HDConnections/ June 2006: Issue 36

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ONE WAY written by Tom Mercer NO APOLOGY written by Tim Wheeler


SPOTLIGHT What’s new? What would you like to be a part of?


devotional written by Pastor Frank Mercer

JUNE 2006: ISSUE 36

When you’re in high school, there are two basic categories of friends- the ones who can drive and the ones who can’t. That’s why there are few days in your entire life that are quite as important as your sixteenth birthday. By the time mine rolled around, I was already almost half done with my Senior year of high school. Most of my friends had been driving since they were Sophomores! So it was time to play catch-up. I was ready. November 13th, 1970. I had been sixteen for less than eight hours. My Dad and I pulled up to the DMV thirty minutes before it opened to make sure we were at the front of the line. I had aced the written part of the exam months earlier and felt pretty confident as the examiner opened the passenger door and joined me in the cockpit of my dad’s ’69 Beetle. After the typical exchange of pleasantries, I proudly pulled into traffic and began the ten-minute excursion through the City of Redlands, California. The weather was overcast, and traffic was light. About eight minutes in, while we were waiting for the light to change at a downtown intersection, the examiner politely asked, “What are we doing on this side of the street?” At least back in the day, Redlands was famous for a series of one-way streets through the heart of town. I had just pulled onto one of them. Or so I thought. “This is a one-way street,” I responded. I knew he was testing me, but you have to get up pretty early in the morning to trick the ‘ol Merce! “Who told you it was a one-way street?” he asked calmly. Suddenly I realized it was much earlier in the morning than I thought. As I looked around, I realized our ‘Dub was a sitting duck in an oncoming traffic lane. My life flashed before me. He quietly said, “Let’s head back.” The drive back to the DMV was the longest one and a half mile drive of my life. Neither of us said a word. I knew I had flunked. I knew this would not be the best day of my life after all. In fact, it might be the last. I knew my friends would tell me to my face, “It’s OK Tom, you can test again in ten days,” but privately muse, “One way street? What a moron!” As I pulled into the driveway and saw my dad standing on the sidewalk with his “That’s my boy” look on his face, I felt so low I had to look up to look down! Tears began to well up in my eyes as I started to thank the examiner for his patience and apologize for wasting his time when he said, “Let’s go inside and get your picture taken.”

by Tom Mercer, Senior Pastor

Pluralism is relativism’s cousin. (Relativism was a primary topic in last month’s Connections.) Pluralism claims that all religions provide equally valid ways to God and, though there are differences between many of the tenets that they teach, there are fundamental elements about them that are the same. Pluralism is best and most often illustrated by a series of different roads that all lead to the top of the same mountain. The destination for the traveler, regardless of the road he or she chooses, is the same. The fact that different religions all have some common threads running through them is, for the pluralist, sufficient proof that they are all basically the same or, at least, all came from the same ultimate Source. (For example, all religions provide us with similar formulations of the Golden Rule.) The fact that they have some differences is only indicative of the reality that no one religion provides all the answers, that only by looking at a religious composite, the broader picture in human history, can you hope to discover the complete truth. A pluralist might offer Lillian Quigley’s account of an ancient fable as an example of pluralism. In the children’s book, The Blind Men and the Elephant, six blind men are depicted touching an elephant. One is holding on to the elephant’s leg and says, “I believe an elephant is like the trunk of a great tree.” The second is holding on to the elephant’s trunk and disagrees with the first man. “I believe an elephant is like a snake,” he says. The third man is touching the elephant’s side and says, “No, you are both wrong. An elephant is like a wall.” Three more blind guys are mentioned, but you get the point. The moral of the story is that each of them is correct, but each one only has only one perspective that cannot provide the entire truth. Only when you listen to all of them can you hope to get a real picture of what an elephant is actually like. Wow! That’s profound, huh? The only problem with that scenario is what it assumes from the beginning. How do we know that they are all holding on to some part of the elephant in the first place? They are all blind! So what if the first guy is holding on to an oak tree, only assuming that he is holding on to the elephant? And what if the second guy is holding on to a fire hose, only being told that he is holding on to the elephant? And what if the third guy is leaning up against a building, only assuming that he is near an elephant? There are a lot of people who assume that they are being told the truth, but their spiritual blindness keeps them from confirming it. Then again, what if the things that each man said about the elephant were not simply different, but actually contradictory? When the religions of the world categorically state opposite or contradictory beliefs, they cannot all be correct. They can all be incorrect, but they cannot all be correct. For example, Jews, Christians and Muslims all say contradictory things about the identity of Jesus. At least two of them have to be wrong. They might all be wrong. But they cannot all be correct. With all of the hype about “tolerance” in our culture, you

can get caught up in ant-logic. Logic demands that we become rigidly intolerant. The large amount of incompatible doctrines that pit one religion against another actually demand our intolerance. Which causes many of our “more enlightened” friends to declare that the laws of logic apply to every area of our lives except our religious lives. In his book, Dissonant Voices, missions scholar Harold Netland writes this, “One who rejects the principle of non-contradiction is reduced to utter silence, for he or she has abandoned a necessary condition for any coherent or meaningful position whatsoever.” The moment you decided to be a follower of Jesus Christ, you no longer were allowed to be pluralistic. Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No-one comes to the Father except through me.” -John 14:6 But the world’s religions are not all just different from one another. The rest are all equally different from Christianity. Every adherent to every other religion all believe basically the same thing, that they will become righteous by the finish line. The requirements of “righteousness” may differ from group to group, but the common objective for every faithful follower is to achieve that respective righteousness by the end of one’s life. Christians, on the other hand, do not seek Heaven through achievement. They access it through declaration. You can never become good enough for Heaven, but you can be declared good enough for Heaven. And that declaration is made, not when your physical life is over, but when your spiritual life begins. (Continued on page 16...)

are fairly minor and it looks as if HDC will have a grading permit by the first part of June. As soon as we receive that permit, the construction of the east parking lot and the Arlette street improvements will begin. Just think- additional exit options on the weekend! Keep checking pointediscovery.com for additional information. Any questions or comments concerning Pointe Discovery can be submitted on the Pointe Discovery blog. Soon, with the addition of a web cam, you will be able to keep an eye on our progress. If you are a contractor and are interested in being involved in the project, you can contact Skip Ely at (760) 245-2415 ext. 258 to be placed on the bid list. When the corrections are finally completed, those on the bid list will be contacted and plans will be made available for bid. Questions regarding Pointe Discovery or the future build out of the HDC campus can be submitted to george@highdesertchurch.com or call (760) 245-2415 ext. 219.

On Tuesday, May 9th, the Victorville City Building Department returned the Pointe Discovery plans for a third round of corrections. It is important to remember that the second time the plans went back to the city there were some major changes. That set of plans was changed to accommodate the reduced scope of our phased-in construction strategy. The original project was estimated at $18.3M. Phase one will require $12.5M of that total. The second floor improvements, as well as other site furnishings and features, will be completed in later phases. The current corrections lists from the Building Department

Above: A set of revised Pointe Discovery plans sit on Skip Ely’s desk.

Being an Apologist doesn’t mean having to say you’re sorry!

Well then, what does it mean? When I teach the Getting Grounded class here at HDC, our first lesson deals with defining what the Bible really is as the divinely inspired Word of God, and so naturally we briefly deal (as this is a survey course) with the question, “How do we know the Bible really is the inspired Word of God and not just one of many religious books out there put together by mortal human beings?” I then point out that this is what the field of apologetics is all about and by the reactions on most people’s faces I perceive they are thinking, “apolo…what?” I have even received a few well intentioned lighthearted remarks like, “Is that a class you take to learn how to properly apologize to your wife?” The term “apologetics” actually comes right out of the original Greek text in the Bible itself. The most common verse in reference to this is 1 Peter 3:15-16: But in your hearts set apart Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer (Gr.—“apologia”) to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect, keeping a clear conscience, so that those who speak maliciously against your good behavior in Christ may be ashamed of their slander. The root meaning of this word is “a verbal defense.” In the context of the above verses, Peter gives this

by Tim Wheeler, Pastor to Adults

challenge to believers who are in the midst of suffering persecution for their faith. Implied is the idea that they will be asked why they are willing or able to endure the suffering. Peter literally commands them to be ready to answer (defend or apologia) those who question them. They are to defend “the hope that you have,” meaning they are to adequately present the gospel (their assurance of eternal life through Christ) as the basis for their willingness to suffer in this temporal world because they know their eternal destiny is secure in Christ. I really appreciate Charles Swindoll’s comments on these verses in his commentary on 1 Peter, Hope Again, where he encourages us in our day how Peter’s words apply to us: “Stop and consider. Mistreatment is a perfect platform for a witness. Your neighbors will want to know how you can stay calm in the midst of it, how you go through it without strongly reacting. Your friend at work will want to know, ‘How do you pull it off?’ Be ready to make a defense, to give an answer, to witness to anyone who asks. Seldom will there be a more opportune time to share your faith than when you are suffering and glorifying Him through it. Others who know what you are enduring will listen. You have earned the right to be heard. But don’t miss the way you should testify: ‘with gentleness and respect.’” Don’t let that last sentence slip by unnoticed—it’s not only what we say in our apologia (the content of our message), but also how we say it. That’s why Paul challenges us in Colossians 4:5-6, “Be wise in the way you act toward outsiders; make the most of every opportunity. Let your conversation be always full of grace, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how to answer everyone.” From the time of the early church right up to the time in which we live, apologetics has been a developing science. What we are to present to the searching world (seekers come in all types, from the sincere to the antagonistic skeptic) hasn’t changed at all—the good news of the gospel (1 Corinthians 15:1-4—death, burial,

and resurrection of our Lord and Savior); and many of the questions people ask haven’t changed much, but from time to time new questions emerge or certain questions become the hot topics of their day because of what is happening culturally in the academic world. Many questions aren’t about the gospel directly, but deal with issues that are roadblocks to the gospel and once these roadblocks have been dealt with and cleared out of the way a person is usually a lot more open to hearing the gospel and considering its claims. Some of the questions or issues that are quite common are:

To be quite honest and fair, I truly understand why many people in the church today feel this way. We “professionals” have contributed to this dilemma as well by not offering more training in this field of knowledge to our congregations, or by not helping people be more aware of all the readily available resources that help equip us all to be more effective in answering our own questions.

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an answer? Was it Bible scholars? Was it pastors in training? Was it college-age students from Jerusalem Bible University preparing for their final exams? No to all three! The correct answer is everyday common believers like you and me. The truth is God has called all believers to grow to the point in their spiritual journey where they are able to defend their faith and answer questions that come their way (from their oikos!) on what they believe and why they believe it! The problem that has developed in our “Christian culture” in America is that many people feel that since we have “professional clergy,” it is their job to be the apologists. Many people have the attitude—We bring our friends to church and the “hired guns” will answer their questions. People with that attitude will say things like, “After all, that is what they went to Bible College and Seminary. They studied for that kind of stuff while I studied to be a computer technician or a nurse or a mechanic or whatever.”

So, when you filter what Peter is saying through the HDC oikos concept grid it comes out something like this—


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All you have to do is look at the table of contents in a few of the multitude of books in the apologetics realm and you will realize how this brief list is far from exhaustive on the questions and issues that are presented to us from skeptics. In addition, believers are also asking honest questions about their faith in Christ and things they are discovering in the Bible as they study it more deeply. Now, here is where this article is going to get a little challenging to say the least. Along with all of the above questions, the really big question is what’s implied at the beginning of this article--Are all believers called to be apologists in regard to their faith in Christ? Let me give you a big hint by asking another question whose answer has already been alluded to: Who was Peter writing to when he gave the command always be prepared to give

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There is something I want to elaborate on in the above scenario that will encourage you, especially if you aren’t feeling like much of an apologist, or feel like you should be a little further along as a Christ-follower. Admittedly, there are a lot of tough questions out there that the world-at-large and our “oikoses” are asking. I have a Bachelor’s Degree in Biblical Studies and a Master’s Degree in Pastoral Studies and there have been many times through the years up until the

present when I have had to say something like, “I don’t have an adequate answer to that question right now, but I will do my best to get you one soon. In fact, that’s a great question and I look forward to researching it for the both of us!” I have found myself in such situations either because I was pretty ignorant on the question or issue at hand, or I was pretty rusty on the topic and didn’t want to give a poor answer I would regret later. My formal training obviously gives me a little bit of an advantage, but in many ways it just made me very aware of whom some of the best authors are and what some of the most helpful resources are. Like many of you who want to excel in your faith and reach your world for Christ, a lot of my growth and ability to be an everyday apologist has come, not from my formal training which was back in the 70’s and early 80’s, but from continually studying. In my 40’s learning how to use a computer and take advantage of some great apologetics websites to further my knowledge was the key. I have also referred many seekers to these websites as one way to fulfill my 1 Peter 3:15 responsibilities. I have also met many fellow believers through the years who had no formal theological training whose knowledge and skills in the use of apologetics far surpassed mine simply because they were highly motivated to reach friends, relatives, and co-workers with the gospel.

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I think you get my point. We are all called to defend the faith and the more we equip ourselves to do so, the more we will be excited about the opportunities we have rather than shying away from them (often in shame or regret). It’s never too late to take a big new step in maturing in your faith and becoming even more useful for our Lord. I want to jump start you with a few of my favorite resources that many others have found user-friendly as well. We could easily print several pages of superb resources, but a few will suffice for now. Feel free to ask our staff pastors and ministers about some of their favorite resources (email is the best way). (Continued on page 16...)

SMILES (Statisfied Moms In Life’s Every Situation) Bible Study Thursday from 9:30-11:45am

TRAINING LADIES for BIBLICAL SUCCESS Childcare available on Tuesdays only. Space is limited. TLBS: Monday at 6:15-8:30pm in the chapel TLBS: Tuesday at 9:15-11:45am in the gym We welcome all ladies ages 18 and over. Don’t forget to email tlbs@high desertchurch.com, or call Patti in the church office at (760) 245-2415, ext. 261 for more info. Please note that TLBS will resume this Fall. It’s hard to believe, (no pun intended) that we have finished our study, Believing God, by Beth Moore and that TLBS is now over for the 2005-2006 season. What a great year it has been! Getting our “feet wet” in a book that many of us had never studied; Nehemiah; we established a firm foundation of faith for God to build on for the rest of our lives. God, through Nehemiah, taught us that we need to be women who are passionate about people, rooted in prayer, willing and available to do His work, compassionate toward others, and always ready to go to a higher place with our Lord. Applying these truths, many of us finished the study in Nehemiah being closer to God then we ever had been, and eager to fulfill our commitments to serve Him wholeheartedly. Hallelujah! The TLBS “Servant” Leadership Team hopes all of you are having a blessed beginning to your Summer. Registration for the Fall/Winter TLBS Sessions are on-going. You can pick up a registration form in the church office or call Theresa at (760) 961-8394. We will be studying I Peter and look forward to what God has in store for all of us. We hope to see familiar and new faces when we resume on September 11th & 12th. Remember, no childcare is available on Monday nights and limited childcare is available on Tuesdays, so we encourage you to register early. With all of this fresh on our hearts, it is the hope and prayers of the TLBS “Servant” Leadership and Ministry Team that everyone have a truly blessed Summer, keeping in mind all that you have gleaned from God’s word this session. Remember to allow God to build on the foundation He has already laid, that He can “rebuild” our lives especially when we think that they are in ruins. He wants us to conquer mountains – and that sometimes means we have to climb over top of them! Come, we’re saving a place for you this Fall! -Written by Sandy Runnels

Childcare provided for children of all ages on a first-come-first-serve basis. To obtain our program letter and registration form, contact Director, Nancy Franklin, or Assistant, Sharon Page, at (760) 245-2415 ext. 530 or at smiles@highdesertchurch.com. Purpose Statement: “Moms Preparing Moms to Change Their Worlds For Christ.” Our program runs concurrent with the school schedule. Every September through May we offer: The Enjoyable – a wonderful hospitable environment, special events such as our Christmas Tea, the Valentine Friendship Tea, and Year End Luncheon. The Truthful – worship, Bible studies, classes on marriage and family using materials from Christian authors, and a newsletter. The Helpful – meeting weekly in Friendship Circles made up of 8–10 women for accountability and prayer, an oikos event to reach out to friends, lending a hand to other ministries in the community and abroad, a notebook for all the years events and studies, and leadership training.

WONDERFUL ONES (Bible study for singles 35 and older learning to live in spiritual victory) Meets the 1st and 3rd Wednesday of each month in the gym/ room 108 from 6:308:30pm Contact Brenda Dugger for location and details at (760) 241-3704. Groups continued on next page...

Monday from 7:00- 9:00pm Cost is $30. (Will resume in the Fall) Another chance to be a part of the (NEW) Surrender class. Surrender is focused on your individual growth in Christ. It isn’t just a marriage class or a singles class, it is all of the above. If you desire for each aspect of your life (home, work, parenting, etc.) to improve-- join us. If you have gone through Surrender in the past, bring a friend or your spouse and go through it again this Fall. Guaranteed excitement!

OUTBACK FAMILIES Throughout the week. Call Todd Arnett in the church ofďŹ ce at 2452415 for more info or email todd@highdesertchurch.com

(One Way...continued from page 7...) “But now a righteousness from God, apart from law, has been made known, to which the Law and the Prophets testify. This righteousness from God comes through faith in Jesus Christ to all who believe. There is no difference, for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, and are justified freely by his grace through the redemption that came by Christ Jesus.” -Romans 3:21-24 When you consider Christ’s claims about His uniqueness, you quickly realize that believing in Him is as logical as it is narrow-minded. There are only four possibilities regarding His identity. In fact, when you think about it, there are only two basic possibilities, He was either right or He was wrong. And if He was wrong, He either knew He was wrong or He didn’t know He was wrong.

LIAR If He knew He was wrong, then He was a liar. That is, he knew he was not God, but deliberately deceived his hearers to give authority to his teaching. There are, of course, people who say he was a great moral teacher, but deny his deity. But a deliberate liar and deceiver would hardly qualify as a moralist or a great teacher!

LUNATIC If He was wrong about His claims, but He didn’t know it, then He was a lunatic. That’s what we call a person who thinks he is God. And that label certainly would apply to Christ if he were merely human.

LEGEND Another possibility that exists, if Christ was not the One He claimed to be, is that He was a legend. This theory claims that as time passed, Christ’s enthusiastic followers put words into His mouth, adding to folk tales that ultimately became His legend. In fact, they say, the Apostle Paul was the one who actually orchestrated the New Testament’s final version of Christ’s deity through his writings and where Jesus to return as Paul predicted He would, then Jesus would Himself immediately deny any claim to being “God in a bod!” This legend theory is at odds with modern archaeology. A series of world-class archaeologists,

including Dr. William Albright, are confident that the four Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke and John) were all written within the lifetime of contemporaries of Christ, which would preclude the required time for this supposed legend to develop. Think of it like this. Imagine that someone wrote a new biography of the late President Nixon and in it said that Nixon had claimed to be God himself. In addition, let’s suppose the author said that Nixon claimed to have the ability to forgive people’s sins and the power to raise himself from the dead. Such an incredible story would never get off the ground because there are still too many people around who knew Nixon! They would all hold up both hands with “Victory” signs and say in a low muffled voice, “He was not a Messiah!” The same would be true for the Gospel writers. If they had written lies about Jesus, they would have been exposed as frauds right out of the gate.

LORD That leaves us with only one other alternative- Jesus was telling the truth and He knew it. According to His own words, if you’re looking for a Savior, you’re looking at a short list. He is your only option. “Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to men by which we must be saved.” -Acts 4:12 The ultimate goal of every religion is to make it to Paradise. But unless you take the only road that can get you there, you’re out of luck. There’s only one way. And the last place you want to find yourself is sitting in the wrong lane of traffic at the Gates of Heaven.

(Apology...continued from page 13...)

BOOKS *Answers to Tough Questions by Josh McDowell and Don Stewart *Evidence That Demands a Verdict (New and Updated Version) by Josh McDowell *Christianity for Skeptics by Steve Kumar

*Answers for Atheists, Agnostics, and Other Skeptics by Calvin Beisner *The Case for Christ by Lee Strobel *The Case for Faith by Lee Strobel Many Infallible Proofs by Henry M. Morris

WEBSITES * www.carm.org * www.christiananswers.net * www.josh.org * www.str.org *www.epm.org (Make sure to click on links tab, then apologetics under categories). No, being an apologist doesn’t mean having to say you’re sorry. But to be brutally honest, there are times when I have had to say to my Savior, “I’m sorry, Lord, for not being the best witness I could have in that situation. You have given me so many resources that I haven’t taken advantage of. Please forgive me.” Humbly speaking, I am so thankful for His grace, forgiveness and willingness to keep on using one such as me. Join me in recommitting ourselves to be 1 Peter 3:15 apologists. Many in our “oikoses” will be glad we did! (Please Note—The list of books and websites above does not imply that HDC fully endorses every viewpoint proclaimed. We are in general agreement with these authors and websites as fellow-workers who believe in the inspiration, infallibility, and final authority of the Scriptures).

ISRAEL & JORDAN STUDY TOUR Don’t miss out on this amazing opportunity to step back into the Biblical world. Pastor Kurt Thielen will be leading this tour that will explore the lands of Israel and Jordan in May of 2007. If you are interested in learning more about this experience, join us for an information meeting Sunday, June 4th at 11:45am in T1 & T2.

CHILDREN’S PROGRAMS Creation Station (infant through 2 years old), north side of auditorium during the weekend services. Noah’s Ark Park (3 years through prekindergarten), south side of auditorium during the weekend services.

NEW SUPPORT GROUP FOR GRANDPARENTS A group for grandparents who are raising their grandchildren has begun. For more details please call Allen and Beth Dillon at (760) 240-3246.

INTIMATE ISSUES BIBLE STUDY FOR MARRIED WOMEN In this world with so many conflicting ideas on sex, how do you as a Christian woman make sense of them? You desire God’s best for yourself and your husband but you have questions—questions you want to have answered from a woman’s perspective. This eight-week study, led by mother/daughter team, Patty Schell and Genny Hays, will be using the book, Intimate Issues written by Linda Dillow and Lorraine Pintus, along with insights from God’s Word. If you have any questions or wish to register for this study, please contact the HDC church office at 245-2415, ext. 240. The cost for this class is $20 for materials.

TO THE PARENTS OF 6TH GRADE CHILDREN With the 6th graders best intentions in mind, we (the Family Life Leadership Team) researched many churches to see what new things should be offered for this age group. In doing so, we came to the conclusion that the best decision would be to reallocate 6th grade students under Children’s Ministry and create a 5th and 6th grade component called MERGE, offered at all Harbor weekend services. Two other components that aided this decision were personnel and parents. With a hold on hiring new personnel, children’s current fulltime staff would be able to offer the needed manpower to tend to the addition of this grade. Finally we wanted to offer a program where parents could bring their 6th grade child to any of our Harbor weekend services. With this happening, there will be a few changes effecting preschool only. Preschool will now absorb kindergarten and nursery will remain the same. Nursery will consist of birth trough 2 year olds, preschool will consist of 3 year olds through kindergarten, and Elementary will consist of 1st through 6th grade (Power Surge, 1st – 4th and Merge, 5th – 6th). Please be patient with us as we venture into this new adventure knowing great things will happen in the lives of your children. We are excited to see what the Lord will do in the years to come.

Power Surge (K-5th grade), in the gym during the weekend services. UNDERGROUND (6th grade) Saturday at 4:30pm & 6:30pm in room T-3 & T-4. JR. HIGH Jr. High, Saturday at 4:30pm & 6:30pm in T-1 and T-2. SR. HIGH FUEL, Saturday at 4:30pm & 6:30pm in the chapel. ADULTS SEVEN COMMUNITY, Sunday at 5pm & 7pm in the auditorium. (K-5th grade program now available in the gym during the 5pm service)

ADULTS HARBOR COMMUNITY, Saturday at 4:30 & 6:30pm, and Sunday at 8:15, 10 & 11:45am SENIORS FRIENDSHIP CLASS, Sunday school for retirement age at 8am in the chapel. For more info on these ministries call the church office at (760) 2452415 or visit highdesertchurch.com

Name: Emily Bishop Occupation: Message Therapist, Coffee Shop Supervisor Ministry Role: ABS Leader, and Camp Counselor Ministry Experience: One year with FU3L. Ministry Highlight: I have met so many students and leaders by being involved in ABS. I enjoy hanging out with everyone at ABS and our super cool REUNIONS. I know this is the ministry God wants me to be involved in.

Name: Lindsay Henderson Occupation: School Teacher Ministry Role: Tribe Leader Special Gift/ Talent: A good sense of humor and lots of patience is needed to work with Jr. Highers. Hobbies & Interests: Reading, snowboarding, and scrapbooking. Ministry Highlight: I enjoy seeing my group of girls each week.

SO LITTLE TIME... Allign your life to events and activities that promote healthy relationships

by Doug Story, Senior High Director If you were to look at the Summer calendar for Student Ministries you might be saying to yourself, “there’s NO time to do it all.” Some parents might be thinking to yourself that any activity is ok because that means that your kids have something to do. Others are freaking out because you now have to balance and schedule camps, activities, mid-weeks, weekends, missions trips, and oh yeah, your own family vacation. Well it is our hope that after discovering why we do so many things in the summer and what our intention is behind our events you might have a clear understanding of their importance and an appreciation for their significance. When it comes to many things in student ministries you will see the importance of RELATIONSHIPS. We believe that if our students are going to be a generation who changes the world, it has to start with ONE student. And that ONE student is going to need a support system of friends and leaders to come alongside them and encourage and enable them toward something great.


Some believe we bring adult leaders and student leaders to events to create a safe environment for everybody. If you need to believe that so you can sleep at night, then go right ahead. But the real reason we have our adult leaders and student leaders at our events is to build relationships with other students. We know that a kid is more likely to come back to one of our programs if they have a friend they can count on to be there when they show up. We have events, go to camp, drive here, go there and do pretty much anything so that your son or daughter can meet new friends and get closer old ones.


If you are interested in investing in the lives of students, please contact us at (760) 245-2415 ext. 261/262

If there is one question I hear by more parents each and every weekend it is this, “how can my kid get involved in the youth group?” My first response is to reach for a calendar and then I stress the importance of coming to the things we do. Of course you can bring them to church on Saturdays at 4:30 pm or 6:30 pm and they can get involved that way, but how many people do you meet on a Sunday morning sitting in a row of chairs? It’s not the ideal environment for relationship building. So what do we offer? We offer many events where you can hang out and have fun meeting new people. We offer many events where your child can get to know our amazing adult

leaders. We offer many events where your child will see students from their school, and students from their neighborhood.


Some people might read that statement and roll their eyes, others might say “oh those silly youth worker kids, they’ll say anything.” We’re not kidding. When students love hanging out with us in the summer at amusement parks and camps and on missions trips, they love hanging out with us all year long in other ministries that we provide. In the fall when we start small groups for junior high and high school it is easy to make a transition to an environment that will make a lasting impact on their lives. These students that we spent so much time with at camp and at other events are more open to coming to a small group where they have some memories already started. Our summer calendar serves as a bridge link where students are and where God wants them to be. Listen, we know you’re busy, we know you’re tired, and we know sometimes you get frustrated. We just want to make it perfectly clear that the events we do have a purpose. It is busy, but it is worth it we promise. To get your hands on our summer calendars please contact the office or come and see us in the Island before and after our weekend services.

Jr. High

(Shift Into High Gear) We will consider how God is growing the minds, emotions, friendships, and spirits of jr. highers as he takes them into adulthood.

FUEL/ Sr. High (Cribs)

The inside of someone’s soul is so important. Our culture seems to think that the outside is much more important. Come, take a look inside and see for yourself.

High School June 2nd- Elevate ‘06 June 3rd- Promotion Weekend June 6th- Adult Appreciation Dinner June 22nd- Beach Trip July 2nd-8th- Summer Camp July 13th-22nd- Summer Missions Trip July 20th- Theme Park Outing Junior High June 2nd- Elevate ‘06

June 3rd- Promotion Weekend June 14th- Refresh for Jr. High begins. July 2nd-7th- Summer Camp July 10th- Mission Team Training July 17th- Mission Team Dinner July 27th- Beach Trip July 30th-August 4th- Mission Trip to Rosarito

Summer Blast is “HDC Kid’s” single biggest event of the year (taking place from June 26th-June 30th). Built upon the foundation of introducing elementary students (grades 1st-5th) to the Gospel of Jesus Christ through peer based OIKOS relationships, Summer Blast ministers to hundreds of elementary students each year. With music, practical speakers, high-energy games, crafts, and snacks, Summer Blast is bound to be a highlight of a child’s summer. This year’s theme “The Dig” is based on an Indiana Jones-style adventure. Don’t worry parents; our version gets a “G” rating. (No live snakes in the auditorium please!) Our drama follows four young archeologists who are searching for the lost treasure of Veritas (the Latin word for truth). After their plane is forced to make an emergency landing, leaving them stranded in the jungle, they find an ancient Incan pyramid that contains a treasure thought to exist only in legend. Once inside, their quest soon becomes a wild adventure to the finish as they realize they’re not the only ones in search of the treasure. I’ve gotta tell ya, kids are going to love these characters, and they are going to love Summer Blast. This is the

best opportunity of the year for the kids of HDC to invite their friends to come and see what our church is all about. This event is primarily an entry point for classmates, relatives and neighborhood friends to get a taste of who we are, what we do, and the Jesus we serve. To be honest, Summer Blast is not for the kids of HDC. Now do we want them to come? Of course, but we want them to bring friends who need to hear the gospel. Everything from the promotion to the price structure of Summer Blast has been geared to helping your kids reach their worlds for Christ. Every “oikos” child that attends gets to come free of charge! Check out the awesome growth that has taken place in this program over the years, and more importantly, see what God has done in the lives of hundreds of children. Four years ago we recognized that only about 10% of the kids who attended Summer Blast were un-churched kids, yet we said our primary purpose was evangelism! It came as quite a shock to realize that we were basically “evangelizing” Christian kids. Parents, we want to thank you and your kids for your contribution to the purpose of Summer Blast over the years. Because of your participation, last year, 39% of the kids who attended Summer Blast were oikos kids, and each child was introduced to who Jesus is and what He’s done for them. This is another year for us to reach our goal, but we need your help. We are projecting that about 500 HDC kids will attend Summer Blast this year. So to reach our goal, each HDC child needs to invite one friend that doesn’t know Jesus. Registration is now in progress at the Island. Thanks for helping us to narrow the gap; we hope you will help us succeed in reaching our goal! Written by Mike Day, Senior Elementary Director

Pastor Frank Mercer

Dr. Frank Mercer, known through the years as “Pastor Frank” or simply “PF,” continues to be a faithful ambassador of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. His clear and practical messages from God’s Word have encouraged people in their walk with Christ for seven decades. PF and his wife, MaryAnn, who now live in Oelwein, Iowa, pray every day for HDC, our staff and our mission. Connections is pleased to share PF’s insights from Paul’s letter to the Philippians, excerpts from PF’s devotional book, “Feasting on Philippians.”

FEASTING ON PHILIPPIANS PART 6 of a SERIES Focus passage: Philippians 1:1 Scripture reading: Philippians 2:25-30

Paul needed a special person to take his letter to Philippi and Epaphroditus was that man! He was a man with a caring love for God’s family and a mind to work for God in any situation, which led him to become a co-laborer with Paul. Count on it- when God saves a person, He makes them a partner in His work! Somewhere this man grasped: “Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your body” (I Corinthians 6: 19-20). I wonder where he would have learned that?

more. Yet, there in prison, a gracious spirit of love prevailed. Seeing the gifts sent by loving friends, being overwhelmed by the loving care of Epaphroditus, and aware of God’s faithfulness, Paul praised God- yes, even in prison! He could do this because he knew who God was, what He had done, the promises He had made and Paul had confidence that God would continually be faithful to His word. Epaphroditus also had a real love and concern for his friends “back home.” He was selfless, though sick unto death. He did not want his illness to be known to his church family, so they would not worry about him. The deep concern in his heart led him to a life of prayer, that they might know the perfect will of God. Don’t miss this- there is no genuine concern for others without a willingness to pray for them...that is an awesome fact!

1) Epaphroditus: A Man of Christian Character

Paul could not say enough good things about him, beginning with, “my brother.” The two had enjoyed wonderful times of Christian fellowship, which is a vital part in building spiritual relationships! The Bible teaches us, “If we walk in the light as He is in the light, we have fellowship with one another and the blood of Jesus, His son, purifies us from all sin” (I John 1:7). Paul and Epaphroditus shared a common desire, to live every day pleasing God. It is evident they understood, “For we are God’s workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do” (Ephesians 2:10). They did just that and, in the process, encouraged each other to serve the Lord more effectively...and so should we!

2) Epaphroditus: A Man of Christian Commitment

The Philippian believers sent him with a sizable gift on a journey of over a thousand miles filled with many dangers and hardships to minister to Paul who was in prison. He had shared in the gift for Paul, sacrificially volunteered to carry the gift to him and then stayed to share in Paul’s ministry. He was a fellow soldier, a loyal friend and an obedient servant...all due to the fact that his life was sold out to Jesus Christ.

3) Epaphroditus: A Man of Christian concern

Love saw a need and motivated him to do something about it. I can assure you, where love is the motivation, cost is no problem! Paul was in prison, surrounded by a world of hate, jealousy, malice, envy, and

1. Describe, in today’s terms, the relationship between Paul and Epaphroditus. 2. What characteristic do you think best explains Epaphroditus’ willingness to become involved in Paul’s ministry? 3. How does your attitude and involvement with your church family measure up to his?

REASONS TO JOIN A GROUP THIS FALL Here are some great reasons to join a small group: • • • • •

Grow in your knowledge and application of Scripture Deepen your relationship with fellow-believers Experience encouragement and support in life’s difficulties Learn how to pray for and reach out to your oikos Experience the joy of serving and helping others

If you are interested in joining a group, call the church office at 245-2415, ext. 240 and speak with Tim Wheeler, Pastor to Adults.

REFRESH- SMALL GROUPS FOR THE SUMMER Most of our small groups run from September through the end of May. During the summer break we encourage you to attend our mid-week Refresh program (see ad on inside cover). In addition, watch for new small group info at our annual Small Groups Connections event in September.

RESTORATION GROUPS GRIEFSHARE (The group will wrap up the season on May 18th and will resume in September)

If you’ve lost a family member or close friend, you’ve found there are not many who understand the pain you feel. We understand what you are experiencing and want to offer you comfort and encouragement during this difficult time. Through videos, small groups, and your own personal reflection, God will lead you on your personal journey from mourning to joy. Call Kay at (760) 949-7226 or Stephanie at (760) 559-9600 for more info.


Let us help you in the journey after divorce. Meets on Tuesdays in T-1 & 2 at 6:30pm. Call Marcia at (760) 243-9522 for more info.


A Christ centered substance recovery group for men & women. Meets on Fridays at 7pm in T-2. Call Steve at (760) 949-6837.


Meets on Tuesday nights. Call the church office at (760) 245-2415 for more info.


We provide support for those who are chronically ill. We meet the 2nd & 4th Tuesday of each month in the chapel at 6:30pm. Call the church office at (760) 245-2415 for more info. Childcare is provided through 6th grade at no charge.


Are you interested in a weight loss program based on Biblical principles and lifestyle change and includes a source of support and encouragement? Call Tery Lucus at (760) 242-7422 or email at tlucus@eee.org for more info.


This is an eight week Bible Study and support group for women who have had an abortion and are struggling to overcome feelings of shame, regret, anxiety, and depression. The group will meet off-campus and confidentiality will be maintained. Call Ginger Stolp at (760) 242-7343 or (760) 559-4887 for more info.


These groups for men and women incorporate the use of restoration materials, spiritual disciplines, small group accountability, and prayer as a means to help men and women renew from a life of inappropriate sexual behavior. This program is committed to strict confidentiality. Women meet Tuesday evenings at 7pm off campus (call (760) 245-2415, ext. 240) and men meet Wednesday evenings at 7pm in 209 and 210. Just show up.


Are you interested in being baptized at HDC? We have two baptism classes that you need to attend. The first class will give you info about the baptism and how to develop a personal testimony. The second is spent video taping your testimony. The first baptism class will be on June 18th at 10am in the chapel and the second class will be on June 25th at 10am in the chapel. The classes are in preparation for the July 8th & 9th baptisms. Both classes are required. If you have any questions call the church office at 245-2415.


Getting Grounded will emerge in the Fall as two different classes, Foundations 1 and Foundation II. Details about these classes will be available in September.


If you are interested in being a part of the prayer chain, or if you have a prayer request, call Karen Sanchez at (760) 242-0273 or email it to prayer@highdesertchurch.com.


Don’t let the emotional intensity of a marriage crisis drive your decision. Before deciding whether to divorce or stay together, get help. Contact David at 245-2415 to find out more information about this group.


Home teachers meet the first Monday of every month at 6:30pm in room 109 (No children please). For more info on activity days and field trips, contact Karen Sanchez at (760) 242-0273.


Join others in the joy of welcoming people to our campus and services on the weekends. If you are interested in contributing a few hours a few times a month as a greeter or usher, please consider being a part of Harbor’s Welcome Ministry. For more info about being a greeter, please call Christine Potts at (760) 955-6158, or if you are interested in being an usher, please call Mike Harridge at (760) 949-2795. Appreciation Dinner for Small Group Leaders Mark your calendars for Saturday, June 4th at 5:30pm. Our annual Small Groups Leaders’ Appreciation Dinner will take place in the gym. You must RSVP for this event a few weeks prior. Call Cathy at ext. 240 to sign up. There is no cost to you for this event. We simply would like to thank you (please note that there will be no childcare provided).


If you’re interested in receiving email from Band of Brothers (men’s ministry of HDC) and other great stuff (not junk mail), email Tim@highdesertchurch.com, and put subscribe and your name in the subject line.

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