Tikkun Leil June 4, 2022
June 5 – 6,
Maccabi Game Sendoff & Ice Cream Social June 28, 2022
Buffalo Creek Brewing June 29, 2022
June 12, 2022 Men’s Club Shabbat June 4
5304 RFD, Hilltop Rd. & Route 83, Long Grove, IL 60047 Phone: 847-634-0777 www.bethjudea.org
To Our Beth Judea Family and Friends On behalf of the Clergy, Executive Committee, Board of Directors and Staff of Congregation Beth Judea, we wish you and yours a very happy Shavuot blessed with peace, prosperity, and good health on this holiday and always.
Rabbi Morris Zimbalist
Lisa Neiman Executive Director
The Word – May 2021
Rabbi Emeritus Howard Lifshitz
Cantor Elizabeth Bat-Sarah
Marc Sender Youth Director
Hazzan Emeritus Roger Weisberg
Herb Finn CBJ President
The Word – June-July 2022
CONGRATULATIONS Thank you to our outgoing officers and board members Congratulations to: Incoming officers and board members Men’s Club Man of the Year and Youth of the Year
In This Issue Page Shavuot 2 Mission Statement 5 Important Dates & Notices 5 Calendar 6 2022 – 2023 Board Update 7 Cantor Bat-Sarah Installation 9 Men’s Club Shabbat 10 B’Nai Mitzvah Bios 11 Upcoming Events 13 Bingo & Lunch 14 Canasta Lessons 15 Special High Holiday Classes 16 Torah Readers Needed 24 Social Action Collections/Drives 25 Jewllenialz 27 Boomers 27 SHALVA 27 Young Families Events 28 The Word – June-July 2022
Adult Education Weekly/Shabbat Programs Alternative Shabbat Taste of Torah Ways & Means Sisterhood Sisterhood Book Club Sisterhood Gift Shop Men’s Club Interfaith Council Alternative Minyan The Goodman’s Blog The Helping Hand Plan Hesed Business Directory Birthdays & Anniversaries Yahrzeits Tributes
Page 29 30 31 32 33 35 36 38 39 41 42 42 43 43 44 45 49 55
Important Dates and Notices JUNE EVENTS June 3 June 4 June 4 June 5 June 6 June 12 June 13 June 14 June 16 June 19 June 20 June 23 June 26 June 28 June 29
Cantor’s Installation Men’s Club Shabbat Erev Shavuot/Tikkun Leil Shavuot Shavuot 1 Shavuot 2 & Yizkor Bingo Canasta Lessons Musical Evening with the Cantor & Sisterhood Installations Lunch & Learn with Cantor begins Father’s Day Canasta Lessons Sisterhood Book Club Interfaith iWalk Ice Cream Social/ Maccabi Games Send Off Brewery Event
JULY 17, 2022 JULY 29, 2022
Watch your emails and our website for updates and changes to any of our programs or information
JULY EVENTS July 10 July 10 July 19 July 25
Bagels & Bubbles at EFA Israel Committee Movie Night Game Night Men’s Club Bourbon & Burgers
Please contact Lisa Neiman at lneiman@bethjudea.org or 847-6340777 if you need any special assistance to participate in any of our programs.
Congregation Beth Judea Mission Statement Congregation Beth Judea is a welcoming egalitarian synagogue whose mission is to create a warm and inviting home that serves the lifelong spiritual, educational and fellowship needs of our members. Consistent with the principals of the Conservative movement, we embrace Torah and our responsibility to serve and support the greater Jewish community, the community at large, the United States of America and the State of Israel.
The Word - June-July 2022
CALENDAR Programming
SHAVUOT June 4 June 5 June 6
Erev Shavuot/Tikkun L’eil Shavuot Shavuot 1 Shavuot 2 & Yizkor
Special Events June 3 June 16 June 26 June 30
Cantor Bat Sarah Installation Lunch & Learn Interfaith iWalk for Hunger Night Cap
Men’s Club June 3
Men’s Club Shabbat
Sisterhood June 14 June 23
A Musical Evening with Cantor and Sisterhood Installations Sisterhood Book Club
June 12 June 13 & 20 June 28 June 29
Bingo Canasta Lessons Maccabi Sendoff/Ice Cream Social Brewery Event
Religious School Closed for Summer
Adult Education Our regular weekday and Shabbat classes continue to meet – see adult ed section for details
Youth IMPORTANT UPCOMING DATES FOR YOUTH View our calendar online at http://tinyurl.com/BJUSYCalendar
Meetings Volunteers & Items Needed
Please check website
Bags Needed for Food Pantries PADS Volunteers Needed
Be Sure To Check Out “Beth Judea Community News” CBJ FACEBOOK LINK
We are an inclusive Community. Please contact Lisa Neiman at lneiman@bethjudea.org or 847-634-0777 if you need any special accommodations to participate in our program.
The Word - June-July 2022
BIRTHDAYS AND ANNIVERSARIES Shabbat Prayers June 3, 2022 & July 1 – 6:30 pm Those who celebrate birthdays and anniversaries during the months of June & July will be recognized at our services on June 3rd and July 1st. Our worship will begin at 6:30 pm. Children of every age are welcome!
OUT Debbie K. Dubin Todd Lichtenstein Michael Movitz
IN Darlene Bikshorn Rhonda Cohn Bruce Darin Andrea Heiger Lina Salimi Eric Scott
SISTERHOOD 2022-2023 BOARD UPDATE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Education Programming Torah Fund VP Parliamentarian:
OUT Sherry Weinberger Rana Dragon & Andrea Heiger Debbie Limer
IN OPEN OPEN Rhonda Cohn
GENERAL BOARD Book Club College Care Cards Film Focus High Holiday Brochure Judaica Shop Mah Jongg Tournament Members at Large
OUT Brenda Levin & Sandy Levitt Beth Redfern & Rana Dragon Sherry Weinberger Rebecca Andreoli
IN Various Book Club Members OPEN N/A Cindy Andreoli Cindy Andreoli (added to current) OPEN OPEN
Membership Event Team Leader Rebranding Task Force Social Media Spring Event (Seder) Team Leader *Wine Tasting *(co-sponsored w/Men’s Club) NOMINATING COMMITTEE MEMBERS:
Renee Kaplan Ruth Finkle Jean Friedman Marla Wolf Vicky Kaplan Sandy Englander Sandy Englander Sandy Englander Bobbi Goldenberg
OUT Sara Goldenberg Heidi Sakol Phyllis Udany Rana Dragon Sherry Krawitz Beth Redfern
Lori Finn Rebecca Andreoli & Lori Rosenbloom Dara Hoyt OPEN Paula Carter
IN Darlene Bikshorn Debbi Green Cindy Andreoli
MEN’S CLUB 2022-2023 BOARD UPDATE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE President Executive Vice President Programming Vice Preisdent Ritual Vice President Social Action Chairman Secretary Director At Large VP House & Parliamentarian
OUT Robert Lipka & Brandt Rosen Vacant Allen Harris Jerry Sakol Alan Friedlander
IN Alan Friedlander
Alan Marcus Steve Frost Dan Sheehan Lou Rabin & Orin Rotman Sandy Victor
Watch your emails and our website for updates and changes to any of our programs or information
COVID-19 UPDATE: CBJ is following the guidelines in accordance with CDC and local government. We will be providing daily morning (7:30 a.m.), evening minyan (7:30 p.m.) and Sunday morning at 9:00 a.m. at their regularly scheduled times in person and through Zoom on selected dates. Check your emails for all program offerings and the links to access. For Shabbat Services please see our calendar on our website at www.bethjudea.org for Service Time and all online events.
Visit CBJs FB Page
Helping Hands
Click Here for Help or to Volunteer The Word – June-July 2022
The Word – June-July 2022
10 The Word – June-July 2022
B’nei Mitzvah Bios Lily Rachel Marcus will be called to the Torah as a Bat Mitzvah on Saturday, June 11, 2022.
Lily Rachel Marcus
Lily has worked very hard to prepare for this important day with dedication and determination. Her Bat Mitzvah marks the beginning of her identity as a Jewish adult, one that is filled with growth, learning, and the continuation of Jewish traditions that have been in her family for generations. She also spent time this past year supporting the St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital for her Bat Mitzvah project, which advances cures and means of prevention for pediatric catastrophic diseases through research and treatment. When not preparing for her Bat Mitzvah or working hard on her academics at Twin Groves Middle School, you can find Lily twisting, tumbling, and flipping upside down on the cheer mat. She enjoys the challenge of learning new tumbling skills and working with her teammates at ICE – Barrington to dominate at cheer competitions across the country. Joining Lily on this special day are her parents Allyson and Andrew Marcus, her sister Brynn, as well as Grandparents June and Rich Gross and Jill and Jeff Marcus. Lily will also be joined by many aunts, uncles, cousins, and friends from near and far. With sincere gratitude, Lily and her family would like to thank Rabbi Zimbalist, Cantor Bat-Sarah, and the Beth Judea educators that have prepared Lily for this important day. A special thank you to Natalie Gurin, Lily’s wonderful Bat Mitzvah tutor, who has been a significant part of Lily’s Jewish education since she was young.
A Hearty Mazel Tov to all our June & July B’nei Mitzvah Families
from your Beth Judea Family.
B’nei Mitzvah Bios Susan Adleman will be called to the Torah as a Bat Mitzvah on Saturday, July 9, 2022 at 4 PM. This also coincides with her 80th birthday. Susan grew up in Brooklyn, NY and never had a Bat Mitzvah. It was not a life cycle event that was available to girls at that time. She is a graduate of James Madison High School in Brooklyn, Hunter College and SUNY Cortland.
Susan Adleman
Susan would like to thank the Adult B’Nai Mitzvah Class of a few years ago for showing her that a Bat Mitzvah was possible, her friend and teacher, Lee Goldberg and her tutor, Andrea Dickson and also Jerry Sakol and Eric Yegelwel. Susan moved to Illinois, from Ithaca, NY., with her husband, Marvin in 2011, z”l, to be closer to her daughter and son in law, Rachel and Neil Jordan and their two sons, Emmet and Jacob. She is also Bubbee to Ari and Leora Feinsmith, children of Elana and Jason Feinsmith from Sunnyvale, CA. Susan lives in Luther Village in Arlington Heights. Judaism and being active and involved in a Temple are a priority in her life. She is a past President of the Ithaca Association for Jewish Studies, and was an active member of the Sisterhood of Temple Beth El, Ithaca, holding a variety of board positions and continues to love being a part of Congregation Beth Judea. Susan is a retired teacher, loves to dance, watch birds (as you know from her Facebook Postings about the Luther Village Swans), swim, and has spent many years supporting people with eating disorders. Susan would like to thank her many friends at CBJ for the warm welcome she got when she moved here and their support during some challenging times in her life. Susan looks forward to being able to chant her Torah Parshah in G-d’s language.
Spiritual Themes of the High Holidays Thursdays at Noon June 16 – August 25 via Zoom with Cantor Bat-Sarah Deepen your experience of the High Holidays this year by taking a journey through the words and music of the Fall holidays with the cantor.
If you need any assistance to participate in the program, please contact Lisa Neiman at lneiman@bethjudea.org
Hebrew for the Holidays! Saturdays after Kiddush June 18 – August 30 with Cantor Bat-Sarah
Are your Hebrew reading skills Really Rusty? Would you like greater access to the prayers through Hebrew reading? Join the Cantor after Kiddush each Saturday, June 18th to August 30th, for 30-45 minutes of study and review.
Although this class is primarily for those who have previously learned a little Hebrew, beginners are welcome as well. If we have strong participation through the summer, we will continue after Simchat Torah. We will be using the following text: https://store.behrmanhouse.com/index.php/aleph-isn-ttough-an-introduction-to-hebrew-for-adults-book-1.html
Copies will be available for purchase through the synagogue for $30 If you need any assistance to participate in the program, please contact Lisa Neiman at lneiman@bethjudea.org
Torah Readers Needed
Greenhouse Fundraiser
Click to email Lisa Neiman
Click to visit Leider 26
The Word – June-July 2022
Jewllennialz is a group co-chaired by Kristina and Robert Levy dedicated to building a community of Jewish 20 and 30-somethings at Congregation Beth Judea through social and educational events.
All Congregation Beth Judea members aged 55 and over, are welcome to participate.
If you or your children are a Millennial/GenZer and would like to learn more, please contact jewllennialz@gmail.com.
If you’re not already on the BOOMERS mailing list, please email your name and email address to:
boomerscbj@gmail.com. Stay healthy, Joan Rosemarin
Cell Phone Drop-Off Box In Synagogue Office! Help domestic abuse victims by donating your old cell phones. Each phone raises money for domestic abuse crisiscounseling services in the Jewish community! SHALVA offers free counseling to Jewish women who are or were in an intimate partner relationship. If you or someone you know needs our help, call 773-583-4673.
The Word – June-July 2022
Focus on Families
The Word - June-July 2022
ADULT EDUCATION Welcome to our Adult Education Series. To register for classes or to find out more information, please see your weekly emails.
Adult Education Series Ongoing Classes WEEKLY CLASSES:
Please visit our website at www.bethjudea.org for a list of all on-going and new adult education courses being offered. Check the site frequently as more classes are being added on a continuing basis.
These classes are ongoing. Please join at any time.
Hebrew is not required for any of these classes, unless specifically noted.
Talmud Study: Tractate Sukkah
Sunday mornings at 8 a.m.
These Saturday morning classes are ongoing. Please join at any time.
Weekly Parsha Study Facilitated by Orin Rotman
Shabbat morning at 9:00 a.m. every Shabbat morning
Taught by Rabbi Zimbalist
This year, we will delve into Tractate Sukkah. We will study the scope of the obligation to live in a Sukkah, the difference between a temporary and fixed structure, the commandments surrounding the lulav and etrog, and so much more! Join us for a lively discussion with Rabbi Zimbalist on Sunday mornings.
Abraham Joshua Heschel: Heavenly Torah: As Refracted through the Generations Taught by Orin Rotman
Wednesday evenings at 8 p.m. Beginning in September
Excerpts to be discussed will be made available, or the wonderful book can be obtained from local libraries or purchased on Amazon or other outlets.
Weekly study to discuss the parsha of the week. We will discuss questions raised by the participants. Shabbat morning at 9:00 a.m. every Shabbat morning
Alternative Shabbat Service Facilitated by Norm Kurtz
Shabbat morning at 10:30 a.m. every Shabbat morning Norm Kurtz facilitates this Shabbat morning service that focuses on building community by enjoying a passionate, meaningful, and dynamic Shabbat morning experience. Join this innovative, creative, and different minyan each Shabbat morning at 10:30 am in Room 1. Shabbat morning at 10:30 a.m. every Shabbat morning
The Word – June-July 2022
ADULT EDUCATION Welcome to our Adult Education Series. To register for classes or to find out more information, please contact the synagogue.
Adult Education Series Ongoing Classes WEEKLY CLASSES:
These classes are ongoing. Please join at any time. Hebrew is not required for any of these classes, unless specifically noted.
Talmud Study: Tractate Ketubot Sunday mornings at 8 a.m.
These Saturday morning classes are ongoing. Please join at any time.
Weekly Parsha Study Facilitated by Orin Rotman
Shabbat morning at 9:00 a.m. every Shabbat morning
Taught by Rabbi Zimbalist This year, we will delve into Tractate Ketubot.
Weekly study to discuss the parsha of the week. We will discuss questions raised by the participants.
Join us for a lively discussion with Rabbi Zimbalist on Sunday mornings.
Shabbat morning at 9:00 a.m. every Shabbat morning
Sweet Taste of Torah: Torah from Heaven Taught by Orin Rotman
Wednesday evenings at 8 p.m. Beginning in October Last Session June 8
Alternative Shabbat Service
We will be discussing AJ Heschel and his book, Heavenly Torah: As Refracted Through the Generations.
Shabbat morning at 10:30 a.m. every Shabbat morning
Facilitated by Norm Kurtz
Norm Kurtz facilitates this Shabbat morning service that focuses on building community by enjoying a passionate, meaningful, and dynamic Shabbat morning experience. Join this innovative, creative, and different minyan each Shabbat morning at 10:30 am in Room 1. Shabbat morning at 10:30 a.m. every Shabbat morning
The Word – June-July 2022
Ways and Means = FUNrai$ing DONATING TO CBJ WITHOUT SPENDING $ We all Shop, Eat, Drink… Whether it is: Amazon Starbucks Dunkin Donuts Sunset Mariano’s Lettuce Entertain You …or more
FUNDRAISING IDEAS The Ways and Means Committee is here for your ideas; please share them with us at CBJWaysMeansVP@gmail.com .
Please Buy “Gift” Cards right from your phone; ask us how. Please use Amazon Smile on your Prime Account. It is that easy; we are here to help.
Let’s have fun while giving back to CBJ.
Thank you.
Thank you all for your support.
Ways and Means
Paula Carter Ways & Means VP
Who Knows About
Did you know that Congregation Beth Judea is part of the Amazon Smile Program? We are and last year, thank you to all of our congregants who shopped on Amazon Smile Program and designated Congregation Beth Judea as the recipient. We raised over $500. Any questions about Amazon Smile, please call the Beth Judea Office. The Word – June-July 2022
Shiva Baskets
Sunshine Fund
CBJ Business Directory Advertising Opportunity
The primary purpose of the shiva tradition, or "sitting shiva," is to create an environment of comfort and community for mourners; it helps guide friends and family members through the loss of a loved one. Throughout the weeklong shiva period, mourners come together in one family’s home to offer their condolences and support. From a practical standpoint, the shiva process and practices associated with Jewish mourning add comfort to the life of a mourner following a death. In the period after suffering a loss, a mourner may be comforted by the structure and routines prescribed by traditional Jewish mourning laws.
Advertise your business in our new Business Directory section of The Word! $120 for a year (one-year term) Submit a high resolution graphic of your business card to Lisa Neiman at lneiman@bethjudea.org. Subscription payment must be received to activate term.
Historically, the Board of Directors of Congregation Beth Judea has sent shiva baskets to the immediate family of Board members; parents, spouses, siblings and G-d forbid, children. We would like to extend this gesture to the entire congregation. Donations may be sent the shul attention Lisa Neiman. Thanking you in advance for you generous donations. Respectfully, Lisa Neiman
Gift Cards SUPPORT BETH JUDEA BY PURCHASING GIFT CARDS Purchasing gift cards is one of the easiest ways to support Beth Judea.
The Congregation earns a rebate from the vendors when you utilize the gift cards, so there is no cost to you. Gift cards can be utilized the same as cash, there are no restrictions.
Did you know that when you shop on Amazon you can support Congregation Beth Judea at the same time? It's very simple, Amazon smile will donate 0.5% of the price of eligible amazon purchases to Congregation Beth Judea. Here is the link: Click here to Shop The Word - June-July 2022
If you are shopping for groceries or clothes, going to a movie or traveling, you can help support our Congregation. Order forms for Gift Cards are available in the office or in the Lobby on Sunday morning. They can be purchased with cash, check, or credit cards (a 2.5% convenience fee will be added when paying with a credit card). Click Here to Download Form
Sisterhood Dear Fellow CBJ Congregants, We hope that you have enjoyed the sudden summer-like Spring and that all of your flowers are planted and bringing joy to your yards! Many thanks to Andrea Heiger and the Torah Fund committee for their successful event, including inspirational yoga. Torah Fund has reached their goal of $4,000 and is now happy to continue to raise funds for the JTS New Spaces Project. Thank you to Paula Carter for successfully facilitating creative fundraising opportunities! We enjoyed a lovely evening at Kendra Scott in Deer Park and we had the opportunity to participate from afar as well. Please join us for an outdoor musical evening on June 14 at 6pm at CBJ including a pizza dinner. Cantor Bat-Sarah will lead us in song as well as participate in a Q and A. This event will also include Sisterhood installations. Please see the flyer in the weekly email as well as from Sisterhood for instructions regarding how to submit questions for Cantor Bat-Sarah and to RSVP. We would like to thank Debbie Limer and the nominating committee; Michele Sussman, Darlene Bikshorn, Rhonda Cohen, Debbi Green and Cindy Andreoli for working together to make sure we have an effective board for next year. We look forward to new and creative programming next year and hope that you will participate as often as you are able. If you have programming ideas or would like to help Sisterhood by leading or participating on a committee, please reach out to Michele or Darlene. Best wishes for a wonderful summer,
Darlene Bikshorn and Michele Sussman Sisterhood Co-presidents Darlene Bikshorn dbikshorn@gmail.com Michele Sussman Mesussman@gmail.com
The Word - June-July 2022
Torah Fund
Sisterhood Gift Shop The Sisterhood of Beth Judea proudly shares about our renowned Judaica Shop! Our gift shop is slowly reopening, and dates and times will be listed on the website and in your weekly emails. Please call to schedule a Tallit appointment. Note that MASKS ARE REQUIRED REGARDLESS of vaccination status. We are making individual appointments for you to shop for your Judaica needs. Please reach out to us, we have flexibility with times and days to meet your schedule. Contact Ann Lerman at (847) 373-8640 or email us at giftshopcbj@gmail.com.
Our Judaica Shop carries a wide variety of items and gifts with continually updated inventory. Come take a look at many of the following types of items: *Tallitot *Kippot *Women’s Head Coverings *Seder Plates *Hanukkah Menorahs *Shabbat Candlesticks *Kiddush Cups *Tzedakah Boxes *Wedding Gifts * Shofars *Bar & Bat Mitzvah Gifts *Mezuzah Cases and Kosher Scrolls *Yahrzeit Candles *Jewish Children’s Books *Wall Home Blessings *Hostess Gifts *Wedding Glasses *Decorative items……..and so much more! Come and browse our amazing collections of beautiful Judaic Jewelry – for both Men and Women! We have countless Hamsas, Chais, Stars and Hoshens. You will love our special designer pieces. Also, our nonJudaic jewelry can make a special gift as well.! You will find many price points to meet all budgets. Our extensive collection of Tallitot, for both men and women, is a specialty we are known for in the Chicagoland area! We always have approximately 100 of the Tallitot in stock…most of them made in Israel! If the choices are overwhelming – or you wish to simply allow a family member or friend choose on their own – a Gift Certificate may be the wise choice for you – any denomination – anytime. We make it easy for you too – as we accept Visa, MasterCard and Discover! So stop by and visit us to see for yourself why all of the talk! Have the Judaica Shop be a go-to spot for all your Judaic needs – please come visit us soon!
Congregation Beth Judea Gift Shop (Where shopping is a mitzvah)
20% OFF ONE SINGLE ITEM OF $25 OR MORE Coupon must be present at time of purchase Exclusions include sale merchandise, special orders, scrolls. One coupon per family. No other discounts or promotions apply -Expires December 31, 2022 COUPON
Men’s Club Greetings from the Men’s Club. I can’t believe that it is June, and the Synagogue year is coming to a close. In thinking back, while we were getting back to some kind of normal, it is amazing that we were able to be in person not only for services but also other events including our club retreat in Lake Geneva, packing Yom HaShoah candles, and our upcoming Men’s Club Shabbat (more on that later). On May 13 Norm Kurtz, Lou Rabin, Orin Rotman, and me left for Bloomington, IL to attend the Midwest Region Retreat. This was the first Region retreat we have had since 2018. There was a total of 18 guys that attended from both the Chicago and St. Louis areas. It was great to see some familiar faces and meet some people that had never attended a retreat. While there we had a chance to pray, play, learn and eat, the highlight of the weekend was our guest speaker Rabbi Rebecca Dubowe. Rabbi Dubowe is the Senior Rabbi at Moses Montefiore Temple (MMT) in Bloomington. MMT is the only synagogue in Bloomington and is Reform. Rabbi Dubowe is also the only ordained female Reform Rabbi that is deaf. When she spoke to us on Saturday afternoon, she not only spoke about what is like to be the only Jewish clergy in Bloomington and how she interacts the other clergy in her area, but also what it was like for her growing up deaf and as a Jew. I found her story fascinating. After her talk, she led us in a Meditative Mincha service. When we were all finished, I had a chance to speak with her and asked her if she would be interested in coming to Long Grove to speak to CBJ and spend the weekend as a Scholar in Residence. She said that she would so hopefully we can make this happen in the coming year. On Sunday May 22, 2022, we attended the Man of the Year/Youth of the Year awards presentation at Congregation Beth Hillel/B’nai Emunah in Wilmette. We honored our Man of the Year Alan Marcus and our Youth of the Year Brooke Robbins. The event was well attended by CBJ folks as well as all the synagogues that were presenting. One of the highlights was that our own, Cantor Bat-Sarah, was asked to sing both the Israeli and American National Anthems. Brooke’s speech was great, and I know that her family was immensely proud of her. Unfortunately, Alan could not attend the ceremony, so I accepted the award on his behalf. We will be presenting Alan his award on June 4 at Men’s Club Shabbat. Since my last article there has been some good news regarding our sponsor family from Guatemala. According to what I have been told, they will be arriving in Chicago on June 1. I understand that a group from CBJ and The Niagara Foundation will be meeting them at O’Hare Airport to welcome them. They will be living in East Rogers Park and their apartment has been furnished and set up. Thank you to all that helped with moving the furniture and preparing the apartment. I am sure we will be hearing more about their new lives in Chicago in the coming months. Thank you again to Orin Rotman and Marty Karlin on a wonderful Tap the Torah presentation. Marty’s topic “Bernstein: Man, Myth, Music” was great. We really got to learn about the man and his inspiration in all that he created. If you didn’t get a chance to hear Marty’s presentation, feel free to reach out to him. On Thursday May 5, 2022, we had our bi-yearly elections. It is my pleasure to announce that the following people have been elected for the 2022-2024 Men’s Club Board. They are Alan Friedlander – President, Steve Limer – V.P. Programming, Brandt Rosen – V.P. Membership and Communications, Ron Friedman – V.P. Finance, Alan Marcus – V. P. Ritual, Sandy Victor – V.P. House and Parliamentarian, Dan Sheehan – Secretary, Steve Frost – Social Action Chairman, Lou Rabin – Director At-Large, and Orin Rotman – Director At- Large. Mazel Tov and I know that you will do great things during your term.
Men’s Club Our softball teams are in full swing (pun intended), and we have now included the game(s) of the week and the schedule in the weekly email from the synagogue. Please help support our teams by showing up for the game(s). They are on Sunday mornings at Techny Park in Northbrook. The start times are either 9:30 or 10:40 AM. If you have any questions reach out to Steve Limer or Brandt Rosen.
We are in the process of planning the dedication of the renovated Memorial Garden. At this point it looks like it will be in late June. Please keep an eye on your emails for more information. On Sunday, July 24, we will be having Burgers and Bourbon event at the Shul. This will be an inperson event with food and beverages (including the adult kind). Mark it on your calendar as it will be a fun time. Men’s Club Shabbat has been scheduled for Saturday June 4. Thank you to our Ritual V.P., Jerry Sakol, for all your hard work in preparing this. This will be an incredibly special Shabbat as it will be the first in-person Men’s Club Shabbat in 2 years. We hope that you will all be able to attend and if not, please join us on Zoom. We are in the early stages of working on our annual Dr. Jack Rizman Golf Outing. The team is beginning to meet, and, at this point, I believe that an early September date is in being discussed. Please keep an eye on your email for more information. Finally, this is my last Word article as Co-President of the Men’s Club. I want to thank my Board (Alan Harris, Steve Limer, Jerry Sakol, Alan Friedlander, Sandy Victor, Ron Friedman, Norm Kurtz, Orin Rotman, Evan Rumack, Eric Yegelwel, and Fred Rabinowitz) for everything you have done over the past 2 years to make sure that we kept going. I especially want to thank Brandt Rosen, my CoPresident and right hand, for everything that you have done. We made a great team. That’s it for now. If you have any questions don’t hesitate to reach out to me or Brandt Rosen. As always, please stay safe and healthy. L’Shalom,
Rob Lipka BJMC Co-President
Tzedakah Fund The Men's Club has made donations from the minyan tzedakah box: JUF Ukranian Relief Fund
Men’s Club strives to offer something for everyone. As such, we’re always open to new and creative programming ideas that help Jewish men lead rich and filling Jewish Lives.
Maot Chitim We thank all those who have contributed to the tzedakah fund administered by Men's Club.
News from the Northwest Suburban Interfaith Council By Joanne Dicker and Helene Fox, Congregation Beth Judea Representatives Working together, we can accomplish much. “Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity!” - Psalm 133
Save the date! The i-walk against hunger is back! On June, 26, 2022, we will hold our annual (in person!) i-walk against hunger. Proceeds from the i-walk raise funds to help our neighbors in need. Join Beth Judea’s group for the walk!
Summer is the time when the food pantries need donations of food and money. Children who receive free lunches at school, often do not have another place to go. Our annual family walk tries to raise awareness of hunger in our community. All funds collected are donated to our food pantries located at congregation Beth Am, St. Mary Parish and Kingswood Methodist Church all located in Buffalo Grove, and St. Alphonsus in Prospect Heights and local ones. We walk from St. Mary Parish to Hope Lutheran Church and back. Hope Lutheran hosts refreshment and entertainment for the walkers. We welcome you and other community organizations to join us. The walk begins at St. Mary Parish heads to Hope Lutheran Church and back to St. Mary Parish. Please see the attached flier .
Please remember those who are less fortunate. The Northwest Suburban Interfaith Council helps support our local food pantries. Monetary donations are always welcome. If you prefer to donate non-perishable foods directly to our member food pantries, Congregation Beth Am, St. Mary Parish, and Kingswood Methodist Church- all located in Buffalo Grove, and St. Alphonsus in Prospect Heights each have pantries. Pantry Assistance Flyer The Northwest Suburban Interfaith Council proudly serves this community. If you have any programming suggestions, please forward them to us or your IFC representatives: Joanne Dicker and Helene Fox
For more information on any of our programs, please contact us by e-mail or telephone: nwsinterfaith@gmail.com, 224-699-0386 or visit our website at: http://www.northwestsuburbaninterfaith.org Donations may be made directly to: Northwest Suburban Interfaith Council PO Box 5301, Buffalo Grove, IL 60089
The Word – June-July 2022
Alternative Shabbat Service Alternative Shabbat Service
Howie and Suzanne Goodman were valued members at Beth Judea until they decided to . make aliyah in 2009. The Goodmans have agreed to provide us with a blog on their experiences as new olim in Israel. Though we continue to miss the Goodmans, we can all look forward to reading about their adventures in Israel through the blog. To learn more about the Goodman’s life in Israel click here to share their experience.
Planned Giving Is Beth Judea a Part of Your Estate? Help ensure the future of Congregation Beth Judea. From Generation to Generation “Making a Difference in the Lives that Follow”
Service Leader: Norm Kurtz Every Shabbat Morning 10:30 am until 11:45 am. You are invited to join the Alternative Shabbat Service which meets every Shabbat morning in person or on Zoom. Our growing interpretive minyan (prayer group) is focused on building community by enjoying a passionate, meaningful, and dynamic Shabbat morning experience. We are innovative, creative, and different from the traditional service. We are friendly and welcoming to all. Being nonjudgmental and accessible, we are interested in creating a meaningful spiritual community where joyful prayer and spirited Torah discussion is experienced, accompanied by camaraderie and friendship. Join us for prayer/discussion/ learning. We look forward to welcoming you to our community. Shabbat Shalom, Norm Kurtz Service Leader See your weekly email for the Zoom info.
Upon three things the world is based: Upon Torah,
For further information: cbjoffice@bethjudea.org
Upon Divine Service and
Upon the Practice of Charity
The Word - June-July 2022
The Helping Hand Plan
The Helping Hand Plan A Project of Congregation Beth Judea Hesed Committee • •
Do you need some help? Do you need a ride to a doctor’s appointment? Do you need a ride to services at Beth Judea?
WHAT IS THE HELPING HAND PLAN? Beth Judea has a group of volunteers who are ready, willing, and able to lend a hand. Just call or e-mail if you need some assistance. WHO DO I CONTACT TO REQUEST SOME HELP? Please call Larry Wollheim at 847-6349399 or e-mail Larry at lwollheim45@gmail.com to request help. It’s a Mitzvah to help someone. Please allow us to help you.
You Make A Difference We firmly believe that reaching out to others benefits not only the recipient, but the person providing help as well. This is, without a doubt, a win-win situation for all involved.
If you are interested in making a difference, please contact one of the Hesed (Caring) committee members below: Ellene Lammers Marilyn Green-Rebnord Evan Rumack Larry Wolheim
The Word - June-July 2022
Hesed Committee
An Important Announcement CONGREGATION BETH JUDEA HESED (CARING) COMMITTEE The Hesed Committee is not just for birthday or anniversary calls (although we enjoy making them!) We are also here to help when you are struggling, feeling lonely, or ill. As the pandemic winds down, we hope we can start visiting those of you who feel the need for more support. Until then, we would like to stay in touch with you by phone. However, we can’t help you unless you let us know you need help. Please contact us at hesed.cbj@gmail.com, Evan Rumack at evanbr1@comcast.net, or Marilyn Green-Rebnord at megx150@comcast.net to let us know what you need. We and our committee are here for you.
We Would Like To Know WE WOULD LIKE TO KNOW . . . . If you are celebrating a life cycle event such as a birth, engagement, or wedding, we would like to know about it so that this milestone can be included in The Word. If you are ill or know someone who is sick, we would like to know about it so that a prayer for recovery can be said, so that the clergy can call or visit, and so that the Hesed (Caring) committee can be notified and be of assistance. If there is a death in your family, we would like to know about it so that we can offer our support, can share this information with our congregation, and so that we can add your loved one to our Yahrzeit records.
Please call the synagogue office with this information. Do not assume that someone else will have notified the synagogue staff. 43
Advertise your business! Advertise your business in our new Business Directory section of The Word. Funeral Services
$120 for a year a one-year term
Handmade Gifts Submit your original or clearly scanned copy of your business card to the CBJ office (email to LNeiman@bethjudea.org). Subscription payment must be received to activate term.
Term can commence at any time. One-year term is 10 issues. click here for full flyer and details
Accounting Services
44 44
JUNE BIRTHDAYS We wish a very Happy Birthday to the following members of our Beth Judea Family: June 1
Max Drobner Gary Harris
June 2
Gary Ernsteen Gail Gerber Milton Goldenberg
June 3
Joel Brodsky Debra Dubin Mitchell Lerman Leslie Neimark
June 5
Dara Hoyt Deborah Karp
June 6
David Alhadeff Betsy Haberman Judy Weindruch
June 7
Jeff Baygood Steven Malkin Allen Shub
June 8
Zakhar Pesin David Sherman Brian Solway
June 9
Robert Handler Sally Sherman
June 10
Steve Schneider Mitchell Schwerdlin Susan Shub
June 11
Brian Drucker Susan Rabinowitz
June 12
Debra Brodsky Sherry Krawitz
June 13
Joshua Ebner Alina Greenhill Renee Haskell Carol Rosen
June 14
Steven Shapiro
June 15
Evan Rumack Rhonda Wener
June 16
Layne Pollard Miriam Spickard Marilyn Victor
June 17
Mitchell Feiger Mark Zorfas
June 18
Cheryl Barnett Michael Drazin
June 19
Susan Hershinow Rachel Jordan Merle Kalisky
June 20
Norman Kurtz Elena Riber Phillip Samuels
June 21
Tara Arnold Judy Bartell Rena Feinberg
June 22
David Sanders
June 23
Todd Horowitz
June 24
Lauren Robin Karen Saharack
June 26
Carey Bacalar Cecily Kanter
June 27
Louise Barnett Mark Friedman Peggy Kaplan Susan Silver
June 28
Rhonda Schwartz
June 29
Sara Kalina Elana Schuman
June 30
Deborah Fishman Gary Frager Linda Portnoy
NOTE: If your name is missing from the list please contact the synagogue so we can update your information in our files.
The Word – June/July 2022
JUNE ANNIVERSARIES We wish a very Happy Anniversary to the following members of our Beth Judea Family: June 2
Melinda & Jeffrey Fine Sharee & Roenan Patt
June 3
Cheryl & David Levsky
June 4
Linda Rothnagel & Thomas Lillien
June 5
Cheryl & Marshall Brownfield
June 6
Natalie & Nathan Solomon Marilyn & Sandy Victor
June 7
Sandra & Jack Berg Laurie & Neal Ford Barbara & Jeffrey Julis
June 20
Arlene & Hugh Block
June 21
Arlene & Rickey Ament Abby & Steven Golberg Rebecca & David Sanders
June 22
Linda & Joel Fisher Nanci & Martin Karlin Susan & Jerrold Silver
June 23
Leah & Sam Chiprin Rana & Matthew Dragon Susan & Ron Shoffet Sharon & Harris Weiner
June 24
Andrea & Jason Heiger Renee & Michael Klass Morrisa & Brian Schwartz
June 25
Laura & Adam Barshefsky Marla & Ken Brandt Helen & Gerald Brin Kathleen & Herbert Kanter Rita & Sidney Mathias
June 8
Risa & Jonathan Kipnis
June 9
Debbie & Arnie Bender
June 11
Patricia & Louis Lefkowitz Randee & Carl Weiss
June 12
Paula & Jeff Carter Sharon & Sam Kleinerman
June 26
Renee & Wesley Brown Geri & Robert Friedman Janet & Myron Reicher
Louise & Louis Barnett Alisa & Glenn Levine Rosita & Martin Rothenberg
June 27
Pamela & David Kahn Robin & James Tehrani
Jean & Ron Friedman Lina & Gabriel Salimi
June 28
Ellen & Richard Chappe Rhonda & Robert Schwartz
June 29
Nicole Overbey & Todd Horowitz Betty & Steven Kolko Marti & Morry Rizman Judith & Phillip Samuels Amanda & Scott Shulman
June 30
Natalie & Brian Gurin Deborah & Ronald Kovich Lauren & Ron Miller
June 13
June 14 June 15
Denise & Orin Rotman
June 16
Gayle & Jeffrey Brim Joy & Andrew Davis Amy & David Schneider
June 17
Erin & Michael Drazin Edye & Mark Friedman Miriam & Richard Krieberg Joan & Carey Rosemarin Linda & Howard Wolin
June 18
Rena & Marvin Feinberg Nori & Robert Spiro NOTE: If your name is missing from the list please contact the synagogue so we can update your information in our files.
The Word – June/July 2022
JULY BIRTHDAYS We wish a very Happy Birthday to the following members of our Beth Judea Family: July 1
Marlene Sachs
July 21
Gail Milne Merle Rumack
July 2
Joel Fisher Susan Silverstone
July 22
Steven Peck Michael Sigal Kevin Spitz Larry Wollheim
July 23
Larry Bender
July 24
Jonathan Altenberg
July 4
Arlene Block Martin Karlin Karen Nagel
July 5
Susan Adleman Edye Friedman
July 6
Roberta Leon Debra Rosenthal Sharon Wein
July 25
Howard Citron Stewart Margolis Jay Yusko
July 7
Debbie Bender Jackie Solway
July 26
July 8
Jason Breslaw Ted Goldberg
Howard Kaufman Burton Litwin Michael Malter Sarah Martin Lisa Miner Ira Sender
July 9
Louis Rabin July 27
July 10
Marti Rizman
Hugh Block Rachael Finkel Nori Spiro
July 11
Amy Balson Paul Drizner Sandra Drizner
July 28
Ron Caplan Corrine Hamvas Robert Pinzur Jennifer Rosen
July 29
Todd Block Matthew Dragon Brad Finkel
July 30
Kristina Kittelson Andrew Nissenberg Joel Polakow Allan Wernick Alison Zimbalist
July 31
David Podber Beth Rose
July 12
July 13
Michael Altman Ronald Cushing Marla Wolf David Kahn David Levsky Randy Markowitz Ron Shoffet Carol Thor
July 14
Suzi Darin
July 18
Suzanne Citron
July 19
Herbert Kanter
NOTE: If your name is missing from the list please contact the synagogue so we can update your information in our files.
The Word – June/July 2022
JULY ANNIVERSARIES We wish a very Happy Anniversary to the following members of our Beth Judea Family: July 2
Cheryl & Russell Barnett Pam & Rick Herstein Peggy & Mike Weiner
July 3
Dana & Jake Arndt Sharon & Jeff Baygood Julie & Eric Marder Heidi & Michael Schrage
July 16
Audrey & Robert Block Debra & Alan Green
July 20
Barbara & James Hyman Beth & Mitchell Polonsky Rita & Steven Spitz
July 23
Alina & Neil Greenhill Sherry & Martin Krawitz Darlene & Carl Tominberg
July 4
Hadrian & Randy Markowitz
July 5
Barbara & Richard Kavitt
July 25
Shira & Marc Sender
July 6
Susan & Brian Katz Susan & Allen Shub
July 27
Elena & Vadim Riber
July 29
Melinda & Edward Grossman
July 14
Deborah & Stephen Limer July 31
Beth & Todd Pollard
July 15
Jill & Stan Lieberman
NOTE: If your name is missing from the list please contact the synagogue so we can update your information in our files.
The Word – June/July 2022
Joseph Albun* Martin Berenson* Howard Coady* Morris Goroff* Eva Hershinow Johnson* Bonnie Kaufman* Leonard Powell* Sam Remer* Shel Schuster Arthur Seres Elliott Taler Al Wolf*
Rose Babbitt Arthur Bloom Charles Drobny* Henry Graff* Sylvia Mae Kahn Brenda Levitt* Joseph Raab Belle Rubenstein* Earl H. Segal Sam Shapiro Quentin B. Thor
Ralph Barnett Muriel Brown* Philip Goldberg Meyer Herman* Peretz Katz* Elayne Mott Irma Reicher* Joseph Sabol Ethel Serbin* Sarah Simons* Sol Weiss
June 10
Shelley F. Bregman* Sol Chubin Carl L. Goldstein Max Greenhill Andrea Israel* Irving Katz* Jerome “Jerry” Lipka Ernest Mathias* Ruth Moline* Racquel Kelly Resnick* Sabrina Siegel* Henry Strauss
Walter Brin* Charles Davis* William Goldstein Robert Halperin* Harry Johnson Alex Kaufman* Jerry Lipson* June Mattson Harvey Peck* Donald Sherman* Regina Siegellak Harvey Weisberg*
Maurice Chorney* Larry Dubin Lionel Gomberg* Fannie Herman* Milton Kane Tilly Kohl Francine Malkin* Sheldon Mills Esther Petrynek* Donald Siegel* Edward Stolman
June 17
Jacob Abelson* Bea Bauer* Israel “Izzy” Goldwasser* William Kamerling* Harriet Krugel* Alan Medansky David Rosenbaum* Raymond Simons* William Travis*
Robyn Anders* Betty Breslaw Rachel Hirshman* Edna Krassek* Rosalyn Levin* Denise Posner* Jane Rosenberg Burton Taub Bernard Yegelwel*
Carl Barkan Harvey Cohen Janice Jacobson* Pauline Krivitzky* Morris Linderman* Susan Rizman Eric Schweitzer Scott Taxer Dolly Zucker
* Denotes the deceased has a yahrzeit plaque. If you are interested in purchasing a plaque please contact the synagogue office.
The Word – June/July 2022
Marvin Adleman Hyman Brody* Bessie Deicher Saul Fagan Randy B. Goldberg Evelyn Hortick Pearl E. Kahalnik* Arnold Klass* Steven Levy Morris Rich Charlotte Ruttenberg Mollie Siegel* Nathan Stoller*
Abe Bangelsdorf* Betty Chorpash Judith Drobner Jerome Feldman Osna Goldstein Gertrude Horwitz* Harry Kamen* Sam Krugel* Victor Lichtenstein* Max Rosen* Bertha Sabol Lewis Spivak* Ruth S. Weiner
Adrienne Bauman Bernice Cohen* Estelle Eisenberg Aileen Gold* David Gordon* Kay Jaffe* Sylvia Kavitt* Betty Lazar* Jacob Magill Anne Rubin Marc Schwartz Solomon Springer* Lynn Zacherl*
* Denotes the deceased has a yahrzeit plaque. If you are interested in purchasing a plaque please contact the synagogue office.
The Word – June/July 2022
George Altman Allan Brandt Estelle Charman Rose Falk* Margot Isenberg Bertha Lefkowitz Lois Lichtenstein Jennie Lipsey Charlotte Nothmann* Norman Rabinowitz* Anita Alberta Schoen* Shirley Shifrin* Irving Wein
Maurice Baygood* Casper Braverman Abe Cohn Anna Feld Al Jacobs Mollie E. Levine* Sara Liebovitz* Myrna Mitchell Ronald Pinkus* Ina Ramras Sarah Schwartz Lawrence Tepper
Dorothy Block Sam Burkin* Jacob Deicher Henry Feld Esther Kintz* Barbara Levy* Shirley Lipscher* Norman Moses* Sol Polonsky Eudice Rosenblatt Leon Seaver Marvin Udany*
July 8
Leonard Altman* Arlene Brandt Alex Feldman* Aaron Greenberg* Stuart Kreisman Raya Nochimson* Richard Peck Simon Rubinstein* Harry Shavitz* David Sohn John Wallach*
Jerry Belsky* Cindy Marlo Cohn Jack Goldberg* Benzion Hershman* Evelyn S. Marder Gerhard Nothmann* Fannie Rabinowitz* Leila Schwartz Harry Silverstone Jacob Tominberg*
Marion Block* Dottie Dicker Curtis Green* Jack Kersky* Annette Movitz* Gloria Dolores Paul Rose Rosenthal* Irene Schweitzer Estelle Slivinsky Rose Waldman*
July 15
Al Berk Lillian Cohen* Sherry Esther Goldman* Meyer Mike Halperin* Rose Kriegler Linda Ragins Beverly Settler* Seymour Taradash Adolfo Zemchuck
Pauline Brill* Ruth Deicher Fishman Reva Gorin* Harriet Handler Faye Lifshitz Joseph Sachsel* Albert Soll* Ron Weiner
Seymour Brownstein Irwin Gerber* Rheba Greenberg Fannie Keifsky Abbie E. Portnoy* Clara Salavitch* Helen Stolman Netty Zakaman*
* Denotes the deceased has a yahrzeit plaque. If you are interested in purchasing a plaque please contact the synagogue office.
The Word – June/July 2022
Florence Bankendorf* Ann Buzil* Ardmore Myles Esrig* Harry Goldberg Delores Hillman Morey Lenhoff* Marilyn B. Margules Morris Schwartz* Estelle Shub* Arlene Tepper
Brett Berlant* Lillian Caplan* Stanley Ferrari* Arnold Heiger Patti Jones* Jerome Lettvin Michael Pearl* Isadore Serbin* Harold Siegel* Irving Wein*
Edith Borkan* Jack Ellegant Dorothy Goldberg Max Hiller* William Katz Pauline Margolis Ida Rosemarin Sam Sherman Francine Sturt Irving Zissman*
July 29
Morey Coleman* Alan Edelman* Ben Fisher Pauline C. Fox* Maurice Harvis* Brian Ladin Leslie Peck Zig Price Seymour Rosen* Morris Savetsky William Silver Eli Waldman*
Evelyn Cullen Sylvia Elisco Sarah Fisher* Rose Goldwasser* Barbara Isaacson* Harvey Levy* Mikhail Pesin Norton Rich Janet Rubenstein Nancy Sherman* Rose Stark* Sydney Weinberger
Barbara Levinson Dragon Norman Faber* Ida Flaxman Gary Goroff Robert Kasper Eileen Magesis* Trudy Pollack* Muriel Rosemarin Lorraine Factor Ruderman Albert Siegel* Alex Stein Himan Weindruch
* Denotes the deceased has a yahrzeit plaque. If you are interested in purchasing a plaque please contact the synagogue office.
The Word – June/July 2022
Morris Barasch Nellie Berger Rae Feldman George Goldstein Sidney Jacobson* Sidney Kramer Henry Levin* Shirley Mandelblatt Sonia Nimzin* Barry Raften* Frieda Schwartz Harold Shefsky Jeff Shultz
Goldie Bengelsdorf Evelyn Brownstein Stuart Flack* Eva Grobman* Jean Kalisky Martin Lafer Marvin Levine George Moline Rhonda Anne Pliskow Edward Mandel Rosenfeld David Shaffer Eli A. Shifrin* Hyman Somach*
Sandra Berenson Henry Chiprin* Florence Frankel* Gloria Hecht* Jeanette Kaufman* Vera Lavin Joseph Mandel* Ethel Rose Newman* Ira Pulver David Rosenston Eleanore Shapiro Dora Shikafsky* Aaron Jacob Stelzer
August 12
Abraham Bankendorf* Abraham Brin* Joseph Cohen* Joseph Gardberg* Phyllis Kramer Fannie Loiben Anne Pearl Ben Saypol* Charlotte Sheim* Betty Unger*
Samuel Becker* Martin Alan Citron Sydney S. Entman* Rose Goldman* Rita Lafer Renee Malter Stewart Irwin Rosen Allan Schwab William Spiegel Leonore Zorfas
Leah Bransky Alan M. Coady* Oscar Fischman* Max Karp Jack M. Levitt David Movitz Joseph Sable* Ernest Shaw* Sam A. Tepper*
August 19
Helen Berkovitz Marlene Cohen* Louis Deckowitz Morris Elisco Sylvia Gilbert* Marilyn Kandel* Daniel Luciano Cantor Murray Nixon* Tevya Polakow Rabbi Salimi Bella Shwachman Susan Spivak* Irving Weintroub
Harold Brown* Max Cohen Jack Dennis Earl Jay Feldman Lillian Himmelfarb Leo Liebovitz Samuel Manewith Ben Osgrove* Shirley Pulver Milton David Secler* Abraham Silberberg Sheldon Manny Stern Faye Yablon
Shirley Coady* Helen Davis* Rae Duboe* Lillian Fischman* William Horwitz* Harry Lipka Lena Mathias* Harry Pinzur Toby Rockwell Meyer Segal* Reggie Silberman Elaine Weiner
* Denotes the deceased has a yahrzeit plaque. If you are interested in purchasing a plaque please contact the synagogue office.
The Word June/July 2022
Gerald Balbirer* Martin Ernsteen Bessie Kessler* Howard Leibach* Bryan Mosak Clara Pieter* Rose Stein Israel Yatkowsky*
Lillian Dannen* Paul Fish Rae Kubiak* Ruth Mandel* Esther Mosak* Meyer Rashbaum Morris Sulak Sam Yublosky*
Bernice Ellis Claire Sue Hack Michael Lazar* Natalie Meltzer Herman Nidetz* Ruth Sheft Herbert Wolff Sara Zemchuck
* Denotes the deceased has a yahrzeit plaque. If you are interested in purchasing a plaque please contact the synagogue office.
The Word June/July 2022
TRIBUTES FOR AN EXPLANATION OF THESE FUNDS, PLEASE SEE OUR WEBSITE Condolences Upon the Deaths: Donna R. Gerber Beloved Sister of Gail Gerber Gilda Weinert Beloved Mother of Audrey Friedland and Beloved Grandmother of Julie Marder Rose Waldman Beloved Mother of Judy Bartell Beloved Grandmother of Alana Cooper
Bette Ann (Merker) Woods Beloved Sister of Linda Wolin
Congratulations Upon the Engagements of: Debbie and Gary Mills upon the engagement of their daughter, Hannah Mills to Nadav PaisGreenapple Rosita and Marty Rothenberg upon the engagement of their son, Aaron Rothenberg to Kimberly Kroot Congratulations Upon the Birth: Francine and Scott Eisner upon the birth of their grandson, Rafael Emilio Eisner
RABBI ZIMBALIST DISCRETIONARY FUND IN APPRECIATION OF: Rabbi Zimbalist for his beautiful Auf-Ruf in honor of Karen and Andrew. Renee & Michael Klass IN HONOR OF: Rhonda & Jeff Wener upon the birth of their granddaughter, Ramona Emery Wener. Lori & Carey Bacalar
UPON THE YAHRZEIT OF: Elayne Landy, in loving memory. Barbara & Jeffrey Julis Sol Pinsker, beloved father, grandfather and uncle. Mimi Spickard and Family Selma Solomon, beloved mother. Sherie & Paul Zucker
Alison & Rabbi Zimbalist upon Zach’s high school graduation. Rita & Sid Mathias
Blanche Weindruch, beloved mother. Judy & Larry Weindruch
IN MEMORY OF: Donna Gerber, beloved sister and aunt of Gail Gerber & Eric Yegelwel and Family Rhonda & David Cohn Joan & Norm Kurtz Rob Lipka Barbara & Lee Silver
Ida Weintroub, beloved motherin-law. Betty Weintroub
UPON THE YAHRZEIT OF: Jerrold Belonsky, beloved stepfather. Alan Sabol Jerry Blustein, beloved father and grandfather. Marcy, Jon, Logan & Olivia Soble Muriel Brown, beloved mother. Renee & Wes Brown
Martha Gindin, in loving memory of Eileen’s mother. Eileen & Alan Spiegel Nancy Joy Karlin, in loving memory. Nanci & Marty Karlin
The Word – June/July 2022
Dolly Zucker, in loving memory. Sherie & Paul Zucker
TRIBUTES CANTOR BAT-SARAH DISCRETIONARY FUND IN HONOR OF: Cantor Bat-Sarah upon her installation. We are so happy you are with us at Congregation Beth Judea. Susan Adleman The Balogh Family Louise & Lou Barnett Debbie & Arnie Bender Helen & Gerald Brin Judy & Robert Fisher Lee & Arnie Goldberg Debra & Alan Green Alina & Neil Greenhill Paula Ham-Su Renee & Michael Klass Ann & Mitch Lerman Jill & Harold LeVine Judy & William Levitan Joel & Pam Polakow and Family Janet & Myron Reicher Marlene & Stacy Sachs Heidi & Jerry Sakol The Shoffet Family Linda & Albert Stark Maureen & David Stolman Susie & David Waitz Judy & Larry Weindruch Harris & Sharon Weiner Rona Wolf Laura & Stan Zoller IN MEMORY OF: Sandra Strandtmann, beloved mother of Cantor Bat-Sarah. Judy & Robert Fisher UPON THE YAHRZEIT OF: Marvin Adleman, in loving memory. Susan Adleman
CANTOR WEISBERG DISCRETIONARY FUND IN HONOR OF: Fran & Scott Eisner upon the birth of their grandson, Rafael Emilio Eisner. Gayle & Richard Pervos UPON THE YAHRZEIT OF: Dr. Spencer Block, in loving memory. Gloria, Harold, Rachel, Ross & Suzanne Secler Fern Klawans, in loving memory of our dear aunt and great-aunt. Gloria, Harold, Rachel, Ross & Suzanne Secler Earl H. Segal, loving father and grandfather. Gayle & Rick Pervos and Family
RABBI LIFSHITZ LEGACY FUND UPON THE YAHRZEIT OF: Manuel Litwin and Merrill Litwin, in loving memory. Burton Litwin
LINDA & ALBERT STARK FUND IN MEMORY OF: Donna Gerber, beloved sister of Gail Gerber & Eric Yegelwel. Linda & Albert Stark
GENERAL FUND IN APPRECIATION OF: Congregation Beth Judea for my recent Aliyah. Gerald Brin IN MEMORY OF: Donna Gerber, beloved sister and aunt of Gail Gerber, Eric Yegelwel and Family. Carla & Elliott Bankendorf Rita & Sid Mathias Marilyn Green-Rebnord & David Rebnord Gilda Weinert, beloved mother, grandmother and great-grandmother of Audrey & Michael Friedland and Family. Jody & Howard Sigal UPON THE YAHRZEIT OF: Lillian Horwitz, in loving memory. Marla & Bruce Horwitz Harriet Krugel, in loving memory. Erica & Gary Krugel Sam Krugel, in loving memory. Erica & Gary Krugel Esther Petrynek, in loving memory of a wonderful mother and grandmother. Drora Patt Sam Torres, in loving memory. Estelle Karp
William Kamerling, in loving memory. Wes & Renee Brown
The Word – June/July 2022
TRIBUTES PRAYER BOOK FUND (A Siddur was purchased and will be dedicated)
IN HONOR OF: Susan Adleman upon her Bas Mitzvah. Sherry & Marty Krawitz
IN HONOR OF: Marty & Rosita Rothenberg upon the engagement of their son, Aaron Rothenberg to Kimberly Kroot. Judy & Robert Fisher
IN HONOR OF: Marty & Rosita Rothenberg upon the birth of their grandson, Charles Lincoln Rothenberg. Judy & Robert Fisher
The wedding of Karen Klass and Andrew Frankenthal. Two Siddurim were purchased and dedicated. Kim & Stuart Frankenthal
IN MEMORY OF: Donna Gerber, beloved sister and aunt of Gail Gerber, Eric Yegelwel and Family. Helen Peters
IN MEMORY OF: Donna Gerber, beloved sister of Gail Gerber & Eric Yegelwel. Sherry & Marty Krawitz
UPON THE YAHRZEIT OF: Harry J. Caplan, beloved father. Ron Caplan
UPON THE YAHRZEIT OF: Louis Pieter, beloved father and grandfather. Jeff & Rhonda Wener and Family Ida Rice, beloved mother. Susan Kronowitz SUNSHINE FUND IN MEMORY OF: Gilda Weinert, beloved mother, grandmother and greatgrandmother of Audrey & Michael Friedland and Family. Linda & Jeffrey Spitz UPON THE YAHRZEIT OF: Bertha Pander, my beloved Omi. Debbi Green
Arthur Karns, in loving memory. Laura & Stan Zoller
CONGREGATION SUPPORT FUND IN MEMORY OF: Donna Gerber, beloved sister and aunt of Gail Gerber & Eric Yegelwel and Family. Jean & Ron Friedman UPON THE YAHRZEIT OF: Merrill K. Cohen, remembering you. Hennie Elisco Edward Leibowitz, in loving memory. Karen & Philip Nagel
Audrey and Phillip Rothenberg, in loving memory of my parents. Judy & Robert Fisher
The Word – June/July 2022
TRIBUTES EDUCATION FUND IN HONOR OF: Cantor Bat-Sarah upon her installation. Bonnie & Ira Sender Alan Marcus upon being named Man of the Year. Harris & Sharon Weiner Logan Scheibe and Family upon his Bar Mitzvah. Marcie & Alan Marcus
IN MEMORY OF: Donna Gerber, beloved sister and aunt of Gail Gerber, Eric Yegelwel and Family. Jerome Agrest Alyce & Mark Givarz
IN APPRECIATION OF: Rabbi Zimbalist for officiating at the wedding for Karen Klass and Andrew Frankenthal. Kimberly & Stuart Frankenthal Renee & Michael Klass
UPON THE YAHRZEIT OF: Burton Fischman, in loving memory. Rhoda Fischman
IN MEMORY OF: Gilda Weinert, beloved mother, grandmother and great-grandmother of Audrey & Michael Friedland and Family. Renee & Michael Klass
UPON THE YAHRZEIT OF: Jenny Gardberg, in loving memory. Rita & Glen Gardberg SOCIAL ACTION FUND
SISTERHOOD FUND IN MEMORY OF: Donna Gerber, beloved sister and aunt of Gail Gerber, Eric Yegelwel and Family. Kim & Skip Mann and Family
Kay Jaffe, with loving memories of our dear mother, grandmother and greatgrandmother. Jean & Ron Friedman and Family
The Word – June/July 2022
IN MEMORY OF: Donna Gerber, beloved sister and aunt of Gail Gerber, Eric Yegelwel and Family. Heidi & Jerry Sakol
UPON THE YAHRZEIT OF: Irvin Greiman, beloved father and grandfather. Renee & Michael Klass and Family
UPON THE YAHRZEIT OF: Rose Babbitt, in loving memory. Bobbie & Floyd Babbitt Harvey Cohen, always remembered. Hennie Elisco June Mattson, in loving memory. Joan & Norm Kurtz
TRIBUTES ETHAN LEVITAN MEMORIAL FUND IN MEMORY OF: Donna Gerber, beloved sister and aunt of Gail Gerber, Eric Yegelwel and Family. Sue-Ellen & Fred Duboe UPON THE YAHRZEIT OF: Esther Levitan, beloved mother and grandmother. Judy & William Levitan and Family Sonia Nisenbaum, beloved mother and grandmother. Judy & William Levitan and Family
JERRY BERENSON MEMORIAL FUND IN HONOR OF: My mother, Carol Linn in recognition of Mother’s Day. Leslie Abella UPON THE YAHRZEIT OF: Martin Berenson, in loving memory. Melinda, Jeffrey, Elizabeth & Jonathan Fine
The Word – June/July 2022
JUDY WALCER MEMORIAL FUND IN MEMORY OF: Gilda Weinert, beloved mother, grandmother and great-grandmother of Audrey & Michael Friedland and Family. Chuck Walcer UPON THE YAHRZEIT OF: Anna Barnett, beloved mother and grandmother. Lou & Louise Barnett and Family Charles Davis, in loving memory. Chuck Walcer
BEN SAYPOL MEMORIAL FUND IN APPRECIATION OF: Rachel Jordan for helping to beautify the outside of the synagogue. Marcie & Alan Marcus
IN MEMORY OF: Donna Gerber, beloved sister and aunt of Gail Gerber, Eric Yegelwel and Family. Marlene & Stacy Sachs Gilda Weinert, beloved mother, grandmother and great-grandmother of Audrey & Michael Friedland and Family. Alyssa, Jim, Zach, Ari & Talia Duvel UPON THE YAHRZEIT OF: Mark Sachs, beloved brother and uncle. Marlene & Stacy Sachs
IN APPRECIATION OF: Marty Karlin for his excellent program about Leonard Bernstein. Merle & Evan Rumack UPON THE YAHRZEIT OF: Deborah Elbaum, beloved grandmother and greatgrandmother. Marti & Morry Rizman and Family
CONGREGATION BETH JUDEA 5304 RFD Long Grove, IL 60047 (847) 634-0777 E-Mail: info@bethjudea.org Website: http://www.BethJudea.org Rabbi Morris Zimbalist Cantor/Education Director Elizabeth Bat-Sarah Rabbi Emeritus Howard Lifshitz Hazzan Emeritus Roger J. Weisberg President Herb Finn Executive Director Lisa Neiman Youth Director Marc Sender Editor Evan Rumack
From The Editors In order for your article to be published in the next issue, we must have it at the synagogue by the 10th of the month! There will be no exceptions. This includes information on disk as well. We need your article as it is important to let the congregation know what your group is doing. Announcements should take the form of articles in The Word rather than separate flyers. The opinions expressed herein are not necessarily those of the Rabbi, Board of Directors or the editors.
Worship Schedule
Candle Lighting Times
Conducted by Rabbi Morris Zimbalist
Candle Lighting time is calculated for 18 minutes before sunset and is adjusted for Daylight Savings Time. June 3 ...……….……..………………..... 8:05 p.m.
Shabbat Evening Services ..........................................6:30.p.m. Shabbat Morning Services ........................................ 9:30 a.m. Alternative Shabbat Service (Interpretive Minyan).. 10:30 a.m. Weekday Morning Minyan: Sunday .................................................................. 9:00 a.m. Monday through Friday ........................................ 7:30 a.m.
June 4 …….……SHAVUOT 1……........ 9:16 p.m. June 5 …….……SHAVUOT 1……........ 9:17 p.m. June 10 ...……….……..……………….... 8:10 p.m. June 17 ...……….……..……………….... 8:13 p.m. June 24 ...……….……..……………….... 8:14 p.m July 1 ...……….…..…..……………….... 8:14 p.m
July 8 ...……….…..…..……………….... 8:12 p.m Weekday Evening Minyan: July 15 …………………………………… 8:08 p.m. Sunday through Thursday .................................... 7:30 p.m. July 22 …………………………………… 8:03 p.m. July 29 ……………………………………. 7:56 p.m.
The Blessing For Lighting The Candles On Shabbat is אֲ ֶשׁר,ֹלקינוּ ֶמלֶ ְך הָ עוֹלָ מ ֵ ֱבָּ רוְּך אַ ָתּה ה' א .וֹתיו וְצִ וָּנוּ ְלהַ ְד ִליק נֵר ֶשׁל ַשׁבָּ ת ָ ְִק ְדּ ָשׁנוּ ְבּ ִמצ Bo-ruch A-tah Ado-nai E-lo-hei-nu Melech Ha-olam A-sher Ki-de-sha-nu Be-mitz-vo-tav Vi-tzi-va-nu Le-had-lik Ner Shel Shabbat.
Blessed are You, Lord our God, King of the universe, who has hallowed us through His Commandments, and has commanded us to kindle the lights of the holy Sabbath.