Evaluative writing

Writing evaluative pieces is a crucial skill for senior leaders as it requires the ability to critically analyse information, assess performance and make informed judgments. This document aims to provide guidance to learners to enhance their evaluative writing skills.
Understanding evaluative writing
Evaluative writing involves critically assessing the strengths, weaknesses, significance, and implications of a particular topic, situation, or decision. It requires a structured approach and the ability to present balanced arguments supported by evidence.
Key steps in writing evaluative pieces:
1. Understanding the purpose: Clarify the purpose of your evaluative piece. Are you evaluating a strategic decision, a business process or a leadership approach? Understanding the purpose will guide your analysis.
2. Gathering information: Collect relevant data, information and evidence related to the topic you are evaluating. This may include financial reports, performance metrics, stakeholder feedback, industry benchmarks and academic research.
3. Analysis and critical reflection:
- Identify criteria: Define the criteria or standards against which you will evaluate the topic. These criteria should be relevant, measurable and aligned with the objectives.
- Evaluate strengths and weaknesses: Analyse the strengths and weaknesses of the topic based on the established criteria. Consider both quantitative and qualitative factors, as appropriate.
- Consider perspectives: Acknowledge different perspectives and stakeholder interests. Evaluate how various stakeholders might perceive the topic differently.
- Reflect on implications: Assess the implications of the evaluation findings. What are the potential consequences of the strengths and weaknesses identified?
- Identify opportunities and threats: Look for opportunities for improvement and potential threats or risks associated with the topic under evaluation. A SWOT analysis may help with this.
4. Structured writing approach:
- Introduction: Provide an overview of the topic and state the purpose of the evaluation.
- Main body: Present your evaluation using a structured approach. Organise your arguments logically with each paragraph focusing on a specific aspect of the evaluation - do not just describe what has happened.
- Evidence and examples: Support your evaluation with relevant evidence, examples and data.
- Critical analysis: Demonstrate critical thinking by analysing the significance and implications of the strengths and weaknesses identified.
- Conclusion: Summarise the key findings of the evaluation and reiterate its significance. Provide recommendations or suggestions for improvement if applicable.
5. Clarity and precision: Use clear and concise language. Avoid jargon and ambiguous terms. Ensure that your arguments are well-supported and logically presented.
6. References and citations: If you refer to external sources, make sure to cite them properly using the appropriate referencing style (e.g., Harvard referencing). Cite this for me is a free website that can help you.
7. Seeking feedback: Before finalising your evaluative piece, seek feedback from peers and/or mentors as appropriate. Consider their perspectives and suggestions for improvement.
Example topics for evaluation:
- The effectiveness of a strategic decision taken by the organisation.
- The performance of a specific department or team.
- The impact of a leadership development programme.
- The alignment of organisational values with actual practices.
- The efficiency of a business process or system.
Writing evaluative pieces is an essential skill for senior leaders as it enables them to make informed decisions, drive improvement and foster organisational growth. By following the guidance provided in this document and practicing regularly, you can enhance your ability to critically evaluate complex issues and communicate your findings effectively.