European Education Trends and BEST as an Open Social Learning Organisation Nikolena Christofil
Marta Filipa Cortesao
National Technical University of Athens (NTUA) for the Board of European Students of Technology (BEST) Email:
Faculty of Sciencies of the University of Porto (FCUP) for the Board of European Students of Technology (BEST) Email:
Egle Brovkaite
Aggeliki Marini
Kaunas University of Technology for the Board of European Students of Technology (BEST) Email:
National Technical University of Crete (T.U.C.) for the Board of European Students of Technology (BEST) Email:
Abstract—The expansion of technology has introduced a new era of information and internationalization as well as new opportunities for learning. This has lead companies, organizations, and research institutes all around the world to re-evaluate their working methods to meet the current needs of society. Consequently, the adaptation of new educational objectives to meet the current needs of the corporate world is becoming essential to guarantee a sustainable education. With open social learning, students benefit from the vast amount of available information online, depending on their personal needs, with the help of mentors throughout the way, under the umbrella of collaborative learning. The advantages of open social learning are being investigated and many platforms are being developed, so that students all around the world can take advantage of this new era of information. The Board of European Students of Technology (BEST) has been working towards identifying the needs and trends of the Educational System in Europe in the Tertiary Level, by facilitating proactive discussions of educational matters between the three stakeholders - companies, universities and students. The outcomes of these discussions are being presented on this paper, identifying some of the educational trends, along with the contribution of BEST as a non-governmental organization in the sustainability of an open social learning platform for university students.
I. I NTRODUCTION It has been previously identified that there is a gap between the university knowledge and the skills needed in the corporate world. This has made soft-skills, internships and the proactive involvement of every education stakeholder essential in the search for ways of bridging this gap. The modern educational methods suggest that the students should develop skills such as creativity, critical thinking, collaboration and problem solving, with the aim to face the challenges of the 21st century [1]. Recently, new methodologies and approaches took advantage of technology to facilitate communication, access to knowledge, offering a wide range of opportunities for motivated students to learn. The expansion of e-learning of which, virtual mobility, Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) and virtual internships are part of, are providing new pathways of online knowledge acquirement and skills development.
In particular, MOOCs provide an outstanding opportunity to showcase National Technical Universities globally, and the belief that when placed in the context of a blended-learning environment can lead to better learning outcomes is growing [2]. The open social learning method breaks down in two key elements: content is open, and learning is social. Learners are called to discover the knowledge based on their own personal needs and motivation, while mentors facilitate and aid the learning process. So it essentially requires an active involvement of the student in the learning process, and peerlearning. One of the essential components of the educational experience in online courses is collaborative learning [3]. The idea is to utilize the experience of the millions of previous learners to teach the new learner. In this way, user comments, ratings, annotations and refer a friend feature, are some of the powerful user generated data that can form the basis of analysis and filtering. Similar to pedagogy, behavior and learning style of individual learners are two common factors that should be taken into account for sequencing and reordering of the content. Collaborative tagging systems can facilitate not only the indexing of information but also social learning through the process of knowledge assimilation and accommodation [4]. Under this scope, and towards the reinforcement of collaborative learning, the use of open social learning platforms allow to utilise the benefits of collaborative, online learning, with the active involvement of the learner. Learners are now willing to contribute to the construction of knowledge [5], and higher education institutions are responding by shifting towards a learner centric education, which, as Vassileva emphasizes, is a main goal in the design of Social Learning Environments [6]. The main challenges with the Learner-centered approach in social learning are the handling of the context and make learning more gratifying. Therefore, there are three important factors that influence a learner-centered approach: 1. Support the learner in finding right content 2. Support the learner to connect with the right people 3. Motivate the learner to learn.