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610-853-0508 I www.PennTherapy.com on the results of the exam. You may be good to go for another year, get a few updates to your exercise program, have a short course of physical therapy or receive a referral to another medical provider if something is found that physical therapy can’t help to improve on its own.
There is strong evidence suggesting that movement is a valuable predictor of future health and resilience against disease. Moving well can keep you healthier and help you live longer. Here are a few simple tests that show the power of movement when it comes to predicting future health:
Gait Velocity - This is simply a measure of how fast you walk. Studies have shown that if your typical walking speed is over 1 m/s or 3.3 ft/s, you’re likely able to complete typical daily activities independently. You’re also less likely to be hospitalized and less likely to have adverse events like falls.
Sitting-Rising - Another series of studies suggest that if you can go from standing to sitting on the floor and back to standing without using your hands, you’re much more agile and a lot less likely to fall, become incapacitated or even die, than someone who can’t. You can find the instructions and examples with a quick internet search.
Notice that both the gait velocity and sitting-rising tests aren’t specific to any one condition or illness. The risk of hospitalization when analyzing gait velocity studies includes hospitalization for various reasons. Similarly, when evaluating the sitting-rising studies, the increased incidence of death occurs due to numerous causes.
Because science says that moving well is incredibly important to your overall health and also important for your quality of life both now and later, having a regular PT checkup to find problems early is one of the best things you can do for yourself this year. N S