My pregnancy
Our cover model, Abbylee Watson (, was 37 weeks pregnant with her second baby when she posed for us. Here, she tells us about her journey to motherhood.
It took us over two years, nearly three, to fall pregnant.
With our son Cassius (who is now five), I got pregnant after two weeks of trying, so it actually took me a while to get my head around the fact that I was pregnant this time. Having spent months wishing for something and then it becoming a reality felt quite bizarre. And now that I’m close to my due date, I don’t feel like I’m ready to not be pregnant – it feels like it’s just flown by, and I’m so enjoying my body and this precious bump.
I’m doing my best every day with what I have where I’m at.
When it comes to living an environmentally conscious life, some days I’m an eco angel, and other days, when my mental and emotional load feels overwhelming, I might
Pregnancy BUMP & baby
not make all of the best decisions. But every day I’m doing my best. I know that I’m voting with where and how I spend my dollars, so I try to be intentional with all of my purchases and really make an effort to buy quality over quantity, and overall consume less. It’s choosing to reuse, repurpose, borrow, and buying secondhand.
things down the disposal, and why is composting a better option?” or “What actually happens when I put things in the recycling bin?” – rather than just accepting this is the way things are and should always be done. It’s thinking about our children and future generations, and having as much passion for caring for Mother Earth as they do.
It’s important to ask questions.
Our children will be here long after we are gone.
Living an environmentally conscious life is to have a connection with Earth as something that holds and grows life, so being inquisitive about the way that we’re living – like, “What happens when I put
Earth is their home, and they are our reason for being, so it’s important they learn environmentally conscious habits because they’re the ones who will be living with the