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Sydney Royal 2023
...cont from page 43
Venturon Livestock placed second in this class with Venturon Spotlight S154 (P) and second in the class 18 to 19 months with Venturon Shake N Bake S182 (P). Greg Nicolson placed second in the 9 to 12 month class with Black Duck Thor (P) sired by Silverstream Manhattan M171 (P).
In the Senior bull classes, the Senior and Grand bull was Venturon Start the Party S97 (P). This bull won the 20 to 24 months class and was described by the judge as having softness and performance while maintaining the muscle shape required. This bull was Interbreed Champion Junior bull at Perth Royal in 2022 and won his class at Sydney in 2022. Sired by Venturon Hamish (P), Start The Party (P) was sold for $26,000 to Bauhinia Park stud at Emerald, Qld at the Venturon sale in February. This is the second year that Venturon’s top price bull at their on-property sale has traveled to Sydney and taken out Grand Champion male.
Reserve Senior Champion bull was Wakefield Raise The Bar (P) sired by Venturon Maximum Impact (P) and shown by Myona stud. Myona purchased this bull as the top price bull at the Wakefield on property sale in 2022 for $31,000. This bull is also out of the Wakefield Amaze family that provided the Supreme Exhibit.
Caloona Park won the 24 to 30 months class with Caloona Park Sonic Boom (P). The heaviest Charolais bull on the grounds at 970kg at just 24 months he scanned 142cm² EMA.

Charolais Idents
All Charolais calves born after the 1st January 2022 have an extra year reference in their identification number. This is illustrated to the right. The year letter will be replaced by a three digit code being the last two numerals of the year of birth and the applicable year letter. eg 2022 born animal will be 22T instead of T.
When registering calves members only need to use the year letter as in the past. The Society adds the yy reference when processing the calf registration. Animal tattoos will remain in the present format and only the year letter would need to be tattooed. The inclusion of the yy will only be required in society transactions.
The Thompsons’ family top day continued in the group classes with their trio of broad ribbon winners adding to their tally, winning the Breeder’s Group class. They paraded three ET calves from the joining of SCR Triumph and SVY Starstruck 409B to win both Sires and Dams progeny classes. A great result for them after travelling across Australia to compete at Sydney Royal. Myona Charolais exhibited the Pair of Bulls. After judging Venturon Charolais were named as Most Successful Charolais Exhibitor and then Premier Beef Breeder across all breeds. This award is based on the success of each exhibitors prefixed animals success. Considering this is across all exhibitors in the beef section this is an outstanding achievement for the Thompson Family.
When searching on the Charolais Online database the full identification as shown above would need to be included if searching for a spsecific animal on Animal Identifier. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to talk to the Society staff.
Graeme, Liz and family would like to thank all bidders, underbidders, and all who attended ourRECORD-BREAKING 2023 BULL SALE.
Look out for our 15th Annual Sale to be held in March 2024. We will be offering Females from the very heart of our herd as well as 50 polled Charolais Bulls.

SOLD $16,000

SOLD $22,000 LOT
SOLD $15,000
19 │ Rangan Goldrush S34