2 minute read

New Year’s Resolution to Lose Weight? What You Need to Know!

by Expert Contributor Ed Winfield of Retro Fitness Newtown Square

When deciding to lose weight, many people often make the mistake of adopting strategies that make them lose not only body fat mass (weight) but just as much lean body mass (muscle). They often simply become smaller versions of their unaesthetic selves. They occupy less space, the scale tells them they weigh less, and their doctor might even congratulate them for being closer to their “healthy weight.” But they aren’t looking any better and they may even become weaker, results they certainly are not seeking.

The number one priority when attempting to lose fat should be to keep the muscle you have. Losing muscle mass should be unacceptable! Losing muscle will make it harder to look good when losing the fat, and also make it harder to lose fat because muscle tissue is metabolically responsible for most of the fat you’ll lose. Ten pounds of muscle burns 50 calories per day even at rest. If you lose 10 pounds of muscle, you’ll burn 50 fewer calories per day. Burning 350 fewer calories per week can make a significant difference in the long run.

So even though you now weigh less, your body, arms and legs are mushy. You’ve become less efficient at burning calories, and you’re weaker. Your muscle fibers have atrophied to the extent that fat has developed between the fibers, creating visceral fat (which isn’t good, by the way), hence the myth: Muscle turns to fat. Also, the diet you’ve been on is lacking the proper amount of protein to even support the muscle you used to have let alone the muscle you need to create a metabolic burning machine. It’s not only important to maintain muscle when dieting, it’s vital! When you have more muscle mass, you can lift more weight and train harder, which increases the number of calories you burn during a workout, which makes your heart work harder and improves your cardiovascular conditioning.

Here are the biggest mistakes people make when trying to lose fat (weight):

• Doing fasted cardio

• Lifting lighter weights for more reps

• Doing moderate-intensity steady-state cardio

• Doing everything perfectly and right from the start

• Increasing training volume and doing more exercises

• Eliminating carbohydrates from your diet

• Working out 7 days a week

What you need to do:

• Take it slow. You’re in a marathon, not a sprint.

• Be realistic about time in the gym (days, hours, etc.).

• Get an assessment by a professional.

• Find the right gym that meets your needs.

• Start to hydrate and increase your protein intake.

• Stay committed!

Ed Winfield, Expert Contributor and Program & Fitness Director at Retro Fitness Newtown Square


(484) 420-4935

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