What will my apprenticeship consist of?
Early Years Educator Level 3
Early Years Educator apprenticeship standard
The early years educator standard consists of knowledge, skills and behaviours that you need to demonstrate by the end of your apprenticeship. Your apprenticeship tutor will support you every step of the way by providing individualised support, guidance and feedback.

Maths and English functional skills
Maths and English are an important part of your apprenticeship. If you have not already achieved equivalent qualifications, you will be required to complete maths and English functional skills level 2.
As part of your apprenticeship, you will have access to BPN Boost, our career information, personal development and welfare programme. This consists of monthly webinars on topics designed to provide you with additional guidance, information and opportunities. You will also have access to a library of information designed to support you.

Off the Job training
As part of your apprenticeship, your employer will need to provide you with off the job training. This is time during your working hours each week which focuses on developing new knowledge, skills and behaviours which are directly related to your apprenticeship. For 30 hours or more, this will be an average of 6 hours per week. Your apprenticeship tutor will be able to provide you and your employer with more guidance on how to meet these requirements.
End Point Assessment (EPA)
At the end of your apprenticeship you will be assessed through an end point assessment, consisting of an observation with questioning and a professional discussion. Your apprenticeship tutor will support you throughout your programme to ensure you are fully prepared for this assessment.