Sunday's Wooglin Daily News - 182nd General Convention

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TRIO OF CHAPTERS GRANTED CHARTERS Among the business in front of chapter and alumni delegates at the 182nd General Convention was the granting of charters to rising young chapters. After committee presentations and a floor vote, delegates from the University of Colorado, James Madison University and Florida Gulf Coast University walked out of the Legislation Hall with their official Greek designations. Colorado has been rechartered as Beta Tau, originally founded as a chapter in 1900. James Madison has been chartered as the Theta Gamma Chapter, while Florida Gulf Coast has been designated Theta Eta. Pictured above are Jake Brikner, James Madison ’24, and his chapter counselor Lorie Miller, Chris Kelly, Florida Gulf Coast ’22, and Marcus Vess, Colorado ’23. See reverse side for additional legislative outcomes.

BERT BATES, MISSOURI ’49, BECOMES SIXTH TO EARN BOTH OF BETA’S TOP ALUMNI AWARDS The 27th Francis W. Shepardson Award was presented at last night’s Celebration Banquet to former Foundation Board member W.H. (Bert) Bates, Missouri ’49. Considered among the Beta’s top honors, the Board of Trustees developed the Shepardson Award in 2001 to recognize brothers who embody the spirit and dedication of Brother Shepardson and epitomize the concept of lifelong service to the General Fraternity. Bert was initiated into the Zeta Phi Chapter at the University of Missouri in 1948, then went on to earn his Juris Doctorate from the University of Michigan. He is currently senior counsel at the law firm Lathrop GPM in Kansas City. Brother Bates becomes the sixth in the Fraternity’s history to earn both of Beta’s top recognitions for alumni members, following his 1996

acceptance of the Oxford Cup, the highest honor for professional achievement. In 2001, Bert was appointed to the Beta Foundation Board of Directors. Of his six years volunteering in this capacity, he concurrently spent four as chairman of the Upon These Principles Campaign. Under his leadership, the campaign successfully raised $20.1 million in cash and estate gift pledges – an interfraternity record at the time among Beta’s 60-plus peer organizations – to fund the then-young Men of Principle initiative and endow its educational programming. Bert’s grandson, W. Tucker Bates, Kansas ’21, drove his grandfather some 600 miles to celebrate the award presented by General Fraternity President Tom Cassady, Cincinnati ’76.

FINAL FAREWELL | GENERAL SECRETARY WAYNE KAY “We’ve talked extensively this weekend about important matters that deserve thoughtful vetting by the brotherhood. Through this dialogue, one truth is certain: Beta Theta Pi faces fantastic opportunities to better itself and our brothers who call it their fraternal home. We have overcome obstacles the last few years, no doubt, and put our chapters in a position to seize unprecedented success. By continuing to make decisions that honor our Founders’ visions, we reaffirm the Beta Spirit is alive and well – and determined like never before.” – General Secretary S. Wayne Kay, Virginia Tech ’73

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