Market Harborough Living 2018

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Harborough LIVING June 20182018 £1.50 October £1.50

Ready for autumn A R T S , FA S H I O N , F O O D , I N T E R I O R S , W H A T ’ S O N

Covering Market Harborough and its surrounding area, plus Rutland 1 MH COVER OCT A4 CPSH.indd 1

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18/09/2018 15:04






Contents October 2018 FASHION, HEALTH & BEAUTY


13 Autumn Knits 44 Rutland Aesthetics & Calveo

HOME & GARDEN 24 30 32 34

Interiors: Autumn Style Update McCarthy & Stone: Saxon Gardens, Oakham Outdoor Living Fresh Ideas for an Autumn Garden from Welland Vale Garden Inspirations

FOOD & DRINK 49 54 56 58 Cover images this month: RL and MHL: Gracie, photographed by Elli Dean (; for fashion stockists, see pages 13–16. Editor Clare Peel Advertisement Manager, Rutland and Market Harborough Tracy Watkinson 01572 813187 Advertising Copy and Subscriptions Rachel Beecroft 01780 765320 Head of Design Steven Handley Designer (Editorial) Calum Handley Designer (Advertising) Sarah Patterson Publisher Nicholas Rudd-Jones 01780 765571 Printed by Warners of Bourne Subscriptions: annual rate £25 (UK only). Please write to the Publisher at Local Living Ltd, PO Box 208, Stamford PE9 9FY, with a cheque payable to Local Living, or go online to

Christmas Menus and Party Rooms Glorious Grains The Olive Branch: Classics! Food News & Reviews


The Spirit of Autumn On the Count of 15… at Oakham Castle Fabulous at 15! Oundle & Cotterstock Riverside Walk Rutland Concert Band Little Living Royal Air Force Association Befriending Out & About



10 Rutland Hero: Harriet Flather 38 Will Phelan, Principal of Stamford Endowed Schools 78 Marc Allum



4 Editor’s Page 66 F&S Curtains; Heidi Kjeldsen; UPP Property 68 Welland Valley Art Society; Rutland Mistletoe Fair; PTC (Physio, Therapy and Care) 71 Divinely Vintage; Great Bowden Bread Festival for Harvest; Rutland Trails




19/09/2018 17:01



This month, it’s 15 years since the first issue of Rutland Living magazine was published – that’s 15 years of bringing the very best of the local area through your letterboxes and into businesses across the region. That’s a lot of local news, reviews and features! Thank you to each and every person who has contributed to that journey – from my predecessors and the rest of the creative team over the years, to my colleagues in advertising, production and distribution, especially those who’ve been with us from the start. When our Publisher, Nicholas, started the magazine, his philosophy was to help readers to get more out of where they live – and that’s still our aim today, as well as creating engaging features, of course. It’s always a delight when readers tell us they enjoy the magazine and when advertisers say we help to make a difference to their success. To tie in with our 15 years, we’ve got autumn fashions modelled by Gracie, who started life at about the same time as the magazine did! History writer Caroline Aston has picked out 15 of her favourite horseshoes from Oakham Castle, and our features writer and very long-standing team member, Amander Meade, reports on the things that 15-year-olds in our region advised they liked best. The Olive Branch has sent in two classic recipes this month, too, in the spirit of reminiscing. And, if that’s not enough, we’ve got ideas for refreshing your interior in the autumn, a local walk around Oundle, recommendations for local Christmas parties and lunches, and much more besides. Here’s to the next 15 years! @rutlandliving

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Editor’s selection On the radar this month…


It’s autumn, season of mists and mellow fruitfulness. If this time of year takes you back to school and the poems of John Keats, there’s a gorgeous edition of his work by Faber & Faber with the front cover illustrated by Rutland artist Angela Harding. Pick it up at Walkers. For more on Angela’s work, visit:


Pumpkins are not just for carving! They’re yummy in soup (add some coriander for a kick), in a pie as a tribute to our friends across the Pond, and, my favourite, roasted and served in a salad – try them with pomegranate, goat’s cheese and pine kernels. Delicious!


It’s a good month for foodies, with the Market Harborough October Fest on from 12 to 14 October, with a World Village Market on the Market Place and a Craft Beer Festival adjacent. In Rutland, the Oakham Farmers Market on Saturday 20 October kicks off the everpopular Rutland Food & Drink Week, which culminates in the Rutland Food & Drink Festival, a day of food and drink stalls across town on Sunday 28 October (10am–4pm).



We love nipping over to Stamford for the Friday market. Check out Lyn Venables’ stall, with glorious textile-based bags and purses, such as these ones, at very competitive prices.



At the Victoria Hall in Oakham from Monday 29 October to Sunday 4 November (10am–5pm, free entry) there’s an exhibition showcasing the work of two local makers – Kerstin Hartmann, of Somerby Soap and Somerby Basketry (willow weaving), and ceramicist Connie Taylor. Great if you’re looking for gifts – or just to treat yourself!,

Cheers to our 15th anniversary issue! Keep it local with a glass of Sparkling Elderflower Wine from Witham Wines, as recommended to us last month by The Olive Branch, or, if you’re watching your units, a non-alcoholic Belvoir glass of fizz.,


4 EDS PAGE CPSH.indd 1

19/09/2018 12:57

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18/09/2018 15:04

The Spirit of


Forage for berries, walk through woods full of spectacular autumn colour and enjoy seasonal tastes. Celebrate the new season with our inspiring ideas WORDS: FIONA CUMBERPATCH


A little further afield…


Stamford Community Orchard Group Stamford Arts Centre 10am–4pm Go along and get your apples identified, see and taste a huge range of local varieties, have a go at apple pressing and visit a range of stalls themed around food and nature. Free entry.

14 OCTOBER APPLE DAY AT DROVE ORCHARDS, THORNHAM, NORFOLK 10am–4pm Pick apples, pears and plums in 140 acres of heritage orchards with 160 varieties to choose from, including delicious Norfolk Royal Russets. There will also be stalls and seasonal foods. Free admission.


Leicestershire and Rutland Wildlife Trust Volunteer Training Centre, off Oakham Road, Hambleton LE15 8AD Artist Dawn Wright will teach you how to capture the magic of autumn via paints and paper. £180 for two days, including all materials and light refreshments. Booking essential. Email


Nicholas Rudd-Jones, Publisher of the Local Living magazines and author of two books about walking, Pathways and Urban Rambles, recommends these tree-lined routes and autumn riverscapes. For more details of the routes, visit our website (Apr and Aug 2018 issues) or see p40 for No.3.

1 2 3

Barrowden, Harringworth & Wakerley woods King’s Cliffe and Blatherwycke Oundle, Cotterstock and the River Nene

Autumn buys

Embrace the season with some cosy buys

Leah Chelsea Boot, £99.95 from White Stuff, High Street, Stamford.


Sacrewell Farm, Thornhaugh 11am–4pm Visit Riverford’s organic farm to celebrate all things pumpkin. Pick one from the fields and learn to carve it ready for Halloween. Tractor rides. Snacks and light bites using fresh, seasonal produce from the farm. £4 per person, each child’s ticket includes a pumpkin to carve.


Seasonal motifs on a bag by local designer Sophie Allport in association with The National Trust. £21 from sophieallport. com or from the shop on the High Street in Stamford.



19/09/2018 13:00



Ripening in October, the fruit of the beech tree is contained in a spiky, three-sided case, which can be found on the forest floor. If you open one carefully, you’ll find an edible nut. These can be roasted in the oven on a baking sheet, and then sprinkled on salads as a crunchy topping.


Not to be confused with sloes or damsons, these small, tart, purple fruits can be spotted in hedgerows during October and November. Gather them to make jam, crumble and a fruity gin or vodka.


• 415g hazelnuts • Pinch salt • Pinch cinnamon • Pinch sugar • Preheat the oven to 180ºC and pour the shelled hazelnuts on to a baking sheet in a single layer. • Roast the nuts for 12–15 minutes. • Let the nuts cool slightly, then transfer to a clean tea towel and rub off the skins gently. Leaving the skins behind, pour the nuts into a food processor. Blend for 10 minutes, until a butter forms. • Add the seasonings, blend and taste. Put into a clean jar and store at room temperature. Spread on toast or crispbreads.

What to look for in autumn


On a dew-covered morning in autumn, you may spot a host of different fungi. Here are some of them.




One of the easiest fungi to identify because of the shaggy, bell-shaped head atop a tall, pale stem, it is a common sight at EARTHSTAR the roadside, in It may look like an alien form, but the collared Earthstar is a parks and even fungus that is found in broad-leaved woodland, in roadside on your lawn, hedgerows and on scrubland. When it’s mature, the woody right up until outer surface splits open, revealing an inner ball. November.


Lamp, £100, from The Rounded House, West Street, Oundle

What to make with your forest bounty? The Woodland Trust ( has this recipe for Hazelnut Butter. Hazelnuts can be found in many woodlands at this time of year.


The long seedpods of rose plants, whose scarlet beauty embellishes most countryside hedgerows at this time of year. The outer layers are packed with vitamin C, which is why they were traditionally made into a syrup to treat colds and flu. Try them in a jelly to spread on toast.

Hazelnut butter recipe


The hedgerows and woods are full of nuts and berries. Here are some edible varieties to look out for. If in any doubt, leave them behind, and always leave some of the crop for birds and animals.


Keep an eye out for bellshaped caps in large clusters on and around tree stumps and dying hardwood trees, from spring to early autumn.


Take a walk through the falling leaves, then warm up at one of these inviting eateries.


Welland Valley Garden Inspirations Hunker down on a sofa by the woodburning stove and enjoy a roast dinner in this popular café based at the Uppingham garden centre. On Sundays only, you get a choice of meat, with roast potatoes, stuffing and Yorkshire puds, £10.95 for one course, £13.95 for two courses (starter or dessert), booking advisable. Lunch is served from 12–3pm. The café is open at other times for rustic soups, hot chocolate, and afternoon tea (bookable in advance only).

Burghley House, Stamford PE9 3JY There’s nothing nicer than a blustery walk admiring the autumn foliage in Burghley Park, followed by soup or hot chocolate and a slice of home-made cake at this informal café with plenty of tables outside to soak up late rays. Open until the end of October.


10c Mill Street, Oakham LE15 6EA Super-stylish café with a Scandinavian vibe. We can recommend the Toast Twins: home-made crumpets with a slice of fig and banana loaf cake, or how about a Scandi Woodland, with mushrooms, pine nuts, pumpkin seeds, broccoli, avocado, poached egg and watercress?


John Lewis decorative feather hanger, from a selection at Queensgate Centre, Peterborough.

10b High Street, Uppingham LE15 9PZ Warm cinnamon and cardamom buns. Coconut and almond brownies. Toast with avocado and Norwegian smoked salmon. Just a few of the menu highlights at this cosy coffee shop. Healthy smoothies are on offer, as well, and oat lattes. Takeaway too.


6 West Street, Oundle PE8 4EF Some 14 varieties of tea, and excellent coffee, served in an eclectic, vintage-style café. The cheese scones, served warm, are legendary, and make the perfect autumn treat.


31 Bridge Street, Peterborough PE1 1HA The independently owned café is a good place to have a hearty breakfast to set you up for cooler days, with a Full English, or a Veggie English for £7.50. We can also recommend the Deluxe Hot Chocolate with cream and marshmallows.




19/09/2018 13:00

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18/09/2018 15:04

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18/09/2018 15:38

Former Oakham School student Harriet Flather is a professional harpist and woodwind specialist. Based in Rutland, she has set herself a goal to raise £5,000 for Dementia UK to honour her late grandmother. Amander Meade finds out about Harriet’s plans to raise awareness of specially trained Admiral Nurses and how readers can help her reach her target

Harriet Flather



Last year Harriet arranged a Musicathon, which successfully raised £880. The event saw Harriet and her musician friends providing six hours of continuous music in Oakham Castle and proved so popular that another Musicathon will take place this month. “I am being supported by The Rutland Big Band, who were brilliant last year, as well as some new performers. It should be really good fun, and any donations on the day will, of course, go to Dementia UK as part of my target. We played to over 200 people last year and would like to increase audience numbers at Musicathon 2018.” In between her professional engagements, Harriet has performed to raise funds by playing her harp at Tesco in Oakham, Grimsthorpe Castle and Barnsdale Lodge, with more events planned in different venues across the region. “Another thing I aim to do is to raise awareness of the existence of Admiral Nurses, who are continually trained, developed and supported by Dementia UK. When things get challenging or difficult, Admiral Nurses work alongside people with dementia and their families, offering one-to-one support, expert guidance and the practical solutions they need, and that can be hard to find elsewhere. The nurses were named by the family of Joseph Levy CBE BEM, who founded the charity. Joseph had vascular dementia and was known affectionately as “Admiral Joe” because of his love of sailing. “With increasing numbers of families affected by dementia, research is, of course, vitally important, but when you are in the eye of the storm, a shoulder to lean on is invaluable. Our family was unaware of the existence of the Admiral Nurse teams but would love others to benefit from their skills. Families that have the support of an Admiral Nurse have someone truly expert and caring by their side – helping them to live more positively with dementia in the present, and to face the challenges of tomorrow with more confidence and less fear.” Musicathon 2018 is on Saturday 6 October, 10am–4pm at Oakham Castle. You can support Harriet’s fundraising efforts at justgiving. com/fundraising/harriet-flather1or by contacting her through her website at


IKE many in families affected by dementia, Harriet had a limited knowledge of the condition when her beloved grandmother, Dorothy, was diagnosed. “We were very much educating ourselves along the way,” she explains. “It was such a difficult time for the family, especially for my mother. Dorothy never smoked, only had the occasional sherry, and was fit and well all her life until her diagnosis. It was very hard to see her rapid decline, especially the loss of her vivacity and humour. The inevitable loss of dignity is heartbreaking to witness.” When Dorothy passed away in 2015, Harriet decided to set herself a challenge to raise £5,000 in her honour. “My grandmother had a lifelong love of music and was a singer herself, so it’s fitting that all the events I have planned to raise money so far have been musically inspired – although there will probably be a physical challenge too at some point.”


For information on Admiral Nurse support in Rutland, tel: 01572 758341. There are fundraising efforts currently in Leicestershire to launch a team of Admiral Nurses for the county. You can follow or offer your support at LeicestershireFundraisingGroup or contact Dementia UK for support and advice on 0800 888 6678 or at


10 HERO CPSH.indd 1

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18/09/2018 15:05

Gracie wears camel cape with faux fur trim, £45, from Albar’s Den, with leopard-print tunic, £54.95, from Diversity Boutique.

Autumn knits

Sally Stillingfleet finds autumnal coloured knits are coming into the shops thick and fast. They’re perfect for cosying up on the sofa or for striding through crunchy golden leaves, and the colours are beautifully rich, with rusts, deep reds and berry shades mixed with soft greens. The ideal autumnal wardrobe refresh. Modelled by Gracie.



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19/09/2018 14:28

Autumn knits

Gracie wears outfit as left, with mustard fluffy scarf, £22, from Accessorize.

Gracie wears fine rabbit motif knit, £59.99, by Joules from a selection at Fords, camo Laurie jeans, £65, from Vanilla. Wellies from a selection at Joules.

Gracie wears pale grey polo with star motif, £54.95, by Duo.

Gracie wears tie-back Esprit jumper, £60, from Attic, with camo Laurie jeans, £65, from Vanilla.



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19/09/2018 14:29

Gracie wears Second Female jumper, £115, from Attic, with camo Laurie jeans, £65, from Vanilla.

Gracie wears Bellerose yellow angora jumper, £115, from Attic, worn with Laurie camo jeans, £65, from Vanilla. Grey leather handbag, £129, from Albar’s Den.

Gracie wears hot pink JEFF jumper, £139, from Jacks for Women. RUTLAND & MARKET HARBOROUGH LIVING OCTOBER 2018

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19/09/2018 14:30

Gracie wears black Pour Moi jumper with pom-poms, £149, from Jacks for Women, underneath red Marie Méro cardigan, £165, Vanilla (also available at Jacks for Women).

Autumn knits

Gracie wears black Pour Moi jumper with pom-poms, £149, from Jacks for Women. Gracie wears teal chenille YaYa jumper, £85, from Energy, with leopard-print scarf, £20, from Accessorize.

STOCKISTS Accessorize 10/10a High Street, Mkt Harborough, 01858 434617. Albar’s Den – The Gift Emporium 1 Crown Walk, High Street, Oakham, 07977 002260 Attic 33 St Mary’s Street, Stamford, 01780 766667, Diversity 2a St Osyths Lane, Oundle, 01832 270330, Duo Boutique 29a High Street, Oakham, 01572 722116, Energy Ironmonger Street, Stamford, 01780 765633, Fords of Oakham 8 Church Street, Oakham, 01572 722654, Jacks for Women 16 Church Street, Market Harborough, 01858 431396, Joules 53–55 High Street, Market Harborough, 01858 462872, Vanilla 23b Mill Street, Oakham, 01572 757577, Big thanks to my gorgeous model Gracie. Pictures by Elli Dean (07932 055548),



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20/09/2018 10:38

Online Exhibition of Original Acrylic & Oil Paintings by Paul Meakins


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18/09/2018 15:05

On the count of 15 … at Oakham Castle


Ranksborough Hall in Langham was built by John Fielden Brocklehurst, 1st Baron Ranksborough (1852–1921). Awarded his barony in 1914, the same year he presented his shoe, Brocklehurst had served with distinction in the Royal Horse Guards and had reached the rank of Major-General when he left the army in 1908. He had strong links with the Royal Family, acting as an equerry to both Queen Victoria and Queen Alexandra, and was Rutland’s Lord-Lieutenant from 1906 until his death. The Hall was built in 1893 and was the scene of some wonderful weekend parties, with royalty entertained there on several occasions. Sadly, the Ranksboroughs had no children: when John died on 26 February 1921, the title lapsed, so only one Ranksborough shoe hangs in the Castle.


Hugh Lowther, 5th Earl of Lonsdale, died in 1944 at Barleythorpe Hall, his Rutland hunting box. This larger-than-life character gave his shoe in 1885. His nickname was the “Yellow Earl”, after the colour of his servants’ livery. He loved adventure, travelling to the Arctic in 1888 – one of his faithful husky dogs was later stuffed and now lives in the Rutland County Museum! A fine judge of horseflesh, intrepid huntsman and fan of boxing, he was patron of the National Sporting Club. Boxing’s Lonsdale Belt was named after him when it was introduced in 1909, and Lonsdale was also a founder and the first President of the AA, where the yellow and black colours of his livery still live on.


A stroll around Oakham Castle is rather like walking through a giant copy of Burke’s Peerage. The famous collection of ornamental horseshoes evokes bygone ages of opulence and elegance. To celebrate the 15th birthday of the magazine, here are 15 fascinating glimpses of long-dead donors and their lives

The 2nd Duke of Westminster (1879–1953, shoe presented 1904) was an exotic character to say the least! Nicknamed “Bendor” after his grandfather’s race horse, which won the 1880 Derby, he was one of the richest men in the world. His seat was Eaton Hall in Cheshire, and he owned a fleet of 17 Rolls-Royce cars, two sailing vessels and a private train! His London home was Grosvenor House, and he enjoyed a colourful love life. He married four times and had a harem of mistresses too, the most famous ones being fashion designer Coco Chanel, whose relationship with him lasted 10 years, and ballet dancer Anna Pavlova. His girlfriends often found diamond bracelets under their pillows, while a Brazilian beauty was presented with part of the French crown jewels! Westminster died from a heart attack in 1953, and it took 11 years to pay off the record death duties of £11 million pounds that were levied. His last wife, 36 years his junior, died in 2003.

4 & 5

In 1835 the widowed Duchess of Kent and her daughter Princess Alexandrina Victoria visited Rutland. The princess was to become Queen Victoria in 1837 on the death of her uncle William IV and at the time of her Oakham visit was being shown off to the British public as heir to the throne in a series of supposedly unofficial tours. The Duchess couldn’t stand her brother-in-law, the King, who ultimately banned any further such trips. Mother and daughter’s horseshoes hang together on the “Royal Wall” behind the former Judge’s Seat. So bad was William IV’s health, legacy of a rackety lifestyle based on claret and cholesterol, that the Duchess and her ambitious Chamberlain Sir John Conroy were convinced that he would die before Victoria reached 18, meaning that the Duchess



18 19 HORSESHOES CPSH.indd 2

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would become regent pending her daughter’s majority… But, somehow, William hung on to life until three weeks after that crucial birthday, and there was no regency for Britain.


Copenhagen, the horse that carried the Duke of Wellington at the Battle of Waterloo in 1815, was born at Stocken Hall, Stretton. Wellington, nicknamed the “Iron Duke” or “Nosey”, donated his shoe in 1835. At that time, he was Foreign Secretary in Sir Robert Peel’s first Cabinet (1834–35). Often considered to be arrogant and condescending, Wellington was an outstanding soldier who broke into an impromptu flamenco dance after the 1814 Battle of Toulouse, when news was brought of Napoleon’s abdication! He loved the ladies too – when one of his many mistresses, the courtesan Harriet Wilson, threatened to publish her kiss-and-tell memoirs unless paid off, the Duke allegedly scrawled “Publish and be damned” across the publisher’s letter informing him of this. “Nosey” died in 1852 aged 83, the year after the Great Exhibition on which he had acted as an advisor.


Earl Cowley’s shoe, presented in 1903, has a whiff of sexual sulphur about it! He was a direct descendant of the Duke of Wellington and worked his way through three wives (two of which he was divorced from). However, he really hit the headlines in 1889. He was then known as Viscount Dangan (he succeeded to the earldom in 1895) and was forced to pay off a glamorous actress, Phyllis Broughton, in a “breach of promise” action. Phyllis had jilted her rich colliery owner fiancé in 1888 to marry the young lord… and he had done the dirty on her! An out-of-court settlement cost his family the equivalent of just shy of a quarter of a million pounds in today’s money.


Shades of Downton Abbey surround Henry John Innes-Ker, 8th Duke of Roxburghe’s 1901 horseshoe tribute. Just as the fictional Lord Grantham married a rich

American heiress, so too did Henry. In 1903 he wed May Goelet, daughter of a New York real-estate millionaire, who brought him a dowry of over 20 million dollars. The family seat, Floors Castle near Kelso in south-east Scotland, bears testimony to the huge injection of cash that the American duchess provided. Fortunately, this seems to have been a love match, unlike many of these cashinspired marriages.


Niall Campbell, 10th Duke of Argyll, was 32 when he gave his 1904 horseshoe. His great-uncle by marriage was King Edward VII, and he was described as “Scotland’s most picturesque duke”. He was highly eccentric, loathing both telephones and motor cars, and in later life would often greet startled tourists with recitals from his favourite Italian operas. He never married, dying childless in 1949, as he was convinced his eccentricity was genetic – inherited from his mother’s family. He would not risk passing it on.


The 5th Earl of Ilchester’s shoe was hung in 1898, the same year that his former girlfriend, the famous Mrs Alice Keppel, great-grandmother of the Duchess of Cornwall, became mistress to the then Prince of Wales, who succeeded as King Edward VII in 1901. She amassed huge riches from her lovers, and Ilchester was among the men she received on her “pouncing couch”! In 2016 reporter Tom Quinn published a “what the butler saw” account of her activities, and her quote sums up Edwardian high life… “Love is all very well, but money is better.”


The 6th Duke of Portland gave his horseshoe in 1884. Fabulously wealthy, he lived at Welbeck Abbey in the Nottinghamshire Dukeries with his beautiful sixfeet-tall wife Winifred. His great-great uncle was the Iron Duke of Wellington, and his half-sister Ottoline Morell was a leading light of the artistic Bloomsbury Group. In 1913 he hosted Archduke

Franz Ferdinand, heir to the Austro-Hungarian throne, at Welbeck. A shooting accident almost killed the Archduke: unharmed, he left England and was assassinated the following year at Sarajevo, plunging the world into the Great War.

12 & 13

Two shoes were donated by Marquesses of Londonderry, who had a country home near Oakham. Called “Springfields” the house has long since vanished, and modern housing now stands on the site. Both the 7th and 8th marquesses shared the same name – Charles Stewart Vane-Tempest – and the 7th was seen as a Nazi sympathiser as well as fathering an illegitimate daughter with a glamorous silent movie star. His only son succeeded him in 1949. The 8th Marquess was chairman of Arsenal football club between 1939 and 1946 and a renowned practical joker who once decorated a Christmas tree with condoms to startle a visiting clergyman! In later life he descended into alcoholism, dying of liver failure in 1955 aged 52. His daughter is well-known socialite Lady Annabel Goldsmith.

14 & 15

A final two shoes to make up our birthday 15! Back in the 1830s the 3rd Marquess of Waterford literally painted the town of Melton Mowbray red while on a drunken spree. His nephew, the 5th Marquess, had his horseshoe hung in 1885. An extremely handsome man, he’d had a bad riding accident two years before, and it had paralysed him. He endured a series of painful operations, none of which restored mobility, before shooting himself in the head in 1895 while at his Irish property Curraghmore. And, of course, we mustn’t forget the horseshoe presented by the Time Team crew when they excavated the Castle area back in 2012. But it stands on the floor, as it was NOT gifted by aristocrats or royalty, putting today’s “tellystocracy” firmly in its place!


18 19 HORSESHOES CPSH.indd 3


19/09/2018 14:35

! 5 1 t a s u Fabulo Rutland & Market Harborough Living is 15 years old this month, and we couldn’t be happier about our birthday. We are celebrating with other 15-year-olds by finding out what they think are the best activities, opportunities, places to go and things to do across the region. Amander Meade rounds up some of the best suggestions


The fastest-growing lifestyle movement in the UK is veganism, with close to half all vegans aged 15 to 34. No surprise then that a new wave of eateries appealing to health-conscious young people has sprung up. Scoring highly for their varied, budget-friendly menus were national chains Wagamama in Leicester and Wildwood Kitchen, which has branches in Oakham and Market Harborough. Swedish-inspired Fika and The Lean Pantry prove popular choices for speciality hot drinks, smoothies and tasty lunches.


Shopping We discovered that most 15-year-olds relish the freedom of using public transport to shop in their neighbouring towns. The Highcross shopping centre in Leicester proved popular for its big brand chain stores as well as The Lanes for quirky independent retailers. Favourite shops included Silver Street’s The Vintage Scene, which specialises in on-trend vintage clothing from the 1970s through to the 1990s. Most stock is imported from Europe and the USA, excellent quality and affordable. Stamford’s Energy was also popular for brands such as Kendall and Kylie, Adidas Originals and Calvin Klein.

Sport The possibilities are endless, with clubs and organisations offering coaching, club-level competition or just participation for fun in everything from tennis to target shooting. Junior membership at Greetham Valley Golf Club is thriving. “We welcome under-18 players, whether they are new to the game, beginners or more experienced players.” Market Overtonbased Marko Marvels female-only cricket team is looking for young recruits to join the ranks of the only team of its kind in the county – girls keen to get batting should get in touch via Facebook. The water sports at Rutland Water are great for teens, too.


Volunteering and Service At 15 it’s never too early to think about a hobby that might just give your CV a boost or appeal to university selection boards. According to some of our interviewees, they took up volunteering to give them an edge but found out that they really enjoyed it too. Schools and colleges can often point the way to an appropriate voluntary sector or you can contact Voluntary Action Rutland for ideas. Young people hoping for a career in military service or just seeking the challenge of adventure enjoy Cadet Forces, which are aimed at those aged between 12 and 20. In this region you can find Cadet Forces from both the Royal Air Force and the British Army. Both offer activities to challenge and develop your personal skills regardless of specific career aspirations.

At 15, young people may be outgrowing their childhood performing-arts groups, but there are plenty of options to take the next step and hone their skills with more seasoned performers in societies crying out for new talent. Rutland Musical Theatre is a group of enthusiastic amateurs who all love music, dance and drama. They perform at least one musical per year, usually during the Easter school holidays, at Uppingham Theatre. Rutland Arts Theatre Society (RATS) perform three productions a year and always do a “home-grown” pantomime at the beginning of every year. Both groups welcome talented young people, including those who prefer to assist technically or behind the scenes. Just across the county border, Stamford Senior Youth Theatre – for ages 15 to 22 – rehearses each Monday between 7pm and 9pm. The company will be working towards large- and small-scale performances throughout the year, along with the option to take bronze, silver or gold LAMDA Acting/Verse and Prose exams. CONTACTS Cottesmore Village Players Energy Clothing 01780 765633, Fika 01572 337337, Greetham Valley Golf Club 01780 460444, The Lean Pantry 01780 763173, Rutland Air Cadets 01572 723 624, Rutland Army Cadets Rutland Arts Theatre Society 01572 723247 Rutland Musical Theatre Stamford Senior Youth Theatre 01780 763203, The Vintage Scene 0116 262 9859, Voluntary Action Rutland 01572 722622, Wagamama 0116 253 0046, Wildwood Kitchen Oakham: 01572 869146, Market Harborough: 01858 431853,


20 FAB 15 CPSH.indd 1

19/09/2018 14:37



18/09/2018 15:06

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18/09/2018 15:06

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18/09/2018 15:06


Autumn style update It’s time to make your home cosy and snug for the new season using some of the best new ideas to keep out the chills. Amander Meade suggests some warm and wonderful ideas for autumn interiors and the local experts who can provide them

Update and refresh a tired sofa or chair in a contemporary fabric such as this vibrant print by Manuel Canovas at Sarah Harding Interiors of Uppingham



24 25 26 INTERIORS CPSH.indd 2

19/09/2018 14:37


Anna Jacobs Beak Street on Rose medium lamp from a range at Lumison Lighting in Oakham

Darker evenings don’t have to spell gloomy rooms. Stylish ceiling pendants spread overhead light, while carefully placed lamps always create a welcoming glow. Nothing provides a better focal point in a sitting room than a beautiful fireplace or warming wood burner. For lighting design or advice on heating, fireplaces and stoves try: Harborough Lights, 01858 467716, Harborough Stone, 01858 410033, Heatsource, 01572 829953, Lumison Lighting, 01572 724600, Contura Stove by Heatsource of Uppingham

5 Day Blinds create beautiful blinds in a wide range of fabrics, or, if you prefer, you can source your own. This blind is in Voyage Colwin, £30 per metre at John Lewis. Photo supplied by John Lewis


Is it time to update your window décor? The latest shades can be integrated with smart home devices such as Amazon Alexa and programmed to open and close for high efficiency and to keep household costs down. For less high-tech solutions, try smart plantation shutters for maximum privacy without sacrificing light, or roller blinds, which are trending again, for a streamlined look. Curtains can lend a timeless elegance and make a bold statement in larger rooms; have them made to measure or find great-value pre-owned curtains, which can be adjusted to fit.

Bistro pendant light shade, £528, Harborough Lights, Market Harborough

For blinds, curtains or shutters try: 5 Day Blinds, 01572 759176, Divinely Vintage Pre-Loved Curtains, 07976 945697/ 07971 886664, F&S Curtains, 0116 296 1032, Kingfisher Curtains, 01572 757893 Rutland Shutters, 07768 695236, Window Hang Ups, 07894 224106,



24 25 26 INTERIORS CPSH.indd 3


19/09/2018 14:38


Tuck yourself up in a super soft throw from

Overall, we are moving away from tropical trends this autumn, but colour and texture are still king. A cost-effective update for living space could be to get creative with textures and materials. Why not update what you have with reupholstery or new accessories? Cushions and throws in warm colours will lift a neutral scheme in the cooler months. Woven and wicker furniture is still popular, paired with macramĂŠ cushions, and dark wood continues to make a strong comeback. Pastel shades and all things green make way for ultra violet (Pantone Colour of the Year, 2018) and purple tones to play a key role this season. For fabric, furnishings, accessories and homeware try: Cavells Home, 01572 352966, Elizabeth Stanhope Interiors, 01572 722 345, Fords of Oakham, 01572 722654, Sarah Harding Interiors, 01572 823389, Wool Room, 01780 461217,

FRESH IDEAS FOR FLOORING Flooring is an area where the list of popular options just keeps on growing. Laminates, in particular, continue to improve in both performance and appearance. Popular styles mimic hardwood floors with lighter colours, wider planks and a range of colour finishes all increasingly available. Beautiful floors cry out for gorgeous rugs, too. Use a well-placed rug to bring together all the elements of a room as well as anchoring the furniture and creating a cosy, intimate space. This really boosts the comfort factor as the days turn chillier. Autumn and spring are the best times to have carpets, rugs and upholstery professionally cleaned, leaving them refreshed and prolonging their life too. For flooring, rugs and professional carpet cleaning try: Barefoot Flooring, 01572 759752, Oakham Rugs, 01572 724441, The Rug Studio, 01572 829927, Weaver Ltd, 01572 759 899,


The new Mystique Mood collection at The Rug Studio in Uppingham features designs that play with subtle gradient shades and look stunning in most schemes


24 25 26 INTERIORS CPSH.indd 4

19/09/2018 14:38

Louvred and Solid Window Shutters


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18/09/2018 15:06


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18/09/2018 15:06

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18/09/2018 15:07

Retirees in Oakham who want to be able to enjoy their independence with the peace of mind of having support on hand, if required, need look no further than McCarthy & Stone’s latest Retirement “Living Plus” development, Saxon Gardens, on Penn Street

Retire with peace of mind at Saxon Gardens T

HE high-quality development, which is currently under construction in a prime Oakham location just a short walk from the High Street, will eventually feature a stunning collection of 56 privately owned oneand two-bedroom apartments for those aged 70 and over. Cheryl Bissett, Regional Sales and Marketing Director at McCarthy & Stone East Midlands, comments: “At McCarthy & Stone we are committed to delivering the right development for the needs of the local area, and our latest collection of apartments will not only provide Retirement Living Plus in a prime location, it will also breathe new life into the wider community. “Local retirees interested in securing a high-specification, low-maintenance home are encouraged to register their interest, so that they will have the first opportunity to reserve off-plan at this stunning new development.” McCarthy & Stone’s Retirement Living Plus developments aim to bridge the gap between conventional retirement living and residential care. At Saxon Gardens, Oakham retirees will be able to retain their independence in the form of home ownership, yet still have the reassurance of a range of tailored support services – from help with laundry or cleaning, to 24-7 personal care to suit their individual needs. Homeowners and their families can also take comfort in a host of discreet security measures, including camera entry systems and emergency call points, and an Estates Manager will also be on hand to take care of the smoothrunning of the development. Designed with discerning retirees in mind, selected apartments will feature privileged views of the development’s beautiful landscaped gardens, which will be maintained by McCarthy & Stone’s team of experts. There will be lift access to all floors and special modifications in the apartments for those with limited mobility. Each individual apartment at the development will represent the very best in modern independent living, with a spacious living area, fully fitted kitchen, an easy-access shower room with heated towel rails, and raised-height electrical sockets. Future homeowners at Saxon Gardens will not only benefit from the privacy and independence of owning their own apartment, they will also be able to enjoy access to spacious and luxurious communal living areas. When complete, the development will feature a high-quality table-service bistro serving hot


meals daily, while a stylish homeowners’ lounge will provide the perfect space to get to know new neighbours, or to socialise with family and friends when they come to visit. A convenient guest suite will also be available, should friends or relatives come to stay Due to the development’s first-class location, future homeowners will have quick and easy access to local amenities including banks, pharmacies, supermarkets and independent cafés and restaurants. They will also be within close proximity of public transport services for trips further afield. Apartments at Saxon Gardens will be available to buy off-plan in winter 2018, with the

first homeowners expected to move in to their new homes in May 2019. More than nine out of ten customers would recommend McCarthy & Stone to a friend, ensuring it has received the full Five Star award for customer satisfaction from the Home Builders Federation for 13 years’ running. McCarthy & Stone is the only UK housebuilder of any size or type to achieve this accolade for 13 years, which is every year the awards have been run. For further information about Retirement Living Plus in Oakham, please call 0800 310 0384, or visit saxongardens



19/09/2018 14:38

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19/09/2018 12:23

Add colour to your borders

Golden Sedge

The leaves on the trees might be turning gold and red, but how can you import some of that wonderful seasonal colour to your beds and containers? The answer is to plant some dramatic or hot-hued grasses that will continue to provide interest through the winter. • Sedge “Everflame” is the hardiest red grass around. It won’t mind damp soil, and, as it is evergreen, it will light up your space through the colder months. • Black Mondo Grass adds drama and structure to pots and borders, and it has a cool, contemporary look. • Japanese Blood Grass blends vivid green with a red centre, and it looks especially lovely when the light shines through. It is a tender plant though, so it will need some shelter. • Golden Sedge lights up a murky corner with its yellowy green, arching stems. It is an all-year-round star, which will flower in the summer. You can buy all of these grasses from local garden centres.

Japanese Blood Grass



There’s nothing nicer than spending an evening creating a wreath from fresh foliage and berries. Now is the time to book on to a course in time to make something special for your own front door for December.

Quintessentially Wild Wreath School

Make a luxury wreath to take home. 6-9pm on Wednesday 28 November and Thursday 29 November in The Mess, The Cosy Club, Stamford. Price: £55, including a glass of fizz.

The Flower House

The William Cecil Hotel in Stamford is the setting for this workshop, hosted by Tracy from The Flower House and taking place on 29 November. The price of £45 includes mulled wine and mince pies, plus materials.

Barnsdale voted Best Garden in the UK

Barnsdale, near Rutland Water, has been voted the UK’s best garden by the readers of Garden News magazine. The poll took place over summer and saw thousands cast a vote. With 38 themed gardens over eight acres, from Japanese style to classic cottage, the gardens provide inspiration and ideas for visitors. “We’re delighted,” says Nick Hamilton, owner of Barnsdale and son of the late veteran gardener Geoff, who created the site from bare fields in the 1980s. “Dad had a great passion for inspiring people to try new ideas and that is what we set out to do today.” He added: “The gardens here are all manageable size-wise, so everything we do is achievable to visitors. We want them to think ‘I can do that.’” • Want a better garden for 2019? Why not join a Planting Design Workshop at Barnsdale on 20 October. Expert garden designer David Stevens will take you through the basics, including what to plant, where to put it and how to create a garden plan. The course lasts from 10am–4pm, includes lunch and drinks, and costs £76. Pre-booking is essential – visit the website (details below). Barnsdale Gardens, The Avenue, Exton, Oakham, Rutland LE15 8AH, 01572 813200. They are open 363 days a year, from 9am–5pm in October. Adults £9, children £5.


Days out for garden lovers 6 October Hammond Arboretum, Market Harborough Visit two and half acres of unusual trees and shrubs, which were planted by Francis Hammond between 1913 and 1936 while he was headmaster of Market Harborough County Grammar School (now The Robert Smyth Academy). The collection features examples from Japan, America and China, and four of the collection have been named by a tree specialist as “champions” – that is the largest and tallest of their kind in Great Britain and Ireland. The arboretum is open under the National Garden Scheme from 2–4.30pm. Home-made teas. £4 admission, children free. Burnmill Road, Market Harborough LE16 7JG 6 and 7 October Apple Weekend at Lyveden Celebrate the restored Elizabethan orchard, which has been planted with heritage fruits. Take part in apple juicing sessions and learn more about the fascinating history of Sir Thomas Tresham’s unfinished project. Normal admission charges apply. Harley Way, near Oundle PE8 5AT,

13 and 14 October Lamport Hall There’s a gift fair with 80 stalls of crafts and food on offer here, and also a chance to visit the spectacular two-acre walled gardens, which this month will be full of mellow autumn colours and fruitfulness! Admission charges apply. Lamport Hall, Lamport, Northampton NN6 9HD,



19/09/2018 14:39

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18/09/2018 15:07

The team at Welland Vale Garden Inspirations have everything you need to keep your garden looking fabulous all year round

Fresh ideas for an autumn garden WORDS: FIONA CUMBERPATCH

Plant your pots

As summer bedding fades and starts to look scruffy or succumb to first frosts, refresh your pots and containers ready for the new season. Autumn bedding plants are grown on site at Welland Vale, and there is always a wide selection, including pansies, viola and cyclamen, at £2.99 for a pack, or four for £10. If you want to ring the changes, try these ideas: • Grasses look striking in containers and come in a fantastic range of colours and textures. Try Hakonechloa macra, a sage green, bushy grass that turns red brown in autumn and winter. Other structural grasses include miscanthus and fine-leafed Carex. • Add shrubs and conifers to containers for a bolder statement. Skimmias are a good choice with their small pinky-red flower buds all winter. Or try sweet box (Sarcocca confusa), which will give wafts of delicious lemony scent through the colder months. Add some ivy to trail and soften the edges of the pot. • Cordylines add a splash of colour when the garden most needs it, and their beautifully shaped leaves lend themselves to display in a container. • Need help with your planting up? Bring pots to Welland Vale Garden Inspirations and have them done for you, for just a small charge for compost and the cost of the plants. TIP: Choose large pots for added impact. They will also retain moisture better. Welland Vale has a wide selection of super-sized pots to suit every garden style.

Plant a tree

Brighten with bulbs Plant bulbs now in borders and pots, and you will be rewarded with a display of colour and scent in spring. Retail manager Annie Burns recommends these tulips, which are available as loose bulbs or in packs: Claudia – an elegant, elongated shape with pink and white petals Queen of the Night – a dramatic purple-black bloom Orange Princess – pretty, rich marmalade ruffles Carnaval de Nice – frilly, with raspberry ripple colours (shown above) Rem’s Favourite – blackcurrants and cream in one bloom… beautiful! Artist – Salmon-pink stripes with green and purple tinges Planting tips: Put tulips deep in the ground, and they’re more likely to return year after year. Aim to plant them at least twice the depth of the bulb – you can go as deep as 20cm. Put the bulb in the hole, pointed end up, and top with some gritty compost. • Mix tulips with other spring planting bulbs such as alliums or hyacinths. Plant generously for a fabulous spring display.

Autumn is the best time to plant trees, while the ground is still warm, which helps roots to establish. A tree adds structure, shape and interest to a garden, and even if you only have a restricted space, there will be one to suit. Grafted trees are specially bred to thrive in small spaces; these trees have had the roots of one type of tree (the stock) fixed to the top of a different type of tree (the scion) in order to control how big the resulting tree will grow. Trees trimmed into a lollipop shape with clear stems are known as “standards”. Not only do they look stylish, but you can underplant them, to make a pretty contrast. At Welland Vale, fruit trees are a popular choice, including espaliered fruit trees and double-U cordons, which are ideal for growing against a wall. Opt for apple, pear or cherry, and you will get clouds of blossom in spring, and juicy fruits to pick in autumn. In October, there is 15 per cent off fruit trees.

Christmas treats

The team at Welland Vale have been busy planning Christmas. “We do Christmas in a big way here,” explains retail manager Annie. This year, there is a traditional Nutcracker-style theme, with toy soldiers guarding a magical woodland Santa’s Grotto. Children can meet Father Christmas on Saturdays in December. The £6.50 entry includes a gift. Shop a range of baubles – the look this year is towards elegant, frosted glass. There will be a range of fresh wreaths, potted poinsettias in red, white or pink, and a huge choice of evergreen trees and shrubs to dress your home naturally. You can hire these just for the season or for a party; pay 25 per cent of the retail price (terms and conditions apply). Choose from a selection of shaped topiary, standard holly trees and box balls. Christmas trees arrive in the last week of November, and include potted and cut varieties. All the trees are displayed standing, so you


can see what shape and size you are buying. Privilege card holders get 10 per cent off Christmas trees on Wednesdays and 5 per cent at other times. If you’re stuck for gift ideas, have a hamper made up on site, with local produce, such as Rutland Honey, Two Birds Gin and Grainstore beer, plus gardening goodies including gloves, pots, and vouchers. A festive menu, with mince pies, hot chocolate and chai latte will be available in The Orchard Café, where you can relax by a cosy wood-burning stove. Welland Vale Garden Inspirations, Glaston Road, Uppingham, LE15 9EU, 01572 822729,



19/09/2018 14:47

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18/09/2018 15:07



The motto at Brooke Hill Academy in Oakham, part of the successful Brooke Hill Academy Trust, is ‘making learning fun’.


t is clear to see that this ethos pervades every aspect of school life; the open plan class areas in Key Stage One and Lower Key Stage Two are buzzing hives of activity, with children focused and engaged in their dynamic lessons. Everyone is inquisitive and confident, embracing the array of learning opportunities, many of which are child-led. The children benefit from a number of exciting initiatives; for example, the bank of laptops and iPads available to each class group means that teachers can integrate coding and video editing into the curriculum. Sharon Milner, Executive Headteacher, said: ‘It’s amazing to see some of the things the children can do on those iPads! We try to give our children as many opportunities as we can to help prepare them for the future in every possible way.’ The school’s commitment to developing the whole child sees them participate in a wide range of sporting competitions through the Rutland Sports Partnership and the school has held Gold Sports Mark for 4 years running now. Their close relationship with a number of local sporting clubs also sees pupils benefit from expert coaching across a number of different sports, with all children encouraged to take part. The school’s emphasis on the importance of being active has culminated in the trial of the ‘Daily Mile’ initiative, which sees everyone complete a one-mile walk or run every day to boost both physical and mental wellbeing as part of the Change for Life agenda. Nestled amongst woodland, the building sits in perfect harmony with its natural surroundings; indeed, the school has been awarded an Eco Schools Green Flag – the highest possible award – for its work to make the school as eco-friendly as possible. Also, the children in years 1 and 5 enjoy

a twelve-week Forest Schools programme, which enables children to develop their curiosity and a genuine passion for exploring the world around them. Working closely with two other local schools under the Brooke Hill Academy Trust – Edith Weston Academy and South Witham Academy – has seen Brooke Hill Academy further boost its provisions. The schools collaborate on team-building and arts activities and have recently embarked upon a scheme that sees children from across the Trust working together to construct an eco-friendly green powered vehicle, which will be driven around Rockingham racetrack later in the year. Mr Westley, the head of school, is full of praise for the Trust’s ‘fantastically supportive’ governing body. ‘They are brilliant, and they care so much about helping the children, taking an active role in all areas of school life.’ Also, the Friends of Brooke Hill fundraising efforts have enabled the school to install an astroturf pitch, and redevelop the playground.

While achieving the top grades will always be a target for Brooke Hill Academy, it will never usurp their number one priority – giving children the best possible start in life, by developing a genuine love for learning. As a result, ‘making learning fun’ is more than just a motto, it’s at the heart of everything the school does.

Our school open days are Thursday 11th In addition, all of the learning opportunities owe much to the committed, October and Friday 23rd November but visits are always welcome. caring teaching staff, who help to make the school day as exciting as possible with their enthusiasm and energy. The school offers wrap-around care to provide a helping hand to the community’s working parents, with both a breakfast club and an Tel 01572 724214 afterschool club. Email office@brooke cation Website www.broo The commitment to offering a rich and varied curriculum tailored to meet the needs of all children has seen the school consistently maintain outstanding levels of attainment. In the most recent SATS tests, the school saw continued academic progress, achieving significantly above national scores in Maths, English and Science.



18/09/2018 15:07

Will Phelan, Principal, SES

Editor Clare Peel went to talk to Will Phelan, Principal of Stamford Endowed Schools, about his role, the schools and the education they offer


OU became Principal of Stamford Endowed Schools in September 2016. For the uninitiated, what does the position involve? My role is to develop dynamic, modern 21stcentury independent schools and to ensure they progress forwards together, while still maintaining each individual school’s identity. I work closely with the heads – three ambitious and highly talented individuals – and the senior executive team to keep everyone moving in the same direction. I work with the governors to implement their strategy and with the local community to ensure that the school has a symbiotic relationship with the town. In a nutshell, what kind of education do your schools offer? Our schools are first class, dynamic and forward looking, and they prepare our pupils for a 21stcentury future (doing jobs that may currently not even exist) and to become what we like to describe as “boardroom ready” for whatever area they might ultimately choose to work within. We foster what we call the “Stamfordian spirit”, nurturing down-to-earth, hard-working, confident students. Stressing the importance of kindness is key, too – to use a child-friendly quote (from Paddington’s Great Aunt Lucy): “if we are kind and polite, the world will be right.” My eldest son is in Year 5, when we’ll be thinking about applying to future schools. 38

How would you convince me to send him to Stamford School and what would you say to my son to help to win him over? I would firstly wish to find out what children enjoy the most, as I believe this is crucial. In your case, I would then encourage your son to come along with you to see for himself what it looks like here and also what other things he could be doing in the future – it’s best to do this after you, the parent, have made an initial visit. By joining us at one of our open days, you can see the school in action and meet some of our pupils. We recommend doing this from Year 4, as a child’s Year 5 can become very busy with visits, and it makes the experience more relaxing if there are fewer time pressures. Stamford School has been educating boys since 1532 and Stamford High School has been educating girls since 1870, so we really feel that we know what makes boys and girls tick, and what motivates pupils who come here. We have an excellent academic record, consistently achieving strong exam results, with the overwhelming majority of our leavers going on to their first choice of university. We feel we can bring the best out of each child, whatever their academic ability, talents and interests, and introduce them to new ones, but we are careful to stretch pupils rather than stress them. We tap into the individual – something that is helped by our small class sizes – and we foster a love of learning. As a prospective parent, you can rest assured that we would want you to feel as close to the

school as possible. We aim for what we describe as a close triangular structure between parents, pupils and teachers, creating a “team together”. And if you should ever need to think about boarding, we offer a range of day and boarding options to suit the busy, ever-changing family lifestyle, including our Monday to Friday flexible boarding programme. The poet WB Yeats wrote that “Education is not the filling of a pail, but the lighting of a fire,” and one of our key “values” at SES is precisely that – lighting fires. I would want to capture your son’s imagination and inspire him. We want him to be excited by learning at a boys’ school, with all the benefits of being in class solely with boys, but with girls nearby and joining the boys in many activities outside the classroom. We’d tap into his interests, whether they were in music, drama, sport and a myriad of other exciting things that make a Stamford education so fulfilling, and we’d explain to him that we’d be able to offer him a host of opportunities to fly with those things, in addition to trying a whole raft of new ones. Are bursaries available? Our ongoing aim is to ensure that ambitious children, irrespective of financial background, have the opportunity to receive a Stamford education. We have a long history of social inclusivity and supporting local children, and we want to continue to provide this. Meanstested bursaries are financial awards made by


38 39 WILL PHELAN CPSH.indd 2

19/09/2018 14:47

“We foster what we call the ‘Stamfordian spirit’, nurturing down-to-earth, hard-working, confident students.”

the Stamford Endowed Schools to pupils of all backgrounds to help pay for up 100 per cent of school fees. Anyone interested in these bursaries should contact the school. How does the gender separation work and what are the benefits? We provide co-educational teaching in the junior years and Sixth Form, with single-gender teaching for ages 11 to 16 – what we like to call “single-sex academic mixed education”. It is a diamond structure, with pupils between the ages of 11 and 16 benefitting from the all-girls and all-boys teaching environments and the over-arching mixed-gender environment when not in class. We recognise that girls and boys at this age learn differently, study differently and have different pastoral needs. We address this with our single-gender approach before bringing boys and girls together again to study at Sixth Form. Throughout their senior school life our pupils enjoy mixed-gender co-curricular activities, such as debating, music, CCF, the Duke of Edinburgh Award scheme and various sports, so gender separation is not a negative issue for them. Our diamond structure gives our pupils the best of both worlds. In the Sixth Form, classes are mixed, and this does mean that pupils have access to a wider selection of subjects – currently 26 subjects at A Level plus two BTECs. The Sixth Form has a collegiate feel, with pupils enjoying the increased independence and personal responsibility that is

appropriate to their age as a stepping stone to the next stage of their lives, such as university. What measures are in place to ensure the physical and mental wellbeing of your pupils? A strong network of support is essential if pupils are to achieve their best at school. Dedicated, trained staff are on hand to deal with any issues affecting students. On the pastoral side, pupils have a form tutor, plus a head of year, in addition to deputy heads and heads, all of whom support them personally as well as academically. We strongly believe that pupils are in a bespoke school that knows how to help them to deal with life’s ups and downs, and that really is a huge strength in terms of wellbeing. “The Team Around You” is a key Stamford strength, with every individual’s team being slightly different. Your schools are right in the heart of Stamford. What are the pros and cons of this? The Schools date back to 1532, so they have evolved with the town. We’re the biggest employer in Stamford, and, as I mentioned above, we have a symbiotic relationship with the town. It’s a glorious place to be situated. What do you love best about your job and is there something of which you’re especially proud with respect to your time there? The best bit is that I get to interact with children of all ages, abilities and interests. I still love teaching

(my subject is history) and I spend one day a week in each one of the schools. It’s also a great privilege to work with some brilliant practitioners. I always feel immensely proud when I see how our children have developed and how they’ve benefitted from an education here – that is hugely rewarding. I am also extremely proud of our unified strategy, which brings us neatly back to the core purpose of my role as Principal. Stamford Endowed Schools Tel: 01780 750311 Email: Website: OPEN DAYS Stamford School: Saturday 6 October, 10am–12pm Stamford High School: Saturday 6 October, 10am–12pm Stamford Sixth Form: Wednesday 10 October, 7–9pm Stamford Junior School and Nursery: Saturday 13 October, 10am–12pm To book a place, email, call the admissions team on 01780 750311 or visit (a dedicated website for SES open days)


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19/09/2018 14:48



Oundle and Cotterstock riverside walk

The Nene is an exquisite river, teeming with wildlife and beauty throughout this stretch. Throw in the historic town of Oundle and the delightful village of Cotterstock and you have a walk pretty close to perfection



From the east end of Market Place, walk down St Osyth’s Lane past the Co-op (toilets) until it curves right, then go straight on into Bassett Ford Road. Where this bends left into Riverside Close go ahead to the gate at the end. There are two riverside walks indicated - make sure to go half left across the field and follow the bank downstream (not over the footbridge ahead). For the next two miles or so the route follows the bank of the Nene as it completes a giant loop. Go underneath the A605 and out by open meadows. Eventually, beyond a weir, you reach a long, high footbridge, where you could cross the river for a visit to the picturesque village of Ashton, a round trip of ¾ mile. Otherwise continue straight ahead and back under the bypass to reach the old bridge. Cross over the road and turn right. On the far side of the river turn left at the Riverside Walk sign, past the boat sheds, and strike out along the flat eastern bank of the Nene via two weirs. Cross the river via the “guillotine” lock and continue to the lane at the far end by a converted corn mill. Turn left and walk through the pretty village of Cotterstock, and after 500 yards or so turn left before a red telephone box on to a narrow path between a fence and hedge. This heads out along the left-hand side of an open field (great views), then beside a narrow plantation with the river on the far side. Continue past a small sewage works and directly down through two more fields before reaching a playing field. Half-way along the pitch turn left on to a boardwalk out to the Nene - this is a permissive route through Snipe Meadow nature reserve. Turn right and walk along the river bank until just before the bridge, then head right. Go through a field beside the buildings to reach New Road. Turn left and walk to the end, then right into Station Road/North Street to return to the town centre.

2 3

4 5

6 7



Distance: 10kms (6.25 miles) Typical time: 21⁄2 hours OS map: Landranger 141, 142 Start & finish: Market Place, Oundle (PE8 4BQ) Terrain: small gradients, muddy at times Stiles: 6


Oundle Market in the Market Place, every Thursday – great local foods Brewbabu, charming eclectic café - 6 West St, Oundle, PE8 4EF (01832 273909) Tap and Kitchen at Oundle Wharf, if you want something more substantial. Tables overlooking the river - Station Road, Oundle, PE8 4DE (01832 275069, Hambleton Bakery, also on the wharf, is another great place to stock up on picnic goodies - 7 Station Road, Oundle, PE8 4DE (01832 358529). Open every day except Sunday. 40

Cotterstock Green


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Ashton was re-built in 1900 by the Rothschild family for estate workers. The village was the birthplace of Dame Miriam Rothschild, a noted natural scientist and author. Many of the cottages in the village date from this period and were designed by William Huckvale. Pevsner refers to Ashton as a model village. The cottages are Tudor style and thatched. Almost all of the buildings the village are Grade II or II* listed.

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Cotterstock was recorded in the Domesday Book as Codestoche, the name probably deriving from Old English “corther-stoc” (dairy farm). In the summer of 1736 a Romano-British villa was discovered, when tesserae from a large mosaic pavement were uncovered during ploughing. The villa was subsequently located a second time by aerial photography during the extremely dry summer of 1976, when parch marks of buried walls were recorded spread across three fields. The Church of St Andrew is located to the east of the village, adjacent to the River Nene; it dates from the late 12th century. The main period of construction was in the 13th and 14th centuries and the building was restored and extended in 1876. Cotterstock Hall was built in 1658 with alterations in the early 18th century and a main staircase added in the 19th century. The poet and playwright John Dryden (above) was a frequent visitor and is thought to have stayed in the south-west attic room at the Hall.

The Church of St Andrew


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18/09/2018 15:08

The latest laser and injectable cosmetic procedures performed by fully qualified GP or Nurse Practitioner Laser Treatments Include:

• Laser tattoo removal • IPL photo-rejuvenation asses • Hair removal consu sment • Rosacea & facial redness ltation • Facial & leg veins & vascular lesions • Pigmented skin lesions & sun damage


The Old Church, Mill Street, Oakham

All in addition to our usual range of Medical Aesthetic Treatments:

• Muscle relaxing injections for lines & wrinkles • 8 point non-surgical face lift • Non-surgical 15 minute Rhinoplasty • Volite & Restylane Vital skin rejuvenation • Juvederm & Restylane dermal fillers • Silhouette Soft Thread lifts • Treatment for excessive underarm sweating (hyperhidrosis) • Minor surgical procedures including mole removal & non-scalpel vasectomy 01476 550056

The Market Cross Surgery, Bourne Road, Corby Glen, Lincs NG33 4BB



18/09/2018 15:08

HEALTH & BEAUTY Rutland Aesthetics and Calveo at The King Centre in Oakham This month Editor Clare Peel went to find out more about two local businesses – Rutland Aesthetics and Calveo – who have joined forces to open a brand new, purpose-built clinic within The King Centre, just a couple of minutes’ drive from the heart of Oakham, on the Barleythorpe Road

Rutland Aesthetics


ED by Clinical Director Dr Sunny Dhesi, a highly qualified medical doctor with a GP background, Rutland Aesthetics was established in 2016 and has been going from strength to strength ever since, both locally and nationally. Dr Dhesi is not just a PHOTOGRAPHY: ELLI DEAN practitioner but also a teacher in his field, with a regular post at the Harley Academy in London. Having a medically trained professional at the helm unquestionably offers an enormous degree of reassurance to clients, and Dr Dhesi’s calm, intelligent, highly professional manner instils further confidence still. Expansion for Rutland Aesthetics this autumn sees the opening of a high-spec, purpose-built clinic offering a discreet, relaxing, professional environment for cosmetic treatments from Botox, fillers and peels to treatments for conditions including acne, leg veins and excessive sweating, among others (fuller details on the website). The clinic is discreetly located at one end of The King Centre and has its own entrance (excellent in terms of privacy), with parking directly adjacent. An initial consultation with no obligation and no pressure is offered to asses a client’s needs, so that personal treatment recommendations can be made as to how to safely and best achieve the cosmetic look desired. Dr Dhesi and his team were keen to stress to me that Rutland Aesthetics’ approach focusses very much on the individual – finding the right holistic treatment for each client – with time carefully taken to determine this. Their philosophy is to “Restore, Renew and Rejuvenate” your skin, sensitively and subtly striving for “you, but the best of you”. The combination of stylish, purpose-built new premises, a highly qualified professional team and a strong customer-focussed approach make this Barleythorpe clinic an impressive proposition for those looking for CALVEO aesthetic cosmetic treatments in our area.

Both Rutland Aesthetics and Calveo are at The King Centre, Barleythorpe, Oakham, Rutland LE15 7WD. Wishing both businesses all the very best in their new home! • For an appointment or to find out more Rutland Aesthetics, call 07775 839921, email or visit • To contact Calveo and for further information, call 01572 490950, email or visit SPECIAL OFFER: Calveo are offering 10 per cent off the first treatment (valid on any course of treatments booked before 31 October 2018




ITH the philosophy “Less is More” and a name rather delightfully meaning “be hairless” in Latin, Calveo is a new business venture from fully qualified practitioners Cherise Price and Lorna Triggs. Opened in September 2018, it is the only clinic specialising in laser-hair removal in Oakham. Located within the same privately accessed clinic as Rutland Aesthetics, with plenty of parking right outside the door, Calveo’s suite of rooms has been designed to have the feel of what Cherise and Lorna describe as a “medi spa”, offering a softer approach to treatments of this kind. It’s very much about dispensing the myth that treatments such as this are intimidating or frightening – the soft dandelion head logo that Calveo have adopted is a lovely representation of this. “Make a wish and all your hairfree wishes will come true,” Cherise told me reassuringly. Using top-of-the-range equipment from Lumenis, Calveo can treat all skin and hair types. The first step is to come for a consultation for them to understand your requirements, assess your skin/hair and talk more about what to expect. This is a great opportunity to discuss any concerns you might have about pain thresholds (it’s like pinging an elastic band, apparently, and typically far less painful than waxing or electrolysis). You can discuss how many treatments you’ll need (commitment to a course of around 6 to 8 is necessary to achieve optimum results, and Cherise and Lorna will be able to talk through that with you – note that paying in instalments is possible, even when you’ve signed up to a course). In between treatments, you mustn’t wax, but you can still shave – arguably another benefit over waxing, where longer hair regrowth is necessary. This initial consultation is also when you would have a patch test done to check that there’s no adverse reaction to the lasering. A full list of treatments available is on Calveo’s website, but it includes removal of hair from the leg, bikini area, armpits, chin and upper lip for women and from the chest, back, sideburns and nose/ears for men. Cherise and Lorna’s enthusiasm for the technology and service they are offering was hugely infectious and their desire to offer a very personable, customer-focussed approach won me over – as with Rutland Aesthetics, I came away most impressed by this new addition to Rutland’s health and beauty scene.


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• • • •


P L E A S E C O N TA C T O U R F R I E N D LY T E A M F O R F U R T H E R I N F O R M AT I O N O R T O B O O K Y O U R C O N S U LTAT I O N . THE KING CENTRE BA R L E Y T H O R P E OA K H A M L E 1 5 7 W D 01 5 72 49 0 95 0 co n ta c t u s @ c a l ve o. co. u k c a l ve o. co. u k

1 O % T R E AT M E N T D I S C O U N T O F F Y O U R F I R S T T R E AT M E N T S E S S I O N O F F E R VA L I D W I T H A N Y C O U R S E O F T R E AT M E N T S B O O K E D B Y 3 1 : 1 2 : 2 0 1 8


CONFIDENCE IS BEAUTIFUL The First and Foremost Aesthetics clinic in Rutland for both men and women. Treatments to RESTORE RESTORE, RENEW, and REJUVENATE your skin. Wrinkle smoothing injections Dermal fillers for lip and facial rejuvenation. Bespoke skincare for ageing and pigmentation Acne treatments In clinic skin rejuvenation and much more...


King Centre, Barleythorpe, Oakham, Rutland LE15 7WD T 07775 839 921 E



18/09/2018 15:08


IS IT TIME TO TAKE ACTION FOR BETTER PHYSICAL AND EMOTIONAL HEALTH? Back pain, neck pain, headaches, stress, chronic fatigue, irritable bowel, anxiety, insomnia...the list of ‘everyday’ ailments that we put up with goes on and on, but given the choice, would you rather that these were not ever-present in your life? If you had the opportunity of a free consultation to find the underlying cause of your symptoms, would you take it?


r Tracy Dixon-Maynard DC RCST is this year celebrating her 20th anniversary as a Chiropractor, but a devastating injury in 2014 left her re-evaluating her practice and realising that there are so many more layers to address to achieve optimum physical and emotional health. Described by patients as “a therapy like no other”, Tracy talks about why her new practice, Talako Therapies, based in Market Harborough, will make you look at how to become your healthiest version of you in a new light.

know it at the time, but this injury was such a gift! It enabled me, 20 years after qualifying as a Chiropractor, to train in another hands-on therapy that enhances the body’s own natural capacity for healing, Craniosacral Therapy, or CST.

Integrating CST into my Chiropractic practice enables me to offer an even more holistic approach to achieving optimum physical and emotional health for my patients; with Chiropractic treatment alone, I might only be able to take patients to a certain point, but now with the addition of Craniosacral Therapy, Our bodies are quite capable of compensating I can really get to the core of a problem for a degree of ill-use, but eventually this will using a deeper set of tools. catch up with us and symptoms will develop. Sadly, I am seeing these ‘symptoms’ develop Who Can Benefit? Everyone! CST is a non-invasive treatment at younger and younger ages, with even children suffering with stress and anxiety, IBS, that can have a positive effect on nearly every system of the body, and being behavioural issues and poor sleep. extremely gentle, is suitable for all ages, from newborns to the elderly. Rather than ignore these symptoms, which after all are our body’s way of telling us something is wrong, we need to address them In my practice, I always aim to offer a fully integrated treatment approach to prevent them escalating into much more that is tailored to each individual’s complex and debilitating illnesses. That’s needs. The treatment options and plan where Talako Therapies can help. is always discussed with each patient, Tell us more after completing a full case history and In 2014, I was literally given a career examination to fully understand the break when I badly broke my arm. I didn’t underlying cause of symptoms. So many of us live our lives suffering from what I would call modern lifestyle diseases, ailments, pain, or discomfort, some of which have been listed above. We lead busy lives, we work hard, sometimes we play hard too, but maybe we don’t take enough care over our physical and emotional wellbeing.



Take Action!

If you are one of the many people just living with physical or emotional pain or discomfort, be one of the few who decide to do something about it! Talako Therapies is offering a free initial consultation to readers when you mention Rutland & Market Harborough Living Magazine, but only for the month of October, so act now!

To book your free in itial consultation to discuss your health concerns, contact Dr Tracy Dixo n-Maynard DC RCST on or 07870 645076 . Or visit www.talako for more informatio n.

18/09/2018 15:08

Currently celebrating its first decade, The Rutland Concert Band has swiftly become a treasured part of the fabric of the county. A performance by the band is now an essential element of any musical event from the Proms in the Park to the Christmas service in Oakham School Chapel. Amander Meade met with saxophonist Kath Rolison and founding member, Catherine Steele, to find out what makes the band so special



AVING moved to Rutland in 2008 and with a background in military bands, Ian Halcrow made enquiries about how to join Rutland’s concert band. He was amazed to be informed there was no such ensemble and immediately set about creating one. Collaborating with musicians Anne Mortimer and Julie Dustan, Ian held an open evening to recruit members for a brand new concert band for Rutland. “On that first evening around ten musicians met in Anne’s shop,” explains Catherine, “it was a positive start, and word soon began to spread.” Thanks to Peter Davis at Oakham School, the band was offered a rehearsal space and began to create a programme of music to perform for the community. “In under a year we had 35 members, and our first performance was at the Rutland Day in 2008,” remembers Catherine. As awareness of the band grew, invitations to perform increased, and the band held some successful Play Days, which resulted in more new members. “We are first and foremost a community band. We play without charge for community events and offer plenty of opportunities to young musicians. We are lucky enough to have some really talented young

players as well as members in their 70s, with everything in between.” adds Kath. “The real beauty of this kind of band is the camaraderie. We support each other and celebrate each other’s successes within music and in our wider lives.” As well as individual musicians, members of the band include couples, siblings, parents and their children and friends – all engendering a family feeling that is translated through the warmth of the music. Under Ian’s musical direction, the band plays a mixture of classical pieces, songs from the stage and screen and popular pieces to encourage audience participation. Not confined to playing within Rutland, the band has performed further afield, from Hunstanton to Amsterdam and Bruges. “In 2014 as part of the World War I commemorations, we played at the Menin Gate in Belgium, which was incredibly moving. Every evening there is a memorial service for people who have travelled from all over the world to attend, so it was a huge honour to play for the assembled crowd in such a special place. We were filmed for BBC East Midlands during that performance, which was also a highlight for the band.”

Now numbering 65, members have a new rehearsal space thanks to the Baptist Church in Oakham, and the door is always open to newcomers. “Some sections are in need of new players, while others are currently full with a waiting list,” explains Catherine. “During the next 10 years we hope to grow both in number and in our musicianship. It’s especially rewarding to see how the younger players develop, although we all benefit from playing together and we are all improving all the time. Anyone wanting to come along will be made most welcome. We are a very friendly bunch, and rehearsals are relaxed, fun and inclusive.” • The band will be playing for Remembrance in support of the British Legion in All Saints Church, Oakham, on Saturday 10 November. They will perform a Christmas Concert in Oakham School Chapel on Tuesday 18 December with proceeds to Rutland Lions (tickets from Oakham Wines/on the door). • Rehearsals take place on Tuesdays between 7.30pm and 9pm, and any woodwind, brass or percussion players interested in finding out more about joining the band should email via the website:


47 BAND CPSH.indd 1


19/09/2018 14:51

CHRISTMAS PARTY MENU Amuse bouche Starters Pigeon, venison and pheasant terrine Hazelnut parkin, date chutney Ballotine of salmon Potato salad, homemade salad cream, caviar Twice baked Roquefort cheese soufflé Pear, grape and celery sorbet Butternut squash veloute Red onion jam, pine nuts, confit chicken, pumpkin seed biscuit

Mains Salt Baked Turkey Breast Leg meat hot pot, chipolata, Brussel sprouts, honey roast vegetables Braised shoulder of lamb Spinach, carrot ravioli and pickled red cabbage Roast venison Beetroot gnocchi, beetroots, horseradish, chocolate, baby parsnips Pan Fried Cod Braised leek, dauphinoise potatoes and red wine shallots

Desserts Christmas pudding log Brandy butter and sherry ice cream Rum and raisin pannacotta Raisin shortbread, poached figs, rum sorbet Duck egg custard tart Eccles cake, stem ginger ice cream Orange and cinnamon slice Orange chutney, cinnamon ice cream

TWO COURSES £24.95 THREE COURSES £29.95 Available from 1st - 23rd December Tuesday - Saturday only

ADVANCE BOOKING AND PRE-ORDER NECESSARY Late November dates maybe available with pre arrangement.

Boxing Day Lunch

2 courses £20.95/3 courses £25.95 Contact us for further details

T: 01780 763649 E: Like our Facebook page & keep up to date with our events THE WICKED WITCH, BRIDGE STREET, RYHALL, PE9 4HH 48


18/09/2018 15:08


It might still feel as if Christmas is a while off, but it’s never really too early to start planning a festive meal out. Clare Peel takes a look at some of the festive dining offers available across the region – whether for an office party, a family get-together or if you just don’t fancy cooking on Christmas Day, there’s something here to suit.

Christmas Menus and Party Rooms

BARNSDALE HALL HOTEL North Shore, Rutland Water, Nr Oakham, Rutland LE15 8AB, 01572 725157, It’s a big year this year for Barnsdale Hall Hotel, as they celebrate their 30th anniversary, and there’s an enticing festive offering from the hotel as part of this. There’s a festive lunch menu (£14.95 for two courses or £17.50 for three), a festive three-course Sunday lunch (£18.50, served each Sunday in December), Christmas Party Nights at £31.50 (three-course dinner plus music from the hotel’s resident DJ on 1, 7, 8, 14, 15, 21 and 22 December and for private use on other dates – contact the hotel for details), lunch on Christmas Day itself (£76 per person) and a two-day Christmas residential package (available from £280 per person). On New Year’s Eve, the hotel is hosting a 1920s’

Party (adults only), which is £85 per person and includes Champagne and canapés on arrival, a themed seven-course dinner, as well as a table magician and a disco. BARNSDALE LODGE The Avenue, Exton, Rutland LE15 8AH, 01572 724678, With a wonderfully cosy atmosphere that is especially lovely in the winter months, Barnsdale Lodge has its usual impressive festive offering this year. This includes a special menu for lunch and dinner Monday to Saturday from 1 to 23 December, and for lunch on 24 December (lunch: £19 per person for two courses/£22 per person for three courses; dinner: £25 per person for two courses/£28 for three). A three-course Sunday lunch is also available, at £21.95 per person.

On 15 December, it’s the Barnsdale Christmas Ball (black tie), which is £59.50 per person for a Champagne reception, four-course dinner and entertainment. We like the sound of Christmas carols around the tree on 24 December between 6–7pm, followed by a three-course dinner. On Christmas Day there’s a five-course lunch at £90 per person, and on Boxing Day, lunch (three courses) is £30 a head. The New Year’s Eve celebrations (£95 per person) this year include Champagne and canapés, a five-course dinner (optional black tie) and dancing. On New Year’s Day, lunch is £30 per person for three courses. At selected dates in December, Barnsdale Lodge is also offering bespoke corporate party nights – for dates, menus and rates, visit the hotel’s website. Special festive residential packages are also available.


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19/09/2018 14:52

Christmas Menus and Party Rooms THE CHUBBY CASTOR 34 Peterborough Road, Peterborough PE5 7AX, 01733 380801, Chef Patron Adebola Adeshina opened The Chubby Castor in Peterborough earlier this year. Here, the focus is on fresh and locally sourced produce, cooked in a modern British way. The building comprises stone, thatch and dormer windows, which convey all the charm and character of its 17th-century style and make it the perfect venue for a Christmas Day feast. For £135 per person, guests will receive Champagne on arrival and a five-course dinner. Diners can enjoy a delicious range of dishes, including lobster, beef Wellington or traditional roast turkey. From 16 November, the festive Sunday roast dinner will be available Monday to Sunday and is £28 per person for three courses. Four private rooms are available for functions; they can accommodate between four and 20 guests. This can include your Christmas Day gathering or your corporate Christmas party. Menus have been crafted for corporate Christmas parties and start at £40 per person. The Chubby Castor

COUNTRY LOUNGE CAFÉ & BAR Glaston Road, Nr Oakham, Rutland LE15 9DL, 01572 748731, Under new management this season, this relaxed, spacious café and bar, located on the Glaston Road just off the A47 at Morcott, starts the festive season with its PreChristmas Bash, on 30 November (£17.95 per person for two courses), including live entertainment with “Elvis in the building”! The Christmas Party Menu is then available from 1 to 23 December, with two courses for £16.50 per person and including all the usual festive favourites, plus lots more besides. If you don’t fancy cooking on Christmas Day, book in instead for four courses at £65 per person (12–2pm). On New Year’s Eve, there’s a black-tie event (£45 per person) with Elvis back in the building and a DJ, plus bubbly and a two-course meal. It all sounds great fun! EXETER ARMS 28 Main Street, Barrowden, Rutland, 01572 747365, Tom and Joanne Ward offer a warm welcome at the Exeter Arms, a quintessentially English pub in the picturesque village of Barrowden.


The exciting news this autumn is that they have a new chef – Tim Luff, formerly of The Olive Branch – who launched his new menu in September. Throughout December, they will have both a Christmas-themed menu and, for groups of six or more, a Party Menu, with a set price of two courses for £19.50 or three courses for £24.50. The set menu will require a preorder and £10 deposit per person. They will be hosting their ever-popular New Year’s Eve Gala Dinner, with bubbles and canapés on arrival, followed by a five-course dinner with a choice of mains (£45 per person; must be pre-ordered, with a £20 deposit per person).

offering a six-course lunch and dinner menu, including coffee and homemade chocolates, at £153 per person. New Year’s Eve is also the only night of the year when Hambleton Hall’s dance floor is down. Tickets to the evening celebrations cost £235 per person and include Champagne on arrival and to see the New Year in, plus a sixcourse dinner with wine, coffee and homemade chocolates. Exquisite!

THE GEORGE & DRAGON INN 2 Main Street, Seaton, Oakham, Rutland LE15 9HU, 01572 747418, This ambitious new venture from Ralph Offer, formerly of The Stamford Wine Bar, has Hambleton Hall been receiving rave reviews – its THE HATTON ARMS atmosphere, food and wine list all get the 14 Arnhill Road, Gretton, Northants NN17 thumbs up – so we have very high hopes for 3DN, 01536 770268, the Christmas package this year too. This Neil and Julie Smith have been at the helm of quintessential rural English pub has undergone this 17th-century Gretton pub for the past nine a complete transformation – what a review in years and they pride themselves on providing Stamford Living described as “snug country the perfect venue for your celebration with a pub with an industrial twist”. For details of the menu that incorporates traditional and style festive menus, contact the pub or look online. with value and taste. This year, the Christmas Party Menu is £19.95 per person for lunch HAMBLETON HALL Oakham Road, Hambleton Peninsula, Rutland or dinner and includes all the classics, plus dishes such as fig and mozzarella bruschetta LE15 8TH, 01572 756991, for starters and slow-cooked beef in red wine served with root vegetable mash for the main, With its unbeatable setting overlooking Rutland in addition to all the usual Christmas favourites. Water, Michelin-starred food from Head Chef Special events include Carols Round the Piano, Aaron Patterson and impeccable service, on 23 December (6.30pm onwards), with mulled Hambleton Hall is an exquisite choice for a wine and singing (lovely!), plus a New Year’s Christmas meal or festive party. The Study, one of the hotel’s private dining rooms, is perfect for Day Breakfast, served from 10.30am to 2pm on 1 January, with a full English aimed at helping Christmas parties for 6–16 guests. Party groups you to get over the night before and easing you are offered the Special Limited Choice Menu gently into the New Year. (Sunday to Thursday, £70 per person for three courses/£90 for four; also includes a “middle” fish course). Starters include a wild mushroom ravioli with grappa, mains include Jacob’s Ladder with smoked potato, horseradish and red wine jus as well as roast guinea fowl with artichoke and sweetcorn Madeira jus, and, to follow, there’s almond soufflé with Hambleton Hall quince ice cream, among others, then coffee and (absolutely delicious) homemade chocolates. Key festive events include, on 4 December, a Christmas Concert at St Andrew’s Church in Upper Hambleton, with the option of following this with dinner (concert, dinner and wines £132.50). On Christmas Day, the restaurant is


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20/09/2018 10:40

THE JACKSON STOPS Rookery Lane, Stretton, Rutland LE15 7RA, 01780 410237, This Stretton country inn enjoys a fantastic reputation locally, and this is reflected in the fact that at time of printing their Christmas Day offering had already sold out. You can still book in for their festive menus, though, which run from 29 November to 9 January. Lunch is £16.95 for two courses and £20.95 for three. From the menus, we liked the sound of Kilnroast Peterhead salmon and mackerel saladette for starters, followed by roast local Tilton turkey for mains and a poached spiced pear with winter fruit compote and honey and cinnamon ice cream for dessert. An impressive festive à la carte dinner menu is also on offer. There’s a New Year’s Eve candlelit dinner at £35 per person (menu available from the inn on request; places still available). The team are also happy to create bespoke packages.

THE LAKE ISLE 16 High Street East, Uppingham, Rutland LE15 9PZ, 01572 822951, For a meal that will really deliver in terms of high-quality food, plus a seriously impressive wine list, Uppingham’s Lake Isle is an excellent choice. We have just heard that it has been included in The Good Food Guide 2019, so what better reason to test out the festive offering? From 4 to 22 December (Tuesday to Saturday) they are offering a Christmas fayre lunch menu at £22.50 a head for three courses; there are five choices per course, including all the traditional favourites plus inventive-sounding alternatives such as a little casserole of local game with port, pearl onions, pancetta and juniper dumplings for starters, a lentil, peanut and cashew nut roast for mains and an iced cappuccino parfait, with warm mini doughnuts for pudding. On Christmas Eve, there’s a four-course lunch menu (£45), while on Christmas Day the celebrations kick off with a glass of Kir Royale, followed by five courses (including a palatecleansing Champagne sorbet with mulled wine steeped fruits) plus coffee at £97.50 per person. And on New Year’s Eve, there is an exquisite-sounding menu (£68 a head for five courses including a palate cleanser) with dishes including “Salmon 4 ways” for starters and steamed supreme of halibut with crab dumplings for mains. For more information on any of the menus at The Lake Isle, visit their website.

Recently named “Leicestershire THE LANGTON ARMS & Rutland Dining Pub of the Main Street, Church Langton, Year” for the third year running Market Harborough LE16 7SY, by The Good Pub Guide, The 01858 545396, Olive Branch is one of our favourite places to dine out in With eclectic décor, a convivial Rutland. The menus, courtesy of atmosphere and a growing co-owner and chef Sean Hope, reputation among locals, The are wonderfully enticing, and Langton Arms has gone from there’s always a warm welcome. strength to strength since This December, there’s a Festive reopening after extensive Gourmet Menu, including table renovation earlier this year. The snacks, five courses, coffee and festive offering looks great – The Olive Branch petit fours (£45 per person, alongside the normal December daily except Sundays at lunch menu, there is a special Christmas and dinner), alongside the à la carte menu. Party Menu from 29 November to 24 December In addition to the classic Christmas choices (excluding Sundays). It’s £23 for two courses on this special menu, we liked the sound of and £28 for three. Choose from all the classics confit salmon ballotine with beetroot, fennel, plus on-trend options such as Lincolnshire horseradish buttermilk curd for starters, and sausage and streaky bacon sausage roll, port and stilton rarebit with walnut toast for with apple and cider chutney for starters, a afters. On Christmas Day itself, lunch is £120 mushroom, spinach, ricotta and for five courses, chestnut Wellington for mains, plus coffee and petit The Olive Branch followed by sticky toffee figgy fours, while the New pudding and (£6 extra) cheese. Year’s Dinner this year is £90 for five OLD PHEASANT courses plus coffee 15 Main Road, Glaston, Rutland and petit fours – a LE15 9BP, 01572 822326 wonderful way to You can expect a warm welcome see in 2019! at this traditional stone-built pub, In addition to the located off the A47 not far from main dining room, Uppingham. Inside, it’s lovely The Olive Branch has and cosy, with beams adding to a private party room, the atmosphere – perfect for The Barn, which can the winter months. For more cater for parties up information on what’s on at to 20. The menu Christmas, contact them on the for private parties number above. offers three choices per course (£24.95 for two courses, £29.95 for three). OLD RED LION Main Street, Welham, Market Harborough, THE ORCHARD CAFE LE16 7UJ, 01858 565253, king-henrysWelland Vale Garden Inspirations, Glaston Road, Uppingham, Rutland LE15 9EU, 01572 In a beautiful rural setting in the Welland Valley, 824935, this pub has log fires and comfy leather sofas, making it a lovely relaxed venue for a Christmas The café at the Welland Vale garden centre will be offering traditional Christmas lunches outing. The Christmas Party Menu offers two (reservations necessary) at £12.95 per person courses for £12.99 and three for £15.99 (under for a single course, £15.95 per person for two 5s eat free and there are good options for older and £17.95 per person for three (complimentary children). The Christmas Day Menu is £39.99 tea/coffee is served with two or three courses), per person, including Bucks Fizz on arrival. with four choices per course. In addition to the festive classics, there are choices such as beef, THE OLD PLOUGH leek and swede Cumberland pie for mains, 2 Church Street, Braunston, Nr Oakham, and raspberry and white chocolate roulade for Rutland LE15 8QT, 01572 722714, pudding. Be organised and pick up a Christmas tree, festive wreath and your decorations from Located a couple of miles southwest of the garden centre at the same time! Oakham, this 18th-century pub headed by Lorraine and Head Chef Karl is offering an THE WICKED WITCH attractive menu from 1 December to 5 January. Bridge Street, Ryhall, Nr Stamford, At lunch, it’s two courses for £23.95 or three Lincs PE9 4HH, 01780 763649, courses for £27.95 and in the evening it’s two courses £26.95, three courses for £29.95. On You can be sure that the food at The Wicked Christmas Day, it’s £57.95 per person. Booking Witch will be cooked with flair with Head Chef and pre-orders are required. We liked the sound Dameon Clarke at the helm. The Christmas of the spiced roasted celeriac and parsnip Party Menu – two courses for £24.95, three for soup for starters, then the choice of four £29.95, with four choices per course – looks as mains (including Norfolk Bronze Turkey) and enticing as ever this year. In addition to all the cinnamon and Calvados pannacotta for pud. traditional Christmas favourites, dishes include twice-baked Roquefort cheese soufflé for THE OLIVE BRANCH starters, roast venison for mains, and duck egg Main Street, Clipsham, Rutland LE15 7SH, custard tart for desserts. Delicious! 01780 410355, RUTLAND & MARKET HARBOROUGH LIVING OCTOBER 2018

49-51 XMAS MENUS CPSH.indd 5


19/09/2018 14:53

M NEW EN U! Christmas Menu, December 1st to January 5th. Booking Essential. Menu subject to pre-orders only with 7 days notice.

Welcome to the Morcott Country Lounge Pre-Christmas Bash - 30/11/18

• 2 Courses £17.95pp • Live Entertainment with Elvis in the Building!

Christmas Party Menu - Book Now

• 1st – 23rd December • 2 Courses - £16.50pp

Christmas Day - Book Now

• 4 Courses (including Tea, Coffee and Homemade Mince Pies) £65pp • Bookings being taken 12pm – 2pm

New Year’s Eve - Book Now

• 2 Courses £45pp • Glass of Bubbly on arrival • Black Tie and Evening Dress Event • Live DJ, Disco and Elvis is in the Building!• Countdown to 2019! Bookings being taken for Sunday Lunch at Morcott Country Lounge T: 01572 748731 E: A47 Glaston Road, Morcott, LE15 9DL Find us on facebook

Starters Scottish Smoked Salmon, Norfolk Crab and King Prawn Tian, pickled angel’s hair vegetables and a horseradish cream. Gressingham Duck Liver and Courvoisier Pate with Melba Toast served with house tomato and date chutney. Spiced Roasted Celeriac and Parsnip Soup with Confit Chestnuts, root veg crisps and home made bread.

Mains Norfolk Bronze Turkey served with roast potatoes, pigs in blankets, stuffing, seasonal roast veg, pan gravy. 28 Day Hung Willowbrooks Sirloin of Beef (served medium) Yorkshire pudding, stuffing, roast potatoes, seasonal veg. Butternut Squash, Goat’s Cheese, Spinach and Confit Chestnut Wellington with mushroom gravy and seasonal veg. Pan Seared Fillet of Scottish Salmon, sautéed new potatoes, samphire, tender stem broccoli and salsa rouge.

Desserts Individual Christmas Pudding served with brandy butter cream. Cinnamon and Calvados enriched panna cotta - Baileys Cheesecake and a coffee cream Mince pie and apple crumble with house made crème anglaise - Tea or coffee with homemade mince pies

Lunch 2 courses £23.95 - 3 courses £27.95 Evening 2 courses £26.95 - 3 courses £29.95 Christmas Day £57.95 per person (inc glass of Prosecco on arrival)

The Old Plough 2 Church Street Braunston Near Oakham Rutland LE15 8QT

Tel 01572 722 714



19/09/2018 12:23



18/09/2018 15:09

Glorious grains From Kamut to Freekeh to Amaranth – sounds like a potential title for a new book of walks by our peripatetic Publisher! But, for those not quite so up to date with food trends, these are actually all “super grains”, rapidly infiltrating menus, and hijacking shelf space at our local health food stores and delicatessens. Deborah Pennell delves further into the world of grains


GRAIN is defined as a single fruit or seed of a cereal. Unfortunately, with modern food production so many of the ingredients we eat are now classed as refined foods; grains are often no longer in their natural state, resulting in the loss of beneficial nutrients and fibre. Without becoming too technical, refined grains have a very high GI (glycemic index), a measure of how quickly carbohydrate causes a blood sugar spike in the body. For example, white rice has a GI of 87, compared to brown rice with a much lower GI of 50. More recently, people have become aware of the health benefits of “going back to basics”, which in turn has seen a revival of the more traditional grains such as spelt, farro and freekeh. Let’s take a look at these increasingly popular grains:

Some key grains: AMARANTH One of the world’s oldest crops this protein-rich, gluten-free “pseudo” grain is a distant relation to Swiss chard and spinach. An amaranth plant will produce multiple seed heads, each of which can yield up to 5,000 seeds. It has a mild nutty and slightly malty flavour. Amaranth seeds (I mentioned it was a pseudo grain!) take on a pasty consistency when cooked, so it is an excellent gluten-free thickener when made into flour. Whole amaranth can be boiled and mixed with other grains, added to stews or porridge.

BARLEY This is a grain most of us have come across in school lunches, used to bulk out soups and stews. There are two types of barley available – pot barley and pearl barley. Pot barley, where only the husk is removed, is the more nutritious of the two types, but it takes longer to cook and may be difficult to source. Pearl barley is readily available. Both types of barley work well in soups, stews and slow-cooked dishes. However, pearl barley should be used where the cooking time is reduced, in dishes such as risottos and salads.



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BUCKWHEAT Again this is technically not a grain – but its name suggests it should be! Buckwheat comes from the seeds of a plant distantly related to rhubarb. More often than not it is found in a ground form, but it can be bought as cracked wholegrain – known as groats. It has an earthy flavour. Use it in salads with grains such as quinoa and in pilafs and soups. Buckwheat flour is often added to pancake, muffin and blini mixes. It is a great source of protein, as it contains all the essential amino acids, as well as being rich in phytochemicals and gluten free. MILLET Ranked as one of the most important grains in the world, millet is believed to sustain more than a third of the world’s population! A staple food in Africa and Asia for thousands of years, it has more recently become popular in Eastern Europe. It has a mild corn flavour, which, once toasted, creates a delicious nutty taste. Use pearled in cakes and muffins, added whole to salads and stews, and ground into cereals and bread. Millet is gluten free and a good source of manganese, and minerals such as zinc, copper and phosphorous.

19/09/2018 14:56

FREEKEH (PRONOUNCED: FREE-KAH) A green grain made from young durum wheat, freekeh is mentioned in the Bible, and was allegedly discovered by accident, after soldiers in the Eastern Mediterranean sabotaged wheat fields by setting fire to them. The local people tried to salvage what remained of their charred crop, and in doing so discovered that if they removed the burnt shells from the wheat, they uncovered delicious green/brown grains. It is roasted or smoked, then polished to remove the shells. The grains are then cracked to varying degrees of coarseness. The texture of freekeh is similar to bulgur wheat, and it has a rich, nutty smoky flavour. Use it in soups, stews, stuffings, salads and pilafs. It contains higher levels of dietary fibre and protein than standard wheat, and is a good source of calcium, potassium, iron and zinc. OATS Oats are gluten free, rich in fibre and offer a slow-release energy food, which helps you stay fuller longer. They are believed to contribute to lowering cholesterol. Use in porridge, in baking or (soaked) in breakfast muesli.

QUINOA (PRONOUNCED: KEEN–WAH) This tiny bead-shaped grain, which has taken our tables by storm, has a mild, nutty but bitter flavour and a firm texture. Unlike wheat and rice it is a complete protein, as it contains all eight essential amino acids. Regularly lauded as a “superfood”, it is packed with dietary fibre, phosphorous, magnesium and iron, and, to top it all, is gluten free and easy to digest. Quinoa is easily prepared, but be aware that when cooked the grains quadruple in size! Use in salads, stuffings, soups, stews, porridge and breakfast cereal.

SPELT An ancient member of the wheat family, with a much lower yield than modern wheat, spelt is genetically pure but not gluten free, as some might believe. Use it in stuffings, soups, risottos and salads. In ground form, spelt flour is often used in bread and bakery products. Cook it in boiled water until tender but still al dente. Also try grains such as bulgur, farro, rye and wholegrain and wild rice.

KAMUT (OR KHORASAN WHEAT) This ancient variety of wheat has a kernel twice the size of common wheat. The grains are long and rich brown in colour with a creamy and nutty taste. Kamut is available in whole grains, green kamut, flour, couscous, and bulgar wheat. Although it is not gluten free, many people find it easier to digest – hence its rise in popularity. It is higher in protein and more nutritious than common wheat and contains more selenium, magnesium and zinc. Use in breads, pasta, salads, soups and stews. To reduce cooking time, rinse and soak the whole grains for up to 24 hours before cooking. DIRECTORY Local places to eat, where pulses and grains are included in the day-to-day menus: Aloha Foods Co, 12 St John’s Street, Stamford PE9 2DB Fika, 10c Mill Street, Oakham LE15 6EA The Lean Pantry, 72 High Street, Stamford PE9 2AW Purchase your glorious grains from the following local shops: The Lean Pantry – as above Natures Dispensary Ltd, 7 Mill Street, Oakham LE15 6EA Silver Lane Whole Foods, 2 Silver Lane, Stamford PE9 2BT

How can grains help in our everyday diet? If you are a vegetarian, grains can be used to increase the intake of protein; quinoa is a power-packed grain, which appears regularly on menus and is readily available in our local shops and delis. Farro and spelt also offer a good alternative protein and are high in fibre too. For people with raised cholesterol, barley and oats contain powerful compounds called beta-glucans, which help lower cholesterol in the blood. Buckwheat is another heart-healthy option, as it contains rutin, a compound that protects against the effects of high cholesterol. For coeliacs, millet, amaranth and quinoa are all naturally gluten free. We are regularly advised by health experts to steer clear of refined foods and to select wholegrain versions instead, as they are rich in the B vitamins our bodies need – bulgur wheat and kamut are whole wheat grains and therefore supply more protein to keep you fuller for longer. Grains are also great for people trying to watch their weight, as their easily digestible protein minimises blood sugar swings, reducing the desire for unnecessary snacking. For anyone suffering from a hormone imbalance, grains are a valuable source of vitamin B6 and vitamin E – important vitamins in managing hormones.


Warm autumn salad of grains, pancetta, chestnuts and kale (for a vegetarian version, replace the pancetta with 50g dolcelatte cheese, stirred in at the last minute) • 200g quinoa or farro • 1 litre vegetable or chicken stock • Knob of butter • 2 tblsp extra virgin olive oil • 4 rashers smoked pancetta, chopped into thin strips • 1 leek, finely chopped • 1 sprig of rosemary, leaves removed • 2 large handfuls shredded kale • 100g tinned whole chestnuts, broken up 1. Place the quinoa/farro in a heavy-based saucepan and add the stock. Bring to the boil and cook until soft to the bite. Drain any excess stock. 2. Melt the butter with the oil and fry the pancetta, leeks and rosemary leaves over a medium heat until soft. 3. Add the quinoa/farro to the pan and stir in the shredded kale and chestnuts. Put the lid on the pan and place over a low heat until the kale is wilted and the chestnuts are warmed through. Serve.


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19/09/2018 14:56

The Olive Branch shares two trademark recipes – launching a series focusing on simple, delicious classic dishes


Olive Branch classics!

APPY 15th birthday to Rutland & Market Harborough Living! As we head into our 20th year, we’re launching a new series of classic Olive Branch recipes. Over the next few issues we’ll share some of the creations that have provided a foundation for our cooking since we served our great first customer in 1999. Expect to see recipes – straight out of the gravy-stained, dog-eared Olive Branch cookbook – for things such as our classic onion gravy, red wine sauce, honey-and-grain-mustard dressing and our trademark olive and herb butter – served at the start of each meal with warm, crusty bread. Over the years we’ve honed each recipe to what we believe is as close to perfection as possible. We believe that simple classics, when done well, can’t be beaten. In this issue we’re sharing our recipes for two time-honoured puds – both perfect for autumn, both indulgent and delicious: the unsurpassable bread (well, panettone in this case) and butter pudding, and the invincible sticky toffee pudding. We hope you enjoy them both.

Sticky toffee pudding • 225g dates (dried) • 225ml water • 350g butter • 225g granulated sugar • 25g self-raising flour • 10g baking powder • 3 eggs

1. Pre-heat oven to 180ºC (Gas Mark 4). 2. Boil together the dates and water for five minutes, then puree them in a food processor. 3. Cream together the butter and sugar until light and fluffy. 4. Sieve together the flour and baking powder. 5. Slowly add all the eggs into the sugar and butter, then fold in the date puree and flour. 6. Cook at 180ºC for 20–25 minutes.

Panettone & butter pudding Serves 6–8 • 6 eggs • 120ml cream • 700ml whole milk • 100g Demerara sugar • 12 slices of panettone 1. Grease a pie dish or baking tray with butter. 2. Whisk eggs. 2. Add cream and milk to eggs, adding some of the sugar. 3. Slice and butter panettone. 4. Layer panettone slices flat in dish/tray. 5. Pour liquid over. 6. Sprinkle with rest of sugar. 7. Cook in oven for approx 1hr at 130ºC (Gas Mark 1).

Sussex Pond Pudding is another Olive Branch classic


Pub news


After a brief hiatus, it’s all systems go in our pub paddock in Clipsham. Over the next few months, led by our new gardener, Erin, we’d like to create a productive and sustainable kitchen garden producing vegetables, fruit, herbs and flowers. Erin will use organic, no-dig gardening and companion and mixed planting to achieve maximum yield. We may even have a go at mushroom growing and beekeeping! We’ll keep you posted but we’re excited to get this going!

We’re incredibly proud to announce that we’ve been named County Dining Pub of the Year for Leicestershire & Rutland – plus runner-up for overall Pub of the Year – in the Good Pub Guide 2019. We’ve also been shortlisted in the Great Food Club Awards. The whole team has done brilliantly to achieve these results after a tricky year. We have had incredible support from staff members past and present, with many old team members coming back to help out and ensure we maintain our high standards.



19/09/2018 14:57

Christmas Parties 2018

‘The Study’ – one of Hambleton’s fabulous private dining rooms is perfect for Christmas parties of 6 to 16 guests. We are offering parties a Special Limited Choice Menu, Sunday to Thursday, £70.00 per person for 3 courses. (£90 per person for 4 courses)

Hambleton Hall is one of Britain’s finest country house hotels,

overlooking Rutland Water the hotel provides the most wonderful setting for a Christmas Party. Log fires, a beautiful Christmas tree, sensational Christmas decorations and lovely bedrooms to rest your weary head.

At the end of the evening why not stay the night?

If you would like to stay after your Christmas Party and book two or more bedrooms on a Sunday to Thursday, we are offering a special rate of £245.00 per night, based on 2 people sharing one of our Standard double bedrooms, including full Hambleton breakfast & vat.

Pan fried fillet of Seabass with a bouillabaisse jus Terrine of Carrot with star anise ice cream Wild Mushroom raviolo with grappa ***

Best fish catch of the day *** Poached fillet of Turbot with leek, potato and watercress Roast Guinea Fowl with artichoke and sweet corn Madeira jus Jacob’s Ladder, smoked potato, horseradish, red wine jus *** Tiramisu Almond soufflé with quince ice cream Terrine of Pear and Blackberry Caramel ice cream *** Coffee and chocolates All menus are subject to a discretionary service charge of 12.5%



18/09/2018 15:09

Compiled by Clare Peel

Food News & Reviews

Stapleford Park: Dinner with the WOW factor Reviewer: Nicholas Rudd-Jones


RRIVING at Stapleford Park is an experience in itself – a snaking drive past a church to swing round in front of a truly glorious Grade I-listed country mansion bearing the imprint of architectural styles, from Tudor to Victorian, perhaps the finest building in our region. And the welcome from the bar manager is superb, as we park ourselves in the huge bay window, looking out over the 500 acres of Capability Brown parkland, enjoying a gin and tonic and nibbles whilst perusing the menu. The comfortable, classically styled lounge takes the breath away and would impress the most fastidious of dinner guests (it is, quite rightly, a very popular spot for afternoon tea). Then comes the visual high point – being taken through to the dining room, replete with Grinling Gibbon wood carvings above the mantelpiece, making this a unique space. Hailed as the most famous woodworker of all time, Dutch master Grinling Gibbons completed intricate carvings in some of Britain’s most famous buildings including Hampton Court Palace, Blenheim Palace and St Paul’s Cathedral. Interestingly, he also occasionally worked in stone, and you can also check out famous examples of his work at the church in Exton, in Rutland. The menu very much offers fine dining. Being something of a pea addict, I had “Textures of pea” (pea panna cotta, pea gel, fresh peas, pea shoots) for starters, a visual feast of different shades of green and delicious with it (and very light). Clare chose the “Mackerel, tartar, cucumber, apple, chilli and horseradish”. She found the lightness of the mackerel beautifully offset by the piquancy of the horseradish. For the main, Clare opted for the “Poached sea trout, purple potatoes, chives and seaweed”. I chose the “Lincolnshire pork belly, prawn, thyme potatoes, vanilla and spinach”. This was a succulent, interesting presentation, the saltiness of the cracking complemented well by the sweetness of the vanilla apple. We soon discovered that Stapleford excels at desserts – creative and indulgent. Clare was delighted by the “Assiette of Yorkshire rhubarb – poached rhubarb, rhubarb sorbet, rhubarb meringue”, which she described as a “pastel-pink pudding fit for Marie Antoinette”, with its tiny pink meringues. I was equally delighted with the “Selection of our favourite cheese with grape, apple and chutney”. The Lincolnshire Poacher was a particular hit, perfectly matured, and all the portions of cheese were generous, so easy to share without a grumble… Service throughout the evening was impeccable. After the meal we chatted with Head Chef Anthony Fitt, who has worked in several of London’s biggest hotels and has a large kitchen cadre to support him. His philosophy is to keep it simple, get the best ingredients and let them do the talking. He explained to us: “Throughout the season, we forage for edible ingredients around our estate and use these seasonal plants and fungi such as nettles, wild garlic, elderflowers, meadowsweet, oak moss, a variety of mushrooms in our dishes.” He went on: “I always enjoy visiting and talking to local producers to learn about the ingredients that we will be using for our dishes. We source wherever possible from local artisans, keeping it local, doing our bit to support the community.” Definitely a fine dining spot when you want to impress and be blown away by your surroundings… Stapleford Park, Stapleford, Nr Melton Mowbray, Leicestershire LE14 2EF, 01572 787000,


Great Food Club Awards 2018/19

The shortlist is as follows: PRODUCER Fosse Meadows Farm Nene View Dairy Redhill Farm

CAFÉ/TEAROOM Gelato Village Kavanagh’s Petite Chouette

DRINK PRODUCER British Cassis Rothley Wine Wharf Distillery

FARM SHOP Farndon Fields Farm Shop Gonalston Farm Shop Harker’s Farm Shop

DELI/LIQUID DELI Bulwick Village Shop Christopher James Deli Duncan Murray Wines

BAKERY The Bakehouse The Garage Bakehouse Hambleton Bakery Rutland Cake Co

PUB/CASUAL DINING Dickies The Olive Branch The Wheatsheaf at Greetham RESTAURANT/FINE DINING The Hammer & Pincers Hart’s Restaurant John’s House Lilu

SPECIAL COMMUNITY AWARD The Good Loaf Lodge Trust Cafe & Shop The Platform Kiosk (Toton Tram Stop)

Judging is currently underway, with the GFC visiting and chatting to every place listed above. For more details of the judging process, head to the GFC’s website. Winners will be announced by the GFC on 1 November 2018. All places shortlisted will also be listed in the forthcoming Great Food Club Handbook 2019.

Rutland Charcuterie The Rutland Charcuterie Company has launched a range of locally sourced gift hampers, some named after Rutland villages (The Belton, The Braunston, The Clipsham, The Exton), plus deluxe hampers. They include a fine selection of the company’s charcuterie (all made from British freerange meats), as well as favourite cheeses, chutneys, dressings and other local goodies. 01572 724655,


58 FOOD NEWS CPSH.indd 1

19/09/2018 14:58

Now taking bookings for Christmas Country Inn and Restaurant A warm welcome is assured at our quintessential old English county pub, bringing you the best of British home cooked meals and a choice of well kept Real Ales.

Why not join us for Sunday Lunch? Choice of 3 roasts all served with the traditional trimmings £9.95 for one course up to £15.95 for three courses

Curry Night

1st Thursday of every month. Two course menu with selection of starters, followed by three homemade curries £10.95 a head

Friday Lunchtime Special

2 Portions of Cod, Chips and Mushy Peas for £10 Tue, Wed, Thur 12pm – 11pm (Food 12pm – 2.30pm/6.30pm – 9.30pm) Fri, Sat 12pm – 12am (Food 12pm – 2.30pm/6.30pm – 9.30pm) Sun 12pm – 6pm (Food 12.30pm – 3pm).Closed Mondays


14 Arnhill Road, Gretton | Northants, NN17 3DN

Tel: 01536 770268



18/09/2018 15:09

Specialist in the manufacture, installation and care of natural stone. With our experience in materials such as Marble, Granite, Neolith and Quartz, we are able to create stunning kitchen worktops, bath surrounds, vanity units, staircases, fireplaces, flooring and wall coverings. We offer a personal and knowledgeable service with highly skilled craftsmen and pride ourselves on the quality of service, the quality of materials used and the workmanship of your finished product. We offer a full supply, template, manufacture and installation service Open Monday – Friday 8am – 5pm, Saturday 8am – 3pm Unit 14-15 Wainman Road, Woodston, Peterborough, PE2 7BU Tel: 01733 687414 or 01733 370941



We bake a selection of delicious breads, savouries, cakes & desserts. Using traditional techniques and the finest ingredients we develop the real taste of our products, full of flavour with no preservatives or enhancers.

Shops: Exton Bakery, Oundle, Market Harborough, Oakham, Stamford & West Bridgford

We are delighted to be showcasing the outstanding originals by Anna Gammans. Her spontaneous and energetic paintings capture the beauty and dynamism of stunning harbour locations bathed in vivid sunsets. Pop into the Gallery this Autumn, and be inspired by our collections of originals and limited editions by some of the UK’s leading artists.

11 Mill Street, Oakham LE15 6EA 01572 722790



20/09/2018 12:19

Farndon Road Market Harborough LE16 9NP Tel: 01858 464838

Opening Hours Monday to Saturday 8am - 6pm Sunday & Bank Holidays 10am - 4pm



19/09/2018 12:24

A liTtlE HAllOweEn spoOkiNesS There’s a huge amount on across the area for Halloween. At Barnsdale Gardens, near to Oakham, it’s the annual Scary Spooktacular. Take a walk in the weird woods, take part in a terrifying treasure hunt or carve your own petrifying pumpkin to take home – frightening fun for all the family! Garden admission: adult £8.50/£7.50, child £4.50 (free if they’re in fancy dress), family (up to 5) £25. There’s the Hootingly Haunted Halloween at Rutland Water Reserve – carve a scary pumpkin or make a magical broomstick to take home. Discover what goes on under the cover of darkness with the dissection of owl pellets and take part in some spooky craft making. The best fancy dress costume wins a prize. Saturday 27 October, 2–4pm. Admission £10 Check out the Burghley Halloween Trail at Burghley House in Stamford between Saturday 20 October and Sunday 28 October. Tread through the crispy autumn leaves around the Sculpture Garden and find hidden spooks to receive a treat! It’s free with a house or gardens ticket (including annual passes). Spooky House Tours are also running, although these may be too scary for younger children. Easton Walled Gardens is hosting its Original Pumpkin Rolling Event from Wednesday 17 to Sunday 28 October. Roll your pumpkin as far as you can, sending it zooming from the magnificent terraces. Admission: £7.50 for adults and £3.50 for children, plus an extra £2 fee for the halfterm activities.

Nene Valley Railway is running the Wizard’s Express on 26 and 27 October, heading from Wansford Station at 7pm to Peterborough via Wellwarts and back again (returning for about 9pm). Stick to the timetable or you’ll be turned into a (chocolate) frog! (Not really!) For more information, visit At Riverford’s organic farm at Sacrewell Farm, just off the A1/A47, on Saturday 27 October (11am–4pm) there’s a family-friendly Halloween day. Tickets are £4 each (child tickets includes a pumpkin to carve); under 3s go free. Information at Finally, at West Lodge Rural Centre, in Desborough, Halloween fun runs throughout half term and includes Witch’s House Tours, spooky tractor rides and pumpkins. There’s also a Ghost Hunt by Torchlight on Saturday 27 October (6–8pm).

LIttLe livIng A look at what’s on for youngsters as we head towards half term and Halloween WORDS: CLARE PEEL

A liTtlE DAy out

If you’re looking for ideas for day trips for half term, what about a day in Birmingham? We recently went by train (it’s accessible direct from Oakham by train in just under an hour and a half each way and from Market Harborough with a change in Leicester) and packed in both the Legoland Discovery Centre (with rides, a 4D cinema, an incredible room with Birmingham in miniature – made of Lego, of course – and Lego build and play zones) and the National Sea Life Centre (home to over 2,000 creatures including penguins, sharks and seahorses and with the UK’s only 360-degree “Ocean Tunnel”). These attractions are located opposite each other in the city’s vibrant canal area, with lots of places to eat nearby, including the cool café in the architecturally striking Library of Birmingham. It made for a busy full day out, but my boys (6 and 9) loved it.,

A liTtlE ACtiVitY

If you’re juggling work with half term fun, looking for one day or need to book consecutive days for your child, the Rockblok team are here to help! Rockblok October Half Term Activity Club is for children aged 8 and older at Whitwell, Rutland Water, and is running from Monday 22 October to Friday 26 October – 8.30am–4.30pm (pick up 5pm). Fun-packed days will include climbing, high ropes, den and shelter building, team challenges, crafts, adventure games, soft archery and more. Make new friendships and enjoy action-packed days! My eldest son, Frank (9), tried it during the summer and had a fantastic time. The Rockblok Team are DBS checked with the appropriate first-aid qualifications and have a wealth of experience in providing supervision and fun activities for young people. Cost £30 per day, with a discount available when booking three days or more. Contact Rockblok for more information on 01780 460060 or visit


A liTtlE CYclIng

Cycle the spooky half term bike trail between Rutland Cycling’s Whitwell and Normanton stores. Pick up a trail leaflet in store and start the hunt for clues, then collect your prize at the end! It’s a family-friendly cycle route, starting from either store. Bike hire is available at Whitwell and Normanton. The trail is running throughout the October half term (Saturday 13 October to Sunday 28 October) and is £1 per person (a charitable donation to the Sue Ryder Hospice Thorpe Hall).



19/09/2018 14:59

Distributors required in Caldecott, Harringworth and Rockingham. Our readers really enjoy receiving Rutland & Market Harborough Living through their letterbox each month. So if you enjoy walking and want to earn a little extra money whilst getting some exercise and getting to know your local community then please contact: Tracey Green on 07725 535515 or email:

Puppy and Dog Training Classes near Market Harborough, O akham and across Leicestershire 07388 377379

Applicants must be 13 years old or over.





18/09/2018 15:10

To mark the centenary of the Royal Air Force, we celebrate the work the RAF is currently doing and look forward to the next hundred years. Recent research has found that isolation and loneliness is particularly acute within the ex-military community, with one in six individuals reporting relationship or isolation issues. Former Air Vice-Marshal Sean Bell tells Amander Meade how tackling loneliness is a key part of the RAF Association’s mission for the 21st century

Royal Air Force Association Befriending

Marjorie with her Befriender, former Air Vice-Marshal Sean Bell

Bertie with the Blades Aerobatic Team

How did you get involved in RAFA’s Befriending initiative? I was representing the RAF at the funeral of Colin Thomas, a former RAF serviceman and was immediately impressed by his widow, Marjorie, now aged 95. Marjorie is an amazing and independent lady who has travelled the world, but her mobility is now limited, and, despite having a supportive family, she often feels lonely since the loss of her husband. Following the funeral, Marjorie and I exchanged a series of handwritten letters, before she acquired a computer and an email account, and we have been great friends ever since. We email daily and have enjoyed lunches together plus a memorable trip to St Andrews, where Marjorie was the Guest of Honour at a Birmingham City match – her favourite team. What are the benefits? According to the Campaign to End Loneliness, it’s a bigger threat to life than obesity and more dangerous to health than smoking. We know that 50 per cent of RAF veterans are over 75 years, and, nationally, 50 per cent of people over 75 live alone, so we recognised an urgent need to address this problem. The lonely are more likely to need medication, suffer from depression or dementia and end up in residential care, so befriending really can make a huge difference to the lives of those left behind, and it is also tremendously rewarding for the befriender. Right now, there are RAF veterans in this region who are lonely and isolated. As a volunteer, you could step in to change that. It doesn’t take much of your time, and it’s a great way to use your skills, give something back and feel good about yourself. 64

Tell us about Marjorie’s bear Despite being a seasoned traveller, Marjorie is 95 years old, and the days of chasing around the world are behind her. However, she can still enjoy some of the experiences of global travel through her Befriender Bear – Bertie. The aim is to engage with social media users, who will help Bertie travel the globe, and share his experiences with Marjorie via a blog with photos and narrative to record his travels. The blog aims to “break the ice” and introduce the online community to the RAFA “Befriending Service”. Bertie the Bear’s blog reaches out to everyone but especially to those who are lonely or isolated. Do you have to have had an Air Force career to volunteer and what does the role involve? Anyone over 18 years from any walk of life can volunteer, whether or not they have been in military service. There is a simple security screening process and less than a day’s training – it couldn’t be simpler. How can readers help? We would love as many people to follow and engage with Bertie on social media. The more we improve the profile of the campaign, the more influence we can have in addressing and defeating loneliness. To follow Bertie’s adventures visit, BefrienderBear or Twitter: @BefrienderBear


64 RAF CPSH.indd 1

19/09/2018 14:59

Come and see our happy, vibrant schools in action and meet our committed staff team to discuss how our child-led, all-round education can help your child fulfil their full potential. Across our Trust we offer a diverse curriculum – which includes extensive sporting opportunities, a Forest Schools initiative, and innovative science and technology programmes to ensure that pupils are engaged and maintain high standards both inside and out of the classroom. We also aim to provide the very best resources and opportunities for our children. Each of our schools boasts beautiful surroundings; Brooke Hill, in Oakham, nestles amongst woodland, whilst Edith Weston is located on the south shore of Rutland Water. South Witham, just over the border in Lincolnshire, is in the heart of the picturesque village. All three work closely with their local community to provide the best possible service. We are proud to announce the opening of our 2yrs and up Little Hedgehogs Nursery at South Witham Academy on Monday 29th October.

Open Days

Brooke Hill Academy Thursday 11th October and Friday 23rd November Edith Weston Academy Friday 12th October and Tuesday 20th November South Witham Academy Wednesday 10th October and Thursday 22nd November Schools open from 9.30am – 3.00pm. Everyone is welcome, so please come and see us in action!



18/09/2018 15:10

News & Notes

Helping you to make the most of Rutland and Market Harborough living

F&S Curtains


ATIMA Safdar has had over 25 years in the furnishing and tailoring industry, and around a year ago she founded F&S Curtains, a family-run firm. Fatima describes the 12-month journey as hard work and challenging, as she says that running a business requires a unique skill set; however, her philosophy of “work smart, not just hard” is one of the main reasons that F&S Curtains has had such a successful first year. She commented: “I have enjoyed every moment and each and every project. You can’t price that moment when you put a smile on someone’s face when their house turns into their dream home.” Fatima is celebrating her first year in business by offering a 10 per cent discount on all bespoke self-furnishing products and services, including curtains, blinds, roman blinds, cushions, lampshades and bedcovers. Fatima loves turning people’s house into their dream home; if you want to go through that journey, contact F&S Curtains today. Call 0116 2961032, email or visit

Heidi Kjeldsen – 20 years of creating and selling fine jewellery in Oakham


HE stylish orange-and-silver signage of the Heidi Kjeldsen jewellery showroom on Oakham’s historic Mill Street heralds the exquisite collection within. Heidi’s beautiful gemstone pieces have been conceived from a deep-rooted passion and knowledge of gemology and jewellery design and using skills that have been honed with over 25 years. Her professional knowledge of precious and semi-precious gemstones, diamonds and pearls, partnered with the pursuit of creative perfection and the desire to offer supreme service, have been central to her brand for the past 20 years. Her range, which is stunning, elegant and classical with a modern twist, includes jewellery that is suitable for every occasion and includes exquisite pieces for birthdays and anniversaries, gifts to celebrate important milestones or as friendship gifts, plus statements of enduring love in engagement, wedding and eternity rings. Cocktail rings are accompanied by sumptuous diamond earrings for that special evening celebration. Fun cufflinks and stylish bangles, earrings, bracelets and necklaces are also wonderfully tempting. Should you require an individual, bespoke piece, then Heidi can design one for you using the latest CAD (Computer Aided Design) technology. Ask Heidi what the favourite part of her job is, and she will inform you it has been the reaction, satisfaction and smiles on the faces of her customers, many of whom have been repeatedly visiting her showroom since it first opened 20 years ago. Much has happened during that time, including exciting commissions such as the design and creation of stunning bishop’s rings for the consecration of three bishops, a piece sold to a relative for the late Princess of Wales as a gift, and a Hollywood actress seeking advice and assistance with choosing a piece jewellery. In addition to the Mill Street showroom, the website allows you to browse the whole collection with ease, add jewellery pieces to a wish list and purchase online. Or you may prefer to visit Mill Street and meet Heidi and her team in person for invaluable advice and personal service. Look out for Heidi’s evocative Winter Collection, characterised by whites and blues, to be released later this month in time for Christmas. Heidi Kjeldsen, 5 The Maltings, Mill Street, Oakham, 01572 722666, 66

The Rutland & national property markets Owner of UPP Property, David Crooke, analyses the Rutland property market and its future


OCALLY the value of property in Rutland and the number of people moving remain largely steady, although looking across at the different regions, there are certainly variations. Talking to fellow property professionals in the upmarket London areas of Mayfair and Kensington, the number of people looking to buy is starting to climb after 18 months in the doldrums, whilst in other parts of the UK, there is restraint amongst both buyers and sellers in some areas. Nationally, over the last few months, the economic forecast and predictions have improved, notwithstanding the uncertainties of Brexit. Inflation has mercifully throttled back its high growth seen in 2016 to the current level of 2.1% (from 2.7% average last year), coupled with marginally stronger wage growth at 2.5%. Unemployment is at a 42-year low at 4.2%, and UK consumer spending power rose to an all-time high last month to £331.04bn – all positives for consumer sentiment. On the assumption that Brexit negotiations are successful, economic growth should continue to be upward and positive, meaning confidence would be increased – which is the vital element to a good housing market. Rutland landlords and homeowners might be interested in the how the regional and Rutland markets have performed over the last 20 years (compared to the national picture). Regionally, the East Midlands has outperformed the Rutland housing market by 4%, but nationally Rutland has actually outperformed the country by 2.92%. That means a Rutland homeowner has profited by an additional £9,865 over the last 20 years compared with the average across the country. House prices going up or down are only an issue when you sell or buy. In the last 12 months, only 1,076,288 (let’s call it’s a straight million between friends!) properties changed hands out of 27.2 million households in the UK, meaning only 3.7% would have been affected if property values had dropped in the last year. Property values in Rutland are 252.59% higher than in summer 1998, yet this has been a longterm gain in a long-term game. The biggest issue in property isn’t house values or prices, it’s the number of homes built, because the number of households nationally has only increased by 6% since 2007, whilst the population has grown by 7.6%. That doesn’t sound a lot, until you express it another way: if the UK population had only grown by the same percentage as the percentage growth in UK households in the last decade, there would be one million fewer people living in the UK. 01572 725825,


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19/09/2018 15:00



19/09/2018 12:24

News & Notes PTC


WVAS painting of 2018 Spring Exhibition ©Terry Preen

Welland Valley Art Society’s Autumn Exhibition 2018


OME and enjoy a splash of colour this autumn! From 1 to 13 October 2018 the gallery at Stamford Arts Centre will feature the work of members of Welland Valley Art Society (WVAS). Most pieces will be for sale. The exhibition will showcase the talents of local painters and sculptors, reflecting a diverse range of interests. Teresa Sands, the Society’s President explains “Our members work in all media (oils, acrylics, watercolours and pastels), and some produce prints and ‘mixed media’ work, occasionally in collage. Styles range from traditional to contemporary to abstract. A good number of our members are sculptors too, making three-dimensional works such as fine figurative pieces for the home and stylish metalwork sculptures for the garden! There really is work here to suit all tastes and budgets. The positive feedback we get from visitors to our exhibitions is very encouraging. Some visitors are ‘regulars’, who make a point to come each year, and others simply pop in on their way to a film or other Stamford Arts Centre event. We welcome everyone to come and enjoy the work on display and vote for their favourite!” Artists exhibiting in the exhibition are on hand in the gallery to welcome the public and chat about their work. The exhibition is running from 1–13 October 2018 at Stamford Arts Centre. Entry is free. For further information about Welland Valley Art Society, visit

HYSIO, Therapy and Care (PTC) is a physiotherapy company that can visit you at home. Deborah It is run by two Clasper local experienced physiotherapists, Deborah Clasper and Natalie Solomons, who decided to join forces in 2017. They shared a desire to use their expertise to enable people to access the physiotherapy they need in a timely manner. Deborah and Natalie both have considerable experience through many years working for the NHS in older people’s care and falls’ prevention, mobility issues, neurological rehabilitation for conditions such as Parkinson’s Disease and strokes, as well as respiratory patients with COPD, asthma and dysfunctional breathing. Pursuing this venture has allowed PTC to deliver holistic care, which includes alternative treatments utilising “doTERRA” essential oils. One of these is the uplifting and detoxifying AromaTouch Massage that gives multiple benefits including stress relief and relaxation. Deborah and Natalie told us: “We have enjoyed working with all our patients throughout this first year and seeing the difference we can make to their lives. We particularly enjoy maximising each other’s skills and knowledge to enhance our patient care, which has enabled our working relationship to flourish. We welcome the challenges as we take PTC into its second year and look forward to meeting you on our journey.” For further details, contact PTC on 07904 372764 (Natalie Solomons) or 07974 569792 (Debbie Clasper), email them on or Natalie visit Solomons

New Mistletoe Fair event brings Christmas to Rutland!


UGELY popular in other locations around the country, the Mistletoe Fair is coming to Rutland Showground on Friday 26 to Sunday 28 October 2018. This new event will take place from 10am to 4pm each day in the showground building and continues through three floored marquees on to the main drive. The fair will feature 100 stalls selling everything you could possible need to make a great start to your Christmas shopping, with the chance to buy handcrafted gifts and treats. And what a way to do it – the magic starts from the minute you enter the fair through an enchanting wonderland snow globe! Free tickets are available for Friday 26 October, whilst there’s a 2 for 1 ticket offer for visiting on the Saturday and Sunday. Both ticket offers can be claimed by registering on the Rutland Mistletoe Fair website: Tickets can also be purchased on the door; these are £3 per adult, with children (under 12) entering free of charge. Well-behaved dogs are welcome! With plenty of free parking, vintage tearooms and lots to entertain the children, it’s the ideal family day out. There’s a giant snow globe for fun photo opportunities, children can phone and chat to Santa, and there’s a postbox facility for sending that all-important list direct to his workshops! Commenting on the Fair, event organiser, Paul Leonard said, “We’re delighted to be able to bring the Mistletoe Fair to Rutland Showground this year. We receive very positive feedback from both visitors and stallholders alike from other events and have no doubt that the Mistletoe Fair will bring plenty of Christmas cheer to Rutland.” For more information please contact Paul Leonard on 07730 034417. See also



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19/09/2018 15:01


gildings auctioneers


Tuesday 27th November

Valuations Entries of fine, victorian, vintage and modern jewellery, clocks and watches are now being invited for inclusion in our 27th November auction sale. The closing date for entries is the Friday 26th October so please contact our jewellery specialist on 01858 410414 or to make an appointment for an appraisal. Illustrated Gents 18ct Rose Gold Jeager-Le Coultre Reverso Duoface SOLD £5,428 (inc. buyers premium)

Telephone : 01858 410414 | Email: | Gildings Auctioneers, The Mill, Great Bowden Road, Market Harborough LE16 7DE




19/09/2018 12:24



18/09/2018 15:10

News & Notes Rutland Trails


Divinely Vintage at St Martin’s Antiques Centre, Stamford


IVINELY Vintage has been selling second-hand/pre-loved curtains for clients on a 50/50 commission basis for many years, and for the last two years has been showcasing some of its large range of curtains at St Martin’s Antiques Centre (23a High Street, St Martin’s) in Stamford. The firm sends curtains all over the world, from a cattle homestead in Southern Australia to a castle in Poland and everywhere in between, as the demand for greatquality pre-loved curtains is increasing (it’s very appealing in terms of cost, it shows environmental awareness and you can have something truly unique). Established by Susie Buckle after her son was born, with a spare room initially used as a “showroom”, the business has grown considerably, and now has a large online presence as well as its main barn showroom just outside St Albans in Hertfordshire. In comparison with buying ready-mades or spending a fortune having new curtains made, it offers excellent value – for a few hundred pounds you can have a beautiful pair of long, thick, interlined curtains that can be re-used and re-loved somewhere new. If you have curtains to sell, or you’re looking for curtains, contact Divinely Vintage via the website,, or ring them on either 07971 886664 or 07976 945697. They hope to hear from you soon!

ASTON on the Hill resident Ian Strange is turning a lifelong passion for walking into a business venture with the launch of Rutland Trails. His guided walking company takes in some of Rutland’s finest scenic routes, uses independent hotels and guesthouses along the way and showcases a range of other activities the county has to offer. The idea has been inspired by a lifetime of walking but only came to fruition after Ian took a local holiday with a difference. He explained: “Myself and my wife decided to literally shut the door on our Easton home with nothing more than a rucksack and a map and head off for the week. We had nothing booked and only a vague idea of the direction we wanted to head to first. “We took in Ketton, Oakham, Uppingham and endless beautiful villages in between, and I can honestly say, it was the best week’s holiday we have ever had. There was so much to see on our doorstep.” After trying out and testing walks and trails across a range of distances, meeting with owners of local hotels, B&Bs and restaurants, as well as places of interest (Ian is keen to support truly “local” businesses), Ian has created a walking holiday experience that he believes others will enjoy just as much as he and wife Dawn did on that very first adventure. “I can’t wait to get started,” he said. “A guided walking holiday suits anyone really – all ages and abilities – as I can tailor the walk to suit them. It’s for single people, couples, groups, and I hope to organise corporate activity days too, if there is sufficient demand.” For more information, call 07881 365355, email: or visit

CORRECTION: Simon Davies We’re sorry that in last month’s interview with Simon Davies, we wrote his name incorrectly in the heading. We’d love to give another shout out for Simon’s fundraising – he’s attempting this year to raise £25,000 for Rainbows Hospice for Children. To sponsor Simon, visit

Bread Festival for Harvest in Great Bowden


HERE will be the chance to meet Great British Bake Off winner Frances Quinn, Hambleton Bakery’s Julian Carter and the Bishop of Loughborough, Bishop Guli, as part of a “Bread Festival” being held at St Peter and St Paul, Great Bowden, on 6 and 7 October. The festival is one of a handful being held across the Diocese of Leicester this autumn and marks a new and exciting way to celebrate Harvest. Frances Quinn and Julian Carter from Hambleton Bakery will be at the church between 2–4 pm on Saturday 6 October. Julian will be sharing his passion for “slow” bread and demonstrating artisan bread making. Frances will be talking about life on Bake Off and her passion for good home baking, as well as demonstrating clever ways to use up bread. Although it is free to attend (everyone is welcome), tickets must be obtained beforehand. These are available from Sue Macdonald on 01858 469330 or online at On the Saturday at 7.30 pm, there will be an evening of reflection, prayer, music and discussion focussed on harvest and with a panel of guests including Iranian-born Bishop Guli, who made history in late 2017 to become both the first Bishop of Loughborough and the first Persian woman to be ordained as a Bishop. All are welcome (no tickets necessary for this event). St Peter & St Paul Church, Dingley Road, Great Bowden, Leics LE16 7ET RUTLAND & MARKET HARBOROUGH LIVING OCTOBER 2018

71 NEWS CP.indd 1


20/09/2018 10:41



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18/09/2018 15:11


CREATING A LEGACY BY MINIMISING INHERITANCE TAX Why do we want to build wealth? Is it so we can buy plush homes, drive fast, sleek cars or sun ourselves in exotic climes? Or is it actually for a far more personal reason: So that we can give our loved ones a comfortable, secure and enriched life?


or some people, filling our lives with exotic holidays, plush homes and sleek cars is a key motivation to make money; however, most of us also want to help those who we love by leaving behind a legacy that will give them the best start in lives, or enable them to continue to live out their lives with confidence and certainty.

nil-rate band is fixed at £325,000 until April 2021, this trend looks set to continue. But what can you do?

Careful planning around your finances is one of the key steps to take now in order to protect your But is just making money enough to wealth for the benefit guarantee this? of your loved ones, but any planning around Inheritance Tax is currently sat at 40%, tax can be confusing, meaning that, if your estate exceeds time-consuming and the threshold (currently £325,000 for controversial! In the UK, we all a single person and £650,000 for a have to pay tax in some form, so it is married couple) you could end up giving important that any plans you make are away nearly half of your wealth to the lawful, accurate and fair. Achieving the Government. Yes, the Tory government balance between what you want to do increased this by introducing the and what you have to do is a little bit of Residential Nil Rate Band, but it certainly a minefield, so we have created a free isn’t the £1m allowance they promised, educational seminar to demonstrate and if you don’t play your cards right, you what your obligations are, and what may not get any of it at all. Your hardoptions are available to you. earned wealth could be quickly eroded by tax and may end up lining the Treasury’s The event will take place on Tuesday coffers, rather than the pockets of your 13th November at 6.00pm and will be loved ones. held at the newly renovated Portfolian House on Oakham’s High Street. In Historically, Inheritance Tax has been order to make this event as productive the preserve of the super-wealthy, but as possible, and answer as many of your this is changing. The ever-evolving world questions as we are able, places will be of tax, especially Inheritance Tax, is not limited to just 30 seats. just targeting the very rich; in fact, it is beginning to hit the average family too. What We Will Cover Our event will explain key areas and Last year alone, we saw HMRC collect show you how you could: £5.1 billion in Inheritance Tax - a rise of 9% from 2016. And with the conventional • Avoid hefty Inheritance Tax Charges.

• Ensure that your house and capital are protected against third-party risks. • Take measures to prevent your assets disappearing if a divorce in the family were to happen. Understanding these areas could be the difference between you leaving your family ‘a life changing sum’ and a ‘life changing lesson’.

To book your compl imentary place, please contact Char lotte Colton on charlotte@effici uk or by calling 0157 2 898060.


RL Oct ADS MAGAZINE.indd Efficient Portfolio FP advertorial73 Rutland Living Oct_3.indd 1

19/09/2018 12:25 11:48

Out & About

Amander Meade selects some of the best entertainment in the region this month Rutland Natural History Society Talk: A Season with Woodpeckers

Monday 1 to Saturday 13 October, daily Welland Valley Art Society Autumn Exhibition Work by the society’s members will be on show at the Arts Centre in Stamford, with most pieces for sale. For more information, see page 68. Stamford Arts Centre Free entry Tuesday 2 October, 7.30pm Rutland Natural History Society Autumn Season Talks The new season of talks hosted by the Rutland Natural History Society begins with a talk by Phil Rudkin and Dave Needham. The title is “A season with woodpeckers” and will take you through a year with these fascinating birds in sound and pictures. All ages welcome. Voluntary Action Rutland building on Lands’ End Way Admission is free for members and £2 for visitors Thursday 4 October, 7pm for a 7.30pm showing Cinema for Rutland This month’s film is “The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society”, starring Lily James. The story is set in 1946, when a London-based writer begins exchanging letters with residents on the island of Guernsey, which was German-occupied during World War II. Feeling compelled to visit the island, she starts to get a picture of what it was like during the occupation. Rutland County Museum Tickets £5 from Oakham Wines and The same film can be seen during Ashley Film Night on Wednesday 10 October at 8pm. Tickets for the screening in Ashley Village Hall are £5 or £3.50 for children under 16 years, available on the door


Madness” and “Sticky Situation” are both recommended as feel-good fun. Whissendine Village Hall (licensed bar will be open) Tickets are £7.50 (£7 conc), on tel 01664 474437 Tuesday 9 October, 7pm Tony Hadley Former Spandau Ballet frontman Tony Hadley will be performing songs from “Talking To The Moon”, his first album in a decade, plus Spandau Ballet hits. De Montfort Hall, Leicester Tickets from £26.50, available on 0116 233 3111 and at

Friday 5 October, 7.30pm showing Lyddington Film Night This month’s film is “Darkest Hour”. During the early days of World War II, Britain faces its darkest hour as the threat of invasion looms. The fate of Western Europe hangs on the leadership of the newly appointed British Prime Minister Winston Churchill (Gary Oldman). While manoeuvring his political rivals, he must confront the ultimate choice: negotiate with Hitler and save the British people at a terrible cost or rally the nation and fight on. Lyddington Village Hall £5 on the door Friday 5 and Saturday 6 October, 7.30pm Comedy Plays Rutland playwright Tracey Dene Powell has penned two comedy plays, which will be performed to raise funds for the Matt Hampson Trust. “Menopause


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19/09/2018 15:02

The East Of England Autumn


Goody Bag for the first 250 Brides Over 90 Exhibitors Free Glass of Bubbly Catwalk Shows Free Parking Free Bridal Directory Free Prize Draw Everything you need to plan your special day!


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THE GUILD OF MASTER CHIMNEY SWEEPS Powering chimney sweeping into the 21st Century





18/09/2018 15:11

Out & About

Amander Meade selects some of the best entertainment in the region this month

Sinfonia Viva

Wednesday 10 October, 5.30pm Meet the Author To celebrate National Libraries Week, best-selling crime writer Sarah Ward will talk about her latest novel “The Shrouded Path”, the fourth in the popular series about DC Childs, all set in the Derbyshire Peak District where she lives. Oakham Library Tickets £2 including refreshments. Early booking is advisable on 01572 722918

Thursday 25 October, 6.30pm to 9pm Retirement Planning Evening Early booking is advised for this evening where you can find out how to make your retirement dreams possible with advice from experts from Rowan Dartington and St James’s Place Wealth Management. Drinks and canapés. The George Hotel, Stamford The event is free to attend, but please book a place on 01572 759759

Friday 12 October, 7.30pm Sinfonia Viva Concert Be enchanted by the East Midlands’ only professional orchestra, the Grammy-nominated Sinfonia Viva, as they offer up a balanced programme of virtuoso musicality. Pieces by composers including Stravinsky, JS Bach and Mendelssohn (his “Italian” symphony). Oakham School Chapel Tickets £10 (free for school-age children) from Walkers of Oakham and

Sunday 28 October, 7.30pm The Discover Rutland Ball An event for everyone to celebrate our small but mighty county and all its tourism industry has to offer. Ticket price includes arrival drinks and canapés, a four-course meal and DJ entertainment. Dress code is black tie. The Falcon Hotel Tickets are £45 on 01572 823535

Saturday 13 October, from 4pm Lantern Walk Everyone is invited to join a 5km lantern walk around Oakham, starting and finishing at Oakham Castle. Families and children are especially welcome as is anyone wanting to walk in memory of a loved one. There will be a party atmosphere, activities and a crowd warm up before the start. All funds raised will go to Dove Cottage Hospice in Rutland. All information at Wednesday 24 October, 7.30pm Votes for Women The guest speaker at Great Easton History Society’s meeting this month will be local historian Dr John Sutton, with a presentation on the Suffragette Movement. Great Easton Village Hall Admission is £3 for guests and visitors


Halloween For details of spooky events being held for Halloween this year, see Little Living, page 62 Friday 9 November, 7pm to 11pm Fundraising Evening for the Harley Staples Cancer Trust An evening of fun, food, entertainment and great company, all in a good cause. Katherine and Jamie Staples established the charity after they lost their beloved son Harley to a rare form of Leukaemia in 2009. The Trust provides much-needed breaks for families with children affected by cancer. The Smith Eliot team is proud to support this amazing cause, and the full ticket price will go directly to the charity. Oakham Castle Tickets are £20 per person and include music, canapés and drinks with an auction and raffle on the night Call 01572 759 759 to purchase tickets

Special Event – A brand new play for Rutland By Andy Barrett, “The Rutlanders Return” is a specially commissioned new play examining what happened to Rutland when World War I finally came to an end and the troops returned home. This was a time full of hope and also of disappointment; of people working together to try and create a new world whilst the strains of what they had just put behind them continued to take their toll. Focussing on the stories of four different families, the play is a lively and emotional journey based on research into the changing face of the county. Whilst the landed gentry found their influence waning, and the estates started to be sold off, so the new money flooding in allowed the “roaring twenties” to shimmer, as farmers struggled and many found the invitation to begin a new life in Canada too much to ignore. There is live and original music, and the cast of local performers will explore an important but often overlooked period in Rutland’s history. The play is directed by Martin Berry, whose shows have been seen at the Bristol Old Vic and the Nottingham Playhouse. Performances on: Thursday 25 October, 7.30pm, Rutland County Museum; Friday 26 October, 7.30pm, Kendrew Barracks, Cottesmore (Photo ID required for entry to the barracks); Saturday 27 October 11.30am, South Luffenham Village Hall; Saturday 27 October, 7.30pm, in Uppingham Town Hall; and Sunday 28 October, 2.30pm, at Rutland County Museum. Admission is free but ticketed, see:


74 76 O&A CPSH.indd 3

19/09/2018 15:03




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18/09/2018 15:12

Marc Allum is a miscellaneous antiques specialist and a familiar face on the BBC’s Antiques Roadshow. A regular visitor to our area, he provides informal valuation days locally. Rebecca Chatterton meets up with him to talk antiques, taste and being a self-confessed collectaholic

Marc Allum

Photo: James Bignell Photography

A few of Marc’s guiding principles for buying antiques at auction: • Ask for advice Good auction houses are places where you can learn, and the staff should be happy to give impartial help (though do keep in mind the advice is only as good as the people who are giving it). Remember, if you’re satisfied you’ll want to go back! • Handle the item you want to buy Never presume and always check that the beautiful Georgian chest of drawers you’re looking at does actually have back legs! Very old items can have lots of condition issues. Draw runners may be worn out, back panels might be loose, so always be thorough when you’re viewing. • Never buy just for presumed value Collect things you’re interested in or love. Buying purely for investment is difficult, unless you’re extremely knowledgeable or sometimes very lucky! Living with interesting items is all part of the process. Invest some passion, and it will hopefully pay you back!


N expert in the antiques business for over 30 years and a regular on our television screens, Marc Allum still radiates enthusiasm and curiousity when people bring objects to him for advice. On the day we meet, he can’t wait to show me the morning’s wonderful discovery – a collection of rare Edwardian period postcards urging the recipient amongst other things to “Never Marry a Suffragette, my Son!” Beautifully preserved, they reflect the conflicting opinions of the age, as well as the difference in taste and humour. Marc, What do you enjoy most about valuation days? “The joy of doing this work is that you never know what’s going to be put in front of you. I love being a miscellaneous expert and getting to dip my toe in every puddle! The idea of being able to eulogise on just about anything is what keeps me fresh. I like the challenge, and deciphering these objects is part of the fun. “I’ve always been passionate about objects and have always been a collector myself. Objects have a resonance and they bring a


story along with them – that to me is what it’s mainly all about.” Have you seen the world of antiques change much during your career? “Auction houses were more closed places when I began. Antiques Roadshow was the trailblazer that helped alter all that. The traditional definition of ‘antique’, meaning an item over 100 years old, has changed too. On the Roadshow we mirror what people like, what they collect and what society thinks is interesting. Pop culture, music and works of art – it’s important that we reflect what’s going on. For that reason we’re as likely to see a Star Wars item as we are a lock of Nelson’s hair. “You do have to stay in tune with the market and trends, and, because I’ve been in the business so long, I’ve ridden every vagary of the antiques world. That makes you wise to fashion and you understand that detail and craftsmanship continue to make an enormous difference to the value of things… although it’s not a science!”

What have you discovered about our local area from the objects that people have brought to you over the years? “You do notice the character of a region through the items that come in – Rutland, Leicestershire and Lincolnshire are big hunting areas, and that means a lot of clients bring in particular types of art and accessories. “But there are lots of other wonderful things too. We had a cracking find up here a couple of years ago when I was at The Blue Ball pub in Braunston. A lady turned up with an original animation cel from Disney’s Snow White and the Seven Dwarves. It was of one of the most iconic scenes, where the Wicked Witch is handing Snow White the apple through the window, so a must-have cel for collectors. It made £10,000 at auction.” Marc will be holding regular valuation events around the Rutland area in October, November and December. Call 07553 751751 for details, email or visit or



19/09/2018 15:04



18/09/2018 15:12

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18/09/2018 15:12

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