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If you are going to be trading stocks online, you need to know what you are doing or you will simply be throwing your money away. Not everyone has the time and the dedication to learn what it takes to be a trader on their own, and that is perfectly alright too. You can use a service to handle all of the aspects of trading stocks online as well. Everyone has seen the commercials for the trading company. You know the one, the talking baby tells you how easy it is to start trading stocks online via this particular service. While that is certainly one option to consider, it is not the only way to accomplish trading stocks online and there are many other companies that handle all of your stock trading needs. Once you choose to start trading stocks online, you set up an account and start discussing trades and possible future trades with your stock broker. You might also discuss the limits that you want to impose on yourself and what circumstances you will end or change those limits. You should also discuss the types of trades that you do and do not want to be part of. For instance, you may refuse to trade the stocks of the companies that are not environmentally friendly or those that are involved in industries that you do not approve of. Some brokers will put together packages of stocks that are not related to tobacco or to any industry that damages the environment. There are a number of rules and regulations that govern trading stocks online- which are complicated and difficult to keep track of which is why it is so much better to use a professional stock broker for all your trades instead of trying to learn how to do them yourselves. While it is a good idea to get advice from your broker, it is also equally smart to start doing some research on your own. If you don't know what you are being told, you won't know when you are being duped. You can learn about trading stocks online through web sites, but don 't use the trading site for your learning, use a neutral site for that. There are also dozens of books and magazines that you can use, that will teach the basics of trading stocks online and will even give you the basics about topics like penny stocks and futures trading. A final note about trading stocks online: it can be very easy to overspend online because it doesn't really feel like real money that is exchanging hands. Rest assured that you are spending your hard earned money and you can definitely put yourself into a rough spot if you are not careful. That is why setting limits is so much more important with online trading that it is with a broker that you talk to over the phone or through other means.