The Beta Theta Pi Magazine - Spring 2014

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The Boys of ’39 2014 For three or four years, Beta’s communication team has been kicking around the idea of an article focused on the Fraternity’s undergraduate makeup. Given the vast societal changes that have occurred since 1839, assessing the demographics of our young men could be valuable in helping understand who is leading our chapters at the collegiate level. Interestingly, in just the last year, three alumni from three very different chapters and backgrounds posed questions separately that advanced our intrigue in the topic: “I’m concerned about the small-town farm boys. Do they have a place in our Fraternity?” “What is Beta doing in terms of racial diversity these days? Are we open to non-whites? “We’ve just seen an NBA basketball player come out in the U.S. Is there any update on what Beta is doing to foster equality and tolerance?” During our annual creative meeting last fall to determine this year’s magazine features, we decided this 175th anniversary year is the right time to dive in and investigate the matter. With no other objective than reporting on the profile of our undergraduate population, this issue’s feature explores a widely accepted list of demographics that influence our men into being who they are. Of course, we are not blind to the anxiety that a discussion like this can sometimes create. Nor are we deaf to the reality that Beta has evolved a lot since her humble beginnings that, by the way, were initiated before 24 states in the Union were even founded. The world evolves, things change. And Beta Theta Pi is no different. Now, a natural question that may surface as a result of this article is, “Why is Beta’s undergraduate makeup what it is?” Our analysis does not attempt to address or profess to understand that answer. Maybe that’s the case for a possible part two in some future issue? In the end, quite a bit of data landed just about where we anticipated. But there were certainly a number of surprises, too. For that, we hope you enjoy the presentation. As articulated at a 1917 dinner of the Beta Theta Pi Club of Washington, D.C., by Aimaro Sato, DePauw 1881 – one of Beta’s first non-white, non-American members who eventually became Japan’s ambassador to the U.S.: “…banishing all worldly cares, forgetting our ages, politics, creeds, nationalities, varied or conflicting interests, and laying aside even diplomacy, we come here to have a good time together simply as brothers in the bonds of Beta Theta Pi and to recall the sweet associations of the past and to form wider friendship for the future.” Yes, friendship continues to give our order vitality, even though the vessels that contain our undergraduates’ Beta Spirit may look and feel a little different than “the boys of ’39.” Sincerely and yours in ___kai___,

L. Martin Cobb, Eastern Kentucky ’96 Editor



P.S. At the recent wedding of a young Wabash Beta alumnus, one of his brothers snagged a pic of the church’s doorway arch. Given this issue’s feature, we couldn’t resist including it as pic of the quarter.

The Beta Theta Pi

The oldest continuously-published college fraternity magazine, The Beta Theta Pi was founded on December 15, 1872, by Charles Duy Walker, V.M.I. 1869. Editor L. Martin Cobb, Eastern Kentucky ’96 Managing Editor Mike Roupas, Iowa ’10 Associate Director of Communication Kyle Grand, Wabash ’11 Contributors Westin Miller, Creighton ’13, Rick Brown, Ohio ’65, Marty McLaughlin, Beta Mother Creative Director Sarah Shepherd Graphic Designer Jenna Noah Director of Digital Media Robert Umstadter, San Jose State ’05 Photography Out Magazine, Davis Pack Photography The Beta Theta Pi, (USPS 052-000) official magazine of Beta Theta Pi Fraternity, is owned by the Fraternity, edited and published under the direction and control of its Board of Trustees, published Winter, Spring and Summer for $30 onetime pre-paid subscription. Standard non-profit class postage paid at Oxford, Ohio, and additional points of entry. Canada Post International Publications Mail (Canadian Distribution) Sales Agreement No. 0397474. Copyright Beta Theta Pi Fraternity, 2012. Produced in the USA.

Publication Schedule Issue Deadline Winter 2015 October 15 Spring 2015 January 15 Summer 2014 April 15

Mail Date December 15 March 15 June 15

Send address changes to: Foundation and Administrative Office Brennan Hall 5134 Bonham Road PO Box 6277 Oxford, Ohio 45056 800.800.BETA or

WHO GETS THE MAGAZINE? Upon initiation, each Beta is guaranteed a lifetime subscription to The Beta Theta Pi. That commitment by the Fraternity remains, although for a variety of reasons, some no longer wish to receive the hard-copy version. So, who receives the Fraternity’s magazine? Anyone who requests it, as well as all active Beta volunteers, donors to the Beta Foundation, undergraduates and parents. Make your preference official at 800.800.BETA, or go online at


The Beta Theta Pi Magazine | Vol. 141 | No. 2

SPRING FEATURES A.C. Long, Westminster ’16

20 44


This is About Brotherhood

Surveying Beta’s Undergraduate Makeup

Sports Roundup

Recognizing the Fraternity’s Varsity Athletes


4 Beta Inbox

10 51

Mission To develop men of principle for a principled life.

Vision Every member will live Beta Theta Pi’s values. To build lasting bonds of friendship and brotherhood, Beta calls for: MUTUAL ASSISTANCE Betas believe that men are mutually obligated to help others in the honorable labors and aspirations of life.

INTELLECTUAL GROWTH Betas are devoted to continually cultivating their minds, including high standards of academic achievement.

TRUST Betas develop absolute faith and confidence in one another by being true to themselves and others.

RESPONSIBLE CONDUCT Betas choose to act responsibly, weighing the consequences of their actions on themselves and those around them.

INTEGRITY Betas preserve their character by doing what is morally right and demanding the same from their brothers.

8 Opening of the Door 10 Marching Along 18 Promises to Keep

Core Values

6 News and Notes

32 The Beta House 40 Campus Life 48 Mystic Shrine IN THE SPOTLIGHT

50 From the Archives

9 38 51


From 8 to 72


Beta Moms in Action

Bridge Builder

Dick Phenneger, Washington ’58



To the editor...

“Often when I pick up my new issue of The Beta Theta Pi magazine, I find myself disappointed by another rosy picture painted of our Fraternity, often overlooking some of the important issues that should be discussed in an alumni magazine. For this reason, I was pleasantly surprised to pick up the most recent issue and see the honest, reflective, and self-critical cover story, “The Other Half: What Do Alumni Want?”

We give a darn! “DIDN’T APPRECIATE the cartoonish cover of the winter 2014 issue of The Beta Theta Pi, with its gratuitous curse, and the curse repeated again on the inside article. What’s the wisdom of trivializing, Mad Magazine style, a noteworthy, significant survey that needs to be taken seriously by all of us? Keep on this issue, though. It is, and should be, fundamentally important to the brotherhood.”— Tyler Phillips, Wittenberg ’60, “I WAS DISAPPOINTED that the cover of our magazine included the phrase “… Give a damn”. The Beta Theta Pi magazine attracts attention on its own and doesn’t need a word that is somewhat offensive to catch my eye, or the eyes of a rushee’s mother. Admittedly, the cover story might include such a quotation in small print in the body of the article. It just seems beneath some of our principles that it was necessary on the cover.” — Name withheld at writer’s request

Our Fraternity is in an enviable position nationally and has much to be proud of, but it also has many areas in which it can be improved. If alumni are to stay engaged, they need to be shown not only the wonderful things that Beta is doing, but also the places where the Fraternity has room for improvement. Frank discussions of our shortcomings show alumni that their involvement is needed and give them a reason to get involved. These sorts of discussions also communicate a level “THANKS SO MUCH for printing of trust among brothers: that we don’t an excellent article that sums up fear our challenges, but rather openly where the alumni are right now in address them in a confident spirit of selfrelation with their chapters and the improvement.” — Rob Moore, Denison Fraternity. I found the percentages ’12, of those donating to the Fraternity to be frighteningly low and the communications from the chapters to be such that the chapters are cheating themselves out of alumni “JUST READ THE LATEST mag who want to be involved and want to issue re: alumni. As an alum of Delta give back to the chapters. Pi Chapter, I can’t think of anything that would help us old f’s stay in contact more than a functional website regularly updated! What about it guys? Don’t you want alums and prospective members to find you?” — William Raizor, Louisville ’71,

Fortunately, John Stanton, Centre ’89, keeps in touch with us and reports as to how well the chapter is doing and what the latest news is with our fellow alumni. I didn’t realize how fortunate we are to have brother John.” — Sam Vogt, Centre ’82,

Voice Yourself




#Tweet, tweet

Snappin’ Pics @AZcbw: had a great coffee meeting with a @BetaThetaPi brother that I haven’t seen since the 170th Convention in PHX. Fantastic to reconnect!

@ericalegos: I’ve found more “Go Beta” bracelets and buttons in my room while packing to move out than would be considered normal! @Markus_Heintz: Getting a bigger discount into the movie because I’m Greek? Totally fine with me!! #LoneSurvivor #GreekLife @meowmarykate: So happy that my little brother lavaliered one of my best friends. #kappaalphatheta #betathetapi @bern_thedoc: My friend asked me how I like my fraternity. I wouldn’t trade being with these guys for anything in the world. #beta @Beta_SLU @BetaThetaPi @MuzikalRomance: I just got super excited about getting my @BetaThetaPi magazine in the mail. It’s the small things in life... :)

@JSobralski: I will instantly follow back any Beta who follows me #fact #brotherhood #betathetapi

@Beta_TAMUCC It’s a beautiful day on the Corpus Christi Bay #BetaThetaPi

@schmied09: shout out to the amazing men of @LouisvilleBeta for singing happy birthday to me last night. #luckySweetheart @qdphin205: “O Christmas Tree O Christmas Tree Obscurata Nunquam...” #BetaThetaPiProbs #fraternitysongs #christmassongs @Beta_Kentucky @BetaThetaPi @HerrmannT: Tremendous tremendous tremendous experience learning and sharing at #BetaWooden. Humbled and inspired.

@Brendanroderick Gum that I randomly found in my backpack. Beta was meant to be! @BetaThetaPi @Beta_EWU

?!#% Whoops . . .

Yikes! Beta’s editorial team made a couple mistakes in the last issue. Our sincere apologies to readers of The Beta Theta Pi and to these men: John Conway, South Dakota ’56, and Vince Mikolay, Bethany ’00: In the feature article, “The Other Half,” we listed the members of Beta’s alumni engagement task force. Unfortunately, we failed to recognize these two men who serve as task force co-chairmen. Jason Williams, Villanova ’06: In “The Other Half,” we incorrectly listed that task force member Jason Williams is Villanova’s chapter counselor instead of George Washington’s.

Duke Fifties Alumni: These men and their Beta Sweethearts reunited at the Bayfront in St. Augustine, Fla., not at the Baymont in San Diego, Calif., as listed in “Marching Along.” Christian DiMare, Northeastern ’17: In the “Convention Recap,” Christian was recognized for receiving honorable mention for the New Song Competition. We incorrectly reported that Christian is a brother from Northwestern.

@BetaThetaPi Beta wallpapers for every device are available. Have you changed your background yet? resources/media/wallpaper



welcome back! save the date APRIL 26, 2014

2014-15 RECOLONIZATIONS The Beta Spirit will soon be alive at the following campuses! To recommend a Beta to the Refounding Father classes or to see how you can get involved, contact Beta’s Director of Expansion Trevor Voss, UCLA ’10 at The Ohio State University Theta Delta Chapter Columbus, Ohio

Milwaukee Beta Alumni Appreciation Reception Hosted by the Beta Theta Pi Board of Trustees

Milwaukee Athletic Club Milwaukee, Wisc. 5:30 p.m. - 7:00 p.m.

Purdue University Beta Mu Chapter West Lafayette, Ind.

Beta Classics Have Gone Digital! For the first time ever, three Beta classics are available for purchase in digital format via iPad, Kindle and Nook. Check out to purchase “The Faithful Home of the Three Stars: The First 150 Years of Beta Theta Pi,” “Beta Lore: Sentiment, Songs and Story of Beta Theta Pi” and “Inter Fratres: The Best of Seth.” With these added to your digitial library, you are sure to connect with Beta’s historical roots like never before. Beta Songs? There’s an App for That. Betas across North America will be thanking Kevin Sloan, Toronto ’13, during future song practices. Kevin recently created the app “Beta Tunes” — a comprehensive collection of Beta songs, including lyrics and audio streams. Search for the free app today on your Apple and Android devices.

In conjunction with the spring meeting of the Beta Theta Pi Board of Trustees, you and a guest are cordially invited to the Alumni Appreciation Reception.

l Enjoy some genuine

fraternal fellowship.

l Witness the recognition of all

Fraternal 50s and 25s in attendance.

l Receive updates on The Promises to

Keep Campaign and the advancement of the Men of Principle initiative.

For more information, please contact Director of Advancement Phil Fernandez at 800.800.BETA or phil.fernandez@

interfraternally SPEAKING



Willamette University Gamma Sigma Chapter Salem, Ore.

Get in the Beta Spirit! With the graduation season approaching, be sure to visit Beta’s online store at and pick out that perfect gift for a special Beta or Beta Sweetheart in your life. From clothing, to picture frames, to keychains, to mugs — Beta Spirit is your one stop shop for Beta-branded gear!

DTD — Delta Tau Delta member Marcus Luttrell had his real life tragedy play out on screen in “Lone Survivor.” The movie tells the story of SEAL Team 10 and their disastrous 2005 mission in Afghanistan where Luttrell was the only survivor out of 20 soldiers.

DDD — A member of Tri Delta represented Team USA in February at the Winter Olympics in Sochi! Congratulations to Meryl Davis who, along with her partner Charlie White, set a world-record free dance score and became the first American team to win the gold in ice dancing!


the keystone In February, the General Fraternity held six Keystone Regional Leadership Conferences across North America, focusing on chapter officer development, principled leadership and volunteer training. Congratulations to the following chapters/colonies and individuals who were recognized this year:

Excellence in Member Recruitment NW - British Columbia SW - Chapman NC - Saint Louis SC - Wichita State NE - Carleton SE - Central Florida

Outstanding Advisory Team NW - Utah SW - Arizona NC - John Carroll SC - TCU NE - Northeastern SE - South Carolina

Excellence in Self Governance NW - Washington SW - San Jose State NC - Michigan State SC - Oklahoma NE - George Washington SE - Charleston

Outstanding Graduating Senior NW - Jordan Fawson, Utah ’13 SW - Jack Jajewski, Chapman ’14 NC - Jorge Horcasitas, Kettering B ’13 SC - Stephen Matlock, Arkansas ’14 NE - Vikas Mendhiratta, Maryland ’14 SE - Jarrod Fucci, Central Florida ’13

Excellence in Academic Achievement NW - Utah SW - San Diego NC - Truman State SC - Kansas NE - Johns Hopkins SE - Clemson

Outstanding Volunteer NW - Bill Morgan, District Chief XXXV SW - Steve Sherman, Pacific Ch. Counselor NC - Ric Eickhoff, John Carroll Ch. Counselor SC - TJ Hutchings, TCU Recruitment Advisor NE - Nick Gelbar, District Chief XIV SE - Aaron Oberman, Charleston Ch. Counselor

Excellence in Chapter Management NW - Idaho SW - San Diego NC - Kettering B SC - Denver NE - Johns Hopkins SE - Alabama

Outstanding Friend of Beta NW - Julie Alexander SW - Anthony Garrison-Engbrech NC - Jennifer Wegner SC - Jason Gomez NE - Sarah Decker-Sexton SE - Lindi Smedberg

Excellence in Pursuit Implementation NW - Washington State SW - Pacific NC - Case Western Reserve SC - Texas A&M NE - WPI SE - Florida State

Outstanding Fraternity/Sorority Advising Professional NW - James Ehrman, Washington NC - Trace Camacho, Michigan State SC - Suzanne Brittain, Texas A&M-CC NE - Emily Perlow, WPI SE - Robyn Brock, Florida State

Excellence in Advisory Team Pursuit Implementation NC - Illinois SC - TCU NE - Cornell SE - Florida State

Outstanding House Corporation NW - Washington SW - UCLA NC - Michigan State SC - Nebraska NE - MIT

APRIL 2014 Deadline for the following programs and events.............................................. 1 • Merit Scholarship Applications • Men of Principle Scholarship Grant • UIFI Registration • Wooden Institute Registration For more information, visit or call 800.800.BETA. Kansas State 100th Anniversary........4-6 Manhattan, Kan. Penn State 125th Anniversary...........11-13 State College, Pa. Kentucky Installation Events...........12-13 Lexington, Ky.

upcoming events


St. Louis Alumni Club Spring Honor Guest Banquet......................... 26

MAY 2014 Portland Beta Alumni Association Luncheon.......................... 1 Central Michigan Pig Roast.................. 3 BLF Gift Deadline for FY14................. 31

JUNE 2014 Cleveland Area Alumni Association Meeting.............................. 6 Wooden Institute, Oxford, Ohio Session 1.......................................... 14-18 Session 2.....................................28-July 2 175th Convention Registration .......... 15 For more information, visit or call 800.800.BETA.

JULY 2014 Wooden Institute Session 3........................................... 12-16 Session 4........................................... 19-23

LATER IN 2014 . . . 175th General Convention........Aug. 7-10 Idaho 100th Anniversary....... Sept. 19-21 Minnesota 125th Anniversary....... Oct. 4

Region Key NE = Northeast | SE = Southeast | NC = North Central SC = South Central | NW = Northwest | SW = Southwest



Spring Re/Colonizations The Beta Spirit is alive and well across North America this term, as three newly established colonies recruited Re/Founding Father classes, advisory teams and house corporation volunteers:



Puget Sound




Re/Founding Fathers GPA




# of Advisors




# of House Corp Volunteers




American University

Drexel University

Did you know? The Founding Fathers are a diverse group of men who come from various countries, including Germany, Dominican Republic, Dominica, Argentina, Cuba, United Kingdom and the U.S. Words from a Founding Father: “I want Beta to become a top tier organization on campus that attracts men who value their character more than their reputation.” — John D’Ambrosio ’16 To get involved, contact

Did you know? The Founding Fathers at Drexel include student ambassadors, orientation leaders, volunteer leaders at a local soup kitchen and a national champion in men’s crew. Words from a Founding Father: “Beta will be an organization that changes peoples’ perception of what it means to be in a fraternity. We will be strong, united and active on campus.” — Mo Nayal ’15 To get involved, contact

Washington, D.C.

Philadelphia, Pa.

Darkening of the Hall Hanover College Location: Hanover, Indiana Greek Designation: Iota Chapter Motto: Straight ahead Founded: May 19, 1853 Total Initiates: 1,585 Reason for closure: Since its recolonization in 2010, Iota has struggled with recruitment, as evidenced by it securing only one new member for this winter’s pledge class. Currently posting 14 undergraduates (including five seniors), the undergraduates, alumni, advisors, Beta staff and college officials worked hard for four academic years to restore Iota’s historic tradition on campus, but the collective efforts weren’t enough to sustain a vibrant and thriving chapter.



University of Puget Sound Tacoma, Wash.

Did you know? Just like the student population at the University of Puget Sound, 80% of the men in Beta’s Refounding Father class are from states other than Washington. Words from a Refounding Father: “Through our work with fellow members in Greek life, Beta can redefine what it means to be Greek and redefine what it means to be a Logger.” — Ryan Del Rosario ’15 To get involved, contact



For 10 years, the Alpha Chi Chapter at Johns Hopkins University has been nurtured by the presence of Chapter Counselor Dave Bobart, Johns Hopkins ’96. A lot of hard work has been put into his beloved chapter, but not surprisingly, he has received even more in return. When Bobart began his tenure, Alpha Chi had just eight undergraduates to its name. It became his mission to foster a healthy chapter that had a culture worthy of Beta Theta Pi. Providing continuity and active mentorship, he focused on recruitment strategy and reinforced with the men that a positive chapter culture was needed. Things turned around when the men became comfortable being themselves as opposed to worrying about what others on campus were and weren’t doing.

Bobart accepts the Edward B. Taylor Advisor of the Year Award at last summer’s convention with Chapter President Gilbert Pasquale, Johns Hopkins ’13, and Board of Trustees Vice President Dan Westra, Virginia Tech ’76.

What They Said About Beta Volunteer Dave Bobart: “Throughout my time as a brother, Dave has shown a selfless dedication and loyalty towards the betterment of this chapter. He provides us with advice to help in the transitional stages of life. I can without a doubt say that Dave’s work has been monumental, and the Alpha Chi Chapter would not exist today without his guidance.”

“Dave Bobart is handsdown one of the most incredible people, let alone advisors, that I’ve ever had the pleasure of knowing. There’s one thing that sets Bobart apart: he is one of the busiest people on earth, but you’d never know it. He is always there for his advisees, and I can’t imagine him saying he’s too busy for someone.”

“Dave has provided a platform for the Alpha Chi Chapter to progress year in and year out. He has instilled a sense that actions and decisions affect an overall chapter trajectory beyond the undergraduate experience. His guidance has made the chapter a place that alumni return to knowing that it’s in a better place than where they left it.”

— Gilbert Pasquale ’13 Past Chapter President

— Josh Bundy ’11 Past Chapter President

— Michael Sondag ’13 Past Chapter President

Interested in volunteering for Beta? Contact Director of Chapter Services Jeff Rundle at or 800.800.BETA.

Now, 10 years later, because of Bobart’s guidance and the hard work of the undergraduates, the two-time Knox Awardwinning chapter has 72 members and pledges, and consistently ranks in the top three of 11 fraternities on campus in terms of size and GPA, which hovers around a 3.43. For Bobart, the transition required a long-term perspective and patience, but he’s appreciative of the time he’s been able to spend with the chapter. “It’s been amazingly rewarding to work with such a great group of young men through the years and help them grow and improve, but it’s a two-way street because at the same time, they’ve helped me grow,” Bobart said. Bobart got involved because he cared about the chapter, valued his Beta experience and wanted to see Alpha Chi succeed. In the end, the chapter is in a much better place, and so is he. — Kyle Grand, Wabash ’11



Shining Stars of Beta Theta Pi Have you been “marching along”? Submit alumni updates via email to, online at or mail a letter to the Administrative Office with the subject line “Marching Along.”

Special Presentation to Virginia When Pat Rush, wife of recently deceased Bob Rush, Virginia ’55, visited the men at the University of Virginia, she didn’t come empty-handed. She brought Bob’s framed varsity letter he earned for boxing and the famed “Beta Bench,” returning it to the front hall where it had originally adorned the same spot so many decades ago. The chapter used to have a small table next to the bench just inside the front door where they put the mail. The bench meant a lot to Bob because as he would flip through the mail, if he found a letter from Pat, he would immediately sit and read it. When the chapter was closed in the 1970s, Ellie Whiteley, wife of Grice Whiteley, Virginia Tech ’53, made sure to grab the bench in order to preserve it for the future. But, knowing how much Bob thought of the bench, Pat traded Ellie an antique mantle that she had refinished for it. As Pat moved to a retirement community, she decided that the bench needed to go home. As the undergraduates observed Pat recounting the tale, it was clear that she was imagining Bob sitting on that bench reading one of her letters. She was excited to visit and happy the bench was returned to its rightful place in Beta Theta Pi.

From Rink to Booth John Benton, Minnesota ’92, served as a curling analyst for NBC’s coverage of the 2014 Winter Olympic Games in Sochi. It was Benton’s first Olympics as an analyst, after making his Olympic debut as an athlete at the 2010 Vancouver Games.



Special Trip to Sochi Lisa Fritz traveled to the Winter Olympics in honor of her late husband, Ralph Bender, North Carolina ’62. The couple started regularly attending the games in 1984, so as a tribute she spread some of his ashes in Sochi during the Opening Ceremony.

Dr. Sabharwal Meets Dr. Huxtable Dr. Aman Sabharwal, Missouri-Kansas City ’98, got to spend some quality time with famous comedian Bill Cosby as they shared a row on a recent flight. Fittingly, Cosby’s sweatshirt read, “Hello Friend.” Connect with Aman at


Photo Credit: OUT Magazine

Honoring Equality David Knapp, Wesleyan ’49 (middle), was a leader and volunteer with the Boy Scouts until 1993 when the organization discovered he was gay and expelled him. Since then, he’s been fighting to reverse a ban that prohibited gay members. An appeal he submitted two years ago was discussed at the Boy Scouts annual meeting, and as of January 1, 2014, Boy Scouts now allow gay members. For his efforts, Knapp was selected by Advocate magazine for its “Out100” list as “one of the most compelling gay people of the year.” Talk with David about this experience at

Photo Credit: Kelly Prizel

Drop Pounds and See Sights Fatpacking Founder Steve Silberberg, MIT ’83, leads groups on expeditions to see some of the most beautiful areas of the country in an effort to also lose weight at the same time. His work was recently featured by the Boston Globe. Give Steve a shout at

Connecticut Wedding When Matt Barry, Connecticut ’05, married his Beta Sweetheart, Tracy, it was definitely a fraternity affair. The couple was joined by 12 of Barry’s chapter brothers and five were groomsmen. Congratulate Matt and Tracy at



Picture This Ethan Tweedie, Hawai’i ’92, was named the 2013 Photographer of the Year for Real Estate. He specializes in architectural, commercial, luxury real estate and fine art landscape photography, just to name a few. Ethan’s images have been published in Architect Magazine, National Geographic and Discovery. Connect with Ethan at

Making Freshman Year a Little Easier Being a freshman can be tough. That’s why Adam Michalski, Penn State ’11, came up with the idea of DormChat, an app that allows students to chat with others within one mile of their location. It is useful in a variety of instances such as class work or simply getting to know others. Connect with Adam at

Domain Name Extraordinaires A group of Southern California Betas, Daniel Negari ’08, Grant Carpenter ’08, and Shayan Rostam ’10, are working on changing the Internet with the next generation of domain names. Their company,, is the Registry Operator for the upcoming domain extensions .xyz and .College. Stay on the lookout for these up-and-coming Internet entrepreneurs, and connect with them at,, and

He’s a Hall of Famer Chuck Hensley, Oklahoma State ’67 (second from left), was inducted into OSU’s Spears School of Business Hall of Fame. The Hall inducts those who have distinguished themselves in their professional careers, displayed effective leadership, made exemplary contributions to their communities and freely given meritorious service to others. Hensley is retired after a successful career as a stockbroker. Congratulate Chuck at



A Beta’s Work on Display The National Gallery in the United Kingdom made history by acquiring its first ever painting by an American artist. The piece now being featured is “Men of the Docks” by George Bellows, Ohio State 1905. The painting depicts a group of workers standing by the waterfront in Brooklyn, N.Y. The museum paid £15.6m ($25.5M) for the artwork, which was previously owned by Randolph College in Virginia.


Honored by Alma Mater Dean Emeritus of the USC Marshall School of Business, Dr. Jack Borsting, Oregon State ’51/Oregon ’52 (below, center), was awarded the prestigious Alumni Fellow Award from OSU. As a volunteer, Borsting has worked to promote the College of Science where he set up a fellowship fund for graduate students in the Department of Statistics. The fund has resulted in a stronger connection between undergraduate statistics departments in California and the graduate program at OSU, enabling it to bring the best and brightest to Corvallis. Congratulate him at

Award-Winning Journalist Steve Ross, Columbia ’85 (above, right), a reporter in Japan, was honored with the Gold Award in the Stanford University U.S.-Asia Technology Management Center’s “Untold Story in Innovation” journalism competition. Here he is at Tokyo’s “Nihonbashi” (Japan Bridge) underneath a dragon with fellow Alpha Alpha Chapter brother and Vice Consul at the U.S. Embassy in Japan with Tom Duval ’83. Give Steve and Tom a shout-out at scr2101@ and

In Charge in Cincy Brian Carley, Illinois ’76, a Deloitte partner with extensive business relationships in Cincinnati, was named president and CEO of the Cincinnati USA Regional Chamber. Carley will run a 75man organization representing more than 5,000 businesses.

Back in the USA It was a special Thanksgiving weekend for Victor Turchany, Central Florida ’11, as he returned from a stint in Afghanistan. Beta certainly recognizes his and others’ service and sacrifice. Give Victor the thanks he deserves at

Giving Back to Higher Ed Andres Duarte, Ohio Wesleyan ’65, was named an OWU Founders’ Circle Associate Member for his generosity to the university. Duarte has given more than $500,000 back to his alma mater. Connect with Andres at

Another Degree Award-winning journalist Howard Fineman, Colgate ’70, was presented an honorary doctorate from the University of Louisville. He accepted the recognition while serving as keynote speaker for the Brandeis School of Law’s 2013 graduation. Connect with Brother Fineman at fineman@



Dentist For Those in Need Gamma Omicron Alumni President Dr. Nick Seddon, British Columbia ’02, is currently on a volunteer mission in Cambodia. Above, he is examining one of the many children of the Sri Ampil orphanage. Right, he suggested, “Dressed in her Sunday best, [she’s] ready for her tooth extraction.” Send Nick an electronic high-five at

FCC Chairman Stops By Newly-appointed Chairman of the FCC Tom Wheeler, Ohio State ’68 (middle), returned to his alma mater where he gave his first policy speech since taking the new role. At a reception afterwards, he met with fellow Theta Delta Chapter brothers Christian Hertl ’03, former General Secretary David Wright ’67 (who is Wheeler’s big brother), Larry Plum ’68, and Chris Ingram ’03, current president of Theta Delta’s Alumni Association.



Helping Fellow Texans Michael Hillman, Baylor ’02 (above), set out to help the city of West, Texas, after the fertilizer plant explosion last April. He recruited donors to give money for each point the Baylor football team scored in their game against West Virginia. More than 30 people joined Hillman, and their joint commitment came out to upwards of $500 for each point scored. Baylor scored 73 points, raising nearly $40,000 to renovate West City Park and build a memorial to the fallen first responders. Connect with Michael at

Emory Betas Celebrate in Thailand When Emory’s Dhiraj Wadhwani ’11, got married halfway across the world in Chiang Mai, Thailand, a slew of Betas made the trip to support him and his sweetheart. Brother Yuanlong Zhao ’11, said it best: “What would you do for your brother? The answer is anything. The bond we shared through college was the most genuine friendship known to man. No matter where we are or where we will be, we will never forget the times we had together high on Kai.”


Services Rendered Bob Steel, Duke ’73, recently completed his term as New York City’s Deputy Mayor for Economic Development. He was responsible for the Bloomberg Administration’s five-borough economic development strategy and job-creation initiatives. Prior, Steel served as Undersecretary of the Treasury for Domestic Finance, CEO of Wachovia Bank and Chairman of the Aspen Institute. He is no stranger to the responsibilities of principled leadership. Congratulate Bob at

One of the Best in His Field David Yeomans, Miami (Fla.) ’09, was nominated by as one of “America’s Favorite Weather Forecasters.” He serves as a meteorologist for NBC-affiliate KXAN in Austin, Texas. Congratulate David at

Made the Playoffs Led by head coach Tim Crompton, Weber State ’90, the school’s women’s soccer team qualified for the NCAA College Cup after winning the Big Sky Conference. This is the team’s third conference title under Crompton and first since 2005. Congratulate Tim at

Betas Gather in K.C. In its 60th year, the Kansas City Alumni Association hosted its annual holiday brunch with nearly 60 brothers in attendance, including undergraduates from Creighton, Kansas, Kansas State, Missouri, UMKC and Westminster. Congratulations to John Martin, Kansas State ’82, and Peter Brown, Westminster ’66 (above), who were awarded “Beta Men of the Year.”

I’d Like to Buy a Vowel Mark Generous, Central Michigan ’10, was selected to be on the famous television game show Wheel of Fortune. The wheel didn’t quite spin his way, as Brother Generous finished third, but he sure had a great time hanging out with Pat Sajak and Vanna White!

Businessperson of the Year Joe Romano, Wesleyan ’92 (center), was named the Evanston (Ill.) Chamber of Commerce’s Businessperson of the Year. In a “small world” coincidence, Dave Doyle, Miami ’72 (r), was on hand to support his wife who also received an award that night and former Beta Editor Bob Kurz, Miami ’58 (l), was in the audience as he and his wife received the award previously. Congratulate Joe at


AN OPPORTUNITY TO BE Zeal and Determination

Turning 175 years old doesn’t happen easily. Especially considering TH BETA THETA PI the fact that Beta Theta Pi is older than 24 states in the Union, having survived a civil war, two world wars and of N civil rights issues that have AND GENERAL C ON V aEvariety NTIO A Celebration of Lifelong Fraternal Brotherhood crippled similar organizations.


But Beta Theta Pi is a remarkable institution. And her upcoming 175th anniversary serves to celebrate that incredibly special history — one of friendship and enduring principles that stand the test of time. (Not to mention a legacy of men who have literally helped shape the annals of the United States and Canada.)

Written on the hearts of young and old men alike who have always kept her future uppermost in their mind, “the zeal for the Fraternity and the determination to work for it … are always counted the great assets possessed by Beta Theta Pi.” Who can argue with Mr. Beta Theta Pi, Francis W. Shepardson, Denison 1882/Brown 1883? So — become a part of Beta history and plan now to attend this historic Fraternity milestone. Imparting to others the “zeal and determination” witnessed first-hand in the eyes and handshakes at the 175th may be one of the most lasting gifts you could ever give yourself.



JOIN 2,000 brothers and friends in what will become the single largest gathering in the history of Beta Theta Pi.

INHALE the charm of Miami University, Uptown Oxford and Beta’s beloved Alpha Chapter.

WALK the pioneering steps of Beta’s “eight earnest young men.”

MEET Beta undergraduates and scores of Beta Greats, devoted Silver Grays, Beta Sweethearts, Oxford Cup and Shepardson Award honorees.

LISTEN for the bells of the Beta Campanile that ring beautifully every quarter hour.

FILL your lungs (and heart) with the songs of a Great and Good Fraternity and, of course ...

WITNESS the very space where Beta Theta Pi was founded under candlelight — and then tour the gorgeous grounds and museum that protect and preserve Beta’s prestigious legacy.

CELEBRATE your membership in one of North America’s greatest college fraternities.

QUESTIONS AND REGISTRATION: Extensive details can be accessed at If you have additional questions, please contact Ryan King at 800.800.BETA (2382) or



LIFT YOURSELF UP . . . Focusing on three primary objectives (right), momentum continues to build around Beta’s historic campaign to strengthen the undergraduate experience on 128 campuses — while at the same time, prepare for the 30,000+ young men who will join our Fraternity in the decade to come. With $1.25 million in additional gift commitments received since the General Convention last August, more than $9.25 million is now pledged to the effort. Whether it’s through a cash or stock gift fulfilled over one, three or five years, or via an estate gift that allows one to put in place a resource that will provide for Beta’s long-term future, all gifts are worthy of Beta’s Men of Principle initiative.

GOAL $20,000,000

GIFTS & PLEDGES RECEIVED $9,258,381 (46.3% of Campaign goal as of February 1, 2014)



Karen & Tom Cassady Cincinnati ’76 $600,000

Lucy & Doug Houser Willamette ’57 $560,000

Denise & Mike Feinstein Eva & Lynn Maddox MIT ’82 Georgia Tech ’64 $186,500 $175,000

Anonymous $100,000

Regional President and CEO of USI Insurance, Brother Cassady also serves as Campaign co-chairman. Tom and Karen are providing a $100,000 unrestricted gift over five years and a generous $500,000 estate provision. The Fraternity is naming the Hall of Chapters in Oxford in their honor.

Influenced by Beta Greats G. Herbert Smith, DePauw ’27, and Senator Mark Hatfield, Willamette ’43, General Fraternity President Doug Houser knows the impact Beta is having on thousands of young men. That’s why he and Lucy made a $500,000 estate gift to supplement a $62,000 unrestricted cash gift.

Making an endowment gift of $186,500, Mike and Denise wanted to ensure that high-caliber faculty are always able to lead the General Convention’s Leadership College year after year. A successful entrepreneur, venture capitalist and past General Treasurer, Mike believes strongly in the concept of sustainability.

With a strong desire to advance Beta’s men of principle mission — yet also wanting to remain anonymous — a devoted Beta couple is gifting $100,000 over five years to endow a fund that sponsors undergraduates to Beta’s award-winning leadership programs. They even plan to write all of the young men who benefit annually!


General Treasurer Maddox and his Kappa Delta wife, Eva, are making a multi-faceted $175,000 gift of unrestricted cash, endowment and estate planning to fund campaign needs, including a Men of Principle Scholarship Fund for new colonies’ recruitment efforts.




Expand and endow student participation in award-winning Men of Principle leadership programs. NEED: $13.4 MILLION (67%)

Build a state-of-the-art learning laboratory and historical preservation center within the Administrative Office in Oxford. NEED: $2.9 MILLION (14.5%)



Launch new online training platform for all undergraduates, advisors and Beta volunteers. NEED: $3.7 MILLION (18.5%)

So, get inspired by these stories of men and women who are directly shaping North America’s youth. And consider how you, too, can “lift up someone else.” — L. Martin Cobb, Eastern Kentucky ’96; martin.cobb@; Philip S. Fernandez, Miami ’06;



­— Booker T. Washington

Dean Stalcup Texas Tech ’71 $100,000

Julie & Jim Balloun Iowa State ’60 $50,000

Willie Romero UNLV ’95 $25,000

Remy & Casey Gomes Maryland ’02 $10,000

Jill & Jody Vivion Oklahoma State ’09 $3,000

He never forgot what his Beta brothers did when his dad died in college. Unable to pay dues and lacking proper funeral attire, his debt was covered and a suit was driven from several hours away. Dean gets emotional about Beta, as evidenced by a $100,000 gift to ensure undergrads experience the same Beta Spirit he did – 40 years ago.

Retired from a successful consulting career (and CEO of one of the world’s leading LED lighting providers), Jim admires values-based leadership. Particularly inspired by Beta’s Keystone Leadership Conference for chapter officers, he pledged a $50,000 gift to help keep Beta’s momentum going.

Committing to a cash gift of $25,000, new Foundation Board Director Willie Romero has dedicated his professional career to fundraising for missionoriented non-profits like Beta Theta Pi. He even insisted the Foundation document his plans to continue a $1,500 annual gift to the BLF!

Past Beta staff member and long-time facilitator at the Wooden Institute, Keystone and Presidents Academy, Casey continues to give time and treasure to the Fraternity he loves. He and his Beta Sweetheart recently established the Casey and Remy Gomes Leadership Fund with a generous $10,000 pledge.

Having attended the Peter F. Greiner Leadership College at convention in 2006, Jody knows firsthand how Beta programs inspire someone to live like a true man of principle. As young alumni, Jody and wife Jill, Gamma Phi Beta, are doing their part by making a $3,000 pledge to Beta’s historic campaign.






This is about brotherhood. By Mike Roupas, Iowa ’10

In January 2014, the Fraternity distributed an anonymous survey to all undergraduate Betas and pledges with a curious interest in exploring the current demographics of our young (or soon to be) brothers. With a 29% response rate, 2,250 undergraduate Betas completed the investigative survey. The findings revealed much more than simple demographical information. The world has significantly changed since the Fraternity’s founding in 1839.

To be clear, this article isn’t about creating or obstructing diversity. This is about brotherhood.

To some: we live in a time of ever-evolving acceptance of individual differences. Significant progress has been made in human equality, but still, there is much work to be done.

It’s an exploration of the unique makeup of today’s Beta undergraduates: men who are united together in friendship and fidelity across North American college campuses. Some of them happen to be white, conservative, twenty-somethings. Others happen to be Muslim. Or gay. Or from India. Some come from affluent upbringings. Some have physical disabilities. Some grew up in small-town America, and some were homeless.

To others: we now live in an era of political correctness, hypersensitivity and intentional inclusiveness. There is longing for the ease and comfort of yesterday, when it wasn’t necessary to walk on eggshells in order to please everyone.

Collectively, these men are the Beta Theta Pi of today. Let’s get acquainted . . .


The Beta Theta Pi Spring 14

race/ethnicity Beta never had to strip away language from its original constitution or bylaws prohibiting membership based upon race. In 1954, just weeks before the U.S. Supreme Court ruling of Brown v. Board of Education, Bill Lowry, Kenyon ’56 was initiated as the first African American member of the Fraternity.


White (non-Hispanic) - 86.1% Latino or hispanic - 5.9% asian/pacific islander - 5.6% Black or African american - 2.1% indian - 1.9% middle eastern -1.9% Native American or alaskan native - 1.4% Other - 1.5% *80% of men who pledged Beta in fall 2013 were white. UNDERGRAD PERSPECTIVE “I myself wouldn’t say that I fit the stereotypical fraternity mold. I’m a black male from a low socioeconomic background; I’ve pretty much grown up in a single parent home my whole life; I started school a little bit later than most. I’ve grown up with different values and morals, and they have all been put to the test in my 22 years here on earth. But the best thing about Beta is that despite all of these factors, I was accepted for who I was and who I was going to be. My background didn’t matter, as long as I was willing to put in the effort to better myself and the lives of others.”

“This isn’t About race or religion. 23

religion According to F.W. Shepardson’s 1927 “The Beta Book,” “Knox was an Episcopalian, Linton a Quaker, Marshall in later years a United Presbyterian, Smith a Presbyterian of Huguenot extraction, Hardin a Baptist, Ryan a Swiss Mennonite and Duncan and Gordon, Scotch Presbyterians.”


Christian - 64.8% No organized religion - 25.2% Jewish - 4.4% Islamic - 1.2% Hindu - 1.2% Buddhist - 0.4% Other - 2.8% UNDERGRAD PERSPECTIVE “I was born and raised Muslim, but my religious affiliation hasn’t affected my Beta experience at all. I feel the chapter cares more about the man that I am, rather than about what makes us different.”

This is about brotherhood.”


The Beta Theta Pi Spring 14

politics On the Fraternity’s first anniversary, Knox provided the following address to the Alpha Chapter: “When we come together as members of Beta Theta Pi, all political differences are dropped — all our political feelings are forgotten. We are no longer politicians, but friends; no longer candidates, but brothers, and we are ready to give the ‘All Hail’ of welcome, the open hand of friendship, to all who wear the badge and bear the name of Beta Theta Pi.”


Republican - 42.4% Independent - 23.4% Democrat - 23.2% Libertarian - 6.8% Green - 0.8% Other - 3.4% UNDERGRAD PERSPECTIVE “Although the political leanings of many brothers in my chapter slant left, we also enjoy the company of several members who are staunch defenders of the right wing of politics.”

“This isn’t About politics or sexual orientation. 25

sexual orientation In 2006, undergraduate delegates at the 167th General Convention voted to add official language to The Code of Beta Theta Pi which ensured an individual’s sexual orientation could not affect his eligibility for membership.


Straight - 91.7% Gay - 4.1% bisexual - 2.4% Prefer not to answer - 1.2% other - 0.6% *60.1% of undergraduates say that at least one of their chapter brothers is gay or bisexual.

UNDERGRAD PERSPECTIVE “As an out gay man on campus, I was apprehensive to go through recruitment, but I was assured by some of my older friends from other fraternities that my sexual orientation wouldn’t factor into a decision to extend me a bid. Toward the end of recruitment, I was seriously considering Beta and one of the older brothers told me that if any brother was not OK with me being gay, then they were not worthy of wearing the badge. I eventually came out to the entire chapter during a pledging ceremony and was relieved to be embraced, rather than cast away.”

This is about brotherhood.”


The Beta Theta Pi Spring 14

national origin In 1877, four young Japanese men arrived in Greencastle, Ind., to attend what is now known as DePauw University. The Delta Chapter initiated two of the four men: Aimaro Sato 1881, and Keizo Kawamura 1881, who are believed to be Beta’s first non-American members. Sato eventually became Japan’s ambassador to the United States.


united states - 93% Canada - 1.4% china - 0.6% India - 0.6% United kingdom - 0.5% other - 3.9%

UNDERGRAD PERSPECTIVE “I am half-French, half-Mexican. I arrived in the United States for college and when I met the men of Beta Theta Pi, I found a family that took me in and showed me a good time. But most important of all, I found a family that let me learn from them, and a family who was interested in my culture and opinions.”

*62.9% of undergraduates say that at least one of their chapter brothers was born outside of the united states or Canada.

“This isn’t About national origin or socioeconomic background. 27

socioeconomic background In 1892, Rev. Oliver A. Brown, Ohio Wesleyan 1866, told Washington Betas: “... the conditions and requirements for membership in our order promise still more. These conditions were founded not on wealth, not on social rank, but upon an active brain and a good heart.”

THE BREAKDOWN: BETAS TODAY (combined average yearly income of parent(s) in primary residence)


less than $50,000 - 9% $50k - $99,999 - 20.1% $100k - $149,999 - 20.9% $150k -$199,999 - 10.5% $200k - $249,999 - 8.9% more than $250,000 - 18.6% Don’t know - 12%

“As somebody who grew up in a household that was financially unstable, I am very much aware that sometimes costs can create burdens on some of our members that they find embarrassing or do not feel comfortable talking about. This past semester, one of our new members who is paying his own way through college had his laptop stolen and did not have the funds to replace it. After having grown so close to his pledge brothers through the pledging process, he entrusted them with this knowledge, expecting nothing more than verbal support. In a true sign of mutual assistance, the pledge brothers began a secret collection and raised enough money on their own accord to replace their brother’s computer. The look on the new member’s face when he was presented with the gift is a moment that I will cherish for the rest of my life.”

This is about brotherhood.”


The Beta Theta Pi Spring 14

family After their undergraduate studies, some of the Founders went on to establish large families of their own. Six Founders became married. Between five of them, there were a total of 30 children ... Samuel When the Fraternity was founded in 1839, only five Founders were between Taylor Marshall had 10! the ages of 18-22, the typical age range of a four-year college student. Marshall was THE BREAKDOWN: BETAS TODAY 27, Linton was 24 and Gordon was 23.


(marital status of biological parents)

married/domestic partnership - 68.7% divorced - 13.8% Single, never married - 13.2% widowed - 2.3% separated - 1.6% other - 0.6% Additionally,

9.5% of undergrads are only children. 1.3% of undergrads are adopted. UNDERGRAD PERSPECTIVE “I joined Beta as someone who was homeless and didn’t have any financial help from parents. Regardless, my brothers took me in with open arms. I know they would help me if I ever needed assistance. Thank God I’m a Beta.”

THE BREAKDOWN: BETAS TODAY 3% Are not between the ages of 18-22. UNDERGRAD PERSPECTIVE “My chapter met a 28-year-old Army veteran through rush who seemed very interested in joining Beta. Our chapter struggled back and forth about whether or not it was appropriate to bid someone so much older than the rest of us. In the end we gave him a bid. Not only did his experiences in the Army help the rest of us grow to understand veterans and war, but he went on to become a pledge educator and a great brother to the chapter. He sure added something new to the brotherhood, and we’re all better off for having him around.”

this or family . . . geography or disabilities ... “Thisisn’t isn’tabout Aboutage family, age,makeup geographic upbringing or disability. 29

geographic upbringing By 1861, more than half of the men initiated in Beta were combatants in the Civil War and were split almost equally between the Union and Confederate armies. Founder Ryan was an officer in the densely-populated industrial North, while Founders Duncan and Gordon served the rural, agricultural South.


disability In 1862, Founder John Holt Duncan was wounded in the leg while “gallantly charging the enemy” in the Civil War. To save him, surgeons amputated his right leg and fitted him with a wooden one.


Urban (50,000 people or more) - 47.6% Urban cluster (2,500 - 50k People) - 44% Rural (2,500 People or less) - 8.4%

4.1% Have a physical/sensory disability. 4.3% have a mental health issue. UNDERGRAD PERSPECTIVE

UNDERGRAD PERSPECTIVE “Visiting brothers from around the world — whether in Mexico, Canada, or urban and rural parts of America — has been a crucial part of my college learning experience. What I have learned from these trips has been the most memorable part of my experience in Beta Theta Pi.”

“My brothers were the first people I told about my struggles with suicide and my self-harm experiences. They’ve helped me through so much and I honestly probably wouldn’t be alive today if it weren’t for brothers of Beta Theta Pi.”

This is about brotherhood.”

recruitment, and that the only factor that matters when selecting who wears the badge of Beta Theta Pi is whether or not he upholds the Fraternity’s values: “I am by no means opposed to any form of diversity, be it racial, ethnic or sexual orientation. But I also don’t believe in trying to create diversity. I think it should be more of a natural occurrence.”

to be clear: There is no question about it: the data shows that Beta’s undergraduate membership is predominantly composed of straight, white, Christian men from affluent upbringings in urban America. But it’s easy to make wide-sweeping generalizations about Beta’s membership. You can say Beta undergraduates are straight, white, Christian, Americans — but only if you choose to discount at least 7% of members who aren’t straight, the 14% of members who aren’t white, the 35% who aren’t Christian, or the 7% who aren’t American. These percentages might be smaller, but the men they represent are equally as significant in our Fraternity as the men who are represented by larger figures.

Again: this was never about creating or obstructing diversity. This was always about brotherhood. Along with the 2,250 completed survey responses, Beta undergraduates also shared a total of 1,372 written comments after being prompted to speak on the makeup of their membership and their openness to accepting members who come from different backgrounds. This attitudinal data provided a larger scope of today’s undergraduate mindset. As chapters currently stand, 81.3% of undergraduates indicated that they consider their chapter’s membership diverse. Further, 50% of our young brothers said that an individual’s demographic profile does not play a role in

“Many of us are diverse on the inside, and that’s what really counts — not skin color. This is 2014. Not 1975.” “I want men who uphold Beta’s values in my chapter. Diversity may or may not provide that, so his background does not matter to me.” It is interesting to note, however, the percentages of undergraduates who said that the demographics below would factor into their chapter’s decision of whether to give a bid to a man who otherwise upheld the values of Beta Theta Pi:

Age - 23.8% Mental Health Issues - 21.3% Sexual Orientation - 15.3% Physical/Sensory Disabilities - 10.6% Race/Ethnicity - 9% Socioeconomic Status -7.5% Political Affiliation - 5.5% Religion - 5% National Origin - 4.5% Geographical Upbringing - 3.3%

AN UNDERGRADUATE CONCLUDES: “Barring any severe extremes on either end of the spectrum, or any potential risk management factors that could arise, none of these demographics should have any impact on whether or not an individual is extended a bid. The only thing we look at is if you fit the values of Beta Theta Pi.”

“This is about brotherhood.”




Boston Beautiful Overlooking the Charles River with perhaps the most beautiful view of campus, the 1899-built Beta Upsilon chapter house at MIT stands out as a symbol of confidence and potential on a campus already teeming with both. The two-building facility is comprised of “The Main House” (acquired in 1946, left, including the kitchen, dining room, chapter room and common space) and “The Annex” (acquired in 1964, below, a former MIT residence hall across the street that houses approximately 20 students). Following the chapter’s closure in June 2011, Beta Upsilon promptly recolonized in fall 2012. Recognizing MIT’s competitive housing situation, the alumni launched a $2.25+ million campaign to renovate both properties and fund the two-year recolonization process. Backed by a construction loan from the university, they began a sweeping $1 million renovation of the Main House, including all four bathrooms, the kitchen, a new laundry facility, a new resident advisor suite and replacement of all bedroom furniture, desks, light fixtures, and kitchen and dining equipment. House Corporation President Mike Feinstein, MIT ’82, believes these renovations are crucial to Beta Upsilon’s success: “MIT has invested heavily in new dormitory facilities, and students and their parents have high expectations for the quality of their living facilities. A well-maintained facility sets a quality standard for our brotherhood — the brothers take great pride in maintaining the building which has been restored to its historic luster.”

“A WELL-MAINTAINED FACILITY sets a quality standard for our brotherhood — the brothers take GREAT PRIDE in maintaining the building which has been RESTORED TO ITS HISTORIC LUSTER.” — Mike Feinstein ’82, house corporation president




Founded Sept. 27, 1913, Beta Upsilon at MIT celebrated her 100th anniversary (center) during a celebration weekend Oct. 4-6, 2013.


Renovation of all four bathrooms Complete kitchen overhaul New resident advisor suite New laundry facilities Refinished floors and painting Replaced all bedroom and common area furniture and fixtures

Want to read more about the renovations and recolonized Beta Upsilon Chapter at MIT? Visit

While many colonies and chapters view recruitment and the chapter house as spring boards to accomplish other articulated goals, at this early stage of the refounding process for Beta Upsilon, recruitment via quality student accommodations seems to be the end goal. “Ultimately, we have a goal of increasing the chapter size such that we will be able to fill both houses (40-50 sophomores, juniors and seniors),” says Luke Verdi ’16, colony president. “This means that if we fulfill our goals, there will be another large fraternity on campus.” The chapter currently has 16 members, and Beta Upsilon is confident the Main House renovations and future upgrades to the Annex will result in an all-around

success. With 27 fraternities on campus, representing 42 percent of the male student population, Beta Upsilon has everything in place to reclaim her position as one of MIT’s leading fraternities. As summarized by Brother Feinstein, “Having a renovated facility is a great recruiting asset. It's easy for prospective members to imagine living in a safe, beautiful Boston brownstone with river views. And, managing the building and its operations — including the meal plan — is a great leadership experience for our young men.” — Westin Miller, Creighton ’13



Fountain of Life Betas at Ohio University all look forward to the day when their charter is reinstated by the General Convention, and they are working diligently toward that goal. As an important part of the rebirth of Beta Kappa, the alumni renovated the chapter house and restored it to the equivalent standard of the men it houses. Originally dedicated on November 6, 1960, the Beta house in Athens once again epitomizes her historic chapter motto: “Fountain of life.” When Beta Kappa alumni worked with the General Fraternity and university to confirm recolonization for 2012, they were motivated to not only have a first class active chapter, but also a first class home. So far, both goals are being realized. Under the leadership of Dave Briggs ’62, and Roger Krupa ’70, the “Beta Kappa Forever Campaign” raised $525,000 to completely update and renovate the chapter house. A $100,000 lead gift from Glenn Randall ’54, built confidence that the campaign goal could be met. (Left) Designed and cast in alabaster in 1960 by renowned sculptor and OU Prof. David Hostetler, the dragon was recast in bronze in 1987.




“The Beta Kappa chapter house is certainly one of the FINEST Greek chapter houses at Ohio University. All Beta Kappa Betas owe a debt of GRATITUDE to their brothers who SUPPORTED the house renovation.” — Rick Brown, Ohio ’65

Thankfully, Beta Kappa was blessed to have a “hands on” brother who oversaw the general contractor and every aspect of the construction. Les Cornwell ’65, sacrificed his day job to concentrate on seeing that the chapter house was built and furnished in a first class manner at the best possible price. The value he brought to the effort cannot be quantified. It is enough to say that without him, it would not have happened. The house is debt-free. Specifically, the chapter house has a new roof, all rooms were refurbished, a new HV/AC system was installed with individual temperature controls in each room, bathrooms were completely overhauled and a state-of-the-art media center was installed. Les even donated a grand piano that sits beautifully in the formal living room. The Beta Kappa House Company and its members continue to work diligently to keep the house in excellent condition. They are committed to having a qualified house mother or father living in the house, and to this end, the house has a first class living suite. The colony’s house father is currently a Beta Kappa alumnus, which has proven to be an excellent choice for the vibrant and growing colony that now numbers 57 and has posted first or second in grades every term since recolonization among the 13 fraternities on campus. The Dean of Students Ryan Lombardi and Assistant Dean Char Kopchik have been invaluable in this entire effort to recolonize and renovate. The brothers and pledges of Beta Kappa love the chapter house. Whether they live in the house or not, they all spend a great amount of time there. The house is a great place to study and have fraternity or academic meetings. The entire house has Wi-Fi and is electronically updated.


Mike Ginder

Dave Briggs

Pete Hood

Rick Brown

Mike Kress

Ron Calhoun

Roger Krupa

Eric Coon

Penn Kurtz

Glenn Corlett

Dave Marshall

Les Cornwell

Dave Venz

Dan Dahlen

Bill Whipple

Bill Dillingham

Walt Williamson

ONSITE CHAPTER SUPPORT Dan Bates, Proctor Tom Vandegriff, Housefather

In addition, the media room is a magnet of activity for all Betas and their guests, featuring several flat-screen televisions and interactive video, cable and a pool table. The Beta Kappa chapter house is certainly one of the finest Greek chapter houses at Ohio University. All Beta Kappa Betas owe a debt of gratitude to their brothers who supported the house renovation, and the many great Betas who came before them who were so loyal and devoted to the chapter. Beta Kappa is again a “Fountain of life” for the Beta Spirit in Athens, and its future is destined to be a bright shining star in Beta Theta Pi. — Rick Brown, Ohio ’65



Right Place, Right Time When Beta was invited to expand in fall 2012 to High Point University in North Carolina, not only was the Fraternity offered a promising future with the university, but a beautiful chapter house to match. High Point’s Greek Village opened in August 2011, and quickly became a highlight of the already beautiful campus. It features 12 Georgian-style homes, all dedicated entirely to Greek organizations. The Greek Village tries to encourage the full spectrum of a quality Greek experience, from academic to social. Marc Gmuca, assistant director of Greek life and resident director at High Point, says the purpose is “to provide a space conducive to academic, personal, organizational and philanthropic growth for fraternities and sororities on campus.” Each house features 15 beds with seven double rooms for chapter brothers, and one single room on the first floor for the resident assistant. The houses include a full kitchen, large chapter room, office for the chapter and a laundry room on each floor. There is also a conference center that includes accessible meeting and study space, and residents have access to a recreation center in the heart of Greek Village featuring a fitness facility, outdoor pool, business center and mailboxes.

“Overall, the Greek Village provides a SOURCE OF PRIDE for each of our organizations, as well as the university. We look forward to watching Beta FLOURISH at High Point.”

On a campus boasting 16 Greek organizations (six NIC fraternities, six NPC sororities and four NPHC organizations), Beta was fortunate to be offered the final of the 12 houses in the new Greek Village. It is intended to serve as a central point for the best and brightest of High Point’s Greek life. Rooms are available only for members of fraternities and sororities who maintain a superior GPA, though placement is ultimately up to each organization. Gmuca believes the Greek Village has been a success, increasing interest in Greek life and serving as an improvement to the whole university: “Overall, the Greek Village provides a source of pride for each of our organizations, as well as the university. We look forward to watching Beta flourish at High Point, both in the Greek Village and throughout the entire community.”

— Marc Gmuca, assistant director of Greek life and resident director at High Point

Less than two years on campus but now numbering 43-strong and a number one GPA of 3.12, Beta certainly plans to provide a fraternity experience worthy of the university’s invitation and generous, first-class, brotherhood-fostering facility. — Westin Miller, Creighton ’13




1 3

2 7 8




9 10 11 12

Conference Center

Photo Credit: Davis Pack, High Point ’16


7 - PKA

2 - ACW

8 - KD

3 - DSF

9 - PKF

4 - SSS

10 - ZTA

5 - KS

11 - KA (in fall 2014)

6 - AGD

12 - FM

CONFERENCE CENTER AMENITIES • Study Room • Meeting Space • Fitness Facility • Outdoor Pool • Student Mailboxes


Seven double-occupancy bedrooms housing 14 brothers Single bedroom on main floor for resident assistant Large chapter room and office for meetings Oversized living room for brotherhood and hosting events Full kitchen, laundry facilities on each floor, indoor/ outdoor fireplace

Want to read more about High Point’s Greek Village? Visit



Beta Moms in Action TCU Mothers Establish Parent Club Although Beta Theta Pi colonized at Texas Christian University less than two and a half years ago, the men have quickly established themselves as campus leaders, scholars and gentlemen. Our son, Kyle McLaughlin was honored to join this wonderful brotherhood, and my husband, John, Oklahoma State ’81, was thrilled to be able to call his son a Beta brother.

(Above, left) - Sandy and Sam Baxter ’17. (Above, right) - Marty and Kyle McLaughlin ’16. (Below) - TCU mothers and sons enjoy a meal.

“For Brenda, Sandy and me, not only has joining Beta been an enriching experience for our sons, but it has also been an enriching experience for us.” — Marty McLaughlin, Beta Mother



We have truly enjoyed meeting Kyle’s fun-loving Beta brothers. They are not only committed to the Men of Principle ideals, but also to the betterment and support of each other. Last summer, one of Kyle’s chapter brothers had an accident at a wakeboarding park. The first person Kyle called was the chapter president, Austin Marple, who called their chapter counselor, Kent Mire. Both men came to the emergency room and stayed with the young man until it was confirmed that he was OK. This is just one of many examples of leadership and commitment that our son has witnessed.

When I learned that the Beta colony hadn’t yet developed a parent support organization, I wanted to help. I spoke to Austin, and he connected me with two other mothers who had expressed interest: Brenda Cline and Sandy Baxter. Brenda’s son, Jared, and Sandy’s son, Sam, have had great Beta experiences as well. Like me, Brenda and Sandy wanted to give back. The three of us met last October with Jack Sperco, the colony’s vice president of external programming, and determined the objectives for the parent support organization: 1) to create a parent network,

2) to provide support as needed for campus activities, and 3) to raise funds for both short and long-term needs for the colony. We reached out to the rest of the parents and their willingness to help was overwhelmingly positive. Due to their response, we have purchased nice tablecloths for the men to use at both their formal and informal functions, prepared finals care packages, prepared snacks for them at the annual tree-lighting, created a parents’ directory and organized a Moms’ Weekend which was held in early February. We have future plans to provide support for summer recruitment events and support member education activities as needed. Moms’ Weekend was especially fun — we had 65 moms attend! We attended the Fort Worth rodeo and had a nice long lunch on Saturday afternoon, which allowed us to meet and really visit with each other. A church service was held just for us on Sunday morning, and then we closed the weekend with brunch at the Colonial Country Club. We received consistent feedback from the moms that they truly enjoyed the chance to get to know and spend time with other Beta parents. For Brenda, Sandy and me, not only has joining Beta been an enriching experience for our sons, but it has also been an enriching experience for us. We are so grateful that the men of Beta Theta Pi came to TCU. ­ Marty McLaughlin, Mother of Kyle — McLaughlin, TCU ’16


A Beta Foundation staff member recently called a Beta mom to thank her for a gift she made to the Beta Leadership Fund. He certainly wasn’t expecting to be thanked in return…

“I called to thank her, but she immediately burst into tears because she is so thankful her son found Beta Theta Pi. Apparently he is completely blind in one eye because he was hit with a hockey puck as a senior in high school. She and her husband were incredibly scared when he left for school, especially since he would be so far away. They were nervous when he told them he was joining a fraternity, but their feelings changed once they met the men. Unbelievably, she ended the call by making a $500 BLF gift on top of the $250 gift she and her husband made in October.”

beta leadership fund

developing men of principle for a principled life


lambda installation MICHIGAN

After receiving her charter at the 174th General Convention, the Lambda Chapter is back in Ann Arbor! On February 15, the men at the University of Michigan and Fraternity leadership gathered in Ann Arbor, Mich. to be officially reinstalled as a chapter of Beta Theta Pi. Vice President of the Fraternity’s Board of Trustees Mike Okenquist, Villanova ’94, served as the presiding officer for the Installation Ceremony. After the presentation of the charter, a banquet was held at the Rackham Graduate School. The 56 men of the newly-minted chapter were joined by a number of special guests, including members of the advisory team led by Chapter Counselor Melinda Matney, House Corporation President Bob Gillow, Michigan ’56, Director of Chapter Operations John Reineke, Central Michigan ’10, West Great Lakes Leadership Consultant Nick DeHaas, Maine ’10, and Beta Foundation Director of Advancement Phil Fernandez, Miami ’06, who was the colony development coordinator when Lambda recolonized in 2010-11.

BETA PI’S BEST AND BRIGHTEST The men at the University of Minnesota recently made their annual 11-hour trek to Oxford for Initiation. Welcoming 14 brothers to the ranks, they made sure to assemble the new initiates for a classic photo on the grand foyer staircase. What a great start to Beta Pi’s 125th anniversary year.



REFLECTING ON A FOUNDER’S LIFE Brothers from the chapter at Texas A&MCorpus Christi made the three-hour trip to Austin and the Texas State Cemetery to see the grave of John Holt Duncan, Miami 1840. Jake Inman ’17, Sean Stadter ’17, and Andrew Dittmar ’17, paid their respects to one of Beta’s “eight earnest young men.”

ADDING HIS NAME TO THE LIST A tradition of the Delta Gamma Chapter at Wichita State is for the outgoing chapter president to sign his name on the door of the room where past chapter presidents have lived. With his term now complete, Justin Dugan ’14, left his mark. The memories and important lessons learned, however, are his forever.


VALENTINE’S DAY SERENADE On Valentine’s Day, the men at the newly re-established colony at UC San Diego showed why Beta is known as the “Singing Fraternity.” They delivered a special performance to the presidents of UCSD’s sororities and gave them some Betainspired Valentines wear as well!

“In the winter of 2010, the Beta Delta Chapter at Cornell had a total undergraduate membership of eight, and seven of them were seniors. Part of the historic merger of Alpha Sigma Chi with Beta Theta Pi in 1879, her future was certainly not promising.

A LEGEND COMES TO DINNER As a part of their distinguished speaker series, Penn State welcomed wrestling head coach Cael Sanderson to dinner where he offered inspirational remarks on leadership and commitment. A living legend in his sport, Sanderson won gold in wrestling at the 2004 Olympics and is the only undefeated four-time NCAA champion.

HOMECOMING ROYALTY At the College of Charleston’s Homecoming, Nick Tipling ’14 (right), was named Homecoming King and fellow Beta Jake Tucker ’17 (left), was selected as Homecoming Prince; the colony also won the Homecoming Spirit Cup. Just 18 months since colonization, Beta boasts 67 men and ranks first of eleven fraternities with a 3.15 GPA.


But, a three-man team of Administrative Office recruitment specialists joined with the undergraduates and alumni to try and revitalize the chapter toward a sustainable future. With the recruitment of 29 men, momentum was established which has now snowballed into a full-throttle cultural change. Sixteen were recently pledged during the winter recruitment period (right), pushing the chapter’s membership to a rock-solid 67 men with a collective 3.56 GPA. The “Castle on the Rock” stands proud once again.



making an impression ON THE GRIDIRON

It was a great season for Beta football players, as four had especially memorable seasons. TCU’s Tanner Campbell ’14, was named to the 2013 Academic All-Big 12 Football First Team. Campbell is a Biology major who had to achieve at least a 3.2 GPA to earn First Team honors. William & Mary placekicker John Carpenter ’15 (left), was selected to the Colonial Athletic Association Third-Team. He was 15-of-21 on field goal attempts and 27-of-30 on extra points. Carpenter also handled the punting duties for the Tribe. Finally, Carnegie Mellon’s Ryan Jok ’14, and Robert Kalkstein ’14, also earned recognition this year. Jok, a defensive lineman, was named a Capital One First-Team Academic All-American. Kalkstein, the team’s quarterback, finished his career with 5,519 yards passing, a school record, which he achieved in his final game. Congratulate Tanner, John, Ryan and Rob at, jrcarpenter@, and

GAMMA PSI TAKES HOME HARDWARE The men at Michigan State continue to impress since their recolonization in 2011. In the fall term, they won three Greek Life awards, the Membership Education Award, Council Operations Award and President’s Cup for highest GPA. Connect with Gamma Psi at MSUBetaThetaPi.



SHE SAID YES Ryan Makinson, Cincinnati ’15, and his girlfriend Alonna were in a contest to win a diamond ring valued at $10,000. The winner was announced during a UC football game, and surprisingly they won! Fittingly, Ryan proposed to Alonna on the field in front of 36,000 Bearcat fans. Congratulate Ryan at

BIG CLASS IN THE HOME OF THE ARCH The Alpha Iota Chapter at Washington University in St. Louis brought in quite the sizable pledge class. The chapter was excited to welcome 32 young men into its ranks, thanks to a very successful winter recruitment period. Alpha Iota’s membership now stands at an impressive 83 men with a 3.60 GPA.


HAIL TO THE CHIEF Beta is proud to claim at least three new presidents in its undergraduate population. Todd Branham, Eastern Kentucky ’16 (above, right), and Drew Kostiuk, John Carroll ’15, were elected to lead their respective IFCs. Kostiuk is the third JCU Beta to serve in the role since the chapter was founded in 2010. Finally, Mike Nites, Pittsburgh ’14, was chosen as student body president!

One of Beta’s core values is cultivation of the intellect and the Gamma Phi Chapter at Oklahoma certainly lived out that value with its academic performance in the fall semester.

DOIN’ WELL IN WALLA WALLA Thanks to a formidable recruitment effort last fall, the Gamma Zeta Chapter at Whitman College is up to 42 members following their recent initiation. Founded originally on March 29, 1916, the young men and their alumni have a 100th anniversary celebration just around the corner. Keep up with Gamma Zeta at

CAROLING FOR A CAUSE The chapter at San Jose State showed why Beta is the “Singing Fraternity” with its Carols for Clothes initiative. The men caroled at various places around campus and collected gently-used clothing to give to the less fortunate. The Beta Spirit is definitely alive and well in the Zeta Eta Chapter. Connect with them at

hitting the books OKLAHOMA

The 234 men (largest chapter in the Fraternity) registered a 3.22 GPA, giving them the best GPA in Oklahoma’s Interfraternity Council. Their 57 new members secured a 3.21 which was also the highest. This is the 130th semester since 1948 that OU has tracked IFC GPA records, and Beta’s 65th time placing first. What a testament to Gamma Phi’s excellence over its illustrious history! (Pictured right are men of the Gamma Phi Chapter with University President David Boren following a dinner with former United States Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O’Connor.)



SPORTS ROUNDUP Whether on the field, on the court, or in the water, undergraduate Beta varsity athletes strive to excel in both academics and athletics. By Kyle Grand, Wabash ’11,


GOFFIN BOYOKO UC Santa Barbara ’14

RUN, LAWRENCE. RUN. The Gamma Pi Chapter at Lawrence University features five cross country runners who led the team to an 18th place finish at the NCAA Regionals. Keep track of their success at pages/Beta-Theta-Pi-LawrenceUniversity/442494369177007. 44


In his senior season as a member of UC Santa Barbara’s soccer team, Goffin Boyoko ’14, didn’t disappoint. The midfielder, originally from Paris, France, was arguably the Gauchos’ best player. “G,” as he’s known to his teammates, led the team with eight goals, five of which were game-winners. On top of that, Boyoko had three assists, giving him a team-leading 19 points. Behind his excellent play, the Gauchos made it to the NCAA tournament, and despite a first round loss to Penn State, UC Santa Barbara had a fantastic season. For his efforts, Boyoko was named to the 2013 All-Big West Team as an honorable mention. Now, with his career as a Gaucho complete, this Beta brother aspires to play soccer professionally. Give him a shout at



HORSIN’ AROUND Meet quite possibly the Fraternity’s most unique athlete, equestrian Carrick Porter, Stevens ’16. When Porter arrived for college he was slated to run cross country and track, but after numerous injuries, he had a slight change of plans. He grew up playing polo, so when some of his friends who were on the equestrian team suggested he should join, Porter decided to saddle up.


The team travels around New Jersey for meets. Interestingly, each meet is different as equestrians don’t use the same horse every time. The horses are provided by the hosting stable, and through a random draw, riders are matched with a horse. The events consist of flats, where riders execute various maneuvers throughout a ring, or fences, where riders travel a specific course performing dozens of jumps along the way. Besides the thrill of competition, he enjoys interacting with the animals. According to Porter, each horse has its own personality and human-esque behaviors that never cease to amaze him. Being an equestrian wasn’t what Porter planned to be when he arrived at Stevens, but he’s happy with his new sport. Connect with him at


Idaho ’14

ON PAR In his junior season, Matthew Negri, Northwestern ’15, is coming into his own. During fall competition, he played 15 rounds and had Northwestern’s third-best stroke average with a 73.73 mark — almost a full stroke better than last year. His best round of the fall season was a 69. As the spring tournaments heat up, be on the lookout for this Beta ballstriker. Wish Matthew good luck at

REACHING NEW HEIGHTS On an almost daily basis, Dylan Watts, Idaho ’14, takes flight. No, he’s not a commercial airplane pilot, rather, a renowned pole vaulter for the University of Idaho track and field team. After a successful 2012, where Watts won the Western Athletic Conference (WAC) pole vaulting title, he earned Second-Team All-WAC honors in 2013. Now, in his final season, Watts will try to build on the successes of the past two seasons, while attempting to break his best career vault of 16’ 1.75”. The sky is literally the limit for Watts, and hopefully a season of grabbing bigger air is in his future. Connect with Dylan at




Indiana ’13



Kenyon Josh Jacobvitz ’15 Knox Michael Bohnhoff ’15 Mitch Weissenhofer ’16

Stevens Carrick Porter ’16

Wabash Adam Boehm ’15 Ross Hendrickson ’14 Luke Holm ’14 Will McLachlan ’15

MIT Marshall Craft ’17

Washington and Lee Andrew Lamb ’15 Washington in St. Louis Julian Clarke ’16 Westminster Jordan Allen ’14 Jack Koppman ’16 Alvin Long ’16 BASKETBALL John Carroll Tim Schifferle ’16 Knox David Jones ’14 Wabash Kasey Oetting ’15 Daniel Purvlicis ’16 CREW San Diego John Bacic ’15 William Bastien ’16 CROSS COUNTRY DePauw Will Bond ’15 Jim Easterhouse ’15 Brian Myers ’16 Brian Mincks ’16 Stu Newstat ’14 Dillion Raidt ’14 Kansas State Kevin Jantsch ’16 Knox Matt Brongo ’14 Bobby Mueller ’14 Lawrence James Cameron Davies ’16 Kyle Dockery ’15 Jonah Laursen ’16 Joseph Patrick Mangan ’15 Daniel Thoresen ’14 TCU Greg May ’17 Taylor Moult ’15 Wabash Jacob Caddick ’15 Zach Mahone ’15 Westminster Austin Fiegel ’14 Wittenberg Matt Burr ’14 Courtland Johnson ’16 Wade Westbrook ’14


FENCING Lawrence Jacob Hodges ’14


FOOTBALL Denison Emerson Thacker ’15 Indiana Anthony Corsaro ’16 Mitch Ewald ’13 Paul Phillips ’14 Erich Toth ’15 Jacob Zupancic ’14 Kenyon Garrison Anderson ’15 Pat Brady ’14 Max Boyd ’16 Nick Gasbarro ’15 Connor Gibbons ’14 Brandon January ’15 Nick LaPoint ’16 Andrew Maurer ’14 Jack McDonald ’15 Greg McIntosh ’16 Alexander McQuiston ’16 Sam McQuiston ’14 Dan Muller ’14 Dan Waters ’14 Knox Hamed Alizada ’16 Nick Bock ’15 Chazz Benton ’15 Steve Bora ’14 Adam Brooking ’14 Robbie Compton ’15 Ben Couri ’16 Carlos Garcia ’15 Matt Hendrick ’14 Aaron Hoover ’16 Andrew Linden ’16 Neal Moon ’14 Alex Nadolna ’14 Luke Oosterbaan ’16 Andrew Paul ’15 Jeremy Ransom ’14 Ryan Schulz ’15 Nick Sienkiewicz ’15 Mitch Weissenhofer ’16 Nate Wilson ’14

Indiana ’14

BROTHERS IN LEGS When Indiana University’s football team lined up for a field goal, a pair of Beta specialists made sure points were scored. Placekicker Mitch Ewald ’13 and punter/ holder Erich Toth ’14, were completely in sync, thanks to Beta Theta Pi. FINDING THE FRATERNITY These days, it’s very rare for Division I athletes to join a fraternity. The insane time commitment makes it difficult for student

Alex Schrader ’14 Willie Strong ’16 Joe Williams ’16

Wabash Seth Hensley ’14 Nick Sommer ’15

Washington in St. Louis Alex Hallwachs ’16 Jacob Haskins ’16

William & Mary Alex Hicks ’15

Westminster Richard Sterns ’14 William & Mary John Carpenter ’15 WPI Paul Monahan ’14 GOLF DePauw Eric Tandy ’15

Pennsylvania Mitch King ’15

High Point Jay Card ’16

TCU Tanner Campbell ’14

Missouri Wilson Sunvold ’15

Wabash Austin Althoff ’14 Edward Cmehil ’16 Jeremy Minor ’16 Jack Montgomery ’15

Northwestern Matt Negri ’15


Stevens Richard Szeliga ’14

athletes to get involved, but that didn’t stop Ewald. He always wanted to join a fraternity as he yearned for a life outside of football and a way to meet new people. Ewald found Beta after an older specialist showed him the ins-and-outs of Greek life. When Toth arrived and expressed interest in joining a fraternity but wasn’t sure if he could do it, Ewald took Toth under his wing, similar to what had been done for him. Specialists spend nearly every second of practice together, so Ewald quickly realized

Wabash Adam Antalis ’16 Chase Francoeur ’17 George Vinihakis ’15

Washington and Lee Toby D’Ambola ’15 LACROSSE Colton Klein ’15 DePauw Al Organ ’15 Andrew Bartucci ’16 Justin TenBrook ’14 Kenyon Parker Wolfinger ’14 Dan Muller ’14 Washington in St. Louis MIT Cole Davis ’16 Luke Verdi ’16 Whitman St. Lawrence Park Harmon ’15 Taylor Gerhardt ’14 Riley Hernandez ’14 Kersey Reed ’16 Clayton Over ’17 Washington & Jefferson Bridger Sellegren ’16 Conor Crowe ’15 Dan Varns ’15 SOCCER Westminster Truman State Nick Franta ’15

John Davis ’14 Jamie Lewis ’15

UC Santa Barbara Thierry Goffin Boyoko ’14

Wittenberg David Barth ’16

SQUASH St. Lawrence Anderson Good ’15 SWIMMING & DIVING Case Western Daniel Jacobson ’14 Colorado School of Mines Justin Dearden ’16 Columbia Steve Raynes ’15 Denison Eric Fischer ’14 DePauw Alex Alfonso ’15 Jack Burgeson ’14 Mike Curts ’14 Matt Gleason ’14 Alex Grissom ’16 Matt Haeske ’14 Joe Hessburg ’14 Luke Hessburg ’14 Casey Hooker ’15 Cameron Johnson ’15


HARDCOURT DUO he saw a lot of himself in Toth and that he was a perfect match for Beta. Toth agreed after going through the recruitment process, and soon, teammates became brothers. BUILT THROUGH BETA If you ask the pair about their friendship, they give the same answer. It started with football but grew because of Beta. “Trust between us was there in the beginning, but it only increased over the years,” Ewald said. And, in their operation, trust was key. The kicker must have faith that the holder is going to give him a perfect setup to kick every time. They found that their trust in each other was strong because of Beta. On top of all the time spent together kicking footballs, they were roommates in the summer, carpooled to and from practice, and hung out at the chapter house.

“Erich probably spent more time helping me than he did on his own kicking,” Ewald said. But, it wasn’t always about Toth supporting Ewald. The relationship worked both ways. “If there was ever a bad play, I would immediately look for Mitch and go talk to him,” Toth said. “He was able to calm me down. Being able to talk to a guy who you spend nearly all day every day with really helped out.”

Truman State’s Griffin Smith ’15 (r), and Jacob Ohlhausen ’15, are another example of Betas working together in the field of play. They are TSU tennis’ No. 1 doubles team. Off the court, these pledge brothers are roommates. Wish them luck at and

Now, their paths diverge. Toth, with two more years of eligibility, will continue as the team’s punter and is better thanks to Ewald’s guidance. Ewald has aspirations of kicking professionally, which may not have been possible without Toth’s helping hands. In all likelihood, the two may never share the field again, but one thing they will always have is Beta Theta Pi.

SEEING RESULTS Their familiarity created positive returns on the field. Ewald was a two-time All-Big Ten selection and graduated as the program’s all-time leader in made field goals, field goal percentage and extra points.

Connect with Mitch and Erich at and

Blake Lehmann ’16 Duncan McMillan ’16 Daniel McGuinness ’16 Stephen McMurtry ’16 Noam Rose ’16

Anthony Picozzi ’15 Anthony Squeglia ’16

Wabash Mark Troiano ’15

Kansas State Kevin Jantsch ’16

Westminster Austin Fiegel ’14

Washington in St. Louis Jacob Hale ’15

Washington and Lee Taylor Shamshiri ’15

Wittenberg Taylor Burmeister ’14

Washington in St. Louis Jeffrey Hirsh ’14

Knox Matt Brongo ’14 Bobby Mueller ’14 Jacob Swider-Rogers ’15

WPI Nicholas Aleles ’15 Grant Raymond ’14

Lawrence James Cameron Davies ’16 Kyle Dockery ’15 Jonah Laursen ’16 Joseph Patrick Mangan ’15 Daniel Thoresen ’14

Washington & Jefferson Justin Brier ’15 Conor Crowe ’15 Chris DeNunzio ’15 Kevin Dunigan ’16 Dan Francisco ’14 Drew Hugenberg ’16 Carl Krause ’15 Brendan Lesniak ’14 Mike Magdic ’15 Ben Mancini ’15 Ben McGrath ’16 Anthony Squeglia ’16 Sam Taylor ’15 Mickey Wieber ’16 Nicholas Williams ’16

Drexel David Sanchez ’17 Knox Niko Kontos ’15 Lawrence Patrick Vincent ’14 Thomas Vogel ’14 TCU Evan Folan ’15 Washington & Jefferson Justin Clark ’16 Kevin Dunigan ’16 Drew Hugenberg ’16 Carl Krause ’15 Ulysses Laman ’15 Mike Magdic ’15 Ben Mancini ’15 Ben McGrath ’16 Jake Meyers ’15

WPI Adam Trumbley ’15 TENNIS


Case Western Bas van Lent ’15


Chapman Gino Inzerillo ’15 DePauw Eric Bruynseels ’15 Joe Collins ’14 Kyle Coronel ’14 Lawrence Jacob Hodges ’14 St. Lawrence John Megas ’15 Truman State Jake Ohlhausen ’15 Griffin Smith ’15

Will Huskey ’14 Colorado School of Mines William Helm ’17 Denison John Brachna ’14 DePauw Will Bond ’15 Jim Easterhouse ’15 Stu Newstat ’14 Brian Myers ’16 Brian Mincks ’16 Dillion Raidt ’14

Pennsylvania Karl Ingram ’14 South Dakota Erik Hill ’15 Tad Schuurmans ’15 Josh Peterson ’16 TCU Greg May ’17

Wabash Joel Beier ’14 Jacob Caddick ’15 Idaho Zach Mahone ’15 Dylan Watts ’14


WRESTLING Knox Aaron Hoover ’16 Ryan Lambert ’14 Greg Ventris ’15 Truman State Ben Dudley ’16 Colton Schmitz ’14 Stevens Carl Caserta ’15 Mark Garrity ’15 James Holden ’15 Avelino Jacinto ’16 Mike Kalimtzis ’16 Dani Moore ’16 Mike Polizzi ’15



in loving MEMORY Honor your brothers and friends with a memorial gift to the Beta Theta Pi Foundation and consider asking loved ones to name the Beta Leadership Fund in your obituary: Requesting your loved ones to donate your Beta Badge and important Beta artifacts and documents to the Administrative Office archives and museum in Oxford is always gratefully appreciated.

Alabama Clellon K. Baeder ’67, Nov. 6, 2013 c Amherst Samuel R. Cutler ’43, Sept. 3, 2013 Auburn Warren T. Sutherland ’15, Dec. 15, 2013

Johns Hopkins Darwin J. Liao ’90, Dec. 10, 2013 Robert J. Swanson, MD ’64, Dec. 7, 2013

Colorado Richard B. Bridenbaugh ’42, Sept. 24, 2013 c John W. Knott ’57, Jan. 19 c Carl D. Morck ’45, Oct. 29, 2013 c

Kansas John H. Robinson ’48, Dec. 26, 2013

Columbia Richard L. Knopf ’63, Sept. 15, 2013 c

Kansas State James W. Howard ’79, Dec. 10, 2013 Roger W. Jackson ’74, Dec. 9, 2013 Ethan Potter ’42, Oct. 15, 2013

Brown F. C. Childs ’39, Feb. 13, 2013

Cornell George H. Tidman ’54, Jan. 15 c

Knox John G. Steinfeldt ’58, Nov. 5, 2013 c

Carnegie Mellon Irwin D. Wakeley ’57, Nov. 19, 2013

Dartmouth George D. McClintock Jr. ’42, Nov. 27, 2012

Case Robert F. Zust ’62, Jan. 24

Davidson Albert C. Winn ’42, July 17, 2012

Case Western Reserve Kyle A. Arnold ’09, Jan. 17

Denison Jack R. Carl ’41, Jan. 13, 2012 David W. Strecker ’65, June 17, 2013

Lawrence Robert P. Boeye ’56, Nov. 6, 2013 Bruce B. Burrows ’42, Dec. 24, 2011 Edward L. Doemland ’59, Aug. 11, 2012 Paul G. Hayden ’42, Aug. 24, 2013

Beloit Eugene H. Seibert ’46, Jan. 6 Robert L. Zobel ’50, July 1, 2013

Chicago Arthur M. Wheeler ’53, Dec. 7, 2013 c Cincinnati John J. Geiger ’51, Jan. 19 c George E. Gibbs ’68, June 3, 2012 David C. Shaw ’49, Jan. 11 c

Dale Mortensen WILLAMETTE ’61 On January 9, the Fraternity lost Oxford Cup recipient and Nobel Prize winner in Economics Dale Mortensen, Willamette ’61. Mortensen received the Oxford Cup in 2012 at the 173rd General Convention in Chicago for his professional achievements as an educator and researcher.


Colgate C W. Brown ’51, July 29, 2012 John B. Melaugh ’64, April 7, 2013


Denver William A. Muller ’43, Sept. 17, 2013 DePauw William F. Penz ’64, June 4, 2013 Emory Jon P. Straube ’67, Dec. 6, 2013 Florida Robert C. Southerland ’56, Dec. 3, 2013 Georgia Tech Allen C. Merritt ’67, Dec. 19, 2012 Andrew B. Speed ’42, Sept. 17, 2012 GMI-EMI Raymond D. Benner ’64, March 4, 2013 Idaho Donald F. Harrison ’52, July 29, 2013 William S. McDonald ’62, Nov. 20, 2013 c Illinois Larry D. Fears ’65, Jan. 1 c Robert K. Lane ’48, Dec. 11, 2013 c Indiana George E. Bledsoe ’62, Dec. 27, 2013 Philip K. Meuser ’69, Dec. 13, 2013 Iowa Robert L. Jackson ’71, Jan. 10 c

Lehigh William C. Christine ’41, Dec. 11, 2013 Louisville Stuart A. Bass ’74, June 15, 2012 c Maine Jay F. Hayes ’58, Nov. 1, 2013 c Wayne O. Huff ’57, June 10, 2013 Maryland Ray F. Rohrer ’84, Dec. 13, 2013 Miami Aaron J. Alton ’42, June 25, 2013 Donald E. Bardine ’61, Dec. 1, 2013 Deck P. Murray ’73, Jan. 3 Gardner H. Russell ’45, Nov. 19, 2012 Ashford D. Wood ’56, Nov. 27, 2013 Michigan Carl R. Quarnstrom ’61, Dec. 7, 2013 Michigan State Dennis E. Condon ’53, Dec. 4, 2013 William S. Johnson ’55, Aug. 7, 2013 Kenneth E. Larzelere ’53, Nov. 21, 2013 c Larry L. Pontius ’61, June 3, 2013 Minnesota John B. Brainard ’45, Dec. 6, 2012 Robert A. Brown ’53, Oct. 22, 2013 Ralph E. Thorp Jr. ’52, Dec. 11, 2013 c W. S. Wherry ’67, June 7, 2013


Tate Sutherland Mississippi Ralph M. Garrard ’48, Jan. 8 c

Texas Tech Bob M. Houston ’82, Dec. 16, 2013

Missouri Emmett K. Burk, MD ’54, March 20, 2013 William E. Disney ’53, Dec. 6, 2013 Robert E. Francis ’47, Jan. 7 c R. C. Kemper Jr. ’50, Jan. 2 c J. L. Wells Jr. ’50, Dec. 25, 2013 c

Toronto Hugo S. Chan ’14, Dec. 14, 2013

MIT Michael J. Wargo ’73, Aug. 4, 2013 Sterling G. Brisbin Jr. ’77, Aug. 7, 2013 Nebraska John W. Stewart ’42, Jan. 15 c North Carolina Lawrence S. Everett Jr. ’41, Jan. 12, 2013 David H. Rankin ’44, Dec. 28, 2013 c Northwestern Frank W. Guthrie Jr. ’48, Dec. 17, 2013 c Ohio Richard G. Leffler ’54, Dec. 25, 2013 James A. Norman ’53, Jan. 1, 2013 Ohio State W. M. Fitzgerald ’61, April 7, 2013 John I. Jones Jr. ’42, Dec. 3, 2013 c Myron E. Tremain ’42, March 2, 2013 Kenneth T. Wilden ’71, June 19, 2010 Ohio Wesleyan Thomas P. Stover ’57, Dec. 28, 2013 Oklahoma William D. Ford ’50, Jan. 5 c Rick J. Garcia ’92, Aug. 8, 2012 Si K. Gibson ’76, June 6, 2012 Jack T. Massey ’51, Nov. 18, 2013 c Kenneth D. Roberts ’68, Jan. 6 Oklahoma State Lloyd K. Covelle ’42, June 4, 2012 Brett W. Jacobs ’13, Nov. 13, 2013 David M. Merveldt ’78, Dec. 2, 2013 Oregon State Walter C. Walling ’41, Nov. 17, 2012 Pennsylvania William W. Watkins Jr. ’53, Dec. 2, 2013 c Purdue John W. Davis ’51, Sept. 2, 2013 Charles J. Hoover ’51, Jan. 25 SMU Tom P. Briggs ’63, Dec. 8, 2013 South Dakota Kenneth E. Relf ’42, Dec. 21, 2013 St. Lawrence William T. Buschmann ’42, Dec. 11, 2013 Syracuse Thomas L. Moore ’51, June 1, 2013 Texas Horace T. Chilton Jr. ’44, Jan. 6 c David T. Davenport ’64, Jan. 4 Robert T. Gowan ’60, Nov. 13, 2013 William G. McDonald ’60, Nov. 21, 2013 c Robert P. Wallace ’48, Nov. 21, 2013 Robert D. Whipple Sr. ’49, Nov. 4, 2013 c

Tulane Gray D. Morrison II ’50, Jan. 5 c UC Berkeley John J. Schommer ’53, Oct. 27, 2013 UCLA Robert E. Harrigan ’49, Oct. 30, 2013 Richard D. Larson ’57, Jan. 6 c Union Sidney J. Horton ’43, Dec. 22, 2011 Utah Allan K. Butler ’52, Jan. 6 c Alfred W. Knudson Jr. ’48, Nov. 18, 2013 c Jack H. Ollinger ’41, Nov. 9, 2013 Thomas D. Rees, MD ’46, Nov. 14, 2013 Vanderbilt John W. Fristoe Jr. ’45, Dec. 5, 2011 Paul D. Kelly ’49, Nov. 16, 2013 Virginia Gardner R. Hathaway II ’50, Nov. 20, 2013 c Washington Kjell H. Qvale ’42, Nov. 1, 2013 c H. D. Simmons ’56, Dec. 27, 2013 c Washington & Jefferson Warren S. Reding ’47, Nov. 16, 2011 Washington and Lee Charles W. Baucum ’61, Aug. 19, 2012 c Washington State Larry M. Young ’59, Jan. 18 c Wesleyan Jonathan F. Abel ’54, Dec. 15, 2013 Michael A. Austin ’64, Dec. 7, 2011 Michael S. Palmer ’64, Oct. 30, 2013

AUBURN ’15 On the morning of December 15, Warren “Tate” Sutherland, Auburn ’15, was killed in an auto accident near his hometown of Geneva, Alabama. At the request of Tate’s family, his loyal Beta brothers of the Delta Zeta Chapter served as honorary pallbearers. Sutherland is survived by his parents, Dawn and Eddie Averett and Rocky and Brenda Sutherland, and his siblings, Corey, Crystal and Alex Sutherland, Ashley and Robin Powell, and Mallory and Phillip Mixon.

Hugo Chan TORONTO ’14 In the early hours of Saturday, December 14, Hugo Chan, Toronto ’14, tragically fell three stories while attempting to access his bedroom window from the fire escape of the Toronto chapter house. He had apparently locked his keys inside the room. Chan, a dearly beloved brother, had recently been elected vice president of the Theta Zeta Chapter, and was described by his Toronto brothers as passionate, loyal and unafraid. He is survived by his parents and twin brother Rudi.

West Virginia Ray B. Tracy ’50, Dec. 20, 2013 c Western Ontario Harry J. Daniel ’56, Dec. 24, 2013

Gardner Hathaway

Western Reserve Charles M. Klein, MD ’54, Jan. 5


Westminster David I. Draz ’48, Oct. 24, 2013 c Whitman Franklin J. Thompson, PhD ’48, July 5, 2013 Willamette Dale T. Mortensen ’61, Jan. 9 Yale Joseph M. Fairbanks ’67, June 12, 2013 This listing includes Beta’s whose passing was reported to the Administrative Office between November 1, 2013 and January 31, 2014. Contact Phyllis Bowie at 800.800.BETA or to report a brother’s passing or for assistance locating an obituary.

Flags indicate those who have served in the United States or Canadian armed forces.

On November 20, former CIA Chief of Counterintelligence Gardner Hathaway, Virginia ’50, passed away due to complications from cancer. His nearly four-decade career with the agency placed him in the center of many Cold War focal points. He was known for his espionage tradecraft and efforts to best the Soviet KGB. He is survived by his wife of 42 years, Karin, three sons from his first marriage, a stepdaugher he adopted, a brother and six grandchildren.



To Reaffirm A moving ceremony at the foot of the Campanile on the Miami campus marked the 125th anniversary of the founding of Beta Theta Pi. A new plaque to commemorate the occasion was affixed to the bell tower and unveiled by Michael Dolibois, Miami ’66. Remarks below were delivered during the ceremony by President Seth R. Brooks, St. Lawrence ’22: “As we stand at this historic spot our thoughts turn to the Bible, as men’s thoughts have often turned when they have come together for an act of commemoration. We can call to mind Moses standing before the burning bush and we can hear him say, “I will take the shoes from off my feet, for the ground whereon I stand is holy ground.”

Building toward Beta’s 175th anniversary celebration on August 7-10, the “From the Archives” feature in the three issues of the magazine in 2014 include highlights from the Fraternity’s last three major milestone anniversaries: the 100th, 125th and 150th.

In a sense, we who have come together on the campus of Miami University stand on what is to us hallowed ground. Symbolically, we can take the shoes from off our feet. The plaque which is to be unveiled tonight is to mark the meeting on this campus 125 years after the founding of our Fraternity. It is significant that on the plaque there appears the word “Reaffirm.” We have come here from all over Beta’s Broad Domain to reaffirm. We reaffirm – our belief, faith and hope in Beta Theta Pi as a Great and Good Fraternity. We reaffirm – our continued allegiance to the vision first held by the Founders. We reaffirm – the ideals of our Fraternity are still guiding lights for us upon our way. We reaffirm – our conviction that college fraternities have a vital and important role to play in the lives of college men.



We reaffirm – that the history of Beta Theta Pi is one which its individual members honor the Fraternity. We reaffirm – that as we are grateful for our past, that we will ever keep our eyes to the future and strive for progress. We reaffirm – our appreciation for the individual Beta, Beta Parents, Beta Wives and Beta Families. We reaffirm – our commitment to religious principles which are expressed in reverence and ethical behavior. For we are certain that right conduct and spiritual motivation have much to do with the kind of fraternity we want to be. At the Centennial, John Dolibois was initiated, with seven others, by the Alpha Chapter. In the procession, he carried the United States flag. He has been a chapter president, a district chief, scholarship commissioner, and at this convention, is chairman of local arrangements. John’s son Mike is a native of Oxford, a student in Miami University and a member of the Alpha Chapter. I will ask Mike Dolibois to unveil the plaque which reaffirms our devotion to and love for Beta Theta Pi.”


In 1954, I moved into the Beta Omega Chapter at the University of Washington in Seattle and learned the true meaning of brotherhood. After graduation, flying jets occupied my time, so I lost contact with my brothers. DICK PHENNEGER, WASHINGTON ’58 In 1990, Guy Perham, Washington State ’50, asked me to help him build a colony at Eastern Washington University. There were few guidelines on how to do so and limited training materials but, armed with Beta’s ritual book, “Son of the Stars” and the song book, we designed the colony’s training program. Brothers from the University of Idaho taught the Ritual and a colony was soon born. Despite the strides we made, however, I felt the colony needed a house to further foster their brotherhood. So that became an important goal, and with the help of Betas from around the northwest, a house was soon built. In February 1992, the men moved into their new facility. The following year, northwest Beta alumni flew 27 young EWU brothers to Denver to receive their charter, becoming recognized as the Epsilon Omega Chapter. We had built a bridge for our newest brothers to cross into Fraternity membership. Fast forward to 2014 and, yes, young men still need the support they did back in 1990. Alumni who devote their time and treasure to mentor young men into men of principle are our unpublished Bridge Builders. Without them, the bridge would never be finished. One of the greatest gifts an alumnus can give is his time and financial support to guide our men in embracing wisdom and understanding. This is why I have included the Beta Foundation in my estate planning and hope you will join me. — Dick Phenneger, Washington ’58, Dick graduated as a Distinguished Military Graduate with a BS in Mechanical Engineering. Today, Dick designs and implements Employee Stock Ownership Plans throughout the U.S. He and his wife, Claudia, have three children, including Todd, Idaho ’00.

The Bridge Builder An old man going a lone highway came in the evening, cold and gray, to a chasm vast, both deep and wide, through which was flowing a sullen tide. The old man crossed in the twilight dim; the swollen stream was as naught to him; but he stopped when safe on the farther side, and built a bridge to span the tide. “Old man,” said a fellow pilgrim near, “you are wasting your strength in labor here; your journey will end with the closing day, you never again will pass this way. You’ve crossed the chasm deep and wide; why build you this bridge at eventide?” The laborer lifted his old gray head, “Good friend, in the path I have come,” he said, “There followeth after me today, a youth whose feet must pass this way. This chasm which has been naught to me, to that young man may a pitfall be. He, too, must cross in the twilight dim. Good friend, I am building this bridge for him.” — Miss Will Allen Dromgoole

Beta Theta Pi Foundation & Administrative Office Brennan Hall PO Box 6277 5134 Bonham Road Oxford, Ohio 45056



AND GENERAL CONVENTION A Celebration of Lifelong Fraternal Brotherhood


There was renewed in the heart of everyone present the zeal for the Fraternity and the determination to work for it.” – Francis W. Shepardson, Denison 1882/Brown 1883 80th General Convention, 1919 Swampscott, Mass.

Can You Imagine . . .

what history will say about the 175th?

For more on Beta’s exciting 175th Anniversary and General Convention, see page 16.

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