2 minute read

Investors Who Discover How Markets Work Own Their American Dream

by Expert Contributor Brendan Magee, Founder & President of Inevitable Wealth Coaching

The foundation of the American Dream is freedom, especially the freedom to choose. This is a right that people have fought to protect. Incredibly, investors surrendered their right to choose how their money is going to be managed a long time ago, and it happened without them even noticing it.

Google the word investment and thousands of results will tell you where you should invest your money. Such advice offers lots of statistics to justify why you should invest in a company’s products. In all those messages, however, there’s not one word about how markets actually work, how markets set prices, or how markets generate returns. Instead, investors are given stories about where the economy or the stock market is headed, or what a certain stock will do. Those are simply forecasts or predictions, and there’s an endless, ever-changing supply of them. They come from the media, relatives, and sometimes they’re stories investors tell themselves. Rather than being empowered by knowing what’s going to happen with their money, investors are left in a perpetual state of confusion, stress and anxiety about their future.

Trying to invest without understanding how markets work is like trying to ride a bicycle without knowing how to balance it: It’s not a very pleasant experience. That all changes when investors discover and understand how markets actually work. Those investors are empowered to freely choose exactly how their money will and will not be managed. They’ll be able to immediately know if anyone is doing something with their money that conflicts with what they want done. And they’ll be able to immediately stop such action because there’s a clear line that those investors will not allow anyone to cross.

Sadly, investors who don’t understand how markets actually work hand over their life savings to people whom they don’t know and will never meet. Those investors are kept in the dark about what is happening with their money. They’re also left without any real assurance that what is being done actually works. They are gambling — not investing — their life savings, often with disastrous results for them and their families.

Studies have shown that over the past 30 years, investors forfeited 50% of the returns that were available to them.* Their American Dreams are going up in smoke without any awareness as to WHY! You can stop that vicious cycle and take back ownership of your American Dream by working with an Investor Coach who can empower you by helping you discover how markets actually work.

*Source: DALBAR, Inc.: 2020 Quantitative Analysis of Investor Behavior

Newtown Square Resident and Expert Contributor Brendan Magee, Founder & President of Inevitable Wealth Coaching




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