1 minute read
Estonian Open Air Museum
Rural Life Through the Centuries
The Open Air Museum, located in a forest by the sea, tells the story of how rural people in Estonia have lived. Historic dwellings, barns, and boathouses have been collected from all over the country and authentically restored. The past is brought to life by the farm women and men who tell stories and perform historical tasks and activities in which the visitors can participate. You can take a ride on a horsedrawn carriage or sleigh, or pet the sheep and goats. The tavern serves traditional Estonian dishes, and the village shop offers period items. The museum village also includes a Soviet-era kolkhoz apartment building that was awarded the 2021 prize for the best Estonian exposition. Starting in the summer of 2023, children will be able to wander along a herdsman’s trail, which is designed like a modern adventure park.

+ 372 654 9101