==== ==== Please check out The List Building Academy for great tips on Building Lists for Profit. www.bestlistbuildingpractices.com ==== ====
Many off-line businesses either do not have a website or have one that is substandard. In this day and age, a professional looking web site is simply a must have. It's no longer a viable option to throw together a cheap looking HTML web site with no graphics and expect to get a great response. An attractive looking web site will make visitors feel more at ease. Visitors are likely to spend more time at your site and the chances increase that they will actually make a purchase. Many off-line businesses would love to have a web site or an improved one but either do not have the skills necessary to build one them selves or don't believe that they have the money to outsource the job to someone else. This is where you come in. You can either build these websites yourself or secure the business and pay someone else to create the web site for you. You can find very good web site builders online and at various freelance web sites that are affordable. E-lance and Get-A-Freelancer are two good options. It is important to sit down with your customer and see exactly what they're looking to achieve with their web site. Offering them the ability to collect e-mail addresses may be something that's quite beneficial to them but they simply have no idea how to go about doing that. Most Internet marketers know that you can create simple email collection forms with your run-of-the-mill autoresponder account. While this may seem basic to you, this may be a huge deal to brick and mortar businesses and they will pay you generously for you knowledge. There are a number of ways to generate customers for your web building business. You can actually visit these businesses and make in-person cold calls. You may also want to do some telemarketing over the phone or send out some direct mail pieces. Make sure that you have a web site that lists your prices and includes a portfolio of your past work. Your website needs to be top notch so that your potential customers have an idea of your abilities. Include some sample sites. Build a few or have a couple made. This may require you to make a small investment. You should use the company that you are going to outsource the building of these web sites to in your portfolio. This will give your potential customers an idea of the quality of web sites that you will be providing. Charging affordable rates along with providing high quality work should be the hallmarks of your business. Many web site companies charge off-line businesses an "arm and leg" simply because these businesses don't know any better and believe that they have no other choice then to spend thousands of dollars for a simple website. You can significantly undercut them in terms of price and still make a great profit for yourself.
Fortunes can be made online by creating and selling ebooks. Learn the secrets of producing hot-