22 minute read
Charolais Strong Demand (2021 Bull Sales
Bull Sales 2021 Charolais in Strong Demand
The strength of the beef industry has propelled bull sales beyond what most breeders would have considered possible five years ago. Charolais demand has been front and centre of this upswing with the overall auction average for Charolais sires finishing off at $11,318. Adding to the breeds’ momentum was the strong clearance rate of 96% at auction. To see strong demand from both registered and commercial breeders on Charolais sires is very pleasing. Commercial breeders in particular have many other options available to purchase but have shown their preference for the Charolais breed emphatically.
The Charolais gross of over $18.99million easily eclipsed the previous highest gross of $12.8million achieved in 2020; contrast this to the 2014 gross for Charolais bull sales of $5.46million for a similar number of bulls offered to 2021. Confidence in the beef industry is substantial currently and this has prompted commercial producers to invest in their beef enterprise. After the severe drought that pulled back bull sales in 2018-2019, Charolais bulls sold at auction increased numerically to record 1,678 sales. Whilst we generate Sales Key Performance Indicators [KPI] on auction sales members have advised the office of outstanding demand for paddock sales as well.
With many areas having grass again and a reduced number of cattle available for slaughter, heavier cattle such as Charolais cross have benefited from record prices. Some sale prices have been amazing with BM & TL Dickson selling a prime cow weighing 1045kg to return $4,472.60 at CTLX in August. Thirteen-month-old Charolais Angus cross heifers made $2090 at Tamworth and Charolais cows made $3550 at Forbes for slaughter in August giving an idea of the market. These higher price rates were duplicated around the country and the Charolais average bull price has responded in the same manner. Queensland demand has been phenomenal with the state recording the highest sale price and best five sale average prices. Five Charolais bull sales in 2021 recorded a gross over $1 million. In descending order of $ gross they were Palgrove, ANC, Ayr, Moongool and Barambah-Dale/ Kilkenny sales. Three sales saw their average increase by over 100% from 2020 to 2021. These were Temana averaging $12,536 ($5,542 in 2020), Wakefield $12,053 ($5,769 in 2020) and Advance (Brendale) $13,231 ($6,575 in 2020). The Wakefield sale saw a great result after the sale was postponed by a fortnight as the local area went into a regionalised lockdown.
The most pleasing aspect of the 2021 sale season from the breed perspective is the high clearance rates at auction. Across the year, the clearance rate was over 96% and sales achieving 100% clearance were the norm in the stronger spring selling season. This again is a strong indicator of the industry willingness to utilize Charolais genetics in breeding programs, predominantly crossbreeding.
In Western Australia, Bardoo R39E sold by the Bell Family topped the sales at $12,000 selling to MH Collins & Co, Nyabing. Bardoo R39E was sired by Bardoo Manpower M5E (P) by Silverstream Holster H187 (P). The second top price of $11,000 was achieved at the Venturon and Silverstone sales. Andrew, Anne and Harris Thompson sold Venturon Quimby Q23 (P) for $11,000 to Bowie Beef, Bridgetown for use over Angus females at their inaugural on property sale. Silverstone Quick Oats Q89 (P) made $11,000 selling to Betty, Bill and Jim Jackson, Frankland River at the second on property bull sale of the Imberti Family.
Top average in Western Australia was achieved at the multi vendor WALSA Supreme sale with $7,725 for vendor studs, Copplestone, Brookside and Kooyong. Peter and Judy Milton averaged $8,917 for their team of 12 sires at this sale.
South Australia only had two auction sales with the top price $12,000 being achieved twice at the Bellinger Family Goodnwindi sale. Victorian commercial producer Jason Swayne, Lake Purrumbete, purchased both bulls. This was the first time buying from Goodnwindi for Jason who had the top average in South Australia at $7,250.
The final Paringa Charolais bull sale produced the top price in Victoria for the year. Paringa Lead Time Q384 (AI) (P) went to Charles Stewart Nash McVilly, Camperdown, on behalf of W Woods Pty Ltd at $26,000.
Top 10 Sale Averages 2021
Herd State $ Ave # Bulls
4 Ways Qld 18,360 25 Palgrove (Qld) Qld 17,848 99 Ascot Qld 17,455 56 Moongool Qld 16,179 78 Elite Qld 15,000 10 Palgrove (HV) NSW 14,975 40 ANC Qld 13,248 108 Advance (Brendale) Qld 13,231 26 Bauhinia Park Qld 13,158 38 Minnie-Vale NSW 13,023 44
SALE SUMMARY (*Auction results only)
Year # Sales Offered Sold Clearance Top $ Ave $ Gross $ 2021 49 1,752 1,678 96% $75,000 $11,318 $18,990,875 2020 43 1,1576 1,486 94% $64,000 $8,674 $12,888,874 2019 39 1,507 1,228 82% $38,000 $6,009 $7,379,100 2018 43 1,718 1,457 85% $36000 $6,304 $9,184,598 2017 47 1,919 1,672 87% $83,000 $6,648 $11,115,457 2016 44 1,793 1,655 92% $52,000 $6,436 $10,650,815 2015 40 1,713 1,538 90% $35,000 $5,219 $8,026,995 2014 41 1,632 1,274 78% $35,000 $4,291 $5,466,614

The 738 kilogram bull was by OW Lead Time 6294 PLD out of Paringa Free Lunch K354 and had outstanding EBV’s. Volume buyer at Paringa was Ross and Jo Stanes, Lyndavale Station southwest of Alice Springs who bought 12 bulls for a $6,500 average. Lyndavale Station has been using Charolais bulls from Paringa for over 7 years and found the progeny thrive in the rangeland environment.
Top average in Victoria was the Rangan on Property bull sale averaging $9,090 ($6,539 in 2020) for 44 bulls. This sale topped at $22,000 twice. The first of the top-priced bulls, Rangan Pinay M58 Q86, was bought by Queensland stud, Ascot Charolais, Warwick. A homozygous poll, he was sired by Rangan Pinay M58 and his dam was a daughter of US sire LT Legend 0332. Another homozygous poll, Rangan Ashwood L84 Q40, sold for $22,000 to Peter and Sharon Wallis of Shiralee Charolais, Gundowring. This bull was sired by Rangan Ashwood F56 L84.
The top average achieved in New South Wales was at the Palgrove Hunter Valley sale. Palgrove offered 40 sires and averaged $14,975 with a top of $26,000. Palgrove Quintessential (P)(R/F) was purchased by Futurity Charolais, Baradine NSW. Sired by Paringa Mantra M354 (P) this bull had an EMA EBV in the top 1% of the breed.
Overall the State achieved an average of $10,660 for 327 bulls sold at auction. Jason and Sue Salier averaged $13,023 at their annual sale for 44 bulls, The Minnie-Vale sale topped at $20,000 twice highlighting the strong demand through the entire catalogue. Top price honours in New South Wales went to Terry and Maylene Griffin with their Temana Quest Q66 (P) selling to Moongool Charolais for $42,000. The 22-month-old white coloured, polled son of Minnie-Vale Jack Sprat and out of Temana H4E weighed 949 kilograms and was rated in the top 10 per cent of the breed for intramuscular fat,top 20pc for 200-day, 400-day and 600-day growth weight.
Twenty-eight Charolais sires sold at Temana for an average of $12,536. Rosedale Charolais sold Rosedale Quandary (P) for $28,000 to commercial breeder Peter Hewett, Totttenham to top the autumn sales.
Queensland spring sales really hit home the demand for Charolais in the northern cattle market. Nine of the top ten prices for Charolais bulls were at Queensland sales. Of the 25 auction sales in Queensland in 2021, 19 achieved full clearance at auction with the state average of 99%. Palgrove, Ascot, Moongool and Elite Charolais sales all averaged $15,000 or better.
Achieving the overall top average was a new sale held by the Whitechurch Family. Their sale at Emerald averaged $18,360 and topped at $52,500. This bull was sired by Australian record priced Charolais sire Moongool Lunar Rise (P) purchased by 4 Ways for $83,000. The top price bull of the sale 4 Ways MLR Qupid (P) was purchased by Moongool Charolais. Qupid was overall the third top price of the year. The Whitechurch’s champion bull from Beef Australia 2021, 4 Ways Quantum (P/S) made $40,000 selling to M & G Shan.
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Top Ten Auction Sales 2021
Rank Bull Sire Price Purchaser Vendor
1 Palgrove Qracker (P) Palgrove Justice (P)
$75,000 Mt Douglas Pastoral Co Palgrove 2 Palgrove Quidmaker (P/S) Palgrove Landmark (P) $60,000 Appleton Pastoral Co Palgrove 3 4 Ways MLR Qupid (P) Moongool Lunar Rise (P) $52,500 Moongool Charolais 4 Ways 4 Moongool Mr Q551 (P)(R/F) Waterford Midnight Lightning (P)(R/F) $48,000 4 Ways Charolais Moongool 5 Ascot Rockstar R139E (P) Rosedale Lump Sum (P) $47,500 AJM Pastoral Co Ascot =6 Palgrove Rainmaker (P) Palgrove Longyard (P) $46,000 L & S Bode Palgrove =6 Ascot Recharge R125 (P) Rosedale Nagol (P) $46,000 Silverstone Charolais Ascot =8 Palgrove Rising Star (P)(ET)(R/F) HJR Crowd Favourite (P) $45,000 Auctionsplus Account Palgrove =8 ANC Q Pac (P) ANC Mac (P) $45,000 Bauhinia Park Charolais ANC 10 Temana Quest (P) Minnie-Vale Jack Sprat (P) $42,000 Moongool Charolais Temana

Chart Title Figure 1: State Charolais Average Bull prices 2015 - 2021
8000 8,000
6000 6,000
4000 4,000
2000 2,000
2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Qld NSW Vic WA SA
The annual Palgrove bull sale on property at Dalveen Queensland topped the year for gross and sale price. Overall 99 Charolais bulls sold for a total clearance and gross of $1,767,000 (average $17,848). Topping the sale was Palgrove Qracker (P) selling for $75,000 to Mt Douglas Pastoral Co. This sets a new auction record for Palgrove. This bull was sired by Palgrove Justice (P) who is recognised globally and has bred exceptionally well for Palgrove. Three sons of his dam Palgrove Avoca G221E (Sire: Palgrove Benchmark) have averaged $41,333 at auction.
Also ranking in the top ten prices for the year were Palgrove Quidmaker (P/S) at $60,000, Palgrove Rainmaker (P) $46,000 and Palgrove Rising Star (P)(ET)(R/F) at $45,000. Interesting all four of these bulls are sired by different sires highlighting the depth in the Palgrove catalogue.
Jim and Jackie Wedge had a brilliant sale averaging $17,455 for their 56 bulls. Topping the sale was Ascot Rockstar R139E (P) selling to AJM Pastoral Co for $47,500, the fifth top price of the year. This bull was 15 months at auction and sired by Rosedale Lump Sum (P). This was the fifth top price for the year. Ascot also sold the equal 6th top price bull with Ascot Recharge R125 (P) selling for stud duties at Silverstone Charolais in Western Australia. Homozygous polled this bull has exceptional growth traits backing his pedigree and was sired by Rosedale Nagol (P).
The Price family of Moongool Charolais topped at $48,000 and averaged $16,179 for 78 bulls. Top price was achieved for Moongool Mr Q551 (P)(R/F) sired by Waterford Midnight Lightning (P)(R/F). This bull was purchased by the 4 Ways stud at Inverell NSW. The Moongool sale grossed $1,262,000 for the Charolais section of the sale. Andrew and Norah Cass, ANC Charolais offered 108 sires for a total clearance and average of $13,284 to achieve the second highest gross of $1,434,672. Full french poll bull ANC Q Pac (P) topped the sale at $45,000 selling to the Bauhinia Park Charolais stud, Emerald Queensland.
Two other sales offered 100 plus bulls. AYR Charolais offered and sold 115 bulls to average $11,330 and the combined vendors Barambah-Dale and Kilkenny sale offered and sold 101 bulls to average $12,287.
The highlight of the sales in Queensland was the exceptional clearance rates at auction. The state achieved a clearance rate of 99% over 1,108 bulls. Twenty of the 25 sales had a total clearance at auction. Overall the twenty five sales in Queensland contributed over 70 percent of the total Charolais value. There is no doubt of the success and value that Charolais contribute to commercial herds in the Queensland environment. Across the board Charolais sales increased in value across all states.
The trend for replacement sires has been replicated in the sheep industry giving the livestock industry a great boost. With the feedlot and retail industry under cost pressures there is increasingly a need for commercial breeders to produce sale cattle with high performance and capable of meeting industry specifications. Charolais herds have stepped up offering buyers more information including Homozygous poll results and parent verification.
As this publication was being designed a major feedlot and processor was offering a premium for Charolais feeders steers and heifers due to their great performance in both the feedlot and abattoir.
Congratulations to all Charolais breeders on presenting a great line of bulls for sale in 2021. We look forward to 2022.
2021 SALE SUMMARY BY STATE (*Auction results only) States with >2 auction sales.
Year # Sales Offered Sold Clearance Top $ Average $ Gross $ QLD 24 1,108 1,092 99% $75,000 $12,517 $13,668,939 NSW 12 346 327 95% $42,000 $10,660 $3,485,695 VIC 5 147 134 91% $26,000 $7,757 $1,039,489 WA 6 133 116 87% $12,000 $6,310 $732,001 SA 2 18 9 50% $12,000 $7,194 $64,750

The following bull sale reports have been compiled from Auctionsplus, Elite Livestock Auctions, Australian Community Media reports and breeders submissions. Clearance rates are based on bulls sold during the auction period and do not take into account bulls sold immediately after the auction sale privately. We believe the results to be an accurate report of each event however take no responsbility for each report if the breeder has not submitted full results to the Society.
Great Southern Bull Sale 12 January Mount Barker WA Vendor: Quicksilver Charolais
Sold/ Offered 7/7 Average $5,643 Top $6,500 (3) Quicksilver Quality Q38 (P) & Quicksilver Quendo Q43 (P/S) to Graham Ayres Livestock,Bonholm. Quicksilver Quantom Q72 (P) to & SM Marshall, Albany




Kandanga Valley Summer Sale 23 January Gympie Qld Vendor: Kandanga Valley Charolais
Sold/ Offered 36/36 Average $6,930 Top: $14,000: Kandanga Valley Peruvian (P) to WW Pastoral Company, Gladstone.
February All Breeds Sale 16 February Gracemere Qld Vendor: Mountview Charolais
Sold/ Offered 14/14 Average $8,500 Top: $13,000: Mountview Quick Hitch (AI)(P) [Mountview Charolais]

Morgiana House Bull Sale 9 February Hamilton Vic Vendor: Allan Crozier
Sold/ Offered 10/16 Average $6,500 Top: $11,000:
Mt William On property Sale 12 February Willaura Vic Vendor: Mt William Charolais
Bulls Sold/ Offered 36/36 Average $7,778 Top: $20,000 (2): Mt William Quad-Trac & Mt William Quake (P) to Narweena Station, Woodhouse Vic.
Mt William Quad-Trac
Mt William Quake (P)
Venturon On Property Bull Sale 26 February Boyup Brook WA Vendor: Venturon Livestock
Sold/ Offered 18/20 Average $7,056 Top: $11,000: Venturon Quimby Q23 (P) to Bowie Beef, Bridgetown WA.
Goodnwindi 19th On Property Bull Sale 1 March Furner SA Vendor: SD & BL Bellinger
Sold/ Offered 7/9 Average $7,250 Top: $12,000 twice to JG & J Swayn, Lake Purrumbete Vic.

Image courtesy: Stock Journal
Black Stump All Breeds Bull Sale 10 March Blackall Qld Vendor: Mountview Charolais
Sold/ Offered 5/5 Average $11,400 Top: $17,500: Ascot Primetime P552E (P)(R/F) to M & J O’Dell. Colorado, Jericho Qld.

Silverstone 2nd On Property Bull Sale 10 March Narrikup WA Vendor: Silverstone Livestock
Sold/ Offered 20/23 Average $5,375 Top: $11,000: Silverstone Quick Oats Q89 (P) to WJ & EG Jackson, Frankland River WA.

Kenmere On Property Bull Sale 12 March Holbrook NSW Vendor: MJ & AM Collins
Sold/ Offered 25/37 Average $5,364 Top: $13,000: Kenmere Quick Gun Q105E (P) to Kelleen Holdings, Kelleen Station, Wentworth NSW.

WALSA Supreme Bull Sale 17 March Brunswick WA Vendor: Multi Vendor
Sold/ Offered 20/21 Average $7,725 Top: $10,000: Copplestone Quarry (P) offered by P & J Milton and purchased by Tyndale Farms, Burekup WA.

Paringa Final Charolais Bull Sale 18 March Yea Vic Vendor: T & O Lawson
Sold/ Offered 27/28 Average $7,704 Top: $26,000: Paringa Lead Time Q384 (AI) (P) sold to W Woods Pty Ltd, Camperdown Victoria.

Southern Breeders Sale 18 March Yea Vic Vendor: Multi Vendor
Sold/ Offered 17/22 Average $5,089 Top: $8,500: Tysubi Goldrush Quake (AI) (P) offered by Ty Stanton sold to Andrew Whitsed, Bonegilla Victoria.
Rangan On Property Bull Sale 19 March Charleroi Vic Vendor: Graeme Cook Family Trust
Sold/ Offered 44/45 Average $9,090 Top: $22,000 (2): Rangan Pinay M58 Q86 to Ascot Charolais, Warwick Qld, Rangan Ashwood L84 Q40 to Peter & Sharon Wallis, Shiralee Charolais Gundowring Victoria.

Violet Hills On Property Bull Sale 15 May Rydal NSW Vendor: D.R, K, & S.A Jenkins
Sold/ Offered 42/43 Average $8,369 Top: $15,500: Violet Hills Q97E (P) to Kilkenny Charolais, Taroom Qld.

DSK Herd Sale 20 May Coonabarabran NSW Vendor: C Knox & H Alexander
Sold/ Offered 4/4 Average $10,000 Top: $10,000 (4): DSK K25 Red Rob R12 (P) (R/F) sold to Yacamunda Investments, DSK K25 Quickshake Q29E (P) sold to Moongool Charolais, DSK K25 Quantum Q4E (P/S), DSK Pinay Prince P48E (AI(P) sold to Vee-Jay Charolais,
South Australian Bull Sale 19 March Strathalbyn SA Vendor: Multi Vendor
Sold/ Offered 2/9 Average $7,000 Top: $9,000: Black Stone Quartz Q82 (P) offered by P & S Bond and purchased by M & J Osborne, Ryeview Charolais, Millicent SA.

Liberty Yearling On Property Bull Sale 16 April Todyay WA Vendor: Liberty Charolais Stud
Sold/ Offered 25/31 Average $5,310 Top: $9,000: Liberty Ramblin Man R29 (P) to BW & AE Garrat, Walkaway WA. P48

Rosedale On Property Bull Sale 21 May Blayney NSW Vendor: JM, MJ & JL Millner
Sold/ Offered 51/53 Average $9,722 Top: $28,000: Rosedale Quandary (P) purchased by Peter Hewitt, Tottenham NSW.

Palgrove Hunter Valley Bull Sale 4 June Scone NSW Vendor: Palgrove Pastoral Co
Sold/ Offered 40/40 Average $14,975 Top: $26,000: Palgrove Quintessential (P)(R/F) sold to Futurity Charolais, Baradine NSW.

AgGrow Premier Bull Sale 25 June Emerald Qld Vendors: Multi Vendor
Sold/ Offered 35/36 Average $10,471 Top: $28,000: 4 Ways Quackadoo (P)(RF) [ 4 Ways Charolais] to Griffin Family, Sarina.

Lilydale Invitational Bull Sale 17 July Toogoolawah Qld Vendors: Multi- Vendor
Sold/ Offered 37/37 Average $8,148 Top: $13,000 (2): Juandah Quinton (P) [ Juandah Grazing] to M Sullivan, Riverglen, Condamine Qld. Lilydale Quillen (P) sold to Carinya Hills, Beaudesert Qld.

Juandah Quinton (P)

Lilydale Quillen (P)
Winton Charolais Bull Sale 23 July Winton Qld Vendors: LVH Fairfield & Glenlea
Sold/ Offered 42/42 Average $9,702 Top: $16,500: Taylor Glenlea Quickdraw (P) [ Glenlea and Taylor Charolais] to David and Gayle East, Breedon, Longreach Qld.

Barambah-Dale & Kilkenny Bull Sale 30 July Woolooga Qld Vendors: Barambah-Dale & Kilkenny
Sold/ Offered 101/101 Average $12,287 Top: $27,500: Barambah-Dale Quarry offered by Barambah-Dale Charolais sold to Tom & Helen Little, Mt Nicolson, Bauhinia Qld.

Minnie-Vale On Property Bull Sale 30 July Narrabri NSW Vendors: SG & JD Salier
Sold/ Offered 44/44 Average $13,023 Top: $20,000 (2): Minnie-Vale Ace of Spades (P) to C & V Pike. Minnie-Vale Quizmaster (P)(R/F) to Rosedale Charolais, Blayney NSW.
Minnie-Vale Ace of Spades (P)
Minnie-Vale Quizmaster (P)(R/F)
Kandanga Valley On Property Bull Sale 31 July Gympie Qld Vendor: Kandanga Valley Charolais
Sold/ Offered 40/40 Average $11,450 Top: $17,000: Kandanga Valley Quicksilver (P) to Kennedy Family Trust, Gympie Qld.

Casino All Breeds Bull Sale 31 July Casino NSW Vendors: Multi Vendor
Sold/ Offered 19/20 Average $8,473 Top: $14,000 (2): Palm View Downtown (AI)(P) (R/F). Bentley Downs Q7E sold to A & C Ramsey, Casino NSW
Palm View Downtown (P)
Bentley Downs Q7E (P)
Caloona On Property Bull Sale 5 August Tamworth NSW Vendors: L & S Franco
Sold/ Offered 17/19 Average $7,133 Top: $13,000: Caloona Park Quigley (P)(R/F) to Auctionsplus.

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Coolabunia Classic Bull Sale 12 August Coolabunia Qld Vendors: Multi Vendor
Sold/ Offered 47/47 Average $11,170 Top: $26,000: Charnelle Quartermaster (AI) (P) offered by G & K Blanch and purchased by Bettafield Charolais Stud, Gindie Qld.

DSK On Property Bull Sale 12 August Coonabarabran NSW Vendors: C Knox & H Alexander
Sold/ Offered 14/14 Average $11,929 Top: $18,000: DSK K25 Quarterly Q51 (P) to Finger Family, Lake Lofty Pty Ltd, Injune Qld.

Bauhinia Park Bull Sale 18 August Emerald Qld Vendors: Ryan & Rachel Holzwart
Sold/ Offered 38/38 Average $13,158 Top: $20,000: Bauhinia Park Quade (P) sold to Tom and Emma Brodie, Knapdale, Winton.
Temana & Futurity Bull Sale 26 August Baradine NSW Vendors: T & M Griffin & J & C Catts
Sold/ Offered 28/28 Average $12,536 Top: $42,000: Temana Quest Q66 (P) sold to Moongool Charolais, Yuleba Qld.

Ticoba Invitational Bull Sale 27 August Munduberra Qld Vendors: D & H Reid
Sold/ Offered 13/13 Average $11,077 Top: $26,000: Reids Qantas Q54E (P)(R/F), sold to Lake Lofty Pty Ltd, Meadowbrook, Dysart

ANC On Property Bull Sale 27 August Guluguba Qld Vendors: A & N Cass
Sold/ Offered 108/108 Average $13,284 Top: $45,000: ANC Q Pac (P) to Ryan and Rachel Holzwart, Bauhinia Park Charolais, Emerald, Qld.
Wakefield On Property Bull Sale 1 September Armidale NSW Vendors: G & J Frizell
Sold/ Offered 38/38 Average $12,053 Top: $22,000: Wakefield Right On Time (P) (R/F) sold to P & K Reid, Carinya, Yarrowitch NSW.

Elite On Property Bull Sale 2 September Meandarra Qld
Vendors: Elite Cattle Co
Sold/ Offered 10/10 Average $15,000 Top: $20,000: Elite Queenslander (P) (R/F) sold to M & J O’Dell, Colorado, Jericho Qld.
Hopgood Annual Bull Sale 2 September Clermont Qld
Vendors: SH & MJ Hopgood
Sold/ Offered 39/43 Average $10,436 Top: $21,000: Hopgood Quiver (P) sold to G & J Peck, Purtora, Blackall Qld

Bettafield Annual Bull Sale 3 September Emerald Qld
Vendors: S & A Kajewski
Sold/ Offered 29/30 Average $8,196 Top: $16,000: Bettafield Q46E (P) sold to L Hack, Alpha Qld.
Advance Bull Sale 30 August Roma Qld Vendors: B & M Scheiwe
Sold/ Offered 26/26 Average $13,231 Top: $33,000: Brendale Quarterback (P) sold to Spenbar Brahman & Charbray, Condamine Qld. f

4 Ways Charolais Bull Sale 6 September Emerald Qld Vendors: 4 Ways Charolais (Whitechurch Family)
Sold/ Offered 25/25 Average $18,360 Top: $52,500: 4 Ways Qupid (P) to Moongool Charolais stud, Yuleba Qld.

Eidsvold Charolais Bull Sale 7 September Eidsvold Qld Vendors: Clare & Elridge Charolais
Sold/ Offered 57/57 Average $10,477 Top: $22,000: Clare Quinn (P)(R/F) to B & K Kirk, Blackwood, Middlemount, Qld.

Palgrove Charolais On Property Bull Sale 10 September Dalveen Qld Vendors: Palgrove Pastoral Co
Sold/ Offered 99/99 Average $17,848 Top: $75,000: Palgrove Qracker (P) to D Burnett, Mt Douglas Pastoral, Clermont, Qld.

Top Seller 2021: $75,000
Monto All Breeds Bull Sale 11 September Monto Qld Vendors: Multi Vendor Mountview & Glenlea
Sold/ Offered 7/9 Average $6,357 Top: $8,000: Mountview Quaid (P) sold by I & K Bebbington to Appleton Pty Ltd.

Ayr Charolais On Property Bull Sale 13 September Moura Qld Vendors: G, RM & DG Cass
Sold/ Offered 115/115 Average $11,330 Top: $28,000: Ayr Irishmat’s Emery to Clermont, Qld.

Ascot Charolais On Property Bull Sale 17 September Warwick Qld Vendors: J & J Wedge
Sold/ Offered 56/56 Average $17,455 Top: $47,500: Ascot Rockstar R139E (P) to AJM Pastoral Co, Richmond, Qld.
Glenlea Charolais Clermont Bull Sale 8 October Clermont Qld Vendor: R Binny
Sold/ Offered 35/43 Average $9,043 Top: $21,000: Glenlea Lannister Q405 (P)(R/F) to Taylor Cosgrove Livestock, Coolangatta NSW

Glenlea Charolais Scone Bull Sale 29 October Scone NSW Vendor: R Binny
Sold/ Offered 5/6 Average $6,800 Top: $10,000: Glenlea Muscles R413 (P) to Auctionsplus Client.

Bardoo Charolais On Property Bull Sale 26 November Capel WA Vendors: BW & DJ Bell
Sold/ Offered 26/31 Average $6,567 Top: $12,000: Bardoo R39E to MH Collins & Co, Nyabing WA.

Moongool Charolais On Property Bull Sale 20 September Yuleba Qld Vendors: Keddstock Pty Ltd
Sold/ Offered 78/78 Average $16,179 Top: $48,000: Moongool Mr Q551 (P)(R/F) to 4 Ways Charolais, Inverell, NSW. f