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Once upon a time, Modern played in Peoria.
W e tend to think of modernism as being something seen more in magazines of the Fifties than in houses of the Fifties. We figure that few people had Knoll furniture at home, and we're right most highend modernist design was too expensive and too austere in feeling for Middle America. But for twenty years or so, there was one subset of modernism that America loved Scandinavian Modern. Called Danish Modern in the local furniture stores and mailorder catalogues where average people did their shopping, it's with us yet, and it's getting hot all over again. Scandinavian Modern had been in evidence before World War II; Alvar Aalto's blond bent plywood designs had been around for a while, becoming a hit at the 19391940 New York World's Fair. War's end brought a new Scandinavian esthetic, born of the despair and economic hardship generated in Scandinavia during the years of occupation. Looking for ways to express their faith and optimism for the future, talented designers and craftspeople worked during the war to express their hopes for a brighter, more rational era. Since many materials were unavailable, and manufacturing facilities crippled by shortages, Scandinavians looked to the past for inspiration. They saw that old cabinetmaking, pottery, weaving, and glassblowing techniques could be used to create designs that expressed tomorrow and respected yesterday. In barns and workrooms and houses, people began to carve and weave and shape the future. Much of the wartime experimentation was done with the only materials Scandinavian designers could get: native, natural materials such as oak, birch, rush, clay, and linen. By the time Europe had emerged from the war, a distinctive style had emerged, one that perfectly expressed the postwar desire to break with yesterday and yet whispered comforting echoes of the past. The new style began to draw worldwide attention when the designs of Hans Wegner and Finn Juhl were first offered for sale in Scandinavia itself.