Abortion: Pro Life vs Pro Choice Essay
Abortion: Pro–Life vs. Pro–Choice Abortion: Pro–Life Vs. Pro–Choice "Abortion is the spontaneous or artificially induced expulsion of an embryo or fetus" (Abortion, 2002). An artificially induced abortion is the type referred to in the legal context. Abortions happen in different situations. The question comes when is it the right or wrong choice. The root question becomes the moment a fetus becomes a person and entitled to rights. The fetus could be a person at conception, during the pregnancy, or at birth. The deciding moment differs from the Pro–life group and Pro–choice group. After critically analyzing four different arguments about the pros and cons of abortion, one will be able to understand the ethical, moral, and...show more content...
Using and teaching these adverse techniques make it more difficult for the individual, or individuals, to comprehend, learn, and establish the understanding of what is right and wrong. In theory, teaching others to make the wrong decisions instead of more acceptable decisions does not better the future of those persons. It adds to the confusion and the increase of the epidemic of widespread crime affecting millions of people throughout the United States. Another major issue regarding abortion is if a fetus feels pain. A study by Stuart G. W. Derbyshire examines the development of the fetus to decode when pain is acknowledged. Pain is "an unpleasant sensory and emotional experience associated with actual or potential tissue damage, or described in terms of such damage" (Derbyshire, 2006, The Content of Pain). Working with this definition, one can derive that an understanding of the senses and emotions should be present at some cognitive level to feel pain. Therefore, pain becomes a learned response instead of a natural one because the association between the senses and the reaction is not yet learned. "This is likely to strike anyone as strange because it is simply not how we intuitively believe pain to be... Not only has the biological development not yet occurred to support pain experience, but the environment after birth, so necessary to the development of pain
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Abortion is never an easy decision, but women have been making the choice for thousands of years. It has become a large dilemma since 1973, when the U.S. Supreme Court passed a law making the procedure legal, and an even larger controversial issue. The controversy is divided into "Pro–Choice" and Pro–Life" views. Pro–Choice supporters believe that the woman should have to choice whether to abort or not. Pro–Life supporters believe that it should be illegal to abort and preformed. However, there are many ways for this procedure to be performed. Abortion still remains today a controversial issue, by who should determine if it is the right thing to terminate a pregnancy or not and by how the procedure should be preformed. In 1973, a...show more content...
The district court ruled in McCorvey's favor on the merits, but didn't grand an injunction against the enforcement of the laws barring abortion. The courts decision was based upon the Ninth Amendment. Pro–choice describes political and ethical views that a woman should have the control over her fertility and the choice to continue or terminate her pregnancy. Pro–choice activists argue that an embryo has no rights as it is only a potential and not an actual person and its rights should not override those of the mother's until after it is born. The right to choose to have an abortion is personal and essential to women's lives and without this right, women cannot exercise their rights and liberties guaranteed to them by the Constitution. Without the right to choose an abortion the 14th amendment's guarantee of liberty has little meaning for women. Another point made could include that a man can withdraw from a relationship when he finds out that his spouse is pregnant, it is only fair that women be given the same choice. Pro–life supporters believe that human life starts from fertilization or implantation until natural death. From the view of a pro–life advocate and action that destroys an embryo or fetus kills a person, any purposeful destruction of a human life is considered ethically and/or morally wrong. Some advocates of pro–life even oppose abortion of a fetus that would almost certainly die a short time after birth. The pro–life movement is Get more content
Abortion is one of the most personal, widely discussed, and controversial topics in American culture today. In most cases, people on both sides of the argument take worthy and moral positions. Who can blame someone who wishes to prevent the termination of a teen pregnancy to save the life of an unborn child? On the other hand, who can blame anyone who advocates the soon–to–be mother's right to make such a personal, heartbreaking choice? No matter what she chooses to do, should anyone have the legal right to force her to bear an unwanted child? Most people in the US are pro–choice, and believe that abortion should be a legal, confidential decision that only a woman can make for herself. However, some are against the idea of...show more content... A large number of women have suffered from the detrimental effects of unsanitary operations, and even attempts at the most dangerous form of abortion: self–abortion. The Roe vs. Wade decision won women the right to have an abortion. This legalization was a public health victory for women with its preceding introduction of antibiotics and antiseptics for use in abortions. Roe vs. Wade is considered today, to be an avant–garde decision, exemplifying ?judicial activism?. One important topic debated by many pro–choice and pro–lifers, is: at what point does a fetus become human? This is one of the determining factors of the controversy surrounding abortion. Pro–life activists claim that life begins at conception, stressing the idea that a human embryo is self–developing. And since it cannot become anything other than human, it is a living human. Albeit a fetus may technically of human origin, it does not have the ability to conduct a conscious thought. At that point, the biological qualities of an embryo are equivalent to a sesame seed, or an egg. Can we really say that every time we eat an egg, it is like eating an unborn child? According to pro–lifers, yes, and they are technically correct. An egg is a completely fertilized, undeveloped infant. Yet the average American eats them on a weekly basis. How can that be justified by the pro–life campaign? It cannot. For one to truly LOSE a life, one must be aware he or she is alive. Thought and emotion are
The topic of abortion is a hot subject among the people of America today. Some say yes, women should be able to have abortions no matter if the fetus is in the first trimester or well in to the second trimester of gestation. On the other hand the other people say that it is murder of a child no matter the stage of development. Many of the people that believe that the fertilized ovum is a human and has a soul at the conception are the pro–life people. They believe this because of their religious beliefs and cannot scientifically prove this in any way. Pro choice is anyone who feels women have the individual right to choose abortion as an option. We live in a democracy, where we have the right to choose how we live. It is a woman?s right...show more content...
Who is to say that if all children ever conceived were born they would live happy, healthy lives? There are plenty of commercials on television proving that the world is full of starving children. So should we add to the population of starving children? For many women, the choice could be related to their own health. Women have the right to choose their own life over a child they would never see if they went through with the birth. 24 percent of women having abortions are unmarried teenagers. Pregnancy can be a scary and extremely stressful time in a women?s life. To force a woman who is not ready for a child to go through with the birth is not the answer. Stress is not good for the fetus at all, and could lead to complications in the pregnancy, or even a miscarriage. People also seem to forget about a women?s mental health in these situations. A woman could be haunted for her lifetime of giving birth to an unborn child. It is understandable how people can disagree with abortion. Babies are miracles in themselves and any parent knows that. However, we are only human, and we all have the right to choose how we live. If having a child would only make one?s life worse, then giving birth may not be the answer. Though abortion may seem unfortunate, it may all be for the better. Therefore, people must open their minds a little to accept this. Abortion is a serious subject, and anyone who considers it must be rational, and Get more content