==== ==== Please check out Best List Building Practices for great tips on List Building. www.bestlistbuildingpractices.com ==== ====
List building secrets do exist. Secrets don't have to be unknown. If you're not sure list building secrets exist. Ask yourself this question, "Why do Guru's have giant lists and I have a small mediocre list?" Secrets exist. You know they do that's why you're reading this article. You want to figure out every list building tactic and strategy to absolutely decimate your current list building progress. I've been there. I know where you're coming from. I wasn't always a master list builder. I spent a lot of time and a lot of money to learn the knowledge you are about to gain. I hope you are prepared with pencil and paper because the secrets I'm about to share with you are that powerful. Guard them with your life. First, I want to get one thing straight: You're right for wanting to know the secrets. They do exist. You will find them, I promise. Keep list building and keep searching for list building secrets and you will figure out what separates the big boys from the little guys. Those are the secrets. List Building Secret #1: You need help building your list. This secret is so powerful when you really get it. Call it viral, call it leverage, call it joint venturing, call it tell-a-friend. This secret goes under many names, but it all boils down to one single concept. List building is a team sport. In order for you to absolutely decimate your list building progress latch on to this secret as your main guide if you will. Use other people's lists to build you own. Use other people's advertising dollars to promote your products. Use other people's time to build your empire. Use other people's resources. Period. List Building Secret #2: You will never consistently fine tune your list building ratios until you track them. What you do not measure you can not manage. This secret is concealed behind EFFORT. The dreaded E word. Most marketers understand that they should be doing this list building secret, but they don't truly grasp the profound effect it has on their list building. It all boils down to one principle: Your abilities can not be sharpened until you track what is getting your most wanted response and what is not getting your most wanted response. Which list building traffic method creates the most traffic for your squeeze page? Do more of it. Don't know which one? Track it. Which headline for your opt-in squeeze page is converting the best for you? Don't know which one? Start tracking. Which one of your ethical bribes is successfully converting the most leads for your list? Uh huh. You got it. Start tracking today. If you're not tracking every single component of your list building process don't bother buying anymore products, interviews, or courses because you're wasting your money. List Building Secret #3: You need to specialize. This secret is hidden from 99 percent of all