==== ==== Please check out The Organic Gardening Academy for great tips on Gardening Organically. www.bestorganicgardeningpractices.com ==== ====
Many people are considering a more natural approach to gardening. If you use synthetic or artificial substances on your garden, then you cannot be 100% certain that doing so is completely safe. Although most chemicals used nowadays are thoroughly tested, no-one can ever be completely sure about the effects of persistent, long-term exposure to chemicals in safety terms. Furthermore, because it is known that using artificial fertilizers damages the earth, using nonorganic gardening methods is non-sustainable. The damage that you cause to the growing medium (i.e. the soil) reduces the quality of it year after year. Consequently, it may well be that at some point in the future, you simply cannot grow your vegetables or flowers in your garden any more as the earth is not good enough to provide the nutrients that your plants need and chemicals damage the planet and the surrounding environment as well. Chemicals can remove essential nutrients from the soil which obviously has a knock-on effect that damages the whole environment surrounding your garden or patch of land. The example of DDT shows just how damaging chemicals can be to wildlife but even if the effects of using chemicals are not quite so extreme, there is still a very big risk of damaging the environment whenever you turn to chemicals as a 'quick fix'. Another important factor is that if you are going to grow your own organic foods, the nutrient levels that you will find in those foods will be far higher than the nutrients in the same vegetables that have been grown non-organically. For instance, it was reported by the BBC that in a study carried out at Newcastle University in the North East of England, it was discovered that organic fruit and vegetables contain up to 40% more antioxidants than comparable non-organic foods. In the same manner, according to the information compiled by the US Department of Agriculture, the level of essential minerals to be found in commercially produced fruit and vegetables has declined by a significant margin since the 1940s as well. This makes sense because the majority of the chemical fertilizers used by commercial agriculture 'swell' fruit and vegetables to make them appear more luscious and appetizing by forcing them to retain more water. Consequently, the extra money that you pay because those fruits and vegetables are bigger and therefore heavier is pretty much wasted as all you are buying is water with no nutrients or minerals whatsoever. On the other hand, fruit and vegetables grown organically have considerably more 'dry matter' density, so with organic produce, what you are buying is more of the fruit or vegetable goodness that you want to buy rather than lots of (very expensive) water. The bottom line is, if you grow the plants in your garden organically, everyone and everything