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I wanted to talk to you about trading forex for profit. Forex is really just short for foreign exchange. It is the market that allows you to trade foreign currencies. It is surprising to most people, but this is the biggest market in the world. Big stock markets like the Dow Jones can't even compare to the amount of value contained within forex. With over three trillion dollars of value being traded each and every day makes it the biggest market in the world. I want to talk to you about trading forex for profit because it can make a very lucrative second job. One of the most important things to understand is that this is a recession proof market. It doesn't matter if the great depression is happening or there is a huge economic boom, you can still make profits in this market. Essentially you are trading for value, but trading the differences in value between currencies. Since in an economic depression, some currencies will change at different rates - you can always make a profit. I think the most important thing is to learn one pair at a time. Since you don't trade a single currency, you trade pairs or a currency compared to another. Each pair will have its own unique characteristics. Stick with one and learn it until you can start anticipating the moves and profiting from it. Trading forex for profit also requires you to protect yourself from loss. All forex trading platforms come with a thing called a stop loss point. Basically it is a point you can set where trades will automatically sell if they go down. Most people don't take advantage of this automated feature because they assume they can do it themselves. The reality is that in the heat of the moment in a trade, you're more likely to hold onto a bad trade instead of cutting your losses. This will cause the trade to drain more and more money out of your pocket and make your profitable trades less lucrative.
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Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Tyler_Ziggler