Diary of an Apprentice Teacher
Hi! I’m Mollie and I am completing the Primary Teacher Apprenticeship focussing on Reception and Key Stage 1 (ages 3-7).
I am what they call an “upskill” as I was already working in a school as a Teaching Assistant before agreeing with my head that I should start a Teacher Apprenticeship.
I started the apprenticeship in August when both myself and my in-school mentor completed the programme induction with Best Practice Network. During the induction, we decided that my 20% off-the-job training would largely take place on Fridays. I learn on the job while teaching from Monday-Thursday.
All of my regular teaching activities are in black and my apprenticeship activities are in blue.
Diary of an Apprentice Teacher
8.00 - 9.00am
9.00 - 9.30am
9.30 - 10.00am
10.00 - 11.20am
11.15 - 11.45am
11.45 - 12.45pm
12.45 - 1.15pm
1.15 - 2.30pm
2.30 - 2.50pm
2.50 - 3.00pm 3.00pm
3.00 - 4.00pm
Meet with Teaching Assistants & plan for the day. Set up classroom
Children self register and choose where they would like to play
Carpet Time - Goldilocks and the Three Bears
PAL - Class Charter and behaviour expectations
Carpet Session, Phonics from the Box. Wash hands before lunch
Carpet Session - Maths - Counting the cubes
Play & Learn. 30-minute informal observation from in-school mentor
Story & Song
Prepare for home-time
Staff Meeting
To get into teaching visit: bestpracticenet.co.uk/itt
M o n d a y
u e s d a y
TDiary of an Apprentice Teacher
8.00 - 9.00am 9.00 - 9.30am
9.30 - 11.20am
11.15 - 11.45am
11.45 - 12.45pm
12.45 - 1.15pm
1.15 - 2.30pm
2.30 - 2.50pm
2.50 - 3.00pm 3.00pm
3.00 - 4.00pm
Meet with Teaching Assistants & plan for the day. Set up classroom
Children self register and choose where they would like to play
Physical Education (PE)
Carpet Session, Phonics from the Box. Wash hands before lunch
Carpet Session - Maths - Counting the cubes
Play and Learn.
Story & Song
Prepare for home-time
Staff Meeting
To get into teaching visit: bestpracticenet.co.uk/itt
W e d n e s d a y
Diary of an Apprentice Teacher
8.00 - 9.00am
Meet with Teaching Assistants & plan for the day. Set up classroom
9.00 - 9.30am
9.30 - 10.00am
10.00 - 11.20am
11.15 - 11.45am
11.45 - 12.45pm
12.45 - 1.15pm
1.15 - 2.30pm
2.30 - 2.50pm
2.50 - 3.00pm 3.00pm
3.00 - 4.00pm
Children self register and choose where they would like to play
Carpet Time - Maths: Counting the Cubes
PAL - Class Charter and behaviour expectations
Carpet Session, Phonics from the Box. Wash hands before lunch
Carpet Session - Goldilocks Song
Play and Learn
Story & Song
Prepare for home-time
After school mentor meeting. Feedback from observation and target setting.
To get into teaching visit: bestpracticenet.co.uk/itt
T h u r s d a y
Diary of an Apprentice Teacher
8.00 - 9.00am
Meet with Teaching Assistants & plan for the day. Set up classroom
9.00 - 9.30am
9.30 - 10.00am
10.00 - 11.20am
11.15 - 11.45am
11.45 - 12.45pm
12.45 - 1.15pm
1.15 - 2.30pm
2.30 - 2.50pm
2.50 - 3.00pm 3.00pm
3.00 - 4.00pm
Children self register and choose where they would like to play
Carpet Time - Goldilocks and the Three Bears
PAL - Class Charter and behaviour expectations
Carpet Session, Phonics from the Box. Wash hands before lunch
Lunch! Carpet Session - Maths - Counting the cubes
Reading Session - Library Books
Story & Song
Prepare for home-time
Staff Meeting
To get into teaching visit: bestpracticenet.co.uk/itt
r i d a y ( e x a m p l e 1 )
Diary of an Apprentice Teacher
Study Day!
Every Friday, my class is covered by one of our lovely teaching assistants or a cover teacher meaning I can stay at home and work on completing the Teacher Apprenticeship.
9.00 - 11.00am
11.00 - 1.00pm
1.00 - 1.30pm 1.30 - 3.30pm
Subject Webinar 1 - these facilitated webinars can be about anything
from phonics, religious education, curriculum or lesson planning.
Subject Webinar 2
Subject Webinar 3
To get into teaching visit: bestpracticenet.co.uk/itt
F r i d a y ( e x a m p l e 2 )
Diary of an Apprentice Teacher
Core Training Day - 1 per month
The day starts at 10.00am and finishes at 4.00pm.
Each Core Training Day has a specific theme related to the Primary ITT curriculum and we explore the research and practice in relation to the theme. We have our own trainee resource pack and the tutor leads us through the slides.
There are lots of tasks and activities and opportunities for us to talk with our group and in smaller groups which means we can share and reflect on our practice, discuss what we have observed in our settings and learn about what other trainees are doing in their schools.
To get into teaching visit: bestpracticenet.co.uk/itt