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Bartholomew & Co
- ESTABLISHED 1920Beaudesert (07) 5541 1144
Boonah (07) 5463 1699
Chairperson: Ross Sticklen Tel: 0438 625 505
E: lilydalecharolais@bigpond.com
Secretary: Lauren Platzer Tel: 07 5460 9407
E: lmplatzer@hotmail.com
New South Wales:
Chairperson: David Whitechurch Tel: 0428 847 391
E: four.ways@optusnet.com.au
Secretary: Kristie O’Brien Tel: 0428 112 232
E: winchestercharolais@westnet.com.au
Chairperson: Rob Abbott Tel: 0417 502 692
E: rob@mtwilliamcharolais.com.au
Secretary: Gwen Robinson Tel: 03 5156 6397
E: kyra1@wideband.net.au
South Australia:
Chairperson: Daniel Ferme Tel: 0408 774 946
E: odfarmingenterprises@outlook.com
Secretary: Louise Smith Tel: 0400 373 791
E: charolaissa@outlook.com
Western Australia:
Chairperson: Andrew Cunningham Tel: 0438 764 699
E: blaweary@westnet.com.au
Secretary: Belynda Quilty Tel: 0419 953 489
E: charolaiswa@hotmail.com
Charolais Youth Committee
Chairperson: Laura Lockhart Tel: 0429 098 855
Vice Chairperson: Joshua Fenech Tel: 0418 605 959
Secretary: Amy Whitechurch Tel: 0437 617 149
Treasurer: Sophie Inder Tel: 0476 209 643
Committee: Jaime Vosper Tel: 0417 616 979
Youth Committee Email: charolaisyouthau@gmail.com
Beaudesert Store Sales fortnightly – Saturdays (Beaudesert’s only regular Store Sales)
Moreton Liveweight Sales weekly – Tuesdays
Paddock Sales & Direct-to-Works Consignments
Clearing Sales our Specialty
For any enquiries, advice or assistance, please don’t hesitate to contact Roy or Garth.

Roy Bartholomew 0437 411 144
Garth Weatherall 0438 793 100 – 07 5463 6140
Garth Weatherall 0438 793 100 – 07 5463 6140
Servicing South East Queensland
50 years in 2023 since our first Charolais progeny and 49 years of continuous registered Charolais in 3 states!
Our Sales For 2023
Offering Sires that are fully performance recorded, genetically measured for 21st century beef production, sensibly fed and prepared, ready to work and provide a long productive lifespan.
Winton QLD
14th July ~ 40 Bulls
Big beefy 2 year old sires. Ready to work big paddock and mobs.
Clermont QLD
18th August ~ 40 Bulls
2 year old sires. To suit the weaner and bullock producer alike.
Roma QLD
13th September ~ 80 Bulls
Our largest draft including our lead yearling bulls. Suitable for heifer matings and stud sire prospects.
Casino NSW
3rd November
100 Females & 10 Bulls
Females across the seedstock spectrum from entry level females, bull breeding cows, to elite stud females and show prospect heifers.
Bulls include early release sires from our 2024 sale bulls.
Paddock Bulls are available now with free delivery to all major centers.
Private Sale Females are also available now to
* START your Charolais herd from just 1 animal

* GROW your herd with numbers or specialized genetics
* ADD elite cow families
And you can JOIN the Glenlea Beef Marketing Program.
Glenlea Beef News ...

Mawarra Herd Dispersal

Glenlea’s presentation of the Mawarra herd dispersal in April this year had a surprising outcome with pre-sale inspections resulting in a offer for the entire catalogue and herd. The details were negotiated and Zarin and Carla Barber are the proud new owners of the Mawarra herd. Now based near Taree on NSW north coast, the herd will remain in the Glenlea Beef marketing program and together with Zarin and Carla the Glenlea Beef team will bring progeny from the herd to market in our future sales. Be especially on the look out for progeny of Glenela Kowboy (P) R/F a “Glenlea Red sire” and our top priced bull at our Clermont sale in 2021, which were a feature of the sale.
Glenlea Chiffon 10th
Chiffon has produced two successful E.T. Flushes to our exclusive sire SCX JEHU. She is now residing at Longreach with her new owners Lance and Tracey Horsley and family, Hereward Beef. We have pregnancies and are excited to see her progeny coming through in the next couple of years. Her first daughter calved to Glenlea Kowboy in April and he is already booked a spot in our Roma 2024 bull sale!
The Charol Family
A phone photo of Glenlea Charol 135th with her 4 day old heifer calf, sent to us from Pinebrush Charolais at Dungog. Pictured in her working clothes (condition wise) having been in the “calving paddock with modest feed”. Lachie and Kellie are in love with their new elite Glenlea heifer Charol 135th. This cow family traces back 45 years in the Glenlea herd, and with an udder and milk capacity evident in this photo it’s not hard to see why the Charol cow family is one of our most valued. The heifer calf is by LT Countdown and already has a presence, we are sure she will see a show ring or two! We have Charol’s for private sale now and may have another one in our casino female sale in November!