“Hearing Men’s Voices” I am now well into my second year at Beth Judea, and I continue to marvel at how active a synagogue we have. There are so many programs and classes that even I get confused about them. But that’s not bad; it is a sign of the vibrancy of our community that we are able to offer so many things and that they are so well attended. I want to draw your attention to one such program that you may have overlooked. It is called Hearing Men’s Voices, and it is part of a national program established by the Federation of Jewish Men’s Clubs. We know that open communication is a hallmark of women’s groups. Whether it is by nature or because of societal expectations, the tendency is for women to talk together but for men to keep their feelings to themselves. Hearing Men’s Voices provides a place for men to share their experiences in a confidential setting. It is comparable to many Sisterhood functions, where concerns that are specific to women’s lives are aired in a supportive group. I encourage our Beth Judea men to check out one of the programs that are being held at the shul this year, and our Beth Judea women to encourage their husbands to do so. The benefits of opening up accrue not only to the men who take part; knowing that they have a safe arena to do so can also benefit their relationships with wives, children and others in their lives.
(continued on next page)
Rabbi’s Reflections …………………………………..…. 1 Scotch Bowl and Dinner …….………………………….. 2 President’s Message …………………………………... 3 Mission Statement ………………………………………. 3 B’Nai Mitzvah Bios……………………………………….. 4 Special Notices: Board Positions Available …………………………… 4 Puirim Madquerade …….…………………………… 5 Hesed (Caring) Committee ………………………… 5 Mitzvah Mall …………………………………………. 5 Education ..……………………………………………... 6 Focus on Families ……………………………………… 7 Youth ……………………………………………………. 9 Sisterhood……………………………………………….. 10 Z’Havah ………………………………………………..... 11 Men’s Club ……………………………………………… 11 Adult Education ………………………………………… 12 Social Action…………………………..………………… 15 BJE ……………………………………………………… 15 Goodman Blog (Part 11) ……………………………... 16 SHALVA ………………………………………………… 19 Bikur Cholim …………………………………………….. 20 College Connections ……………….………………… 21 Community Connections ……………………………… 21 Sisterhood Gift Shop ………………………………….. 21 Birthdays and Anniversaries ………………………….. 23 Yahrzeits……………………………………………….… 24 Tributes……………………………………………….….. 26 January/February Calendar ………….……………….. 30 Index of Flyers and Advertisers……………….……… 32
BIRTHDAYS AND ANNIVERSARIES Shabbat Prayers January 4, 2013 – 7:30 pm Those who celebrate birthdays and anniversaries during the month of January will be recognized at our service on January 4th. Our worship will begin at 7:30 pm and will conclude by 8:15 pm. Children of every age are welcome!
UPSTAIRS THOUGHTS There are two Hearing Men’s Voices sessions on January 9; attendees choose one to take part in. One focuses on making and keeping male friends after getting married and a man’s individual identity as a married man. The second explores having healthy relationships with our adult children and their spouses. There are also two discussions, run simultaneously, on March 13. One tackles what kind of advice to give (or not give) to college age children, and our USY teens are invited to take part. The second deals with how to balance caring for handicapped family members and the rest of our family. This program is an important form of self-care for men as they navigate their multiple roles as son, husband, brother, father and grandfather. Each of those roles requires a different set of skills and responses. By coming together to hear each other’s voices, to talk about common challenges and successful approaches, our Beth Judea men can have the same kind of support system that our women already have.
Thank You We want to thank everyone in our Beth Judea family for your support, good wishes and donations in honor of our son Max becoming bar mitzvah. It was truly a blessing to celebrate this simhah together. We hope to do so many more times, with our family and yours, in the years to come.
Rabbi and Lisa Pivo
Rabbi Jeff Pivo
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The Word January 2013
rsvp by email
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PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE As we go into 2013, there are several major events at Beth Judea that you should be aware of: There is only six months left of this calendar year ending June 30, 2013, and my two year term as President. I can say that being President has made me “homeless.” With all the meetings and activities at Beth Judea, I am home less than before I took office. However, being a leader of our synagogue has its personal rewards. We are looking for congregants who may want to take on a leadership position on our board of directors or as an officer, if you already served as a director. If you are interested, please contact me or Bonnie Sender, the chairperson of our nominating committee. Please mark your calendars for February 16, 2013, the Purim Masquerade Ball. We already have nearly 200 people who signed up, pre-registration! This year’s event promises to be an epic celebration and program at Beth Judea. This is not something to be missed. Please register now if you have not done so already.
RICK DRAZNER, PRESIDENT CONGREGATION BETH JUDEA Office: 847-255-0500 Home: 847-537 3388 Cell: 847-208-3345 E-mail: rjdraz@rjdrazner.com
MISSION STATEMENT Congregation Beth Judea is an accepting egalitarian synagogue whose mission is to create a warm and inviting home that serves the lifelong spiritual, educational and fellowship needs of our members. Consistent with the principles of the Conservative Movement, we embrace Torah and our responsibility to serve and support the greater Jewish community, the community at large, the United States, and the State of Israel.
We started another directory called: Products, Services and Interests Directory. This directory will be found on the synagogue website: www.bethjudea.org. It is being spearheaded by Michael Gomberg, one of our new board members this year. A survey was recently sent out for you to provide your information about your business or interests. Therefore, please fill out the survey so you will be included in this Directory. Please use this directory if you require goods or services or if you are looking for someone to share a personal interest. Get to know our congregants and be part of the Beth Judea Family. Soon you will soon hear about a new initiative from our Planned Giving Committee, chaired by Gary Krugel, one of our board members. Planned Giving at Congregation Beth Judea will ensure the financial stability of the synagogue over both the short term and long term. This will allow us to create a permanent endowment fund, and allow you to make a permanent gift to benefit the synagogue through charitable gifts, trusts, and bequests. You might as well plan to help the synagogue before the government just takes over your family funds. Please look out for a special congregation meeting to announce this great initiative. Of course look out for our myriad programs and activities including an outstanding offering of adult education; Focus on Family programs; services and holiday celebrations; social action programs to help our community, Rick Recht concert and other socials, and so much more right here at Beth Judea. Please be an active part of the Beth Judea family.
Best wishes to all for Happy, Healthy and Preosperous New Year 2013. . B’Shalom, Rick Drazner, CBJ President
The Word January 2013
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B’nai Mitzvah Bios Jack Moffett will be called to the Torah as a Bar Mitzvah on Saturday, January 19th 2013. Jack is a 7th grader at Cooper Middle School in Buffalo Grove. Jack is very athletic and loves to play all sports. He has played both basketball and baseball since he was 5 years old. He is currently playing on the Cooper Cobras Middle School basketball team. Jack is also a huge Cubs, Bears and Bulls fan. Besides watching or playing competitive sports, Jack enjoys playing fantasy football, poker and video games. He also enjoys fishing and hanging out with friends. Jack is looking forward to sharing his special day with his parents, grand parents, aunts, uncles, cousins and friends. Jack would like to take this opportunity to thank Hazzan Weisberg and Rabi Pivo for helping him prepare for his Bar Mitzvah.
Attention Torah Readers: In order to allow trained Torah Readers greater access to available Shabbat aliyot, we are trying a new system: A list of the upcoming dates and portions is available via this link (Torah Portions). If you see a portion you would like to read, send a note to Hazzan Weisberg identifying which date and portion that you would like to read. He will confirm your assignment. Hazzan will usually confirm within 3 days. If you have not received a response after 3 days, please send him a reminder along with a copy to Sandy Victor.
SPECIAL NOTICES BOARD POSITIONS NOW AVAILABLE The Board of Directors’ has provided approval to Rick Drazner, President of Congregation Beth Judea (CBJ), to convene a nominating committee. This committee, chaired by Bonnie Sender, has the responsibility to evaluate and recommend candidates to fill all open board positions as of July 1, 2013. All of our officer positions are available (except for President). There are six positions available for at-large Board Members to be of service for a three year term. In addition, there is a one year term available to fill a Board vacancy. Our constitution allows all members in good standing to be eligible for service on the Board of Directors. The Board has the authority for guiding many aspects of our Congregational life, some of those including oversight of our Professional Staff, budgeting, finance matters and establishment of policies related to Synagogue operations – all while serving as goodwill ambassadors to our greater community. Board Members are also required to serve as an active member of a standing committee, usher at services, and be an active participant in our synagogue’s programs. Why become a Board Member? A fair question to ask – with perhaps rewards that you may never have expected to receive. This is an opportunity to give back to your community, explore a ‘personal stretch’ in being of service, sharing with other members of our vibrant organization, exploring other areas of interest that you may have never considered before or, perhaps, even a vision of adding to a larger role of leadership. Everyone has something to bring to the table – this is a unique opportunity for you to consider taking action on. Please, if you are interested, we ask that you simply answer the following questions to begin the process and assist the committee. Your response, via email to Bonnie Sender at nocarpl@gmail.com, must be submitted before February 8: 1. 2. 3.
As in the past, you need to check back with him about two weeks prior to the date you are reading to ensure that you have learned the portion.
How long have you been a member of CBJ? What, if any committees have you previously served on – or are presently serving? Why do you have a desire to be of service as a member of the Board of Directors? What areas of the synagogue are you most interested in? How would you envision participating in pursuing that interest?
Please let me know if you have any questions. Sandy Victor Ritual Vice President
The nominating committee strongly encourages you to join in the process of this opportunity. Bonnie Sender, chairperson Bylaws Regarding the Board and Nominating Committee
The Word January 2013
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SPECIAL NOTICES PURIM MASQUERADE PURIM MASQUERADE Remember to Get Your Tickets Tickets include: Great Food, Live Band, Open Bar and Entertainment We also have Donor & Sponsor levels as well. More information on these levels to come!! www.CBJPurimParty.org
There are so many ways to show your support for Beth Judea: 1.
Attend the Purim Masquerade on Saturday Evening February 16, 2013 or click here
Become an Event Sponsor: We have a variety of sponsorship opportunities. Please consider one of the many options as you determine your gift.
Purchase an Ad for Our Event Program: * Honor Orin Rotman and Karen Nagel * Highlight your business to all of our expected Purim Masquerade attendees * Honor the other professional staff * Send a personalized greeting to one of our congregants, clergy, or staff
Donate Auction Items: Ask anyone and everyone for a gift! Sports Tickets * Professional Services Gift Certificates * Airline Tickets Hotel/Condo Vacations * Birthday Parties Theater Tickets * Other Products and Services
Download Purim Masquerade Information
An Important Announcement CONGREGATION BETH JUDEA HESED (CARING) COMMITTEE The Hesed committee would like to know if you have any difficulties/problems that you would like to discuss with a knowledgeable individual. We have a group of congregants who have been trained or are professionals who would be able to provide a brief consultation with you in order to refer you on for more in-depth assistance. We are also thinking about starting some support groups. We would like to know what you feel your needs are. Please email Ellene Lammers atelammers@comcast.net or call Rabbi Pivo. FOR A LIST OF EMERGENCY HOTLINE NUMBERS, AGENCIES AND RESOURCES click here
The Word January 2013
Click here to place an ad in the event program Click here for sponsorship opportunities Click here to donate an auction item
Mitzvah Mall
Sunday’s (when Religious School is in session) 10:30 am - 12:00 pm Click Here t o Download Gift Card Order Form
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EDUCATION School Cancellation Information As we enter the winter season, it is important for you to know how we will inform you in regards to school closings. We are part of the Emergency Closing Center, so when we do close school, information will be available: on www.emergencyclosings.com; Congregation Beth Judea will be part of the list. If no school listed, you can search for Congregation Beth Judea. EMAIL: An email will be sent out to all families as soon as the decision is made. TV: Chanel 2 (CBS), Chanel 5 (NBC), Chanel 7 (ABC), Chanel 9 (WGN), Fox News Chicago and CLTV (Chicagoland's Television) RADIO: WGN Radio - News/Talk 720 and WBBM Newsradio 780, PHONE: You can call 847-238-1234 and get information about the closings as well. (Please make sure to enter the synagogue's main phone number,847-634-0777, to get Beth Judea's information) PUBLIC SCHOOLS: On weekdays, if public schools (Dist. #102 & 96) are closed, there will be no Religious school classes in the afternoon. Upcoming School Events: Kindergarten & First Grade Family Program Coming up on Sunday, January 13th at 10:30 am, Kindergarten & First Grade Parents are invited for a special program called, This Is My House. The program will consist of parallel student & parent sessions dealing with the importance Welcoming Guests. Please RSVP to Lynne at schooloffice@bethjudea.org. Dalet Havdalah Coming up on Saturday, January 19th, Dalet students and their families will participate in a special Havdalah service led by the students. Look in your mail for more information! Parent Teacher Conferences Religious School Report cards will be sent out in mid-January. Parent-Teacher Conferences will be done as phone conferences from Sunday, January 13th through Sunday, January 27th. Conferences are for KINDERGARTEN through DALET students only. If you are interested in setting up a conference, please call or email me to reserve a date and time slot between 7:00-8:30 pm. Conferences will be set up in 15 minute intervals (7:00, 7:15, 7:30 pm, etc.). CALENDAR UPDATES:
January: Tuesday Saturday Sunday Saturday Sunday Tuesday Saturday Friday
1/1 1/5 1/6 1/12 1/13 1/15 1/19 1/25
NO RELIGIOUS SCHOOL – Winter Break NO Gimel Shabbat – Winter Break Religious School Classes Resume Gimel Shabbat Resumes K & 1st Grade Family Program BJU Classes Resume Dalet Havdalah 2nd Grade Shabbat Dinner
February: Sunday Friday Saturday Sunday Saturday Sunday
2/3 2/8 2/16 2/17 2/23 2/24
Men’s Club World Wide Wrap K & 1st Grade Shabbat Dinner No Gimel Shabbat No Religious School Classes Dalet leading Shabbat Services in Main Sanctuary Purim (classroom festivities) Purim Carnival – regular dismissal time (12 pm)
The Word January 2013
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Family Programs Congregation Beth Judea Family Events – January 2013 All events are open to the community and are free of charge (unless otherwise noted). For more details & to RSVP for all programs, contact the synagogue office at 847-634-0777 or visit www.bethjudea.org (click on “Register for an Event”)
Jan. 13
10:30 am – 12:00 pm: Gan Shalom
Gan Shalom is a monthly pre-Kindergarten program focusing on Jewish holidays, heroes, and mitzvot for children age 5 and under accompanied by an adult. This month’s theme: “Shabbat: A Day of Rest” Cost: $5 per session. Each class includes art, stories, music, and snack. Registration by Jan. 8. For more info, please contact Anna Besser at 847-634-8380 / abesser@bethjudea.org.
Jan. 17
2:00 pm – Challah Chaverim
Join us for challah making, story time with Rabbi Pivo and a Shabbat song session with Hazzan Weisberg. Registration is required by Jan. 10
Jan. 20 & 27
How to Series: Shabbat
Join Rabbi Pivo and/or Hazzan Weisberg for 2 interactive workshops. We will talk about the customs and symbols of the holidays and how to make them kid friendly. Get great ideas for projects, stories and recipes to make the holidays a special time for your family. There will be plenty of time for questions, discussion and sharing ideas. Registration is required by Jan. 15
Jan. 26
6:30 pm Magical Havdalah
with a special presentation of
“Magic by Randy”
After Havdalah and a craft project, “Magic by Randy” returns this year to amaze and entertain us with his fantastically fun, funny, and magical show. Please RSVP by Jan. 11.
Cost: MEMBERS $5 per family & NON-MEMBERS $10 per family with advance registration; (add $5 if paying at door)
Every Shabbat Sat. Morning, 10:30 – 11:30 am, Gan Shabbat
Gan Shabbat is a Shabbat service specially designed for children ages nine and under along with their families. After Gan Shabbat, participants are welcomed at the main service and the community Kiddush.
For more information about family programming, please contact the synagogue office at 847-634-0777. Congregation Beth Judea, 5304 RFD, Long Grove, IL - 847-634-0777
Check out our full calendar of events here. CLICK TO VIEW OUR INTERACTIVE SITE
Like what you see in family programming and want to help keep it going? Please consider volunteering to help with one of our programs this year
The Word January 2013
L’hitraot! See you soon! Click Here to Join us on Facebook
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Family Programs
Click on the Links Below to View the Flyers
Download Our January 2013 Flyer Sunday Thursday Sunday Saturday
January 13, 2013 January 17, 2013 Jan. 20 & 27, 2013 January 26, 2013
10:30 am 2:00 PM 11:00 am 6:30 pm
Gan Shalom – January Flyer Challah Chaverim How to Series: Shabbat Magical Havdalah Night – “Magic by Randy”
Every Shabbat Morning
10:30 AM
Gan Shabbat View Our Gan Shalom Schedule View Our Challah Chaverim Schedule CLICK HERE TO VIEW OUR 2012 – 2013 SCHEDULE
Check out our full calendar of events here. CLICK TO VIEW OUR INTERACTIVE SITE
Like what you see in family programming and want to help keep it going? Please consider volunteering to help with one of our programs this year
The Word January 2013
L’hitraot! See you soon! Click Here to Join us on Facebook
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YOUTH Dear Beth Judea FamilyThis month I would like to share with you some wonderful news as well as ask for your help. BJUSY (Beth Judea’s USY chapter) will be hosting the CHUSY Regional Midwinter Convention from February 1st-2nd, 2013! We are very excited about this opportunity and are looking forward to opening our community to 80 – 90 USYers from across the Chicagoland and Wisconsin area. The Midwinter Convention is an incredible opportunity for our USYers to get together, learn, pray, and have a great time, all while meeting friends that will last a lifetime. We are looking for host homes for Friday night, February 1st. If you are able to house 2 or more USYers, we would sincerely appreciate it. All meals except for breakfast on Saturday morning will be provided by BJUSY. All that is required is giving these USYers a place to sleep on Friday night and transportation to and from the synagogue once a day (once Friday night and once Saturday morning as well as providing a dairy breakfast on Saturday morning before services. If you are able to share your home, please fill out the Google doc form attached to this letter or fill out the attached paper form and return it by January 15, 2013. If you have any questions, contact Marc Sender, Youth Director– (847) 634-0777 x114 or YouthDirector@BethJudea.org. Thank you so much for your help. With your support and participation, BJUSY can continue to be a leader among chapters and be selected to host these events in the future. Please make sure to take a look at all of the flyers attached this month. We have a jam packed kick off to the new secular year planned including an upcoming trip to Pinstripes when we officially welcome in all of our 8 th grade members to USY. We are also doing an Amazing Race day off program on MLK day January 21st for all of our 3rd to 7th graders. The flyer and sign up for that program is included in a link next to this article. Make sure to also take note of the upcoming President’s Day trip for 8 th-12th grade. We will be spending Saturday night Sunday and Monday in the Wisconsin Dells. We will be snow tubing, going to an indoor waterpark, and more. Make sure to sign up ASAP (if you sign up by mid January it is only $169). With USY, Kadima, and Kadinkers events along with our Beth Judea USY basketball season, this month is sure to be one of the best yet. Make sure to also take a look at the attached tentative calendar for the entire year to help you plan things out in advance. You can also stay up to date with all things BJUSY by going to our brand new and improved website www.bethjudeausy.weebly.com B’Shalom, Marc Sender Youth Director Congregation Beth Judea 5304 RFD Long Grove, IL 60047 Office: (847)-634-0777 ext. 114 Cell: (847)-334-8639 Email: YouthDirector@bethjudea.org www.bethjudeausy.weebly.com Check us out on Facebook and Twitter!
2012 – 2013 MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION FORM 2012-2013 BJUSY, Kadima & Kadinkers Online Membership Form 2012-2013 USY, Kadima and Kadinkers Membership Application
Please consider making a donation to the Youth Fund or Rachel Hirshman Fund to help USYers go to regional programs and Israel
IMPORTANT DOWNLOADS January 8, 2013 January 12, 2013 January 15, 2013 January 21, 2013 January 22, 2013
BJUSY – Pinstripes BJUSY leads CBJ Shabbat BJUSY Masseuse & Yoga Night Kadima/Kadinkers – MLK Day Off Amazing Race BJUSY – Baby BJUSY in the Deep Blue Sea
Midwinter Host Family Request Letter Midwest Host Family Request Sign Up Form – PDF Midwest Host Family Request Sign Up Form – Online CHUSY Midwinter Convention Sign Up – online only Presidents Day Weekend of Greatness – PDF Presidents Day Weekend of Greatness - online
Click here to visit our January Calendar* Click here to visit our 2012-2013 Calendar
The Word January 2013
Kadima-Kadinkers Amazing Race Day Off Program
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SISTERHOOD SOURCE In December your Co-Presidents had the pleasure of joining over 400 Jewish women, all members of Women’s League for Conservative Judaism at their biennial convention. One of the first points discussed was that Women’s League and Sisterhood do not inform others of all they accomplish. So we are going to celebrate our Sisterhood and our Synagogue. First, at the convention there is an award called Jewels in the Crown. To be awarded the Jewels in the Crown you must have a certain number of activities that your Sisterhood does in several different categories. There are three levels of this award: Amethyst, Ruby, and the highest level being Emerald. We are pleased to announce that Beth Judea Sisterhood was awarded the Emerald Jewels in the Crown. We would also like to thank the synagogue for honoring us in a virtual ad at the convention. At each convention, there is a tradition of supporting local causes in the host city or region. This year the campaign was Value Our Vets, an initiative to assist the temporary residents of the Fisher House in West Los Angeles. Fisher House supports America’s military and their families with providing residences for their use while they obtain specialized medical care. The project was to raise funds to assist in the living costs of those staying at Fisher House. It was announced at the convention that Beth Judea Sisterhood was one of a small group of Sisterhoods that donated more than $500 to this worthy cause. We would like to thank our wonderful board and members for your generosity of both time and money. At convention (and always) we were very proud to be the Co-Presidents of Beth Judea Sisterhood.
On January 30th, Sisterhood is sponsoring an event for the entire community. Cantor Rachel Rosenberg will present a musical evening “A History of Israel through Song” in which the audience will get to sing along. Experience the history of the modern State of Israel by examining the text and singing the melodies of some of Israel’s most beloved songs. Hazzan Rachel Rosenberg is currently the Cantor/Educator of Congregation Rodfei Zedek in Chicago and is a founding member of the well-known Chicagobased band, Shakshuka, known for their unique fusion of Israeli and Sephardic music spiced with jazz. Program starts at 7:45. Fee is $10 in advance and $15 at the door. Call the synagogue office to register at 847-634-0777. Bobbi Goldenberg and Debbi Green Sisterhood Co-Presidents
Upcoming events- Mark your calendars JANUARY: January 14 – Z’havah Bowling January 30 - Cantor Rachel Rosenberg – A History of Israel through Song FEBRUARY: February 2 – Nosh-A-Nite February 9 – Sisterhood Shabbat February 11 – Z’havah Movie Nite February 18 – Vashti Event February 27 – Book Club
We were also very proud when Mike Mills, the Federation of Jewish Men’s Clubs president, announced at the convention that our own Norm Kurtz was his mentor in fostering the idea of Men’s Clubs and Sisterhoods working together for the good of the synagogue. Kudos to you, Norm. Norm is also the person who introduced the idea of Men’s Club and Sisterhood teaming up for our Annual Passover Wine Tasting. We held our Chanukah Bazaar in December. We would like to thank everyone who shopped and everyone who volunteered in making this such a huge success. We would especially like to thank Karen Nagel and Ann Lerman for their unending commitment to the Gift Shop and Chanukah Bazaar. We were delighted to have our Zhavah representative join us at Sisterhood Chanukah Party and Gift Exchange. Rebecca Karlin received a certificate honoring her for all the work she has done to coordinate efforts between Zhavah and Sisterhood. The gift exchange was a riot as usual. Thanks to Wendy Weinger and Erica Krugel for planning this fun evening. Our book club met in December to discuss “The Mascot” by Mark Kurzem. Our next book is “Walking the Bible” by Bruce Feiler and will meet on February 27. Our Zhavah group will be bowling on January 14. February 11 is Movie Night. For more information about this group for women in their 20’s to 40’s, please contact Jenny Ban at jennyban2@gmail.com.
Download Flyer The Word January 2013
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All Occasion Cards - click here for flyer L’Chaim Cookbook – click here to get your free recipe Torah Fund Pin – click here for flyer
Need some new ideas for everyday cooking? L’CHAIM, TOO! Can help! Click here to learn more and get your free recipe NEW LOWER PRICE – ONLY $10
Every year, Men’s Club sends out boxes of Chanukah candles to every Beth Judea member family. It’s one item you can scratch off the shopping list! The donation that you make in return supports many synagogue youth programs as well as the purchase of Siddurim for the Aleph class. In addition to being able to make your donation via check you can now send a donation via PayPal to cbjlox@gmail.com … whatever is easiest for you and in whatever amount you wish. On a separate note ... a special thank you to everyone who came out to help pack the candles for shipment. Without your help, the candles would have never shipped out in time! In other great news … Dr. Eric Yegelwel has been named Beth Judea Men’s Club’s Man of the Year. We will be celebrating this much deserved honor with other members of the Midwest Region of Federation of Jewish Men’s Clubs (FJMC) on February 17, 2013 at North Suburban Synagogue Beth El (details to come). There is a wonderful opportunity to show your support for Eric by placing an ad and/or message in honor and support of Eric in the FJMC Program Book (Click Here for 2013 Man of the Year Program Book information). Eric has contributed in countless ways to the success of Men’s Club and the Beth Judea community including his most recent roles as V.P. of Ritual for Men’s Club and as a synagogue board member. But there’s so much more and I will be sharing some highlights with you over the coming weeks. Congratulations, Eric! So what’s coming up? Chicago Wolves Outing: Saturday, January 19 – A fun outing for the entire family! Stay tuned for more information It’s no secret … we’re always looking for volunteers and new program ideas! Consider joining us for one or many activities … whatever you decide, we’ll be glad to have you join us! All the best, David Granoff President – Men’s Club
MEN’S CLUB - LIST OF UPCOMING EVENTS 2013 January 9 – Hearing Men’s Voices January 19 – Chicago Wolves Outing January 28 – Men’s Club PADS Event
Download Z’Havah Flyer
Men’s Club Note Cards Available Have you ever wondered what to give your hosts when you go for a Shabbat or holiday dinner? Do you have the right note cards for birthday, anniversary or gift checks? Beth Judea Men's Club is proud to announce that all occasion note cards are now available in the Sisterhood Judaica Shop. The note card, pictured above, is a montage of the stained glass windows and art from the Midwest Region Men's Clubs member synagogues. Proceeds from these blank cards will help both Men's Club and Sisterhood in their efforts to support Beth Judea. These cards are a great alternative to wine or candy and can even be presented as packaged. Cards are sold in sets of 10 for $18 at the Gift Shop.
The Word January 2013
Regular monthly meeting is the 1st Sunday of each month.
HEARING MEN’S VOICES A Series of Discussions for Men with Men All discussions are confidential. There will be 2 Sessions each night. Choose which one you want to attend. Wednesday, Jan. 9, 2013 – 8:00 pm Wednesday, March 13, 2013 – 8:00 pm Download Flyer Page 11
ADULT EDUCATION WEEKLY CLASSES These classes are ongoing. Please join at any time. Hebrew is not required for any of these classes, unless specifically noted.
ADULT EDUCATION AT CONGREGATION BETH JUDEA. Congregation Beth Judea offers a variety of meaningful Jewish learning opportunities through classes, lectures and informal sessions on Jewish Law, Torah, prayer and other topics of interest that will intrigue and inspire you. All classes (unless otherwise noted) are held at Congregation Beth Judea. For a listing of adult education classes offered here at CBJ, you can download our Adult Ed brochure by clicking here.
“When I pray, I speak to God;
When I study, God speaks to me.” -quote by Rabbi Louis Finkelstein
Interpretive Minyan in the Library Service Leader: Norm Kurtz You are invited to join the Interpretive Minyan in the Library the first and third Shabbat of every month. Our minyan is designed to build community by providing a passionate, meaningful and spiritual Shabbat morning experience.
This Shabbat morning service focuses on examining the structure of the prayer service, learning the major prayers and becoming more comfortable with the choreography and customs of the Shabbat morning service. Our minyan is friendly and welcoming to all who choose to attend. We meet in the synagogue library on the second floor from 10:30 until 11:45.
Parsha Perspectives Thursday evenings after minyan (7:45—8:00 pm) Do you have 10 minutes to spare? It only takes 10 minutes to get started on a lifelong journey. Spend each Thursday after Minyan learning about the upcoming Par-sha with Rabbi Pivo, and before you know it you'll have completed hours of Torah study. Words of My Mouth: Talmud Study Sunday mornings at 8 am The Talmud is a profoundly rich compilation of wisdom that has continued relevance to our contemporary search for meaning. This weekly class provides an examination of current understanding of Jewish law, secular law, sociology, mythology, or agadah, and often dwells on ques-tions incorporating current events. Orin Rotman will facilitate this weekly Talmud study session. (Artscroll Schottenstein edition is used for the class) Sweet Taste of Torah Wednesday evenings at 8 pm For thousands of years Judaism has been interpreting and applying the Torah to everyday life. This class follows the Tanach cycle. Each week we will read through several chapters a week of the Nevim (Prophets) texts, then on to Ketuvim (Writings), then back to Torah again.
Shabbat Torah/Haftarah Study Shabbat morning at 9 am Weekly study to discuss the parsha of the week. We will discuss questions raised by the participants.
EDUCATION SERIES Shabbat shalom, Norm Kurtz
To register for classes or to find out more information about the Adult Education programs, contact Anna Besser at (847) 634-0777 or at besser@bethjudea.org
more great adult ed classes on next page
The Word January 2013
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ADULT EDUCATION Congregation Beth Judea's Adult Education Series January 2013
Welcome to our Adult Education Series. To register for classes or to find out more information, please contact Anna Besser at abesser@bethjudea.org.
Musical Midrash: Trends in Contemporary Jewish Music
Taught by Hazzan Weisberg
Tuesday Evenings; 8:00 pm – 9:00 pm
Dates: Jan. 15, 22, 29, Feb. 5, 12
Where did our favorite synagogue melodies come from? What makes music Jewish? What do Bob Dylan, Shlomo Carlebach and Leonard Bernstein have in common besides their Jewish heritage? Explore the path leading to today's sounds in Jewish music. Hebrew Literacy II
Taught by Norm Kurtz & Eric Yegelwel Wednesday Evenings: 8:00 pm – 9:00 pm Dates: Jan. 9, 16, 23, 30, Feb. 6, 13, 20, 27 Don't miss this opportunity to learn core prayers! For those who have taken Hebrew Literacy I and want to continue learning, then this is for you! This 8-week class will focus on teaching the prayers from the Saturday morning service while incorporating parts of the Understanding Prayer curriculum at the same time. Looking for a Job? Resume Development & Interview Skills
Taught by Marcus Melnick
Thursday Evenings, Jan. 17th & 24th
6:00 pm – 7:30 pm
Looking for a job? Need to hone your resume development and interviewing skills? Marcus Melnick will be teaching a two-part series designed to help you land the perfect job. Marcus is a dynamic management professional with private and public sector experience, specializing in recruiting, leadership and change management and streamlining process. His key strengths include leading organizational change, research and analysis, and strategic vision, which includes effectively turning complex concepts into easy to understand documents. Marcus created a quantitative, behavioral based vetting system for thousands of applicants with a national corporation, and has saved companies hundreds of thousands of dollars in recruiting efforts. COURSE I: RESUME DEVELOPMENT Thursday, Jan. 17th; 6:00 - 7:30 pm Learn how to develop a simple, easy to read resume that will get past gatekeepers and computer parsing software. COURSE II: CONTROLLING THE INTERVIEW Thursday, Jan. 24th; 6:00 - 7:30 pm Learn how to prepare to interview, while using the traditional sales process to sell yourself. Many career publications say that an applicant has to sell him/herself, but few actually tell the applicant how to do so.
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The Word January 2013
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ADULT EDUCATION Congregation Beth Judea's Adult Education Series January 2013
Welcome to our Adult Education Series. To register for classes or to find out more information, please contact Anna Besser at abesser@bethjudea.org.
How To Series: Shabbat Workshops
Taught by Rabbi Pivo & Hazzan Weisberg Sunday Mornings; 11:00 am – 12:00 pm
Dates: Jan. 20th & 27th
Join Rabbi Pivo and Hazzan Weisberg for these Holiday workshops as they talk about the customs and symbols of the holidays and how to make them family friendly. Great ideas for how to make the holidays a special time for your family. There will be plenty of time for questions, discussion and sharing ideas. L.I.F.E. Series Learning is for Everyone 4th Wednesday of the month January 23, 2013 6:00 pm- 7:30 pm $10/ Session (for dinner)
FEATURING: Dr. Eric Yegelwel End of Life Issues: A Medical & Jewish Perspective Join our monthly L.I.F.E. (Learning is for Everyone) series in a delightful evening of thoughtful discussion and personal perspective on a variety of topics with a view to the Jewish values inherent in the theme. Join the Rabbi and others for lively discussions on varied topics of interest to Jews! Light dinner will be served. The discussion will focus first on the medical aspects of end-of-life issues. How much and what kind of care makes sense for someone with a limited life expectancy, particularly if the patient is very old. These issues will then be looked at through a Jewish perspective.
TAP the Torah “Borders and Boarders" - What's the International Law? Join us on or a lively Torah study while we down some beer at Buffalo Restaurant. COST: $5 donation January 24, 2013 Buffalo Restaurant (1180 Lake Cook Road) 8:00 pm
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The Word January 2013
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Monday Evenings; 6:00 pm - 9:00 pm Viewing of Film & DINNER @ 6:00-7:30 PM Discussion Group @ 8:00 PM
ANIMAL CRACKERS January 7, 2013 Raymond Benson (Discussion Leader)
Members: $15 for film series/$9 for single ticket and dinner
Bring Your Dogs to Brentwood North Nursing Home Sunday, January 27, 2013 Our next date for bringing our dogs to visit Brentwood North Nursing Home is Sunday, January 27th, from 1 to 2 p.m. This is a wonderful activity for families, and our visits are greatly appreciated by the residents. The nursing home is located at 3705 Deerfield, Road, Riverwoods. Bingo at Friend Center Sunday, January 6, 2013 and Sunday, February 3rd, 2013 We will assist early Alzheimer patients to play bingo on Sunday, October January 6th and February 3 from 3:30 to 5 p.m. This is a rewarding and fun afternoon. Friend Center is located at 1601 Lake Cook Road, right next to Gidwitz in Northbrook. If you are interested in attending this month or any future months, please let us know. Support the Ark Family We continue to support a family identified by the Ark by providing them with groceries on a monthly basis. Will you please consider a financial donation to help support the program? To RSVP for any of these programs or to volunteer on the Social Action committee, please contact Marilyn Green-Rebnord at drebnord@comcast.net To join the committee or participate in any of the above projects, please contact Marilyn Green-Rebnord at drebnord@comcast.net
Non-Members: $30 for film series/$10 for single ticket & dinner
Join us for a thought-provoking and entertaining film that inspires us in the portrayal of Jews and Jewish Issues. But, also challenges us with new questions and controversies as only film can. RAYMOND BENSON will be leading our discussion for the evening. Raymond Benson has been an award-winning and best-selling author, composer, computer game designer, stage director, film historian, and film genres instructor for over thirty years. He is also the fourth official author of the James Bond 007 novels.
Look What’s Happening at the Board of Jewish Education Early Childhood Center!
Download more information about the series
Tuesdays, January 22 – February 26, 2013 10:00 am – 11:30 am Held at Congregation Beth Am
For more information please visit our website at www.bjeecc.org or call Janet Sear at 847 634-0363.
Click here for more information
The Word January 2013
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ALIYAH IN OUR 60’s FROM ARLINGTON HTS, IL TO CAESEREA, ISRAEL (Part 11) L TO R: HOWIE GOODMAN, SUZANNE GOODMAN, AND BEVERLY GOODMAN TCHERNOV NEAR EILAT, ISRAEL Howie and Suzanne Goodman were valued members at Beth Judea until they decided to make aliyah in 2009. The Goodmans have agreed to provide us with a blog on their experiences as new olim in Israel. Though we continue to miss the Goodmans, we can all look forward to reading about their adventures in Israel through the blog.
National Elections in Israel Just when we think we have Israel figured out, we are pleasantly surprised. One evening at the end of November we were driving to Netanya for a BICA (aka Sisterhood) singing event. We had a blowout, or a "puncture," in Hebrew. The shoulders of highways are very narrow for some unknown reason. As we attempted to pull over, we swiped the guardrail. As we sat on the side of the highway with cars whizzing past us, we called our son-in-law for guidance. He told us to keep driving on the flat tire until we reached a shoulder wide enough on which to park. Once this was done, we called our "AAA" equivalent. They stated it would be at least 1 1/2 hours until they could help us. We also called "101,” the police emergency number. There was not room for Howie, the driver, to exit the car. The police arrived and they spoke English. They asked if they could change the tire or tyre in their British English. After changing the tire they wished us a good evening! We called the road service and cancelled our request, and we arrived, in a rattled state, just 20 minutes late for the event. The next day the car dealer said we needed four new tires! They only had 47,000 kilometers or 28,000 miles on them. We don’t know the brand name of the old or the new tires. The replacement tires cost the equivalent of $400 for the four tires, and there is no warranty. We realize almost everyone in the USA is tired of election talk. However, there is a national election here on January 22, 2013. The good news is the total time of the election process is about 11 weeks and actual campaigning is from December 6 to January 21st (46 days). Along with other kinds of shock that we experience here such as price shock, manners shock, and shock at drivers, we are now experiencing shock with a political election that is very foreign to our political system in the USA. We must remember that Israel does not have a constitution. Most bills only need a single majority to pass, and they can conflict with a previously passed law. There is a Supreme Court appointed by the Judicial Selection Committee. The Selection Committee is composed of nine members. There are three Supreme Court justices, two cabinet ministers (including the minister of justice), two Knesset members, and two representatives of the Israeli Bar Association. The committee is chaired by the Minister of Justice.
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ALIYAH IN OUR 60’s (continued from previous page)
The results of a national election are supposed to stay in place for four years. However, most results have lasted for 25 months. The following are explanations of the system: All Israeli citizens 18 years old or older are eligible to vote. This will be our first time to vote because the previous election occurred before we moved here. We are at the end of the eighteenth Knesset in 64 years. It is exciting that we will be able to participate. The system here is a parliamentarian type system. It is not, however, the British system. There are over 100 political parties in Israel. There are 120 Knesset seats. Besides having to be on a party list, you must be 21 and an Israeli citizen to be in the Knesset. A recent law states that a party has to have at least 2% of the total votes cast in an election to be eligible for a possible Knesset seat. The voter does not vote for individuals but rather a party. The parties choose their closed list of potential members of the Knesset in a primary. You have to be a member of the party to vote in their primary. If you are a member of that party, you then vote for individuals on the list. The individuals of that party with the highest number of votes are then placed on the closed list for the national election. Their order on the list is based on the number of votes received in the party primary. The pre-primary elected leader of a party will automatically be listed first on the party closed list. Each party has a separate primary date when their party members vote unlike one primary date for all potential candidates in the United States. We have been told that parties go to private companies and get employees to vote in their primary. Much of it consists of different types of bribes. Some are monetary and others are influence pedaling. Some people may vote in more than one party primary. It sounds like Chicago! As a voter, we will go to a voting place where we present our photo identification card, which is called tudot zahut. In Israel, people don't understand why in the United States there is controversy about presenting a photo ID. We need to present our photo ID everywhere: banks, grocery stores, and gas stations. After showing our ID we will receive an envelope and slips with the names of all the parties. We choose one party, place the slip into the envelope, seal the envelope, and place it in a locked box. For the national election, you do not have to belong to a party. I suppose this is similar in the United States where some states require you to announce a party to receive a primary ballot but not for the general election date. Obviously, the votes are manually counted. The number of seats a party potentially gets in the new Knesset is determined by the percent of the total vote the party receives. If the party has a closed list of 120 names and the percent of the total vote represents 30 seats, the first 30 names on the closed list would be members. Probably no party will receive the equivalent of 61 positions so the President of Israel selects the possible prime minister. That person has 45 days to form a coalition. If not successful, the president selects a name from the next largest vote receiving party and that person has 45 days to form a coalition. Once the government is formed, the next person on the list of that person’s party replaces Knesset members who resign or die. Last time, Kadimah received the most votes, but Tzipi Livni couldn't form a government. She refused to join with Likud, Netanyahu's party, to form a coalition. If she had, Livni and Netanyahu probably would have governed for two years each. Netanyahu then was asked to form a coalition, which he successfully did with two other parties. Kadimah became the opposition party. The ministers of the various agencies are Knesset members from the coalition chosen by the prime minister. Therefore, for example, the minister of defense also remains as a Knesset member. How they have time for both positions is a mystery to most Israelis. This year Tzipi Livni was voted out as the leader of Kadimah; Mofas, a former chief of staff of the Israeli military, was elected as the head of Kadimah. Tzipi Livni then resigned from the Knesset. Omert, the former prime minister of Israel before Netanyahu, was on trial on embezzlement charges and didn't run at the Kadimah convention. Mofas, as Kadimah leader, then joined the majority coalition. It was a brief coalition as Mofaz left the majority coalition shortly after joining it. Netanyahu then asked the Knesset for new elections and the Knesset agreed. The date is January 22, 2013. Parties, before the election, may decide to join together for a chance at more seats and the position of prime minister. This has to occur by December 6, 2012.
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The Word January 2013
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ALIYAH IN OUR 60’s (continued from previous page) Politics in Israel are never dull. Since we have to submit this article by December 10th, we will give the most up to date activities as of the above date. So far, Ehud Barak, former prime minister and current minister of defense, announced he is leaving politics by December 2, 2012. This year, he had left the Labor party and had formed his own party with eight other Labor party members. Then, Tzipi Livni in late November announced she is forming a new political party that, in English, will be called the Tzipi Livni party. She will probably gain a few seats in the new Knesset. Livni feels she is an alternative to create peace with the Palestinians. Last year, a well-known TV newscaster, Lapid, formed a political party, "Yesh Atid," meaning there is a future. Noam Shalit, the father of Gilad Shalit, the kidnapped soldier released last year, has announced he is running for the Knesset under the Labor party. After the recent Labor party primary, Noam Shalit did not receive enough votes to make their list. Many Israelis disliked Noam because his campaign to release Gilad resulted in the release of 1000 Palestinian prisoners, some of who had murdered or attempted the murder of Israelis. Knesset members represent the entire country. There are no members that represent specific districts. There are Knesset members that are Israeli-Arabs, ultra Orthodox, and Druze. Being new immigrants, we don't really know how you get your concerns noticed in the current coalition of which Netanyahu is the prime minister. He is from the Likud party. The system seems very cumbersome and perhaps unrepresentative in our eyes. However, I know many people in the United States who vote almost entirely on party lines. If one thinks about prior USA elections and voting habits, there probably is a pattern to your voting. I have heard people say they vote the same party as their grandparents voted. Also, only two parties determine the slate of candidates in the United States. The last national Israeli election in 2009 had about 64% of eligible voters (about 3.5 million) actually voting. Election Day is a vacation day. At a recent family dinner, we heard Israelis talk about the up and coming election. Some called the Likud party candidates fascists. Most felt there really were not true differences in some of the party leaders. As outsiders, it appears to us that there is a movement to a more right wing government. Netanyahu's Likud party will probably have the most Knesset votes but not 61. The coalition government will probably have 68 votes. Some feel this movement to the right has a lot to do with the recent rocket attacks and a Tel Aviv bus bombing. It doesn't appear that peace doves right now are very popular. There have been suggestions for change to the election system. One was to have half of the potential Knesset members run by districts they would represent. The remaining half of the Knesset would be representing the entire country. A prime minister would be a separate vote. There have been separate votes for prime minister in the past. Those governments lasted less than three years. It has also been suggested that ministers would not also be Knesset members. I don't know how you can be defense minister or foreign minister and also be a Knesset member. Right now there are 13 parties represented with the smallest having three Knesset members and the largest having 28 Knesset members. The head rabbi determines the ultra Orthodox lists.
Israel Political Party Symbols Used For the Voting Slips on Election Day
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The Word January 2013
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ALIYAH IN OUR 60’s …from previous page The peace process doesn’t seem to be going anywhere. Abbas, President of Palestine, told an Israeli TV channel he doesn't need the right of return. Then, the next day in Arabic, he said he was only speaking personally. He is originally from Safed. Some Israeli's even think a one-state solution is the answer. I do not know what they are envisioning. Although we do not see a solution, years ago who would have believed Sadat and Begin could create peace with Egypt and Israel? November 29, 2012, the Palestinian Authority went to the UN General Assembly and was voted UN observer state membership. Sixty-four years ago the UN said they could have had statehood but they chose war and elimination of the Jewish state. Only the Security Council of the U N can vote for statehood and currently the U.S. would block that move because of our veto power. Most Israelis believe nothing will change because of this recent UN vote. About 100,000 Palestinians work on the Israeli side of the Green Line. That is similar to the numbers before the intifada in 2000. It is believed there are many Palestinians illegally living in Israel now. They came to work here and didn't return. Twenty percent of the Israeli population is Israeli-Arab. These are the Arabs that stayed in 1948, and they are Israeli citizens and have all the rights of Israeli citizenship. Link is for more information about elections in Israel. http://www.knesset.gov.il/description/eng/eng_mimshal_beh .htm.
We wish all our friends at Beth Judea a happy secular New Year! The holiday isn’t really celebrated here and is a regular workday unless it is Shabbat. Hag Samayach! Howie and Suzanne Goodman
We hope you enjoy the tenth installment from the Goodmans, who have graciously agreed to blog for our congregation their experiences as Olim in Israel. If you there are specific topics that you are interested in hearing about of if you just want to stay in touch with Howie and Suzanne, you can reach them at: HOWIEG@aol.com
SHALVA The Face of Domestic Abuse is not always easy to recognize. It could be your daughter, your sister, your best friend.
Domestic abuse can happen to anyone at any time. One in four women will experience domestic abuse at some point in her lifetime. 90% of children are aware of the abuse directed at their mothers.
Abuse can take many forms: verbal, emotional, financial, sexual, physical and psychological.
SHALVA has helped over 4,000 Jewish women since 1986 and is specifically certified by the State of Illinois to provide domestic violence counseling. We are the oldest independent Jewish domestic violence agency in the United States.
SHALVA offers free confidential domestic abuse counseling services to the Chicago Jewish Community.
SHALVA’s free, confidential services include: The ARK is very pleased to announce the opening of The ARK Northwest: A Safe Harbor for the Jews of the Northwest Suburbs.
The new office is located in the Dundee Place Corporate Center, 3100 Dundee Rd., Suite 204; Phone (773) 973-0011. This new satellite office, at the northeast corner of Dundee and Landwehr in Northbrook, will provide increased access to The ARK’s vital human services in the northwest suburbs-where the greatest growth in Chicagoland’s Jewish population has occurred in the past 10 years. Hours at the new location are: Monday, 9:00 am – 7:30 pm and Tuesday and Thursday, 9:00 am – 5:00 pm.
24 hour crisis-line 773-583-4673 (HOPE) Culturally sensitive individual & group counseling Legal information & court support Financial assistance Rabbinical & community advocacy & training
Information and referrals Community prevention & educational programs Page 19
The Word January 2013
WE WOULD LIKE TO KNOW . . . . YOU MAKE A DIFFERENCE If you are celebrating a life cycle event such as a birth, engagement or wedding, we would like to know about it so that this milestone can be included in The Word. If you are ill or know someone who is sick, we would like to know about it so that a prayer for recovery can be said, so that the clergy can call or visit, and so that the Bikur Cholim committee can be notified and be of assistance. If there is a death in your family, we would like to know about it so that we can offer our support, can share this information with our congregation, and so that we can add your loved one to our Yahrzeit records.
We firmly believe that reaching out to others benefits not only the recipient, but the person providing help as well. This is, without a doubt, a win-win situation for all involved. If you are interested in making a difference, please contact one of the committee members below.
Rabbi Pivo Ellene Lammers Wendy Wunsch Evan Rumack
Please call the synagogue office with this information. Do not assume that someone else will have notified the synagogue staff.
Hesed (Caring) Committee Congregation Beth Judea Hesed (Caring) Committee Please complete the following form to notify the committee of a person who is ill, hospitalized or in a rehabilitation facility,
Name: _______________________________________________________________________________ Location ______________________________________________________________________________
Contact person/phone number: ____________________________________________________________ Your name: ___________________________________________________________________________
â–Ą Please contact this person â–Ą Please ask the clergy to contact this person Please return this card to the office before or after Shabbat. You may also fax the information to (847) 634-8055, call the Rabbi or contact our committee chairs,
Wendy Wunsch
The Word January 2013
Evan Rumack (847) 253-4130 evanbr1@comcast.net
Beth Judea Office (847) 6 34-0777 info@bethjudea.org
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Koach Outreach Program for College Students
JUF Right Start is a gift program that gives a one-time grant of $500 - $1000 per family to offset the cost of tuition to a local Jewish preschool made the first year a child is enrolled. It is not based on need. For more information go to http://www.juf.org/rightstart
Koach is the Conservative Movements' outreach program for college students. The Koach website at www.koach.org always has interesting and helpful information.
For those of you who are about to begin your college experience, Koach has produced a wonderful guide that you should view and refer to in the coming weeks. You will find it at www.koach.org/guide.htm.
Helpful Links and Resources JUF JVS JCFS JCC CJE JUF NW Suburban News
Jewish United Fund Jewish Vocational Services Jewish Federation of Metropolitan Chicago Jewish Child and Family Services Jewish Community Centers Council for Jewish Elderly JUF Northwest Suburban News
For a more detailed list of resources please click here for a list from our Hesed (Caring) Committee‌remember, in an emergency dial 9-1-1
SISTERHOOD GIFTSHOP Congregation Beth Judea Gift Shop (Where shopping is a mitzvah) The Sisterhood of Congregation Beth Judea's Judaica Shop carries a wide variety of Judaica and gift items such as tallitot, kippot, Seder plates, Chanukah menorahs, candlesticks, kiddush cups, tzedakah boxes, mezzuzah cases, books, toys, games and teacher gifts and nonreligious gift items. They carry Gary Rosenthal, Nambe and a large number of items that are imported directly from Israel. The shop also carries special seasonal items and gift baskets. In addition, they can special order about anything you may want. Stop by when the shop is open: Sundays from 9:00 AM - 1:00 PM and by appointment. Karen Nagel is the Gift Shop Manager. The Gift Shop has lots of new merchandise, including great High Holiday and other holiday gift items, as well as Bat/Bat Mitzvah and wedding gift items. Check out their own L'CHAIM TOO! Cookbook, filled with special recipes for all your holiday needs or as a great gift for any occasion. They accept MC, VISA. and Discover.
The Word January 2013
Congregation Beth Judea Gift Shop (Where shopping is a mitzvah)
20% OFF ONE SINGLE ITEM OF $25 OR MORE Coupon must be present at time of purchase Exclusions include sale merchandise, special orders, scrolls, consignment items. Nambe Discount Limited to 10% / No Discount on Michael Aram One coupon per family. No other discounts or promotions apply -Expires January 31, 2013 COUPON
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The Word January 2013
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BIRTHDAYS We wish a very Happy Birthday to the following members of our Beth Judea Family: January 1
Rabbi Jeff Pivo
January 13
Alan Gould Debbi Green
January 2
Gary Krugel Cheryl Levine
January 14
Cathy Feiger
Brian Cutler Kenneth Epstein Leslie Klassman Jonathan Lippman Alan Marcus Ethel Schwerdlin
January 16
Robert Atlas Adam Citron Helaine Katz-Ratskoff Jason Neiman
January 17
Hadrian Markowitz
January 4
Barry Bikshorn Lauri Rosenbloom Gary Watts
January 18
Kathryn Harris Linda Kramer Josh Weisberg
January 5
Judith Atlas Diane Shultz
January 19
Barbara Stern
January 20
Terri Behn Leonard Moskowitz Chuck Walcer
January 22
Erin Drazin William Kramer Gloria Secler Bonnie Sender Richard Ward
January 25
Joan Rosemarin
January 26
Darlene Bikshorn Neal Ford Edward Hockfield Darlene Tominberg
January 28
Audrey Block Barry Cohen Jeffrey Gluskin Andrea Heiger Eli Seltzer Audrey Weisberg
January 29
Beth Brooks Cheryl Kersky Saretta Kessler Vivian Oscherwitz Jane Reisberg Marc Zeidman
January 30
Jerrold Behn Mari Moskowitz Sheldon Rubin
January 31
Marlene Gothelf Randy Polonsky
January 3
January 6
Jay Gomberg Steven Kaufman Robert Lipka Michael Shultz Robert Spiro
January 7
Brent Gross Rosita Rothenberg
January 8
Cynthia Andreoli Michele Greenberg Howard Levy Renee Lustig Alan Steiner Robin Steres Sanford White
January 9
Patricia Hermann Matt Veronie
January 10
Bobbie Babbitt Russell Barnett Michael Bauer Allen Harris Michael Sturt
January 11
January 12
Helen Brin David Hirschman Robert Weissman Nicole Colen Celia Geiger Pamela Kaufman Judy Solomon
ANNIVERSARIES We wish a very Happy Anniversary to the following members of our Beth Judea Family: January 1
Sam and Rebecca Flint
January 17
Brian and Marni Rudick
January 6
Brian and Elizabeth Dichter Morris and Harriette Elisco Richard and Suzanne Reingold
January 18
David and Suzanne Waitz
January 23
Marc and Marlyn Spivak
January 7
Michael and Susan Mangurten
January 28
Yosef and Leslie Dahan
January 12
Dave and Marilyn Rebnord
January 31
Stephen and Barbara Katz
We encourage you to also contact one another to share in their celebration. NOTE: If your name is missing from the list please contact the synagogue so we can update your information in our files.
The Word January 2013
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Harriet Ament Raymond Berg Alfred Feiger Bernice Gross* Shirley Kriegler* Arlen Litwin Louis Newman* Berel Sales* Tillie Shore Morris Weiner*
Dorothy Aranoff Daniel Brown Jane Friedland* Max Grossman Ruth Kurtz* Herman Morgenstein Ida Polansky Irene Sandler* Geraldine Shovers Evelyn Weisel*
Irving Babbitt Irving Coady* Andrea Gordon Hannah Hockfield* Michael Linderman Fred Moskowitz David Resnick* Morris Sherman* June Walcer Shirley Wolf*
Merle Bauer Renee Cohen Lorin Greenberg Sol Kravitz* Ann Linderman* Seymour Nagel Beth H. Rothnagel Seymour Shette Alfred Weiner
January 11
Lauri Bauer Alfred Ellis Jerald Granoff Howard Lessin Philip Meltzer* Joseph Rosenfeld* Jack Silver
Walter Berkley* Herman Feldman* Regina Heller Morris Lessin* Tillie Pincus Bernice Rothenberg* Milton Silverstein*
Sidney Cohen William Frankel* Seymour Klein Irving Levy* Darrell Pollack* Harvey Schmall Hilda Tominberg*
Alex Davis* Janette Friedman Seymour Klein* Louis Lifshitz* Irene Ramras Ben Shatz Peter Weisberg
January 18
Bruce Abrams Adelle Chubin Ralph Eisman Samuel Goldman* Lillian Leafstone Alvin Mirotznik Louis Peck Melvin Reback Gertrude Schoenman
Julius Abrams Bella Cohen* Charles Frank Nathan Greenberg Gertrude Manewith Sheila Moskowitz Mandel Perl* Shirley Rose Ethan Sulkin
Marion Borden Abe Cooper* Sara Frankel Miles Klein* Louis Margolis Gail Nedoss Ernest Poll William Rubenstein*
Pauline Chernikoff Aubrey Dembo Hatzkel Frumkin Oscar Krawitz Leonard Meltzer June Pearlman* Ida Pollack Shirley Schechtman
January 25
Anna Berkovitz* Diane Brown* Geraldine Deerfield Charlotte Herstein Ann Karno Ethan Levitan* Rose Secler* Betty Wasserman Eva Wittenberg
Roselin Berman Betty Cohn Louis Engel Rose Howard Irv Kaufman Adelyn Nixon Morris Spiegel Clara Weisberg
Gerald Bernstein Gregorio Copelovitz Sarah Finkelstein Robert Isenberg Estelle Kerstein Margaret Pinkus* Dora Stein* Milton Weiss
Alfred Braun* Morris Damsky Era Greiman* Hyman Karafin Anette Kessler* Helen Schwartz* Joseph Stone Jack Leonard Weitzman
The Word January 2013
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Bernice Abraham Edward Bohm Mitchell Davis* Sidney Freed Anna Hershstein Gloria Katz David Polakow* Elizabeth Rosenthal* George Sherman* Milton Zimmerman
Leo Abrams Irene Chatow Geraldine Deerfield Sol Ganellin* Ruth Hiller Wolf Kovel Hymen Polonsky Sam Rothnagel Seymour Shub*
Jack Babbit Robert Cohen* Sam Emalfarb Edith Gordon Sheldon Hurtig Rachel Levin Jacob Rizman* Jerome Schneider* Debra Wasserman
William Bernstein Steve Croft Ceil Feldstein Lena Grossman Stuart Julis Jules Mellow David Rosenfeld* Rose Sher Arthur Westerman*
February 8
Dorothy Becker* Alice Copeland* Bertha Feldman* Richard Ganden Shirley Harris Sylvia Katz* Teddy Kray Leona Levey Jackie Max* Jacob Petrynek* Bernard Stouber Howard Weinert
Mac Brown* Harold Dobrikin* Irving Fenton Norman Goldberg Marvin Harris* Howard Korber* Emily Kron Albert Levin Judith Mazur Dorothy Rose Marshall Sylvan Bernard Weisberg
David Cohen Irwin Dritz Arthur Fierer Elizabeth Goldenberg Dorothy Hyman Gary Korn Norman Leibold* Monte Levitt* Victor Nahum* Max Rosenblatt Doris Warman Florence Zablen*
Jack Cohen Muriel Epstein* Moe Forman* Benjamin Golyer* Lena Kagan* Rita Kravitz Sam Lemsky Sidney Lorber* Ann Nemser* Mary Alice Ryan Bertha Watchman
February 15
Dan Bauer* Becky Cohn Norton Ferber* Evelyn Ginsberg Louis Kalisky Harry Krulewich Abe Orloff Philip Rothstein Diane Shapiro* Jerome Sohn
Benjamin Berkovitz* Sonia Copelovitz Lillian Freedman Fred Goodman Samantha Keeshin* Sidney Leibowitz Meyer Pagowsky Steven Schmeisser Joseph Shefsky* William Steres*
Morris Braverman* Shirlee Davis* Francis Friedlander Anna Haberman* Becky Kekst Ruth Lifshitz* Lev Podkovik Hyman Schwartz* Beatrice Silver* Ellin Wener*
Faina Brudnoy David Feldheim* Corrine Gill Minnie Kahn Jack Krivitzky Michael Minnen David Popilsky* Carl Shapiro* Rywka Slomowicz Leslie Zucker*
February 22
Maurice Arker* Frieda Brin* Rose Coll Rose Elisco Bruce Gerber* Jacob Gordon* Bernard Hefler Burton Kolman Ronald Marcus Rose Pollack Ann Robinson Vivian Schneider* Anne Soll*
Betty Blumenthal Clara Charlat* James Corenman* Charles Falk* Sherry Gerber* Foster Gould Joseph Hockfield* Dan Kwasman David Marder Toby Pollack* Edith Rockwell Faye Schwartz Frances Stern
Helene Borkan* Mary Cohen Victor Croft Emanuel Fagman Harold Glassman Leo Greenberg* Manny Indes* Leonard Levitan* Helen Mills Sandra Portnoy Marcella Rumack* Barbara Seider Jerome Waitz
Rose Brandt Marvin Cohn Henry Eisenhamm Hannah Fierer Meyer Goldware* Harold Gross* Becky Kekst Michael Lindenbaum Sylvia Perl* June Reback Barbara Sachs* Ben Silverman* Mendel Weisberger
The Word January 2013
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Prayers have been said for the recovery of: Carrie Bauer Chaim Dahan Michael Friedland Kristina Marie Goldberg Jean Litchman Larry Landis Mimi Meltzer Joan Miller Donald Neal Esther Mosak Rabbi Gerry Rosenberg Mary Ann Westendorp Jackson Zollett
Condolences upon the death of: Mildred Berngard Sister of Carol Schechter Elynor Klein Mother of Bobbie Babbitt
Congratulations to: Jacki Unger & Steven Berkowitz on the birth of their grandson Noah Unger Wiener. Rhonda & Dave Cohn on the engagement of their son Ted to Stephanie Fine. Laurie B. and Ira Davis on the engagement of their son Michael to Sarah Kahn.
In Memory of: Gloria Greenbert, loving mother of Gail Lifshitz. Cindy Lipka Florence Kanter Herb & Kathleen Kanter Diane Nathan, sister of Linda Lippman. Cindy Lipka
RABBI LIFSHITZ LEGACY FUND In Memory of: Gloria Greenbert, loving mother of Gail Lifshitz. Jeff & Rhonda Wener
RABBI PIVO’S DISCRETIONARY FUND In Honor of: Andy Greenberg on his Bar Mitzvah. Michele & Jeffrey Greenberg Max Pivo on his Bar Mitzvah. Susan & Marvin Adleman The Balogh Family Debbie & Joel Brodsky Sam & Leah Chiprin Steven & Judy Greenberg Susie & Bob Pinzur Debbie, David & Hayley Posner Dr. & Mrs. Evan Rumack Harold & Gloria Secler David & Maureen Stolman
In Memory of: Ethyle Katz Bornstein Ron & Debbie Kovich Elynor Klein Ron & Debbie Kovich Ann & Mitch Lerman
Anita Kreisman, mother of Debbie Dubin. The Kovich Family
Upon the Yahrzeit of: Bernard Epton, dear father. Teri & Owen Pulver Rifka Polakow, loving mother and grandmother. Sylvia Polakow
Judy & Harold Harris on the birth of their grandson Benjamin Isaac Paulson. Renee Haskell on the engagement of her daughter Kim to Alex Neiman. Great Grandmother Pola Rizman and Grandparents Marti & Morry Rizman on the birth of Aven Shai Kaplan.
The Word January 2013
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In Appreciation of: Cantor Weisberg for officiating at the bris of Ari Jack Stolman. Renee & Michael Klass
Upon the Yahrzeit of: Mabelle Schero Elizabeth Buff Jack Frost Yisrael Shalem Bonnie & David Spangler Rae Kaufman Ed & Ronne Kaufman
Cantor Weisberg for his continuing help. Hesh Lyons
Hazzan Roger Weisberg for teaching the weekday Ma’ariv Class. Eric Yegelwel
In Honor of: Andy Greenberg on his Bar Mitzvah. Michele & Jeffrey Greenberg
In Memory of: Maynard Duboe, father of Fred Duboe. Susan Stouber Jeff & Rhonda Wener
Elynor Klein, mother of Bobbie Babbitt Andy & Sandy Levitt Susan Stouber
Lewis Pervosky, beloved grandfather and father. Richard, Gayle, Stefanie and Lonnie Pervos.
Marilyn Levit, our wonderful mother and bubbe. Steven & Jodi Levit and Family
Philip Rockwell Martin Rockwell Louis Schnabel, in loving memory of our beloved Zayde. Stuart & Cheryl Kersky Harriet Sumner, beloved mother. Carol & Harold Rosen Newton Truger, our beloved father and papa. Aileen & Steve Simons and Family
(Yahrzeits – next column)
The Word January 2013
In Honor of: Phyllis Udany on the birth of her granddaughter, Lucy Sedona Udany. Rona Wolf In Memory of: Selma Emalfarb, mother of Susan Futterman Charla Silver Elynor Klein, mother of Bobbie Babbitt. Harold & Carol Rosen Rona Wolf Bruce J. Minnick Janice, Craig, Gloria, Adam & Grace Minnick and Paula & Jeffrey Carter Clara Pieter, mother of Rhonda Wener. Susan & Milo Barrera Anita Kreisman, beloved mother and grandmother of the Dubin Family. The Rebnord Family
Shirley Wolf Rona Wolf
PRAYER BOOK FUND HUMASHIM-TORAH PORTION In Honor of: Andy Greenberg on his Bar Mitzvah. Michele & Jeffrey Greenberg PRAYER BOOK FUND SHABBAT/DAILY
Stuart Wolf Cindy Lipka
In Honor of: Andy Greenberg on his Bar Mitzvah. Michele & Jeffrey Greenberg
Stuart Wolf, with our deepest condolences to Rona Wolf and Family. Edna & Michael Schrank Upon the Yahrzeit of: Irving Babbitt Jeanne S. Babbitt Bella Jacobs Roberta & Edward Ginsberg Seymour Klein Floyd & Bobbie Babbitt Phyllis Shatz, our dear aunt. The Brandt Family
In Memory of: Sam Chibnik Howard & Deborah Tolsky and Family Diane Nathan, sister of Linda Lippman The CBJ Sisterhood
Page 27
TRIBUTES CAMP RAMAH FUND Speedy Recovery Wishes: Rick Drazner Sherry & Martin Krawitz In Honor of: Congratulations to Max Pivo and his family on the occasion of his Bar Mitzvah. Sherry & Martin Krawitz
EDUCATION FUND In Honor of: Andy Greenberg on his Bar Mitzvah. Michele & Jeffrey Greenberg Max Pivo on his Bar Mitzvah. Lisa & Gary Malkin In Memory of: Anita Kreisman, mother of Debbie Dubin. The Balogh Family Burton Perlman, father of Susan Zolno. The Greenberg Family Stuart Wolf, beloved husband, father and grandfather, with our deepest sympathy. Renee & Michael Klass Upon the Yahrzeit of: Max Halperin, beloved father and grandfather. The Halperin Family In memory of our beloved sister and aunt, Janet Thomas. Jeff, Rhonda & Scott Wener and Lauren & Matthew Levinstein
In Honor of: Mazel Tov to Renee & Michael Klass and Maureen & David Stolman on the birth of their grandson Ari Jack Stolman. Helene Fox In Memory of: Elynor Klein, beloved mother and grandmother. Ronna Leibach Upon the Yahrzeit of: Abe Cohn, never forgotten. Hennie & Morrie Elisco
TORAH RESTORATION FUND In Honor of: Max Pivo, Mazel Tov on your Bar Mitzvah. You did a great job! Marcie, Alan & Ross Marcus
In Memory of: Elynor Klein, loving mother of Bobbie Babbitt, loving grandmother and greatgrandmother. Albert & Linda Stark Upon the Yahrzeit of: Michael Schwartz, most beloved nephew and cousin. Linda, Albert, Barry and Jeffrey Stark Sidney Stark, beloved uncle. Linda & Albert Stark and Family
KIDDUSH FUND Speedy Recovery Wishes: Michael Friedland Lee & Arnie Goldberg
The Word January 2013
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TRIBUTES USY/KADIMA SCHOLARSHIP FUND Speedy Recovery Wishes: Michael Friedland, wishing you a speedy recovery. Irwin & Felicia Goldman In Appreciation of: In gratitude of the many congregants thoughts and prayers for the recovery of Rick Drazner’s recent surgery and illness. Melissa & Rick Drazner and Family Beth Judea’s Youth Tikun Olam Program. United Synagogue Youth In Honor of: Melissa & Rick Drazner’s 27th Wedding Anniversary. Melissa & Rick Drazner and Family Max Pivo on his Bar Mitzvah. Melissa & Rick Drazner and Family The Ganden & Mosak Families Shelley and Ken Stolman on the birth of their son Ari Jack Stolman and to proud grandparents, Renee & Michael Klass and Maureen & David Stolman. Ann & Mitch Lerman Mazel Tov to proud grandmother, Phyllis Udany and greatgrandmother Sylvia Polakow on the birth of Lucy Sedona Udany. Ann & Mitch Lerman In Memory of: Anita Kreisman, mother of Debbie Dubin. Melissa & Rick Drazner and Family Cindy Lipka Marcie & Alan Marcus Jeff & Rhonda Wener Gloria Greenbert, loving mother of Gail Lifshitz. Melissa & Rick Drazner and Family
In Appreciation of: Beth Judea’s Youth Tikun Olam Program. United Synagogue Youth
JACK RIZMAN MEMORIAL FUND In Honor of: Marti & Morry Rizman on the birth of their grandson Aven Shai Kaplan Harold & Carol Rosen Rona Wolf In Memory of: Jack Rizman The Donald M. Ephraim Family Foundation
Jack Rizman Sam Rizman Morris Elbaum Pola Rizman
Upon the Yahrzeit of: Sarah Singer, devoted mother and grandmother. Melinda, Jeff, Jonathan & Elizabeth Fine
SIDNEY GOLDIN MEMORIAL FUND Upon the Yahrzeit of: Ruth Kurtz. Norm & Joan Kurtz
In Memory of: Allen Schaeffer Chuck Walcer
ETHAN LEVITAN MEMORIAL FUND Memory of: Clara Kersky, beloved mother and grandmother. Stuart, Chery Ariel and Jonathan Kersky
Elynor Klein, beloved mother and grandmother of the Babbitt Family. Joan & Steve Attenberg Upon the Yahrzeit of: Judy Walcer, beloved friend. Lou & Louise Barnett Judy Walcer Rhonda & Larry Wollheim
Upon the Yahrzeit of: In blessed memory of the 9th Yahrzeit of Larry Morgen, father of Rick Drazner. Melissa & Rick Drazner and Family
The Word January 2013
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JANUARY 2013 Sunday GIFT SHOP OPEN: Tues.: 4:00 pm – 8:00 pm Sun.: 9:00 am -12:45 pm
06 8:00 am 9:00 am 9:00 am 10:00 am 3:30 pm
01 MITZVAH MALL OPEN: Sun.: 10:30 am-12:00 pm 9:00 am Minyan
07 Talmud Study 6:15 am Religious School 6:00 pm Minyan Purim Masq. Mtg 7:30 pm Bingo at Friends Center
08 Minyan Jewish Film Series 1 Minyan .
4:15 pm 6:15 pm 7:00 pm 7:30 pm 8:00 pm
7:30 pm Minyan 8:00 pm Torah Study
6:30 pm Yad Squad I 7:30 pmShabbat Svc (Adult) 7:30 pm Minyan 8:00 pm Youth Mtg. Candle Ltg 4:15
09 Rel. School 7:30 pm Heh 8:00 pm USY 8:00 pm Minyan 8:00 pm Ways&Means
8:00 am 9:00 am
6:15 am 7:30 pm 8:00 pm 8:00 pm 8:00 pm 8:00 pm
Talmud Study Religious Sch. K-1 Family Prog 9:00 am Minyan 10:30 am Gan Shalom
20 8:00 am 9:00 am
21 Talmud Study Religious School 6:15 am Tu B’Shvat Sed 9:00 am 9:00 am Minyan 11:00 am Adult Ed: How to 7:30 pm Shabbat 8:00 pm
27 8:00 am 9:00 am 9:00 am 9:30 am 11:00 am 1:00 pm
15 Minyan Minyan Planned Giving Z’havah Prog. Education Mtg Ritual Mtg.
Rel. School BJU Heh USY Minyan AE-Musical Midrash . .
Minyan 10:00 am AJEC Prog. Kadima/Kadinke (at Beth Am) Prog. 4:15 pm Rel. School – Minyan Tu B’Shevat Program Mtg. 6:00 pm BJU . 6:15 pm Heh 7:00 pm USY 7:30 pm Minyan 8:00 pm AE-Musical Midrash
Minyan PADS in Grayslake Minyan Social Action Mtg.
29 10:00 am AJEC Prog. (at Beth Am) 4:15 pm Rel. School 6:00 pm BJU 6:15 pm Heh 7:00 pm USY 7:30 pm Minyan 8:00 pm AE: Musical Midrash
7:30 pm 8:00 pm 8:00 pm 8:00 pm
30 7:30 pm 8:00 pm 8:00 pm 8:00 pm
05 9:00 am Torah Study 9:30 am Shabbat Svcs. 10:30 amGan Shabbat 10:30 am Interpret Svc .
Minyan Hebrew Lit. 2 Torah Study Finance Mtg.
2:00 pm Challah 10:30 am BJE: 9:00 am Gimel Shabbat Chaverim Stay & Play 9:00 am Torah Study 4:15 pm Jr. Yad Sq. 7:30 pm Shabbat Svc 9:30 am Shabbat Svcs. 6:00 pm Interview 9:30 am Bar Mitzvah Class 10:30 amGan Shabbat 6:30 pm Yad Squad I 10:30 am Interpret.Svc (Adult) Candle Ltg. 4:30 pm Dalet 7:30 pm Minyan 4:30 pm Havdalah 7:50 pm Parsha Perspectives Men’s Club 8:00 pm Sisterhd Mtg Wolves Outing 8:00 pm Planned Giving Mtg. 24 25 TU B’SHEVAT 26
L.I.F.E Series Minyan Torah Study Hebrew Lit. 2
4:15 pm Jr. Yad Sq 10:30 am BJE: 9:00 am Gimel Shabbat 6:00 pm Interview Shabbat Sing 9:00 am Torah Study Class 6:00 pm 2nd Gr 9:30 am Shabbat Svcs. 6:30 pm Yad Squad I Shabbat Din 9:30 am B’Nai Mitzvah (Adult) 7:30 pm Shabbat Svc 10:30 amGan Shabbat 7:30 pm Minyan -Singing & 6:30 pm FOF-Magic by 7:50 pm Parsha Taam Trip Randy Perspectives 7:30 pm Bowling 8:00 pm Tap the Candle Ltg. League Torah 4:39 pm
23 6:00 pm 7:30 pm 8:00 pm 8:00 pm
10 11 12 4:15 pm Jr. Yad Sq. Minyan 6:30 pm Yad Squad I 7:30 pm Shabbat Svc 9:00 am Gimel Shabbat Hebrew Lit. 2 (Adult) 9:00 am Torah Study Torah Study 7:30 pm Minyan 9:30 am Shabbat Svcs Men’s Club 7:50 pm Parsha Candle Ltg. 9:30 am Youth Shabbat Hearing Men’s Perspectives 4:22 pm 10:30 amGan Shabbat Voices 8:00 pm Exec. Mtg. 7:00 pm Scotch Bowl Membership Mtg.
28 Talmud Study 6:15 am Religious School 5:00 pm Minyan Network Mtg. 7:30 pm Adult Ed: How to 8:00 pm Shabbat Bring Your Dog to Brentwood
4:15 pm 6:00 pm 6:15 pm 7:00 pm 7:30 pm 8:00 pm
8:00 pm
31 Minyan 6:30 pm Hebrew Lit 2 Torah Study 7:30 pm Sisterhood 7:50 pm Special Event: History of Israel 8:00 pm Through Song
Yad Squad I (Adult) Minyan Parsha Perspectives Board Mtg.
You can now access our calendar with up to date information on our website at www.bethjudea.org
FEBRUARY 2013 Sunday
Friday 01
GIFT SHOP OPEN: Tues.: 4:00 pm – 8:00 pm Sun.: 9:00 am -12:45 pm
MITZVAH MALL OPEN: Sun.: 10:30 am-12:00 pm
USYMidwinter02 Convention
USY Midwinter Convention
7:30 pmShabbat Svc 9:00 am Gimel Shabbat 9:00 am Torah Study 9:30 am Shabbat Svcs. Candle Ltg 10:30 amGan Shabbat 4:48 10:30 am Interpret Svc 8:00 pm Sisterhood Nosh-A-Nite . 08 09
Talmud Study 6:15 am World Wide 6:00 pm Wrap 9:00 am Religious School 7:30 pm 9:00 am Minyan 10:00 am Men’s Club Mtg. 5:00 pm Superbowl Event
Minyan Jewish Film Series 2 Minyan .
05 10:00 am AJEC Prog. (at Beth Am) 4:15 pm Rel. School 6:00 om BJU 6:15 pm Heh 7:00 pm USY 7:30 pm Minyan 8:00 pm AE-Musical Midrash
7:30 pm Minyan 8:00 pm Hebrew Lit. 2 8:00 pm Torah Study
10:30 am AE - Jewish 6:00 pm K-1st Grade 9:00 am Gimel Shabbat Ethics Shabbat Dinner 9:00 am Torah Study 4:15 pm Jr. Yad Sq. 7:30 pm Shabbat Svc 9:30 am Shabbat Svcs 6:30 pm Yad Squad I 9:30 am Sisterhood (Adult) Shabbat 7:30 pm Minyan 10:30 amGan Shabbat 7:50 pm Parsha Candle Ltg. 10:30 amTeen Creative Perspectives 4:57 pm Minyan 8:00 pm Youth Mtg.
8:00 am 9:00 am 9:00 am 10:00 am 10:30 am 11:00 am
Talmud Study Religious Sch. Minyan Men’s Club Mtg. Gan Shalom B’nai Mitzvah Mock Svc. 12:00 pm Kadinkers 4:00 pm Jewish Superman
6:15 am 7:30 pm 8:00 pm 8:00 pm
12 10:00 am AJEC Prog. Minyan (at Beth Am) Minyan 4:15 pm Rel. School Education Mtg 6:00 pm BJU Ritual Mtg. 6:15 pm Heh 7:00 pm USY 7:30 pm Minyan 8:00 pm AE-Musical Midrash 8:00 pm Ways & Means Mtg.
8:00 am 8:00 am
8:00 am 9:00 am 10:00 am 12:00 pm
24 8:00 am 8:00 am 9:00 am 9:00 am 10:00 am
Talmud Study Minyan Network Mtg. Kadima Day
6:15 am 7:30 pm 8:00 pm 8:00 pm
Minyan Minyan Program Mtg. Sisterhood Vashti Event .
Talmud Study 6:15 am 7:30 pm Purim Religious School 8:00 pm Minyan FOF Shushan Wonderland 11:00 am Purim Carnival
Minyan Minyan Social Action Mtg.
7:30 pm 8:00 pm 8:00 pm 8:00 pm
10:00 am AJEC Prog. (at Beth Am) 4:15 pm Rel. Sch 6:00 pm BJU 6:15 pm Heh 7:00 pm USY 7:30 pm Minyan 8:00 pm AE-Quick & Kosher
7:30 pm 8:00 pm 8:00 pm 8:00 pm
26 10:00 am AJEC Prog. (at Beth Am) 4:15 pm Rel. School 6:00 pm BJU 6:15 pm Heh 7:00 pm USY 7:30 pm Minyan 8:00 pm AE – Quick & Kosher
27 6:00 pm 7:30 pm 8:00 pm 8:00 pm 8:00 pm
Minyan Hebrew Lit. 2 Torah Study Membership Mtg.
10:30 am AE-Jewish 10:30 am BJE: 9:00 am Torah Study Ethics Stay & Play 9:30 am Shabbat Svcs. 4:15 pm Jr. Yad Sq. 7:30 pm Shabbat Svc 10:30 amGan Shabbat 6:30 pm Yad Squad I 10:30 am Interpret.Svc (Adult) 7:00 pm Purim 7:30 pm Minyan Masquerade 7:50 pm Parsha Candle Ltg. Perspectives 5:06 pm 8:00 pm Exec. Mtg 21
Minyan Torah Study Hebrew Lit. 2 Finance Mtg.
10:30 am AE-Jewish 10:30 am BJE: 9:00 am Gimel Shabbat Ethics Shabbat Sing 9:00 am Torah Study 2:00 pm Challah 7:30 pm Shabbat Svc 9:30 am Shabbat Svcs. Chaverim -Singing 9:30 am Dalet Shabbat 4:15 pm Jr. Yad Sq 10:30 amGan Shabbat 6:30 pm Yad Squad I 6:30 pm Purim (Adult) Candle Ltg. Megiaillah 7:30 pm Minyan 5:15 pm Reading 7:50 pm Parsha 7:30 pm NO Bowling Perspectives League 8:00 pm Sisthd Mtg. 28
L.I.F.E. Series 10:30 am AE-Jewish Minyan Ethics Hebrew Lit 2 4:15 pm Jr. Yad Sq. Torah Study 6:30 pm Yad Squad I Sisterhood Book (Adult) Club 7:30 pm Minyan 7:50 pm Parsha Perspectives 8:00 pm Board Mtg.
You can now access our calendar with up to date information on our website at www.bethjudea.org
PAGE Scotch Bowl & Dinner
Attention Torah Readers
Board Positions Now Available
Save the Date: Purim Masquerade
Hesed (Caring Committee)
Mitzvah Mall
Focus on Families
Gan Shalom
Challah Chaverim
Magical Havdalah Night
A History of Israel Through Song
Hearing Men’s Voices
PADS Event
Adult Education
Come Play With Us
Bikur Cholim
Sisterhood Gift Shop
PaNosh Catering
Shalom Memorial
Helpful Links and Resources
College Connections
JUF Right Start
CBJ CALENDAR You can now access our calendar with up to date information on our website at www.bethjudea.org
SAVE THE DATE: Jan. 12 – Scotch Bowl Jan. 28 – Men’s Club PADS Event Feb. 16 – Purim Masquerade Mar. 3 – Rick Recht
The Word January 2013
Page 32
CONGREGATION BETH JUDEA 5304 RFD Long Grove, IL 60047 (847) 634-0777 E-Mail: info@bethjudea.org Website: http://www.BethJudea.org Rabbi Jeff Pivo Rabbi Emeritus Howard Lifshitz Cantor Roger J. Weisberg President Rick Drazner Executive Director Lisa Neiman Educational Director Anna Besser Youth Director Marc Sender
From The Editors In order for your article to be published in the next issue, we must have it at the synagogue by the 10th of the month! There will be no exceptions. This includes information on disk as well. We need your article as it is important to let the congregation know what your group is doing. Announcements should take the form of articles in The Word rather than separate flyers. The opinions expressed herein are not necessarily those of the Rabbi, Board of Directors or the editors.
Worship Schedule Conducted by Rabbi Jeff Pivo and Cantor Roger J. Weisberg Monday Minyan……………………....... 6:15 a.m. Daily Minyan…………………………....7:30 p.m. Friday Night Services…………………...7:30 p.m. Saturday Services………………………. 9:30 a.m. Sunday Services…………………………9:00 a.m.
Candle Lighting Times Candle Lighting time is calculated for 18 minutes before sunset and is adjusted for Daylight Savings Time. January 4 January 11 January 18 January 25
….……..………………… …...……………………… …..………………………. ……………….….………..
4:15 4:22 4:30 4:39
p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m.
The Blessing For Lighting The Candles On Shabbat is Bo-ruch A-tah Ado-nai E-lo-hei-nu Melech Ha-olam A-sher Ki-de-sha-nu Be-mitz-vo-tav Vi-tzi-va-nu Le-had-lik Ner Shel Shabbat.
Blessed are You, Lord our God, King of the universe, who has hallowed us through His Commandments, and has commanded us to kindle the lights of the holy Sabbath.