Induction Essentials

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Induction Essentials, 2024 – 2025

Apprenticeship Standard:

Employer Name:

Apprentice Name:

Completed by (Apprenticeship Tutor):

Date of Induction: Review Date: IQA

This essential document is to be completed at the Apprentices Induction by the Apprenticeship Tutor with the full support of the Apprentice and the employer. Employer present tick box ☐

The Training Plan has been completed, agreed and signed by all parties as part of the on-boarding process.

Step 1. Professional check by an Apprenticeship Tutor, tri-partite agreement and ILP agreement

This meeting is to ensure the Training plan is fully understood by the apprentice and their employer, to agree the individual learning plan and that the employer is aware of their responsibilities as Apprenticeships are employer led.

The recognition of prior learning (RPL) gives us, the provider, the opportunity to find each apprentice’s starting point and planned programme duration.

To be completed by the Employer, Apprentice and Apprenticeship Tutor for any changes to original Training plan e.g. the employer has witnessed prior competence.

Prior Achievement and Learning (Evidence of work-based training and/or qualifications/RPL). List Any Qualifications that will be used as Evidence of Prior Achievement or demonstrate prior learning or skills by adding comments and uploading evidence for approval. Behaviours can only be exempted by employers with clear evidence of this being demonstrated consistently over time.

‘Prior education, training, or associated qualifications in a related subject sector area, including any previous apprenticeship undertaken or learning or competence gained from prior work experience, particularly where the apprentice is an existing employee, or is beginning their apprenticeship after completing another programme with a relevant work placement.’

The apprentice must be made aware that any exemptions are for training purposes (they will not be taught) but all knowledge, skills and behaviours are still required to be demonstrated/examined on as part of the End Point Assessment.

Prior Achievement and Learning (Evidence of work-based/life experience/training and/or qualifications/RPL)

Any relevant previous apprenticeship experience, review of evidence against KSB’s.

Work product, CPD, CV, Appraisal etc to personalise the curriculum which may reduce the learning or the funding of any of the apprenticeship.

To be Used Towards K, S, B’s and therefore unit numbers: Exemption Evidence

AT Approved

GTC Feb, 24 1

☐ Reduction in funding/time on programme where less than 100%, due to evidence as above agreed by Performance Manager

☐ Calculation for RPL total reduction percentage =

PM Name………………………………………… Date…………………………………………………….

In-school mentor Comments

Changes needed (if any) to the individual training plan (Tutor to identify any amendments)

The employer handbook has been shared with the employer and the employer agrees to;

 Deliver off-the-job training (where agreed and detailed in the plan of training) and allow the apprentice to undertake off-the-job training within their normal working hours, in addition to English and maths training if required

 Provide the apprentice with opportunities to practice new skills in the work environment.

 Allow reasonable access for the main provider to carry out training, assessment and monitoring of the apprentice’s progress at times agreed with the Employer

Are there any times or days when access to the apprentice will not be possible?

Day of the week Times

Step 2. Progress Reviews

Progress Reviews with employer input must take place a minimum of every 12 weeks.

BPN provide more frequent reviews – see table, it is up to the employer if they wish to attend every meeting or sign off the report for interim meetings. The employer may be a representative of the company.

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 The review must be a three-way discussion involving the provider, employer and the apprentice. Progress reviews can be face to face, virtual (for example using ‘Microsoft Teams’) or can be via email.

 If the employer is unable to attend they must be given the opportunity to contribute and must also be sent relevant information after the discussion. This must not become the default position; for each individual apprentice, the employer must attend, either physically or virtually, in the majority of occurrences.

 In all cases, whether the employer attends or not, a summary of the discussion must be agreed and signed by all three parties.

Please agree the dates and times for the next three Progress Reviews and who will be attending the 12 week Review, e.g. in-school mentor. Date Time Employer’s representative name

Step 2. Functional skills

Functional skills BKSB initial assessments have been completed, these are linked to Bud’s apprentice account This identifies relevant prior qualifications or equivalents, and any Functional Skills Qualifications or exemptions required.

 for those apprentices requiring English and Maths qualifications the AT must ensure BKSB diagnostics are completed prior to this process as highlighted at the First Day of Learning

 for those with exemptions the AT must check the validity of the evidence

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Functional Skills

This learner is [required] or [not required] to complete Functional Skills maths at;

Level 1 ☐ Level 2 ☐

This learner is [required] or [not required] to complete Functional Skills English at;

Level 1 ☐ Level 2 ☐

BKSB initial assessment /Planning and Additional Support

Pathway 1

Hybrid delivery, Digital via BKSB/workbooks and group learning sessions delivered by the FS Tutor

Pathway 2

Intensive support

1:1 Learner will work under the guidance of the FS tutor throughout the duration.

Pathway 3

Exam prep. I

Initial Assessment, Skills Scan confirms learner competent to go straight to exam after check and prep with FS Tutor

Pathway 4

Exempt from FS. Learner will benefit from English and math enrichment activities and conversations led by the tutor.

Pathway 5

Delay start (42 days)

Waiting evidence of exemption. Amend to agreed pathway at 43 days if no evidence produced

AT responsible

In-school mentor’s choice of activities to be undertaken before next 12-week Review; What will the apprentice be learning in their role, what KSB’s and or webinars would best support them?

I confirm that the initial skills scan has been checked and agreed by me and is a true and accurate reflection of the current knowledge, skills and behaviours of the apprentice and that the Individual Learning Plan has been agreed. Any contract amendments arising will be applied on Bud and contracts signed offline as signatures below confirm amendments. I agree to attend and input into Reviews.

Signature Date




Best Practice Network:

☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐
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This document must be forwarded to the responsible Performance Manager if there are any amendments to the contract, AT must upload to the OVERVIEW on Bud and the Induction Activity.

The employer should now be invited to leave the meeting whilst the further confidential sections are completed with the apprentice.

The above pages only should be shared with the employer for signature.

Step 3. Additional learning needs

The apprentice may have declared or wish to declare any additional learning needs that could affect the time it takes them to complete the programme as well as on programme support needs. They may choose for this information to remain confidential from their employer.

 Confirm the apprentice, during their onboarding, has declared they have no additional learning needs and do not need extra support or time at this point ☐

 The apprentice has declared, during their onboarding meeting, they have an additional learning need but do not require any support at this time. This apprentice will be immediately referred to SENCo support to check ☐

 The apprentice has declared, during their onboarding meeting, they have an additional learning need and will require support to achieve on programme. This apprentice will be immediately referred to SENCo ☐

 Access arrangements held by the Apprentice in the past and has requested for exams ☐

 Barriers to learning identified, refer to SENCo ☐

Step 4. Individual Learning Plan and Pen Portrait

Bud sets out the individual learning plan for each apprentice dependant on their prior achievements and Initial Skills Scan. However, to ensure we capture every nuance please complete the following;


Progression objectives Employment objectives, further career/progression aspirations and personal aspirations. Please include any actions or further advice or referrals.

Career Education Advice and Guidance conversation – Signpost to BPN Boost programme [Type here] 5

The following has been discussed during your IAG session: Tick to confirm and add notes and follow up actions

Career preferences and suitability/local labour market

Career and progression options

Interests and hobbies

Availability of personal laptop/tablet to do course work*

Things I am worried about

Off and on the job time planned

Barriers to learning *

These could include the household situation, caring duties, education/work attendance, police and social services involvement, drugs and alcohol usage, travel concerns

Support requested to address any identified barriers to learning

There are NO identified barriers, health issues or circumstances requiring support at this time.

Under 19 or with an EHCP check parent/guardian details are correct and information pack sent

Contact ALS Team

Additional qualifications/learning or bespoke learning aims for example, English and maths, Paediatric First Aid, or any additional requirements bespoke to the Learner and/or employer

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Personal strengths and weaknesses (personal areas of development and growth)

Stretch and challenge (building on their prior knowledge or attainment)

Grade aspired to for the Apprenticeship. This will continue to be discussed as part of Reviews and Review Actions set to support to achievement

Teams Classroom introduced and apprentice supported to book into first session

Session chosen:


BPN Boost introduced and apprentice supported to book into first session

Session chosen:


Activity to be undertaken in first month and target date, subsequent activities will be agreed monthly

Activity agreed:

Target date:

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Pen Portrait


 All apprentices require a profile/pen portrait to be written at the start of their programme

 Their pen portrait should be updated at least every 6 months or when there is a change that needs to be noted with dates

Essential information:

Strengths and weaknesses, enthusiasm, interest, ambition, attitude, working level, stretch and challenge, barriers to learning, a precis of the ILP.

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Issues and Strategies (including ALS if needed)

How we can effectively support the apprentice’s individual needs (individualised teaching, learning and assessment) to achieve their personal learning and career goals, as well as those required by the apprenticeship. How can we build on their strengths, utilise and develop them and stretch and challenge them to ensure we have a positive impact on learning and progress. Issue Strategy and impact

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[Type here] 10 Programme Induction Check List Roles and responsibilities: Learner e.g. changes of personal details What you need to tell us ☐ Apprenticeship Tutor (AT) How we will help you ☐ Internal Quality Assurance The role and process of IQA ☐ External Quality Assurance The role and process of the EQA ☐ Line manager/mentor role and responsibility Who else can help ☐ Apprenticeship Standard / Programme / Functional skills Apprenticeship Standard Skills, Knowledge, and Behaviours required of apprentices. ☐ BUD/Canvas/Teams Classrooms How to log in and use the systems ☐ Units: mandatory/optional/credits/ combination What you will work on ☐ Methods of assessment/types of evidence/ how to build your portfolio How you can show your work ☐ Review of BKSB diagnostics Set tasks and targets on BKSB and/or order resources ☐ End Point Assessment Organisation Explained as per handbook ☐ NUS / TOTUM cards How to apply ☐ Support (ALS/TAs) counselling and maps General guidance ☐ Recording witness testimonies How to evidence your work with credible witnesses ☐ Pastoral support How to seek it, if needed ☐ BPN Boost Accessing and booking sessions, how to access resources ☐ Off The Job training (OTJT) and On the job training(OJT) OTJT and OJT how will be delivered and by whom ☐ Continual Professional Development (CPD) Agree format of reflective CPD practice journal ☐ Policies & procedures Appeals procedure (BUD) What it is and how to use it ☐ Plagiarism and AI policy (BUD) What and why ☐ Equality & diversity (BUD) What and why ☐ Safeguarding and e-safety (BUD) What and why ☐ Prevent, Radicalisation and British values What and why ☐ Malpractice policy What and why ☐ Break in Learning or change of employer Need to 'pause' their apprenticeship ☐ Cancellation/Engagement policy (BUD) What and why ☐ Handbooks Shared and discussed ☐ Young learner – Parent, Guardian and Carers contacted and handbook sent – Reports to be sent Contact information agreed ☐ Notes or Actions

ALS/EHCP/PEP ☐ FS Maths ☐ Young L ☐ Barriers ☐

Access Arrangements ☐


Guidance notes


The apprentice’s knowledge is their current knowledge of technical detail and know-how required to do their job. This may be specific to the standard required to achieve occupational competence, or it could be more general, and acquired from previous training and work experience. The apprentice’s selfassessment and the professional discussion may show evidence that an apprentice has knowledge of a required part of the standard and is already occupationally competent in that area. Where an apprentice has some, or ‘emerging’ knowledge of a statement, recognition of prior learning should still apply. It should not be necessary to start learning from the beginning.


The apprentice’s current skills refer to how competent they are at practically applying their knowledge to their role. While an apprentice may have experience of developing and using a skill from prior work experience or training, the discussion should not just focus on their duties. The professional discussion could test the level of competence with which an apprentice uses their skills, referring to the assessment plan where necessary.


The apprentice’s current behaviours are their current mindset, attitude, and approach. The discussion with apprentice will indicate their current competence and this could be drawn particularly from their work experience.

Evidence providers look for will vary depending on the standard. A technical qualification like a T Level, which is based on an occupational standard, or completion of a Skills Bootcamp (especially those aligned to a standard), or an industry recognised qualification will provide strong evidence of relevant prior learning and experience.

Recent work experience in a related role is also likely to demonstrate some of the required knowledge, skills, and behaviours. These should generally lead to a proportionate reduction in the training content delivered and the negotiated price.

Evidence of more general prior learning and experience, or qualifications with weaker link to the occupational standard – for example unaccredited training courses delivered in the workplace – will also be relevant. Providers should carefully consider how much this prior learning and experience meets the standard required for occupational competence. This may or may not lead to a reduction in the content

BPN Admin Skills S amend ☐ FS English ☐ Care LV ☐ IT Poverty ☐
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they deliver.

It is imperative that the employer is aware and committed to attending Review meetings a minimum of every 12 weeks. This is a mandatory funding rule and cannot be emphasised enough. Also that the apprentice is required to complete work in every month to meet funding regulations.

Ensure the Apprentice is signed into the relevant Teams classrooms and is booked into their first session and the first session for a Boost webinar.

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