The Beta Theta Pi Magazine - Spring 2013

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Beta Theta Pi M







S p r i n g 2 013 T h e B e t a T h e t a P i M AGA Z INE VO L . 14 0

The battle against New age addictions


[page 24]

A lifetime of service Saluting Senator Lugar (page 12)

Promises to Keep

Beta’s New Capital Campaign (page 18)

Sports Roundup

Varsity Athletes Make the List (page 43)



Yes, it’s risky. “A mature person is one who does not think only in absolutes, who is able to be objective even when deeply stirred emotionally, who has learned that there is both good and bad in all people and all things, and who walks humbly and deals charitably.” – Eleanor Roosevelt I’ve always been a lover of quotes. No matter my age, no matter the subject … I’ve always been mesmerized by the almost magical methods by which some people construct and configure words to invoke deep thought, emotion and/or action. Not surprisingly, I turned to a volume of quotes upon penning this editorial because our editorial staff has taken on a subject this quarter that focuses on two relatively new addictions that are facing our society – including brothers of our Fraternity. Mobile phone addiction is one, as it is an unquestioned mode of constant distraction and engagement – regardless of the cost to one’s own social and mental well-being. The second is related to the ease of access to and frequent viewing of online pornography. Yes, pornography. As is shared in its feature (pages 26-31), some 70% of young men 18-24 view it each month and 70% of internet porn traffic occurs between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. – when most people are at work. Now, it goes almost without saying that wading into the waters on anything related to sex can be incredibly risky. Most people are uncomfortable discussing it openly, including the editorial staff of The Beta Theta Pi. But, as a Beta alumnus encouraged us to take on the topic last year, the deeper we dug into it, the more we discovered about the significant impact of porn addiction – and how it is undermining people’s relationships with their family, friends, co-workers and significant others. To be certain, we have tried to approach the writing and graphic design of both articles in a manner that accentuates the very dilemmas associated with their corresponding addictions. Our hope is that you will not pitch or shelve the magazine purely because we’ve chosen to address at least one very sensitive topic but, rather, that you will read objectively and learn more about the epidemic and its impact on our society.

The Beta Theta Pi

The oldest continuously-published college fraternity magazine, The Beta Theta Pi was founded on December 15, 1872, by Charles Duy Walker, V.M.I. 1869. Editor L. Martin Cobb, Eastern Kentucky ’96 Managing Editor Mike Roupas, Iowa ’10 Associate Director of Communication Kyle Grand, Wabash ’11 Contributors Justin Warren, SMU ’10, Anne Emmerth Creative Director Sarah Shepherd Graphic Designer Jenna Noah Director of Digital Media Robert Umstadter, San Jose State ’05 Photography Chris Cone, @Flickr, Stephanie Egan The Beta Theta Pi, (USPS 052-000) official magazine of Beta Theta Pi Fraternity, is owned by the Fraternity, edited and published under the direction and control of its Board of Trustees, published Winter, Spring and Summer for $30 onetime pre-paid subscription. Standard non-profit class postage paid at Oxford, Ohio, and additional points of entry. Canada Post International Publications Mail (Canadian Distribution) Sales Agreement No. 0397474. Copyright Beta Theta Pi Fraternity, 2012. Produced in the USA.

Publication Schedule Issue Deadline Winter 2013 October 15 Spring 2013 January 15 Summer 2013 April 15

Mail Date December 15 March 15 June 15

Send address changes to: Foundation and Administrative Office Brennan Hall 5134 Bonham Road PO Box 6277 Oxford, Ohio 45056 800.800.BETA or

Through our internal research, writing and extensive debate, a final quote fairly summarizes our team’s decision to move forward with both topics…

“If you are not willing to risk the unusual, you will have to settle for the ordinary.” – Jim Rohn With a goal of helping Betas and our Fraternity’s supporters avoid the pitfalls and negative implications of these new age addictions, let us know your thoughts and sentiments. We so value your opinion and welcome the feedback. Yours in ___kai___,

L. Martin Cobb, Eastern Kentucky ’96 Editor



WHO GETS THE MAGAZINE? The Fraternity’s leadership works hard to maximize resource effectiveness. Likewise, upon initiation each Beta is guaranteed a lifetime subscription to The Beta Theta Pi. That commitment remains, although some are no longer interested in receiving the hard-copy magazine. So, who gets the Fraternity’s magazine? Anyone who requests it, as well as all active Beta volunteers, donors to the Beta Foundation, undergraduates and parents. Make your preference official at 800.800.BETA, or go online at


The Beta Theta Pi Magazine | Vol. 140 | No. 2


12 18 24

A Lifetime of Service Saluting Senator Lugar

The Promises to Keep Campaign Advancing the Men of Principle Initiative

The Battle Against New Age Addictions Are they undermining our relationships?


4 Beta Inbox


“Your words . . .”

To develop men of principle for a principled life.

6 News and Notes


Fraternity Updates

Every member will live Beta Theta Pi’s values.

8 Marching Along

Core Values

To build lasting bonds of friendship and brotherhood, Beta calls for:

MUTUAL ASSISTANCE Betas believe that men are mutually obligated to help others in the honorable labors and aspirations of life.

INTELLECTUAL GROWTH Betas are devoted to continually cultivating their minds, including high standards of academic achievement.

TRUST Betas develop absolute faith and confidence in one another by being true to themselves and others.

RESPONSIBLE CONDUCT Betas choose to act responsibly, weighing the consequences of their actions on themselves and those around them.

INTEGRITY Betas preserve their character by doing what is morally right and demanding the same from their brothers.

Alumni Accomplishments

10 Alumni News

Lifelong Fraternal Brotherhood


Undergraduate Highlights

22 From the Archives






Beta Tested. Mother Approved.

40 Beta House

A Decade of Positive Influence

A Lasting Moment

An Investment of a Lifetime

“What Are We?”

Through the Generations

42 Interactive Fun

Beta Crossword

43 Sports Roundup

Beta’s Varsity Athletes

48 Mystic Shrine

In Loving Memory



Your words...

I was appalled when reading the [Missouri] article in the most recent Beta Theta Pi magazine. The article was elitist and reeked of entitlement.

The winter issue of the magazine explored today’s relevance of Beta’s chapter houses.

Is the Missouri fraternity house what our fraternal organization is to be about in the 21st century? How many Beta chapters could raise $10 million to create a comparable facility and what would be the point? If we are to compete nationally with other fraternal organizations I would hope it is not the size of our houses or the amenities within those houses that attracts the pledges, but rather the boys who become men in the respective institutions in which they choose to matriculate.

Look how readers responded:

Are we sure we want to attract the type of brother that responds predominantly to the physical plant in this “I want it now” generation? There are better messages to impart than lavishing a physical plant as the major attractant for potential pledges. I doubt that this email will see the light of day as I don’t see a letter to the editors section. However, I would hope I am not the only person who feels this way. If so, I worry about the future of our fraternity. -kaiBruce Buchanan, Washington State ’60 Gamma Theta Chapter, #676

Once again, The Beta Theta Pi magazine winter 2013 edition sets a new high standard for Beta idealism, information, and inspiration. I admire the energy and creativity which you have brought to this publication.

Houses are a blessing in every way, but the great men who call it their house are responsible for making the house merely a symbol and the extension of themselves ... not the definition of who they are. — Chris Stinson,

I think I still have every magazine since I was a pledge in 1954. This was one of the best ones we have ever had. I liked the article on Missouri, and the pictures were wonderful. — Ferd Del Pizzo,

— Richard G. Lugar, Denison ’54

East Carolina ’08

Washington in St Louis ’58

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BETA INBOX our attention. Thank you for the message, Bruce. I’m sorry to learn of your reaction to the Missouri article in the magazine. We believe ALL Beta collegiates would benefit from housing that is safe, academic- and brotherhood- focused, and competitive with current student housing trends. Whether a Beta chapter resides in a house corporation-owned facility, a university-owned facility, rents from a private owner, or lives on a floor in a residence hall, these expectations can each be met to create a sustainable and desirable living environment for our collegiate Betas. This magazine features 11 chapter houses of various sizes that have each made recent improvements which support these efforts in creating a sustainable and competitive living environment. Specifically, Missouri’s house was among those highlighted because [the General Fraternity is] supportive of the chapter’s pro-active actions to ensure their safety and strong academic culture, along with our observation of the strong, genuine

brotherhood among both the collegiate and alumni members of Zeta Phi. The value placed on the living environments of our undergraduate Betas is not intended to undermine the importance of a strong brotherhood, and a physical property should never be the primary selling point to any member as a reason to join a fraternity. There is certainly no expectation that all 122 chapters and colonies will start a $10 million campaign to build a facility that is comparable to the Missouri chapter house. Rather, it is more beneficial for chapters to take note of the variety of facilities featured in this issue and consider if any adjustments need to be made in their own living environments that ensure its safety and long-term sustainability among other campus offerings. Thanks again for the feedback, brother. I hope this provides a better perspective of this issue’s purpose and our reason for sharing this story in particular. Yours in ___kai___, Mike Roupas, Iowa ’10 Managing Editor

DOWN 1. Buchanan 2. Secrets 3. Lobsters 6. Billion 9. Lugar 11. Epsilon 12. Kappes 14. Six 15. Fifty 16. Grube


ACROSS 4. Chocolate 7. Dopamine 8. Heptathlon 10. Heartbeat 13. Promises 15. Fratres 17. Mother 18. Baylor 19. Anne

don’t peek!

# Overheard on Twitter “What does everyone think of the latest magazine? We want to know what you liked, disliked, your suggestions and questions.” @serrgioo @BetaThetaPi By far my favorite so far! Being from the BH chapter, we have a very old house with much character. It’s definitely a HOME! @dbastias really good. Got me pumped to keep receiving them as a new member. @JStutes11 Got my first copy of The Beta Theta Pi Magazine. Excited to get reading! #damnproud #gobeta @BetaThetaPi @CMUBetas @jplusr10 Whooop! Got my copy of The #BetaThetaPi magazine today! I have something to read while I get my haircut! @JoshHParker Lovely piece on Bobbie Lonker, @ksubeta’s house mother of 23 years, in the latest @betathetapi mag. @TannerARichards @JoshHParker @KSUBeta @BetaThetaPi well deserved. Best house mom ever. @NepatelNeil Excited to finally be reading my copy of #TheBetaThetaPi! @BetaThetaPi @qdphin205 Seeing my name in editions of @BetaThetaPi Magazine makes me even more proud than I already am to be a part of the best fraternity, period.



save the date 2013-2014 RE/COLONIZATIONS The Beta Spirit will soon be alive at the following campuses! Beta’s expansion team will work on-site at each campus during the entire 2013-14 academic year, searching for young men of principle to join the Re/Founding Father classes, and recruiting alumni and Friends of Beta to serve in advisory roles. Check back in the summer issue of the magazine for additional 2013-14 expansions, as the details of a few additional campuses are being finalized.

Drexel University

New Colony Philadelphia, Penn.

APRIL 27, 2013 New York Area Beta Alumni Appreciation Dinner Hosted by the Beta Theta Pi Board of Trustees Location: New York City, N.Y. 5:45 p.m. Reception — ­ 7:00 p.m. Dinner This event will feature the General Secretary’s “State of the Fraternity” address, recognition of current and long-time Beta alumni volunteers, recognition of all Fraternal 50s and 25s in attendance, a celebration of the Men of Principle initiative, chapter updates from Beta undergraduate leaders at Columbia and Stevens and awarding of the Fraternity’s highest recognition, the Oxford Cup, to Ambassador Eric. M. Javits, Columbia ’52. Event details and invitations forthcoming to all area alumni, undergraduates, parents and Friends of Beta in late March. For more information contact the Administrative Office at 800.800.BETA or Foundation Director of Advancement Ryan King at

University of Illinois

SONS OF THE NORTHERN STARS What began in the summer of 1980 as a historical documentation of the Theta Zeta Chapter at the University of Toronto for its 75th anniversary celebration, quickly turned into a collection of stories, and eventually, a book. Authored by Ken Stephen, Toronto ’77, Sons of the Northern Stars: A History of Beta Theta Pi in Canada explores the history of Beta’s Canadian chapters through personal accounts and anecdotes. The book will be released publicly in late spring, and you can pick up your copy at the 174th General Convention.

Sigma Rho Chapter Urbana, Ill.

University of Puget Sound

Delta Epsilon Chapter Tacoma, Wash.

Quinnipiac University

New Colony Hamden, Conn. For more information, contact Director of Expansion Phil Erford: 800.800.BETA



DO YOU “LIKE” BETA? Join the community of nearly 19,000 Beta brothers and Friends of Beta around the world who are already “in the (Beta) loop!” With three to four quick nuggets of Fraternity information provided each day, you’ll stay up to date with chapter and individual stories, General Fraternity announcements, Beta trivia and more. “Like” Beta on Facebook today!


the keystone TO SUCCESS In February, the General Fraternity held five Keystone Regional Leadership Conferences across North America, focusing on chapter officer development, principled leadership and volunteer training. (Unfortunately, the Northeast session was cancelled due to weather.) Congratulations to the following chapters/colonies and individuals who were recognized this year: Excellence in Member Education

Outstanding Graduating Senior

Virginia (NE) Michigan (NC) Washington (NW) Nova Southeastern (SE) San Diego (SW) Oklahoma (SC)

Benjamin Ramalanjaona, Columbia ’13 (NE) Mike Rodmaker, Cincinnati ’13 (NC) Jackson Chambers, Utah ’12 (NW) Charlie Otten, South Carolina ’13 (SE) Nick Coffey, Oklahoma ’13 (SC) Cody Kosycarz, California, Los Angeles ’12 (SW) Jeff Betz, Pacific ’13 (SW)

Excellence in Membership Recruitment Virginia (NE) Cincinnati and Kentucky (NC) Utah (NW) Clemson (SE) TCU (SC) California, Santa Barbara (SW)

Outstanding Friend of Beta

Excellence in Self Governance

Outstanding Volunteer

George Washington (NE) Wittenberg (NC) Washington State (NW) Alabama (SE) Wichita State (SC) Cal Poly (SW)

Christine Quissenberry (NE) Kathleen Dean (NC) Christina Wellhouser (SE) Mandi Hulme (SC) Jamison Keller (SW)

Jared Nichols, West Virginia ’03 (NE) Scott Nadeau, Central Michigan ’89 (NC) Jim Strilesky, British Columbia ’72 (NW) John Marrs, Auburn ’68 (SE) Kent Mire, TCU ’07 (SC) Garrett Munro, Arizona ’06 (SW)

Leadership Development Award Stevens (NE) Iowa State (NC) Eastern Washington (NW) Tennessee (SE) Creighton (SC) San Jose State (SW)

Outstanding Advisory Team Northeastern (NE) Kettering (NC) Oregon (NW) South Carolina (SE) Colorado Mines (SC) California, Los Angeles (SW)

interfraternally SPEAKING

Outstanding Fraternity/Sorority Advising Professional

upcoming APRIL 2013


Merit Scholarship Deadline...................... 1 Men of Principle Scholarship Grant Deadline........................................... 1 UIFI Registration Deadline....................... 1 Wooden Institute Registration Deadline.............................. 1

MAY 2013 BLF Gift Deadline for FY13 .................... 31

JUNE 2013 Wooden Institute Oxford, Ohio Session 1................................................ 8-12 Session 2..............................................22-26

JULY 2013 Wooden Institute Session 3................................................ 6-10 Session 4.............................................. 13-17

Corin Gioia (NE) Melissa Clarke Beckett (NC) Anita Cory (NW) Jack Casseaux (SE) Megan Pendley Pickett (SC) Leanna Neves-Bogetti (SW)

174th General Convention Deadlines: General Registration ................................ 5

Region Key NE = Northeast | SE = Southeast | NC = North Central SC = South Central | NW = Northwest | SW = Southwest

Housing Summit........................................ 5

Symposium ............................................... 5

Leadership College .................................. 5

AEP — Founded in 1913 at NYU, 2013 marks the 100th anniversary of Alpha Epsilon Pi, a fraternity founded so young Jewish men could join a Jewish organization whose purpose is not specifically religious, but social and cultural in nature. Happy 100th, interfraternal brothers of AEP!

SK —The winter issue of the Sigma Kappa Triangle was dedicated to “Sisters Who Serve” – an eight-page feature of Sigma Kappas serving in the armed forces, including a tribute to Ashley Huff, who was killed in action in Iraq. Beta salutes Sigma Kappa’s efforts to recognize so many women who valiantly serve the stars and stripes.



Shining Stars of Beta Theta Pi


You can’t get these at Red Lobster! Meet Beta brothers John Brier, Maine ’88 (right), and Jack Mosher, Maine ’87 (left), founders of Maine Lobster, S.A. After the signing of a trade treaty between the U.S. and certain Latin American countries in 2011, these men identified an opportunity allowing them to bring the “unparalleled quality of Maine lobsters to Panama and the surrounding region.” But that’s not the only thing connecting the U.S. to Panama. Once in Panama, the Maine Betas met Beta brother and Panama citizen Pedro Penalver, Virginia Tech ’96, who now serves on the company’s Board of Directors. Learn more about Maine Lobster, S.A. at


With beginnings as a community organizer in Boston, Jeremy Bird, Wabash ’00, made the leap to national politics with roles in campaigns for Governor Howard Dean and President Barack Obama. Since 2007, Bird has worked for Obama, progressing from field director in South Carolina to national field director in the President’s successful bid for re-election in 2012, as well as the national deputy director of Organizing for America, Obama’s political organization. Connect with Jeremy on Twitter at @jeremybird.





Rev. Brian McVey, HampdenSydney ’90, has been a leader in Iowa in the fight against human trafficking. Brian leads an outreach program at local truck stops, notorious locations where human trafficking occurs. Contact Brian at


Former Administrative Secretary Ron Helman, Miami ’55, was honored with Miami University’s Bishop Medal, an honor given to individuals who have distinguished themselves in service. Congratulate Ron at



“Win to live. Live to win. It’s the journey and not the destination that matters.” – words of wisdom from former Chapter President Kevin Iacofano, Miami ’07, a Londonbased professional poker player. Playing since 2007, Kevin took home the first prize of $197,052.26 in a Sunday Million tournament in December. Follow Kevin on Twitter at @icekevin.


It’s an early end to winter this year, according to Punxsutawney Phil and Beta Brother Jeff Grube, Carnegie Mellon ’76. Since 2006, Jeff has proudly worn his top hat while serving the role of “Sky Painter” in the Groundhog Club’s Inner Circle. Thanks to Jeff and his fellow dignitaries, the tradition of Groundhog Day lives on each year! Connect with Jeff at


Currently serving in Khowst, Afghanistan, Master Sergeant Gordon Lindley, West Virginia ’97, understands the selfless life of a soldier. We thank Gordon, those on active duty, weekend warriors and our veterans for your sacrifice and dedication to country and freedom. Thank Brother Lindley for his service at


Bob Trogele, Wichita State ’79, has been named president of FMC Asia, one of the world’s leading specialty chemical companies. For his new responsibilities, Bob will relocate to Hong Kong. Congratulate Bob at


Vince Mikolay, Bethany ’00, was a recent contestant on “The Price is Right.” The Board of Trustees member played “Freeze Frame” and won a trip to Costa Rica! To watch the video, visit and search for “Hello, Costa Rica!”

Have you been “marching along” with job promotions, athletic feats, interesting inventions, military service or other notable accomplishments? Email or mail a letter to the Administrative Office with the subject line “Marching Along.”



Lifelong Fraternal Brotherhood Founders Commemoration February 7, 2013, marked the 115th anniversary of the passing of Founder John Reily Knox, Miami 1839, the longest living member of the original “eight earnest young men.” All chapters and colonies across North America were encouraged to gather for a brotherhood dinner and perform the “Founders Commemoration Ceremony” at 10 p.m. Eastern, in order to honor Pater Knox and the legacy of our Founders. Since the Fraternity was founded on August 8 (far before most schools begin the academic year), the Fraternity utilizes February 7 as a meaningful opportunity for undergraduates and alumni to celebrate the Founders and what their collective actions have inspired since 1839. A Founder’s Legacy The Fraternity recently discovered one of our colony presidents is a descendent of one of our founders. Meet Johnny Kehr ’14 (below), newlyelected president at Centre College. His middle name is Gordon, as in Thomas Boston Gordon, Miami 1840 (left). Johnny’s mother’s maiden name is Gordon, making Thomas Boston Gordon his great-great-great-great-uncle. The Founders live on in our memory in a variety of ways, from simply reading about them in Son of the Stars, visiting the Fraternity’s birthplace in Oxford, Ohio, or through striving to live up to the three Great Principles of Beta Theta Pi on a daily basis.

Have you and your Beta brothers stayed true to lifelong fraternal brotherhood by attending an alumni event or celebrating a chapter anniversary? Email or mail a letter with photos to the Administrative Office with the subject line “Alumni News.” 10




Grandfather Beta Former General Fraternity President Dr. Tom Purinton, Kansas State ’63, has been a grandfatherly figure to hundreds of young Betas through the years, so we can’t help but want to celebrate with him and his Beta Sweetheart Molly on their 10th grandchild (and fourth Beta legacy), Bowen Thomas, who joined us on Monday, January 7. Congrats Dr. P!


71 Beta-Years Difference... Meet Clyde Loughridge, Cornell ’43, and John Bannon, John Carroll ’16, the oldest and youngest Betas attending the Cleveland Alumni Association’s luncheon in January. Clyde was initiated on November 29, 1941, as compared to John’s initiation on November 16, 2012, making Clyde approximately 25,902 Beta-days older than John. You have to love the interaction of so many generations who wear the badge and bear the name.


A Dual Celebration In January, nearly 250 alumni, undergraduates, parents, dates and Friends of Beta gathered in Stillwater, Okla., for a special Beta celebration. Fittingly called the “90/10 Banquet,” the evening honored the 90th anniversary of the Gamma Lambda Chapter at Oklahoma State, as well as the chapter’s accomplishments since rechartering under the Men of Principle initiative 10 years ago.


“The Hand of Age Gripping the Hand of Youth” More than 50 General Fraternity Officers reunited in Oxford, Ohio, for the Hugh E. Stephenson, Jr. Leadership Summit in January. The Beta alumni joined 116 newly-elected chapter presidents who attended the Miller Nichols Presidents Academy. The two groups of leaders enjoyed the bonds of Beta brotherhood, developed their leadership abilities and charted a course for the coming year.


The Big 102! January 30, 2013, marked the 102nd birthday of Beta Sweetheart Anne Brown (Tri-Delt), widow of former General Secretary Ed Brown, Miami ’33. Close friends with Barbara Bush’s Beta dad and brother (both Miami Betas), Anne was showered with love by Oxford visitors, Betas and a slew of pink roses given by the Alpha Chapter, Fey family and Beta’s Administrative Office. Even better? Anne was dressed in pink and blue!


“A man of matchless honesty and integrity, and perhaps the Senate’s leading intellect.” — Ronald Reagan, 40th President of the United States

Lugar cast 13,067 votes and served 36 years, ranking him 10th and 17th, respectively, in United States Senate history. Under the Nunn-Lugar Program, more than 7,500 nuclear weapons in former Soviet Russia have been deactivated. A Rhodes Scholar, Lugar is the spokesman for the Fraternity’s Men of Principle initiative and has attended 18 General Conventions.



Thank you, Brother Lugar. You’ve made your Fraternity proud. Richard G. Lugar, Denison ’54, one of the most celebrated senators in United States history, represented Indiana from 1977-2013, making him the longest serving member of Congress in the state’s history. Known most for his efforts in foreign policy, Lugar served on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee and took a stand against nuclear arms with the Nunn-Lugar Program. Lugar (left) received the Department of Defense’s highest civilian honor, the Medal for Distinguished Public Service, from Defense Secretary Leon E. Panetta (right), December 3, 2012.



on “being a gentleman” KAPPES CHATFIELD, MIAMI (FLA.) ’14

With men like Kappes Chatfield, Miami (Fla.) ’14, sharing passion like this, Beta’s days have never looked brighter: “Being a gentleman isn’t a front to pick up women, but it’s a practiced personal code of conduct. It’s character, and more than that, it’s a craft that we need to spend each day of our lives striving to master. We choose to be gentlemen, and we make this decision because we know the world around us depends on it. Our humble maturation, our evolution, is vital. We choose to be the best and most honorable men we can because we know the power of our actions. We know we are always being watched, whether by ladies, fellow men, men-to-be, or the eyes of our conscience. We shouldn’t feel pressured by this, but empowered. We have the right and the duty to show (not tell) the world how it deserves to be respected, and we do so with every action we make.

“We have the right and the duty to show (not tell) the world how it deserves to be respected, and we do so with every action we make.”

So let’s continue to light the world with our hard work and compassion. With everything that we do this week, let’s live with passion. As we march through this life, let’s be reminded to keep God above us, our wives and children beside us, our country close behind us, our fears beneath our feet like stepping stones, and our faces towards the light. Let’s take control of our own lives and lead by example. For every woman that for good reasons fears being in love, let’s live to show that true love and romance still exist because we will be damned if it ceases to. For every child that grew up in a fatherless home, let’s live in dedication to show the children of our community what it means to be real men of principle, so they can go on and inspire the next generations to come. Let’s make ourselves proud today, men. The world is watching, and it needs us. Do work. Tallyho.” — Kappes







Toronto Beta brothers showed their commitment to the community by participating in a friendly competition between two community associations. The objective: which neighborhood could clear their areas of the most trash. While it seems as though both teams came out ahead, the Toronto brothers’ neighborhood was the official winner! Connect with the chapter brothers on their Facebook page:

The newly initiated Refounding Fathers at Baylor University know what it means to be a Beta! The men posed on campus holding a dry erase board, completing the phrase: “Being a Beta means ... ” Pictured above, Zach Trevino ’16, states that being a Beta means “Community, Leadership and Brotherhood.” For a look at the colony’s additional 35 meanings of “Being a Beta,” visit their Facebook page:

With one look at their recruitment tent, it’s easy to tell the Beta Spirit is alive and well at San Jose State. Chapter President Johnny Tran ’14, (left), and IFC Representative Ryan Listol ’14, (right), prepare their table on campus for spring recruitment. For a detailed look into the chapter’s recruitment events and to meet the nine men they recruited into the pledge class, check out their Facebook page:

Founded in 1888, the Alpha Upsilon Chapter at Penn State closed in 2009. Recolonized one year later, the chapter celebrated its rechartering on December 8, 2012.

chapter installation PENN STATE

“It was a very special event signifying a new chapter in the life of Alpha Upsilon,” said Chuck Fegley, Penn State ’57, a dedicated alumnus who has been supportive of the chapter through its recolonization period. “Many dedicated people made this a reality,” Chuck continued. “[The Refounding Fathers] made it possible for Alpha Upsilon to be rechartered in record time through their outstanding performance and character, by not only living up to the standards and principles of Beta Theta Pi, but through their example and involvement in campus activities. They have set records of achievement in the few short years of reestablishment that will serve as examples for all who follow.”— To read Chuck’s full message, visit the chapter’s website:




With the initiation of the fall 2012 pledge class at UMKC, the chapter experienced a significant milestone: the first direct-legacy initiation of a Founding Father’s son. On January 20, 2013, 16 undergraduate men were initiated into the Beta brotherhood of the Epsilon Lambda Chapter. Bringing the chapter membership to 65 men, Epsilon Lambda was founded in 1980 by 18 Founding Fathers on the Kansas City, Mo., campus. To date, 431 men have signed the chapter’s roll book. Twenty-four years prior to this initiation ceremony, Founding Father Bill Wester ’90, was a part of the founding class charged with establishing the chapter from the ground up. Proud to keep the Beta legacy in the family, Bill attended January’s initiation, where he had the special honor of affixing his own Beta badge on his son, Christopher ’18. Congratulate Christopher at

BETA BARCELONISTAS Who said “Cultivation of the Intellect” doesn’t involve fun?! Pictured above, three Betas from Washington & Jefferson recently soaked up the local culture in Barcelona, Spain. Dan Miller ’13, Chris Denunzio ’15, and Anthony Picozzi ’15, attended the FC Barcelona Game on January 6, at Camp Nou.



24-HOUR SLEEP OUT The men of the Beta Eta Chapter at Maine hosted their 20th annual “Sleep Out” event, benefitting the Rape Response Services of Bangor who support sexual assault victims. The 24-hour event was hosted on the front lawn of the chapter house, and included entertainment, food and a large bonfire. Connect with the chapter at

REMEMBERING A BETA SWEETHEART Undergraduate brothers across North America felt the impact of the passing of Beta Sweetheart Caroline Previdi, the sixyear-old daughter of Jeff Previdi, Bethany ’94, whose life was lost in December’s Sandy Hook Elementary School tragedy. Pictured above are South Carolina Betas upon hearing the news. Read more about Caroline on page 48.


Beta Tested. Mother Approved. The impact of the Founding Father experience My son, Jordan Cohen, is a Founding Father of the new Beta Theta Pi colony at High Point University in High Point, N.C. Joining this Fraternity has been the single most impactful decision he has made in his college career. As a single parent trying to raise a responsible young man, I was touched by the Beta history and focus the Fraternity places on being men of principle.

What parents across North America are saying about the Beta experience:

Sheryl Markowitz with son, Jordan Cohen, High Point ’14, and daughter, Arielle Cohen.

I can’t begin to articulate the impact joining the Beta brotherhood has had on Jordan’s life. Jordan’s freshman year at High Point University was just OK. He made a couple of friends and basically studied and kept a low profile. Jordan considered joining other fraternities, but he didn’t feel they were the right fit for him. Prior to coming home for summer break, Jordan heard about a new fraternity coming to campus in the fall. Though Jordan was pretty sure he was no longer interested in joining a fraternity, he agreed to investigate further. After joining Beta, Jordan’s engagement and excitement has really changed the way he feels about college. In less than a year, he has made friends that I truly believe will last a lifetime. He serves on the colony’s executive board and has worked really hard to find other men of principle to join the colony. Jordan truly feels as though he is a part of a family at college. Jordan has some special health care needs, and I have been amazed at how the brothers are consistently there when he needs assistance. I am more impressed each day by the stories of friendship and community that my son is now a part of for life. I am so grateful the men of Beta Theta Pi came to the High Point University campus. — Sheryl Markowitz,

I was not happy with the idea of Drew pledging a fraternity freshman year; I could never understand why you had to go through hazing to make friends when there were thousands of people your own age around you. Then I met his brothers in the chapter and those young men completely changed my mind; I felt better knowing hazing was out. I adore them and what they stand for and do, and am thrilled when five or 12 of them come stay at our house for the weekend. I’d work for Beta if I could. In the meantime, I feed them and clean their kitchens, collect auction items and have landscaped their house. I am so happy to help out. — Barbara Pope, Mother of Drew Pope, Central Florida ’12 Glad our son is a Beta! — Gary and Julie Crisp, Parents of Carter Crisp, Southern California ’15 We’re very happy with Travis’ membership in Beta Theta Pi. Travis has made some excellent friendships, and I believe the Fraternity is helping him develop into a young man of principle with leadership potential. Travis was named Airman of the Year for the TN Air National Guard for 2011. I attribute part of this success to his involvement in your upstanding organization. — Billy Pruett, Father of Travis Pruett, Tennessee ’14


“Represented symbolically by the diamond in the badge, Beta undergraduates need the cutting of education and the polishing of experience. These, too, are our promises to keep.” Building upon the Men of Principle initiative’s successes since 1998, the Board of Trustees engaged a little more than two years ago in a new strategic planning process designed to critically evaluate the Fraternity’s progress, including a look forward to envision how Beta should be positioned 10 years from now in order to remain a viable part of the college community. A number of conclusions were reached as a result of countless focus groups and the surveying of thousands of undergraduates, alumni, volunteers, parents, Friends of Beta and interfraternal peers.

“The true value of an organization lies in its ability to challenge the status quo. The capability to recognize ambition and bring forth leadership, to find strength and create resolve, to see dedication and have the ability to add purpose. This is what Beta Theta Pi has done not only for me but for every member of our Great and Good Fraternity.” — Toby Fish, Oregon ’14

First, it is reasonable to conclude from a plethora of quantitative and qualitative data that the Men of Principle initiative has positioned Beta Theta Pi as a leader of the college fraternity movement. It is the defining force in the organization’s culture and all plans, programs and resources must be focused on its continued success and evolution. Second, the Trustees and engaged stakeholders also identified aspects of the Fraternity that are worthy of continual improvement and refinement, including most importantly: 1) Self-Governance and Education – A number of Beta’s collegiates still don’t know or act in alignment with Beta’s core values. 2) Recruitment – Collegiates don’t always recruit with Beta’s values. 3) Volunteers and Infrastructure – The Fraternity does not have enough trained volunteers coaching and mentoring collegiates at the local level.

Interestingly, due to financial constraints: 1) nearly 500 young men are declined registration in Beta’s award-winning leadership programs each year; 2) a long-desired, on-line engagement and resource platform for all 8,000 collegiates and 1,500 volunteers can’t be implemented, and 3) the Fraternity’s cherished Administrative Office in Oxford was not designed to accommodate what has grown to 2,000+ annual visitors thanks to our leadership programs, the museum and Beta’s treasured Hall of Chapters. With the objective of fully implementing Beta’s new strategic plan and fulfilling “the Men of Principle promise” with excellence, a multi-pronged approach has been methodically developed to address the needs of the Fraternity. Championed and led by the Beta Theta Pi Foundation, the Fraternity is excited to announce The Promises to Keep Campaign – a $20 million effort to advance the Men of Principle initiative across North America.



“Universities don’t educate on how to lead and work with others. Wooden and other Beta leadership programs fill the gap between your academics and the real world.” — Scott Shuffield, Maryland ’12

A PROMISE TO . . . I. Expand Student Participation in Award-winning Men of Principle Programs

• Invest annually in the enthusiastic yet measured growth of the Fraternity through re/colonizations of closed chapters and high-quality institutions that are seeking a Beta chapter on their campus for the first time

• Ensure critical annual training of 120 chapter presidents at the Nichols Presidents Academy and 960 chapters officers at six Keystone Leadership Conferences

• Expand enrollment in the Wooden Institute by 170 students (from 3 to 5 sessions), accommodating 425 undergraduates in Oxford each summer

• Increase the number of Undergraduate Interfraternity Institute scholarships by 50, thereby allowing 70 young Betas to attend the most highly recognized annual, five-day Greek leadership institute

• Grow participation in the Greiner Leadership College by 250 students, engaging 500 undergraduates in the General Convention every summer

A PROMISE TO . . . II. Launch New Online Engagement Platform for All Undergraduates, Advisors and Beta Volunteers

Develop fun, highly-interactive online modules to complement chapter pledge programs (affecting 3,000 new members annually) and offer online personal-development components for 5,000 sophomores, juniors and seniors annually

• Implement new high-quality online training on chapter operations and best practices for the 960 undergraduate officers who lead Beta’s 120 chapters and colonies every year

• Provide sophisticated online volunteer orientation and training to Beta’s 1,500 chapter advisors, house corporation members and General Fraternity Officers annually

“At the end of the day you have to answer the questions . . . ‘Do you give into what the world wants you to do? Or do you pull your straps tight, stick to your guns, and weather the storm to create a culture of integrity despite the difficulty?’” — Nick Gummo, Penn State ’13



A PROMISE TO . . . III. Build a State of the Art Learning Laboratory and Historical Preservation Center within the Administrative Office in Oxford, Ohio

Convert the basement of the Administrative Office into a cutting-edge learning laboratory that will professionally host the more than 2,000 annual visitors partaking in museum tours, pledge class initiations, chapter retreats, the Eye of Wooglin, interfraternal meetings, the Wooden Institute, the Nichols Presidents Academy, the Stephenson Leadership Summit, re/colonization planning sessions, alumni banquets, volunteer trainings, etc.

Install a high-density archives storage system that provides greater protection to Beta’s irreplaceable artifacts and documents, and update the museum that currently documents Beta’s history from 1839 to 1994

In preparation for Beta’s historic 175th anniversary in 2014, initiate an important grounds and building “refresh” that compensates for 20 years of wear and tear, thanks to two decades of exciting undergraduate, volunteer and Men of Principle initiative activities that have occurred since the building was built in 1994

“Beta Theta Pi has empowered me with more confidence and courage to tackle challenges that I would have otherwise avoided. My college education has given me skills, and Beta has polished those skills to be successful in life after college.” — William Kiluba, Kentucky ’12

ADVANCING THE MEN OF PRINCIPLE INITIATIVE With nearly 15 years of experience with the Men of Principle initiative, Beta Theta Pi can point with justifiable pride to her evolving formula for success that has yielded unprecedented results: in the classroom, during recruitment, in managing risks, through expanding the leadership capacities of her members, with historic levels of volunteerism, and through receipt of international awards and accolades. The question remains, however, “What must be done today to live up to the high expectations that members and supporters of Beta Theta Pi have for this cherished Fraternity?”

“What impressed me most about Beta was the Men of Principle initiative. I saw a fraternity whose members not only spoke about their values, but they lived them out every day. Seeing the impact that Beta has had in my life makes being a Founding Father the best decision of my life.” — Danh Nguyen, Creighton ’14



Because Beta Theta Pi has been so successful in reversing a number of negative trends that were significantly affecting the culture of the Fraternity, now, too, must her members step forward to strengthen and advance the Men of Principle initiative and the needs of a growing, dynamic student membership. Now is the time for Beta to keep her promise of providing a fun yet balanced, high-quality fraternity experience for every young man who knocks on our door for membership. It is a compact every generation of Betas has with those who follow. Represented symbolically by the diamond in the badge, Beta undergraduates need the cutting of education and the polishing of experience. These, too, are our promises to keep. — L. Martin Cobb, Eastern Kentucky ’96,

Campaign Leadership “We look down the road ahead… That’s a curious thing about man. He feels the pull of what he doesn’t know and has never seen. No one can say what lies ahead for our Fraternity. We can only resolve to give it our loyalty and our devotion.” Dr. Seth R. Brooks, St. Lawrence ’22 “Past, Present and Future”, 1965 Convention Address; Mackinac Island, Michigan



Resides in Indianapolis, Indiana Former Beta Theta Pi Foundation Chairman, Board of Trustees Vice President and District Chief

Resides in Cincinnati, Ohio Former General Secretary, District Chief and Beta Theta Pi Foundation Board of Directors

“This Campaign will help maintain Beta’s strong commitment to leadership training and development, creating greater access for undergraduates from ALL chapters to benefit from a rich Beta experience – one that is rooted deeply in brotherhood and Beta, Theta, Pi.”

“The legacy we provide to the next generation of Betas through our well-refined programs is so important not just for our Fraternity, but for loving families, good businesses and strong, freedom-loving governments. This campaign will allow our Fraternity to teach men leadership, accountability and to keep their promises in perpetuity. Is there anything better than that?”


Campaign Objectives


Expand Student Participation in Award-winning Men of Principle Programs


Funding for Immediate Impact (2012-2016)

Immediate Funding of the Endowment (2012-2016)

Estate Gifts to Ensure Beta’s Future

Total Funding Needs

$3.9 Million

$4.9 Million

$4.6 Million

$13.4 Million


I. $13.4 MILLION (67%)


Implement New Online Engagement Platform for All Undergraduates, Advisors and Beta Volunteers

$1.9 Million

$1.8 Million

$3.7 Million

II. $3.7 MILLION (18%)



Build a State of the Art Learning Laboratory and Historical Preservation Center within the Administrative Office in Oxford, Ohio

$1.5 Million

Campaign Needs Total

$7.3 Million*

$4.9 Million*

$1.4 Million

$2.9 Million

$7.8 Million^

$20.0 Million





Mid-1970s Alpha Chapter intramural football team

What Are We?

Inter Fratres, December 1952 One of the common practices for many fraternity men is to claim greatness “by association.” Hence, one may hear, “Our Fraternity has forty judges, thirty college presidents, ninety great scientists, twelve explorers, six senators, seven major league ball players, thirteen movie actors and sixteen eminent authors.” To be sure, a fraternity wants its members to excel and achieve usefulness. No one admires the man who doesn’t care whether he attains anything. A fraternity can take justifiable pride in its members who reach pinnacles of success. No one looks up to failures. It is good for undergraduates to know that former or earlier chapter members have won recognition. It may be good rushing technique (although I wonder) to tell rushees, “We have more prominent men in American and Canadian business than any other fraternity.” Let there be no mistake that high place in government, business, science and the professions is to be admired and, if possible, emulated. Phi Beta Kappa and public honors are all most commendable. Giving due recognition to achievement and success, we need to turn our thought to something else.



That something else is: are we a Fraternity – a real Brotherhood? Do we associate ourselves as Brothers? Have we real Fraternal ties? Do we have ideals and uphold them? Does the man who wears our Badge think of himself as a member of a Fraternity great and good? And again, do we respect men for their worth and character? Are we concerned for every member? Do we know that any man who serves faithfully, serves well? Are we helping one another to carry life’s burdens? Yes, are we considerate of all men in our brotherhood? We want men to excel in the worthy and honorable pursuits of life. We want men to bring credit and, if possible, fame to their country, college, profession and name. However, we want all men who are Betas and who are invited to become Betas, to feel that above all, they are brothers. For in a brotherhood we help one another and experience what life is meant to be when each helps all and all help each. The ultimate appeal of Beta Theta Pi should be that it is an association in which brothers are brothers for life.


A Decade of Positive Influence “Our desire to recolonize sparked my interest in volunteering.” I will never forget the sorrow I felt when we elected to close my chapter at Washington State in 1997. With the exception of a few Beta brothers I had stayed in touch with, I had very little contact with the General Fraternity until discussions of the chapter’s recolonization began in 1999. In the early stages of Gamma Theta’s re-establishment, I wanted to support Beta Theta Pi’s recolonization efforts of my chapter by serving on its advisory team.

One of my proudest moments as a Beta volunteer occurred on February 16, 2002: the day Gamma Theta was officially reinstated as a chapter at a reinstallation banquet for alumni and undergraduate brothers. Since then, my volunteer experience has grown beyond my own chapter. I currently serve as a district chief and have had the opportunity to facilitate sessions of the Wooden Institute and the Northwest Keystone Conference. I stay involved because of the countless instances of individual growth and chapter improvement that I’ve observed.

Joe Buchanan, Washington State ’53 Beta Theta Pi: Initiated October 7, 1951 as Roll No. 590 Beta Experience: Chief of District XXXI (2006 - present), financial advisor (2001 - present) and house corporation treasurer (2002 - present) for Washington State, facilitated sessions of the Wooden Institute and Northwest Keystone Conference, Leadership Summit participant Profession: Employed in property and casualty insurance business for 35 years; retired in 1991 Education: Received a bachelor’s degree in business administration from Washington State University

Interested in volunteering for Beta? Email or call Director of Chapter Services Jeff Rundle, Kansas State ’03: or 800.800.BETA.

My volunteer experience with the Fraternity has expanded my knowledge, understanding and appreciation of what Beta Theta Pi stands for and what it means to be a Beta. This continues to energize my commitment to providing advisory support and mentoring of undergraduates and advisors. This is my part in Beta’s process of selectively recruiting and educating new members and making these good men better. I can think of no greater accomplishment than positively influencing young men as they grow in their life experiences and education. Those who utilize this service opportunity — whether a Beta alumnus or a Friend of Beta — will most certainly receive a very rewarding experience. —Joe Buchanan,


DISCONTHE BATTLE NEC AGAINST pornography, page 26 mobile devices, page 32


The dark, daunting music hits just as a camera zooms out on a cast Iron skillet sizzling with hot oil. “This is drugs.” [Insert egg] “This is your brain on drugs.”


In the 1980s, the Partnership for a Drug-Free America used this famous campaign to raise awareness of the dangers of the decade’s most popular addictions: cocaine, heroin and other illegal drugs. The use of traditional vices, such as drugs, alcohol and gambling, begins slowly: a temporary escape from loneliness, stress, low self-esteem or boredom. Comforting the user, he or she needs more and more to sustain the same level of happiness, eventually spinning out of control until a full-blown addiction ensues. While these traditional addictions are still rampant in society today, a new wave of addictions are rising up to threaten our relationships as well. As it turns out, the effects of new age addictions – like pornography and mobile devices – are proving to have similar effects on our brain’s “pleasure center.” The instant gratification received by “new age” addicts releases the same levels of the mood-enhancing chemical, dopamine. Once hooked, new age abusers rely more and more on these modern-day vices to stimulate happiness. The cyclical battle continues until the users develop a full-on addiction. In a world where individuals have never had more tools to connect, one has to wonder why we often feel more disconnected now than ever before . . .


Addiction // porn



THE BETA THETA PI SPRING 2013 @flickr/icanteachyouhowtodoit


Addiction // porn

As taboo as it seems,

the conversation about pornography addiction in our society is relevant. Whether you or someone you know “accidentally” performed an explicit Google search once or have partaken in hours of daily viewing, the effects of porn usage may hit close to home . . . and are not as harmless as one may think. Statistics show that 28,258 internet users are viewing pornographic material every second, and that 70 percent of men aged 18-24 visit one of almost 25 million erotic websites in a typical month — likely on a Sunday, the most popular day of the week for viewing porn.1 Unfortunately, there is not a one-sentence answer to, “How much porn makes me an addict?” Addiction comes from changes to the chemistry of the brain when individuals habitually view sexually explicit images and videos. According to the non-religious, non-legislative organization, Fight the New Drug, porn addiction can be boiled down to four quick points: 2


When viewing pornography, large amounts of dopamine and other natural chemicals are released in the brain upon seeing an image. This gives the viewer a super high because it overloads the pleasure center of the brain.


The body can build up a tolerance to images so the viewer needs harder-core images, more variety, and increased frequency to get the same rush.


Because the viewer has overloaded the pleasure center so many times, the body has begun to accept this as normal and needs that level of dopamine to function. This results in feeling a craving for pornography. This feeling becomes so strong and intense the viewer cannot resist the impulse to satisfy the demand for the craving. Therefore, he/she falls victim to porn addiction.


If the viewer is able to resist for a while, he/she suffers withdrawal symptoms very similar to that of having a drug addiction. It makes it very hard not to continue viewing pornography.

Each person’s body reacts differently to porn (just as with alcohol and other drugs); therefore, putting a definitive, quantifiable label on pornography addiction is nearly impossible. The psychiatry community’s definition for general addictions outlines a behavior pattern characterized by a failure to control and an inability to stop a behavior despite the presence of negative consequences.3 Research in this area of addiction is relatively new, so the general public remains largely unaware of the potential consequences of porn usage. However, those who view porn as a quick way to satisfy a sexual urge (and maybe learn a few new moves in the bedroom along the way) should know that there are potential physiological, psychological and neurological effects from habitual use. The list is extensive, including two of the most dreaded words in the male vocabulary, erectile dysfunction — and not the kind fixed by a little blue pill. ROUGH ROAD AHEAD The list of pornography addiction symptoms is long and varies from person to person. However, a quick internet search leads to websites like Reddit, where communities of individuals linked by their troubles disconnecting from porn come together to discuss their experiences. Undoubtedly, their stories begin normally, having been exposed to a hyper-sexualized society that gave rise to the idea of “Rush Boobs” and scantily-clad supermodels being used to sell Doritos. However, with the instant availability of internet porn, their natural attraction to “sexy”


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Rodolf Novak ©



soon became an obsession, over time resulting in changes in their bodies and minds, including: 4 • • • • • • • • •

Tiredness Social anxiety Depression Isolation Insecurity Erectile Dysfunction Premature ejaculation Lack of interest in real sex Lack of interest in anything other than porn • Poor academic performance • Relationship/marital problems • Employment issues and job loss

YOU’VE LOST THAT LOVIN’ FEELING Most importantly, all of the above symptoms contribute to a lowered sense of self-worth. After viewing pornography, a man may think that he cannot please his partner without a 10-inch penis, erections lasting hours and an ability to ejaculate on-demand. Since this naturally is not the case for most people, feelings of inadequacy abound. Thinking the bedroom is the only place to turn his partner on, he begins to lose enjoyment in the small acts of kindness that create a deep and vulnerable connection to his significant other. Quite the opposite, the foundation for a sex-life that any porn star would be envious of actually starts with meaningful interaction: a first date, late night talks that stretch

into the early morning hours, and the moment of realization that a mere acquaintance has become the love of one’s life. In addition, porn usage can create unrealistic expectations about sex and relationships that can put a couple at risk physically and emotionally. For many men, viewing habits started innocently enough with an underwear catalogue or magazine stuffed under the mattress. With an increase in watching filmed pornography, however, tastes change. Eventually, some individuals may only be aroused when viewing a rough and grungy sex scene with multiple partners, extreme breast enhancements, six-pack abs and a disregard for condoms. Simply put, it is not real life, and relationships begin to suffer when one party is no longer satisfied with his partner’s physical appearance or sexual prowess. Complacency with acts of infidelity or sleeping around may become normal. All of this ignores the obvious health hazards of sexually transmitted diseases and pregnancy scares that go along with unprotected sex, regardless of relationship status. BROTHERLY LOVE Fraternal relationships are not immune to these symptoms either. Feelings of isolation and lack of desire for interaction with real people can cause a member to separate


himself from friends, family and fraternity brothers for countless hours when struggling with this addiction. Inherently, this isolation from the real world presents obstacles to one’s ability to grow in the tenants that Beta Theta Pi and other social fraternities promote, like leadership development and campus and community engagement. For the sake of realizing the full potential of a fraternal experience, brothers should take it upon themselves to step in if a brother’s pornography habits are affecting his relationships and career prospects. He may already be knee-deep in a cyclical battle that he cannot win on his own. LET’S TALK ABOUT SEX For so long, society has kept unnecessarily quiet on the topics of sex and porn, and without good cause. After all, a number of fraternity members have never lived in a world without readily available internet porn; therefore, discussions on this issue should be as prevalent as with traditional addictions, like alcohol and drugs. Betas have an obligation to one another and to those we meet to aid in each other’s preferment. If pornography is a personal struggle that needs to be addressed, consider finding a chapter brother, advisor or close friend or family member to talk to as a first step. Other options for education on this topic include

Gary Wilson’s research found at the website, “Your Brain on Porn,” 5 or Reddit’s NoFap support group of nearly 50,000 members, which can lend support for those seeking to “reboot,” a six to 12-week period of abstaining from porn (and for some, masturbation and other sexual contact) to begin restoring the brain to its original factory settings. If the idea of no orgasms for up to three months is intimidating, take a deep breath — it is possible. BREAKING THE SILENCE Pornography has permeated societies for centuries, from the Kama Sutra to celebrity sex tapes. The reality is, growing evidence shows that excessive viewing of hardcore porn has the potential to rewire the human brain in similar ways to hardcore drugs. Those who compulsively reach for an X-rated video instead of spending time pursuing a real relationship interest or time with chapter brothers, friends or family may have a problem. Fraternal organizations should take a mature position, break the culture of silence and openly discuss this matter in a manner that may improve the lives and relationships of their members. — Justin Warren, SMU ’10, 1 Online MBA, “The Stats on Internet Pornography” 2 Fight the New Drug, “The Effects of Pornography” 3 Aviel Goodman, “Addiction: definition and implications” 4 Reddit, “No Fap,” 5 Gary Wilson, “Your Brain On Porn,”

Addiction // porn

prolonged exposure to

pornography An exaggerated perception of sexual activity in society Diminished trust between intimate couples The abandonment of the hope of sexual monogamy Belief that promiscuity is the natural state Belief that abstinence and sexual inactivity are unhealthy Cynicism about love or the need for affection between sexual partners Belief that marriage is sexually confining



Addiction // porn


Viewing pornography releases the same chemicals into your brain as heroin and cocaine.

Power of

Pornograp In 2006, the porn industry grossed $97 billion+ worldwide. The porn industry churns out 11,000 movie titles each year – more than 20 times as many as Hollywood. 30


Booming industry




Addiction // porn

Internet breakdown At least 25 million American adults visit Internet sex sites at least 1-10 hours per week. Another 4.7 million visit in excess of 11 hours per week.



Sex 25% of total search engine requests are porn related; There are 68 million daily pornographic searches.

of Internet porn traffic occurs between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m., when most people are at work.

who’s affected 70% of men aged 18 to 24 visit pornographic websites in a typical month.

72% Male



Breakdown of male/female visitors to porn websites

One out of six women grapples with addiction to pornography.


of Divorces involved one party having an “obsessive interest in pornographic websites.” The average age of initial pornography exposure is 11 years old.



Addiction // Mobile

HUH?! 32

THE BETA THETA PI SPRING 2013 @flickr/Craig A. Rodway


Addiction // Mobile

IT’S 7 P.M.

While conversing at the dinner table with your family, a familiar buzz vibrates in your pocket. Immediately, you disengage from the discussion about next weekend’s family gathering and reach for your mobile phone, exhilarated to discover who sent you a text message, email or Facebook friend request. Sound familiar? A recent study observed subjects checking their phones 34 times a day on average – and most of the time, subjects checked for phone activity without even first being notified by a ring or vibration. 1 With 87 percent of adults in the United States owning a mobile phone,2 these gadgets have become an essential part of our lives. As society’s connection with them becomes increasingly intimate, the question arises, “What impact does this mobile addiction have on our relationships?” A NEED FOR FULFILLMENT The reality is that people are often bored with themselves. With a device that provides a constant distraction and fills a void at any given moment, today’s mobile phone users have more than just a standard cellphone at their fingertips. Hundreds of text messages are sent a day, hours are spent connecting on social media, emails from work are received, we shop, we play games, we check the weather, we check the stockmarket and the list goes on. And sometimes we get lonely — but why bother scheduling a time to meet up with a friend? It’s much simpler to post a witty Facebook status and refresh your screen until the Likes and comments flow through, satisfying a hunger for constant validation. Right? At the very core, mobile addicts have grown accustomed to the instant gratification and comfort provided by their phones.

With all of this power at our fingertips, the pings, rings and dings of mobile phones are proving to be unavoidable, creating a constant battle for attention that has the potential to severely damage our relationships with one another. WEB OF DISTRACTIONS It is not hard to identify the individual whose mobile device may be having an unhealthy impact on his or her life. There’s the guy from IT who ignores departmental updates during the work meeting because he’s retweeting an article about the top five iPhone apps to download. Or, the young woman who disregards what’s being said in her study group, as she scrolls through ideas to repin on her Pinterest account. With an abundance of mobile distractions in the workplace and at school, careless mistakes are bound to occur due to the lack of attention paid to the task at hand. Even taking a quick break to read a text message can be a real setback. Research has shown that it can take up to 23 minutes to regain the focus level established before the mobile distraction. 3 If the constant attention to a mobile device begins having a negative effect on one’s performance and reputation, then relationships with others may be negatively impacted as well. With a decline in attentiveness, coworkers and peers may soon find themselves irritated with the lack of effort spent on projects and may lose trust in the individual’s ability to contribute effectively


Addiction // Mobile


to the team. Friends and family tune each other out and are left wondering if they are as close as they once were. Though likely not consciously or admittedly, mobile addicts soon find themselves trapped in a tangled web of digital distractions, quickly losing sight of the world happening around them.


COMMUNICATION IS EVOLVING “For as long as there have been Homo sapiens – roughly 200,000 years – people have filled their lives principally with two activities: talking directly with other people, and doing physical things,” says Dr. Andrew Weil, founder and director of the Arizona Center for Integrative Medicine. “Both of these required – and cultivated – physical effort and an ability to defer reward, but they ultimately led to lives that people usually found fulfilling.” 4 In today’s world which thrives on connectedness and instant gratification, we struggle to defer this reward. We want it now, and we want it often. With the convenience of text messaging, mobile phones have changed the way people prefer to communicate. Americans age 18-29 send and receive an average of 88 texts per day. Thirtytwo percent of Americans said they would rather communicate by text than phone, even with people they are very familiar with. In 2000, 14 billion text messages were sent monthly. In 2010, that number ballooned to 188 billion messages per month, showing the way we communicate has changed 5.




A study completed by researchers at the University of Delaware asked 340 students to document the time of day in one 24-hour period when they actively sent text messages.

Addiction // Mobile

The results (depicted below) found constant, around-the-clock texting occurring in place of face-to-face communication.6


26% 6 a.m. - 10 a.m. 74% 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. 77% 2 p.m. - 6 p.m. 79% 6 p.m. - 10 p.m. 72% 10 p.m. - 2 a.m. 20% 2 a.m. - 6 a.m. Previous generations knew how to hold a conversation in person. Developing these intimate, human relationships was a standard way of life. Today, it can be rare for young people to engage in lengthy, meaningful face-to-face discussions. Instead, individuals often replace detail and tone with quick, onesentence responses on their mobile devices. One has to wonder the impact this constant, digital contact has on the development of an individual’s – and society’s – social skills. TEXT ME, MAYBE? Text messaging is quick, yet allows us more time to carefully craft the perfect response. It also enables the behavior of hiding behind our phones when having to deal with difficult situations. As MIT psychologist Sherry Turkle sees it, utilizing real-life, human communication to overcome these difficult situations is necessary to our social development. “[Because of texting] the complexity and messiness of human communication gets shortchanged,” Turkle says. “Those things are what lead to better relationships.” 5

By replacing face-to-face interaction with text messaging, the emotion from the experience is lost. Without talking to others in person, visual and audible cues are missing, leading to easily misinterpreted conversations. By taking the easy way out through text messaging, establishing meaningful relationships becomes complicated. AN INTEGRAL PART OF SOCIETY Never before in history have we been able to stay so connected with family and friends across the globe, and there is no doubt that mobile phones can play a beneficial role in our lives. While it may be tempting to get lost within our mobile worlds in times of boredom or loneliness, it is important to recognize the moment when being overly tapped into our mobile devices is disconnecting us from our face-to-face relationships and real world responsibilities. Just because we can be so digitally connected, doesn’t mean being connected at all times is healthy. The text, email or Facebook notification you received at the dinner table isn’t going anywhere. There is a whole world happening while you stare at your mobile phone. You just need to look up to notice it. —Kyle Grand, Wabash ’11,

Try Me! Phone Stack Game

The next time you find yourself sharing a meal with others, challenge yourselves to the phone stack game:

• Stack ’Em! Pile all phones in the middle of the table

• Temptation! As various rings and buzzes occur throughout the meal, resist the urge to check your phone.

• Pay up! The first person to touch his phone pays the meal tab.

1 CNN, Elizabeth Cohen, “Do you obsessively check your smartphone?” 2 Pew Internet, Joanna Brenner “Pew Internet: Mobile” 3 Wall Street Journal, Rachel Emma Silverman, “Workplace Distractions: Here’s Why You Won’t Finish This Article” 4 Huffington Post, Dr. Andrew Weil, “Pressing the Bar” 5 CNN, Jeffrey Kluger, “We never talk any more: The problem with text messaging” 6 Michael Massinmi and Michael Peterson, “Information and Communication Technology: Affects on U.S. College Students”


51 Addiction // Mobile

warning signs of

mobile addiction

Sleep tight. Your trusty mobile device

lies right by your side as you sleep at night.

44% of mobile phone

owners have slept with their phone next to their bed to make sure they didn’t miss any calls, texts or updates during the night.


You’re blowin’ up! Even though you didn’t hear

a ring or feel it vibrate, you still check your mobile device to see if you have any new notifications.

• 67% of mobile phone

owners find themselves checking for messages, alerts or calls, even when they don’t notice their phone ringing or vibrating.

More than 40% of young • adults admit to feeling anxious if they can’t constantly check their mobile device.



3 4 5

Awkwardness averted. While sitting alone at a restaurant, you feel comforted by engaging with your mobile device. of people admit to pulling • 15% out their mobile devices to prevent social interactions.

than 50% of people prefer • More communicating digitally vs. face-toface communication.

Did you say something? While conversing with friends,

you find yourself in a multitasking frenzy as you attempt to juggle your contributions to the discussion AND your dedication to reading the latest updates on your mobile device.

18% of people said their mobile

phone has made it “somewhat” harder to give a person their undivided attention.

60% of people use their phones while socializing.

15% of people have interrupted sex to answer a phone call.

Addiction // Mobile

You can’t have it! There are so many things you could live without for a week – but your mobile device is NOT one of them.

70% of people would rather give up alcohol. 63% of people would rather give up chocolate. 33% of people would rather give up sex.

check yourself So you have an addiction. Now what? 1. Silence. Establish certain

times of the day where you will leave your mobile device behind or switch it to silent.

2. Self-control. Avoid

the temptation of looking at your phone the second a notification makes it beep or vibrate.

3. Shout Out. Ask a friend or family member to hold you accountable when you’re on your phone too much.

Pew Internet, Aaron Smith, “The Best (and Worst) of Mobile Connectivity” 2012 Cisco Connected World Technology Report Infographics Showcase, “Are You Addicted to Your Mobile Phone?” WebMD, Susan Davis, “Addicted to Your Smartphone? Here’s What to Do”



“In my mind, I’m goin’ to

”Carolina In My Mind,” performed by James Taylor

RELATIONSHIP CULTIVATION The General Convention will engender bonds of friendship among all Betas, VIPs, Friends of Beta and guests, and inspire their passion and commitment to Beta Theta Pi and her family.

BUSINESS OF THE FRATERNITY The General Convention will promote an efficient model of governance that engages chapter, alumni and General Fraternity leadership in establishing common organizational direction.

EDUCATION The General Convention will provide a high-quality educational experience focused on developing participants personally and enabling them to own and carry out with clarity the mission and specific goals of Beta Theta Pi and her leadership.

RECOGNITION & CELEBRATION The General Convention will honor the organizational, individual and chapter achievements of Beta Theta Pi in an aligned, engaging and celebratory fashion.

INSPIRATION The General Convention will build pride in the organization’s achievements and empower all participants to take ownership of the Fraternity’s future.


Ray Mabus, Mississippi ’69 Oxford Cup Honoree U.S. Navy Secretary, Amb. to Saudi Arabia, Miss. Governor

Dan Lindsay, Missouri ’01 Oscar Award-Winning Director for Documentary Film Undefeated

Jim Martin, Davidson ’57 Former Two-term Governor and Six-term Congressman of North Carolina

Barney Calame, Missouri ’61 Retired Wall Street Journal Deputy Editor and New York Times Public Editor

Joe Allen, DePauw ’59 Beta’s First Astronaut and Recipient of the Second Oxford Cup alongside Seth R. Brooks



• Extend the grip (and hugs) to hundreds of ‘Silver Grays’, Sweethearts and energetic young collegiates

• Observe 120 “Lugar Fellows” (chapter delegates) as they manage Beta’s legislative affairs

• Attend a slew of breakfasts, receptions, banquets and opportunities for Beta fellowship • Join the Convention Chorus on stage

RECOGNITION & CELEBRATION • Witness presentation of the Oxford Cup to U.S. Navy Secretary Ray Mabus, Mississippi ’69 • Cheer on chapters and individuals as they earn deserved recognition, including the Knox and Sisson Awards • Honor dozens of Fraternal Fifties and convention veterans for their lifelong loyalty to Beta Theta Pi

EDUCATION • Attend the Symposium, Beta’s alumni and guest track that features world-renowned speakers and opportunities to visit area attractions • Engage in the Greiner Leadership College, the undergraduate track that allows one to attend high-quality break-out sessions of his choice

• Champion four colonies petitioning for their charter: Kentucky, Michigan, St. Lawrence and Utah • Meet newly-elected Trustees and Directors of Beta’s Foundation Board and discuss their perspective on Beta’s future

• Represent your house corporation at the second annual Cornerstone Housing Summit



• Watch the Model Initiation with more than 500 Betas as it is performed to perfection

• John Reily Knox Club Dinner of the Beta Theta Pi Foundation

• Receive the annual State of the Fraternity Address and reflect on moving remarks from undergraduate speakers and alumni keynotes

• Beta Marketplace featuring Beta’s Licensed Vendors

• Learn more about Beta’s exciting new Capital Campaign for the Men of Principle initiative

• NASCAR™ Hall of Fame

• General Secretary Cup Competition

EXCURSIONS • Whitewater Rafting • Carowinds Amusement Park

Wisdom’s Lifelong Pursuit 174 TH G E N E R A L C ON V E N T I O N The Westin Charlotte | Charlotte, N.C. | August 1-4, 2013

Register Now!


Through the Generations University of Cincinnati Standing at the same location since 1897, the chapter house at the University of Cincinnati has been the symbol that represents every Beta Nu’s undergraduate years. The house has always been cherished by those who have lived in it. Over time, it has changed in appearance but stayed the same in its function, providing a safe area for brothers to learn and develop. Bigger and Better Soon after the construction of the house was completed in the late 1800s, the Beta Nu house corporation purchased it in order to provide a place for brothers to gather. The house stayed relatively the same from the early 1900s to 1963, when the house underwent a major renovation to accommodate a larger chapter membership. The new construction project added a dorm wing with 20 bedrooms, a dining room and a full kitchen to the existing structure. In 2012, the house corporation once again recognized the need for another major upgrade. This time the focus wasn’t on adding more space, but improving academic facilities. In October 2012, a campaign was finished with the goal of renovating the library. Nearly 100 donors and $40,000 later, the Beta Nu library was completely gutted and refinished. Highlights of the renovated space include new crown molding, bookcases, a conference table and projector.


A LOOK BACK 1960: With no significant changes since its construction in the 1800s, a dorm wing was added with 20 bedrooms, a dining room and a full kitchen.

The Chapter’s Heartbeat BEFORE

2012: With the focus on academics, the house corporation enlisted the help of nearly 100 donors to raise $43,000 to renovate the Tangeman Library with new crown molding, a bookcase, conference table and projector.



Current Beta Nu undergraduates are grateful for the upgrades and cherish the house they spend time in every day. The way Chapter President Kyle Gundrum ’14, sees it, without the house the chapter culture would not be as strong. Only 40 of the chapter’s 89 members live in the house, but the men find it an integral part of their Beta experience. “[The chapter house] is the heartbeat of our chapter,” Gundrum said.



“We like the classic feel and history of our house. We have pride in it and make sure we take great care of it.” In addition to the 20 bedrooms in the dorm wing, 11 rooms are still in use in the original house. Each bedroom is unique, and their historic nature makes them the top choice for undergraduate brothers. The house features plenty of communal space, including a large meeting room for weekly chapter meetings, a lounge and a game room, which is equipped with a ping pong table. The lounge and game room both have high-definition televisions, creating a perfect atmosphere for brothers to enjoy each other’s company. “The house is always alive and there is always something to do, no matter the day or time,” Gundrum said. “It’s very rare that at least one or two brothers aren’t using one of the common rooms. Having this facility makes it much easier for us to develop our brotherhood.”

WHAT’S INSIDE • Renovated library • Large chapter room for meetings Despite being built so long ago, the brothers love their house. “We still have one of the top houses on campus,” Gundrum said. “Some houses here might have more bells and whistles, but we like the classic feel and history of our house. We have pride in it and make sure we take great care of it.” — Kyle Grand, Wabash ’11,

• 11 unique bedrooms in original house • Laundry room • Two lounges with highdefinition televisions • Game room with ping pong table • Two communal men’s restrooms; one women’s restroom

What is Cornerstone? The Cornerstone Housing Program is Beta’s new facility-specific initiative to support house corporation volunteers. The program provides insurance, advocacy, education and in-house consulting on all Beta-related housing issues. Joining Cornerstone Currently, house corporations join Cornerstone by purchasing their property insurance through Beta’s international insurance program. However, all chapters can benefit from the education and support provided through the program.

What does Cornerstone offer? Contact Anne Emmerth, Director of the Cornerstone Housing Program or 800.800.BETA.

Beta sponsors monthly educational webinars about housing topics that are open to everyone (for instance, how to establish a house corporation, managing a renovation project, etc.). The Cornerstone Housing Summit, which takes place every year in conjunction with the General Convention, is another available resource.

Cornerstone Housing Summit On August 2-3, 2013, at the 174th General Convention in Charlotte, N.C., the Fraternity will host the second annual Cornerstone Housing Summit for all house corporation members. This track will allow leaders of Beta’s physical facilities to learn about student housing trends while receiving resources and training on leading and operating effective house corporations. Participants will have the opportunity to build relationships with other house corporation members and experts in the field of fraternity housing.




Beta Crossword







7 8

9 10 11





16 17


18 19


ACROSS 4. 63% of people would rather give up ____ than their

DOWN 1. Joe _____, Washington State ’53, is a dedicated volunteer

mobile phone. 7. When viewing pornography, large amounts of this chemical are released in the brain. 8. The primary track and field event of Nathanael Franks, Arkansas ’12 10. According to Cincinnati Chapter President Kyle Gundum ’14, “[The chapter house] is the ______ of our chapter.” 13. The ______ to Keep Campaign 15. Seth R. Brooks’ “Inter ____” column from December 1952 is titled “What Are We?” 17. “Beta Tested. _____ Approved.” 18. This colony knows what “Being a Beta Means…” 19. First name of Beta Sweetheart and Tri-Delt member who celebrated her 102nd birthday

who serves as chief of district XXXI. 2. “XXX: Dirty Little ______” 3. Location of the 174th General Convention on Aug. 1-4, 2013 5. Two Beta brothers export _____ to Panama. 6. In 2010, 188 _____ text messages were sent per month. 9. Longest serving member of Congress in Indiana’s history 11. This year is the 100th anniversary of Alpha ____ Pi Fraternity. 12. First name of undergraduate from Miami (Fla.) who is passionate about being a gentleman 14. One out of ____ women grapples with addiction to pornography. 15. _____ percent of people prefer communicating digitally to face-to-face communication. 16. Punxsutawney Phil and Beta Brother Jeff ____, Carnegie Mellon ’76, reunite once a year in February.








Arkansas ’12

ON THE RIGHT TRACK // In addition to building a new colony at the University of Arkansas, Founding Father Nathanael Franks ’12, is a member of the university’s legendary track and field team. Nathanael’s primary event is the heptathlon, which includes the 60-meter, long jump, shot put, high jump, 60-meter hurdles, pole vault and 1,000-meter. Last season, he helped the Razorbacks to a 2012 Southeastern Conference Championship by placing sixth in the heptathlon and contributing to a third place finish in the 4x400 meter relay. Nathanael is a two-time SEC Academic Honor Roll performer and was named to the 2012 U.S. Track and Field and Cross Country Coaches Association AllAcademic Team. He graduated in December 2012 with a 3.96 cumulative GPA, double majoring in chemistry and physics, and minoring in history.


Mike Hendrick ’13, had an incredible senior season. The 6’3”, 212-pound linebacker finished third in NCAA Division III with 133 tackles, averaging 13.3 tackles per game. Mike had two interceptions, five sacks and forced three fumbles this season. He finished with 373 career tackles, good for second in school history. Mike is first in school history for most tackles in a game (26), solo tackles in a game (14), solo tackles in a season (81) and solo tackles in a career (200). For his efforts in 2012, Mike received multiple postseason honors. He was named to the 2012 All-Midwest Conference First Team defense, 2012 All-West Region Third Team defense and was named a 2012 American Football Coaches Association (AFCA) Division III All-American. Mike is Knox College’s first AFCA All-American and was the only player from the Midwest Conference to be selected. A native of Smithton, Ill., Hendrick is a secondary education and social sciences major.


Knox ’13





BASEBALL California, Santa Barbara Michael Stowers ’14

Kenyon Josh Jacobvitz ’15 Garrett Stalker ’15



David Jones ’14

Austin Fiegel ’14 David McDermott ’15

St. Lawrence John (Jack) Conboy ’13



Kasey Oetting ’15 Colten Craigin ’13 Evan Johnson ’13 Jordan Johnson ’16 Daniel Purvlicis ’16

California, Berkeley

Andrew Weitzel ’13

Washington and Lee

Emerson Thacker ’15


J.D. Ey ’13 Matthew Gaeta ’13 Lawrence Whitaker ’14




Cam Ash ’13 Will Clements ’13 Brett Williams ’13 Pat Brady ’14 Andrew Maurer ’14 Stuart Brown ’14 Sam McQuiston ’14 Dan Muller ’14 Daniel Waters ’14 Nick Gasbarro ’14 Jack McDonald ’15 Connor Gibbons ’14

John Carroll


Knox Michael Bohnhoff ’15

St. Lawrence

Luke Holm ’14 Adam Boehm ’15 Will McLachlan ’15 Ross Hendrickson ’14

Washington and Lee

San Diego

Luke Deary ’13 Michael Savas ’13 Andrew Lamb ’15

Gordon Nash ’13 Nick Marinello ’14 John Bacic ’15 William Bastien ’16

BASKETBALL John Carroll Tim Schifferle ’16

WPI Xuanya Zhang ’13

Bobby Traver ’16

Knox Matt Brongo ’14 Bobby Mueller ’14

San Diego Erik Anderson ’13

Wabash Jacob Caddick ’15 Zach Mahone ’15 Jimmy Kervan ’13

Jeremy Ransom ’14 Mike Youkhana ’13 Chaz Benton ’15 Nick Bock ’15 Carlos Garcia ’15 Ryan Schulz ’15

Ross Anderson ’16 Dan Fadelli ’16 Griffin Piatt ’16

Miami (Fla.)


Mitch Ewald ’13

Ryan Allen ’13 Peter James Hobson ’13 Daniel Ritt ’13 Daniel Davis ’15 Mitch King ’15


St. Lawrence

Brian Paul ’13 Quentin Gittemeir ’13 Nate Wilson ’14 Neal Moon ’14 Will Grumke ’13 Mike Hendrick ’13 Patrick McGinty ’13 Lloyd Scott ’13 Nathan Williams ’13 Steve Bora ’14 Alex Nadolna ’14

Chris Dunckel ’13


WIlliam Chapman ’15

Wabash Austin Althoff ’14 Stephen Fenton, Jr. ’15 Jack Montgomery ’15 Ryan Sosinski ’13 Alex Schrader ’14 Edward Cmehil ’16 Jeremy Minor ’16 Willie Strong ’16 Joshua Tapper ’16 Joe Williams ’16

Washington and Lee Steven Colliau ’13

William & Mary John Carpenter ’15

WPI Paul Monahan ’14

GOLF Kenyon Tim Benner ’13

Missouri Wilson Sunvold ’15

Northwestern Nick Losole ’13 Matt Negri ’15

Wabash John Carpenter,

Seth Hensley ’14 Nick Sommer ’15

William & Mary ’15, (above);

Washington and Lee

Parker Wolfington, Washington and Lee ’14, (#15, right)

William Hatfield ’13

William & Mary Alex Hicks ’15

LACROSSE California, Berkeley Robert Hofinga ’15



SPRINT FOOTBALL Pennsylvania Nick Longtin ’15

SQUASH St. Lawrence Garnett (Max) Frew ’14

SWIMMING & DIVING Case Western Reserve

St. Lawrence Taylor Gerhardt ’14 Oliver (OD) Dennis ’13 John Kraus ’15


Washington in St. Louis Jacob Hale ’15

WPI Adam Trumbley ’15

TENNIS Case Western Reserve Bas van Lent ’15

California, Berkeley

St. Lawrence

Kenny Bruzzone ’14 Sam Welch ’14 Michael Bush ’15 Scott Walsh ’15

John Megas ’15 Michael (Spiker) Hayden ’13

Washington and Lee Michael O’Connor ’14

SOCCER Denison

Nicholas Aleles ’15 Grant Raymond ’14

Kansas State Kevin Jantsch ’16




Joseph Puntoriero ’13 Matt Brongo ’14 Bobby Mueller ’14


Alejandro Varela ’13 Kin Vong ’13 Rey Cardenas ’14 Greg Ventris ’15

Truman State Colton Schmitz ’13 Daniel Karlskin ’14

Karl Ingram ’14

South Dakota Tad Schuurmans ’15 Erik Hill ’15 Josh Peterson ’16

Wabash Joel Beier ’14 Jacob Caddick ’15 Zach Mahone ’15 John Haley ’13 Jimmy Kervan ’13

Jake Ohlhausen ’15 Griffin Smith ’15

Wabash Mark Troiano ’15

Washington and Lee Hayden White ’13 Taylor Shamshiri ’15


Washington in St. Louis



Bobby Traver ’16

Truman State

Zach McKelvey ’13 Michael Gasparro ’13

Steven Colliau ’13 Arthur Stier ’15 David McDermott ’15

John Carroll


Washington and Lee


Dillion Watts ’14


Michael Orlando ’14

Dan Muller ’14


Brett Williams ’13

St. Lawrence Kenyon

John Brachna ’14 Stephen Czujko ’13

Daniel Jacobson ’14 Eric Fischer ’14

John Bacic, San Diego ’15


Jeffrey Hirsh ’14

Mike Desantis ’15


Truman State


Nick Franta ’15

Nathanael Franks ’12


California, Berkeley

C.J. Francoeur ’13 Joe Stiglitz ’13 Adam Antalis ’16

Randy Bermea ’16

Washington and Lee John Stalle ’13 Justin Tenbrook ’14 Parker Wolfinger ’14 Toby D’Ambola ’15 Colton Klein ’15 Al Organ ’15

WPI Michael Jameson ’16

Erik Anderson, San Diego ’13, (above); Daniel Jacobson, Case Western Reserve ’14, (left)




in loving MEMORY Honor your brothers, friends and loved ones with a memorial gift to the Beta Theta Pi Foundation at

Caroline Previdi BETA SWEETHEART On December 14, the world witnessed a senseless tragedy at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Conn., that took the lives of 20 schoolchildren and six adult staff members. Six-year-old Caroline Phoebe Previdi, daughter of Jeff Previdi, Bethany ’94, was among the children killed. The Caroline Previdi of Sandy Hook Elementary Memorial Scholarship will ensure Caroline will be remembered in a positive way by providing annual scholarships to worthy students who are majoring in education. To donate to the fund, visit

Caroline was a normal girl who was a victim of an abnormal situation. She was born in Danbury, Conn., on September 9, 2006. Caroline loved to draw and had a passion for dance. Her favorite color was pink. She loved her nine-year-old brother, Walker, and was described as “Walker’s little shadow – sometimes to his dismay.” Caroline was a little girl whose smile “brought happiness to everyone she touched.” During her funeral service, many stories were told about this precious child. She was a stout fan of the New York Yankees. Walker described a time when the family went to Boston to see her beloved Yankees play against the Boston Red Sox. When her family arrived at Fenway Park, “she refused to go in” because of her passion for the Yankees. The lead pastor at her service, Monsignor Robert Weiss, told of how at age 5, Caroline “broke into her piggy bank,” put the money



in a bag and brought it to the St. Rose of Lima Church in order to donate to a fund that buys toys for needy kids. Even at such a young age, Caroline had an enormous, giving heart. Beta alumni and undergraduates from across North America have rallied to support the Previdi family. Brothers from the Bethany chapter started a memorial scholarship fund in Caroline’s honor to ensure her memory will live on forever. Even in the afterlife, Caroline will be able to give to others, just as she did before her tragic death. Caroline’s memory will also live on through her family. She is survived by her father Jeff, mother Sandy and older brother Walker.

Source: Middletown Press, Mark Zaretsky and Rebecca Lefever, “Mourners wear pink to honor Caroline Previdi”



Florida International

Kansas State

Minnick, John B. ’35, Oct. 25 C

Vincent, Dishawn ’14, Oct. 15



Busenbark, John R. ’50, Nov. 12 C Critser, William D. ’60, Dec. 26 C

Pettibone, Richard D. ’43, Nov. 4 C

Bruner, Joshua T. ’06, Nov. 1



Georgia Tech

Walch, Peter V. ’59, March 6, 2011

Cloudsley, Donald H. ’48, Nov. 22 C

Majure, James C. Ph.D. ’63, Dec. 1 C



Hibbard, Samuel N. ’54, Nov. 2 C Moran, Nelson E. ’43, Oct. 10 C

Smith, Thomas L. ’52, Oct. 14 C Stettler, Ellis E. ’45, April 9, 2011



Parry, William H. Jr. ’41, Jan. 10

Bohlsen, Thomas A. ’75, Dec. 22 Purvis, Jon K. ’56, May 8 Smith, James E. ’59, Oct. 17

California, Berkeley Reilly, John G. ’74, Nov. 6

California, Los Angeles Jones, Wallace W. ’42, Dec. 29

Carnegie Mellon O’Korn, Edward J. ’53, Dec. 3 C

Case Berd, Walter J. ’47, Feb. 28 C Robin, C. Donald ’41, Oct. 18, 2011


Coffman, Franklin D. Jr. ’61, Aug. 7, 2011 Fentress, George H. ’49, June 15 C


Michigan Somers, William H. ’45, Nov. 28 C Bailey, Duane L. ’51, Nov. 6



Nick, Robert W. ’51, Feb. 20 Johnson, John A. ’36, Jan. 14

King, J.B. ’51, Dec. 29 C Perez, Alex A. ’87, Oct. 25 Schnaiter, Thomas P. ’54, Nov. 16

Missouri Blauw, Robert E. ’42, Nov. 12 C Boyle, J. Barton ’55, Dec. 2 Douglas, Elvin S. Jr. ’55, Aug. 4 Hurley, Joseph B. ’48, Nov. 27 Nelson, Ford R. Jr. ’64, Nov. 14 C

Iowa State

Johns Hopkins

Colorado Mines

Patton, William C. ’44, June 3 C Pelley, Dean J. ’59, Nov. 8 Williams, Ransome R. ’48, March 23, 2011 C

Bade, E. Richard ’50, Oct. 22 C Beazley, Raymond A. ’63, Oct. 30


Mueller, Donald R. ’48, Oct. 13 C


Michigan State

Bender, Ralph C. ’50, Dec. 27 C Lorenzen, George A. ’50, Jan. 14 C


Williams, Fred W. Jr. ’45, Dec. 25 C


Foster, Richard L. MD ’40, Nov. 20 C Fales, Daniel C. ’55, April 11 Haskins, James F. ’41, April 12



Wagner, Henry N. Jr. ’48, Sept. 25

Crandall, John L. ’42, Dec. 10 C



Altman, Harlan C. Jr. ’43, Jan. 22 C Bunn, Stuart E. ’42, Oct. 8 C Farley, Robert J. ’44, Oct. 2 C Grutzmacher, Woodford K. ’76, Oct. 23 Hobbs, Robert B. ’56, Oct. 31 C Shelton, John M. ’45, Dec. 30 C

Fling, Wentworth D. ’33, Aug. 30, 2010 Maasdam, Dr. Chris F. ’72, Dec. 5 C

North Carolina Boyer, William H. ’52, Dec. 20 C Hill, Frederick S. Jr. ’46, Dec. 22 C Johnson, Richard M. ’47, Dec. 2 C

Hays, David R. Jr. M.D. ’45, May 23 C

Cornell Brown, Reeve M. Jr. ’54, June 6 Ehret, Donald G. ’45, June 27 Mendola, Robert J. ’72, Nov. 26 Monaghan, Stephen R. ’62, May 14 Siebenthaler, John R. ’47, Aug. 29 C Slike, William H. II ’50, March 21 Weigman, Joseph M. ’73, May 28 White, Edward P. ’41, Aug. 3

Davidson Neisler, Charles A. ’49, Oct. 14 Rose, Charles G. III ’59, Sept. 3

DePauw Ritz, V. Eugene ’36, June 24 C Walker, Samuel C. Jr. ’47, Jan. 14 C

Dickinson Cover, William A. ’52, Nov. 15

Dishawn Vincent FLORIDA INTERNATIONAL ’14 Oct. 15. Born in St. George’s, Grenada, on May 6, 1992, to Martin and Genevieve (Thomas) Vincent. Initiated as roll number 89 on May 7, 2011, Dishawn was a dedicated brother of the chapter, served as scholarship chairman, and was loved by his chapter brothers. Along with his loving parents and friends, Dishawn is survived by two sisters, Kathy-Ann Vincent, Janelle Vincent and four brothers, Darmon David, Jemal Vincent, Jeremy Vincent and Jakin Vincent.

Flags indicate those who have served in the United States or Canadian armed forces.



North Dakota


Carney, James W. ’58, Nov. 11 Thompson, Dennis W. ’66, Aug. 20

Lewis, Robert D. ’54, June 17, 2011 Mitchel, Robert W. ’51, June 22, 2011 Ng, Luis J. ’85, Feb. 6, 2011 Pomeroy, Robert I. ’39, July 25, 2011

Northwestern Eggers, Charles W. ’49, Oct. 13 C


Ohio Baumholtz, Karl F. ’50, Jan. 11


Ohio State Blesch, William R. ’44, Oct. 12 C Woods, William D. ’46, Dec. 25 C

Ohio Wesleyan Davies, James H. ’56, Jan. 10 C Hindman, Richard W. ’51, Jan. 28 C

Mike Bradley UTAH ’90 Jan. 12. Michael D. Bradley, Utah ’90, passed away resulting from a plane crash in Texas on January 12, 2013. One of three killed in the tragedy, Bradley was a real estate broker and the principal broker of MBA Realty. Mike was born in Salt Lake City, Utah, on May 24, 1968, to Dale E. and Barbara Birch Bradley. He was a dedicated Beta volunteer. Bradley served as the house corporation president for his beloved Gamma Beta Chapter at the University of Utah. Described as, “an invaluable member of our organization, a major force in the Gamma Beta rising campaign, and a true example of a man of principle,” Mike’s spirit, attitude and leadership will be missed.

Lillard, Lyons D. ’90, Oct. 8 Ashby, John E. Jr. ’57, Dec. 23 C Linden, William M. ’54, Nov. 14 C Wilkinson, Bruce ’72, March 11, 2011

Tulane Salassi, Edmond C. ’61, Jan. 23


Oklahoma Conger, J. William ’67, Jan. 1 Guild, David C. ’56, Nov. 30 C Howard, Michael C. ’62, Oct. 16 King, Robert W. MD ’43, Jan. 3 C Millspaugh, Robert C. Jr. ’50, Jan. 20 C Savage, Howard H. ’53, Nov. 18 C

Oklahoma State McCalmont, Stuart D. ’33, Nov. 11 C Russell, Clyde S. ’58, Dec. 12 C

Barker, James T. ’45, Oct. 18 C Bradley, Michael D. ’90, Jan. 12 Morris, Craig M. ’72, Nov. 5 Strike, George L. ’51, Oct. 20 C

Wabash Booker, Fitzgerald L. ’76, Oct. 25 Faires, Ross N. ’59, Jan. 24 C Hill, Tracy ’66, Oct. 14

Washington in St. Louis Dueker, Dr. George E. ’57, Dec. 4, 2011

Oregon Jones, M. Dale ’60, Jan. 27

Washington & Jefferson

Penn State

Henshaw, Warren M. ’51, July 18 Hoop, E. Paul ’49, Dec. 17 C

Webb, Edward J. III ’54, Nov. 25 Weeks, Stephen A. ’74, Nov. 23

Puget Sound

Washington and Lee Phillips, Charles F. Jr. ’71, Oct. 18

Palesch, Steven R. ’91, Nov. 28

West Virginia


Bailey, Dewey J. Jr. ’51, Dec. 22 C Woodall, Ramon A. III ’58, April 6 C

Chavers, Richard A. ’59, Oct. 27 Hosler, A. P. ’60, Dec. 31 C McMurry, Ronald C. ’51, Oct. 16 C Skerkoske, Eugene J. ’50, Dec. 3 C Tingley, Egbert M. Jr. ’42, Aug. 17 C

Western Reserve Bailey, Hugh M. ’47, Aug. 11, 2011 Telich, John R. Sr. ’49, Dec. 9 C Wencel, Frank E. ’52, July 27, 2011 C

South Dakota


Padrnos, Dennis R. ’58, Nov. 20 Stewart, Robert C. ’60, Oct. 14

Grove, Capt. John A. ’65, Jan. 15 C

Southern California

Wong, Dennis R. ’64, Sept. 21

Langston, Alan N. ’77, Dec. 28

St. Lawrence Bullock, Robert C. ’48, July, 31 C Whittier, H, Sargent Jr. ’57, Jan. 23, 2011

Willamette Williams Donoho, Robert S. ’50, Nov. 7 C

Wittenberg Wright, John B. ’50, Dec. 31 C

“They rest, they sleep the dreamless sleep! While cycles move, but in our hearts eternally we keep their faith and love.” 50


Flags indicate those who have served in the United States or Canadian armed forces.


© Stephanie Egan Photography

Since my initiation into the Gamma Xi Chapter at the University of Florida in 1996, one aspect of my involvement with Beta Theta Pi has outshined all the others. I have received from the Fraternity — and I have received abundantly! An Investment of a Lifetime As an undergraduate, I learned firsthand the importance of the Fraternity’s Men of Principle initiative. In 1998, I was one of a handful of undergraduates to receive a Beta Theta Pi Foundation-sponsored scholarship to attend the North-American Interfraternity Conference’s Undergraduate Interfraternity Institute. Beta’s small investment in me, combined with my on-campus experiences with my chapter brothers at the University of Florida, strengthened my fidelity to our Great and Good Fraternity. A few years after graduation, I found myself settled in my career in Charlotte, N.C. Wanting to support the Fraternity that had supported me, I reached out to find a way to get involved. Soon after, I began a four-year stint as district chief, serving our chapters at Duke, North Carolina and East Carolina. During that time, I witnessed the positive impact these leadership opportunities had on young men in my district. Undergraduates would return home from these award-winning programs deeply passionate about the Fraternity and determined to take on the challenges facing their individual chapters. Their connection to Beta was stronger than ever. The Beta Foundation works like an elixir that awakens the Beta Spirit within our undergraduates. It is a conduit through which we alumni are able to pour our abundance back into these young men. Please join me in caring for these brothers. Join me by giving annually of your time, talents and treasures. Finally, I encourage you to join me in leaving a lasting legacy by including the Beta Foundation in your estate plan. — Matthew S. Paynter, Florida ’00,

Born in Akron, Colo., Matt moved with his family to Orlando when he was 11-years-old. A graduate of the University of Florida, he received his bachelor’s degree in finance, and a master’s degree in international business from the University of Florida and ESADE Business School in Barcelona, Spain. Matt currently works in fixed-income sales as a Senior Vice President for Vining Sparks IBG, a regional broker/ dealer serving the investment needs of institutional investors. Matt resides in Charlotte, N.C., and enjoys golf, skiing and being an active member of his local YMCA and church.

Beta Theta Pi Foundation & Administrative Office Brennan Hall PO Box 6277 5134 Bonham Road Oxford, Ohio 45056


“For every child that grew up in a fatherless home, let's show the children of our community what it means to be real men of principle, so they can go on and inspire generations to come.” — Kappes Hale Chatfield, Miami (Fla.) ’14 Volunteering in Nicaragua, Kappes (and 8,000 young Betas like him) is the reason the Fraternity works so hard to sustain the character-developing components of the Men of Principle initiative. (See page 14.) Please give to the Beta Leadership Fund by May 31 to help the Fraternity fully fund this year’s undergraduate programs.

developing men of principle for a principled life

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