypoC .edam si tnemyap lluf nehw deetnaraug ylno si ecaps tnemesitrevdA .htnom hcae 000,8 ot pu srebmun noitubirtsiD

fo dnekeew tsrfi eht dnuora ro no ,ylhtnom detubirtsid dna dehsilbup eb lliw noinapmoC ehT .raey a snoitide 01 .htnom eht owt revo notibruS dna sdnalyrreB dnuora dna ni semoh 000,21 revo ot dereviled eb lliw tI .deetnaraug - shtnom .aera eht otni gnivom enoyna rof noitamrofni lacol fo ecruos tsrfi eht si ti noitidda nI

ngiseD & tamroF

:sU tcatnoC

.repap ytilauq no detnirp etihw dna kcalb sulp ruoloc htiw delpats ,telkoob ezis 5A na si tI .leef ytilauq hgih yrev a ti gnivig repap ssolg msg511 no detnirp eb lliw noinapmoC ehT eht yb tpek eb lliw ti leef dna kool ,tnetnoc ,ezis s’ti fo esuaceb dna ’ytivegnol‘ evah lliw tI fo ’ycaidmmi‘ sresitrevda gnivig ybereht ,sevirra eussi txen eht litnu sdlohesuoh fo ytirojam .deriuqer era secivres rieht nehw ’ssecca

ssegruB neraK daoR enwodsgni K 81 ZJ6 6TK ,yerruS ,notibruS 6900 4728 020 :leT 18530029070 :xaF moc.noinapmocsdnalyrreb@nerak :liamE moc.noinapmocsdnalyrreb.www :beW

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R.J. Tree Services, Berrylands, Surbiton Visit our website for information and videos on all aspects of our work www.rjtrees.co.uk

2 2

Please mention the magazine when contacting Advertisers

Hello Readers Here we are again, February! The weather has not been too wintery as I write this, but there could be worse to come. Keep warm and take care if is icy! Whether you are celebrating Valentine’s Day or Chinese New Year, have an enjoyable time. How are your New Year Resolutions going? Are they realistic? Advertising in your local magazine, A Berrylands Companion, can be a good start. Many of our advertisers have taken that step, and renew their package to keep advertising, as they know local advertising works!

Just contact me to see how easy it can be. Rates

Advertiser’s Guide

Price List - Our Prices Haven’t Increased for 2 Years 1 Issue

2 Issues*

Full Page






Half Page






Quarter Page






Saving 5%

3 Issues* Saving 7.5%

4 Issues* Saving 10%

Copy Deadline

5 Issues* Saving 20%

With all the upheaval and diversions due to road works in our area, it was helpful that SW Trains decided to have engineering work over the weekends, requiring extra traffic with replacement buses! Chaos all around! So Ed Davey’s article is quite timely. Black & White

Final copy must be submitted by the 16th of each month, for inclusion in the following months edition (which will be distributed during the first weekend of that month.)


Full payment for all advertisements must be received by the copy deadline date. Payment can be made by: Cheques payable to ‘Berrylands Companion’ or cash. Payment by BACS or standing order by arrangement.

Full Colour Full Page






Half Page






Quarter Page






Front Cover Banner


Back Cover


Inside Front + Back Cover


Double Page


Editorial Reviews


(Max 1 in every 4 issues for any one advertiser)

(Centre 2 page spread)


‘A Berrylands Companion’ is a small independent operation and is not registered for VAT. Consequently, no VAT is charged on advertisements.

Acceptable Formats

Adverts can be submitted in the following formats: • MS Word • MS Powerpoint • MS Publisher • TIFF & JPEG

Advert copy can be emailed to: karen@berrylandcompanion.com If your ad is not available in an electronic format then we can produce it for you, from your own hard copy text, normally for a fixed price of just £10, although this may be higher if you have a particularly complex advert! (This is a one-off charge - the advert could then be re-used in subsequent issues free of charge.)

WE ARE NOT AVAT REGISTERED, SO THE PRICE YOU SEE IS THE PRICE YOU PAY Contact us for package prices. Premium Pages 5 & 7: £10.00 extra Loose inserts can be delivered with magazine at £297 per 8,000.


Copy and payment must be received by 16th of each month to guarantee publication of advert. Advertisement space is only guaranteed when full payment is made. Distribution numbers up to 8,000 each month.

The Companion will be published and distributed monthly, on or around the first weekend of the month. 10 editions a year. It will be delivered to over 12,000 homes in and around Berrylands and Surbiton over two months - guaranteed. In addition it is the first source of local information for anyone moving into the area.

Format & Design

Contact Us:

It is an A5 size booklet, stapled with colour plus black and white printed on quality paper. The Companion will be printed on 115gsm gloss paper giving it a very high quality feel. It will have ‘longevity’ and because of it’s size, content, look and feel it will be kept by the majority of households until the next issue arrives, thereby giving advertisers ‘immdiacy’ of access’ when their services are required.

Karen Burgess 18 Kingsdowne Road Surbiton, Surrey, KT6 6JZ Tel: 020 8274 0096 Fax: 07092003581 Email: karen@berrylandscompanion.com Web: www.berrylandscompanion.com


Let me know if you have any other comments. Best wishes, Karen

Useful Numbers 020 8547 5000 Kingston Council www.kingston.gov.uk Action Fraud (Trading Standards) 0345 040 506 020 8547 5560 Refuse Collection 020 85474630 Electoral Registration 020 8547 5007 Council Tax 0870 126 4019 Citizens Advice 0845 010 9000 Customs & Excise (VAT) 0300 200 3300 HMRC Helpline 0870 850 6506 Environmental Agency 020 8547 6444 Surbiton Library 020 8541 1212 Kingston Police 101 Non Emergency Services 999 Emergency Services 111 Non Emergency NHS Transport: 08457 484 950 National Rail Enquiries 0870 608 2608 Public Transport Traveline 0844 335 1802 Gatwick Airport 0844 335 1801 Heathrow Airport

Emergencies/Utilities: Gas Emergency Electricity Emergency Thames Water Emergency BT Fault Line Virgin Media Crimestoppers Kingston Hospital NHS Direct (24/7) Childline Samaritans Age UK Kingston Relate www.relatekh.org Domestic Violence Helpline www.victimsupport.org.uk Surbiton Safer Neighbourhood Team based at Millbank House surbitonhill.snt@met.police.uk

0800 111 999 0800 40 40 90 0800 714 614 0800 800 151 0845 142 0000 0800 555 111 020 8546 7711 0845 4647 0800 1111 116 123 0800 169 2081 020 8549 3318 020 8547 3202 020 8721 2518

A Berrylands Companion

18 Kingsdowne Road, Surbiton, KT6 6JZ 020 8274 0096 karen@berrylands-companion.co.uk Please mention A Berrylands Companion when responding to adverts



ediuG s’resitrevdA

sraeY 2 rof desaercnI t’nevaH secirP ruO - tsiL ecirP

enildaeD ypoC

*seussI 5

*seussI 4

*seussI 3

*seussI 2

eussI 1






%02 gnivaS

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%5.7 gnivaS

%5 gnivaS

etihW & kcalB egaP lluF


egaP flaH




egaP retrauQ






egaP lluF






egaP flaH








.etad enildaed ypoc eht yb deviecer eb tsum stnemesitrevda lla rof tnemyap lluF yb tnemyaP .hsac ro ’noinapmoC sdnalyrreB‘ ot elbayap seuqehC :yb edam eb nac tnemyaP .tnemegnarra yb redro gnidnats ro SCAB

%01 gnivaS

00.723£ 00.271£



ruoloC lluF


.TAV rof deretsiger ton si dna noitarepo tnednepedni llams a si ’noinapmoC sdnalyrreB A‘ .stnemesitrevda no degrahc si TAV on ,yltneuqesnoC

stamroF elbatpeccA

:stamrof gniwollof eht ni dettimbus eb nac strevdA droW SM • tnioprewoP SM • rehsilbuP SM • GEPJ & FFIT •


egaP retrauQ


rennaB revoC tnorF revoC kcaB + tnorF edisnI revoC kcaB


moc.noinapmocdnalyrreb@nerak :ot deliame eb nac ypoc trevdA


nwo ruoy morf ,uoy rof ti ecudorp nac ew neht tamrof cinortcele na ni elbaliava ton si da ruoy fI a evah uoy fi rehgih eb yam siht hguohtla ,01£ tsuj fo ecirp dexfi a rof yllamron ,txet ypoc drah ni desu-er eb neht dluoc trevda eht - egrahc ffo-eno a si sihT( !trevda xelpmoc ylralucitrap ).egrahc fo eerf seussi tneuqesbus

yna rof seussi 4 yreve ni 1 xaM( )resitrevda eno

00.281£ 00.341£

egaP elbuoD

)daerps egap 2 ertneC(

sweiveR lairotidE

YAP UOY ECIRP EHT SI EES UOY ECIRP EHT OS ,DERETSIGER TAVA TON ERA EW .secirp egakcap rof su tcatnoC artxe 00.01£ :7 & 5 segaP muimerP .000,8 rep 792£ ta enizagam htiw dereviled eb nac stresni esooL


.trevda fo noitacilbup eetnaraug ot htnom hcae fo ht61 yb deviecer eb tsum tnemyap dna ypoC .edam si tnemyap lluf nehw deetnaraug ylno si ecaps tnemesitrevdA .htnom hcae 000,8 ot pu srebmun noitubirtsiD

fo dnekeew tsrfi eht dnuora ro no ,ylhtnom detubirtsid dna dehsilbup eb lliw noinapmoC ehT .raey a snoitide 01 .htnom eht owt revo notibruS dna sdnalyrreB dnuora dna ni semoh 000,21 revo ot dereviled eb lliw tI .deetnaraug - shtnom .aera eht otni gnivom enoyna rof noitamrofni lacol fo ecruos tsrfi eht si ti noitidda nI

ngiseD & tamroF

:sU tcatnoC

.repap ytilauq no detnirp etihw dna kcalb sulp ruoloc htiw delpats ,telkoob ezis 5A na si tI .leef ytilauq hgih yrev a ti gnivig repap ssolg msg511 no detnirp eb lliw noinapmoC ehT eht yb tpek eb lliw ti leef dna kool ,tnetnoc ,ezis s’ti fo esuaceb dna ’ytivegnol‘ evah lliw tI fo ’ycaidmmi‘ sresitrevda gnivig ybereht ,sevirra eussi txen eht litnu sdlohesuoh fo ytirojam .deriuqer era secivres rieht nehw ’ssecca

Give an old book a chance ssegruB neraK daoR enwodsgniK 81 ZJ6 6TK ,yerruS ,notibruS 6900 4728 020 :leT 18530029070 :xaF moc.noinapmocsdnalyrreb@nerak :liamE moc.noinapmocsdnalyrreb.www :beW


Love a good browse in a second-hand book shop? You might want to keep an eye out for these books…

His Dark Materials – Phillip Pullman If you loved the BBC series but haven’t yet delved into the original books, what on earth is stopping you? Starting with the Northern Lights, this trilogy takes the reader on a journey with Lyra Belacqua. With her daemon Pantalaimon by her side, Lyra sets out on a quest to rescue her best friend and discover the secret of Dust. Along the way, she’ll befriend witches, Gyptians, an armoured bear and a boy from another world, while pitting her wits against the all-powerful Magisterium. Heroes and Villains – Angela Carter In a post-apocalyptic world, Marianne looks down from her ivory tower as her brother is murdered in the streets below. Years later, she helps the murderer to hide, runs away with him to his Barbarian tribe and is forced to become his bride. Dream-like, disquieting and beautiful, Heroes and Villains is one of Carter’s lesser-known books but my personal favourite.


Tales of the City – Armistead Maupin This series of nine books starts in the late seventies and centres around the inhabitants of 28 Barbary Lane, including the naive but ambitious Mary Ann Singleton, the matriarchal Anna Madrigal and the best-friend-you-wishyou-had Michael Tolliver (AKA Mouse). Maupin is a skilled storyteller and skilfully weaves together numerous plotlines and character arcs to create a stonkingly good series you’ll want to binge read your way through.

The Wee Free Men – Terry Pratchett Would-be witch Tiffany Aching sets out to rescue her brother from the fairies and stop them from invading her home. She’s only armed with a frying pan, but luckily she has help in the form of the Nac Mac Feegle – they may be tiny, but they’re fierce, fast and loyal. Technically, this was written as a children’s book, but don’t let that put you off – it’ll appeal to fantasy lovers of all ages.

The Choice – Edith Eger Edith Eger was on the brink of death when she was freed from Auschwitz. This is her story. It’s certainly harrowing in parts, but also uplifting, reaffirming and full of hope. Edith realised that burying her past doesn’t make it easier to live with. Instead, she learnt how to move past her trauma, build the life she deserves and help thousands of other survivors to do the same. The Clan of the Cave Bear – Jean M. Auel The first book in the Earth’s Children series, The Clan of the Cave Bear centres around Ayla, a young girl raised by Neanderthals in prehistoric Europe. Ayla faces prejudice and suspicion but, with the help of her adopted mother Iza, is eventually accepted by most of the clan. A powerful, wellresearched, epic tale. You don’t even need to wait for the next instalment to come out as all six are just waiting for you to find them.

Please mention the magazine when contacting Advertisers



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ediuG s’resitrevdA

calculators can help you get an idea of whether you’ll have enough money, however – you’ll just need a few facts and figures to hand.


sraeY 2 rof desaercnI t’nevaH secirP ruO - tsiL ecirP

enildaeD ypoC

*seussI 5

*seussI 4

*seussI 3

*seussI 2

eussI 1











egaP flaH egaP retrauQ

%02 gnivaS

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%5.7 gnivaS

%5 gnivaS

etihW & kcalB egaP lluF














egaP flaH






egaP retrauQ


rennaB revoC tnorF


revoC kcaB


.etad enildaed ypoc eht yb deviecer eb tsum stnemesitrevda lla rof tnemyap lluF yb tnemyaP .hsac ro ’noinapmoC sdnalyrreB‘ ot elbayap seuqehC :yb edam eb nac tnemyaP .tnemegnarra yb redro gnidnats ro SCAB

%01 gnivaS


What to do with your pension Depending on your provider you may be able to use your pension in different ways, including:

ruoloC lluF


.TAV rof deretsiger ton si dna noitarepo tnednepedni llams a si ’noinapmoC sdnalyrreB A‘ .stnemesitrevda no degrahc si TAV on ,yltneuqesnoC

stamroF elbatpeccA

:stamrof gniwollof eht ni dettimbus eb nac strevdA droW SM • tnioprewoP SM • rehsilbuP SM • GEPJ & FFIT •

00.341£ 00.391£

moc.noinapmocdnalyrreb@nerak :ot deliame eb nac ypoc trevdA


nwo ruoy morf ,uoy rof ti ecudorp nac ew neht tamrof cinortcele na ni elbaliava ton si da ruoy fI a evah uoy fi rehgih eb yam siht hguohtla ,01£ tsuj fo ecirp dexfi a rof yllamron ,txet ypoc drah ni desu-er eb neht dluoc trevda eht - egrahc ffo-eno a si sihT( !trevda xelpmoc ylralucitrap ).egrahc fo eerf seussi tneuqesbus

egaP lluF

yna rof seussi 4 yreve ni 1 xaM( )resitrevda eno

+ tnorF edisnI revoC kcaB egaP elbuoD

)daerps egap 2 ertneC(

sweiveR lairotidE

YAP UOY ECIRP EHT SI EES UOY ECIRP EHT OS ,DERETSIGER TAVA TON ERA EW .secirp egakcap rof su tcatnoC artxe 00.01£ :7 & 5 segaP muimerP .000,8 rep 792£ ta enizagam htiw dereviled eb nac stresni esooL


.trevda fo noitacilbup eetnaraug ot htnom hcae fo ht61 yb deviecer eb tsum tnemyap dna ypoC .edam si tnemyap lluf nehw deetnaraug ylno si ecaps tnemesitrevdA .htnom hcae 000,8 ot pu srebmun noitubirtsiD

fo dnekeew tsrfi eht dnuora ro no ,ylhtnom detubirtsid dna dehsilbup eb lliw noinapmoC ehT .raey a snoitide 01 .htnom eht owt revo notibruS dna sdnalyrreB dnuora dna ni semoh 000,21 revo ot dereviled eb lliw tI .deetnaraug - shtnom .aera eht otni gnivom enoyna rof noitamrofni lacol fo ecruos tsrfi eht si ti noitidda nI

ngiseD & tamroF

:sU tcatnoC

.repap ytilauq no detnirp etihw dna kcalb sulp ruoloc htiw delpats ,telkoob ezis 5A na si tI .leef ytilauq hgih yrev a ti gnivig repap ssolg msg511 no detnirp eb lliw noinapmoC ehT eht yb tpek eb lliw ti leef dna kool ,tnetnoc ,ezis s’ti fo esuaceb dna ’ytivegnol‘ evah lliw tI fo ’ycaidmmi‘ sresitrevda gnivig ybereht ,sevirra eussi txen eht litnu sdlohesuoh fo ytirojam .deriuqer era secivres rieht nehw ’ssecca

ssegruB neraK daoR enwodsgni K 81 ZJ6 6TK ,yerruS ,notibruS 6900 4728 020 :leT 18530029070 :xaF moc.noinapmocsdnalyrreb@nerak :liamE moc.noinapmocsdnalyrreb.www :beW


Planning to retire? Here’s a checklist of the essentials

If you’re thinking of retiring in the next few years it’s a good idea to organise your finances well ahead of time, so you can consider some of the big issues without feeling too much pressure.

So what steps can you take to prepare? Here are a few questions to think about and issues to consider that could help you enter retirement with greater financially stability, ready to enjoy this new and exciting stage of life. How much income will you have? When calculating your potential income you should include your state pension, occupational pension(s), and any savings and investments you hold. You can request the latest figures in writing from your pension provider, bank, building society, and investment companies with which you have an interest. Find out about the state pension As far as your state pension is concerned, you can request a pension forecast from the gov.uk website. When the time comes to retire you’ll


need to proactively claim your state pension as it’s not paid automatically unless you receive certain benefits.

Check your workplace pension Your workplace pension provider should have sent annual statements over the years showing your accrued pension at the time, plus a forecast of how much your pension might be when you retire. If you can’t find your latest statement, you’ll be able to obtain one by contacting your pension provider. Check for old and forgotten pensions If you’ve changed employers a few times during your career, you might have one or more ‘forgotten’ pensions. You can find out by contacting the Pension Tracing Service – it’s government-run and free to use. Will you have enough money to support your desired lifestyle in retirement? When you are still working it can be difficult to envisage life in retirement, and easy to underestimate how much you will need. Online pension

• Taking some or all as a cash lump sum (this has significant tax implications). • Purchasing an annuity. • Using income drawdown, which allows you to withdraw a sum from your pension and invest it in a different product for an income. • A combination of these options. • Leaving your pension alone, and not withdrawing any money for now. The pension freedoms that were introduced by the government in 2015 mean you now have far more choice in how you use your pension. It’s even more important, therefore, to obtain reliable professional advice before deciding how to proceed.

With so many people falling foul of pension scams these days, finding specialist advice you can trust is vital – it ensures you don’t lose your hard-earned money, and helps you enjoy a fulfilling and active life in retirement. www.moneyadviceservice. org.uk/en/articles/checklistthings-to-do-as-retirementapproaches www.ageuk.org.uk/ information-advice/worklearning/retirement/

www.pensionsadvisoryservice. org.uk/about-pensions/thestate-pension/claiming-statepension By Ann Haldon

Please mention the magazine when contacting Advertisers


Advertiser’s Guide

Price List - Our Prices Haven’t Increased for 2 Years 1 Issue

2 Issues*

Full Page






Half Page


Quarter Page

Black & White

Saving 5%

3 Issues* Saving 7.5%

4 Issues* Saving 10%

Copy Deadline

5 Issues* Saving 20%










Full Page






Half Page






Quarter Page






Front Cover Banner


Back Cover


Inside Front + Back Cover


Double Page


Editorial Reviews


Final copy must be submitted by the 16th of each month, for inclusion in the following months edition (which will be distributed during the first weekend of that month.)


Full payment for all advertisements must be received by the copy deadline date. Payment can be made by: Cheques payable to ‘Berrylands Companion’ or cash. Payment by BACS or standing order by arrangement.

Full Colour

(Max 1 in every 4 issues for any one advertiser)

(Centre 2 page spread)


‘A Berrylands Companion’ is a small independent operation and is not registered for VAT. Consequently, no VAT is charged on advertisements.

Acceptable Formats

Adverts can be submitted in the following formats: • MS Word • MS Powerpoint • MS Publisher • TIFF & JPEG Advert copy can be emailed to: karen@berrylandcompanion.com If your ad is not available in an electronic format then we can produce it for you, from your own hard copy text, normally for a fixed price of just £10, although this may be higher if you have a particularly complex advert! (This is a one-off charge - the advert could then be re-used in subsequent issues free of charge.)

WE ARE NOT AVAT REGISTERED, SO THE PRICE YOU SEE IS THE PRICE YOU PAY Contact us for package prices. Premium Pages 5 & 7: £10.00 extra Loose inserts can be delivered with magazine at £297 per 8,000.


Copy and payment must be received by 16th of each month to guarantee publication of advert. Advertisement space is only guaranteed when full payment is made. Distribution numbers up to 8,000 each month.

The Companion will be published and distributed monthly, on or around the first weekend of the month. 10 editions a year. It will be delivered to over 12,000 homes in and around Berrylands and Surbiton over two months - guaranteed. In addition it is the first source of local information for anyone moving into the area.

Format & Design

Contact Us:

It is an A5 size booklet, stapled with colour plus black and white printed on quality paper. The Companion will be printed on 115gsm gloss paper giving it a very high quality feel. It will have ‘longevity’ and because of it’s size, content, look and feel it will be kept by the majority of households until the next issue arrives, thereby giving advertisers ‘immdiacy’ of access’ when their services are required.

Karen Burgess 18 Kingsdowne Road Surbiton, Surrey, KT6 6JZ Tel: 020 8274 0096 Fax: 07092003581 Email: karen@berrylandscompanion.com Web: www.berrylandscompanion.com



Friendly Prompt

Reliable Reasonable

 07931 861876 www.phasewire.co.uk I81 Queens Drive Berrylands

KGS Sixth Form Our Sixth Form Open Morning, exclusively for Year 11 students, takes place on 5 February 2020. Places are limited. Please see our website for booking details. T: 020 8546 5875 E: enquiries@kgs.org.uk W: www.kgs.org.uk #workwellandbehappy

Deadline to apply for Sixth Form September 2020 14 February 2020 To advertise call Karen: 020 8274 0096

email: karen@berrylands-companion.co.uk



ediuG s’resitrevdA

sraeY 2 rof desaercnI t’nevaH secirP ruO - tsiL ecirP

enildaeD ypoC

*seussI 5

*seussI 4

*seussI 3

*seussI 2

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%02 gnivaS

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%5.7 gnivaS

%5 gnivaS

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.etad enildaed ypoc eht yb deviecer eb tsum stnemesitrevda lla rof tnemyap lluF yb tnemyaP .hsac ro ’noinapmoC sdnalyrreB‘ ot elbayap seuqehC :yb edam eb nac tnemyaP .tnemegnarra yb redro gnidnats ro SCAB

%01 gnivaS

00.723£ 00.271£



ruoloC lluF


.TAV rof deretsiger ton si dna noitarepo tnednepedni llams a si ’noinapmoC sdnalyrreB A‘ .stnemesitrevda no degrahc si TAV on ,yltneuqesnoC

stamroF elbatpeccA

:stamrof gniwollof eht ni dettimbus eb nac strevdA droW SM • tnioprewoP SM • rehsilbuP SM • GEPJ & FFIT •


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rennaB revoC tnorF revoC kcaB + tnorF edisnI revoC kcaB


moc.noinapmocdnalyrreb@nerak :ot deliame eb nac ypoc trevdA


nwo ruoy morf ,uoy rof ti ecudorp nac ew neht tamrof cinortcele na ni elbaliava ton si da ruoy fI a evah uoy fi rehgih eb yam siht hguohtla ,01£ tsuj fo ecirp dexfi a rof yllamron ,txet ypoc drah ni desu-er eb neht dluoc trevda eht - egrahc ffo-eno a si sihT( !trevda xelpmoc ylralucitrap ).egrahc fo eerf seussi tneuqesbus

yna rof seussi 4 yreve ni 1 xaM( )resitrevda eno

00.281£ 00.341£

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)daerps egap 2 ertneC(

sweiveR lairotidE

YAP UOY ECIRP EHT SI EES UOY ECIRP EHT OS ,DERETSIGER TAVA TON ERA EW .secirp egakcap rof su tcatnoC artxe 00.01£ :7 & 5 segaP muimerP .000,8 rep 792£ ta enizagam htiw dereviled eb nac stresni esooL


.trevda fo noitacilbup eetnaraug ot htnom hcae fo ht61 yb deviecer eb tsum tnemyap dna ypoC .edam si tnemyap lluf nehw deetnaraug ylno si ecaps tnemesitrevdA .htnom hcae 000,8 ot pu srebmun noitubirtsiD

fo dnekeew tsrfi eht dnuora ro no ,ylhtnom detubirtsid dna dehsilbup eb lliw noinapmoC ehT .raey a snoitide 01 .htnom eht owt revo notibruS dna sdnalyrreB dnuora dna ni semoh 000,21 revo ot dereviled eb lliw tI .deetnaraug - shtnom .aera eht otni gnivom enoyna rof noitamrofni lacol fo ecruos tsrfi eht si ti noitidda nI

ngiseD & tamroF

:sU tcatnoC

.repap ytilauq no detnirp etihw dna kcalb sulp ruoloc htiw delpats ,telkoob ezis 5A na si tI .leef ytilauq hgih yrev a ti gnivig repap ssolg msg511 no detnirp eb lliw noinapmoC ehT eht yb tpek eb lliw ti leef dna kool ,tnetnoc ,ezis s’ti fo esuaceb dna ’ytivegnol‘ evah lliw tI fo ’ycaidmmi‘ sresitrevda gnivig ybereht ,sevirra eussi txen eht litnu sdlohesuoh fo ytirojam .deriuqer era secivres rieht nehw ’ssecca

ssegruB neraK daoR enwodsgni K 81 ZJ6 6TK ,yerruS ,notibruS 6900 4728 020 :leT 18530029070 :xaF moc.noinapmocsdnalyrreb@nerak :liamE moc.noinapmocsdnalyrreb.www :beW

Snoring: It’s no laughing matter 61

Forget ‘unreasonable behaviour’ – snoring is now recognised to be a top reason for divorce – along with fishing and becoming vegetarian! (Daily Express, January 2018)

20 million Brits claim they are sleep deprived by their partner’s snoring, reported The Sun in 2017. We may think snoring is funny, but this is hardly the case. Usually, the partner suffers the most. Sleeping on the sofa every night takes its toll, with ruined relationships and broken marriages. So what causes snoring? Is it bad for our health? What can be done about it? What Causes Snoring? Snoring is caused by something partially blocking your mouth and the back of your throat. While you are sleeping, and when you breathe in, this blockage causes that noise we all know so well – a snore. What can cause such a blockage? Excess mucus/ catarrh from smoking, alcohol, which causes the muscles and tissues of the palate to become floppy, and fat, in people who are overweight or obese, when pads of fatty tissue accumulate in these areas and literally wobble in the breeze! Allergies are also sometimes responsible. House dust mite, animal dander, pollens, yeasts and moulds are common allergens.


Snoring is associated with sleeping flat on your back and breathing in through your mouth, not your nose. Lying on your side and nasal breathing helps reduce snoring. Sleep Apnoea Snoring is dangerous if it causes ‘sleep apnoea’. In this condition, a severe blockage to airflow temporarily starves your brain of oxygen. You briefly stop breathing altogether, but then your breathing starts up again. This causes a strain on your heart, makes you feel constantly tired and can have life-threatening consequences. What Can Be Done to Reduce Snoring? Making lifestyle changes is the best long-term treatment. Stopping smoking, moderating or stopping drinking alcohol and losing weight are strongly recommended. Reduce the risk of allergy by regular vacuuming, damp dusting and keeping the bedroom petfree. Use hypoallergenic bedding. Products for Snorers and Snoring Sufferers First step? A pair of foam rubber earplugs for your partner! Anti-snoring products are readily

available. For example, nasal strips to hold the airways open or a ‘Neti pot’, which uses salt water to flush the airways before bedtime. Best results are likely with a mandibular device –a special type of gum shield that holds the tongue and jaw forward, keeping the airway open while you sleep. The Antisnoor device is an adhesive patch you wear on your forehead that detects snoring and vibrates to prompt you to turn over. Smart Nora is an anti-snoring pillow that listens out for snoring and inflates to encourage you to change your head position. The Importance of Sleep Getting adequate and good quality sleep is vital. Lack of sleep is associated with strokes, heart attacks, diabetes, cancer, and shortens our lifespan. Adults are recommended to sleep for seven to nine hours per night. Snoring it seems, is a serious business! Visit the British Snoring and Sleep Apnoea Association (BSSAA) website for advice and anti-snoring products www.britishsnoring.co.uk.

References Reasons for divorce: Snoring, Fishing and Going Vegetarian top the list. www.express.co.uk/life-style/ life/906621/divorce-reasonsUK-snoring-fishing-vegetariansmarriage-relationships Snore wars – couple reveal how snoring runs their relationships www.thesun.co.uk/ fabulous/4639767/snoringrelationship-partner-dating-ruined/ 75% of snorers have sleep apnoea www.webmd.com/sleepdisorders/features/easy-snoringremedies#1 Lack of sleep affects health healthysleep.med.harvard.edu/ need-sleep/whats-in-it-for-you/ health By Dr Daisy Mae

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Advertiser’s Guide

Price List - Our Prices Haven’t Increased for 2 Years 1 Issue

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Full Page






Half Page


Quarter Page

Black & White

Saving 5%

3 Issues* Saving 7.5%





Full Page


Half Page

4 Issues* Saving 10%

Copy Deadline

5 Issues* Saving 20%















Quarter Page






Front Cover Banner


Final copy must be submitted by the 16th of each month, for inclusion in the following months edition (which will be distributed during the first weekend of that month.)


Full payment for all advertisements must be received by the copy deadline date. Payment can be made by: Cheques payable to ‘Berrylands Companion’ or cash. Payment by BACS or standing order by arrangement.

Full Colour

(Max 1 in every 4 issues for any one advertiser)

Back Cover


Inside Front + Back Cover


Double Page


Editorial Reviews


(Centre 2 page spread)


‘A Berrylands Companion’ is a small independent operation and is not registered for VAT. Consequently, no VAT is charged on advertisements.

Acceptable Formats

Adverts can be submitted in the following formats: • MS Word • MS Powerpoint • MS Publisher • TIFF & JPEG Advert copy can be emailed to: karen@berrylandcompanion.com If your ad is not available in an electronic format then we can produce it for you, from your own hard copy text, normally for a fixed price of just £10, although this may be higher if you have a particularly complex advert! (This is a one-off charge - the advert could then be re-used in subsequent issues free of charge.)

WE ARE NOT AVAT REGISTERED, SO THE PRICE YOU SEE IS THE PRICE YOU PAY Contact us for package prices. Premium Pages 5 & 7: £10.00 extra Loose inserts can be delivered with magazine at £297 per 8,000.


Copy and payment must be received by 16th of each month to guarantee publication of advert. Advertisement space is only guaranteed when full payment is made. Distribution numbers up to 8,000 each month.

The Companion will be published and distributed monthly, on or around the first weekend of the month. 10 editions a year. It will be delivered to over 12,000 homes in and around Berrylands and Surbiton over two months - guaranteed. In addition it is the first source of local information for anyone moving into the area.

Format & Design

Contact Us:

It is an A5 size booklet, stapled with colour plus black and white printed on quality paper. The Companion will be printed on 115gsm gloss paper giving it a very high quality feel. It will have ‘longevity’ and because of it’s size, content, look and feel it will be kept by the majority of households until the next issue arrives, thereby giving advertisers ‘immdiacy’ of access’ when their services are required.

Karen Burgess 18 Kingsdowne Road Surbiton, Surrey, KT6 6JZ Tel: 020 8274 0096 Fax: 07092003581 Email: karen@berrylandscompanion.com Web: www.berrylandscompanion.com


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small town America. The next decade would focus on wider social issues, such as Harry Chapin’s 1974 hit The Cat’s in the Cradle (about an absent father) and Rod Stewart’s The Killing of Georgie, (1976), which described a homophobic street killing.


ediuG s’resitrevdA

sraeY 2 rof desaercnI t’nevaH secirP ruO - tsiL ecirP

enildaeD ypoC

*seussI 5

*seussI 4

*seussI 3

*seussI 2

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%02 gnivaS

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%5.7 gnivaS

%5 gnivaS

etihW & kcalB egaP lluF


egaP flaH




egaP retrauQ






egaP lluF






egaP flaH








.etad enildaed ypoc eht yb deviecer eb tsum stnemesitrevda lla rof tnemyap lluF yb tnemyaP .hsac ro ’noinapmoC sdnalyrreB‘ ot elbayap seuqehC :yb edam eb nac tnemyaP .tnemegnarra yb redro gnidnats ro SCAB

%01 gnivaS

00.723£ 00.271£



ruoloC lluF


.TAV rof deretsiger ton si dna noitarepo tnednepedni llams a si ’noinapmoC sdnalyrreB A‘ .stnemesitrevda no degrahc si TAV on ,yltneuqesnoC

stamroF elbatpeccA

:stamrof gniwollof eht ni dettimbus eb nac strevdA droW SM • tnioprewoP SM • rehsilbuP SM • GEPJ & FFIT •


egaP retrauQ


rennaB revoC tnorF


revoC kcaB

00.341£ 00.391£

moc.noinapmocdnalyrreb@nerak :ot deliame eb nac ypoc trevdA


nwo ruoy morf ,uoy rof ti ecudorp nac ew neht tamrof cinortcele na ni elbaliava ton si da ruoy fI a evah uoy fi rehgih eb yam siht hguohtla ,01£ tsuj fo ecirp dexfi a rof yllamron ,txet ypoc drah ni desu-er eb neht dluoc trevda eht - egrahc ffo-eno a si sihT( !trevda xelpmoc ylralucitrap ).egrahc fo eerf seussi tneuqesbus

yna rof seussi 4 yreve ni 1 xaM( )resitrevda eno

+ tnorF edisnI revoC kcaB egaP elbuoD

)daerps egap 2 ertneC(

sweiveR lairotidE

YAP UOY ECIRP EHT SI EES UOY ECIRP EHT OS ,DERETSIGER TAVA TON ERA EW .secirp egakcap rof su tcatnoC artxe 00.01£ :7 & 5 segaP muimerP .000,8 rep 792£ ta enizagam htiw dereviled eb nac stresni esooL


.trevda fo noitacilbup eetnaraug ot htnom hcae fo ht61 yb deviecer eb tsum tnemyap dna ypoC .edam si tnemyap lluf nehw deetnaraug ylno si ecaps tnemesitrevdA .htnom hcae 000,8 ot pu srebmun noitubirtsiD

fo dnekeew tsrfi eht dnuora ro no ,ylhtnom detubirtsid dna dehsilbup eb lliw noinapmoC ehT .raey a snoitide 01 .htnom eht owt revo notibruS dna sdnalyrreB dnuora dna ni semoh 000,21 revo ot dereviled eb lliw tI .deetnaraug - shtnom .aera eht otni gnivom enoyna rof noitamrofni lacol fo ecruos tsrfi eht si ti noitidda nI

ngiseD & tamroF

:sU tcatnoC

.repap ytilauq no detnirp etihw dna kcalb sulp ruoloc htiw delpats ,telkoob ezis 5A na si tI .leef ytilauq hgih yrev a ti gnivig repap ssolg msg511 no detnirp eb lliw noinapmoC ehT eht yb tpek eb lliw ti leef dna kool ,tnetnoc ,ezis s’ti fo esuaceb dna ’ytivegnol‘ evah lliw tI fo ’ycaidmmi‘ sresitrevda gnivig ybereht ,sevirra eussi txen eht litnu sdlohesuoh fo ytirojam .deriuqer era secivres rieht nehw ’ssecca

ssegruB neraK daoR enwodsgni K 81 ZJ6 6TK ,yerruS ,notibruS 6900 4728 020 :leT 18530029070 :xaF moc.noinapmocsdnalyrreb@nerak :liamE moc.noinapmocsdnalyrreb.www :beW


Whatever happened to the story song?

When an equity release company recently made a TV advert featuring a song called Right Said Fred, it introduced at least two new generations to a popular hit from almost sixty years ago. The song may have been given new lyrics for advertising purposes, but for anyone who grew up in the Fifties and Sixties, the tune was instantly recognisable. Originally sung by the actor Bernard Cribbins, Right Said Fred conjures memories of a slightly odd but highly entertaining episode in our cultural history, when narrative songs were all the rage.

Right Said Fred is a simple but very catchy ditty, typical of others like Little White Bull, sung by Tommy Steele (1959), and Hole in the Ground, also sung by Bernard Cribbins and released the same year as Right Said Fred. However, while 1962 was clearly a peak year for these cheery Cockney narrative

10 10

hits, it also proved to be their swansong: a distinctly darker tone was soon to emerge from across the Atlantic.

Narrative songs go gothic American songs that focus on the darker side of life are known as ‘Southern Gothic’ or ‘Gothic Americana’. Think Bobby Goldsboro’s Honey (about a wife who dies tragically young) and Jeannie C Riley’s Harper Valley PTA (single mum confronts small town hypocrites). Perhaps the best example is Ode to Billie Joe, a compelling tale about a young man’s suicide, released in 1968 by Bobby Gentry. Songs with a social conscience The Sixties ended with another narrative hit. A Boy Named Sue, sung by Johnny Cash, was an upbeat, quirky tale that concluded with an unexpected father/son reunion. It was a fitting end to a decade of songs that referenced life in rural or

By the end of the Seventies, story songwriters had ditched social issues in favour of unashamed glamour: in 1978 Barry Manilow’s Copacabana told the story of a showgirl who loses her lover in a jealous brawl, while the Human League’s Don’t You Want Me Baby stormed the charts in 1981 with a tale of a successful singer who dumps the manager/boyfriend who discovered her.

During the Eighties story song hits may have been thin on the ground, but Tracy Chapman’s wistful ballad Fast Car was enough to make up for almost a whole a decade without them. Another gritty narrative number reached number one in 2000: Eminem’s Stan was a modern American gothic tale of a crazed fan who murders his pregnant girlfriend because he feels rejected by his idol.

Nowadays rap and hip hop artists have largely taken over as pop music’s storytellers: the lyrics might be X-rated, but it’s good to know that the story song has found another home. While the songs mentioned above are now sadly out of fashion, we can still enjoy them online. So get comfortable with your laptop, smartphone or tablet, enter a search for your favourite song titles and prepare to enjoy a feast of musical storytelling. By Kate McLelland

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We are A LOCAL FLORIST filled with Rates Advertiser’s Guide gorgeous flowers. Price List - Our Prices Haven’t Increased for 2 Years 1 Issue

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Saving 5%

3 Issues* Saving 7.5%

4 Issues* Saving 10%

Copy Deadline

5 Issues* Saving 20%

Final copy must be submitted by the 16th of each month, for inclusion in the following months edition (which will be distributed during the first weekend of that month.)


Full payment for all advertisements must be received by the copy deadline date. Payment can be made by: Cheques payable to ‘Berrylands Companion’ or cash. Payment by BACS or standing order by arrangement.

Experts in WEDDINGS, FUNERALS, GIFTS and more. Read our reviews on Google and Feefo. Visit our website at www.elsabrown.co.uk or why not call us or come to the shop. Remember Valentine’s Day Friday 14th February Full Colour Full Page






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Editorial Reviews


(Max 1 in every 4 issues for any one advertiser)

(Centre 2 page spread)


‘A Berrylands Companion’ is a small independent operation and is not registered for VAT. Consequently, no VAT is charged on advertisements.

Acceptable Formats

Adverts can be submitted in the following formats: • MS Word • MS Powerpoint • MS Publisher • TIFF & JPEG Advert copy can be emailed to: karen@berrylandcompanion.com If your ad is not available in an electronic format then we can produce it for you, from your own hard copy text, normally for a fixed price of just £10, although this may be higher if you have a particularly complex advert! (This is a one-off charge - the advert could then be re-used in subsequent issues free of charge.)

WE ARE NOT AVAT REGISTERED, SO THE PRICE YOU SEE IS THE PRICE YOU PAY Contact us for package prices. Premium Pages 5 & 7: £10.00 extra Loose inserts can be delivered with magazine at £297 per 8,000.


Copy and payment must be received by 16th of each month to guarantee publication of advert. Advertisement space is only guaranteed when full payment is made. Distribution numbers up to 8,000 each month.

020 8399 3975

Contact Us:

The Companion will be published and distributed monthly, on or around the first weekend of the month. 10 editions a year. It will be delivered to over 12,000 homes in and around Berrylands and Surbiton over two months - guaranteed. In addition it is the first source of local information for anyone moving into the area.

Format & Design

It is an A5 size booklet, stapled with colour plus black and white printed on quality paper. The Companion will be printed on 115gsm gloss paper giving it a very high quality feel. It will have ‘longevity’ and because of it’s size, content, look and feel it will be kept by the majority of households until the next issue arrives, thereby giving advertisers ‘immdiacy’ of access’ when their services are required.

07960 545 532

Karen Burgess 18 Kingsdowne Road Surbiton, Surrey, KT6 6JZ Tel: 020 8274 0096 Fax: 07092003581 Email: karen@berrylandscompanion.com Web: www.berrylandscompanion.com


Elsa Brown Flowerstyle 146 Chiltern Drive, Surbiton, KT5 8LS


Blizzard Breeze Bright Changeable Cloud Cold Downpour Drought Flood Foggy Frost Gale Hot Hurricane Icy

Overcast Rain Sleet Snow Sultry Sunshine Tornado Warm Whirlwind

Find the names of weather conditions in the grid and the remaining letters will spell out a related phrase

To advertise call Karen: 020 8274 0096

email: karen@berrylands-companion.co.uk

11 11

Winter Saviours setaR

ediuG s’resitrevdA

sraeY 2 rof desaercnI t’nevaH secirP ruO - tsiL ecirP

enildaeD ypoC

*seussI 5

*seussI 4

*seussI 3

*seussI 2

eussI 1






%02 gnivaS

shtnom gniwollof eht ni noisulcni rof ,htnom hcae fo ht61 eht yb dettimbus eb tsum ypoc laniF ).htnom taht fo dnekeew tsrfi eht gnirud detubirtsid eb lliw hcihw( noitide




.etad enildaed ypoc eht yb deviecer eb tsum stnemesitrevda lla rof tnemyap lluF yb tnemyaP .hsac ro ’noinapmoC sdnalyrreB‘ ot elbayap seuqehC :yb edam eb nac tnemyaP .tnemegnarra yb redro gnidnats ro SCAB

%01 gnivaS

00.723£ 00.271£

%5.7 gnivaS

00.422£ 00.811£

%5 gnivaS

00.511£ 00.16£

etihW & kcalB egaP lluF


egaP flaH


egaP retrauQ

ruoloC lluF

When it’s wet, cold and miserable outside, you might be tempted to hibernate indoors with a cuppa. We say indulge that temptation and use the time to treat your skin and hair to a bit of T LC. TAV

.TAV rof deretsiger ton si dna noitarepo tnednepedni llams a si ’noinapmoC sdnalyrreB A‘ .stnemesitrevda no degrahc si TAV on ,yltneuqesnoC

stamroF elbatpeccA

:stamrof gniwollof eht ni dettimbus eb nac strevdA droW SM • tnioprewoP SM • rehsilbuP SM • GEPJ & FFIT •






egaP lluF






egaP flaH






egaP retrauQ


rennaB revoC tnorF


revoC kcaB

yna rof seussi 4 yreve ni 1 xaM( )resitrevda eno



moc.noinapmocdnalyrreb@nerak :ot deliame eb nac ypoc trevdA


nwo ruoy morf ,uoy rof ti ecudorp nac ew neht tamrof cinortcele na ni elbaliava ton si da ruoy fI a evah uoy fi rehgih eb yam siht hguohtla ,01£ tsuj fo ecirp dexfi a rof yllamron ,txet ypoc drah ni desu-er eb neht dluoc trevda eht - egrahc ffo-eno a si sihT( !trevda xelpmoc ylralucitrap ).egrahc fo eerf seussi tneuqesbus

+ tnorF edisnI revoC kcaB egaP elbuoD

)daerps egap 2 ertneC(

sweiveR lairotidE

YAP UOY ECIRP EHT SI EES UOY ECIRP EHT OS ,DERETSIGER TAVA TON ERA EW .secirp egakcap rof su tcatnoC artxe 00.01£ :7 & 5 segaP muimerP .000,8 rep 792£ ta enizagam htiw dereviled eb nac stresni esooL


.trevda fo noitacilbup eetnaraug ot htnom hcae fo ht61 yb deviecer eb tsum tnemyap dna ypoC .edam si tnemyap lluf nehw deetnaraug ylno si ecaps tnemesitrevdA .htnom hcae 000,8 ot pu srebmun noitubirtsiD

fo dnekeew tsrfi eht dnuora ro no ,ylhtnom detubirtsid dna dehsilbup eb lliw noinapmoC ehT .raey a snoitide 01 .htnom eht owt revo notibruS dna sdnalyrreB dnuora dna ni semoh 000,21 revo ot dereviled eb lliw tI .deetnaraug - shtnom .aera eht otni gnivom enoyna rof noitamrofni lacol fo ecruos tsrfi eht si ti noitidda nI

ngiseD & tamroF

:sU tcatnoC

.repap ytilauq no detnirp etihw dna kcalb sulp ruoloc htiw delpats ,telkoob ezis 5A na si tI .leef ytilauq hgih yrev a ti gnivig repap ssolg msg511 no detnirp eb lliw noinapmoC ehT eht yb tpek eb lliw ti leef dna kool ,tnetnoc ,ezis s’ti fo esuaceb dna ’ytivegnol‘ evah lliw tI fo ’ycaidmmi‘ sresitrevda gnivig ybereht ,sevirra eussi txen eht litnu sdlohesuoh fo ytirojam .deriuqer era secivres rieht nehw ’ssecca

ssegruB neraK daoR enwodsgni K 81 ZJ6 6TK ,yerruS ,notibruS 6900 4728 020 :leT 18530029070 :xaF moc.noinapmocsdnalyrreb@nerak :liamE moc.noinapmocsdnalyrreb.www :beW


If (like me), you’re the wash and go type who rarely has time to dry their hair, let alone style it, or you’re the opposite and have styled your hair to the max until it’s little more than a crispy mess, Bondi Boost’s Hair Growth could prove very welcome. The Australian luxury haircare range has attracted a bit of a cult following in recent years and it’s now available at Boots. I’m a recent convert. I won’t bore you with the science – it’s enough to say that the products are packed with vitamins, minerals, and amino acids to ‘feed’ your hair from scalp to tip, leaving it stronger, sleeker and definitely swishier. From £19.50 at www.boots.com. Skin looking a bit ‘meh’? Winter is a good time to do a gentle at-home acid peel. Murad’s new Replenishing Multi-Acid Peel (£48) is a good choice as it’s enriched

12 12

with extra ingredients to help you avoid irritation and dryness. Sweep a little across your face each day to boost cell renewal by a third within a week. The end result is skin that looks fresher, brighter and healthier. 96% of testers felt their skin looked smoother after four weeks and I have to say that I agree with them. Do wear sunscreen each day that you’re doing an at-home peel and for a few days afterwards, as your skin might be a bit more sensitive. See www.murad.co.uk. When your skin is feeling dry and lacklustre, it can be tempting to slather on an extra thick moisturiser. While that’s fine for some skin types, others may prefer an easier to absorb serum. Alteya Organics’ Rose Jasminium Illuminating Perfecting Serum (£39) is lightweight and non-greasy – skin just

drinks it up. It’s packed with nourishing natural ingredients, from aloe vera and jojoba oil to rose flower oil, jasmine extracts and evening primrose oil. Together, they work to hydrate, repair and protect, and just generally leave skin feeling more ‘spring-like’. See www.alteya.co.uk.

If your hands are feeling dry and sore this winter, the first thing to do is switch to a gentler soap or handwash that doesn’t contain sodium lauryl sulphate. (It dries my skin to the point where my hands end up bleeding when I move them.) Next, try an intensive hand cream. Don’t worry about the fragrance or pretty packaging – go for a workhorse that’s going to get the job done. Goldfaden MD’s Hands to Heart cream is one such workhorse. It boosts hydration, fades age spots, soothes cracked skin and protects the skin from further damage. Now that’s what I call a good all-rounder. It’s £35 from www.spaceNK.com.

By Kate Duggan

Please mention the magazine when contacting Advertisers



Advertiser’s Guide

Price List - Our Prices Haven’t Increased for 2 Years 1 Issue

2 Issues*

Full Page






Half Page






Quarter Page

Black & White

Saving 5%



Full Page


Half Page

3 Issues* Saving 7.5%

4 Issues* Saving 10%

Copy Deadline

5 Issues* Saving 20%













Quarter Page






Front Cover Banner


Final copy must be submitted by the 16th of each month, for inclusion in the following months edition (which will be distributed during the first weekend of that month.)


Full payment for all advertisements must be received by the copy deadline date. Payment can be made by: Cheques payable to ‘Berrylands Companion’ or cash. Payment by BACS or standing order by arrangement.

Full Colour

(Max 1 in every 4 issues for any one advertiser)

Back Cover


Inside Front + Back Cover


Double Page


Editorial Reviews


(Centre 2 page spread)


‘A Berrylands Companion’ is a small independent operation and is not registered for VAT. Consequently, no VAT is charged on advertisements.

Acceptable Formats

Adverts can be submitted in the following formats: • MS Word • MS Powerpoint • MS Publisher • TIFF & JPEG Advert copy can be emailed to: karen@berrylandcompanion.com If your ad is not available in an electronic format then we can produce it for you, from your own hard copy text, normally for a fixed price of just £10, although this may be higher if you have a particularly complex advert! (This is a one-off charge - the advert could then be re-used in subsequent issues free of charge.)

WE ARE NOT AVAT REGISTERED, SO THE PRICE YOU SEE IS THE PRICE YOU PAY Contact us for package prices. Premium Pages 5 & 7: £10.00 extra Loose inserts can be delivered with magazine at £297 per 8,000.


Speak Cottam |tracey.cottam@lewis-dick.com tracey.cottom@lewis-dick.com Speak to to Tracey Julie Wale | julie.wale@lewis-dick.com



Copy and payment must be received by 16th of each month to guarantee publication of advert. Advertisement space is only guaranteed when full payment is made. Distribution numbers up to 8,000 each month.

The Companion will be published and distributed monthly, on or around the first weekend of the month. 10 editions a year. It will be delivered to over 12,000 homes in and around Berrylands and Surbiton over two months - guaranteed. In addition it is the first source of local information for anyone moving into the area.

Format & Design

Contact Us:

It is an A5 size booklet, stapled with colour plus black and white printed on quality paper. The Companion will be printed on 115gsm gloss paper giving it a very high quality feel. It will have ‘longevity’ and because of it’s size, content, look and feel it will be kept by the majority of households until the next issue arrives, thereby giving advertisers ‘immdiacy’ of access’ when their services are required.

Karen Burgess 18 Kingsdowne Road Surbiton, Surrey, KT6 6JZ Tel: 020 8274 0096 Fax: 07092003581 Email: karen@berrylandscompanion.com Web: www.berrylandscompanion.com

OR ADMINISTER AN ESTATE | Speak to James Winfield james.winfield@lewis-dick.com 16

NEED HELP WITH YOUR BUSINESS Speak to Jonathan Owens jonathan.owens@lewis-dick.com



WITH CONTACT Speak to Carol Stevens-Stratten carol.stevens-stratten@lewis-dick.com

020 8393 0055

For more information or a no obligation quote ewell@lewis-dick.com or visit our website www.lewis-dick.com

Tel 020 8393 0055 | Fax 020 8393 3317 | 443 Kingston Rd, Ewell. Surrey, KT19 ODG


We are an enthusiastic and friendly ‘not for profit’ music group, all levels of ability, keen to share and explore musicianship under the superb tutelage of Dr Charles MacDougall, award winning international tenor and one of the foremost classical vocal coaches and choral directors in the UK. We seek only the best! www.charlesmcdougall.co.uk

Word Ladder

Change one letter at a time (but not the position of any letter) to make a new word - and move from the word at the top of the ladder to the word at the bottom, using the exact number of rungs provided.


Meeting @ Surbiton Hill Methodist Church (Primary Room) Ewell Road, Surbiton, Mondays 10.00am-12 noon (term time). Pop in for free taster or contact Liz gillyvor@ hotmail.com/ 02082415513. You will be made most welcome and are guaranteed much fun.

To advertise call Karen: 020 8274 0096


Keep up to date with our superb sister Music Festival with Arts workshops @www. surbitonsalons.com The best professional performers on your doorstep! Our hosts, The CornerHOUSE Community Arts Centre, could not have been more welcoming. Look out for the Christmas salon.


email: karen@berrylands-companion.co.uk

13 13


Pet Dental Month setaR

ediuG s’resitrevdA

sraeY 2 rof desaercnI t’nevaH secirP ruO - tsiL ecirP

enildaeD ypoC

*seussI 5

*seussI 4

*seussI 3

*seussI 2

eussI 1






%02 gnivaS

shtnom gniwollof eht ni noisulcni rof ,htnom hcae fo ht61 eht yb dettimbus eb tsum ypoc laniF ).htnom taht fo dnekeew tsrfi eht gnirud detubirtsid eb lliw hcihw( noitide

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egaP flaH




egaP retrauQ






egaP lluF






egaP flaH








.etad enildaed ypoc eht yb deviecer eb tsum stnemesitrevda lla rof tnemyap lluF yb tnemyaP .hsac ro ’noinapmoC sdnalyrreB‘ ot elbayap seuqehC :yb edam eb nac tnemyaP .tnemegnarra yb redro gnidnats ro SCAB

%01 gnivaS

00.723£ 00.271£



ven with the best intentions most pet owners struggle to brush their pets teeth. Dogs can be more amendable with plenty of training however majority of cats do not tolerate their teeth being brushed at all!. Gum disease and tooth decay can also contribute to ill health such as heart disease, abscesses in the mouth and general ill health in older pets. ruoloC lluF


.TAV rof deretsiger ton si dna noitarepo tnednepedni llams a si ’noinapmoC sdnalyrreB A‘ .stnemesitrevda no degrahc si TAV on ,yltneuqesnoC

stamroF elbatpeccA

:stamrof gniwollof eht ni dettimbus eb nac strevdA droW SM • tnioprewoP SM • rehsilbuP SM • GEPJ & FFIT •


egaP retrauQ


rennaB revoC tnorF


revoC kcaB



moc.noinapmocdnalyrreb@nerak :ot deliame eb nac ypoc trevdA


nwo ruoy morf ,uoy rof ti ecudorp nac ew neht tamrof cinortcele na ni elbaliava ton si da ruoy fI a evah uoy fi rehgih eb yam siht hguohtla ,01£ tsuj fo ecirp dexfi a rof yllamron ,txet ypoc drah ni desu-er eb neht dluoc trevda eht - egrahc ffo-eno a si sihT( !trevda xelpmoc ylralucitrap ).egrahc fo eerf seussi tneuqesbus

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sweiveR lairotidE

YAP UOY ECIRP EHT SI EES UOY ECIRP EHT OS ,DERETSIGER TAVA TON ERA EW .secirp egakcap rof su tcatnoC artxe 00.01£ :7 & 5 segaP muimerP .000,8 rep 792£ ta enizagam htiw dereviled eb nac stresni esooL


.trevda fo noitacilbup eetnaraug ot htnom hcae fo ht61 yb deviecer eb tsum tnemyap dna ypoC .edam si tnemyap lluf nehw deetnaraug ylno si ecaps tnemesitrevdA .htnom hcae 000,8 ot pu srebmun noitubirtsiD

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ngiseD & tamroF

:sU tcatnoC

.repap ytilauq no detnirp etihw dna kcalb sulp ruoloc htiw delpats ,telkoob ezis 5A na si tI .leef ytilauq hgih yrev a ti gnivig repap ssolg msg511 no detnirp eb lliw noinapmoC ehT eht yb tpek eb lliw ti leef dna kool ,tnetnoc ,ezis s’ti fo esuaceb dna ’ytivegnol‘ evah lliw tI fo ’ycaidmmi‘ sresitrevda gnivig ybereht ,sevirra eussi txen eht litnu sdlohesuoh fo ytirojam .deriuqer era secivres rieht nehw ’ssecca

ssegruB neraK daoR enwodsgni K 81 ZJ6 6TK ,yerruS ,notibruS 6900 4728 020 :leT 18530029070 :xaF moc.noinapmocsdnalyrreb@nerak :liamE moc.noinapmocsdnalyrreb.www :beW


There are a number of products out there to help combat and reduce gum disease and tooth decay. For young animals, these products can be used to keep your pet’s mouth healthier for longer reducing the frequency of dentals required in their lifetime. For older pets some of the products available may not be enough on their own to solve the problem. In this instance, we would recommend starting again from scratch. A dental scale and

14 14

polish would be advised to get rid of an exisiting problem and then your pet’s teeth can be managed with some of the simple but effect dental products, keeping their teeth whiter for longer. In February and March we are offering a discount on our dental scale and polish for cats and dogs with a good bag to go home with and if you are part of out Pet Care Plan you will be eligible for an extra 10% off on top of the discounted price.

For more information on our March dental offer, or if you would like to know more information on out Pet Care Plan, please contact us at the Aspen Veterinary Surgery or visit our website www.aspenvets. co.uk

Please mention the magazine when contacting Advertisers

Aspen Veterinary Surgery



Your pet matters Advertiser’s to us Guide

Price List - Our Prices Haven’t Increased for 2 Years


1 Issue

2 Issues*

Full Page






Half Page






Quarter Page






Black & White

Saving 5%

3 Issues* Saving 7.5%

4 Issues* Saving 10%

Copy Deadline

5 Issues* Saving 20%

Final copy must be submitted by the 16th of each month, for inclusion in the following months edition (which will be distributed during the first weekend of that month.)


Full payment for all advertisements must be received by the copy deadline date. Payment can be made by: Cheques payable to ‘Berrylands Companion’ or cash. Payment by BACS or standing order by arrangement.

Full Colour

Adorable Benji is around 7 yrs old. He came into our care as his owner passed away. Benji was traumatised when he first came to us but is now really beginning to settle and show his very sweet personality. He is quite shy so would benefit from an understanding owner prepared to give him some time and space. Once he gets to know you he is a very gentle cat who is really loving. He is long haired and loves to be brushed; he now greets his foster carer with a little meow and a kiss to say good morning! Benji needs to be the only pet in an adult household to give him the quiet and relaxed environment he is looking for. If you feel you can give Benji his well deserved forever home please call 0345 260 1387 or email adoption@epsom.cats.org.uk Epsom Ewell & District Branch http://www.epsom.cats.org.uk If you cannot adopt a cat but would still like to help us please go to https://www.justgiving.com/Epsom-CatsProtection

Full Page






Half Page






Quarter Page






Front Cover Banner


(Max 1 in every 4 issues for any one advertiser)

Back Cover


Inside Front + Back Cover


Double Page


Editorial Reviews


(Centre 2 page spread)


‘A Berrylands Companion’ is a small independent operation and is not registered for VAT. Consequently, no VAT is charged on advertisements.

Acceptable Formats

Adverts can be submitted in the following formats: • MS Word • MS Powerpoint • MS Publisher • TIFF & JPEG Advert copy can be emailed to: karen@berrylandcompanion.com If your ad is not available in an electronic format then we can produce it for you, from your own hard copy text, normally for a fixed price of just £10, although this may be higher if you have a particularly complex advert! (This is a one-off charge - the advert could then be re-used in subsequent issues free of charge.)

WE ARE NOT AVAT REGISTERED, SO THE PRICE YOU SEE IS THE PRICE YOU PAY Contact us for package prices. Premium Pages 5 & 7: £10.00 extra Loose inserts can be delivered with magazine at £297 per 8,000.


Copy and payment must be received by 16th of each month to guarantee publication of advert. Advertisement space is only guaranteed when full payment is made. Distribution numbers up to 8,000 each month.

The Companion will be published and distributed monthly, on or around the first weekend of the month. 10 editions a year. It will be delivered to over 12,000 homes in and around Berrylands and Surbiton over two months - guaranteed. In addition it is the first source of local information for anyone moving into the area.

Format & Design

Contact Us:

It is an A5 size booklet, stapled with colour plus black and white printed on quality paper. The Companion will be printed on 115gsm gloss paper giving it a very high quality feel. It will have ‘longevity’ and because of it’s size, content, look and feel it will be kept by the majority of households until the next issue arrives, thereby giving advertisers ‘immdiacy’ of access’ when their services are required.

Karen Burgess 18 Kingsdowne Road Surbiton, Surrey, KT6 6JZ Tel: 020 8274 0096 Fax: 07092003581 Email: karen@berrylandscompanion.com Web: www.berrylandscompanion.com

Join Aspen Pet Care Plan

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Open Mon-Fri: 8am-7.30pm Sat: 8.30-11am 24 hour Emergency Service


As we have around 7,000 cats and kittens in our care at any one time, we will find you the perfect feline friend.

351 Ewell Road, Tolworth, KT6 7BZ


020 8399 6437

Reg Charity 203644 (England and Wales) and SC037711 (Scotland)

live for up to 12 years¹.

Hamsters Hamsters are nocturnal creatures, and although very playful when awake they may not be the best pet if you and your family are expecting lots of daytime interaction and entertainment.

Choosing a small family pet

If you’re thinking of buying a small pet, how do you know which one would be best for your family? Some love human interaction and will happily play for hours, but others prefer to stay in their own environment where they feel safe. Rabbits, guinea pigs and hamsters are all very popular as small family pets – here are a few pointers to help you decide.

Rabbits Rabbits can make great family pets but they’re easily startled by loud noises and sudden movement. They’re very entertaining to watch and can have charming personalities, but owning a rabbit is a long-term commitment as they can

To advertise call Karen: 020 8274 0096

Guinea pigs Guinea pigs are very gentle creatures by nature and they thrive if they’re with others of their own kind. Buying more than one guinea pig may be a good idea, therefore, but you need to make sure that you either buy two females or a pair where the males are neutered.

Buying a pet is a huge responsibility regardless of size. One of the most important considerations is to go to a trustworthy breeder who takes time to explain the care that’s required and makes sure you understand the commitment you’re making. ¹www.bluecross.org.uk/pet-advice/how-long-dorabbits-live www.bluecross.org.uk/pet-advice/choosing-rightsmall-pet www.rspca.org.uk/adviceandwelfare/pets/rodents/ guineapigs/company

By Ann Haldon

email: karen@berrylands-companion.co.uk

15 15

Cheesy Vegetable Gratin ediuG s’resitrevdA


sraeY 2 rof desaercnI t’nevaH secirP ruO - tsiL ecirP

enildaeD ypoC

*seussI 5

*seussI 4

*seussI 3

*seussI 2

eussI 1








%02 gnivaS

shtnom gniwollof eht ni noisulcni rof ,htnom hcae fo ht61 eht yb dettimbus eb tsum ypoc laniF ).htnom taht fo dnekeew tsrfi eht gnirud detubirtsid eb lliw hcihw( noitide



.etad enildaed ypoc eht yb deviecer eb tsum stnemesitrevda lla rof tnemyap lluF yb tnemyaP .hsac ro ’noinapmoC sdnalyrreB‘ ot elbayap seuqehC :yb edam eb nac tnemyaP .tnemegnarra yb redro gnidnats ro SCAB

%01 gnivaS


%5.7 gnivaS

00.422£ 00.811£

%5 gnivaS

00.511£ 00.16£

etihW & kcalB egaP lluF


egaP flaH


egaP retrauQ ruoloC lluF

A warming one-pan family supper packed with winter vegetables and topped with a rich cheese sauce. Serve with toast or crusty bread. TAV













.TAV rof deretsiger ton si dna noitarepo tnednepedni llams a si ’noinapmoC sdnalyrreB A‘ .stnemesitrevda no degrahc si TAV on ,yltneuqesnoC

stamroF elbatpeccA

:stamrof gniwollof eht ni dettimbus eb nac strevdA droW SM • tnioprewoP SM • rehsilbuP SM • GEPJ & FFIT •

00.231£ 00.38£

egaP retrauQ

rennaB revoC tnorF revoC kcaB



moc.noinapmocdnalyrreb@nerak :ot deliame eb nac ypoc trevdA


nwo ruoy morf ,uoy rof ti ecudorp nac ew neht tamrof cinortcele na ni elbaliava ton si da ruoy fI a evah uoy fi rehgih eb yam siht hguohtla ,01£ tsuj fo ecirp dexfi a rof yllamron ,txet ypoc drah ni desu-er eb neht dluoc trevda eht - egrahc ffo-eno a si sihT( !trevda xelpmoc ylralucitrap ).egrahc fo eerf seussi tneuqesbus

egaP lluF

egaP flaH




yna rof seussi 4 yreve ni 1 xaM( )resitrevda eno

+ tnorF edisnI revoC kcaB egaP elbuoD

)daerps egap 2 ertneC(

sweiveR lairotidE

YAP UOY ECIRP EHT SI EES UOY ECIRP EHT OS ,DERETSIGER TAVA TON ERA EW .secirp egakcap rof su tcatnoC artxe 00.01£ :7 & 5 segaP muimerP .000,8 rep 792£ ta enizagam htiw dereviled eb nac stresni esooL


.trevda fo noitacilbup eetnaraug ot htnom hcae fo ht61 yb deviecer eb tsum tnemyap dna ypoC .edam si tnemyap lluf nehw deetnaraug ylno si ecaps tnemesitrevdA .htnom hcae 000,8 ot pu srebmun noitubirtsiD

fo dnekeew tsrfi eht dnuora ro no ,ylhtnom detubirtsid dna dehsilbup eb lliw noinapmoC ehT .raey a snoitide 01 .htnom eht owt revo notibruS dna sdnalyrreB dnuora dna ni semoh 000,21 revo ot dereviled eb lliw tI .deetnaraug - shtnom .aera eht otni gnivom enoyna rof noitamrofni lacol fo ecruos tsrfi eht si ti noitidda nI

ngiseD & tamroF

:sU tcatnoC

.repap ytilauq no detnirp etihw dna kcalb sulp ruoloc htiw delpats ,telkoob ezis 5A na si tI .leef ytilauq hgih yrev a ti gnivig repap ssolg msg511 no detnirp eb lliw noinapmoC ehT eht yb tpek eb lliw ti leef dna kool ,tnetnoc ,ezis s’ti fo esuaceb dna ’ytivegnol‘ evah lliw tI fo ’ycaidmmi‘ sresitrevda gnivig ybereht ,sevirra eussi txen eht litnu sdlohesuoh fo ytirojam .deriuqer era secivres rieht nehw ’ssecca

ssegruB neraK daoR enwodsgni K 81 ZJ6 6TK ,yerruS ,notibruS 6900 4728 020 :leT 18530029070 :xaF moc.noinapmocsdnalyrreb@nerak :liamE moc.noinapmocsdnalyrreb.www :beW


Ready in: 55 minutes | Serves 4

Ingredients 2 tbsp olive oil

1 large onion, peeled and roughly chopped 2 garlic cloves, peeled and crushed 350g small cauliflower florets

1 large courgette, roughly chopped 100g mushrooms, sliced

2 large tomatoes, roughly chopped

Large handful baby spinach leaves, chopped 1 tsp dried oregano

350g tub fresh four-cheese pasta sauce 150ml passata

100g Red Leicester cheese, grated


Freshly chopped parsley, to garnish

16 16

Preheat the oven to 200C/180C fan/gas mark 6. Heat the oil in a large ovenproof frying pan (see TIP) over a medium heat. Add the onion and cook for 4-5 minutes until softened. Stir in the garlic and cook for a further minute.

Add the cauliflower, courgette and mushrooms and cook, stirring, for 5-6 minutes, then stir in the tomatoes, spinach and oregano. Season to taste with salt and freshly ground black pepper. Pour over the pasta sauce and turn gently to coat the vegetables. Drop spoonfuls of the passata on top and scatter over the grated cheese. Bake in the preheated oven for 25-30 minutes until golden and bubbling. Garnish with freshly chopped parsley and serve straight from the pan with toast or crusty bread, if liked.

If your frying pan is not suitable for use in the oven, transfer the vegetables to a large shallow baking dish before pouring over the cheese sauce.

Please mention the magazine when contacting Advertisers

c.D Jennings & Sons Rates

Advertiser’s Guide

Price List - Our Prices Haven’t Increased for 2 Years 1 Issue

2 Issues*

3 Issues*

4 Issues*

5 Issues*

Full Page






Half Page






Quarter Page






Black & White

Saving 5%

Saving 7.5%

Saving 10%

Copy Deadline

Saving 20%

Final copy must be submitted by the 16th of each month, for inclusion in the following months edition (which will be distributed during the first weekend of that month.)


Full payment for all advertisements must be received by the copy deadline date. Payment can be made by: Cheques payable to ‘Berrylands Companion’ or cash. Payment by BACS or standing order by arrangement.

Full Colour

Surbiton’s High class Traditional family Butchers Meat of the Highest Quality from the finest Sources Full Page






Half Page






Quarter Page






Front Cover Banner


Back Cover


Inside Front + Back Cover


Double Page


Editorial Reviews


(Max 1 in every 4 issues for any one advertiser)

(Centre 2 page spread)


‘A Berrylands Companion’ is a small independent operation and is not registered for VAT. Consequently, no VAT is charged on advertisements.

Acceptable Formats

Adverts can be submitted in the following formats: • MS Word • MS Powerpoint • MS Publisher • TIFF & JPEG Advert copy can be emailed to: karen@berrylandcompanion.com If your ad is not available in an electronic format then we can produce it for you, from your own hard copy text, normally for a fixed price of just £10, although this may be higher if you have a particularly complex advert! (This is a one-off charge - the advert could then be re-used in subsequent issues free of charge.)

WE ARE NOT AVAT REGISTERED, SO THE PRICE YOU SEE IS THE PRICE YOU PAY Contact us for package prices. Premium Pages 5 & 7: £10.00 extra Loose inserts can be delivered with magazine at £297 per 8,000.


Copy and payment must be received by 16th of each month to guarantee publication of advert. Advertisement space is only guaranteed when full payment is made. Distribution numbers up to 8,000 each month.

The Companion will be published and distributed monthly, on or around the first weekend of the month. 10 editions a year. It will be delivered to over 12,000 homes in and around Berrylands and Surbiton over two months - guaranteed. In addition it is the first source of local information for anyone moving into the area.

Format & Design

Contact Us:

It is an A5 size booklet, stapled with colour plus black and white printed on quality paper. The Companion will be printed on 115gsm gloss paper giving it a very high quality feel. It will have ‘longevity’ and because of it’s size, content, look and feel it will be kept by the majority of households until the next issue arrives, thereby giving advertisers ‘immdiacy’ of access’ when their services are required.

Karen Burgess 18 Kingsdowne Road Surbiton, Surrey, KT6 6JZ Tel: 020 8274 0096 Fax: 07092003581 Email: karen@berrylandscompanion.com Web: www.berrylandscompanion.com

Serving Surbiton for over 50 Years


c.D Jennings & Sons Valentine’s Day Specials Call us on 020 8399 4870 Steaks T-bone, Fillet, Sirloin, Rib Eye, Rump, Centre Cut, Onglet, Flat Iron, Flank Skirt, Hanger All of our beef is dry aged for 21 days at our shop and comes from the finest farms in Scotland

Visit our shop at 146 Ewell Road, Surbiton, KT6 6HE (Opposite Sainsbury’s Local) or call us to place an order on 020 8399 4870

To advertise call Karen: 020 8274 0096

for more information view our website www.cdjenningsandsons.com email: karen@berrylands-companion.co.uk

17 17

Bananas in Blankets

ediuG s’resitrevdA


sraeY 2 rof desaercnI t’nevaH secirP ruO - tsiL ecirP

enildaeD ypoC

*seussI 5

*seussI 4

*seussI 3

*seussI 2

eussI 1











%02 gnivaS

shtnom gniwollof eht ni noisulcni rof ,htnom hcae fo ht61 eht yb dettimbus eb tsum ypoc laniF ).htnom taht fo dnekeew tsrfi eht gnirud detubirtsid eb lliw hcihw( noitide


%01 gnivaS

%5.7 gnivaS

%5 gnivaS

etihW & kcalB egaP lluF

egaP flaH

Try something different on Pancake Day with these delicious pancake-wrapped bananas. Serve with ice cream or whipped cream for an extra indulgent treat! egaP retrauQ









egaP lluF






egaP flaH







.etad enildaed ypoc eht yb deviecer eb tsum stnemesitrevda lla rof tnemyap lluF yb tnemyaP .hsac ro ’noinapmoC sdnalyrreB‘ ot elbayap seuqehC :yb edam eb nac tnemyaP .tnemegnarra yb redro gnidnats ro SCAB

ruoloC lluF


.TAV rof deretsiger ton si dna noitarepo tnednepedni llams a si ’noinapmoC sdnalyrreB A‘ .stnemesitrevda no degrahc si TAV on ,yltneuqesnoC

stamroF elbatpeccA

:stamrof gniwollof eht ni dettimbus eb nac strevdA droW SM • tnioprewoP SM • rehsilbuP SM • GEPJ & FFIT •


egaP retrauQ


rennaB revoC tnorF




moc.noinapmocdnalyrreb@nerak :ot deliame eb nac ypoc trevdA


nwo ruoy morf ,uoy rof ti ecudorp nac ew neht tamrof cinortcele na ni elbaliava ton si da ruoy fI a evah uoy fi rehgih eb yam siht hguohtla ,01£ tsuj fo ecirp dexfi a rof yllamron ,txet ypoc drah ni desu-er eb neht dluoc trevda eht - egrahc ffo-eno a si sihT( !trevda xelpmoc ylralucitrap ).egrahc fo eerf seussi tneuqesbus

yna rof seussi 4 yreve ni 1 xaM( )resitrevda eno

revoC kcaB

+ tnorF edisnI revoC kcaB egaP elbuoD

)daerps egap 2 ertneC(

sweiveR lairotidE

YAP UOY ECIRP EHT SI EES UOY ECIRP EHT OS ,DERETSIGER TAVA TON ERA EW .secirp egakcap rof su tcatnoC artxe 00.01£ :7 & 5 segaP muimerP .000,8 rep 792£ ta enizagam htiw dereviled eb nac stresni esooL


.trevda fo noitacilbup eetnaraug ot htnom hcae fo ht61 yb deviecer eb tsum tnemyap dna ypoC .edam si tnemyap lluf nehw deetnaraug ylno si ecaps tnemesitrevdA .htnom hcae 000,8 ot pu srebmun noitubirtsiD

fo dnekeew tsrfi eht dnuora ro no ,ylhtnom detubirtsid dna dehsilbup eb lliw noinapmoC ehT .raey a snoitide 01 .htnom eht owt revo notibruS dna sdnalyrreB dnuora dna ni semoh 000,21 revo ot dereviled eb lliw tI .deetnaraug - shtnom .aera eht otni gnivom enoyna rof noitamrofni lacol fo ecruos tsrfi eht si ti noitidda nI

ngiseD & tamroF

:sU tcatnoC

.repap ytilauq no detnirp etihw dna kcalb sulp ruoloc htiw delpats ,telkoob ezis 5A na si tI .leef ytilauq hgih yrev a ti gnivig repap ssolg msg511 no detnirp eb lliw noinapmoC ehT eht yb tpek eb lliw ti leef dna kool ,tnetnoc ,ezis s’ti fo esuaceb dna ’ytivegnol‘ evah lliw tI fo ’ycaidmmi‘ sresitrevda gnivig ybereht ,sevirra eussi txen eht litnu sdlohesuoh fo ytirojam .deriuqer era secivres rieht nehw ’ssecca

ssegruB neraK daoR enwodsgni K 81 ZJ6 6TK ,yerruS ,notibruS 6900 4728 020 :leT 18530029070 :xaF moc.noinapmocsdnalyrreb@nerak :liamE moc.noinapmocsdnalyrreb.www :beW


Ready in 45 minutes | Makes 8


100g plain flour Pinch of salt 1 large egg 300ml milk 25g butter

8 small bananas, peeled

4 tbsp ready-made chocolate sauce, warmed Icing sugar and cocoa powder, to dust


Mint sprigs, to decorate (optional)

18 18

Sift the flour into a large bowl, add the salt and make a well in the centre. Add the egg and beat with a balloon whisk, gradually drawing in the flour. Slowly pour in the milk, whisking all the time, until you have a smooth batter which is about the consistency of single cream. Cover the jug and leave the batter to stand for about 30 minutes to allow the starch grains in the flour to soften and expand – this will give a lighter pancake. Whisk in a splash of milk or water if the batter has thickened slightly.

Heat a knob of the butter in a medium sized non-stick frying pan until almost smoking then quickly ladle in enough of the batter to thinly cover the base of the pan, swirling the pan to give an even layer. Cook for 1-2 minutes until small air bubbles appear in the pancake then flip it over and cook for a further minute until golden. Repeat with the rest of the mixture to make 8 pancakes in total, adding more butter to the pan as needed. Wrap a warm pancake around each banana. Halve each wrapped banana and serve drizzled with warm chocolate sauce and dusted with icing sugar and cocoa powder. Decorate with a sprig of mint, if liked.

You can make the pancakes a day in advance. Stack on a plate, interleaved with baking paper. Cover and chill in the fridge. Reheat for a few seconds in the microwave.

Please mention the magazine when contacting Advertisers

Best Restaurant London SW Region Tiffin Cup Awards Winner 2019 House of Commons Nominated by Sir Ed Davey MP Free home delivery for 15% DISCOUNT ON orders over £15 COLLECTIONS fullydair conditioned e ion dit on c r ai BANQUET NIGHT lly Fu 15% DISCOUNT ON COLLECTIONS

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Create your own 4 course meal from our menu: *Starter *Main Dish *Side Dish * Rice or Naan *Coffee Prithi restaurant opened in Surbiton in 2005 with the mission to provide excellent Bangladeshi and Indian food. They were finalists for the best restaurant in London and South West region for the Tiffin Cup competition at The House of Commons and were nominated by Right Honorable Sir Edward Davey MP for Surbiton and Kingston. Prithi encourage you to visit and celebrate their win with them and enjoy their amazing cuisine.


EVERY WEDNESDAY NIGHT ONLY £11.95 £10.95 Create your own 4 course meal from our menu:


Advertiser’s Guide

Price List - Our Prices Haven’t Increased for 2 Years 1 Issue

2 Issues*

Full Page






Half Page


Quarter Page

Black & White

Saving 5%

3 Issues* Saving 7.5%

4 Issues* Saving 10%










Full Page






Half Page






Quarter Page






Front Cover Banner


Back Cover


Inside Front + Back Cover


Double Page


Editorial Reviews


Too Good To Be True

Copy Deadline

5 Issues* Saving 20%

Final copy must be submitted by the 16th of each month, for inclusion in the following months edition (which will be distributed during the first weekend of that month.)


Full payment for all advertisements must be received by the copy deadline date. Payment can be made by: Cheques payable to ‘Berrylands Companion’ or cash. Payment by BACS or standing order by arrangement.

Full Colour

(Max 1 in every 4 issues for any one advertiser)


‘A Berrylands Companion’ is a small independent operation and is not registered for VAT. Consequently, no VAT is charged on advertisements.

Acceptable Formats

Adverts can be submitted in the following formats: • MS Word • MS Powerpoint • MS Publisher • TIFF & JPEG

If you use social media, particularly Facebook, you’re probably seeing lots of adverts for things that seem incredibly cheap: dresses at a fraction of the high street cost, mountain bikes for much less than local retailers charge, NOW NEWLY REFURBISHED guitars going for a song. Are the deals too good to be true? (Centre 2 page spread)

Advert copy can be emailed to: karen@berrylandcompanion.com If your ad is not available in an electronic format then we can produce it for you, from your own hard copy text, normally for a fixed price of just £10, although this may be higher if you have a particularly complex advert! (This is a one-off charge - the advert could then be re-used in subsequent issues free of charge.)

WE ARE NOT AVAT REGISTERED, SO THE PRICE YOU SEE IS THE PRICE YOU PAY Contact us for package prices. Premium Pages 5 & 7: £10.00 extra Loose inserts can be delivered with magazine at £297 per 8,000.


Copy and payment must be received by 16th of each month to guarantee publication of advert. Advertisement space is only guaranteed when full payment is made. Distribution numbers up to 8,000 each month.

The Companion will be published and distributed monthly, on or around the first weekend of the month. 10 editions a year. It will be delivered to over 12,000 homes in and around Berrylands and Surbiton over two months - guaranteed. In addition it is the first source of local information for anyone moving into the area.

Format & Design

Contact Us:

It is an A5 size booklet, stapled with colour plus black and white printed on quality paper. The Companion will be printed on 115gsm gloss paper giving it a very high quality feel. It will have ‘longevity’ and because of it’s size, content, look and feel it will be kept by the majority of households until the next issue arrives, thereby giving advertisers ‘immdiacy’ of access’ when their services are required.

Karen Burgess 18 Kingsdowne Road Surbiton, Surrey, KT6 6JZ Tel: 020 8274 0096 Fax: 07092003581 Email: karen@berrylandscompanion.com Web: www.berrylandscompanion.com


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10/09/2019 23:54:38


Some are very obvious scams: you won’t get a £500 product for £50 from any reputable retailer, let alone an unknown with an amateurish website. But even reputable advertisers should be approached with caution if they’re outside the EU. If they are, your purchase isn’t covered by consumer protection legislation such as the Distance Selling regulations. Always check the small print, be sure who you’re buying from, pay with your credit card and trust your instincts. If it doesn’t feel right, don’t spend your money.


You have two minutes to find all the words of three or more letters that can be made from the letters above. Plurals are allowed, proper nouns are not. The 6 letter word will always be just a normal everyday word.

3 letters: 15 4 letters: 14 5 letters: 4 6 letters: 1


Phone 07922 246673

Start the New Year right!! Advertise your business in A Berrylands Companion An advert this size would cost just £96 for 4 months. Call me on: 020 8274 0096 karen@berrylands-companion.co.uk To advertise call Karen: 020 8274 0096

E Mail chris@cjmplumbingandheating.co.uk

CJM Plumbing and Heating email: karen@berrylands-companion.co.uk

19 19


ediuG s’resitrevdA

Is it still Winter? setaR

sraeY 2 rof desaercnI t’nevaH secirP ruO - tsiL ecirP

enildaeD ypoC

*seussI 5

*seussI 4



%02 gnivaS

shtnom gniwollof eht ni noisulcni rof ,htnom hcae fo ht61 eht yb dettimbus eb tsum ypoc laniF ).htnom taht fo dnekeew tsrfi eht gnirud detubirtsid eb lliw hcihw( noitide

%01 gnivaS

*seussI 3

*seussI 2

eussI 1




%5.7 gnivaS

%5 gnivaS

etihW & kcalB egaP lluF

ere at Surbiton Racket and Fitness Club we’ve got Winter covered, literally. Our splendid Dome protects two of our nine hard courts, guaranteeing tennis whatever the weather. 00.016£





egaP flaH

egaP retrauQ









egaP lluF






egaP flaH






.etad enildaed ypoc eht yb deviecer eb tsum stnemesitrevda lla rof tnemyap lluF yb tnemyaP .hsac ro ’noinapmoC sdnalyrreB‘ ot elbayap seuqehC :yb edam eb nac tnemyaP .tnemegnarra yb redro gnidnats ro SCAB

00.723£ 00.271£

ruoloC lluF


.TAV rof deretsiger ton si dna noitarepo tnednepedni llams a si ’noinapmoC sdnalyrreB A‘ .stnemesitrevda no degrahc si TAV on ,yltneuqesnoC

stamroF elbatpeccA

:stamrof gniwollof eht ni dettimbus eb nac strevdA droW SM • tnioprewoP SM • rehsilbuP SM • GEPJ & FFIT •


egaP retrauQ


rennaB revoC tnorF




moc.noinapmocdnalyrreb@nerak :ot deliame eb nac ypoc trevdA


nwo ruoy morf ,uoy rof ti ecudorp nac ew neht tamrof cinortcele na ni elbaliava ton si da ruoy fI a evah uoy fi rehgih eb yam siht hguohtla ,01£ tsuj fo ecirp dexfi a rof yllamron ,txet ypoc drah ni desu-er eb neht dluoc trevda eht - egrahc ffo-eno a si sihT( !trevda xelpmoc ylralucitrap ).egrahc fo eerf seussi tneuqesbus

yna rof seussi 4 yreve ni 1 xaM( )resitrevda eno

revoC kcaB

+ tnorF edisnI revoC kcaB egaP elbuoD

)daerps egap 2 ertneC(

sweiveR lairotidE

YAP UOY ECIRP EHT SI EES UOY ECIRP EHT OS ,DERETSIGER TAVA TON ERA EW .secirp egakcap rof su tcatnoC artxe 00.01£ :7 & 5 segaP muimerP .000,8 rep 792£ ta enizagam htiw dereviled eb nac stresni esooL


.trevda fo noitacilbup eetnaraug ot htnom hcae fo ht61 yb deviecer eb tsum tnemyap dna ypoC .edam si tnemyap lluf nehw deetnaraug ylno si ecaps tnemesitrevdA .htnom hcae 000,8 ot pu srebmun noitubirtsiD

fo dnekeew tsrfi eht dnuora ro no ,ylhtnom detubirtsid dna dehsilbup eb lliw noinapmoC ehT .raey a snoitide 01 .htnom eht owt revo notibruS dna sdnalyrreB dnuora dna ni semoh 000,21 revo ot dereviled eb lliw tI .deetnaraug - shtnom .aera eht otni gnivom enoyna rof noitamrofni lacol fo ecruos tsrfi eht si ti noitidda nI

ngiseD & tamroF

:sU tcatnoC

.repap ytilauq no detnirp etihw dna kcalb sulp ruoloc htiw delpats ,telkoob ezis 5A na si tI .leef ytilauq hgih yrev a ti gnivig repap ssolg msg511 no detnirp eb lliw noinapmoC ehT eht yb tpek eb lliw ti leef dna kool ,tnetnoc ,ezis s’ti fo esuaceb dna ’ytivegnol‘ evah lliw tI fo ’ycaidmmi‘ sresitrevda gnivig ybereht ,sevirra eussi txen eht litnu sdlohesuoh fo ytirojam .deriuqer era secivres rieht nehw ’ssecca

ssegruB neraK daoR enwodsgni K 81 ZJ6 6TK ,yerruS ,notibruS 6900 4728 020 :leT 18530029070 :xaF moc.noinapmocsdnalyrreb@nerak :liamE moc.noinapmocsdnalyrreb.www :beW


What’s more, all our other seven hard courts cater for winter play. Three of these courts are laid in synthetic clay and are first choice with many Members. Most are floodlit for tennis in the darker evenings. So, as with every winter, there’s still going to be plenty of outside tennis at the Club. With so many courts available throughout the year we can host an extensive tennis coaching programme. This can involve all ages from three to eighty! We have fourteen registered tennis coaches working at the Club, and they also regularly visit fourteen local schools. Altogether our coaching programmes involve nearly a thousand local school children. Indoors, the Club is buzzing, as usual. For instance, our four squash courts are all air-conditioned and heated. Squash Night on Saturday is always well-patronised and good fun for all abilities. There is also Racketball available and there are many leagues for all standards of play.

20 20

Our Squash teams also play on a regular basis so why not come down and watch some World Class Squash?

Our Fitness Suite is a major attraction all year round, so when exercise outside is maybe less tempting why not drop in for a gym session? Our gym is on two levels, and offers some of the latest equipment, from Cloud-based cardiovascular aids to resistance machines and free weights. Why not come as our Guest for a free try? Alongside is our Studio, where we run regular classes in Zumba, Pilates, Yoga and Indoor Cycling, to name a few.

At Surbiton we’ve always been keen on social activities. Our events are very popular, and our regular Quiz Nights are usually over-subscribed. There are also theme nights and party sessions to keep everyone entertained. Overall, we offer a unique set of facilities for our Members, unmatched by any similar local Club. Central to our activities is the Clubhouse Bar, where you can make new friends and relax with a coffee or a drink. Cooked food can be ordered throughout the day from our

extensive Club Menu.

We’re always looking for opportunities to interact with the local Community. An outstanding example is our Community Parks Tennis Programme, planned specially to encourage family tennis, at three municipal parks in the Borough.

The cost is remarkably low. An annual fee of only £50 per household can provide a court booking per day for no extra cost or there is pay and play (£6 per hour). All ten park courts are bookable on the internet. This is fantastic value, and a breakthrough for tennis in the Community. Happy New Year! Roy

Roy Staniland is Director of Surbiton Racket and Fitness Club, Berrylands, KT5 8JT Club information: 020 8399 1594 www.surbiton.org or for the Park Programme www.parktennisinkingston. co.uk

Please mention the magazine when contacting Advertisers



Advertiser’s Guide

Price List - Our Prices Haven’t Increased for 2 Years

(formerly at Ewell Road, Tolworth)

1 Issue

2 Issues*

Full Page






Half Page


Quarter Page

Black & White

Saving 5%

3 Issues* Saving 7.5%

4 Issues* Saving 10%

Copy Deadline

5 Issues* Saving 20%










Full Page






Half Page

Final copy must be submitted by the 16th of each month, for inclusion in the following months edition (which will be distributed during the first weekend of that month.)


Full payment for all advertisements must be received by the copy deadline date. Payment can be made by: Cheques payable to ‘Berrylands Companion’ or cash. Payment by BACS or standing order by arrangement.

Full Colour £83.00





Quarter Page






Front Cover Banner


(Max 1 in every 4 issues for any one advertiser)

Back Cover


Inside Front + Back Cover


Double Page


Editorial Reviews


‘A Berrylands Companion’ is a small independent operation and is not registered for VAT. Consequently, no VAT is charged on advertisements.

Acceptable Formats

William Stallion (Centre 2 page spread)

Contact me for Curtains, Tracks or Poles, Blinds, Carpets or Covers / Re-Upholstery.


WE ARE NOT AVAT REGISTERED, SO THE PRICE YOU SEE IS THE PRICE YOU PAY Contact us for package prices. Premium Pages 5 & 7: £10.00 extra Loose inserts can be delivered with magazine at £297 per 8,000.

Adverts can be submitted in the following formats: • MS Word • MS Powerpoint • MS Publisher • TIFF & JPEG Advert copy can be emailed to: karen@berrylandcompanion.com If your ad is not available in an electronic format then we can produce it for you, from your own hard copy text, normally for a fixed price of just £10, although this may be higher if you have a particularly complex advert! (This is a one-off charge - the advert could then be re-used in subsequent issues free of charge.)


150 Elmbridge Avenue, Surbiton, Surrey, KT5 9HF Copy and payment must be received by 16th of each month to guarantee publication of advert. Advertisement space is only guaranteed when full payment is made. Distribution numbers up to 8,000 each month.

The Companion will be published and distributed monthly, on or around the first weekend of the month. 10 editions a year. It will be delivered to over 12,000 homes in and around Berrylands and Surbiton over two months - guaranteed. In addition it is the first source of local information for anyone moving into the area.

Format & Design

Contact Us:

*Alterations & Additions *New Installations *Maintenance *Rewires *Testing & Inspection EICR/PIR *NIC/EIC Registered,insured,certified

It is an A5 size booklet, stapled with colour plus black and white printed on quality paper. The Companion will be printed on 115gsm gloss paper giving it a very high quality feel. It will have ‘longevity’ and because of it’s size, content, look and feel it will be kept by the majority of households until the next issue arrives, thereby giving advertisers ‘immdiacy’ of access’ when their services are required.

Karen Burgess 18 Kingsdowne Road Surbiton, Surrey, KT6 6JZ Tel: 020 8274 0096 Fax: 07092003581 Email: karen@berrylandscompanion.com Web: www.berrylandscompanion.com


Also cleaning, relining and rehanging your own curtains. I will bring samples to your home, or call to offer advice

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HIDATO Starting at 1 and finishing at 49, track your way from one square to another, either horizontally, vertically or diagonally, placing consecutive numbers into the empty squares as you go. Some numbers are already given.

Brickwork Blockwork Garden Walls Structural Alterations Damaged Walls Repaired No job too small 35 years experience Please call Paul

0208 390 0771 07836 200 489 To advertise call Karen: 020 8274 0096


email: karen@berrylands-companion.co.uk

21 21

determine what works best for your room. setaR

ediuG s’resitrevdA

sraeY 2 rof desaercnI t’nevaH secirP ruO - tsiL ecirP

enildaeD ypoC

*seussI 5

*seussI 4

*seussI 3

*seussI 2

eussI 1











egaP flaH






egaP retrauQ

%02 gnivaS

shtnom gniwollof eht ni noisulcni rof ,htnom hcae fo ht61 eht yb dettimbus eb tsum ypoc laniF ).htnom taht fo dnekeew tsrfi eht gnirud detubirtsid eb lliw hcihw( noitide


.etad enildaed ypoc eht yb deviecer eb tsum stnemesitrevda lla rof tnemyap lluF yb tnemyaP .hsac ro ’noinapmoC sdnalyrreB‘ ot elbayap seuqehC :yb edam eb nac tnemyaP .tnemegnarra yb redro gnidnats ro SCAB

%01 gnivaS

%5.7 gnivaS

%5 gnivaS

etihW & kcalB egaP lluF

ruoloC lluF


.TAV rof deretsiger ton si dna noitarepo tnednepedni llams a si ’noinapmoC sdnalyrreB A‘ .stnemesitrevda no degrahc si TAV on ,yltneuqesnoC

stamroF elbatpeccA

:stamrof gniwollof eht ni dettimbus eb nac strevdA droW SM • tnioprewoP SM • rehsilbuP SM • GEPJ & FFIT •













egaP lluF


egaP flaH

00.38£ 00.74£

egaP retrauQ


rennaB revoC tnorF yna rof seussi 4 yreve ni 1 xaM( )resitrevda eno


revoC kcaB


+ tnorF edisnI revoC kcaB egaP elbuoD


moc.noinapmocdnalyrreb@nerak :ot deliame eb nac ypoc trevdA


nwo ruoy morf ,uoy rof ti ecudorp nac ew neht tamrof cinortcele na ni elbaliava ton si da ruoy fI a evah uoy fi rehgih eb yam siht hguohtla ,01£ tsuj fo ecirp dexfi a rof yllamron ,txet ypoc drah ni desu-er eb neht dluoc trevda eht - egrahc ffo-eno a si sihT( !trevda xelpmoc ylralucitrap ).egrahc fo eerf seussi tneuqesbus

)daerps egap 2 ertneC(

sweiveR lairotidE

YAP UOY ECIRP EHT SI EES UOY ECIRP EHT OS ,DERETSIGER TAVA TON ERA EW .secirp egakcap rof su tcatnoC artxe 00.01£ :7 & 5 segaP muimerP .000,8 rep 792£ ta enizagam htiw dereviled eb nac stresni esooL


.trevda fo noitacilbup eetnaraug ot htnom hcae fo ht61 yb deviecer eb tsum tnemyap dna ypoC .edam si tnemyap lluf nehw deetnaraug ylno si ecaps tnemesitrevdA .htnom hcae 000,8 ot pu srebmun noitubirtsiD

fo dnekeew tsrfi eht dnuora ro no ,ylhtnom detubirtsid dna dehsilbup eb lliw noinapmoC ehT .raey a snoitide 01 .htnom eht owt revo notibruS dna sdnalyrreB dnuora dna ni semoh 000,21 revo ot dereviled eb lliw tI .deetnaraug - shtnom .aera eht otni gnivom enoyna rof noitamrofni lacol fo ecruos tsrfi eht si ti noitidda nI

ngiseD & tamroF

:sU tcatnoC

.repap ytilauq no detnirp etihw dna kcalb sulp ruoloc htiw delpats ,telkoob ezis 5A na si tI .leef ytilauq hgih yrev a ti gnivig repap ssolg msg511 no detnirp eb lliw noinapmoC ehT eht yb tpek eb lliw ti leef dna kool ,tnetnoc ,ezis s’ti fo esuaceb dna ’ytivegnol‘ evah lliw tI fo ’ycaidmmi‘ sresitrevda gnivig ybereht ,sevirra eussi txen eht litnu sdlohesuoh fo ytirojam .deriuqer era secivres rieht nehw ’ssecca

ssegruB neraK daoR enwodsgni K 81 ZJ6 6TK ,yerruS ,notibruS 6900 4728 020 :leT 18530029070 :xaF moc.noinapmocsdnalyrreb@nerak :liamE moc.noinapmocsdnalyrreb.www :beW


Back to Black

Sophisticated, intense and eye-catching – use black in your interior to create drama, interest and on-trend style.

To make an impact when designing a room, sometimes it pays to go against convention. This is why the use of black in an interior is so surprising and, when employed with thoughtfulness and flair, so successful. What could be more different to the typical room with all-white walls than one that uses a significant amount of black? This timeless colour is bold, luxurious and actually more

versatile than you might think. For a start, just as there is a huge variety of shades of white, so there are many different shades of black, ranging from cool, blueish blacks to warm, red-blacks. Looking carefully at paint swatches and then testing the paints out on your walls (examining them at different times of day and under various lights) will demonstrate their underlying tones and help you

Secondly, bear in mind that although black itself is dark, the room in which it is used doesn’t have to be. Yes, in a small room, such as a snug, WC or study, black can be used to emphasise a feeling of cosiness, but in a larger space it can help improve the sense of proportion and create a feeling of intimacy. To avoid a sense of gloom, ensure that any room in which you plan to use significant amounts of black has both large windows and plenty of reflective surfaces (glass, mirror and gloss paint) to provide daytime illumination, and include a good variety of artificial lighting – ceiling and wall lamps, floor and table lamps – to create gorgeous pools of warm, welcoming light at night.

If all-over black is a step too far, employing black as a strong accent within a room is an excellent compromise. This could mean covering a wall or two in black to provide a strong contrast to your furnishings, or perhaps painting around the room below the dado rail, creating a comfortable sense of grounding. Black can work exceptionally well for wall-towall bookshelves or as a run

What is black, and how black is it?

Colour, in a scientific sense, is the range of visible light seen by humans. Black, being an absence or complete absorption of light, is therefore not considered to be a colour. If, on the other hand, you consider colour in terms of pigment, then black is actually a mix of yellow, red and blue, the three primary colours. Rather than not

22 22

being a colour, it’s actually all the colours! Pure black, in scientific terms, can only be found in a black hole, and until recently the blackest black on earth was a pigment called ‘Vantablack’ that absorbs 99.96% of all light, developed by British company NanoSystems for military and astronomical use – and now reserved exclusively (and

somewhat controversially) by the artist Anish Kapoor. In September last year, however, scientists at prestigious American research university the Massachusetts Institute of Technology developed (by accident) an even blacker coating that absorbs at least 99.995% of incoming light. The search for a completely black black continues…

Please mention the magazine when contacting Advertisers

of kitchen cabinets. Or you might prefer simply to choose a selection of smaller accessories in black – picture frames, table lamps or a side table, for example – to give a crisp, graphic look.

However you decide to use black, it will always need to be combined with other colours. Just as a little black dress looks great with a bold necklace, black walls team brilliantly with, for example, a brightly coloured sofa, vivid paintings, a jewel-bright headboard or a colourful rug. It’s a contrast that really catches the eye, and a dark backdrop harmonises wonderfully with intense colours such as crimson, orange,

lime, fuchsia, yellow, emerald and mustard (though not so well with darker colours such as purple, navy or chocolate). The strongest contrast of all, of course, is black with white. This combination can be fresh, crisp and contemporary, though pure black and white may end up being a little simplistic, and best tempered with some greys (if you wish to stick with the monochromatic look) or other colours, and definitely with a variety of patterns in differing scales, and with textural detailing. Black with neutrals and naturals also works well – adding timber, stone, hessian, linen, sisal, wicker and wool, for example, in their natural range of beiges, browns, creams and


Advertiser’s Guide

Price List - Our Prices Haven’t Increased for 2 Years 1 Issue

2 Issues*

Full Page






Half Page






Quarter Page

Black & White

Saving 5%



Full Page


Half Page

3 Issues* Saving 7.5%

4 Issues* Saving 10%

Copy Deadline

5 Issues* Saving 20%













Quarter Page






Front Cover Banner


Back Cover


Inside Front + Back Cover


Double Page


Editorial Reviews


Final copy must be submitted by the 16th of each month, for inclusion in the following months edition (which will be distributed during the first weekend of that month.)


Full payment for all advertisements must be received by the copy deadline date. Payment can be made by: Cheques payable to ‘Berrylands Companion’ or cash. Payment by BACS or standing order by arrangement.

Full Colour

(Max 1 in every 4 issues for any one advertiser)

(Centre 2 page spread)


‘A Berrylands Companion’ is a small independent operation and is not registered for VAT. Consequently, no VAT is charged on advertisements.

Acceptable Formats

Adverts can be submitted in the following formats: • MS Word • MS Powerpoint • MS Publisher • TIFF & JPEG Advert copy can be emailed to: karen@berrylandcompanion.com If your ad is not available in an electronic format then we can produce it for you, from your own hard copy text, normally for a fixed price of just £10, although this may be higher if you have a particularly complex advert! (This is a one-off charge - the advert could then be re-used in subsequent issues free of charge.)

WE ARE NOT AVAT REGISTERED, SO THE PRICE YOU SEE IS THE PRICE YOU PAY Contact us for package prices. Premium Pages 5 & 7: £10.00 extra Loose inserts can be delivered with magazine at £297 per 8,000.


Copy and payment must be received by 16th of each month to guarantee publication of advert. Advertisement space is only guaranteed when full payment is made. Distribution numbers up to 8,000 each month.

The Companion will be published and distributed monthly, on or around the first weekend of the month. 10 editions a year. It will be delivered to over 12,000 homes in and around Berrylands and Surbiton over two months - guaranteed. In addition it is the first source of local information for anyone moving into the area.

Format & Design

Contact Us:

It is an A5 size booklet, stapled with colour plus black and white printed on quality paper. The Companion will be printed on 115gsm gloss paper giving it a very high quality feel. It will have ‘longevity’ and because of it’s size, content, look and feel it will be kept by the majority of households until the next issue arrives, thereby giving advertisers ‘immdiacy’ of access’ when their services are required.

Karen Burgess 18 Kingsdowne Road Surbiton, Surrey, KT6 6JZ Tel: 020 8274 0096 Fax: 07092003581 Email: karen@berrylandscompanion.com Web: www.berrylandscompanion.com


greys, is softening and beautiful. As interiors experts say, even just a touch of black is vital in every room, enhancing the colours, patterns and shapes that surround it.

By Katherine Sorrell

Image left: Balfour designer sofa, £965, Sweetpea & Willow: 0345 257 2627; www.sweetpeaandwillow.com. Image above: Haddon kitchen in charcoal and burnished bronze, from £15,000; Burbidge Kitchen Makers:

024 7667 1600; www.burbidgekitchenmakers.co.uk.

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EMail: robinsonandson24@talktalk.net

To advertise call Karen: 020 8274 0096

email: karen@berrylands-companion.co.uk

23 23

ediuG s’resitrevdA

Shakespeare borrowed from the Physiologus when he wrote: “The elephant hath joints, but none for courtesy; his legs are legs for necessity, not for flexure”, endorsing a commonly-held belief that the elephant was unable to bend its legs.


sraeY 2 rof desaercnI t’nevaH secirP ruO - tsiL ecirP

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egaP retrauQ rennaB revoC tnorF revoC kcaB

00.341£ 00.391£

moc.noinapmocdnalyrreb@nerak :ot deliame eb nac ypoc trevdA


nwo ruoy morf ,uoy rof ti ecudorp nac ew neht tamrof cinortcele na ni elbaliava ton si da ruoy fI a evah uoy fi rehgih eb yam siht hguohtla ,01£ tsuj fo ecirp dexfi a rof yllamron ,txet ypoc drah ni desu-er eb neht dluoc trevda eht - egrahc ffo-eno a si sihT( !trevda xelpmoc ylralucitrap ).egrahc fo eerf seussi tneuqesbus

egaP lluF egaP flaH

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Tall tales Thanks to the Physiologus, elephants were revered as semi-mythical beings in Tudor times. No wonder, then, that they became the stuff of legend.

.trevda fo noitacilbup eetnaraug ot htnom hcae fo ht61 yb deviecer eb tsum tnemyap dna ypoC .edam si tnemyap lluf nehw deetnaraug ylno si ecaps tnemesitrevdA .htnom hcae 000,8 ot pu srebmun noitubirtsiD

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ssegruB neraK daoR enwodsgni K 81 ZJ6 6TK ,yerruS ,notibruS 6900 4728 020 :leT 18530029070 :xaF moc.noinapmocsdnalyrreb@nerak :liamE moc.noinapmocsdnalyrreb.www :beW


The Elephant in the (Tower) Room A brief history of Britain’s love affair with the elephant

Last autumn there was huge excitement in Diss, Norfolk, when a ground-penetrating radar search of common land at Fair Green revealed the remains of an elephant buried deep under the ground. It must have been a fairly earth-shattering discovery for local residents to learn that the animal’s remains had been found in a spot better known for craft fairs and dog shows, but the news didn’t come as a surprise to everyone. The archaeological survey was carried out because some locals claimed the animal died there in the 1940s, while a touring circus was in town. Nowadays we might, with some justification, condemn people who made their living by exploiting elephants, but it was the nation’s insatiable interest in these gentle giants that made them such a big box-office

24 24


Invasion of the elephants The first elephants to arrive in the UK were brought over by the Roman Emperor Claudius when he invaded England in AD 43. A Greek author called Polyaenus, writing in the second century AD, tells an intriguing story about terrified Britons fleeing at the sight of an elephant sent to cross a river into their territory.

Twelve centuries later in 1256, King Henry III received an elephant as a gift from Louis IX of France and ordered his sheriffs to build a pen measuring 40 foot long and 20 foot wide in the Tower of London. Around the same period, an ancient Latin manuscript called the Physiologus Theobaldi – containing some wildly inaccurate elephant ‘facts’ – was translated into English. Some time later

An elephant-inspired folk tale from Queenborough on the Isle of Sheppey in Kent has been passed down from generation to generation. It’s the story of a small town nervously preparing to receive an elephant as a gift from Queen Elizabeth I. The residents get to work creating a state-of-the art pen for the royal gift, but it turns out that in reading the queen’s letter, the semi-literate mayor of the town has mistaken the word ‘equivalent’ for ‘elephant’, and the long-anticipated creature never arrives. Sheppey’s story certainly bears all the hallmarks of myth. However unlikely the story may sound, Elizabeth I did actually visit Queenborough Castle (now demolished) in 1582, and to this day there is a small public park, the size of a horse paddock, which locals still call ‘the Elephant Park’. The British have known about elephants for over 2,000 years. We may fear them for their size and strength, but thanks to touchingly human characteristics such as dignity, patience and family loyalty, it’s easy to see why the nation has taken these magnificent beasts to its heart.

By Kate McClelland

Please mention the magazine when contacting Advertisers


•Extensions BERRYLANDS BERRYLANDS •Conversions Property Maintenance Ltd •All types of Paving Price List - Our Prices Haven’t Increased for 2 Years 1 Issue

2 Issues*

3 Issues*

4 Issues*

5 Issues*

Full Page






Half Page






Quarter Page

Black & White

Saving 5%

Saving 7.5%

Saving 10%

Saving 20%






Full Page






Half Page






Quarter Page






Front Cover Banner


Full Colour

(Max 1 in every 4 issues for any one advertiser)

Back Cover


Inside Front + Back Cover


Double Page


Editorial Reviews


(Centre 2 page spread)

WE ARE NOT AVAT REGISTERED, SO THE PRICE YOU SEE IS THE PRICE YOU PAY Contact us for package prices. Premium Pages 5 & 7: £10.00 extra Loose inserts can be delivered with magazine at £297 per 8,000.

Copy and payment must be received by 16th of each month to guarantee publication of advert. Advertisement space is only guaranteed when full payment is made. Distribution numbers up to 8,000 each month.

Property Maintenance Ltd

Advertiser’s Guide Copy Deadline

Final copy must be submitted by the 16th of each month, for inclusion in the following months edition (which will be distributed during the first weekend of that month.)


Full payment for all advertisements must be received by the copy deadline date. Payment can be made by: Cheques payable to ‘Berrylands Companion’ or cash. Payment by BACS or standing order by arrangement.


‘A Berrylands Companion’ is a small independent operation and is not registered for VAT. Consequently, no VAT is charged on advertisements.

Acceptable Formats

Adverts can be submitted in the following formats: • MS Word • MS Powerpoint • MS Publisher • TIFF & JPEG Advert copy can be emailed to: karen@berrylandcompanion.com If your ad is not available in an electronic format then we can produce it for you, from your own hard copy text, normally for a fixed price of just £10, although this may be higher if you have a particularly complex advert! (This is a one-off charge - the advert could then be re-used in subsequent issues free of charge.)


The Companion will be published and distributed monthly, on or around the first weekend of the month. 10 editions a year. It will be delivered to over 12,000 homes in and around Berrylands and Surbiton over two months - guaranteed. In addition it is the first source of local information for anyone moving into the area.

Format & Design

iPainting and Decorating and Tiling * Extensions *iPlastering Conversions * All types of Paving iHousehold Maintenance and Repairs iBathrooms Fitted and Refurbished Local builders withandover 30 years experience. iCarpentry Plumbing iFlat Packs and Small Jobs Contact Us:

Karen Burgess 18 Kingsdowne Road Surbiton, Surrey, KT6 6JZ Tel: 020 8274 0096 Fax: 07092003581 Email: karen@berrylandscompanion.com Web: www.berrylandscompanion.com

It is an A5 size booklet, stapled with colour plus black and white printed on quality paper. The Companion will be printed on 115gsm gloss paper giving it a very high quality feel. It will have ‘longevity’ and because of it’s size, content, look and feel it will be kept by the majority of households until the next issue arrives, thereby giving advertisers ‘immdiacy’ of access’ when their services are required.

iPainting and Decorating and Tiling Local builders with over 30 years experience. *iPlastering Conversions * All types of Paving Many local customers with excellent references, iHousehold Maintenance and Repairs Marcus &by Sarah Baines viewings appointment Many local customers with excellent020 references, 8390 7549 iBathrooms Fitted and Refurbished viewings by appointment 603a885 Check out 07702 our Check Trade ratings. ders with over 30 years experience. iCarpentry and Plumbing Check out our Check a Trade ratings. iFlat Packs and Small Jobs 71 Chiltern Drive ,Surbiton, Surrey, KT5 8LR 16


customers with excellent references,


Tel: 020 8399 6276 No KT5 obligation8LR quotations. References available. 71 Chiltern Drive ,Surbiton, Surrey, All work guaranteed and fully insured. Em: bbuildco.@yahoo.co.uk

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WW.CHECKATRADE .COM,Surbiton, /BERRYLANDSPROPERTYMAINTENANCE hiltern Drive Surrey, KT5Build 8LR Extensions or New Mob: 07941 374 324 No obligation quotations. References available. Planning + Building All work guaranteed and fully insured. Em: bbuildco.@yahoo.co.uk

Regulation Consents • Health and Safety for Construction • Party Wall Awards

Ken Burgess

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Tele: 07976 837 031 Fax: E-mail: kcbdesign69@gmail.com

To advertise call Karen: 020 8274 0096

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Tel: 020 8399 6276 Mob: 07941 374 324 Marcus &by Sarah Baines viewings appointment Check out our new website: www.berrylandsbuilders.co.uk 020 8390 7549 603a885 k out 07702 our Check Trade ratings.

070 9200 3581

email: karen@berrylands-companion.co.uk

25 25


ediuG s’resitrevdA

Create a bespoke pattern with these singlecolour luxury vinyl tiles in short-stave format with a bevelled edge. Harvey Maria Heritage Colours Little Bricks, £39.95 per square metre, Harvey Maria.


sraeY 2 rof desaercnI t’nevaH secirP ruO - tsiL ecirP

enildaeD ypoC

*seussI 5

*seussI 4

*seussI 3

*seussI 2

eussI 1











egaP flaH egaP retrauQ

%02 gnivaS

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%5.7 gnivaS

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egaP retrauQ


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%01 gnivaS


ruoloC lluF


.TAV rof deretsiger ton si dna noitarepo tnednepedni llams a si ’noinapmoC sdnalyrreB A‘ .stnemesitrevda no degrahc si TAV on ,yltneuqesnoC

stamroF elbatpeccA

:stamrof gniwollof eht ni dettimbus eb nac strevdA droW SM • tnioprewoP SM • rehsilbuP SM • GEPJ & FFIT •

egaP lluF

00.341£ 00.391£

moc.noinapmocdnalyrreb@nerak :ot deliame eb nac ypoc trevdA


nwo ruoy morf ,uoy rof ti ecudorp nac ew neht tamrof cinortcele na ni elbaliava ton si da ruoy fI a evah uoy fi rehgih eb yam siht hguohtla ,01£ tsuj fo ecirp dexfi a rof yllamron ,txet ypoc drah ni desu-er eb neht dluoc trevda eht - egrahc ffo-eno a si sihT( !trevda xelpmoc ylralucitrap ).egrahc fo eerf seussi tneuqesbus

These hand-made encaustic tiles, from a range of beautiful geometric designs, are suitable for both walls and floors. Salamanca tiles, £110.40 per square metre, Indigenous.

yna rof seussi 4 yreve ni 1 xaM( )resitrevda eno

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)daerps egap 2 ertneC(

sweiveR lairotidE

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.trevda fo noitacilbup eetnaraug ot htnom hcae fo ht61 yb deviecer eb tsum tnemyap dna ypoC .edam si tnemyap lluf nehw deetnaraug ylno si ecaps tnemesitrevdA .htnom hcae 000,8 ot pu srebmun noitubirtsiD

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ssegruB neraK daoR enwodsgni K 81 ZJ6 6TK ,yerruS ,notibruS 6900 4728 020 :leT 18530029070 :xaF moc.noinapmocsdnalyrreb@nerak :liamE moc.noinapmocsdnalyrreb.www :beW


Tile Style Brighten up your walls and floors with our selection of eye-catching tiles (and one tile lookalike!).

These fashionable, interlocking porcelain tiles in a range of aquatic colours would look impressive in a bathroom. Hexagon blue mix tiles, £24.99 per square metre, Tile Mountain.

Not actual tiles – but tile-effect wallpaper! Bring a touch of New York tin-tile style to your living space with this embossed iron tile-effect wallpaper, £92 per roll, Lime Lace. With a realistic wood-effect design, these porcelain tiles feature a parquet-style format and a naturalistic matt finish for use on a wall or floor. Woven Sand wood-effect tiles, £39.95 per square metre, Walls and Floors.

Achilles Teal Mix Fish-Scale Tiles With an interesting fish-scale shape, made popular in the 1920s, these porcelain tiles would create a striking feature wall or statement floor. Achilles teal mix fish-scale tiles, £39.95 per square metre, Walls and Floors.

No need for boring white floor or wall tiles when you can have an interesting, on-trend shape such as these penny mosaic tiles. Circular white matt mosaic tiles, £2.95 per sheet (320x300x4mm), Walls and Floors.

26 26

Please mention the magazine when contacting Advertisers

Three-dimensional contemporary shapes join forces with neon in this collection of Rates glow-in-the-dark tiles, just the thing for a truly individual home. Night Lights Central Decor white with pink, £330 per square metre, The Baked Tile Company.

A modern twist on Advertiser’s Guide plaster and fabric effects, the Fusuma range features wall tiles with a distinctive texturedplaster appearance. Fusuma white décor tiles, £32.95 per square metre, Original Style.

Price List - Our Prices Haven’t Increased for 2 Years 1 Issue

2 Issues* £198.00
























Black & White Full Page


Half Page


Quarter Page


Saving 5%

Full Colour Full Page


Half Page


Quarter Page


Front Cover Banner


Back Cover


Inside Front + Back Cover


Double Page


Editorial Reviews


(Max 1 in every 4 issues for any one advertiser)

(Centre 2 page spread)

3 Issues* Saving 7.5%

4 Issues* Saving 10%

Copy Deadline

5 Issues* Saving 20%

Final copy must be submitted by the 16th of each month, for inclusion in the following months edition (which will be distributed during the first weekend of that month.)


Full payment for all advertisements must be received by the copy deadline date. Payment can be made by: Cheques payable to ‘Berrylands Companion’ or cash. Payment by BACS or standing order by arrangement.


‘A Berrylands Companion’ is a small independent operation and is not registered for VAT. Consequently, no VAT is charged on advertisements.

Acceptable Formats

Adverts can be submitted in the following formats: • MS Word • MS Powerpoint • MS Publisher • TIFF & JPEG

Advert copy can be emailed to: karen@berrylandcompanion.com If your ad is not available in an electronic format then we can produce it for you, from your own hard copy text, normally for a fixed price of just £10, although this may be higher if you have a particularly complex advert! (This is a one-off charge - the advert could then be re-used in subsequent issues free of charge.)

WE ARE NOT AVAT REGISTERED, SO THE PRICE YOU SEE IS THE PRICE YOU PAY Contact us for package prices. Premium Pages 5 & 7: £10.00 extra Loose inserts can be delivered with magazine at £297 per 8,000.


Copy and payment must be received by 16th of each month to guarantee publication of advert. Advertisement space is only guaranteed when full payment is made. Distribution numbers up to 8,000 each month.

Contact Us: Karen Burgess 18 Kingsdowne Road Surbiton, Surrey, KT6 6JZ Tel: 020 8274 0096 Fax: 07092003581 Email: karen@berrylandscompanion.com Web: www.berrylandscompanion.com

The Companion will be published and distributed monthly, on or around the first weekend of the month. 10 editions a year. It will be delivered to over 12,000 homes in and around Berrylands and Surbiton over two months - guaranteed. In addition it is the first source of local information for anyone moving into the area.

Format & Design

It is an A5 size booklet, stapled with colour plus black and white printed on quality paper. The Companion will be printed on 115gsm gloss paper giving it a very high quality feel. It will have ‘longevity’ and because of it’s size, content, look and feel it will be kept by the majority of households until the next issue arrives, thereby giving advertisers ‘immdiacy’ of access’ when their services are required.

Enhance Your Home With Beautiful New Tiling 16

• Textured tiles are all the rage, adding depth and interest to a scheme. Look out for soft waves, linear brush strokes, wood-grain effect, rough stone and even fabric- and plaster-like styles. • Bold tiles are becoming more and more popular – expect to see plenty of intense colours in fashion-forward homes this year. Look out for intriguing shapes, too, such as fish-scale, peacock, ogee, penny, diamond, kite and hexagon. • For a fresh, modern look, don’t tile using a traditional layout, but employ strong vertical

patterns, herringbone or basketweave. This is a great way to make inexpensive tiles appear on-trend and expensive. • Very large-format tiles (even in a small room) can open up a space. The lack of grout lines allows the tiles themselves to really sing – and they’re easier to keep clean, too. • As an alternative to ceramic, porcelain or stone tiles, consider luxury vinyl tiles (known in the trade as LVT), an innovative type of vinyl flooring. The tiles are waterproof, warm and quiet underfoot, hard-wearing and durable, and come in a wide range of patterns and effects.


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To advertise call Karen: 020 8274 0096

QP advert 1 email: karen@berrylands-companion.co.uk

27 27


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ediuG s’resitrevdA

great when cooked in this way but try Vanessa, Dunluce, Edzell Blue or Lady Christl for some of the tastiest steamers.


sraeY 2 rof desaercnI t’nevaH secirP ruO - tsiL ecirP

enildaeD ypoC

*seussI 5

*seussI 4

*seussI 3

*seussI 2

eussI 1








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.etad enildaed ypoc eht yb deviecer eb tsum stnemesitrevda lla rof tnemyap lluF yb tnemyaP .hsac ro ’noinapmoC sdnalyrreB‘ ot elbayap seuqehC :yb edam eb nac tnemyaP .tnemegnarra yb redro gnidnats ro SCAB

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ruoloC lluF


.TAV rof deretsiger ton si dna noitarepo tnednepedni llams a si ’noinapmoC sdnalyrreB A‘ .stnemesitrevda no degrahc si TAV on ,yltneuqesnoC

stamroF elbatpeccA

:stamrof gniwollof eht ni dettimbus eb nac strevdA droW SM • tnioprewoP SM • rehsilbuP SM • GEPJ & FFIT •


egaP retrauQ rennaB revoC tnorF revoC kcaB

00.341£ 00.391£

moc.noinapmocdnalyrreb@nerak :ot deliame eb nac ypoc trevdA


nwo ruoy morf ,uoy rof ti ecudorp nac ew neht tamrof cinortcele na ni elbaliava ton si da ruoy fI a evah uoy fi rehgih eb yam siht hguohtla ,01£ tsuj fo ecirp dexfi a rof yllamron ,txet ypoc drah ni desu-er eb neht dluoc trevda eht - egrahc ffo-eno a si sihT( !trevda xelpmoc ylralucitrap ).egrahc fo eerf seussi tneuqesbus

egaP lluF

Just the thought of new potatoes dripping in chives and butter is wonderful – again, these are best when freshly harvested. Some I suggest you try include Lady Christl, Charlotte, Juliette, Nadine or Nicola.

egaP flaH

00.74£ 00.82£ 00.281£

yna rof seussi 4 yreve ni 1 xaM( )resitrevda eno

+ tnorF edisnI revoC kcaB egaP elbuoD

)daerps egap 2 ertneC(

sweiveR lairotidE

YAP UOY ECIRP EHT SI EES UOY ECIRP EHT OS ,DERETSIGER TAVA TON ERA EW .secirp egakcap rof su tcatnoC artxe 00.01£ :7 & 5 segaP muimerP .000,8 rep 792£ ta enizagam htiw dereviled eb nac stresni esooL


.trevda fo noitacilbup eetnaraug ot htnom hcae fo ht61 yb deviecer eb tsum tnemyap dna ypoC .edam si tnemyap lluf nehw deetnaraug ylno si ecaps tnemesitrevdA .htnom hcae 000,8 ot pu srebmun noitubirtsiD

fo dnekeew tsrfi eht dnuora ro no ,ylhtnom detubirtsid dna dehsilbup eb lliw noinapmoC ehT .raey a snoitide 01 .htnom eht owt revo notibruS dna sdnalyrreB dnuora dna ni semoh 000,21 revo ot dereviled eb lliw tI .deetnaraug - shtnom .aera eht otni gnivom enoyna rof noitamrofni lacol fo ecruos tsrfi eht si ti noitidda nI

ngiseD & tamroF

:sU tcatnoC

.repap ytilauq no detnirp etihw dna kcalb sulp ruoloc htiw delpats ,telkoob ezis 5A na si tI .leef ytilauq hgih yrev a ti gnivig repap ssolg msg511 no detnirp eb lliw noinapmoC ehT eht yb tpek eb lliw ti leef dna kool ,tnetnoc ,ezis s’ti fo esuaceb dna ’ytivegnol‘ evah lliw tI fo ’ycaidmmi‘ sresitrevda gnivig ybereht ,sevirra eussi txen eht litnu sdlohesuoh fo ytirojam .deriuqer era secivres rieht nehw ’ssecca

ssegruB neraK daoR enwodsgni K 81 ZJ6 6TK ,yerruS ,notibruS 6900 4728 020 :leT 18530029070 :xaF moc.noinapmocsdnalyrreb@nerak :liamE moc.noinapmocsdnalyrreb.www :beW


Perfect Potatoes

It’s the time to think perfect potatoes and smashing spuds: mid to late February means time to get those seed potatoes bought and ready for planting. Home-grown potatoes are an incredibly good-value crop and you’ll soon find that the so-called humble-spud is actually a very variable and extremely versatile vegetable with a flavour and texture that will make you want to grow them year after year. On a patio, balcony or in a backyard, a special potato-planting ‘bag’ or a 45cm (18in) diameter pot can produce a useful crop of spuds, just from a single tuber. Make sure the container is well-drained, fill it about half to two-thirds full of compost, pop a tuber in the centre and add a further 5cm (2in) of compost. As the foliage appears, add more compost to cover it over and repeat until no more can be

28 28

added. Keep the container well-watered and sit back and wait! Most potatoes produce a slightly earlier and somewhat heavier crop if the seed potatoes are allowed to ‘chit’ or produce small but sturdy sprouts before planting. Just stand the tubers, widest end uppermost, in a seed tray or old egg cartons and place these in a cool but frost-free spot with plenty of natural light. After a few weeks the sprouts will be about 1cm (½in) tall, perfect for planting. This is what you need to do with your newly purchased seed potato tubers as soon as they arrive. When you’re choosing which varieties to buy, start by thinking about how you most enjoy eating potatoes. Steamed potatoes are delicious, especially if you cook them the day you lift them. Many varieties taste

If you adore mashed potato then consider Dunluce, Valour, Maris Bard, Lady Balfour or King Edward. If you love your potatoes in their jackets, then I recommend Cara, Lady Balfour, Picasso, Kestrel, King Edward, Desiree or Valor. For great roast potatoes try Kestrel, Maris Piper, Desiree, Lady Balfour, Vivaldi or Edzell Blue.

For superb quality for making into chips I suggest Kestrel, King Edward, Maris Peer, Accord, Rooster or Edzell Blue. Go for varieties described as ‘earlies’ if you have a newly created vegetable plot, especially if the soil has not been cultivated for several years. Earlies will be in the ground for less time than main crops and so are less likely to suffer from wireworm attack. These small, slim gingery coloured larvae are the young stage of the click beetle and bore infuriating tunnels in the tubers’ flesh.

Please mention the magazine when contacting Advertisers

Sometimes you’ll also need to think about avoiding problems, as certain varieties are more susceptible to disease or other attacks than others. The fungus-like organism responsible for potato blight (the cause of the Irish famine in the 1840s) can be hard to beat, especially in warm, damp years. It has the potential to kill off the growing plants and may even infect the tubers. Generally if you choose early varieties, blight is less likely to be a problem. But

selecting varieties which show some resistance to the infection can really help. Try Valor, Lady Balfour or Colleen; however, for the best resistance I’ve seen try Sarpo Mira and Sarpo Axona.

Consider varieties such as Cara, Desiree or Sante if you know your garden is infested with slugs. Earlies are likely to suffer less damage as they are not in the soil for so long. The biological control nematode Nemaslug can be used as a drench and, as it

works under the soil surface, it has a brilliant effect and Rates Advertiser’s Guide poses no threat to wildlife. If space in your garden is at a premium then it’s worth concentrating on growing earlies, as these varieties take up a lot less space and, as they are in the ground for less time, give you the opportunity to grow another fast-maturing crop such as lettuce or salad leaves in the soil after the potatoes have been lifted. Price List - Our Prices Haven’t Increased for 2 Years 1 Issue

2 Issues*

Full Page



Half Page


Quarter Page

Black & White

Saving 5%

3 Issues* Saving 7.5%

4 Issues* Saving 10%

Copy Deadline

5 Issues* Saving 20%













Full Page






Half Page

Final copy must be submitted by the 16th of each month, for inclusion in the following months edition (which will be distributed during the first weekend of that month.)


Full payment for all advertisements must be received by the copy deadline date. Payment can be made by: Cheques payable to ‘Berrylands Companion’ or cash. Payment by BACS or standing order by arrangement.

Full Colour






Quarter Page






Front Cover Banner


(Max 1 in every 4 issues for any one advertiser)

Back Cover


Inside Front + Back Cover


Double Page


Editorial Reviews


(Centre 2 page spread)


‘A Berrylands Companion’ is a small independent operation and is not registered for VAT. Consequently, no VAT is charged on advertisements.

Acceptable Formats

Adverts can be submitted in the following formats: • MS Word • MS Powerpoint • MS Publisher • TIFF & JPEG

Advert copy can be emailed to: karen@berrylandcompanion.com If your ad is not available in an electronic format then we can produce it for you, from your own hard copy text, normally for a fixed price of just £10, although this may be higher if you have a particularly complex advert! (This is a one-off charge - the advert could then be re-used in subsequent issues free of charge.)

WE ARE NOT AVAT REGISTERED, SO THE PRICE YOU SEE IS THE PRICE YOU PAY Contact us for package prices. Premium Pages 5 & 7: £10.00 extra Loose inserts can be delivered with magazine at £297 per 8,000.


Copy and payment must be received by 16th of each month to guarantee publication of advert. Advertisement space is only guaranteed when full payment is made. Distribution numbers up to 8,000 each month.

The Companion will be published and distributed monthly, on or around the first weekend of the month. 10 editions a year. It will be delivered to over 12,000 homes in and around Berrylands and Surbiton over two months - guaranteed. In addition it is the first source of local information for anyone moving into the area.

Format & Design

Contact Us:

It is an A5 size booklet, stapled with colour plus black and white printed on quality paper. The Companion will be printed on 115gsm gloss paper giving it a very high quality feel. It will have ‘longevity’ and because of it’s size, content, look and feel it will be kept by the majority of households until the next issue arrives, thereby giving advertisers ‘immdiacy’ of access’ when their services are required.

Karen Burgess 18 Kingsdowne Road Surbiton, Surrey, KT6 6JZ Tel: 020 8274 0096 Fax: 07092003581 Email: karen@berrylandscompanion.com Web: www.berrylandscompanion.com


By Pippa Greenwood

At Pippa’s website (www.pippagreenwood.com) you’ll find stylish cloches, practical and pretty plant supports, the fantastic SpeedHoe, gardening tools, Grower Frames, signed books and the ‘Grow Your Own with Pippa’ system. Or book Pippa for a talk at your gardening club.


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Or one off garden tidy

For a friendly, reliable service at a competitive rate call Mem For ALL Your Garden Needs email: karen@berrylands-companion.co.uk

29 29

you can either buy small plants or sow the seed directly into the compost.


ediuG s’resitrevdA

Creeping or trailing forms of herbs are a must for a basket, trough or window box, and thyme in particular is ideal for a container in a sunny spot. As it’s hardy it can be planted out at any time of year. Parsley, sage, tarragon, chives and basil all look good in wall baskets or window boxes and thrive in a sunny spot.

sraeY 2 rof desaercnI t’nevaH secirP ruO - tsiL ecirP

enildaeD ypoC

*seussI 5

*seussI 4

*seussI 3

*seussI 2

eussI 1






%02 gnivaS

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%5.7 gnivaS

%5 gnivaS

etihW & kcalB egaP lluF


egaP flaH




egaP retrauQ






egaP lluF






egaP flaH








.etad enildaed ypoc eht yb deviecer eb tsum stnemesitrevda lla rof tnemyap lluF yb tnemyaP .hsac ro ’noinapmoC sdnalyrreB‘ ot elbayap seuqehC :yb edam eb nac tnemyaP .tnemegnarra yb redro gnidnats ro SCAB

%01 gnivaS

00.723£ 00.271£



ruoloC lluF


.TAV rof deretsiger ton si dna noitarepo tnednepedni llams a si ’noinapmoC sdnalyrreB A‘ .stnemesitrevda no degrahc si TAV on ,yltneuqesnoC

stamroF elbatpeccA

:stamrof gniwollof eht ni dettimbus eb nac strevdA droW SM • tnioprewoP SM • rehsilbuP SM • GEPJ & FFIT •


egaP retrauQ


rennaB revoC tnorF

00.281£ 00.341£ 00.391£

moc.noinapmocdnalyrreb@nerak :ot deliame eb nac ypoc trevdA


nwo ruoy morf ,uoy rof ti ecudorp nac ew neht tamrof cinortcele na ni elbaliava ton si da ruoy fI a evah uoy fi rehgih eb yam siht hguohtla ,01£ tsuj fo ecirp dexfi a rof yllamron ,txet ypoc drah ni desu-er eb neht dluoc trevda eht - egrahc ffo-eno a si sihT( !trevda xelpmoc ylralucitrap ).egrahc fo eerf seussi tneuqesbus

yna rof seussi 4 yreve ni 1 xaM( )resitrevda eno

revoC kcaB + tnorF edisnI revoC kcaB egaP elbuoD

)daerps egap 2 ertneC(

sweiveR lairotidE

YAP UOY ECIRP EHT SI EES UOY ECIRP EHT OS ,DERETSIGER TAVA TON ERA EW .secirp egakcap rof su tcatnoC artxe 00.01£ :7 & 5 segaP muimerP .000,8 rep 792£ ta enizagam htiw dereviled eb nac stresni esooL


.trevda fo noitacilbup eetnaraug ot htnom hcae fo ht61 yb deviecer eb tsum tnemyap dna ypoC .edam si tnemyap lluf nehw deetnaraug ylno si ecaps tnemesitrevdA .htnom hcae 000,8 ot pu srebmun noitubirtsiD

fo dnekeew tsrfi eht dnuora ro no ,ylhtnom detubirtsid dna dehsilbup eb lliw noinapmoC ehT .raey a snoitide 01 .htnom eht owt revo notibruS dna sdnalyrreB dnuora dna ni semoh 000,21 revo ot dereviled eb lliw tI .deetnaraug - shtnom .aera eht otni gnivom enoyna rof noitamrofni lacol fo ecruos tsrfi eht si ti noitidda nI

ngiseD & tamroF

:sU tcatnoC

.repap ytilauq no detnirp etihw dna kcalb sulp ruoloc htiw delpats ,telkoob ezis 5A na si tI .leef ytilauq hgih yrev a ti gnivig repap ssolg msg511 no detnirp eb lliw noinapmoC ehT eht yb tpek eb lliw ti leef dna kool ,tnetnoc ,ezis s’ti fo esuaceb dna ’ytivegnol‘ evah lliw tI fo ’ycaidmmi‘ sresitrevda gnivig ybereht ,sevirra eussi txen eht litnu sdlohesuoh fo ytirojam .deriuqer era secivres rieht nehw ’ssecca

ssegruB neraK daoR enwodsgniK 81 ZJ6 6TK ,yerruS ,notibruS 6900 4728 020 :leT 18530029070 :xaF moc.noinapmocsdnalyrreb@nerak :liamE moc.noinapmocsdnalyrreb.www :beW


High-Rise Edibles Use high-rise gardening to give extra space, with hanging baskets, wall troughs and window boxes as homes for vegetables, herbs and even fruit. So, what does it take to succeed?

Larger containers allow for more room for your crops’ roots and easier maintenance, as they will run out of moisture and fertiliser less frequently.

Use suitable supporting brackets and screws for hanging baskets, window boxes and wall troughs, as they must support the weight of fully grown plants laden with crops, which will be heavier after watering. Check walls, balconies and windows sills will not be overloaded and consider using lighter-weight loam-free or peatfree composts with lightweight containers made of bamboo, plastics or fibre glass. You’ll need to use good quality

compost and feed crops in high-rise planters regularly and, as they’re more susceptible to drying out, regular watering is essential.

The dwarf runner bean ‘Hestia’ is perfect for containers and can be sown directly into the compost in April, or raised in small pots or trays and then planted out into the high-rise planter. Dwarf French varieties such as ‘Duel’ or the purple-podded ‘Purple Tee Pee’ do well in a good sized window box

Wall baskets, troughs and hanging baskets can play host to strawberries, which trail naturally over container edges. Plants can be bought from garden centres or by mail order at this time of year. There’s a huge selection of lettuce and other salad leaves available in a wide range of colours and leaf shapes. Fastgerminating and fast-growing,

Most oriental vegetables, such as the pak choi varieties ‘Red Choi’ and Mizuna (including the purple-veined ‘Mizuna Purple’) do well in a sheltered window box or wall trough. The two look stunning combined together, with the Mizuna positioned to ‘flop’ attractively over container edges. For a red and spicy theme use ‘Mustard Red Giant’. There are several varieties of tomatoes well-suited to containers such as hanging baskets, including the classic ‘Tumbling Tom’, available in both red and yellow varieties, and the red-fruited ‘Tumbler’. Raise them from seed sown now or buy plants to put into containers in late April or May. If you like tiny fruited tomatoes, consider ‘Hundreds and Thousands’. Chilli pepper plants such as ‘Super Chilli’ packed in a window box or wall trough will look stunning when covered in their glossy fruits. Chillies are tender so buy plants in May or June or sow seeds now.

By Pippa Greenwood

At Pippa’s website (www.pippagreenwood.com) you’ll find natural pest controls, stylish cloches, practical and pretty plant supports, the fantastic SpeedHoe, tools, planters, raised bed kits and the ‘Grow Your Own with Pippa’ system. Or book Pippa for a talk at your gardening club.

30 30

Please mention the magazine when contacting Advertisers


Advertiser’s Guide

Price List - Our Prices Haven’t Increased for 2 Years

A ROOF 1 Issue

2 Issues*

Full Page






Half Page



3 Issues*




Quarter Page

Saving 7.5%

Saving 5%

Black & White







Full Page


Half Page

4 Issues* Saving 10%

Copy Deadline

5 Issues* Saving 20%













Quarter Page






Front Cover Banner


Final copy must be submitted by the 16th of each month, for inclusion in the following months edition (which will be distributed during the first weekend of that month.)


Full payment for all advertisements must be received by the copy deadline date. Payment can be made by: Cheques payable to ‘Berrylands Companion’ or cash. Payment by BACS or standing order by arrangement.

Full Colour


‘A Berrylands Companion’ is a small independent operation and is not registered for VAT. Consequently, no VAT is charged on advertisements.

REPAIR? (Max 1 in every 4 issues for any one advertiser)

Back Cover


Inside Front + Back Cover


Double Page


Editorial Reviews


(Centre 2 page spread)

Acceptable Formats

Adverts can be submitted in the following formats: • MS Word • MS Powerpoint • MS Publisher • TIFF & JPEG Advert copy can be emailed to: karen@berrylandcompanion.com If your ad is not available in an electronic format then we can produce it for you, from your own hard copy text, normally for a fixed price of just £10, although this may be higher if you have a particularly complex advert! (This is a one-off charge - the advert could then be re-used in subsequent issues free of charge.)

WE ARE NOT AVAT REGISTERED, SO THE PRICE YOU SEE IS THE PRICE YOU PAY Contact us for package prices. Premium Pages 5 & 7: £10.00 extra Loose inserts can be delivered with magazine at £297 per 8,000.


Copy and payment must be received by 16th of each month to guarantee publication of advert. Advertisement space is only guaranteed when full payment is made. Distribution numbers up to 8,000 each month.

The Companion will be published and distributed monthly, on or around the first weekend of the month. 10 editions a year. It will be delivered to over 12,000 homes in and around Berrylands and Surbiton over two months - guaranteed. In addition it is the first source of local information for anyone moving into the area.






Karen Burgess 18 Kingsdowne Road Surbiton, Surrey, KT6 6JZ Tel: 020 8274 0096 Fax: 07092003581 Email: karen@berrylandscompanion.com Web: www.berrylandscompanion.com

U I N G. C O.

Format & Design

It is an A5 size booklet, stapled with colour plus black and white printed on quality paper. The Companion will be printed on 115gsm gloss paper giving it a very high quality feel. It will have ‘longevity’ and because of it’s size, content, look and feel it will be kept by the majority of households until the next issue arrives, thereby giving advertisers ‘immdiacy’ of access’ when their services are required.




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To advertise call Karen: 020 8274 0096

email: karen@berrylands-companion.co.uk

31 31


ediuG s’resitrevdA

sraeY 2 rof desaercnI t’nevaH secirP ruO - tsiL ecirP

enildaeD ypoC

*seussI 5

*seussI 4

*seussI 3

*seussI 2

eussI 1






%02 gnivaS

shtnom gniwollof eht ni noisulcni rof ,htnom hcae fo ht61 eht yb dettimbus eb tsum ypoc laniF ).htnom taht fo dnekeew tsrfi eht gnirud detubirtsid eb lliw hcihw( noitide

%5.7 gnivaS

%5 gnivaS

etihW & kcalB egaP lluF


egaP flaH




egaP retrauQ






egaP lluF






egaP flaH








.etad enildaed ypoc eht yb deviecer eb tsum stnemesitrevda lla rof tnemyap lluF yb tnemyaP .hsac ro ’noinapmoC sdnalyrreB‘ ot elbayap seuqehC :yb edam eb nac tnemyaP .tnemegnarra yb redro gnidnats ro SCAB

%01 gnivaS

00.723£ 00.271£



ruoloC lluF


.TAV rof deretsiger ton si dna noitarepo tnednepedni llams a si ’noinapmoC sdnalyrreB A‘ .stnemesitrevda no degrahc si TAV on ,yltneuqesnoC

stamroF elbatpeccA

:stamrof gniwollof eht ni dettimbus eb nac strevdA droW SM • tnioprewoP SM • rehsilbuP SM • GEPJ & FFIT •


egaP retrauQ


rennaB revoC tnorF revoC kcaB + tnorF edisnI revoC kcaB


moc.noinapmocdnalyrreb@nerak :ot deliame eb nac ypoc trevdA


nwo ruoy morf ,uoy rof ti ecudorp nac ew neht tamrof cinortcele na ni elbaliava ton si da ruoy fI a evah uoy fi rehgih eb yam siht hguohtla ,01£ tsuj fo ecirp dexfi a rof yllamron ,txet ypoc drah ni desu-er eb neht dluoc trevda eht - egrahc ffo-eno a si sihT( !trevda xelpmoc ylralucitrap ).egrahc fo eerf seussi tneuqesbus

yna rof seussi 4 yreve ni 1 xaM( )resitrevda eno

00.281£ 00.341£

egaP elbuoD

)daerps egap 2 ertneC(

sweiveR lairotidE

YAP UOY ECIRP EHT SI EES UOY ECIRP EHT OS ,DERETSIGER TAVA TON ERA EW .secirp egakcap rof su tcatnoC artxe 00.01£ :7 & 5 segaP muimerP .000,8 rep 792£ ta enizagam htiw dereviled eb nac stresni esooL


.trevda fo noitacilbup eetnaraug ot htnom hcae fo ht61 yb deviecer eb tsum tnemyap dna ypoC .edam si tnemyap lluf nehw deetnaraug ylno si ecaps tnemesitrevdA .htnom hcae 000,8 ot pu srebmun noitubirtsiD

fo dnekeew tsrfi eht dnuora ro no ,ylhtnom detubirtsid dna dehsilbup eb lliw noinapmoC ehT .raey a snoitide 01 .htnom eht owt revo notibruS dna sdnalyrreB dnuora dna ni semoh 000,21 revo ot dereviled eb lliw tI .deetnaraug - shtnom .aera eht otni gnivom enoyna rof noitamrofni lacol fo ecruos tsrfi eht si ti noitidda nI

ngiseD & tamroF

:sU tcatnoC

.repap ytilauq no detnirp etihw dna kcalb sulp ruoloc htiw delpats ,telkoob ezis 5A na si tI .leef ytilauq hgih yrev a ti gnivig repap ssolg msg511 no detnirp eb lliw noinapmoC ehT eht yb tpek eb lliw ti leef dna kool ,tnetnoc ,ezis s’ti fo esuaceb dna ’ytivegnol‘ evah lliw tI fo ’ycaidmmi‘ sresitrevda gnivig ybereht ,sevirra eussi txen eht litnu sdlohesuoh fo ytirojam .deriuqer era secivres rieht nehw ’ssecca

ssegruB neraK daoR enwodsgniK 81 ZJ6 6TK ,yerruS ,notibruS 6900 4728 020 :leT 18530029070 :xaF moc.noinapmocsdnalyrreb@nerak :liamE moc.noinapmocsdnalyrreb.www :beW


The One Who Got Away

“Shall I sit with you Aunty Mae, or at another table?” Colleen dithered, looking around the café for the perfect spot. “Is he supposed to know I’m here or not?” “I don’t want it to look like I’ve brought a chaperone – I am a grown woman after all,” Mae said, pulling out a chair at a table by the window. “Perhaps I should sit over in the corner.” Colleen pointed to a table tucked behind a yucca. “If he looks like a weirdo I’ll initiate an exit strategy.” “You are good to come with me for this,” Mae said, reaching for her niece’s hand. “I must admit I’m feeling all of a flutter.” “You’d do the same for me,” Colleen said. “So who is this mystery date anyway?” “It’s funny actually. He’s a chap I used to go to school with. I thought he was wonderful, but he preferred another girl, so that was that.” “He’s your one who got away.” Colleen nodded in sympathy. “I had one of those.”

32 32

“Really?” Mae checked her makeup in a compact mirror. “What was his name?” “Mark Harby.” Colleen blushed. “We were thick as thieves when we were kids. Then he moved down south with his parents and I was too shy to ask if he’d write.” Colleen straightened up and smiled. “So what’s your fella like?” “His name’s Walter Cornwell,” Mae said. “He was my woodwork teacher’s son, had lovely eyes. He got in touch on Facebook.” Mae reached for her phone. “Sent me his picture.” “Go on,” Colleen leaned forward, “let me see it.” “I ought to warn you – he’s changed a lot.” Mae showed Colleen the screen of her phone. “He looks handsome,” Colleen lied. Time had not been kind to Walter Cornwall. “What does he say about himself?” “He’s retired, has a son and two grandkids, likes renovating pine furniture and collecting antique

rasps.” “Retired already?” Colleen was surprised, and then a little suspicious. “They’re very woodworky hobbies, aren’t they?” “He must take after his dad,” Mae conceded. “What was the name of his dad?” Colleen asked carefully. “You know, the woodwork teacher?” “We never asked things like that.” Mae waved her hand dismissively. “It was just ‘Sir’.” “You don’t suppose it was Walter as well do you?” “Now I think about it, it could have been.” Mae frowned. Colleen grimaced. “Aunty Mae, I’ve got a horrible feeling that your date isn’t with Walter Junior – but with Walter Senior, your woodwork teacher.” Her aunt’s reaction surprised her. “It isn’t,” Mae winked, “because I haven’t got a date at all.” “You haven’t?” Colleen was confused. “I was just keeping you distracted,” Mae turned towards the café door, “until your date arrived.” “But I’m not here for a date,” Colleen stammered, her heart already thumping as a person she hadn’t seen for years walked towards their table. “I’ve been playing Cupid, don’t be cross,” Mae whispered, and made the unnecessary introduction. “Colleen, you remember Mark Harby don’t you?”

By Jackie Brewster

Please mention the magazine when contacting Advertisers

magazine an approachable, friendly publication. Whilst their primary function is to form part of the logo, Each element can be used in its own right to add a special touch to layouts. This may be particularly useful when creating a page that is otherwise purely typographic.


Advertiser’s Guide

Price List - Our Prices Haven’t Increased for 2 Years 1 Issue

2 Issues*

3 Issues*

4 Issues*

5 Issues*

Full Page






Half Page






Quarter Page






Black & White

Saving 5%

Saving 7.5%

Saving 10%

Copy Deadline

Saving 20%

Final copy must be submitted by the 16th of each month, for inclusion in the following months edition (which will be distributed during the first weekend of that month.)


Full payment for all advertisements must be received by the copy deadline date. Payment can be made by: Cheques payable to ‘Berrylands Companion’ or cash. Payment by BACS or standing order by arrangement.

Full Colour Full Page






Half Page






Quarter Page






Front Cover Banner


(Max 1 in every 4 issues for any one advertiser)

Back Cover


Inside Front + Back Cover


Double Page


Editorial Reviews


(Centre 2 page spread)


‘A Berrylands Companion’ is a small independent operation and is not registered for VAT. Consequently, no VAT is charged on advertisements.

Acceptable Formats

Adverts can be submitted in the following formats: • MS Word • MS Powerpoint • MS Publisher • TIFF & JPEG Advert copy can be emailed to: karen@berrylandcompanion.com If your ad is not available in an electronic format then we can produce it for you, from your own hard copy text, normally for a fixed price of just £10, although this may be higher if you have a particularly complex advert! (This is a one-off charge - the advert could then be re-used in subsequent issues free of charge.)

WE ARE NOT AVAT REGISTERED, SO THE PRICE YOU SEE IS THE PRICE YOU PAY Contact us for package prices. Premium Pages 5 & 7: £10.00 extra Loose inserts can be delivered with magazine at £297 per 8,000.


Copy and payment must be received by 16th of each month to guarantee publication of advert. Advertisement space is only guaranteed when full payment is made. Distribution numbers up to 8,000 each month.

The Companion will be published and distributed monthly, on or around the first weekend of the month. 10 editions a year. It will be delivered to over 12,000 homes in and around Berrylands and Surbiton over two months - guaranteed. In addition it is the first source of local information for anyone moving into the area.

Format & Design

Contact Us:

It is an A5 size booklet, stapled with colour plus black and white printed on quality paper. The Companion will be printed on 115gsm gloss paper giving it a very high quality feel. It will have ‘longevity’ and because of it’s size, content, look and feel it will be kept by the majority of households until the next issue arrives, thereby giving advertisers ‘immdiacy’ of access’ when their services are required.

Karen Burgess 18 Kingsdowne Road Surbiton, Surrey, KT6 6JZ Tel: 020 8274 0096 Fax: 07092003581 Email: karen@berrylandscompanion.com Web: www.berrylandscompanion.com


To advertise call Karen: 020 8274 0096

E Feb 20. 33-40.indd 33

email: karen@berrylands-companion.co.uk

33 33

14/01/2020 23:08:22

ediuG s’resitrevdA

example of this. Use your brakes to stop at traffic lights, but if you see brake lights come on ahead of you on the motorway, don’t go straight for the middle pedal. If you’ve maintained an adequate gap between you and the car in front, you have thinking distance.


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:stamrof gniwollof eht ni dettimbus eb nac strevdA droW SM • tnioprewoP SM • rehsilbuP SM • GEPJ & FFIT •


egaP retrauQ


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00.341£ 00.391£

moc.noinapmocdnalyrreb@nerak :ot deliame eb nac ypoc trevdA


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If the developing situation requires application of the brakes then, provided you’ve maintained an adequate gap between you and the car in front, you have time to apply the brakes gently.

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)daerps egap 2 ertneC(

sweiveR lairotidE

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ngiseD & tamroF

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ssegruB neraK daoR enwodsgni K 81 ZJ6 6TK ,yerruS ,notibruS 6900 4728 020 :leT 18530029070 :xaF moc.noinapmocsdnalyrreb@nerak :liamE moc.noinapmocsdnalyrreb.www :beW

Smooth Car Control 61

Being smooth The essence of a smooth drive is thinking ahead. Take in road conditions, terrain, hazards etc. and use the information to ensure you are in the correct gear, at the right speed for the conditions and are anticipating the actions of other drivers. Don’t Drive with the Brakes Sometimes, you have to go slower to go faster. ‘Driving with the brakes’ is a great

What you won’t have done is contributed to the ‘pogo’ effect by instantly hitting the brakes when the lights in front come on. The first car may only apply them for two seconds but the ‘pogo’, working its way back down the queue of bunched-up traffic, means that the driver ten cars back has braked for five seconds and slowed to a crawl. The result is everyone is now going slower than if they had maintained an adequate gap and just lifted off a little. By Iain Betson





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34 34

Please mention the magazine when contacting Advertisers

Berrylands Autocare Rates

Price List - Our Prices Haven’t Increased for 2 Years 1 Issue

2 Issues*

3 Issues*

4 Issues*

5 Issues*

Full Page






Half Page






Quarter Page

Black & White

Saving 5%

Saving 7.5%

Saving 10%

Saving 20%






Full Page






Half Page






Quarter Page






Front Cover Banner


Full Colour

(Max 1 in every 4 issues for any one advertiser)

Back Cover


Inside Front + Back Cover


Double Page


Editorial Reviews


* MOT Testing (while you wait) * Diagnostic Testing * Servicing & Mechanical Repairs * Open until 5.30pm weekdays * Saturdays: 9.00am to 1.00pm (Centre 2 page spread)

Advertiser’s Guide Copy Deadline

Final copy must be submitted by the 16th of each month, for inclusion in the following months edition (which will be distributed during the first weekend of that month.)


Full payment for all advertisements must be received by the copy deadline date. Payment can be made by: Cheques payable to ‘Berrylands Companion’ or cash. Payment by BACS or standing order by arrangement.


‘A Berrylands Companion’ is a small independent operation and is not registered for VAT. Consequently, no VAT is charged on advertisements.

Acceptable Formats

Adverts can be submitted in the following formats: • MS Word • MS Powerpoint • MS Publisher • TIFF & JPEG Advert copy can be emailed to: karen@berrylandcompanion.com If your ad is not available in an electronic format then we can produce it for you, from your own hard copy text, normally for a fixed price of just £10, although this may be higher if you have a particularly complex advert! (This is a one-off charge - the advert could then be re-used in subsequent issues free of charge.)

WE ARE NOT AVAT REGISTERED, SO THE PRICE YOU SEE IS THE PRICE YOU PAY Contact us for package prices. Premium Pages 5 & 7: £10.00 extra Loose inserts can be delivered with magazine at £297 per 8,000.


Copy and payment must be received by 16th of each month to guarantee publication of advert. Advertisement space is only guaranteed when full payment is made. Distribution numbers up to 8,000 each month.

The Companion will be published and distributed monthly, on or around the first weekend of the month. 10 editions a year. It will be delivered to over 12,000 homes in and around Berrylands and Surbiton over two months - guaranteed. In addition it is the first source of local information for anyone moving into the area.

Format & Design

Contact Us:

It is an A5 size booklet, stapled with colour plus black and white printed on quality paper. The Companion will be printed on 115gsm gloss paper giving it a very high quality feel. It will have ‘longevity’ and because of it’s size, content, look and feel it will be kept by the majority of households until the next issue arrives, thereby giving advertisers ‘immdiacy’ of access’ when their services are required.

Karen Burgess 18 Kingsdowne Road Surbiton, Surrey, KT6 6JZ Tel: 020 8274 0096 Fax: 07092003581 Email: karen@berrylandscompanion.com Web: www.berrylandscompanion.com


250 yards from main line Berrylands Station Providing a service for our local community

167 Surbiton Hill Park, Surbiton, Surrey, KT5 8EJ

020 8399 4362

info@berrylandsautocare.co.uk www.berrylandsautocare.co.uk

Mini Cryptic Crossword

Across 1. Monk order back in trouble (7) 7. Divert an inspiring female (5) 8. Bore close to you flushed (7) 9. It’s no secret grand present needs opening (5) 11. Bird (vulture) eventually content (5) 12. Lots of baked food fed fifty (5) 14. Produce turned down, perhaps (3,2) 16. A ghost enthusiast heard a cat (7) 18. Variety called excellent, initially (5) 19. Invigorated Frenchman with a spouse (7) Down 1. Pound added to bill – grim! (5) 2. Something strange hiding in the fodder (3) 3. Bird idol with broken tail (5) 4. A two-way detection system (5) 5. Caustic witticism by a bloke (7) 6. Card games previously calm (5) 10. Salerno – ruined European city (7)

To advertise call Karen: 020 8274 0096

one admitted (5) 12. A gem left underneath fruit (5) 15. Rejection enraged a wanderer! (5) 13. Extremely 17. Pull up to unconventional worthless purse (5) beginner (3) 14. Simple scheme,

email: karen@berrylands-companion.co.uk

35 35

Gadget gifts for the one you love ediuG s’resitrevdA


sraeY 2 rof desaercnI t’nevaH secirP ruO - tsiL ecirP

enildaeD ypoC

*seussI 5

*seussI 4





%02 gnivaS

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.etad enildaed ypoc eht yb deviecer eb tsum stnemesitrevda lla rof tnemyap lluF yb tnemyaP .hsac ro ’noinapmoC sdnalyrreB‘ ot elbayap seuqehC :yb edam eb nac tnemyaP .tnemegnarra yb redro gnidnats ro SCAB

%01 gnivaS


*seussI 3

*seussI 2

eussI 1







egaP flaH


egaP retrauQ

Smart buys for the love of your life %5.7 gnivaS


%5 gnivaS


etihW & kcalB egaP lluF

ruoloC lluF

As if flowers, champagne and dinners weren’t expensive enough, retailers would really like you to buy your beloved some technology for Valentine’s Day. That’s not necessarily a bad idea, but there are a few traps to avoid. We wouldn’t recommend anything overly practical unless the recipient really wants it and would be happy to get it as a Valentine’s Day gift: no matter how powerful the Dyson or scientific the scales, don’t give the gift of hoovering or weight-watching to someone who won’t appreciate it. Online gadget guides suggest power banks for smartphones and even charging cables, and while those are perfectly decent products they’re hardly going to make your partner’s heart sing. The second trap is the “pinkification” of products: even if your beloved likes pink they might not appreciate a perfectly good product that’s pink for no good reason. If your beloved is really into DIY then they’ll care much more about the quality of the product than its colour. So what presents do we suggest for Valentine’s day? Consider accessories – for example, if your beloved has an Apple Watch or an iPad you could buy good-quality straps or cases. The Apple Watch can be made sportier with a bright Sport Band or more formal with a genuine leather band (just avoid the faux leather bands from some big-name shopping sites, which don’t wear like genuine leather does). And of course if your partner doesn’t have an Apple Watch or an iPad and you’ve got the cash to spare, those items make really great gifts. Another good tactic is to think about what your beloved does. So if they have a long commute or TAV

.TAV rof deretsiger ton si dna noitarepo tnednepedni llams a si ’noinapmoC sdnalyrreB A‘ .stnemesitrevda no degrahc si TAV on ,yltneuqesnoC

stamroF elbatpeccA

:stamrof gniwollof eht ni dettimbus eb nac strevdA droW SM • tnioprewoP SM • rehsilbuP SM • GEPJ & FFIT •









egaP lluF




egaP flaH




egaP retrauQ


rennaB revoC tnorF




moc.noinapmocdnalyrreb@nerak :ot deliame eb nac ypoc trevdA


nwo ruoy morf ,uoy rof ti ecudorp nac ew neht tamrof cinortcele na ni elbaliava ton si da ruoy fI a evah uoy fi rehgih eb yam siht hguohtla ,01£ tsuj fo ecirp dexfi a rof yllamron ,txet ypoc drah ni desu-er eb neht dluoc trevda eht - egrahc ffo-eno a si sihT( !trevda xelpmoc ylralucitrap ).egrahc fo eerf seussi tneuqesbus

yna rof seussi 4 yreve ni 1 xaM( )resitrevda eno

revoC kcaB

+ tnorF edisnI revoC kcaB egaP elbuoD

)daerps egap 2 ertneC(

sweiveR lairotidE

YAP UOY ECIRP EHT SI EES UOY ECIRP EHT OS ,DERETSIGER TAVA TON ERA EW .secirp egakcap rof su tcatnoC artxe 00.01£ :7 & 5 segaP muimerP .000,8 rep 792£ ta enizagam htiw dereviled eb nac stresni esooL


.trevda fo noitacilbup eetnaraug ot htnom hcae fo ht61 yb deviecer eb tsum tnemyap dna ypoC .edam si tnemyap lluf nehw deetnaraug ylno si ecaps tnemesitrevdA .htnom hcae 000,8 ot pu srebmun noitubirtsiD

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ngiseD & tamroF

:sU tcatnoC

.repap ytilauq no detnirp etihw dna kcalb sulp ruoloc htiw delpats ,telkoob ezis 5A na si tI .leef ytilauq hgih yrev a ti gnivig repap ssolg msg511 no detnirp eb lliw noinapmoC ehT eht yb tpek eb lliw ti leef dna kool ,tnetnoc ,ezis s’ti fo esuaceb dna ’ytivegnol‘ evah lliw tI fo ’ycaidmmi‘ sresitrevda gnivig ybereht ,sevirra eussi txen eht litnu sdlohesuoh fo ytirojam .deriuqer era secivres rieht nehw ’ssecca

ssegruB neraK daoR enwodsgni K 81 ZJ6 6TK ,yerruS ,notibruS 6900 4728 020 :leT 18530029070 :xaF moc.noinapmocsdnalyrreb@nerak :liamE moc.noinapmocsdnalyrreb.www :beW


36 36


travel a lot, a set of noise-cancelling headphones will make their travels much more pleasant; if they’re always at the gym or jogging around town then exercisefriendly earbuds or a reliable fitness tracker will be a boon. For readers there are Amazon’s excellent Kindle e-readers (or a subscription to Audible, the audiobook service) or subscriptions to Readly or Apple News+, both of which are like Netflix for magazines; for coffee lovers there are some really great high-tech coffee makers ranging from the excellent Aeropress (around £20) to cute and compact capsule machines such as Krups’ or Magimix’s Nespresso makers. And if they’re arty, they might love an Apple Pencil for their iPad (check compatibility first, though – not all iPads work with it) or a digital notepad that looks and feels like pencil on paper but can transfer drawings to their Mac or PC. If you’re still stuck for ideas, it’s time to remember the old joke: what do you get the person who has everything? A box to put it in. But instead of boxes, think bags. There are lots of backpacks, messenger bags and handbags designed specifically for people who carry gadgets around, and they’re available everywhere at every conceivable price point. For example, if you can’t afford several hundred pounds for Osprey London’s laptop bags, Marks & Spencer does some really nice laptop backpacks for around £45, laptop bags for under £30 and faux-leather folio bags for just £25.

Images: top left clockwise - Apple Watch Series 3, Fitbit Charge 3 fitness tracker, Krups Nespresso maker, M&S laptop backpack.

Please mention the magazine when contacting Advertisers


Advertiser’s Guide

Price List - Our Prices Haven’t Increased for 2 Years


1 Issue

2 Issues*

Full Page






Half Page






Quarter Page






Black & White

Saving 5%

3 Issues* Saving 7.5%

4 Issues* Saving 10%

Copy Deadline

5 Issues* Saving 20%

Final copy must be submitted by the 16th of each month, for inclusion in the following months edition (which will be distributed during the first weekend of that month.)


Full payment for all advertisements must be received by the copy deadline date. Payment can be made by: Cheques payable to ‘Berrylands Companion’ or cash. Payment by BACS or standing order by arrangement.

Full Colour

Registered Office: 1, Orchard Close, West Ewell, Epsom, Surrey, KT19 9NS Full Page






Half Page






Quarter Page






Front Cover Banner


Back Cover


Inside Front + Back Cover


Double Page


Editorial Reviews


(Max 1 in every 4 issues for any one advertiser)


‘A Berrylands Companion’ is a small independent operation and is not registered for VAT. Consequently, no VAT is charged on advertisements.

Acceptable Formats

Adverts can be submitted in the following formats: • MS Word • MS Powerpoint • MS Publisher • TIFF & JPEG

Your local MOT TESTER AND SERVICE REPAIRER (Centre 2 page spread)

Advert copy can be emailed to: karen@berrylandcompanion.com If your ad is not available in an electronic format then we can produce it for you, from your own hard copy text, normally for a fixed price of just £10, although this may be higher if you have a particularly complex advert! (This is a one-off charge - the advert could then be re-used in subsequent issues free of charge.)

WE ARE NOT AVAT REGISTERED, SO THE PRICE YOU SEE IS THE PRICE YOU PAY Contact us for package prices. Premium Pages 5 & 7: £10.00 extra Loose inserts can be delivered with magazine at £297 per 8,000.


Copy and payment must be received by 16th of each month to guarantee publication of advert. Advertisement space is only guaranteed when full payment is made. Distribution numbers up to 8,000 each month.

The Companion will be published and distributed monthly, on or around the first weekend of the month. 10 editions a year. It will be delivered to over 12,000 homes in and around Berrylands and Surbiton over two months - guaranteed. In addition it is the first source of local information for anyone moving into the area.

Format & Design

Contact Us:

It is an A5 size booklet, stapled with colour plus black and white printed on quality paper. The Companion will be printed on 115gsm gloss paper giving it a very high quality feel. It will have ‘longevity’ and because of it’s size, content, look and feel it will be kept by the majority of households until the next issue arrives, thereby giving advertisers ‘immdiacy’ of access’ when their services are required.

Karen Burgess 18 Kingsdowne Road Surbiton, Surrey, KT6 6JZ Tel: 020 8274 0096 Fax: 07092003581 Email: karen@berrylandscompanion.com Web: www.berrylandscompanion.com



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CODEWORD Each letter in this puzzle is represented by a different number between 1 and 26. The codes for three letters are shown. Once you have filled these throughout the grid you can start guessing words and reveal other letters. As you find the letters enter them in the box below. 1


























To advertise call Karen: 020 8274 0096

email: karen@berrylands-companion.co.uk

37 37

ediuG s’resitrevdA

had become traditional for noblemen to write romantic poems to their love interest or ‘Valentine’.


sraeY 2 rof desaercnI t’nevaH secirP ruO - tsiL ecirP

enildaeD ypoC

*seussI 5

*seussI 4

*seussI 3

*seussI 2

eussI 1






%02 gnivaS

shtnom gniwollof eht ni noisulcni rof ,htnom hcae fo ht61 eht yb dettimbus eb tsum ypoc laniF ).htnom taht fo dnekeew tsrfi eht gnirud detubirtsid eb lliw hcihw( noitide

%5.7 gnivaS

%5 gnivaS

egaP lluF


egaP flaH




egaP retrauQ





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00.723£ 00.271£



The oldest known Valentine still in existence is a poem entitled Farewell to Love written in French by Charles, Duke of Orleans, to his wife while he was imprisoned in the Tower of London following capture at the Battle of Agincourt.

etihW & kcalB




.etad enildaed ypoc eht yb deviecer eb tsum stnemesitrevda lla rof tnemyap lluF yb tnemyaP .hsac ro ’noinapmoC sdnalyrreB‘ ot elbayap seuqehC :yb edam eb nac tnemyaP .tnemegnarra yb redro gnidnats ro SCAB

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stamroF elbatpeccA

:stamrof gniwollof eht ni dettimbus eb nac strevdA droW SM • tnioprewoP SM • rehsilbuP SM • GEPJ & FFIT •


egaP retrauQ


rennaB revoC tnorF revoC kcaB + tnorF edisnI revoC kcaB


moc.noinapmocdnalyrreb@nerak :ot deliame eb nac ypoc trevdA


nwo ruoy morf ,uoy rof ti ecudorp nac ew neht tamrof cinortcele na ni elbaliava ton si da ruoy fI a evah uoy fi rehgih eb yam siht hguohtla ,01£ tsuj fo ecirp dexfi a rof yllamron ,txet ypoc drah ni desu-er eb neht dluoc trevda eht - egrahc ffo-eno a si sihT( !trevda xelpmoc ylralucitrap ).egrahc fo eerf seussi tneuqesbus

yna rof seussi 4 yreve ni 1 xaM( )resitrevda eno

00.281£ 00.341£

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)daerps egap 2 ertneC(

sweiveR lairotidE

YAP UOY ECIRP EHT SI EES UOY ECIRP EHT OS ,DERETSIGER TAVA TON ERA EW .secirp egakcap rof su tcatnoC artxe 00.01£ :7 & 5 segaP muimerP .000,8 rep 792£ ta enizagam htiw dereviled eb nac stresni esooL


.trevda fo noitacilbup eetnaraug ot htnom hcae fo ht61 yb deviecer eb tsum tnemyap dna ypoC .edam si tnemyap lluf nehw deetnaraug ylno si ecaps tnemesitrevdA .htnom hcae 000,8 ot pu srebmun noitubirtsiD

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ngiseD & tamroF

:sU tcatnoC

.repap ytilauq no detnirp etihw dna kcalb sulp ruoloc htiw delpats ,telkoob ezis 5A na si tI .leef ytilauq hgih yrev a ti gnivig repap ssolg msg511 no detnirp eb lliw noinapmoC ehT eht yb tpek eb lliw ti leef dna kool ,tnetnoc ,ezis s’ti fo esuaceb dna ’ytivegnol‘ evah lliw tI fo ’ycaidmmi‘ sresitrevda gnivig ybereht ,sevirra eussi txen eht litnu sdlohesuoh fo ytirojam .deriuqer era secivres rieht nehw ’ssecca

ssegruB neraK daoR enwodsgni K 81 ZJ6 6TK ,yerruS ,notibruS 6900 4728 020 :leT 18530029070 :xaF moc.noinapmocsdnalyrreb@nerak :liamE moc.noinapmocsdnalyrreb.www :beW


Valentine’s Day

Why do we exchange cards, flowers and gifts with our loved ones on 14th February when the day’s patron saint was a Christian martyr? The origins of St Valentine’s Day are said to have begun as early as the third century and were possibly influenced by the Roman fertility feast of Lupercalia held on 15th February, whose themes and rituals were centred around coupling and new birth.

No one is entirely sure who St Valentine was. Valentine or Valentinus was a popular name in Rome and there are at least three Catholic saints known as Valentine who have been venerated over the centuries. Any one of them could have had the Feast of St Valentine named after him when Pope Gelasius turned Lupercalia into a Christian festival in 496 AD. One theory is that St Valentine was a Christian priest in the third century who defied Emperor Claudius II’s edict that no Roman soldiers could

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marry by performing secret wedding ceremonies for young lovers until he was captured, beheaded (allegedly on 14th February) and buried under a Roman road. It is also thought that St Valentine’s Day may have been merged with a Norman celebration that took place around the same time known as Galatin’s Day, meaning ‘a gallant’ or lover.

The link between Valentine’s Day and romance was solidified in the late 1300s with Geoffrey Chaucer’s poem Parliament of Foules (Fowls), said to have been written in honour of King Richard II’s betrothal to Anne of Bohemia. It contains the lines: “…For this was on seynt Volantynys day

Whan euery bryd comyth there to chese his make.” (For this was on St Valentine’s Day when every bird comes there to choose his mate.) Royalty took the notion on board, and by the 1400s it

St Valentine’s Day was clearly established as a day for lovers by 1600 when Shakespeare referred to it in Hamlet during a speech by Ophelia.

By the eighteenth century, handmade Valentine’s cards had become popular and were very elaborate with flowers, ribbons and lace. They would often feature Cupid (whose name means ‘desire’), the mischievous winged son of Venus, Roman goddess of love. He also appeared in much romantic verse as the bringer of often unrequited love – hence a missive was necessary to let the object of your desire know of your affections!

With their sentimental notion of romance and the language of flowers, the Victorians elevated Valentine’s Day to the popular celebration it has become today. In 1858, The London Journal wrote of St Valentine’s Day that it was both “natural and proper that at the start of spring the predominating sentiment in the human mind should be the sentiment of love; and to this accordingly the anniversary of our saint is directed”.

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Editorial Reviews


Copy Deadline

5 Issues* Saving 20%

Front Cover Banner

Final copy must be submitted by the 16th of each month, for inclusion in the following months edition (which will be distributed during the first weekend of that month.)


Full payment for all advertisements must be received by the copy deadline date. Payment can be made by: Cheques payable to ‘Berrylands Companion’ or cash. Payment by BACS or standing order by arrangement.


‘A Berrylands Companion’ is a small independent operation and is not registered for VAT. Consequently, no VAT is charged on advertisements.

Acceptable Formats

Adverts can be submitted in the following formats: • MS Word • MS Powerpoint • MS Publisher • TIFF & JPEG Advert copy can be emailed to: karen@berrylandcompanion.com If your ad is not available in an electronic format then we can produce it for you, from your own hard copy text, normally for a fixed price of just £10, although this may be higher if you have a particularly complex advert! (This is a one-off charge - the advert could then be re-used in subsequent issues free of charge.)

WE ARE NOT AVAT REGISTERED, SO THE PRICE YOU SEE IS THE PRICE YOU PAY Contact us for package prices. Premium Pages 5 & 7: £10.00 extra Loose inserts can be delivered with magazine at £297 per 8,000.


Copy and payment must be received by 16th of each month to guarantee publication of advert. Advertisement space is only guaranteed when full payment is made. Distribution numbers up to 8,000 each month.

The Companion will be published and distributed monthly, on or around the first weekend of the month. 10 editions a year. It will be delivered to over 12,000 homes in and around Berrylands and Surbiton over two months - guaranteed. In addition it is the first source of local information for anyone moving into the area.

Format & Design

Contact Us:

It is an A5 size booklet, stapled with colour plus black and white printed on quality paper. The Companion will be printed on 115gsm gloss paper giving it a very high quality feel. It will have ‘longevity’ and because of it’s size, content, look and feel it will be kept by the majority of households until the next issue arrives, thereby giving advertisers ‘immdiacy’ of access’ when their services are required.

Karen Burgess 18 Kingsdowne Road Surbiton, Surrey, KT6 6JZ Tel: 020 8274 0096 Fax: 07092003581 Email: karen@berrylandscompanion.com Web: www.berrylandscompanion.com

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39 39

14/01/2017 22:24

Beauty Boosters

ediuG s’resitrevdA


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*seussI 4

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*seussI 2

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%02 gnivaS

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.etad enildaed ypoc eht yb deviecer eb tsum stnemesitrevda lla rof tnemyap lluF yb tnemyaP .hsac ro ’noinapmoC sdnalyrreB‘ ot elbayap seuqehC :yb edam eb nac tnemyaP .tnemegnarra yb redro gnidnats ro SCAB

%01 gnivaS


%5.7 gnivaS


%5 gnivaS


etihW & kcalB egaP lluF

Whether you’re suffering from dry skin or brassy blonde locks, this month we’re all about solving your beauty dilemmas. ruoloC lluF


.TAV rof deretsiger ton si dna noitarepo tnednepedni llams a si ’noinapmoC sdnalyrreB A‘ .stnemesitrevda no degrahc si TAV on ,yltneuqesnoC

stamroF elbatpeccA

:stamrof gniwollof eht ni dettimbus eb nac strevdA droW SM • tnioprewoP SM • rehsilbuP SM • GEPJ & FFIT •










egaP flaH






egaP retrauQ


rennaB revoC tnorF


revoC kcaB



moc.noinapmocdnalyrreb@nerak :ot deliame eb nac ypoc trevdA


nwo ruoy morf ,uoy rof ti ecudorp nac ew neht tamrof cinortcele na ni elbaliava ton si da ruoy fI a evah uoy fi rehgih eb yam siht hguohtla ,01£ tsuj fo ecirp dexfi a rof yllamron ,txet ypoc drah ni desu-er eb neht dluoc trevda eht - egrahc ffo-eno a si sihT( !trevda xelpmoc ylralucitrap ).egrahc fo eerf seussi tneuqesbus

egaP lluF


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+ tnorF edisnI revoC kcaB egaP elbuoD

)daerps egap 2 ertneC(

sweiveR lairotidE

YAP UOY ECIRP EHT SI EES UOY ECIRP EHT OS ,DERETSIGER TAVA TON ERA EW .secirp egakcap rof su tcatnoC artxe 00.01£ :7 & 5 segaP muimerP .000,8 rep 792£ ta enizagam htiw dereviled eb nac stresni esooL


.trevda fo noitacilbup eetnaraug ot htnom hcae fo ht61 yb deviecer eb tsum tnemyap dna ypoC .edam si tnemyap lluf nehw deetnaraug ylno si ecaps tnemesitrevdA .htnom hcae 000,8 ot pu srebmun noitubirtsiD

fo dnekeew tsrfi eht dnuora ro no ,ylhtnom detubirtsid dna dehsilbup eb lliw noinapmoC ehT .raey a snoitide 01 .htnom eht owt revo notibruS dna sdnalyrreB dnuora dna ni semoh 000,21 revo ot dereviled eb lliw tI .deetnaraug - shtnom .aera eht otni gnivom enoyna rof noitamrofni lacol fo ecruos tsrfi eht si ti noitidda nI

Skin feeling less baby soft and more adult rhino? Try a weekly salt scrub. Coffee fans will appreciate Rabot 1745’s Coffee Body Scrub, which is made from Arabica ground coffee, pure salt, cocoa butter and almond oil. The salt helps to remove dry skin and draw out toxins, the coffee works to freshen and tighten skin and the cocoa butter and almond oil soften and hydrate. The aroma of fresh coffee is also a good wake-up call on dark mornings. If you’re thinking that the packaging looks rather like a reusable coffee cup, you’d be right. And if you use that cup at any Hotel Chocolat café, you’ll get 50p off a hot drink. The Coffee Body Scrub costs £16 at Hotel Chocolat and www. rabot1745beauty.com, so will pay for itself in 32 coffees’ time… ngiseD & tamroF

:sU tcatnoC

.repap ytilauq no detnirp etihw dna kcalb sulp ruoloc htiw delpats ,telkoob ezis 5A na si tI .leef ytilauq hgih yrev a ti gnivig repap ssolg msg511 no detnirp eb lliw noinapmoC ehT eht yb tpek eb lliw ti leef dna kool ,tnetnoc ,ezis s’ti fo esuaceb dna ’ytivegnol‘ evah lliw tI fo ’ycaidmmi‘ sresitrevda gnivig ybereht ,sevirra eussi txen eht litnu sdlohesuoh fo ytirojam .deriuqer era secivres rieht nehw ’ssecca

ssegruB neraK daoR enwodsgni K 81 ZJ6 6TK ,yerruS ,notibruS 6900 4728 020 :leT 18530029070 :xaF moc.noinapmocsdnalyrreb@nerak :liamE moc.noinapmocsdnalyrreb.www :beW


If it’s your face that’s feeling dry and parched (thanks a bunch central heating and winter winds), Frances Prescott TRISPRITZ might help. As well as boosting hydration, the facial mist works to support tissue recovery, calm and

40 40

reduce inflammation, neutralise free radicals and protect from pollution. As an added bonus, it helps to set your makeup in place. I tend to use TRI-SPRITZ as a quick pick-me-up when my skin feels a bit dehydrated or just generally ‘meh’. It’s £45 from www.francesprescott.com. Blonde hair can start to look dull or brassy between hair appointments. Give it a lift with Philip Kingsley’s Pure Blonde ColourCorrecting Weekly Shampoo (£11.50) and Mask (£15). Whether you’re a natural blonde or have a little help, the shampoo and mask can help to tone down yellow and orange tones while repairing damage and replacing moisture. I’ve only tried them a couple of times, but can already see a difference. My hair looks lighter and much closer in colour to when I last had it highlighted. See www. philipkingsley.co.uk. Planning a winter getaway? Whether you’re hitting the slopes or chasing the sun, don’t forget to take

your favourite toiletries with you. If you’re only going for a long weekend, it’s worth decanting your toiletries into reusable travel bottles and jars. It’ll mean you pass the 100ml or less rule for liquids and creams in your hand luggage, and saves you lugging extra weight around the airport. You also won’t need to fork out for travel-sized toiletries, which are usually a lot more expensive per ml than their full-sized counterparts. Wilko’s new travel pots (www.wilko. com) start at just 50p and can be used time and time again. Dry shampoo bars are handy for travelling and an easy switch if you’re trying to reduce your plastic waste. Faith in Nature’s new shampoo bars have a lower PH level than most, making them better for your hair. Choose from Lavender & Geranium (one of the brand’s most popular fragrances) or the extra hydrating Coconut & Shea Butter. Both are 100% natural, packed with nourishing ingredients and fragranced with essential oils. And they’re just £5.79 each from www.faithinnature.co.uk.

By Kate Duggan

Please mention the magazine when contacting Advertisers

points instead of alcoholic shots. While it’s aimed at Rates ages 12 and up, myAdvertiser’s eightGuide year old loves it (we just skip the questions he doesn’t understand). Price List - Our Prices Haven’t Increased for 2 Years 1 Issue

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Half Page






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Black & White

Saving 5%

3 Issues* Saving 7.5%

4 Issues* Saving 10%

Copy Deadline

5 Issues* Saving 20%

Final copy must be submitted by the 16th of each month, for inclusion in the following months edition (which will be distributed during the first weekend of that month.)


Full payment for all advertisements must be received by the copy deadline date. Payment can be made by: Cheques payable to ‘Berrylands Companion’ or cash. Payment by BACS or standing order by arrangement.

Full Colour Full Page






Half Page






Quarter Page






Front Cover Banner



‘A Berrylands Companion’ is a small independent operation and is not registered for VAT. Consequently, no VAT is charged on advertisements.

Dobble, ages 6+, 2-8 players Dobble is a card game with a difference. To win a hand, you have to find the matching symbol on two cards. Simple, but fast-moving, ultracompetitive and a lot of fun, Dobble is a firm favourite with families across the globe. There are five ways to play, and a new Harry Potter themed spin-off was released last year. See www.asmodee. co.uk.

(Max 1 in every 4 issues for any one advertiser)

Back Cover


Inside Front + Back Cover


Double Page


Editorial Reviews


(Centre 2 page spread)

Acceptable Formats

Adverts can be submitted in the following formats: • MS Word • MS Powerpoint • MS Publisher • TIFF & JPEG

Advert copy can be emailed to: karen@berrylandcompanion.com If your ad is not available in an electronic format then we can produce it for you, from your own hard copy text, normally for a fixed price of just £10, although this may be higher if you have a particularly complex advert! (This is a one-off charge - the advert could then be re-used in subsequent issues free of charge.)

WE ARE NOT AVAT REGISTERED, SO THE PRICE YOU SEE IS THE PRICE YOU PAY Contact us for package prices. Premium Pages 5 & 7: £10.00 extra Loose inserts can be delivered with magazine at £297 per 8,000.


Copy and payment must be received by 16th of each month to guarantee publication of advert. Advertisement space is only guaranteed when full payment is made. Distribution numbers up to 8,000 each month.

The Companion will be published and distributed monthly, on or around the first weekend of the month. 10 editions a year. It will be delivered to over 12,000 homes in and around Berrylands and Surbiton over two months - guaranteed. In addition it is the first source of local information for anyone moving into the area.

Format & Design

Contact Us:

It is an A5 size booklet, stapled with colour plus black and white printed on quality paper. The Companion will be printed on 115gsm gloss paper giving it a very high quality feel. It will have ‘longevity’ and because of it’s size, content, look and feel it will be kept by the majority of households until the next issue arrives, thereby giving advertisers ‘immdiacy’ of access’ when their services are required.

Karen Burgess 18 Kingsdowne Road Surbiton, Surrey, KT6 6JZ Tel: 020 8274 0096 Fax: 07092003581 Email: karen@berrylandscompanion.com Web: www.berrylandscompanion.com


Family Games Night

Fed up of Monopoly? Bored to tears of Snakes and Ladders? If you’re in need of a new game to keep the kids occupied on a wet winter’s day, check out this little lot…

Exploding Kittens, ages 7+, 2-5 players A card game of strategy, luck and vendettas, Exploding Kittens is easy to learn and a whole heap of fun to play. It’s a bit like Uno, but with humorous illustrations and cards like ‘Deploy the thousand year back hair’ and ‘Don a portable cheetah butt’. It only takes 20 minutes to play so makes a great post-dinner, pre-homework treat. Find it at www.amazon. co.uk. Atlantis Escape, ages 8+, single player This puzzle game sees the player trying to find the quickest way to the boat before Atlantis sinks. There are 60 challenges to complete, which should keep the kids occupied for a little while at least. It’s single player and compact, so perfect for long journeys – see www. smarttoysandgames.co.uk.

Asteroid Escape, ages 8+, single player As with Atlantis Escape, the player needs to navigate their way through the board in this travel puzzle game. Again, there are 60 challenges to complete. It’s ideal for problem-solving space lovers. Also available from www. smarttoysandgames.co.uk.

Pointing Fingers, ages 12+, 3-6 players With this game, it pays to know your opponents. Who is most likely to have done, or consider doing, the action on the card? Pointing Fingers is a bit like Never Have I Ever, but with

To advertise call Karen: 020 8274 0096

Bears versus Zombies, ages 10+, 2-5 players Players build monsters using cards to defend themselves against the marauding babies. The better the monster, the more likely it is to defeat the baby army and score the player some points. This quick-to-learn, quick-to-play game is bizarre but a lot of fun. While it’s recommended for players aged 10 and up, younger children should be able to master it with a little extra help. It’s available from www.amazon.co.uk.

Ticket to Ride, ages 8+, 2-5 players Ticket to Ride first came out in 2004 and has since released several spin-offs, including Ticket to Ride Europe. Players compete to claim train routes across the board. (It’s a lot more fun than it sounds.) Great for strategic thinkers, Ticket to Ride takes a few minutes to learn and can be played in around an hour. See www.amazon.co.uk. By Kate Duggan

email: karen@berrylands-companion.co.uk

41 41

ediuG s’resitrevdA


sraeY 2 rof desaercnI t’nevaH secirP ruO - tsiL ecirP

enildaeD ypoC

*seussI 5

*seussI 4

*seussI 3

*seussI 2

eussI 1











egaP flaH egaP retrauQ

%02 gnivaS

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%5.7 gnivaS

%5 gnivaS

etihW & kcalB egaP lluF














egaP flaH






egaP retrauQ


rennaB revoC tnorF


revoC kcaB


.etad enildaed ypoc eht yb deviecer eb tsum stnemesitrevda lla rof tnemyap lluF yb tnemyaP .hsac ro ’noinapmoC sdnalyrreB‘ ot elbayap seuqehC :yb edam eb nac tnemyaP .tnemegnarra yb redro gnidnats ro SCAB

%01 gnivaS


ruoloC lluF


.TAV rof deretsiger ton si dna noitarepo tnednepedni llams a si ’noinapmoC sdnalyrreB A‘ .stnemesitrevda no degrahc si TAV on ,yltneuqesnoC

stamroF elbatpeccA

:stamrof gniwollof eht ni dettimbus eb nac strevdA droW SM • tnioprewoP SM • rehsilbuP SM • GEPJ & FFIT •

00.341£ 00.391£

moc.noinapmocdnalyrreb@nerak :ot deliame eb nac ypoc trevdA


nwo ruoy morf ,uoy rof ti ecudorp nac ew neht tamrof cinortcele na ni elbaliava ton si da ruoy fI a evah uoy fi rehgih eb yam siht hguohtla ,01£ tsuj fo ecirp dexfi a rof yllamron ,txet ypoc drah ni desu-er eb neht dluoc trevda eht - egrahc ffo-eno a si sihT( !trevda xelpmoc ylralucitrap ).egrahc fo eerf seussi tneuqesbus

egaP lluF

yna rof seussi 4 yreve ni 1 xaM( )resitrevda eno

+ tnorF edisnI revoC kcaB egaP elbuoD

)daerps egap 2 ertneC(

sweiveR lairotidE

YAP UOY ECIRP EHT SI EES UOY ECIRP EHT OS ,DERETSIGER TAVA TON ERA EW .secirp egakcap rof su tcatnoC artxe 00.01£ :7 & 5 segaP muimerP .000,8 rep 792£ ta enizagam htiw dereviled eb nac stresni esooL


.trevda fo noitacilbup eetnaraug ot htnom hcae fo ht61 yb deviecer eb tsum tnemyap dna ypoC .edam si tnemyap lluf nehw deetnaraug ylno si ecaps tnemesitrevdA .htnom hcae 000,8 ot pu srebmun noitubirtsiD

fo dnekeew tsrfi eht dnuora ro no ,ylhtnom detubirtsid dna dehsilbup eb lliw noinapmoC ehT .raey a snoitide 01 .htnom eht owt revo notibruS dna sdnalyrreB dnuora dna ni semoh 000,21 revo ot dereviled eb lliw tI .deetnaraug - shtnom .aera eht otni gnivom enoyna rof noitamrofni lacol fo ecruos tsrfi eht si ti noitidda nI

ngiseD & tamroF

:sU tcatnoC

.repap ytilauq no detnirp etihw dna kcalb sulp ruoloc htiw delpats ,telkoob ezis 5A na si tI .leef ytilauq hgih yrev a ti gnivig repap ssolg msg511 no detnirp eb lliw noinapmoC ehT eht yb tpek eb lliw ti leef dna kool ,tnetnoc ,ezis s’ti fo esuaceb dna ’ytivegnol‘ evah lliw tI fo ’ycaidmmi‘ sresitrevda gnivig ybereht ,sevirra eussi txen eht litnu sdlohesuoh fo ytirojam .deriuqer era secivres rieht nehw ’ssecca

ssegruB neraK daoR enwodsgni K 81 ZJ6 6TK ,yerruS ,notibruS 6900 4728 020 :leT 18530029070 :xaF moc.noinapmocsdnalyrreb@nerak :liamE moc.noinapmocsdnalyrreb.www :beW


42 42

Please mention the magazine when contacting Advertisers


Advertiser’s Guide

Price List - Our Prices Haven’t Increased for 2 Years 1 Issue

2 Issues*

3 Issues*

4 Issues*

5 Issues*

Full Page






Half Page






Quarter Page

Black & White

Saving 5%

Saving 7.5%

Saving 10%

Copy Deadline

Saving 20%






Full Page






Half Page






Quarter Page






Front Cover Banner


Final copy must be submitted by the 16th of each month, for inclusion in the following months edition (which will be distributed during the first weekend of that month.)


Full payment for all advertisements must be received by the copy deadline date. Payment can be made by: Cheques payable to ‘Berrylands Companion’ or cash. Payment by BACS or standing order by arrangement.

Full Colour

M o b i l e b i c yc l e S e r v i c e & r e pa i r

Using only the letters in the Wordwheel, you have ten minutes to find as many words as possible, none of which may be plurals, foreign words or proper nouns. Each word must be of three letters or more, all must contain the central letter and letters can only be used once in every word. There is at least one word that uses all of the letters in the wheel.

TARGET Excellent: 41 or more words Good: 36 words Fair: 32 words

To advertise call Karen: 020 8274 0096


Acceptable Formats

Adverts can be submitted in the following formats: • MS Word • MS Powerpoint • MS Publisher • TIFF & JPEG Advert copy can be emailed to: karen@berrylandcompanion.com If your ad is not available in an electronic format then we can produce it for you, from your own hard copy text, normally for a fixed price of just £10, although this may be higher if you have a particularly complex advert! (This is a one-off charge - the advert could then be re-used in subsequent issues free of charge.)


The Companion will be published and distributed monthly, on or around the first weekend of the month. 10 editions a year. It will be delivered to over 12,000 homes in and around Berrylands and Surbiton over two months - guaranteed. In addition it is the first source of local information for anyone moving into the area.

Format & Design

It is an A5 size booklet, stapled with colour plus black and white printed on quality paper. The Companion will be printed on 115gsm gloss paper giving it a very high quality feel. It will have ‘longevity’ and because of it’s size, content, look and feel it will be kept by the majority of households until the next issue arrives, thereby giving advertisers ‘immdiacy’ of access’ when their services are required.


Jubilee Way,.Chessington, KT9 1TR Tel: 020 8397 7025 www.kgfindoorbowlsclub.co.uk



‘A Berrylands Companion’ is a small independent operation and is not registered for VAT. Consequently, no VAT is charged on advertisements.


Contact: Jon Martin jon@rebelwaltz-cyclesolutions.co.uk | 07514 435855


Editorial Reviews

Bar . Restaurant Social Events Large Car Park

• Free pick up and drop off within a five mile radius of Surbiton.



Contact Us:

• Will contact you immediately if any other defects are spotted so there will be no unpleasant surprises.


Double Page

Karen Burgess 18 Kingsdowne Road Surbiton, Surrey, KT6 6JZ Tel: 020 8274 0096 Fax: 07092003581 Email: karen@berrylandscompanion.com Web: www.berrylandscompanion.com

• From a safety check, new build to a full service, all work and repairs will be quoted prior to commencing.



Copy and payment must be received by 16th of each month to guarantee publication of advert. Advertisement space is only guaranteed when full payment is made. Distribution numbers up to 8,000 each month.

• I can pick up your bike from your home or place of work then return to you at your convenience.



WE ARE NOT AVAT REGISTERED, SO THE PRICE YOU SEE IS THE PRICE YOU PAY Contact us for package prices. Premium Pages 5 & 7: £10.00 extra Loose inserts can be delivered with magazine at £297 per 8,000.



Back Cover

Inside Front + Back Cover

(Centre 2 page spread)

Yo u r H o m e | Yo u r W o r k | Yo u r r i d e



Learn to Bowl, Free Coaching, All Ages & Abilities Welcome (Max 1 in every 4 issues for any one advertiser)

Deadlines for submitting new artwork for forthcoming issues of A Berrylands Companion 8th Feb for March issue 8th March for April issue 8th April for May issue 8th May for June issue June 8th for July/Aug issue Aug 8th for September issue Sept 8th for October issue 8th Oct for November issue 8th Nov for Dec/January issue 8th Jan for February issue For more information call Karen on 020 8274 0096 or send an email to

karen@berrylands-companion.co.uk email: karen@berrylands-companion.co.uk

43 43

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:stamrof gniwollof eht ni dettimbus eb nac strevdA droW SM • tnioprewoP SM • rehsilbuP SM • GEPJ & FFIT •

00.341£ 00.391£

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nwo ruoy morf ,uoy rof ti ecudorp nac ew neht tamrof cinortcele na ni elbaliava ton si da ruoy fI a evah uoy fi rehgih eb yam siht hguohtla ,01£ tsuj fo ecirp dexfi a rof yllamron ,txet ypoc drah ni desu-er eb neht dluoc trevda eht - egrahc ffo-eno a si sihT( !trevda xelpmoc ylralucitrap ).egrahc fo eerf seussi tneuqesbus

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.trevda fo noitacilbup eetnaraug ot htnom hcae fo ht61 yb deviecer eb tsum tnemyap dna ypoC .edam si tnemyap lluf nehw deetnaraug ylno si ecaps tnemesitrevdA .htnom hcae 000,8 ot pu srebmun noitubirtsiD

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‘Health’ Service – or ‘Half’ Service? From 1st April 2019, the NHS stopped funding a range of treatments it regards as ineffective, possibly harmful and poor value for money. Moles (benign), simple cysts, warts, verrucas and varicose veins – to name but a few – are all on the list of treatments no longer covered. Now, however unsightly, embarrassing or irritating, the NHS is no longer responsible. So how did this come about? Which conditions are on the list?

Inappropriate Treatments Cash-strapped, and hardpressed, the NHS is continually struggling to maintain an excellent quality of service and to balance the books. Consequently, NHS management teams are regularly analysing the numbers and type of medical procedures, their success and complication rates. They consider carefully whether these interventions are beneficial for patients and whether they offer value for money.

44 44

How Does the NHS Decide Which Treatments It Will or Won’t Fund? On behalf of the NHS, The National Institute of Health and Care Excellence (NICE) is a robust body that reviews all the available medical evidence about the safety, efficacy and value for money of NHS treatments and interventions. By law, if NICE recommends it, the NHS must provide it. If NICE doesn’t recommend it, the NHS has no obligation. What are ‘Inappropriate Interventions’? Inappropriate interventions are procedures that NICE has concluded have not been shown to be effective and may be associated with harm. For example, surgery to improve snoring carries risks: bleeding, infection, voice changes and swallowing problems. The cure rate from surgery is only 46%. However, similar improvements in snoring can be achieved by nonsurgical health interventions such as losing weight and stopping smoking. A Bitter Response Nobody wants any harm, risk or wasteful spending, but are

we being hoodwinked? What can a parent now do for a child with glue ear? It’s hard to believe that those with recurrent tonsillitis will no longer be offered surgery. These interventions are only the first phase of treatments cuts, with a second phase involving a list of other, more specialised procedures, set to follow. Doctors themselves are concerned. In a recent BMA survey, 75% of doctors said they believed that financial targets were overriding patient care. The BMA also views this NHS bureaucracy with disdain, saying “Rather than cut services, the government’s priority should be to stop the scandalous waste of billions of taxpayer money on the damaging NHS market in England, pointless fragmentation of NHS services and outsourcing deals that disrupt patient care,” to quote BMA chair and GP, Dr Chaand Nagpaul.

The Negative Consequences These conditions may be benign, but they still cause misery and this negatively affects our well-being, selfesteem and self-confidence. Other treatments may be effective, but these can be expensive and hard to access. Vulnerable people who can’t speak up for themselves or engage fully in their own care may suffer. Some patients may choose not consult the doctor, and serious diagnoses may be missed. Lifestyle interventions such as weight loss are beneficial for numerous medical conditions. However, weight loss is difficult and takes time. The Royal College of Physicians has recently declared obesity a disease, not just a lifestyle factor.

Please mention the magazine when contacting Advertisers

There are long waiting lists for physiotherapy, and the other suggested treatment options such as endothermal ablation and sclerotherapy. Will more funding be allocated for these treatments? Has the ‘National Half Service’ really got this right? References - Evidence-based interventions: response to the public consultation and next steps Nov 2018, updated Jan 2019 Prepared by: NHS England Medical directorate and Strategy and Innovation directorate www.england.nhs.uk/wp-content/ uploads/2018/11/ebi-consultationresponse-document-v2.pdf - NHS England to save £200m on 17 ‘ineffective’ procedures including tonsillectomy 2 July 2018 Elisabeth Mahase www.pulsetoday.co.uk/news/ hot-topics/nhs-finances/nhsengland-to-save-200m-on-17ineffective-procedures-includingtonsillectomy/20036998.article

By Dr Daisy Mae

The 17 inappropriate interventions no longer funded by the NHS Rates

Advertiser’s Guide

Price List - Our Prices Haven’t Increased for 2 Years 1 Issue

- Snoring surgery (in the absence of sleep apnoea). - Dilatation and Curettage (D&C) for heavy menstrual bleeding – the agreed treatment is hysteroscopy and biopsy. - Knee arthroscopy for osteoarthritis – flushing out the joint is no longer recommended. Treatment should be offered with physiotherapy, weight loss, exercise and pain management. - Breast reduction. - Removal of benign skin conditions. - Grommets for glue ear in children. - Tonsillectomy for recurrent tonsillitis. - Haemorrhoid surgery.

Black & White

2 Issues* Saving 5%

3 Issues* Saving 7.5%

4 Issues* Saving 10%

Copy Deadline

5 Issues* Saving 20%

Final copy must be submitted by the 16th of each month, for inclusion in the following months edition (which will be distributed during the first weekend of that month.)

- Hysterectomy for heavy menstrual bleeding – this should not be performed first-line. Women should be offered medical treatment or a progesterone releasing IUS. - Chalazia removal. - Arthroscopic shoulder decompression for shoulder pain – physiotherapy and exercise should be offered first. - Carpal tunnel release. - Dupuytren’s contracture release. - Ganglion excision. - Trigger finger release. - Varicose vein surgery – endothermal ablation and sclerotherapy should be tried first. Full Page






Half Page






Quarter Page






Full Page







Full payment for all advertisements must be received by the copy deadline date. Payment can be made by: Cheques payable to ‘Berrylands Companion’ or cash. Payment by BACS or standing order by arrangement.

Full Colour Half Page






Quarter Page






Front Cover Banner


Back Cover


Inside Front + Back Cover


Double Page


Editorial Reviews


(Max 1 in every 4 issues for any one advertiser)

(Centre 2 page spread)


‘A Berrylands Companion’ is a small independent operation and is not registered for VAT. Consequently, no VAT is charged on advertisements.

Acceptable Formats

Adverts can be submitted in the following formats: • MS Word • MS Powerpoint • MS Publisher • TIFF & JPEG Advert copy can be emailed to: karen@berrylandcompanion.com If your ad is not available in an electronic format then we can produce it for you, from your own hard copy text, normally for a fixed price of just £10, although this may be higher if you have a particularly complex advert! (This is a one-off charge - the advert could then be re-used in subsequent issues free of charge.)

WE ARE NOT AVAT REGISTERED, SO THE PRICE YOU SEE IS THE PRICE YOU PAY Contact us for package prices. Premium Pages 5 & 7: £10.00 extra Loose inserts can be delivered with magazine at £297 per 8,000.


Copy and payment must be received by 16th of each month to guarantee publication of advert. Advertisement space is only guaranteed when full payment is made. Distribution numbers up to 8,000 each month.

The Companion will be published and distributed monthly, on or around the first weekend of the month. 10 editions a year. It will be delivered to over 12,000 homes in and around Berrylands and Surbiton over two months - guaranteed. In addition it is the first source of local information for anyone moving into the area.

Format & Design

Contact Us:

It is an A5 size booklet, stapled with colour plus black and white printed on quality paper. The Companion will be printed on 115gsm gloss paper giving it a very high quality feel. It will have ‘longevity’ and because of it’s size, content, look and feel it will be kept by the majority of households until the next issue arrives, thereby giving advertisers ‘immdiacy’ of access’ when their services are required.

Karen Burgess 18 Kingsdowne Road Surbiton, Surrey, KT6 6JZ Tel: 020 8274 0096 Fax: 07092003581 Email: karen@berrylandscompanion.com Web: www.berrylandscompanion.com



are spending good money warming the planet. Whilst switching a fridge off doesn’t make sense, here are a few things that do:

According to MoneySuperMarket, the biggest standby power users are TVs, TV boxes (e.g. Sky/Virgin) and multiroom speakers. Chances are you only actually use them evening and weekends so waiting 60 seconds for them to restart isn’t much of a sacrifice.

Stand Aside, Standby. You aren’t needed. Comedian Michael McIntyre made fun of us all by pointing out that we often shut down appliances before going on holiday for safety reasons. Except the fridge because “we trust the fridge”.

He has a point on the safety aspect, but we should also be considering the environmental one, and not just when we are on holiday. Leaving your devices on standby means you

To advertise call Karen: 020 8274 0096

When you unplug your mobile phone after charging it, the charger is still using tiny amounts. When you multiply that by the number of people in the house, it’s not so tiny. So switch it off at the wall when you aren’t using it. Your router is something you want to have available pretty much all the time. But if you are going on two weeks holiday, a little holiday of its own won’t hurt. It’s quicker to put your PC on standby than to shut it down, but we are only saving seconds here. And we all know that it sometimes your PC wakes up, all by itself. There’s a device not to be trusted!

email: karen@berrylands-companion.co.uk

45 45

ediuG s’resitrevdA

of between 3.7kW and 7kW, which equates to around 15-30 miles of charge added per hour. A three-pin charger will only deliver 2.3kW of power, or around eight miles of range per hour.


sraeY 2 rof desaercnI t’nevaH secirP ruO - tsiL ecirP

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*seussI 3

*seussI 2

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%5 gnivaS

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egaP retrauQ






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.etad enildaed ypoc eht yb deviecer eb tsum stnemesitrevda lla rof tnemyap lluF yb tnemyaP .hsac ro ’noinapmoC sdnalyrreB‘ ot elbayap seuqehC :yb edam eb nac tnemyaP .tnemegnarra yb redro gnidnats ro SCAB

%01 gnivaS

00.723£ 00.271£



ruoloC lluF


.TAV rof deretsiger ton si dna noitarepo tnednepedni llams a si ’noinapmoC sdnalyrreB A‘ .stnemesitrevda no degrahc si TAV on ,yltneuqesnoC

stamroF elbatpeccA

:stamrof gniwollof eht ni dettimbus eb nac strevdA droW SM • tnioprewoP SM • rehsilbuP SM • GEPJ & FFIT •


egaP retrauQ


rennaB revoC tnorF


revoC kcaB

00.341£ 00.391£

moc.noinapmocdnalyrreb@nerak :ot deliame eb nac ypoc trevdA


nwo ruoy morf ,uoy rof ti ecudorp nac ew neht tamrof cinortcele na ni elbaliava ton si da ruoy fI a evah uoy fi rehgih eb yam siht hguohtla ,01£ tsuj fo ecirp dexfi a rof yllamron ,txet ypoc drah ni desu-er eb neht dluoc trevda eht - egrahc ffo-eno a si sihT( !trevda xelpmoc ylralucitrap ).egrahc fo eerf seussi tneuqesbus

yna rof seussi 4 yreve ni 1 xaM( )resitrevda eno

+ tnorF edisnI revoC kcaB egaP elbuoD

)daerps egap 2 ertneC(

sweiveR lairotidE

YAP UOY ECIRP EHT SI EES UOY ECIRP EHT OS ,DERETSIGER TAVA TON ERA EW .secirp egakcap rof su tcatnoC artxe 00.01£ :7 & 5 segaP muimerP .000,8 rep 792£ ta enizagam htiw dereviled eb nac stresni esooL


.trevda fo noitacilbup eetnaraug ot htnom hcae fo ht61 yb deviecer eb tsum tnemyap dna ypoC .edam si tnemyap lluf nehw deetnaraug ylno si ecaps tnemesitrevdA .htnom hcae 000,8 ot pu srebmun noitubirtsiD

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ngiseD & tamroF

:sU tcatnoC

.repap ytilauq no detnirp etihw dna kcalb sulp ruoloc htiw delpats ,telkoob ezis 5A na si tI .leef ytilauq hgih yrev a ti gnivig repap ssolg msg511 no detnirp eb lliw noinapmoC ehT eht yb tpek eb lliw ti leef dna kool ,tnetnoc ,ezis s’ti fo esuaceb dna ’ytivegnol‘ evah lliw tI fo ’ycaidmmi‘ sresitrevda gnivig ybereht ,sevirra eussi txen eht litnu sdlohesuoh fo ytirojam .deriuqer era secivres rieht nehw ’ssecca

ssegruB neraK daoR enwodsgni K 81 ZJ6 6TK ,yerruS ,notibruS 6900 4728 020 :leT 18530029070 :xaF moc.noinapmocsdnalyrreb@nerak :liamE moc.noinapmocsdnalyrreb.www :beW


How do I get an electric car charging point installed at home? With the increase in electric car popularity, more people are going to need to charge at home. But how do you go about it?

Most manufacturers now produce electric cars, and demand will increase as both carmakers and government push to get more people into plug-in cars. More people will therefore need to charge their cars and home, and installing a wallbox makes the process a lot quicker than using a three-pin plug. Let’s take a look at how you do it.

Why do I need a wallbox charger? As well as delivering a faster rate of charge than a three-pin plug, a wallbox is also safer as they tend to be weatherproof. Many have built-in features to ensure safety should an error occur, and it won’t overload your house’s electricity supply, too.

How much is it going to cost me? Inclusive of the available government grant, it’ll cost from £279 to install a wallbox into your

46 46

home and this covers installation by a qualified fitter – so the only additional cost after everything’s plugged in is the electricity itself.

Installation may be more expensive if you’re trying to place a wallbox in a particularly tricky place, or if more wiring than usual is required. How much will it cost to charge my car? This depends on the size of the car’s batteries, how much charge you’ve got left in it and the rate you pay for electricity. However, as a guide, the typical rate for electricity is 14p per kWh, or 8p per kWh for overnight, economy charging. For an average electric car, with a 60kWh battery and around 200 miles worth of range, it’ll cost around £8.40 to charge fully. Something larger, like a Tesla Model S, will cost around £14 – but remember that the Tesla offers a much greater range at around 300 miles.

Where will a wallbox be installed? A wallbox will be placed on an external wall either on the side of your house or on the side of a garage. Connected to the mains electricity by a secure connection, it’ll be ideally located close to where you park. This will only really work for people with off-street parking though —you’re not allowed to run cables across the pavement to a car parked on the street.

How long will installation take? It should only take around three hours for a wallbox to be installed at your home, depending on access and how tricky an area it is to fit.

Where can I buy a wallbox from? Plenty of suppliers of electric car charging points are available and an internet search should provide a multitude of local providers. Note that if you want to take advantage of the government’s grant, then you may have to prove ownership of the car and your home in order to qualify.

How long will it take to charge my electric car? A wallbox gives a charging rate

Please mention the magazine when contacting Advertisers


Our local train servicea time for reckoning

he election may have come and gone, but our train services remain as bad as ever. Some passengers joked to me that they’d hardly noticed the recent strike action – the services just seemed as bad as ever. But it isn’t really a joke.

You’ve probably seen the speculation that things have got so bad that our local franchise – the south western franchise – may even be nationalised.

Filings to Companies House of the accounts of South Western Railway (SWR), the operator of the south western rail franchise, published in early January, contained a Directors’ Statement that there is “material uncertainty that may cast significant doubt on the company’s ability to continue as a going concern”. The accounts showed SWR lost £137 million in the year to March 2019.

And this has inevitably led to widespread speculation that SWR may go bust by the end of 2020, and that the Government may be making plans to renationalise this franchise. Press reports suggest the firm has been in talks with the Department for Transport (DfT) and the directors are reported as saying that there are two potential outcomes of the talks: giving the company a revised, short-term contract; or seeing it kicked out within the next 12 months in favour of a publicly owned operator. This came as no surprise to me.

After campaigning for improvements after SWR’s disastrous first year, and after


Advertiser’s Guide

Price List - Our Prices Haven’t Increased for 2 Years 1 Issue

2 Issues*

Full Page






Half Page






Quarter Page






Black & White

Saving 5%

3 Issues* Saving 7.5%

4 Issues* Saving 10%

Copy Deadline

5 Issues* Saving 20%

Final copy must be submitted by the 16th of each month, for inclusion in the following months edition (which will be distributed during the first weekend of that month.)


Full payment for all advertisements must be received by the copy deadline date. Payment can be made by: Cheques payable to ‘Berrylands Companion’ or cash. Payment by BACS or standing order by arrangement.

Full Colour

by Sir Edward Davey, M.P.

many meetings and having formed a special cross-party group in Parliament to hold an inquiry, I published a report in December 2018, “Passengers Must Come First” – https://www. eddavey.org/passengers_must_ come_first

In it, I specifically warned that, in my opinion, having spoken to key insiders, the franchise was not financially viable. I wrote, over a year ago:-

SWR’s franchise bid was unrealistically low. Having underbid, SWR is now caught in a trap of having to put a floor under investor losses whilst needing funds to tackle basic investment needs. This is totally unsustainable. and

“Ministers have 2 basic choices for SWR.

Either they must decide to replace SWR, with a new operator. This would, at least initially, have to be a government-controlled company, before deciding on any future re-franchising.

Or they must impose a new contract on SWR, preferably performance-related, where SWR take a significant financial hit and can only begin to earn profits, once performance for passengers has improved.

The status quo is simply not acceptable: passengers have lost trust in the current franchise and the current management to deliver.”

I met the then Rail Minister early in 2019, and I handed him my report. He told me improvements were occurring and my

To advertise call Karen: 020 8274 0096

Full Page






Half Page






Quarter Page






Front Cover Banner


Back Cover


Inside Front + Back Cover


Double Page


Editorial Reviews



‘A Berrylands Companion’ is a small independent operation and is not registered for VAT. Consequently, no VAT is charged on advertisements.

conclusions were wrong. (Max 1 in every 4 issues for any one advertiser)

(Centre 2 page spread)

Acceptable Formats

Adverts can be submitted in the following formats: • MS Word • MS Powerpoint • MS Publisher • TIFF & JPEG Advert copy can be emailed to: karen@berrylandcompanion.com If your ad is not available in an electronic format then we can produce it for you, from your own hard copy text, normally for a fixed price of just £10, although this may be higher if you have a particularly complex advert! (This is a one-off charge - the advert could then be re-used in subsequent issues free of charge.)

So I’m back again, and making the same points – though this time, I think Ministers will have no choice but to listen. This rail franchise is collapsing before their eyes. WE ARE NOT AVAT REGISTERED, SO THE PRICE YOU SEE IS THE PRICE YOU PAY Contact us for package prices. Premium Pages 5 & 7: £10.00 extra Loose inserts can be delivered with magazine at £297 per 8,000.


Copy and payment must be received by 16th of each month to guarantee publication of advert. Advertisement space is only guaranteed when full payment is made. Distribution numbers up to 8,000 each month.

The Companion will be published and distributed monthly, on or around the first weekend of the month. 10 editions a year. It will be delivered to over 12,000 homes in and around Berrylands and Surbiton over two months - guaranteed. In addition it is the first source of local information for anyone moving into the area.

Format & Design

Contact Us:

It is an A5 size booklet, stapled with colour plus black and white printed on quality paper. The Companion will be printed on 115gsm gloss paper giving it a very high quality feel. It will have ‘longevity’ and because of it’s size, content, look and feel it will be kept by the majority of households until the next issue arrives, thereby giving advertisers ‘immdiacy’ of access’ when their services are required.

Karen Burgess 18 Kingsdowne Road Surbiton, Surrey, KT6 6JZ Tel: 020 8274 0096 Fax: 07092003581 Email: karen@berrylandscompanion.com Web: www.berrylandscompanion.com


The simplest and best solution would be to ask Transport for London (TfL) to take over the franchise, at least for the next few years. TfL have a relatively positive performance running overground trains across London, with particular expertise in suburban networks like ours. I’ve discussed this idea with Siobhan Benita, and we have confidence TfL can manage the wider SWR service outside London too. Longer term, we need to see our franchise in the context of an industry-wide reform, as franchises across the UK have been failing – from Virgin’s East Coast mainline to Northern Rail.

The Williams Rail Review – a major study of the UK’s railway industry commissioned back in September 2018 – is due to be published soon, which should kickstart a proper debate about more radical reform of our railways. We may be about to start the next round of Brexit negotiations. They will no doubt dominate this year’s politics, just as they did in 2019.

But in 2020, let’s hope we see the beginning of the end of the shameful train services local people have endured for the last three years.

email: karen@berrylands-companion.co.uk

47 47


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*seussI 3

*seussI 2

eussI 1











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.etad enildaed ypoc eht yb deviecer eb tsum stnemesitrevda lla rof tnemyap lluF yb tnemyaP .hsac ro ’noinapmoC sdnalyrreB‘ ot elbayap seuqehC :yb edam eb nac tnemyaP .tnemegnarra yb redro gnidnats ro SCAB

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stamroF elbatpeccA

:stamrof gniwollof eht ni dettimbus eb nac strevdA droW SM • tnioprewoP SM • rehsilbuP SM • GEPJ & FFIT •













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egaP flaH

00.38£ 00.74£

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revoC kcaB


+ tnorF edisnI revoC kcaB egaP elbuoD


moc.noinapmocdnalyrreb@nerak :ot deliame eb nac ypoc trevdA


nwo ruoy morf ,uoy rof ti ecudorp nac ew neht tamrof cinortcele na ni elbaliava ton si da ruoy fI a evah uoy fi rehgih eb yam siht hguohtla ,01£ tsuj fo ecirp dexfi a rof yllamron ,txet ypoc drah ni desu-er eb neht dluoc trevda eht - egrahc ffo-eno a si sihT( !trevda xelpmoc ylralucitrap ).egrahc fo eerf seussi tneuqesbus

)daerps egap 2 ertneC(

sweiveR lairotidE

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.trevda fo noitacilbup eetnaraug ot htnom hcae fo ht61 yb deviecer eb tsum tnemyap dna ypoC .edam si tnemyap lluf nehw deetnaraug ylno si ecaps tnemesitrevdA .htnom hcae 000,8 ot pu srebmun noitubirtsiD

fo dnekeew tsrfi eht dnuora ro no ,ylhtnom detubirtsid dna dehsilbup eb lliw noinapmoC ehT .raey a snoitide 01 .htnom eht owt revo notibruS dna sdnalyrreB dnuora dna ni semoh 000,21 revo ot dereviled eb lliw tI .deetnaraug - shtnom .aera eht otni gnivom enoyna rof noitamrofni lacol fo ecruos tsrfi eht si ti noitidda nI

ngiseD & tamroF

:sU tcatnoC

.repap ytilauq no detnirp etihw dna kcalb sulp ruoloc htiw delpats ,telkoob ezis 5A na si tI .leef ytilauq hgih yrev a ti gnivig repap ssolg msg511 no detnirp eb lliw noinapmoC ehT eht yb tpek eb lliw ti leef dna kool ,tnetnoc ,ezis s’ti fo esuaceb dna ’ytivegnol‘ evah lliw tI fo ’ycaidmmi‘ sresitrevda gnivig ybereht ,sevirra eussi txen eht litnu sdlohesuoh fo ytirojam .deriuqer era secivres rieht nehw ’ssecca

ssegruB neraK daoR enwodsgniK 81 ZJ6 6TK ,yerruS ,notibruS 6900 4728 020 :leT 18530029070 :xaF moc.noinapmocsdnalyrreb@nerak :liamE moc.noinapmocsdnalyrreb.www :beW







WORD LADDER ANSWER (This is one solution, there may be others)

BORN barn darn dart dirt diet




Bad weather always looks worse through a window. Tom Lehrer




Skeleton: 1. Skull; 2. Clavicle 3. Sternum; 4. Humerus; 5. Coccyx; 6. Femur; 7. Radius; 8. Tibia The bone match is: Femur A, Humerus C, Sternum D, Clavicle B

48 48

Please mention the magazine when contacting Advertisers

What’s on in February:-

Events in January: 25th:

Chinese New Year, Year of the Rat; Burn’s Night

31st: National Bug Busting Day

Events in February:


Advertiser’s Guide

Price List - Our Prices Haven’t Increased for 2 Years 1 Issue

2 Issues*

Full Page






Half Page






Quarter Page

Black & White

Saving 5%

3 Issues* Saving 7.5%

4 Issues* Saving 10%

Copy Deadline

5 Issues* Saving 20%






Full Page






Final copy must be submitted by the 16th of each month, for inclusion in the following months edition (which will be distributed during the first weekend of that month.)


Full payment for all advertisements must be received by the copy deadline date. Payment can be made by: Cheques payable to ‘Berrylands Companion’ or cash. Payment by BACS or standing order by arrangement.

Full Colour Half Page






Quarter Page






Front Cover Banner


Back Cover


Inside Front + Back Cover


Double Page


Editorial Reviews


(Max 1 in every 4 issues for any one advertiser)


‘A Berrylands Companion’ is a small independent operation and is not registered for VAT. Consequently, no VAT is charged on advertisements.

Acceptable Formats

Adverts can be submitted in the following formats: • MS Word • MS Powerpoint • MS Publisher • TIFF & JPEG

LGBT History Month. 1st: National Storytelling Week 3rd: SIGN2SING Week; School Football Week 7th: NSPCC Number Day; Wear Red Day 8-8th March: Orchid Festival at Kew Gardens 9th: Cancer Research UK London Winter Run 12-23rd: Half Term Imagine Childrens’ Festival, South Bank Centre 12-16th: London Classic Car Show 14th: Valentine’s Day 15th: Surbiton Farmers’ Market 9am-1pm, Maple Road Shrove Tuesday 20th: National Love Your Pet Day 22nd: World Encephalitis Day 23rd: England v Ireland Rugby Six Nations 2020 The Grand Brighton Half Marathon, 7am - 2pm 24th: Fairtrade Fortnight 26th: Ash Wednesday Half Term, some suggestions: some may charge entrance fee, please check first. Brockett’s Farm; Birdworld Farnham; Brooklands Museum; British Wildlife Centre, near Lingfield, Go Ape, Alice Holt South Downs National Park; Virginia Water Lake; Zip Zone at Wildwood Adventure; Watts Gallery; The Sculpture Park, Farnham; Geocatching at Hatchlands Park; WWF’s Living Planet Centre, Woking; (Centre 2 page spread)

Advert copy can be emailed to: karen@berrylandcompanion.com If your ad is not available in an electronic format then we can produce it for you, from your own hard copy text, normally for a fixed price of just £10, although this may be higher if you have a particularly complex advert! (This is a one-off charge - the advert could then be re-used in subsequent issues free of charge.)

WE ARE NOT AVAT REGISTERED, SO THE PRICE YOU SEE IS THE PRICE YOU PAY Contact us for package prices. Premium Pages 5 & 7: £10.00 extra Loose inserts can be delivered with magazine at £297 per 8,000.


Copy and payment must be received by 16th of each month to guarantee publication of advert. Advertisement space is only guaranteed when full payment is made. Distribution numbers up to 8,000 each month.

The Companion will be published and distributed monthly, on or around the first weekend of the month. 10 editions a year. It will be delivered to over 12,000 homes in and around Berrylands and Surbiton over two months - guaranteed. In addition it is the first source of local information for anyone moving into the area.

Format & Design

Contact Us:

It is an A5 size booklet, stapled with colour plus black and white printed on quality paper. The Companion will be printed on 115gsm gloss paper giving it a very high quality feel. It will have ‘longevity’ and because of it’s size, content, look and feel it will be kept by the majority of households until the next issue arrives, thereby giving advertisers ‘immdiacy’ of access’ when their services are required.

Karen Burgess 18 Kingsdowne Road Surbiton, Surrey, KT6 6JZ Tel: 020 8274 0096 Fax: 07092003581 Email: karen@berrylandscompanion.com Web: www.berrylandscompanion.com


Events in March:

DVT Awareness Month; Ovarian Cancer Month; Walk All Over Cancer Month; Marie Curie Great Daffodil Appeal Month 1st: St David’s Day; 2nd: British Pie Week 5th: Crufts 2020 6th: British Science Week; Healthcare Science Week 9th: Commonwealth Day: National Butchers’ Week; National Feet Week 2020; Sport Relief 2020 11th: National No Smoking Day 17th: St Patrick’s Day 20th: Vernal Equinox, Spring begins 22nd: Mothering Sunday; Tick Bite Prevention Week 26th: Purple Day 2020 29th: British Summer Time begins, clocks ‘spring’ forward. Family Safety Week If your club or society is not listed on the Local Events, send in the details!! Why not send in your events for Valentine’s Day for the What’s On page? Schools, Churches, & Charity events should be submitted to karen@berrylands-companion.co.uk

To advertise call Karen: 020 8274 0096

email: karen@berrylands-companion.co.uk

49 49

What’s On/Local Events

1st Tuesday: NHS Retirement Club, 10-12pm at Royal British Legion ediuG s’resitrevdA setaR Hall, Hollyfield Road, KT5 9AL. For information call Lorna: 020 8337 4121 sraeY 2 rof desaercnI t’nevaH secirP ruO - tsiL ecirP

enildaeD ypoC

*seussI 5

*seussI 4





%02 gnivaS

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.etad enildaed ypoc eht yb deviecer eb tsum stnemesitrevda lla rof tnemyap lluF yb tnemyaP .hsac ro ’noinapmoC sdnalyrreB‘ ot elbayap seuqehC :yb edam eb nac tnemyaP .tnemegnarra yb redro gnidnats ro SCAB

%01 gnivaS

*seussI 3

*seussI 2

eussI 1




%5.7 gnivaS

%5 gnivaS

etihW & kcalB egaP lluF


egaP flaH






egaP retrauQ








ruoloC lluF


egaP lluF

Last Sunday of the month: Women on Wheels, meet outside Clas Ohlson Market Place 10.00. 020 8547 5865. E-mail: ccst@rbk. kingston.gov.uk

.TAV rof deretsiger ton si dna noitarepo tnednepedni llams a si ’noinapmoC sdnalyrreB A‘ .stnemesitrevda no degrahc si TAV on ,yltneuqesnoC

stamroF elbatpeccA

:stamrof gniwollof eht ni dettimbus eb nac strevdA droW SM • tnioprewoP SM • rehsilbuP SM • GEPJ & FFIT •









00.38£ 00.74£

egaP retrauQ


rennaB revoC tnorF




moc.noinapmocdnalyrreb@nerak :ot deliame eb nac ypoc trevdA


nwo ruoy morf ,uoy rof ti ecudorp nac ew neht tamrof cinortcele na ni elbaliava ton si da ruoy fI a evah uoy fi rehgih eb yam siht hguohtla ,01£ tsuj fo ecirp dexfi a rof yllamron ,txet ypoc drah ni desu-er eb neht dluoc trevda eht - egrahc ffo-eno a si sihT( !trevda xelpmoc ylralucitrap ).egrahc fo eerf seussi tneuqesbus

egaP flaH

yna rof seussi 4 yreve ni 1 xaM( )resitrevda eno

revoC kcaB

+ tnorF edisnI revoC kcaB egaP elbuoD

)daerps egap 2 ertneC(

sweiveR lairotidE

YAP UOY ECIRP EHT SI EES UOY ECIRP EHT OS ,DERETSIGER TAVA TON ERA EW .secirp egakcap rof su tcatnoC artxe 00.01£ :7 & 5 segaP muimerP .000,8 rep 792£ ta enizagam htiw dereviled eb nac stresni esooL


.trevda fo noitacilbup eetnaraug ot htnom hcae fo ht61 yb deviecer eb tsum tnemyap dna ypoC .edam si tnemyap lluf nehw deetnaraug ylno si ecaps tnemesitrevdA .htnom hcae 000,8 ot pu srebmun noitubirtsiD

fo dnekeew tsrfi eht dnuora ro no ,ylhtnom detubirtsid dna dehsilbup eb lliw noinapmoC ehT .raey a snoitide 01 .htnom eht owt revo notibruS dna sdnalyrreB dnuora dna ni semoh 000,21 revo ot dereviled eb lliw tI .deetnaraug - shtnom .aera eht otni gnivom enoyna rof noitamrofni lacol fo ecruos tsrfi eht si ti noitidda nI

ngiseD & tamroF

:sU tcatnoC

.repap ytilauq no detnirp etihw dna kcalb sulp ruoloc htiw delpats ,telkoob ezis 5A na si tI .leef ytilauq hgih yrev a ti gnivig repap ssolg msg511 no detnirp eb lliw noinapmoC ehT eht yb tpek eb lliw ti leef dna kool ,tnetnoc ,ezis s’ti fo esuaceb dna ’ytivegnol‘ evah lliw tI fo ’ycaidmmi‘ sresitrevda gnivig ybereht ,sevirra eussi txen eht litnu sdlohesuoh fo ytirojam .deriuqer era secivres rieht nehw ’ssecca

ssegruB neraK daoR enwodsgni K 81 ZJ6 6TK ,yerruS ,notibruS 6900 4728 020 :leT 18530029070 :xaF moc.noinapmocsdnalyrreb@nerak :liamE moc.noinapmocsdnalyrreb.www :beW

Art Classes: Every Monday 10-12noon & 2-4pm, with Berrylands Artists at Berrylands Christian Centre, 41 King Charles Road, Surbiton, KT5 8PF. Info: 020 8644 0941 61

Broadway Sequence Dance Club: Meets every Monday from 8pm at The Raeburn Hall, Tolworth United Reform Church, Raeburn/Elgar Avenues. New sequences are taught, some knowledge of ballroom dancing required. Contact Brenda Deane for more info: 020 8390 0233. www. broadway sequencedance.co.uk Cornerston Church, Kingston KT26LF: every 3rd Wednesday of the month: a cream tea, open to all, at 2pm. Plenty of cake on offer plus a short bible talk. An international café, every Tuesday evening at 7pm for free English lessons, and at 7.30pm food, games & bible talk. Craft Morning 3rd Saturday every month 11am-1.00pm. Tel: 0208 549 0733. info@ cornerstonechurchkingston.org Encore Singing Group: Mondays, term time, 10am - 12.15pm @ Surbiton Hill Methodist Church, Ewell Rd. For info: gillyvor@hotmail.com or call: 020 8241 5513. All welcome, contact or drop in. Fircroft Listening Café: Every Friday, 2-4pm. 96 Ditton Road KT6 6RH. No appointment needed. Just turn up if you or someone you know is struggling to cope. Mon - Fri 9.30am - 4pm. Phone or text 07598 910 797. Email: listeningcafe@ thefircrofttrust.org Buses 71, 465, K1, K4.

50 50

Golden Slippers: New Ballet Classes for mature clients. At Surbiton New Life Baptist Church, Balaclave Road, Surbiton KT6 5PW. Tues 10.45 -11.45. Contact Meryl: 07944 246 778 Kingston Camera Club: Camera enthusiasts welcome. Meet Mon eves, at St John’s Ambulance HQ, Athelstan Rd off Villiers Avenue. 7.30pm - 10pm with coffee break. New members welcome. For more information visit: www. kingstoncameraclub.com Kingston Circle Dance Group: Kingston Quaker Centre, 14 Fairfield East, KT1 2PT, 2.30 - 4.30, first Saturday every month. Social dancing, all welcome. Tel: 020 8399 8684 Kingston Jazz Society: meets alternate Tuesdays at the Druid’s Head pub, Kingston Market. We are a friendly group who listen to recorded jazz from all periods and would welcome new members. Contact Mike Crimmen (Sec) on 07795 574 776 or m.crimmen@ btinternet.com Kingston Pensioners’ Forum: Meets 2nd Monday each month at Reform Church, Eden Street, at 2pm. New members welcome. Talks, outings and tea and coffee. For more info: www. kingstonpensionersforum@hotmail.co.uk Kingston Philatelic Society: Meets 8-10pm on 1st Thurs & 3rd Fri, at Surbiton Library Hall, Ewell Road. Info: Brian Sole Tel: 01932 220 677 or email: brian.sole@btinternet.com Ladies Exercise Club: Friendly & fun ‘Keep Moving’ exercise/movement class for ladies 60+ at Berrylands Christian Centre, King Charles Road. Friday 10.15 - 11.15am plus refreshments. Come & try first, free first class. Then £5.50 pay as you come. Call Mary, 01483 284 716 or maryedwards@uwclub.net

Please mention the magazine when contacting Advertisers

What’s On/Local Events Mind in Kingston: Drop in and café at Alfriston Day Centre Berrylands Road, Thurs 6-9.30pm, Sat & Sun 2-5.30pm. Also at Welcome Centre 53-55 Canbury Park, Mon & Fri 6-9pm. All welcome, www. mindkingston.org.uk or 020 8255 3939

Price List - Our Prices Haven’t Increased for 2 Years 1 Issue

2 Issues*

3 Issues*

4 Issues*

5 Issues*

Full Page






Half Page






Quarter Page






Full Page






Black & White

Saving 5%

Saving 7.5%

Saving 10%

Copy Deadline

Saving 20%

Final copy must be submitted by the 16th of each month, for inclusion in the following months edition (which will be distributed during the first weekend of that month.)


Full payment for all advertisements must be received by the copy deadline date. Payment can be made by: Cheques payable to ‘Berrylands Companion’ or cash. Payment by BACS or standing order by arrangement.

Full Colour Half Page






Quarter Page






Front Cover Banner


Back Cover


Inside Front + Back Cover


Double Page


Editorial Reviews


(Max 1 in every 4 issues for any one advertiser)


‘A Berrylands Companion’ is a small independent operation and is not registered for VAT. Consequently, no VAT is charged on advertisements.

Acceptable Formats

Adverts can be submitted in the following formats: • MS Word • MS Powerpoint • MS Publisher • TIFF & JPEG

Surbiton Floral Club: 1st Weds of the month at Raeburn Hall United Reform Church, Elgar Avenue. 7.30 for 7.45pm start. Floral demos, talks, workshops & outings. Tel: 020 8399 8193 (Centre 2 page spread)

Advert copy can be emailed to: karen@berrylandcompanion.com If your ad is not available in an electronic format then we can produce it for you, from your own hard copy text, normally for a fixed price of just £10, although this may be higher if you have a particularly complex advert! (This is a one-off charge - the advert could then be re-used in subsequent issues free of charge.)

WE ARE NOT AVAT REGISTERED, SO THE PRICE YOU SEE IS THE PRICE YOU PAY Contact us for package prices. Premium Pages 5 & 7: £10.00 extra Loose inserts can be delivered with magazine at £297 per 8,000.

Mrs Bennet’s Ballroom:Wednesdays. Learn Regency dancing at St Mark’s Church Hall, Surbiton, 8pm - 10.30pm. Cost £5 per eve. See advert. Contact Libby Curzon, 020 8391 1215. Email: curzone@hotmail.com


Copy and payment must be received by 16th of each month to guarantee publication of advert. Advertisement space is only guaranteed when full payment is made. Distribution numbers up to 8,000 each month.

The Companion will be published and distributed monthly, on or around the first weekend of the month. 10 editions a year. It will be delivered to over 12,000 homes in and around Berrylands and Surbiton over two months - guaranteed. In addition it is the first source of local information for anyone moving into the area.

Format & Design

Contact Us:

It is an A5 size booklet, stapled with colour plus black and white printed on quality paper. The Companion will be printed on 115gsm gloss paper giving it a very high quality feel. It will have ‘longevity’ and because of it’s size, content, look and feel it will be kept by the majority of households until the next issue arrives, thereby giving advertisers ‘immdiacy’ of access’ when their services are required.

Karen Burgess 18 Kingsdowne Road Surbiton, Surrey, KT6 6JZ Tel: 020 8274 0096 Fax: 07092003581 Email: karen@berrylandscompanion.com Web: www.berrylandscompanion.com


OASIS daytime group for over 60s at Emmanuel Church, Grand Avenue, Tolworth. We’re meeting on Wednesday, 19th February at 2.30 pm for a singalong. We’ll also listen to a 5 minute Bible-based talk relevant to our lives and enjoy refreshments. For further details, please call 020-8390 6631. Open Door: Meetings held at Christ Church Hall, junction of Christ Church Rd & King Charles Rd. Alternate Thursdays, 2.15 - 4.00pm. Meetings on 30th January, 13th & 27th February. A friendship group aimed at seniors. Afternoon tea, chat and short talks from local organisations. St Marks Church:Weds mornings 10.0011.30 Stay and Play for Toddlers and Carers at St Mark’s Church Hall, St Mark’s Hill. Friday Mornings Coffee and Cake corner 10-11.30am, drop in for coffee at St Andrew’s Church, Maple Road, no booking required for any of them. Scottish Country Dancing: On Thursdays 7.30pm - 10.30pm at St Mark’s Church Hall. Tuition for half an hour from 7.30. Membership £5 a year, Members £3/ evening, non-members £4. Join our friendly, informal club for good fun and an easy way to excercise. Check website: www.surbitoncaledonian.co.uk or call: 01932 784 866 Surbiton Club for the Blind and Visually Impaired: Meets alternate Tues 2-4pm

To advertise call Karen: 020 8274 0096

at Surbiton Hill Methodist Church, Ewell Road. Social club with entertainment and Rates Advertiser’s Guide tea. Transport available if necessary. For information: 0744 364 3716 . Volunteer drivers very welcome.

Talking of Trains in Surbiton: Programme of talks at Surbiton Library Hall, each Wednesday evening from 19th Sept, throughout winter months. First meeting free, fee for complete year is £50. Details on www.talkingoftrains.co.uk For further information contact: David Blackmore, 020 8391 1116.Em: dandp@blueyonder. co.uk Tiny Tunes: Mon 10am & 10.50am at Surbiton Library Hall. Tues 10am & 10.50am at St Nicholas Parish Church, Summer Rd, Thames Ditton. All sessions 40 mins long, features music, dance, parachutes, bubbles & pom-poms. Age 3 months -5 years, pay as you go £5, siblings £2.50 www.tinytuneslive.com Tolworth United Reform Church, Elgar Ave: PILOTS Mondays in term time 5.30 7pm, children’s activities, crafts, stories for 5 -11 year olds. Weekly cost £1.50, please call Roger on 07525 410 083 / 0202 8393 4270 or email jones.ra@btinternet. com for information. Tolworth World of Dance: Weds 8 9.30pm (term time). Dance for Fun, Fitness & Friends, beginners always welcome, see advert. Contact: Brenda 020 8397 9649 or philip.steventon@ btinternet.com If your club or society is not listed on the Local Events, send in the details!! Why not send in your events for the What’s On page? Clubs, Schools, Churches, & Charity events should be submitted to


email: karen@berrylands-companion.co.uk

51 51


Surbiton & District Bird Watching Society


ediuG s’resitrevdA

sraeY 2 rof desaercnI t’nevaH secirP ruO - tsiL ecirP

enildaeD ypoC

*seussI 5

*seussI 4

*seussI 3

*seussI 2

eussI 1











egaP flaH






egaP retrauQ

%02 gnivaS

shtnom gniwollof eht ni noisulcni rof ,htnom hcae fo ht61 eht yb dettimbus eb tsum ypoc laniF ).htnom taht fo dnekeew tsrfi eht gnirud detubirtsid eb lliw hcihw( noitide


.etad enildaed ypoc eht yb deviecer eb tsum stnemesitrevda lla rof tnemyap lluF yb tnemyaP .hsac ro ’noinapmoC sdnalyrreB‘ ot elbayap seuqehC :yb edam eb nac tnemyaP .tnemegnarra yb redro gnidnats ro SCAB

%01 gnivaS

%5.7 gnivaS

%5 gnivaS

etihW & kcalB egaP lluF

ruoloC lluF


.TAV rof deretsiger ton si dna noitarepo tnednepedni llams a si ’noinapmoC sdnalyrreB A‘ .stnemesitrevda no degrahc si TAV on ,yltneuqesnoC

stamroF elbatpeccA

:stamrof gniwollof eht ni dettimbus eb nac strevdA droW SM • tnioprewoP SM • rehsilbuP SM • GEPJ & FFIT •













00.231£ 00.38£

egaP retrauQ rennaB revoC tnorF revoC kcaB

00.341£ 00.391£

moc.noinapmocdnalyrreb@nerak :ot deliame eb nac ypoc trevdA


nwo ruoy morf ,uoy rof ti ecudorp nac ew neht tamrof cinortcele na ni elbaliava ton si da ruoy fI a evah uoy fi rehgih eb yam siht hguohtla ,01£ tsuj fo ecirp dexfi a rof yllamron ,txet ypoc drah ni desu-er eb neht dluoc trevda eht - egrahc ffo-eno a si sihT( !trevda xelpmoc ylralucitrap ).egrahc fo eerf seussi tneuqesbus

egaP lluF egaP flaH

00.74£ 00.82£ 00.281£

yna rof seussi 4 yreve ni 1 xaM( )resitrevda eno

+ tnorF edisnI revoC kcaB egaP elbuoD

)daerps egap 2 ertneC(

sweiveR lairotidE

YAP UOY ECIRP EHT SI EES UOY ECIRP EHT OS ,DERETSIGER TAVA TON ERA EW .secirp egakcap rof su tcatnoC artxe 00.01£ :7 & 5 segaP muimerP .000,8 rep 792£ ta enizagam htiw dereviled eb nac stresni esooL


.trevda fo noitacilbup eetnaraug ot htnom hcae fo ht61 yb deviecer eb tsum tnemyap dna ypoC .edam si tnemyap lluf nehw deetnaraug ylno si ecaps tnemesitrevdA .htnom hcae 000,8 ot pu srebmun noitubirtsiD

fo dnekeew tsrfi eht dnuora ro no ,ylhtnom detubirtsid dna dehsilbup eb lliw noinapmoC ehT .raey a snoitide 01 .htnom eht owt revo notibruS dna sdnalyrreB dnuora dna ni semoh 000,21 revo ot dereviled eb lliw tI .deetnaraug - shtnom .aera eht otni gnivom enoyna rof noitamrofni lacol fo ecruos tsrfi eht si ti noitidda nI

ngiseD & tamroF

:sU tcatnoC

.repap ytilauq no detnirp etihw dna kcalb sulp ruoloc htiw delpats ,telkoob ezis 5A na si tI .leef ytilauq hgih yrev a ti gnivig repap ssolg msg511 no detnirp eb lliw noinapmoC ehT eht yb tpek eb lliw ti leef dna kool ,tnetnoc ,ezis s’ti fo esuaceb dna ’ytivegnol‘ evah lliw tI fo ’ycaidmmi‘ sresitrevda gnivig ybereht ,sevirra eussi txen eht litnu sdlohesuoh fo ytirojam .deriuqer era secivres rieht nehw ’ssecca

ssegruB neraK daoR enwodsgni K 81 ZJ6 6TK ,yerruS ,notibruS 6900 4728 020 :leT 18530029070 :xaF moc.noinapmocsdnalyrreb@nerak :liamE moc.noinapmocsdnalyrreb.www :beW


Feb 18th: Cuba - A Flicker of Interest, by Oliver Smart Mar 17th: The Falklands, South Georgia & Antarctica by Paul Stanbury Apr 21st: A Photographer’s Wild Britain by Nick Martin Outings: Feb 2nd: Sunday, all day to Blashford Lakes & Blackwater Arboretum. Contact: Peter Knox, tel: 020 8543 0472 Feb 16th, Sunday, Warnham NR & Bucham Country Park, W Sussex, Contact: Steve Waters, tel: 01372 457442 Feb 26th, Wednesday, Thames & Home Park, local, Contact: Mike White tel: 01372 457719 / 07981037004 March 1st, Sunday, Dick Focks Common, Surrey, Contact John Barkham tel;01372458739 / 07803295555 Please note that it is imperative to phone the leader to confirm participation, arrange time and meeting place and/or pre-arrange lifts.

SDBWS Publicity Annemarie Stiegler

Kingston upon Thames Archaeological Society Thurs 13th Feb: The Old Stones - The Megalithic Sites of Britain & Ireland by Andy Burnham, lead author of this field guide awarded Current Archeology Book of the Year 2019. Copies available on the night. Thurs 12th March: Dr Justine Bailey will give a talk on Viking Age Non-Ferrous Metal Working. Thurs 11th April: Dr Judie English will tlak on’Merchants, Military Men & Migrants’ incomers to London & the S E in the Romano-British period & later Meetings, unless otherwise stated, are held on the 2nd Thursday of the month, at 7.30pm for 8pm start, in the Surbiton Library Hall, Ewell Road, KT6 6AG. Visitors will be asked for £3 donation towards expenses. http://www.kingstonarchaeology.com/

52 52

Surbiton & District Historical Society Tues 4th Feb: Mike Page from Woking History Centre will talk on ‘King Richard III & Surrey, A Drama in 4 Acts’ Tues 3rd March: This is our AGM. There is no charge for visitors this evening, please come & find out about our Society. Refreshments at the end will be free. Tues 7th April: Mr Mike Brown will talk on’The Effects of the Spanish Civil War on Britain in WW2’ Tues 5th May: Mr David Allen will talk on ‘Blood, Gore and Murder in Victorian England’ Meetings start time: 7.45pm at Surbiton Library Hall, Ewell Road, Surbiton. Visitors welcome, Contribution of £2 appreciated For more details about meetings and the Society, call

The Secretary: 020 8399 4473 Email: lenandmarilyn@virginmedia.com

Please mention the magazine when contacting Advertisers

27. Plant - sucking insects (5)



1. Terminate gradually (5,3) 2. AALLOTMENTS Sultanate in northwestern (6) HOOK ANDBorneo GARDENS 3. Horologist (10) ASSOCIATION 4. Slightly open (4) 5. Engage somebody to in enter the army (6) Are you interested gardening? 6. Represents or performs as if in a play (6) 8. know Come to termsiswith Did you there an(7) association in Hook? 9. Shortened term for provocation (5) 13. Returning to political office (10) Our Association 15. Unusually was great infounded size (7) over 50 years ago and is run by and volunteers, can 16. After sunrise before sunset (8) provide a Strongofandcomposts, sharp (5) wide 17. range fertilisers, seeds 18. Having little emotion or sensibility (6) and other gardening products at not-for-profit 20. Add to the very end (6) prices 22. to The our highest members. We support point; culminate (6) gardeners and allotment 24. Compass point (4) holders.


Advertiser’s Guide

Price List - Our Prices Haven’t Increased for 2 Years 1 Issue

2 Issues*

Full Page






Half Page






Quarter Page

Black & White

Saving 5%

3 Issues* Saving 7.5%

4 Issues* Saving 10%

Copy Deadline

5 Issues* Saving 20%






Full Page






Final copy must be submitted by the 16th of each month, for inclusion in the following months edition (which will be distributed during the first weekend of that month.)


Full payment for all advertisements must be received by the copy deadline date. Payment can be made by: Cheques payable to ‘Berrylands Companion’ or cash. Payment by BACS or standing order by arrangement.

Full Colour Half Page






Quarter Page






Front Cover Banner


Back Cover


Inside Front + Back Cover


Double Page


Editorial Reviews


(Max 1 in every 4 issues for any one advertiser)

(Centre 2 page spread)


‘A Berrylands Companion’ is a small independent operation and is not registered for VAT. Consequently, no VAT is charged on advertisements.

Acceptable Formats

Adverts can be submitted in the following formats: • MS Word • MS Powerpoint • MS Publisher • TIFF & JPEG Advert copy can be emailed to: karen@berrylandcompanion.com

Remember, you can pick up a copy of A Berrylands Companion magazine at the following:

If your ad is not available in an electronic format then we can produce it for you, from your own hard copy text, normally for a fixed price of just £10, although this may be higher if you have a particularly complex advert! (This is a one-off charge - the advert could then be re-used in subsequent issues free of charge.)

WE ARE NOT AVAT REGISTERED, SO THE PRICE YOU SEE IS THE PRICE YOU PAY Contact us for package prices. Premium Pages 5 & 7: £10.00 extra Loose inserts can be delivered with magazine at £297 per 8,000.


Copy and payment must be received by 16th of each month to guarantee publication of advert. Advertisement space is only guaranteed when full payment is made. Distribution numbers up to 8,000 each month.

The Companion will be published and distributed monthly, on or around the first weekend of the month. 10 editions a year. It will be delivered to over 12,000 homes in and around Berrylands and Surbiton over two months - guaranteed. In addition it is the first source of local information for anyone moving into the area.

Format & Design

Contact Us:

It is an A5 size booklet, stapled with colour plus black and white printed on quality paper. The Companion will be printed on 115gsm gloss paper giving it a very high quality feel. It will have ‘longevity’ and because of it’s size, content, look and feel it will be kept by the majority of households until the next issue arrives, thereby giving advertisers ‘immdiacy’ of access’ when their services are required.

Karen Burgess 18 Kingsdowne Road Surbiton, Surrey, KT6 6JZ Tel: 020 8274 0096 Fax: 07092003581 Email: karen@berrylandscompanion.com Web: www.berrylandscompanion.com

C.D.Jennings, B&M Budget Store, Surbiton & Tolworth Libraries, Shan’s Pharmacy, Tolworth Recreation Centre, The Lamb, MBE Surbiton, Collison Optician Ewell Road, 16

October Sudoku

We currently have full and half plots available to rent. Contact: John on 07807 300 749 Membership is £2.50 a year and new allotment holders have free membership for the first year Our trading facility is situated next to the entrance to the allotment plots, beyond the rugby club pavillion, rear of King Edward’s Recreation Ground, Hook Road, Chessington Open: Sundays 10am - 12 noon Feb - Nov 10am - 11am Nov - Jan


Whilst all reasonable care is taken to ensure the accuracy of information included in A Berrylands Companion , the publisher takes no responsibility for the accuracy of statements made by contributors or advertisers, or for the loss arising from non-publication of any advertisement. E Page 33-40.indd 36 Any errors, omissions or offers are the resposibilty of the advertiser. All artwork is accepted on the condition that the advertiser has obtained permission from any copyright holder for its use by A Berrylands Companion. Whilst every care is taken when printing artwork, we cannot guarantee an exact colour match due to variations in print processes. Bookings are accepted only on this basis. It is the advertiser’s responsibility to submit any amendments to adverts by the deadline date of the 8th. To advertise any event, or community activity in the magazine, please call: Karen on 020 8274 0096 or email: karen@berrylands-companion.co.uk

To advertise call Karen: 020 8274 0096

Read it whilst you wait at: Aspen Vets, Berrylands Autocare Garage, Confidental Dental Surgery If you would like copies at your business please call me on: 020 8274 0096

For all gardeners and allotment holders! We are a small friendly local society providing gardening22/01/2010 supplies at very00:22:03 reasonable prices to our members: 9 Seeds, summer and spring bulbs, onion sets, seed potatoes. 9 Summer bedding plants and other young plants according to season. 9 Traditional and organic fertilizers and soil improvers/conditioners. 9 Lawn and rose treatments, weedkillers, pest controls. 9 Growbags and bagged compost, pots, gloves, trays, canes, netting etc. Annual membership just £2, senior citizens £1. Website:www.horticultural.moonfruit.co.uk Email: chesshort@live.co.uk

Our trading hut is conveniently sited at Moor Lane Allotments (just off Moor Lane near The Bonesgate pub) Open every Sunday 10am to 12noon, except December. In accordance with our "members only" policy, new members are always welcome to join!

Annual Membership just £2.50, senior citizens £1.50

email: karen@berrylands-companion.co.uk

53 53

Index Please mention the magazine when contacting advertisers 21 29 25 23 5 19 11 31 25 23 27 7 55 21 2 27 29 21 22 26 28

Home & Garden Addington’s Furnishings All Your Garden Needs Berrylands Building Company

ediuG s’resitrevdA


sraeY 2 rof desaercnI t’nevaH secirP ruO - tsiL ecirP

enildaeD ypoC

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.etad enildaed ypoc eht yb deviecer eb tsum stnemesitrevda lla rof tnemyap lluF yb tnemyaP .hsac ro ’noinapmoC sdnalyrreB‘ ot elbayap seuqehC :yb edam eb nac tnemyaP .tnemegnarra yb redro gnidnats ro SCAB

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stamroF elbatpeccA

:stamrof gniwollof eht ni dettimbus eb nac strevdA droW SM • tnioprewoP SM • rehsilbuP SM • GEPJ & FFIT •


egaP retrauQ


rennaB revoC tnorF yna rof seussi 4 yreve ni 1 xaM( )resitrevda eno

Berrylands Property Maintenance 00.281£



moc.noinapmocdnalyrreb@nerak :ot deliame eb nac ypoc trevdA


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)daerps egap 2 ertneC(

sweiveR lairotidE

Carpets4U Chris Mould Plumber Elsa Brown Florist Honeybee Roofing KB Design Kevin Robinson Decorators Leverett Electricals Phase Electrics Ltd Pro-Fit Windows Systems Richey Brickwork R.J.Tree Services

nwo ruoy morf ,uoy rof ti ecudorp nac ew neht tamrof cinortcele na ni elbaliava ton si da ruoy fI a evah uoy fi rehgih eb yam siht hguohtla ,01£ tsuj fo ecirp dexfi a rof yllamron ,txet ypoc drah ni desu-er eb neht dluoc trevda eht - egrahc ffo-eno a si sihT( !trevda xelpmoc ylralucitrap ).egrahc fo eerf seussi tneuqesbus

YAP UOY ECIRP EHT SI EES UOY ECIRP EHT OS ,DERETSIGER TAVA TON ERA EW .secirp egakcap rof su tcatnoC artxe 00.01£ :7 & 5 segaP muimerP .000,8 rep 792£ ta enizagam htiw dereviled eb nac stresni esooL


.trevda fo noitacilbup eetnaraug ot htnom hcae fo ht61 yb deviecer eb tsum tnemyap dna ypoC .edam si tnemyap lluf nehw deetnaraug ylno si ecaps tnemesitrevdA .htnom hcae 000,8 ot pu srebmun noitubirtsiD

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ngiseD & tamroF

:sU tcatnoC

.repap ytilauq no detnirp etihw dna kcalb sulp ruoloc htiw delpats ,telkoob ezis 5A na si tI .leef ytilauq hgih yrev a ti gnivig repap ssolg msg511 no detnirp eb lliw noinapmoC ehT eht yb tpek eb lliw ti leef dna kool ,tnetnoc ,ezis s’ti fo esuaceb dna ’ytivegnol‘ evah lliw tI fo ’ycaidmmi‘ sresitrevda gnivig ybereht ,sevirra eussi txen eht litnu sdlohesuoh fo ytirojam .deriuqer era secivres rieht nehw ’ssecca

ssegruB neraK daoR enwodsgniK 81 ZJ6 6TK ,yerruS ,notibruS 6900 4728 020 :leT 18530029070 :xaF moc.noinapmocsdnalyrreb@nerak :liamE moc.noinapmocsdnalyrreb.www :beW


Shaun Overy Heating & Plumbing

Will Lord William Stallion Electricals House & Interiors Home Products

Gardening by Pippa Greenwood

Care & Health 12 Beauty 8/44 Health 13 43 43 56

Rest & Relaxation Encore Singing Group King George Field Bowls Club Rebel Waltz Cycle Solutions Surbiton Racket & Fitness Club

7 41

Children & Education Kingston Grammar School Parenting

15 15 15

Veterinary Aspen Veterinary Surgery Cats Protection League Pet Care

54 54

37 35 33 34 39 39 34

Car Maintenance Alan Sursham Berrylands Autocare Community Motors K&P Tyres Volks Autos Ltd Walsh Vehicle Management Drive

17 9 19 16 18

Food & Drink C.D.Jennings Glenmore House Prithi Recipe Baking


Solicitors Lewis-Dick

Articles & Editorials 52/53 Community Pages 33 Kids Page 50/51 What’s On & Local Events Pages 35 Crossword 4 Book Review 6 Finance 3 Useful Telephone Numbers 47 Sir Edward Davey MP

Want To Advertise Your Business? Just because there is already an advert for a similar one, please do not think we will not take your advert! There are so many businesses, trades and services that are not represented in

A Berrylands Companion From as little as £33 a month your advert can feature here for a year! An email with your artwork will ensure it is featured.

So What is Stopping You? Call Now!

Contact Karen: tel: 020 8274 0096 email: karen@berrylands-companion.co.uk

Magazine printed by Warwick Printing, Warwickshire



Advertiser’s Guide

Price List - Our Prices Haven’t Increased for 2 Years

WINDOWS DOORS conservatories 1 Issue

2 Issues*







Black & White Full Page

Half Page


3 Issues* Saving 7.5%





Full Page


Half Page

4 Issues* Saving 10%















Quarter Page







(Max 1 in every 4 issues for any one advertiser)

Back Cover


Inside Front + Back Cover


Double Page


Editorial Reviews


(Centre 2 page spread)

Copy Deadline

5 Issues* Saving 20%

Front Cover Banner

Quarter Page

Full Colour


Saving 5%

Final copy must be submitted by the 16th of each month, for inclusion in the following months edition (which will be distributed during the first weekend of that month.)


Full payment for all advertisements must be received by the copy deadline date. Payment can be made by: Cheques payable to ‘Berrylands Companion’ or cash. Payment by BACS or standing order by arrangement.


‘A Berrylands Companion’ is a small independent operation and is not registered for VAT. Consequently, no VAT is charged on advertisements.

Acceptable Formats

Adverts can be submitted in the following formats: • MS Word • MS Powerpoint • MS Publisher • TIFF & JPEG Advert copy can be emailed to: karen@berrylandcompanion.com If your ad is not available in an electronic format then we can produce it for you, from your own hard copy text, normally for a fixed price of just £10, although this may be higher if you have a particularly complex advert! (This is a one-off charge - the advert could then be re-used in subsequent issues free of charge.)

WE ARE NOT AVAT REGISTERED, SO THE PRICE YOU SEE IS THE PRICE YOU PAY Contact us for package prices. Premium Pages 5 & 7: £10.00 extra Loose inserts can be delivered with magazine at £297 per 8,000.


Copy and payment must be received by 16th of each month to guarantee publication of advert. Advertisement space is only guaranteed when full payment is made. Distribution numbers up to 8,000 each month.

2017 2020 – Lower your energy bills and add value to your home with our stylish double glazing products; windows, doors & conservatories

The Companion will be published and distributed monthly, on or around the first weekend of the month. 10 editions a year. It will be delivered to over 12,000 homes in and around Berrylands and Surbiton over two months - guaranteed. In addition it is the first source of local information for anyone moving into the area.

Format & Design

Contact Us:

It is an A5 size booklet, stapled with colour plus black and white printed on quality paper. The Companion will be printed on 115gsm gloss paper giving it a very high quality feel. It will have ‘longevity’ and because of it’s size, content, look and feel it will be kept by the majority of households until the next issue arrives, thereby giving advertisers ‘immdiacy’ of access’ when their services are required.

Karen Burgess 18 Kingsdowne Road Surbiton, Surrey, KT6 6JZ Tel: 020 8274 0096 Fax: 07092003581 Email: karen@berrylandscompanion.com Web: www.berrylandscompanion.com


Totally transform your home with our extensive bi-fold range! Guaranteed quality products at competitive prices We are an established family run business with over 35 years’ experience in supplying double glazing to householders within the community. TRADE ENQUIRIES WELCOME

TEL: 020 8288 8893 FAX: 020 8288 8894 l

164 Leatherhead Rd Chessington Surrey KT9 2HU web:www.pro-fitwindowsystems.co.uk Email:info@pro-fitwindows.org.uk l

To advertise call Karen: 020 8274 0096

email: karen@berrylands-companion.co.uk

55 55


ediuG s’resitrevdA


sraeY 2 rof desaercnI t’nevaH secirP ruO - tsiL ecirP

enildaeD ypoC

*seussI 5

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*seussI 2

eussI 1






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stamroF elbatpeccA

:stamrof gniwollof eht ni dettimbus eb nac strevdA droW SM • tnioprewoP SM • rehsilbuP SM • GEPJ & FFIT • moc.noinapmocdnalyrreb@nerak :ot deliame eb nac ypoc trevdA

nwo ruoy morf ,uoy rof ti ecudorp nac ew neht tamrof cinortcele na ni elbaliava ton si da ruoy fI a evah uoy fi rehgih eb yam siht hguohtla ,01£ tsuj fo ecirp dexfi a rof yllamron ,txet ypoc drah ni desu-er eb neht dluoc trevda eht - egrahc ffo-eno a si sihT( !trevda xelpmoc ylralucitrap ).egrahc fo eerf seussi tneuqesbus

%5 gnivaS

etihW & kcalB egaP lluF


egaP flaH




egaP retrauQ





egaP lluF






egaP flaH







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%5.7 gnivaS




.etad enildaed ypoc eht yb deviecer eb tsum stnemesitrevda lla rof tnemyap lluF yb tnemyaP .hsac ro ’noinapmoC sdnalyrreB‘ ot elbayap seuqehC :yb edam eb nac tnemyaP .tnemegnarra yb redro gnidnats ro SCAB

%01 gnivaS

00.723£ 00.271£



ruoloC lluF


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rennaB revoC tnorF

00.281£ 00.341£ 00.391£ 00.831£

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revoC kcaB + tnorF edisnI revoC kcaB egaP elbuoD

)daerps egap 2 ertneC(

sweiveR lairotidE

YAP UOY ECIRP EHT SI EES UOY ECIRP EHT OS ,DERETSIGER TAVA TON ERA EW .secirp egakcap rof su tcatnoC artxe 00.01£ :7 & 5 segaP muimerP .000,8 rep 792£ ta enizagam htiw dereviled eb nac stresni esooL


.trevda fo noitacilbup eetnaraug ot htnom hcae fo ht61 yb deviecer eb tsum tnemyap dna ypoC .edam si tnemyap lluf nehw deetnaraug ylno si ecaps tnemesitrevdA .htnom hcae 000,8 ot pu srebmun noitubirtsiD

fo dnekeew tsrfi eht dnuora ro no ,ylhtnom detubirtsid dna dehsilbup eb lliw noinapmoC ehT .raey a snoitide 01 .htnom eht owt revo notibruS dna sdnalyrreB dnuora dna ni semoh 000,21 revo ot dereviled eb lliw tI .deetnaraug - shtnom .aera eht otni gnivom enoyna rof noitamrofni lacol fo ecruos tsrfi eht si ti noitidda nI

ngiseD & tamroF

.repap ytilauq no detnirp etihw dna kcalb sulp ruoloc htiw delpats ,telkoob ezis 5A na si tI .leef ytilauq hgih yrev a ti gnivig repap ssolg msg511 no detnirp eb lliw noinapmoC ehT eht yb tpek eb lliw ti leef dna kool ,tnetnoc ,ezis s’ti fo esuaceb dna ’ytivegnol‘ evah lliw tI fo ’ycaidmmi‘ sresitrevda gnivig ybereht ,sevirra eussi txen eht litnu sdlohesuoh fo ytirojam .deriuqer era secivres rieht nehw ’ssecca

:sU tcatnoC ssegruB neraK daoR enwodsgniK 81 ZJ6 6TK ,yerruS ,notibruS 6900 4728 020 :leT 18530029070 :xaF moc.noinapmocsdnalyrreb@nerak :liamE moc.noinapmocsdnalyrreb.www :beW



SURBITON.ORG 020 8399 1594

Please mention the magazine when contacting Advertisers

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