July 14-16: Registration details inside!
Seven San Diego Church, i n pa rt n e r s h i p with San Miguel Church, present the S u mm e r Y o u t h O lym p i cs at m o n t e v a l l e p a r k , c h u l a v i s ta
F REE EVENT f o r C HIL D REN 5 - 1 2 Y EAR S of AGE We’re firing up the grill, throwing up the shade, and rallying together for some summer recreation. Join us from July 14th-16th for our Summer Youth Olympics. This year you will find Seven San Diego Church and San Miguel Community Church at Montevalle Park between 1:30-4:30 PM each day. Elementary school aged kids are invited to attend. They will be placed on teams and participate in games. Prizes and medals will be given out at the end of the week. Invite your neighborhood friends and drop by today.
July 14-16
1:30-4:30 pm
Closing Ceremonies 4:30-6:30 PM on July 16 Montevalle Park, Chula Vista Child’s Name(s):_______________, _______________, _________________ Age(s): _____, _____, _____ Birthdate(s): __________, _________, __________
Parent(s) Name(s):_____________________________________________ Address:______________________________________________________ City:__________________________ State: ________ Zip:______________ Home Phone # ___________________ MOBILE #_____________________ Name of School Attended:_____________________________________ In case of emergency, please contact: (1)_____________________________________ (Relationship)_____________________Phone #_____________________ (2)_____________________________________ (Relationship)____________________ Phone #______________________ Medic al Insurance Provider____________________________________ Child’s Insurance Number______________________________________ If not insured, please check here Please list any allergies:________________________________________ Please list any physic al and/ or mental limitations, or any pertinent information needed to take into consideration regarding your child: ___________________________________________________________________________________ Consent to photograph: I give consent that photographs of my child may be taken during the event and used for promotional purposes in the future.
This FREE event is brought to you by Seven San Diego Church & San Miguel Church