Guide to specif ying perimeter securit y
Guide to specifying perimeter security
This guide provides current background information on perimeter security and maps out the process to be implemented in moving from a general concern about security to the creation of a secure perimeter. This publication sets out to: Illustrate the practical issues that need to be considered when determining the type and positioning of a security fence. Assess the level of crime risk and the security level of fence required.
Discuss the criteria for selecting a type of perimeter fence. Illustrate points to consider when choosing security advise, type of contractor and management of your project.
Contents 1 Guide to specifying perimeter security
2 Security survey: Assessing your site
3 Risk assessment
4 Fence options and security categories
- Demarcation
- Deterrent
- Delay
- Sports and recreational
- Entry and access control - Hardening the perimeter 5 Procurement and advice
19 21 23
Guide to specifying perimeter security
Moving from concern to practical measures
Poor security can have the following consequences: Cost due to vandalism and theft. Damage to the company or school’s reputation. Lowering of morale among staff and pupils in a school environment.
Achieving the objective
Implementation involves a wide range of activities.
Fencing systems should address a variety of issues, potential concerns, security, safety requirements and a wide range of applications:
The key ones are: Liaising with the police to keep up to date on local crime patterns.
Project a positive image.
Recording security incidents consistently.
Provide a safe and secure environment.
Disruption and cost caused by the loss or theft of vital equipment.
Carrying out periodic security surveys and security risk assessments.
Diversion of resources to repairs and maintenance.
Developing a security strategy tailored to the sites unique circumstances.
Reflective social responsibility, through sensitive design and attractive appearance.
Engage with security advisors to provide support with your planning and specification. Choosing perimeter security specific to your needs.
Key areas are:
Consider and provide a wide range of application requirements. Ensure the highest standards of specification, product quality and installation, giving guaranteed long term solutions.
Security survey: Assessing your site The first stage in developing a security strategy is to carry out a security survey. This is best done with the support of a security adviser or local Crime Prevention Design Officer. The plan on these pages highlights the kind of issues that need to be considered. However, the design and surroundings of each site is unique and so will require its own specific considerations and solutions.
Site survey Caution: note the following factors when conducting your survey. Climbing aids Note any climbing aids such as utility boxes, bins, trees etc. that are located on or in close proximity to the fence line.
Entrance points Limit the number of entrance points to your perimeter and nominate a single entry exit point.
Detailed assessment of the site and its perimeter enables the specification of effective security for whole sites or individual elements of the site. A map of the p perimeter and its p position in relation to the surroundings should be available.
Ground conditions
Mark any undulating or steep sloping ground, as well as changes in ground type e.g. concrete, soft ground.
Environment Ensure your chosen fence and position works with your local environment or surroundings.
Attack risk Note sections of your fence line that may be obscured from vision or that are more vulnerable to attach.
Service Note any major utilities.
3 Public right of way Be aware of any rights of way across or close to property.
Existing perimeter Mark the removal of existing perimeter fences and record any areas the fence will have to work in conjunction with existing perimeters e.g. brick/stone walls.
Maintain height integrity Where ground levels change take care to note the requirement to maintain the height integrity of the fence.
Adhere to standard product Standard product where possible will reduce the cost of your project.
Key: Demarcation
Entry/Exit Control
4 2
1 1
4 1
Relative effectiveness of security measures Although fencing has been shown to be the most effective measure, its value is further enhanced when it forms part of an integrated approach – e.g. a combination of fencing, access control and CCTV. Clearly a group of measures should be selected to work well together. One consideration is the selection of a fencing type, such as welded mesh, which has a high transparency to CCTV. Palisade and railing fencing is particularly unsatisfactory in this respect and will create blind spots along the fence.
Perimeter security implementation Although perimeter security is considered the most effective measure against ‘external’ threats, there are a number of issues to be confronted before it can be effectively planned and implemented. These issues can include funding and the potential phasing of the project, footpaths and impact on the community etc.
Planning The local planning authority should be consulted on any perimeter security measure, such as gates, fences, walls or other means of enclosure. The planning situation may not be straightforward, and planning concerns should be known as early as possible.
Funding The lifetime cost of the installation, i.e. maintenance, repair and effectiveness over time, should be kept in mind when assessing the required funding. The lowest initial capital expenditure invariably will not result in the lowest costs over the lifetime of the installation. An adjoining landowner may be prepared to contribute, if there is some shared advantage.
Note: Approval will be required for a new perimeter construction exceeding two metres in height in any location.
Footpaths Public footpaths or other rights of way cross many sites. Although footpaths can be fenced on both sides, this is rarely practical.
Phasing If funding limitations dictate that an investment in perimeter security is carried out in phases over a number of years, the early phases will have to be carefully considered in order to provide clearly enhanced security, even though the perimeter is incomplete. Short lengths of extra fencing terminating against buildings may be required. Inventiveness may be called for when deciding on appropriate phasing.
Note: From early 2003, local highway authorities in England may close rights of way crossing school lands. The grounds for closure include: Protection for pupils and staff from violence or threat of violence. Protection from harassment.
Shortening the perimeter
Protection from alarm and distress arising from unlawful activity.
A short perimeter can be easier to implement and maintain in a secure condition. It may therefore be necessary to withdraw from the existing perimeter and create a secure perimeter closer to buildings.
Protection from any other risk to health and safety arising from unlawful activity.
Note: This solution will separate main buildings from the grounds and may reduce the amenity available. The shortest possible perimeter is achieved by fencing across recesses buildings. Means of escape may have to be considered if this option is chosen.
Where these powers are used, highway authorities are encouraged to seek diversion rather than closure. Alternative footpath routes should therefore be considered and proposed to the authority.
Community views The local community may object to the proposed perimeter for a range of reasons. Straightforward aesthetic objections may arise.
Control of vehicle access
It may be necessary to consult the local community formally or informally to explain the reasoning behind the decision to create a secure perimeter.
In nearly all cases, provision will have to be made for vehicle movements through the perimeter.
Gates can be locked during the day. However, many management issues arise from such a decision. Security awareness and a co-operative attitude will be called for among staff.
Note: Enhanced perimeter security may ‘move’ problems to another business or school in the locality.
A wide range of access control solutions are available, permitting gates and vehicle barriers to be operated remotely.
Community use of schools Community use of school facilities, such as sports halls out of school hours, is a difficult issue to be addressed. Community use is often a precondition for sports hall funding and many schools have previously welcomed community access. In such cases, a shortened perimeter or a remotely controlled vehicle barrier may be the only solution.
Relative effectiveness of security measures
Security measures can be physical, electronic or human. Their relative effectiveness will vary from site to site. However, there are basic measures that every site should implement as comprehensively as possible. Involve Crime Prevention Design Adviser (CPDA’s) and security advisors. Control visitor access. Limit the number of entrances. Define boundaries clearly. Have procedures for out of hours access. Keep buildings clear of materials that can be used for arson or vandalism.
“Secured by Design” (SBD), the UK Police flagship initiative supports the principles of ‘designing out crime’ by use of effective crime prevention and security measures. The role of Crime Prevention Design Adviser (CPDA) is now widely accepted as a fundamental function of policing today. CPDA’s are specialist Crime Prevention Officers who deal with ‘designing out’ crime risks in the built environment. This extends to the consideration of defensible space and access, a key factor in the design of sites and buildings. Key security measures, in order of effectiveness against ‘external’ threats are:
Detection: On-fence detection, Off-fence detection, Electrified fence (see hardening the perimeter). Alarm Surveillance: Video monitoring (CCTV), Video motion (see hardening the perimeter). Fencing is the most effective means of reducing intrusion and subsequent acts of vandalism, theft and arson. Perimeter fencing value can be further enhanced when it forms part of an integrated approach to harden the delay factor – for example, a combination of fencing, access control, detection and CCTV.
Keep tight control of contractor’s works.
Gates and Access Control Systems.
Involve the community.
Security survey and risk assessment The first stage in developing a security strategy is to carry out a security survey: evaluation of your site and risk assessment. A security survey takes account of the perimeter and its location, threats and their probability and assesses current levels of security. The information from the security survey is useful when selecting security measures and evaluating their likely efficiency. The survey will also take account of other site requirements such as the position of the perimeter fence and external factors that can impact its effectiveness, potential need for internal fencing any sport specific needs and entry control.
A comprehensive security survey looks at five major areas: The incidence of crime, based on your own statistics or on discussion with local police. Environmental and building factors that contribute to security. An assessment of the degree and effectiveness of the security measures employed. Provision for internal demarcation or specific application, such as sports fencing or areas of increased security.
This guide incorporates an assessment to understand the level of risk. The check list assists you in determining which risk category you are in: low (up to 25 points), medium (25-60 points) or high-risk (60-80 points). Sites in the low-risk category should consider a range of demarcation security fencing measures, whereas sites in the medium or high-risk category should consider more secure measures such as higher security fencing, detailed in deterrent and delay categories. Nylofor® F
Entry/Exit control from your site.
Risk assessment The security survey will have identified the most vulnerable parts of the site, the best position for a security fence and give a rounded picture of the risks that your site faces. Risk assessment is key, without this information it is difficult to assess: The type and scale of risk. Any trends or patterns in the incidents occurring at the premises. The selection of security measures and fencing type. The efficiency of the chosen security measures. The next step determines the level of security the fence should provide. An assessment of the level of crime in the locality should play a large part in detailing the level of security that the fence and its access gates need to provide.
Risk relative to security Standards
Home Office Approved CAT 4 BS1722 Pt14
High Risk
Secured by Design CAT 3 BS1722 Pt14
Medium Risk
Typical Applications DELAY
Prisons, Secure Units, Utilities, Data Points Schools, Offices, Business Parks and Industrial Sites
Secured by Design CAT 2 BS1722 Pt14
Low Risk
Secured by Design CAT 1 BS1722 Pt14
Minimum Risk
Schools, Offices, Business and Retail Parks DEMARCATION
Retail, Parks, Playgrounds
Checklist To help you conduct a survey and risk assessment the following checklist is provided. It is divided into three parts: circle the level appropriate to your site and at the end add up the total score. Part 1: Incidence of crime This section of the survey assesses the type, scale, patterns and trends of incidents which have actually happened in the last 12 months. This part of the risk assessment can be based on an analysis of reported incidents. However, if your site does not yet have
an incident reporting procedure a more subjective assessment will have to be made, possibly based on a discussion with the local police or residents. Part 2: Environment and buildings This section of the survey assesses the environmental and building factors which contribute to security.
Note: This is intended as a guide only and there are no scores which determine absolutely what your level of security is. However, it is hoped that this will be a useful starting point for the evaluation of your perimeter system.
Part 3: Security measures This section of the survey assesses the degree and effectiveness of the security measures employed.
Part 1: Crime incidents in last 12 months
Part 2: Environment and buildings
Part 3: Security measures
1. Trespass No cases of trespassers in grounds Trespassers commonly present in grounds
1. Incidence of crime in surrounding area Low crime rate Locality has a high crime rate
2. Vandalism No cases of vandalism reported Frequent vandalism of buildings
1. Waste bins Waste and recycling bins locked up every night Unlocked mobile bins left around premises
2. Premises overlooked from roads and/or housing Grounds clearly visible to public Unobserved grounds and buildings
3. Theft/burglary No cases of theft or burglary in locality Frequent theft/burglary in locality 4. Fire No arson attacks in the locality Locality have suffered from arson attacks 5. Safety No attacks or threats reported Attacks inside or in vicinity of buildings 6. Drugs/solvent abuse No problems reported Locality problem with drugs or solvent abuse
3. Boundaries, fences and gates Boundaries well defined with secure fences and gates preventing unauthorised access No perimeter fences and gates or in poor condition 4. Clearly defined entrances Clear entrances with signs directing visitors No clear entrances or multiple entrance points
2. Security lighting Permanent lighting of all entrances, footpaths and building facades No lighting 3. Surveillance Efficient surveillance e.g. CCTV covering perimeter/security patrols No system 4. Intruder alarms System using passive infra-red detectors in all ground floor perimeter and other vulnerable rooms No system
Security risk assessment score summary
5. Car parking Car parks well lit and CCTV in place No safe enclosed place to park and no CCTV
Part 1 - Crime (30)
6. Valuable equipment that is easily stolen and disposed of
Total (80)
Few computers, TVs and electrical equipment Many computers, TVs and electrical equipment
Part 2 - Environment and Buildings (30) Part 3 - Security measures (20)
0-25 points: Low risk -
25-60 points: Medium risk -
60-80 points: High risk -
Fence options and security categories Perimeter fencing is separated into three main security categories. Fence systems must be considered for relevant attributes and should be relative to security level and category.
The fence should mark the boundary line, showing that the land is not public space and defining the area protected. This would be the first step to creating and differentiating ownership of land from one side of the fence to the other
In most cases the fence should prevent casual trespass, deterring the opportunist by its increased security. The fence should make a clear statement that access is only intended at a proper entrance point, and then only by persons authorised to enter.
The fence should resist determined, unaththorised entry for as long as possible to allow intervention.
Product Attributes relative to security Demarcation
Climb ability
Solidity %
2.4m +
Securifor Super6
2.0 - 2.4m
2.4m +
Securifor 358
2.0 - 2.4m
2.4m +
Securifor 2D
2.0 - 2.4m
2.4m +
Securifor 3D
0.9 - 1.8m
2.0 - 2.4m
3.0m +
Paladin Classic
0.9 - 2.0m
2.4m +
Nylofor 2D Super
0.9 - 2.0m
2.4m +
Nylofor F
0.9 - 2.0m
2.4m +
Paladin FX
0.9 - 2.0m
2.4m +
Nylofor 2D
0.9 - 2.0m
2.4m +
Nylofor 3D
0.9 - 2.0m
2.4m +
Roll Top
0.9 - 2.0m
2.4m +
Nylofor 3-M
This table demonstrates fence systems relative to security level and category and scores relevant attributes that should be considered for each system. 1
Low suitability to attribute
High suitability to attribute
Paladin® Classic Height Width *H/V Ø Mesh Beam Coating
0.9 -> 3.0m 3.0m 3mm/4mm Varies to maximum 50 x 50m Yes, with additional wires for strength Galvanised + Polyester
Nylofor® 2D Super Height Width *H/V Ø Mesh Beam Coating
1.03 -> 2.43m 2.5m 2 x 8mm/6mm 200 x 50mm Flat panel Galvanised + Polyester
Nylofor® F Height Width *H/V Ø Mesh Beam Coating
1.03 -> 2.43m 2.5m 15 x 6mm/6mm 200 x 50mm Flat panel Galvanised + Polyester
Paladin® FX Height Width *H/V Ø Mesh Beam Coating
0.9 -> 3.0m 3.0m 4mm/5mm Varies to maximum 150 x 50m Yes, with additional wires for strength Galvanised + Polyester
Demarcation What are demarcation fences? Betafence demarcation products provide a clearly defined boundary line, demonstrating that the land beyond is not public space or marking a change of ownership. Demarcation fences are usually lower in height than barriers in other Betafence categories and can be used to stop people taking unrecognised routes (desire lines) by guiding foot and vehicular traffic in the right direction.
Features Choice of panels ranging from 0.9m to 2.0m high Open mesh for good visibility Safety Low visual impact
Nylofor® 2D Height Width *H/V Ø Mesh Beam Coating
1.03 -> 2.43m 2.5m 2 x 6mm/5mm 200 x 50mm Flat panel Galvanised + Polyester
Nylofor® 3D Height Width *H/V Ø Mesh Beam Coating
1.03 -> 2.43m 2.5m 5mm/5mm 200 x 50mm Yes Galvanised + Polyester
Roll Top® Height Width *H/V Ø Mesh Beam Coating
0.9 -> 2.4m 3.0m 5mm/5mm 150 x 50mm Yes, rolled beam for safety Galvanised + Polyester
Nylofor® 3-M Height Width *H/V Ø Mesh Beam Coating
1.73 -> 2.43m 3.0m 5mm/5mm 200 x 50mm Yes, with additional wires for strength Galvanised + PVC *Horizontal/Vertical wire diameter
Paladin® Classic
Demarcation applications Nylofor速 3D
As the product attributes table (see page 10) shows, demarcation fences are ideal for marking a perimeter in low risk environments, providing a discernible boundary and improving safety, containment or separation.
Roll Top速
Excellent through visibility and low height makes demarcation products the perfect choice for schools, offices, retail parks and public facilities. They can be used around a perimeter or internally to keep pedestrians away from the danger presented by traffic and can improve safety in playgrounds, parks and other open spaces without impacting significantly on the surroundings.
Where the wellbeing of users is paramount, particularly children, the Roll Top system offers a stable fencing option, boasting a rolled top and bottom beam with no protruding edges for safety. Paladin Classic offers an aesthetic clean finish and Nylofor 2D/2D Super or F panels provide a more rigid stable finish.
Securifor® 358 Height Width *H/V Ø Mesh Beam Coating
1.2 -> 6.0m 2.5m 4mm/4mm 12.7 x 76.2mm Flat Panel Zincalu or Galvanised + Polyester
Securifor® 2D Height Width *H/V Ø Mesh Beam Coating
1.2 -> 3.0m 2.5m 2 x 4 mm intermittent/6mm 12.7 x 76.2mm Flat Panel Galvanised + Polyester
Securifor® 3D Height Width *H/V Ø Mesh Beam Coating
2.0 -> 3.0m 2.5m 4mm/4mm 12.7 x 76.2mm Yes Galvanised + Polyester
Paladin® Classic Height Width *H/V Ø Mesh Beam Coating
0.9 -> 3.00m 3.0m 3mm/4mm Varies to maximum 50 x 50mm Yes, additional wires for strength Galvanised + Polyester
Deterrent What are deterrent fences? Betafence deterrent products help prevent casual trespass, theft, drug abuse and opportunists by offering a number of security capabilities. This broad reaching category of fence makes a strong visual statement that access is intended for authorised personnel only at designated entry/ exit points. It provides increased security by marking the boundary with a clear physical barrier and can be upgraded to enhance safety if required.
Features Typical panel height of 2.0-2.4m Excellent stability/rigidity Good through visibility Low visual impact Anti-climb options available
Nylofor® 2D Super Height Width *H/V Ø Mesh Beam Coating
1.03 -> 2.43m 2.5m 2 x 8mm/6mm 200 x 50mm Flat panel Galvanised + Polyester
Nylofor® F Height Width *H/V Ø Mesh Beam Coating
1.03 -> 2.43m 2.5m 15 x 6mm/6mm 200 x 50mm Flat panel Galvanised + Polyester
Nylofor® 3D Height Width *H/V Ø Mesh Beam Coating
Paladin® FX Height Width *H/V Ø Mesh Beam Coating
0.9 -> 3.0m 3.0m 4mm/5mm Varies to maximum 150 x 50m Yes, with additional wires for strength Galvanised + Polyester
Roll Top® Height Width *H/V Ø Mesh Beam Coating
Nylofor® 2D Height Width *H/V Ø Mesh Beam Coating
1.03 -> 2.43m 2.5m 2 x 6mm/5mm 200 x 50mm Flat Panel Galvanised + Polyester *Horizontal/Vertical wire diameter
1.03 -> 2.43m 2.5m 5mm/5mm 200 x 50mm Yes Galvanised + Polyester
0.9 -> 2.4m 3m 5mm/5mm 150 x 50mm Rolled beam for safety Galvanised + Polyester
Nylofor® 3-M Height Width *H/V Ø Mesh Beam Coating
1.73 -> 2.43m 3m 5mm/5mm 200 x 50mm Yes with additional wires for strength Galvanised + PVC
Deterrent applications Paladin速 Classic
Understanding and interpreting your needs is essential when choosing the right deterrent fence. As the product attributes table (see page 10) shows, a wide range of panels of varying heights and construction are available to suit environmental constraints and identified levels of risk.
Securifor 2D
Deterrent fences can be used by schools, offices, heavy industry and public facilities to stop people entering the premises and provide a visual statement of intent, particularly where instances of trespass and vandalism have occurred.
The extensive choice of panels in this category allows a system to be built relative to the level of security required. If good through visibility and aesthetics are essential, then a fence type such as Paladin Classic may be recommend, whilst Nylofor 2D Super will offer greater rigidity and Securifor will raise the level of security. Please note, the services of a professional adviser may be needed to help specify the most appropriate fencing type.
Nylofor速 2D Super
Securifor® Super6 Height Width *H/V Ø Mesh Beam Coating
1.2 -> 6.00m 2.5m 4mm/6mm 12.7 x 76.2mm Flat Panel Zincalu or Galvanised + Polyester
Securifor® 358 Height Width *H/V Ø Mesh Beam Coating
1.2 -> 6.00m 2.5m 4mm/4mm 12.7 x 76.2mm Flat Panel Zincalu or Galvanised + Polyester
Securifor® 2D Height Width *H/V Ø Mesh Beam Coating
1.2 -> 3.00m 2.5m 2 x 4mm intermittent/6mm 12.7 x 76.2mm Flat Panel Galvanised + Polyester
Delay What are delay fences? Betafence delay products offer the highest levels of security, to stop unauthorised entry and prevent a potential attack. Fences in this category will create a significant amount of physical delay and resist determined intruders for as long as possible, allowing intervention to take place.
Features Panels ranging from 2.4m to 5.2m high (generally 3.0m plus) Excellent visibility and stability
Securifor 3D Height Width *H/V Ø Mesh Beam Coating
2.00 -> 3.00m 2.5m 4mm/4mm 12.7 x 76.2mm Yes Galvanised + Polyester
Anti-climb and anti-cut options Compatible with PIDs, CCTV, etc
Paladin® Classic Height Width *H/V Ø Mesh Beam Coating
0.9 -> 3.00m 3.0m 3mm/4mm Varies to maximum 50 x 50mm Yes, additional wires for Strength Galvanised + Polyester *Horizontal/Vertical wire diameter
Securifor® 2D
Delay applications Securifor® Super 6
Delay fences are an essential part of any high to maximum security environment, such as prisons, secure units, utility and industrial sites, data centres and in some cases, schools. When the safety of your assets, people or property is under severe threat, fences in the delay category can provide a significant physical barrier against demonstrators, activists, terrorists, drug use, extreme vandalism and arson. The skill level of this ‘perceived threat’ will influence the specification.
The Betafence delay range includes specific products designed to prevent intruders climbing over or cutting through the panels, without compromising visibility for CCTV and security surveillance. As the product attributes table (see page 10) demonstrates, they are stable enough to support perimeter intrusion detection systems (PIDs) and can form the basis of a hardened security boundary (see page 21). We recommend anyone looking to specify a fence from the delay category engages the services of a professional security adviser.
Securifor® 358 and Bekasecure post
BekaSport® Super Height Width *H/V Ø Mesh Beam Coating
3.0 -> 6.0m 2.5m 2 x 4mm intermittent/6mm Varimesh 12.7-25.4-50.8 x 76.7mm Flat Panel Galvanised + Polyester
BekaSport® Plus Height Width *H/V Ø Mesh Beam Coating
2.0 -> 6.0m 2.5m 2 x 8mm/6mm Varimesh 66-200 x 50mm Flat Panel Galvanised + Polyester
BekaSport® Height Width *H/V Ø Mesh Beam Coating
2.0 -> 6.0m 2.5m 2 x 8mm/6mm 200 x 50mm No, Flat Panel Galvanised + Polyester
Sports and recreation What are sports and recreation fences? Betafence sports and recreation products are designed specifically for ball courts, multi-use games areas and play areas, to provide a safe, contained arena for physical activity. Fences in this broad reaching category are suitable for all types of sports environments, offering a player-friendly, flat boundary that is stable enough to deflect a ball without deforming the mesh.
Features Wide range of heights from 1.2m to 6.0m
BekaSport® F Height Width *H/V Ø Mesh Beam Coating
2.0 -> 6.0m 2.5m 15 x 6mm/6mm 200 x 50mm No, Flat Panel Galvanised + Polyester
Optional rebound section with varimesh panels Play area options Flush inner surface to protect players Robust, stable construction
BekaSport Super Roll Top® Height Width *H/V Ø Mesh Beam Coating
0.9 -> 3.0m 3.0m 5mm/5mm 150 x 50mm Yes, rolled beam for safety Galvanised + Polyester *Horizontal/Vertical wire diameter
This premier, three-stage varimesh panel is constructed from Securifor 2D in sizes ranging from 3.0m to 6.0m high. The mesh density is graduated from bottom to top to provide greater rigidity and improved deflection where it is needed most and eliminate finger traps.
BekaSport Plus Suitable for heavy use the BekaSport Plus incorporates a rebound section up to 1.2m high. It is created using Nylofor 2D Super varimesh, ranging in mesh aperture 66mm x 50mm at the bottom to 200mm x 50mm at the top. A flat inner surface and high levels of rigidity and stability are provided by twin 8mm horizontal wires, giving heights ranging from 2.0m to 6.0m.
BekaSport BekaSport fencing is constructed from Nylofor 2D Super. This panel perfect for general use in schools and where sport is played less intensively.
BekaSport F This rigid panel uses a flat bar to give increased strength and create a smooth internal surface.
Roll Top
Ideal for children’s play areas, this low level panel is strong yet safe, providing a smooth internal surface. Roll Top is offered in a multi-lift configuration, enabling the height to be increased to 3.0m if required.
Sports and recreation applications Bekasport® Super
The primary purpose of sports and recreation fences is to create a defined area in which children or adults can play safely, keeping balls in – not people out!
Bekasport® Plus
Each system is designed specifically to meet your security, budget and sporting requirements, as well as the age group of your users. The strong, rigid panels are available in a variety of heights suitable for parks, council facilities, sports centres and academies, schools, colleges and universities.
All Betafence sports and recreation panels have a smooth internal surface to minimise the risk of injury. They can be supplied with open mesh or a varimesh construction providing a rebound section to add strength and stability where contact and deflection is greatest. Goal mouths can be created and complementing gates added for ease of access, note for these applications gates should always open away from the playing area.
Roll Top®
Key-operated switch
Entry and access control What is entry control? Videophone/intercom combination
Remote control
Entry points are the weakest part of a perimeter, but with the right method of control, vehicle and pedestrian passage can be managed effectively on any site. Betafence provides a wide range of barriers, swing or sliding gates and turnstiles to suit all entry/exit points and ensure your security system is not compromised.
Features Wide range of gates, barriers and turnstiles Various methods of access control Integrated safety measures
Fire services master key
Swing or sliding gates: Betafence offers a number of manual or automated gate options for the controlled passage of pedestrians and vehicles. Turnstiles: Fitted to control the access and flow of pedestrians, turnstiles are useful for monitoring visitor numbers in a public venue.
Year timer
Lift arm barriers: Lift arm barriers are usually installed to control traffic flow. Barriers can be set to open automatically from the inside, improving the passage of authorised vehicles, yet slowing traffic speeds.
Week timer
23 19
Standard code keypad
Command for inductive ground loop, one or two channels
Set of three push buttons
Proximity card reader
Entry and access control applications No matter how secure your environment, visitors need to come and go on foot and in vehicles. The wide range of cost-effective entry systems offered by Betafence minimises weak spots in a perimeter, allowing you to control access safely and professionally. When specifying keep entry/exit points to a minimum and when selecting a gate or barrier take into account the level of risk identified, the nature of your operation and the frequency of usage. For example, on a low risk site it may be appropriate to leave the main gate open during office hours and control vehicular access with a barrier.
Additional safety issues arise when moving parts are added to entry control and it is important to consider how gates will operate. All Betafence automated products conform to relevant industry standards and incorporate photocells, warning lights and pressure strips to prevent a person or vehicle becoming trapped. A wide choice of access control options are available including swipe cards, voice intercoms, keypads, push buttons and remotes. Note: automated gates should be fully compliant to BS EN 12453 and should be CE marked by the manufacturer. Please note all automated access points will require regular maintenance. We recommend you seek professional advice when specifying entry control to ensure your system complies with current regulations.
Hardening the perimeter
Product range Sterile zone Fences can be erected in layers behind the perimeter to delay potential attackers in a sterile zone, often in conjunction with underground detection.
Toppings Cranked or vertically extended posts and T-bar toppings can be combined with barbed or razor wire to reduce the risk of intruders climbing over the fence. It is important to note that adequate warning signage must be used for this option.
Electrified fencing An electric fence can be added to the back face of the fence to deter anyone from making contact and detect a potential attack.
On-fence detection Betafence offers a range of panels that are stable enough to support effective perimeter intrusion detection systems (PIDs). Examples of PIDS are: Point sensor, Fibre optic and Microphonic.
Off-fence detection Passive infrared, volumetric sensors, radar, video monitoring (CCTV), video motion, thermal imaging and lighting can be added to enhance and complement your perimeter protection.
Hardening access control Vehicle security at entry/exit points can be improved with the addition of sliding gates, speed gates, turnstiles, bollards, rising blockers and ramps.
Tightening security In high risk environments, a number of additional features can be installed to make your perimeter security even more resistant to attack.
Sterile zone
We recommend anyone looking to specify hardening measures engages the services of a professional security advisor. Only proper interaction will lead to valid analysis and effective perimeter protection.
When hardening your perimeter there are a number of factors to consider, including the risks faced, potential intruders, the type of property to be protected, its locality and environmental concerns. Installing the correct fence type and entry controls are essential, but any number of hardening measures can be used independently or combined to increase the layers of security applied and to raise the security level.
Y Cranked topping
Procurement and advice
Although perimeter protection is proven to be the most effective anti-crime measure, we understand that you need to be confident the installation is procured and erected prudently and professionally. Procurement would traditionally take place through a competitive tendering process, in which the lowest quote would be selected. In recent years, however, commercial organisations and public bodies have been required to consider other factors, including lifetime cost.
When purchasing perimeter security, the following should be considered: Is a sufficient level of security provided – not excessive or deficient?
The Betafence partnering approach comprises: The PRO-net network of licensed contractors, who are required to meet a range of quality and service criteria, remove and are committed to continuous professional development and measured against individually agreed indicators. The Access Control Partnership, who provide commissioning and maintenance contracts.
Are other aspects, such as access control or hardening relevant?
BEKassure, a ten year independently audited guarantee, covering fencing materials and installation.
Is the product of sufficient quality? Manufacturing quality varies widely, particularly corrosion protection. Has the product undergone accelerated lifetime testing?
Support of the ‘Secured by Design’ Police initiative, which aims to design out crime by achieving the ‘Police Preferred Specification.’
Is the price right? Will the installation be achievable in the required time frame? Are the materials and installation guaranteed? Will the installation be independently checked to support the guarantee? Betafence’s partnering approach to perimeter security procurement integrates the roles and responsibilities of the manufacturer, designer, consultant, contractor, any sub-contractors and the client to provide a complete supply chain.
Environment Management System – ISO14001: 2004 Quality Management System – ISO9001: 2008
A range of Home Office approved products and specifications.
Advisory service
The Betafence advantage
Betafence is a market leader in the production and installation of perimeter protection, enjoying an international presence and managing large projects worldwide. We have vast experience in designing and manufacturing individual fencing systems and offer a full support service to guide you through the process.
Betafence upholds the principles of best practice in all installations, whether they are at a maximum security prison or a school. We pride ourselves on producing perimeter protection that meets the ever growing security needs of all sectors, including industry and commerce.
The purpose of this document is to help you broadly determine which of our extensive range of fencing systems best suits your needs. Our team of security advisers and technicians will then work with you throughout the planning, specifying, design, manufacturing and installation stages to ensure you are completely happy with the final product. We know that each installation is unique and requires an integrated approach. We manufacture the highest quality fencing to create a safe, secure environment that will fully protect your site for years to come.
Choosing an installer Betafence can recommend a suitable fencing contractor for any project, nationwide.
If you require budget costs, we can provide a cost per metre for the type of system you require. You can also take advantage of our comprehensive programme of support, which includes site survey, specification, pricing, installation, independent auditing and a 10-year guarantee. We are on hand throughout the lifetime of your perimeter system to offer ongoing advice. Whatever you want to achieve from your perimeter protection, you can be confident that we will provide the best possible solution. If you would like further information about Betafence’s products or services, please do not hesitate to contact us. One of our security advisers will be happy to visit your site and assess your needs in more detail.
Our PRO-net licensed installers undergo rigorous assessments of their technical competence and quality of service. They are independently audited to ensure their work meets the high standards required by our 10-year guarantee and have individual responsibility for their workmanship. Licences are only awarded once contractors have proved they comply with the PRO-net Chartered or Licensed Contractor schemes. Betafence is committed to continuous professional development (CPD) and we offer RIBA accredited CPD courses to local authorities, architects and other interested parties to promote learning and development within the perimeter protection sector. These entertaining and informative presentations offer solutions and real life examples of best practice, to improve the way we work together to meet client requirements.
Betafence Limited P.O. Box 119 Shepcote Lane Sheffield S9 1TY, UK Tel: +44 (0)870 127 0027 Fax: +44 (0)870 127 0028 E-Mail:
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EUROPE Belgium Betafence NV Croatia Betafence Hrvatska d.o.o. Czech Republic Betafence s.r.o. France Betafence France SAS Betafence Bourbourg
Germany Betafence Werl Betafence Schwalmtal Hungary Betafence Hungary Zrt. Italy Betafence Security Projects srl Betafence Tortoreto Poland Betafence Projects Sp. z o.o. Betafence Kotlarnia
Betafence is the world leader in physical perimeter fencing systems, access control and detection systems. All Betafence companies and product names are trademarks owned by Betafence Holding nv. Modification in products and assortment reserved. European version – 01/2011