“Nights, Lights and Learning” It’s Hanukkah time again, and I’ve been thinking about the holiday’s history, rituals and deeper significance (what else do I do?). This year I find inspiration in the central ritual of Hanukkah, the lighting of the hanukkiah. The outlines of the Hanukkah story – familiar to us from the books of the Maccabees and from accounts in the Talmud and in midrashic literature – include the battle of a few Jewish rebels against the superior army of the pagan Syrian-Greeks, the miraculous victory, and the rededication of the Temple in Jerusalem, again attended by a miracle when the oil sufficient for one day’s lighting of the menorah lasted eight. The menorah in the Temple, unlike the one which we use to commemorate Hanukkah, was a sevenbranched candelabrum. Whereas the menorah’s lights in the Temple corresponded to the seven days of the week, the eight branched hanukkiah, or Hanukkah menorah, corresponds to the eight days of Hanukkah, along with a ninth light, the shamash, which is set apart from the other eight, usually being slightly higher. The use of the shamash is technical: It is not a Hanukkah light itself, but rather a help (the meaning of ‘shamash’) in using the rest of the lights, in two ways. First, because we are not to use the Hanukkah lights for any purpose other than pirsum haneis, the publicizing of Hanukkah’s miracles, we cannot read by the hanukkiah or otherwise use it as a source of light. If we do read in a room where there is no other source of light, the shamash serves as that source. Second, we use the shamash to light each of the other candles. (continued on next page)
Rabbi’s Reflections …………………………………..…. 1 Chanukkah Shabbat Dinner .………………………….. 2 President’s Message …………………………………... 3 Mission Statement ………………………………………. 3 Puirim Madquerade …….……………………………… 4 B’Nai Mitzvah Bios……………………………………….. 4 Education ..……………………………………………... 5 Focus on Families ……………………………………… 7 Youth ……………………………………………………. 8 Sisterhood……………………………………………….. 9 Sisterhood Hanukkah Bazaar………………………… 9 Z’Havah ………………………………………………..... 10 Men’s Club ……………………………………………… 10 Adult Education ………………………………………… 12 Social Action…………………………..………………… 13 Hesed (Caring) Committee ………………………........ 14 Special Programs ………………………………………. 14 Goodman Blog (Part 10) ……………………………... 15 BJE ……………………………………………………… 18 SHALVA ………………………………………………… 18 Bikur Cholim …………………………………………….. 19 College Connections ……………….………………… 20 Community Connections ……………………………… 20 Sisterhood Gift Shop ………………………………….. 20 Birthdays and Anniversaries ………………………….. 22 Yahrzeits……………………………………………….… 24 Tributes……………………………………………….….. 26 December/January Calendar ………….……………….. 30 Index of Flyers and Advertisers……………….……… 32
BIRTHDAYS AND ANNIVERSARIES Shabbat Prayers December 7, 2012 – 7:30 pm Those who celebrate birthdays and anniversaries during the month of December will be recognized at our service on December 7th. Our worship will begin at 7:30 pm and will conclude by 8:15 pm. Children of every age are welcome!
UPSTAIRS THOUGHTS There are many interpretations of what that light represents: Hope in a dark time, the light of religious freedom when oppression seeks to snuff it out, and our pride in our heritage in societies where being a Jew feels like being a lonely light in the darkness, among other explanations. This year, I want to focus on the shamash itself. It is a light for other lights, and a means of providing light itself. In helping to create light both directly and indirectly, the shamash reminds me of the role of teachers in transmitting knowledge and values. Like the shamash, a teacher can inform their students directly, like the shamash giving light for reading. But teachers also inform indirectly, by sparking something in a student that leads them to further knowledge and, potentially, into being teachers themselves. The shamash stands a bit apart from the other lights but, once they are all lit, is indistinguishable from the others. Teachers, too, hold themselves slightly apart from their students; while they can be friendly, they are not typically friends of their charges. But once the students know what their teacher has taught them, they become equal in knowledge and in the power that comes from that knowledge. Each of them, in turn, can become a shamash, a help, to others in lighting the fire of that knowledge. My goal has always been to be a shamash to my students, providing the facts and analysis that will help them to navigate the sometimes confusing world of Jewish belief and practice, but also trying to spark them into living the kind of self-driven life of learning and practice that it has been my good fortune to have since attending the Seminary. The prophet Isaiah calls Jews a ‘light to the nations,’ illuminating the world with learning, truth and the beauty of our faith. My hope for all of us during Hanukkah this year is that we each see ourselves as a shamash, as a teacher of Judaism, so that the sparks of our sacred tradition continue to light up the darkness.
Rabbi Jeff Pivo
The Word December 2012
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PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE As always, there is much activity going on at Beth Judea. Soon you will receive the synagogue Membership and Information Directory. This Directory contains the contact information of all our staff, board members and congregants. You will also find a listing of all our funds at Beth Judea for you to donate in honor of a simcha or life cycle event. Please keep your Directory handy, and call your fellow congregants to wish them a happy birthday or anniversary, which dates you will find each month in The Word. Also, please try and patronize our sponsors.
RICK DRAZNER, PRESIDENT CONGREGATION BETH JUDEA Office: 847-255-0500 Home: 847-537 3388 Cell: 847-208-3345
We will also be starting another directory called Products, Services and Interests Directory. This directory will be found on the synagogue website: www.bethjudea.org. It is being spearheaded by Michael Gomberg, one of our new board members this year. A survey was recently sent out for you to provide your information about your business or interests. Last month I was talking to a congregant I did not really know much about. It turns out we had similar business interests, and we started working together. I would like to see all our congregants getting to know one another, making new friendships and doing business with each other. If you find you need promotional products or give-a-ways for your bar mitzvah parties you can call Michael Gomberg. If your house has a fire or flood you can contact me to assist with your insurance claim. If you want someone to play tennis with, you can invite our executive vice president, Debbie Dubin. Therefore, please fill out the survey so you will be included in this Directory, and please consult the directory for your business or personal needs. We are one family at Beth Judea.
E-mail: rjdraz@rjdrazner.com
MISSION STATEMENT Congregation Beth Judea is an accepting egalitarian synagogue whose mission is to create a warm and inviting home that serves the lifelong spiritual, educational and fellowship needs of our members. Consistent with the principles of the Conservative/Masorti Movement, we embrace our responsibility to serve and support the greater Jewish community, the community at large, and the State of Israel.
Last Sunday, there was a flurry of activity at Beth Judea. This is typical of most Sundays. There was Sunday School going on. The Ways and Means Committee was selling gift cards as part of the Beth Judea Mitzvah Mall. You can order cards for almost any local vendor you do your shopping. These cards are accepted like cash by the vendor. A percentage of the card will be donated to Beth Judea. The Men’s Club was packing Chanukah Candle boxes to mail out. There was an assembly line set up right in the foyer. Camp Ramah made a presentation to several of the classes promoting their overnight and day camps. The Sisterhood was very busy with their gift shop. They have great gifts to purchase with Chanukah just around the corner. We had a special program called Rav Yoga, which was planned by another new board member, Dana Polonsky. We had dozens of our members spread across the social hall on their yoga mats, being lead by Rabbi Heather Atlman, who challenged their spiritual and physical beings. There were also meetings from the Empty Nesters and Chavurah groups. Also that evening, was a community wide Interfaith Thanksgiving Service at Beth Am, which was attended by many of our members, and was lead in part by Rabbi Pivo and Hazzan Weisberg. Were you part of any of these activities or events? If not, please make it a point to join in on our many activities, meetings, adult education, etc. Be an active part of the Beth Judea family. Best wishes to all for a warm and happy Chanukah. . B'Shalom, Rick Drazner CBJ President
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B’nai Mitzvah Bios Max Isey Pivo will be called to the Torah as a Bar Mitzvah on Saturday, December 1, 2012.
Brielle Ernsteen will be called to the Torah as a Bat Mitzvah on Saturday, December 8, 2012.
Max in in the 7th grade at Sager Solomon Schechter Day School in Northbrook. He is fluent in Hebrew and enjoys playing baseball, basketball and other sports, is an avid reader, sketch artist and expert Torah reader.
Brielle is an honor roll student at Daniel Wright Junior High School. She loves to write and illustrate, and has been working on stories with friends, Megan and by herself for years. She chose to draw her own picture for part of her
Max spends his summers at Camp Ramah Wisconsin and looks forward to taking part in USY events next year. He also helped out with Buddy Baseball this past summer. Max appreciates the support he has gotten from his parents Jeff and Lisa Pivo, in preparing for this day, as well as the love of his sister Celia and brother Zachary. He also thanks Cantor Weisberg for his help in preparing Max to be a Shabbat leader. He is especially happy that his grandparents Henry Bittmann and Steve and Janice Pivo will celebrate his becoming bar mitzvah with him.
Bat Mitzvah invitation instead of just ordering something pre-made. Brielle has always shown an interest in the arts. She sang “The Body Electric” in front of a whole congregation for her sister’s baby naming when she was only 3-1/2 years old, and there was no hesitation. Brielle has been playing Trumpet for 2 years with her school band, and Brielle spent 4 summers at an art camp making incredible creations in many media and was in a mini movie and music video. She is currently enjoying her summers at Play On acting camp.
Attention Torah Readers: In order to allow trained Torah Readers greater access to available Shabbat aliyot, we are trying a new system: A list of the upcoming dates and portions is available via this link (Torah Portions). If you see a portion you would like to read, send a note to Hazzan Weisberg identifying which date and portion that you would like to read. He will confirm your assignment. Hazzan will usually confirm within 3 days. If you have not received a response after 3 days, please send him a reminder along with a copy to Sandy Victor. As in the past, you need to check back with him about two weeks prior to the date you are reading to ensure that you have learned the portion. Please let me know if you have any questions. Sandy Victor Ritual Vice President
Download Purim Masquerade Information The Word December 2012
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Spin to Win (compliments of Babaganewz)
Discover the physics of dreidel spinning!
RECORD-BREAKING TOPS The world's tallest spinning dreidel, built by college students in Montreal, stands more than 22 feet tall. In 1998, at least 200 people in Skokie, IL, attempted to set the first world record for the greatest number of dreidels spun at once. Since then, students at the University of Maryland and Indiana University have been breaking each other's dreidel-spinning world records Hanukkah after Hanukkah. GOING FOR A SPIN The moment of truth has arrived: It's your turn to spin the dreidel for the big jackpot. You twist it and the dreidel whirls across the table. At first, it spins tightly, turning so fast that you can't see the Hebrew letters on the sides. As the dreidel slows, it wobbles and tilts to one side until it falls. When you first twist the dreidel, it stores up energy. The dreidel will continue spinning until two outside forces, gravity and friction, cause it to wobble. Gravity is the force that draws the dreidel to the earth's center (or your tabletop, if it gets in the way). Friction is the force that causes things that touch each other to resist moving. In our case, the tabletop and air rub against the dreidel, causing friction. The more friction there is, the sooner the dreidel will fall. However, when the dreidel spins quickly around its axis, the imaginary line on which it rotates, it tends to resist the influence of gravity because a third force, called centrifugal force, pulls inward on the top. Centrifugal force keeps the dreidel standing upright on the tabletop with the dreidel's axis perpendicular to the table. As the spinning slows, friction and gravity try to make it fall until, eventually, these forces win out and the dreidel falls to a stop--hopefully on a gimmel. AXIS OF TORAH According to the laws of physics, a dreidel spinning quickly around its axis will tend to resist outside influences, such as gravity. The axis of the Jewish people is Torah and God's commandments. The closer we are to living a life of Torah, the more we are able to resist the negative forces around us. For example, we can resist the pressure to maintain a certain body shape, and we can demonstrate Jewish pride even while walking through the mall at Christmastime. The Maccabees resisted negative forces when they stood up to the Greek occupiers who made it a crime to be Jewish. These rebels fought for the right to practice Judaism. As a result, God "stood up for them in their time of distress," as the Al Hanissim prayer in the Amidah relates. The Maccabees resisted the outside influences of the society around them, and their victory ensured the survival of the Jewish people. Hag Hanukkah Same’ach - Happy Hanukkah to you and to your whole family!
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EDUCATION B’NAI MITZVAH MEETING (for families with B’nai Mitzvot in 2013 – 2016) will take place on Sunday, Dec. 2nd at 11 am. This meeting is for families with children in Bet, Gimel and Dalet. Rabbi, Hazzan, Lisa Neiman, Debbie Frager, Sandy Victor (Ritual VP) and myself will be presenting information about the B’nai Miztvah process. We will also have time to answer any questions you may have.
HANUKKAH BAZAAR is coming up on Sunday, Dec. 2nd from 9 am – 2:30 pm. ALL students can go to the Bazaar AFTER Religious School. No classes will be coming up during Religious School Time. Parents are invited to join their children for the Bazaar. See attached flyer for more information.
SCHOOL CANCELLATION INFORMATION As we enter the winter season, it is important for you to know how we will inform you in regards to school closings. We are part of the Emergency Closing Center, so when we do close school, information will be available on www.emergencyclosings.com; Congregation Beth Judea will be part of the list. If no school listed, you can search for Congregation Beth Judea. EMAIL: An email will be sent out to all families as soon as the decision is made. TV: Chanel 2 (CBS), Chanel 5 (NBC), Chanel 7 (ABC), Chanel 9 (WGN), Fox News Chicago and CLTV (Chicagoland's Television) RADIO: WGN Radio - News/Talk 720 and WBBM Newsradio 780, PHONE: You can call 847-238-1234 and get information about the closings as well. (Please make sure to enter the synagogue's main phone number,847-634-0777, to get Beth Judea's information)
PUBLIC SCHOOLS: On weekdays, if public schools (Dist. #102 & 96) are closed, there will be no Religious school classes in the afternoon.
Calendar Updates December: Sunday 12/2 Saturday 12/15 Saturday 12/22 Sunday 12/23 – Saturday 1/5 January: Tuesday Saturday Tuesday Saturday Sunday Tuesday Saturday Friday
1/1 1/5 1/6 1/12 1/13 1/15 1/19 1/25
Sisterhood Hanukkah Bazaar (students will be able to attend AFTER classes) Gimel Luncheon 12-1 pm No Gimel Shabbat – Winter Break NO RELIGIOUS SCHOOL – Winter Break
NO RELIGIOUS SCHOOL – Winter Break NO Gimel Shabbat – Winter Break Religious School Classes Resume Gimel Shabbat Resumes K & 1st Grade Family Program BJU Classes Resume Dalet Havdalah 2nd Grade Shabbat Dinner
The Word December 2012
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Family Programs
Click on the Links Below to View the Flyers Sunday Thursday
December 9, 2012 December 20, 2012
10:30 am 2:00 PM
Gan Shalom – December Flyer Challah Chaverim
Every Shabbat Morning
10:30 AM
Gan Shabbat View Our Gan Shalom Schedule View Our Challah Chaverim Schedule CLICK HERE TO VIEW OUR 2012 – 2013 SCHEDULE
Check out our full calendar of events here. CLICK TO VIEW OUR INTERACTIVE SITE
Like what you see in family programming and want to help keep it going? Please consider volunteering to help with one of our programs this year
The Word December 2012
L’hitraot! See you soon! Click Here to Join us on Facebook
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YOUTH Dear Beth Judea FamilyThis month I bring you an article written by our own BJUSY Social Action and Tikun Olam Vice-President Joel Spiegel. The article is about his experience getting involved with various social action projects recently, including his most recent trip on Or Tzedek which inspired him to get more involved with helping people in his local community. I would like to take a moment to thank the Beth Judea Sisterhood and Men’s Club as they have once again combined together to sponsor our basketball team. From our entire BJUSY family we thank you for making it possible for the kids to play another amazing basketball season. Go BJUSY Purple Elephants!!! Please make sure to take a look at all of the flyers attached this month. We have a jam packed December planned including an upcoming trip to A Northwestern Wildcats basketball game for the first night of Channukah. With USY, Kadima, and Kadinkers events along with the beginning of our Beth Judea USY basketball season, this month is sure to be one of the best yet. Make sure to also take a look at the attached tentative calendar for the entire year to help you plan things out in advance. You can also stay up to date with all things BJUSY by going to our brand new and improved website www.bethjudeausy.weebly.com B’Shalom, Marc Sender, Youth Director Congregation Beth Judea 5304 RFD Long Grove, IL 60047 Office: (847)-634-0777 ext. 114 Cell: (847)-334-8639 Email: YouthDirector@bethjudea.org www.bethjudeausy.weebly.com Check us out on Facebook and Twitter! Please consider making a donation to the Youth Fund or Rachel Hirshman Fund to help USYers go to regional programs and Israel
Nov. 30-Dec. 2 Dec. 4 Dec. 8
Dec. 9 Dec. 11 Dec. 15 Dec. 18 Dec. 21-22 Dec. 23-27
Kadima Konvention BJUSY – Israel Monopoly BJUSY, USY and Kadima trip to Northwestern Basketball Game- Get Form Kadinkers Program BJUSY – Chanukah Plays BJUSY-Teen Creative Minyan BJUSY – Whirlyball w/CBS International Pre-Convention International Convention
Click here to visit our December Calendar* Click here to visit our 2012-2013 Calendar
2012 – 2013 MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION FORM 2012-2013 BJUSY, Kadima & Kadinkers Online Membership Form 2012-2013 USY, Kadima and Kadinkers Membership Application
The Word December 2012
Social Action in the Life of a Jewish Teen Ever since I can remember I have been passionate about social issues in my world. Unfortunately for the first 3 or 4 years of my adolescence I had no direction to channel this passion. This would change one day when a spunky teen program coordinator from an organization in the city called the Jewish Council on Urban Affairs (JCUA) named Rebecca came to give a presentation to us during USY for a Social Action summer program called Or Tzedek. While I munched away at my carrots and hummus, my ears perked up when she said the phrase, if not now, when? This question hit me particularly hard because that was the exact question I had been avoiding for years. I had been putting off the social issues that I knew needed to be addressed. This was the moment when I knew I needed to start taking action to improve this great world we all live in. This inspired me to sign up for Or Tzedek’s July program, and it proved to be one of the best decisions I have ever made. Knowing no one, I went to the first day pretty nervous, but I was welcomed with open arms. As my co-Or Tzedekers and me went through those incredible 8 days, we all became incredibly close while we faced the incredible adversity that challenges our communities. My Judaism came into everything we did during those 8 days. My classmates and I in Hebrew school would often question why we needed to learn things that seem so distant to us. Judaism seemed like an ancient religion that has no relevance in today’s world. My experiences with Or Tzedek taught me that Judaism has a lot of importance in the way we approach the impossible-seeming discrepancies in today’s society. While I found a way to channel that passion this summer, I also found my Judaism. My Judaism is an unorthodox kind, but it involves going out and changing my world, an approach to the religion that is seldom taken. In our ever-changing world I deeply believe that as a Jewish community we must stop putting social action off. Specifically as a teen I have found a big place for social action and Judaism in my life. I have been fortunate enough to be very involved in youth group, and be the Social Action/ Tikun Olam chair of USY executive board. Tikun Olam means repairing our world in Hebrew, and it’s a phrase that I take to heart. It is wrong to say that teens today are lazy and unmotivated. The truth is that many teens feel disconnected from the realm of social justice. Many of us feel like politicians are people of our parents generation, and we don’t have any say in the world that we will inherit. There’s a boatload of problems that we will inherit from our parent’s generation of two-faced politics and bickering government. These issues laid forth for us tend to make teens discouraged with thoughts like: what can I do? I’m just a teenager. Instead as a age cohort we need to take responsibility for our futures and face these issues. There are ways to be involved in issues whether you are 18 or not. One of the most empowering things I did in the past year was canvass, or door to door knock, for voter registration. Helping people use their voice made me feel like I’m doing something that will positively impact my future as a Jew and as a teen. This article wasn’t written for me to boast about all of the things I do. I’m guessing if you have gotten this far in the paper you will have realized this. My purpose instead is to motivate others. Yes I’m 17 and do not have a formal vote in political elections, but there are so many other ways to get involved. Read an article, donate a buck, phone bank for a politician that supports your beliefs, or canvass with an organization. To my generation: in a few years we will dominate the economy, and the political scene. We need to start tackling the issues of tomorrow, today. We must ask ourselves, if not now, when? Article from Joel Spiegel
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SISTERHOOD SOURCE In November, the East Coast experienced one of the worst storms in history. For those of you who are still looking to assist the victims of hurricane Sandy, please consider a contribution to JUF Jewish Federation Hurricane Sandy Relief Fund. You may contribute online at ww.juf.org/relief or by calling 312-444-2869. You may also send a check to the Jewish Federation Hurricane Sandy Relief Fund, Room 3022, 30 S. Wells St., Chicago, IL 60606. In November we held our annual Sisterhood Membership Event. The theme was “Women Helping Women.” Attendees painted stones with pictures and words of encouragement to be given to several social service agencies to distribute among their clients to lift their spirits. This evening Sisterhood honored four of its board members: Elizabeth Ladin-Gross, Karen Nagel, Ann Lerman, and Rebecca Karlin. These women received recognition for all the hard work they have done for Sisterhood over the years. Many thanks to Elizabeth Ladin-Gross, Heidi Sakol, and their wonderful committee for all their hard work to make this evening so beautiful. Our next evening book club will be held December 10. We will be discussing “The Mascot” by Mark Kurzem. Look for flyer to come for further information. Our Zhavah group held a Zumba night at Beth Judea which was great fun and great exercise for everyone. Thank you to Donna Gifargis for leading this class for us. Donna is a Zumba instructor in the Skokie area. Zhavah has cancelled their December program. Zhavah’s next event will be bowling on January 14 at the Vernon Hills Brunswick Zone at 7:30 pm. For information, please contact Jenny Ban at jennyban2@gmail.com. The first night of Chanukah is on Saturday, December 8. Sisterhood will be holding our Chanukah Bazaar on Sunday, December 2 at the synagogue from 9:00 AM until 2:30 PM. The Gift Shop has an extraordinary selection for everyone on your list! Items range from beautiful Israeli jewelry, to dreidels and menorot, and toys and crafts for children of all ages. Gift wrapping is complimentary. Thank you to our co-chairs Karen Nagel and Ann Lerman who have worked so hard to for this event. The Bazaar is open to the entire community. A coupon is available for 20% off one single item over $25. (Some exclusions apply, such as sale items, special orders, scrolls and Michael Aram items.) Coupons are available at the bazaar.
We would like to extend an invitation to all Zhavah members to join Sisterhood for our Chanukah Party and Gift Exchange on December 12 at 7:30 in the synagogue. It’s always a fun evening! And remember - you can buy your present for the Chanukah Party and Gift Exchange on December 12 at our gift shop, too On January 30th, Sisterhood is sponsoring an event for the entire community. Cantor Rachel Rosenberg will present a musical evening “A History of Israel through Song” in which the audience will get to sing along. Experience the history of the modern State of Israel by examining the text and singing the melodies of some of Israel’s most beloved songs. Hazzan Rachel Rosenberg is currently the Cantor/Educator of Congregation Rodfei Zedek in Chicago and is a founding member of the well-known Chicagobased band, Shakshuka, known for their unique fusion of Israeli and Sephardic music spiced with jazz. Program starts at 7:45. Fee is $10 in advance and $15 at thedoor. Call the synagogue office to register at 847-634-0777. We wish you and your families a very happy Chanukah. Bobbi Goldenberg and Debbi Green Sisterhood Co-Presidents
Upcoming events- Mark your calendars DECEMBER: December 2 – Chanukah Bazaar December 10 – Book Club “The Mascot” by Mark Kurzem December 12 – Chanukah Candlelighting Party & Gift Exchange JANUARY: January 14 – Z’havah Bowling January 30 - Cantor Rachel Rosenberg – A History of Israel through Song FEBRUARY: February 2 – Nosh-A-Nite February 9 – Sisterhood Shabbat February 11 – Z’havah Movie Nite February 18 – Vashti Event February 27 – Book Club
Click Here to Download the Hanukkah Bazaar Flyer and Coupon
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All Occasion Cards - click here for flyer L’Chaim Cookbook – click here to get your free recipe Torah Fund Pin – click here for flyer
Need some new ideas for everyday cooking? L’CHAIM, TOO! Can help! Click here to learn more and get your free recipe NEW LOWER PRICE – ONLY $10
2013 ENTERTAINMENT BOOKS ARE NOW AVAILABLE Order now and support Sisterhood. Only $30 and a $5 voluntary donation to the Sisterhood. Contact Marilyn Victor at smvictor2@comcast.net for more information or * pick one up in the synagogue office or * the Gift Shop (Sundays 9 am – 1 pm) or * During Hebrew School on Tuesdays (4-8 pm) click here to download flyer
Happy Chanukah! Every year, Men’s Club sends out boxes of Chanukah candles to every Beth Judea member family. It’s one item you can scratch off the shopping list! The donation that you make in return supports many synagogue youth programs as well as the purchase of Siddurim for the Aleph class. In addition to being able to make your donation via check you can now send a donation via PayPal to cbjlox@gmail.com … whatever is easiest for you and in whatever amount you wish. On a separate note ... a special thank you to everyone who came out to help pack the candles for shipment. Without your help, the candles would have never shipped out in time! In other great news … Dr. Eric Yegelwel has been named Beth Judea Men’s Club’s Man of the Year. We will be celebrating this much deserved honor with other members of the Midwest Region of Federation of Jewish Men’s Clubs (FJMC) on February 17, 2013 at North Suburban Synagogue Beth El (details to come). There is a wonderful opportunity to show your support for Eric by placing an ad and/or message in honor and support of Eric in the FJMC Program Book (Click Here for 2013 Man of the Year Program Book information). Eric has contributed in countless ways to the success of Men’s Club and the Beth Judea community including his most recent roles as V.P. of Ritual for Men’s Club and as a synagogue board member. But there’s so much more and I will be sharing some highlights with you over the coming weeks. Congratulations, Eric! So what’s coming up? Lieberman’s Geriatric Home: Saturday, December 15 Chicago Wolves Outing: Saturday, January 19 – A fun outing for the entire family! Stay tuned for more information It’s no secret … we’re always looking for volunteers and new program ideas! Consider joining us for one or many activities … whatever you decide, we’ll be glad to have you join us! All the best, David Granoff President – Men’s Club
MEN’S CLUB - LIST OF UPCOMING EVENTS 2012 December 15 – Lieberman Center
2013 January 19 – Chicago Wolves Outing January 28 – Men’s Club PADS Event Regular monthly meeting is the 1st Sunday of each month.
Men’s Club Note Cards Available Have you ever wondered what to give your hosts when you go for a Shabbat or holiday dinner? Do you have the right note cards for birthday, anniversary or gift checks? Beth Judea Men's Club is proud to announce that all occasion note cards are now available in the Sisterhood Judaica Shop. The note card, pictured above, is a montage of the stained glass windows and art from the Midwest Region Men's Clubs member synagogues.
Download Z’Havah Flyer The Word December 2012
Proceeds from these blank cards will help both Men's Club and Sisterhood in their efforts to support Beth Judea. These cards are a great alternative to wine or candy and can even be presented as packaged. Cards are sold in sets of 10 for $18 at the Gift Shop.
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ADULT EDUCATION WEEKLY CLASSES These classes are ongoing. Please join at any time. Hebrew is not required for any of these classes, unless specifically noted.
ADULT EDUCATION AT CONGREGATION BETH JUDEA. Congregation Beth Judea offers a variety of meaningful Jewish learning opportunities through classes, lectures and informal sessions on Jewish Law, Torah, prayer and other topics of interest that will intrigue and inspire you. All classes (unless otherwise noted) are held at Congregation Beth Judea. For a listing of adult education classes offered here at CBJ, you can download our Adult Ed brochure by clicking here.
“When I pray, I speak to God;
When I study, God speaks to me.” -quote by Rabbi Louis Finkelstein
Interpretive Minyan in the Library Service Leader: Norm Kurtz You are invited to join the Interpretive Minyan in the Library the first and third Shabbat of every month. Our minyan is designed to build community by providing a passionate, meaningful and spiritual Shabbat morning experience.
This Shabbat morning service focuses on examining the structure of the prayer service, learning the major prayers and becoming more comfortable with the choreography and customs of the Shabbat morning service. Our minyan is friendly and welcoming to all who choose to attend. We meet in the synagogue library on the second floor from 10:30 until 11:45.
Parsha Perspectives Thursday evenings after minyan (7:45—8:00 pm) Do you have 10 minutes to spare? It only takes 10 minutes to get started on a lifelong journey. Spend each Thursday after Minyan learning about the upcoming Par-sha with Rabbi Pivo, and before you know it you'll have completed hours of Torah study. Words of My Mouth: Talmud Study Sunday mornings at 8 am The Talmud is a profoundly rich compilation of wisdom that has continued relevance to our contemporary search for meaning. This weekly class provides an examination of current understanding of Jewish law, secular law, sociology, mythology, or agadah, and often dwells on ques-tions incorporating current events. Orin Rotman will facilitate this weekly Talmud study session. (Artscroll Schottenstein edition is used for the class) Sweet Taste of Torah Wednesday evenings at 8 pm For thousands of years Judaism has been interpreting and applying the Torah to everyday life. This class follows the Tanach cycle. Each week we will read through several chapters a week of the Nevim (Prophets) texts, then on to Ketuvim (Writings), then back to Torah again.
Shabbat Torah/Haftarah Study Shabbat morning at 9 am Weekly study to discuss the parsha of the week. We will discuss questions raised by the participants.
EDUCATION SERIES Shabbat shalom, Norm Kurtz
To register for classes or to find out more information about the Adult Education programs, contact Anna Besser at (847) 634-0777 or at besser@bethjudea.org
more great adult ed classes on next page
The Word December 2012
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ADULT EDUCATION Congregation Beth Judea's Adult Education Series December 2012
Welcome to our Adult Education Series. To register for classes or to find out more information, please contact Anna Besser at abesser@bethjudea.org.
Creation and Science
Taught by Rabbi Pivo
Tuesday Evenings; 8:00 pm – 9:00 pm Dates: Dec. 4, 11 & 18 Does belief in the biblical description of creation coincide with or stand in tension with modern scientific findings? We will discuss the question from multiple points of view in this class, as we study the text of Genesis, rabbinic commentaries and the works of modern philosophers. Why is Jewish Genealogy Different from All Others?
Taught by Michael Karsen
Wednesday, Dec. 5, 2012 8:00 pm A question often asked is "Why is genealogy important to me?" After understanding the personal value of connecting with our roots, we will explore what is unique about Jewish genealogy, what information we are looking for, and how to get started. The rewards of this effort are many, lasting a lifetime and beyond. Sacred Fragments
Taught by Rabbi Pivo Sunday mornings; 10:00 - 11:00 am
Dates: Currently through Dec. 16
How can we construct a meaningful theology when modern scholarship pokes holes in tradition? Studying Rabbi Neil Gillman's book Sacred Fragments, this class will provide tools for those who feel a deep connection to tradition yet cannot ignore the findings of biblical scholarship. Join us to discuss issues of history, text and faith.
Lunch and Learn: T’Shuvot for the 21st Century
Taught by Rabbi Pivo
Monday, 12:00 pm – 1:15 pm Dates: Dec. 3, 10 & 17
LOCATION: Sunset Foods 2nd Floor Conference Room (corner of Rt. 83 & Aptakisic)
Bring Your Own Lunch
Jewish law is constantly growing and evolving in response to new conditions. In this class we will study a different rabbinic responsum (teshuvah) each week from the sages in our movement. Topics include: organ donation; intermarriage in the Conservative movement; terminal illness and more.
Download Our 2012-2013 Education Guide
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Click Here to Download Our Adult Education December Flyer
The Word December 2012
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Monday Evenings; 6:00 pm - 9:00 pm Viewing of Film & DINNER @ 6:00-7:30 PM Discussion Group @ 8:00 PM
ANIMAL CRACKERS January 7, 2013 Raymond Benson (Discussion Leader)
Mitzvah Day A big Yasher Koach and huge Thank You to Ronna Leibach for planning yet another successful Mitzvah Day. Under Ronna’s guidance, both the religious school students and congregants participated in numerous projects. We collected items that have been donated to PADS, CASA, food banks, and many more organizations. We made projects for the Lutheran General Humor Cart and the Council of Jewish Elderly. Through Sisterhood, we put together “soldier boxes” for US troops, packed lunches for PADS, and collected and assembled Thanksgiving baskets for the Vernon and Wheeling township food banks. We made no-fleece blankets, decorated bird feeders, and decorated planters. We’re shopping for holiday gifts for needy children and so much more! The Ark The ARK is a not-for-profit facility for needy Chicago-area Jews. Many of the recipients are elderly, immigrants, or the disabled who receive social services, such as food, shelter, or medical assistance that they are unable to get anywhere else. Social Action supports a family through the Ark by providing groceries on a monthly basis. Please consider donating to help pay for the groceries.
Members: $15 for film series/$9 for single ticket and dinner Non-Members: $30 for film series/$10 for single ticket & dinner
Join us for a thought-provoking and entertaining film that inspires us in the portrayal of Jews and Jewish Issues. But, also challenges us with new questions and controversies as only film can. RAYMOND BENSON will be leading our discussion for the evening. Raymond Benson has been an award-winning and best-selling author, composer, computer game designer, stage director, film historian, and film genres instructor for over thirty years. He is also the fourth official author of the James Bond 007 novels.
Bingo at Friend Center We will be helping early Alzheimer’s patients with an afternoon Bingo game at the Friend Center on Sunday, January 6, 2013 from 3:30 to 5:00 p.m. It is a lot of fun and a wonderful Mitzvah program to join. Bring Your Dogs to Brentwood We will be visiting with our dogs on Sunday, December 30, 2012 and January 27, 2013 from 1 to 2:00 p.m. at the Brentwoods Nursing Home in Riverwoods. We visit the residents with our dogs and help cheer them up. Both the residents and the pets enjoy this afternoon. Social Action Meeting The next Social Action meeting will be January 28th, 2013 at 7:45 p.m. at the synagogue, right after minyan. To join the committee or participate in any of the above projects, please contact Marilyn Green-Rebnord at drebnord@comcast.net
The ARK is very pleased to announce the opening of The ARK Northwest: A Safe Harbor for the Jews of the Northwest Suburbs.
x The new office is located in the Dundee Place Corporate Center, 3100 Dundee Rd., Suite 204; Phone (773) 973-0011. This new satellite office, at the northeast corner of Dundee and Landwehr in Northbrook, will provide increased access to The ARK’s vital human services in the northwest suburbs-where the greatest growth in Chicagoland’s Jewish population has occurred in the past 10 years. Hours at the new location are: Monday, 9:00 am – 7:30 pm and Tuesday and Thursday, 9:00 am – 5:00 pm.
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SPECIAL PROGRAMS Aharei Mot: Mourning the Loss of a Loved One A Psycho-Spiritual Look at Divorce Thursday, December 13, 2012 6:00 pm – 7:30 pm Facilitated by Psychotherapist Dr. Susan Weitzman & Rabbi Jeff Pivo
A Psycho-Spiritual Mourning and Bereavement Group, Bi-weekly On Thursdays. No Registration Required. 6:00 pm – 7:30 pm Session Dates: Oct. 11, Oct. 25, Nov. 8, Nov. 29, Dec. 6, Dec. 20 Facilitated by Psychotherapist Dr. Susan Weitzman & Rabbi Jeff Pivo
Divorce occurs in one out of two marriages in our country. A decision not easily arrived at, there are turning points and a range of feelings to cope with in all stages, i.e., before, during and afterwards. Like the death of a loved one, divorce represents the demise of the relationship, involves a grieving process, and has major personal impact as well as impact on the family, especially if there are small children. It is a time of much change and adjustments. Unlike the death of a loved one, however, the divorcing person does not always get the kinds of support from others they might expect or require, and can often feel lonely and disenfranchised in their own communities, and the person often grieves alone. This presentation (which may lead to an ongoing Divorce Support group), facilitated by Rabbi Jeff Pivo and psychotherapist Dr. Susan Weitzman, is geared to help individuals through this difficult period, explore options and ways to create a new beginning, and also examine both the clinical as well as the Jewish response and thought on divorce. We will explore psycho-spiritual issues; discuss the stages of divorce and ways of coping; and discuss ways to get help in the early as well as the ongoing stages of loss, healing, and acceptance after a marriage ends. The event will take place on Thursday, December 13, 2012, 6:00—7:30 pm, at Congregation Beth Judea. If you are interested (or have any questions), please call Rabbi Pivo at 847-634-0777 or Dr. Weitzman at 312-8052272. NOTE: The seminar is for personal growth. It offers no assurances of change and is not meant to take the place of psychotherapy, counseling, medical treatment, or legal or fiduciary counsel. Attendees assume responsibility for one’s own experience and well being, and assume a waiver and release of liability, i.e., attendees, by attending, agree to in no way hold Rabbi Jeff Pivo, Dr. Susan Weitzman, Congregation Beth Judea and/or its Board of Directors responsible or liable for any consequences, direct or indirect, of their attendance at this mourning and bereavement group. All services provided by Dr. Weitzman for this group are voluntary, with no monetary remuneration.
The Loss of a loved one is a turning point, a time filled with many emotions, leaving the mourner with not just their grief, but also with questions that often go unasked and unanswered. This bi-weekly group, facilitated by Rabbi Jeff Pivo and psychotherapist Dr. Susan Weitzman, is geared to helping individuals through this difficult period of shloshim (the first 30 days after a death) and what comes after (aharei mot) and beyond. We will also discuss death as a part of life. Within a confidential and warm environment, offering a shared experience and support, the group will explore psycho-spiritual issues; discuss the necessary actions to take upon the passing of a loved one; reflect on the meaning, structure and tradition of shiva; and provide help in the early as well as the ongoing stages of loss, healing, and acceptance after a loved one is gone. The group will begin Thursday, October 11, 2012, from 6:00 – 7:30 pm, at Congregation Beth Judea; will meet every other Thursday night; and will accept new as well as ongoing members. The first night will be more informational in nature, and offer an introduction and overview of the group. Group does not require registration, drop-ins are welcome. If you are interested (or have any questions), please call Rabbi Pivo at (847) 634-0777 or Dr. Weitzman at (312) 805-2272. NOTE: The group sessions are for personal growth. They offer no assurances of change and are not meant to take the place of psychotherapy, counseling, medical treatment, or legal or fiduciary counsel. Attendees assume responsibility to one’s own experience and well being, and assume a waiver and release of liability, i.e., attendees, by attending, agree to in no way hold Rabbi Jeff Pivo, Dr. Susan Weitzman, Congregation Beth Judea and/or its Board of Directors responsible or liable for any consequences, direct or indirect, of their attendance at this mourning and bereavement group. All services provided by Dr. Weitzman for this group are voluntary, with no monetary remuneration.
The Word December 2012
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ALIYAH IN OUR 60’s FROM ARLINGTON HTS, IL TO CAESEREA, ISRAEL (Part 10) L TO R: HOWIE GOODMAN, SUZANNE GOODMAN, AND BEVERLY GOODMAN TCHERNOV NEAR EILAT, ISRAEL Howie and Suzanne Goodman were valued members at Beth Judea until they decided to make aliyah in 2009. The Goodmans have agreed to provide us with a blog on their experiences as new olim in Israel. Though we continue to miss the Goodmans, we can all look forward to reading about their adventures in Israel through the blog.
Driver’s Licenses We previously mentioned the difficulties encountered when driving in Israel. Now, we would like to explain the process of obtaining an Israeli driver’s license. This is a quote from another olim about the process of obtaining a driver’s license: “Getting my Israeli citizenship? Easy. Opening Israeli bank accounts? Piece of cake. Signing up for Israeli health care? Easier than getting a doctor's appointment in the US. Getting my Israeli driver’s license? The most traumatic experience of my aliyah.” If you make alyiah, you have a year to obtain an Israeli driver’s license. However, you cannot purchase a car if you do not have one. We rented a car for about seven months, which cost us about $7,000. What we should have done is buy a car in our daughter’s name. We arrived in Israel in December of 2009 and obtained our licenses in August 2010. It didn’t take all of that time to obtain a license. However, it was a very lengthy process. Many years ago, if you had a valid driver’s license from the United States, you could convert it immediately to an Israeli license. Now, you have to take a practical road test (Mivchan Shlita). The total cost, if one passes the practical road test the first or second time, is about 1300 shekels ($450). However, before the test, there are a number of steps. First, you need to go to a government-approved optician’s office. You will receive a “tofus yaarok” (green form). You need your tuedot zahut (identification card) and glasses, if you wear glasses. The eye exam costs about 40 shekels. They also take your picture. Then, the same form needs a Hatsharat Briut – a declaration of health. One fills out the medications that may affect your driving capabilities. You then take the form to your physician. The physician fills out all of the surgeries and conditions one may have and signs the form.
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ALIYAH IN OUR 60’s (continued from previous page) Once that is done, you take the form to a transportation office (ours is in Haifa). Bring your Tofus Yarok, Tuedat Oleh, Tuedat Zahut, and your foreign driver's license to a district-level Misrad Harishui to be stamped. Only district-level Misrad Harishui offices can help you with your driver's license conversion. This took several times since we came when it was not open. After arriving at the right time, they looked at Howie’s form and told him that his form would have to go to a physician employed by the transportation department. The physician’s location is also in Haifa. Because of Howie’s past surgeries, types of prescriptions, and chronic ailments, the transportation office told us Howie might have to see this physician. If that occurred, the physician could determine whether Howie could drive or might need further evaluation. What caused this was that Howie’s Israeli physician mentioned he had sleep apnea, heart bypass surgery, and a chronic kidney condition.
The amount of prescription medications also red flagged his application. The office said it would take a number of weeks. Suzanne’s form came back quickly. When Howie’s form came back it stated (thanks to his son-in-law’s translation) that Howie was required to go to the nearest hospital with the C-PAP machine (for sleep apnea) and 100 shekels. At the hospital, the specialists took the SD card and ran it. It showed Howie used the CPAP nightly. Apparently, a lot of Israeli’s don’t use their C-PAP machines. Howie then sent those results back to the transportation physician. Finally, weeks later, it was returned and approved. We then took the forms to the Post Office (Doar) where we gave the amount required. They stamped it. We now had a “hafnaya”-referral form to give to an approved driver’s instructor. A lesson costs about 110 NIS on a manual car and 130 NIS on an automatic car; specify which type of car you drive. A test on an automatic car only allows you to drive legally automatic cars. If you pass the practical test, return to the post office with the certified stamp and pay to eventually receive your photo ID license. Your permanent license (photo ID) will be mailed to your home address listed on your Tuedat Zahut within 8 weeks. Until the age of 65, you will need to renew your license every 10 years; over the age of 65, you will need to renew it every two years. If you hold a valid driver’s license from the United States, you only have to take one or two road-driving classes. We found a driving instructor who spoke English and contacted him. He was going to Serbia on vacation, and we had to wait a couple of weeks to start our lessons. The State of Israel licenses road driving instructors. You have to use their car for both the lessons and the actual road test. Their cars are equipped with extra mirrors mounted on top of the normal side view mirrors and a huge rear view mirror. The front passenger side has an additional set of brakes. On the top of the car is a plastic triangular sign with a metal bottom. The sign has the Hebrew letter lamed “ ”לwhich stands for “learner”- drivers beware! The instructor told us it was a half-hour lesson. One of us would drive and the other would sit in the back seat. We both have been driving for over 50 years. We were going to take our practical driving test in the city of Hadera. We drove around Hadera. He told Howie that he would not pass the test because of the way he drove. During the lesson, the instructor was on his phone giving his son an onion quiche recipe for Shabbat. He also had the radio on. On one of the two lessons, he had us drive out of the city to pick up another student. The instructor constantly told us only 30% pass the practical the first time. If you don’t pass it after two times, you have to take an additional 12 practical driving lessons before attempting the test again. The testers will not tell you the results but will notify your instructor within 24 hours.
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ALIYAH IN OUR 60’s (continued from previous page) Our instructor urged us to take another class. Suzanne said “no,” and Howie decided to take a third class. We then had to wait for a testing date and time. Finally, we had our date and time. The tester, a man with a kippa, came to the car and got in. He only said three words during the five-minute road test: Yashar- straight, Yamina-right, and smola-left. After Howie drove for five minutes, Suzanne drove. When we returned to the testing area, he said nothing as we said ”Shabbat Shalom.” After Shabbat, we received a call from the driving instructor informing us we had passed the practical test. He then took the paperwork to the post office, and we received a temporary license. A few weeks later, we received our permanent license that is good for four years. A person who has never driven before has to take a written theory test concerning the rules of the road (in Ivrit, of course) in addition to the road test. They also have to take 28 road classes. Once they pass the road test, they are given a placard that states in Ivrit, “new driver aboard.” This must remain in sight of other vehicles for a year. There are also restrictions on whom one can drive with and when. Here is a sample of a question on the written test:
“What should you do when a car cuts you off on the highway? (A) Honk repeatedly. (B) Accelerate to pass the car. (C) Tailgate and flash your lights until the car move out of your lane. (D) Reduce speed so that you are following behind at a safe distance. Israelis would engage in choices (A)-(C), possibly simultaneously, so the correct answer is (D).)
After obtaining your license, you can purchase a car. The price of a vehicle is true sticker shock. Our Chevrolet, equivalent to the “Cruise” model, cost 90,000 shekels or over $27,000. I believe that same car would cost about $18,000 in the United States. We have a 17 % Value Added Tax. The car gets about the equivalent of 24 miles per gallon of gas.
Picture of our Chevrolet More
There is no bartering. There are only two import companies in Israel. No cars are manufactured in Israel. We bought our car from Tamir. Since they are a rental car company, they have a division that purchases new cars. The car was titled to Tamir and considered a second-hand car. It was a “second hand car” with zero kilometers. Normally, it would have cost about 120,000 shekels. There are no Jiffy Lubes in Israel. Many of the car maintenance facilities look like facilities I remember from Vietnam. It consists of a galvanized door with perhaps one hydraulic car lift. Oil is very expensive here. What amounts to a check up with an oil and filter change costs about 535 shekels or $140. Since Tamir maintains so many vehicles, we use their maintenance facility for warranty work. It saves us money. Cars have a 100,000-kilometer or 60,000 mile warranty. The required check ups are every 15,000 kilometers or 9,000 miles. Cars do not last very long here. The hot weather and salt air cause corrosion problems at lower mileage levels than we experienced in the USA. Brakes last about 30,000 kilometers. Radiators corrode. One should also put a dent in their car immediately. At least you did it. If you wait, someone else will do the same thing and you won’t know who did it. It usually occurs when the car is parked.
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ALIYAH IN OUR 60’s …from previous page Obtaining insurance for a car is also interesting. Fortunately, there is a company that is owned by a fellow from England, who speaks English. It may also be true in the USA, but in Israel, you can save insurance costs by restricting who can drive your car. We have a minimum age requirement of 35 to operate our vehicle. That covers our daughter and son-in-law. You can also save money if you do not drive on Shabbat and other non-driving hageem (holidays). The cost of the insurance is about $1,000 for our little car. Many of the company cars in Israel have a bumper sticker that states, in Ivrit, “How am I driving?” There then is a phone number to call. We wonder why they even bother with this since we could be on the phone most of the time we drive reporting their poor driving habits. In Israel, it is not always good to drive rather than take a train. Howie had an appointment for a medical test at Rambam Hospital in Haifa. There is no parking. An underground hospital for children is being built, which has disrupted parking areas. It is being built because of the possibility of future rocket attacks from Lebanon as there were a few years ago. A friend suggested we drive to the Hof Carmel train station and then take a train to the Rambam stop. It worked wonderfully and cost 5 shekels each round trip because we are senior citizens. That is half fare.
We hope you had a Happy Thanksgiving and will have a Happy Hannukah!
Howie and Suzanne Goodman
We hope you enjoy the tenth installment from the Goodmans, who have graciously agreed to blog for our congregation their experiences as Olim in Israel. If you there are specific topics that you are interested in hearing about of if you just want to stay in touch with Howie and Suzanne, you can reach them at: HOWIEG@aol.com
SHALVA The Face of Domestic Abuse is not always easy to recognize. It could be your daughter, your sister, your best friend.
Domestic abuse can happen to anyone at any time. One in four women will experience domestic abuse at some point in her lifetime. 90% of children are aware of the abuse directed at their mothers.
Abuse can take many forms: verbal, emotional, financial, sexual, physical and psychological.
SHALVA has helped over 4,000 Jewish women since 1986 and is specifically certified by the State of Illinois to provide domestic violence counseling. We are the oldest independent Jewish domestic violence agency in the United States.
SHALVA offers free confidential domestic abuse counseling services to the Chicago Jewish Community.
SHALVA’s free, confidential services include: 24 hour crisis-line 773-583-4673 (HOPE) Culturally sensitive individual & group counseling Legal information & court support
Look What’s Happening at the Board of Jewish Education Early Childhood Center! We offer classes for children aged 15 months-5 years of age. We still have some openings in our classes for next year. For more information please visit our website at www.bjeecc.org or call Janet Sear at 847 634-0363. Have a safe and happy summer!
Financial assistance Rabbinical & community advocacy & training
Information and referrals Community prevention & educational programs Page 18
The Word December 2012
WE WOULD LIKE TO KNOW . . . . YOU MAKE A DIFFERENCE If you are celebrating a life cycle event such as a birth, engagement or wedding, we would like to know about it so that this milestone can be included in The Word. If you are ill or know someone who is sick, we would like to know about it so that a prayer for recovery can be said, so that the clergy can call or visit, and so that the Bikur Cholim committee can be notified and be of assistance. If there is a death in your family, we would like to know about it so that we can offer our support, can share this information with our congregation, and so that we can add your loved one to our Yahrzeit records.
We firmly believe that reaching out to others benefits not only the recipient, but the person providing help as well. This is, without a doubt, a win-win situation for all involved. If you are interested in making a difference, please contact one of the committee members below.
Rabbi Pivo Ellene Lammers Wendy Wunsch Evan Rumack
Please call the synagogue office with this information. Do not assume that someone else will have notified the synagogue staff.
Hesed (Caring) Committee Congregation Beth Judea Hesed (Caring) Committee Please complete the following form to notify the committee of a person who is ill, hospitalized or in a rehabilitation facility,
Name: _______________________________________________________________________________ Location ______________________________________________________________________________
Contact person/phone number: ____________________________________________________________ Your name: ___________________________________________________________________________
â–Ą Please contact this person â–Ą Please ask the clergy to contact this person Please return this card to the office before or after Shabbat. You may also fax the information to (847) 634-8055, call the Rabbi or contact our committee chairs,
Wendy Wunsch
The Word December 2012
Evan Rumack (847) 253-4130 evanbr1@comcast.net
Beth Judea Office (847) 6 34-0777 info@bethjudea.org
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Koach Outreach Program for College Students
JUF Right Start is a gift program that gives a one-time grant of $500 - $1000 per family to offset the cost of tuition to a local Jewish preschool made the first year a child is enrolled. It is not based on need. For more information go to http://www.juf.org/rightstart
Koach is the Conservative Movements' outreach program for college students. The Koach website at www.koach.org always has interesting and helpful information.
For those of you who are about to begin your college experience, Koach has produced a wonderful guide that you should view and refer to in the coming weeks. You will find it at www.koach.org/guide.htm.
Helpful Links and Resources JUF JVS JCFS JCC CJE JUF NW Suburban News
Jewish United Fund Jewish Vocational Services Jewish Federation of Metropolitan Chicago Jewish Child and Family Services Jewish Community Centers Council for Jewish Elderly JUF Northwest Suburban News
For a more detailed list of resources please click here for a list from our Hesed (Caring) Committee‌remember, in an emergency dial 9-1-1
SISTERHOOD GIFTSHOP Congregation Beth Judea Gift Shop (Where shopping is a mitzvah) The Sisterhood of Congregation Beth Judea's Judaica Shop carries a wide variety of Judaica and gift items such as tallitot, kippot, Seder plates, Chanukah menorahs, candlesticks, kiddush cups, tzedakah boxes, mezzuzah cases, books, toys, games and teacher gifts and nonreligious gift items. They carry Gary Rosenthal, Nambe and a large number of items that are imported directly from Israel. The shop also carries special seasonal items and gift baskets. In addition, they can special order about anything you may want. Stop by when the shop is open: Sundays from 9:00 AM - 1:00 PM and by appointment. Karen Nagel is the Gift Shop Manager. The Gift Shop has lots of new merchandise, including great High Holiday and other holiday gift items, as well as Bat/Bat Mitzvah and wedding gift items. Check out their own L'CHAIM TOO! Cookbook, filled with special recipes for all your holiday needs or as a great gift for any occasion. They accept MC, VISA. and Discover.
The Word December 2012
Congregation Beth Judea Gift Shop (Where shopping is a mitzvah)
20% OFF ONE SINGLE ITEM OF $25 OR MORE Coupon must be present at time of purchase Exclusions include sale merchandise, special orders, scrolls, consignment items. Nambe Discount Limited to 10% / No Discount on Michael Aram One coupon per family. No other discounts or promotions apply -Expires December 31, 2012 COUPON
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The Word December 2012
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BIRTHDAYS We wish a very Happy Birthday to the following members of our Beth Judea Family:
December 1
Heidi Sakol
December 2
Kim Bauman Leonard Manewith
December 3
Laura Barshefsky Steven Flack Mindy Gold Jerome Gothelf Andrea Hockfield Janice Ladin
December 17
James Hyman Jerry Levy Boris Lyubomirsky Robert Muise
December 18
Gary Cortes
December 19
Kurt Fliegel Ruby Korn Allyson Marcus Robert Schwartz Barbara Schwarz Daniel Silberman
December 4
Renee Malter
December 5
Leah Chiprin Harold Rosen
December 20
Arnold Bender Steven Golberg
December 6
Julie Cohen Carl Weiss
December 21
December 7
Marah Altenberg Kenneth Stolman
Kristie Fingerhut Michael Golde Sheila Koek Neil Margolis
December 22 December 8
Jeffrey Stark Denise Stelzer
Steven Brooks Harriette Elisco Barbara Pressburger
December 9
Sharon Harris Eric Marder Randee Weiss
December 23
Louis Grossman Neil Jordan Ronald Kovich
December 10
Jeffrey Brown Michael Damsky Robert Rubenstein Mark Sheft Cari Thalheimer David Waitz
December 24
Laurie Ford Rachel Gottfried
December 25
Jeanne Krulewich
December 26
Howard Ganden
December 11
Andrew Bauman Marilyn Fagin Beth Silver
December 27
December 12
Harvey Brickman Benjamin Dubin Sandra Melnicoff Casey Spitz
Carol Cohen Bruce Darin Arthur Freedman Rita Mathias Maureen Stolman Suzanne Waitz Andrew Zarchy
December 28 December 13
Steven Kwasman Barry Rosen
Edward Grossman Gary Malkin Tim Scheibe
December 14
David Greene Jeffrey Julis Sharon Weil Corey Zussman
December 29
Eileen Kurtz
December 30
Noah Ban Arthur Greenberg Faith Schwartz Bonnie Spangler
December 16
Mitchell Hecht David Rabinowitz Sharon Shapiro
We encourage you to also contact one another to share in their celebration. NOTE: If your name is missing from the list please contact the synagogue so we can update your information in our files.
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ANNIVERSARIES We wish a very Happy ANNIVERSARY to the following members of our Beth Judea Family:
December 18
Paul & Sandra Drizner Arthur & Lynn Freedman Gary & Erica Krugel
December 19
Aaron & Susan Hershinow Stewart & Lois Margolis David & Randie Rabinowitz
Alan & Marcie Marcus Howard & Deborah Tolsky
December 21
Gary & Kathryn Harris Richard & Gayle Pervos
December 6
David & Tammy Lorber Michael & Janice Schrimmer
December 22
Harold & Carol Rosen
December 23
December 7
John & Sharon Hoy
Robert & Trudy Balogh Marc & Rachel Gottfried
December 10
Owen & Teri Pulver Sheldon & Carol Rubin
December 26
Fred & Mindy Lucas Tim & Tammy Scheibe
December 11
Jason & Lisa Neiman
December 27
December 12
Jay & Lynne Gomberg
Fred & Sue-Ellen Duboe Bruce & Marla Horwitz Neil & Joy Margolis Stan & Laura Zoller
December 14
Leslie & Miriam Spickard
December 28
Eric & Lauren Katzman
December 16
Joel & Pamela Polakow Brian & Marny Schwartz
December 29
Warren & Lesley Elisco
December 17
Benjamin & Debra Dubin Leonard & Cheryl Levine Todd & Margaret Lichtenstein Sanford & Arlene Moses David & Sally Sherman
December 30
Andrew & Miriam Gill
December 1
Dennis & Pamela Sender Arlen & Stacy Shub
December 2
Michael & Carrie Shultz
December 3
Neil & Myra Borkan Michael & Staci Levy
December 4
We encourage you to also contact one another to share in their celebration. NOTE: If your name is missing from the list please contact the synagogue so we can update your information in our files.
The Word December 2012
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Nathan Ander Pearl Brickman* Larry Elman Charlotte Guttenberg* Ellen Klein* Marilyn Levit Emmanuel Pearl Sam Rubenstein* Rose Steiner Gilbert Wernick
Ann Bernstein* Celia Burg* Michael Feldman* Lena Meyer Katz* Bernard Kramer Harold Mayeroff Sidney Prosansky* Ben Shugan Sofia Sznaper* Bessie Wiener*
Frieda Borenstein Benjamin Edidin Nathan Finn Clara Kersky* Herman Leavitt* Gail Moffett Kind Pearl Rizman* Jack Singer* Rose Toch* Charles Wolf*
Esther Bregman* Moshe Elbaum* Nathan Gladstein* Thomas Kessler Fern LeVine Esther Morgenstein* Florence Robinson* Sidney Stark Robert Weiss
December 14
David Appel Lillian Elgenson Sandra Fox Louis Goldberg* Arline Holman Jack Lato* Philip Morrison Yisrael Shalem William Toch* Max Zackaman
Carly Berns* Louis Elisco Esther Friedman Betty Gotow Bella Jacobs Helen Lindenbaum* Joseph Pressburger Lisa Shiffers Newton Truger
Tammie Bernstein Ruth Fagan* Jack Frost Max Halperin* Doris Kalina* Hyman Loeb Frances Schwartz Peter Stark Edward Warman
Lillian Corey Asna Fagin* Abraham Fuhrman* Sylvia Hanfling Bernard Kramer Mae Mandel Maurice Settler Janet Thomas Harry Weinstein*
December 21
Margaret Atlas Elizabeth Buff Ruth Duboe Steven Gross Esther Karel Irwin Lipka Gertrude Trudy Paley Dr. Jack Rizman* Theodore Sakol* Mabelle Schero Louis Vicker* Tillie Yublosky*
Fannie Barasch Samuel Chiet* Martin Garson* Tatyna Jaffe Sol Kaufman* Stephanie Lustig Lewis Pervosky Philip Rockwell Faye Rita Salat* Morris Schwartz Mildred Wittlin* Samuel Zablen*
Violet Barrier* Maxwell Clamage Jeri Ann Goldman Runn Kantarovich Israel Levine* Bruce Minnick Manuel Pitt Marian Rotberg Gertrude Salzenstein Rose Schwartz* Leona Wolf*
Robert Brown Sheri Cooper Joseph Green Sara Kantarovich Marilyn Levit Sophie Moment Celia Richter Sylvia Rubin* June Schallman Harriet Sumner* Abe Wolinsky*
December 28
Rose Abrams Sam Chibnik Ida Glickman Dora Moss Ruth Rotman Bessie Shavitz* Esther Silverman Rickey Turovitz
Richard Brown Abe Cohen Lillian Goroff Fannie Orloff Mel Schwartz Harvey Shiffman* Faye Singer* Lewis Zimmerman
Robert Buhai Samuel Cooper* Samuel Kanter* Maury Platt* Michael Schwartz Larry Silver* Celia Spivak*
Irwin Charney Carol Feldman* Max Maslov Sherwin Rosenfeld* Ilse Sender* Samuel Silver* Sylvia Travis*
The Word December 2012
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Harriet Ament Raymond Berg Alfred Feiger Bernice Gross* Shirley Kriegler* Arlen Litwin Louis Newman* Berel Sales* Tillie Shore Morris Weiner*
Dorothy Aranoff Daniel Brown Jane Friedland* Max Grossman Ruth Kurtz* Herman Morgenstein Ida Polansky Irene Sandler* Geraldine Shovers Evelyn Weisel*
Irving Babbitt Irving Coady* Andrea Gordon Hannah Hockfield* Michael Linderman Fred Moskowitz David Resnick* Morris Sherman* June Walcer Shirley Wolf*
Merle Bauer Renee Cohen Lorin Greenberg Sol Kravitz* Ann Linderman* Seymour Nagel Beth H. Rothnagel Seymour Shette Alfred Weiner
January 11
Lauri Bauer Alfred Ellis Jerald Granoff Howard Lessin Philip Meltzer* Joseph Rosenfeld* Jack Silver
Walter Berkley* Herman Feldman* Regina Heller Morris Lessin* Tillie Pincus Bernice Rothenberg* Milton Silverstein*
Sidney Cohen William Frankel* Seymour Klein Irving Levy* Darrell Pollack* Harvey Schmall Hilda Tominberg*
Alex Davis* Janette Friedman Seymour Klein* Louis Lifshitz* Irene Ramras Ben Shatz Peter Weisberg
January 18
Bruce Abrams Adelle Chubin Ralph Eisman Samuel Goldman* Lillian Leafstone Alvin Mirotznik Louis Peck Melvin Reback Gertrude Schoenman
Julius Abrams Bella Cohen* Charles Frank Nathan Greenberg Gertrude Manewith Sheila Moskowitz Mandel Perl* Shirley Rose Ethan Sulkin
Marion Borden Abe Cooper* Sara Frankel Miles Klein* Louis Margolis Gail Nedoss Ernest Poll William Rubenstein*
Pauline Chernikoff Aubrey Dembo Hatzkel Frumkin Oscar Krawitz Leonard Meltzer June Pearlman* Ida Pollack Shirley Schechtman
January 25
Anna Berkovitz* Diane Brown* Geraldine Deerfield Charlotte Herstein Ann Karno Ethan Levitan* Rose Secler* Betty Wasserman Eva Wittenberg
Roselin Berman Betty Cohn Louis Engel Rose Howard Irv Kaufman Adelyn Nixon Morris Spiegel Clara Weisberg
Gerald Bernstein Gregorio Copelovitz Sarah Finkelstein Robert Isenberg Estelle Kerstein Margaret Pinkus* Dora Stein* Milton Weiss
Alfred Braun* Morris Damsky Era Greiman* Hyman Karafin Anette Kessler* Helen Schwartz* Joseph Stone Jack Leonard Weitzman
The Word December 2012
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TRIBUTES FOR AN EXPLANATION OF THESE FUNDS, PLEASE REFER TO PAGES 70, 71 & 72 OF YOUR MEMBERSHIP DIRECTORY Prayers have been said for the recovery of: Carrie Bauer Jean Berenson Edward Bower Chaim Dahan Rick Drazner Eddie Ginsberg Kristina Marie Goldberg Richard Goldwasser Arnold Hecht Bert Isner Ilene Iglarsh Richard Kanter Elynor Klein Larry Landis Dana Lerner Joan Miller Donald Neal Bruce Portnoy Ruth Reingold Alyce Selman Barry Weisberg Mary Ann Westendorp
Condolences upon the death of: Maynard Duboe Father of Fred Duboe Selma Emalfarb Mother of Susan Futterman Ruth Feinberg Kamensky Mother of Marvin Feinberg Anita Kreisman Mother of Debbie Dubin Diane Nathan Sister of Linda Lippman Aunt of Jonathan Lippman Ruth Sabol
Congratulations to: Alina and Neil Greenhill on the birth of their granddaughter Taylor Rose Gitin. Joel and Heidi Robbins on the birth of their daughter Allison Paige Robbins. Michael and Jeanie Rosenfeld on the engagement of Dustin to Leah Eisenstein. Shelley and Ken Stolman on the birth of their son Ari Jack Stolman and to proud grandparents, Renee & Michael Klass and Maureen & David Stolman. Mazel Tov to proud grandmother, Phyllis Udany and great-grandmother Sylvia Polakow on the birth of Lucy Sedona Udany. Marilyn & Sandy Victor on the engagement of David to Taylor Nix.
RABBI LIFSHITZ DISCRETIONARY FUND In Honor of: Len & Cheryl Levine’s 40th Anniversary. Karen & Nat Greenfield In Memory of: Gloria Greenbert, loving mother of Gail Lifshitz. Carla & Elliott Bankendorf Betsy & Randy Haberman Andrea & Ed Hockfield Evan & Merle Rumack The Stolman Family Gail Gerber & Eric Yegelwel
RABBI LIFSHITZ LEGACY FUND In Honor of: Len & Cheryl Levine’s 40th Anniversary. Laurie & Mark Recker In Memory of: Seymour Chappe Samuel Sher Rose Sher Morris Chappe Clara Chappe Gloria Chappe Gloria Greenbert, loving mother of Gail Lifshitz. The Balogh Family Renee & Wes Brown Leah & Sam Chiprin Sid & Rita Mathias Susie Rizman & Howard Levy Carol & Harold Rosen Rona Wolf Idyth & Jay Zimbler Stan & Laura Zoller Burton Perlman, father of Susan Zolno Cheryl & Stuart Kersky and Family Stuart Wolf, with sincere condolences to the Wolf and Moses families. Susie & Bob Pinzur Jill & Michael Rosenbaum
Stuart Wolf, husband of Rona Wolf, father of Amy Sulkin and Suzanne Citron and brother-in-law of Sandy & Arlene Moses. The Stolman Family
Mother of Alan Sabol
The Word December 2012
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TRIBUTES RABBI PIVO’S DISCRETIONARY FUND In Honor of: Max Pivo on his Bar Mitzvah. Darlene & Barry Bikshorn Renee & Wes Brown Sue-Ellen & Fred Duboe Bonnie & Mickey Glickman Renee & Michael Klass and Family Janet & Myron Reicher Michael & Sharon Shapiro Susan Stouber Sherry & Dan Weinberger Gail Gerber & Eric Yegelwel Stan & Laura Zoller Maureen & David Stolman on the birth of their grandson Ari Jack Stolman. Ron & Debbie Kovich The Waitz Family
In Memory of: Sidney Ament, father of Rickey Ament. Harold & Gloria Secler
Anita Kreisman, mother of Debbie Dubin. The Kovich Family Diane Nathan, mother of Linda Lippman. Janet & Myron Reicher Jeanne Silverstone, our loving mother and grandmother. Susan & Robert Silverstone Stuart Wolf, with our deepest sympathy. Ted & Marla Goldberg Randy & Betsy Haberman Sid & Rita Mathias Howard, Jody, Ben and Bari Sigal Les & Miriam Spickard Stuart Wolf, my beloved nephew. Chan & Carole Rothenberg
Upon the Yahrzeit of: Sally Tepper, beloved mother of Renee Brown. Renee & Wes Brown
In Appreciation of: Cantor Weisberg for the beautiful music you added for Michael and Taryn. Ellen & Jeff Gluskin
In Honor of: Maureen & David Stolman on the birth of their grandson Ari Jack Stolman. Geri & Robert Friedman Andy & Sandy Levitt
In Honor of: Mazel Tov to the Klass and Stolman families on the birth of their grandson Ari Jack Stolman. The Pervos Family
Mazel Tov to Renee & Michael Klass and Maureen & David Stolman on the birth of their grandson Ari Jack Stolman. The Andreoli Family
Mazel Tov to Renee and Michael Klass on the birth of their grandson Ari Jack Stolman. The Waitz Family
In Memory of: Stuart Wolf, beloved husband of Rona Wolf. Howie & Suzanne Goodman Randy & Betsy Haberman Andy & Sandy Levitt Pam & Barry Pearl Harold & Carol Rosen Harold & Gloria Secler Glenn & Lori Winternitz Gail Gerber & Eric Yegelwel Upon the Yahrzeit of: Stella Hiller The Lammers Family
PRAYER BOOK FUND SHABBAT/DAILY In Honor of: Max Isey Pivo’s Bar Mitzvah and his beautiful chanting of Torah and Haftorah. Floyd & Bobbie Babbitt
In Memory of: Hylda Bittmann, mother of Lisa Pivo. Floyd & Bobbie Babbitt Gloria Greenbert, mother of Gail Lifshitz. Floyd & Bobbie Babbitt In loving memory of our good friend, Stuart Wolf. Floyd & Bobbie Babbitt
The Word December 2012
Michael and Jeanie Rosenfeld on the engagement of Dustin to Leah Eisenstein.. The Andreoli Family Phyllis Udany on the birth of her granddaughter, Lucy Sedona Udany. Elliott & Carla Bankendorf In Memory of: Burton Perlman, father of Susan Zolno. Stuart & Andy Grass
Edyth Weinzelbaum Elliott & Carla Bankendorf Stuart Wolf, beloved husband, father and grandfather, with our deepest sympathy. Seth & Rosalind Eisner Marcy & Michael Feinberg Miriam & Rich Krieberg Florie & Michael Sagett Merle & Darryl Sulkin Simmy & Barry Weiss
Upon the Yahrzeit of: Mary Goldberg, loving grandmother of Harold Rosen. Harold & Carol Rosen Edythe Rosen, loving mother of Harold Rosen. Harold & Carol Rosen
Phyllis Shatz, our dear aunt. The Brandt Family
Sylvia Solomon & Bobbie Berks Elliott & Carla Bankendorf
Page 27
In Honor of: Congratulations to Max Pivo and his family on the occasion of his Bar Mitzvah. Ellen & Jeff Gluskin
In Honor of: Rabbi Pivo, Cantor Weisberg and Shira Sender for helping prepare Courtney Shub for her Bat Mitzvah. Arlen & Stacy Shub
In Memory of: Gloria Greenbert, beloved mother, grandmother and great-grandmother. Barbara, Richard & Robbie Kavitt
Mazel Tov to Renee and Michael Klass on the birth of their grandson Ari Jack Stolman. Lauren & David Gordon
LINDA & ALBERT STARK FUND In Memory of: Ruth Sabol, loving mother of Alan Sabol. Albert & Linda Stark Upon the Yahrzeit of: Suzanne Stark, beloved niece and cousin. Linda & Albert Stark
Louis & Rebecca Schwartz Paul & Florence Rosenthal Stuart Wolf, beloved husband, father and grandfather. Barbara, Richard & Robbie Kavitt
EDUCATION FUND In Memory of: Maynard Duboe, father of Fred Duboe. The Greenberg Family
Burton Perlman, father of Susan Zolno. The Greenberg Family Stuart Wolf, beloved husband, father and grandfather, with our deepest sympathy. Renee & Michael Klass
In Honor of: Max Pivo on his Bar Mitzvah. Steve & Joan Attenberg In Memory of: Stuart Wolf, beloved husband, father and grandfather. Ellen & Jeff Gluskin Upon the Yahrzeit of: Fred Green, in loving memory of our beloved Dad and Zayda. Lisa, Manny, Evan and David Ribot
In Memory of: Anita Kreisman, mother of Debbie Dubin. The Bikshorn Family Renee Blustein Renee & Mike Malter Stuart Wolf, beloved husband, father and grandfather . Beth & Mitch Polonsky Gilda Weinert Selma Emalfarb, beloved mother, mother-in-law and grandmother. The Bikshorn
In Honor of: Alina & Neil Greenhill on the birth of their granddaughter, Taylor Rose Gitin. Janet & Myron Reicher
In Honor of: Norm Kurtz and his committee for the wonderful High Holiday Service. Judy Greenberg
The Word December 2012
In Appreciation of: Michael Friedland in appreciation for the electronics. Beth & Mitch Polonsky
Page 28
Upon the Yahrzeit of: Jerry Berenson, devoted husband and father. Melinda, Jeff, Jonathan & Elizabeth Fine and Jean Berenson
In Honor of: Mazel Tov to Renee and Michael Klass on the birth of their grandson Ari Jack Stolman. Hesh & Marcia Lyons Mazel Tov to Marilyn and Sandy Victor on the engagement of David to Taylor Nix. Hesh & Marcia Lyons
ETHAN LEVITAN MEMORIAL FUND In Honor of: Mazel Tov to Bruce and Suzi Darin on the birth of their grandchildren, Alexa Reese Darin and Jack Mason Darin. Sue-Ellen & Fred Duboe The Pivo Family in honor of Max’s Bar Mitzvah. Sue-Ellen & Fred Duboe
JACK RIZMAN MEMORIAL FUND In Honor of: Maureen & David Stolman on the birth of their grandson Ari Jack Stolman. Susie Rizman
Upon the Yahrzeit of: Sam Rizman, our beloved fatherin-law, grandfather and great grandfather. Susie Rizman and Family
Memory of: Burton Perlman, father of Susan Zolno. Sue-Ellen & Fred Duboe JUDY WALCER MEMORIAL FUND In Memory of: Allen Schaeffer Chuck Walcer Upon the Yahrzeit of: Judy Walcer, beloved friend. Lou & Louise Barnett Judy Walcer Rhonda & Larry Wollheim
The Word December 2012
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DECEMBER 2012 Sunday
GIFT SHOP OPEN: Tues.: 4:00 pm – 8:00 pm Sun.: 9:00 am -12:45 pm
02 8:00 am 9:00 am 9:00 am 9:00 am 9:00 am 10:00 am 10:00 am
Talmud Study 6:15 am Hanukah Bazaar 12:00 pm Mitzvah Mall 6:15 pm Religious School 7:30 pm Minyan 8:00 pm Men’s Club Mtg. 8:00 pm Adult Ed: Sacred Fragments 11:00 am B’Nai Mitzvah Parents Mtg.
Minyan 4:15 pm Lunch & Learn 6:00 pm Purim Masq Mtg6:15 pm Minyan 7:00 pm Education Mtg. 7:30 pm Planned Giving 8:00 pm Mtg. 8:00 pm
Rel. School 7:30 pm BJU 8:00 pm Heh 8:00 pm USY 8:00 pm Minyan Facilities Mtg AE-Creation & Science
8:00 am 9:00 am
Talmud Study 6:15 am Religious Sch. 12:00 pm K-2 Hanuk Prog 7:30 pm 9:00 am Minyan 8:00 pm 10:00 am Adult Ed: Sacred 8:00 pm Fragments 10:30 am Gan Shalom 12:00 pm Kadinkers 16 8:00 am 9:00 am 9:00 am 10:00 am
17 Talmud Study Religious School 6:15 am Minyan 12:00 pm Adult Ed: Sacred 7:30 pm Fragments 8:00 pm 10:00 am Networking Mtg 12:00 pm Kadima Prog. 5:00 pm MT Nesters 23 8:00 am 9:00 am
30 8:00 am 9:00 am 1:00 pm
Talmud Study Minyan
9:00 am Gimel Shabbat 9:00 am Torah Study 9:30 am Shabbat Svcs. 9:30 am Bar Mitzvah 10:30 amGan Shabbat 6:30 pm Bazaar Setup
Minyan 4:15 pm Lunch & Learn 6:00 pm Minyan 6:15 pm Ritual Mtg. 7:00 pm Sisterhood Book7:30 pm Club 8:00 pm
Rel. School 7:30 pm BJU 8:00 pm Heh 8:00 pm USY 8:00 pm Minyan 8:00 pm AE-Creation & Science. 8:00 pm Ways&Means 18
Minyan Lunch & Learn Minyan Program Mtg. .
06 07 08 1st CANDLE 2:00 pm Rockford HANAKKUH Minyan Poker Tourn 7:30 pm Shabbat Svc Hebrew Lit. I 4:15 pm Jr. Yad Sq. 9:00 am Gimel Shabbat Torah Study 6:00 pm Aharei Mot 9:00 am Torah Study Jewish 6:30 pm Yad Squad I 9:30 am Shabbat Svcs Geneaology (Adult) Candle Ltg. 9:30 am Bat Mitzvah Presentation 7:30 pm Minyan 4:02 pm 10:30 amGan Shabbat 7:30 pm MT Nesters 5:30 pm Youth NW 7:50 pm Parsha Game Perspectives 8:00 pm Youth Mtg. 8:00 pm Israel Comm. Mtg. 5th CANDLE 13 6th CANDLE 14 7th CANDLE 15 8th CANDLE HANUKKAH HANUKKAH HANUKKAH HANUKKAH Minyan 4:15 pm Hebrew Lit. I 6:00 pm Torah Study Membership Mtg 6:30 pm Sisterhood Hanukkah 7:30 pm Prog. 7:50 pm
4:15 pm Rel. School 7:30 pm Minyan 6:00 pm BJU 8:00 pm Torah Study 6:15 pm Heh 8:00 pm Finance Mtg. 7:00 pm USY 7:30 pm Minyan 8:00 pm AE-Creation & Science
6:15 am Minyan 7:30 pm Minyan
7:30 pm Minyan
7:30 pm Minyan 8:00 pm Torah Study
Jr. Yad Sq. 6:15 pm Coping w/ Divorce 7:30 pm Yad Squad I (Adult) Minyan Parsha Perspectives 8:00 pm Exec. Mtg. 20 21
Hanukkah 9:00 am Gimel Shabbat Dinner 9:00 am Torah Study Shabbat Svc 9:00 am MC Lieberman w/Hebrew 9:30 am Shabbat Svcs. Lit. Grad. 10:30 amGan Shabbat 10:30 am Interpret.Svc Candle Ltg. 10:30 amTeen Creative 4:03 pm 12:00 pmGimel Lunch
2:00 pm Challah 3:00 pm Chaverim 6:00 pm Aharei Mot 7:30 pm 6:30 pm Yad Squad I (Adult) 7:30 pm Minyan 7:50 pm Parsha Perspectives 8:00 pm Board Mrg. 27 28
USY Int’l. 9:00 am Torah Study Convention 9:30 am Shabbat Svcs. Shabbat Svc 10:30 amGan Shabbat w/Music 7:30 pm Bowling League
Candle Ltg. 4:05 pm 29
6:30 pm Yad Squad I 7:30 pm Shabbat Svc 9:00 am Torah Study (Adult) 9:30 am Shabbat Svcs. 7:30 pm Minyan 10:30 amGan Shabbat 7:50 pm Parsha Candle Ltg. Perspectives 4:10 pm
31 Talmud Study 6:15 am Minyan Minyan 5:30 pm Minyan Bring Your Dog to Brentwood
You can now access our calendar with up to date information on our website at www.bethjudea.org
JANUARY 2013 Sunday
GIFT SHOP OPEN: Tues.: 4:00 pm – 8:00 pm Sun.: 9:00 am -12:45 pm
06 8:00 am 9:00 am 9:00 am 10:00 am 3:30 pm
07 Talmud Study 6:15 am Religious School 6:00 pm Minyan Men’s Club Mtg. 7:30 pm Bingo at Friends Center
8:00 am 9:00 am
6:15 am 7:30 pm 8:00 pm 8:00 pm 8:00 pm 8:00 pm
Talmud Study Religious Sch. K-1 Family Prog 9:00 am Minyan 10:30 am Gan Shalom
9:00 am Minyan
7:30 pm Minyan 8:00 pm Torah Study
6:30 pm Yad Squad I 7:30 pmShabbat Svc (Adult) 7:30 pm Minyan 7:50 pm Parsha Perspectives Candle Ltg 8:00 pm Youth Mtg. 4:15
4:15 pm 6:15 pm 7:00 pm 7:30 pm 8:00 pm
09 Rel. School 7:30 pm Heh 8:00 pm USY 8:00 pm Minyan 8:00 pm Ways&Means
20 8:00 am 9:00 am
21 Talmud Study Religious School 6:15 am Tu B’Shvat Sed 9:00 am 9:00 am Minyan 11:00 am Adult Ed: How to 7:30 pm Shabbat 8:00 pm
27 8:00 am 9:00 am 9:00 am 9:30 am 11:00 am 1:00 pm
15 Minyan Minyan Planned Giving Z’havah Prog. Education Mtg Ritual Mtg.
Talmud Study 6:15 am Religious School 5:00 pm Minyan Network Mtg. 7:30 pm Adult Ed: How to 8:00 pm Shabbat Bring Your Dog to Brentwood
4:15 pm 6:00 pm 6:15 pm 7:00 pm 7:30 pm 8:00 pm
Rel. School BJU Heh USY Minyan AE-Musical Midrash . .
29 4:15 pm 6:00 pm 6:15 pm 7:00 pm 7:30 pm 8:00 pm
17 Minyan Hebrew Lit. 2 Torah Study Finance Mtg.
Minyan 4:15 pm Rel. School – Kadima/Kadinke Tu B’Shevat Prog. 6:00 pm BJU Minyan 6:15 pm Heh Program Mtg. 7:00 pm USY . 7:30 pm Minyan 8:00 pm AE-Musical Midrash
Minyan PADS in Grayslake Minyan Social Action
7:30 pm 8:00 pm 8:00 pm 8:00 pm
6:00 pm 7:30 pm 8:00 pm 8:00 pm
30 Rel. School BJU Heh USY Minyan AE: Musical Midrash
7:30 pm 8:00 pm 8:00 pm 8:00 pm
Saturday 05 9:00 am Torah Study 9:30 am Shabbat Svcs. 10:30 amGan Shabbat 10:30 am Interpret Svc .
10 11 12 4:15 pm Jr. Yad Sq. Minyan 6:30 pm Yad Squad I 7:30 pm Shabbat Svc 9:00 am Gimel Shabbat Hebrew Lit. 2 (Adult) 9:00 am Torah Study Torah Study 7:30 pm Minyan 9:30 am Shabbat Svcs Men’s Club 7:50 pm Parsha Candle Ltg. 9:30 am Youth Shabbat Hearing Men’s Perspectives 4:22 pm 10:30 amGan Shabbat Voices 8:00 pm Exec. Mtg. 7:00 pm Scotch Bowl Membership Mtg.
8:00 pm
08 Minyan Jewish Film Series 1 Minyan .
2:00 pm Challah 9:00 am Gimel Shabbat Chaverim 7:30 pm Shabbat Svc 9:00 am Torah Study 4:15 pm Jr. Yad Sq. 9:30 am Shabbat Svcs. 6:00 pm Interview 9:30 am Bar Mitzvah Class 10:30 amGan Shabbat 6:30 pm Yad Squad I Candle Ltg. 10:30 am Interpret.Svc (Adult) 4:30 pm 6:00 pm Dalet 7:30 pm Minyan Havdalah 7:50 pm Parsha Perspectives Men’s Club 8:00 pm Sisterhd Mtg Wolves Outing 24
L.I.F.E Series Minyan Torah Study Hebrew Lit. 2
4:15 pm Jr. Yad Sq 6:00 pm 6:00 pm Interview Class 7:30 pm 6:30 pm Yad Squad I (Adult) 7:30 pm Minyan 7:50 pm Parsha Perspectives
31 Minyan 6:30 pm Hebrew Lit 2 Torah Study 7:30 pm Sisterhood 7:50 pm Special Event: History of Israel 8:00 pm Through Song 8:00 pm
Yad Squad I (Adult) Minyan Parsha Perspectives Board Mtg. Tap the Torah
You can now access our calendar with up to date information on our website at www.bethjudea.org
2nd Gr 9:00 am Gimel Shabbat Shabbat Din 9:00 am Torah Study Shabbat Svc 9:30 am Shabbat Svcs. -Singing & 9:30 am B’Nai Mitzvah Taam Trip 10:30 amGan Shabbat 6:30 pm FOF-Magic by Candle Ltg. Randy 4:39 pm 7:30 pm Bowling League
PAGE Chanukkah Shabbat Dinner
Attention Torah Readers
Save the Date: Purim Masquerade
Gan Shalom
Challah Chaverim
Hanukkah Bazaar
Focus on Families
Adult Education
Aharei Mot: Mourning the Loss of A Loved One
Coping with Divorce
Hesed (Caring Committee)
Bikur Cholim
Sisterhood Gift Shop
PaNosh Catering
Shalom Memorial
Helpful Links and Resources
College Connections
JUF Right Start
CBJ CALENDAR You can now access our calendar with up to date information on our website at www.bethjudea.org
SAVE THE DATE: Dec. 6 - Rockford Poker Tournament Jan. 12 – Scotch Bowl Jan. 28 – Men’s Club PADS Event Feb. 16 – Purim Masquerade Mar. 3 – Rick Recht
The Word December 2012
Page 32
CONGREGATION BETH JUDEA 5304 RFD Long Grove, IL 60047 (847) 634-0777 E-Mail: info@bethjudea.org Website: http://www.BethJudea.org Rabbi Jeff Pivo Rabbi Emeritus Howard Lifshitz Cantor Roger J. Weisberg President Rick Drazner Executive Director Lisa Neiman Educational Director Anna Besser Youth Director Marc Sender
From The Editors In order for your article to be published in the next issue, we must have it at the synagogue by the 10th of the month! There will be no exceptions. This includes information on disk as well. We need your article as it is important to let the congregation know what your group is doing. Announcements should take the form of articles in The Word rather than separate flyers. The opinions expressed herein are not necessarily those of the Rabbi, Board of Directors or the editors.
Worship Schedule Conducted by Rabbi Jeff Pivo and Cantor Roger J. Weisberg Monday Minyan……………………....... 6:15 a.m. Daily Minyan…………………………....7:30 p.m. Friday Night Services…………………...7:30 p.m. Saturday Services………………………. 9:30 a.m. Sunday Services…………………………9:00 a.m.
Candle Lighting Times Candle Lighting time is calculated for 18 minutes before sunset and is adjusted for Daylight Savings Time. December 7 December 14 December 21 December 28
……..…………………. ………………………… ..……………………….. …………….….………..
4:02 4:03 4:05 4:10
p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m.
The Blessing For Lighting The Candles On Shabbat is Bo-ruch A-tah Ado-nai E-lo-hei-nu Melech Ha-olam A-sher Ki-de-sha-nu Be-mitz-vo-tav Vi-tzi-va-nu Le-had-lik Ner Shel Shabbat.
Blessed are You, Lord our God, King of the universe, who has hallowed us through His Commandments, and has commanded us to kindle the lights of the holy Sabbath.