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One general asserted truth is that profit is a goal for many of the men and women who populate this planet. Profit is the more desirable in the case of those who actually invest money because they want to extract even more financial benefits out of these particular investments. One popular way of giving a fertile employment to your money is making them circulate through stock market trading. Share owners can sell, hold their shares or even buy some more, if a series of rules (based either on well-established commonsense practices or on mere intuition) tell them the moment is just ripe for this or that strategy. As a matter of fact, strategy is one of the terms often heard of in stock market trading. But can anyone talk about a strategy that never failed in this area? This is a frequently raised question, since it is widely acknowledged that the stock market can be tricky. The stock market may easily lead to a downfall in stock market trading. This process takes place, obviously, to the disadvantage of the investor. However, stock market trading doesn't always end with a loss. Should loss be a certainty, people would no longer invest in the stock market. Whether we are talking about time-honored stock market trading - taking place within the 'real' here and now, on the floors of stock exchange rooms - or about online stock market trading one of the regularly advised strategies is to stick to the trend. Online stock market trading has acquired, in its turn, a value over the past ten years so it can be taken into consideration also. Every stock market undergoes certain (longer) intervals of development manifest in the evolution of stock price. Terms like bull market or bear market are recurrent in stock market trading reflecting either the continuously rising stock prices or the reverse situation. Both online stock market trading as well as its longer-established relative go hand in hand with the progress of the national economy. One example at hand is provided by the extent of a bullish market during the 1990s, determined by the robust national economy of the USA - a genuine initiator of investment confidence. When the situation changed, at the beginning of the year 2000, the market turned bearish and stock prices began falling. In both situations, the advised approach was not to go against the tendency of the market. Circumstances have long proven it is wise to be consistent with the general trend. Indeed, there is 'fashion' within stock market trading as well. And if you don't want to be outdated - being outmoded in stock market trading may have damaging consequences - you go with the flow. Nevertheless, when someone trustworthy or when some reliable conditions offer you a 'hot' suggestion, you may want to act in its direction. Nonetheless, caution, shrewdness and wisdom must be in your proximal reach. This means that you are not to instantly trust any 'good old pal' who, out of good-will, provides you with a tip. You must be able to make your own research targeting the tip you received or else request the services of a stockbroker. The latter may turn out to be a wise stratagem. Stockbrokers, even in online stock market trading,