Using Virtual Internships as an Innovative learning technique Ana Rita Medeiros, Deniz Ìcen, Elia Alessandro Morciano, Marta Cortesão Board of European Students of Technology Abstract— Internships have become an important system to bring students, companies and universities closer. It has also become one of the first preferences of students when it comes to complementing their education. However, in a globally connected world, mobility is a great value, being required by most of the professionals. In this way, the concept of virtual internships is being developed as an innovative approach to improve European Engineering Education (EEE). Board of European Students of Technology (BEST) has been playing an active role since 2009 in the establishment and improvement of virtual internships in Europe. This has been happening mainly by two ways: i) the organization of Events on Education (EoEs), each gathering the opinions of approximately 20 European students of technology on educational matters; ii) the participation in both Enterprise-University Virtual Placements (EUVIP) and Promoting Virtual Mobility in Placements (PROVIP) thematic networks, under the Lifelong Learning Programme of the European Commission. Thus, we present the outcomes of several EoEs in EEE conferences, disclosing the students’ point of view regarding two main ideas: the concept and implications of virtual internships in Europe, and a set of guidelines for the communication between stakeholders during virtual internships. Keywords— Virtual Internships; Board of European Students of Technology; BEST; PROVIP; Distance Education
I. INTRODUCTION As the job market becomes more competitive, attending internships is more important than ever, as they help young graduates to take the first steps in their career in a challenging economic environment [1]. By providing the opportunity for students to develop both technical and soft skills, internships play a crucial role in bridging the gap between University and Industry [2] ensuring the self-development of students during their studies. Traditionally, internship programs offer inperson opportunities to familiarize students with their work. However, financial, geographical, and time constraints can limit student attendance. With the advancement of technology, students can make an immediate and measurable impact for companies without physically being in the office, meaning interns can work remotely from home just with internet connection [3]. That is when traditional internships give the way to virtual internships. Since the first virtual internships in the 1990’s, the concept has become more and more common among various fields such as software development, journalism, engineering, or fashion [3]. Virtual internships do not represent a great
opportunity only for students. On the contrary, it gives flexibility both to employer and employee in the planning of an intern program, providing students with practical knowledge and employers with the benefit of results without facing any office space cost [4-5]. Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) around Europe tackle the topic of distance education, where cooperation between students, teachers, company representatives and even software developers is essential [5-6] the same way as in virtual internships. It has been seen as an opportunity to support teaching in meeting learning goals and in homework tasks [78] or to facilitate the communication between stakeholders [9]. BEST is a constantly growing non-profit and non-political students organization that helps European Engineering students to develop themselves, to become more internationally minded and to connect a given standard education to a self-development path, which could broad their experience and their skills [10]. Since 1995 BEST has been playing a key-role in involving students in the development of EEE, mainly by organizing EoEs. These events aim to gather students input on educational matters, which are then transmitted to HEIs and other entities related to EEE. Several Events on Education have happened throughout the years in collaboration with PROVIP (PROmoting VIrtual mobility in Placements) [11] where the students’ perspective was analyzed and new input gathered. BEST has thus been one of the few NGOs actively involved in the development of virtual internships in Europe, addressing the opinions of technology students as potential virtual interns. In this paper an overview of the outcomes of several EoEs is provided, disclosing the students’ point of view regarding two main ideas: the concept and implications of virtual internships in Europe, and a set of guidelines for the communication between stakeholders during virtual internships. II. METHODS To bring the development of EEE closer to students, EoEs have been organized throughout the years [12]. There are two types of EoEs. One is BEST Symposium on Education whereas the other is BEST Academics and Companies Forum (BACo). Both usually last 7 days and involve 20-25 students, BEST members, representatives from European educational projects and representatives from universities. Unlike