Month: November 2019 Incorporating Issue No: 143 Your Surbiton Month Independent monthly Issue No. community news and business directory for community KT5 &Monthly KT6 news and business directory
Delivered free each month to homes in Berrylands, plus Surbiton or Tolworth
Lest We Forget
O F Delivered U I N G. C O. free each month to homes in Berrylands, Surbiton & Tolworth
ediuG s’resitrevdA
sraeY 2 rof desaercnI t’nevaH secirP ruO - tsiL ecirP
enildaeD ypoC
*seussI 5
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eussI 1
%02 gnivaS
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%5.7 gnivaS
%5 gnivaS
etihW & kcalB egaP lluF
egaP flaH
egaP retrauQ
egaP lluF
egaP flaH
.etad enildaed ypoc eht yb deviecer eb tsum stnemesitrevda lla rof tnemyap lluF yb tnemyaP .hsac ro ’noinapmoC sdnalyrreB‘ ot elbayap seuqehC :yb edam eb nac tnemyaP .tnemegnarra yb redro gnidnats ro SCAB
%01 gnivaS
00.723£ 00.271£
ruoloC lluF
.TAV rof deretsiger ton si dna noitarepo tnednepedni llams a si ’noinapmoC sdnalyrreB A‘ .stnemesitrevda no degrahc si TAV on ,yltneuqesnoC
stamroF elbatpeccA
:stamrof gniwollof eht ni dettimbus eb nac strevdA droW SM • tnioprewoP SM • rehsilbuP SM • GEPJ & FFIT •
egaP retrauQ
rennaB revoC tnorF
revoC kcaB
00.341£ 00.391£
moc.noinapmocdnalyrreb@nerak :ot deliame eb nac ypoc trevdA
nwo ruoy morf ,uoy rof ti ecudorp nac ew neht tamrof cinortcele na ni elbaliava ton si da ruoy fI a evah uoy fi rehgih eb yam siht hguohtla ,01£ tsuj fo ecirp dexfi a rof yllamron ,txet ypoc drah ni desu-er eb neht dluoc trevda eht - egrahc ffo-eno a si sihT( !trevda xelpmoc ylralucitrap ).egrahc fo eerf seussi tneuqesbus
yna rof seussi 4 yreve ni 1 xaM( )resitrevda eno
+ tnorF edisnI revoC kcaB egaP elbuoD
)daerps egap 2 ertneC(
sweiveR lairotidE
YAP UOY ECIRP EHT SI EES UOY ECIRP EHT OS ,DERETSIGER TAVA TON ERA EW .secirp egakcap rof su tcatnoC artxe 00.01£ :7 & 5 segaP muimerP .000,8 rep 792£ ta enizagam htiw dereviled eb nac stresni esooL
.trevda fo noitacilbup eetnaraug ot htnom hcae fo ht61 yb deviecer eb tsum tnemyap dna ypoC .edam si tnemyap lluf nehw deetnaraug ylno si ecaps tnemesitrevdA .htnom hcae 000,8 ot pu srebmun noitubirtsiD
fo dnekeew tsrfi eht dnuora ro no ,ylhtnom detubirtsid dna dehsilbup eb lliw noinapmoC ehT .raey a snoitide 01 .htnom eht owt revo notibruS dna sdnalyrreB dnuora dna ni semoh 000,21 revo ot dereviled eb lliw tI .deetnaraug - shtnom .aera eht otni gnivom enoyna rof noitamrofni lacol fo ecruos tsrfi eht si ti noitidda nI
ngiseD & tamroF
:sU tcatnoC
.repap ytilauq no detnirp etihw dna kcalb sulp ruoloc htiw delpats ,telkoob ezis 5A na si tI .leef ytilauq hgih yrev a ti gnivig repap ssolg msg511 no detnirp eb lliw noinapmoC ehT eht yb tpek eb lliw ti leef dna kool ,tnetnoc ,ezis s’ti fo esuaceb dna ’ytivegnol‘ evah lliw tI fo ’ycaidmmi‘ sresitrevda gnivig ybereht ,sevirra eussi txen eht litnu sdlohesuoh fo ytirojam .deriuqer era secivres rieht nehw ’ssecca
ssegruB neraK daoR enwodsgni K 81 ZJ6 6TK ,yerruS ,notibruS 6900 4728 020 :leT 18530029070 :xaF moc.noinapmocsdnalyrreb@nerak :liamE moc.noinapmocsdnalyrreb.www :beW
2 2
Please mention the magazine when contacting Advertisers
Hello Readers
nce again it’s almost Christmas! I just cannot believe how quick another year has gone by. This month we have a few new advertisers, which I hope you will find useful. There are some Christmas Fair adverts in this issue, but if your event is in December, please submit them by the 8th November. Are you going to a pantomime, what about Cinderella at Wimbledon Theatre? See the advert opposite and you might be interested in the history of panto, on page 46.
Back to this month, I hope you all have a safe and enjoyable firework night. Please remember to check
for sleepy hedgehogs in any bonfire bases, before lighting them. Check all your pets are somewhere safe, and let the neighbours know about your party, so they can check their pets as well. Rates
Advertiser’s Guide
Price List - Our Prices Haven’t Increased for 2 Years 1 Issue
2 Issues*
Full Page
Half Page
Quarter Page
Black & White
Saving 5%
3 Issues* Saving 7.5%
4 Issues* Saving 10%
Copy Deadline
5 Issues* Saving 20%
Full Page
Half Page
Quarter Page
Front Cover Banner
Back Cover
Inside Front + Back Cover
Double Page
Editorial Reviews
Final copy must be submitted by the 16th of each month, for inclusion in the following months edition (which will be distributed during the first weekend of that month.)
Full payment for all advertisements must be received by the copy deadline date. Payment can be made by: Cheques payable to ‘Berrylands Companion’ or cash. Payment by BACS or standing order by arrangement.
Full Colour
(Max 1 in every 4 issues for any one advertiser)
(Centre 2 page spread)
‘A Berrylands Companion’ is a small independent operation and is not registered for VAT. Consequently, no VAT is charged on advertisements.
Acceptable Formats
Adverts can be submitted in the following formats: • MS Word • MS Powerpoint • MS Publisher • TIFF & JPEG
Advert copy can be emailed to: If your ad is not available in an electronic format then we can produce it for you, from your own hard copy text, normally for a fixed price of just £10, although this may be higher if you have a particularly complex advert! (This is a one-off charge - the advert could then be re-used in subsequent issues free of charge.)
WE ARE NOT AVAT REGISTERED, SO THE PRICE YOU SEE IS THE PRICE YOU PAY Contact us for package prices. Premium Pages 5 & 7: £10.00 extra Loose inserts can be delivered with magazine at £297 per 8,000.
Copy and payment must be received by 16th of each month to guarantee publication of advert. Advertisement space is only guaranteed when full payment is made. Distribution numbers up to 8,000 each month.
The Companion will be published and distributed monthly, on or around the first weekend of the month. 10 editions a year. It will be delivered to over 12,000 homes in and around Berrylands and Surbiton over two months - guaranteed. In addition it is the first source of local information for anyone moving into the area.
I mentioned something last month, but I will ask again. Is there anyone who thinks they can publish A Berrylands Companion magazine? I have been publishing the magazine for over 14 years, and I am now considering retiring. If you are interested, please get in touch. Format & Design
Contact Us:
It is an A5 size booklet, stapled with colour plus black and white printed on quality paper. The Companion will be printed on 115gsm gloss paper giving it a very high quality feel. It will have ‘longevity’ and because of it’s size, content, look and feel it will be kept by the majority of households until the next issue arrives, thereby giving advertisers ‘immdiacy’ of access’ when their services are required.
Karen Burgess 18 Kingsdowne Road Surbiton, Surrey, KT6 6JZ Tel: 020 8274 0096 Fax: 07092003581 Email: Web:
Until next month, Best wishes,
Useful Numbers 020 8547 5000 Kingston Council Action Fraud (Trading Standards) 0345 040 506 020 8547 5560 Refuse Collection 020 85474630 Electoral Registration 020 8547 5007 Council Tax 0870 126 4019 Citizens Advice 0845 010 9000 Customs & Excise (VAT) 0300 200 3300 HMRC Helpline 0870 850 6506 Environmental Agency 020 8547 6444 Surbiton Library 020 8541 1212 Kingston Police 101 Non Emergency Services 999 Emergency Services 111 Non Emergency NHS Transport: 08457 484 950 National Rail Enquiries 0870 608 2608 Public Transport Traveline 0844 335 1802 Gatwick Airport 0844 335 1801 Heathrow Airport
Emergencies/Utilities: Gas Emergency Electricity Emergency Thames Water Emergency BT Fault Line Virgin Media Crimestoppers Kingston Hospital NHS Direct (24/7) Childline Samaritans Age UK Kingston Relate Domestic Violence Helpline Surbiton Safer Neighbourhood Team based at Millbank House
0800 111 999 0800 40 40 90 0800 714 614 0800 800 151 0845 142 0000 0800 555 111 020 8546 7711 0845 4647 0800 1111 116 123 0800 169 2081 020 8549 3318 020 8547 3202 020 8721 2518
A Berrylands Companion
18 Kingsdowne Road, Surbiton, KT6 6JZ 020 8274 0096 Please mention A Berrylands Companion when responding to adverts
ediuG s’resitrevdA
sraeY 2 rof desaercnI t’nevaH secirP ruO - tsiL ecirP
enildaeD ypoC
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egaP flaH egaP retrauQ
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.etad enildaed ypoc eht yb deviecer eb tsum stnemesitrevda lla rof tnemyap lluF yb tnemyaP .hsac ro ’noinapmoC sdnalyrreB‘ ot elbayap seuqehC :yb edam eb nac tnemyaP .tnemegnarra yb redro gnidnats ro SCAB
%01 gnivaS
%5.7 gnivaS
%5 gnivaS
etihW & kcalB
egaP lluF
ruoloC lluF
.TAV rof deretsiger ton si dna noitarepo tnednepedni llams a si ’noinapmoC sdnalyrreB A‘ .stnemesitrevda no degrahc si TAV on ,yltneuqesnoC
stamroF elbatpeccA
:stamrof gniwollof eht ni dettimbus eb nac strevdA droW SM • tnioprewoP SM • rehsilbuP SM • GEPJ & FFIT •
egaP retrauQ rennaB revoC tnorF revoC kcaB
00.341£ 00.391£
moc.noinapmocdnalyrreb@nerak :ot deliame eb nac ypoc trevdA
nwo ruoy morf ,uoy rof ti ecudorp nac ew neht tamrof cinortcele na ni elbaliava ton si da ruoy fI a evah uoy fi rehgih eb yam siht hguohtla ,01£ tsuj fo ecirp dexfi a rof yllamron ,txet ypoc drah ni desu-er eb neht dluoc trevda eht - egrahc ffo-eno a si sihT( !trevda xelpmoc ylralucitrap ).egrahc fo eerf seussi tneuqesbus
egaP lluF egaP flaH
00.74£ 00.82£ 00.281£
yna rof seussi 4 yreve ni 1 xaM( )resitrevda eno
+ tnorF edisnI revoC kcaB egaP elbuoD
)daerps egap 2 ertneC(
sweiveR lairotidE
YAP UOY ECIRP EHT SI EES UOY ECIRP EHT OS ,DERETSIGER TAVA TON ERA EW .secirp egakcap rof su tcatnoC artxe 00.01£ :7 & 5 segaP muimerP .000,8 rep 792£ ta enizagam htiw dereviled eb nac stresni esooL
.trevda fo noitacilbup eetnaraug ot htnom hcae fo ht61 yb deviecer eb tsum tnemyap dna ypoC .edam si tnemyap lluf nehw deetnaraug ylno si ecaps tnemesitrevdA .htnom hcae 000,8 ot pu srebmun noitubirtsiD
fo dnekeew tsrfi eht dnuora ro no ,ylhtnom detubirtsid dna dehsilbup eb lliw noinapmoC ehT .raey a snoitide 01 .htnom eht owt revo notibruS dna sdnalyrreB dnuora dna ni semoh 000,21 revo ot dereviled eb lliw tI .deetnaraug - shtnom .aera eht otni gnivom enoyna rof noitamrofni lacol fo ecruos tsrfi eht si ti noitidda nI
ngiseD & tamroF
:sU tcatnoC
.repap ytilauq no detnirp etihw dna kcalb sulp ruoloc htiw delpats ,telkoob ezis 5A na si tI .leef ytilauq hgih yrev a ti gnivig repap ssolg msg511 no detnirp eb lliw noinapmoC ehT eht yb tpek eb lliw ti leef dna kool ,tnetnoc ,ezis s’ti fo esuaceb dna ’ytivegnol‘ evah lliw tI fo ’ycaidmmi‘ sresitrevda gnivig ybereht ,sevirra eussi txen eht litnu sdlohesuoh fo ytirojam .deriuqer era secivres rieht nehw ’ssecca
ssegruB neraK daoR enwodsgniK 81 ZJ6 6TK ,yerruS ,notibruS 6900 4728 020 :leT 18530029070 :xaF moc.noinapmocsdnalyrreb@nerak :liamE moc.noinapmocsdnalyrreb.www :beW
The Gift of Reading
Looking for the perfect book to give someone this Christmas? Maybe we can help… The Giver of Stars – Jojo Moyes Times are hard in Kentucky at the end of the Great Depression. Five women set out to bring some light back into people’s lives, through books. This isn’t your average mobile library; the librarians have to travel hundreds of miles every week, on horseback. Amongst them is Margery – whose family and unconventional lifestyle mean she’s all but ostracised by ‘polite society’. And Alice – a lonely incomer far from home. A great story, great characters and great writing make The Giver of Stars the perfect gift.
The Hairy Bikers’ One Pot Wonders – Si King and Dave Myers The Hairy Bikers are back with another cookery book packed with more than 100 recipes. Create delicious dishes with minimum effort and mess. Recipes include Sausage and Bean Tray Bake, and Boozy Syllabub Trifle. Just make sure the recipient of your gift invites you over for dinner soon.
Never Have I Ever – Joshilyn Jackson A seemingly innocent game to liven up a book club turns into a tense game of cat and mouse as one woman threatens to reveal a longburied secret. How far will Amy go to protect the fragile life she’s built for herself? A good choice for fans of twisting, suspense-packed thrillers. The Secret Series – Pseudonymous Bosch Young adventure fans are sure to appreciate this series, starting with the first book – The Name of This Book is Secret. (My ten year old daughter devoured all five in quick succession.) Cass and Max-Ernest are unlikely friends who find themselves caught up in a quest to uncover a secret. Danger, mystery, friendship, villains and humour abound. Sweet Sorrow – David Nicholls It’s 1997. Charlie Lewis has just left school and has one long summer ahead of him
before finding a job and entering the world of adults. Joining a theatre group wasn’t in his plans, but if that’s what it takes to win the love of Fran Fisher, he’s prepared to unleash his (very) hidden thespian. An enjoyable, humorous book ideal for anyone who came of age in the 90s or who has bittersweet memories of their first love.
The Ten Thousand Doors of January – Alix E. Harrow January Scaller finds her first Door when she’s seven years old. It leads to somewhere far from her cosseted life as the foster daughter of a rich man. Little girls grow up and learn not to believe in the impossible. But then a strange book appears, just as January’s real father vanishes, and January sets out to discover the truth about Doors. One of the best fantasy books of 2019, this is a must for fans of Neil Gaiman and Philip Pullman.
Please mention the magazine when contacting Advertisers
It’s Christmas...
Listen to our advert
...time for a new carpet Epsom based, friendly, family run business (Holly and her Dad) with over 40 years’ experience. We bring 100’s of carpet samples to your home in a variety of colours all at competitive prices.
01372 632 118
Over 1,000 Customer Reviews
contributions you’ve built up. ediuG s’resitrevdA
Currently, you need 35 qualifying years to receive the full payment of £168.60 per week, but state pension regulations may change again over the coming years – when new governments are elected, for example.
sraeY 2 rof desaercnI t’nevaH secirP ruO - tsiL ecirP
enildaeD ypoC
*seussI 5
*seussI 4
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eussI 1
%02 gnivaS
shtnom gniwollof eht ni noisulcni rof ,htnom hcae fo ht61 eht yb dettimbus eb tsum ypoc laniF ).htnom taht fo dnekeew tsrfi eht gnirud detubirtsid eb lliw hcihw( noitide
%5.7 gnivaS
%5 gnivaS
etihW & kcalB egaP lluF
egaP flaH
egaP retrauQ
egaP flaH
egaP retrauQ
rennaB revoC tnorF
.etad enildaed ypoc eht yb deviecer eb tsum stnemesitrevda lla rof tnemyap lluF yb tnemyaP .hsac ro ’noinapmoC sdnalyrreB‘ ot elbayap seuqehC :yb edam eb nac tnemyaP .tnemegnarra yb redro gnidnats ro SCAB
%01 gnivaS
00.723£ 00.271£
ruoloC lluF
.TAV rof deretsiger ton si dna noitarepo tnednepedni llams a si ’noinapmoC sdnalyrreB A‘ .stnemesitrevda no degrahc si TAV on ,yltneuqesnoC
stamroF elbatpeccA
:stamrof gniwollof eht ni dettimbus eb nac strevdA droW SM • tnioprewoP SM • rehsilbuP SM • GEPJ & FFIT •
revoC kcaB + tnorF edisnI revoC kcaB
moc.noinapmocdnalyrreb@nerak :ot deliame eb nac ypoc trevdA
nwo ruoy morf ,uoy rof ti ecudorp nac ew neht tamrof cinortcele na ni elbaliava ton si da ruoy fI a evah uoy fi rehgih eb yam siht hguohtla ,01£ tsuj fo ecirp dexfi a rof yllamron ,txet ypoc drah ni desu-er eb neht dluoc trevda eht - egrahc ffo-eno a si sihT( !trevda xelpmoc ylralucitrap ).egrahc fo eerf seussi tneuqesbus
egaP lluF
yna rof seussi 4 yreve ni 1 xaM( )resitrevda eno
00.281£ 00.341£
egaP elbuoD
)daerps egap 2 ertneC(
sweiveR lairotidE
YAP UOY ECIRP EHT SI EES UOY ECIRP EHT OS ,DERETSIGER TAVA TON ERA EW .secirp egakcap rof su tcatnoC artxe 00.01£ :7 & 5 segaP muimerP .000,8 rep 792£ ta enizagam htiw dereviled eb nac stresni esooL
.trevda fo noitacilbup eetnaraug ot htnom hcae fo ht61 yb deviecer eb tsum tnemyap dna ypoC .edam si tnemyap lluf nehw deetnaraug ylno si ecaps tnemesitrevdA .htnom hcae 000,8 ot pu srebmun noitubirtsiD
fo dnekeew tsrfi eht dnuora ro no ,ylhtnom detubirtsid dna dehsilbup eb lliw noinapmoC ehT .raey a snoitide 01 .htnom eht owt revo notibruS dna sdnalyrreB dnuora dna ni semoh 000,21 revo ot dereviled eb lliw tI .deetnaraug - shtnom .aera eht otni gnivom enoyna rof noitamrofni lacol fo ecruos tsrfi eht si ti noitidda nI
ngiseD & tamroF
:sU tcatnoC
.repap ytilauq no detnirp etihw dna kcalb sulp ruoloc htiw delpats ,telkoob ezis 5A na si tI .leef ytilauq hgih yrev a ti gnivig repap ssolg msg511 no detnirp eb lliw noinapmoC ehT eht yb tpek eb lliw ti leef dna kool ,tnetnoc ,ezis s’ti fo esuaceb dna ’ytivegnol‘ evah lliw tI fo ’ycaidmmi‘ sresitrevda gnivig ybereht ,sevirra eussi txen eht litnu sdlohesuoh fo ytirojam .deriuqer era secivres rieht nehw ’ssecca
ssegruB neraK daoR enwodsgni K 81 ZJ6 6TK ,yerruS ,notibruS 6900 4728 020 :leT 18530029070 :xaF moc.noinapmocsdnalyrreb@nerak :liamE moc.noinapmocsdnalyrreb.www :beW
Too late to save for retirement?
We’re often told by financial experts that it’s never too late to start saving for retirement, and that even in our 50s building a substantial retirement pot is possible. Clearly this depends on individual circumstances and it’s always going to be better to start saving early, but it’s heartening to know you may still be able to fund a decent retirement lifestyle. Workplace pensions If you’re in employment, a workplace pension can often be the best way to save for your retirement. Your contributions are matched by your employer; they’re typically deducted from your gross pay automatically and attract tax relief.
Pension auto-enrolment, a government initiative intended to help people save for their retirement, means that if you’re aged over 22 and earn more than £10,000 per year you should automatically be enrolled in a workplace pension scheme.
If you’re close to retiring and also in debt, however, it might be better to prioritise paying off your debts rather than contributing to a pension, but you need to speak to an authorised financial
adviser who can assess your individual situation.
Personal pensions If you’re self-employed or not working you can benefit from tax relief on pension contributions by paying into a personal pension. Unlike a workplace pension scheme, a personal pension is an individual contract between yourself and the pension provider, which is often an insurance company.
Can you improve your situation when you do retire? The pension provider invests your contributions, but in the same way as a workplace pension you’re not able to access your money until you’re 55 years of age under current legislation.
What about the state pension? Under current legislation the full new state pension is £168.60 per week.¹ If you’re eligible, the amount you’ll receive depends on the number of ‘qualifying years’ of National Insurance
Stocks and shares ISAs Investment ISAs are another way to build up retirement savings, and the current maximum limit for saving into a stocks and shares ISA is £20,000 (2019/20 tax year). You need to make sure your money is growing above the inflation rate, however, otherwise you’re effectively losing money.
Stocks and shares ISAs offer more flexibility than pensions as you can access your money more readily, whereas workplace and private pensions aren’t usually accessible until you reach the age of 55. Investment ISA providers typically allow you to pay in a lump sum, ‘dripfeed’ in a monthly amount, or both. Some people choose to save into an investment ISA as well as a pension scheme, so they spread the investment risk and don’t tie up all of their money up in one place. As with most important financial matters, it’s important to seek guidance from an authorised adviser who can analyse your financial situation and present the best options. ¹
www.moneyadviceservice. By Ann Haldon
Please mention the magazine when contacting Advertisers
Taxation advice and guidance to local businesses Taxation advice and sole traders and guidance to for more than local businesses 15 years. and sole traders for more than 20 years.
Advertiser’s Guide
Price List - Our Prices Haven’t Increased for 2 Years 1 Issue
2 Issues*
Full Page
Half Page
Quarter Page
Black & White
Saving 5%
3 Issues* Saving 7.5%
4 Issues* Saving 10%
Copy Deadline
5 Issues* Saving 20%
Full Page
Final copy must be submitted by the 16th of each month, for inclusion in the following months edition (which will be distributed during the first weekend of that month.)
Full payment for all advertisements must be received by the copy deadline date. Payment can be made by: Cheques payable to ‘Berrylands Companion’ or cash. Payment by BACS or standing order by arrangement.
Full Colour Half Page
Quarter Page
Front Cover Banner
Back Cover
Inside Front + Back Cover
Double Page
Editorial Reviews
(Max 1 in every 4 issues for any one advertiser)
(Centre 2 page spread)
‘A Berrylands Companion’ is a small independent operation and is not registered for VAT. Consequently, no VAT is charged on advertisements.
Acceptable Formats
Adverts can be submitted in the following formats: • MS Word • MS Powerpoint • MS Publisher • TIFF & JPEG Advert copy can be emailed to: If your ad is not available in an electronic format then we can produce it for you, from your own hard copy text, normally for a fixed price of just £10, although this may be higher if you have a particularly complex advert! (This is a one-off charge - the advert could then be re-used in subsequent issues free of charge.)
WE ARE NOT AVAT REGISTERED, SO THE PRICE YOU SEE IS THE PRICE YOU PAY Contact us for package prices. Premium Pages 5 & 7: £10.00 extra Loose inserts can be delivered with magazine at £297 per 8,000.
Copy and payment must be received by 16th of each month to guarantee publication of advert. Advertisement space is only guaranteed when full payment is made. Distribution numbers up to 8,000 each month.
The Companion will be published and distributed monthly, on or around the first weekend of the month. 10 editions a year. It will be delivered to over 12,000 homes in and around Berrylands and Surbiton over two months - guaranteed. In addition it is the first source of local information for anyone moving into the area.
Format & Design
Contact Us:
It is an A5 size booklet, stapled with colour plus black and white printed on quality paper. The Companion will be printed on 115gsm gloss paper giving it a very high quality feel. It will have ‘longevity’ and because of it’s size, content, look and feel it will be kept by the majority of households until the next issue arrives, thereby giving advertisers ‘immdiacy’ of access’ when their services are required.
Karen Burgess 18 Kingsdowne Road Surbiton, Surrey, KT6 6JZ Tel: 020 8274 0096 Fax: 07092003581 Email: Web:
• • • • • •
• Accounts and Taxation Accounts and Taxation • Assessment Self Assessment Tax Self Tax Returns Returns CIS and Payroll • Returns CIS and Payroll VAT • VAT Returns Tax Planning and Advice • Tax Planning and Advice Book Keeping Services 16
• Book Keeping Services Contact Mark Baker Contact Mark Baker 020 3044 2747 020 3044 2747 07909 703463 07909 703463 Email: Email:
*volks-flyer-Ad.qxp_Layout 1 15/07/2019 15:59 Page 1
Your Vehicle is in Safe Hands A REAL alterative to using a Main Dealer.
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020 8643 4313 email us at: see our website:
Volks Autos, 3 Kimpton Road Kimpton Industrial Estate Sutton, Surrey SM3 9QL
£69 £84 per hour vs Audi
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Volks Autos is a family run business, guaranteeing service & value for money. Main Dealer-trained technicians, diagnostics equipment and tooling - which will not affect your warranty.
German Car & Van Specialist To advertise call Karen: 020 8274 0096
Follow us:
ediuG s’resitrevdA
sraeY 2 rof desaercnI t’nevaH secirP ruO - tsiL ecirP
enildaeD ypoC
*seussI 5
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eussI 1
egaP flaH egaP retrauQ
%02 gnivaS
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.etad enildaed ypoc eht yb deviecer eb tsum stnemesitrevda lla rof tnemyap lluF yb tnemyaP .hsac ro ’noinapmoC sdnalyrreB‘ ot elbayap seuqehC :yb edam eb nac tnemyaP .tnemegnarra yb redro gnidnats ro SCAB
%01 gnivaS
%5.7 gnivaS
%5 gnivaS
etihW & kcalB
egaP lluF
ruoloC lluF
.TAV rof deretsiger ton si dna noitarepo tnednepedni llams a si ’noinapmoC sdnalyrreB A‘ .stnemesitrevda no degrahc si TAV on ,yltneuqesnoC
stamroF elbatpeccA
:stamrof gniwollof eht ni dettimbus eb nac strevdA droW SM • tnioprewoP SM • rehsilbuP SM • GEPJ & FFIT •
egaP retrauQ rennaB revoC tnorF revoC kcaB
00.341£ 00.391£
moc.noinapmocdnalyrreb@nerak :ot deliame eb nac ypoc trevdA
nwo ruoy morf ,uoy rof ti ecudorp nac ew neht tamrof cinortcele na ni elbaliava ton si da ruoy fI a evah uoy fi rehgih eb yam siht hguohtla ,01£ tsuj fo ecirp dexfi a rof yllamron ,txet ypoc drah ni desu-er eb neht dluoc trevda eht - egrahc ffo-eno a si sihT( !trevda xelpmoc ylralucitrap ).egrahc fo eerf seussi tneuqesbus
egaP lluF egaP flaH
00.74£ 00.82£ 00.281£
yna rof seussi 4 yreve ni 1 xaM( )resitrevda eno
+ tnorF edisnI revoC kcaB egaP elbuoD
)daerps egap 2 ertneC(
sweiveR lairotidE
YAP UOY ECIRP EHT SI EES UOY ECIRP EHT OS ,DERETSIGER TAVA TON ERA EW .secirp egakcap rof su tcatnoC artxe 00.01£ :7 & 5 segaP muimerP .000,8 rep 792£ ta enizagam htiw dereviled eb nac stresni esooL
.trevda fo noitacilbup eetnaraug ot htnom hcae fo ht61 yb deviecer eb tsum tnemyap dna ypoC .edam si tnemyap lluf nehw deetnaraug ylno si ecaps tnemesitrevdA .htnom hcae 000,8 ot pu srebmun noitubirtsiD
fo dnekeew tsrfi eht dnuora ro no ,ylhtnom detubirtsid dna dehsilbup eb lliw noinapmoC ehT .raey a snoitide 01 .htnom eht owt revo notibruS dna sdnalyrreB dnuora dna ni semoh 000,21 revo ot dereviled eb lliw tI .deetnaraug - shtnom .aera eht otni gnivom enoyna rof noitamrofni lacol fo ecruos tsrfi eht si ti noitidda nI
ngiseD & tamroF
:sU tcatnoC
.repap ytilauq no detnirp etihw dna kcalb sulp ruoloc htiw delpats ,telkoob ezis 5A na si tI .leef ytilauq hgih yrev a ti gnivig repap ssolg msg511 no detnirp eb lliw noinapmoC ehT eht yb tpek eb lliw ti leef dna kool ,tnetnoc ,ezis s’ti fo esuaceb dna ’ytivegnol‘ evah lliw tI fo ’ycaidmmi‘ sresitrevda gnivig ybereht ,sevirra eussi txen eht litnu sdlohesuoh fo ytirojam .deriuqer era secivres rieht nehw ’ssecca
ssegruB neraK daoR enwodsgni K 81 ZJ6 6TK ,yerruS ,notibruS 6900 4728 020 :leT 18530029070 :xaF moc.noinapmocsdnalyrreb@nerak :liamE moc.noinapmocsdnalyrreb.www :beW
Flu and the Flu Vaccine: Myths and Facts
Flu isn’t new and neither is its vaccine, yet they still cause confusion. Let’s set things straight… The flu or a cold? Myth: Colds can’t make you feel really ill, give you a temperature or make your muscles ache. That’s flu. Colds generally don’t confine you to the couch, but they can cause muscle aches and high temperatures. A heavy cold can make you feel very poorly. Remember: • Colds usually comes on gradually; flu comes on rapidly. • Colds mainly affects your nose and throat. Flu can cause diarrhoea, stomach pain, nausea and vomiting, plus fatigue, lack of appetite and difficulty sleeping. Children with flu are prone to ear pain too. Preventing flu Proper hygiene is vital to prevent flu spreading. Sufferers should wash their hands thoroughly and regularly, and bin used tissues immediately. In healthy adults, common flu
strains aren’t usually a serious risk; they recover in a week or two. However, the NHS recommends flu vaccinations to certain groups are at higher risk of catching flu and/or developing serious complications, and offers it free to anyone: • 65 or over. • Pregnant (protecting mother and foetus from complications and immunising the new-born for the first few months). • With certain medical conditions, including: chronic (long-term) respiratory, heart, kidney or liver diseases; chronic neurological conditions; diabetes; spleen issues; reduced immunity; severe obesity (BMI of 40 or above). • Living in a long-stay residential care home/facility. • Who cares for someone whose welfare may be at risk if they fall ill. It’s also offered to children. Healthy children under five are the age group most likely to be admitted to hospital with flu. Children aged two and three years should be offered
a vaccination and the nasal spray vaccine is offered annually in primary school. Children over six months old with a long-term health condition should be vaccinated too. Frontline health and social care workers should also be vaccinated (at their employers’ expense). About the flu vaccine Ideally, vaccination should occur before flu season (from December to March). Fact: You may still catch flu if you’re vaccinated. Flu vaccines are produced in advance and contain the three or four flu strains most likely to be prevalent during the next winter, so you may catch an unexpected or rarer strain. However, you’ll be protected from most strains you’ll encounter, and vaccinations help to prevent flu spreading. Myth: The flu vaccine can give you flu. It can’t, as it doesn’t contain active viruses, but it may cause a temporary temperature and muscle aches. Flu-like symptoms may be from another virus or from flu caught before the vaccine took effect (immunity is achieved 10-14 days afterwards). Treating the flu Flu is caused by a virus, not bacteria, so antibiotics won’t help. If you do catch flu, rest and stay warm and hydrated. Paracetamol or ibuprofen will help lower your temperature and ease aching. Flu medications may also contain these as ingredients, so read medication leaflets carefully to avoid overdosing. See your doctor if symptoms don’t improve after a week, or immediately if you’re at risk of complications.
By Alison RUnham
Please mention the magazine when contacting Advertisers
Advertiser’s Guide
Price List - Our Prices Haven’t Increased for 2 Years 1 Issue
2 Issues*
3 Issues*
4 Issues*
5 Issues*
Full Page
Half Page
Quarter Page
Black & White
Saving 5%
Saving 7.5%
Saving 10%
Half Page
Quarter Page
Front Cover Banner
Back Cover
Inside Front + Back Cover
Double Page
Editorial Reviews
Full Page
Copy Deadline
Saving 20%
Final copy must be submitted by the 16th of each month, for inclusion in the following months edition (which will be distributed during the first weekend of that month.)
Full payment for all advertisements must be received by the copy deadline date. Payment can be made by: Cheques payable to ‘Berrylands Companion’ or cash. Payment by BACS or standing order by arrangement.
Full Colour
(Max 1 in every 4 issues for any one advertiser)
(Centre 2 page spread)
‘A Berrylands Companion’ is a small independent operation and is not registered for VAT. Consequently, no VAT is charged on advertisements.
Acceptable Formats
Adverts can be submitted in the following formats: • MS Word • MS Powerpoint • MS Publisher • TIFF & JPEG Advert copy can be emailed to: If your ad is not available in an electronic format then we can produce it for you, from your own hard copy text, normally for a fixed price of just £10, although this may be higher if you have a particularly complex advert! (This is a one-off charge - the advert could then be re-used in subsequent issues free of charge.)
WE ARE NOT AVAT REGISTERED, SO THE PRICE YOU SEE IS THE PRICE YOU PAY Contact us for package prices. Premium Pages 5 & 7: £10.00 extra Loose inserts can be delivered with magazine at £297 per 8,000.
Copy and payment must be received by 16th of each month to guarantee publication of advert. Advertisement space is only guaranteed when full payment is made. Distribution numbers up to 8,000 each month.
The Companion will be published and distributed monthly, on or around the first weekend of the month. 10 editions a year. It will be delivered to over 12,000 homes in and around Berrylands and Surbiton over two months - guaranteed. In addition it is the first source of local information for anyone moving into the area.
Format & Design
Contact Us:
It is an A5 size booklet, stapled with colour plus black and white printed on quality paper. The Companion will be printed on 115gsm gloss paper giving it a very high quality feel. It will have ‘longevity’ and because of it’s size, content, look and feel it will be kept by the majority of households until the next issue arrives, thereby giving advertisers ‘immdiacy’ of access’ when their services are required.
Karen Burgess 18 Kingsdowne Road Surbiton, Surrey, KT6 6JZ Tel: 020 8274 0096 Fax: 07092003581 Email: Web:
To advertise call Karen: 020 8274 0096
Presents for Parties
ediuG s’resitrevdA
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enildaeD ypoC
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.etad enildaed ypoc eht yb deviecer eb tsum stnemesitrevda lla rof tnemyap lluF yb tnemyaP .hsac ro ’noinapmoC sdnalyrreB‘ ot elbayap seuqehC :yb edam eb nac tnemyaP .tnemegnarra yb redro gnidnats ro SCAB
%01 gnivaS
%5.7 gnivaS
%5 gnivaS
etihW & kcalB
egaP lluF
ruoloC lluF
egaP lluF egaP flaH
New beauty releases to see you through the Christmas season
.TAV rof deretsiger ton si dna noitarepo tnednepedni llams a si ’noinapmoC sdnalyrreB A‘ .stnemesitrevda no degrahc si TAV on ,yltneuqesnoC
stamroF elbatpeccA
:stamrof gniwollof eht ni dettimbus eb nac strevdA droW SM • tnioprewoP SM • rehsilbuP SM • GEPJ & FFIT •
egaP retrauQ
rennaB revoC tnorF
revoC kcaB
moc.noinapmocdnalyrreb@nerak :ot deliame eb nac ypoc trevdA
nwo ruoy morf ,uoy rof ti ecudorp nac ew neht tamrof cinortcele na ni elbaliava ton si da ruoy fI a evah uoy fi rehgih eb yam siht hguohtla ,01£ tsuj fo ecirp dexfi a rof yllamron ,txet ypoc drah ni desu-er eb neht dluoc trevda eht - egrahc ffo-eno a si sihT( !trevda xelpmoc ylralucitrap ).egrahc fo eerf seussi tneuqesbus
yna rof seussi 4 yreve ni 1 xaM( )resitrevda eno
+ tnorF edisnI revoC kcaB egaP elbuoD
)daerps egap 2 ertneC(
sweiveR lairotidE
YAP UOY ECIRP EHT SI EES UOY ECIRP EHT OS ,DERETSIGER TAVA TON ERA EW .secirp egakcap rof su tcatnoC artxe 00.01£ :7 & 5 segaP muimerP .000,8 rep 792£ ta enizagam htiw dereviled eb nac stresni esooL
.trevda fo noitacilbup eetnaraug ot htnom hcae fo ht61 yb deviecer eb tsum tnemyap dna ypoC .edam si tnemyap lluf nehw deetnaraug ylno si ecaps tnemesitrevdA .htnom hcae 000,8 ot pu srebmun noitubirtsiD
fo dnekeew tsrfi eht dnuora ro no ,ylhtnom detubirtsid dna dehsilbup eb lliw noinapmoC ehT .raey a snoitide 01 .htnom eht owt revo notibruS dna sdnalyrreB dnuora dna ni semoh 000,21 revo ot dereviled eb lliw tI .deetnaraug - shtnom .aera eht otni gnivom enoyna rof noitamrofni lacol fo ecruos tsrfi eht si ti noitidda nI
ngiseD & tamroF
:sU tcatnoC
.repap ytilauq no detnirp etihw dna kcalb sulp ruoloc htiw delpats ,telkoob ezis 5A na si tI .leef ytilauq hgih yrev a ti gnivig repap ssolg msg511 no detnirp eb lliw noinapmoC ehT eht yb tpek eb lliw ti leef dna kool ,tnetnoc ,ezis s’ti fo esuaceb dna ’ytivegnol‘ evah lliw tI fo ’ycaidmmi‘ sresitrevda gnivig ybereht ,sevirra eussi txen eht litnu sdlohesuoh fo ytirojam .deriuqer era secivres rieht nehw ’ssecca
ssegruB neraK daoR enwodsgni K 81 ZJ6 6TK ,yerruS ,notibruS 6900 4728 020 :leT 18530029070 :xaF moc.noinapmocsdnalyrreb@nerak :liamE moc.noinapmocsdnalyrreb.www :beW
The perfect party make-up starts with the right base. Urban Decay’s new Stay Naked Weightless Liquid Foundation (£29.50) is waterproof, longlasting and available in a staggering 50 shades. The light texture is similar to a tinted moisturiser and you can build it up for the coverage that’s right for you, whether that’s barely there or airbrushed perfection. Head to an Urban Decay counter for help choosing the right shade. Don’t fancy battling through the Christmas shoppers? Try the online colourchoosing tool. For a flawless finish, follow up with the Stay Naked Correcting Concealer (£20), which is semimatte, designed to last all day (and night) and available in 25 shades. See www. 61
Give someone the
gift of pain-free hair styling. The Alfa Italia Liscio detangling brush (from www.alfaitaliapro. com) is suitable for wet or dry hair and makes detangling a breeze. The bristles make short work of tangles but are gentle enough
10 10
not to snag or break hair. The brush is also an ideal stocking filler, being priced at under £10 and just the right size to fit in the toe of a large stocking.
With their glittery design and baby soft fibres, StylPro brushes are perfect for Christmas. They don’t use animal hair, so they’re suitable for vegans. Treat someone to the set, or split them up to use as stocking fillers. The set of eight is priced at £39.99 from Argos, so each brush works out at around £5. See www. A brand new makeup palette reminds me of untouched snow – almost too pristine to disturb. If you fancy treating someone to a new palette, without breaking the bank, take a look at W7’s Socialite Eyeshadow Palette – an absolute bargain at £11.95. The palette contains 18 eyeshadows, ranging from daytime nudes to glitter-infused golds and shimmery pinks. Unlike some of the more highend brands, this palette even includes a brush and mirror. The eye shadows are easy to apply, and blend
well. Whether it lasts until Christmas Eve, or somehow finds its way into your own make-up bag, is up to you. See www.w7
Know a unicorn-loving beauty addict? The bestselling Yes To range has recently released two new products in its Yes to Grapefruit range. The Vitamin C Glow-Boosting Mud Mask contains kaolin clay to exfoliate and detox skin, aloe vera to hydrate and grapefruit extract to give skin a dose of antioxidants. Together, they help to tighten pores, reduce shine and leave skin looking brighter and healthier. Central heating can leave skin feeling dry, tight and parched, so the Vitamin C Glow-Boosting Unicorn Brightening Mist should prove a welcome relief.
Planning to vamp it up for your Christmas party? Try PÜR Cosmetics’ Velvet Matte Liquid Lipstick (£16). It goes on like a gloss, but has a matte, non-sticky finish. Agave extract and Vitamin E help to make it less drying than some other lipsticks. Try Addiction for full red-wine vamp, or Ever After for an easier to wear pink, from www.
Please mention the magazine when contacting Advertisers
By Kate Duggan
or l e be slim fwith
THURSDAYSWEDNESDAYS New Malden Surbiton Surbiton New Life Baptist Church, The Graham Spicer, 1 Balaclava 15 Dukes Avenue KT3 4HLRoad KT6 5PW 9.30am and 11.30am 9.30am, 5.15pm and 7pm Tel: Justine 020 8224 3336 Tel: Vanessa 07504 522453 FRIDAYS THURSDAYS New Malden New Malden The Graham Spicer, The Graham Spicer 15 Dukes Avenue KT3 4HL 15 Dukes Avenue KT3 4HL 9.30am, 5.15pm and 7pm 9.30am Tel: Vanessa Tel: Vanessa 07504 52245307504 522453 FRIDAYS New Malden The Graham Spicer 15 Dukes Avenue KT3 4HL 9.30am Tel: Vanessa 07504 522453
Mobile Foot Health Practitioner Professional treatment of:
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Corns Callus Cracked heels Fungal nails Thickened nails Involuted or ingrown nails Athletes foot Verrucae Foot care advice & nail cutting
Hayley Austin
07757 827249
To advertise call Karen: 020 8274 0096
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5 Issues*
Half Page
Quarter Page
Full Page
Saving 5%
Saving 7.5%
Saving 10%
Copy Deadline
Saving 20%
Final copy must be submitted by the 16th of each month, for inclusion in the following months edition (which will be distributed during the first weekend of that month.)
Full payment for all advertisements must be received by the copy deadline date. Payment can be made by: Cheques payable to ‘Berrylands Companion’ or cash. Payment by BACS or standing order by arrangement.
Full Colour
Regency Dance Classes Half Page
Quarter Page
Front Cover Banner
Back Cover
Inside Front + Back Cover
Double Page
Editorial Reviews
(Max 1 in every 4 issues for any one advertiser)
‘A Berrylands Companion’ is a small independent operation and is not registered for VAT. Consequently, no VAT is charged on advertisements.
Acceptable Formats
Adverts can be submitted in the following formats: • MS Word • MS Powerpoint • MS Publisher • TIFF & JPEG
(Centre 2 page spread)
Advert copy can be emailed to: If your ad is not available in an electronic format then we can produce it for you, from your own hard copy text, normally for a fixed price of just £10, although this may be higher if you have a particularly complex advert! (This is a one-off charge - the advert could then be re-used in subsequent issues free of charge.)
WE ARE NOT AVAT REGISTERED, SO THE PRICE YOU SEE IS THE PRICE YOU PAY Contact us for package prices. Premium Pages 5 & 7: £10.00 extra Loose inserts can be delivered with magazine at £297 per 8,000.
Copy and payment must be received by 16th of each month to guarantee publication of advert. Advertisement space is only guaranteed when full payment is made. Distribution numbers up to 8,000 each month.
The Companion will be published and distributed monthly, on or around the first weekend of the month. 10 editions a year. It will be delivered to over 12,000 homes in and around Berrylands and Surbiton over two months - guaranteed. In addition it is the first source of local information for anyone moving into the area.
Wednesdays in Surbiton Format & Design
Contact Us:
It is an A5 size booklet, stapled with colour plus black and white printed on quality paper. The Companion will be printed on 115gsm gloss paper giving it a very high quality feel. It will have ‘longevity’ and because of it’s size, content, look and feel it will be kept by the majority of households until the next issue arrives, thereby giving advertisers ‘immdiacy’ of access’ when their services are required.
Karen Burgess 18 Kingsdowne Road Surbiton, Surrey, KT6 6JZ Tel: 020 8274 0096 Fax: 07092003581 Email: Web:
4 (18 venue TBA) 2, 16 & 30
13 & 2716
Dec 11
Normansfield Ball on Saturday Nov 30th Also classes in Clapham & Camden – see website This is Strictly Come Dancing as we know it!
As Jane said “To be fond of dancing is a certain step towards falling in love” love”! !
up to
TUESDAYS WEDNESDAYS Surbiton Surbiton New Life Baptist Church, Surbiton New Surbiton Life Baptist Church, 1 Balaclava Road KT6 5PW 1 Balaclava Road KT6 5PW 5.30pm and 7.30pm 9.30am and 11.30am Tel:8224 Justine 020 8224 3336 Tel: Justine 020 3336 0344 897 8000
1 Issue
Full Page
Black & White
up to 0344 897 8000
Advertiser’s Guide
Price List - Our Prices Haven’t Increased for 2 Years
Slimming e orsavel im fwith sl be World £5 Slimming World save TUESDAYS Surbiton Surbiton New Life Baptist Church, 1 Balaclava Road KT6 5PW 5.30pm and 7.30pm Tel: Justine 020 8224 3336
Mrs Bennet’s BallrooM
BennetBoo 020 831 121
Using only the letters in the Wordwheel, you have ten minutes to find as many words as possible, none of which may be plurals, foreign words or proper nouns. Each word must be of three letters or more, all must contain the central letter and letters can only be used once in every word. There is at least one word that uses all of the letters in the wheel.
TARGET Excellent: 40 or more words Good: 37 words Fair: 32 words
11 11
ediuG s’resitrevdA
stereotypes previously used by film-makers: the sweet, undemanding grandmother or eccentric, obsessive older woman; the grouchy old man in the street or the pathetic, aging father suffering from memory loss.
sraeY 2 rof desaercnI t’nevaH secirP ruO - tsiL ecirP
enildaeD ypoC
*seussI 5
*seussI 4
*seussI 3
*seussI 2
eussI 1
egaP flaH egaP retrauQ
%02 gnivaS
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.etad enildaed ypoc eht yb deviecer eb tsum stnemesitrevda lla rof tnemyap lluF yb tnemyaP .hsac ro ’noinapmoC sdnalyrreB‘ ot elbayap seuqehC :yb edam eb nac tnemyaP .tnemegnarra yb redro gnidnats ro SCAB
%01 gnivaS
%5.7 gnivaS
%5 gnivaS
etihW & kcalB
egaP lluF
ruoloC lluF
.TAV rof deretsiger ton si dna noitarepo tnednepedni llams a si ’noinapmoC sdnalyrreB A‘ .stnemesitrevda no degrahc si TAV on ,yltneuqesnoC
stamroF elbatpeccA
:stamrof gniwollof eht ni dettimbus eb nac strevdA droW SM • tnioprewoP SM • rehsilbuP SM • GEPJ & FFIT •
egaP retrauQ rennaB revoC tnorF revoC kcaB
00.341£ 00.391£
moc.noinapmocdnalyrreb@nerak :ot deliame eb nac ypoc trevdA
nwo ruoy morf ,uoy rof ti ecudorp nac ew neht tamrof cinortcele na ni elbaliava ton si da ruoy fI a evah uoy fi rehgih eb yam siht hguohtla ,01£ tsuj fo ecirp dexfi a rof yllamron ,txet ypoc drah ni desu-er eb neht dluoc trevda eht - egrahc ffo-eno a si sihT( !trevda xelpmoc ylralucitrap ).egrahc fo eerf seussi tneuqesbus
egaP lluF egaP flaH
00.74£ 00.82£ 00.281£
yna rof seussi 4 yreve ni 1 xaM( )resitrevda eno
+ tnorF edisnI revoC kcaB egaP elbuoD
)daerps egap 2 ertneC(
sweiveR lairotidE
YAP UOY ECIRP EHT SI EES UOY ECIRP EHT OS ,DERETSIGER TAVA TON ERA EW .secirp egakcap rof su tcatnoC artxe 00.01£ :7 & 5 segaP muimerP .000,8 rep 792£ ta enizagam htiw dereviled eb nac stresni esooL
.trevda fo noitacilbup eetnaraug ot htnom hcae fo ht61 yb deviecer eb tsum tnemyap dna ypoC .edam si tnemyap lluf nehw deetnaraug ylno si ecaps tnemesitrevdA .htnom hcae 000,8 ot pu srebmun noitubirtsiD
fo dnekeew tsrfi eht dnuora ro no ,ylhtnom detubirtsid dna dehsilbup eb lliw noinapmoC ehT .raey a snoitide 01 .htnom eht owt revo notibruS dna sdnalyrreB dnuora dna ni semoh 000,21 revo ot dereviled eb lliw tI .deetnaraug - shtnom .aera eht otni gnivom enoyna rof noitamrofni lacol fo ecruos tsrfi eht si ti noitidda nI
ngiseD & tamroF
:sU tcatnoC
.repap ytilauq no detnirp etihw dna kcalb sulp ruoloc htiw delpats ,telkoob ezis 5A na si tI .leef ytilauq hgih yrev a ti gnivig repap ssolg msg511 no detnirp eb lliw noinapmoC ehT eht yb tpek eb lliw ti leef dna kool ,tnetnoc ,ezis s’ti fo esuaceb dna ’ytivegnol‘ evah lliw tI fo ’ycaidmmi‘ sresitrevda gnivig ybereht ,sevirra eussi txen eht litnu sdlohesuoh fo ytirojam .deriuqer era secivres rieht nehw ’ssecca
ssegruB neraK daoR enwodsgni K 81 ZJ6 6TK ,yerruS ,notibruS 6900 4728 020 :leT 18530029070 :xaF moc.noinapmocsdnalyrreb@nerak :liamE moc.noinapmocsdnalyrreb.www :beW
‘Grey pound’ movies: are they moving us on? In recent years the ‘grey pound’ – that’s the term coined to describe the purchasing power of senior citizens – has created new marketing opportunities for everything from holidays to household gadgets. It is even starting to affect the films we watch on TV and in the cinema, as movie studios begin to understand the earning potential of shows pitched at an older audience. Over the past decade films such as Quartet and The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel have been partly responsible for breaking the mould. The tide began to turn in 2003, when a groundbreaking film based on a true story was released in the UK. Calendar Girls told the story of a group of Yorkshire women who, under the auspices of the Women’s Institutes, produced a nude calendar for Cancer Research following the death of a WI member’s husband. Focusing on middle-aged women not just as wives, mothers or aunts, but as people in their own right,
12 12
Calendar Girls was a rare film for its time. It was also the surprising hit of 2003, winning Best Comedy Film at the British Comedy Awards and eventually grossing almost £80 million pounds in box office revenue worldwide, but UK cinema audiences had to wait a further eight years before they were able to watch another British film that put older people at the heart of the story.
That film was The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel, which opened to great acclaim in 2011. It told the story of seven British pensioners who decide to move to a retirement hotel in India. Soon after, in 2012, the films Quartet and A Song for Marion – co-incidentally both about singing pensioners – hit our screens and a sequel to the Best Exotic Marigold Hotel was released in 2015. So do these movies provide a more positive view of aging? Those in favour believe that placing a stronger focus on older people’s lives has helped to eliminate the lazy
Less sympathetic reviewers have accused ‘grey pound’ filmmakers of opting for “light laughs over deeper insights” while condemning them for their “condescending” and “simplistic” approach to story lines and characters. The suspicion is that film studios are simply aiming at a lucrative audience sector rather than attempting a long-overdue transformation of the way older lives are represented on screen. Actor and director Emma Thompson is one of a number of critics who dislike films aimed at a particular segment of the cinema audience. “The film industry has tried to separate us into groups, and it’s a mistake culturally, artistically and economically,” she told the BBC in 2014.
Opinions over the quality and content of ‘grey pound’ films might be divided, but at least these movies have made senior citizens more visible on our screens. No longer limited to playing benign grannies or grouchy old men, older actors now have the opportunity to portray characters who, despite – or maybe because of – their age, lead vibrant lives every bit as interesting as those of their younger counterparts. By Kate McLelland
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Advertiser’s Guide
Price List - Our Prices Haven’t Increased for 2 Years
Patio & Driveway Construction at Affordable Prices 1 Issue
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Full Page
Half Page
Quarter Page
Black & White
Saving 5%
Full Page
Half Page
3 Issues* Saving 7.5%
4 Issues* Saving 10%
Copy Deadline
5 Issues* Saving 20%
Quarter Page
Front Cover Banner
Final copy must be submitted by the 16th of each month, for inclusion in the following months edition (which will be distributed during the first weekend of that month.)
Full payment for all advertisements must be received by the copy deadline date. Payment can be made by: Cheques payable to ‘Berrylands Companion’ or cash. Payment by BACS or standing order by arrangement.
Full Colour
(Max 1 in every 4 issues for any one advertiser)
Back Cover
Inside Front + Back Cover
Double Page
Editorial Reviews
(Centre 2 page spread)
‘A Berrylands Companion’ is a small independent operation and is not registered for VAT. Consequently, no VAT is charged on advertisements.
Acceptable Formats
Adverts can be submitted in the following formats: • MS Word • MS Powerpoint • MS Publisher • TIFF & JPEG Advert copy can be emailed to: If your ad is not available in an electronic format then we can produce it for you, from your own hard copy text, normally for a fixed price of just £10, although this may be higher if you have a particularly complex advert! (This is a one-off charge - the advert could then be re-used in subsequent issues free of charge.)
WE ARE NOT AVAT REGISTERED, SO THE PRICE YOU SEE IS THE PRICE YOU PAY Contact us for package prices. Premium Pages 5 & 7: £10.00 extra Loose inserts can be delivered with magazine at £297 per 8,000.
Copy and payment must be received by 16th of each month to guarantee publication of advert. Advertisement space is only guaranteed when full payment is made. Distribution numbers up to 8,000 each month.
The Companion will be published and distributed monthly, on or around the first weekend of the month. 10 editions a year. It will be delivered to over 12,000 homes in and around Berrylands and Surbiton over two months - guaranteed. In addition it is the first source of local information for anyone moving into the area.
Format & Design
Contact Us:
It is an A5 size booklet, stapled with colour plus black and white printed on quality paper. The Companion will be printed on 115gsm gloss paper giving it a very high quality feel. It will have ‘longevity’ and because of it’s size, content, look and feel it will be kept by the majority of households until the next issue arrives, thereby giving advertisers ‘immdiacy’ of access’ when their services are required.
Karen Burgess 18 Kingsdowne Road Surbiton, Surrey, KT6 6JZ Tel: 020 8274 0096 Fax: 07092003581 Email: Web:
Fencing, Paving , Driveways, Garden Clearance We also do light demolition. Free estimates, Based in Morden Call anytime 0208 485 9559 / 07775 304760 Email: www.landtechdrivewaysand
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To advertise call Karen: 020 8274 0096
13 13
ediuG s’resitrevdA
and colour. The shrubs have the potential to grow to full size eventually but meanwhile look great in a container for a year or two before being planted in the garden.
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ssegruB neraK daoR enwodsgni K 81 ZJ6 6TK ,yerruS ,notibruS 6900 4728 020 :leT 18530029070 :xaF moc.noinapmocsdnalyrreb@nerak :liamE moc.noinapmocsdnalyrreb.www :beW
Winter Hanging Baskets I’ve always had a bit of a soft spot for hanging baskets – they are a great way to create your own miniature gardening space, do exactly what you want by the way of colours clashing or subtle, and once they’ve started to grow away and establish they’re a perfect way to make even the gloomiest back yard look more cheerful, or the prettiest patio look even more gorgeous. Making a hanging basket is not difficult, and within a few weeks of planting one up you’ll wish you had made more. Although traditionally a summer planting feature, hanging baskets work just as well for the winter months, so why not create a few seasonal splashes of colour to keep your spirits up over the coming months?
14 14
Plenty of plants make for a good colourful basket, so start with a visit to your local garden centre or nursery to see what is available.
Although traditionally a summer planting feature, baskets work just as well for the winter months There are lots of plants you might use, including winterflowering pansies (I am fond of the purple and yellow varieties) and heathers, Gaultheria with its waxy red berries, dianthus for late autumn into early winter and assorted miniature shrubs, including variegated Pieris, Choisya ternata ‘Sundance’ and variegated euonymus that will help give structure
You will also need a liner and I recommend a thicker, almost felt-like one as this helps to provide plenty of insulation for when temperatures drop, as well as keeping the compost and plants in place. In addition you’ll need a basket (you can always reuse a summer one, no need to spend more than necessary), and I suggest a 35cm (14”) diameter one as it can take more plants and, because it is larger, resists cold better. You’ll also need some compost.
There is nothing worse than trying to plant up a basket that keeps rolling about, so stand it in a large flower pot before you start. Once the liner is firmly in place, remove the chain at one anchor point or else it will get in the way as you try to plant. You can reattach it later. The liner will protrude above the edges of the basket at this stage but a little rim helps to keep the compost in place. Use good quality multi-purpose compost, firming it gently, and fill the basket about half full. Mesh baskets are great
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because you can plant through the sides with ease. Cut holes in the liner then insert small plants such as pansies at regular intervals around the sides of the basket. It usually damages the plants less if you insert them from the outside inwards – that way they may suffer a little root damage but the foliage and any flowers remain undamaged. Nestle the roots into the compost and make sure that the liner is back in position after the last plant is in place.
Now add more compost to cover the roots of the winterflowering pansies or other side plantings and firm again gently. Next get the central plant in place and add three more upright plants such as miniature shrubs, equally spaced around the edges. For extra colour, add more winter bedding around the very outermost edge of the basket. Pinch out any faded flowers as you go then add more compost, carefully filling in any gaps before you water it in thoroughly.
Your hanging basket will soon fill out and become Rates Advertiser’s Guide even more colourful. Give the roots a chance to establish by standing the basket in a sheltered spot for a week or two before hanging it in position, just watering it if necessary. Regular deadheading and removal of faded flowers plus a feed with a high potash fertiliser after about a month will keep it looking great, well into the spring. Price List - Our Prices Haven’t Increased for 2 Years 1 Issue
2 Issues*
Full Page
Half Page
Quarter Page
Black & White
Saving 5%
3 Issues* Saving 7.5%
4 Issues* Saving 10%
Copy Deadline
5 Issues* Saving 20%
Final copy must be submitted by the 16th of each month, for inclusion in the following months edition (which will be distributed during the first weekend of that month.)
Full payment for all advertisements must be received by the copy deadline date. Payment can be made by: Cheques payable to ‘Berrylands Companion’ or cash. Payment by BACS or standing order by arrangement.
Full Colour Full Page
Half Page
Quarter Page
Front Cover Banner
(Max 1 in every 4 issues for any one advertiser)
Back Cover
Inside Front + Back Cover
Double Page
Editorial Reviews
(Centre 2 page spread)
‘A Berrylands Companion’ is a small independent operation and is not registered for VAT. Consequently, no VAT is charged on advertisements.
Acceptable Formats
Adverts can be submitted in the following formats: • MS Word • MS Powerpoint • MS Publisher • TIFF & JPEG
Advert copy can be emailed to: If your ad is not available in an electronic format then we can produce it for you, from your own hard copy text, normally for a fixed price of just £10, although this may be higher if you have a particularly complex advert! (This is a one-off charge - the advert could then be re-used in subsequent issues free of charge.)
WE ARE NOT AVAT REGISTERED, SO THE PRICE YOU SEE IS THE PRICE YOU PAY Contact us for package prices. Premium Pages 5 & 7: £10.00 extra Loose inserts can be delivered with magazine at £297 per 8,000.
Copy and payment must be received by 16th of each month to guarantee publication of advert. Advertisement space is only guaranteed when full payment is made. Distribution numbers up to 8,000 each month.
The Companion will be published and distributed monthly, on or around the first weekend of the month. 10 editions a year. It will be delivered to over 12,000 homes in and around Berrylands and Surbiton over two months - guaranteed. In addition it is the first source of local information for anyone moving into the area.
Format & Design
Contact Us:
It is an A5 size booklet, stapled with colour plus black and white printed on quality paper. The Companion will be printed on 115gsm gloss paper giving it a very high quality feel. It will have ‘longevity’ and because of it’s size, content, look and feel it will be kept by the majority of households until the next issue arrives, thereby giving advertisers ‘immdiacy’ of access’ when their services are required.
Karen Burgess 18 Kingsdowne Road Surbiton, Surrey, KT6 6JZ Tel: 020 8274 0096 Fax: 07092003581 Email: Web:
By Pippa Greenwood
Visit Pippa’s website and you’ll find some great gardening items: lots of great natural pest controls, stylish cloches, practical and pretty plant supports, the fantastic SpeedHoe, gardening tools, planters, raised bed kits, Grower Frames, signed books and more, including of course the Grow Your Own with Pippa vegetable growing system! Or why not book Pippa for a gardening talk at your gardening club?
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15 15
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*seussI 3
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%01 gnivaS
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stamroF elbatpeccA
:stamrof gniwollof eht ni dettimbus eb nac strevdA droW SM • tnioprewoP SM • rehsilbuP SM • GEPJ & FFIT •
egaP retrauQ
rennaB revoC tnorF
00.281£ 00.341£ 00.391£
moc.noinapmocdnalyrreb@nerak :ot deliame eb nac ypoc trevdA
nwo ruoy morf ,uoy rof ti ecudorp nac ew neht tamrof cinortcele na ni elbaliava ton si da ruoy fI a evah uoy fi rehgih eb yam siht hguohtla ,01£ tsuj fo ecirp dexfi a rof yllamron ,txet ypoc drah ni desu-er eb neht dluoc trevda eht - egrahc ffo-eno a si sihT( !trevda xelpmoc ylralucitrap ).egrahc fo eerf seussi tneuqesbus
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R.J. Tree Services providing excellence locally for 15 years. noitubirtsiD
.trevda fo noitacilbup eetnaraug ot htnom hcae fo ht61 yb deviecer eb tsum tnemyap dna ypoC .edam si tnemyap lluf nehw deetnaraug ylno si ecaps tnemesitrevdA .htnom hcae 000,8 ot pu srebmun noitubirtsiD
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ngiseD & tamroF
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ssegruB neraK daoR enwodsgni K 81 ZJ6 6TK ,yerruS ,notibruS 6900 4728 020 :leT 18530029070 :xaF moc.noinapmocsdnalyrreb@nerak :liamE moc.noinapmocsdnalyrreb.www :beW
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R.J. Tree Services, Berrylands, Surbiton Visit our website for information and videos on all aspects of our work
16 16
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Advertiser’s Guide
Price List - Our Prices Haven’t Increased for 2 Years
•Extensions BERRYLANDS BERRYLANDS •Conversions Property Maintenance Ltd •All types of Paving 1 Issue
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Black & White
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Full Page
Half Page
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4 Issues* Saving 10%
5 Issues* Saving 20%
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Front Cover Banner
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Inside Front + Back Cover
Double Page
Editorial Reviews
Full Colour
(Max 1 in every 4 issues for any one advertiser)
(Centre 2 page spread)
WE ARE NOT AVAT REGISTERED, SO THE PRICE YOU SEE IS THE PRICE YOU PAY Contact us for package prices. Premium Pages 5 & 7: £10.00 extra Loose inserts can be delivered with magazine at £297 per 8,000.
Copy and payment must be received by 16th of each month to guarantee publication of advert. Advertisement space is only guaranteed when full payment is made. Distribution numbers up to 8,000 each month.
Property Maintenance Ltd Contact Us:
Copy Deadline
Final copy must be submitted by the 16th of each month, for inclusion in the following months edition (which will be distributed during the first weekend of that month.)
Full payment for all advertisements must be received by the copy deadline date. Payment can be made by: Cheques payable to ‘Berrylands Companion’ or cash. Payment by BACS or standing order by arrangement.
‘A Berrylands Companion’ is a small independent operation and is not registered for VAT. Consequently, no VAT is charged on advertisements.
Acceptable Formats
Adverts can be submitted in the following formats: • MS Word • MS Powerpoint • MS Publisher • TIFF & JPEG Advert copy can be emailed to: If your ad is not available in an electronic format then we can produce it for you, from your own hard copy text, normally for a fixed price of just £10, although this may be higher if you have a particularly complex advert! (This is a one-off charge - the advert could then be re-used in subsequent issues free of charge.)
The Companion will be published and distributed monthly, on or around the first weekend of the month. 10 editions a year. It will be delivered to over 12,000 homes in and around Berrylands and Surbiton over two months - guaranteed. In addition it is the first source of local information for anyone moving into the area.
Format & Design
iPainting and Decorating and Tiling * Extensions *iPlastering Conversions * All types of Paving iHousehold Maintenance and Repairs iBathrooms Fitted and Refurbished Local builders withandover 30 years experience. iCarpentry Plumbing iFlat Packs and Small Jobs Karen Burgess 18 Kingsdowne Road Surbiton, Surrey, KT6 6JZ Tel: 020 8274 0096 Fax: 07092003581 Email: Web:
It is an A5 size booklet, stapled with colour plus black and white printed on quality paper. The Companion will be printed on 115gsm gloss paper giving it a very high quality feel. It will have ‘longevity’ and because of it’s size, content, look and feel it will be kept by the majority of households until the next issue arrives, thereby giving advertisers ‘immdiacy’ of access’ when their services are required.
iPainting and Decorating and Tiling Local builders with over 30 years experience. *iPlastering Conversions * All types of Paving Many local customers with excellent references, iHousehold Maintenance and Repairs Marcus &by Sarah Baines viewings appointment Many local customers with excellent020 references, 8390 7549 iBathrooms Fitted and Refurbished viewings by appointment 603a885 Check out 07702 our Check Trade ratings. ders with over 30 years experience. iCarpentry and Plumbing Check out our Check a Trade ratings. iFlat Packs and Small Jobs 71 Chiltern Drive ,Surbiton, Surrey, KT5 8LR 16
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FIND THE NAMES OF THE DIFFERENT PARTS OF THE BODY WW.CHECKATRADE .COM,Surbiton, /BERRYLANDSPROPERTYMAINTENANCE hiltern Drive IN THE GRID AND Surrey, KT5 8LR THE REMAINING Mob: 07941 374 324 No obligation quotations. LETTERS WILLReferences SPELL available. All work guaranteed and fully insured. Em: OUT A RELATED PARTS OF PHRASE
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To advertise call Karen: 020 8274 0096
17 17
ediuG s’resitrevdA
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enildaeD ypoC
*seussI 5
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.etad enildaed ypoc eht yb deviecer eb tsum stnemesitrevda lla rof tnemyap lluF yb tnemyaP .hsac ro ’noinapmoC sdnalyrreB‘ ot elbayap seuqehC :yb edam eb nac tnemyaP .tnemegnarra yb redro gnidnats ro SCAB
%01 gnivaS
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%5.7 gnivaS
%5 gnivaS
etihW & kcalB egaP lluF
egaP flaH
egaP retrauQ
egaP lluF
egaP flaH
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.TAV rof deretsiger ton si dna noitarepo tnednepedni llams a si ’noinapmoC sdnalyrreB A‘ .stnemesitrevda no degrahc si TAV on ,yltneuqesnoC
stamroF elbatpeccA
:stamrof gniwollof eht ni dettimbus eb nac strevdA droW SM • tnioprewoP SM • rehsilbuP SM • GEPJ & FFIT •
egaP retrauQ
rennaB revoC tnorF
00.281£ 00.341£ 00.391£
moc.noinapmocdnalyrreb@nerak :ot deliame eb nac ypoc trevdA
nwo ruoy morf ,uoy rof ti ecudorp nac ew neht tamrof cinortcele na ni elbaliava ton si da ruoy fI a evah uoy fi rehgih eb yam siht hguohtla ,01£ tsuj fo ecirp dexfi a rof yllamron ,txet ypoc drah ni desu-er eb neht dluoc trevda eht - egrahc ffo-eno a si sihT( !trevda xelpmoc ylralucitrap ).egrahc fo eerf seussi tneuqesbus
yna rof seussi 4 yreve ni 1 xaM( )resitrevda eno
revoC kcaB + tnorF edisnI revoC kcaB egaP elbuoD
)daerps egap 2 ertneC(
sweiveR lairotidE
YAP UOY ECIRP EHT SI EES UOY ECIRP EHT OS ,DERETSIGER TAVA TON ERA EW .secirp egakcap rof su tcatnoC artxe 00.01£ :7 & 5 segaP muimerP .000,8 rep 792£ ta enizagam htiw dereviled eb nac stresni esooL
.trevda fo noitacilbup eetnaraug ot htnom hcae fo ht61 yb deviecer eb tsum tnemyap dna ypoC .edam si tnemyap lluf nehw deetnaraug ylno si ecaps tnemesitrevdA .htnom hcae 000,8 ot pu srebmun noitubirtsiD
fo dnekeew tsrfi eht dnuora ro no ,ylhtnom detubirtsid dna dehsilbup eb lliw noinapmoC ehT .raey a snoitide 01 .htnom eht owt revo notibruS dna sdnalyrreB dnuora dna ni semoh 000,21 revo ot dereviled eb lliw tI .deetnaraug - shtnom .aera eht otni gnivom enoyna rof noitamrofni lacol fo ecruos tsrfi eht si ti noitidda nI
ngiseD & tamroF
:sU tcatnoC
.repap ytilauq no detnirp etihw dna kcalb sulp ruoloc htiw delpats ,telkoob ezis 5A na si tI .leef ytilauq hgih yrev a ti gnivig repap ssolg msg511 no detnirp eb lliw noinapmoC ehT eht yb tpek eb lliw ti leef dna kool ,tnetnoc ,ezis s’ti fo esuaceb dna ’ytivegnol‘ evah lliw tI fo ’ycaidmmi‘ sresitrevda gnivig ybereht ,sevirra eussi txen eht litnu sdlohesuoh fo ytirojam .deriuqer era secivres rieht nehw ’ssecca
ssegruB neraK daoR enwodsgniK 81 ZJ6 6TK ,yerruS ,notibruS 6900 4728 020 :leT 18530029070 :xaF moc.noinapmocsdnalyrreb@nerak :liamE moc.noinapmocsdnalyrreb.www :beW
From Open Plan To Broken Plan Despite the allure of large, bright spaces, it is not necessarily convenient to live in an openplan home all the time. Hence the development of ‘broken plan’ design. Everyone loves open-plan living. Light, bright, spacious and airy, an open-plan home is always desirable. Or is it? Sometimes, let’s face it, we all need a quiet space, somewhere to feel separate in one’s own small world. Huge open spaces can be difficult to heat, too, and there can be times when noise is an issue. Enter ‘broken plan’, a practical evolution of open plan, that retains all the great elements of open plan that we love, particularly good light and a feeling of openness, but introduces subtle elements that divide large spaces into more manageable ones, with different zones that can be used for different activities.
18 18
Spaces may even (depending on the design) be opened up or closed off whenever you wish. Broken plan is flexible, dynamic and interesting, and offers sociability combined with privacy – truly the best of both worlds.
When renovation or building work is being carried out, one way to achieve the broken-plan effect is to create differences in floor levels. A step up or down from, say, the sitting room into the dining room can give a great sense of two discrete areas. It may also be possible to lower the ceiling in one area of a large, open room in order to enhance a sense of intimacy. And in homes with very high
ceilings – a barn or industrial conversion, for example – there is the opportunity to introduce a mezzanine level, perhaps as an office, snug or guest bedroom, which combines the feeling of open plan with the practicality of a separate space. Other structural solutions include building internal glass walls or floor-to-ceiling steelframed windows (the bestknown trade name is Crittall) in order to subdivide a space. Stylish and luxurious, these suit both modern and traditional homes.
More typically, especially in a period home where two ground-floor reception rooms have been knocked through to bring in more space and light, a great way to add flexibility to what is often a long, thin, hard-to-use room is to add glazed or timber double doors. If made from timber they could be panelled to match the architectural features of the house; ideally the doors would slide and fold away, or else be hinged so that they fit seamlessly back against the walls when open. An alternative way of connecting/separating two rooms is to build pocket doors, which slide into the slim walls on each side – great for, say, a dressing room off a bedroom. Often, of course, it is far more convenient (and less expensive) to employ temporary ways of dividing a large room: a screen, for example, a large floor-
Please mention the magazine when contacting Advertisers
standing bookcase, or even simply a slender console table – which could be the base for a pair of lamps, some vases of flowers or a sculpture. These have the advantage of being relatively easily moved around or removed if you feel like a change. An open-plan space can be divided visually, using simple tricks such as changes in paint colour or floor finish – from carpet in a seating area to floorboards in a dining space, for example – and it is easily possible to create mini ‘rooms’ by grounding furniture arrangements on a rug or on an area of contrast
flooring. Finally, employ lighting as a powerful tool to delineate space. Think of forming ‘zones’ by using different types of lighting in the different areas, including pendants (perhaps over a dining table or kitchen counter), wall lights, and careful positioning of floor and table lamps. If possible, install different circuits (controlled by switches or dimmers) that will allow you to break down the spaces and illuminate different parts to suit your needs, whether it be a living area or bedroom, a kitchen or a dining area.
By Katherine Sorrell
Image: Red Baron bookcase by Piero Lissoni for Knoll, poa, Chaplins Furniture: 020 8421 1779;
Great ways to introduce a broken-plan feel Rates
Advertiser’s Guide
Price List - Our Prices Haven’t Increased for 2 Years 1 Issue
2 Issues*
Full Page
Half Page
Quarter Page
Black & White
Saving 5%
3 Issues* Saving 7.5%
Full Page
Half Page
4 Issues* Saving 10%
Copy Deadline
5 Issues* Saving 20%
Quarter Page
Front Cover Banner
Final copy must be submitted by the 16th of each month, for inclusion in the following months edition (which will be distributed during the first weekend of that month.)
Full payment for all advertisements must be received by the copy deadline date. Payment can be made by: Cheques payable to ‘Berrylands Companion’ or cash. Payment by BACS or standing order by arrangement.
Full Colour
Changes in floor level (Max 1 in every 4 issues for any one advertiser)
Back Cover
Inside Front + Back Cover
Double Page
Editorial Reviews
‘A Berrylands Companion’ is a small independent operation and is not registered for VAT. Consequently, no VAT is charged on advertisements.
Acceptable Formats
Adverts can be submitted in the following formats: • MS Word • MS Powerpoint • MS Publisher • TIFF & JPEG
Lowered ceilings to create cosy areas (Centre 2 page spread)
Advert copy can be emailed to: If your ad is not available in an electronic format then we can produce it for you, from your own hard copy text, normally for a fixed price of just £10, although this may be higher if you have a particularly complex advert! (This is a one-off charge - the advert could then be re-used in subsequent issues free of charge.)
WE ARE NOT AVAT REGISTERED, SO THE PRICE YOU SEE IS THE PRICE YOU PAY Contact us for package prices. Premium Pages 5 & 7: £10.00 extra Loose inserts can be delivered with magazine at £297 per 8,000.
Copy and payment must be received by 16th of each month to guarantee publication of advert. Advertisement space is only guaranteed when full payment is made. Distribution numbers up to 8,000 each month.
The Companion will be published and distributed monthly, on or around the first weekend of the month. 10 editions a year. It will be delivered to over 12,000 homes in and around Berrylands and Surbiton over two months - guaranteed. In addition it is the first source of local information for anyone moving into the area.
Glass walls
Format & Design
Contact Us:
It is an A5 size booklet, stapled with colour plus black and white printed on quality paper. The Companion will be printed on 115gsm gloss paper giving it a very high quality feel. It will have ‘longevity’ and because of it’s size, content, look and feel it will be kept by the majority of households until the next issue arrives, thereby giving advertisers ‘immdiacy’ of access’ when their services are required.
Karen Burgess 18 Kingsdowne Road Surbiton, Surrey, KT6 6JZ Tel: 020 8274 0096 Fax: 07092003581 Email: Web:
Steel-framed internal floorto-ceiling windows Pocket doors
Sliding/folding doors
Hinged, panelled doors Screens
Large bookcases Console tables Lighting zones
Changes in paint colour Differences in flooring
Rugs to create mini ‘rooms’
Painting and Decorating Roofing and Guttering Plastering and Tiling Household Maintenance Loft conversions and extensions Marcus & Sarah Baines 020 8390 7549 07702 603 885
No obligation quotations. References available. All work guaranteed and fully insured.
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Friendly, reliable and tidy service
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19 19
For a beautiful new kitchen...
just change the doors ediuG s’resitrevdA
sraeY 2 rof desaercnI t’nevaH secirP ruO - tsiL ecirP
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*seussI 5
*seussI 4
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%5.7 gnivaS
%5 gnivaS
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egaP flaH
egaP retrauQ
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.etad enildaed ypoc eht yb deviecer eb tsum stnemesitrevda lla rof tnemyap lluF yb tnemyaP .hsac ro ’noinapmoC sdnalyrreB‘ ot elbayap seuqehC :yb edam eb nac tnemyaP .tnemegnarra yb redro gnidnats ro SCAB
%01 gnivaS
00.723£ 00.271£
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stamroF elbatpeccA
:stamrof gniwollof eht ni dettimbus eb nac strevdA droW SM • tnioprewoP SM • rehsilbuP SM • GEPJ & FFIT •
egaP retrauQ
rennaB revoC tnorF
revoC kcaB
moc.noinapmocdnalyrreb@nerak :ot deliame eb nac ypoc trevdA
nwo ruoy morf ,uoy rof ti ecudorp nac ew neht tamrof cinortcele na ni elbaliava ton si da ruoy fI a evah uoy fi rehgih eb yam siht hguohtla ,01£ tsuj fo ecirp dexfi a rof yllamron ,txet ypoc drah ni desu-er eb neht dluoc trevda eht - egrahc ffo-eno a si sihT( !trevda xelpmoc ylralucitrap ).egrahc fo eerf seussi tneuqesbus
yna rof seussi 4 yreve ni 1 xaM( )resitrevda eno
+ tnorF edisnI revoC kcaB egaP elbuoD
)daerps egap 2 ertneC(
sweiveR lairotidE
YAP UOY ECIRP EHT SI EES UOY ECIRP EHT OS ,DERETSIGER TAVA TON ERA EW .secirp egakcap rof su tcatnoC artxe 00.01£ :7 & 5 segaP muimerP .000,8 rep 792£ ta enizagam htiw dereviled eb nac stresni esooL
.trevda fo noitacilbup eetnaraug ot htnom hcae fo ht61 yb deviecer eb tsum tnemyap dna ypoC .edam si tnemyap lluf nehw deetnaraug ylno si ecaps tnemesitrevdA .htnom hcae 000,8 ot pu srebmun noitubirtsiD
fo dnekeew tsrfi eht dnuora ro no ,ylhtnom detubirtsid dna dehsilbup eb lliw noinapmoC ehT .raey a snoitide 01 .htnom eht owt revo notibruS dna sdnalyrreB dnuora dna ni semoh 000,21 revo ot dereviled eb lliw tI .deetnaraug - shtnom .aera eht otni gnivom enoyna rof noitamrofni lacol fo ecruos tsrfi eht si ti noitidda nI
ngiseD & tamroF
:sU tcatnoC
.repap ytilauq no detnirp etihw dna kcalb sulp ruoloc htiw delpats ,telkoob ezis 5A na si tI .leef ytilauq hgih yrev a ti gnivig repap ssolg msg511 no detnirp eb lliw noinapmoC ehT eht yb tpek eb lliw ti leef dna kool ,tnetnoc ,ezis s’ti fo esuaceb dna ’ytivegnol‘ evah lliw tI fo ’ycaidmmi‘ sresitrevda gnivig ybereht ,sevirra eussi txen eht litnu sdlohesuoh fo ytirojam .deriuqer era secivres rieht nehw ’ssecca
ssegruB neraK daoR enwodsgni K 81 ZJ6 6TK ,yerruS ,notibruS 6900 4728 020 :leT 18530029070 :xaF moc.noinapmocsdnalyrreb@nerak :liamE moc.noinapmocsdnalyrreb.www :beW
Have you always wanted the kitchen of your dreams, but can’t quite justify paying the expensive price tag that comes with it? Now you can by just swapping the doors and worktops.
Less cost, less time, less mess...
• Huge choice of Doors, Worktops, Appliances, Sinks & Taps • Free Estimating and planning • 50% deposit with balance on completion 17
YEARS s es
in busin
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Advertiser’s Guide
Price List - Our Prices Haven’t Increased for 2 Years 1 Issue
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Full Page
Half Page
Quarter Page
Black & White
Saving 5%
3 Issues* Saving 7.5%
4 Issues* Saving 10%
Copy Deadline
5 Issues* Saving 20%
Final copy must be submitted by the 16th of each month, for inclusion in the following months edition (which will be distributed during the first weekend of that month.)
Full payment for all advertisements must be received by the copy deadline date. Payment can be made by: Cheques payable to ‘Berrylands Companion’ or cash. Payment by BACS or standing order by arrangement.
Full Colour
Full Page
Half Page
Quarter Page
Front Cover Banner
(Max 1 in every 4 issues for any one advertiser)
Back Cover
Inside Front + Back Cover
Double Page
Editorial Reviews
(Centre 2 page spread)
‘A Berrylands Companion’ is a small independent operation and is not registered for VAT. Consequently, no VAT is charged on advertisements.
Acceptable Formats
Adverts can be submitted in the following formats: • MS Word • MS Powerpoint • MS Publisher • TIFF & JPEG Advert copy can be emailed to:
William Stallion WE ARE NOT AVAT REGISTERED, SO THE PRICE YOU SEE IS THE PRICE YOU PAY Contact us for package prices. Premium Pages 5 & 7: £10.00 extra Loose inserts can be delivered with magazine at £297 per 8,000.
Copy and payment must be received by 16th of each month to guarantee publication of advert. Advertisement space is only guaranteed when full payment is made. Distribution numbers up to 8,000 each month.
If your ad is not available in an electronic format then we can produce it for you, from your own hard copy text, normally for a fixed price of just £10, although this may be higher if you have a particularly complex advert! (This is a one-off charge - the advert could then be re-used in subsequent issues free of charge.)
The Companion will be published and distributed monthly, on or around the first weekend of the month. 10 editions a year. It will be delivered to over 12,000 homes in and around Berrylands and Surbiton over two months - guaranteed. In addition it is the first source of local information for anyone moving into the area.
150 Elmbridge Avenue, Surbiton, Surrey, KT5 9HF
Format & Design
Contact Us:
It is an A5 size booklet, stapled with colour plus black and white printed on quality paper. The Companion will be printed on 115gsm gloss paper giving it a very high quality feel. It will have ‘longevity’ and because of it’s size, content, look and feel it will be kept by the majority of households until the next issue arrives, thereby giving advertisers ‘immdiacy’ of access’ when their services are required.
Karen Burgess 18 Kingsdowne Road Surbiton, Surrey, KT6 6JZ Tel: 020 8274 0096 Fax: 07092003581 Email: Web:
*Alterations & Additions *New Installations *Maintenance *Rewires *Testing & Inspection EICR/PIR *NIC/EIC Registered,insured,certified 16
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Starting at 1 and finishing at 49, track your way from one square to another, either horizontally, vertically or diagonally, placing consecutive numbers into the empty squares as you go. Some numbers are already given.
The Royal British Legion Hollyfield Road
Traditional Games Sweet Tombola
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Grocery Themed Tombola
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To advertise call Karen: 020 8274 0096
21 21
A decorative lamp can come in all shapes, sizes, materials and colours. This is a selection from Woods Furniture.
ediuG s’resitrevdA
sraeY 2 rof desaercnI t’nevaH secirP ruO - tsiL ecirP
enildaeD ypoC
*seussI 5
*seussI 4
*seussI 3
*seussI 2
eussI 1
%02 gnivaS
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%5.7 gnivaS
%5 gnivaS
etihW & kcalB egaP lluF
egaP flaH
egaP retrauQ
egaP lluF
egaP flaH
.etad enildaed ypoc eht yb deviecer eb tsum stnemesitrevda lla rof tnemyap lluF yb tnemyaP .hsac ro ’noinapmoC sdnalyrreB‘ ot elbayap seuqehC :yb edam eb nac tnemyaP .tnemegnarra yb redro gnidnats ro SCAB
%01 gnivaS
00.723£ 00.271£
This sturdy modern lantern would be great inside or out. Autumn wooden lantern, £24.99, Lights4fun. Image: Simon Hylton
ruoloC lluF
.TAV rof deretsiger ton si dna noitarepo tnednepedni llams a si ’noinapmoC sdnalyrreB A‘ .stnemesitrevda no degrahc si TAV on ,yltneuqesnoC
stamroF elbatpeccA
:stamrof gniwollof eht ni dettimbus eb nac strevdA droW SM • tnioprewoP SM • rehsilbuP SM • GEPJ & FFIT •
egaP retrauQ
rennaB revoC tnorF
revoC kcaB
00.341£ 00.391£
moc.noinapmocdnalyrreb@nerak :ot deliame eb nac ypoc trevdA
nwo ruoy morf ,uoy rof ti ecudorp nac ew neht tamrof cinortcele na ni elbaliava ton si da ruoy fI a evah uoy fi rehgih eb yam siht hguohtla ,01£ tsuj fo ecirp dexfi a rof yllamron ,txet ypoc drah ni desu-er eb neht dluoc trevda eht - egrahc ffo-eno a si sihT( !trevda xelpmoc ylralucitrap ).egrahc fo eerf seussi tneuqesbus
yna rof seussi 4 yreve ni 1 xaM( )resitrevda eno
+ tnorF edisnI revoC kcaB egaP elbuoD
)daerps egap 2 ertneC(
sweiveR lairotidE
YAP UOY ECIRP EHT SI EES UOY ECIRP EHT OS ,DERETSIGER TAVA TON ERA EW .secirp egakcap rof su tcatnoC artxe 00.01£ :7 & 5 segaP muimerP .000,8 rep 792£ ta enizagam htiw dereviled eb nac stresni esooL
.trevda fo noitacilbup eetnaraug ot htnom hcae fo ht61 yb deviecer eb tsum tnemyap dna ypoC .edam si tnemyap lluf nehw deetnaraug ylno si ecaps tnemesitrevdA .htnom hcae 000,8 ot pu srebmun noitubirtsiD
fo dnekeew tsrfi eht dnuora ro no ,ylhtnom detubirtsid dna dehsilbup eb lliw noinapmoC ehT .raey a snoitide 01 .htnom eht owt revo notibruS dna sdnalyrreB dnuora dna ni semoh 000,21 revo ot dereviled eb lliw tI .deetnaraug - shtnom .aera eht otni gnivom enoyna rof noitamrofni lacol fo ecruos tsrfi eht si ti noitidda nI
ngiseD & tamroF
:sU tcatnoC
.repap ytilauq no detnirp etihw dna kcalb sulp ruoloc htiw delpats ,telkoob ezis 5A na si tI .leef ytilauq hgih yrev a ti gnivig repap ssolg msg511 no detnirp eb lliw noinapmoC ehT eht yb tpek eb lliw ti leef dna kool ,tnetnoc ,ezis s’ti fo esuaceb dna ’ytivegnol‘ evah lliw tI fo ’ycaidmmi‘ sresitrevda gnivig ybereht ,sevirra eussi txen eht litnu sdlohesuoh fo ytirojam .deriuqer era secivres rieht nehw ’ssecca
ssegruB neraK daoR enwodsgni K 81 ZJ6 6TK ,yerruS ,notibruS 6900 4728 020 :leT 18530029070 :xaF moc.noinapmocsdnalyrreb@nerak :liamE moc.noinapmocsdnalyrreb.www :beW
Brighten Up Your Evenings Adding some good-looking illumination is a great way to introduce both a decorative focal point and increase atmosphere in any room.
Lined with a navy cotton interior, this lampshade uses nautical imagery from a series of eighteenth century hand-coloured prints, depicting a series of ships in dramatic ocean conditions. Shipwreck lighthouse lampshade, £58, Cream Cornwall.
A simple outline and modern shape gives this concrete and brass lamp a stylish edge. Skasen table lamp tall, £69, MADE.COM.
Sleek and sophisticated, this large glass and metal lamp would add a touch of modern classic style to any room. Cranmer table lamp, £369, Pepper Sq.
This textural, informal lantern would add fashionable interest in an understated, modern space. Antique brass knitted lantern, large, £48, Rose & Grey.
22 22
Please mention the magazine when contacting Advertisers
An on-trend, metallic cage-like base is teamed with a pretty cotton shade, making this distinctive lamp ideal for classic, contemporary and industrial-inspired interiors. Maui LED table lamp, £79, Atkin and Thyme. A minimal table lamp from Lene Bjerre would make the perfect accent for a contemporary home. Metta table lamp, £90, Sweetpea & Willow.
Advertiser’s Guide
• When you are seeking an inexpensive update, simply remove any dull, old, lessthan-stylish table lamps and plug in your new, on-trend, up-to-the-minute choices and voila! an instant change of look. • Use a table lamp to create a welcoming reading corner in a living room, or simply to introduce a cosy pool of light in a dark area. They look great on a hall console or a small table on a landing, and are, of course, both practical and beautiful either side of a bed. • Lanterns are even easier than lamps, as they don’t need a nearby plug. If you are wary of using candles for safety reasons, substitute battery-operated LED candles instead. • Buying more than one lamp for a room? Identical pairs look smart and traditional, but you don’t have to buy them all the same. A range of styles can create interest and work in different areas. It is, however, worth choosing styles that have colour, pattern, material or shape in common, in order to give the room a sense of overall cohesion. Price List - Our Prices Haven’t Increased for 2 Years 1 Issue
2 Issues*
Full Page
Half Page
Quarter Page
Black & White
Saving 5%
3 Issues* Saving 7.5%
4 Issues* Saving 10%
Copy Deadline
5 Issues* Saving 20%
Final copy must be submitted by the 16th of each month, for inclusion in the following months edition (which will be distributed during the first weekend of that month.)
Full payment for all advertisements must be received by the copy deadline date. Payment can be made by: Cheques payable to ‘Berrylands Companion’ or cash. Payment by BACS or standing order by arrangement.
Full Colour Full Page
Half Page
Quarter Page
Front Cover Banner
(Max 1 in every 4 issues for any one advertiser)
Back Cover
Inside Front + Back Cover
Double Page
Editorial Reviews
(Centre 2 page spread)
‘A Berrylands Companion’ is a small independent operation and is not registered for VAT. Consequently, no VAT is charged on advertisements.
Acceptable Formats
Adverts can be submitted in the following formats: • MS Word • MS Powerpoint • MS Publisher • TIFF & JPEG Advert copy can be emailed to: If your ad is not available in an electronic format then we can produce it for you, from your own hard copy text, normally for a fixed price of just £10, although this may be higher if you have a particularly complex advert! (This is a one-off charge - the advert could then be re-used in subsequent issues free of charge.)
WE ARE NOT AVAT REGISTERED, SO THE PRICE YOU SEE IS THE PRICE YOU PAY Contact us for package prices. Premium Pages 5 & 7: £10.00 extra Loose inserts can be delivered with magazine at £297 per 8,000.
Copy and payment must be received by 16th of each month to guarantee publication of advert. Advertisement space is only guaranteed when full payment is made. Distribution numbers up to 8,000 each month.
The Companion will be published and distributed monthly, on or around the first weekend of the month. 10 editions a year. It will be delivered to over 12,000 homes in and around Berrylands and Surbiton over two months - guaranteed. In addition it is the first source of local information for anyone moving into the area.
Format & Design
Contact Us:
It is an A5 size booklet, stapled with colour plus black and white printed on quality paper. The Companion will be printed on 115gsm gloss paper giving it a very high quality feel. It will have ‘longevity’ and because of it’s size, content, look and feel it will be kept by the majority of households until the next issue arrives, thereby giving advertisers ‘immdiacy’ of access’ when their services are required.
Karen Burgess 18 Kingsdowne Road Surbiton, Surrey, KT6 6JZ Tel: 020 8274 0096 Fax: 07092003581 Email: Web:
Bring on some Hollywood glamour with a gold and feather lamp (the feathers are ethically sourced, by the way). Mini feather lamp by A Modern Grand Tour, £1,900, Sweetpea & Willow.
Leverett Electrical Ltd
Qualified electrician
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Stuart Leverett 020 8399 9803 Office: 020 8390 0617 RECOMMENDATIONS Mobile: 07710 123 628 AVAILABLE A FAMILY RUN BUSINESS Email:
email: QP advert 2
23 23
Can you bag a bargain on Black Friday
ediuG s’resitrevdA
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enildaeD ypoC
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%01 gnivaS
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stamroF elbatpeccA
:stamrof gniwollof eht ni dettimbus eb nac strevdA droW SM • tnioprewoP SM • rehsilbuP SM • GEPJ & FFIT •
egaP retrauQ
rennaB revoC tnorF
yna rof seussi 4 yreve ni 1 xaM( )resitrevda eno
revoC kcaB
November is the month of big deals. Are some too good to be true? 00.341£
moc.noinapmocdnalyrreb@nerak :ot deliame eb nac ypoc trevdA
nwo ruoy morf ,uoy rof ti ecudorp nac ew neht tamrof cinortcele na ni elbaliava ton si da ruoy fI a evah uoy fi rehgih eb yam siht hguohtla ,01£ tsuj fo ecirp dexfi a rof yllamron ,txet ypoc drah ni desu-er eb neht dluoc trevda eht - egrahc ffo-eno a si sihT( !trevda xelpmoc ylralucitrap ).egrahc fo eerf seussi tneuqesbus
+ tnorF edisnI revoC kcaB egaP elbuoD
)daerps egap 2 ertneC(
sweiveR lairotidE
Black Friday is the annual sales event that crossed the Atlantic to become huge in the UK too. But does that mean you’ll get a good deal? Black Friday is actually two big days of deals: Black Friday and Cyber Monday. Black Friday is the start of the Christmas shopping season in the US, because it’s when retailers traditionally ran ‘door-buster’ sales on the day after the Thanksgiving holiday. The following Monday has been dubbed Cyber Monday because apparently everybody goes back to work, panics about Christmas presents and hits the online shops on the same day. Black Friday gets bigger every year. A long weekend became a week of deals, until now Black Friday runs for two weeks or more, with all kinds of deals announced well in advance as well as flash ‘lightning deals’ on Black Friday and Cyber Monday. It’s become the most important part of the retail calendar not just for technology but for many retailers selling fashion, homeware and jewellery too. It’s a good time to buy smart home technology, which attracts massive discounts at this time of year. Can you really get good deals? The answer is a qualified yes. There are plenty of deals to be had, but some of them are illusory: common tactics include listing RRPs that no sensible person would pay – you’ll see this a lot with TVs, which promise massive discounts on recommended retail prices nobody paid – or gently increasing prices in the run-up to Black Friday so they can be lowered in time for the big event and labelled with a big ‘Sale!’ sticker. And like any sale, often the deals are on products that are being phased YAP UOY ECIRP EHT SI EES UOY ECIRP EHT OS ,DERETSIGER TAVA TON ERA EW .secirp egakcap rof su tcatnoC artxe 00.01£ :7 & 5 segaP muimerP .000,8 rep 792£ ta enizagam htiw dereviled eb nac stresni esooL
.trevda fo noitacilbup eetnaraug ot htnom hcae fo ht61 yb deviecer eb tsum tnemyap dna ypoC .edam si tnemyap lluf nehw deetnaraug ylno si ecaps tnemesitrevdA .htnom hcae 000,8 ot pu srebmun noitubirtsiD
fo dnekeew tsrfi eht dnuora ro no ,ylhtnom detubirtsid dna dehsilbup eb lliw noinapmoC ehT .raey a snoitide 01 .htnom eht owt revo notibruS dna sdnalyrreB dnuora dna ni semoh 000,21 revo ot dereviled eb lliw tI .deetnaraug - shtnom .aera eht otni gnivom enoyna rof noitamrofni lacol fo ecruos tsrfi eht si ti noitidda nI
ngiseD & tamroF
:sU tcatnoC
.repap ytilauq no detnirp etihw dna kcalb sulp ruoloc htiw delpats ,telkoob ezis 5A na si tI .leef ytilauq hgih yrev a ti gnivig repap ssolg msg511 no detnirp eb lliw noinapmoC ehT eht yb tpek eb lliw ti leef dna kool ,tnetnoc ,ezis s’ti fo esuaceb dna ’ytivegnol‘ evah lliw tI fo ’ycaidmmi‘ sresitrevda gnivig ybereht ,sevirra eussi txen eht litnu sdlohesuoh fo ytirojam .deriuqer era secivres rieht nehw ’ssecca
ssegruB neraK daoR enwodsgni K 81 ZJ6 6TK ,yerruS ,notibruS 6900 4728 020 :leT 18530029070 :xaF moc.noinapmocsdnalyrreb@nerak :liamE moc.noinapmocsdnalyrreb.www :beW
24 24
out to make room for new products or because they’re no longer being made. End-of-line products aren’t necessarily bad buys, but research anything before you decide whether or not to spend. Before you hit the ‘Buy Now’ button on a bargain, search for it in That shows you what other retailers are selling the product for, and tells you whether you’re really getting a good deal. It works on everything from DVDs to dishwashers and it also tells you whether products are in stock: a deal isn’t much use if you can’t actually order the product. If you’re looking at a deal on Amazon, have a look at Simply copy and paste the address of the Amazon product listing or the exact product name and it’ll show you the price history – so for example if we search for the cult favourite Instant Pot pressure cooker we can see that while its price varies from £70 to £130, it’s usually sold for around £90. One of the simplest tricks to Black Friday and Cyber Monday is to make sure you only buy things you actually need. This time last year we bought some fancy headphones on Black Friday; this week we’re selling them on eBay, still in the original sealed packaging. A bargain isn’t a bargain if you don’t use it.
Images: top left clockwise - CamelCamelCamel lets you see any Amazon product’s price history. Amazon offers big Black Friday discounts on products such as its Echo speaker. Hue lights are another safe bet for Black Friday discounts. Instant Pot electric pressure cooker, a consistent Black Friday top seller.
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Advertiser’s Guide
Price List - Our Prices Haven’t Increased for 2 Years 1 Issue
2 Issues*
3 Issues*
4 Issues*
5 Issues*
Full Page
Half Page
Quarter Page
Saving 5%
Saving 7.5%
Saving 10%
A ROOF Black & White
Copy Deadline
Saving 20%
Final copy must be submitted by the 16th of each month, for inclusion in the following months edition (which will be distributed during the first weekend of that month.)
Full payment for all advertisements must be received by the copy deadline date. Payment can be made by: Cheques payable to ‘Berrylands Companion’ or cash. Payment by BACS or standing order by arrangement.
Full Colour
Full Page
Half Page
Quarter Page
Front Cover Banner
(Max 1 in every 4 issues for any one advertiser)
Back Cover
Inside Front + Back Cover
Double Page
Editorial Reviews
‘A Berrylands Companion’ is a small independent operation and is not registered for VAT. Consequently, no VAT is charged on advertisements.
Acceptable Formats
Adverts can be submitted in the following formats: • MS Word • MS Powerpoint • MS Publisher • TIFF & JPEG
REPAIR? (Centre 2 page spread)
Advert copy can be emailed to: If your ad is not available in an electronic format then we can produce it for you, from your own hard copy text, normally for a fixed price of just £10, although this may be higher if you have a particularly complex advert! (This is a one-off charge - the advert could then be re-used in subsequent issues free of charge.)
WE ARE NOT AVAT REGISTERED, SO THE PRICE YOU SEE IS THE PRICE YOU PAY Contact us for package prices. Premium Pages 5 & 7: £10.00 extra Loose inserts can be delivered with magazine at £297 per 8,000.
Copy and payment must be received by 16th of each month to guarantee publication of advert. Advertisement space is only guaranteed when full payment is made. Distribution numbers up to 8,000 each month.
The Companion will be published and distributed monthly, on or around the first weekend of the month. 10 editions a year. It will be delivered to over 12,000 homes in and around Berrylands and Surbiton over two months - guaranteed. In addition it is the first source of local information for anyone moving into the area.
Format & Design
Contact Us:
It is an A5 size booklet, stapled with colour plus black and white printed on quality paper. The Companion will be printed on 115gsm gloss paper giving it a very high quality feel. It will have ‘longevity’ and because of it’s size, content, look and feel it will be kept by the majority of households until the next issue arrives, thereby giving advertisers ‘immdiacy’ of access’ when their services are required.
Karen Burgess 18 Kingsdowne Road Surbiton, Surrey, KT6 6JZ Tel: 020 8274 0096 Fax: 07092003581 Email: Web:
U I N G. C O.
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We are a local family business with over 50 years of roofing experience. When you need a roof repair and you speak to one of our Roofers you can expect an honest evaluation of your roof followed by a free detailed quote. FI N G.C
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To advertise call Karen: 020 8274 0096
25 25
ediuG s’resitrevdA
sraeY 2 rof desaercnI t’nevaH secirP ruO - tsiL ecirP
enildaeD ypoC
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egaP flaH egaP retrauQ
%02 gnivaS
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%5.7 gnivaS
%5 gnivaS
etihW & kcalB egaP lluF
egaP flaH
egaP retrauQ
rennaB revoC tnorF
revoC kcaB
.etad enildaed ypoc eht yb deviecer eb tsum stnemesitrevda lla rof tnemyap lluF yb tnemyaP .hsac ro ’noinapmoC sdnalyrreB‘ ot elbayap seuqehC :yb edam eb nac tnemyaP .tnemegnarra yb redro gnidnats ro SCAB
%01 gnivaS
ruoloC lluF
.TAV rof deretsiger ton si dna noitarepo tnednepedni llams a si ’noinapmoC sdnalyrreB A‘ .stnemesitrevda no degrahc si TAV on ,yltneuqesnoC
stamroF elbatpeccA
:stamrof gniwollof eht ni dettimbus eb nac strevdA droW SM • tnioprewoP SM • rehsilbuP SM • GEPJ & FFIT •
00.341£ 00.391£
moc.noinapmocdnalyrreb@nerak :ot deliame eb nac ypoc trevdA
nwo ruoy morf ,uoy rof ti ecudorp nac ew neht tamrof cinortcele na ni elbaliava ton si da ruoy fI a evah uoy fi rehgih eb yam siht hguohtla ,01£ tsuj fo ecirp dexfi a rof yllamron ,txet ypoc drah ni desu-er eb neht dluoc trevda eht - egrahc ffo-eno a si sihT( !trevda xelpmoc ylralucitrap ).egrahc fo eerf seussi tneuqesbus
egaP lluF
yna rof seussi 4 yreve ni 1 xaM( )resitrevda eno
+ tnorF edisnI revoC kcaB egaP elbuoD
)daerps egap 2 ertneC(
sweiveR lairotidE
YAP UOY ECIRP EHT SI EES UOY ECIRP EHT OS ,DERETSIGER TAVA TON ERA EW .secirp egakcap rof su tcatnoC artxe 00.01£ :7 & 5 segaP muimerP .000,8 rep 792£ ta enizagam htiw dereviled eb nac stresni esooL
.trevda fo noitacilbup eetnaraug ot htnom hcae fo ht61 yb deviecer eb tsum tnemyap dna ypoC .edam si tnemyap lluf nehw deetnaraug ylno si ecaps tnemesitrevdA .htnom hcae 000,8 ot pu srebmun noitubirtsiD
fo dnekeew tsrfi eht dnuora ro no ,ylhtnom detubirtsid dna dehsilbup eb lliw noinapmoC ehT .raey a snoitide 01 .htnom eht owt revo notibruS dna sdnalyrreB dnuora dna ni semoh 000,21 revo ot dereviled eb lliw tI .deetnaraug - shtnom .aera eht otni gnivom enoyna rof noitamrofni lacol fo ecruos tsrfi eht si ti noitidda nI
ngiseD & tamroF
:sU tcatnoC
.repap ytilauq no detnirp etihw dna kcalb sulp ruoloc htiw delpats ,telkoob ezis 5A na si tI .leef ytilauq hgih yrev a ti gnivig repap ssolg msg511 no detnirp eb lliw noinapmoC ehT eht yb tpek eb lliw ti leef dna kool ,tnetnoc ,ezis s’ti fo esuaceb dna ’ytivegnol‘ evah lliw tI fo ’ycaidmmi‘ sresitrevda gnivig ybereht ,sevirra eussi txen eht litnu sdlohesuoh fo ytirojam .deriuqer era secivres rieht nehw ’ssecca
ssegruB neraK daoR enwodsgni K 81 ZJ6 6TK ,yerruS ,notibruS 6900 4728 020 :leT 18530029070 :xaF moc.noinapmocsdnalyrreb@nerak :liamE moc.noinapmocsdnalyrreb.www :beW
26 26
Please mention the magazine when contacting Advertisers
New, uber-soft PJs are a must for Christmas, but ones Rates Advertiser’s Guide bedecked with snowmen and snowflakes can feel out of place by New Year. We like these organic, Fairtrade pyjamas by OceanBluu. They’re kind to skin, kind to the people who make them, and kind to the planet. The brand is plastic-free and donates a pair of PJs and underwear to a child in need for every purchase. They’re £25 from www.oceanbluu. com. Price List - Our Prices Haven’t Increased for 2 Years 1 Issue
2 Issues*
Full Page
Half Page
Quarter Page
Black & White
Saving 5%
3 Issues* Saving 7.5%
4 Issues* Saving 10%
Copy Deadline
5 Issues* Saving 20%
Full Page
Final copy must be submitted by the 16th of each month, for inclusion in the following months edition (which will be distributed during the first weekend of that month.)
Full payment for all advertisements must be received by the copy deadline date. Payment can be made by: Cheques payable to ‘Berrylands Companion’ or cash. Payment by BACS or standing order by arrangement.
Full Colour Half Page
Quarter Page
Front Cover Banner
Back Cover
Inside Front + Back Cover
Double Page
Editorial Reviews
(Max 1 in every 4 issues for any one advertiser)
(Centre 2 page spread)
‘A Berrylands Companion’ is a small independent operation and is not registered for VAT. Consequently, no VAT is charged on advertisements.
Acceptable Formats
Adverts can be submitted in the following formats: • MS Word • MS Powerpoint • MS Publisher • TIFF & JPEG Advert copy can be emailed to: If your ad is not available in an electronic format then we can produce it for you, from your own hard copy text, normally for a fixed price of just £10, although this may be higher if you have a particularly complex advert! (This is a one-off charge - the advert could then be re-used in subsequent issues free of charge.)
WE ARE NOT AVAT REGISTERED, SO THE PRICE YOU SEE IS THE PRICE YOU PAY Contact us for package prices. Premium Pages 5 & 7: £10.00 extra Loose inserts can be delivered with magazine at £297 per 8,000.
Copy and payment must be received by 16th of each month to guarantee publication of advert. Advertisement space is only guaranteed when full payment is made. Distribution numbers up to 8,000 each month.
The Companion will be published and distributed monthly, on or around the first weekend of the month. 10 editions a year. It will be delivered to over 12,000 homes in and around Berrylands and Surbiton over two months - guaranteed. In addition it is the first source of local information for anyone moving into the area.
Format & Design
Contact Us:
It is an A5 size booklet, stapled with colour plus black and white printed on quality paper. The Companion will be printed on 115gsm gloss paper giving it a very high quality feel. It will have ‘longevity’ and because of it’s size, content, look and feel it will be kept by the majority of households until the next issue arrives, thereby giving advertisers ‘immdiacy’ of access’ when their services are required.
Karen Burgess 18 Kingsdowne Road Surbiton, Surrey, KT6 6JZ Tel: 020 8274 0096 Fax: 07092003581 Email: Web:
Gifted Inspiration for 0 to 8s Are you planning to welcome a mischievous elf to your home this year? How about this crocheted version from Best Years? It’s handmade, Fairtrade and rather cuter than the plastic mass-produced versions. It’s £18.99 from www.bestyears.
Ewan the Dream Sheep (£39.99) is sure to prove popular with newborns and new parents alike. This award-winning modern classic has been helping babies (and parents) to get some shuteye for 10 years now. It mimics the environment a baby has grown comfortable with in the womb, by glowing softly and playing soothing sounds. Rather than jangling nursery rhymes (which parents will grow
to hate rather quickly), Ewan’s main sound is a recording of a heartbeat, which is then combined with other gentle sounds, such as white noise or rainfall. The deluxe version even turns on automatically when a baby cries. Anything that babies and toddlers come into contact with is likely to get grubby rather quickly, particularly when they’re as soft and cuddly as Ewan. Luckily, you can take the electronic pod out to give him a good wash. Looking for a new Christmas duvet for your child? We love the Christmas Jumper Bedding Set from George at Home. And the cuddly Yeti Stocking from Sainsbury’s (£4) is sure to be loved long past Boxing Day.
To advertise call Karen: 020 8274 0096
Ice cream and lollies may not be the most appealing of treats to adults in winter, but kids love them all year around. And GLTC’s wooden Lolly and Scoop Ice Cream Shop (£65, will last a lot longer than the edible variety. There are ice lollies, cones, wafers, tubs and ice cream balls ready to scoop up and serve. Perfect for imaginative play. The White Stuff Christmas Veg Box Set is a bargain at £9.95. Why not split the decorations up to use as stocking fillers? See www.
Speaking of stocking fillers, the chunky woodland creature range from National Trust is perfect for toddlers. Each one is priced at £2.75, www.
Planning to really push the boat out this Christmas? The Flexa Play Work Bench (£161) is made from birch wood and comes with a vice. Add the Toolset (£21) and ToolBox (£30) to keep your child entertained for hours. See
By Kate Duggan
27 27
ediuG s’resitrevdA *seussI 5
*seussI 4
%02 gnivaS
.etad enildaed ypoc eht yb deviecer eb tsum stnemesitrevda lla rof tnemyap lluF yb tnemyaP .hsac ro ’noinapmoC sdnalyrreB‘ ot elbayap seuqehC :yb edam eb nac tnemyaP .tnemegnarra yb redro gnidnats ro SCAB
Firework Phobia? Here’s how to help your pet! setaR
sraeY 2 rof desaercnI t’nevaH secirP ruO - tsiL ecirP
enildaeD ypoC
shtnom gniwollof eht ni noisulcni rof ,htnom hcae fo ht61 eht yb dettimbus eb tsum ypoc laniF ).htnom taht fo dnekeew tsrfi eht gnirud detubirtsid eb lliw hcihw( noitide
%01 gnivaS
00.723£ 00.271£
*seussI 3
*seussI 2
eussI 1
%5.7 gnivaS
%5 gnivaS
etihW & kcalB egaP lluF
egaP flaH
egaP retrauQ
egaP flaH
egaP retrauQ
rennaB revoC tnorF
revoC kcaB
ruoloC lluF
.TAV rof deretsiger ton si dna noitarepo tnednepedni llams a si ’noinapmoC sdnalyrreB A‘ .stnemesitrevda no degrahc si TAV on ,yltneuqesnoC
egaP lluF
f your pet already has a phobia, or if you are hoping to avoid a phobia developing, we have some tips that can help relieve your pet from stress during firework Season. stamroF elbatpeccA
:stamrof gniwollof eht ni dettimbus eb nac strevdA droW SM • tnioprewoP SM • rehsilbuP SM • GEPJ & FFIT •
moc.noinapmocdnalyrreb@nerak :ot deliame eb nac ypoc trevdA
nwo ruoy morf ,uoy rof ti ecudorp nac ew neht tamrof cinortcele na ni elbaliava ton si da ruoy fI a evah uoy fi rehgih eb yam siht hguohtla ,01£ tsuj fo ecirp dexfi a rof yllamron ,txet ypoc drah ni desu-er eb neht dluoc trevda eht - egrahc ffo-eno a si sihT( !trevda xelpmoc ylralucitrap ).egrahc fo eerf seussi tneuqesbus
yna rof seussi 4 yreve ni 1 xaM( )resitrevda eno
+ tnorF edisnI revoC kcaB egaP elbuoD
)daerps egap 2 ertneC(
sweiveR lairotidE
YAP UOY ECIRP EHT SI EES UOY ECIRP EHT OS ,DERETSIGER TAVA TON ERA EW .secirp egakcap rof su tcatnoC artxe 00.01£ :7 & 5 segaP muimerP .000,8 rep 792£ ta enizagam htiw dereviled eb nac stresni esooL
.trevda fo noitacilbup eetnaraug ot htnom hcae fo ht61 yb deviecer eb tsum tnemyap dna ypoC .edam si tnemyap lluf nehw deetnaraug ylno si ecaps tnemesitrevdA .htnom hcae 000,8 ot pu srebmun noitubirtsiD
fo dnekeew tsrfi eht dnuora ro no ,ylhtnom detubirtsid dna dehsilbup eb lliw noinapmoC ehT .raey a snoitide 01 .htnom eht owt revo notibruS dna sdnalyrreB dnuora dna ni semoh 000,21 revo ot dereviled eb lliw tI .deetnaraug - shtnom .aera eht otni gnivom enoyna rof noitamrofni lacol fo ecruos tsrfi eht si ti noitidda nI
ngiseD & tamroF
:sU tcatnoC
.repap ytilauq no detnirp etihw dna kcalb sulp ruoloc htiw delpats ,telkoob ezis 5A na si tI .leef ytilauq hgih yrev a ti gnivig repap ssolg msg511 no detnirp eb lliw noinapmoC ehT eht yb tpek eb lliw ti leef dna kool ,tnetnoc ,ezis s’ti fo esuaceb dna ’ytivegnol‘ evah lliw tI fo ’ycaidmmi‘ sresitrevda gnivig ybereht ,sevirra eussi txen eht litnu sdlohesuoh fo ytirojam .deriuqer era secivres rieht nehw ’ssecca
ssegruB neraK daoR enwodsgni K 81 ZJ6 6TK ,yerruS ,notibruS 6900 4728 020 :leT 18530029070 :xaF moc.noinapmocsdnalyrreb@nerak :liamE moc.noinapmocsdnalyrreb.www :beW
1) Make your pets’ environment more comfortable: Closing the curtains and the sound of a radio or TV can help reduce the impact of the noise and lights outside. If your pet has a favourite bed or place to go make sure this is accessible. Provide a homemade den and spray the den with calming sprays which can enhance the feeling of wellbeing. These sprays can mimic natural calming pheromones given off by a dog and cat or contain valerian plant extracts that are known for its calming abilities. Valerian based calming sprays can be used for cats dogs and smaller animals like Guinea pigs and rabbits. 61
2) Body language: Our pets are sensitive to our body language so be mindful of your behaviour. If you are stressed or acting differently this will make you pet think that there is something to worry about. Although it may seem heartless, we urge you to not intervene if they are trying to hide or pace. These behaviours are coping mechanisms and any contact during these types of behaviours could reinforce them and make them worse. Just remain calm talk normally to your pet or distract them from the noise. If they act normal and calm then praise this behaviour subtly. 3) Anti-anxiety drugs or Natural herbal remedies: (available from veterinary pharmacies) may be beneficial. Natural
28 28
remedies can be started a week or so before the planned event and given during the event. Stronger sedative anti-anxiety drugs will require a health check by your vet (before they can be dispensed) but are very effective in dogs that have severe phobias. 4) Avoid letting your pet go outside during main events: ensure the cat flap is locked and there is a litter tray in the home and try not to take dogs for walks during main events (walk earlier in the day or change up for the morning). Cats especially may get spooked and run off/ get lost, so try to ensure your cat is microchipped or has a collar so they can be reunited quickly. 5) Don’t forget outdoor pets! If you have pets that live outside such as rabbits or Guinea pigs, be aware that they don’t always show outward signs of stress. They may show more subtle signs such as teeth grinding, hiding or they may stop eating. Please do what you can to minimise their stress too! Valerian calming sprays on their bedding (available from your vets) providing them with more bedding to hide and covering the hutch at night will all help! If you would like free professional advice as to which treatment is best for your pet, please contact us at the Aspen Veterinary Surgery on 0208 399 6437 or visit our website www.
Please mention the magazine when contacting Advertisers
Aspen Veterinary Surgery
Your pet matters to us Guide Advertiser’s
Price List - Our Prices Haven’t Increased for 2 Years
Georgie is a pretty, gentle, grey & white long-haired female aged 10. She needs to be an indoor-only cat, in a quiet home, no other pets and with someone around for a good part of the day; ideally someone who is an experienced cat owner to help her gain in confidence and feel secure. She loves to be stroked and brushed – which is great because she needs to be brushed every day. She also enjoys playing with a fishing-rod type toy, with catnip toys and using a scratch post. She is in care because her owner was no longer able to take care of her. She has been checked by the vet and is now ready for homing If you feel you can give Georgie her well deserved forever home please call 0345 260 1387 Epsom Ewell & District Branch If you cannot adopt a cat but would still like to help us please go to
2 Issues*
Quarter Page
Saving 5%
3 Issues* Saving 7.5%
4 Issues* Saving 10%
Copy Deadline
5 Issues* Saving 20%
Full Page
Half Page
Final copy must be submitted by the 16th of each month, for inclusion in the following months edition (which will be distributed during the first weekend of that month.)
Full payment for all advertisements must be received by the copy deadline date. Payment can be made by: Cheques payable to ‘Berrylands Companion’ or cash. Payment by BACS or standing order by arrangement.
Full Colour £83.00
Quarter Page
Front Cover Banner
(Max 1 in every 4 issues for any one advertiser)
Back Cover
Inside Front + Back Cover
Double Page
Editorial Reviews
(Centre 2 page spread)
‘A Berrylands Companion’ is a small independent operation and is not registered for VAT. Consequently, no VAT is charged on advertisements.
Acceptable Formats
Adverts can be submitted in the following formats: • MS Word • MS Powerpoint • MS Publisher • TIFF & JPEG Advert copy can be emailed to: If your ad is not available in an electronic format then we can produce it for you, from your own hard copy text, normally for a fixed price of just £10, although this may be higher if you have a particularly complex advert! (This is a one-off charge - the advert could then be re-used in subsequent issues free of charge.)
WE ARE NOT AVAT REGISTERED, SO THE PRICE YOU SEE IS THE PRICE YOU PAY Contact us for package prices. Premium Pages 5 & 7: £10.00 extra Loose inserts can be delivered with magazine at £297 per 8,000.
Copy and payment must be received by 16th of each month to guarantee publication of advert. Advertisement space is only guaranteed when full payment is made. Distribution numbers up to 8,000 each month.
The Companion will be published and distributed monthly, on or around the first weekend of the month. 10 editions a year. It will be delivered to over 12,000 homes in and around Berrylands and Surbiton over two months - guaranteed. In addition it is the first source of local information for anyone moving into the area.
Format & Design
Contact Us:
It is an A5 size booklet, stapled with colour plus black and white printed on quality paper. The Companion will be printed on 115gsm gloss paper giving it a very high quality feel. It will have ‘longevity’ and because of it’s size, content, look and feel it will be kept by the majority of households until the next issue arrives, thereby giving advertisers ‘immdiacy’ of access’ when their services are required.
Karen Burgess 18 Kingsdowne Road Surbiton, Surrey, KT6 6JZ Tel: 020 8274 0096 Fax: 07092003581 Email: Web:
Join Aspen Pet Care Plan
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As we have around 7,000 cats and kittens in our care at any one time, we will find you the perfect feline friend.
351 Ewell Road, Tolworth, KT6 7BZ
020 8399 6437
Reg Charity 203644 (England and Wales) and SC037711 (Scotland)
Keeping Your Pets Calm on Bonfire Night
The noise and flashes of light on Bonfire Night are startling for any animal, and it’s understandable if your pet feels anxious and stressed. So is there anything you can do to help them stay calm, both beforehand and on Bonfire Night itself? On Bonfire Night • Close windows and curtains before it gets dark. • Switch on the television or radio to mask the sounds. • Speak to your vet about pheromone diffusers or calming medication.
To advertise call Karen: 020 8274 0096
1 Issue Full Page Half Page
Black & White
• Provide a ‘safe’ place in the house – maybe a den under a table, for instance, with their favourite comfort blanket, some toys, or an item of your clothing to cuddle. • Bring outdoor hutches into the house, shed, or garage, and add some extra straw or hay for soundproofing and an extra feeling of security. Before Bonfire Night Noises CDs Noises CDs are sometimes used as therapy for pets that become upset or anxious by loud noises. If you play them fairly softly during the weeks before Bonfire Night, they may become more used to the sounds of fireworks and be able to stay calmer. Collars and name tags Hopefully your pet won’t need to go outside during the evening but if they do, you need to make sure they’re wearing their collar and name tag. If you have a dog you’ll be able to take them out on a lead, but cats may become startled once they’re outside and run away to hide.
By Ann Haldon
29 29
ediuG s’resitrevdA
sraeY 2 rof desaercnI t’nevaH secirP ruO - tsiL ecirP
enildaeD ypoC
*seussI 5
*seussI 4
*seussI 3
*seussI 2
eussI 1
egaP flaH
egaP retrauQ
%02 gnivaS
shtnom gniwollof eht ni noisulcni rof ,htnom hcae fo ht61 eht yb dettimbus eb tsum ypoc laniF ).htnom taht fo dnekeew tsrfi eht gnirud detubirtsid eb lliw hcihw( noitide
.etad enildaed ypoc eht yb deviecer eb tsum stnemesitrevda lla rof tnemyap lluF yb tnemyaP .hsac ro ’noinapmoC sdnalyrreB‘ ot elbayap seuqehC :yb edam eb nac tnemyaP .tnemegnarra yb redro gnidnats ro SCAB
%01 gnivaS
%5.7 gnivaS
%5 gnivaS
etihW & kcalB
egaP lluF
ruoloC lluF
.TAV rof deretsiger ton si dna noitarepo tnednepedni llams a si ’noinapmoC sdnalyrreB A‘ .stnemesitrevda no degrahc si TAV on ,yltneuqesnoC
egaP lluF
egaP flaH
egaP retrauQ
rennaB revoC tnorF
revoC kcaB
:stamrof gniwollof eht ni dettimbus eb nac strevdA droW SM • tnioprewoP SM • rehsilbuP SM • GEPJ & FFIT •
moc.noinapmocdnalyrreb@nerak :ot deliame eb nac ypoc trevdA
yna rof seussi 4 yreve ni 1 xaM( )resitrevda eno
+ tnorF edisnI revoC kcaB egaP elbuoD
)daerps egap 2 ertneC(
Do you have any unwanted old motorbikes,cars or Caravans in your garage or garden ? Any age or condition: M.O.T failures, runners,non-runners or rusty wrecks. Even motorbikes that are difficult to retrieve,we are fully equipped 00.831£
nwo ruoy morf ,uoy rof ti ecudorp nac ew neht tamrof cinortcele na ni elbaliava ton si da ruoy fI a evah uoy fi rehgih eb yam siht hguohtla ,01£ tsuj fo ecirp dexfi a rof yllamron ,txet ypoc drah ni desu-er eb neht dluoc trevda eht - egrahc ffo-eno a si sihT( !trevda xelpmoc ylralucitrap ).egrahc fo eerf seussi tneuqesbus
sweiveR lairotidE
YAP UOY ECIRP EHT SI EES UOY ECIRP EHT OS ,DERETSIGER TAVA TON ERA EW .secirp egakcap rof su tcatnoC artxe 00.01£ :7 & 5 segaP muimerP .000,8 rep 792£ ta enizagam htiw dereviled eb nac stresni esooL
.trevda fo noitacilbup eetnaraug ot htnom hcae fo ht61 yb deviecer eb tsum tnemyap dna ypoC .edam si tnemyap lluf nehw deetnaraug ylno si ecaps tnemesitrevdA .htnom hcae 000,8 ot pu srebmun noitubirtsiD
fo dnekeew tsrfi eht dnuora ro no ,ylhtnom detubirtsid dna dehsilbup eb lliw noinapmoC ehT .raey a snoitide 01 .htnom eht owt revo notibruS dna sdnalyrreB dnuora dna ni semoh 000,21 revo ot dereviled eb lliw tI .deetnaraug - shtnom .aera eht otni gnivom enoyna rof noitamrofni lacol fo ecruos tsrfi eht si ti noitidda nI
ngiseD & tamroF
:sU tcatnoC
.repap ytilauq no detnirp etihw dna kcalb sulp ruoloc htiw delpats ,telkoob ezis 5A na si tI .leef ytilauq hgih yrev a ti gnivig repap ssolg msg511 no detnirp eb lliw noinapmoC ehT eht yb tpek eb lliw ti leef dna kool ,tnetnoc ,ezis s’ti fo esuaceb dna ’ytivegnol‘ evah lliw tI fo ’ycaidmmi‘ sresitrevda gnivig ybereht ,sevirra eussi txen eht litnu sdlohesuoh fo ytirojam .deriuqer era secivres rieht nehw ’ssecca
ssegruB neraK daoR enwodsgniK 81 ZJ6 6TK ,yerruS ,notibruS 6900 4728 020 :leT 18530029070 :xaF moc.noinapmocsdnalyrreb@nerak :liamE moc.noinapmocsdnalyrreb.www :beW
Give us a call - we will buy it for a GOOD price and 0% hassle
Friendly, polite & professional service. All areas covered we will come to you at a time that suits you.
Epsom: 01372 888671 Mobile 07341 930635 - 24/7
Mini Cryptic Crossword
Across HP Buy Motorbikes.indd 9
Bloke cut – after a comedian (7) Letter from home garbled? (5) Airhead boarding smart chopper (7) Earl on deployment not holding a sign up (5) 11. One young lady out of order (5) 12. Food beyond average starter (5) 14. Rocks far from small stone initially (5) 16. Repulsive cloak on short American (7) 18. Some clever-dick composer (5) 19. A house dirty, empty and foul (7) Down 1. Secret supply of coins, we hear (5) 2. Champion some tyke calls back (3) 3. Plane going up and down (5) 4. Girl accepted going short (5) 5. Drink a nastier concoction (7) 6. Money earned a long time after work (5) 10. Return to a craft after others (7) 12. Games with the First Lady annoy! (5)
07/09/2019 23:03:08
1. 7. 8. 9.
30 30
13. Insect some papers concealed (5) 14. The South of France, and a northern place (5)
15. Bold soldiers on the fringes of society (5) 17. Goddess no flip priestess backs (3)
Please mention the magazine when contacting Advertisers
Berrylands Autocare Rates
Advertiser’s Guide
Price List - Our Prices Haven’t Increased for 2 Years 1 Issue
2 Issues*
Full Page
Half Page
Quarter Page
Black & White
Saving 5%
3 Issues* Saving 7.5%
4 Issues* Saving 10%
Copy Deadline
5 Issues* Saving 20%
Full Page
Half Page
Quarter Page
Front Cover Banner
Final copy must be submitted by the 16th of each month, for inclusion in the following months edition (which will be distributed during the first weekend of that month.)
Full payment for all advertisements must be received by the copy deadline date. Payment can be made by: Cheques payable to ‘Berrylands Companion’ or cash. Payment by BACS or standing order by arrangement.
Full Colour
(Max 1 in every 4 issues for any one advertiser)
‘A Berrylands Companion’ is a small independent operation and is not registered for VAT. Consequently, no VAT is charged on advertisements.
Acceptable Formats
Adverts can be submitted in the following formats: • MS Word • MS Powerpoint • MS Publisher • TIFF & JPEG
* MOT Testing (while you wait) * Diagnostic Testing * Servicing & Mechanical Repairs * Open until 5.30pm weekdays * Saturdays: 9.00am to 1.00pm Back Cover
Inside Front + Back Cover
Double Page
Editorial Reviews
(Centre 2 page spread)
Advert copy can be emailed to: If your ad is not available in an electronic format then we can produce it for you, from your own hard copy text, normally for a fixed price of just £10, although this may be higher if you have a particularly complex advert! (This is a one-off charge - the advert could then be re-used in subsequent issues free of charge.)
WE ARE NOT AVAT REGISTERED, SO THE PRICE YOU SEE IS THE PRICE YOU PAY Contact us for package prices. Premium Pages 5 & 7: £10.00 extra Loose inserts can be delivered with magazine at £297 per 8,000.
Copy and payment must be received by 16th of each month to guarantee publication of advert. Advertisement space is only guaranteed when full payment is made. Distribution numbers up to 8,000 each month.
The Companion will be published and distributed monthly, on or around the first weekend of the month. 10 editions a year. It will be delivered to over 12,000 homes in and around Berrylands and Surbiton over two months - guaranteed. In addition it is the first source of local information for anyone moving into the area.
Format & Design
Contact Us:
It is an A5 size booklet, stapled with colour plus black and white printed on quality paper. The Companion will be printed on 115gsm gloss paper giving it a very high quality feel. It will have ‘longevity’ and because of it’s size, content, look and feel it will be kept by the majority of households until the next issue arrives, thereby giving advertisers ‘immdiacy’ of access’ when their services are required.
Karen Burgess 18 Kingsdowne Road Surbiton, Surrey, KT6 6JZ Tel: 020 8274 0096 Fax: 07092003581 Email: Web:
250 yards from main line Berrylands Station Providing a service for our local community
167 Surbiton Hill Park, Surbiton, Surrey, KT5 8EJ
020 8399 4362
WVM can manage all your vehicle needs. Our workshop is located in Berrylands and we carry out mobile smart repairs in the surrounding areas. › SERVICING & REPAIRS
For FREE giveaways follow us on twitter @walsh_vm or search @walshvm on facebook
119 Chiltern Drive, Surbiton KT5 8LS KT5 8JW 65 The Avenue, Berrylands, Surbiton 020 3816 0441 \ \ 0208 399 8584
To advertise call Karen: 020 8274 0096 WVM_A6ADVERT_3.indd 2
31 31
14/01/2017 22:24
ediuG s’resitrevdA
sraeY 2 rof desaercnI t’nevaH secirP ruO - tsiL ecirP
enildaeD ypoC
*seussI 5
*seussI 4
*seussI 3
*seussI 2
eussI 1
%02 gnivaS
shtnom gniwollof eht ni noisulcni rof ,htnom hcae fo ht61 eht yb dettimbus eb tsum ypoc laniF ).htnom taht fo dnekeew tsrfi eht gnirud detubirtsid eb lliw hcihw( noitide
.etad enildaed ypoc eht yb deviecer eb tsum stnemesitrevda lla rof tnemyap lluF yb tnemyaP .hsac ro ’noinapmoC sdnalyrreB‘ ot elbayap seuqehC :yb edam eb nac tnemyaP .tnemegnarra yb redro gnidnats ro SCAB
%01 gnivaS
%5.7 gnivaS
%5 gnivaS
etihW & kcalB
egaP flaH
egaP retrauQ
ruoloC lluF
egaP lluF
egaP flaH
Registered Office: 1, Orchard Close, West Ewell, Epsom, Surrey, KT19 9NS
.TAV rof deretsiger ton si dna noitarepo tnednepedni llams a si ’noinapmoC sdnalyrreB A‘ .stnemesitrevda no degrahc si TAV on ,yltneuqesnoC
stamroF elbatpeccA
:stamrof gniwollof eht ni dettimbus eb nac strevdA droW SM • tnioprewoP SM • rehsilbuP SM • GEPJ & FFIT •
egaP retrauQ
rennaB revoC tnorF
revoC kcaB
00.341£ 00.391£
yna rof seussi 4 yreve ni 1 xaM( )resitrevda eno
+ tnorF edisnI revoC kcaB egaP elbuoD
moc.noinapmocdnalyrreb@nerak :ot deliame eb nac ypoc trevdA
nwo ruoy morf ,uoy rof ti ecudorp nac ew neht tamrof cinortcele na ni elbaliava ton si da ruoy fI a evah uoy fi rehgih eb yam siht hguohtla ,01£ tsuj fo ecirp dexfi a rof yllamron ,txet ypoc drah ni desu-er eb neht dluoc trevda eht - egrahc ffo-eno a si sihT( !trevda xelpmoc ylralucitrap ).egrahc fo eerf seussi tneuqesbus
)daerps egap 2 ertneC(
sweiveR lairotidE
YAP UOY ECIRP EHT SI EES UOY ECIRP EHT OS ,DERETSIGER TAVA TON ERA EW .secirp egakcap rof su tcatnoC artxe 00.01£ :7 & 5 segaP muimerP .000,8 rep 792£ ta enizagam htiw dereviled eb nac stresni esooL
.trevda fo noitacilbup eetnaraug ot htnom hcae fo ht61 yb deviecer eb tsum tnemyap dna ypoC .edam si tnemyap lluf nehw deetnaraug ylno si ecaps tnemesitrevdA .htnom hcae 000,8 ot pu srebmun noitubirtsiD
fo dnekeew tsrfi eht dnuora ro no ,ylhtnom detubirtsid dna dehsilbup eb lliw noinapmoC ehT .raey a snoitide 01 .htnom eht owt revo notibruS dna sdnalyrreB dnuora dna ni semoh 000,21 revo ot dereviled eb lliw tI .deetnaraug - shtnom .aera eht otni gnivom enoyna rof noitamrofni lacol fo ecruos tsrfi eht si ti noitidda nI
ngiseD & tamroF
:sU tcatnoC
.repap ytilauq no detnirp etihw dna kcalb sulp ruoloc htiw delpats ,telkoob ezis 5A na si tI .leef ytilauq hgih yrev a ti gnivig repap ssolg msg511 no detnirp eb lliw noinapmoC ehT eht yb tpek eb lliw ti leef dna kool ,tnetnoc ,ezis s’ti fo esuaceb dna ’ytivegnol‘ evah lliw tI fo ’ycaidmmi‘ sresitrevda gnivig ybereht ,sevirra eussi txen eht litnu sdlohesuoh fo ytirojam .deriuqer era secivres rieht nehw ’ssecca
ssegruB neraK daoR enwodsgniK 81 ZJ6 6TK ,yerruS ,notibruS 6900 4728 020 :leT 18530029070 :xaF moc.noinapmocsdnalyrreb@nerak :liamE moc.noinapmocsdnalyrreb.www :beW
Interim Service - £85 Full Service - £145 (Parts and Labour included) CARS UP TO 2000 CC Quotes for cars over 2000 cc - please phone
Diagnostics - Brakes - Clutches - Bodywork - Welding etc. Labour Rate £37.50 per hour Telephone:
Office - 020 8397 8654 Garage - 07784 716 567 (For instant attention)
Latest Posting Dates LAST RECOMMENDED SERVICE POSTING DATES International Standard & International Tracking & Signature Services Monday 9th December
Africa, Asia, Caribbean, Central & South America, Far & Middle East
Tuesday 10th December
Cyprus, Malta
Wednesday 11th December
Eastern Europe (except Poland, Czech Republic & Slovakia)
Thursday 12th December
Australia, Greece, Turkey, New Zealand
Saturday 14th December
Canada, Czech Republic, Finland, Italy, Poland, Sweden, USA
Sunday Saturday15th 15thDecember December
Finland, Sweden
Monday 16th December
Austria, Denmark, Germany, Iceland, Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Slovakia, Spain, Switzerland
UK Inland Services Wednesday 18th December
2nd Class & Royal Mail Signed For® 2nd Class
Friday 20th December
1st Class & Royal Mail Signed For® 1st Class
Monday 23rd December
Wednesday 18th December Belgium, France, Ireland, Luxembourg
32 32
Please mention the magazine when contacting Advertisers
Special Delivery Guaranteed®
These elements form an important part of the identity and help make the magazine an approachable, friendly publication. Whilst their primary function is to form part of the logo, Each element can be used in its own right to add a special touch to layouts. This may be particularly useful when creating a page that is otherwise purely typographic.
Advertiser’s Guide
Price List - Our Prices Haven’t Increased for 2 Years 1 Issue
2 Issues*
3 Issues*
4 Issues*
5 Issues*
Full Page
Half Page
Quarter Page
Black & White
Saving 5%
Saving 7.5%
Saving 10%
Copy Deadline
Saving 20%
Final copy must be submitted by the 16th of each month, for inclusion in the following months edition (which will be distributed during the first weekend of that month.)
Full payment for all advertisements must be received by the copy deadline date. Payment can be made by: Cheques payable to ‘Berrylands Companion’ or cash. Payment by BACS or standing order by arrangement.
Full Colour Full Page
Half Page
Quarter Page
Front Cover Banner
(Max 1 in every 4 issues for any one advertiser)
Back Cover
Inside Front + Back Cover
Double Page
Editorial Reviews
(Centre 2 page spread)
‘A Berrylands Companion’ is a small independent operation and is not registered for VAT. Consequently, no VAT is charged on advertisements.
Acceptable Formats
Adverts can be submitted in the following formats: • MS Word • MS Powerpoint • MS Publisher • TIFF & JPEG Advert copy can be emailed to: If your ad is not available in an electronic format then we can produce it for you, from your own hard copy text, normally for a fixed price of just £10, although this may be higher if you have a particularly complex advert! (This is a one-off charge - the advert could then be re-used in subsequent issues free of charge.)
WE ARE NOT AVAT REGISTERED, SO THE PRICE YOU SEE IS THE PRICE YOU PAY Contact us for package prices. Premium Pages 5 & 7: £10.00 extra Loose inserts can be delivered with magazine at £297 per 8,000.
Copy and payment must be received by 16th of each month to guarantee publication of advert. Advertisement space is only guaranteed when full payment is made. Distribution numbers up to 8,000 each month.
The Companion will be published and distributed monthly, on or around the first weekend of the month. 10 editions a year. It will be delivered to over 12,000 homes in and around Berrylands and Surbiton over two months - guaranteed. In addition it is the first source of local information for anyone moving into the area.
Format & Design
Contact Us:
It is an A5 size booklet, stapled with colour plus black and white printed on quality paper. The Companion will be printed on 115gsm gloss paper giving it a very high quality feel. It will have ‘longevity’ and because of it’s size, content, look and feel it will be kept by the majority of households until the next issue arrives, thereby giving advertisers ‘immdiacy’ of access’ when their services are required.
Karen Burgess 18 Kingsdowne Road Surbiton, Surrey, KT6 6JZ Tel: 020 8274 0096 Fax: 07092003581 Email: Web:
To advertise call Karen: 020 8274 0096
E Nov 19. 33-40.indd 33
33 33
10/10/2019 12:50:42
ediuG s’resitrevdA
sraeY 2 rof desaercnI t’nevaH secirP ruO - tsiL ecirP
enildaeD ypoC
*seussI 5
*seussI 4
*seussI 3
*seussI 2
eussI 1
%02 gnivaS
shtnom gniwollof eht ni noisulcni rof ,htnom hcae fo ht61 eht yb dettimbus eb tsum ypoc laniF ).htnom taht fo dnekeew tsrfi eht gnirud detubirtsid eb lliw hcihw( noitide
.etad enildaed ypoc eht yb deviecer eb tsum stnemesitrevda lla rof tnemyap lluF yb tnemyaP .hsac ro ’noinapmoC sdnalyrreB‘ ot elbayap seuqehC :yb edam eb nac tnemyaP .tnemegnarra yb redro gnidnats ro SCAB
%01 gnivaS
%5.7 gnivaS
%5 gnivaS
etihW & kcalB egaP lluF
egaP flaH
egaP retrauQ
ruoloC lluF
.TAV rof deretsiger ton si dna noitarepo tnednepedni llams a si ’noinapmoC sdnalyrreB A‘ .stnemesitrevda no degrahc si TAV on ,yltneuqesnoC
stamroF elbatpeccA
:stamrof gniwollof eht ni dettimbus eb nac strevdA droW SM • tnioprewoP SM • rehsilbuP SM • GEPJ & FFIT •
egaP lluF egaP flaH
00.38£ 00.74£
egaP retrauQ
rennaB revoC tnorF
revoC kcaB
yna rof seussi 4 yreve ni 1 xaM( )resitrevda eno
+ tnorF edisnI revoC kcaB
egaP elbuoD
moc.noinapmocdnalyrreb@nerak :ot deliame eb nac ypoc trevdA
nwo ruoy morf ,uoy rof ti ecudorp nac ew neht tamrof cinortcele na ni elbaliava ton si da ruoy fI a evah uoy fi rehgih eb yam siht hguohtla ,01£ tsuj fo ecirp dexfi a rof yllamron ,txet ypoc drah ni desu-er eb neht dluoc trevda eht - egrahc ffo-eno a si sihT( !trevda xelpmoc ylralucitrap ).egrahc fo eerf seussi tneuqesbus
)daerps egap 2 ertneC(
sweiveR lairotidE
YAP UOY ECIRP EHT SI EES UOY ECIRP EHT OS ,DERETSIGER TAVA TON ERA EW .secirp egakcap rof su tcatnoC artxe 00.01£ :7 & 5 segaP muimerP .000,8 rep 792£ ta enizagam htiw dereviled eb nac stresni esooL
.trevda fo noitacilbup eetnaraug ot htnom hcae fo ht61 yb deviecer eb tsum tnemyap dna ypoC .edam si tnemyap lluf nehw deetnaraug ylno si ecaps tnemesitrevdA .htnom hcae 000,8 ot pu srebmun noitubirtsiD
fo dnekeew tsrfi eht dnuora ro no ,ylhtnom detubirtsid dna dehsilbup eb lliw noinapmoC ehT .raey a snoitide 01 .htnom eht owt revo notibruS dna sdnalyrreB dnuora dna ni semoh 000,21 revo ot dereviled eb lliw tI .deetnaraug - shtnom .aera eht otni gnivom enoyna rof noitamrofni lacol fo ecruos tsrfi eht si ti noitidda nI
Britain’s Best Roads – A Top 10 ngiseD & tamroF
:sU tcatnoC
.repap ytilauq no detnirp etihw dna kcalb sulp ruoloc htiw delpats ,telkoob ezis 5A na si tI .leef ytilauq hgih yrev a ti gnivig repap ssolg msg511 no detnirp eb lliw noinapmoC ehT eht yb tpek eb lliw ti leef dna kool ,tnetnoc ,ezis s’ti fo esuaceb dna ’ytivegnol‘ evah lliw tI fo ’ycaidmmi‘ sresitrevda gnivig ybereht ,sevirra eussi txen eht litnu sdlohesuoh fo ytirojam .deriuqer era secivres rieht nehw ’ssecca
ssegruB neraK daoR enwodsgni K 81 ZJ6 6TK ,yerruS ,notibruS 6900 4728 020 :leT 18530029070 :xaF moc.noinapmocsdnalyrreb@nerak :liamE moc.noinapmocsdnalyrreb.www :beW
The B3135 from Cheddar to Ashwick in Somerset is considered, from research conducted by Volkswagen, to be number one on a list of top drives in Britain. It’s a pretty-safe bet you won’t find the M6 or M25 on this list, because to make it on there, it’s the journey that counted, not the arrival. (Although, perhaps in the case of the aforementioned two roads, increasingly the arrival on Britain’s motorway network is in some far-far distant hour.) To compile this list, key criteria such as scenery (that’s the M2 out then), points of interest, good driving conditions, levels of traffic and low accident rates were considered. 61
Nearly 100 roads, based on these indicators, made the grade and after the B3135, the top ten continues like this: 2. The A940/A939/A944/A97, Forres to Alford in Scotland 3. A701, Moffat towards Edinburgh in Dumfries and Galloway and the Scottish Borders 4. A4069, Black Mountain Road, Brecon Beacons, Powys, Wales 5. A82, Glencoe, Scottish Highlands 6. A308/B3021/B3026, Old Windsor – Dorney, Buckinghamshire 7. B4089, Pelham Lane – Wood Lane – Alcester to Wilmcote, Warwickshire 8. A426/A423/A425/B445/A4225, Draycote Water to Warwick, Warwickshire 9. Hardnott Pass, Lake District, Cumbria 10. A675, Bolton to Blackburn, Lancashire So, if you find yourself near any of the locations of these roads, and note, three are in Scotland and two in the Midlands, why not take some time out to enjoy some great driving on one of Britain’s best routes? It will, and I think I’m on the right track in saying so, most definitely be better than your daily commute. By Iain Betson
High Performance Cars Light Commercials Family Saloons 4WD Vehicles
l l l l
All leading makes of tyres Available from stock Wheel alignment and balancing While U Wait service Email: 169 CHESSINGTON ROAD, WEST EWELL, EPSOM, SURREY
34 34
Please mention the magazine when contacting Advertisers
Advertiser’s Guide
Price List - Our Prices Haven’t Increased for 2 Years 1 Issue
2 Issues*
Full Page
Half Page
Quarter Page
Black & White
Saving 5%
3 Issues* Saving 7.5%
4 Issues* Saving 10%
Copy Deadline
5 Issues* Saving 20%
Full Page
Final copy must be submitted by the 16th of each month, for inclusion in the following months edition (which will be distributed during the first weekend of that month.)
Full payment for all advertisements must be received by the copy deadline date. Payment can be made by: Cheques payable to ‘Berrylands Companion’ or cash. Payment by BACS or standing order by arrangement.
Full Colour Half Page
Quarter Page
Front Cover Banner
Back Cover
Inside Front + Back Cover
Double Page
Editorial Reviews
(Max 1 in every 4 issues for any one advertiser)
(Centre 2 page spread)
‘A Berrylands Companion’ is a small independent operation and is not registered for VAT. Consequently, no VAT is charged on advertisements.
Acceptable Formats
Adverts can be submitted in the following formats: • MS Word • MS Powerpoint • MS Publisher • TIFF & JPEG Advert copy can be emailed to: If your ad is not available in an electronic format then we can produce it for you, from your own hard copy text, normally for a fixed price of just £10, although this may be higher if you have a particularly complex advert! (This is a one-off charge - the advert could then be re-used in subsequent issues free of charge.)
WE ARE NOT AVAT REGISTERED, SO THE PRICE YOU SEE IS THE PRICE YOU PAY Contact us for package prices. Premium Pages 5 & 7: £10.00 extra Loose inserts can be delivered with magazine at £297 per 8,000.
Copy and payment must be received by 16th of each month to guarantee publication of advert. Advertisement space is only guaranteed when full payment is made. Distribution numbers up to 8,000 each month.
The Companion will be published and distributed monthly, on or around the first weekend of the month. 10 editions a year. It will be delivered to over 12,000 homes in and around Berrylands and Surbiton over two months - guaranteed. In addition it is the first source of local information for anyone moving into the area.
Format & Design
Contact Us:
It is an A5 size booklet, stapled with colour plus black and white printed on quality paper. The Companion will be printed on 115gsm gloss paper giving it a very high quality feel. It will have ‘longevity’ and because of it’s size, content, look and feel it will be kept by the majority of households until the next issue arrives, thereby giving advertisers ‘immdiacy’ of access’ when their services are required.
Karen Burgess 18 Kingsdowne Road Surbiton, Surrey, KT6 6JZ Tel: 020 8274 0096 Fax: 07092003581 Email: Web:
Receptions in Loving Memory at Glenmore House At Glenmore House, we understand that organising a wake reception for the passing of a loved one can be a difficult time for all involved. With years of experience, our
dedicated events team are
always on hand to help organise a fitting farewell in a discreet and understanding way. A post funeral reception should be a celebration of a person’s life and so we feel that it is important to create a bespoke experience in which guests can reflect and look back on fond memories in an environment that feels personal through the
little touches and attention to detail. Glenmore House offers a number of different rooms with suitable settings including beautiful period features for such an event. We can accommodate receptions of between 15-140 guests.
Packages start from £15.95 per person
0208 399 1415 6 The Crescent, Surbiton, Surrey KT6 4BN
Banqueting & Celebrations • Weddings • Private Dining • Carvery
To advertise call Karen: 020 8274 0096
35 35
Sesame chicken and crunchy veg stir fry ediuG s’resitrevdA
sraeY 2 rof desaercnI t’nevaH secirP ruO - tsiL ecirP
enildaeD ypoC
*seussI 5
*seussI 4
*seussI 3
*seussI 2
eussI 1
egaP flaH
egaP retrauQ
%02 gnivaS
shtnom gniwollof eht ni noisulcni rof ,htnom hcae fo ht61 eht yb dettimbus eb tsum ypoc laniF ).htnom taht fo dnekeew tsrfi eht gnirud detubirtsid eb lliw hcihw( noitide
%5.7 gnivaS
%5 gnivaS
etihW & kcalB egaP lluF
egaP lluF
egaP flaH
.etad enildaed ypoc eht yb deviecer eb tsum stnemesitrevda lla rof tnemyap lluF yb tnemyaP .hsac ro ’noinapmoC sdnalyrreB‘ ot elbayap seuqehC :yb edam eb nac tnemyaP .tnemegnarra yb redro gnidnats ro SCAB
%01 gnivaS
ruoloC lluF
.TAV rof deretsiger ton si dna noitarepo tnednepedni llams a si ’noinapmoC sdnalyrreB A‘ .stnemesitrevda no degrahc si TAV on ,yltneuqesnoC
stamroF elbatpeccA
:stamrof gniwollof eht ni dettimbus eb nac strevdA droW SM • tnioprewoP SM • rehsilbuP SM • GEPJ & FFIT •
egaP retrauQ
rennaB revoC tnorF
yna rof seussi 4 yreve ni 1 xaM( )resitrevda eno
revoC kcaB
Stir-fries are a great way to use up any left over veggies in the fridge. This one has added crunch with red cabbage and a nutty sprinkling of sesame seeds. 00.341£
moc.noinapmocdnalyrreb@nerak :ot deliame eb nac ypoc trevdA
nwo ruoy morf ,uoy rof ti ecudorp nac ew neht tamrof cinortcele na ni elbaliava ton si da ruoy fI a evah uoy fi rehgih eb yam siht hguohtla ,01£ tsuj fo ecirp dexfi a rof yllamron ,txet ypoc drah ni desu-er eb neht dluoc trevda eht - egrahc ffo-eno a si sihT( !trevda xelpmoc ylralucitrap ).egrahc fo eerf seussi tneuqesbus
+ tnorF edisnI revoC kcaB egaP elbuoD
)daerps egap 2 ertneC(
sweiveR lairotidE
YAP UOY ECIRP EHT SI EES UOY ECIRP EHT OS ,DERETSIGER TAVA TON ERA EW .secirp egakcap rof su tcatnoC artxe 00.01£ :7 & 5 segaP muimerP .000,8 rep 792£ ta enizagam htiw dereviled eb nac stresni esooL
.trevda fo noitacilbup eetnaraug ot htnom hcae fo ht61 yb deviecer eb tsum tnemyap dna ypoC .edam si tnemyap lluf nehw deetnaraug ylno si ecaps tnemesitrevdA .htnom hcae 000,8 ot pu srebmun noitubirtsiD
fo dnekeew tsrfi eht dnuora ro no ,ylhtnom detubirtsid dna dehsilbup eb lliw noinapmoC ehT .raey a snoitide 01 .htnom eht owt revo notibruS dna sdnalyrreB dnuora dna ni semoh 000,21 revo ot dereviled eb lliw tI .deetnaraug - shtnom .aera eht otni gnivom enoyna rof noitamrofni lacol fo ecruos tsrfi eht si ti noitidda nI
ngiseD & tamroF
:sU tcatnoC
.repap ytilauq no detnirp etihw dna kcalb sulp ruoloc htiw delpats ,telkoob ezis 5A na si tI .leef ytilauq hgih yrev a ti gnivig repap ssolg msg511 no detnirp eb lliw noinapmoC ehT eht yb tpek eb lliw ti leef dna kool ,tnetnoc ,ezis s’ti fo esuaceb dna ’ytivegnol‘ evah lliw tI fo ’ycaidmmi‘ sresitrevda gnivig ybereht ,sevirra eussi txen eht litnu sdlohesuoh fo ytirojam .deriuqer era secivres rieht nehw ’ssecca
ssegruB neraK daoR enwodsgni K 81 ZJ6 6TK ,yerruS ,notibruS 6900 4728 020 :leT 18530029070 :xaF moc.noinapmocsdnalyrreb@nerak :liamE moc.noinapmocsdnalyrreb.www :beW
Ready in: 20 minutes | Serves 4
1 tbsp vegetable oil
1 tsp grated root ginger
2 garlic cloves, peeled and crushed 1 onion, peeled and thinly sliced
350g chicken breast fillet, cut into thin strips 2 large carrots, peeled and coarsely grated 225g broccoli florets, blanched (see Tip) 2 tbsp light soy sauce 1 tbsp runny honey
300g pack fresh noodles 1 tsp sesame oil
1 tbsp sesame seeds
¼ of a red cabbage, finely shredded and blanched (see Tip)
Lime wedges, to serve
36 36
Heat the vegetable oil in a large wok or nonstick frying pan over a high until until almost smoking. Add the ginger and garlic and stir-fry for 30 seconds then add the onion and chicken and stir-fry for a further 2-3 minutes until the onion is tender and the chicken is almost cooked through.
Add the grated carrot and broccoli and stir-fry for another minute then stir in the soy sauce, honey and noodles with 1-2 tbsp hot water. Stir fry for a further 1-2 minutes until the noodles are piping hot. Stir in the sesame oil and half the sesame seeds.
Divide the stir-fry between four warmed serving dishes and top with the rest of the sesame seeds and the shredded red cabbage. Serve immediately with lime wedges.
Blanching the broccoli and red cabbage will just soften them slightly. Plunge into a pan of boiling water for 1 minute then drain and refresh under cold water.
Please mention the magazine when contacting Advertisers
Advertiser’s Guide
C.D Jennings & Sons Price List - Our Prices Haven’t Increased for 2 Years 1 Issue
2 Issues*
3 Issues*
4 Issues*
5 Issues*
Full Page
Half Page
Quarter Page
Black & White
Saving 5%
Saving 7.5%
Saving 10%
Copy Deadline
Saving 20%
Full Page
Final copy must be submitted by the 16th of each month, for inclusion in the following months edition (which will be distributed during the first weekend of that month.)
Full payment for all advertisements must be received by the copy deadline date. Payment can be made by: Cheques payable to ‘Berrylands Companion’ or cash. Payment by BACS or standing order by arrangement.
Full Colour Half Page
Quarter Page
Front Cover Banner
Back Cover
Inside Front + Back Cover
Double Page
Editorial Reviews
‘A Berrylands Companion’ is a small independent operation and is not registered for VAT. Consequently, no VAT is charged on advertisements.
Acceptable Formats
Surbiton’s Surbiton’s High High Class Traditional TraditionalFamily Family Butchers Butchers Meat Quality Meatofofthe theHighest Highest Quality from the Finest Sources Sources from the Finest (Max 1 in every 4 issues for any one advertiser)
(Centre 2 page spread)
Adverts can be submitted in the following formats: • MS Word • MS Powerpoint • MS Publisher • TIFF & JPEG Advert copy can be emailed to: If your ad is not available in an electronic format then we can produce it for you, from your own hard copy text, normally for a fixed price of just £10, although this may be higher if you have a particularly complex advert! (This is a one-off charge - the advert could then be re-used in subsequent issues free of charge.)
WE ARE NOT AVAT REGISTERED, SO THE PRICE YOU SEE IS THE PRICE YOU PAY Contact us for package prices. Premium Pages 5 & 7: £10.00 extra Loose inserts can be delivered with magazine at £297 per 8,000.
Copy and payment must be received by 16th of each month to guarantee publication of advert. Advertisement space is only guaranteed when full payment is made. Distribution numbers up to 8,000 each month.
The Companion will be published and distributed monthly, on or around the first weekend of the month. 10 editions a year. It will be delivered to over 12,000 homes in and around Berrylands and Surbiton over two months - guaranteed. In addition it is the first source of local information for anyone moving into the area.
Format & Design
Contact Us:
It is an A5 size booklet, stapled with colour plus black and white printed on quality paper. The Companion will be printed on 115gsm gloss paper giving it a very high quality feel. It will have ‘longevity’ and because of it’s size, content, look and feel it will be kept by the majority of households until the next issue arrives, thereby giving advertisers ‘immdiacy’ of access’ when their services are required.
Karen Burgess 18 Kingsdowne Road Surbiton, Surrey, KT6 6JZ Tel: 020 8274 0096 Fax: 07092003581 Email: Web:
Serving Surbiton Since 1962 . Order Now For Christmas & New Year! Call: 020 8399 4870 Kelly Bronze Free Range Turkeys Free Range Geese, Ducks & Chickens Scotch Beef & Scotch Highland Lamb Free Range & Gloucester Old Spot Pork Balmoral Venison Gammons & Hams Chipolatas, Bacon & Sausage Meat
Thanksgiving and Early Xmas Celebrations We can supply Kelly Bronze turkeys and other festive meats in the weeks before Christmas. Please call us for further details or to order.
Visit our shop at 146 Ewell Road, Surbiton, KT6 6HE (Opposite Sainsbury’s Local) or call us to place an order on 020 8399 4870
To advertise call Karen: 020 8274 0096
For more information view our website
37 37
Chocolate, Almond & Poppy Seed Cake ediuG s’resitrevdA
sraeY 2 rof desaercnI t’nevaH secirP ruO - tsiL ecirP
enildaeD ypoC
*seussI 5 %02 gnivaS
shtnom gniwollof eht ni noisulcni rof ,htnom hcae fo ht61 eht yb dettimbus eb tsum ypoc laniF ).htnom taht fo dnekeew tsrfi eht gnirud detubirtsid eb lliw hcihw( noitide
*seussI 4 %01 gnivaS
*seussI 3 %5.7 gnivaS
*seussI 2 %5 gnivaS
eussI 1 etihW & kcalB
Poppy seeds have a wonderful nutty flavour and are a perfect addition to this simple-to-make chocolate cake. 00.0501£
egaP lluF
egaP flaH
egaP retrauQ
egaP lluF
egaP flaH
.etad enildaed ypoc eht yb deviecer eb tsum stnemesitrevda lla rof tnemyap lluF yb tnemyaP .hsac ro ’noinapmoC sdnalyrreB‘ ot elbayap seuqehC :yb edam eb nac tnemyaP .tnemegnarra yb redro gnidnats ro SCAB
00.723£ 00.271£
ruoloC lluF
.TAV rof deretsiger ton si dna noitarepo tnednepedni llams a si ’noinapmoC sdnalyrreB A‘ .stnemesitrevda no degrahc si TAV on ,yltneuqesnoC
stamroF elbatpeccA
:stamrof gniwollof eht ni dettimbus eb nac strevdA droW SM • tnioprewoP SM • rehsilbuP SM • GEPJ & FFIT •
egaP retrauQ
rennaB revoC tnorF
revoC kcaB
moc.noinapmocdnalyrreb@nerak :ot deliame eb nac ypoc trevdA
nwo ruoy morf ,uoy rof ti ecudorp nac ew neht tamrof cinortcele na ni elbaliava ton si da ruoy fI a evah uoy fi rehgih eb yam siht hguohtla ,01£ tsuj fo ecirp dexfi a rof yllamron ,txet ypoc drah ni desu-er eb neht dluoc trevda eht - egrahc ffo-eno a si sihT( !trevda xelpmoc ylralucitrap ).egrahc fo eerf seussi tneuqesbus
yna rof seussi 4 yreve ni 1 xaM( )resitrevda eno
+ tnorF edisnI revoC kcaB egaP elbuoD
)daerps egap 2 ertneC(
sweiveR lairotidE
YAP UOY ECIRP EHT SI EES UOY ECIRP EHT OS ,DERETSIGER TAVA TON ERA EW .secirp egakcap rof su tcatnoC artxe 00.01£ :7 & 5 segaP muimerP .000,8 rep 792£ ta enizagam htiw dereviled eb nac stresni esooL
.trevda fo noitacilbup eetnaraug ot htnom hcae fo ht61 yb deviecer eb tsum tnemyap dna ypoC .edam si tnemyap lluf nehw deetnaraug ylno si ecaps tnemesitrevdA .htnom hcae 000,8 ot pu srebmun noitubirtsiD
fo dnekeew tsrfi eht dnuora ro no ,ylhtnom detubirtsid dna dehsilbup eb lliw noinapmoC ehT .raey a snoitide 01 .htnom eht owt revo notibruS dna sdnalyrreB dnuora dna ni semoh 000,21 revo ot dereviled eb lliw tI .deetnaraug - shtnom .aera eht otni gnivom enoyna rof noitamrofni lacol fo ecruos tsrfi eht si ti noitidda nI
ngiseD & tamroF
:sU tcatnoC
.repap ytilauq no detnirp etihw dna kcalb sulp ruoloc htiw delpats ,telkoob ezis 5A na si tI .leef ytilauq hgih yrev a ti gnivig repap ssolg msg511 no detnirp eb lliw noinapmoC ehT eht yb tpek eb lliw ti leef dna kool ,tnetnoc ,ezis s’ti fo esuaceb dna ’ytivegnol‘ evah lliw tI fo ’ycaidmmi‘ sresitrevda gnivig ybereht ,sevirra eussi txen eht litnu sdlohesuoh fo ytirojam .deriuqer era secivres rieht nehw ’ssecca
ssegruB neraK daoR enwodsgni K 81 ZJ6 6TK ,yerruS ,notibruS 6900 4728 020 :leT 18530029070 :xaF moc.noinapmocsdnalyrreb@nerak :liamE moc.noinapmocsdnalyrreb.www :beW
Ready in 1 hour 30 minutes, plus cooling | Serves 8
2 tbsp poppy seeds 2 tbsp hot milk
175g unsalted butter, softened 175g caster sugar
3 medium eggs, beaten 175g self raising flour 2 tbsp cocoa powder 75g ground almonds Icing sugar, to dust
Sliced plums, to serve (optional)
38 38
Preheat the oven to 180C/160C fan/ gas mark 4. Grease a 23cm round shallow cake tin and line the base with baking paper. Mix the poppy seeds and hot milk in a small heatproof bowl and set aside.
Place the butter and sugar in a large mixing bowl and beat with a hand-held electric whisk until pale and creamy. Gradually beat in the eggs then sift over the flour and cocoa powder and fold in with a metal spoon. Fold in the poppy seed and milk mixture and the ground almonds. Spoon the mixture into the prepared cake tin and level the surface. Bake in the preheated oven for 35-40 minutes, or until risen, firm to the touch and a skewer inserted into the cake comes out clean. Cool in the tin for 5 minutes then turn out onto a wire rack to cool completely. Dust the top of the cake with icing sugar. serve sliced with fresh plum slices, if liked.
This cake makes a delicious hot pudding too. Just cool for 5-10 minutes then cut into slices and drizzle with warmed chocolate or salted caramel sauce and serve with a dollop of whipped cream.
Please mention the magazine when contacting Advertisers
Advertiser’s Guide
Price List - Our Prices Haven’t Increased for 2 Years 1 Issue
2 Issues*
Full Page
Half Page
Quarter Page
Black & White
Saving 5%
3 Issues* Saving 7.5%
Full Page
Half Page
4 Issues* Saving 10%
Copy Deadline
5 Issues* Saving 20%
Quarter Page
Front Cover Banner
Final copy must be submitted by the 16th of each month, for inclusion in the following months edition (which will be distributed during the first weekend of that month.)
Full payment for all advertisements must be received by the copy deadline date. Payment can be made by: Cheques payable to ‘Berrylands Companion’ or cash. Payment by BACS or standing order by arrangement.
Full Colour
(Max 1 in every 4 issues for any one advertiser)
Back Cover
Inside Front + Back Cover
Double Page
Editorial Reviews
(Centre 2 page spread)
‘A Berrylands Companion’ is a small independent operation and is not registered for VAT. Consequently, no VAT is charged on advertisements.
Acceptable Formats
Adverts can be submitted in the following formats: • MS Word • MS Powerpoint • MS Publisher • TIFF & JPEG Advert copy can be emailed to: If your ad is not available in an electronic format then we can produce it for you, from your own hard copy text, normally for a fixed price of just £10, although this may be higher if you have a particularly complex advert! (This is a one-off charge - the advert could then be re-used in subsequent issues free of charge.)
WE ARE NOT AVAT REGISTERED, SO THE PRICE YOU SEE IS THE PRICE YOU PAY Contact us for package prices. Premium Pages 5 & 7: £10.00 extra Loose inserts can be delivered with magazine at £297 per 8,000.
Copy and payment must be received by 16th of each month to guarantee publication of advert. Advertisement space is only guaranteed when full payment is made. Distribution numbers up to 8,000 each month.
The Companion will be published and distributed monthly, on or around the first weekend of the month. 10 editions a year. It will be delivered to over 12,000 homes in and around Berrylands and Surbiton over two months - guaranteed. In addition it is the first source of local information for anyone moving into the area.
Format & Design
Contact Us:
It is an A5 size booklet, stapled with colour plus black and white printed on quality paper. The Companion will be printed on 115gsm gloss paper giving it a very high quality feel. It will have ‘longevity’ and because of it’s size, content, look and feel it will be kept by the majority of households until the next issue arrives, thereby giving advertisers ‘immdiacy’ of access’ when their services are required.
Karen Burgess 18 Kingsdowne Road Surbiton, Surrey, KT6 6JZ Tel: 020 8274 0096 Fax: 07092003581 Email: Web:
0208 390 7564 Book Now for your Christmas Party 16
We are now taking bookings for Christmas Day and New Years Eve Celebrate your Christmas party with us • 3 Course Lunch £27.50 • 3 Course Dinner £32.50 • Private Function Room Available • Late Licence till 1 a.m. • Live Music
CHRISTMAS IS COMING To advertise call Karen: 020 8274 0096
CONTACT US E: T: 0208 390 7564 F: 0208 390 4596 158 Ewell Road | Surbiton | Surrey KT6 6HE
39 39
ediuG s’resitrevdA
Best Restaurant London SW Region Tiffin Cup Awards Winner 2019 House of Commons Nominated by Sir Ed Davey MP Free home delivery for 15% DISCOUNT ON orders over £15 COLLECTIONS fULLY edAIR cONDITIONED n itio nd co r i a BANQUET NIGHT lly Fu
sraeY 2 rof desaercnI t’nevaH secirP ruO - tsiL ecirP
enildaeD ypoC
*seussI 5
*seussI 4
*seussI 3
*seussI 2
eussI 1
egaP flaH
egaP retrauQ
%02 gnivaS
shtnom gniwollof eht ni noisulcni rof ,htnom hcae fo ht61 eht yb dettimbus eb tsum ypoc laniF ).htnom taht fo dnekeew tsrfi eht gnirud detubirtsid eb lliw hcihw( noitide
.etad enildaed ypoc eht yb deviecer eb tsum stnemesitrevda lla rof tnemyap lluF yb tnemyaP .hsac ro ’noinapmoC sdnalyrreB‘ ot elbayap seuqehC :yb edam eb nac tnemyaP .tnemegnarra yb redro gnidnats ro SCAB
%01 gnivaS
%5.7 gnivaS
%5 gnivaS
etihW & kcalB egaP lluF
ruoloC lluF
.TAV rof deretsiger ton si dna noitarepo tnednepedni llams a si ’noinapmoC sdnalyrreB A‘ .stnemesitrevda no degrahc si TAV on ,yltneuqesnoC
stamroF elbatpeccA
:stamrof gniwollof eht ni dettimbus eb nac strevdA droW SM • tnioprewoP SM • rehsilbuP SM • GEPJ & FFIT •
egaP retrauQ rennaB revoC tnorF revoC kcaB
00.341£ 00.391£
moc.noinapmocdnalyrreb@nerak :ot deliame eb nac ypoc trevdA
nwo ruoy morf ,uoy rof ti ecudorp nac ew neht tamrof cinortcele na ni elbaliava ton si da ruoy fI a evah uoy fi rehgih eb yam siht hguohtla ,01£ tsuj fo ecirp dexfi a rof yllamron ,txet ypoc drah ni desu-er eb neht dluoc trevda eht - egrahc ffo-eno a si sihT( !trevda xelpmoc ylralucitrap ).egrahc fo eerf seussi tneuqesbus
egaP lluF egaP flaH
00.74£ 00.82£ 00.281£
yna rof seussi 4 yreve ni 1 xaM( )resitrevda eno
+ tnorF edisnI revoC kcaB
egaP elbuoD
)daerps egap 2 ertneC(
sweiveR lairotidE
YAP UOY ECIRP EHT SI EES UOY ECIRP EHT OS ,DERETSIGER TAVA TON ERA EW .secirp egakcap rof su tcatnoC artxe 00.01£ :7 & 5 segaP muimerP .000,8 rep 792£ ta enizagam htiw dereviled eb nac stresni esooL
.trevda fo noitacilbup eetnaraug ot htnom hcae fo ht61 yb deviecer eb tsum tnemyap dna ypoC .edam si tnemyap lluf nehw deetnaraug ylno si ecaps tnemesitrevdA .htnom hcae 000,8 ot pu srebmun noitubirtsiD
fo dnekeew tsrfi eht dnuora ro no ,ylhtnom detubirtsid dna dehsilbup eb lliw noinapmoC ehT .raey a snoitide 01 .htnom eht owt revo notibruS dna sdnalyrreB dnuora dna ni semoh 000,21 revo ot dereviled eb lliw tI .deetnaraug - shtnom .aera eht otni gnivom enoyna rof noitamrofni lacol fo ecruos tsrfi eht si ti noitidda nI
ngiseD & tamroF
:sU tcatnoC
.repap ytilauq no detnirp etihw dna kcalb sulp ruoloc htiw delpats ,telkoob ezis 5A na si tI .leef ytilauq hgih yrev a ti gnivig repap ssolg msg511 no detnirp eb lliw noinapmoC ehT eht yb tpek eb lliw ti leef dna kool ,tnetnoc ,ezis s’ti fo esuaceb dna ’ytivegnol‘ evah lliw tI fo ’ycaidmmi‘ sresitrevda gnivig ybereht ,sevirra eussi txen eht litnu sdlohesuoh fo ytirojam .deriuqer era secivres rieht nehw ’ssecca
Best Restaurant London SW Region Tiffin Cup Awards Winner 2019 House of Commons Nominated by Ed Davey MP Free home delivery for orders over £15
ssegruB neraK daoR enwodsgni K 81 ZJ6 6TK ,yerruS ,notibruS 6900 4728 020 :leT 18530029070 :xaF moc.noinapmocsdnalyrreb@nerak :liamE moc.noinapmocsdnalyrreb.www :beW
Create your own 4 course meal from our menu: *Starter *Main Dish *Side Dish * Rice or Naan *Coffee Prithi restaurant opened in Surbiton in 2005 with the mission to provide excellent Bangladeshi and Indian food. They were finalists for the best restaurant in London and South West region for the Tiffin Cup competition at The House of Commons and were nominated by Right Honorable Sir Edward Davey MP for Surbiton and Kingston. Prithi encourage you to visit and celebrate their win with them and enjoy their amazing cuisine.
EVERY WEDNESDAY NIGHT ONLY £11.95 £10.95 Create your own 4 course meal from our menu:
* Starter * Main Dish * Side Dish 020 8399 0030/3904 Book now *for Christmas & New Year Book now Valentine’s Day Rice orforNaan 285 Ewell Road, Surbiton * Coffee *Please note King Prawn & Fish Dishes are £2 extra
Book early for Christmas and New Year Open Boxing Day Evening 6pm to 10pm TO AVOID DISAPPOINTMENT PLEASE CALL TO BOOK:
020 8399 0030/020 8399 3904 HP Proof 2 Sept 19.indd 1
10/09/2019 23:54:38
Ballet in Surbiton Royal Academy of Dance Examinations St Andrew’s & St Mark’s Junior School Surbiton
Classical Ballet Spring Term begins Saturday 11th January 2020 For more information contact:
020 8398 6140 / 01932 976 994 EMail:
40 40
Whilst all reasonable care is taken to ensure the accuracy of information included in A Berrylands Companion , the publisher takes no responsibility for the accuracy of statements made by contributors or advertisers, or for the loss arising from non-publication of any advertisement. Any errors, omissions or offers are the resposibilty of the advertiser. All artwork is accepted on the condition that the advertiser has obtained permission from any copyright holder for its use by A Berrylands Companion. Whilst every care is taken when printing artwork, we cannot guarantee an exact colour match due to variations in print processes. Bookings are accepted only on this basis. It is the advertiser’s responsibility to submit any amendments to adverts by the deadline date of the 8th. To advertise any event, or community activity in the magazine, please call: Karen on 020 8274 0096 or email:
Please mention the magazine when contacting Advertisers
Price List - Our Prices Haven’t Increased for 2 Years 1 Issue
2 Issues*
Full Page
Half Page
Quarter Page
Black & White
Saving 5%
3 Issues* Saving 7.5%
4 Issues* Saving 10%
5 Issues* Saving 20%
Full Colour Full Page
Half Page
Quarter Page
Front Cover Banner
(Max 1 in every 4 issues for any one advertiser)
Back Cover
Inside Front + Back Cover
Double Page
Editorial Reviews
(Centre 2 page spread)
WE ARE NOT AVAT REGISTERED, SO THE PRICE YOU SEE IS THE PRICE YOU PAY Contact us for package prices. Premium Pages 5 & 7: £10.00 extra Loose inserts can be delivered with magazine at £297 per 8,000.
Full payment for all advertisements must be received by the copy deadline date. Payment can be made by: Cheques payable to ‘Berrylands Companion’ or cash. Payment by BACS or standing order by arrangement.
‘A Berrylands Companion’ is a small independent operation and is not registered for VAT. Consequently, no VAT is charged on advertisements.
Acceptable Formats
Adverts can be submitted in the following formats: • MS Word • MS Powerpoint • MS Publisher • TIFF & JPEG
Advert copy can be emailed to: If your ad is not available in an electronic format then we can produce it for you, from your own hard copy text, normally for a fixed price of just £10, although this may be higher if you have a particularly complex advert! (This is a one-off charge - the advert could then be re-used in subsequent issues free of charge.)
+ Building • Planning Regulation Consents
The Companion will be published and distributed monthly, on or around the first weekend of the month. 10 editions a year. It will be delivered to over 12,000 homes in and around Berrylands and Surbiton over two months - guaranteed. In addition it is the first source of local information for anyone moving into the area.
Format & Design
Contact Us:
It is an A5 size booklet, stapled with colour plus black and white printed on quality paper. The Companion will be printed on 115gsm gloss paper giving it a very high quality feel. It will have ‘longevity’ and because of it’s size, content, look and feel it will be kept by the majority of households until the next issue arrives, thereby giving advertisers ‘immdiacy’ of access’ when their services are required.
Karen Burgess 18 Kingsdowne Road Surbiton, Surrey, KT6 6JZ Tel: 020 8274 0096 Fax: 07092003581 Email: Web:
• Party Wall Awards
Copy Deadline
Final copy must be submitted by the 16th of each month, for inclusion in the following months edition (which will be distributed during the first weekend of that month.)
Copy and payment must be received by 16th of each month to guarantee publication of advert. Advertisement space is only guaranteed when full payment is made. Distribution numbers up to 8,000 each month.
and Safety • Health for Construction
Advertiser’s Guide
K B Design
• Architectural Services + Commercial • Residential Extensions or New Build
Ken Burgess
Tele: Fax:
07976 837 031 070 9200 3581
M o b i l e b i c yc l e S e r v i c e & r e pa i r
Yo u r H o m e | Yo u r W o r k | Yo u r r i d e • I can pick up your bike from your home or place of work then return to you at your convenience. • From a safety check, new build to a full service, all work and repairs will be quoted prior to commencing.
For children and adults Central Surbiton Tel: 020 8390 1020 To advertise call Karen: 020 8274 0096
• Will contact you immediately if any other defects are spotted so there will be no unpleasant surprises. • Free pick up and drop off within a five mile radius of Surbiton. Contact: Jon Martin | 07514 435855
41 41
ediuG s’resitrevdA
sraeY 2 rof desaercnI t’nevaH secirP ruO - tsiL ecirP
enildaeD ypoC
*seussI 5
*seussI 4
*seussI 3
*seussI 2
eussI 1
egaP flaH egaP retrauQ
%02 gnivaS
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%5.7 gnivaS
%5 gnivaS
etihW & kcalB egaP lluF
egaP flaH
egaP retrauQ
rennaB revoC tnorF
.etad enildaed ypoc eht yb deviecer eb tsum stnemesitrevda lla rof tnemyap lluF yb tnemyaP .hsac ro ’noinapmoC sdnalyrreB‘ ot elbayap seuqehC :yb edam eb nac tnemyaP .tnemegnarra yb redro gnidnats ro SCAB
%01 gnivaS
ruoloC lluF
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stamroF elbatpeccA
:stamrof gniwollof eht ni dettimbus eb nac strevdA droW SM • tnioprewoP SM • rehsilbuP SM • GEPJ & FFIT •
yna rof seussi 4 yreve ni 1 xaM( )resitrevda eno
00.281£ 00.341£ 00.391£
moc.noinapmocdnalyrreb@nerak :ot deliame eb nac ypoc trevdA
nwo ruoy morf ,uoy rof ti ecudorp nac ew neht tamrof cinortcele na ni elbaliava ton si da ruoy fI a evah uoy fi rehgih eb yam siht hguohtla ,01£ tsuj fo ecirp dexfi a rof yllamron ,txet ypoc drah ni desu-er eb neht dluoc trevda eht - egrahc ffo-eno a si sihT( !trevda xelpmoc ylralucitrap ).egrahc fo eerf seussi tneuqesbus
egaP lluF
revoC kcaB + tnorF edisnI revoC kcaB
egaP elbuoD
)daerps egap 2 ertneC(
sweiveR lairotidE
YAP UOY ECIRP EHT SI EES UOY ECIRP EHT OS ,DERETSIGER TAVA TON ERA EW .secirp egakcap rof su tcatnoC artxe 00.01£ :7 & 5 segaP muimerP .000,8 rep 792£ ta enizagam htiw dereviled eb nac stresni esooL
.trevda fo noitacilbup eetnaraug ot htnom hcae fo ht61 yb deviecer eb tsum tnemyap dna ypoC .edam si tnemyap lluf nehw deetnaraug ylno si ecaps tnemesitrevdA .htnom hcae 000,8 ot pu srebmun noitubirtsiD
fo dnekeew tsrfi eht dnuora ro no ,ylhtnom detubirtsid dna dehsilbup eb lliw noinapmoC ehT .raey a snoitide 01 .htnom eht owt revo notibruS dna sdnalyrreB dnuora dna ni semoh 000,21 revo ot dereviled eb lliw tI .deetnaraug - shtnom .aera eht otni gnivom enoyna rof noitamrofni lacol fo ecruos tsrfi eht si ti noitidda nI
NEED TO MOVE HOUSE ngiseD & tamroF
Speak Cottam | Speak to to Tracey Julie Wale | :sU tcatnoC
.repap ytilauq no detnirp etihw dna kcalb sulp ruoloc htiw delpats ,telkoob ezis 5A na si tI .leef ytilauq hgih yrev a ti gnivig repap ssolg msg511 no detnirp eb lliw noinapmoC ehT eht yb tpek eb lliw ti leef dna kool ,tnetnoc ,ezis s’ti fo esuaceb dna ’ytivegnol‘ evah lliw tI fo ’ycaidmmi‘ sresitrevda gnivig ybereht ,sevirra eussi txen eht litnu sdlohesuoh fo ytirojam .deriuqer era secivres rieht nehw ’ssecca
ssegruB neraK daoR enwodsgni K 81 ZJ6 6TK ,yerruS ,notibruS 6900 4728 020 :leT 18530029070 :xaF moc.noinapmocsdnalyrreb@nerak :liamE moc.noinapmocsdnalyrreb.www :beW
OR ADMINISTER AN ESTATE | Speak to James Winfield 61
WITH CONTACT Speak to Carol Stevens-Stratten
020 8393 0055
For more information or a no obligation quote or visit our website
Tel 020 8393 0055 | Fax 020 8393 3317 | 443 Kingston Rd, Ewell. Surrey, KT19 ODG
CODEWORD Each letter in this puzzle is represented by a different number between 1 and 26. The codes for three letters are shown. Once you have filled these throughout the grid you can start guessing words and reveal other letters. As you find the letters enter them in the box below.
42 42
Please mention the magazine when contacting Advertisers
Advertiser’s Guide
Clinical Commissioning Group Price List - Our Prices Haven’t Increased for 2 Years 1 Issue
2 Issues*
Full Page
Half Page
Quarter Page
Black & White
Saving 5%
3 Issues* Saving 7.5%
4 Issues* Saving 10%
Copy Deadline
5 Issues* Saving 20%
Final copy must be submitted by the 16th of each month, for inclusion in the following months edition (which will be distributed during the first weekend of that month.)
Full payment for all advertisements must be received by the copy deadline date. Payment can be made by: Cheques payable to ‘Berrylands Companion’ or cash. Payment by BACS or standing order by arrangement.
Full Colour
Kingston provide access to Primary Care Services 8am to 8pm, 7 days a week. This includes: Full Page
Half Page
Quarter Page
Front Cover Banner
Back Cover
Inside Front + Back Cover
Double Page
Editorial Reviews
(Max 1 in every 4 issues for any one advertiser)
(Centre 2 page spread)
‘A Berrylands Companion’ is a small independent operation and is not registered for VAT. Consequently, no VAT is charged on advertisements.
Acceptable Formats
Adverts can be submitted in the following formats: • MS Word • MS Powerpoint • MS Publisher • TIFF & JPEG Advert copy can be emailed to: If your ad is not available in an electronic format then we can produce it for you, from your own hard copy text, normally for a fixed price of just £10, although this may be higher if you have a particularly complex advert! (This is a one-off charge - the advert could then be re-used in subsequent issues free of charge.)
WE ARE NOT AVAT REGISTERED, SO THE PRICE YOU SEE IS THE PRICE YOU PAY Contact us for package prices. Premium Pages 5 & 7: £10.00 extra Loose inserts can be delivered with magazine at £297 per 8,000.
Copy and payment must be received by 16th of each month to guarantee publication of advert. Advertisement space is only guaranteed when full payment is made. Distribution numbers up to 8,000 each month.
The Companion will be published and distributed monthly, on or around the first weekend of the month. 10 editions a year. It will be delivered to over 12,000 homes in and around Berrylands and Surbiton over two months - guaranteed. In addition it is the first source of local information for anyone moving into the area.
Format & Design
Contact Us:
It is an A5 size booklet, stapled with colour plus black and white printed on quality paper. The Companion will be printed on 115gsm gloss paper giving it a very high quality feel. It will have ‘longevity’ and because of it’s size, content, look and feel it will be kept by the majority of households until the next issue arrives, thereby giving advertisers ‘immdiacy’ of access’ when their services are required.
Karen Burgess 18 Kingsdowne Road Surbiton, Surrey, KT6 6JZ Tel: 020 8274 0096 Fax: 07092003581 Email: Web:
Surbiton Health Centre Monday to Friday 6.30pm - 8.00pm* Saturday and Sunday 8.00am - 8.00pm Bank Holidays 8.00am - 8.00pm
Kingston Health Centre Monday to Friday 6.30pm - 8.00pm* Saturday 8.00am - 8.00pm Sunday 8.00am - 2.00pm
Merritt Medical Centre Monday to Friday 6.30pm - 8.00pm* Saturday and Sunday 8.00am - 2.00pm 16
*For weekday evening appointments please contact your own GP Surgery before 5pm. For a Weekend or Bank Holiday appointment, please call 020 3841 9942. This service covers all the normal illnesses and injuries that you would want to see your GP about. The service does not cover: Emergencies including Dental & Mental Health any Pregnancy related issues - Referrals Test requests or Repeat Prescriptions. For any conditions that require immediate attention such as shortness of breath or chest pain please go to A&E. To advertise call Karen: 020 8274 0096
43 43
ediuG s’resitrevdA
sraeY 2 rof desaercnI t’nevaH secirP ruO - tsiL ecirP
enildaeD ypoC
*seussI 5
*seussI 4
*seussI 3
*seussI 2
eussI 1
egaP flaH egaP retrauQ
%02 gnivaS
shtnom gniwollof eht ni noisulcni rof ,htnom hcae fo ht61 eht yb dettimbus eb tsum ypoc laniF ).htnom taht fo dnekeew tsrfi eht gnirud detubirtsid eb lliw hcihw( noitide
%5.7 gnivaS
%5 gnivaS
etihW & kcalB egaP lluF
egaP flaH
egaP retrauQ
rennaB revoC tnorF
revoC kcaB
.etad enildaed ypoc eht yb deviecer eb tsum stnemesitrevda lla rof tnemyap lluF yb tnemyaP .hsac ro ’noinapmoC sdnalyrreB‘ ot elbayap seuqehC :yb edam eb nac tnemyaP .tnemegnarra yb redro gnidnats ro SCAB
%01 gnivaS
ruoloC lluF
.TAV rof deretsiger ton si dna noitarepo tnednepedni llams a si ’noinapmoC sdnalyrreB A‘ .stnemesitrevda no degrahc si TAV on ,yltneuqesnoC
stamroF elbatpeccA
:stamrof gniwollof eht ni dettimbus eb nac strevdA droW SM • tnioprewoP SM • rehsilbuP SM • GEPJ & FFIT •
00.341£ 00.391£
moc.noinapmocdnalyrreb@nerak :ot deliame eb nac ypoc trevdA
egaP lluF
yna rof seussi 4 yreve ni 1 xaM( )resitrevda eno
+ tnorF edisnI revoC kcaB egaP elbuoD
)daerps egap 2 ertneC(
Fair s a m t s Chri 00.831£
sweiveR lairotidE
nwo ruoy morf ,uoy rof ti ecudorp nac ew neht tamrof cinortcele na ni elbaliava ton si da ruoy fI a evah uoy fi rehgih eb yam siht hguohtla ,01£ tsuj fo ecirp dexfi a rof yllamron ,txet ypoc drah ni desu-er eb neht dluoc trevda eht - egrahc ffo-eno a si sihT( !trevda xelpmoc ylralucitrap ).egrahc fo eerf seussi tneuqesbus
YAP UOY ECIRP EHT SI EES UOY ECIRP EHT OS ,DERETSIGER TAVA TON ERA EW .secirp egakcap rof su tcatnoC artxe 00.01£ :7 & 5 segaP muimerP .000,8 rep 792£ ta enizagam htiw dereviled eb nac stresni esooL
.trevda fo noitacilbup eetnaraug ot htnom hcae fo ht61 yb deviecer eb tsum tnemyap dna ypoC .edam si tnemyap lluf nehw deetnaraug ylno si ecaps tnemesitrevdA .htnom hcae 000,8 ot pu srebmun noitubirtsiD
fo dnekeew tsrfi eht dnuora ro no ,ylhtnom detubirtsid dna dehsilbup eb lliw noinapmoC ehT .raey a snoitide 01 .htnom eht owt revo notibruS dna sdnalyrreB dnuora dna ni semoh 000,21 revo ot dereviled eb lliw tI .deetnaraug - shtnom .aera eht otni gnivom enoyna rof noitamrofni lacol fo ecruos tsrfi eht si ti noitidda nI
ngiseD & tamroF
.repap ytilauq no detnirp etihw dna kcalb sulp ruoloc htiw delpats ,telkoob ezis 5A na si tI .leef ytilauq hgih yrev a ti gnivig repap ssolg msg511 no detnirp eb lliw noinapmoC ehT eht yb tpek eb lliw ti leef dna kool ,tnetnoc ,ezis s’ti fo esuaceb dna ’ytivegnol‘ evah lliw tI fo ’ycaidmmi‘ sresitrevda gnivig ybereht ,sevirra eussi txen eht litnu sdlohesuoh fo ytirojam .deriuqer era secivres rieht nehw ’ssecca
:sU tcatnoC
ssegruB neraK daoR enwodsgni K 81 ZJ6 6TK ,yerruS ,notibruS 6900 4728 020 :leT 18530029070 :xaF moc.noinapmocsdnalyrreb@nerak :liamE moc.noinapmocsdnalyrreb.www :beW
Sat 30 Nov 11am - 3pm
ALL WELCOME Adults £1, accompanied children free, unaccompanied children 50p
Bouncy Castle, Santa's Grotto, Festive Games, Tombolas, Children's Craft, International Food, Cinema, Face Painting, Handmade Gifts, Secret Room, Advent Calendar Hunt, Grand Text Raffle & much more.
PAR D P E Season’s Greetings from your business name address/ telephone number/ web site Book your Christmas Bauble, blue, red, green, gold, silver Just £15 each Call Karen on 020 8274 0096 or email
44 44
You have two minutes to find all the words of three or more letters that can be made from the letters above. Plurals are allowed, proper nouns are not. The 6 letter word will always be just a normal everyday word.
3 letters: 13 4 letters: 9 5 letters: 5 6 letters: 1
Bookings taken NOW! For all your Christmas and New Year events. Submit the details by the 8th November to:
Please mention the magazine when contacting Advertisers
Surbiton Racket and Fitness the ideal Club for the winter!
lready the dark evenings are with us, and the full range of the Club’s facilities comes into its own.
For tennis, we have nine hard courts. Three of them are laid in synthetic clay and six are tarmac which is good news for our many all-year tennis enthusiasts. Also, because of the popularity of evening tennis at Surbiton we have five floodlit tennis courts available for booking. Also, as an extra facility for Members, two more of our hard courts are fully enclosed in the Dome, so that tennis can be guaranteed right through the winter, whatever the weather.
Indoors, there’s always plenty going on at the Club. Our spacious Gym is very popular. It’s on two floors and offers some of the latest Life Fitness cardio machines to resistance machines and free weights. Alongside is our Studio, where we organise regular classes for Zumba, Pilates, Yoga and Indoor Cycling. And
Advertiser’s Guide
Price List - Our Prices Haven’t Increased for 2 Years 1 Issue
2 Issues*
3 Issues*
4 Issues*
5 Issues*
Full Page
Half Page
Quarter Page
Black & White
Saving 5%
Saving 7.5%
Saving 10%
Copy Deadline
Saving 20%
Full Page
Final copy must be submitted by the 16th of each month, for inclusion in the following months edition (which will be distributed during the first weekend of that month.)
Full payment for all advertisements must be received by the copy deadline date. Payment can be made by: Cheques payable to ‘Berrylands Companion’ or cash. Payment by BACS or standing order by arrangement.
Full Colour
there’s Cardio-Tennis and Racketball, too.
Winter is a special time for Squash, of course, and our four courts are always popular. They are heated and airconditioned. On Saturday evenings from 5.30pm there’s our regular Squash Club Night, when you can meet new friends and find new opponents. On Sunday evenings there’s Beginners’ Night from 5pm to 6pm. For those of all standards who wish to improve their game, our Squash Coach Michael can be contacted through the Club Office. We have many County and National teams so there is always some great squash matches to watch.
Physiotherapy is an innovation at the Club, with its own Studio and run in conjunction with Kingston Physiotherapy. We have two sports Masseurs, Vanessa and Emmanuelle. We also have our own Chiropractor, Neil Reilly. Appointments can be
To advertise call Karen: 020 8274 0096
booked with Neil on 0208 309 9030. Half Page
Quarter Page
Front Cover Banner
Back Cover
Inside Front + Back Cover
Double Page
Editorial Reviews
(Max 1 in every 4 issues for any one advertiser)
(Centre 2 page spread)
‘A Berrylands Companion’ is a small independent operation and is not registered for VAT. Consequently, no VAT is charged on advertisements.
Acceptable Formats
Adverts can be submitted in the following formats: • MS Word • MS Powerpoint • MS Publisher • TIFF & JPEG
Advert copy can be emailed to: If your ad is not available in an electronic format then we can produce it for you, from your own hard copy text, normally for a fixed price of just £10, although this may be higher if you have a particularly complex advert! (This is a one-off charge - the advert could then be re-used in subsequent issues free of charge.)
WE ARE NOT AVAT REGISTERED, SO THE PRICE YOU SEE IS THE PRICE YOU PAY Contact us for package prices. Premium Pages 5 & 7: £10.00 extra Loose inserts can be delivered with magazine at £297 per 8,000.
We’re a very friendly Club, and we’re keen on social activities, especially our regular Quiz Nights, which are usually a sell-out. There are also our popular themed nights and party nights. Distribution
Copy and payment must be received by 16th of each month to guarantee publication of advert. Advertisement space is only guaranteed when full payment is made. Distribution numbers up to 8,000 each month.
The Companion will be published and distributed monthly, on or around the first weekend of the month. 10 editions a year. It will be delivered to over 12,000 homes in and around Berrylands and Surbiton over two months - guaranteed. In addition it is the first source of local information for anyone moving into the area.
Format & Design
Contact Us:
It is an A5 size booklet, stapled with colour plus black and white printed on quality paper. The Companion will be printed on 115gsm gloss paper giving it a very high quality feel. It will have ‘longevity’ and because of it’s size, content, look and feel it will be kept by the majority of households until the next issue arrives, thereby giving advertisers ‘immdiacy’ of access’ when their services are required.
Karen Burgess 18 Kingsdowne Road Surbiton, Surrey, KT6 6JZ Tel: 020 8274 0096 Fax: 07092003581 Email: Web:
Central to everything at the Club is the Clubhouse Bar, where you can make new friends and relax with a coffee or drink or catch up with sport on Sky or BT. And if you’re feeling peckish, you can choose from our cooked food menu.
Why not come and visit us? There’s no obligation, and you’ll be very welcome! Best wishes Roy
Roy Staniland is Director of Surbiton Racket and Fitness Club, Berrylands, KT5 8JT 0208 399 1594
45 45
ediuG s’resitrevdA
sraeY 2 rof desaercnI t’nevaH secirP ruO - tsiL ecirP
enildaeD ypoC
*seussI 5
*seussI 4
%02 gnivaS
shtnom gniwollof eht ni noisulcni rof ,htnom hcae fo ht61 eht yb dettimbus eb tsum ypoc laniF ).htnom taht fo dnekeew tsrfi eht gnirud detubirtsid eb lliw hcihw( noitide
.etad enildaed ypoc eht yb deviecer eb tsum stnemesitrevda lla rof tnemyap lluF yb tnemyaP .hsac ro ’noinapmoC sdnalyrreB‘ ot elbayap seuqehC :yb edam eb nac tnemyaP .tnemegnarra yb redro gnidnats ro SCAB
%01 gnivaS
*seussI 3
*seussI 2
eussI 1
%5.7 gnivaS
%5 gnivaS
etihW & kcalB egaP lluF
egaP flaH
egaP retrauQ
egaP lluF
egaP flaH
ruoloC lluF
.TAV rof deretsiger ton si dna noitarepo tnednepedni llams a si ’noinapmoC sdnalyrreB A‘ .stnemesitrevda no degrahc si TAV on ,yltneuqesnoC
stamroF elbatpeccA
:stamrof gniwollof eht ni dettimbus eb nac strevdA droW SM • tnioprewoP SM • rehsilbuP SM • GEPJ & FFIT •
egaP retrauQ
rennaB revoC tnorF
revoC kcaB
00.341£ 00.391£
moc.noinapmocdnalyrreb@nerak :ot deliame eb nac ypoc trevdA
nwo ruoy morf ,uoy rof ti ecudorp nac ew neht tamrof cinortcele na ni elbaliava ton si da ruoy fI a evah uoy fi rehgih eb yam siht hguohtla ,01£ tsuj fo ecirp dexfi a rof yllamron ,txet ypoc drah ni desu-er eb neht dluoc trevda eht - egrahc ffo-eno a si sihT( !trevda xelpmoc ylralucitrap ).egrahc fo eerf seussi tneuqesbus
yna rof seussi 4 yreve ni 1 xaM( )resitrevda eno
+ tnorF edisnI revoC kcaB egaP elbuoD
)daerps egap 2 ertneC(
sweiveR lairotidE
YAP UOY ECIRP EHT SI EES UOY ECIRP EHT OS ,DERETSIGER TAVA TON ERA EW .secirp egakcap rof su tcatnoC artxe 00.01£ :7 & 5 segaP muimerP .000,8 rep 792£ ta enizagam htiw dereviled eb nac stresni esooL
.trevda fo noitacilbup eetnaraug ot htnom hcae fo ht61 yb deviecer eb tsum tnemyap dna ypoC .edam si tnemyap lluf nehw deetnaraug ylno si ecaps tnemesitrevdA .htnom hcae 000,8 ot pu srebmun noitubirtsiD
fo dnekeew tsrfi eht dnuora ro no ,ylhtnom detubirtsid dna dehsilbup eb lliw noinapmoC ehT .raey a snoitide 01 .htnom eht owt revo notibruS dna sdnalyrreB dnuora dna ni semoh 000,21 revo ot dereviled eb lliw tI .deetnaraug - shtnom .aera eht otni gnivom enoyna rof noitamrofni lacol fo ecruos tsrfi eht si ti noitidda nI
ngiseD & tamroF
:sU tcatnoC
.repap ytilauq no detnirp etihw dna kcalb sulp ruoloc htiw delpats ,telkoob ezis 5A na si tI .leef ytilauq hgih yrev a ti gnivig repap ssolg msg511 no detnirp eb lliw noinapmoC ehT eht yb tpek eb lliw ti leef dna kool ,tnetnoc ,ezis s’ti fo esuaceb dna ’ytivegnol‘ evah lliw tI fo ’ycaidmmi‘ sresitrevda gnivig ybereht ,sevirra eussi txen eht litnu sdlohesuoh fo ytirojam .deriuqer era secivres rieht nehw ’ssecca
ssegruB neraK daoR enwodsgni K 81 ZJ6 6TK ,yerruS ,notibruS 6900 4728 020 :leT 18530029070 :xaF moc.noinapmocsdnalyrreb@nerak :liamE moc.noinapmocsdnalyrreb.www :beW
Panto: the UK’s quirkiest tradition? Oh, yes it is!
Christmas may seem a long way off, but such is the popularity of pantomime, the best seats could have already disappeared in a puff of fairy dust. Pantomime is a British tradition that’s guaranteed to mystify anyone who is unfamiliar with our culture. The name itself creates confusion: when US-based Baywatch actor Pamela Anderson received her first offer to appear in pantomime in Liverpool in 2010, she was convinced she would be “miming in a box” (bizarrely, she agreed to do it anyway). Like most traditions, pantomime has grown from customs and practices that have been transformed over time by changing tastes and fashions.
46 46
There’s nothing like a Dame One of pantomime’s bestloved characters is the ‘Dame’. Nearly always played by a man, the Dame is generally portrayed as a vain, foolish woman, determined to get a husband at any price. But, with the possible exception of the villainous Ugly Sisters in Cinderella, the Dame never fails to gain the audience’s affection. It seems that we Brits simply love the idea of a man acting out a female role. Maybe that’s because the practice of men appearing as women on stage is deeply embedded in British culture. Until the law was changed in the early 1660s, it was illegal for women to act in theatres, so audiences were used to seeing men performing in female attire.
Hand coloured photograph of Widow Twankey in 1896 Copying Commedia Commedia dell’arte was a broad type of comic performance popular in Italy between the sixteenth and eighteenth centuries, which is said to be the forerunner of our traditional pantomime. Based on ‘stock’ characters, the plots generally featured a pair of lovers, a mischievous servant, a clown or pierrot character and a moneygrabbing old man.
While pantomime’s young lovers have changed little from Commedia dell’arte days, some of the other characters have been reworked to fit different plots. The clown is still with us in the shape of
daft but lovable Simple Simon or Wishee Washee, while Cinderella’s footman Buttons is a pale reflection of the Commedia’s highspirited servants. Finally, the stock character of the old man appears variously as the foolish Baron Hardup (Cinderella), the villainous Fleshcreep (Jack and the Beanstalk) and the powerhungry Abanazar (Aladdin).
Harlequinade to pantomime In the seventeenth century, British theatre borrowed some of Commedia’s characters to create an early type of pantomime known as a ‘Harlequinade’. But pantomime as we know it today was created when audiences began to demand more and more spectacle. Canny theatre producers discarded the less popular parts of the Harlequinade but kept the transformation scene, where Harlequin waved his magic baton (nowadays a fairy wand) to show fairytale characters and scenes dramatically changing before the audience’s eyes. By the Victorian era the Harlequinade had become the two-act pantomime we would recognise today.
So pantomime goes on, changing year on year to suit current tastes, but in many respects remaining true to its earliest origins. It’s the one theatre entertainment that can successfully play to an audience aged between two and ninety-two, but will it continue to do so for centuries to come? Oh, yes it will!
By Kate McClelland
Please mention the magazine when contacting Advertisers
Help stop Kingston’s invisible killer – this November! Rates
by Sir Edward Davey M.P 1 Issue
2 Issues*
Full Page
Half Page
Quarter Page
Black & White
ive years ago I was a guest on TV for Question Time. In Beijing. To an estimated viewing audience of 25 million Chinese. Question Time was rather different there – I was the only panellist. And they told me the questions in advance. And all they wanted to ask about was air pollution – as it’s damaging the health of millions of Chinese. The Question Time actually began with black and white TV footage of London in the 1950s – with thick smog, and pedestrians clutching their throats and falling over, unable to breathe. And the first question was – “You in Britain have solved air pollution. What advice do you have for us in China?” Of course I said Britain would be delighted to share our experience – from the Clean Air Acts stopping domestic burning of coal and wood, to how coal-fired power plants were moved out of our cities. But I added two things. First, we must also worry about global air pollution not just local air pollution – in other words, we needed urgent action on climate change too. And second, in Britain we hadn’t solved air pollution – we’d only done half the job: visible, smog-style air pollution was virtually eliminated. But invisible air pollutants, especially tiny particulate matter and nitrogen dioxide, were on the rise and damaging the health of British people. Air pollution in Britain
According to Public Health England invisible air pollution is the largest environmental risk to public health. Long-term exposure to air pollution causes chronic conditions like cardiovascular and respiratory diseases as well as lung cancer. And new scientific evidence is emerging suggesting it is affecting people’s brains and may be one cause of dementia. Public Health England suggest between 28,000 and 36,000 premature deaths a year can be attributed to air pollution, while the Environment Audit Committee estimates the cost of air pollution’s health impacts may exceed £20 billion – once the full cost of conditions like asthma are accounted for. So while we should give advice to any country wanting to improve their people’s health, Britain also has to beat air pollution here, as a top health and environmental priority. How? First, we must understand air pollution has many causes, and we must pass laws to force Governments to tackle the problem. Air pollutants come from a range of both man-made
To advertise call Karen: 020 8274 0096
Advertiser’s Guide
Price List - Our Prices Haven’t Increased for 2 Years Saving 5%
3 Issues* Saving 7.5%
4 Issues* Saving 10%
Copy Deadline
5 Issues* Saving 20%
Final copy must be submitted by the 16th of each month, for inclusion in the following months edition (which will be distributed during the first weekend of that month.)
Full payment for all advertisements must be received by the copy deadline date. Payment can be made by: Cheques payable to ‘Berrylands Companion’ or cash. Payment by BACS or standing order by arrangement.
Full Colour
and natural sources. Many everyday activities like transport, energy generation and industrial processes are to blame – as well as farming and domestic heating. That means we have to look at many solutions. I’m proud for instance that my work in Government as Secretary of State for Energy and Climate Change saw Britain’s renewable power nearly quadruple and costs of technologies like offshore wind tumble, so Britain’s coal power stations are fast disappearing. Meanwhile, organisations like the World Health Organisation and the European Union have rightly taken a leading role in evidence-based recommendations for pollution levels and European regulations for reducing air pollution. It’s just shameful that the British Government has failed so miserably to act, that it lost several court cases led by British Environmental lawyers, Client Earth, and shocking when a certain Boris Johnson, as Mayor for London, rather than acting to reduce air pollution, instead chose to lobby in Brussels to lift these pollution regulations, despite knowing their importance for public health. Full Page
Half Page
Quarter Page
Front Cover Banner
Back Cover
Inside Front + Back Cover
Double Page
Editorial Reviews
(Max 1 in every 4 issues for any one advertiser)
(Centre 2 page spread)
‘A Berrylands Companion’ is a small independent operation and is not registered for VAT. Consequently, no VAT is charged on advertisements.
Acceptable Formats
Adverts can be submitted in the following formats: • MS Word • MS Powerpoint • MS Publisher • TIFF & JPEG
Advert copy can be emailed to: If your ad is not available in an electronic format then we can produce it for you, from your own hard copy text, normally for a fixed price of just £10, although this may be higher if you have a particularly complex advert! (This is a one-off charge - the advert could then be re-used in subsequent issues free of charge.)
WE ARE NOT AVAT REGISTERED, SO THE PRICE YOU SEE IS THE PRICE YOU PAY Contact us for package prices. Premium Pages 5 & 7: £10.00 extra Loose inserts can be delivered with magazine at £297 per 8,000.
Copy and payment must be received by 16th of each month to guarantee publication of advert. Advertisement space is only guaranteed when full payment is made. Distribution numbers up to 8,000 each month.
The Companion will be published and distributed monthly, on or around the first weekend of the month. 10 editions a year. It will be delivered to over 12,000 homes in and around Berrylands and Surbiton over two months - guaranteed. In addition it is the first source of local information for anyone moving into the area.
Format & Design
Contact Us:
It is an A5 size booklet, stapled with colour plus black and white printed on quality paper. The Companion will be printed on 115gsm gloss paper giving it a very high quality feel. It will have ‘longevity’ and because of it’s size, content, look and feel it will be kept by the majority of households until the next issue arrives, thereby giving advertisers ‘immdiacy’ of access’ when their services are required.
Karen Burgess 18 Kingsdowne Road Surbiton, Surrey, KT6 6JZ Tel: 020 8274 0096 Fax: 07092003581 Email: Web:
Air pollution in Kingston – a Citizens’ Assembly
So we can’t just look to the national, European and international levels for solutions – we need to look to local communities and individuals to act too. That’s why I’m delighted that Kingston Council is acting – and wants to start by involving local people. RBK are holding Kingston’s first ever citizens' assembly – and it’s on air pollution. About 7000 residents will be randomly invited to take part. Of those who express an interest, a maximum of 40 will be selected to represent Kingston’s demographic make-up. The assembly will meet at Kingston University on 9th, 10th and 30th November and 1st December, as an independent process run by the Involve Foundation, open to anyone to observe. These assembly members will get to listen to evidence, consider and discuss what they hear - and reach conclusions about what steps we should and can take together to improve air quality. Assembly members will get to meet people from all walks of life from across the borough and hear from experts – and their recommendations will be presented to a council meeting on 17 December.
If you want to find out more – and how you can contribute to the debate, even if you’re not on the Citizen’s Assembly, check out this link - https://bit. ly/2oibkOl - or go to RBK’s website direct. Let’s stop Kingston’s invisible killer.
47 47
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%01 gnivaS
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stamroF elbatpeccA
:stamrof gniwollof eht ni dettimbus eb nac strevdA droW SM • tnioprewoP SM • rehsilbuP SM • GEPJ & FFIT •
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moc.noinapmocdnalyrreb@nerak :ot deliame eb nac ypoc trevdA
nwo ruoy morf ,uoy rof ti ecudorp nac ew neht tamrof cinortcele na ni elbaliava ton si da ruoy fI a evah uoy fi rehgih eb yam siht hguohtla ,01£ tsuj fo ecirp dexfi a rof yllamron ,txet ypoc drah ni desu-er eb neht dluoc trevda eht - egrahc ffo-eno a si sihT( !trevda xelpmoc ylralucitrap ).egrahc fo eerf seussi tneuqesbus
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.trevda fo noitacilbup eetnaraug ot htnom hcae fo ht61 yb deviecer eb tsum tnemyap dna ypoC .edam si tnemyap lluf nehw deetnaraug ylno si ecaps tnemesitrevdA .htnom hcae 000,8 ot pu srebmun noitubirtsiD
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ngiseD & tamroF
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ssegruB neraK daoR enwodsgniK 81 ZJ6 6TK ,yerruS ,notibruS 6900 4728 020 :leT 18530029070 :xaF moc.noinapmocsdnalyrreb@nerak :liamE moc.noinapmocsdnalyrreb.www :beW
3 Letters ape are ear era pad pap par pea pep per
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WORD LADDER ANSWER (This is one solution, there may be others)
TIME tile wile wild weld weed WEEK
Our bodies are apt to be our biographies. Frank Gillette Burgess
The five grid numbers that are empty are... 1, 5, 7, 22 and 28. Adding these together equals ‘63’. The letters that are left in the word jumble spells out ‘Rocket’. 48 48
Please mention the magazine when contacting Advertisers
What’s on in November:Events in October
Movember: Mens’ Health Awareness Month; Mouth Cancer Month; World Panreatic Cancer Month; Pet Diabetes Month; Lung Cancer Awareness Month
25-4th Nov: Half Term Rates Advertiser’s Guide 21st: Trafalgar Day 25-27th: Museums at Night 26th: Kingston Philately Society Stamp Fair, 10-4pm at Claygate Village Hall, Church Road, KT10 0JP. Free entry. British Summer Time Ends. Clocks ‘fall’ back one hour at 02.00 am 31st: Halloween Price List - Our Prices Haven’t Increased for 2 Years 1 Issue
2 Issues*
Full Page
Half Page
Quarter Page
Black & White
Saving 5%
3 Issues* Saving 7.5%
4 Issues* Saving 10%
Copy Deadline
5 Issues* Saving 20%
Full Page
Final copy must be submitted by the 16th of each month, for inclusion in the following months edition (which will be distributed during the first weekend of that month.)
Full payment for all advertisements must be received by the copy deadline date. Payment can be made by: Cheques payable to ‘Berrylands Companion’ or cash. Payment by BACS or standing order by arrangement.
Full Colour Half Page
Quarter Page
Front Cover Banner
Back Cover
Inside Front + Back Cover
Double Page
Editorial Reviews
(Max 1 in every 4 issues for any one advertiser)
(Centre 2 page spread)
‘A Berrylands Companion’ is a small independent operation and is not registered for VAT. Consequently, no VAT is charged on advertisements.
Acceptable Formats
Adverts can be submitted in the following formats: • MS Word • MS Powerpoint • MS Publisher • TIFF & JPEG
Advert copy can be emailed to: If your ad is not available in an electronic format then we can produce it for you, from your own hard copy text, normally for a fixed price of just £10, although this may be higher if you have a particularly complex advert! (This is a one-off charge - the advert could then be re-used in subsequent issues free of charge.)
WE ARE NOT AVAT REGISTERED, SO THE PRICE YOU SEE IS THE PRICE YOU PAY Contact us for package prices. Premium Pages 5 & 7: £10.00 extra Loose inserts can be delivered with magazine at £297 per 8,000.
Copy and payment must be received by 16th of each month to guarantee publication of advert. Advertisement space is only guaranteed when full payment is made. Distribution numbers up to 8,000 each month.
Events in November:
The Companion will be published and distributed monthly, on or around the first weekend of the month. 10 editions a year. It will be delivered to over 12,000 homes in and around Berrylands and Surbiton over two months - guaranteed. In addition it is the first source of local information for anyone moving into the area.
Format & Design
Contact Us:
It is an A5 size booklet, stapled with colour plus black and white printed on quality paper. The Companion will be printed on 115gsm gloss paper giving it a very high quality feel. It will have ‘longevity’ and because of it’s size, content, look and feel it will be kept by the majority of households until the next issue arrives, thereby giving advertisers ‘immdiacy’ of access’ when their services are required.
Karen Burgess 18 Kingsdowne Road Surbiton, Surrey, KT6 6JZ Tel: 020 8274 0096 Fax: 07092003581 Email: Web:
Berrylands Scouts’ Fireworks at Scout Hall, Stirling Walk, Berrylands. Doors open 6.30pm, Bonfire lighting 7.30pm, fireworks at 8pm. Tickets: Adults £7.50; Child £5; Under 3’s £1. BBQ, Bar, Mulled Wine, Raffle, Games & Stalls. Regent Street Classic Cars, traffic free Until 3rd May: Tutankhamun Exhibition at Saatchi Gallery 5th: Guy Fawkes Night 8th: Deadline for submissions for December/January edition of A Berry lands Companion magazine. Christmas & New Year events. Kingston Fireworks at Kingsmeadow, Doors open 6.30pm, Display at 8pm. Until 5th Jan: Christmas in Leicester Square; Winter at South Bank Centre 9th: Lord Mayor’s Parade and Show Festival of Remembrance at Festival Hall 10th: Remembrance Sunday 11th: Armistice Day 15th: Pudsey Bear’s Children in Need Evening on BBC 15-24th: EFG London Jazz Festival 2019, various venues across London Until 31st Dec: Kingston Christmas Market and Christmas Lights Switched On 16th: Mum2Mum Market Teddington Baptist Church, 2-4pm 1st Tolworth Scout Group’s Christmas Fayre, 2 - 4pm. See advert 19 & 20th: Street Food at ExCel. for tickets 20-24th: Eat & Drink Festival at Olympia, for information and tickets: Until 5th Jan: Christmas at Kew 21st until 5th Jan: Winter Wonderland at Hyde Park. 22nd: Our Lady Immaculate School Christmas Bazaar, 12 - 2pm 28th: Thanksgiving Day 30th: St Andrew’s Day Christ Church School Christmas Fair, 11 - 3pm Grand Avenue School Christmas Fair, 11.3pm 16
Events in December: 1st: World Aids Day; 1st Sunday in Advent 7th: Great Christmas Pudding Race in aid of Cancer Research in Covent Garden, make up a team contact: 22nd: Winter Solstice, Shortest Day 24th: Christmas Eve 25th: Christmas Day Bank Holiday 26th: Boxing Day Bank Holiday 31st: New Year’s Eve Fireworks in London, Tickets only. 1st January:New Year’s Day Bank Holiday 8th: Deadline for submissions for February edition of A Berrylands Companion 14th: Valentine’s Day 25th: Chinese New Year, Year of the Rat.
To advertise call Karen: 020 8274 0096
What’s On/Local Events
1st Tuesday: NHS Retirement Club, 10-12pm at Royal British Legion Hall, Hollyfield Road, ediuG9AL. s’resitrevdAFor information call setaR Lorna: 020 KT5 8337 4121 sraeY 2 rof desaercnI t’nevaH secirP ruO - tsiL ecirP
enildaeD ypoC
*seussI 5
*seussI 4
*seussI 3
*seussI 2
eussI 1
egaP flaH
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.etad enildaed ypoc eht yb deviecer eb tsum stnemesitrevda lla rof tnemyap lluF yb tnemyaP .hsac ro ’noinapmoC sdnalyrreB‘ ot elbayap seuqehC :yb edam eb nac tnemyaP .tnemegnarra yb redro gnidnats ro SCAB
%01 gnivaS
%5.7 gnivaS
%5 gnivaS
etihW & kcalB egaP lluF
ruoloC lluF 00.0231£
egaP lluF
egaP flaH
Last Sunday of the month: Women on Wheels, meet outside Clas Ohlson Market Place 10.00. 020 8547 5865. E-mail: TAV
.TAV rof deretsiger ton si dna noitarepo tnednepedni llams a si ’noinapmoC sdnalyrreB A‘ .stnemesitrevda no degrahc si TAV on ,yltneuqesnoC
stamroF elbatpeccA
:stamrof gniwollof eht ni dettimbus eb nac strevdA droW SM • tnioprewoP SM • rehsilbuP SM • GEPJ & FFIT •
egaP retrauQ
rennaB revoC tnorF
revoC kcaB
moc.noinapmocdnalyrreb@nerak :ot deliame eb nac ypoc trevdA
nwo ruoy morf ,uoy rof ti ecudorp nac ew neht tamrof cinortcele na ni elbaliava ton si da ruoy fI a evah uoy fi rehgih eb yam siht hguohtla ,01£ tsuj fo ecirp dexfi a rof yllamron ,txet ypoc drah ni desu-er eb neht dluoc trevda eht - egrahc ffo-eno a si sihT( !trevda xelpmoc ylralucitrap ).egrahc fo eerf seussi tneuqesbus
yna rof seussi 4 yreve ni 1 xaM( )resitrevda eno
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)daerps egap 2 ertneC(
sweiveR lairotidE
YAP UOY ECIRP EHT SI EES UOY ECIRP EHT OS ,DERETSIGER TAVA TON ERA EW .secirp egakcap rof su tcatnoC artxe 00.01£ :7 & 5 segaP muimerP .000,8 rep 792£ ta enizagam htiw dereviled eb nac stresni esooL
.trevda fo noitacilbup eetnaraug ot htnom hcae fo ht61 yb deviecer eb tsum tnemyap dna ypoC .edam si tnemyap lluf nehw deetnaraug ylno si ecaps tnemesitrevdA .htnom hcae 000,8 ot pu srebmun noitubirtsiD
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ngiseD & tamroF
:sU tcatnoC
.repap ytilauq no detnirp etihw dna kcalb sulp ruoloc htiw delpats ,telkoob ezis 5A na si tI .leef ytilauq hgih yrev a ti gnivig repap ssolg msg511 no detnirp eb lliw noinapmoC ehT eht yb tpek eb lliw ti leef dna kool ,tnetnoc ,ezis s’ti fo esuaceb dna ’ytivegnol‘ evah lliw tI fo ’ycaidmmi‘ sresitrevda gnivig ybereht ,sevirra eussi txen eht litnu sdlohesuoh fo ytirojam .deriuqer era secivres rieht nehw ’ssecca
Art Classes: Every Monday 10-12noon & 2-4pm, with Berrylands Artists at Berrylands Christian Centre, 41 King Charles Road, Surbiton, KT5 8PF. Info: 020 8644 0941 ssegruB neraK daoR enwodsgni K 81 ZJ6 6TK ,yerruS ,notibruS 6900 4728 020 :leT 18530029070 :xaF moc.noinapmocsdnalyrreb@nerak :liamE moc.noinapmocsdnalyrreb.www :beW
Broadway Sequence Dance Club: Meets every Monday from 8pm at The Raeburn Hall, Tolworth United Reform Church, Raeburn/Elgar Avenues. New sequences are taught, some knowledge of ballroom dancing required. Contact Brenda Deane for more info: 020 8390 0233. Chinese Brush Painting: Held once a month at Sunray Community Centre, Knollmead, Tolworth. 10-13.00pm Contact Gwen: 020 8398 7313. Beginners & intermediates welcome. Cornerston Church, Kingston KT26LF: every 3rd Wednesday of the month: a cream tea, open to all, at 2pm. Plenty of cake on offer plus a short bible talk. An international café, every Tuesday evening at 7pm for free English lessons, and at 7.30pm food, games & bible talk. Craft Morning 3rd Saturday every month 11am-1.00pm. Tel: 0208 549 0733. Encore Singing Group: Berrylands. Mondays, 10am - 12noon, (school terms) @ Surbiton Hill Methodist Church, Ewell Road.For info: or call 020 8241 5513. All welcome, contact or pop in. Fircroft Listening Café: Every Friday, 2-4pm. 96 Ditton Road KT6 6RH. No appointment needed. Just turn up if you or someone you know is struggling to cope. Monday-Friday 9.30am-4.00pm Phone or text: 07598 910797. Email: listeningcafe@ Buses 71, 465, K1, K4.
50 50
Free Healing Meditation Workshop for Stress & Anxiety: 08.00 Sundays at the Outdoor Gym in Alexandra Recreation Ground, June - August. For more information on what to bring & to sign up, go to: Golden Slippers: New Ballet class for mature clients. At Surbiton New Life Baptist Church, Balaclava Road, Surbiton KT6 5PW. Tues, 10.45 - 11.45. Contact Meryl Tel: 07944 246 778 Hope in Depression: Free course that educates &equips adults & their supporters, with tools & proven tips about how to cope better with depression & anxiety. It runs once a week for 6 weeks, start: 1st Oct at 7.30pm term time. For information about subjects covered contact Christ Church, Surbiton Hill, email: or call 020 8390 7215 Kingston Camera Club: Camera enthusiasts welcome. Meet Mon eves, at St John’s Ambulance HQ, Athelstan Rd off Villiers Avenue. 7.30pm - 10pm with coffee break. New members welcome. For more information visit: www. Kingston Circle Dance Group: Kingston Quaker Centre, 14 Fairfield East, KT1 2PT, 2.30 - 4.30, first Saturday every month. Social dancing, all welcome. Tel: 020 8399 8684
Kingston Jazz Society: meets alternate Tuesdays at the Druid’s Head pub, 7.4510.15pm. Kingston Market. We are a friendly group who listen to recorded jazz from all periods and would welcome new members. Contact Mike Crimmen (Sec) on 07795 574 776 or m.crimmen@btinternet. com Kingston Pensioners’ Forum: Meets 2nd Monday each month at Richard Mayo Centre Eden Street, at 2pm. New members welcome. Talks, outings and tea and coffee. For more info: Contact Diane Double, Tel: 07762 663 483/020 8397 5084, email:
Please mention the magazine when contacting Advertisers
What’s On/Local Events Kingston Philatelic Society: Meets 8-10pm on 1st Thurs & 3rd Fri, at Surbiton Library Hall, Ewell Road. Info: Brian Sole Tel: 01932 220 677 or email: brian.sole@btinternet. com See diary entries for events. Kingston Speakeasy: Is there a topic you would like to introduce in a supportive atmosphere, with a facilitator to pace the discussion & keep it supportive? We meet on selected Thursday evenings at Kingston Quaker Centre. No charge. Contact Alick Munro on or call 0208 892 9243 for date of next meeting. Ladies Exercise Club: Friendly & fun ‘Keep Moving’ exercise/movement class for over 60s at Berrylands Christian Centre, King Charles Road. Friday 10.15 mid September to June. Come & try first, FREE first class. Then £5.50 plus refreshments, join anytime. Call Mary, 01483 284 716 or Mind in Kingston: Drop in and café at Alfriston Day Centre Berrylands Road, Thurs 6-9.30pm, Sat & Sun 2-5.30pm. Also at Welcome Centre 53-55 Canbury Park, Mon & Fri 6-9pm. All welcome, www.mindkingston. or 020 8255 3939 Mrs Bennet’s Ballroom:Wednesdays. Learn Regency dancing at St Mark’s Church Hall, Surbiton, 8pm - 10.30pm. Cost £5 per eve. See advert. Contact Libby Curzon, 020 8391 1215. Email: Open Door: A friendship group aimed mainly at seniors, meeting in the lounge at Christ Church from 2.15-4.00pm on alternate Thursdays: 7th, 24th November. Afternoon tea, chat and short talks from local organisations. St Marks Church:Weds mornings 10.0011.30 Stay and Play for Toddlers and Carers at St Mark’s Church Hall, St Mark’s Hill. Friday Mornings Coffee and Cake corner 1011.30am, drop in for coffee at St Andrew’s Church, Maple Road, no booking required for any of them. Scottish Country Dancing: On Thursdays 7.30pm-10.30pm at St Mark’s Church Hall. Tuition for half an hour from 7.30. Our club is very friendly & informal, newcomers are especially welcome. Not only is Scottish
To advertise call Karen: 020 8274 0096
Dancing good fun, it is a great way to get fit! Check website: www.surbitoncaledonian. Rates Advertiser’s Guide or call: 01932 784 866 Price List - Our Prices Haven’t Increased for 2 Years 1 Issue
2 Issues*
3 Issues*
4 Issues*
5 Issues*
Full Page
Half Page
Quarter Page
Full Page
Black & White
Saving 5%
Saving 7.5%
Saving 10%
Copy Deadline
Saving 20%
Final copy must be submitted by the 16th of each month, for inclusion in the following months edition (which will be distributed during the first weekend of that month.)
Surbiton Club for the Blind and Visually Impaired: Meets alternate Tues 2-4pm at Surbiton Hill Methodist Church, Ewell Road. Social club with entertainment and tea. Transport available if necessary. For information: 0744 364 3716 . Volunteer drivers very welcome. Payment
Full payment for all advertisements must be received by the copy deadline date. Payment can be made by: Cheques payable to ‘Berrylands Companion’ or cash. Payment by BACS or standing order by arrangement.
Full Colour Half Page
Quarter Page
Front Cover Banner
Back Cover
Inside Front + Back Cover
Double Page
Editorial Reviews
(Max 1 in every 4 issues for any one advertiser)
(Centre 2 page spread)
‘A Berrylands Companion’ is a small independent operation and is not registered for VAT. Consequently, no VAT is charged on advertisements.
Acceptable Formats
Adverts can be submitted in the following formats: • MS Word • MS Powerpoint • MS Publisher • TIFF & JPEG Advert copy can be emailed to: If your ad is not available in an electronic format then we can produce it for you, from your own hard copy text, normally for a fixed price of just £10, although this may be higher if you have a particularly complex advert! (This is a one-off charge - the advert could then be re-used in subsequent issues free of charge.)
WE ARE NOT AVAT REGISTERED, SO THE PRICE YOU SEE IS THE PRICE YOU PAY Contact us for package prices. Premium Pages 5 & 7: £10.00 extra Loose inserts can be delivered with magazine at £297 per 8,000.
Copy and payment must be received by 16th of each month to guarantee publication of advert. Advertisement space is only guaranteed when full payment is made. Distribution numbers up to 8,000 each month.
The Companion will be published and distributed monthly, on or around the first weekend of the month. 10 editions a year. It will be delivered to over 12,000 homes in and around Berrylands and Surbiton over two months - guaranteed. In addition it is the first source of local information for anyone moving into the area.
Format & Design
Contact Us:
It is an A5 size booklet, stapled with colour plus black and white printed on quality paper. The Companion will be printed on 115gsm gloss paper giving it a very high quality feel. It will have ‘longevity’ and because of it’s size, content, look and feel it will be kept by the majority of households until the next issue arrives, thereby giving advertisers ‘immdiacy’ of access’ when their services are required.
Karen Burgess 18 Kingsdowne Road Surbiton, Surrey, KT6 6JZ Tel: 020 8274 0096 Fax: 07092003581 Email: Web:
Surbiton Floral Club: 1st Weds of the month at Raeburn Hall United Reform Church, Elgar Avenue. 7.30 for 7.45pm start. Floral demos, talks, workshops & outings. Tel: 020 8399 8193 16
Talking of Trains in Surbiton: Programme of talks at Surbiton Library Hall, each Wednesday evening from 18th Sept, throughout winter months. First meeting free, fee for complete year is £50. Details on For further information contact: David Blackmore, 020 8391 1116.Em: Tiny Tunes: Mon 10am & 10.50am at Surbiton Library Hall. Tues 10am & 10.50am at St Nicholas Parish Church, Summer Rd, Thames Ditton. All sessions 40 mins long, features music, dance, parachutes, bubbles & pom-poms. Age 3 months -5 years, pay as you go £5, siblings £2.50 www.tinytuneslive. com Tolworth United Reformed Church, Elgar Ave: PILOTS Mondays in term time 5.30 7pm, children’s activities, crafts, stories for 5 -11 year olds. Weekly cost £1.50, please call Roger on 07525 410 083 / 0202 8393 4270 or email for information. Tolworth World of Dance: Weds 8 - 9.30pm (term time). Folk dance for Fun, Fitness & Friends. New members always welcome. Contact: Brenda 020 8397 9649 or email: If your club or society is not listed on the Local Events, send in the details!! Clubs, Schools, Churches, & Charity events should be submitted to
Surbiton & District Historical Society
ediuG s’resitrevdA
sraeY 2 rof desaercnI t’nevaH secirP ruO - tsiL ecirP
enildaeD ypoC
*seussI 5 %02 gnivaS
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.etad enildaed ypoc eht yb deviecer eb tsum stnemesitrevda lla rof tnemyap lluF yb tnemyaP .hsac ro ’noinapmoC sdnalyrreB‘ ot elbayap seuqehC :yb edam eb nac tnemyaP .tnemegnarra yb redro gnidnats ro SCAB
*seussI 4
00.723£ 00.271£
ruoloC lluF
.TAV rof deretsiger ton si dna noitarepo tnednepedni llams a si ’noinapmoC sdnalyrreB A‘ .stnemesitrevda no degrahc si TAV on ,yltneuqesnoC
stamroF elbatpeccA
:stamrof gniwollof eht ni dettimbus eb nac strevdA droW SM • tnioprewoP SM • rehsilbuP SM • GEPJ & FFIT •
egaP retrauQ
rennaB revoC tnorF
moc.noinapmocdnalyrreb@nerak :ot deliame eb nac ypoc trevdA
revoC kcaB + tnorF edisnI revoC kcaB
nwo ruoy morf ,uoy rof ti ecudorp nac ew neht tamrof cinortcele na ni elbaliava ton si da ruoy fI a evah uoy fi rehgih eb yam siht hguohtla ,01£ tsuj fo ecirp dexfi a rof yllamron ,txet ypoc drah ni desu-er eb neht dluoc trevda eht - egrahc ffo-eno a si sihT( !trevda xelpmoc ylralucitrap ).egrahc fo eerf seussi tneuqesbus
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YAP UOY ECIRP EHT SI EES UOY ECIRP EHT OS ,DERETSIGER TAVA TON ERA EW .secirp egakcap rof su tcatnoC artxe 00.01£ :7 & 5 segaP muimerP .000,8 rep 792£ ta enizagam htiw dereviled eb nac stresni esooL
.trevda fo noitacilbup eetnaraug ot htnom hcae fo ht61 yb deviecer eb tsum tnemyap dna ypoC .edam si tnemyap lluf nehw deetnaraug ylno si ecaps tnemesitrevdA .htnom hcae 000,8 ot pu srebmun noitubirtsiD
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ssegruB neraK daoR enwodsgni K 81 ZJ6 6TK ,yerruS ,notibruS 6900 4728 020 :leT 18530029070 :xaF moc.noinapmocsdnalyrreb@nerak :liamE moc.noinapmocsdnalyrreb.www :beW
Tues 5th Nov: Mr Mike Brown gives a lecture on “Christmas on the Homefront” Tues 19th Nov: Afternoon Meeting, 2pm. Mr Keith Hathaway will present a lecture on “The Arbiter of Taste - Lord Burlington & Chiswick House in the 18thC” Tues 3rd Dec: The Christmas Social meeting will include refreshments, a raffle & wall quiz, & a short talk. Visitors welcome - £2.00 plus £2.00 for refreshments. Meetings start time: 7.45pm at Surbiton Library Hall, Ewell Road, Surbiton. Visitors welcome, Contribution of £2 appreciated For more details about meetings and the Society, call
The Secretary: 020 8399 4473 Email:
Kingston upon Thames Archaeological Society Thurs 14th Nov: A talk on ‘The Churchyard at Petersham’ by Dr Helen Chittock, Project Officer, (Post Excav) AOL Archeology Group Thurs 12th Dec: meeting will include the AGM, preceding the Christmas celebrations More details to be supplied later. Meetings, unless otherwise stated, are held on the 2nd Thursday of the month, at 7.30pm for 8pm start, in the Surbiton Library Hall, Ewell Road, KT6 6AG. Visitors will be asked for £3 donation towards expenses.
Deadlines for submitting new artwork for forthcoming issues of A Berrylands Companion 8th Nov for Dec/January issue 8th Jan for February issue 8th Feb for March issue 8th March for April issue 8th April for May issue 8th May for June issue June 8th for July/Aug issue Aug 8th for September issue Sept 8th for October issue 8th Oct for November issue For more information call Karen on 020 8274 0096 or send an email to 52 52
Please mention the magazine when contacting Advertisers
27. Plant - sucking insects (5)
1. Terminate gradually (5,3) 2. A Sultanate in northwestern Borneo (6) Surbiton & District 3. Horologist (10) Bird Watching Society 4. Slightly open (4) Nov 19th: Andrew Cleave: & Wildlife 5. Engage somebody to Birds enter the army (6) of 6. Represents or performs as if in a play (6) Northern India 8. Come to terms with (7) 9. Shortened term for provocation (5) Dec 17th: Members’ Slides 13. Returning to political office (10) 15. Unusually great in size (7) Outings: 16. After sunrise and before sunset (8) Sun 3rd Essex. 17.Nov: StrongRainham and sharp Marshes, (5) 18.Jonathan Having littleHannam, emotion orTel sensibility Contact: 01372(6) 470 280 20. Add to the very end (6) 22. The highest point; culminate (6) Sun 17th Nov: WeBS, Keyhaven Hants, coach 24. Compass point (4)
trip. With Richmon & Twickenham RSPB
Sun 8th Dec: Sheppey, Kent. Contact: Stephen Waters, Tel 01372 457 442
October Sudoku
Please note that it is imperative to phone the leader to confirm participation, arrange time and meeting place and/or pre-arrange lifts. Meetings are held 3rd Tuesday of the month in the Main Hall, Surbiton Library at 8pm.
Advertiser’s Guide
Price List - Our Prices Haven’t Increased for 2 Years 1 Issue
2 Issues*
3 Issues*
4 Issues*
5 Issues*
Full Page
Half Page
Quarter Page
Black & White
Saving 5%
Full Page
Half Page
Saving 7.5%
Saving 10%
Copy Deadline
Saving 20%
Quarter Page
Front Cover Banner
Final copy must be submitted by the 16th of each month, for inclusion in the following months edition (which will be distributed during the first weekend of that month.)
Full payment for all advertisements must be received by the copy deadline date. Payment can be made by: Cheques payable to ‘Berrylands Companion’ or cash. Payment by BACS or standing order by arrangement.
Full Colour
(Max 1 in every 4 issues for any one advertiser)
Back Cover
Inside Front + Back Cover
Double Page
Editorial Reviews
(Centre 2 page spread)
‘A Berrylands Companion’ is a small independent operation and is not registered for VAT. Consequently, no VAT is charged on advertisements.
Acceptable Formats
Adverts can be submitted in the following formats: • MS Word • MS Powerpoint • MS Publisher • TIFF & JPEG Advert copy can be emailed to: If your ad is not available in an electronic format then we can produce it for you, from your own hard copy text, normally for a fixed price of just £10, although this may be higher if you have a particularly complex advert! (This is a one-off charge - the advert could then be re-used in subsequent issues free of charge.)
Remember, you can pick up a copy of A Berrylands Companion magazine at the following: WE ARE NOT AVAT REGISTERED, SO THE PRICE YOU SEE IS THE PRICE YOU PAY Contact us for package prices. Premium Pages 5 & 7: £10.00 extra Loose inserts can be delivered with magazine at £297 per 8,000.
Copy and payment must be received by 16th of each month to guarantee publication of advert. Advertisement space is only guaranteed when full payment is made. Distribution numbers up to 8,000 each month.
The Companion will be published and distributed monthly, on or around the first weekend of the month. 10 editions a year. It will be delivered to over 12,000 homes in and around Berrylands and Surbiton over two months - guaranteed. In addition it is the first source of local information for anyone moving into the area.
Format & Design
Contact Us:
It is an A5 size booklet, stapled with colour plus black and white printed on quality paper. The Companion will be printed on 115gsm gloss paper giving it a very high quality feel. It will have ‘longevity’ and because of it’s size, content, look and feel it will be kept by the majority of households until the next issue arrives, thereby giving advertisers ‘immdiacy’ of access’ when their services are required.
Karen Burgess 18 Kingsdowne Road Surbiton, Surrey, KT6 6JZ Tel: 020 8274 0096 Fax: 07092003581 Email: Web:
C.D.Jennings, B&M Budget Store, Surbiton & Tolworth Libraries, Shan’s Pharmacy, Tolworth Recreation Centre, The Lamb, MBE Surbiton, Collison Optician Ewell Road, 16
Read it whilst you wait at: Aspen Vets, Berrylands Autocare Garage, Confidental Dental Surgery If you would like copies at your business please call me on: 020 8274 0096
SDBWS Publicity Annemarie Stiegler
Are you interested in gardening? Did you know there is an association in Hook? Our Association was founded over 50 years ago and is run36 by volunteers, can provide a E Page 33-40.indd wide range of composts, fertilisers, seeds and other gardening products at not-for-profit prices to our members. We support gardeners and allotment holders.
We currently have full and half plots available to rent. Contact: John on 07807 300 749 Membership is £2.50 a year and new allotment holders have free membership for the first year Our trading facility is situated next to the entrance to the allotment plots, beyond the rugby club pavillion, rear of King Edward’s Recreation Ground, Hook Road, Chessington Open: Sundays 10am - 12 noon Feb - Nov 10am - 11am Nov - Jan
To advertise call Karen: 020 8274 0096
For all gardeners and allotment holders! We are a small friendly local society providing gardening22/01/2010 supplies at very00:22:03 reasonable prices to our members: 9 Seeds, summer and spring bulbs, onion sets, seed potatoes. 9 Summer bedding plants and other young plants according to season. 9 Traditional and organic fertilizers and soil improvers/conditioners. 9 Lawn and rose treatments, weedkillers, pest controls. 9 Growbags and bagged compost, pots, gloves, trays, canes, netting etc. Annual membership just £2, senior citizens £1. Email:
Our trading hut is conveniently sited at Moor Lane Allotments (just off Moor Lane near The Bonesgate pub) Open every Sunday 10am to 12noon, except December. In accordance with our "members only" policy, new members are always welcome to join!
Annual Membership just £2.50, senior citizens £1.50
Index Please mention the magazine when contacting advertisers
Home & Garden ediuG s’resitreAll vdA setaR 15 Your Garden Needs 17 Berrylands Building Company 19 Berrylands Property Maintenance 5 Carpets4U 21 Chris Mould Plumber 20 Dream Doors (Kingston Kitchens) 25 Honey Bee Roofing 41 KB Design 23 Kevin Robinson Decorators 13 LandTech Driveways 23 Leverett Electricals 55 Pro-Fit Windows Systems 15 Richey Brickwork 16 R.J.Tree Services 19 Will Lord 21 William Stallion Electricals 18 House & Interiors Home Products 22 Gardening by Pippa Greenwood 14 ediuG s’resitrevdA
sraeY 2 rof desaercnI t’nevaH secirP ruO - tsiL ecirP sraeY 2 rof desaercnI t’nevaH secirP ruO - tsiL ecirP
enildaeD ypoC shtnom gniwollof eht ni noisulcni rof ,htnom hcae fo ht61 eht yb dettimbus ee bn tsiulm FC dayepoDc lyanpio
*seussI 5 %02 gnivaS
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.etad enildaed ypoc eht yb deviecer eb tsum stnemesitrevda lla rof tnemyap lluF tnemyaP yb tnemyaP .hsac ro ’noinapmoC sdnalyrreB‘ ot elbayap seuqehC :yb edam eb nac tnemyaP .etad enildaed ypoc eht yb deviecer eb tsum stnemesitrevda lla rof tnemyap lluF .tnemegnarra yb redro gnidnats ro SCAB yb tnemyaP .hsac ro ’noinapmoC sdnalyrreB‘ ot elbayap seuqehC :yb edam eb nac tnemyaP .tnemegnarra yb redro gnidnats ro SCAB
.TAV rof deretsiger ton si dna noitarepo tnednepedni llams a si ’noinapmoC sdnalyrreB A‘ .stnemesitrevda no degrahc si TAV on ,yltneuqesnoC
stamroF elbatpeccA
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etihW & kcalB
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9 11 43 11 10 8
Care & Health Emma’s Hair Salon Hilary Austin Mobile Foot Care Kingston Health Centre Slimming World Beauty Health
44 13 11 41 56 2
Rest & Relaxation Cine Sanctuary King George Field Bowls Club Mrs Bennet’s Ballroom Classes Rebel Waltz Cycle Solutions Surbiton Racket & Fitness Club Wimbledon Theatre Pantomime
40 40 44 41 21 41 27 29 29 29 54 54
Children & Education Ballet in Surbiton Christ Church School Christmas Fair Grand Avenue School Christmas Fair Our Lady Immaculate Christmas Bazaar
1st Tolworth Scouts’ Fayre Piano and Violin Tuition Parenting Veterinary Aspen Veterinary Surgery Cats Protection League Pet Care
32 31 33 34 7 31 30 34
Car Maintenance Alan Sursham Berrylands Autocare Community Motors K&P Tyres Volk Autos Ltd Walsh Vehicle Management We Buy Any Motorbike Drive
37 40 35 39 36 38
Food & Drink C.D.Jennings Prithi Glenmore House Langleys Restaurant & Bar Recipe Baking
7 6
Accountant M&B Accountancy Services Ltd Finance
Solicitors Lewis-Dick
52/53 38 50/51 30 4 3 47 32
Articles & Editorials Community Pages Kids Page What’s On & Local Events Pages Crossword Book Review Useful Telephone Numbers Sir Edward Davey MP Last Posting Dates for Christmas
Want To Advertise Your Business? Just because there is already an advert for a similar one, please do not think we will not take your advert! There are so many businesses, trades and services that are not represented in
A Berrylands Companion From as little as £54 a month your advert can feature here for a year! An email with your artwork will ensure it is featured.
So What is Stopping You? Call Now!
Contact Karen: tel: 020 8274 0096 email:
Magazine printed by Warwick Printing, Warwickshire
Advertiser’s Guide
Price List - Our Prices Haven’t Increased for 2 Years 1 Issue
2 Issues*
Full Page
3 Issues*
4 Issues*
Half Page
Copy Deadline
5 Issues*
WINDOWS DOORS conservatories Black & White
Saving 7.5%
Full Page
Half Page
Saving 10%
Saving 20%
Quarter Page
Front Cover Banner
Quarter Page
Full Colour
Saving 5%
(Max 1 in every 4 issues for any one advertiser)
Back Cover
Inside Front + Back Cover
Double Page
Editorial Reviews
(Centre 2 page spread)
Final copy must be submitted by the 16th of each month, for inclusion in the following months edition (which will be distributed during the first weekend of that month.)
Full payment for all advertisements must be received by the copy deadline date. Payment can be made by: Cheques payable to ‘Berrylands Companion’ or cash. Payment by BACS or standing order by arrangement.
‘A Berrylands Companion’ is a small independent operation and is not registered for VAT. Consequently, no VAT is charged on advertisements.
Acceptable Formats
Adverts can be submitted in the following formats: • MS Word • MS Powerpoint • MS Publisher • TIFF & JPEG Advert copy can be emailed to: If your ad is not available in an electronic format then we can produce it for you, from your own hard copy text, normally for a fixed price of just £10, although this may be higher if you have a particularly complex advert! (This is a one-off charge - the advert could then be re-used in subsequent issues free of charge.)
WE ARE NOT AVAT REGISTERED, SO THE PRICE YOU SEE IS THE PRICE YOU PAY Contact us for package prices. Premium Pages 5 & 7: £10.00 extra Loose inserts can be delivered with magazine at £297 per 8,000.
Copy and payment must be received by 16th of each month to guarantee publication of advert. Advertisement space is only guaranteed when full payment is made. Distribution numbers up to 8,000 each month.
2017 2019 – Lower your energy bills and add value to your home with our stylish double glazing products; windows, doors & conservatories
The Companion will be published and distributed monthly, on or around the first weekend of the month. 10 editions a year. It will be delivered to over 12,000 homes in and around Berrylands and Surbiton over two months - guaranteed. In addition it is the first source of local information for anyone moving into the area.
Format & Design
Contact Us:
It is an A5 size booklet, stapled with colour plus black and white printed on quality paper. The Companion will be printed on 115gsm gloss paper giving it a very high quality feel. It will have ‘longevity’ and because of it’s size, content, look and feel it will be kept by the majority of households until the next issue arrives, thereby giving advertisers ‘immdiacy’ of access’ when their services are required.
Karen Burgess 18 Kingsdowne Road Surbiton, Surrey, KT6 6JZ Tel: 020 8274 0096 Fax: 07092003581 Email: Web:
Totally transform your home with our extensive bi-fold range! Guaranteed quality products at competitive prices We are an established family run business with over 35 years’ experience in supplying double glazing to householders within the community. TRADE ENQUIRIES WELCOME
TEL: 020 8288 8893 FAX: 020 8288 8894 l
164 Leatherhead Rd Chessington Surrey KT9 2HU l
To advertise call Karen: 020 8274 0096
56 56