ELEVEN TAKE TOP CHAPTER HONOR Winning a Knox Award is certainly a point of pride for chapters. Beta’s top honor requires the utmost involvement, leadership and success of a chapter. Including the number of times a chapter has won a Knox, congratulations to Kettering B (11), Miami (10), Centre (9), Georgia Tech (9), Creighton (5), Delaware (4), New Jersey (4), Virginia Tech (3), Elon (2), MIT (2) and Texas (2)! NEW FACES IN TRUSTEE TRANSITION Approved by Convention delegates during Saturday’s legislation session, John Stebbins, Emory ’92, and Willie Romero, UNLV ’95, take seats on the Board of Trustees as General Secretary and Fraternity Vice President, respectively. In addition, Brothers Bill Haywood, Miami ’74, and Robert Beall, Oklahoma ’80, will join them as vice presidents having been elected to serve second three-year terms.
LOWRY ACCEPTS 29TH SHEPARDSON AWARD “What a difference 60 years can make,” said Bill Lowry, Kenyon ’56. After being extended a social membership in 1952, brothers of Beta Alpha Chapter wanted to fully initiate Lowry. While it was not written they couldn’t initiate a Black man, it simply had never happened before. Despite negative feedback the chapter received from alumni and General Fraternity representatives, he joined the ranks of the Kenyon chapter on April 27, 1954. Bill is widely recognized as the first Black man initiated into a historically white fraternity. “Those men had the courage to do what was right. Most of those men have passed on, but their deed will live on forever, and I am eternally indebted to them.”
Years after his initiation into the Fraternity, in 2011 Lowry accepted a role on the Foundation Board of Directors, becoming the first Black member of any Beta board. In June 2020, General Secretary Wayne Kay, Virginia Tech ’73, announced the creation of the Commission on Diversity, Equity and Inclusion. Charged with analyzing all aspects of the Fraternity, this historic announcement included appointment of Brother Lowry as commission chairman. When invited to serve in this critical role, Lowry responded, “I will do whatever my beloved Beta Theta Pi asks of me.” With moving words and his family onhand, Saturday night he became the 29th Beta to receive the Francis W. Shepardson Award for General Fraternity service.
MEET THE NEW GENERAL SECRETARY, JOHN STEBBINS John Stebbins, Emory ’92, was elected by the 183rd General Convention delegates to serve Beta Theta Pi as General Secretary, following in the footsteps of long-time Beta volunteer, Wayne Kay, Virginia Tech ’73. For the last three years, Stebbins served as chairman of the General Fraternity House Corporation. Prior, he volunteered as District Chief, Fraternity Vice President, General Treasurer and Foundation Treasurer. “I hear your voices,” John said in his remarks to the Convention delegates in the legislation hall. “And I hear your voice of confidence in me.”