==== ==== Please check out Best Dog Training Practices for great tips on Dog Training. www.bestdogtrainingpractices.com ==== ====
Well, to begin with, lets do away with the myth that your dog appears to think like a human, they do not. I know this is hard to believe and we all love to believe that our good boy is actually quite smart. The truth is the dog will react to you. You therefore need to educate yourself in order to train your dog. People often make huge unintentional mistakes with regards to training dogs, purely because they do not understand the dogs mind. Your dog requires certain key factors in order to be correctly trained and you need to know how to do this. Basically you need to arm yourself with the best dog training tools available in the market today. This may comprise of physical devices along with solid training advice. Your dog only really wants to be a loyal member of his dog pack. Dogs behave instinctively, being an animal, this is quite normal. All they want is acceptance. In order to change any bad dog behavior you need to focus on changing the way your dog expresses his natural dog instincts. Screaming and being angry with your dog will not train the dog. This will just create fear and lack of confidence within your dog. Core Dog Training Advice There are many areas in which one could train your dog. Some of these areas are purely for recreational activities. For instance, you may want your dog to do tricks like rollover or give paw, etc. These are just for bragging rights really, see how clever my dog is. However, there is a more serious side to training. Here you would need some more advanced dog training tools or advice. This type of training involves, maintaining control of your dog when out in public or in your own home when strange people are visiting, for instance. Heaven knows what a badly behaved dog can get up to if not kept in check. Bad dog behavior can cost their owners dearly, so it is advisable to focus on these aspects of dog training. Here are a few of the basics with regards to dog training. As we all know this is quite a vast topic, so we will cover some more well known dog behavior problems. There are plenty of, paid for,and worth every cent, professional instructional guides out there. Lets take a look at some of these bad dog behavior issues which require training of your dog, now. Crate Training: This type of dog training tool should not be abused, for example when you want time out from your pet dog. Crate training should be used to properly house train your dog. You may also want to familiarize your dog with the crate for those times when he will be travelling with you on a airplane for instance. The idea is to confine the dog to the crate for a short period of time, lets say 1 hour. Upon release from the crate you should take the dog outside to allow him to do his business. If the dog does his business then a reward in the form of a healthy dog treat or lavishing them with affection is in order. Once again, we see here good behavior associated with reward. Quick pointers here, always be at home when using the crate, do not lock the dog in the crate overnight, make sure the dog is comfortable in the crate. Never allow the crate to be seen as a form of