CapitolWire May 2013

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Inspiring People. Shaping the Future.

The Brussels Connection to Capitol Hill

WASHINGTON, DC 1101 New York Avenue, NW Suite 901 Washington, DC 20005 USA

BRUSSELS Résidence Palace Rue de la Loi 155 1040 Brussels, Belgium

Contact: Tyson Barker (+1) 202.384.1993

Contact: Thomas Fischer (+32 2) 280.2830

The 113th Congress: Who’s Who for Europe CapitolWire is a joint publication of the Bertelsmann Foundation offices in Washington, DC and Brussels. It connects the European Parliament to Congressional policy and politics, and contributes to a common trans-Atlantic political culture. CapitolWire is an occasional publication that highlights issues, legislation and policymakers relevant to the European Parliament’s legislative cycle. This publication also looks at the Congress from the point of view of European Parliament staffers and offers timely operational analysis.

KEY POINTS • The 113th Congress is the most diverse in history. For the first time, white men are the minority among Democrats in the House of Representatives. • The 435 members of the House of Representatives are elected every two years. The number of a state’s representatives—and the congressional districts they represent—is based on the population of that state. The 100 members of the Senate are elected every four years. Each state has two senators regardless of population. All representatives are directly elected. • Seventeen percent of the representatives in the House and 14 percent of the senators were newly elected or appointed to the 113th Congress. They are known as “freshman members”. The new 113th Congress is little changed from its predecessor. The Republicans remain the majority in the House, and the Democrats still control the Senate. The legislature, however, is more diverse than ever, boasting 101 women, 45 African-Americans, 38 Hispanic or Latinos, 13 Asian-Americans or Pacific Islanders and seven openly gay or bisexual members.

such as gun control and immigration. Passing trade-promotion authority is also on the agenda as the administration pursues trade agreements with the European Union and Asian-Pacific countries involved in the TransPacific Partnership. This edition of the CapitolWire highlights ten key members of the House and Senate who will drive policy toward Europe in the years ahead.

As they deal with the ongoing nomination process, the House and Senate are also endeavoring to tackle controversial issues

The Bertelsmann Foundation is a private, nonpartisan operating foundation, working to promote and strengthen trans-Atlantic cooperation. Serving as a platform for open dialogue among key stakeholders, the Foundation develops practical policy recommendations on issues central to successful development of both sides of the ocean. ©Copyright 2013, Bertelsmann Foundation. All rights reserved.

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As the 113th Congress reaches its fifth month in power, many of the initiatives that failed in the 112th are encountering renewed resistance. Issues such as the Farm Bill, cybersecurity legislation and sequestration remain stuck due to partisanship.

The Senate confirmation process of presidential cabinet members has also been a victim of political gridlock. Republicans stalled many key nominations such as former Senator Hagel’s to be defense secretary. With the recent announcement of Michael Froman to serve as US trade representative and Penny Pritzker to be commerce secretary, the president has only one cabinet-level appointment left to name, that for the Small Business Administration.

Congressman Ed Royce (California – 39th District, Republican) Chairman, House Committee on Foreign Affairs


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Congressman Ed Royce has been a member of halting nuclear proliferation and has praised the House Committee on Foreign Affairs since the efforts of European companies and the he entered office in 1993. He is now committee EU in sanctioning the Iranian government. chairman, having replaced Congresswoman On February 27, Chairman Royce and Ranking Ileana Ros-Lehtinen (Florida – 27th District, Member Eliot Engel (see below) introduced Republican), who vacated the seat due the Nuclear Iran Prevention Act H.R. 850, to term limits. He previously served as which extends economic sanctions against chairman of the Subcommittee on Terrorism, Iran. The bill increases the pressure on BRUSSELS WASHINGTON, DC Nonproliferation, and Trade. During his ensure Iran is not using Palace 110111 New YorkEuropean Avenue, NWactors to Résidence terms in office, Royce has written moreSuite than the European Central Bank’s payment system Rue de la Loi 155 901 1040 Brussels, Belgium DCto20005 USA 350 posts on his blog, Foreign Intrigue, Washington, which dodge current sanctions Contact: Thomas Fischer Contact: Tyson Barker focuses on international relations. E-mail: tyson.barker@bertelsmannE-mail: thomas.fischer@bertelsmannAs a member of the House Committee on His priorities as Foreign Affairs Committee Financial Services, Royce is also active on Tel: (+1) 202.384.1993 Tel: (+32 2) 280.2830 chairman include putting greater pressure and anti-terrorism financial issues. He founded attention on nuclear proliferation, specifically the Congressional Anti-Terror Finance Task as that relates to Iran and North Korea. He Force and serves as its co-chairman. views Europe as an important partner in

The Brussels Connection to Capitol Hill

Congressman Eliot Engel (New York – 16th District, Democrat) Ranking Member, House Committee on Foreign Affairs

Congressman Eliot Engel became ranking member of the House Foreign Affairs Committee after serving as the top Democrat on the Western Hemisphere Subcommittee. Engel has a strong personal interest in US policy in the Western Balkans and is an advocate for Kosovo’s autonomy. Earlier this year, on the country’s fifth anniversary of independence, he highlighted the efforts of the EU-sponsored Kosovo-Serbia Dialogue and called for Kosovo to continue to be a priority for the US and Europe. A street in Pe´cć, Kosovo was named after him, reflecting his numerous efforts on the controversial country’s behalf.

Engel is also a strong supporter of Israel. In March, he was one of the two Democratic members of Congress to travel with President Obama on his first trip to Israel since entering the Oval Office. Congressman Engel also serves on the House Committee on Energy and Commerce, the Subcommittee on Health, and the Subcommittee on Energy and Power. He formerly served as co-chairman of the EU Caucus. This congressional member organization, however, has not yet been reestablished in the 113th Congress.

Congressman Dana Rohrabacher (California – 48th District, Republican)

Chairman, Subcommittee on Europe, Eurasia and Emerging Threats, House Foreign Affairs Committee

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The subcommittee has held four hearings focusing mainly on emerging threats. Following the Boston Marathon bombings, the subcommittee held a joint hearing with the Subcommittee on Terrorism, Nonproliferation and Trade on Islamist extremism in Chechnya. Rohrabacher also serves as a member of the House Committee on Foreign Affairs’ Subcommittee on Asia, the Pacific and the Global Environment as well as vice chairman of the House Committee on Science, Space and Technology.

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Congressman Rohrabacher replaced former Congressman Dan Burton as chairman of the subcommittee and expanded its scope to include “emerging threats”, an area in which he has shown great interest. Congressman Rohrabacher has been a powerful voice for strengthening democracy and combating terrorism worldwide during his 13 terms in Congress. In February, he introduced a bipartisan resolution calling for the release of Dr. Shakil Afridi, who is jailed in Pakistan for assisting the US with locating Osama bin Laden. Rohrabacher has been outspoken and, at times, has made controversial remarks on Afghanistan, China and the September 11, 2012 Benghazi attacks.


Congressman William “Bill” Keating (Massachusetts – 9th District, Democrat)

Inspiring Shaping the Future. Ranking Member, Subcommittee on Europe, Eurasia and Emerging Threats,People. House Committee on Foreign Affairs


Elected in 2013, Congressman Keating is relationship, specifically through a trade the son of Irish immigrants. He has strong agreement. European cultural ties, and his district is home to one of the largest Irish-American His subcommittee’s jurisdiction over and Portuguese-American populations. He emerging threats aligns well with his is a member of the Congressional Friends previous work as a district attorney. Keating of the Irish National Caucus and the House is also the House Committee BRUSSELS WASHINGTON, DC a member of Résidence Palace 1101 New Yorkon Avenue, NW Portuguese Caucus. Homeland Security’s Subcommittee on Rue de la LoiProtection 155 Suite 901 Cybersecurity, Infrastructure and 1040the Brussels, Belgium Washington, DCSecurity 20005 USA In addition to supporting increased cultural Technologies; House Committee Contact: Thomas Fischer Contact: Tyson Barker and diplomatic ties with Europe, Keating on Homeland Security’s Subcommittee E-mail: tyson.barker@bertelsmann- E-mail: thomas.fischer@bertelsmannhas voiced support for further engagement on Counterterrorism and Intelligence; and with European leaders on issues of common the House Committee on Foreign Affairs’ Tel: (+1) 202.384.1993 Tel: (+32 2) 280.2830 interest, such as cybersecurity and democracy Subcommittee on Asia and the Pacific. promotion. He is also an advocate of strengthening the trans-Atlantic economic

The Brussels Connection to Capitol Hill

Congressman Mario Diaz-Balart (Florida – 25th District, Republican) Chairman, Transatlantic Legislators’ Dialogue (TLD)

Congressman Diaz-Balart follows a line of political activists in his family. He holds the seat vacated by his brother, former Congressman Lincoln Diaz-Balart, and is the son of the late Cuban politician, Rafael Diaz-Balart. The congressman is a strong conservative and supports continuing the embargo on Cuba. Following former Chairman Cliff Stearns’ (Florida – 6th District, Republican) defeat in the 2012 primary elections, Diaz-Balart was appointed TLD chairman. One of his main priorities is to continue educating Congressional members on the importance of the trans-Atlantic dialogue, especially in the aftermath of the Lisbon Treaty. He hopes to

focus discussion on issues that the US and EU can solve together. Trans-Atlantic cooperation is not a new concept to the Congressman as he is cochairman of the Congressional Friends of Spain Caucus. In December 2012, he issued a joint statement with Member of the European Parliament Antonio López-Istúriz (EPP – Spain) that was critical of Nicaragua’s elections.

Congressman Erik Paulsen (Minnesota – 3rd District, Republican) Member, House Committee on Ways and Means

Congressman Paulsen is in his third term in the 113th Congress. His committee has jurisdiction over tax, healthcare and trade policy. He also serves as one of ten members from the Senate and House of Representatives on the Joint Economic Committee, which counsels Congress on generating economic growth and job creation.

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In early April, he helped chair a bipartisan meeting on enhancing trans-Atlantic trade. Attendees comprised a delegation of European Parliament members, including INTA Chairman Vital Moreira, and House Ways and Means Committee members. Paulsen recently authored an op-ed with Congressman Richard Neal (Massachusetts – 1st District, Democrat) calling the TTIP a “golden opportunity” to boost jobs and growth.

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As a member of the Free Trade Working Group, Paulsen was an early and strong supporter of the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP). He quickly became House Ways and Means Committee Chairman Dave Camp’s point person on TTIP. In summer 2012, he was the co-author of a bipartisan letter, to President Obama that encouraged stronger trans-Atlantic cooperation. The

letter was signed by 51 representatives. On February 15, Paulsen introduced a resolution supporting the administration’s pursuit of trade negotiations with the European Union.


Senator Robert “Bob” Menendez (New Jersey – Democrat) Chairman, Senate Foreign Relations Committee


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Senator Robert “Bob” Menendez became Foreign Relations chair following John Kerry’s departure to become secretary of state. Menendez is Cuban-American and the first Latino chair of the committee. He was previously chairman of the Western Hemisphere Subcommittee.

The Brussels Connection to Capitol Hill

As a member of the Senate Finance Committee, Menendez will also have a role in passing trade-promotion authority and in discussions on the TTIP. He is also a member of the Senate Banking Committee.


The committee has held at least one hearing 1101 New York Avenue, NW a week while in session since early March. Suite 901 DC 20005 USA Most of these have focused on Asia,Washington, Syria Contact: and national security threats, though one Tyson Barker E-mail: tyson.barker@bertelsmannrecent hearing focused on US-EU economic relations. Tel: (+1) 202.384.1993

BRUSSELS Résidence Palace Rue de la Loi 155 1040 Brussels, Belgium Contact: Thomas Fischer E-mail: Tel: (+32 2) 280.2830

Senator Robert “Bob” Corker (Tennessee – Republican) Ranking Member, Senate Foreign Relations Committee

A member of the Foreign Relations Committee since joining the Senate in the 110th Congress, Senator Corker replaced Senator Richard “Dick” Lugar (Indiana – Republican), who gained a strong reputation as a foreignpolicy expert, particularly on nonproliferation issues and relations with Europe. Corker plans to address a wide range of topics with European partners, from NATO burden-sharing to the EU-Ukraine Framework Agreement. He is pushing the administration to provide Congress with more information about the cancellation of the fourth phase of the White House’s plan to deploy missile interceptors to Europe. Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel announced the cancellation in March, saying that “restructuring” was behind

the decision to terminate the European program and move 14 missile interceptors to Alaska to counter increased threats from North Korea. Corker supports expanding the arsenal in Alaska, yet seeks answers about the administration’s inability to follow through with the European Phased Adaptive Approach. Corker will be a vocal supporter of the TTIP. In an editorial for Bloomberg, he endorsed President Obama’s pursuit of the Partnership, noting its potential benefits for his state.

Senator Christopher Murphy (Connecticut – Democrat)

Chairman, Subcommittee on Europe and Eurasia, Senate Foreign Relations Committee Senator Murphy was elected to the Senate in November 2012, having previously served three terms in the House of Representatives.

Vital Moreira and D-US Chairman Christian Ehler. The delegation visited Washington, DC in early April. Recently, he met with Ukrainian Minister of Foreign Affairs, Leonid Kozhara.

As chairman of the Subcommittee on Europe and Eurasia, he has emphasized the importance of US-EU trade and its potential to spur growth. In particular, he seeks to update US and EU export policies to help boost the trans-Atlantic economy and create jobs. He believes this can be accomplished through the TTIP. Since assuming the chairmanship, he has met with numerous European representatives, including a delegation of members of the European Parliament with INTA Chairman

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Senator Ron Johnson (Wisconsin – Republican)

People.Committee Shaping the Future. Ranking Member, Subcommittee on Europe and Eurasia, SenateInspiring Foreign Relations


Senator Johnson comes to the Subcommittee on European Affairs after serving as the ranking Republican on the Committee on Foreign Relations’ Subcommittee on East Asian and Pacific Affairs.

Johnson is also the ranking Republican on the Subcommittee on Financial and Contracting Oversight for the Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs.

The Brussels Connection to Capitol Hill

As a former CEO, he has a special interest in business relations and sees successfulWASHINGTON, TTIP DC negotiations as a priority. In February1101 2013, New York Avenue, NW he signed a letter to the president urging Suite 901 Washington, DC 20005 USA the administration to pursue an agreement Contact: Tyson Barker with the European Union that eliminated E-mail: tyson.barker@bertelsmannbarriers in all sectors, including agriculture and services. The letter was spearheaded by Tel: (+1) 202.384.1993 Senators Rob Portman (Republican – Ohio) and Bill Nelson (Democrat – Florida).

BRUSSELS Résidence Palace Rue de la Loi 155 1040 Brussels, Belgium Contact: Thomas Fischer E-mail: Tel: (+32 2) 280.2830

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