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Paddock to Palate 2021
Charolais x Ultrablack steer exhibited by Palgrove Pastoral Co that had the Highest individual weigh gain in Class 40. (1000 Day HGP fee Export).
Scientific rigour involves repeating events over and over again to ensure repeatability of results. By any yardstick Charolais results in Paddock to Palate competition met all standards of repeatability. The oveall results in Class 37 were outstanding with Charolais influenced teams taking four of the top five placings. The Paddock to Palate competition is feedlot based on industry specifications and attracts entries from leading beef breeders. The event presented by JBS Australia and the Royal National Show (EKKA) is now in the 24th year and operates under three phases.
These are best aggregate weight gain, carcase evaluation and MSA grading. Classes 37, 38 and 40 were fed at JBS’s Beef City Feedlot, and showcased cattle from 28 exhibitors across Queensland and New South Wales.
A total of 728 head of cattle were entered in the competition this year, slightly down on last year. “This year we’ve seen the effects of the drought over the past two and a half years, with our commercial and long-term exhibitors unable to enter as many cattle,” RNA beef committee chairman Gary Noller said.
In the weight gain phase of the competition Palgrove Pastoral Company took three first places. Palgrove won Class 37 (100 day export), weight gain phase of the competion with their pen of six Charolais-cross recording an ADG of 2.773kg.
Class 38’s individual weight gain award was taken out by John, Estelle and Ben Drynan and family from Esk, after one of their Charolais Red Angus-crosses recorded an ADG of 3.414kg. In Class 38 based on 70 day feeding, second place in the weight gain was won by Nebrean Pastoral, Goondiwindi with their Santa Gertrudis and Charolais-cross team which averaged ADG 2.807kg. Palgrove Pastoral Company won the weight gain overall pen of six in Class 40 (100 days Hormone Growth Promotant free export), with their Charolais recording an average daily weight gain of 2.245kg. They also claimed the highest individual weight gain for Class 40, with one of their cattle weighing in with an ADG of 2.550kg.
Charolais continued to achieve top results when the teams were processed and evaluated on the hook. In Class 37 [100 day Export] Palgrove Pastoral Company were successful with their pen of six Charolais steers named the overall winners with 752.44 points, as well as the pen of six carcase champions on 550pts. A steer from that pen also took out the champion carcase with 102pts. In the carcase awards a Charolais pen from the Drynan Family placed second in the class.
A pen of Charolais-cross exhibits earned Palgrove second place overall, following their win in the weight gain phase with an average daily gain of 2.773 kilograms. Palgrove Pastoral’s business and genetics manager Ben Noller said this competition provides another invaluable benchmarking opportunity. He said the win confirmed Palgrove genetics have the ability to produce high-performing commercial cattle. “Each year we draft off and put aside animals for competitions and select for a certain type of beast, and both pens included purebred Charolais and Ultra Black genetics,” Mr Noller said.
Palgrove has won the Class 37 for 100 day feed in 2018, 2019, 2020 and 2021. In 2019 and 2021 they also placed second. Overall in Class 37 Charolais dominated the top five places with the Drynan Family placing third and Riverglen Pastoral Company placing fifth.

Champion Carcass in Class 37 (100 day HGP Export) a Charolais exhibited by Palgrove Pastoral Co.

Palgrove Pastoral Co won the Best Weight Gain for the pen of six in Class 37 (100-day HGP export ). Ben Noller from Palgrove is presented with the ribbon by Mal Porter from Rabobank. Images courtesy Palgrove.
In Class 38 (70 day trade), overall second-placed went to Riverglen Pastoral Co’s Charolais-cross pen with 701.00pts. The Drynan family’s Charolais/Red Angus-cross won the pen of six carcase champions on 530pts. This pen finished sixth outright in the overall class.
Class 40 (100 day HGP-free export) again saw Palgrove dominate and be named overall winners with their Charolais earning 737.38pts, a full 36 points ahead of the next entry. Palgrove’s Charolais were the pen of six carcase champions in this section.
This competition reflects feeding regimes commercially undertaken by feedlots and the continued success of the Charolais breed is pleasing. The versatility of the breed to perform with the use of HGPs or not offers marketing flexibility for producers.
Each entry in this competition comprises of seven head of which six are judged. If for any reason less than six head are available for judging the pen is disqualified from placing in the competition.
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