Best in Business Magazine January 2023

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J A N U A R Y 2 0 2 3 | I S S U E 0 9 02 CONTENTS BEST IN BUSINESS HELPING OTHERS MAKE DREAMS COME TRUE! TEAMWORK ASK DR. BIZBUZZ! Meet International bestselling Author and Podcaster, Travis Partington 44 02 NOTES + PICKS + FEATURES + A LITTLE GOOD NEWS EDITOR'S NOTE Editor Sheila Farr talks about lessons learned from employers who coach their teams We share our picks for the best books about teamwork! 29 38 23 18 A LITTLE INSPIRATION WITH REV. ALLISON G. DANIELS 32 TALK BACK! 47 BOOKWORMS 1015 HOWARD AVENUE, SUITE C BILOXI, MISSISSIPPI 39530 TRAINTHEGULFCOAST@GMAIL COM WWW GULFCOASTTRAINING ORG 15 #1 AMAZON BEST SELLER: #BEASTMODE! MEET THE AUTHORS Readers share about the best leaders they've ever had and what made them great leaders FEATURE: WHICH BENEFITS ARE BEST FOR YOU? For professional business advice, ask Dr. BizBuzz!!! BUSINESS SHOWERS! GIVING NEW BUSINESSES A GREAT START! 13 31 35 VETERANS' CORNER WITH GINA BAKER-ALDERMAN 7 BUSINESS SPOTLIGHT: MEET LIZ HOOP OF HOOP CARES, LLC THE CHANGING BENEFIT LANDSCAPE
Editor’s Note Happy2023!!! Wewanttothankyouforyourcontinuedsupport andremindyouthatwearecommittedtobringing you innovative and relevant business information that WILL make a difference toyourbusiness! Wewanttocontinuetopartnerwithyouinthisnewyeartohelpyouachieveall ofyourprofessionalgoals. Ifyouneeddirectionorhelp,pleasefeelfreetocall onus...we 'recommittedtohelpingyousucceed! Editor-in-Chief SheilaFarr J A N U A R Y 2 0 2 3 | I S S U E 9 Let's work together to be the BEST in business! Sheila Best in Business Magazine Editor-in-Chief Sheila Farr Creative Director Mary Bell Art Director Ginny Marshon Columnists Sher Graham Contributing Writers Gina Baker-Alderman Rev. Allison G. Daniels Partners Gulf Coast Training & Education Services, LLC WedgeCorp, LLC Best in Business, LLC Business Office: 1015 Howard Avenue, Suite C Biloxi, Mississippi 39530 (228) 229-3117
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When you run a small business, it's imperative to have a multi-year strategy that can give your organization the framework and flexibility you need. When considering the benefits you offer to those who work for you, it's important that business owners:

Understand their cost drivers, achieve sustainable results and optimize every dollar spent.

Craft affordable employee benefit options that meet the unique needs of your workforce

Lighten your workload with the right technology solutions

Elevate year-round benefits communication

Enhance the health and productivity of your workforce

However, with the ever-changing landscape of employee benefits, how can employers optimize their offerings and find programs that best fit their organization?

Employer Concerns

A recent poll of 123 Mississippi employers revealed that there are three main concerns when it comes to designing effective employee benefits programs They are:

The rising cost of healthcare

The needs of a multigenerational workforce, and

Shifts in today's workforce, in general


Healthcare costs have risen dramatically over the past 20 years, making employer-sponsored health programs even more attractive to job seekers. Businesses - partcularly small ones- are being forced to come up with new and creative ways to pay for these expensive plans

Many of the current workforces are comprised of five generations, all with different needs and desires when it comes to employee benefits.

Additionally, job seekers are becoming more interested in flexibility at work and quality benefit packages can be more important than a certain job title or even more important than a higher rate of pay.

What Employees Want

It's no surprise that physical health benefits are rated as the top benefits among nearly all employees across a wide swath of demographics. In fact, 88 percent of job seekers give "some consideration" or "heavy consideration" to better health, dental and vision insurance benefits when choosing between a high-paying job and a lowerpaying job with better benefits, according to a 2000 SHRM benefits survey report.

To stand out, employers need to offer more than just the basics. "Most employers have figured out how to take care of employees' basic health needs, but medical, dental and vision are no longer nice-to-haves that keep employees happy; they're necessities that no organization should be without,," says Stefanie Chaffee, Benefit Consultant for Coastal Workplace Benefits.

What other types of benefits are employees searching for? Telehealth services, pet insurance, elder care and financial options or a strong 401K top the list, along with the ability to have a flexible work schedule or even remote work options.

Emerging Trends

For 2023, HR specialists are expected to see new trends emerging These include a renewed focus on physical wellness with remote workers. “Sitting is the new smoking," says HR Specialist Lisa Lind, "there’s this belief among companies that in a remote and hybrid world, people take walks during the day, they can exercise when they want to And that is certainly true for some people But what you see is for many people not commuting to work and not going into an office, where they walk from their house to the train station, train station to their office and walk around in the building or to their car or whatever it may be physical activity has decreased"

Human connection in mental wellness efforts will also emerge. There’s so much around technology because people see that as a stopgap; there are not enough mental health providers. So we address the issue with telemedicine and telehealth and all the technology solutions and apps and apps and apps That is the trend, it’s proven to be helpful, and it’s not going away.

We're also expecting that family-focused flexibility will get more attention Although many businesses are still struggling to move past pandemic issues, and dig deeper into benefits like tuition reimbursement or student loan assistance, or even emergency savings accounts, higher 401(k) contributions or financial education, the reality is that most employers are being forced to continue to focus on urgent workforce issues that ca best be summarized as family-focused flexibility. We continue to see remote work and flexible scheduling issues arise, and that need is often fed by caregiving challenges, both childcare and eldercare. Therefore, employers are also seeing a demand for EAPs (Employee Assistance Programs) or information on death and bereavement benefits, and, of course, resilience building and mental health benefits.

How to Design the Best Employee Benefits Program for Your Business

With all the changes, trends, and rising costs, it is important that businesses begin to look closely at their benefit programs.

To design the best benefits program for your business, we recommend you do the following:

Perform a benefits survey. If it's been a while since you've spoken to your employees to get their input and feedback, it's time to simply ask what they need Doing so can help you shave off the programs you might be offering that go under (or un)-utilized and will allow you to


make room for the programs and benefits that are most important to your employees

You'll also want to be sure that you identify your organization's benefit objectives and budget. SHRM (2022) suggests, "An important first step in designing an employee benefits program is to identify its objectives This will provide overall guidance in establishing the selection and design of the benefits program Generally, this process does not result in a list of specific benefits offered but rather provides an overview of the organization's objectives of offering benefits that reflect both the employer and employee needs. The organization's business and/or HR strategy will help guide the development of the benefits objectives, as these objectives should help achieve the overall strategic goals. Factors such as employer size, location, industry and collective bargaining agreements should be considered in the development of the benefits objectives."

Finally, effectively communicating the specifics of the plan to your employees is key. Again, SHRM reminds employers, Employee understanding of the benefits is critical to employee buy-in. Without buyin, the employer's efforts, no matter how perfectly designed to meet employees' needs, may be futile If employee input was obtained and used in the benefits design process, employers should be sure to share this with employees and let them know how their feedback influenced the benefits program's design. The positive impact on recruiting, retention and employee morale may be lost without effective communication plans. Although the employer is obligated to provide

communications to comply with laws regarding disclosure of various benefits plans, such as a summary plan description, communications should go beyond the legal requirements Good benefits communication objectives should include:

Creating awareness and appreciation of the new or existing benefits and improving employee financial security

Providing a high level of understanding of the benefits offered.

Encouraging wise use of benefits "

Managing employee benefits is an important and costly endeavor for employers, especially when you're just starting out or have a smaller business Although some employers are required to provide mandatory benefits such as Social Security contributions, worker's compensation insurance and unemployment insurance, there are other benefits that are voluntary in nature and can be offered at the discretion of the employer For that reason, you want to be certain that you establish firm objectives, a workable budget, and talk to your employees on a regular basis so you can make any necessary adjustments to your program. That way, you can be certain that you're providing the most relevant and desired programs at a cost that fits both the employee and the employer

For more information on developing an effective employee benefits program, reach out to Sheila at

Rob'sCabinets&More Making Dreams Come True Along the Mississippi Gulf Coast Since 2009 (228) 326-4830




Many of today's senior adults need a little extra help getting to and from appointments, grocery shopping, or maybe just need a little company during long days. Hoop Cares, LLC was established to provide the services that help seniors stay mobile and engaged in life!

Founded in January 2022, Hoop Cares, LLC provides senior concierge services for those seniors who can no longer drive themselves and have to rely on others to take them to doctor's appointments and other non-medical appointments or errands. The owner/CEO, Liz Hoop has 4 + years of senior care and saw this need in our community. Liz acted quickly to help meet the needs of our senior citizens.


Liz Hoop is the owner and CEO of Hoop Cares, LLC. Liz loves helping and encouraging others; she finds it both to be her calling as well as a way to minister to others.

J a n u a r y

She is a multiple-time international best-selling author, and attends Magnolia Springs church in Hurley, Mississippi. There she is a member of the choir and a leader of the women’s ministry team. She serves on the Board of Directors for MS Heroes, the Mental Health Association of South Mississippi, and Adult & Teen Challenge for Women in Mississippi. She’s an ambassador for the BE Mississippi Chamber, a community educator for the Alzheimer's Association, and serves as the Chairperson for TRIAD of Jackson County, Mississippi, an organization that works to continually improve safety awareness education among senior citizens.


Celebrating its one-year anniversary in January, Hoop Cares primarily serves the senior population along the Mississippi Gulf Coast. However, closer to the end of 2022, Liz was approached with a new opportunity for Hoop Cares: providing transportation for senior day-trips! Watch for more information as this potential new line of service develops!

Liz's company not only serves our seniors, but they really work to help families by being caregiver extenders! Often times, families are unable to help meet the needs of aging parents because of the demands of their jobs, so Hoop Cares is able to step in and help families meet their caregiving needs. They are happy to talk with you to discuss options for caregiving and transportation, so we encourage you to give Liz a call and learn more about how the team at Hoop Cares can help care for your loved ones!



For a long time I did not know that I could own my own business. I did not grow up hearing that I could become an entrepreneur. I only saw the ups and downs of failed marriages, failed relationships and children trying to understand the concept of building a family and making a difference against all odds. So, one day my purpose was revealed during a season of trials, tribulations, setbacks, disappointments and uncertainties about life. During those trying seasons of my life, GOD gave me the assignment that now was the time for me to move forward in launching my publishing company and sharing my story of hope with the world But, I was still afraid to move forward because of fear

What is FEAR? Fear is an intensely unpleasant emotion in response to perceiving or recognizing a danger or threat Then, I wanted what was it that I was so fearful of and it was the unknown Not knowing my value and my worth Then, I thought about my grown-up years I recalled my mom speaking to me and encouraging me to move on and pursue my dreams as a writer and publisher. So, one day I had the opportunity when I was a young child to speak in front of people at church, during conventions, workshops, and in whatever capacity my parents told me to while involved in church. But, little did I know that when I was speaking in front of others, teaching Sunday School and writing poems and short stories that I was becoming the person that God purposed for me to become. Throughout my professional career, I have had numerous opportunities to speak whether it was at a school, in a board room, conference room, in a church, at a community organization, at different businesses, on the campus of colleges or universities, at a community event, or for any special occasion or event that requested my services. Those experiences I take with me today because I am teaching and speaking at different venues So, now I will continue to share my life experiences and my professional journey with others to make a powerful impact in the lives of others!

I want to create a platform that empowered women to move past their hurts and pains and share their stories as a healing therapy so that they can pursue their passion and their purpose in life This would allow them to write their story, share their story, and publish their story.

My personal mission for doing this is to see women healed, delivered, and set free. Free to write their story, share their story, and publish their story. And regain the love, peace, and hope that they so desire.


I want others to be able to see their dreams come to light. I want to encourage others to stay focused on their dreams no matter what life throws at them; keep pressing on. Keep trusting in the process! It may be hard to stay on track at times, but with hard work and determination, it will all work out for your good.

Here are 3 questions to ask yourself:

What are some of your fears that you need to conquer?

How has your fear held you back from achieving your goals?

Are you finally ready to take the leap of Faith and move more?

Rev Allison G Daniels is an 18-time international best-selling author, who has written over 31 books, co-authored 18 books, and has been the visionary author of several books including: Unshakable Faith and the anthology series, Empowered to Win She is the owner of Allison Daniels' Ministries, LLC; Coaching/Consulting Business; Founder/CEO of Women Empowered 2 Win Organization, which is geared to empower and educate women and teens by motivating, inspiring, and encouraging them to lead with authority, clarity, and confidence.

She is the Founder/President of AGD Publishing Services, LLC, which is a publishing and coaching company where she is passionate about turning writers into successful published authors and coaching and helping women to overcome their personal and professional life challenges to share their transformational story through writing, to make an impact in the world. She offers a “30 Day Write 2 Finish” book-writing program.


Website/social media information: Web site: www AllisonGDaniels com Twitter @ AllisonDaniels9

Instagram: allison daniels29 Youtube: AGDaniels29 Facebook: http://www facebook com/ allison g daniels

Help! WhatBenefits areBestfor Me?

Life is good.

You have the interview. You did your research and found out from the company’s website what options and benefits they offer to their employees. You are hired. Now, it’s your start date! And time to fill out all that paperwork. Where do you go from here? Decisions must be made. What is the right choice for me? What do I look for in the company’s benefit package? How do I decide how to avoid mistakes and choose the right option?

This article will briefly discuss withholding taxes and medical insurance options. Let’s look at new employee information that is critical for every new employee, but many employees have few clues as to what withholding taxes or employee medical benefits they have from their company Your homework does not end the day you are hired; it is a revolving process that you need to be knowledgeable about every day. Smart leaders in life and business learn about their options and benefits each time they begin a new career, even when starting your own business venture.

A key point to remember: As your life circumstances change, make sure you review your employee benefits and report any changes to your benefits manager and human resources department. Ask questions if there is something you do not understand. If the company’s website does not answer your questions, check with human resources or the benefits manager.

Company medical benefits can vary from company to company as you progress on your career journey. Some of the following may be offered: Health Insurance, Life Insurance, Dental Insurance, Disability Insurance, Health Savings Account, Flexible Spending Account, and Wellness Benefits.

Health Insurance

Medical insurance forms can be the most challenging form to complete. It seems to confuse many people and they choose not to ask questions about the health benefits and how they determine what is right for them. First, do you know the difference between a Health Maintenance Organization (HMO) and a Preferred Provider Option (PPO)? Choosing an HMO offers you the ability to go to doctors contracted with a specific insurance company They cost less, but you will have to be flexible about your doctor and hospital choice. Already have a specific doctor you like to use? Check the HMO website to find a list of its providers and see if your doctor is listed. The PPO is more flexible than an HMO. Doctors have relationships with some insurance

companies and may offer you the opportunity to see a doctor that is not on their list. With fewer restrictions comes more out-of-pocket expenses for you to pay.

Medical benefits can include but are not limited to physical health, behavioral health, wellness, preventative services, dental, vision, prescriptions and non-medical supplies, etc. Most importantly, ask about the start date for your benefits. Some health plans have a 30 or 90-day wait before becoming effective.

Life Insurance

This is a benefit that many people often overlook and don’t see the need to sign-up for, especially if you are young and single. Life insurance provides for survivor compensation for lost income if you die while employed Some benefits managers may advise single employees not to sign up for life insurance In most cases, life insurance will cover one year of your income for your survivors However, if you are supporting others, you need to consider how much may be needed in the event of your death.

Dental/Vision Insurance

The more services you decide to use, the more your monthly insurance premium will be taken out of your check. Consider your past health care history with your dentist, optometrist/ophthalmologist, etc. How often do you go to the dentist or eye doctor? What type of services do you need? It may be less expensive to pay out-of-pocket than include it in your health insurance package

Disability Insurance

Disability insurance is often forgotten by new employees when considering what health plans are needed for themselves or their families. They base this premise on “It won’t happen to me.” In the event that you become disabled, you/your family would receive a payout in lieu of your income. This could certainly help support you or your family while you are recovering. In any case, it doesn’t matter if you are single or have a family. It is certainly a consideration.

Other Health Care Options

Additional healthcare options vary by company. Larger companies may offer more healthcare options than small businesses. Some small businesses may not offer any medical healthcare options, so it is important to know what benefits the company offers before you say “yes” to the employment offer.

Health Savings Account (HSA) is a personal savings account used in conjunction with a high-deductible health insurance policy that allows you to save money tax-free as long as you use it for qualified medical expenses, like deductibles, copayments, coinsurance, and more


Flexible Spending Account (FSA) is a special type of account usually funded through a voluntary salary reduction agreement between you and your employer. This lets you pay for some out-of-pocket medical expenses with tax-free dollars Allowed expenses include insurance copayments and deductibles, qualified prescription drugs, insulin, and medical devices You decide how much you want to put in an FSA, up to a limit set by your employer. If you or a family member has any ongoing or expected medical needs that have to be paid for in the upcoming year, an FSA is the answer. The funds can also be used for over-the-counter items such as allergy and sinus drugs, first-aid supplies, digestive health products and home COVID-19 tests, etc.

Wellness Benefits by company may be different for executives and upper-level management than other company employees. Initiating an employee wellness program within the company culture has increased within the larger companies Small businesses that carry medical benefits are slowly adding wellness program options to their benefits package Employee wellness programs may include any activity to support better health in the workplace and to improve mental/physical health outcomes - medical screenings, incentives, behavior change interventions, nutrition, fitness programs, social support, or competitions.

“Corporate culture is becoming an increasingly critical factor for many businesses. How companies treat their employees and the conditions employees work under can make a difference between retaining talent and letting them leave for other organizations. Wellness programs are one of many ways to help companies build a corporate culture encourages success, loyalty, and job satisfaction. A wellness program is essentially a series of benefits provided to employees, most often health-related, intended to work with their lifestyle instead of offering them a one-size-fits-all corporate policy. Corporate wellness programs might include workplace exercise areas and facilities with physical trainers on staff. These perks can give workers healthier options for working out. Discounts at corporate stores or reduced rates on childcare services can also be considered corporate wellness programs.” (Source:

Employee benefits will vary from by company. The larger the company in size, the possibility of more employee benefit options. The smaller the company by size or industry, the employee benefit options may be limited or non-existent. What you/family will need in the present and for future is a major decision that should be taken seriously The more information you have about your medical benefits and your needs, the more effective you will be in making smart choices about your/family medical health care benefits.

The choice is yours. Make smart decisions. The economics of medical health care are important because you will a smarter advocate and investing in your health future can result in a happy and healthier productive you, as an employee!


Key Points: Your Bottom Medical Health Care Line

·Become your own or family’s healthcare advocate.

·Keep a tabbed 3-ring binder of your/family medical information including doctor visit reports, lab work, etc by doctor. This helps you to determine what is happening in your/family healthcare plan.

·Maintain a positive mindset and be patient when asking for information or guidance about your healthcare insurance.

·Evaluate your current benefit plans yearly or as your life changes ie. marriage, divorce, children, disability, health issues, etc.

·Review health insurance statements to make sure they balance with the invoices received from your medical professionals.

·You can change your benefits but some only allow you to change yearly. Check with the benefits administrator or your healthcare insurance advocate.

Part 2: Financial benefit options will be reviewed in the February issue.

Sher Graham is CEO/EVP, Neurobehavior for One-Stop Business Institute, Inc./Synergy Solutions Collab in Mobile, AL. Her team coaches and consults with individuals and companies in behavioral health communications to create a healthier and happier corporate culture. She is an international speaker and author, and an optimism mindset coach. Her 2023 hashtag mantra is #iamfinallyfreeiamme2023! You can contact her through her website at





Dawn Lieck is a world-class business professional with remarkable expertise in the areas of business and multidimensional coaching.

A mirrored portrait of what it means to be a “Renaissance Woman,” Dawn’s abilities have earned her professional respect amongst generational influencers.

Setting the standard in her field, Dawn is an International Speaker, best-selling author, and the CEO of both Finally Free, LLC, and Dawn Lieck Enterprises. Affectionately known as the “Transformation Life Coach,” Dawn helps successful professionals harness their true potential by putting them in touch with themselves on an intrinsic level. Having an unyielding passion for personal development, Dawn motivates clients to renew their perspective, conquer fear, and to create life balance using a system of pragmatic strategies.

Dawn’s mantra is simple; “DO IT SCARED.”


Eric Willoughby is a servant leader, diversity advocate, a master facilitator for a Fortune 500 Company, as well as a 3-time Best Selling Author and CEO of A Man’s Perspective. In his professional vocation; he is known for his outstanding reliability and commitment to the development of people. Using his keen insight as a conduit, Eric allows his pupils to embrace change, Corporate Core Values and become Compliance Champions. As one adding quintessential value to any professional setting, he empowers leaders; as well as future leaders, with the tools and strategies needed for them to provide reliable leadership to their teams.


Brandi Miles is a world changer – and she wants to bring you along for the ride A mother of six, love is her superpower Brandi is an ICF-certified Life Coach for Veterans and a believer in the power of playing (which is evident in her signature tie-dye, well, everything)

As part of the Mississippi Army National Guard for 16 years, Brandi helps Veterans go from camo to rainbow Brandi’s clients learn how to view life differently and break free from fear that often makes Veterans feel stuck

Coach Brandi is a #1 international bestselling author and part of docu-series “Women in Combat,” where she also served as the life coach on set Brandi was then invited back to be the life coach on set for another production – a reality show called “A Little Love ” You can reach Brandi for coaching, public appearances or speaking opportunities at www veteransunleashed com


Byron is very happily married to an amazing life coach (Brandi Miles), father of six beautiful kids, and grandparent of two grandkids. Byron is very passionate about his LSU Tigers, so much that he knows most of the players’ names, positions, and coach’s names.

For the last twenty-three years, he has worked in the oil and gas industry It provided well for him and his family for a long time Through his wife discovering herself again after leaving the military, he has also discovered a lot about himself over the past few years. The last five years have been a journey and one of the most difficult challenges of his life. Byron says the hardest part of the journey was facing himself. He says that taking a good look at who he truly is in this world, and what he wants to be is much harder than it sounds. The journey he is on now is to be the best version of himself to help impact the rest of the world


Stephanie Grant was born in Bath, Maine, and raised in the midcoastal region of Maine. She joined the United States Army Reserves as a truck driver in 2000 and worked as a nursing assistant for elderly and terminally ill veterans in the civilian sector. She had thought she wanted to be a registered nurse, but her heart wasn’t in it. Stephanie has a passion for writing and understanding the human condition.

In 2004, Stephanie’s Army Reserve unit was called to duty to Iraq for a year-long deployment. Her unit traveled 10,000 miles all over Iraq, hauling everything from tanks to building materials. Stephanie and her fellow soldiers mostly faced long, hard hours on the road. Very thankfully, everyone from her unit came home even if a few had earned purple hearts within the ranks.


Travis grew up in the Midwest before moving with his family to the South. From there he joined the Marine Corps and served as a radar operator for HAWK Missile System. After the Marine Corps, Travis moved to the Boston area, and work for a financial services firm. Travis enjoys being a dad, the outdoors, archery, and riding his motorcycle.

Travis is the host of the military and veterans podcast, Oscar Mike Radio. Oscar Mike Radio has over 300 shows and is in the sixth year of production. In addition to using his voice for Veterans, Travis has also done voice-over work and is currently working on an audiobook “A Warrior’s Garden” written by Malachias Gaskin. In 2022, Travis’ contribution to the anthology, “Let Go or Be Dragged”, made Travis an International best-selling author for the first time. You can connect with Travis through Oscar Mike Radio.



ALi… a brand that turned into her name. A professional photographer (, veteran, designer, educator, public speaker, philanthropist and now contributing author for Veterans Unchained Women’s Anthology.

Now Ali is breaking the chain of long-time abuse and living her dream. She lives on top of a mountain, making jewelry and producing art to sell. Active in her local community ALi… enjoys teaching and educating people on various aspects of health & wellness as well as veterans’ issues. ALi… also really loves helping others through her philanthropy program which gives scholarships, internships, financial assistance, and emergency funds to those in need. You can find more information on her website


Jennifer de Mello is an international best-selling author with a passion for writing! In 2022, she has contributed to several anthologies and is an international best-selling author for her contribution to "Let Go or Be Dragged" (2022). She plans on writing her own book in the very near future.

Currently an Applied Behavior Analysis student in the master’s degree program at Capella University, she is a disabled veteran and homeschools her autistic teenage son. Jennifer is also a certified Reiki Master.

She lives on the beach of North Carolina with her son and two pitbulls. When she’s not writing, teaching, or studying, she enjoys collecting crystals, incense, candles, and books!


Debbi Bostdorf is from Harrisburg, Pennsylvania She is an Air Force Veteran and worked in the accounting field most of her life, but as a single mom, she also worked part-time in the hospitality industry to make sure she took great care of her two daughters

Debbi is a cancer survivor who recently decided to advocate for those experiencing cancer She is excited about getting involved in cancer support groups Soon, she will fulfill her lifetime dream of becoming a Feng Shui consultant and she looks forward to helping others by creating a positive atmosphere in their homes or offices to live life to the fullest.

Gina Baker Alderman is a 28-year military Veteran and Veteranadvocate. As CEO and founder of Rugged Warrior Healing Coalition, Gina is passionate about easing Veteran suffering. As visionary author and leader of the Veterans Unchained Project book series, Gina provides a healing outlet and hope for those impacted by trauma. Gina retired from the US Navy after serving 28 years active duty as a Hospital Administrator with a wartime specialty of Medical Plans and Operations.

When she’s not volunteering or working on Veteran causes, you can find Gina at home in Tampa, Florida, with her husband and two French Bulldogs, or off riding her Harley Davidson Trike.


She is the Founder/President of AGD Publishing Services, LLC, which is a publishing and coaching company where she is passionate about turning writers into successful published authors and coaching and helping women to overcome their personal and professional life challenges to share their transformational story through writing, to make an impact in the world. She offers a “30 Day Write 2 Finish Book Writing Program.”

She is a distinguished speaker, coach, and book writing expert. She is the host of two Facebook webcasts: “Facebook Live @ 5am” and “Gospel Time Machine” at 6am. She is the host of the podcast, “Authors Chat with Allison,” and “The Authors’ Lab” podcast.


Cindy Ann Rogers is a leader in healthcare that has dedicated her life to serving others and helping them through the most difficult times of their lives. She is a Registered Respiratory Therapist and Director of Respiratory and Neurology Services.

Cindy is a multiple-time international best-selling author. She is the owner of Raised Bridges, LLC where she helps others tell their own story through books and journals. She is a visionary author leading others to tell their stories.

Cindy obtained a bachelor’s degree in Biology from Georgia Southwestern and an MBA in Project Management from American Intercontinental. When not working or writing, she enjoys collecting vintage treasures, going on rides with her husband in their Model A, gardening, and crafting. Cindy is an optimist and makes it a priority to share positivity in everything she does. Contact Cindy on her website and blog;


Brandon Wedgeworth has an entrepreneurial spirit and an indelible drive to be great! He works as a Department of Defense professional and is the CEO of WedgeCorp, LLC, where he provides custom-painted movie memorabilia.

A native of Warner Robins, Georgia, Brandon is a major movie buff – among his favorites include The 5th Element, Van Wilder, Rocky 3 and Avengers Endgame He is the uncle to eight marvelous nieces and nephews with whom he enjoys taking on adventure outings, scavenger hunts…and (of course) movie nights! When he’s not working or watching movies, he’s dedicated to growing his business, story-creating, spending days with his pet schnauzer, and celebrating every victory of the Jacksonville Jaguars!


Sheila Farr is an eternal optimist! She’s the CEO of Gulf Coast Training & Education Services, LLC, in Biloxi, Mississippi, where she helps individuals and small businesses overcome obstacles and achieve their dreams by developing personalized business strategies that work and wellness routines that ensure continued success.

Sheila is a multiple time international best-selling author and a cheerleader for others. She motivates people through her blog, “Thankful and Blessed 365,” and is the founder of “Biloxi Reads!,” a literacy initiative along the Mississippi Gulf Coast. Sheila also enjoys serving her community and the state of Mississippi as the Workforce Readiness Director for both the regional and state chapters of the Society for Human Resource Management, and holds Board positions with Mississippi Heroes, the Mental Health Association of South Mississippi and Mission 22.

When she’s not working, you can find her reading anything related to American History or leadership, enjoying a little “dirt therapy” in her backyard garden, or sipping her favorite tea from a dainty little teacup.




Oscar Mike Radio's Travis Partington: A Veteran on a Mission!

A few issues ago, we introducted you to Travis Partington, a Marine Corps Veteran who is the voice of Oscar Mike Radio At the same time we were writing about Travis and his work spotlighting Veterans and Veterans issues on Oscar Mike Radio, he was working in the background on some new and very personal writing projects

This month, we wanted to bring Travis back and celebrate his work as a voice-over artist and Amazon #1 International best-selling author accomplishments We also wanted to include parts of his previous interview, so our readers could really get to know the magic of Travis Partington!

As the voice of Oscar Mike Radio, host Travis Partington is determined to help bring awareness to issues that impact those in military service and to Veterans, but his writing is something that took him a bit out


Out of his comfort zone To date, Travis has contributing his writing to several anthologies, many of them reaching #1 international best-selling status. His work in 2022 includes contributions to the the following books:

Let Go or Be Dragged:


Veterans Unchained 2.0: Lessons Learned

With more than 300 podcast episodes under his belt, Travis confessed to us, "I had no idea how being committed to a purpose and seeing it through would cause me to grow as a person Every time I have run into a problem, it has forced me to grow and adapt This has carried over into other areas of my life "

Travis says that success, for him, is when a Veteran or an individual comes to him and says that a show or engagement he did resonates with them on a personal level He agrees that social media "likes" and engagement is great, but making true connections are most important "If Oscar Mike Radio makes a difference in one person's life," he says, "then in my mind I have achieved the success that no amount of money can give me "

We asked Travis to share some advice for our budding entrepreneurs and he shared this:

TP: Patience + Consistency = Results - More than periods of frenetic activity followed by periods of inactivity, patience to perfect your craft followed by consistent effort over time will get one farther than anything else.

When we asked him about any mentors or people who have inspired him, he said, "Keith Hayes (of Whoobazoo and Sinista1 Productions) and I met at the first Dale Dorman Media Day at Massasoit Community College. It was there that I pitched the idea for Oscar Mike Radio Keith went on to guide me through the podcast creation process and six years later is still working to improve Oscar Mike Radio Many of the video elements used today come from him. This has raised the value of what I do, and has resulted in me growing my skills "

Best in Business Magazine is excited to share that you can expect more writing from Travis in the very near future He has a few projects in progress at the time of this publication.

In the meantime, Oscar Mike Radio airs weekly at 8 PM EST. Updates are provided on his website, He is always interested in talking to anyone who is advocating for our military and Veterans. For more information, you can email Travis directly at:

Business Showers: Giving New Businesses a Strong Start!

Early in 2022, I read a quote by Elon Musk that read something like, "Instead of Baby showers, let’s host a Business shower. When a friend starts a business, we all come together, celebrate them & bring resources to their business." That excited me, and I thought it was such a wonderful idea. I thought it would be great if we could help new businesses get a few things to help them get a stronger start in marketing and growing their business! This idea was genius...and I wanted to do do it on the Gulf Coast!

First, however, I wanted to make sure that Mr. Musk truly did put this out there. I wanted to validate the remarks so I could give proper credit where credit was due. I was thrilled to find that there was truth to this, and it appears that he did, in fact, recommend "Business Showers!" I was excited!

I put a call out on social media for any small businesses (3 years old or younger) who might be interested in having us host a shower for them. The idea would be that we would have the small business owner make a "wish list" of items that would be helpful in getting them "seen" in the community and/or would help grow their business in some way. In return, the business owner would need to support at least three other business owners by actively participating (by gifting and attending) in their showers.

It didn't take long before I had plenty of inquiries and people who were excited about the idea - and they were ready to participate!

So we set up our first shower date and the planning was done. We would keep the snacks simple - like a baby or bridal shower - and we could decorate in the theme of the business. We could play games that would be fun - but also educational and related

to the type of business we were honoring that evening. I love to throw parties, so this was right up my alley. I was so excited about the idea of getting business owners together to share about their products and services!

Immediately, the remainder of 2022 filled up, and I had to open up our calendar for 2023! "How exciting!," I thought. To date, we have businesses scheduled through May of 2023.

So far, we've held showers for a life coach, a travel agency, a shooting range, and we've even had a "Business Secret Santa" event for "Christmas in July" in which we had companies ranging from CBD stores to non-profits participate. It's been quite fun getting to know the business owners and the businesses in our community!

We hope to keep this up not only for the next year, but for many years to come. It really does help businesses get a strong start - and a lot of community support - which is great for everyone involved!

Coach Brandi Miles of Veterans Unleashed, LLC is "showered" with items to help her business grow.


Last month, we asked you to share about the best leader you ever had. Here's what you had to say...

"The best boss I ever had was humble and encouraging. She allowed her staff to shine and wasn't afraid to roll up her sleeves, jump in, and help!"

HIllary D., Bay St. Louis, MS

"One of the most impactful leaders I've experienced was the epitome of inspiration and grace. She was truly interested in her team and made everyone feel valued and appreciated. She was really great."

Wade J., Chapel Hill, NC

"The best leader I ever had made work fun."

Jack J., Austin, TX





"My favorite boss took time with us. He paid attention to us, asked us questions, and really took time to get to know us. He was also a great encourager and motivator...but I think what really made him great was his willingness to spend time with us.

Chris A., Macon, GA


featured panelists


Happy New Year!

This is one of my favorite times of year. As I stand outside in the crisp air, closing my eyes, I try to imagine where my life path will take me in 2023 Looking ahead, I am excited for a full year of endless possibilities and adventures. I can feel the excitement and anticipation in the air.

As you plan for 2023, please keep in mind the men and women who serve our country. A significant number of these men and women are stationed in remote locations around the world or at sea on aircraft carriers and submarines. Many of them have returned to their homes and are readjusting to life with their families. Some of these men and women may be living in temporary quarters with friends and family or in transition to their new home and duty station.

As I ring in the new year, I consider how I can best support active military and veteran members who may benefit from a little extra assistance. While on active duty, I had a tradition of going to the base chow halls and helping to serve holiday meals Following retirement, my husband and I sought out veteran nonprofits offering our assistance. We often participate in delivering Thanksgiving meal baskets or supporting the military child

"toy drive at Christmas This year I have a desire to dig deeper and give back a little more than I have in the past years.

As I scan the Keesler Air Force Base (Mississippi Gulf Coast) website, I see many ways to get involved in our community's support of our military and veterans service members and their families Here are ten areas that could benefit from our “acts of service:”

The Airman's Attic is looking for donated items as well as volunteers to help sort and display donated items, volunteers to man the front desk, customer verification checks, item tracking, and facility maintenance.

The Base Youth Center is looking for tutors after school.

The Keesler Medical Center has needs to serve at the information desk, as a patient escort, working in the Chaplain’s office, volunteering at the main pharmacy, assisting at the exchange pharmacy and working inside the volunteer office

The Sergeant's Association is looking for volunteers to help with beach cleanup.


The Retirees Activities Office is looking for people to answer questions and refer people to other resources.

There are also volunteer opportunities at the Keesler AFB Thrift Shop.

The Armed Services Blood Program Center is looking for blood donations to send overseas.

Your contribution can help support the monthly Fisher House dinners

The Mississippi Aviation Heritage Museum is looking for volunteers for both inside the museum and for upcoming summer camps in 2023

The USO Gulf Coast is looking for volunteers to assist as a host to offer snacks, sign out game equipment and to provide general help in the center For more information, go to

I challenge you to make time this week to create a volunteer plan for each quarter of 2023. Supporting an organization for four or five hours a quarter can make a big difference for our community Making this plan can help ensure you create lasting memories of support and community connection. I send you all love, prayers, and blessings for a prosperous 2023!



Alderman has spent 40 years as a military medical service member and veteran advocate As the creator of Rugged Warrior Healing Coalition and The Veterans Unchained Project, Gina is passionate about uplifting others and easing suffering. You can connect with Gina through LinkedIn:

Ask Dr. Bizbuzz

Dear Dr. BizBuzz:

Help! I am overwhelmed from leaving my dream job in corporate management to starting my own business. I thought the transition would be easier and that ‘working for myself’ would give me the freedom to do what I want to do. My mind doesn’t know what to do nor where to go or how to get there. What is the first thing that I should do? Thank you for your kind advice.

Betty Manchester, NH

Dear Betty:

Thanks for writing about the choice of business overwhelm! Yes, you see the word ‘choice’. The emotion and feeling of disconnectedness from all that you began when you chose to become an entrepreneur comes from missing knowledge and information about the differences in corporate life and ‘entrepreneurial business life.

You are not alone in your thought process. Making any transition, whether in a Fortune 100 company or a new small business venture can manage you instead of you managing the business. I have made choices throughout my business career as a CEO that also brought lots of

Continued on the next page...

PAGE 38 DR BIZBUZZ BEST IN BUSINESS You can ask Dr. BizBuzz Send your business questions to us at:

Breathe. Smile. Laugh. Take a step back. Evaluate the outcomes you have achieved to date. Take time to be a visionary and meditate on what intentions you want your company to achieve and ‘why’ you want those intentions. Then take time to meditate and write down “who’ you want to become and what steps you will take to create that person. Make sure you are authentic in your writing and not placing intentions down that you may not be able to focus on and complete in the next year

One of the most important aspects of moving this emotional feeling into a behavior that you create and can manage is to take care of YOU It is important to make PRIORITY ONE YOU a daily activity that turns into a habit

Below is an article I wrote that defines how a CEO mindset can shift from chaos to calm just by creating 5 minutes daily for you time. I hope this helps you begin to change your mindset and see you in an intentional focus on you.

Breathe. Smile. Laugh, Repeat if Needed.

Dr. BizBuzz


Business has many facets and faces of success Business shifts occur daily in the global business environment The perspective of the C-Suite personnel is very important when overseeing and managing shifts within company culture, departments and personnel Decisions made by the CSuite management team members has a direct impact on employees in the entire company This means that is impacts the mental health of the corporate culture And the irony is that what impacts employees within the work environment follows the path of impacting their personal mental health impacting their choices impacting their behavior.

As a C-Suite management team member consider and choose wisely starting with each morning you wake up. Do you find you take care of yourself after you take care of others? CEO and C-Suite Caregiving to employees at all levels – from the security guard who greets guests in

Ask Dr. Bizbuzz


a Fortune 10 company to how you interact with your small business customers and vendors in a small business culture -may only be accomplished if you choose to give 100% of yourself.

Throughout my 50 years of consulting with CEOs and C-Suite personnel at all levels in business, I have listened to all types of excuses about why YOU AS PRIORITY ONE is not chosen. Any email you write to tell me how challenging your life is or that there is NO TIME for you does not bring empathy to my heart Using the ‘ no time’ excuse thinking is not even close to life balance reality The choice you make as a CEO/C-Suite will model the behavior of your employee’s choice in making decisions, or how they communicate with themselves and others in the workplace They observe your behavior every day; it overrides the hearing or the written employee policies they sign off on having read at orientation ACTIONS SPEAK LOUDER


Distress makes it a priority in your daily life if you allow it How you react and respond to the distressing issue(s) can trigger negative emotions, depending on your mindset choice. That is a choice YOU and only you make, From how you wake up to how you manage daily activities to what you think about right before you go to sleep.

Your CEO/C-Suite mindset can change each day beginning with 5 MINUTES! You must become a priority on your calendar to make those 5 MINUTES count each day. Just think of how this one small choice will impact your own life balance behavior, your spouse/partner, your family, and most importantly your colleagues and employees. You MUST BE YOUR PRIORITY. It only takes 5 minutes or less to make a difference in making a choice and modeling positive self-care behavior.

Self-care is NOT selfish! For you as a CEO/C-Suite professional to be your best and fully able to care for others, it is important to make YOU a priority

Here are some fun ways to use those 5 MINUTES Choose 1 or more of these fun activities and enjoy Find a quiet space for your retreat- yard, bathroom, closet, or car They are adaptable to all ages, from a home-based business to Fortune 10 corporate culture Take 5 MINUTES and try ONE

o Wiggle your toes, ankles, and legs.

o Stretch your hands and fingers high in the air. Take a breath in and out. Smile. Laugh, Repeat.

o Dance or twirl as if everyone is watching you.

Ask Dr. Bizbuzz


o Read a book or poem aloud to the trees or flowers or your animals.

o Write three things down that you appreciate or are in gratitude

o Sit in silence and let your mind think of nothing Listen to the sounds around you

o Say your daily intentions aloud

o Repeat 5-4-3-2-1 as many times as needed to refocus your mind to think of something else.

o Look in the mirror and say “I Love You” while you hug yourself.

Being 100 percent good to yourself as a CEO/C-Suite management member allows you to give 100 percent of yourself to everyone whom you influence and inspire daily.

Ask Dr. Bizbuzz

Sher Graham is CEO/EVP, NeuroBehavior for OSBI/Synergy Solutions Collab, Mobile, AL, an international mindset transformation speaker and best-selling author, journalist and behavioral health advocate She may be reached at synergytosoar@gmail com

Special Business Topics


Teamwork! Hurrah! We can call ourselves a team. STOP! Are you really a team that is working as a team should work?

Teamwork is a system created by human beings (affectionately known as team members) who have various skills, gifts, talents, and methods of thinking. The vision is to bring together diverse members within an organization system to work towards the same goal, whatever it may become. The mission of the team is to create an internal system that gives all members of the Team an opportunity to use their specific skill, gift, talent or method of thinking at the highest level of performance, creating a successful outcome

Sounds like a wonderful plan, doesn't it? Many teams are able to come together to create a successful outcome, possibly without any obstacles that cannot be resolved through communication and commitment to the project. Each team member sees the point of view of each team member and has the autonomy to voice opinion and feel heard A consensus is formed, and the challenges have resolution and responsibility assigned.

Have you been a member of a team that has managed to come together without conflict or different points of view and found resolution? Or not? ? I am sure that each of us have been a member of such a team and have been a team leader that has seen your team members find their

points of view about the project. What everyone has in common is ENERGY. Yes, energy.

My coaching mentor Eva Gregory, Enlightened Business Success Academy ( shared some thoughts about quantum energy last month I want to share some thoughts with you to consider

1 Our bodies are energy in motion

2 The more conscious of how we are aware, and paying attention - the more we are more likely to change the way we are.

3. What works for others can work for us.

4. How we act and feel depends on what energy level we choose to be at. Do we choose to see a better way? Forget what is in the past; if it did not work, create something different. If you continue to use what did not work in the past, you will get the same result!

5 Create new connections within your brain Learn something new every day We have to become the person who is conscious to change mindset, feel and change talk

6. Think of the vision of what you want. Stop thinking of the past. Stop putting on the brakes. Feel into it. Your thoughts are engines. Your feelings are the fuel.

7. Be excited about what your vision looks like.


8. Ask yourself questions that you want answers to. How would greatness live through me? Know you are asking questions to be YES on what you focus.

9. Use Segment Intention - practice what you envision in segments You do not need to need to know the "How"? Let the opportunity of happiness, joy and energy bring you the energy that surrounds you.

10. Activate your imagination. Teach your body what a new future looks like. Do not wait for anything. Be in gratitude NOW for all of it.

I believe in the quantum physics of energy. When my personal energy is aligned with my spiritual or inner self (whatever you call it), then I see, feel and experience the opportunities that are attracted to my energy. It is powerful.

How does this align with teams? I am a team of one When my energy forces are in alignment with each other, so much more happens. I am heart calm, brain thinking and able to focus on completion of what is before me NOW in the present. There is much I am able to let go and let God or the universe or whatever you call your higher power.

Now, I am able to become part of a team generating 100% of ME to the team, whether I am a member or a leader. I am doing this for the better me to be the catalyst for others. How powerful is the energy in that thought?

You are energy. Energy is all around you. Do you feel it? The invisible field around us works for us. Work intentionally, consciously, in the present.

Think Less. Do More. Decide and Do.

Teamwork - no matter how many are on your team.


communications to create a healthier and happier corporate culture. She is an international speaker and author, and an optimistic mindset coach. Her 2023 hashtag mantra is #iamfinallyfreeiamme2023! You can contact her through her website at

Sher Graham is CEO/EVP, Neurobehavior for One-Stop Business Institute, Inc./Synergy Solutions Collab in Mobile, AL. Her team coaches and with individuals and companies in behavioral health


Watch for the upcoming anthology, "Red Power Suit: Leading Through Influence," releasing March 7th. The authors join us for a special feature in our June issue!!!

Congratulations to Visionary Author, Liz Hoop, on her recognition for the "Anthology of the Year" from the WYSP International Author Boss Awards!
Congratulations to Speaker, Author, and Transformational Life Coach, Dawn Lieck on being named "Author of the Year" by the 2022 PowerUp Summit organizers! Watch for the authors of "Veterans Unchained: Breaking the Chain of Trauma One Link at a Time" out and about on various speaking engagements this spring!




Ron Clark travels across the country consulting with innovative Fortune 500 companies, whip-smart business leaders, and talented individuals across all walks of life And the one thing he’s learned for certain is: no matter what your business does, the members of your team are the key to unlocking its success But is your team moving at top speed?

Imagine your company as a bus filled with people who either help or hinder the team’s ability to move it forward: Runners (who consistently go above and beyond for the good of the company), Joggers (who do their jobs without pushing themselves), Walkers (who are just getting pulled along), and Riders (who hinder success and drag the team down). And as the boss, it’s the Driver’s job to steer the organization, encourage the workers to keep the “bus” moving, and sometimes kick off those who aren’t pulling their weight.


From bestselling author Jon Gordon and coauthor Kate Leavell, Stick Together delivers a crucial message about the power of belief, ownership, connection, love, inclusion, consistency, and hope The authors guide individuals and teams on an inspiring journey to show them how to persevere through challenges, overcome obstacles, and create success together


Building and maintaining a successful team is no simple task. Even people who have taken their teams to the highest level in their field have difficulty recreating what accounted for their success Is it a strong work ethic? Is it chemistry? What tools can ou wrap our hands around to build or rebuild your team. In THE 17 INDISPUTABLE LAWS OF TEAMWORK, leadership expert and New York Times bestselling author John C. Maxwell shares the vital principles of team building that are necessary for success




We connect with others through shared experiences. Sharing relatable stories is how we have passed down lessons from generation to generation. It is also how we can help another get through a difficult season. Sharing your story may assist others to share theirs.


The Lion represents strength, leadership, and courage. The scratches over the eye are the battle scars of life - see past your battles and remain mindful of life lessons and experiences. The Lion looking forward with roaring showing his teeth signifies, “I am ready, focused, and prepared to face the next challenge." Lastly, the slanted Crown, is a reminder to adjust your Crown and mindset accordingly and it also serves as a reminder that I AM ROYALTY!

There is a story behind every King and Queen, we have all overcome some type of adversity, some more than others It is a story of how we "Failed. Overcame. Succeeded. ©” We have failed or been knocked down, but we rise and stand as KINGS and QUEENS!


Everyone has a story...the evidence of battles is displayed by visible and invisible scars while others are displayed with a Crown of victory, but both are reminders of how we "Failed. Overcame. Succeeded. ©”

What’s your story…, visit us at

released may 19, 2022!!!

Coming in february: Workplace Safety!

All year long we are focusing on the topics that our human resource managers and business owners have requested.

Next month, our focus is on Workplace Safety. We'll share information for small businesses and entrepreneurs that will help with compliance and we will even explore options to enhance safety in any workplace.

Also coming in February is a new monthly feature from the uber-talented foodie, Carlin Duncan, of Girl Meets Kitchen. Carlin will be sharing recipes, ideas, and insights on some healthy and delicious foods for the new year. We're so excited to have her with us! Join us for all of this and more in February!

gulf coast training & education services, LLC

next month: Workplace safety! gulf coast training & education services, LLC

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