The Word - September 2022

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The Word – September

Perhaps that’s why the Sages have attached blessings to everything we do? All of us need to be reminded from time to time that the things we take for granted are blessings in and of themselves. From the beginning of the month of Elul through the entire holiday season, together be is an acronym for the phrase “Ani l’dodi v’dodi li I am my beloved’s and my beloved is mine ” Originating in the Song of Songs, this phrase contextually represents the shared and desired love between God and us. In modern times, rabbis and cantors often apply this phrase in wedding ceremonies, both in the ketubah and under the chuppah.

2 Counting is among the first things we teach our children and grandchildren We ask their age and are thrilled to see two, three, or four little fingers raised on their hands When they count to 10, we undoubtedly smile and cheer them on Over time, this skill evolves and changes We focus more on counting


Rabbi Michael Strassfeld writes (A Book of Life: Embracing Judaism as a Spiritual Practice, p 261), “Our most basic desire is to feel not alone in the universe. We all want to feel wanted, loved, appreciated, and understood by those around us. We are often disappointed as those we care for most fail or seem to fail to love and support us.” We want to count and feel the love and appreciation from our families, friends, and God. These are the blessings they give to us and the blessings we must give to them. Every kind and supportive word we share makes an incredible and positive difference. They count. And they are blessings I am truly blessed to the rabbi of our wonderful congregation! Each of you is a blessing to me, and our time together whether in prayer and ritual, formal and informal education, or conversation and deepening our commitments to our congregational family is nothing short of a fabulous blessing for all. Thank you for all that you do! On behalf of Alison, Zach, and Evelyn, l’Shanah Tovah u’Metukah Tikateivu – May we experience countless blessings in the year 5783 and be inscribed in the Book of Life for a healthy, happy, and inspiring New Year.


FROM as a congregation and personally as individuals and families, we are given designated and sacred time to count our blessings But doing this effectively requires self-reflection, acknowledgement of our shortcomings, a commitment to improving ourselves, and consideration of how we can be a greater blessing for others Our Sages suggest this begins with the understanding that the word Elul can calories, daily steps, and money saved for college or retirement Even in Judaism, we count to ensure we have a minyan, track our membership, and mark different stages of ritual mourning, just to name a few. God emphasizes the need to count in the opening verses of the Torah with the story of the seven days of creation and reminds us of the necessity to rest on the 7th day Shabbat. And whether it is a regular census of the Israelites or a 40 year journey through the desert, God counts us and the time we spend on our life’s journeys. It shouldn’t surprise us that even today, God counts us The High Holiday liturgy reminds us of this, describing us as sheep with God as our Shepherd, holding each of us accountable for our deeds of this past year and determining if we will stay with the Divine Herd for the year to Butcomewhen it comes to our blessings, too often we forget to count. From the moment we wake up in the morning, we tend to gravitate to the aggravations and disappointments of the day, which might range from simply a cup of bad coffee to upsetting situations in our personal lives to major national or international affairs. It’s easy to overlook that waking up and having the ability to address all the concerns of the day is a blessing itself. Our families, homes, and food in our refrigerators are blessings, too. Maybe that’s why God instructs us to bless and acknowledge so many things in our lives?

HIGH HOLIDAY INFORMATION AND UPCOMING EVENTS 3 SEPTEMBER 17 SELICHOT SEPTEMBER 25 EREV ROSH HASHANAH Do not blow shofar in the morning. SEPTEMBER 26 ROSH HASHANAH I SEPTEMBER 27 ROSH HASHANAH II SEPTEMBER 28 FAST OF GEDALIAH TBD TASHLICH SERVICE OCTOBER 4 KOL NIDRE OCTOBER 5 YOM KIPPUR / YIZKOR OCTOBER 9 EREV SUKKOT OCTOBER 10 SUKKOT I OCTOBER 11 SUKKOT II OCTOBER 16 HOSHANA RABBAH OCTOBER 15 EREV SHEMINI ATZERET OCTOBER 17 SHEMINI ATZERET SERVICES AND YIZKOR OCTOBER 18 SIMCHAT TORAH SERVICES IMPORTANT DATESHIGH HOLIDAY EVENTS & INFORMATION OCTOBER October 2 Build Sukkah October 2 Project Isaiah Drop Offs October 4 Project Isaiah Drop Offs October 12 Steak & Scotch in the Sukkah October 16 Erev Shemini Atzeret October 17 Shemini Atzeret Services & Yizkor October 17 Simchat Torah Flag Parade October 18 Simchat Torah Services October 23 Take Down Sukkah October 7 CBJ Young Family Shabbat October 21 New Member Shabbat COMING IN OCTOBER COMING IN SEPTEMBER September 2 CBJ Young Family Why Not Shabbat September 9 Shabbat Sheni September 11 Family Bike Ride for Wellness Day September 12 Inclusion Committee Virtual Meeting September 15 Sisterhood Book Club September 18 Golf Outing September 18 Sisterhood Coffee w/School Parents September 21 Sisterhood Membership Dinner The Word - September 2022 Visit CBJs FB Page SEPTEMBER September 7 High Holiday Cooking with Karen September 11 Maot Chitim Volunteer September 18 Maot Chitim Volunteer Please contact Lisa Neiman at or 847 634 0777 if you need any special assistance to participate in any of our programs. We are an contactcommunity,inclusivepleaseLisaNeiman if you have any special needs.

Every year, as we sense the coming of autumn, we begin to anticipate the markers of a ew year. Maybe it’s the We are bringing back cooking projects, service projects, and family participation days. We also added some new things since we are always looking for a renewal and expansion. We enrolled new students in every grade K through 5th . The school hired two new teachers, and (with the help of the return of pumpkin spice everything, or the flood of first-day-of-school photos, or maybe even choir rehearsals for the High Holidays. There is a comfort and a joy in returning to a familiar activity and a ritualized routine. Over the last few years, so many of our rituals and routines have been disrupted that we might not even realize what a delight it is just to return to old routines

“Renew us Adonai, and we will be renewed Make our days as new and fresh as they were in the beginning.”


We are expanding our Shabbat programming. First Fridays will still begin with a Tot Shabbat service and playtime, while second Fridays will see our new “Shabbat Sheni Second Shabbat” program, a musical shabbat experience for all ages. These evenings will start with an optional dinner at 5:30 and continue with complete Friday night services with musical accompaniment, sometimes with special guests

Best of all, we have made Jewish education much more accessible to families with younger students through our Kinder Club initiative Kindergarten tuition and supply fees are now included with synagogue membership With your help, we can grow our community to include many more young families in search of a Jewish home! Tell your friends about all the great things happening at Beth ShanahJudea!Tovah!

Hashiveinu Adonai v’nashuvah chadeish yameinu k’kedem.

BATCANTORSARAH Cantor Elizabeth Bat-Sarah

To my mind, the real challenge is to enjoy the rhythms of the secular and Jewish calendars, while at the same time not falling into complacency. How do we do the same things which give us joy but differently which can give us growth? When you enter the building or log on to the livestream for High Holidays, you will experience the comfort of the rituals, and you will hear both new and familiar melodies. The choir and I have been working hard to provide a wonderful experience for all. In the Religious School, we kept a lot of what we built over the last several years excellent teachers and a challenging, experiential, values based, Jewish education We are keeping and expanding our interaction with 21st century, tech-based, learning platforms. We are keeping and expanding our experiences of ancient, text-based Jewish learning.


4 The Word – September 2022

BJE) we are mentoring a high school senior as an assistant teacher. We expanded our Heh Class (7th grade) curriculum to make sure to challenge these students

CALENDAR Men’s MeetingsClubSept. 2 Sept. 9 Sept. 11 Why Not Shabbat Shabbat Sheni Bike Ride Men’s Club Wellness Prog. Sisterhood Sept. 18 Sisterhood Coffee with Religious School Parents Youth IMPORTANT UPCOMING DATES FOR YOUTH View our calendar online Please check website 5The Word - September 2022 Programming Holiday / Special Programs Sept. 7 Sept. 11 Sept. 20 Sept. 25 Oct. 2 & 4 Oct. 2 Oct. 12 Oct. 23 Cooking with Karen for Rosh Hashanah Maot Chitim Rosh Hashanah Menu Orders Due Rosh Hashanah Order Pickup Project Isaiah Build SteakSukkah&Scotch in the Sukkah Take Down Sukkah BIRTHDAYS AND ANNIVERSARIES Shabbat Prayers September 3, 2022 6:30 pm Those who celebrate birthdays and anniversaries during the month of August will be recognized at our service on September 3rd. See your weekly email or our website for service times. Children of every age are welcome! Religious School Be Sure To Check Out “Beth Judea Community News” Please contact Lisa Neiman at or 847 634 0777 if you need any special accommodations, including transportation, to participate in our program. Our regular weekday and Shabbat classes continue to meet see adult ed section for details Adult Education September 18 Jan. 14 & 15 Rizman Memorial Annual Golf Outing Men’s Club Retreat Sept. 15 Sept. 21 Sisterhood Book Club Sisterhood Membership Dinner Volunteers & Items Needed Bags Needed for Food Pantries PADS Volunteers Needed

6 In This Issue The Word – September 2022 From the ImportantRabbiDates & Notices Notes from the Cantor KinderMissionMembershipCalendarStatementClub B’Nai Mitzvah Bios Cooking with Karen Sisterhhod Coffee w/Parents Family Bike Ride High Holiday Programs Upcoming Events Hesed Committee Social Action Collections/Drives SHALVABoomersJewllenialz Young Family Programs Adult Weekly/ShabbatEducation Programs Alternative Shabbat Ways & Means SisterhoodSisterhood Book Club Sisterhood Gift Shop Men’s Club Interfaith AlternativeCouncilMinyan The Goodman’s Blog The Helping Hand Plan Hesed Business Directory Birthdays & Anniversaries TributesYahrzeitsPage234599101214151617242932343434 Page 35 464544424133837369 48 57535150494948

Helping Hands Click Here for Help or to Volunteer


CALENDAR 7 The Word – September 2022 Visit CBJs FB Page

UPDATE: CBJ is following the guidelines in accordance with CDC and local government. Check your emails for all program offerings and the links to access. For Shabbat Services please see our calendar on our website at for Service Time and all online events. your emails and our website for updates and changes to any of our programs or information


Congratulations to our Award Recipients 8The Word – September 2020 Congratulations to our 2021 2022Award Recipients who were presented with their awards on August 21st at our annual CBJ Block Party: Rabbi’s Award: Phyllis Udany Board Member of the Year: Paula Carter Outstanding Service Award: Marcus Melnick Young Family - Why Not Shabbat?

Know someone who is looking for a synagogue that is warm, welcoming and accepting of wherever they are in their Jewish journey?

Have a family member or friend who is moving into the Havearea?afriend

Congregation Beth Judea is a welcoming egalitarian synagogue whose mission is to create a warm and inviting home that serves the lifelong spiritual, educational and fellowship needs of our members Consistent with the principals of the Conservative movement, we embrace Torah and our responsibility to serve and support the greater Jewish community, the community at large, the United States ofAmerica and the State of Israel

If you refer a new member to join our community at Congregation Beth Judea you will be entered into a raffle to win a $360 shopping spree at our gift shop. You could use it to get your new family heirloom to help celebrate the Jewish holidays or enough Hanukkah candles to light up your entire neighborhood! Think of all the possibilities. New members and those who refer them will also be invited and honored at a special new member Shabbat dinner in October! Contact Lisa Neiman at for questions or assistance.

Congregation Beth Judea Mission Statement

9 MEMBERSHIP The Word - September 2022

who's unaffiliated and looking for a Jewish home?

Have a new neighbor or friend who is looking for a great Religious School for their kids?

Do you…

Spread the word about the great things happening at Congregation Beth Judea and a great thing may happen for you, in addition to having your friends and family join our congregation.

Refer a Friend or Family Member to join Congregation Beth Judea!

10 For more information please email Cantor Bat Sarah or Lisa Neiman or call the synagogue office at 847 634 0777 CBJ Young Family events are geared towards families with children in 2nd grade and younger but are open to all. Events are open to the community. CBJ Young Family events are generously supported by the Focus on Families Fund. For any questions of if you need special accommodations to participate in any of our programs contact Marc at or Lisa at

Shabbat Sheni the Inclusion Committee


Thank you to all who donated backpacks and school supplies. We collected 70 backpacks and gave them lots of extras. The organization Fill a Heart 4 Kids was thrilled!

We look forward to your joining us.

Are you interested in helping to ensure that Beth Judea is as welcoming and inclusive as possible to all members, guests, and visitors regardless of ability? If so, please join the Beth Judea Inclusion Committee. We are very proud of our many accomplishments but want to do more. Please help us! We will meet virtually on Monday, September 12 at 6:30 p.m. To RSVP or if you have any questions, please contact Renee Klass at or Marilyn Green Rebnord at

Thank You


A Hearty Mazel Tov to all our

The Jordan family would like to extend a very special thank you to Kim Abern, Rabbi Zimbalist, and Cantor Bat Sarah for bringing out the very best in Jacob to help him prepare for becoming a Bar Mitzvah. Additionally, the family would like to thank all of Jacob’s religious school teachers since kindergarten for bringing him to this point in his Jewish education JordanRavi

Jacob shares this simcha with his very proud parents, Rachel and Neil Jordan, and his brother Emmet. Jacob will also be celebrating with his grandparents Susan Adleman, Marilyn Greenblum, and Stan and Connie Greenblum, as well as aunts, uncles, cousins, and friends from near and far Joining the family in spirit is Jacob’s grandfather, Marvin Adleman, aka “PopPop,” z”l. For his mitzvah project, Jacob will be collecting new and gently used baseball equipment to benefit local park district players in need

from your


Jacob is in 8th grade at Sundling Junior High School in Palatine A sports lover, Jacob’s favorite sport is baseball. He plays on multiple baseball teams and is a standout catcher. He also enjoys playing football and basketball, watching Formula 1 auto racing, and hanging out with his friends

B’nei Mitzvah Bios September B’nei Mitzvah Families Beth Judea Family.

Jacob Ravi Jordan will be called to the Torah as a Bar Mitzvah on Saturday, September 10, 2022

Mason is a hard working seventh grader at Twin Groves Middle School. When he’s not busy with school work, he plays flag football, travel basketball, and travel baseball He also enjoys spending four weeks of the summer at his home away from home Camp Horseshoe in Rhinelander, JoiningWisconsinMason on this special day are his parents Heidi and Michael Schrage, his sister Sunny, as well as proud Grandparents Fern and Ken Sann and Cheryl Schrage Walton. Mason is also blessed to be surrounded by many aunts, uncles, cousins, and friends from near and far The Schrage family would like to thank Natalie Gurin, Cantor Bat Sarah, and Rabbi Zimbalist for their tutoring and assistance We would also like to thank all of Mason’s Hebrew school teachers throughout the years.

B’nei Mitzvah Bios

Mason Schrage will be called to the Torah as a Bar Mitzvah on Saturday, September 17, 2022.

Mason has been focused and working hard on becoming a Bar Mitzvah since he started Sunday School at Beth Judea in kindergarten. He has learned many meaningful lessons, formed wonderful friendships, and has enjoyed preparing for this day In preparation for today, Mason has also supported Wright Way Rescue Animal Shelter for his Bar Mitzvah Project Wright Way Rescue is very meaningful to the Schrage family, as they rescued two dogs from the shelter over the pandemic Wright Way Rescue’s mission is to reduce the number of homeless pets euthanized in the Midwest each year through an adoption program, community education, promotion of spaying and neutering, and a veterinary medicine program Mason feels very passionate about animal rescue. You can donate to Mason’s Mitzvah Project by visiting: https://donate schrage bar mitzvah donations1

Mason Schrage












Contact: Chuck Walcer at 847-274-2110 or


Sunday, September 18, 2022 Buffalo Grove Golf Club 48 Raupp Blvd., Buffalo Grove First Tee Off – 11:00 AM – Peoria Handicap Scramble Come as a foursome or we can arrange one…everyone welcome! Outing Includes: Electric Cart - Contest Holes - Course Cash for Food/Drink Dinner at 6:30 PM Sal and Tony’s (Buffalo Grove Golf Course) (Dinner will include Salad/Pizza/Pasta)

Brandt Rosen at 312 203 7084 or

Cost: $110 per person Zelle Payment send payment to


Credit Card Payment call the synagogue office (847) 634 0777


EmailGolfer(s) Phone # Golfing with: # of Golfers with Dinner @ $110 $ # of Golfers Only (no dinner) @ $75 $ # of Adults Attending Dinner Only @ $35 $ # of Kids (under 13) Attending Dinner Only @ $20 $ $ * Due to increased food prices our sincerest apologies for raising participation costs.

Morry Rizman at 847 687 6202 or Allen Harris at 847 612 2247 or

Beth Judea Men’s Club 26 th Annual Dr. Jack Rizman Memorial Golf Outing FORM – RSVP BY SEPTEMBER 7, 2022

The Dr. Jack Rizman Memorial Fund of Congregation Beth Judea was established by his family and many friends following his passing in January 1996. Jack was a founding member of Congregation Beth Judea, a dynamic member of its Men’s Club, Ritual Committee and board of Directors. He was also a steady force within the synagogue choir and was devoted to the Jewish music with which he was raised. He was loved and respected by all for his strong work ethic, his terrific sense of humor, his good nature and positive outlook on life. Over the years, the Dr. Jack Rizman Memorial Fund has underwritten a series of wonderful musical events open to the entire community, including Annual Fundraisers, Cantorial Concerts, and CBJ Choir The Golf Outing was started to support this fund and its efforts.

Check Payments: Payable to CBJ Men’s Club Mail Checks to: CBJ Men’s Club Golf Outing, 5304 RFD Long Grove, IL 60047 Paypal make payments to




Brandt Rosen 847 804 1986 Allen Harris 847 612 2247

Treasurer Ron Friedman Ritual Alan Marcus Membership/Communication

Secretary Dan Sheehan

Past Presidents Serving on the Board of Directors Norm Kurtz Rob EricSandyEvanFredLipkaRabinowitzRumackJerrySakolVictorYegelwel

July Dear2022Prospective

Brandt Rosen Social Action Steve Frost


Volunteer Coordinator at Lieberman Open VP House & Parlimentarian Sandy Victor Directors at Large Lou OrinRabinRotman


Men s Club President Alan Friedlander en s lub Vice President Programming Steve Limer


Sincerely, Golf Outing Committee: Morry Rizman 847 687 6202 Chuck Walcer 847 274 2110

The Men’s Club of Congregation Beth Judea is sponsoring the 26th Annual Dr. Jack Rizman Memorial Golf Outing on September 18, 2022 at Buffalo Grove Golf Club. Congregation Beth Judea was established 51 years ago and has a membership of over 500 families. All proceeds from this event will help fund the Dr. Jack Rizman Memorial Music Fund and other congregational and community programs. Thank you for your generous support in the past. During these challenging times, we are asking for your help this year by being a hole sponsor or of the donation of gift certificates or merchandise, to be used as a golf prize or raffle prizes. All donations are appreciated. Please pass this letter along to other businesses you think would also like to be a sponsor. As a sponsor your business name will appear in our ‘sponsors’ list in Congregation Beth Judea’s monthly bulletin, “THE WORD” and on our web site and will be distributed at the golf outing. Your participation is greatly appreciated by Congregation Beth Judea, the Men’s Club, the Dr. Jack Rizman Memorial Fund, and all who attend the outing. Please send your donations to: Attn: Ron Friedman Congregation Beth Judea Men’s Club 5304 R.F.D. Long Grove, IL 60047 Hole sponsorships are available at $150 per hole. Please contact Chuck Walcer, Brandt Rosen, or Allen Harris about sponsoring a hole. If you have any questions, please feel free to call or email any of the committee members. Thank you, again, for your support for our fundraiser.

5304 RFD, Long Grove, Illinois 60047 Phone: 847.634.0777 Fax: 847.634.8055 ALL PROSPECTIVE SPONSORS



SAVE THE DATE – 2022 CBJ MEN’S CLUB RETREAT January 14, 2023 – January 15, 2023 In Milwaukee this year at the beautiful Hilton Garden Inn Ruach, Camaraderie, Lively Discussions, and Fun! Volunteers needed to help plan this event. Please contact Steve Limer at Please contact Lisa Neiman at if you need any assistance.



31 Torah Readers Needed

33 Greenhouse Fundraiser Click to visit LeiderClick to email Lisa Neiman The Word – September 2022

34 All Congregation Beth Judea members aged 55 and over, are welcome to Ifparticipateyou ’re not already on the BOOMERS mailing list, please email your name and email address to: Stay Joanhealthy,Rosemarin Jewllennialz Boomers Jewllennialz is a group co chaired by Kristina and Robert Levy dedicated to building a community of Jewish 20 and 30-somethings at Congregation Beth Judea through social and educational events. If you or your children are a Millennial/Gen Zer and would like to learn more, please contact jewllennialz@gmail com The Word – September 2022 Cell Phone Drop-Off Box In Synagogue Office! Help domestic abuse victims by donating your old cell phones. Each phone raises money for domestic abuse crisiscounseling services in the Jewish SHALVAcommunity!offersfree counseling to Jewish women who are or were in an intimate partner relationship. If you or someone you know needs our help, call 773 583 4673. Jewllennialz




Adult Education Series

Abraham Joshua Heschel: Heavenly Torah: As Refracted through the Generations Taught by Orin Rotman Wednesday evenings at 8 p.m. Beginning in September Excerpts to be discussed will be the wonderful book can be libraries or purchased on Amazon Weekly Parsha Study Facilitated by Orin Rotman Shabbat morning at 9:00 a.m. every Shabbat morning Weekly study to discuss the parsha of the week. We will discuss questions raised by the participants. Shabbat morning at 9:00 a.m. every Shabbat morning

SATURDAY CLASSES: These Saturday morning classes are ongoing. Please join at any time.

WEEKLY CLASSES: . These classes are ongoing. Please join at any time. Hebrew is not required for any of these classes, unless specifically noted.

Ongoing Classes

The Word – September 2022

Welcome to our Adult Education Series. To register for classes or to find out more information, please see your weekly emails.


Alternative Shabbat Service Facilitated by Norm Kurtz Shabbat morning at 10:30 a.m. every Shabbat morning facilitates this Shabbat morning focuses on building community passionate, meaningful, and morning experience. Join creative, and different Shabbat morning at 10:30 am Shabbat morning at 10:30 a.m. every Shabbat morning

Talmud Study: Tractate Sukkah Sunday mornings at 8 a.m. Taught by Rabbi Zimbalist

This year, we will delve into Tractate Sukkah. We will study the scope of the obligation to live in a Sukkah, the difference between a temporary and fixed structure, the commandments surrounding the lulav and etrog, and so much more! Join us for a lively discussion with Rabbi Zimbalist on Sunday mornings. Please visit our website at for a list of all on-going and new adult education courses being offered. Check the site frequently as more classes are being added on a continuing basis.

Welcome to our Adult Education Series. To register for classes or to find out more information, please contact the synagogue.

Adult Education Series

SATURDAY CLASSES: These Saturday morning classes are ongoing. Please join at any time.

The Word – September 2022 SHABBAT

Shabbat morning at 10:30 a.m. every Shabbat morning Norm Kurtz facilitates this Shabbat morning service that focuses on building community by enjoying a passionate, meaningful, and dynamic Shabbat morning experience. Join this innovative, creative, and different minyan each Shabbat morning at 10:30 am in Room 1. Shabbat morning at 10:30 a.m. every Shabbat morning


Taught by Orin Rotman Wednesday evenings at 8 p.m. Beginning in October Watch for upcoming information Weekly Parsha Study Facilitated by Orin Rotman Shabbat morning at 9:00 a.m. every Shabbat morning Weekly study to discuss the parsha of the week. We will discuss questions raised by the participants. Shabbat morning at 9:00 a.m. every Shabbat morning

Talmud Study: Tractate Ketubot Sunday mornings at 8 a.m. Taught by Rabbi Zimbalist This year, we will delve into Tractate Ketubot. Join us for a lively discussion with Rabbi Zimbalist on Sunday mornings.


WEEKLY CLASSES: . These classes are ongoing. Please join at any time. Hebrew is not required for any of these classes, unless specifically noted.

Alternative Shabbat Service Facilitated by Norm Kurtz

Sweet Taste of Torah: Torah from Heaven

Ongoing Classes

Paula Carter Ways & Means VP

Please use Amazon Smile on your Prime Account. It is that easy; we are here to help. Thank you.

The Ways and Means Committee is here for your ideas; please share them with us CBJWaysMeansVP@gmail.comat

Please Buy “Gift” Cards right from your phone; ask us how.

Let’s have fun while giving back to ThankCBJ. you all for your support.

39 Ways and Means = FUNrai$ing The Word – September 2022 DONATING TO CBJ WITHOUT SPENDING $ We all Shop, Eat, Drink… Whether it

Ways and Means



Mariano’s Lettuce Entertain You …or more

Who Knows About Did you know that Congregation Beth Judea is part of the Amazon Smile Program? We are and last year, thank you to all of our congregants who shopped on Amazon Smile Program and designated Congregation Beth Judea as the recipient. We raised over $500. Any questions aboutAmazon Smile, please call the Beth Judea Office.

If you are shopping for groceries or clothes, going to a movie or traveling, you can help support our OrderCongregation.formsfor

Did you know that when you shop on Amazon you can support Congregation Beth Judea at the same time? It's very simple, Amazon smile will donate 0.5% of the price of eligible amazon purchases to Congregation Beth Judea. Here is the link: Click here to Shop

The Word - September 2022 40 Sunshine Fund


The primary purpose of the shiva tradition, or "sitting shiva," is to create an environment of comfort and community for mourners; it helps guide friends and family members through the loss of a loved one Throughout the weeklong shiva period, mourners come together in one family’s home to offer their condolences and support. From a practical standpoint, the shiva process and practices associated with Jewish mourning add comfort to the life of a mourner following a death In the period after suffering a loss, a mourner may be comforted by the structure and routines prescribed by traditional Jewish mourning laws. Historically, the Board of Directors of Congregation Beth Judea has sent shiva baskets to the immediate family of Board members; parents, spouses, siblings and G d forbid, children. We would like to extend this gesture to the entire congregation Donations may be sent to the shul: attention Lisa in advance for you generous

SUPPORT BETH JUDEA WHILE YOU SHOP ON AMAZON!! WAYS & MEANS CBJ Business Directory Advertising Opportunity Advertise your business in our new Business Directory section of The Word! $120 for a year (one-year term) Submit a high resolution graphic of your business card to Lisa Neiman at lneiman@bethjudea org Subscription payment must be received to activate term

Gift Cards are available in the office or in the Lobby on Sunday morning. They can be purchased with cash, check, or credit cards (a 2.5% convenience fee will be added when paying with a credit card). Click Here to Download Form Gift Cards

Gift cards can be utilized the same as cash, there are no restrictions.

Purchasing gift cards is one of the easiest ways to support Beth Judea. The Congregation earns a rebate from the vendors when you utilize the gift cards, so there is no cost to you.

Shiva Baskets



Sisterhood Co-Presidents Darlene Bikshorn Mesussman@gmail.comMicheledbikshorn@gmail.comSussman - September 2022


Dear Fellow Congregants, As the summer winds down, we hope that you have created many fond memories. Please join us on September 21 for our membership dinner, in person, at CBJ. Rachel Jordan will be our guest speaker. She will demonstrate her beautiful skill of flower arranging. Thank you to Lori Finn and her committee. We are sure this will be a lovely evening. Please watch your email for a flyer with registration information. On Sunday, September 18, our Rebranding Committee will host a coffee and pastry event for the Sunday School moms Please join us as we hope you will park your cars and gather for a quick social Thankevent!youto

The Word

Helene Fox and the Social Action Committee as well as all of the participants for participating in the Northwest Suburban Interfaith Counsel’s IWALK. Important funds were collected at this event to support food pantries in the Northwest Suburbs. Please watch for a flyer for information about the Interfaith Thanksgiving Celebration on November 20 at St. Mary’s church. This year’s event will be in person. Torah Fund is the Sisterhood fundraising effort, benefitting the Jewish Theological Seminaries. Please consider making a meaningful donation at JTSA edu/Torah-Fund All donations are appreciated A donation of $180 or more is recognized with a lovely Torah Fund pin Thank you to Debbi Green for planning an educational event on November 14 at 8:00pm CST on Zoom We will be entertained and educated by Helene Herman, who will present “But They Were Good to Their Mothers, a history of the Jewish mafia ” Again, please watch for flyers for registration information. The Sisterhood Rummage Collection was August 7 11. Thank you to Pam Herstein and her committee as well as our Men’s club volunteers for all of their hard work. We hope to see you at any or all of the events that have been mentioned. If there is a program that you would like to suggest and/or chair, we would love to hear from you!

Wishing everyone a happy and healthy 5783 Darlene Bikshorn and Michele Sussman


43 Torah Fund

Sisterhood Gift Shop The Sisterhood of Beth Judea proudly shares about our renowned Judaica Shop! Our lovely gift shop is open when Hebrew School is in session on Sundays from 9:00 a.m. 12:00 p.m. and Tuesdays from 4:00 p.m. 8:00 p.m. Please email or call Ann Lerman at 847 373 8640 to schedule an appointment for a tallit. Masks are requested. Our Judaica Shop carries a wide variety of items and gifts with continually updated inventory. Come take a look at many of the following types of items: *Tallitot *Kippot *Women’s Head Coverings *Seder Plates *Hanukkah Menorahs *Shabbat Candlesticks *Kiddush Cups *Tzedakah Boxes *Wedding Gifts * Shofars *Bar & Bat Mitzvah Gifts *Mezuzah Cases and Kosher Scrolls *Yahrzeit Candles *Jewish Children’s Books *Wall Home Blessings *Hostess Gifts *Wedding Glasses *Decorative items……..and so much more! Congregation Beth Judea Gift Shop (Where shopping is a mitzvah) 20% OFF ONE SINGLE ITEM OF $25 OR MORE Coupon must be present at time of purchase Exclusions include sale merchandise, special orders, scrolls. One coupon per family. No other discounts or promotions apply Expires December 31, 2022 COUPON Our extensive collection of Tallitot, for both men and women, is a specialty we are known for in the Chicagoland area! We always have approximately 100 of the Tallitot in stock most of them made in Israel! If the choices are overwhelming or you wish to simply allow a family member or friend choose on their own a Gift Certificate may be the wise choice for you any denomination anytime We make it easy for you too as we accept Visa, MasterCard and Discover! Stop by and visit us to see for yourself why all of the talk! Have the Judaica Shop be a go to spot for all your Judaic needs please come visit us soon! Come and browse our amazing collections of beautiful Judaic Jewelry for both Men and Women! We have countless Hamsas, Chais, Stars and Hoshens. You will love our special designer pieces Also, our non Judaic jewelry can make a special gift as well.! You will find many price points to meet all budgets

Tzedakah Fund

The Men's Club has made donations from the minyan tzedakah box: JUF Ukranian Relief Fund Maot Chitim We thank all those who have contributed to the tzedakah fund administered by Men's Club.

Men’s Club


FJMC Convention will be held next summer from June 29th thru July 2nd in Philadelphia More information on both will follow.

CBJ Men’s Club Moments Shalom from our CBJ Men’s Club. As our kids and grandkids are returning to school, your CBJ Men’s Club is in full swing

Our club is sponsoring the 26th annual Jack Rizman Memorial Golf Outing on September 18 Proceeds from this event will help fund the Dr. Jack Rizman Memorial Music Fund. and other congregational and community programs. We are looking for hole sponsorships or donations of gift certificates and merchandise to be used as a golf prize or raffle prizes More information can be found in the flyer in this month’s Word. Save the dates for our Club retreat and the FJMC convention Our club retreat will be held in Milwaukee on January 14th and 15th The last retreat saw 28 of us in attendance It was approximately 19 hours of prayer, ruach, thought provoking discussions, games, and FUN. We hope to see as many or more at this next retreat.

Our Scotch and Steak in the Sukkah is being generously chaired by Orin Rotman. This has been a fun event for building friendships over a nice meal Please join us as details come together Please reach out to me, anyone in the Men’s Club, or our Membership Chairman Brandt Rosen for information on any of our activities.

As of the writing of this article, both of our softball teams made in it into the playoffs; congratulations! Sandy Victor is doing a great job with Men’s Club Wellness committee. He is tracking our individual fitness activities and planning fun family fitness events.

We wish you and your family a healthy, happy, and prosperous New Year Shalom Chaverim, Alan S. Friedlander CBJ Men’s Club President Men’s Club strives to offer something for everyone. As such, we’re always open to new and creative programming ideas that help Jewish men lead rich and filling Jewish Lives.

Upcoming programs:

News from the Northwest Suburban Interfaith Council

Join us. The Northwest Suburban Interfaith Council proudly serves this community. If you have any programming suggestions, please forward them to us or your IFC representatives.

2. Save the Date: Sunday, November 20th at 7:00 p.m. Our Interfaith Thanksgiving Celebration will be in person at St. Mary Parish. Flier to come.

By Joanne Dicker and Helene Fox, Congregation Beth Judea Representatives


Suburban Interfaith Council PO Box 5301, Buffalo Grove, IL 60089

Shanah Tovah! May you have a sweet and healthy New Year. Thank you to all of the volunteers and walkers who made our “i-walk against hunger” fundraiser for our local food pantries such a success! It was wonderful to be together as a community.

1. Feed My Starving Children: Join other volunteers and help pack food at Feed My Starving Children in Libertyville on Thursday, November 10th , 7:00 8:45 p.m. or Friday, November 11th, 2:00 3:45 p.m. The sessions fill up quickly. This is a great mitzvah project for which you can sign up with friends and family. See the attached flier for more details.

1. Kingswood PADS: One of our member congregations, Kingswood Methodist Church of Buffalo Grove, hosts PADS (Public Action to Deliver Shelter) for the homeless. The guests have meals and sleep in the church. Kingswood is looking for volunteers for Tuesdays beginning on October 4, 2022. They are hoping for a once a month commitment for one of three shifts. There is a training and vetting process. If interested, please contact Susan Wilson at:

Joanne Dicker and Helene Fox For more information on any of our programs, please contact us by e-mail or telephone:, 224 699 0386 or visit our website at: Donationshttp://www.northwestsuburbaninterfaith.orgmaybemadedirectlyto:Northwest


Thursday,are:November 10th , 7:00 – 8:45 Friday, November 11th , 2:00 – 3:45 To sign up: Email Jeff Whitehead at and he will sign you up. Simply tell him which session you want to attend and the names of each person, one of whom must be 18 years old, and your church or temple name.

The Northwest Suburban Interfaith Council is requesting volunteers at packing sessions at Feed My Starving Children in Libertyville. Bring your family and friends to join other church and synagogue members in the fight against hunger. Sessions

FMSC is at 742 E. Park Ave., Libertyville. All are welcome (age 5+) No experience necessary. These sessions will fill quickly, so sign up now.


The Word - September 2022 48

Alternative Shabbat Service

Alternative Shabbat Service

Howie and Suzanne Goodman were valued members at Beth Judea until they decided to make aliyah in 2009 The Goodmans have agreed to provide us with a blog on their experiences as new olim in Israel Though we continue to miss the Goodmans, we can all look forward to reading about their adventures in Israel through the blog. To learn more about the Goodman’s life in Israel click here to share their experience



Service Leader: Norm Kurtz

Every Shabbat Morning 10:30 am until 11:45 am. You are invited to join the Alternative Shabbat Service which meets every Shabbat morning in person or on Zoom. Our growing interpretive minyan (prayer group) is focused on building community by enjoying a passionate, meaningful, and dynamic Shabbat morning experience. We are innovative, creative, and different from the traditional service We are friendly and welcoming to all Being nonjudgmental and accessible, we are interested in creating a meaningful spiritual community where joyful prayer and spirited Torah discussion is experienced, accompanied by camaraderie and Joinfriendship.usfor prayer/discussion/ learning. We look forward to welcoming you to our

for the Zoom info. For further information: EVERY SHABBAT MORNING


Upon three things the world is based: Upon Torah, Upon Divine Service and Upon the Practice of Charity Planned Giving Is Beth Judea a Part of Your Estate? Help ensure the future of Congregation Beth Judea. From Generation to Generation “Making a Difference in the Lives that Follow”

If you are ill or know someone who is sick, we would like to know about it so that a prayer for recovery can be said, so that the clergy can call or visit, and so that the Hesed (Caring) committee can be notified and be of assistance.


If you are celebrating a life cycle event such as a birth, engagement, or wedding, we would like to know about it so that this milestone can be included in The Word.

You Make A Difference 49The Word - September 2022 The Helping Hand Plan The Helping Hand Plan A Project of Congregation Beth Judea Hesed Committee • Do you need some help? • Do you need a ride to a doctor’s appointment? • Do you need a ride to services at Beth Judea? WHAT IS THE HELPING HAND PLAN? Beth Judea has a group of volunteers who are ready, willing, and able to lend a hand. Just call or e mail if you need some assistance. WHO DO I CONTACT TO REQUEST SOME HELP? Please call Larry Wollheim at 847-6349399 or e mail Larry lwollheim45@gmail.comat to request help. It’s a Mitzvah to help someone. Please allow us to help you.

If there is a death in your family, we would like to know about it so that we can offer our support, can share this information with our congregation, and so that we can add your loved one to our Yahrzeit records. Please call the synagogue office with this information. Do not assume that someone else will have notified the synagogue staff. We Would Like To Know We firmly believe that reaching out to others benefits not only the recipient, but the person providing help as well. This is, without a doubt, a win win situation for all involved. If you are interested in making a difference, please contact one of the Hesed (Caring) committee members below: Ellene LarryEvanMarilynLammersGreenRebnordRumackWolheim


The Hesed Committee is not just for birthday or anniversary calls (although we enjoy making them!) We are also here to help when you are struggling, feeling lonely, or ill. As the pandemic winds down, we hope we can start visiting those of you who feel the need for more support. Until then, we would like to stay in touch with you by phone. However, we can’t help you unless you let us know you need help. Please contact us at, Evan Rumack at, or Marilyn Green Rebnord at to let us know what you need. We and our committee are here for you.

Hesed Committee


BUSINESS DIRECTORY Advertise your business! Advertise your business in our new Business Directory section of The Word. $120 for a year a one year term Submit your original or clearly scanned copy of your business card to the CBJ office (email to to activate term. Term can commence at any time. One year term is 10 issues. click here for full flyer and details Mortgage Services Funeral HandmadeServicesGiftsHypnotherapy 50 Accounting Services


If your name is missing from the list please contact the synagogue so we can update your information in our files.

4 Scott Bauer September 5 David Colen Lynn SusanMichaelFreedmanGluckShoffet

11 Lisa Neiman September 12 Sharon RachaelBaygoodGluck September 13 Randy Haberman September 14 Kathleen Kanter September 15 Dan AlanJanetKeithGeigerMannReicherSpiegel


16 Rana SusanMarvinDragonFeinbergKatz SEPTEMBER BIRTHDAYS

September 26 Susan

6 Richard Kavitt September 7 Mark Fingerhut September 8 Pamela Brown Linda SandraFisherLevitt


1 Marla Brandt Ken Goldstein






9 Scott Berlant September 10 Marshall Brownfield Jared Goldstine Kim ScottMannRosen

3 Sam BonnieChiprinGlickman


Judith Samuels September 30 Arnie Goldberg We wish a very Happy Birthday to the following members of our Beth Judea Family: 51The Word – September 2022

2 Fred KarriKareyDuboeRosenstonSpiegel

September 21 Sandy Englander Myron Glickman Linda Rothnagel September 22 Andrew Davis David Schneider September 23 Diane Ganden Marcy StevenKostisLeon September 24 Scott HowardShulmanWolin September 25 Bonnie BarbaraFischoffKavitt Staci Turofsky Kronowitz Polonsky Alexander Raab Harris September Lina Salimi


September 28

Alan Sabol September 27 Melvin Budish Dana

September Neal MyronFeldReicher 19 Myra Borkan Lisa Malkin September 20 Rick ShareeDroraHersteinPattPatt





If your name is missing from the list please contact the synagogue so we can update your information in our files.



6 Merle & Gregory Kalisky Amy & Jeff Taub



1 Linda & Robert Handler

2 Francine & Scott Eisner Rachel & Neil Jordan Roberta & Steven Leon

5 Melissa & Jason Allen Michelle & Ira Finn Audrey & Michael Friedland Nancy & Leonard Manewith Elana & Matt Schuman Bonnie & Ira Sender


7 Cathy & Mitchell Feiger Debbie & Marc Posner Stacey & Neal Resnik SEPTEMBER ANNIVERSARIES



18 Liz & Gary Schachter


3 Patricia & Samuel Feldman

9 Amy Balson & Ronald Cushing

16 Susan & Mark Sheft Kitty & Bruce Hoffman Wendy Weinger & Richard Ward

wish a very Happy Anniversary to the following members of our Beth Judea Family: 52The Word – September 2022



13 Bobbi & Alan Goldenberg September 14 Sandra & Richard Siegel

20 Carol & Barry Cohen September 28 Lisa & Steven Kaufman



September 2 Kalman Albun* Edna Arker* Alvin Berger* Harry Borkan* Gloria Chappe Earl Elisco Herbert Forman Sonia Karchmar* Irving Katz Abram Lieberman* Rose Luciano* Ruth Moses* Seymour Paisin* Irv Pearlman* Ronald Rebnord Mollie Resnick* Jack Rosenbloom* Eve Rosenfeld Alice Rothenberg* Marcel Silberman Arthur Silverberg Beatrice Smith Alan Stark September 9 Morton Abelson* Barbara Abramovitz* Ida Albun* Tessie Barkan Rosalyn Coleman* Sam Cooper Frances R. Corenman* Sylvia Ziegler Biron Davidov Mildred Forman* Jack Glickman Alex Greenberg* Ruth Greenhill-Spatt Kenneth Haberman* Millie Hennes Mary Hill Bernice Steinberg Hoyt Paul Kaufmann Joseph Klaskin* Jake Klein* Maurice J. Korengold Minnie Fannie Krassner* Bernard Landau* Jacob Louis Levin* Yetta Lipka Debora Litwin* Nancy Miller Marcus Sidney Patt Robert Rosenbaum* Harris Rosenthal* Arthur Rothenberg* Leo Semel Jerry Soble Sam Stark* Stuart Trock Donna Truger* Sara Zemchuck September 16 Louis Broodno* Greta Dessauer Bernard Donenberg Audrey Epton Rochelle Feldman Melvin Feldman* Jacob Friedland* Arthur Gerchikov Paula Greenstein* Al Harris Sheldon Hershinow Hyman Hoffman* Amelia Kane Janet Klass* Dorothy Leibowitz Selma Opper Dorothy Perlmutter Fannie Raab Martin Reicher* Kenneth Sachsel* Sidney Schreibman* Diane Shapiro* Lillian Shugan Alan Slivka Phillip Stephan Robert Wollheim September 23 Ruth Alhadeff Meyer Bengelsdorf Bessie Brenner* William Burg* Rose Edelstein Betty Falcon* Robyn Joy Gill Kinnaman* Beverly Goldstein Morris Gorin* Michael Litt Rose Litwin Lillian Loeb* Rochelle London Morris Mills Alan Nisenbaum* Elsie Saharack Nathan Sandler* Leslie Schiff* Edward Schmarak Daniel Schuster Sam Seligman Theodor Sender* Maurice Settler Ida Stein* Loren Strandtmann Albert Sumner* Jack Weinger September Yahrzeits YOU WILL ALWAYS BE REMEMBERED AND ALWAYS IN OUR HEARTS 53 * Denotes the deceased has a yahrzeit plaque If you are interested in purchasing a plaque please contact the synagogue office The Word September 2022

September 30 Faye Angell* Bernard Cutler* David S. Eisenberg Bertram Eisner* Leonard Fisher* Fred Green Etta Greenberg* Louis Lerner* Ruth Levy* Max Pander Lillian Raab Ida Rich Lillian Rosenston Betty Rosenthal Lance Rubin Jessie Rubinstein* Irving Schuster Jules Spitz Sally Sylvan Arlene Watters Sol Weinberg* Gerszon Weiskopf* Richard Wolf* Abraham Wolinsky* Nathan Zeiger September Yahrzeits (Cont.) YOU WILL ALWAYS BE REMEMBERED AND ALWAYS IN OUR HEARTS 54 * Denotes the deceased has a yahrzeit plaque If you are interested in purchasing a plaque please contact the synagogue office The Word September 2022

October 7 Frances S. Barnett* Arnold Block* Marianne Brenner* David Brodsky* Jeffrey Caplan* Dorothy Feldheim* Suzanne Fine* Shirley Friedlander Norman Friedman Leon Goldberg* David Goldbogen* Carol Guaglardi Arnold Hecht* Hyman Hundert* Sol Kessler* Sarah Levsky* Harvey Maller Ruth Mason Anita Raab Sam Rabin* Bernard Resnick* Celia Schreibman* Claire Seligman Morris Shapiro* Harriette Silverman* Harry Victor October 14 Isaac Appel Lester Berger Symon Bows* Irving Brown Dorothy Brown Carol Caplan Rose Cohen Harold Falcon* Charles Feldman Harry Fisher M. Eileen Fojtik Arlene Ganden* Philip Geltner Yale Gerol* Philip Gluskin* Rose Goldberg* Solly Gordon* Tracy Hirshman* Ida Kamen Rachel Sarah Kipnis Benjamin Langer Yetta Levy* Max Mann Esther Mendelsohn William Meyers* Hyman Molotsky Rochelle Mosoff Shalom Nahum* Richard Nathan* Philip Nemser* Millard Oscherwitz* Eva Pander Morris Posner anford “ andy” Ramras George Rosset Lois Schwartz Charles Shuman Frances Spiegel* Ida Sulak Anna Wortell* October 21 Sidney Ament Albert Atlas Seymour Berkovitz Jack Brill* Reba Broodno* Donna Bryant* Alice Chiprin* Barney Cole* Debby Cortes Marcella Entman Daniel Friedlander Thelma Geiger Doris Gerchikov Selma K. Goldstein Theodore Gottlieb* Allen Guttenberg Lewis Heiber Michael Hoffman Marilyn Holman* Eugenia Green Holmes Dora Kahn* Diane Kovich* Sidney London Burton Mora Richard Paley Sidney Ratskoff Philip Rich Susan Rosenbloom Arman Schaffer Lillian Seres Babette Strauss Fay Turovitz* Marilyn Wasserman October Yahrzeits YOU WILL ALWAYS BE REMEMBERED AND ALWAYS IN OUR HEARTS 55 * Denotes the deceased has a yahrzeit plaque. If you are interested in purchasing a plaque please contact the synagogue office. The Word September 2022

October 28 Bernice Abrams* Albert Morton Bacalar Marilyn Balan Herman Barrier* George Brenghause* Bernhard Dessauer* Ethel Ellis* Melvin Fishman Geri M. Friedman Mikhail Frumina Shirley Goldberg George Goldenberg Esther Halperin* Gerald Hauser* Jerome Horwitz* Lester Jacobs* Ruth Jacobs Eliot Kalina* Haskell Kasanov Meyer Kavitt* Elizabeth Klein* Annette Lerman* Florence Levitt Louis Merker Harry Meyerowitz* Mia Nagel Violet Robin Edward Rosenbaum* David Salavitch* Sophie Sherman Merle Shuman Jackie Shuman Evelyn Warren Armand Zucker October Yahrzeits (Cont.) YOU WILL ALWAYS BE REMEMBERED AND ALWAYS IN OUR HEARTS 56 * Denotes the deceased has a yahrzeit plaque. If you are interested in purchasing a plaque please contact the synagogue office. The Word September 2022

PRAYERS HAVE BEEN SAID FOR THE RECOVERY OF: Lou ElsaReneeJimGerryCathyBarnettFeigerGreimanHymanLevineSmith

CANTOR DISCRETIONARYBAT-SARAHFUND IN APPRECIATION OF: Cantor Bat Sarah for the unveiling for my uncle, Robert Warsaski. Darrell & Lauren Robin IN MEMORY OF: George and Beverly Goldstein, our beloved parents. Judy & Glenn Goldstein

SPEEDY RECOVERY WISHES: Rabbi Zimbalist with wishes for a full recovery. Larry & Judy Weindruch


Congratulations upon the engagement: Andrea and David Alhadeff upon the engagement of their son, Sam Alhadeff to Molly Field

Condolences Upon the Death: Rochelle Brim Beloved Mother of Jeffrey Brim Gail Brooks Beloved Aunt of Art Freedman Beloved Great Aunt of Stacy Groner

UPON THE YAHRZEIT OF: Janet Z. Klass, beloved mother, remembered every day and missed even more. Debbie & Joel Brodsky Rae Kubiak, in loving memory. The Polakow Family Toby Rockwell, in loving memory. Debbie & Marc Posner Seymour Rosen, in loving memory. Lynn & Art Freedman Eleanore Shapiro, in loving memory. Craig & Suzie Cohn William Spiegel, of blessed memory. Alan & Eileen Spiegel Betty Unger, in loving memory. Jacki Unger Irving Weintroub, in loving memory. Betty Weintroub

IN MEMORY OF: Rochelle Brim, beloved wife and mother of Jerry Brim and Family. Renee & Wes Brown UPON THE YAHRZEIT OF: Gloria Chappe, in loving memory. Richard & Ellen Chappe Lillian Himmelfarb, in loving memory. Betty Weintroub Max Karp, in loving memory. David Karp

Congratulations Upon the Births: Arlene and Rickey Ament upon the birth of their grandson, Lionel Emillio Harlston Sandy and Elliott Englander upon the birth of their daughter, and Bobbi and Alan Goldenberg upon the birth of their granddaughter, Elizabeth Leah Englander Cathy and Mitch Feiger upon the birth of their granddaughter, Kiraz Esra Feiger

RABBI ZIMBALIST DISCRETIONARY FUND IN APPRECIATION OF: Rabbi Zimbalist for Tisha B’Av in person services and your kindness in assigning me an Aliyah. Floyd & Bobbie Babbitt IN HONOR OF: Our 50th wedding anniversary. Judy & Glenn Goldstein Phyllis Udany upon receiving the Rabbi’s Award. Floyd & Bobbie Babbitt Joel & Pamela Polakow Marilyn Green Rebnord & David Rebnord Sharon & Harris Weiner Gail Gerber & Eric Yegelwel



FOCUS ON FAMILIES FUND IN HONOR OF: Paula Carter upon being named Board Member of the Year. Janice & Craig Minnick Jennifer & Brandt Rosen and Family upon the baby naming of Ren Maisel Rosen. Jean & Ron Friedman Gail Gerber & Eric Yegelwel


UPON THE YAHRZEIT OF: Gerald Balbirer, in memory of our poppy, Gerry. Scott, Alex, Jake & Brett Bauer Ruth Moses, beloved mother, grandmother and great grandmother. Rona Wolf

GENERAL FUND IN APPRECIATION OF: Congregation Beth Judea. Louis & Patricia Lefkowitz IN HONOR OF: Sandy & Elliott Englander upon the birth of their daughter, Elizabeth Leah Englander. Sandra Levitt Arlene & Rickey Ament upon the birth of their grandson, Lionel Emillio Harlston. Rita & Sid Mathias Cathy & Mitch Feiger upon the birth of their granddaughter, Kiraz Esra Feiger. Rita & Sid Mathias IN MEMORY OF: Rochelle Brim, beloved mother and grandmother of Jeff & Gayle Brim and Family. Ken & BethandRedfernFamily Gail Brooks, beloved aunt of Art & Lynn Freedman and Family. Roberta Uhler Eli Brickman, beloved father. Pearl Brickman, beloved mother. Harold Shefsky, beloved brother. Joseph Shefsky, beloved father. Ruth Shefsky, beloved mother. Mary & Harvey Brickman UPON THE YAHRZEIT OF: Abraham Brin, in loving memory. The Brin Family Leo Liebovitz, beloved father. Susan & Michael Mangurten

IN HONOR OF: Our 25th wedding anniversary. Marc & Debbie Posner UPON THE YAHRZEIT OF: Milton David Secler, in loving memory. Gloria, Harold, Rachel, Ross & Suzanne Secler


UPON THE YAHRZEIT OF: Gloria Hecht, it’s been 31 years since you left me, but you’ll always be in my heart. Mitch Hecht CHESED FUND IN HONOR OF: Susan Adleman upon her Bat Mitzvah. Jerry & Heidi Sakol IN MEMORY OF: Carl Barkan, beloved father. Tessie Barkan, beloved mother. Max Cohen, beloved father. Minnie Cohen, beloved mother. Harold & Gayle Cohen UPON THE YAHRZEIT OF: Morris Elisco, remembered.always Hennie Elisco

TRIBUTES The Word – September 2022

IN MEMORY OF: Rochelle Brim, beloved mother of Jeff & Gayle Brim. Ellyn & Layne Pollard CONGREGATION SUPPORT FUND

PRAYER BOOK FUND (A Siddur was purchased and dedicated))


MEN’S CLUB FUND IN APPRECIATION OF: Sandy Victor for his help and expertise with my Simchat Chuchnah programs. Susan Adleman IN HONOR OF: Jennifer & Brandt Rosen and Family upon the baby naming of Ren Maisel Rosen. Marcie & Alan Marcus


IN HONOR OF: Marilyn Green Rebnord & David Rebnord upon the marriage of their son, Daniel Rebnord to Leslie Roter Renee & Michael Klass UPON THE YAHRZEIT OF: Janet Klass, in loving memory of our mother grandmother.and Renee & Michael KlassFamilyand

SISTERHOOD FUND IN APPRECIATION OF: Sisterhood for the Rummage sale event. Kim Mann IN HONOR OF: Sandy & Elliott Englander upon the birth of their Elizabethdaughter,LeahKimEnglander.&SkipMannandFamily Phyllis Udany upon receiving the Rabbi’s Award. Marcie & Alan Marcus Laura & Stan Zoller upon the birth of their grandson, Reid Arthur Zoller. Marcie & Alan Marcus

The Word – September 2022 IN HONOR OF: All of the reward recipients. Janet & Myron Reicher Karen Edidin upon her birthday. May you have many more happy and healthy ones! Marcie & Alan Marcus

KIDDUSH FUND LINDA & ALBERT STARK FUND IN HONOR OF: Linda & Albert Stark upon their 60th Jean & Ron Friedman UPON THE YAHRZEIT OF: Alan Stark, most beloved cousin and godfather to Jeffrey Stark. Linda & Albert Stark and Family Sam Stark, beloved father and grandfather. Albert & Linda Stark and Family


UPON THE YAHRZEIT OF: Martin Reicher, beloved father. Myron Reicher


UPON THE YAHRZEIT OF: Leo Semel, beloved father and grandfather. Louise & Louis Barnett BEN MEMORIALSAYPOLFUND

Oscar Berman, beloved father.

IN MEMORY OF: Rochelle Brim, beloved mother of Jeff & Gayle Brim. Melinda & Jeffrey Fine JACK

Charles Wolf, beloved father in law. Leona Wolf, beloved mother in law. Richard Wolf, beloved brother in law. Marla Wolf



60 TRIBUTES The Word September 2022


IN MEMORY OF: Mary Berman, beloved mother.

UPON THE YAHRZEIT OF: Ben Saypol, in loving memory. Judye Groner

IN MEMORY OF: Bella Schwachman, beloved grandmother. Sue Ellen & Fred Duboe Frieda Schwartz, beloved mother. Sue Ellen & Fred Duboe UPON THE YAHRZEIT OF: Janet Z. Klass, beloved mother, remembered every day and missed even more. Debbie & Joel Brodsky


Weekday Evening Minyan: Sunday through Thursday .................................... 7:30 p.m. Bo ruch A tah Ado nai E lo hei nu Melech Ha olam A sher Ki de sha nu Be mitz tzi va nu Le had lik Ner Shel Shabbat. Blessed are You, Lord our God, King of the universe, who has hallowed us through His Commandments, and has commanded us to kindle the lights of the holy Sabbath.

Shabbat Evening Services Shabbat Morning Services 9:30 a.m. Alternative Shabbat Service (Interpretive Minyan).. 10:30 a.m.

Weekday Morning Minyan: Sunday 9:00 a.m. Monday through Friday 7:30 a.m.

p.m. September 9 ...……….……..……………...... 6:54 p.m. September 16 ...…….….……..……………... 6:41 p.m. September 23 ...……….……..…………......... 6:29 p.m September 25 ...EREV ROSH HASHANAH.. 6:26 p.m September 26 ...ROSH HASHANAH 1........... 7:24 p.m September 27 ...ROSH HASHANAH 2........... 7:22 p.m September 28 ...……….……..…………......... 6:17 p.m. ה הָתַּא ךְוּרָבּ'מָלוֹעָה ךְֶלֶמ וּניֵקלֱֹא, תָבַּשׁרֶשֲׁאלֶשׁ רֵנ קיִלְדַהְל וּנָוִּצְו ויָתוְֹצִמְבּ וּנָשְׁדִּק.

vo tav Vi



Worship Schedule Conducted by Rabbi Morris Zimbalist

September 2 7:06

From The Editors


CONGREGATION BETH JUDEA 5304 RFD Long Grove, IL 60047 (847) 634-0777 E-Mail: Website: Rabbi Morris Zimbalist Cantor/Education Director Elizabeth Bat Sarah Rabbi Emeritus Howard Lifshitz Hazzan Emeritus Roger J. Weisberg President Herb Finn Executive Director Lisa Neiman Youth Director Marc Sender Editor Evan Rumack

The Blessing For Lighting The Candles On Shabbat is Candle Lighting Times Candle Lighting time is calculated for 18 minutes before sunset and is adjusted for Daylight Savings Time.

Announcements should take the form of articles in The Word rather than separate flyers. The opinions expressed herein are not necessarily those of the Rabbi, Board of Directors or the editors.



In order for your article to be published in the next issue, we must have it at the synagogue by the 10th of the month! There will be no exceptions. This includes information on disk as well. We need your article as it is important to let the congregation know what your group is doing.

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