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The ABC's of Stock Trading Success Stock trading success...why is it so elusive? With all the trading information, systems, trading advice and assistance available today, the fact that most people who attempt to profit from trading Stocks lose money seems quite bizarre. Can you imagine the millions of dollars that must have been spent by countless traders on courses and Stock analysis software, that was wasted because the buyers didn't understand the key principle of trading success I am about to share with you now. We aren't going to need any charts for this lesson...just your ability to comprehend the value of what I am about to share with you and your willingness to take action - right now I want to share with you the ABC's of trading success. If trading was an easy business to master and profits were freely available to all, every punter with a computer and a free charting program would be a millionaire and the streets of our cities would be clogged with chauffer driven limousines. The fact that the majority of the population have no idea how to make a buck from the Stock Market, often after spending large amounts of money on education and trading losses, made me wonder why this is so. I searched for the answer to profitable trading for years, until I found it in an unexpected place, when I wasn't looking for it at all. You may be able to relate to this story, or you might just be starting out and this will help you to reduce the time you spend in your initial learning stages and speed up your path to profits. Let me tell you about Jim (not his real name...of course). Jim first started trading after answering an ad in the Brisbane Courier Mail for a popular trading education package that cost him around $1000. Little did he know that the fateful investment in that course would lead him into the abyss of Gann analysis, and that it would eventually cost him thousands of dollars in courses and trading losses to pull himself out the other side. He read the course, watched the videos, read the course, watched the videos...you get the picture.