Momtographie Summer 2013

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“Summer afternoon— summer afternoon; to me those have always been the two most beautiful words in the English language.” ~ Henry James

Summer 2013

-2first person

Growing up I hated being asked what my hobbies were. I didn’t think I had any. I was never that kid who played sports, or loved to paint, or collected things. In fact I did have hobbies, I just thought they were too nerdy or didn’t fall into a nice neat category, so I didn’t want to share them. I loved to read, I loved to draw, I loved to write stories, and dream up crazy skits with my friends. In college I went through a phase where I learned to crochet. Later on it was jewelery making. Then scrapbooking. It wasn’t until later in life that I’d realize the theme of creativity that weaved its way into all of these hobbies of mine and how they’d eventually steer me in the direction of my true passion, photography.

what’s inside: 3 PRO TIPS capturing summer in action 6 THE MOMTOGRAPHER’S SURVIVAL GUIDE a schedule keeps the sanity 9 SNAP SHOTS storytelling with photography 11 THE MOMTOGRAPHER’S JOURNAL what do you want more of in your life? 15 JUST FOR FUN a summer passport 17 COME LEARN WITH ME class offerings at 18 SCRAPBOOK scenes from my summer Momtographie Magazine all content and images © Beryl Ayn Young unless otherwise noted

When Brendan and I began family planning. I wanted a new camera, or at least to learn how to master the powerful point and shoot we already owned. I couldn’t afford professional newborn photography, and I was hoping to save a few bucks by learning to do it on my own. Photography quickly became that hobby I never embraced growing up, giving me a sense of confidence and purpose as I started my rough journey into motherhood. (Now that those selfish motives have melted I know there will always be a need to hire a professional photographer so that I can actually get in some photos with my family too!) Photography has given me permission to pursue my own passions as a mom while connecting on a deeper level with my daughter and my husband through play, activities, and moments we can document together. I suspect that’s why you’re here: you want the same for yourself. In this inaugural issue of Momtographie Magazine I hope to inspire and support you on your own momtographer journey. I’m so happy to have you along for the ride!

xo Beryl PS: I’d love to know what you think of the magazine. You’re my inspiration, so if there’s something you’d like to see in future issues, please let me know!

Summer 2013

take it outside

your guide to capturing summer in action ISO 800, f 2.8, 1/3200

Summer 2013

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When it comes to keeping up with high energy kiddos during the summer months, it can certainly be a challenge to snap the perfect photo of them playing at the local splash park, jumping in the neighborhood swimming pool, or racing around the playground with friends. Too often we beat ourselves up over ‘imperfect’ photos where we catch the back our of kids’ heads, where they are a blur of motion, or where every shot looks exactly the same. Here are four of the ways I’m learning to let go of the pressure for perfect summer action shots, and have increased the ‘keepers’ in my collection ten fold. (I even share my camera settings with you.) Here’s to happy summer snapping!

1. LOOK FOR LIGHT Cameras thrive on light. Your camera’s shutter can work faster and capture motion easier the more light you have available. Taking photos outside in the summer sun can be a challenge because of its harshness, but it’s a surefire way to get your shutter working fast enough to freeze your kiddos in action.

ISO 800, f 2.8, 1/2500

2. TELL A STORY This summer aim to capture as many different types of shots of your family as you possibly can while NOT posing them. Let your child be your guide and simply document them at play. This will require you to think ahead and anticipate what they might do next. You’ll also get your exercise as you race around them trying to get different angles and perspectives. (See Page 9 for more storytelling examples)

3. USE CONTINUOUS SHOOTING Often we only have a split second to capture a moment before it’s lost. Continuous shooting allows your camera to take multiple shots with one push of your shutter and can increase the odds of getting that split second photo you’re after.

4. TRY A NEW FOCUSING STRATEGY Just as we can use our camera settings in Auto Mode or Manual Modes, our focus point settings also have their own set of Auto or Manual Modes too! The problem with these ISO 800, f 2.8, 1/4000 Summer 2013

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ISO 800, f 2.8, 1/1600


LOOK FOR LIGHT: Shoot towards the sun to eliminate the harsh light and shadows as much as possible. TELL A STORY: Don’t forget the details! One of my favorite things about my summer photos was putting the detail shots in to add interest and beauty to our photo book. USE CONTINUOUS SHOOTING: To turn continuous shooting ON look for the stack of papers icon either on your camera’s dial or in your menu settings. TRY A NEW FOCUSING STRATEGY: Doing a quick Google search can help you find focusing information for your specific camera. Beginner momtographers, start with ‘single point area mode.’ Advanced users: try a combination of ‘back button focus’ and ‘continuous focus mode’ settings! PLAY ALONG: Think ahead on your camera settings whenever possible. I set my camera mode and any technical settings (ISO, Aperture, Shutter Speed) before we begin playing. That way I know my exposure is ready to go and I’ll be free to snap away whenever my daughter is ready to be herself.

Summer 2013

Auto Focus modes is that sometimes our cameras don’t know what it is we are photographing and they set the focus on the wrong part of the frame. (Ever had a photo where the background looks crisp and clear but your family is in soft focus? That’s a key sign that your focus was off). Trying a single point focusing strategy allows you to select exactly what you want in focus before you begin snapping.

5. PLAY ALONG These days my daughter is SOOOOO not into the camera. As soon as she sees it she shuts down so I have to pretend it’s not there and sneak in snap shots while we play and interact. This requires a bit of multitasking but it can be done! I carry on conversation, play right alongside her, and attempt to make her laugh as much as possible. When those fits of laughter begin then I know it’s time to pick up my camera and sneak in a few shots.

-6the momtographer’s survival guide

THE SUMMER a schedule keeps the sanity TIME SLIDE BY MEGAN FLATT

Anyone who knows me knows I like a plan. Even in the “lazy days” of summer, I am a more grounded mother and take better care of myself if I know what our days look like. Here are four tips I used to structure our summer that still leaves plenty of room for impromptu creek visits, last minute beach trips and a cared-for mama.

Megan Flatt is a Mama Strategist and a wellness expert. She helps moms find their groove, claim the time to do it, and create the energy to support their own Mama Revival. She is the creator of Nap It Out, an online time management and productivity course for busy moms and the forthcoming Find Your Mama Groove, helping moms get out of their rut, and into their groove. Visit her at, where you can download her packing lists to help you keep you beach bag packed (and five other bags too!)

PLAN YOUR BIG ROCKS Brainstorm a physical list of activities you would like to do with your kids this summer: outings like the zoo or a local museum, or at home activities like baking or setting up the slip n slide. If your kids are old enough, have them join in the brainstorming. You might be surprised what your kids suggest. Then, look over your whole calendar and plan in some of the activities for certain days or weeks where you don’t have much planned or other friends and family might want to join you. KEEP A REGULAR SCHEDULE (OR A LOOSER VERSION OF ONE) Especially if you have young kids, I recommend keeping to a regular schedule when it comes to eating and sleeping. Sure, it’s fine to skip a nap once and a while for a fun outing, but everyone (adults included) functions better when they are fed and rested on regular intervals! I also have the days of the week loosely assigned in my head. Mondays are our big outing day, Tuesday afternoons are playdate days, my son and I run errands Thursday afternoon before picking up his sister and Friday is picnic dinner night. My girlfriends and I used the service to find a night each month over the summer to have a girls night. When they’re planned

and on our calendars they are much more likely to happen. KEEP BAGS PACKS AND THE PANTRY STOCKED A picnic to the beach is so much more fun if it doesn’t take two hours and a stop at the grocery store to prepare for. I keep a large tote bag packed with everything we need for the beach or the pool. I even keep bathing suits in the bag although we get dressed before we leave the house. This way I know exactly where the suits, sun block, baseball hats and sand toys are and I am not running all over the house. I invested in a second set of sand toys, sunblock etc just for this bag. No one takes the stuff out to play in the backyard, because there is a set there, too. The same thing goes for keeping simple picnic staples on hand. Single serve apple sauces, pretzels, juice boxes and granola bars can be thrown into a bag at a moment’s notice and we are out the door! PLAN A MOM’S BUCKET LIST TOO! With everything that goes on over the summer, it is easy for 10 weeks to pass by and all mom has done for herself is perfect her taxi driving skills! Make yourself a physical wish list too! That movie you never got to see in the theaters is probably “on demand” by now, check out that bestseller everyone is raving about or pick an ethnic recipe you’ve been dying to try even if the kids will hate it (hey, that’s what frozen chicken nuggets are for!) A happy, fulfilled mom leads to a happy family. Take care of yourself this summer. You will have more energy to give to your family and you will set a good example for your children, teaching them how to engage in activities that are fulfilling to them for a whole lifetime.

Summer 2013


“Rest is not idleness, and to lie sometimes on the grass on a summer day listening to the murmur of water, or watching the clouds float across the sky, is hardly a waste of time.� ~ John Lubbock Summer 2013


Summer 2013

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the magic of story telling

let your photos do the talking

Summer 2013

- 10 snap shots

When I pick up my camera, I always have some sort of story in my mind that I want to tell. Not only does that story guide me as I snap away, it also gives me permission to capture the atmosphere. I love that! Earlier this summer, I knew I wanted to capture as many details as possible of my daughter’s first real ice cream cone. I also knew the true story wasn’t so much in the ice cream cone itself, but in the drippy, sticky fingers, the delight she had sharing it with her grandpa, and the old-school charm of Big Olaf’s. These storytelling images almost always end up as the ones that I want to use for wall collages, photo books, or blog posts for my family. With a little bit of vision, you can make images that are just as memorable for your own family. Here’s how: 1. With each story telling photo session, challenge yourself to take as many images as you can. They’re not all going to turn out.. but you miss 100% of the shots you don’t take! 2. Snap pictures of your child, but don’t forget to capture the details surrounding them too. 3. Think about the mood you’re trying to capture. Is it light hearted and giddy? Playful? Contemplative? Use that mood to add depth and texture to your images. The emotion will shine through every time!

Summer 2013

- 11 the momtographer’s journal

let me ask...

what do you want more of in your life? I was having a conversation a few weeks ago with a friend about the idea of searching for something MORE. We’ve both been on a quest for more this past year, and we’re both undergoing some serious work/life changes in the coming months. As we were talking I realized that this idea of desiring something MORE probably was not uncommon.

But more of what? More friends? More family? More money? More quiet? More play? More sleep? More freedom?

photo: Kristen Kalp

I got stuck on this definition of MORE, because I totally could relate to what she was saying. Life this year for us both felt tiring, exhausting, emptying. We both knew we had to find a way out. If you too are in this unsettled place, I challenge you to begin with one simple question:

Where is my happiness? It might lie in more friends, family, money, quiet, play, sleep, freedom. It’s up to you to choose an area of your life and then explore how to make it even BETTER. I found my MORE four years ago behind the lens of a camera. And since you’re are here, reading this magazine, you’re probably looking for more behind the lens of a camera too. You want to take beautiful images of your children / family / pets /nature / life. Make magical memories. Feel capable

Summer 2013

- 12 the momtographer’s journal

with a camera in your hand and connected to the people and places you love.

This is where exploring my more has taken me. Into a life I only dreamed about four years ago.

My more was wrapped up in a desire to remember, and reminisce. Making memories is what makes me happy. And capturing them stunningly I’ve found makes me even happier. Through the process of documenting life in all it’s beauty (and sorrow) I found a path to greater fulfillment.

I’m still a mom just like you, who is trying to make the most of each day through the good, bad, and ugly. I take a lot pictures that are terrible and some that are simply amazing. I have a daughter who hates posing and likes to run away when the camera comes out. I haven’t printed a photos in months and I still have not made her newborn album.

Never in a million years would I have guessed that a camera would ultimately guide me to change the trajectory of my life, my career, and my dreams. But my camera has brought me closer to my friends, my family, and the world around me. I feel deeply connected to them and have discovered a sense of calm and peace each time I snap a photo in their direction. And, just a few short weeks ago, I took charge of those crazy dreams and stepping fully into my MORE when I kissed my day job goodbye. I’m telling you I’m not anyone super special, or extra smart, or extra awesome. I simply picked up that camera of mine at a time when I was feeling more than unsettled, opened my heart up to learning and dreaming, and practiced A LOT.

I know the challenges you face when it comes to finding more. But, even though I can TOTALLY relate to you—I am also über passionate about teaching you the essential photography skills to making finding your more behind the lens easier. Because I’ll do it in an informative, creative, and easy to understand way. I’m simply a mom who discovered how snapping pictures made me see the world in a completely new light. And I’m thrilled and honored and excited to finally have the time and space to fully lead you to a path of MORE in your life too.

xo Beryl a version of this article was previously published on my blog in June 2013

Summer 2013

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“In summer, the song sings itself.� ~William Carlos Williams Summer 2013

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Summer 2013

- 15 just for fun

a summer adventure passport As much as I love the lazy days of ease, spontaneity, and fun that summer brings, I must admit my mommy brain is often overwhelmed by ALL the options that become open and available with the promise of nicer weather, longer daylight hours, and a slower schedule. We’re blessed to live in a diverse area that has farmland, city living, museums, pools, and parks all within a short walk or drive. But, sometimes the research of where to go, who to go with, what to do, what’s age appropriate, and what’s inexpensive can be so overwhelming! Is the local farm free admission today? Is baby story time scheduled at the library on Wednesdays? Is this art class going to hold her attention? Are our friends available for a playdate? Will the pool be crowded? Are these events during nap time? How long will it take us to drive to where we need to go? (we live out in the country…anything usually takes 25 min + to drive to) Do I need pack a lunch? Snacks? Books? Toys? Games? All of the thoughts that race through my mind when there is nothing on our schedule can be paralyzing. When that happens who suffers? The whole family, because we end up doing nothing. This summer I decided to create a simple tool to help our family (and yours!) beat the overwhelm, have a consistent repository of ideas at the ready, and ensure there is always a photo worthy summer activity at our fingertips.

Summer 2013

- 16 just for fun

The Summer Adventure Passport 1)

Find a piece of scrap paper, card stock, card board, and fold it in half to make a book. (Or simply print out the printable provided for you by clicking here.)


Title the cover “Summer Adventures” and decorate! Use crayons, paper cut outs, glue, watercolor, paint, glitter. Get creative with whatever it is your have available and at the ready.

Have the kiddos help with the decorating process, or do this part solo if your kids are younger and/or you want to tap into some creative ‘me time’ instead.


Once your masterpiece is all dry, open up your book and title one page “Sunny Day Activities” and the other page “Rainy Day Activities.”

Number each page 1-10. BONUS: Use the back page to create a list of “Date Night Activities” for you and your significant other.


Get the whole family involved as you fill out each list. In case you are in need of some inspiration, some of our rainy day activities include: Put on a puppet show, finger paint, play a board game.

Some of our sunny day activities are: Visit the local farm, Go to the zoo, run through the sprinkler, go on a scavenger hunt. (I’ve got some great summer scavenger hunt resources on my blog, here. )


Hang your passport in a prominent place in your home (our is proudly displayed on the fridge), take it down each morning, choose an activity, cross it off your list and/or give each activity a stamp of approval once it’s complete.

Have fun adapting this handy little tool to use in your own home and keep those adventures going all summer long. And keep me posted on your progress: I’d love it if you’d share summer adventure passport photos on Facebook and tag them #berylaynsummer (I’ve got a little contest running: details are on the back page of this magazine).

Summer 2013

- 17 class offerings

ILLUMINATE (FREE) Self Study Iluminate was designed and developed in honor of our first daughter, Bella Rose, who didn’t live after the 20th week of pregnancy. A completely free, 4-week, self-study class, Illuminate is for women who are grieving the loss of a baby who has died during pregnancy or infancy. Illuminate breaks down the healing tools I used on my own grief journey and offers a creative outlet for women to process their emotions, remember their baby, and find healing behind the lens of a camera. RADIATE free week long lesson: Shades of Me (starts August 12, 2013) • full class begins September 16, 2013 The Radiate e-course will take moms on an incredible 12-week photography and editing journey by re-discovering their inner glow through the lens of a camera, any camera. Layered into the Radiate experience are concrete photo editing skills and techniques that will take photos to an entirely new level and allow moms to rediscover their passions post motherhood. The skills taught during this e-course will open up a whole new world of feeling at ease and confident behind the lens of the camera and invite moms to do some much needed soul-searching, connecting, creating, and editing images that will make their heart radiate with joy. MOMTOGRAPHIE DC/MD/VA September 8, 2013: 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. • Hyatt House, Dulles VA This is my popular jumpstart DSLR class designed with moms in mind! Momtographie DC/MD/VA is customized for families in the Washington Metropolitan area with DSLR cameras who want to take better photos of the special kiddos in their lives. Designed for the busy mom, dad, grandparent, aunt, or uncle on the go, this 4 hour jumpstart course will deliver the basics to get that camera out of AUTO mode and working in any situation. MOMTOGRAPHIE ONLINE will return in 2014 Momtographie Online is a mom’s 6-week recipe to photographic success. It’s designed for both the beginning and intermediate Momtographer alike and will help them to understand the basics and get out of auto mode for good, or perfect the basics and reach a new level of understanding with how a DSLR camera works. Moms who are frustrated by photos that are blurry, too dark or light, out of focus, or that don’t capture the candid natural looking shots of their kids and family will love having clear direction and guidance for mastering the technical settings of the camera. We’ll breakdown technical photography into easy to digest ingredients that we will slowly incorporate together in a perfect photographic recipe. Are you ready to capture those beautiful professional quality images you’re after? Then let’s get cooking! RESONATE limited availability Your opportunity to work with me one-on-one is here. Spend four weeks on exactly what it is YOU need to grow in your personal photography journey. Are you a mom who just purchased her DSLR camera and has no clue where to begin in learning how to use it? Or are you someone who has the basics down but is longing for more (perhaps you’re finally ready to test out that dream of building your own business)? Or maybe you’re excited about your photos but you want some extra guidance in editing them to give them that extra POP after you’re done. Your Resonate experience will have you going from feeling unsure about where to go next with your photography dreams to having your camera easily become your best friend. You can find all my classes online, here.

Summer 2013

Here’s hoping you and yours are able to enjoy all the best that summer has to offer. ‘Til the next issue of Momotgraphie...

xo Beryl

Summer 2013

Wait... before you go! Let’s make 2013 the summer of momtographers. Upload your favorite momtographer images to Facebook or Instagram, and tag them #berylaynsummer. I promise to ooh and aah over all of them. After Labor Day, I’ll hold a random draw for all participating momtographers for a $25 Amazon gift card! I’ll announce the winner on September 4, 2013.

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