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My Scientific Trading Strategy (75%-99%) Probable

My Scientific Trading Strategy (75%-99%) Probable • Although there are countless strategies for trading currencies and EUR/USD in our case, but here I want to show you my scientific approach to trading and based on it my best trading strategy.

My Scientific Trading Strategy (75%-99%) Probable • My super strategy is based on combining four 70% probable signals (70% probable chart patterns, 70% probable pin bars, 70% probable diversion from moving average and 70% probable volume signal). The result is a whopping 75%99% winning super strategy backed by mathematics!

My Scientific Trading Strategy (75%-99%) Probable • On the below picture you see one of my top highly probable patterns which I have named it “Sandwich Pattern”. It has a general formula of N1-1 in which N is a sequence of all-bullish or allbearish candles (usually 1-6). A well-formed sandwich pattern has a winning rate of 70% or more.

My Scientific Trading Strategy (75%-99%) Probable • My next highly probable signal is price rejection pin bars. Very intuitively, head or tail pin bars signal downward or upward pressure and moves.

My Scientific Trading Strategy (75%-99%) Probable • Diversion from mean (moving average) is my third trading signal. Pay attention that the price always reverse to the mean after a gap of one or two candles.

My Scientific Trading Strategy (75%-99%) Probable • And finally, volume is incorporated in our super strategy as the last part. Pay attention that we see big changes in volume at reversal points.

My Scientific Trading Strategy (75%-99%) Probable • Now we reach to the exciting part. Suppose that you have two simultaneous 70% probable signals on a chart. The chance of winning for such a trade will be (0.7x0.7)/(0.3x.0.3) = 0.49/0.09 or 5.44:1 or 82%.!

My Scientific Trading Strategy (75%-99%) Probable • Now suppose you have a trading opportunity which has four 70% probable signals in place. The winning rate will be (0.7x0.7x0.7x0.7)/(0.3x.0.3x0.3x0.3) = 0.24/0.008 or 29.6:1 or 97%! This is mathematics and everybody knows that math is correct!

My Scientific Trading Strategy (75%-99%) Probable To know more about this unique approach and learn how use it in your trading just visit here:

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