Expository Essay On Earthquake
Write an informative process analysis about another dramatic act of nature; for example, an earthquake, tornado, tsunami, or hurricane.
Maninderdeep Singh Grant MacEwan university
23 – OCT– 2017
Author Note
This paper was prepared for English 111, taught by Professor Valentyna Kennedy
There are a lot of disasters, but earthquake is the worst out of all. In this Research we can find out how an earthquake happens, the main reasons of why it happens and measures how a person can get out of such a situation. Earthquakes are the shock waves which happen for approximately half a minute. Taking references from books and journals it can be seen what a person should do during an earthquake and how this natural calamity can be measured and steps that government takes to find out where will this disaster show its power the next time.
Expository essay on earthquake
Earthquake is a Trembling or shaking alteration ofearth's surface. It is a sudden brutal shaking of the earth's surface occurring naturally and cause great massacre with its strong movements in the earth's crust or action of volcano. It is naturally occurring disturbance which can be characterize as an abnormal violent and involuntary contraction or series of contractions of the ground.it originate anytime inside the earth's crust and push a bulk of rock to slip rapidly. A huge amount of energy gets released and travel through rocks and waves, which cause tremors and trembling of
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Expository Essay
Remembering back we had just come out of the 1950's with straight lace kids to a world of kids who thought something was wrong with America, rock ' n roll, rebellion. Those were turbulent times for families with gangs and turf wars. Parents would lead and guide their kids into careers particularly the medical field as doctors, nurses or lawyers. In some way those were simple times back then, guiding them and being with them every step of the way, until they were in their perspective fields and, jobs.
Supporting Point#1 – (subtopic 1): Career /psychology, counseling– Study.com Counseling 101 chpt.1 lesson.03
a.In the early 1960 and or before this date the nation was plagued with the hippy cultural, the sexual revolution, psychedelic lights pills, pcp, heroin, cocaine and cannabis weed ( not all at the same time some reared its heads sooner than others), and the civil rights movement. This brought about an explosion of psychologist and counseling psychiatrist. Davis, Anthony, Brown (1975) Therapeutic approaches to children in residential treatment: Changes from the mid–1950s to the mid–1970s.
b.At this time in history, vocational counseling was also on the scene led by Frank Parsons which helped guide people to the right careers based on their interests and abilities. With this graduation would soon became apparent, the reality of them setting up businesses in psychiatry,
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Expository Essay : Career And Psychology
You ever hear someone say they have swagger? A lot of times people's swagger is determined from their style. For example, everyone has a specific style of fashion. If you put on some cargo shorts with a tank top and slides you're probably not going to a job interview. Just like anything else, writing has different expressions. Writingis a form of communication; the person is writing to inform, persuade, describe, or tell a story. There are four main types of writing styles, expository, persuasive, descriptive, and narrative. We then choose what we want to read according to our interest in each category.
Let's look at expository writing. Expository writing is usually developed around one topic and is used to describe or inform you...show more content...
Its name might as well give it away. Think of a closing argument in a court case being presented to a jury. Each party's counsel is presenting a persuasive writing in the form of a speech. In this type of writing the writer uses choice words in a cohesive manner in order to "sway" or persuade the reader. You will most commonly come across this type of writing in advertisement. With that being said, persuasive writing is all around us. This type of communication may consist of the writer's opinions, but the best form also includes facts to back up his or her statements. With attempts to get consumers to purchase specific products, we see persuasive writings all around us in today's world. "The battlefield had a cold malevolent air to it, the wind howling past you in every which way, as if trying to express its own confusion at the sudden seize–fire. I, myself, was confused. One minute the bullets were raining holy hell down on us in a never–ending bombardment, and the next, nothing." An anonymous soldier gives detailed picture of a battlefield scene. Descriptive writing, often used to portray a vivid, detailed experience, person, place, or thing, is third of the writing styles. This style of writing requires strong observation skills to convey the writer's point of view. In personal stories, you tend to see a lot of descriptive writing because it's the writer's story. He or she was there and can give several small
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Expository Essay Debate
Kefentse Myers
Mathe Womeldorph
Honors Literature
October 20, 2017
Expository Essay Debate
Football is one of the most played sports in America.Most people know what football because it is played in schools, parks and even outside homes.Football can be played on a competitive level when you reach elementary school and can continue throughout college.Even after college, if you are one of the best players you can play in the NFL and earn a lot of money.They only question is, why should you get paid to play football only when you become a professional.In this essay I will be debating on whether college athletes should get paid to play sports while they are in college.
The main debaters for this debate include Joe Nocera, Andy Schwarz ,Christine Brennan and Len Elmore.Some of them feel that college students should get paid and the other debaters feel they should not.Here is what the person that wanted college students to get paid said.College sprots makes millions of dollars in revenue for their schools and television shows.Even the coaches are getting paid for coaching but without the athletes there would no games.People that play sports in college should get payed
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Expository writing, in general, is present everywhere. When you pick up a magazine or examine a newspaper article on the newsstand, you are reading a form of exposition because the author's main purpose of writing that article or essay is to inform the reader about a topic. In the classroom, many students are required to produce research papers about a specific topic, such as migration patterns of birds. The purpose of that research paper is to inform the reader, the teacher, about what are the migratory patterns of birds. Finally, at the workplace, many people are required to create business reports and memorandums to inform their supervisors and co–workers about the company's finances and progress. In order to analyze these expository...show more content...
"Good" directions for a process essay should satisfy the following criteria: clear, concise, organized, and acknowledges common mistakes. Within the model essay itself, it satisfies all of these requirements. The text describes, "when you find water becoming extremely hot (or cold)," the homeowner suggests that the guest, "exit the tub promptly while using a sweeping motion with one arm to push shower curtain aside"(Frazier 303). This piece of direction is clear because it plainly informs the guest on the actual action they have to perform in order to prevent hot or cold water from burning or freezing the guest. It is also concise because it does not include any irrelevant information pertaining to avoiding burning or freezing the guest. This essay is organized because when the author listed out his or her directions, he or she listed them out in chronological order. Lastly, "How to Operate the Shower Curtain" acknowledges common mistakes, such as "REMEMBER TO KEEP SHOWER CURTAIN INSIDE TUB AT ALL TIMES!" (Frasier 303). The author is cautioning the guest to keep the shower curtain within the bath tub no matter what. The reason for determining the kind of expository essay it is to help in determining the purpose of the exposition as a whole.
Next, the third step to analyzing an expository essay is to perform the
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to Analyze
Expository Essay
Even though expository essays and persuasive essays both have research and a thesis statement, they are different in the way that expository explains while persuasive argues. The expository writer provides clarifying information about a topic while the persuasive writer presents an argument. The purpose of an expository essay is to explain to the reader your position without trying to get the reader to choose your side. In a persuasive essay you write to persuade the reader to choose an argument side. They are similar in the way on how they are structured they both require a thesis and a lot of research. A topic that could be developed using persuasivewriting could be arguing why a person shouldn't litter. This topic has two sides that could
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Expository Essay Vs Persuasive Writing
Stressed, left eye twitching, shouting at inanimate objects? Eighty three percent of all Canadian drivers find peak hour traffic more stressful than work. That means sitting in traffic is worse than sitting through your boss's PowerPoint presentation. Everybody has their own personal traffic nightmare, whether it's a massive backup, or perhaps, those screaming kids in the back. However, there is a way to calm your seething road rage and keep cool through the frustrating gridlock. If you find yourself in one of these situations the first thing to do in order to calm yourself down is to embrace the fact that you are stuck in a gridlock. You are going to be there for a while, you might as well have a good time. The second thing you do...show more content...
Keep the vehicle at a comfortable temperature. Studies have shown that you are much more irritable when you are warm, so crank up the A/C to keep your body temperature at a comforting level. Make sure you have plenty of gas when you set out, so that you're not actually worried about running out of gas by using the air conditioner. In milder weather keep windows open to get fresh air which is soothing. Wear comfortable shoes and clothing while driving. Avoid wearing clothes which are too tight and restrictive. Keep a pair of shoes in the car for driving through traffic and make sure to change into those as soon as you start out driving. Opt for a seat cushion or back rest to further make yourself more relaxed during traffic periods throughout the day. Joe Brown, editor in chief of tech blog Gizmodo, indicates that the best thing to do during a traffic jam is to stay in the slow lane, because if you are trying to hurry, you are never going to win. So stay in the right lane, let everybody else pass you, let everybody else stress out , just take your time and make a great day of it. How you think can have a profound effect on your emotional and physical well–being. Each time you think a negative thought about yourself, your body reacts as if it were in the throes
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Peak Hour Essay
Identity Expository Essay My life is like a massive tangle of webs all leading to the bug caught in the middle, me! I have believed for quite some time that my identity was a part of who I was, an unchangeable, connected, jumbled mass of my ideals and preferences. However, after speculation on this topic, and a deep and intimate search within my mind and soul, I have realized it is much, much more. I have searched through my community, my personal life, and the world around me to find answers to this deep and burning question. Furthermore, I have consulted the knowledge of books like The Absolutely True Diary of a Part Time Indian to continue my search. Through this process, I have begun to see that maybe I am quite a lot like this character Junior, who found what life meant for him in terms of his identity. For I have begun to understand the full complexities of my actions and my world that have shaped the woman I am today. "There can be no keener revelation of a society 's soul than the way in which it treats its children." – Nelson Mandela Society is the grounding of most children 's beliefs and ideas about how they should act and who they are. Despite my relatively secluded upbringing, society has been constantly and strongly affecting the innocent view of my identity. I grew up in suburban Minneapolis with my family of 10. I know, it 's a lot of people, but it beats having no friends as a kid. Having so many siblings has made it really easy to interact with new
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The Importance Of Expository Reading
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Everything Wrong With School In 10 Minutes or Less!
When I was twelve, I had no appreciation for school. I saw it as nothing more as a glorified daycare center with all the rules and regulations specifically designed to restrict as much fun as possible. Then one day in the ninth grade, I had a revelation: what if school was actually meant to build me up with knowledge and facts and not just waste my time? This was the foundation I needed to get me through the next four years.
Whenever I was bored, I would remind myself that I 'd never have a "free" education like this again. I adapted particularly well to this system of tests, quizzes, and science labs but I could never understand the hang up some people had with it. School was basic and easy and all it seemed to require was consistency an+d proper scheduling. I looked at people who couldn 't understand US History or Geometry and I thought they were dumb. It wasn 't until much later with much more reflection that I came to conclude there 's a difference between how you score on the SATs and how smart you actually are. Education isn 't necessarily a direct line to becoming intelligent and knowledgeable; education is nothing more than an institution designed to equip people with subsets of specialized processing methodologies, algorithms, and a fair bit of esoteric trivia. Furthermore, the current educational system in place is inefficient because of its rigid nature. The current
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After two rambling years comes the final and greatest adventure. The climactic battle to kill the false being within and victoriously conclude the spiritual revolution.... Ten days bring...him to the great white north. No longer poisoned by civilization he flees, and walks alone upon the land to become lost in the wild." –Jon Krakauer on 'Into the Wild'. Chris valued nature over everything. Enjoying nature, breathing deeply, forgetting all the problems and conflicts that exist in civilization, feeling the tranquility that gives its essence, the energy that nature gives to the human being, the peace that gives to the mind and much more for Chris was a complete sensation. Chris got inspired by Jack London, an American novelist, who wrote "To Build a Fire" where he quotes "Empty as the mind was of thoughts, he was keenly observant, and he noticed the changes in the creek, the curves and Bends and timber jams, and always sharply noted where I have placed his feet. " Saying how a man in pure nature does not put thoughts that are useless in the mind, as most in society do now, stagnate in thoughts without any benefit. Man in nature focuses on survival, using his experiences to survive, being aware of his surroundings. Chris McCandless wanted to experience the same thing, so he decided and went to Alaska and challenge himself. Far from society, which suffocated him so much; Far from materialism and money, which
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Harper Lee once said,"You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view [...] until you climb into his skin and walk around in it." People have all different levels and types of education, background, and experiences, which can greatly influence their opinion on everything. Learning to see other people's perspective can increase empathy and understanding, a tool that can be wielded to better relationships in a family, work, or school environment.
Families don't always get along. Siblings will argue with one another over seemingly trivial things, and parents will become apoplectic over a pair of shoes left in the living room. A brother will bug his sister until she snaps and screams at him. The sister yelled because she was already exhausted from a taxing school day full of advanced classes and athletics, and the brother becomes upset because it seems like he didn't do anything other than want to share his excitement for something he's passionate about. The sister shouldn't have taken her anger out on another person just because she was tired, while her sibling should have waited a little while to tell her. The ability...show more content... In a business environment, it is not an option to refuse to work with someone due to differences because this can lead to getting fired. It is imperative to learn to compromise and see other perspectives. The way someone thinks is a skill that no one else possesses. A team that works works well together is one that has many different points of view, and how they can take these to form one cohesive whole that solves the purpose or request of those they are working for. One way of thinking for someone can be incredibly simple due to their background and skill set; yet that same way of thinking can be unendingly complex for another. Learning to see another point of view can make an okay worker to a valuable asset in the
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ENGL 1020 Paper 1: Expository Essay
An expository essay is an informative paper that focuses on providing factual evidence to support a thesis or argument. The primary focus on expository writing is explanation. It is important to provide several specific details as basis to support your argument. For this assignment, you will need to provide your answer for the question provided by the prompt listed below.
Prompt: In 1977, NASA launched the Voyager probes into space. Voyager I and Voyager II were sent into the cosmos equipped with golden records containing sounds and images from around the world: a diagram of the solar system, the sound of waves crashing on the shore, the music of Mozart and Beethoven, and Chuck Berry's "Johnny B. Goode." Get more content
Expository Essay Prompt
The Academic Expository Essay
The academic expository essay is a genre of essay that requires the student to investigate an idea, evaluate evidence, talk about the idea, and present an argument concerning that idea in a clear and concise manner. This can be accomplished through: 1. Cause and effect 2. Comparison and contrast 3. Argumentation and various other genres.
Please note: Academic essays of cause and effect, comparison and contrast and argumentation are commonly assigned as a tool for classroom evaluation and is often found in various exam formats.
The Five–Paragraph Essay
A common method forwriting an academic expository essay is the five–paragraph approach. This is, however, not the only formula for but many ...show more content...
So, higher oil prices produce higher gasoline prices raising the cost of shipping goods. Higher oil prices produce higher jet fuel costs raising the cost of travel, and so on. "Higher oil prices" is the cause, and increased shipping costs and travel expenses are among the effects.
Writing tasks involving cause and effect analysis usually take one of the following forms: * explaining how a known/given cause produces a specific effect or effects (not given) * this essay will present the various effects (not given in question) of unhealthy eating habits (given in question) on children.
Questions are often worded in the following ways: What are some implications of...How does...affect...What are the effects of...Present specific results of...List at least 3 repercussions of...|
* explaining how a specific effect (given/known) is produced by a specific cause or causes (not given) * this essay lists the three most significant causes (not given in question) for the high failure rate among students at varsity level (given in question).
Questions are often worded in the following ways: What has brought about the occurrence of ...What are some of the factors that have lead to...What are the causes of...What are the reasons behind...|
The Academic Expository Essay
Comparing and Contrasting Essays
Academic writing tasks also require analysis of similarities and differences between Get
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Expository Essay: Rough Draft Everyone can feel, just like you and I, but there's one important question that lingers through the air. Should we really be accepting of other people? To answer the question, yes! Although this does speak from opinion, it's essential to be accepting of others. It's understandable to find laboriousness when looking through others, but we need to remember the reasons why it's imperative. To start off, we're all the same! We're all people, but sometimes, we seem to overlook that part of us. We all process the same way, and I feel as if that's a good enough reason to find acceptance. Something else to remember is that we all have emotions. When we don't accept eachother for who we are, our emotions can get Get
Expository Essay Rough Draft
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Name: Ashley Alcaraz Reyes
Course: UNV 104
Date: 13 May 2018
Instructor: Jolene Daw Annotated Reference List
Refer back to your Topic 1 Brainstorming and Beginning Research worksheet for your peer–reviewed articles to complete this worksheet (unless you have found more relevant articles; then use those that are the most relevant for your topic).
From the Topic 1 Brainstorming and BeginningResearch worksheet choose three of the five peer–reviewed articles that you think will best support the sub–topic points you want to cover in your Expository Essay.
Read the articles, and in your own words fill in each table below by answering the following questions for each different article:
What was the main point/argument of this article?...show more content...
P., Larson, J. C., & Armstrong, L. M. (2017). Facilitating successful reintegration: Attending to the needs of military families. American Journal Of Orthopsychiatry, 87(2), 176–184. doi:10.1037/ort0000201
Provide a 100–150 word summary of your article by answering the following questions:
What was the main point/argument of this article?
What did the author(s) conclude?
How did this article support your topic?
What questions or new ideas did this article leave you with?
The main point of this article is about service members deployed specifically to Iraq and Afghanistan with back to back deployments and the stress factors that it produces on the families and the service members themselves.
The authors concluded that the shorter that dwell time, the harder it is for military families to maintain a stable relationship. The authors also provided helpful information on family support and how stress factors can be reduced when military families come across deployment. This article supports my topic because it provides way to cope with family separation and stress which are psychological effects of deployment. This article left me wondering what other ways military families could cope with psychological effects of deployment aside from those already
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The chapter starts off with a quote by one of the greatest poets, Robert Frost, and he says, "But God's own descent into flesh was meant as a demonstration" (Yancey 127). When I read the whole quote, I was really confused. I did not understand it. The first three lines, however, I could understand. God became human, which could be a demonstration. He took on the form of flesh because he wanted to show the world that the Savior was here to save us. The only way he can save us is if he became one of us. Therefore, God becoming a human could be a demonstration. I agree with Yancey when he wonders how different the world would be ifJesus did not resurrect from the dead (128). WouldChristianity still exist today? Would the apostles still be afraid of spreading the Good News? There are so many questions about what would happen if Jesus did not resurrect himself from the dead, but those questions will never be answered because Jesus did resurrect from the dead and saved us.
One thing I found interesting in this chapter was when an angel asked the apostles, "Men of Galilee, why do you stand here looking into the sky?" (Yancey 129). I would be dumbfounded like the apostles if I witnessed Jesus ascending into the sky. It would have looked so cool, but I understand why the apostles were actually...show more content... This quote could not be truer. The apostles will become targets once Jesus ascends. They will be ridiculed, mocked, and persecuted because of the things they preached and believed. Despite all of this, the apostles persevered and spread the Good News until the very end. When I saw the quote, one thing came to my mind the most. All of the apostles except one died violent deaths because the apostles they would not stop preaching. That made me realize Jesus' words were so true, and Jesus knew what was going to happen to his
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Expository Essay: Chapter 1-6