Skills Gap and Interdisciplinary Curriculum Students’ Perspective Davor Pasovic BEST-Board of European Students of Technology 1 Vienna, Austria
João Ramos Clemente1 Lisbon, Portugal
Raquel Chaves1 Coimbra, Portugal
Przemyslaw Mikulski1 Copenhagen, Denmark
Tatiana Kovaleva1 Saint Petersburg,Russia Abstract— To successfully enter the workforce, young graduates need a specific skillset. However, there is a gap between these skills and the actual set of skills young graduates obtain from their university experience. In this paper we present the European students’ perspective on the issue of the skills gap between the current higher education STEM curricula and company expectations. A possible solution to the skills gap issue is the creation of joint programmes, in which universities and companies cooperate in order to establish a curriculum that is adequate to the needs of all stakeholders. One of the main positives about joint programmes is the variety of teaching methods, which is seen as something that leads to more open-minded graduates with a wider perspective on the engineering profession. The combination of technical and socio-economic subjects into a single degree is one of the ways to solve the skills gap. Interdisciplinary competence does not only arise from practical experience but should also be an integral part of any educational system. We conclude that all stakeholders involved in education have to strive for better synergy when it comes to shaping the curricula of engineering programmes. Keywords — skills gap, programmes, synergy.
students, industry, academia, joint
Companies have particular expectations towards young graduates, who need a specific skillset in order to successfully enter the workforce [1]. However, there is a gap between these expectations and the actual set of skills young graduates obtain from their university experience. What are the skills and knowledge that students miss in order to be a right choice for the companies? What kind of mindset
should a newly graduated engineer have in order to successfully enter the workforce? European students see successful graduates as someone who has taken a lot of extracurricular activities, including internships and studies abroad, which helped to develop their soft-skills, practical skills and learn new languages. Such activities are not offered enough by the university and therefore students can’t achieve the level that companies expect from fresh graduates [2]. Nowadays global companies are involved in international projects that requires from employees to collaborate in multinational teams using online working platforms. It means that recent graduates should have particular skills to be able to work on global projects [1]. Since the middle of the 1990s, the engineering community has been developing the knowledge and skills that are related to interdisciplinarity as defined by, researchers, and policy makers in a variety of fields [3]. Interdisciplinary competence does not only arise from practical experience, but should also be an integral part of any education [4]. Through educational involvement BEST (Board of European Students of Technology) aims to gather the students’ opinion on educational related topics including the skills gap and to increase the students’ awareness of them. Besides educational involvement, BEST provides complementary education and career support as ones of its 3 main services. BEST is a constantly growing non-profit and non-political student organisation, that consists of more than 3500 members, and reaches more than 1 million students in 32