“A February New Year” Early rabbinic tradition holds that there are four New Years on the Jewish calendar. The most familiar of these in our own time is Rosh Hashanah, which marks a new year in the fall. But as anyone with a good grasp of the Hebrew calendar will tell you, Rosh Hashanah falls in the seventh month of the year. The first month is Nissan, which begins the counting of the months in the spring. Spring is a logical time to start counting the months, given that it is a time of rebirth and renewal in the world of nature. With winter past, we feel enlivened by spring's warmth and growth all around us. And if Nissan is the first month of the calendar, then Adar, which begins on February 11 this year, is the final month. Adar is also the month in which we celebrate Purim, the most freewheeling, celebratory holiday of the year. Purim is celebrated when it is because of the timing of the events in the book of Esther, but falling at the end of the year leads to some interesting results: Beginning our year in the spring, we observe Pesakh, the commemoration of God's redemption of our ancestors from bondage in Egypt; Pesakh marks the beginning of our national history, one guided by God. Seven weeks later we celebrate Shavuot, which recalls the giving of the Torah on Mount Sinai, from God to those same ancestors. We mourn the loss of the Temple in Jerusalem in the summer on Tisha b’Av, the Temple where we made offerings to God; We praise God for the creation of the world on Rosh Hashanah, repent of our sins and pray for God’s forgiveness on Yom Kippur. During Sukkot we thank God for the sanctuary of the sukkah and the miracle of the natural world's ability to support life. At Hanukkah, we acknowledge the miracle of the Maccabees’ victory and the miracle of the jar of oil that burned eight days in Temple. At each step from the first month in the spring we celebrate God’s guiding hand in our lives. (continued on next page)
Rabbi’s Reflections …………………………………..…. 1 World Wide Wrap ……..…….………………………….. 2 Special Notices: Board Positions Available …………………………… 2 Puirim Special Events …..…………………………… 3 Hesed (Caring) Committee ………………………… 4 Aharei Mot – Jewish Superman – Rick Recht …… 4 Bar Mitzvah Bios ………………………………………… 5 Mitzvah Mall ……………………………………………… 5 Mission Statement ……………………………………… 5 Education ..……………………………………………... 6 Focus on Families ……………………………………… 8 Youth ……………………………………………………. 10 Sisterhood……………………………………………….. 12 Z’Havah ………………………………………………..... 13 Men’s Club ……………………………………………… 13 Beth Judea Man of the Year …………………………. 14 SHALVA ………………………………………………… 14 Adult Education ………………………………………… 15 Social Action…………………………..………………… 17 BJE ……………………………………………………… 17 Goodman Blog (Part 12) ……………………………... 18 Bikur Cholim …………………………………………….. 21 College Connections ……………….………………… 22 Community Connections ……………………………… 22 Sisterhood Gift Shop ………………………………….. 22 Birthdays and Anniversaries ………………………….. 25 Yahrzeits……………………………………………….… 26 Tributes……………………………………………….….. 28 February Calendar ………….……………………..….. 31 Index of Flyers and Advertisers……………….……… 32
BIRTHDAYS AND ANNIVERSARIES Shabbat Prayers February 1, 2013 – 7:30 pm Those who celebrate birthdays and anniversaries during the month of February will be recognized at our service on February 1st. Our worship will begin at 7:30 pm and will conclude by 8:15 pm. Children of every age are welcome!
UPSTAIRS THOUGHTS And on Purim...we don't mention God even once in the megillah. It may be that the themes of the book of Esther and of Purim were too lighthearted for invoking God, but I also think that coming at the end of a long sequence of holidays that are so heavily invested in the image of God's providence gives us a small insight into the theological importance of Purim. Unlike the other holidays, the events of the book of Esther are driven by people, specifically by Mordecai and Esther. Nowhere in the book of Esther is it suggested that God saved the Jews of Persia. On the other holidays, we remember how God freed us from slavery, gave us a code to live by and maintains the physical world. By the time we come out of winter's cold, ready to begin again, we have gone through an entire cycle of praising and thanking God for all God has done; on Purim, we celebrate the power of human beings to take charge of their own safety and their own destiny. It is as if, having gone through all of the other emotions that are attendant upon a holiday cycle devoted to God, Purim provides us a year-end party to celebrate ourselves and our own hand in our survival as a people. Like the secular New Year's Eve, we look forward to the beginning of another year with singing, merriment and drinking. Saying goodbye to a year filled with thanks to God, we end by congratulating ourselves. This Purim, may it be our blessing to continue to work in partnership with the Divine, praying as if all depends on God but acting as if all depends upon us.
Rabbi Jeff Pivo
BOARD POSITIONS NOW AVAILABLE The Board of Directors’ has provided approval to Rick Drazner, President of Congregation Beth Judea (CBJ), to convene a nominating committee. This committee, chaired by Bonnie Sender, has the responsibility to evaluate and recommend candidates to fill all open board positions as of July 1, 2013. All of our officer positions are available (except for President). There are six positions available for at-large Board Members to be of service for a three year term. In addition, there is a one year term available to fill a Board vacancy. Our constitution allows all members in good standing to be eligible for service on the Board of Directors. The Board has the authority for guiding many aspects of our Congregational life, some of those including oversight of our Professional Staff, budgeting, finance matters and establishment of policies related to Synagogue operations – all while serving as goodwill ambassadors to our greater community. Board Members are also required to serve as an active member of a standing committee, usher at services, and be an active participant in our synagogue’s programs. Why become a Board Member? A fair question to ask – with perhaps rewards that you may never have expected to receive. This is an opportunity to give back to your community, explore a ‘personal stretch’ in being of service, sharing with other members of our vibrant organization, exploring other areas of interest that you may have never considered before or, perhaps, even a vision of adding to a larger role of leadership. Everyone has something to bring to the table – this is a unique opportunity for you to consider taking action on. Please, if you are interested, we ask that you simply answer the following questions to begin the process and assist the committee. Your response, via email to Bonnie Sender at nocarpl@gmail.com, must be submitted before February 8:
February 3, 2013
1. 2.
You can find a primer on tefillin to use with your clubs here: Filling You on Tefillin
How long have you been a member of CBJ? What, if any committees have you previously served on – or are presently serving? Why do you have a desire to be of service as a member of the Board of Directors? What areas of the synagogue are you most interested in? How would you envision participating in pursuing that interest?
You can find a great Youtube Video describing how to put on tefillin. The wrapper video was assembled by some past Midwest Region Presidents (including a past International FJMC President) featuring Orin Rotman. Snoop Dogg , you need not worry unless you convert.
The nominating committee strongly encourages you to join in the process of this opportunity.
Check out the video here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n9NJtJJoVIY
Bylaws Regarding the Board and Nominating Committee
The Word February 2013
Bonnie Sender, chairperson
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PURIM SPECIAL EVENTS PURIM MASQUERADE Remember to Get Your Tickets Tickets include: Great Food, Live Band, Open Bar and Entertainment We also have Donor & Sponsor levels as well. More information on these levels to come!! www.CBJPurimParty.org
There are so many ways to show your support for Beth Judea:
Download Purim Masquerade Information
Attend the Purim Masquerade on Saturday Evening February 16, 2013 or click here
Become an Event Sponsor: We have a variety of sponsorship opportunities. Please consider one of the many options as you determine your gift.
Purchase an Ad for Our Event Program: * Honor Orin Rotman and Karen Nagel * Highlight your business to all of our expected Purim Masquerade attendees * Honor the other professional staff * Send a personalized greeting to one of our congregants, clergy, or staff
Donate Auction Items: Ask anyone and everyone for a gift! Sports Tickets * Professional Services Gift Certificates * Airline Tickets Hotel/Condo Vacations * Birthday Parties Theater Tickets * Other Products and Services
Schlach Manot Orders Due
February 16
February 18
Vashti Gala
February 23
Havdallah & Maariv Megillah Reading
February 24
Shacharit & Megillah Reading Shushan Wonderland Purim Carnival
Click here to place an ad in the event program Click here for sponsorship opportunities Click here to donate an auction item
Orders Due by February 10 – Click Here to Download Schlach Manot Order Form
The Word February 2013
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SPECIAL EVENTS AND NOTICES An Important Announcement CONGREGATION BETH JUDEA HESED (CARING) COMMITTEE The Hesed committee would like to know if you have any difficulties/problems that you would like to discuss with a knowledgeable individual. We have a group of congregants who have been trained or are professionals who would be able to provide a brief consultation with you in order to refer you on for more in-depth assistance. We are also thinking about starting some support groups. We would like to know what you feel your needs are. Please email Ellene Lammers at elammers@comcast.net or call Rabbi Pivo.
SUPERMAN: WHO KNEW HE WAS JEWISH? Find Out at Congregation Beth Judea on Sunday, February 10 at 400 pm
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YOUR OPINION COUNTS The Hesed (Caring) Committee is interested to find out if any of our congregants would be intersted in a:
Caregiver Support Group _________________________________ In addition, the Hesed (Caring) Committee would like to know if you have any difficulties/problems that you would like to discuss with a knowledgeable individual. We have a group of congregants who have been trained or are professionals who would be able to provide a brief consultation with you in order to refer you on for more in-depth assistance. We would like to start some support groups that would benefit our congregants and we would like to know what you feel your needs are. Please email Ellene Lammers at elammers@comcast.net or call Rabbi Pivo.
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Aharei Mot: Mourning the Loss of a Loved One A Psycho-Spiritual Mourning and Bereavement Group, Bi-weekly On Thursdays. No Registration Required. 6:00 pm – 7:30 pm Session Dates: Jan. 17, Jan. 31, Feb. 14, Feb. 28. Mar. 14, Mar. 28, 2013
Facilitated by Psychotherapist Dr. Susan Weitzman and Rabbi Jeff Pivo Download Flyer
The Word February 2013
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B’nai Mitzvah Bios Eli Movitz will be called to the Torah as a Bar Mitzvah on Saturday, March 2nd, 2013. Eli is a 7th grader at Twin Groves Middle School in Buffalo Grove. Eli loves to fish. Eli has done many different kinds of fishing including ice fishing. He loves to be out in the cold on the ice in his shanty (we call it a cabana) waiting for his next catch. The biggest fish he ever caught was a 40” musky. Eli has fished in wilderness territory in Ontario, Canada and the Boundary Waters bordering Minnesota & Canada.
SPECIAL EVENTS Mitzvah Mall Sunday’s (when Religious School is in session) 10:30 am - 12:00 pm Click Here to Download Gift Card Order Form
Eli also loves to hang out with his friends. He is looking forward to sharing this special day with his parents, brother, aunts, uncles, cousins and friends.
Eli would like to take this opportunity to thank Hazzan Weisberg, Rabbi Pivo and Shira Sender for helping him prepare for his Bar Mitzvah.
Attention Torah Readers:
A Celebration of Our Youth
In order to allow trained Torah Readers greater access to available Shabbat aliyot, we are trying a new system: A list of the upcoming dates and portions is available via this link (Torah Portions). If you see a portion you would like to read, send a note to Hazzan Weisberg identifying which date and portion that you would like to read. He will confirm your assignment. Hazzan will usually confirm within 3 days. If you have not received a response after 3 days, please send him a reminder along with a copy to Sandy Victor. As in the past, you need to check back with him about two weeks prior to the date you are reading to ensure that you have learned the portion. Please let me know if you have any questions.
MISSION STATEMENT Congregation Beth Judea is an accepting egalitarian synagogue whose mission is to create a warm and inviting home that serves the lifelong spiritual, educational and fellowship needs of our members. Consistent with the principles of the Conservative Movement, we embrace Torah and our responsibility to serve and support the greater Jewish community, the community at large, the United States, and the State of Israel.
Sandy Victor Ritual Vice President
The Word February 2013
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EDUCATION Purim Customs around the World
Germany On Purim eve, torches containing gunpowder would be ignited. During the Megillah reading, the gunpowder exploded with a deafening noise. In one town in Germany, on the eve of Purim, two candles would be lit in the synagogue. One was called "Haman" and the other "Zeresh" (Haman's wife). The candles were allowed to burn down completely, and were not extinguished. Italy The youngsters would divide into two groups and throw nuts at each other. Another custom was for the adults to ride through the streets of the town on horseback, with cypress branches in their hands. France Children used to take smooth stones, write or engrave Haman's name on them, and strike them together during the Megillah reading whenever Haman's name was mentioned, in order to erase it, in compliance with the verse: "I shall surely wipe out the memory of Amalek".
Salonika "Haman-shaped" cakes were baked on the eve of "Shabbat Zachor", and placed on the window ledges until the festive Purim meal. During the meal, the cakes were sliced so that participants could fulfill the teaching "And they shall devour Haman with open mouth". Algeria Many wax candles were lit for the Purim meal; children were invited to light the candles as on Hanukkah. Egypt The young men rode through the Jewish street on horsebacks, camels and asses, in memory of the verse "and they brought him on horseback through the street of the city". Rhodes The men also participated in the great tumult, stamping their feet loudly during the Megillah reading.
The Word February 2013
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EDUCATION Purim Customs around the World (continued) Tunisia Younger children made small "Hamans" out of paper, and the older children made a large "Haman" out of rags, old clothes and straw. All the townspeople gathered by the school where a large bonfire was prepared. By turn, all the children went up and threw the "Hamans" they had made into the fire. They then beat the burning "Haman" with special sticks that they had prepared in honor of Purim. All the participants stood round the fire shouting "Long live Mordechai, cursed be Haman, blessed be Esther, cursed be Zeresh". Bukhara The ground would usually be covered with snow at Purim time. A large snow-Haman was built next to the synagogue. This Haman had a funny-shaped torso, long thick legs, like an elephant's, a large head, eyes of charcoal, a carrot for a nose, and a piece of beetroot for the mouth. A "gold chain" made out of water melon peels was hung over the stomach as a symbol of office, and a broken pot was placed on the head. After the meal, the whole community gathered round the Haman. A large fire was made around it of wood, rags and paper, and they stood and watched until Haman melted in the heat and disappeared, singing until it was completely melted. Afghanistan The children drew pictures of Haman on planks or cardboard. During the Megillah reading, the planks were thrown to the ground and trampled on, making a lot of noise. Wooden gloves were held in the hands and clapped together, also making a loud noise. Upcoming School Events: World Wide Wrap Coming up on Sunday, February 3rd, Dalet and Heh students and their families are invited to participate in Men’s Club World Wide Wrap at 8:30 am. Dalet students have been working on creating their own Tefillin and will show off their wrapping skills with the rest of Men’s Club this Sunday morning. Please join us for this event! Purim Purim is right around the corner, so please note the following events: Saturday, Feb. 23 – Megillah reading at 7 pm Sunday, Feb. 24 – PURIMPALOOZA at Hebrew School!! Come dressed in costumes and we’ll celebrate Purim together. Prizes awarded for best costume. Sunday, Feb. 24 – PURIM CARNIVAL (regular Religious School dismissal) School Calendar: February: Sunday Friday Saturday Sunday Saturday Sunday
2/3 2/8 2/16 2/17 2/23 2/24
Men’s Club World Wide Wrap st K & 1 Grade Shabbat Dinner No Gimel Shabbat No Religious School Classes Dalet leading Shabbat Services in Main Sanctuary Purim (classroom festivities) Purim Carnival – regular dismissal time (12 pm)
March: Friday 3/1 Aleph & Bet Family Shabbat Dinner Tuesday 3/12 Heh Class Picture Saturday 3/16 Gimel leading Shabbat Services in Main Sanctuary Sunday 3/17 Aleph Class Family Program Saturday 3/23 – Sunday 3/31 NO RELIGIOUS SCHOOL – Spring Break
The Word February 2013
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Family Programs
Congregation Beth Judea Family Events –February 2013 All events are open to the community and are free of charge (unless otherwise noted). For more details & to RSVP for all programs, contact the synagogue office at 847-634-0777 or visit www.bethjudea.org (click on “Register for an Event”)
Feb. 10
10:30 am – 12:00 pm: Gan Shalom
Gan Shalom is a monthly pre-Kindergarten program focusing on Jewish holidays, heroes, and mitzvot for children age 5 and under accompanied by an adult. This month’s theme: “Bikur Holim – Visiting the Sick” Cost: $5 per session. Each class includes art, stories, music, and snack. Registration by Feb. 5. For more info, please contact Anna Besser at 847-634-8380 / abesser@bethjudea.org.
Feb. 21
2:00 pm – Challah Chaverim
Feb. 23
6:30 pm – Family Megillah Reading
Feb. 24
10:00 am -- Shushan Wonderland 11:00 am -- Tot hour at the Purim Carnival
Join us for challah making, story time with Rabbi Pivo and a Shabbat song session with Hazzan Weisberg. Registration is required by Feb. 18
Join our annual family Megillah reading this evening. Costumes!
Meet Esther, Mordecai, & the rest of the characters from the Megillah during a light breakfast. Then, make a greggor and enjoy a special presentation of the Purim story perfect for preschoolers. At 11 am, check out the Tot Hour of Beth Judea’s amazing Purim Carnival. This program is open to children preK & under with an adult. There is limited space for the breakfast, craft and story portion of this program. Registration is required by Feb. 15.
Every Shabbat Sat. Morning, 10:30 – 11:30 am, Gan Shabbat
Gan Shabbat is a Shabbat service specially designed for children ages nine and under along with their families. After Gan Shabbat, participants are welcomed at the main service and the community Kiddush.
For more information about family programming, please contact the synagogue office at 847-634-0777. Congregation Beth Judea, 5304 RFD, Long Grove, IL - 847-634-0777
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Family Programs
Visiting the Sick GAN SHALOM SUNDAY, Feb. 10th 10:30 AM – 12:00 PM An engaging pre-Kindergarten program focusing on Jewish holidays, heroes, and mitzvot Each session includes: Crafts Snack Music “Family Follow-Up” Newsletter Cost: $5 per child per session; $8 per family per session (2 or more children). Gan Shalom is designed for children age 5 and under accompanied by an adult.
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Click on the Links Below to View the Flyers Download Our February 2013 Flyer Sunday Thursday Saturday Sunday
February 10, 2013 February 21, 2013 February 23, 2013 February 24, 2013
10:30 am 2:00 pm 6:30 pm 10:00 am 11:00 am
Gan Shalom – February Flyer Challah Chaverim Family Megillah Reading Shushan Wonderland Tot Hour at the Purim Carnival
Every Shabbat Morning
10:30 AM
Gan Shabbat View Our Gan Shalom Schedule View Our Challah Chaverim Schedule CLICK HERE TO VIEW OUR 2012 – 2013 SCHEDULE
Check out our full calendar of events here. CLICK TO VIEW OUR INTERACTIVE SITE
Like what you see in family programming and want to help keep it going? Please consider volunteering to help with one of our programs this year
The Word February 2013
L’hitraot! See you soon! Click Here to Join us on Facebook
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YOUTH Dear Beth Judea FamilyThis month I bring you an article written by our own BJUSY Communications Vice-President Larry Bender. The article is his reflection back after his recent trip to the USY International Convention in Boston, Massachusetts (see next page). I would like to take a moment to thank all of the wonderful congregational families who stepped forward to open their homes and host USYers from across the Chicago land area. The CHUSY Midwinter Convention and SATO Marathon hosted at BJUSY is sure to be a huge success. From our entire BJUSY family we thank you for making it possible for the kids to host the program. Please make sure to take a look at all of the flyers attached this month. We have a jam packed February planned including an upcoming trip to the Wisconsin Dells over President’s Day. With USY, Kadima, and Kadinkers events along with the amazing Purim activities (Purim megillah reading and Tikun Olam fundraising followed by Purim Carnival the next day), this month is sure to be one of the best yet. Make sure to also take a look at the attached tentative calendar for the entire year to help you plan things out in advance. You can also stay up to date with all things BJUSY by going to our brand new and improved website www.bethjudeausy.weebly.com B’Shalom, Marc Sender Youth Director Congregation Beth Judea 5304 RFD Long Grove, IL 60047 Office: (847)-634-0777 ext. 114 Cell: (847)-334-8639 Email: YouthDirector@bethjudea.org www.bethjudeausy.weebly.com Check us out on Facebook and Twitter! Please consider making a donation to the Youth Fund or Rachel Hirshman Fund to help USYers go to regional programs and Israel
SAVE THE DATE: February 9, 2013 – Creative Teen Minyan: Candy Minyan!!
Havdallah & Maariv Megillah Reading
February 24
Shacharit & Megillah Reading Shushan Wonderland Purim Carnival
BJUSY Needs Volunteers for Purim Carnival
Click here to visit our 2012-2013 Calendar
Wisconsin Dells February 16 – February 18 2012 – 2013 MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION FORM 2012-2013 BJUSY, Kadima & Kadinkers Online Membership Form 2012-2013 USY, Kadima and Kadinkers Membership Application
The Word February 2013
Presidents Day Weekend of Greatness – PDF Presidents Day Weekend of Greatness - online
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YOUTH Here is the article written by our own BJUSY Communications Vice-President Larry Bender. The article is his reflection back after his recent trip to the USY International Convention in Boston, Massachusetts Hava, Hava na shira, shir hallelujah, shir hallelujah... Those song lyrics will forever remind me of this past convention. We sang them throughout the entire convention and each time they almost brought tears to my eyes. Ever since Wheels had ended I have been waiting for this weekend. Seeing all my wheels friends brought laughter, tears and happiness to myself and all of my friends. We had started off in Sharon, Massachusetts for Pre-Con. We started off by going straight to a bowling alley after the airport to meet up with Metny (New York Region) and Sharon USY. I was able to reunite with 2 of my friends there. After that, we went to the shul and had free time. Pre-Con was full of Shabbat, meeting new friends, and getting to know new people. A lot of friends that I met were people who also went on summer programs this summer and had known people from Chicago. It’s very interesting find out how many people know people and/or places in your own backyard. As I hear my dad say, It's a small Jewish world out there. After this, we had a dance to end Pre Convention which was where I reunited with my entire bus. It was a moment I will remember for a long time. Being able to hug my friends and see them is just something I will always love! These people made such a big impact on my life and being able to see them again just meant so much! We woke up on Sunday and headed to Boston! The one part of USY that can give anyone chills anytime it happens is Opening Session of International Convention. Whether it's the singing, the dancing, the reuniting, the togetherness, or just the atmosphere, it is quite an experience. That night of convention, we broke up by grades and played a big game of twister. The Regions were split into 4 different teams, CHUSY happen to be the green team. During twister, we got to learn about each other by, for example putting our left hand onto a person wearing a yellow shirt's hand. It was a lot of fun and I was able to meet a few more people. Following the big game of twister, we played "Don't Forget the Ruach". We all regrouped in the main ballroom and competed to see who knew ruach songs the best. It was interesting to see who all knew the songs and lyrics. After that, we all found our way up to our rooms, mine happen to be all the way up on the 21st floor and off to bed. Yes, I did happen to walk all the way up there twice I believe, best exercise I’ve gotten in a while. The next morning I did what I continued to do the rest of the convention, and that was getting Starbucks. Similarly the rest of USY had the same routine causing the line to be extra-long. That morning, since it was Monday, The entire convention met up once again for services and heard Torah. It felt just like any other convention, hearing Torah being chanted, just with 1,000 people instead of 170. Following service, we had breakfast and then the nominations and candidates forum. We heard a nomination for each candidate running for International Board. My personal friend Rebecca actually read one for another friend Seth Greenwald who had ran for International SATO but unfortunately ended up losing. The next program was the amazing race. We had a map and had the freedom to roam around the 2 connecting malls to the hotel. I was in a group with 7 other people and we had to take pictures in front of stores that fit the riddles. It was interesting to figure out the riddles and then hunt down the stores that related to it. Then we heard from Rabbi Laurence Bazer, who served in Afghanistan and has been recently invited to the White House this previous Hanukkah to light the Menorah. It was interesting to hear what he had to say to us and explain all he had learned upon his journey throughout the military. That night we had the honor to listen to Josh Ull's president address. The way he was presented was incredible and brought tears not only to Josh's eyes but to others as well. The words, "Get Excited, Get Inspired, and Get Involved" are words that Josh kept on repeating throughout his entire speech. That was his slogan for his entire year as president. Those words had inspired Josh, along with other USYers to get out there and let people know about this amazing youth group. I met Josh for the first time this summer while in Washington DC with wheels and it happen to be our first Shabbat together as a bus. But Josh helped make it all the more better.
The Word February 2013
This Shabbat happen to be the most memorable for everyone since we were without power starting around 10pm on Friday night, followed by a fire alarm sounding at midnight causing everyone to freak out and go crazy. I can still remember my friend Sean yelling, "Save the children" jokingly. It was a great bonding session for our bus having been we had only known each other for less than a week. We later stayed without power and the morning we had all been sweating and complaining due to the east coast July weather along with no air conditioning. We ended up all in Josh's hotel room for the Torah service and Musaf which were very memorable. Let's just say it was a very "close and together" service. Josh, not expecting any of this stuck together with our bus and stayed with us for the ride. It's a Shabbat that I don’t think even Josh could ever forget along with all of Bus H. Back to IC, after Josh's speech our night ended. The following day he had awoken to a white Christmas along with having our Summer trip Reunions. My bus was in the Exeter room and it was a joyous occasion. We Sang, Cried, Laughed, and remembered the amazing summer we spent together. We heard a story from our bus rosh which was a tradition every Friday night after dinner. We heard a song from our staff member Sarah Tudzin, along with a song written by a member of our bus Kira. As well as that, we had an amazing time seeing everyone again! It was the highlight of my trip being able to spend time with my bus again, all being together. After our reunion came elections for the upcoming 2013 USY international Board. Winning for president was Michael Sacks, he is from the Far West Region. After elections we heard a performance by Josh Nelson. It was named, Warehouse Ma'ariv and he basically rocked out to the service, and it was very interesting on how he took Ma'ariv and made it into what he did. The following morning was the last full day of the convention, which meant we had to spend as much of it making the best of it. We started off the morning with IC Shacharit Live that featured Moriah's Henry Bernstein , B'nai Tikvah's Steven Sacks, and CBS's Kevin Medansky. Personally I love this service so much. It is a service that CHUSY does at every convention on Sunday and every time I love it even more. Ending it with Adon Olam to the tune of Save Tonight just sends chills down my back. It's just so much fun singing and dancing with all my friends and having an amazing time with them all. After Shacharit, we had a sicha session and then got ready for the gun rally. We heard from 2 speakers before going outside. We heard from Pastor Corey Brooks, along with Colin Goddard a survivor from the 2007 Virginia Tech shooting. It was scary to hear Colin describe what happened in that classroom during the shooting. The fact that he almost did not go to class could've drastically changed his life all together. It showed to me, that anything could happen at any moment. After hearing the moving words of Colin and Pastor Corey Brooks, we headed out into the city of Boston and hosted a rally. Of course, it was winter in Boston so it had to be at least 20 degrees outside, I was freezing my butt off. But the atmosphere was unbelievable, the singing and speeches that were given were outstanding. It’s amazing what happens when so many people come together to make a change and what the outcome could be. Following the rally, they gave us 4 hours of free time, 3 of which we could roam the city. It was so much fun having fresh air and walking around with friends. After free time, it was time for the new 2013 International board to be installed. Unfortunately, I was ill so I was unable to attend due to me sleeping. But following Installations was the famous IC dance. I call it famous because it is the program where people get the closest to each other and basically have the most fun you could ever think of. The dance was a lot of fun and memorable. The following day was full of, Tears. That was it, lots and lots of tears. People were crying from left to right. The last day of any convention isn't fun for anyone. People possibly would never see each other again, or not see each other until the summer on summer programs. But the greatest time of Thursday at IC is the wrap up video. Seeing the entire week in review and ending it with unveiling next year’s location. And well, I’ll end you with this.. SEE YOU NEXT YEAR IN NEW ORLEANS! Larry Bender 2012-2013 BJUSY Communications Vice-President
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SISTERHOOD SOURCE We want to congratulate our very own Karen Nagel for being chosen as the Queen of the Purim Masquerade. Most of you know Karen. She is our very busy Gift Shop Manager and runs the Chanukah Bazaar for us. Join us on February 16 when she will be crowned along with her King for the night, Orin Rotman. Mazel Tov to both of you. In January our Judaica Programming Committee presented Cantor Rachel Rosenberg in a musical evening of “A History of Israel through Song”. It was a fun evening in which the audience was able to participate. Thank you Cantor Rosenberg for a wonderful program. Also we would like to express our appreciation to our program co-chairs, Sherry Weinberger and Hannah Whitney, and their committee for all their hard work in planning this delightful event.
Upcoming Events- Mark your calendars FEBRUARY: February 2 – Nosh-A-Nite February 9 – Sisterhood Shabbat February 11 – Z’havah Movie Nite February 18 – Vashti Gala February 27 – Book Club MARCH: March 6 – Women’s Seder March 10 – Passover Wine Tasting with Men’s Club
Our Z’havah group is for women in their 20’s to 40’s. In January they held a Ladies’ Bowling Night at Brunswick Lanes in Vernon Hills. February 11 is Movie Night. For further information on Z’havah, contact Jenny Ban at jennyban2@gmail.com. February is a very busy month for Sisterhood. We have the always popular and fun Nosh-a-Nite on February 2. For those who have never attended, Nosh-a-Nite is like a progressive dinner, only we serve hot and cold appetizers and dessert. We split everyone up into small groups and switch them around for the two courses. This way you can mingle and meet more people on a more intimate level. Then we will all be meeting at the home of Darlene and Barry Bikshorn for dessert. Thanks to Darlene and Laura Zoller for coordinating this program. The evening is fun and the food is always great. It is open to all, couples and singles, bring your husbands or friends. We hope you join us. On February 9, Sisterhood will lead the services at our annual Sisterhood Shabbat. We celebrate the founding of Women's League by Mathilde Schechter on this Women's League Shabbat. If you are interested in participating in the services, please contact Michele Sussman at gocubs25@att.net. If you missed our Vashti program last year, you have another chance to enjoy this great event on February 18. Our co-chairs, Elizabeth Ladin-Gross and Ellen Antman have been busy planning this night. What is a Vashti event? In Elizabeth’s words it is “an event where we pamper our women and celebrate women for just being women. We offer our members a night of fun services such as chair massages, facials, aura reading, nail polishing, wine and chocolate, and a host of other fun things that women can truly enjoy.” Our last event in February is Book Club. Our next book is “Walking the Bible” by Bruce Feiler and will meet on February 27 at the home of Susan Mangurten. If there is a particular program or event that you would like Sisterhood to consider, or if you would like to get more involved in Sisterhood, please contact either Co-Presidents or Elizabeth Ladin-Gross with your suggestions. Bobbi Goldenberg and Debbi Green Sisterhood Co-Presidents
Download Vashti Gala Flyer
SISTERHOOD SHABBAT SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 9 VOLUNTEERS ARE STILL NEEDED Please contact Michele Sussman at gocubs25@att.net if you are interested
The Word February 2013
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All Occasion Cards - click here for flyer L’Chaim Cookbook – click here to get your free recipe Torah Fund Pin – click here for flyer Need some new ideas for everyday cooking? L’CHAIM, TOO! Can help! Click here to learn more and get your free recipe NEW LOWER PRICE – ONLY $10
MEN’S CLUB LIEBERMAN CENTER Once a month, The Beth Judea Men’s Club volunteers at the Lieberman Geriatric Center and help the elderly get to and from services. It’s a wonderful experience. We would appreciate your help on February 9, March 9 and April 6, 2013. Please contact Fred Rabinowitz at rabino49@aol.com if you can help.
February 3 – World Wide Wrap February 9 – Lieberman Center February 10 – Men’s Club Meeting February 17 – FJMC Man of the Year Luncheon March 9 – Lieberman Center March 10 – Blood Drive March 10 – Passover Wine Tasting with Sisterhood March 13 – Hearing Men’s Voices March 30 – Men’s Club Shabbat Regular monthly meeting is the 2nd Sunday of each month.
It’s no secret … we’re always looking for volunteers and new program ideas! Consider joining us for one or many activities … whatever you decide, we’ll be glad to have you join us! The Men’s Club is once again sponsoring a
Blood Drive through Life Source on Sunday, March 10, 2013 from 8:00 am to 1:00 pm in the Social Hall. Please keep in mind that Life Source, the people who run the Blood Drive, require a photo ID when you fill out your paperwork. Please bring a state ID or driver’s license because they will not allow anyone to give blood or attempt to give blood without proper ID. Also, make sure you have something to eat before you arrive. Refreshments will be provided.
Download Z’Havah Flyer
Your donated blood is used in many ways, including removing platelets and other by-products for various surgical procedures and other medical treatments. THERE MUST BE AN 8 WEEK TIME PERIOD BETWEEN DONATIONS. Therefore, you cannot have donated elsewhere after January 6, 2012.
Men’s Club Note Cards Available Have you ever wondered what to give your hosts when you go for a Shabbat or holiday dinner? Do you have the right note cards for birthday, anniversary or gift checks? Beth Judea Men's Club is proud to announce that all occasion note cards are now available in the Sisterhood Judaica Shop. The note card, pictured above, is a montage of the stained glass windows and art from the Midwest Region Men's Clubs member synagogues. Proceeds from these blank cards will help both Men's Club and Sisterhood in their efforts to support Beth Judea. These cards are a great alternative to wine or candy and can even be presented as packaged. Cards are sold in sets of 10 for $18 at the Gift Shop.
The Word February 2013
Call Fred Rabinowitz to make an appointment at 847-398-5488 or email at Rabino49@aol.com.
HEARING MEN’S VOICES A Series of Discussions for Men with Men All discussions are confidential. There will be 2 Sessions each night. Choose which one you want to attend. Wednesday, March 13, 2013 – 8:00 pm Download Flyer
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MAN OF THE YEAR MAN OF THE YEAR Dr. Eric Yegelwel has been named Beth Judea Men’s Club’s Man of the Year. Eric has contributed in countless ways to the success of Men’s Club and the Beth Judea community including his most recent roles as V.P. of Ritual for Men’s Club and as a synagogue board member.
Dr. Eric Yegelwel Beth Judea Men’s Club 2013 Man of the Year
We will be celebrating this much deserved honor with other members of the Midwest Region of Federation of Jewish Men’s Clubs (FJMC) on February 17, 2013 at North Suburban Synagogue Beth El.
Congregation Beth Judea Men’s Club Midwest Region FJMC Man of the Year Brunch
SHALVA The Face of Domestic Abuse is not always easy to recognize. It could be your daughter, your sister, your best friend.
Domestic abuse can happen to anyone at any time. One in four women will experience domestic abuse at some point in her lifetime. 90% of children are aware of the abuse directed at their mothers.
Abuse can take many forms: verbal, emotional, financial, sexual, physical and psychological.
Dr. Eric Yegelwel Sunday February 17, 2013 10:30 am North Suburban Synagogue Beth El 1175 Sheridan Road Highland Park, IL 60035
If you would like to attend this event click here to download flyer..
SHALVA has helped over 4,000 Jewish women since 1986 and is specifically certified by the State of Illinois to provide domestic violence counseling. We are the oldest independent Jewish domestic violence agency in the United States.
The ARK is very pleased to announce the opening of The ARK Northwest: A Safe Harbor for the Jews of the Northwest Suburbs. The new office is located in the Dundee Place Corporate Center, 3100 Dundee Rd., Suite 204; Phone (773) 973-0011. This new satellite office, at the northeast corner of Dundee and Landwehr in Northbrook, will provide increased access to The ARK’s vital human services in the northwest suburbs-where the greatest growth in Chicagoland’s Jewish population has occurred in the past 10 years. Hours at the new location are: Monday, 9:00 am – 7:30 pm and Tuesday and Thursday, 9:00 am – 5:00 pm.
SHALVA offers free confidential domestic abuse counseling services to the Chicago Jewish Community.
SHALVA’s free, confidential services include: 24 hour crisis-line 773-583-4673 (HOPE) Culturally sensitive individual & group counseling Legal information & court support Financial assistance Rabbinical & community advocacy & training
Information and referrals Community prevention & educational programs Page 14 The Word February 2013
ADULT EDUCATION WEEKLY CLASSES These classes are ongoing. Please join at any time. Hebrew is not required for any of these classes, unless specifically noted.
ADULT EDUCATION AT CONGREGATION BETH JUDEA. Congregation Beth Judea offers a variety of meaningful Jewish learning opportunities through classes, lectures and informal sessions on Jewish Law, Torah, prayer and other topics of interest that will intrigue and inspire you. All classes (unless otherwise noted) are held at Congregation Beth Judea. For a listing of adult education classes offered here at CBJ, you can download our Adult Ed brochure by clicking here.
“When I pray, I speak to God;
When I study, God speaks to me.” -quote by Rabbi Louis Finkelstein
Interpretive Minyan in the Library Service Leader: Norm Kurtz You are invited to join the Interpretive Minyan in the Library the first and third Shabbat of every month. Our minyan is designed to build community by providing a passionate, meaningful and spiritual Shabbat morning experience.
This Shabbat morning service focuses on examining the structure of the prayer service, learning the major prayers and becoming more comfortable with the choreography and customs of the Shabbat morning service. Our minyan is friendly and welcoming to all who choose to attend. We meet in the synagogue library on the second floor from 10:30 until 11:45.
Parsha Perspectives Thursday evenings after minyan (7:45—8:00 pm) Do you have 10 minutes to spare? It only takes 10 minutes to get started on a lifelong journey. Spend each Thursday after Minyan learning about the upcoming Par-sha with Rabbi Pivo, and before you know it you'll have completed hours of Torah study. Words of My Mouth: Talmud Study Sunday mornings at 8 am The Talmud is a profoundly rich compilation of wisdom that has continued relevance to our contemporary search for meaning. This weekly class provides an examination of current understanding of Jewish law, secular law, sociology, mythology, or agadah, and often dwells on ques-tions incorporating current events. Orin Rotman will facilitate this weekly Talmud study session. (Artscroll Schottenstein edition is used for the class) Sweet Taste of Torah Wednesday evenings at 8 pm For thousands of years Judaism has been interpreting and applying the Torah to everyday life. This class follows the Tanach cycle. Each week we will read through several chapters a week of the Nevim (Prophets) texts, then on to Ketuvim (Writings), then back to Torah again.
Shabbat Torah/Haftarah Study Shabbat morning at 9 am Weekly study to discuss the parsha of the week. We will discuss questions raised by the participants.
EDUCATION SERIES Shabbat shalom, Norm Kurtz
To register for classes or to find out more information about the Adult Education programs, contact Anna Besser at (847) 634-0777 or at besser@bethjudea.org
more great adult ed classes on next page
The Word February 2013
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ADULT EDUCATION Congregation Beth Judea's Adult Education Series February 2013
Welcome to our Adult Education Series. To register for classes or to find out more information, please contact Anna Besser at abesser@bethjudea.org.
JEWISH FILM SERIES Monday Evenings; 6:00 pm - 9:00 pm Viewing of Film & DINNER @ 6:00-7:30 PM Discussion Group @ 8:00 PM
CRIMES & MISDEMEANORS February 4, 2013 Rabbi Pivo (Discussion Leader) Members: $15 for series / $9.00 for single ticket & dinner
Non Members: $30 for series / $10.00 for single ticket & dinner
Join us for a thought-provoking and entertaining film that inspires us in the portrayal of Jews and Jewish Issues. But, also challenges us with new questions and controversies as only film can. Jewish Ethics Then and Now Taught by Rabbi Pivo Thursday Mornings: 10:30 – 11:30 am Dates: Feb. 7, 14, 21, 28, March 7, 14 Through an in-depth look at the classic tractate Pirkei Avot, this class will discuss the ethical issues that confronted our ancestors as well as those that we continue to struggle with. Topics will include: The connection between our actions and our reward, in this life and beyond; the balance between personal needs and communal obligations; partnerships with those with unseemly backgrounds or businesses, and social relations between the sexes.
Quick & Kosher: A Pre-Passover Cooking Class Taught by Debbie Frager Tuesday evenings; 8:00 – 9:00 pm Dates: Feb. 19, 26, March 5, 12 Cost: $15 for the series; $5 for each class Join us for enriching and entertaining evenings of quick, kosher, and delicious cooking. Learn some great techniques and pick up new Passover recipes.
L.I.F.E. Series Learning is for Everyone 4th Wednesday of the month February 27, 2013 6:00 pm- 7:30 pm $10/ Session (for dinner) FEATURING: Bruce Darin Ethics in the Workplace Join our monthly L.I.F.E. (Learning is for Everyone) series in a delightful evening of thoughtful discussion and personal perspective on a variety of topics with a view to the Jewish values inherent in the theme. Join the Rabbi and others for lively discussions on varied topics of interest to Jews! Light dinner will be served. When does unethical behavior become criminal behavior and just how thin a line separates the two? Download Our 2012-2013 Education Guide
The Word February 2013
RSVP for classes by eMail
RSVP Online
February Flyer
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Tuesdays, January 22 – February 26, 2013 10:00 am – 11:30 am Held at Congregation Beth Am
Click here for more information
EVENTS FOR FEBRUARY 2013 Bingo at Friend Center Sunday, February 3, 2013 We will assist early Alzheimer patients to play bingo on Sunday, February 3, 2013 from 3:30 to 5:00 p.m. at the Friend Center, which is located at 1601 Lake Cook Road, right next to Gidwitz in Northbrook. This is a rewarding and fun afternoon.
Bring Your Dogs to Brentwood North Nursing Home Sunday, February 24, 2013 Our next date for bringing our dogs to visit Brentwood North Nursing Home is Sunday, February 24, 2013 from 1 to 2 p.m. This is a wonderful activity for families, and our visits are greatly appreciated by the residents. The nursing home is located at 3705 Deerfield Road, Riverwoods.
Look What’s Happening at the Board of Jewish Education Early Childhood Center!
Support the Ark Family We continue to support a family identified by the Ark by providing them with groceries on a monthly basis. Will you please consider a financial donation to help support the program?
Council of Jewish Elderly Luncheon Friday, March 1, 2013
Each year Beth Judea sponsors a luncheon at Temple Chai for clients of the Council of Jewish Elderly. Our date for this year is Friday, March 1, 2013. We will help serve and clean up the lunch; our clergy will provide the entertainment. We need three more volunteers to work the shift from 10 a.m. to about 1 p.m. It is a wonderful activity to participate in.
Maot Chitim March 10 – Packing March 16 – Egg Banding March 17 - Delivery It’s hard to believe but it is time to start thinking about Pesach. Once again, Beth Judea will be supporting the Maot Chitim program, which provides low-income elderly with Passover food. The upcoming dates are non-perishable packing, March 10; egg banding, March 16; and delivery date, March 17th. Stay tuned for additional information as it is available. To RSVP for any of these programs or to volunteer on the Social Action Committee, please contact Marilyn Green-Rebnord at drebnord@comcast.net.
For more information please visit our website at www.bjeecc.org or call Janet Sear at 847 634-0363.
The Word February 2013
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ALIYAH IN OUR 60’s FROM ARLINGTON HTS, IL TO CAESEREA, ISRAEL (Part 12) L TO R: HOWIE GOODMAN, SUZANNE GOODMAN, AND BEVERLY GOODMAN TCHERNOV NEAR EILAT, ISRAEL Howie and Suzanne Goodman were valued members at Beth Judea until they decided to make aliyah in 2009. The Goodmans have agreed to provide us with a blog on their experiences as new olim in Israel. Though we continue to miss the Goodmans, we can all look forward to reading about their adventures in Israel through the blog.
Daycare and Preschool Ganei yeladim, which is Hebrew for children’s gardens or nursery schools, are found in almost every neighborhood in Israel. They are commonly called gans and are daycare centers for preschool children. Going to gan is the norm even if the mother isn’t employed outside the home. As of this year the state has started providing “free” (paid for with taxes) preschool for children three years and older. The gan is like a second home with a warm and family-like atmosphere. This tends to be the child’s first independent learning experience. The gans in Israel are regulated by the state, and while the quality may vary, what we have observed in the case of our grandson has been very positive. Israel strongly supports mothers and parenting. If you are eligible for National insurance benefits, all your hospitalization and delivery expenses are covered by the National Insurance Institute. If you have worked more than 10 months you are entitled to 14 weeks of paid maternity leave. Fathers may use part of this maternity leave. There is a subsidy for the baby’s health insurance, and all families with children receive monthly payments from the government for each child (until age 18). If a child is disabled, they receive special assistance for their additional needs. Babies can start at the gan as early as six weeks. There are two or three babies per caregiver, and parents provide milk, diapers, and clothing changes. The caregivers sometimes take the babies out for a walk in crib-like wagons on wheels. These can hold four or five infants or toddlers and can be pushed around the kibbutz. When the youngsters progress from cribs to mats on the floor, it is a group affair. They literally wave good-bye together to their cribs as the movers take the cribs away. Our daughter thought the gan did group toilet training; however,that is a parental responsibility. The facility tries to be hygienic, and they are constantly scrubbing the furniture, floors, and toys. However, it is the same as any daycare center or school, and the kids seem to be exposed to every disease known to mankind. Children who attend gans have a head start on acquiring immunity before they start grade school! Our general physician here is a mother. The following is extreme: she said she made her kids take off their “gan shoes,” take a shower, and change clothes as soon as they came home from gan! (continued on next page)
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ALIYAH IN OUR 60’s (continued from previous page) Our grandson, Erez, started going to gan when he was one year old. He attended Sdot Yam Gan, which is a private daycare at Sdot Yam Kibbutz. Most of the kids are little ”kibbutzniks.” However, they do accept some outsiders for a fee. The free daycare of three years and older started this year and would not apply to private gans. Sdot Yam is an excellent gan and uses the facilities of the kibbutz. This includes the kitchen, which brings out breakfast and lunch, zoo with small animals, beach on the Mediterranean Sea, and a dairy for trips to visit the cows. They start at seven in the morning and go until four in the afternoon, Sunday through Thursday. They have gan on Friday morning so it is five and a half days a week. They are off for all the Jewish holidays and are closed for the month of August. I counted the days of vacation at Erez’s current gan, and they are off 45 days plus Saturdays and the month of August.
Birthday Photo
Sdot Yam Kibbutz, where this gan is located, is one of the oldest kibbutz in Israel, founded in 1936. Among its famous residents were the poet, Hannah Szenes, and the Olympic gold medal-winning windsurfer, Gal Fridman. It is on the sea and located between Caesarea and Hadera. One of its industries is Caesar Stone, which is a successful manufacturer of countertops. It is common for youngsters on the kibbutz to start sailing and surfing lessons at the age of five. Sdot Yam is very lovely and provides a comfortable lifestyle for its lucky residents. We have some friends that are kibbutz members who live there in a house next to the sea.
Pesach Celebration in Gan
The gan is in little houses that were originally children’s houses of the kibbutz. Children used to be housed away from their parents. Now, families live together in houses on the kibbutz. Each of the gan structures has a little fenced in yard with lots of interesting things for the kids to play with like old tires, sand boxes, play kitchens, and lots of tricycles and push cars. There are flower boxes and some have tiny gardens. Each structure has several main rooms, a kitchen, and bathrooms with places to bathe the children. Parents and grandparents are invited to drop in and play with the kids anytime. When parents drop the kids off in the morning they usually sit at the tables and do busy work such as puzzles with the kids until eight o’clock. Then kids are told to “push their mom or dad out the door” and wave to them out the window before they start their day. The gan for younger children was having a problem because kibbutz grandparents kept coming during the day to give their grandkids baths. These grandparents had never been able to bathe their own children in the old kibbutz system, so they loved the opportunity to do it with grandkids. In warm and hot summer weather the children all keep a swimsuit at the gan. They sometimes have days when the children go down to play in the sand on the beach. The older children also have a little above ground pool next to the gan. The summer months here are extremely hot so they are in the pool almost every day.
(continued next page)
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ALIYAH IN OUR 60’s (continued from previous page) Our grandson, Erez, started having some problems when he was about three years old. He was slow at talking and unable to socialize with the other children. The gan made our daughter aware of this and had a psychiatrist on staff observe him. At first they thought it was caused by a hearing problem. However, after corrective surgery the speech problem continued, and he began having other problems that the gannenet (teacher) at gan couldn’t handle. They said he could keep coming only if he had a “shadow” or person to stay with and help him at gan. Since this was not physically or financially possible and his parents both are employed, his grandmother volunteered to help out and go to gan with him! Grandma went with him for 4 days until they decided that Howie and I could just be “on call” if there was a problem. It was time consuming but I enjoyed it. There was one gannenet who spoke English and helped me but otherwise it was in Hebrew. This was a learning experience. Also, I was impressed by the atmosphere and the learning experience they provide the children. They have a regular routine of free play, learning circle, tiyul (walking trip) around the kibbutz, breakfast, lunch, crafts and naptime, which I liked!
Cribs on Rollers
The gans in Israel are similar to Jewish Day Schools in the states. They teach and celebrate all the Jewish holidays. Every Friday morning they have Shabbat celebration. They have the simulated Shabbat dinner experience with lighting the candles and singing the Kiddush. The little girls wear dresses on Friday, and they bake fresh challah that each child brings home. Pesach is very special when parents and family are included in a party on the lawn. The children were so well behaved and looked so angelic. They wore white tops and had garlands of flowers on their heads. There is dancing, singing, and sweets. All holidays had similar parties. On each child’s birthday the parents are invited to the gan to share the yom holedet (birthday) celebration.
Cribs on Rollers
The gan asked the saftahs, grandmas, to come and tell about when they were young. I accepted and my daughter came with me in case I had a language problem. With the help of some pictures I told them in Hebrew about when I was growing up in Minnesota with cold winter and scheleck (snow). This was very foreign and fascinating to them. Unfortunately, It became very difficult for Erez to go to this gan. It was difficult every morning for his parents to get him to go to ganl During the day he had some “melt downs” and didn’t know how to play with the other kids.
At 3 1/2 years old he was diagnosed as having PDD, or pervasive development disorder, which is a mild form of autism. It is believed that if this is diagnosed at an early age and treated properly, it may be corrected. He continued to attend Sdot Yam gan but was taken out two mornings a week to attend special therapy at Millman in Haifa. This is an institute that provides one-on-one therapy and counseling for the child and the parents. Howie, his saba or grandfather, has helped out and takes him to Millman one day a week. Since Erez is diagnosed as having a disability his parents receive a special government subsidy to help with the additional costs. The cost for Millman is 800 shekels a month or $200 for about 24 hours a month of professional therapy. Besides the special counseling, last fall he started attending a special gan in Atllit. It is set up to handle children with disabilities similar to PDD. The school is 30 minutes away, so he is picked up and brought home in a small bus. Since going to Millman and the new gan, our grandson has made amazing progress. We are very optimistic about his future. He is very sweet, cute, intelligent, coordinated, artistic, and while he is behind in speech at four years old he understands and speaks both Hebrew and English! We are so grateful that he has been able to have excellent preschool and the special help he needs here in Israel. It has been fun to share in his early childhood educational experience in Israel.
Howie and Suzanne Goodman We hope you enjoy the tenth installment from the Goodmans, who have graciously agreed to blog for our congregation their experiences as Olim in Israel. If you there are specific topics that you are interested in hearing about of if you just want to stay in touch with Howie and Suzanne, you can reach them at: HOWIEG@aol.com
The Word February 2013
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WE WOULD LIKE TO KNOW . . . . YOU MAKE A DIFFERENCE If you are celebrating a life cycle event such as a birth, engagement or wedding, we would like to know about it so that this milestone can be included in The Word. If you are ill or know someone who is sick, we would like to know about it so that a prayer for recovery can be said, so that the clergy can call or visit, and so that the Bikur Cholim committee can be notified and be of assistance. If there is a death in your family, we would like to know about it so that we can offer our support, can share this information with our congregation, and so that we can add your loved one to our Yahrzeit records.
We firmly believe that reaching out to others benefits not only the recipient, but the person providing help as well. This is, without a doubt, a win-win situation for all involved. If you are interested in making a difference, please contact one of the committee members below.
Rabbi Pivo Ellene Lammers Wendy Wunsch Evan Rumack
Please call the synagogue office with this information. Do not assume that someone else will have notified the synagogue staff.
Hesed (Caring) Committee Congregation Beth Judea Hesed (Caring) Committee Please complete the following form to notify the committee of a person who is ill, hospitalized or in a rehabilitation facility,
Name: _______________________________________________________________________________ Location ______________________________________________________________________________
Contact person/phone number: ____________________________________________________________ Your name: ___________________________________________________________________________
â–Ą Please contact this person â–Ą Please ask the clergy to contact this person Please return this card to the office before or after Shabbat. You may also fax the information to (847) 634-8055, call the Rabbi or contact our committee chairs,
Wendy Wunsch
The Word February 2013
Evan Rumack (847) 253-4130 evanbr1@comcast.net
Beth Judea Office (847) 6 34-0777 info@bethjudea.org
Page 21
Koach Outreach Program for College Students
JUF Right Start is a gift program that gives a one-time grant of $500 - $1000 per family to offset the cost of tuition to a local Jewish preschool made the first year a child is enrolled. It is not based on need. For more information go to http://www.juf.org/rightstart
Koach is the Conservative Movements' outreach program for college students. The Koach website at www.koach.org always has interesting and helpful information.
For those of you who are about to begin your college experience, Koach has produced a wonderful guide that you should view and refer to in the coming weeks. You will find it at www.koach.org/guide.htm.
Helpful Links and Resources JUF JVS JCFS JCC CJE JUF NW Suburban News
Jewish United Fund Jewish Vocational Services Jewish Federation of Metropolitan Chicago Jewish Child and Family Services Jewish Community Centers Council for Jewish Elderly JUF Northwest Suburban News
For a more detailed list of resources please click here for a list from our Hesed (Caring) Committee‌remember, in an emergency dial 9-1-1
SISTERHOOD GIFTSHOP Congregation Beth Judea Gift Shop (Where shopping is a mitzvah) The Sisterhood of Congregation Beth Judea's Judaica Shop carries a wide variety of Judaica and gift items such as tallitot, kippot, Seder plates, Chanukah menorahs, candlesticks, kiddush cups, tzedakah boxes, mezzuzah cases, books, toys, games and teacher gifts and nonreligious gift items. They carry Gary Rosenthal, Nambe and a large number of items that are imported directly from Israel. The shop also carries special seasonal items and gift baskets. In addition, they can special order about anything you may want. Stop by when the shop is open: Sundays from 9:00 AM - 1:00 PM and by appointment. Karen Nagel is the Gift Shop Manager. The Gift Shop has lots of new merchandise, including great High Holiday and other holiday gift items, as well as Bat/Bat Mitzvah and wedding gift items. Check out their own L'CHAIM TOO! Cookbook, filled with special recipes for all your holiday needs or as a great gift for any occasion. They accept MC, VISA. and Discover.
The Word February 2013
Congregation Beth Judea Gift Shop (Where shopping is a mitzvah)
20% OFF ONE SINGLE ITEM OF $25 OR MORE Coupon must be present at time of purchase Exclusions include sale merchandise, special orders, scrolls, consignment items. Nambe Discount Limited to 10% / No Discount on Michael Aram One coupon per family. No other discounts or promotions apply -Expires March 31, 2013 COUPON
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The Word February 2013
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BIRTHDAYS We wish a very Happy Birthday to the following members of our Beth Judea Family: February 1
Daniel Kurtz Elisa Nusinow
February 2
Fern Dembo Todd Lichtenstein Tammy Lorber Kenneth Redfern Michael Savitt
February 3
Marlene Greenberg Kenneth Margules Gary Mills
February 4
Ellen Lerner Liz Schachter
February 14
Stuart Kersky Dean Klassman Marci Sussman
February 15
Rabbi Howard Lifshitz Helen Peters Beth Pollard Hyman Riebman
February 16
Lisa Goldberg Brenda Levin Marc Lewison Charlotte Seltzer
February 18
Barbara Julis
February 19
Scott Finkle Charles Lustig Sherry Weinberger
February 5
Arlene Ament Ana Goldman Gregory Kalisky Audrey Taxer
February 20
Irving Lieberman
February 6
Robert Antman Arlene Moses
February 21
Lance Pacernick Teri Pulver
Carrie Shultz Wendy Weinger
February 22
Elizabeth Ladin-Gross Gilda Weinert
Fred Hakimi Alan Palmer
February 23
Patricia Feldman Joey Hoffman Miriam Krieberg
February 24
Scott Landau
February 25
Ellene Lammers Jerrold Lazar
February 26
Georgianne Oman Lynda Sachs Andrea Warren
February 27
Wendy Frost Glenn Goldstein Jeffrey Wener
February 28
Bradley Arnold Slava Lemberg
February 7 February 9 February 10
Jason Allen Judith Levitan Sheri Lippman Elizabeth Rosin
February 11
Barbara Buhai Gary Friedlander
February 12
Joshua Kahn
February 13
Natalie Gurin Kendra Rosen Jackie Strauss
ANNIVERSARIES We wish a very Happy Anniversary to the following members of our Beth Judea Family: February 2
Jerome and Marlene Gothelf Allen and Karey Rosenston
February 17
Steven and Beth Brooks
February 12
Herman and Faye Hefler
February 21
Jeffrey and Rhonda Wener
February 14
Layne and Ellyn Pollard
February 26
Arthur and Carol Schechter
February 16
Sandy and Denise Stelzer Allan and Mary Wernick
February 27
David and Bonnie Neubauer
We encourage you to also contact one another to share in their celebration. NOTE: If your name is missing from the list please contact the synagogue so we can update your information in our files.
The Word February 2013
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Bernice Abraham Edward Bohm Mitchell Davis* Sidney Freed Anna Hershstein Gloria Katz David Polakow* Elizabeth Rosenthal* George Sherman* Milton Zimmerman
Leo Abrams Irene Chatow Geraldine Deerfield Sol Ganellin* Ruth Hiller Wolf Kovel Hymen Polonsky Sam Rothnagel Seymour Shub*
Jack Babbit Robert Cohen* Sam Emalfarb Edith Gordon Sheldon Hurtig Rachel Levin Jacob Rizman* Jerome Schneider* Debra Wasserman
William Bernstein Steve Croft Ceil Feldstein Lena Grossman Stuart Julis Jules Mellow David Rosenfeld* Rose Sher Arthur Westerman*
February 8
Dorothy Becker* Alice Copeland* Bertha Feldman* Richard Ganden Shirley Harris Sylvia Katz* Emily Kron Albert Levin Jackie Max* Jacob Petrynek* Bernard Stouber Howard Weinert
Mac Brown* Harold Dobrikin* Irving Fenton Norman Goldberg Marvin Harris* Gary Korn Norman Leibold* Monte Levitt* Judith Mazur Dorothy Rose Marshall Sylvan Bernard Weisberg
David Cohen Irwin Dritz Arthur Fierer Elizabeth Goldenberg Dorothy Hyman Rita Kravitz Sam Lemsky Howard Lorber* Victor Nahum* Max Rosenblatt Doris Warman Florence Zablen*
Jack Cohen Muriel Epstein* Moe Forman* Benjamin Golyer* Lena Kagan* Teddy Kray Leona Levey Sidney Lorber* Ann Nemser* Mary Alice Ryan Bertha Watchman
February 15
Dan Bauer* Becky Cohn Norton Ferber* Evelyn Ginsberg Louis Kalisky Harry Krulewich Abe Orloff Philip Rothstein Diane Shapiro* Jerome Sohn
Benjamin Berkovitz* Sonia Copelovitz Lillian Freedman Fred Goodman Samantha Keeshin* Sidney Leibowitz Meyer Pagowsky Steven Schmeisser Joseph Shefsky* William Steres*
Morris Braverman* Shirlee Davis* Francis Friedlander Anna Haberman* Becky Kekst Ruth Lifshitz* Lev Podkovik Hyman Schwartz* Beatrice Silver* Ellin Wener*
Faina Brudnoy David Feldheim* Corrine Gill Minnie Kahn Jack Krivitzky Michael Minnen David Popilsky* Carl Shapiro* Rywka Slomowicz Leslie Zucker*
February 22
Maurice Arker* Frieda Brin* Rose Coll Rose Elisco Bruce Gerber* Jacob Gordon* Bernard Hefler Burton Kolman Ronald Marcus Rose Pollack Ann Robinson Vivian Schneider* Anne Soll*
Betty Blumenthal Clara Charlat* James Corenman* Charles Falk* Sherry Gerber* Foster Gould Joseph Hockfield* Dan Kwasman David Marder Toby Pollack* Edith Rockwell Faye Schwartz Frances Stern
Helene Borkan* Mary Cohen Victor Croft Emanuel Fagman Harold Glassman Leo Greenberg* Manny Indes* Leonard Levitan* Helen Mills Sandra Portnoy Marcella Rumack* Barbara Seider Jerome Waitz
Rose Brandt Marvin Cohn Henry Eisenhammer Hannah Fierer Meyer Goldware* Harold Gross* Becky Kekst Michael Lindenbaum Sylvia Perl* June Reback Barbara Sachs* Ben Silverman* Mendel Weisberger
The Word February 2013
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Albert Appel Robert Block* Lester Copeland* Lillian Goldstein* Joseph Indes* Wanda Komisarz Ann Levin* Sofia Magill Jack Nimzin* Norman Rubin* Michael Spivak* Jill Waitz Peter Weisberg
Esther Arnold Gerald Brownfield Russell Davis* Charles Haberman* Emmanuel Kaplan Hymen Krieberg Ben Levin* Bessie Mordoh* Cynthia Rafal* Molly Sabol* Harvey Stein* Morris Walcer* Richard Welch
Louis Bardos* Riva Chiet* Mildred Faldberg Jacob Hammer Seymour Keeshin* Bernard Kurtz* Esther Levin* Joel Mosak Harry Rosenberg Sheri Schneiderman-Litskin Martin Stein* Ada Weiner* Mindy Zolno
Helen Berg Samuel Cohen* Rhonda Feder Vera Hefler Solomon Klein Steven Landau* Leonard Levy* Minnie Muffson Morris Rotman Allan Silver Esther Waddell Lucille Weisberg
March 8
Celia Abelson* Eve Engel Hans Freeman Abe Henning Cecilia Lerner* Morris Nathan* Ida Rodinger Max Schwartz* Doris Warman Abraham Wortell*
Charles Allen Fryer Nadine Feader Sondra Gartenberg* Beulah Henning Frieda Lieberman* Dora Nechamkin* Irving Sachs* Jean Silver Jeffrey Weisberg* Larry Zablen*
Shelly Braverman* Nadine Feader Lillian Gold* Alexander Kleine Abraham Lippman Leo Nochimson* Irving Sachs* Derek Smolensky Louis Wener
Celia Cohen Miriam Ferber Harold Goldenson Lee Lazar* Irving Ludwig Louis Reznick Ruth Schwartz Calvin Stark Caesar Wollheim
March 15
Rose Altman* Henry Burdeen* Ellyn Drazin Milton Geller Frances Goodman June Handler Rhea Klein Carl Rosenthal* Joseph Steiner Esther Wolf*
Susan Berliner Hillary Chusid Carl Elvove* Lenore Gluskin* Kay Goodman Sam Harris Solomon Lustig Minnie C. Shane Sam Weinberg* David Zoller*
Harry Bernstein Beatrice Dennis Charles Faingold Joyce Goldberg Marlene Green Sylvia Harris Louis M. Polakow Carol Sheiner Beatrice Weisz
Peter Brenner* Carol Dern Ida Freeman Jeanette Goldenson Paul Grobman* Lipty Holtzman Esther Pomerantz Gloria Silver Mary Weisz
March 22
Gilbert Agrest Shirley Caplan Norman Emalfarb Walter Heller Seymour Lazar* Edith Levine* Harold Poll Mildred Sherman* Abraham Weisman
Fred Bornstein* Martha Chibnik Michael Fagan Alex Hortick Rochelle Lerner David Lipscher* Philip Rosenblatt Beverly Sokol* Rose Winograd
Sarah Brown Robert E. Hazan* Joseph Greenberg* Jerry Kaplan* Bessie Leventhal Jack Neimark Rae Rosenthal Micky Verbin* Ronald Wolff
Sandy Caplan Devora Elbaum* David Gutstein* David Keifsky Abe Levin* Joyce Papageorge Jack Rotman Bertha Weinberg*
Marc 29
Maurice Bender* Harriet Cohen Sid Fine Martha Greenberg* Harry Kohl Jacob Muffson Sol Rosenbaum Barbara Singer Barbara Wintner
Louis Berman* Martin Cohen Stanely Garber Lillyan Kaplan Michael Kwasman Milton Pekay Deborah Semel Dorothy Slavin Robert Zwikel
Shirley Block David Edelstein Ernest Gatzert Nathan Karel Shirley Lemsky Karl Perl* Morris Sharack Florence Thompson
Rosette Borstein Howard Epstein* Martin Goldberg Osher Karlinsky* Beverly Miller Paula Ribot Philip Shultz* Betty Ward*
The Word February 2013
Page 27
Upon the Yahrzeit of: Samuel Kanter Herb & Kathleen Kanter
Speedy Recovery Wishes to: Valerie Bernstein Dr. Sheldon Rubin
Prayers have been said for the recovery of: Edith Abramovitz Mike Kovich RABBI LIFSHITZ LEGACY FUND Condolences upon the death of: Erwin Berenson Uncle of Melinda Fine Uncle of Mitch Berenson Herbert Levine Father of Paula Spitz
In Appreciation of: Rabbi Lifshitz’ caring presence at the brit milah of our grandson, Aven Shai Kaplan. Many, many thanks! Morry & Marti Rizman
In Appreciation of: Rabbi Pivo’s support during shiva for my father, Jake Klein. Fran & Scott Eisner Rabbi Pivo for his wonderful participation in the brit milah of our grandson, Aven Shai Kaplan. Thank you! Morry & Marti Rizman Rabbi Pivo , in appreciation of the wonderful “Lunch and Learn” classes. Evan & Merle Rumack
Congratulations to: Donielle and Sergio Escalante on the birth of their son Joaquin Mordechai Escalante.
In Honor of: Max Pivo, in honor of his Bar Mitzvah. Alan & Debra Green
Gail & Rabbi Howard Lifshitz on the birth of their granddaughter Millicent Pria Arias.
Barbara Turf
Gayle & Richard Pervos and Davida & Scott Finkle on the engagement of their children Elonna Pervos and Joshua Finkle. Sherry and Daniel Weinberger on the birth of their granddaughter Rina Shrager.
Dr. Sheldon Rubin In Memory of: The mother of Sunnie Jacobs. Mike & Renee Malter Elynor Klein Ron, Debbie and Meyer Kovich
Upon the Yahrzeit of: Joseph J. Green Alan & Debra Green Darrell Pollack, loving husband of Tammy Pollack. With love, Mom & Dad (Mike & Renee Malter)
The Word February 2013
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In Appreciation of: Cantor Weisberg for his support during shiva for my father Jake Kein. Scott & Francine Eisner Cantor Weisberg for his warm and beautiful involvement in the brit milah of our grandson, Aven Shai Kaplan. Thank you! Morry & Marti Rizman
Cantor Weisberg for visiting and leading services during shiva for my sister, Mildred Berngard. Carol & Art Schechter
Upon the Yahrzeit of: Dorothy Aronoff, with loving memory of our mother and grandmother. The Schrimmer Family
In Memory of: Mildred Berngard, sister of Carol Schechter. Teresa & Edward Mis and Family
In Honor of: Eric Yegelwel – Mazel Tov to my son on being named Man of the Year. Bunny Yegelwel
Upon the Yahrzeit of: Sophie Momet Joseph Pressburger Barbara Pressburger
In Memory of: Charles Frank Edward & Roberta Ginsberg Elynor Klein, mother of Bobbie Babbitt. Robert and Rosemary Goldstine
Speedy Recovery Wishes: Linda Lippman Janet & Myron Reicher
In memory of my beloved parents Esther and Jake Klein. Love Always, Francine & Scott Eisner Harvey Schmall Eve, Steven, Rebecca, Aaron and David Appelbaum Upon the Yahrzeit of: Irwin Lipka Robert Lipka
Irv Kaufman, in loving memory. Betty, Steve and Jaclyn Kolko Rachel and Even Scherer
Philip Meltzer Elliott & Carla Bankendorf
PRAYER BOOK FUND SHABBAT/DAILY In Memory of: Elynor Klein, mother of Bobbie Babbitt. Gail Gerber & Eric Yegelwel
The Word February 2013
Fredrick Moskowitz, in loving memory – we miss you. Fred & Mari Moskowitz
In Memory of: Anita Kreisman, beloved mother of Debbie Dubin. Joan & Lew Smith Mildred Berngard, sister of Carol Schechter. Marvin & Susan Adleman
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In Memory of: Erwin Berenson Melinda Fine and Family and Sharon Thibodeau and Family Elynor Klein, mother of Bobbie Babbitt. Melinda, Jeff, Jonathan & Elizabeth Fine Upon the Yahrzeit of: Jerry Berenson Sarah Berenson Singer Mitch & Stacey Berenson
JACK RIZMAN MEMORIAL FUND In Honor of: Marti & Morry Rizman on the birth of their grandson Aven Shai Kaplan Rose Hundert In Memory of: Sophie L. Harvis, beloved mother, mother-in-law, grandmother and great grandmother. Morry & Marti Rizman Elynor Klein, mother of Bobbie Babbitt. Chuck & Sarajane Orloff Dr. Jack Rizman, beloved brother, brother-in-law, uncle and great uncle. Morry & Marti Rizman
STEVE GOLD MEMORIAL FUND In Memory of: Mildred Berngard, sister of Carol Schechter. Leah & Sam Chiprin
Sam Rizman, beloved father, father-in-law, grandfather and great grandfather. Morry & Marti Rizman
Upon the Yahrzeit of: Jack Rizman Floyd & Bobbie Babbitt Jack Rizman, in loving memory of our very special husband, father and grandfather. Susan Rizman and Family
Upon the Yahrzeit of: Ethan Levitan Esther Levitan
JUDY WALCER MEMORIAL FUND In Memory of: Elynor Klein, beloved mother and grandmother of the Babbitt Family. Chuck Walcer Sanford Grossman Chuck Walcer & Helen Gebler
Morris & June Walcer Chuck Walcer
The Word February 2013
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FEBRUARY 2013 Sunday
Friday 01
GIFT SHOP OPEN: Tues.: 4:00 pm – 8:00 pm Sun.: 9:00 am -12:45 pm
MITZVAH MALL OPEN: Sun.: 10:30 am-12:00 pm
Feb 10 – Schlach Manot Orders Due
03 8:00 am 8:00 am 9:00 am 9:00 am 3:30 pm
04 Talmud Study 6:15 am World Wide 6:00 pm Wrap Religious School 7:30 pm Minyan Bingo @ Friends
8:00 am 9:00 am 9:00 am 10:00 am 10:30 am 11:00 am
Talmud Study Religious Sch. Minyan Men’s Club Mtg. Gan Shalom B’nai Mitzvah Mock Svc. 12:00 pm Kadinkers 4:00 pm Jewish Superman
6:15 am 7:30 pm 8:00 pm 8:00 pm
8:00 am Talmud Study 6:15 am 9:00 am Minyan 7:30 pm 10:30 am FJMC Man of the 8:00 pm Year Honoring 6:30 pm Beth Judea’s Dr. Eric Yegelwel at Beth El 12:00 pm Kadima Day
24 8:00 am 8:00 am 9:00 am 9:00 am 9:00 am
05 Minyan Jewish Film Series 2 Minyan .
Talmud Study 6:15 am 7:30 pm Purim Religious School 8:00 pm Minyan Shacharit & Megillah Reading 10:00 am FOF Shushan Wonderland 11:00 am Purim Carnival
Minyan Minyan Social Action Mtg.
10:00 m AJEC Prog. 7:30 pm Minyan (at Beth Am) 8:00 pm Torah Study 4:15 pm Rel. School 6:00 om BJU 6:15 pm Heh 7:00 pm USY 7:30 pm Minyan 8:00 pm Hebrew Lit II
12 10:00 amAJEC Prog. Minyan (at Beth Am) Minyan 4:15 pm Rel. School Education Mtg 6:00 pm BJU Ritual Mtg. 6:15 pm Heh Z’havah Movie 7:00 pm USY Night 7:30 pm Minyan 8:00 pm Hebrew Lit II 8:00 pm Ways & Means Mtg.
Minyan Minyan Program Mtg. Sisterhood Vashti Event .
USYMidwinter02 Convention
USY Midwinter Convention
7:30 pmShabbat Svc 9:00 am Gimel Shabbat 9:00 am Torah Study 9:30 am Shabbat Svcs. Candle Ltg 10:30 amGan Shabbat 4:48 10:30 am Interpret Svc 8:00 pm Sisterhood Nosh-A-Nite . 08 09
10:30 am AE - Jewish 6:15 pm K-1st Grade 9:00 am Gimel Shabbat Ethics Shabbat Dinner 9:00 am Torah Study 4:15 pm Jr. Yad Sq. 7:30 pm Shabbat Svc 9:00 am MC-Lieberman 6:30 pm Yad Squad I 9:30 am Shabbat Svcs 7:30 pm Minyan 9:30 am Sisterhood 7:50 pm Parsha Shabbat Perspectives Candle Ltg. 10:30 amGan Shabbat 8:00 pm Youth Mtg. 4:57 pm 10:30 amTeen Creative 8:00 pm Planned Giv Minyan 8:00 pm Israel Mtg. 14 15 16
7:30 pm Minyan 8:00 pm Torah Study 8:00 pm Membership Mtg.
10:30 am AE-Jewish 10:30 am BJE: 9:00 am Torah Study Ethics Stay & Play 9:30 am Shabbat Svcs. 4:15 pm Jr. Yad Sq. 7:30 pm Shabbat Svc 10:30 amGan Shabbat 6:00 pm Aharei Mot 10:30 am Interpret.Svc 6:30 pm Yad Squad I 8:00 pm Purim 7:30 pm Minyan Masquerade 7:50 pm Parsha Candle Ltg. Perspectives 5:06 pm 8:00 pm Exec. Mtg
10:00 am AJEC Prog. (at Beth Am) 4:15 pm Rel. Sch 6:00 pm BJU 6:15 pm Heh 7:00 pm USY 7:30 pm Minyan 8:00 pm Hebrew Lit II 8:00 pm AE-Quick & Kosher
7:30 pm 8:00 pm 8:00 pm 8:00 pm
26 10:00 amAJEC Prog. (at Beth Am) 4:15 pm Rel. School 6:00 pm BJU 6:15 pm Heh 7:00 pm USY 7:30 pm Minyan 8:00 pm Hebrew Lit II 8:00 pm AE – Quick & Kosher
27 6:00 pm 7:30 pm 8:00 pm 8:00 pm 8:00 pm
Minyan Torah Study Hebrew Lit. 2 Finance Mtg.
10:30 am AE-Jewish 10:30 am BJE: 9:00 am Gimel Shabbat Ethics Shabbat Sing 9:00 am Torah Study 2:00 pm Challah 7:30 pm Shabbat Svc 9:30 am Shabbat Svcs. Chaverim -Singing 9:30 am Dalet Shabbat 4:15 pm Jr. Yad Sq 10:30 amGan Shabbat 6:30 pm Yad Squad I Candle Ltg. 6:30 pm Havdallah & 7:30 pm Minyan 5:15 pm Maariv 7:50 pm Parsha Megiaillah Perspectives Reading 8:00 pm Sisthd Mtg. 7:30 pm NO Bowling 8:00 pm Nomint. Mtg. League 28
L.I.F.E. Series 10:30 am AE-Jewish Minyan Ethics Hebrew Lit 2 4:15 pm Jr. Yad Sq. Torah Study 6:00 pm Aharei Mot Sisterhood Book6:30 pm Yad Squad I Club 7:30 pm (Minyan 7:50 pm Parsha Perspectives 8:00 pm Board Mtg.
You can now access our calendar with up to date information on our website at www.bethjudea.org
PAGE American Mattress
Gatto Construction & Improvements
PaNosh Catering
Shalom Memorial
World Wide Wrap
Board Positions Now Available
PURIM EVENTS: Schlach Manot Purim Masquerade Ball Vashti Gala Havdallah & Maariv Megillah Reading Sacharit & Megillah Reading Shushan Wonderland Purim Carnival
Hesed (Caring Committee)
Your Opinion Counts/Caregiver Support Group
Superman: Who new He Was Jewish
Rick Recht
Aharei Mot: Mourning th eLoss of a Loved One
Attention Torah Readers
Mitzvah Mall
Focus on Families
Gan Shalom
Challah Chaverim
Shushan Wonderland
Vashti Gala
Hearing Men’s Voices
Blood Drive
March 3 – Rick Recht March 10 – Men’s Club Blood Drive March 10 – Passover Wine Tasting March 13 – Hearing Men’s Voices
Man of the Year
PASSOVER: March 25 – April 2, 2013
Adult Education
Come Play With Us
Bikur Cholim
Sisterhood Gift Shop
The Word February 2013
Helpful Links and Resources
College Connections
JUF Right Start
CBJ CALENDAR You can now access our calendar with up to date information on our website at www.bethjudea.org
Page 32
CONGREGATION BETH JUDEA 5304 RFD Long Grove, IL 60047 (847) 634-0777 E-Mail: info@bethjudea.org Website: http://www.BethJudea.org Rabbi Jeff Pivo Rabbi Emeritus Howard Lifshitz Cantor Roger J. Weisberg President Rick Drazner Executive Director Lisa Neiman Educational Director Anna Besser Youth Director Marc Sender
From The Editors In order for your article to be published in the next issue, we must have it at the synagogue by the 10th of the month! There will be no exceptions. This includes information on disk as well. We need your article as it is important to let the congregation know what your group is doing. Announcements should take the form of articles in The Word rather than separate flyers. The opinions expressed herein are not necessarily those of the Rabbi, Board of Directors or the editors.
Worship Schedule Conducted by Rabbi Jeff Pivo and Cantor Roger J. Weisberg Monday Minyan……………………....... 6:15 a.m. Daily Minyan…………………………....7:30 p.m. Friday Night Services…………………...7:30 p.m. Saturday Services………………………. 9:30 a.m. Sunday Services…………………………9:00 a.m.
Candle Lighting Times Candle Lighting time is calculated for 18 minutes before sunset and is adjusted for Daylight Savings Time. February 1 ….……..………………… February 8 …...……………………….. February 15 …..………………………. February 22 ……………….….………..
4:48 4:57 5:06 5:15
p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m.
The Blessing For Lighting The Candles On Shabbat is Bo-ruch A-tah Ado-nai E-lo-hei-nu Melech Ha-olam A-sher Ki-de-sha-nu Be-mitz-vo-tav Vi-tzi-va-nu Le-had-lik Ner Shel Shabbat.
Blessed are You, Lord our God, King of the universe, who has hallowed us through His Commandments, and has commanded us to kindle the lights of the holy Sabbath.